#Brook rants
Just finally finished reading “The Flames of Hope”, and it’s the saddest fucking book I’ve ever read out of the series, despite the happy ending. Or, honestly, I think it’s just how sad Freedom’s story was.
Her egg was stolen by a power-hungry man, and grew up never knowing how much her mom cared for her. Died as a dragonet, but her mind lived on for five thousand years because of a plant that used her as a host to help it grow and spread like an infectious weed (which it pretty much was). Only given Lizard as a name. Never received or gave any love during that time; lived on with only hatred shared between her and her human captor. Basically forced to control sentient beings until it was normal for her that she felt no need to retaliate having to do what the human or plant wanted.
Honestly, I’m glad Tui wrote this book in Luna’s perspective, because it’s something that was needed. In the few days that Luna was trapped down in the abyss, Freedom needed that time. It may not be enough compared to the five thousand years of misery and isolation, but it was something. Something to give her—show her—that not all dragons were as terrible as Cottonmouth (the human) claimed they were. It gave her a friend in Luna, and in the dragonet that was with her. The memories and the hug she was given; she needed them. In the end, it was all for something. And it was so heartbreaking-but-so-kind for Luna and Dusky (the dragonet) to give her a name worth giving to her, that represented something—Freedom.
I love how this book turned out 💚
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badly-drawn-doflamingo · 10 months
Brook literally died at 30/40, was stuck in a void and when he came out, was treated like he was with the mindset of a 90 year old.
Roger was a rookie when he passed, and when he was taken out of said void, Roger hadn’t just become a legend, he had lived, had a son, had a legacy, spawned a new age and DIED.
And that’s even before Luffy was BORN.
What a CHANGE that would be to handle, no wonder Brook is fucked up,
If you need help picturing what i mean, picture being from 1930 and suddenly being thrust into 1980+. You’d go crazy!
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fureliselost · 7 months
I love that they were so scared of Ben and Rook's dynamic that they made an episode in which Ben meets Rook's family and planet and they felt the need to name it "Bros in space"
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vita-divata · 2 years
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And now I'm happy 😌
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
block brooke2vallery (NOT @/brooke2valley) they're impersonating a real tumblr user to send real self harm images to people's inboxes
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nerdz-hq · 2 months
Eugahsgshy I love noticing small differences in the bway and tr versions of bmc songs…
Michaels little chuckle after “you look like ass? What’s wrong?” In the bway version..
the fact that it says “Pac-Man tattooD” instead of just “Pac-Man tattoo”
The length of the last “survive” in mts while everyone else is singing “nanana”
CHRISTINES “because it’s the BEST!! ….because it is fun-“
The way Rich sings “squip” for the second-to-last squip in the squip song
I’m like 99% sure in dywr when Chloe joins in the tempo is faster in the bway vers than the tr vers
“Everything about you is so terrible” “terrible?” “Terrible.” “Aw :(“
Just the way that Chloe and Jenna say “No I’m not.” “Yeah I know 😒”
“Excuse me? What the frick is that?” “Uhh.. a super computer from Japan that can solve all your problems? Oh- and Mountain Dew-“
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mystycalypso · 4 months
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God I kinda feel bad for tinybuild
Don't get me wrong, I'm as hyped and ready for season 2 to drop as everyone else, but the spam of comments they get on every video and post asking- no, demanding a release date and just being rude about is so uncool. To the point where the other half of the comments are people complaining about the former.
Tinybuild is a publisher, they gather multiple development teams together, giving them budgets to fund new projects and things like that. To pretend Welcome to Ravenbrooks or Hello Neighbor as a whole is the only important project they have is so mean not only to them as a publisher but to the dev teams under their umbrella.
Their other games are so fun and wonderful and seeing new projects from them is so nice, heck my dad has Playstation premium and one of the free monthly games is Totally Reliable Delivery Service, and god is it just so fun. Me and him spent several hours just fucking around and trying to deliver a fish to a ferris wheel simply because it made us laugh.
Do I believe the problem people are here on Tumblr? Not really, no, like I've kinda said before, the youtube side of the fandom just seems to be- problem children (I could say that about a lot of fandoms ngl-) but, idk, I know there's not much that can be done about it, but it just sort of frustrates me.
And in the kindest way, I'd just like to remind everyone to be patient and kind while waiting for season 2. I know the initial goal was early 2024 but animation is hard, and given that if TinyBuild had gone bankrupt we wouldn't have gotten any season 2 at all, I'm willing to wait as long as it'll take. Just from the teasers and clips we've seen I know it'll be great.
It's kinda like the Spiderverse franchise, sure at the time was I hyped for a summer 2024 release? Yeah, but I will happily wait for something they think is their best product.
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cauqhtz · 3 months
My opinion about Luffy and the world of one piece.
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What does Luffy or One Piece in general mean to you?
I'll start! This is completely my opinion and my personal feelings!
I should start off my saying I am a hard person to please. I'm extremely "picky" with every aspect of my life. For example: I hate it when my food touches, even when I'm eating it. I eat it in order. there are exceptions though. I do like for my collard greens and rice to touch but only if I put them together. I still plate them separately.
It's ridiculous and sooo annoying but its a serious thing for me. It's like trying to swallow a pill. I physically cannot force myself to swallow anything that dont fit those standards.
It's like this for every aspect of my life. Books, movies, JOBS, tv shoes, etc..
the first time I tried watching one piece i turned it off maybe not even a minute after watching the first half of the first episode. I remember seeing nami at a party and her looking out to see the whirlpool and I got the wrong idea about what the anime was about so i swore off it.
Maybe a year later I saw a instagram post. It was basically saying how they didnt understand how they found a pirate story about some kid made of rubber kicking everyone's asses entertaining. I was in disbelief and kind of took it as a challenge. It sounded absolutely ridiculous to me at the time so I gave it another shot.
As soon as Luffy popped out of that barrel knocking one of those guys out saying he'd catch a cold for sleeping right there? I was laughing. ME? LAUGHING? To say I was sold would be an understatement.
Then theres the part where Luffy expresses his dream to be king. It wasnt because of some overused reason like very other anime like childhood trauma. It was because he wanted to. Thats it and thats all. I was blown away. My heart raced with excitement after that speech from luffy and I binged watched the episodes from then on.
I was obsessed. (Still obsessed) Back then I was still in highschool and I was binging the episodes from the moment I woke up, during all my classes and lunch, after school and falling asleep to it.
I think the only anime I binged like that would be HXH another anime I'm still obsessed with.
One of the funniest episodes of one piece for me is 497. I was rewatching the marine ford arc and I was in tears laughing at this episode.
But back to the question!
As a young woman of color? Luffy is a dream to me. Luffy is the perfect mixture of malcom x and MLK. He's what I think the world needs. He's one of a damn kind, there is NO character like him or story like one piece PERIOD and there's no amount of hate from naruto fans that'll make that less true.
The only character that is unafraid of crying, laughing, fucking up, tripping up in front of friends and enemies alike.
insanely selfish but he's strong. He can have his friends, hell he can make new friends and have them ALL by his side or far away from him. All alive and fucking thriving, why? because he fucking said so. He's strong in more ways than one. He has that luxury.
He's unafraid of asking for help. He has never once acted as though everyone else is beneath him and he can do everything by himself.
Gets pissed when he finds his vest with flowers sewed into it, wanting to be a manly man but unbothered at eating all the love themed food sanji makes specifically for nami and robin.
He has asked forced Pirate Hunter Zoro to join his crew? Nah thats just zoro his best friend and the guy who ate stomped out sand covered chocolate rice balls out of respect for the little girl he saved from Helmeppo.
Cat burglar nami? Nami the navigator. Her maps and weather skills are unreal!
Sniper king the liar? Yup but he's a damn good sharpshooter.
Black Leg/ Vinsmoke Sanji isnt he apart of a family of comicbook villians? Thats just Sanji! One of the best chefs in the world!
Tony Tony Chopper the raccoon dog that happens to be a doctor? Oh no thats chopper. Our crews miracle treasure. He's a talking reindeer monster.
The demon child is on your crew? Huh? Demon child? You can't mean robin! She's a good friend of mine and she's an archeologist! I'd have to kick your ass if you think otherwise! :D
Cyborg Franky? Oh yeah I couldnt take the sunny without him! They're a package deal!
The humming swordsman? Oh you mean brook! He's a talking, singing afro skeleton not to mention hilarious! The part about him being a sword-swinging musician was just a plus!
The first son of the sea jinbei...A fishman? Hell yeah! He's THE fishman! Jinbei is a good friend of mine and the 10th member I've been looking for!
Luffy's crew is a dumpster fire of diversity. That right there is rare within itself. I mean it's a Japanese show, yet most of the main characters aren't japanese! They originate from a little bit of everywhere across the globe!
They all look different and act different. They are all flawed and yet Luffy accepts them with open fucking arms with his TRADEMARKED grin nearly splitting his face in half!
Speaking of accepting them! Luffy is always overjoyed when reuniting with his crew. Jumping to give them hugs, screaming his hellos, jumping up and down, lunging forward to give them hugs, and waving with excitement at the sight of his friends.
I mean Luffy is unfucking matched. Even his voice is one of a kind and so fucking satisfying for his dialogue??
Two of my favorite quotes from Luffy are:
"I'm kicking your ass and wrecking your birdcage."
"Speak up for yourself, aren't you the leader of these guys? SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!"
Luffy's very name holds mind-melting weight.
I just recently found out that his brother ace was the one that came up with "Gum gum Rocket." Something I'm now pissed at OPLA for giving Garp the credit of.
Luffy as a captain doesnt do major plans or specific orders. He says something and his crew either follows along or finds their own objective for example the punk hazard arc when law asked luffy if he was going to leave his crew on the island to do what they said they wanted to do and leave with him to fight kaido.
Luffy refused saying if his crew was staying to get their own things done then so was he and that Law had to get used to it quick.
Luffy is freedom in physical form. There one second and gone the next. Something that gave Law heart palpitations.
Luffy has no rhyme or reason for doing things the way he does other than the fact that thats just who he is. Something that only Zoro and Robin TRULY understand. Chopper understood this recently, just before the time-skip.
For example when big mom assumed luffy was there in wano to pick a fight with kaido and luffy denied it sternly.
confusing everyone around him including nami and carrot.
He went onto say everyone not only responsible but associated would be getting their asses kicked.
And thats EXACTLY what happened.
Zoro wasnt even there for that and he was already cutting the majority of their members in half.
You'd think that with every plan luffy screws up they'd be major consequences? NOPE bc he's stronger than that. Everyone else would have to adapt or get their asses kicked.
jinbei fought with luffy in the fishman island arc. not wanting luffy to make matters worse, instead wanting him to be seen as a hero to which luffy refused saying he's not a hero and that he had to get to his friends... until jinbei said and i quote. "Luffy, I'll let you have all the meat you want! Just do as I say!"
To which luffy agreed after a few more pleas.
friends and enemies are one in the same to him.
You want to hit him? Fine he doesnt care. but Lie to him? He's about to shove his foot up your ass.
You want to take credit for his wins unless your law or kid? Hell yeah! Couldn't have done it without you!
You want to defend him? Dont bother. This is his business. Stay the hell out of it.
You want to cry? Suck it up! Crying wont fix anything so get the fuck up and do something about it already!
You want to ask him for help? Sure! Anything! As long as you're the right person asking!
You want to call him a hero? Literally might knock your lights out.
You want to put him down in history and tell everyone what he and his crew did? Don't bother he's not interested.
I mean the list goes on and on. I can talk about luffy and one piece for HOURS and never get bored.
Luffy is a dream to me. I tear up thinking about him and wishing to be apart of that world for even a day.
Thats what Luffy means to me.
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evansisasadist · 29 days
Someone girl on TikTok made an edit of Meg march to Labour by Paris Paloma and then deleted my comment about how the song didn’t really fit as the whole point is that Meg choose that lifestyle, she wanted a husband and kids and that’s the whole point of the bit between her and Jo. Neither of them are wrong for wanting different things and to make it out like wanting a family automatically means that you’ve been subjected to something is so wrong.
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chippuyon · 2 years
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luffyvace · 4 months
There’s gonna be a new op series called character remix!!
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this is so exciting and cool!
here’s my thoughts and take on it 💌💗
so if you haven’t heard it’s basically where we’ll get to view all the strawhats pov before they met Luffy, instead of picking up on they’re life where Luffy met them since the anime is in his pov. They’ll be going in chronological order and the first 2 volumes will come out July 4th. Starting with Luffy I believe, in stead of flashbacks like marineford we’ll get the full thing! :) yippie! Also! There’s gonna be 580 pages per volume! That’ll totally be packed with info right?! 🎉
starting with who I’m most curious about:
Robin: 📖📚
she’s first because most backstories are straight to the point in flashbacks but for me it just feels like it happened really quickly. Personal opinion. Also! We got to see that she likes books but we mostly saw her pain. The only thing to have ever made her happy as a child was books, Saul and the researchers. Therefore we didn’t get a chance to learn much about little robin! Would she like dolls if she had to opportunity to get one? Or building blocks? If she wasn’t neglected would she have been a louder person naturally? You never know because how you grow up can mold you, so if you’re in a survival mode from such a young age you don’t get much time to focus on your personality! Which is why I like Robin’s “saying creepy things” gag, it lets me know she’d be a bit of a weirdo! But it can also stem from hardly having any light in her life- also fact that she’s straightforward about it shows some of her personality as well!
Zoro: ⚔️🗡️
this guy’s past is definitely gonna be good! We seriously didn’t get to see anything about him at all! We don’t know what he like’s personally, and yes training and such, but what about silly little adventures?! He lost Kuina which is a part of big part of darkness in his life, but we still don’t know Zoro on a deep level. Really it’s just gonna be interesting to see what the volume has to offer! :)
Franky: 🤖🦾
this!!! This guy! Nobody talks about how little we know of him! It’s like Zoro, we only know what he’s good at! We only know he likes to build! But we don’t know any habits or hobbies he could’ve tried to pick up that didn’t stick, we didn’t see him evolve and grow! Franky and Robin are in their 30s! We don’t even know what they were like in their 20s! Especially not franky!! I’m really pumped to see what he’ll be like from the flashback up til when he meets Luffy, a weirdo that’s for sure. It’d be fun to see the franky family funny moments too!
Brook: ☠️🏴‍☠️
Dude. No one talks about the fact that his flashback started when he was already an adult!! The only reason we know what he looks like as a child is because Oda drew it! Obviously he was playing music back then as well, but all the strawhats ambitions started when they were a kid! That’s not enough info! We don’t know his parents, hometown, anything! We don’t even know why he loves music! I mean we do, but not really we’re it stems from directly, was his parents out of the picture? Were they there but didn’t care so music was all he had? Were they struggling financially? Did he raise himself? What?!
Nami: 🍊🧡
again! All we know is her dream, not her personally! The most we know is why she loves money! And that was shown in the flashback! We also know she wasn’t financially stable, but what about the day to day life? Did the tangerine sales pick up in the summer? Why weren’t they selling good? Couldn’t they have gone to all the neighboring towns to sell them? How did Bellmere break the news that they weren’t a biological family when Nami was of age? Did she always figure and it was an unspoken thing? Or did Nami cry when she found out? We don’t know!
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳🥘
ngl he would be higher on the list if I watch whole cake but I’m only on Zou 😁 anyway, the article I read to find out the series was coming out mentioned the fact that we don’t know exactly when and how Zeff met, which is a good point!! I’m interested in how that went down too! It pretty much just slipped over that during the flashback, did Sanji escape? Did Zeff take him in welcoming or did Sanji have to fight to get in? Did Zeff help break in out? Now keep in mind I haven’t watch Whole cake so if these questions have been answered I don’t know yet. Anyway that’s my take on it, but one more thing. I feel we’ll get a deeper sense of why Sanji loves to cook. And if there’s anything else he likes besides that!
Chopper: 🦌
I wanna see his day to day life! And also funny moments bc IK they’re there. Also to see him study more! Honestly just more background for this little cutie is all I want. Maybe he should be lower on this list….idk? I really wanna see his tho..
Usopp: 🤥
he’s also lower bc i feel they did a good job showing us enough of Usopp’s background. They got the point across real well, but I would like to see more Usopp pirate crew adventures tho!
Luffy: 🧑‍🌾
Lol the emoji is supposed to be a strawhat. Anyway I LOVE Luffy which makes it odd that he’s so low on this list, but he gets lots of screen time, I feel he also got the longest and most detailed backstory. They did a real good job covering most things, I’d honestly just want to see more adventures and they years between 14-17 bc they timeskiped it lol. Itd be fun to see teen Luffy and Ace interact more, since they’re not little kids anymore. Like arguments about who’s gonna be taller, hobbies they might’ve picked up, talking about what they’re gonna name they pirate crews, sneaking into Goa kingdom together and going through another man’s trash to find they’re own treasure. So I guess I might wanna see his more than I thought! Anywho!
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Here are my nails that I did in celebration for the “Midnights” album success!!
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Okay so we know now Bonney can reverse age shit, which is wild;
… can she do this to Brook?
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This is an idea I wish they did in film Z, honestly, because the gags would be fun of him trying to run on water and sinking, or non-skull jokes and being sad about it.
He’s known his bones longer than he’s known his own flesh,
How jarring that must be to suddenly look in the mirror and see YOU, for the first time in 50 years, with wrinkles and a smile once more, to see your eyes blinking again… funky stuff..
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mono-socke · 3 months
You should draw um Brooke and Jeremy being besties because they're like um my pookies ☹️♥️♥️ I love your art it's so sillybilly
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they picked flowers out for each other !!
and thank you :DD !! I love your art too, it's so cool !!!
(sorry it's not much, I'm currently procrastinating. if you wanna see more, just tell me :>>)
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kitamars · 2 years
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a well overdue swap au doodle dump from twitter bless 🙏 as you can see there's a bit of a bias here but who doesn't love an excess of buny
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I’m about to literally yeet myself off of the bear tumbler until after I watch season 3. Like most of you guys are really super cool and I’ve had some genuinely awesome conversations about meta and characters with really cool mutuals. That being said.. SOME, AND I MEAN SOME NOT ALL, ARE WAY WAY TOO INVESTED IN THE PERSONAL LIVES OF THESE ACTORS AND YOURE NOT SEPARATING THE ACTORS FROM THEIR CHARACTERS. This I feel like mostly applies to Sydcarmy (as I’ve observed). Like I said, SOME of you want sydcarmy to happen so bad (which is fine) that you would go as far as to push the same narrative onto the actual actors. Why do you care so much about what they do? Why speculate on the nature of their relationship? Why hate or obsess over it? If they haven’t come out and said “yeah we’re a thing” or some shit then it’s not really anybody’s business what they do or don’t do. Whether that would be together or separately as their own people. I completely understand the love for shipping the characters but literally leave the actors alone.
And also while I’m at it, I think having favorite ships is fine and shipping in general is fine, but I’m almost kinda to the point where I’m tired of digging through all the shipping content for the bear (all ships really) to try and get to the actual stuff people post about individual characters, plot lines, meta. Like yes, I think shipping is fun and I generally don’t have any thing against it all, it’s just that at this point within the plot the relationships and priorities of characters feel like they need individual focus. We literally ended last season on close up contemplation for each individual character within the show. They are all trying to grasp their own personal struggle with the chaos and all feeling different about it. There needs to be more of that. They all have stuff to work on individually. I just don’t think we need these characters forming romantic or intimate stages to their relationships with each other or others until they settle the situation the storyline took us through last season. I may be the only person that feels that way but idk🤷🏻‍♂️ like I need so many other plot points explored before any sort of romance or intimacy. I need carmy to fucking get his shit together and figure out if he wants to do this restaurant shit. I need syd to do the same thing just in a little bit of a different font. I need Richie and Carmy to fix their shit. I need to see what Marcus is gonna do. I need carmy and Nat to lay more of their Mikey shit out on the table. I need more syd taking the reins and being acknowledged for said effort. I need Carmy to call his fucking mom. I NEED CARMY TO JUST FUCKING SAY SOMETHING AND IT NOT BE A TOTAL DEFLECTION. BRO I NEED HIM TO LIKE ACTUALLY INTAKE OXYGEN FOR A MINUTE. AND I KNOW THERE HAS TO BE MORE MIKEY FLASH BACKS. THERE ALSO HAS TO BE MORE WORLD BUILDING IF THATS THE CASE. WE’RE ONLY TWO SEASONS INTO THIS SHOW AND THERE IS SO MUCH MORE SHIT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT.
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