treatnow · 5 months
Suicide Prevention by Committee: The VA/DOD Avoid Proper Diagnoses of both the Suicide Epidemic and Brain Wounds
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Politics and Rice Bowls are driving a National Suicide Strategy, not Medicine or Health
The government has issued the NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION, 2024 . They state: “Suicide is an urgent and growing public health crisis. More than 49,000 people in the United States died by suicide in 2022. That’s one death every 11 minutes.” They continue: The 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention is a bold new 10-year, comprehensive, whole-of-society approach to suicide prevention that provides concrete recommendations for addressing gaps in the suicide prevention field. This coordinated and comprehensive approach to suicide prevention at the national, state, tribal, local, and territorial levels relies upon critical partnerships across the public and private sectors. People with lived experience are critical to the success of this work. The National Strategy seeks to prevent suicide risk in the first place; identify and support people with increased risk through treatment and crisis intervention; prevent reattempts; promote long-term recovery; and support survivors of suicide loss.‍ There is so much in this Strategy to admire. Better late than never. Sadly, combat and other Veterans figure little in their bold new plan. The Strategy reads more like a cookbook for organizing and communicating and cooperating, a bureaucratic, political document rather than an ops plan for ending suicidal ideation. Rather than a truly revolutionary, root cause analysis of what combat and BLAST and repetitive head hits can lead to, and what Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is doing to eliminate suicidal ideation and heal brain wounds, the strategy glances off “treatment” to focus on intercepting and dealing with the suicidal. It's an updated version of the last decade's bumper sticker: "If you see something, say something." 15 Goals and 89 Objectives. We're going to need Artificial Intelligence to track all those actions and measurements over time, to say not so much about how bureaucratic it all sounds. There is NO QUESTION that the nation needs a Suicide Prevention Strategy with accountability. Government is hard; finding reasons for why people commit suicide is even harder. But failing to use a proven treatment to end suicidal ideation and heal brains -- well, that's negligence. This is deadly serious business, reversing the daily suicide rate. It demands serious, objective people untethered from business-as-usual, dedicated to actually healing brain wounds and whatever other medical conditions are amenable to alternative treatments. Some will remember the initial rollout of the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare. After letting the Agencies and contractors have their crack at it, the White House decided to get it done right. So they contracted with the pros-from-high-tech and the best insiders to surge a solution. It wasn't perfect, but it cut through the incompetence and finger-pointing that plagued a real solution. So too with this Suicide Prevention treatment. One would have thought that after 15-20 years of a suicide epidemic we would have done at least as much to understand more than how to draw an updated wiring diagram of community caregivers and speed up actions that have proved inadequate at effective diagnosis and healing treatment for at least traumatic brain injuries. It is comforting to read that the VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Risk for Suicide and the VA/DoD CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND REHABILITATION OF POST-ACUTE MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY are being updated. It would be better if those CPGs were done by expert outsiders who were up-to-date with the new science, and who were not involved in self-dealing.‍ Clearly we need a plan for dealing with “in extremis” cases, just as we need an “All hands on deck” approach to the epidemic. (One wonders, of course, why it’s twenty years in and we’re still congratulating ourselves for how hard we’re working to bring everyone together?) How woeful and tired can it get? And could they please stop relegating brain-wounded warriors to the "mental health" category until they get properly evaluated for TBI? There is no sense of URGENCY about Veterans or the daily suicide rate, whatever it is. It's malignantly bad, whether it's 16, or 22, or 45 per day for Veterans. This chart above from the VA is enough to show how the plan doesn’t seem to be working. It’s unsurprising that the plan lacks attention to Veterans, and the need for immediacy for treatment of brain wounds. The Public Sector Chair of the strategy is Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy, MD, Assistant Undersecretary for Health, Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks (DEAN) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr Clancy wrote a scaremongering note to a member of Congress in 2015 that warned of the risks of HBOT, the lack of evidence, etc. The same arguments were regurgitated to Congress last month in almost verbatim form: HBOT is too risky, unproven, too costly, logistically hard, and proven to not work. This is a dereliction of duty on the part of the VA and DOD. They either haven’t kept up with science or they choose to ignore it. (Read the evidence). As recently as last month, the VA was testifying to the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health. They gave a failing grade to hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a proven, evidence-based treatment for TBI. Their arguments are ten years old, lacking in understanding of the new science of HBOT-for-TBI, and repetitive in their distortions about risks. ‍ Just read this below for a sense of the wandering in the wilderness quality in the Strategy. It’s a failing grade with respect to treating and healing brain wounds. Suicide Prevention is the #1 clinical priority that the VA and DOD and the nation claim to care about. Yet look at the results issuing from years of work by hundreds of contributors. STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2: Treatment and Crisis Services. Preventing suicide requires making sure those at risk of suicide get connected to the proper treatment and services they need. Therefore, this strategic direction focuses on the critical importance of implementing a systematic approach to suicide care within health systems, including emphasizing the structural role of the health system in preventing suicide rather than the responsibility resting solely in the hands of individual clinical providers. Additionally, Strategic Direction 2 sets the vision for a complete and coordinated crisis response infrastructure that includes not only a 24/7 nationally available crisis line but also a mobile crisis response, crisis stabilization facilities, and community based alternatives to 911 emergency response. ‍Sift through that and ask: What are you doing differently and what are you going to DO that will make an immediate difference, save lives, save money, and restore health to the warrior and the family? Hundreds of thousands of us? Are we going to be met with the same bushwa using drugs, talk therapy and “mental health” nostrums? Or is the system serious about healing? Healing that reduces need for black-box-labeled drugs and eliminates symptoms rather than masking them under the drug haze? ‍You’ll find no mention of the VA’s own statistics about suicides, and no apology for putting out so much chaff about their “centers of excellence” for TBI and PTSD. Look anywhere in the system they tout as doing so well: Intrepid Center/NICoE, DVBIC, Intrepid Spirit Centers, WRIICs, PREP, Care Coalitions, Wounded Warrior Battalions, and Independent Wellness Centers. Concussion Treatment Centers. The Mayo Clinic, U Penn, UCLA, Langone Center, the Shepherd Center, the Marcus Institute for Brain Health, UPMC Concussion Center. Most of these caregivers really care, but none of them even talk about brain wounds, much less medically approved HBOT for wound healing. What they are good at is all the rest: cognitive, and vestibular, and vision rehabilitation, along with physical therapy and psychotherapy. All of this is good. All may be necessary, but they are insufficient when there is underlying physical damage done to the brain. Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW. ********** The TreatNOW Mission is ending service member suicides. Along the way, we have learned that we can end suicidal ideation, help end symptoms of PTSD, and heal brain wounds to end the effects of BLAST injury, mild TBI Persistent Post Concussive Syndrome, and polytrauma. www.treatnow.org
Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW
Information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Read the full article
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phantomhealthcare · 8 months
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itansajid · 2 years
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themomentsfeed · 2 years
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lasseling · 4 months
The DTP Vaccine Lots: Thousands of Children Injured by Highly Toxic Formulas Containing Cholera Antigens
A recent investigation into vaccine manufacturing processes has revealed that not all vaccine lots are created equal.
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maclee34 · 5 months
Who are some of the best neurologists in Delhi?
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When it comes to neurology care in Delhi, Dr. Shrey Jain is widely regarded as one of the best in the field, known for his exceptional clinical skills and compassionate approach. With a strong academic background and years of experience practicing neurology, Dr. Jain has earned the trust and respect of both patients and peers alike. He specializes in diagnosing and treating various neurological disorders, ranging from common conditions like headaches and seizures to more complex issues such as stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Jain's commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in neurology ensures that his patients receive the most up-to-date and effective treatments available.
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School: Struggling in Class
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We all have that subject in school that is difficult or not fun. It is the class we dread going to and the one we find difficult to understand. It is the homework that requires the most time and it the least enjoyable. For me, this subject in school was math. I had to work extra hard to be successful in it. It was exhausting, and I had to spend more time than other students. Math was a…
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lucimahon · 2 years
A slightly better day. I can't sing a whole song still, but I'm able to hit the notes and hold them for longer today. The video is the original and then me. Thank you for listening.
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drpranjal · 29 days
Brain Neurosurgeon and His Importance in Medical Science
A brain neurosurgeon is a specialized medical doctor who diagnoses and surgically treats disorders of the brain, spine, and nervous system. Their expertise is crucial in addressing complex conditions like brain tumors, aneurysms, traumatic brain injuries, and neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. The precision and skill required in neurosurgery make it a vital field in medical science, as these surgeons play a key role in saving lives, improving patient outcomes, and advancing our understanding of the human brain. Their work not only restores function but also enhances the quality of life for countless individuals.
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findinjurylaw · 2 months
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braininjuryproblems · 2 months
Existential Crisis
Does anyone remember my yoga phase.? Which in fact made me not pursue philosophy any more. As per it created me into an arrogant, self entitled, POS. that and after countless amounts of people in my family whom got tired and extremely tired of me on this path. If you don’t let me explain a few things about what this phase/ journey of my life is. Whether or not people go through existential…
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treatnow · 9 days
A Half-Truth is a Whole Lie
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** I'm from the government and I'm here to help. ** We're doing everything humanly possible to get your better. ** I have nothing but your best interests in mind. ** All men are created equal. ** Secretary of Defense McNamara's and Vice President Cheney's justifications for going to war. ** To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.   Let’s confront an obvious “truth” facing us: despite obvious differences of opinion about the “best” way forward as a society, we are generally in agreement that we can fix problems. Scientists have split problems into “tame” and “complex” and “wicked.” “Tame” problems have a clear definition, and it is easy to identify the point at which they are solved . Complex problems have a clear agreement on the nature of the problem, but not on the solutions . In contrast, wicked problems lack agreement on both their definition and their solution. They are people problems, not math or science problems.  A wicked problem is a social or cultural issue or concern that is difficult to explain and inherently impossible to "solve." Examples of wicked problems today include things like education standards, tax policy, health care, climate change, affirmative action, when to go to war, and immigration. And, of course, how to treat and heal brain wounds. Even the definition of “brain wound” is a wicked problem when doctors aren’t trained in the new science.  Wicked problems never have straight-forward solutions. By their very nature, wicked problems are human problems. When elevated in the political arena, wicked problems can’t be solved, only managed. It’s that old dilemma: do you want to make a statement, or do you want to make progress? Unless people who disagree really want to make progress, there’s no managing a wicked problem: there’s only a dialogue of the deaf that results in continued suffering, lack of progress, accusations, prevarication, finger-pointing, and resentment.  Let’s face it: politics is more and more running from wicked problems. Even tame problems like seat belt use started out as am wicked problem which eventually was tamed by resort to math, engineering, and economics and gradual demonstrations of results.  Lately, polarized politics turns all problems into wicked problems. Thus, politics has become a series of half-truths dressed up as policy statements that become rallying cries and wish lists. The HARD work of compromise is necessary to turn wicked problems into a series of small steps toward legislative compromise and lasting change. Not a solution, but a series of manageable steps and compromises that equal progress and positive change.  Concerning Veterans, four half-truths that have become whole lies are instructive.  One, service members have been told that there’s little that can be done for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) other than pass through a variety of palliative care facilities: the NICoE, DVBIC, Intrepid Spirit Centers, PREP programs, specialized care, and a seemingly endless set of appointments for drug distribution, talk therapy, physical and occupational and various therapies designed to allow patients to learn new ways to live with the new, sub-standard normal.  Current reports from the DVBIC at Walter Reed belie the advertisements: “The underlying goal of DVBIC is to ensure that active duty military and veterans with brain injury receive the best evaluation, treatment, and follow-up.” It is at best only half true. More and more patients report unwillingness to properly diagnose TBI, choosing “mental health” or PTSD as the diagnosis. Treatments ignore a proven, safe, and effective use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). The VA and Military medicine continue in their ignorance about the proven science, including ignoring positive results with patients using HBOT after leaving Walter Reed. Two, Veterans with Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs) are rarely told that they can probably avoid lower limb amputations if only the VA would routinely use an on-label, proven, insured, and widely available use of HBOT. There is an implied promise that VA doctors will use EVERY means available to avoid amputations. The VA’s malignant behavior in NOT informing patients about the availability of HBOT outside the VA means that patients get a half truth: we are following a healing protocol where the ultimate path may be amputation. Since the protocol does not include HBOT as an option, the VA reports the following harrowing numbers: 796,340 Veterans have died from Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) and Lower Limb Amputation (LLA) in the past 22-years, more than all the Veterans KIA in all the U.S. Wars (623,982) since the beginning of World War I. Approximately 94% were not offered HBOT treatments. Three, numerous Veterans and other USG employees have been victimized by Havana Syndrome (aka Anomalous Health Incidents or AHI). The overwhelming majority of those who have come forward have not been properly diagnosed for the injuries they experienced. A widening gulf between promises from the USG related to care, insurance, treatments and support are honored in the breach.  Leaving aside the politics of the origins, methods, timing, responsibility, and continuing attacks, the victims have been mistreated and effectively told that they are no longer worthy of honorable treatment and care. Instead of adequate treatment of what appears to be traumatic brain injuries in a majority of the cases, victims receive limited care, limited financing of care, abuse during care, and a cold shoulder from parent agencies as their lives and careers go downhill. Imagine being told that your headaches, migraines, fatigue, balance, mental abilities, hearing loss, memory, anger, depression and more are in all probability a result of a mass psychogenic illness or, worse, an attempt to get increased disability payments? One struggles to find the half-truth in the on-going saga of a government abandoning its very best.   Four, service members affected by BLAST overpressure are receiving renewed interest as a result of work in the Senate Armed Services Committee. A parade of government witnesses continues to affirm that they are doing everything humanly possible, even though it is common knowledge that DOD is not doing enough to prevent injuries. Here’s a half truth: DOD and the VA claim to be learning from their own research about BLAST overpressure. The other part of the equation that is a whole lie is that neither DoD nor the VA will use HBOT to heal the brain wounds resulting from BLAST overpressure. This is especially onerous since doctors inside Marine units prescribe HBOT for TBIs, allowing not-for-profit HBOT clinics and foundations to pay for the brain wounds. Despite the successes in the TreatNOW Coalition clinics, TBIs have not even been adequately diagnosed in service members committing suicide from the very units called out by the New York Times as suffering inordinate numbers of brain casualties.   The validity of using HBOT for wound healing to the brain is validated in the most recent research. Unsurprisingly, delivering oxygen under pressure safely and economically leads to effective wound healing. The FDA already approves HBOT for wound healing. That statement is true. What would make it even more true is if medicine recognized that "invisible wounds" should be treated as wounds. HBOT is essentially already on-label when the new science of brain wounding is taken into account. Numerous other interventions for brain wounds with comorbid maladies have a much better chance of effectiveness when the concussion cascade is interrupted, healed, and reversed. That statement is also generally true. The half-truth and, thus, whole lie, is that medicine in the DoD and the VA claim to be keeping up with the new science in their Centers of Excellence. Yet they disdain and ignore the Mechanisms of Action of brain wounding, and the interventions in use around the world that are healing those wounds. The sad fact is also that the VA and DoD persist in continuing to repeat the lies that their research proves that HBOT is unproven, unsafe, ineffective, costly, risky, or worse. The rest of the world and over 31,000 satisfied HBOT patients -- among them over 12,000 active duty and Veterans -- know the truth revealed in over 21 peer-reviewed clinical trials. ****************************** The TreatNOW Mission is ending service member suicides. Along the way, we have learned that we can end suicidal ideation, help end symptoms of PTSD, get patients off most of their drugs, and heal brain wounds to end the effects of BLAST injury, mild TBI Persistent Post Concussive Syndrome, and polytrauma from AHI and Burn Pits. Diabetic Foot Ulcers have become a major emphasis. www.treatnow.org Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW Information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made Read the full article
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logan1 · 2 months
The truth on the pineal gland. 👁️
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Life-Changing Recovery from Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: John's Inspiring Journey (Part 3)
John's inspiring recovery from a severe traumatic brain injury showcases the power of determination and expert care. After a major car accident in December 2017, John faced numerous challenges, including multiple skull fractures and facial reconstruction surgeries. Please visit our website to get more information: http://northwestfunctionalneurology.com/
Video Title: Life-Changing Recovery from Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: John's Inspiring Journey (Part 3)
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mobilityimpairment · 3 months
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lasseling · 3 months
Covid Vaxxed 200 Times More Likely to Die from Brain Clots
A disturbing new study has revealed that those injected with Covid mRNA shots are 200 times more likely to die from a blood clot in the brain, official government data confirms.
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