#Brain Enhancement
higherrealmswellness · 2 months
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Received the test version of Ascended Mind in the mail today. The label needs some adjustment, but the formula is on point. The Shogun Series will be coming out soon once I'm done testing out a few other products.
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
Things that were important to me from the new trailer
Mikey and Raph, I will always go into ueeuueueue mode over them
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2. They all share the same room again, I know 87 had them sharing a quadruple bunk so this made me go ueueueueueueueue
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3. Leo and Mikey doing hand stims I do, I don't know if they actually are stimming but I'm going to say they are
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4. Mikey being the smallest little guy. Very important, everyone write that down in your notes and circle it, then make that circle a pizza
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5. This scene because if that's you Bishop I will go through the theater screen and attack you myself
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6. Raph's rage problem seems like it won't be towards his brothers but towards hitting other people which is a just like me fr fr moment
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7. Donnie being Donnie, the Donnie's cheer
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8. Why Mikey got two black eyes
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9. I will be spreading the Donnie and Leo twin agenda thank you very much
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you appear familiar, dear! (you look just like my bathroom mirror)
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urlocalwhumper · 11 months
living weapon whumpee who's never known anything but pain and violence.
their existence hurts. they were made to be effective, not happy, and their masters decided that keeping them in constant pain provided better results. they're wilder, more unpredictable, and the pain keeps them from thinking straight enough to question anything.
they're only given painkillers, only allowed a respite from their seemingly endless suffering, after a successful mission. it keeps them loyal, and most importantly, teaches their brain to associate acts of violence with relief and rewards.
everyone they've ever met has treated them as a tool, a monster, or both. they don't know how to be anything else.
that is until they're rampaging through a village, destroying, killing, whatever their masters demand of them. whatever will give them a few blissful hours of numbness.
one of the villagers steps out of a ruined building and looks them straight in the eyes. whumpee expects fear, hatred, disgust, the things they see in the faces of every person who's ever crossed their path. but they see something completely different.
whumpee is so stunned, they don't think to move or do anything at all as the villager steps closer, gently reaching out a hand to cup whumpee's face.
"oh, poor thing." they murmur, taking in the creature in front of them - part human, part animal, part machine. "they've done a number on you, huh?"
whumpee blinks at them. pain continues to course through their body, but the gentle hand on their cheek distracts them, even if just a little. all the indistinct noise in their foggy, addled mind finally goes quiet.
caretaker had stepped out in front of the being destroying their home with the intention to get through to it or die trying, and the expectation to absolutely die trying.
they did not at all expect the seemingly feral mishmash of metal, fur, and flesh to lean so heavily into their touch that they nearly collapsed into caretaker's arms.
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sableeira · 1 year
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“Allow me to introduce you to the original you.”
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anonymocha · 7 months
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Do NOT try this at home, you may not blink or sleep for the next 48 hours and found unconscious frothing in the mouth on a sidewalk after that
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waitineedaname · 1 year
I realized I made some notes on how different characters fight in mob psycho, and I never posted them. here you guys go, for any reference needs
Mob: mostly simple attacks, not very showy, just waves his hand and uses telekinesis/exorcizes something, doesn’t move around much. As ???%, much more destructive, psychic force seems to just emanate off of him and destroy everything
Teru: VERY mobile, throws himself around with telekinesis, puts his whole body into the attacks and tends to use moves from normal fights (punches, slaps, kicks, etc). Utilizes a variety of psychic techniques with flexibility, very creative. Piss stance, necktie sword. Much more flashy than Mob
Ritsu: uses powers to throw people/things around. While Mob and Teru attack with just psychic blasts, Ritsu tends to use his powers to grab other things as an attack (grabbing the delinquents and throwing them against each other, throwing the Claw guards against the wall, picking up cars to sandwich Shimazaki between them). Uses his environment creatively (fire extinguisher smoke screen against Shimazaki). More flashy than Mob, but not as mobile as Teru. Hand gestures for Drama
Shou: sneaky + speed + bomb!! Tries to be as evasive as possible using invisibility/speed (probably telekinetically enhanced?) to hit from behind, using either telekinetic force (his stomp in his introduction, the shockwave hit on ???%) or his charge bomb attack. Potentially uses speed/evasive moves as defense instead of the barriers we see most everyone else use
Serizawa: likes to channel his powers into an object (umbrella, business cards). Uses that object as a shield, sword, or something to blast psychic powers out of. Not very mobile in season two, moves around much more in the yokai fight. Not particularly flashy, but looks cool regardless
Reigen: deception/surprise!!! Either tricks people into thinking he’s going to do something else and then attacking, or just outright taking them by surprise and attacking before they know what’s going on. Usually doesn’t have a follow-up move, just does the one attack and hopes for the best. Prefers to bluff his way through a situation
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scrimblyscrorblo · 1 month
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My Poe/Lucy ((NOT a ship)) fusion because I love fusing these people TT ❤️💜
I envision this as a plot point w a fusion based ability - being used to strengthen abilities and completely baffle foes by forcing them to become entirely new people
So I used Lucy’s post-guild-fall outfit mostly and some of her og fit combined. The hair bandana is absolutely meant to mimic cat ears, they’re cat coded
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I imagine their combined ability is Cask Of Amontillado inspired! Anne, the puppet, would look more like a jester -> like in the story. Combined with Poe’s world-making ability, Anne’s room becomes a massive labyrinth that traps its captors within the walls
Ideally, they’d be able to summon more than one Anne to chase people through the labyrinth.
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She’s nervous and easily a bit agitated but above all very dedicated to his work and his loved ones
I imagine she jumps back n forth with pronouns
Also these two learning they’re both orphaned would be neat and they both have like tears in their clothes for some reason TT e.g. Lucy’s skirt and Poe’s suit jacket
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Bonus Pre-Guild outfit combo sketch!!
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th3e-m4ng0 · 6 months
stared at d-16 and es megan and stared crying. you will never believe why
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encrucijada · 2 years
why can't i just listen to a song, black out, and come back to my body with a finished first draft of my book(s)
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hello-galad · 4 months
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#I wanted to draw something fluffeyyyyy and this came out#if I had to put a name on this drawing it would be ‘safe. home’ because that’s how he feels when he’s in his arms#ANYWAYS. I like to give Vincent sort of corpse like details#He’s always covered from chin to toe but under those clothes he doesn’t only have the scars from everything Hojo and Lucretia did to him#while dead and then after he was revived. I mentioned he was enhanced and to make a SOLDIER scar is…well not a simple feat but Vincent is#his own kind of enhanced. He’s not like SOLDIER. He had three demons and a god-like WEAPON sealed in him so yeah.#Anyways i suppose that the first things you would notice would be the red under his eyes that looks a bit purple the more nights he spends#awake. It would give him sort of an aerie look that makes him even prettier but then there’s his hands and feet. the nails would look#blue-ish and one of his arms is terribly mangled and sort of monstrous/dead looking i supposed it was cut off and it regenerated like that#because of Chaos and company. then there’s the scars from where Hojo and Lu tore him open like a corpse and looked around his brain#cuts lacerations deep wounds they would heal normal that is why often he decides to act as a human shield for AVALANCHE if he doesn’t have#time to conjure a SHIELD to Cid’s dismay. Often if the wound is life threatening a limit break will take over and he will heal good as#new or well as he is now ha.#vincent valentine#cid highwind#valenwind#ffvii#i just love them#Cid would often cling to him if Vincent doesn’t do that first#OHHH another hc! Cid snores Vincent doesn’t BUT his lungs are not normal now so you can hear his breathing when he sleeps deeply also his#throat was cut open at some point so his vocal chords were cut and his voice sounds a bit deeper than it did before
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detailtilted · 3 months
Ode to AgtSpooky, SPN Con Videographer Extraordinaire
Ode to AgtSpooky, videographer extraordinaire, She’s so very stealthy, you'd never even know she was there. She casually moves her monopod, innocent as you please, And you’d never even guess she’d just fooled the video police. “Oh no, oh dear, Jensen has once again decided to pace! How ever will we keep our cameras on his handsome face?” But AgtSpooky, she’s not fazed, she casually flips her wrist, And now fans for many years to come will see his every twist. The video police, they look so hard, but somehow they can’t see That AgtSpooky recorded it all to share with you and me.
Her activities put her at risk of getting kicked out, Yet still she shared with other fans, her files freely about. Videos are now permitted, but fans like her led the way, For how could one see such fun and not also want to come play? Her videos spread far and wide as diverse fans flocked to watch. In time Creation learned that free publicity was top notch. If you laughed at the J2 antics from back in 2007, You likely have AgtSpooky to thank for that piece of heaven. Her breakfast videos on YouTube have fifty thousand plus views, But that they originated from her, to many may be news.
Fast forward a couple decades, to 2024, Some crazy stranger came knocking, and she didn’t slam the door. DetailTilted, a newer fan, found her dead video links, Then she hunted her down and sent an e-mail of excessive length. It may not always be wise to answer the pleas of strangers, Doing so may sometimes lead to some unexpected dangers. Her secret footage of Jim Beaver's dancing has now been leaked abroad. To the witness protection program she goes, her courage we laud. Dear AgtSpooky we hope you fare well, whatever you may do, But your skills shall remain a legend; they’re surpassed by very few.
Terrible poetry aside, AgtSpooky really is awesome, both in regard to her generosity and her video skills. Below are two screen shots from my VANCON 2009 editing process to demonstrate why I suddenly went off the deep end and started composing poetry for the first time in my not-so-short life. 🤣
In these screen shots, I had four video sources synced up to the same moment in time, arranged so I could see them all at once to decide which ones to use at which times. Her video, the one in the top left, was frequently the only one with a clear view of Jensen and/or Jared.
Jensen started pacing in his panel, making it difficult to keep the camera on him without getting caught, but somehow AgtSpooky was able to stay on top of his movements where others often lagged behind. In the J2 panel, they were sitting further apart and most people had trouble getting both of them in their video frame. AgtSpooky was at an angle that worked much better and she was the only one able to consistently get both of them.
Her footage from these two panels never made it onto YouTube as far as I could find, so I’m really excited to share my next two enhanced videos. Her coverage is better than what’s on YouTube today. I still have more work to do, but I’m on track to have Jensen’s solo VANCON 2009 panel up on YouTube on July 5. The J2 panel will probably follow 3 weeks or so after that. There wasn’t a solo Jared panel at this con because they ran out of time.
Video Editing Screen Shot from Jensen's Solo Panel
("Video C" made up for recording so much footage of the curtains by adding some on-screen text that made me laugh. 😂)
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Video Editing Screen Shot from the J2 Panel
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incorrectgarashir · 1 year
Garak: Okay, but what if we went to lunch, but not as friends this time? Julian: AS ENEMIES?! Garak:
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bluegarners · 10 months
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dick fearing that he’ll become bruce but knowing he wouldn’t be who he is without him. bruce desperately wishing he could become someone like dick but knowing he’ll never measure up. fight.
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redladydeath · 6 months
RAM!Vox, being reintroduced to Vark for the "first" time: Huh. That's a weird looking dog.
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iron-bullogna · 6 months
just realized one of the options when you get caught by a steel watcher at the foundry is "what are you looking at I live here" and how that could maybe almost be not entirely a lie for durge
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