#Bruce and Clark are losing their shit because of Kid Marvel
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cakypa120 · 2 months ago
AU where Billy is already a little over seventy. When he yells "SHAZAM" he turns into a little boy hero who calls himself Kid Marvel.
Just imagine how crazy the League goes when they see Kid Marvel, who easily beats the demon with whom they fought for so long!
Also in this AU Freddy and Mary look older during the transformation. And everyone thinks that Kid Marvel is their child.
The trio giggles about this, sitting in their rocking chairs and watching their grandchildren, who run around them, pretending to be heroes.
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gildedlead · 1 year ago
All of the Wayne kids’ favorite Leaguers: True and Real and Accurate
Dick: Wonder Woman! Bear with me. Please. I think Superman was his favorite BEFORE he met Clark. Once he learned how big of a dork he was, the magic was sort of lost, doubly so when Clark became his unofficial stepdad. Diana? She stayed cool. Not to mention that in his Robin days, she often humored whatever hare-brained impulses he’d get. Please picture Batman’s bewildered expression when he finds Dick dangling from the Watchtower light fixture he specifically designed to be impossible for him to reach. Diana just, -shrug- “He said please.” You threw him Diana. You threw that child. She’d probably still throw him if he asked nicely, hell, she’d probably do it even before he has to ask. It’s ‘Boy Wonder’, not ‘Boy Bat’.
Jason: Black Canary. ‘Wonder Woman is Jason’s fav’ believers PLEASE hear me out. I think that Diana is Jason’s favorite in a ‘celebrity crush’ way, but Dinah is Jason’s favorite in a ‘cool aunt’ way. He met her unofficially at the Watchtower, but actually started hanging out with her thanks to Roy. They both like motorcycles and kicking ass, plus Young Justice having Canary as a therapist melds well with my vision of her helping Jason heal. And I think she’s used to yelling at Bruce on Oliver’s behalf, so it’s no big to do it on Jason’s too.
Tim: The Flash! If Dinah is the cool aunt, Barry is the cool uncle. Guy that shows up at the function with all the best snacks. He might eat half of them himself but damn if he didn’t bring them. In all seriousness, Tim saw pretty great merit in knowing a forensics guy that he can basically talk to anytime he’s stumped with a case without having to go through the “sorry to wake you” song and dance. Barry occasionally gets unhinged texts that are in the vein of “hey can you go about ten minutes back in time and tell past me about _____”. They’re usually pretty low stakes but sometimes there’s just a “got stabbed, do-over?” jumpscare sprinkled in. Bruce will never ever get shit from Barry about kid troubles. That man is a saint in Flash’s eyes.
Cass: Captain Marvel. She didn’t like him at all during their first meeting. For a person that’s good at reading body language, I imagine that seeing genuinely childish behavior on a grown man would be giving some crazy mixed signals. Once she learns that his powers are magic in origin rather than being alien or meta, her mind opens up a little more to the possibility that his exterior appearance might not be indicative of his actual identity. Cass guesses his age by their next proper meeting and makes it her business to keep an eye on him, always asking Bruce about him after he returns from League missions. Your honor, that 7’5” brick wall Champion of Magic is actually just Cass’ little buddy. She’s gonna get him some ice cream or something.
Steph: Green Lantern. Hal and Barry are like uncles, except if Barry is the cool one, Hal is the cringe one. Lucky for Hal, being a boyfailure is a good way to amuse Steph. Those two are gonna spend hours arguing with Bruce just for the hell of it, backing each other up on completely incorrect claims (Steph does it because it’s funny, Hal does it because he believes her). He does get bonus points for bringing her cool space snacks whenever he comes back from trips off-world. One of her favorite foods is a sort of hi-chew/gum thing from some other planet in Sector 2418 that doesn’t dissolve or lose its flavor, even after chewing it for days on end.
Damian: Aquaman. He’s a king. Like, an actual king. And he can communicate with fish. Arthur heard about Damian’s temper from the rest of the Leaguers and straight up does not believe it because every time he’s spoken to Damian, it’s been “hello your majesty can you introduce me to an octopus I have a few questions for it”. This one’s short. But I feel it speaks for itself.
Duke: Superman. Clark was NOT told about Signal taking up the day shift in Gotham until he was flying in to compare notes (read: flirt), with Bruce and met Duke when they both went to intercept a carjacking. Clark tries to be responsible like “I feel obligated to let you know that Batman doesn’t take kindly to metas in his city”, only for Duke to point at the big ol bat on his chest. After that, Duke usually intercepts Big Blue’s flight path anytime he comes into Gotham and the two just kind of hang out and shoot the shit while he does his patrol. Duke is also a little bit stoked to be regularly hanging out with The Superman, but even after the awe wears off, he can’t help but still think of Clark as just a cool, friendly guy. He gets someone to share the airspace with, Clark gets a bat he can stay in the sun with, it’s a win/win all around. Congrats Clark, you got one.
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redrobin-detective · 5 years ago
Everyone has a type
I’m trying to be better at quick stories so uh here.
One minute Billy was standing outside of Beck’s Diner, feeling cold and hungry and wondering if a quick meal was worth the last few dollars he had when a feeling came over him. It was both familiar and completely alien and from one breath to the next, he was somewhere entirely different. He blinked, Superman blinked back in confusion. There was Batman and Robin off to the side, Flash dropped a snack bar he’d been munching on in surprise, there were two Lanterns in sight and both of them were swearing. But mostly Billy focused on all the stars glittering from the windows and the lovely view of the Earth from the teleporter pad.
He was.... on the Watchtower. Wait a moment, he was on the Watchtower as Billy Batson. He went from slightly confused to panicking in moments. 
“Who the hell is that? It’s some kid!”
“How did he get here?”
“You were supposed to grab Marvel! Who’s this!”
“Shit send him back!”
“We can’t send him back! We don’t know what happened! He could be a spy and report straight to the villains!”
“Son,” Clark (no it’s Superman, don’t say Clark then you’re really screwed, Batson) said gently but with a steely, cautious edge to his voice. He floated closer and Billy took a few stumbling steps back. Should he run? He wouldn’t get far with the fastest in the League, save Marvel of course, right here. What would he even do? He knew these hallways like he knew the back of his hand but he’s in the wrong body and he had no idea what to do and he was kind of freaking out a little bit. Okay maybe a lot. His anxiety must have been obvious, if not for the reasons they thought, because Clark’s expression softened just a bit. “It’s okay, we had a little mix-up but we’ll get this worked out.”
“Where am I?” he asked because that was the logical question anyone would ask. 
“That’s classified,” one Lantern, John Stewart, said with a distrustful frown. 
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Clark tried again, floating a little closer. “What’s your name? Where are you from?” Oh no way in hell did Bill want his name in their files.
“Fawcett City,” he murmured instead, still tamping down the instinct to run. He glanced over at the Bats who had yet to intervene. The newest Robin, a kid his age named Jason was looking at Billy like he was some kind of puzzle he couldn’t figure out. Bruce, as usual, was hard to read behind the mask. 
“Well we got the right city at least,” Flash chuckled awkwardly. “You didn’t happen to see a flying man in a red suit, did you? Can shoot lightning, big smile, bigger heart?” 
Oh they were trying to get Marvel, made sense, it was just very, very bad news for his secret identity and overall mental health. He heard some of the others whispering to each other, going over the transporter and wondering what could have gone wrong. Pretty soon, they were going to draw together some very uncomfortable facts and his identity was going to be exposed. No one would ever take him seriously again, he’d be out of the League, lose all his friends and-
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw black and realized the Dark Knight had snuck up on him without noticing. Normally he’s taller than Bruce but now the man towers over him and he has to wonder how there’s any crime left in Gotham if this guy protects it. Even worse, he was smiling. 
“I believe we just had a simple misunderstanding,” Bruce (no, definitely Batman when he’s like this) said simply. “I’ll take Captain Marvel’s communicator back and we’ll send you back where you came from.” Billy’s mind went blank.
“We honed in on Cap’s comm,” Clark said with a frown before looking back at Billy, “but how does he have it?”
“A distracted hero, an enterprising and quick fingered boy and an opportunity too good to pass up,” Batman subtly looked over at his sidekick. “I’m familiar with the story.” Realization slammed into Billy, Bruce had recounted his first meeting with Jason at least a couple of times. He always had this soft smile on his face as he described coming back to find the Batmobile missing it’s tires and the bold street kid who’d lifted them. That was the same sort of smile he was wearing now.
“Are you saying this punk took Cap’s comm?” Hal said with a little laugh. “Man, you got balls kid targeting someone with the literal Gods on his side.” 
“Uh,” was all Billy could say because what else could he do? They thought he was a thief! And that Cap was a bungling idiot who let a kid steal his equipment! He supposed that was better than them realizing their teammate was twelve and homeless. He wordlessly opened his jacket and deposited the comm into Batman’s waiting hand. 
“He didn’t see you take it, did he?” Batman said casually, “he would have reported it missing if he had.” 
“Uh,” Billy said again because this whole situation felt like an uncomfortable fever dream. Batman tucked the device into his case and loomed a little bit more.
“Do no take things from heroes again or you may find yourself with more than you can handle,” he growled before nodding at John to fire up the teleporter. “But keep up those skills and you might find yourself with a job one day.” As before, one moment Billy was staring down Batman and the next we was back in front of Beck’s Diner. An old lady with a dog startled when he appeared put of nowhere and hurriedly walked past. Bill looked down at his hands in confusion.
“What just happened?”
“Hey Cap,” Hal said in a sing song voice. “Lose something?” He continued holding up Marvel’s missing communicator. The parts of Billy inside the god rolled his eyes but on the outside, Marvel feigned surprise and took the device.
“I’ve been looking for this, wasn’t looking forward to asking Batman for a new one. Where did you find it?” Marvel asked, clipping it back on his belt.
“We were beaming you up for a mission debriefing and instead snagged a ratty Fawcett kid. Seems he nicked your comm while you weren’t looking, probably was gonna sell it or keep it as a souvenir until we accidentally kidnapped him.” Hal said with a wide grin. Wisdom of Solomon said the man was just teasing him and delighted to find a mistake in the otherwise godly reputation. Billy thinks he’s just kind of an ass in general. Or maybe he’s just a bit offended about Billy being called ratty. 
“Well I’ll be sure to secure it better this time,” Marvel said, already wondering just how to prevent this from happening again. 
“Yeah, be careful, Batman looked like he was ready to take the kid home with him,” Hal joked.
“Excuse me?” Marvel questioned.
“Bats was pretty impressed the kid was able to swipe the thing from you. If his other street kid sidekick hadn’t been standing right there, Bats probably woulda offered him a job right then and there,” Hal said with a laugh and a wave as he wandered off. Marvel just stood there wondering how close he got to having Wayne added to his name. This secret identity stuff really was getting to be a hassle. 
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trainer-sean · 11 days ago
Voltage: .... Robins 1 through 4 say your a hypocrite
AU where Billy is already a little over seventy. When he yells "SHAZAM" he turns into a little boy hero who calls himself Kid Marvel.
Just imagine how crazy the League goes when they see Kid Marvel, who easily beats the demon with whom they fought for so long!
Also in this AU Freddy and Mary look older during the transformation. And everyone thinks that Kid Marvel is their child.
The trio giggles about this, sitting in their rocking chairs and watching their grandchildren, who run around them, pretending to be heroes.
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