#Bi Han is in relationship before marriage
lament4piligrim · 9 months
Frozen heart knows no pain
Part 1
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Chapter 1
Bi Han knelt in front of his father, biting his tongue until it bled, not daring to oppose a single word he said. 'You are the heir to this great clan. You should understand better than anyone how important this alliance is to us. Cut this thread and everything we've ever held dear will disappear.'' Of course, Bi Han understood. But he didn't understand why he should commit his life to a woman he had no feelings for. There were enough noble families in their clan that were devoted to Lin Kuei with all their hearts - marrying one of them off to the daughter of a friendly clan was quite possible. Why him? He hadn't even seen this woman's face!
So many thoughts were running through his head that it was about to explode. His father would be happy that this unworthy son would die here with his head bowed in shame. Clenching his hands into fists, scratching his palms, Bi Han nodded in agreement. The Grandmaster wouldn't accept any other answer anyway.
Kuai Liang and Tomas stood outside the door, humbly waiting for their brother. They hoped that their brother would be able to persuade their father not to be so rash, and that he would in turn be sympathetic to his son's choice. After all, there was nothing wrong with Bi Han falling in love with a simple village girl; besides, Mingzhu was a Lin Kuei warrior with potential.
But from Bi Han's slumped and irritable look, they realised that the attempt had failed.
"Don't be upset, Bi Han. Maybe we can try to convince father?" Kuai Liang offered enthusiastically, patting his older brother on the back.
However, Bi Han ignored him and silently retired to his quarters.
How naive they are…
Their father had easily fooled his brothers. He showered them with love and care and let them do whatever they wanted, thus creating the false image of a father they needed. If Bi Han had told them that they had given their hearts to a hypocrite, neither Kuai Liang nor Thomas would have believed it. They would simply conclude that Bi Han was just overheated and not thinking clearly, or that he was simply exaggerating.
Bi Han closed himself in his room without lighting the candles, walked to his bed and heavily collapsed face down on the soft pillows. He was too irritated and tired for any further training. Little did he need to injure someone else out of a fit of rage.
Unsure of how much time had passed, Bi Han heard a knock on his door. The first time, he ignored it. The second time, he ignored it… For the third time, the visitor had no more patience and raised his voice:
"Bi Han? It's me. Are you there?"
How would he face her? How would he say he had to agree to this mayhem?
"I'm coming in."
It looked like Bi Han had lain in his chambers for a very long time, since Mingzhu was in her casual clothes that she wore after training. She had a smile lighting up her face that made it seem as if she had never known adversity. The fresh fragrance of the oils on her skin pleasantly hit his nose. Bi Han slowly turned his head towards her, admiring her.
He didn't want to hurt her.
"Bi Han, I… understand. You couldn't resist Grandmaster," Mingzhu had a guilty look on her face.
Why did she feel guilty? It's not her fault at all that he's being tried to marry an unknown person! She shouldn't have to carry that burden on her.
"If I am a nuisance…"
Bi Han stood up abruptly and approached Mingzhu.
"Don't dare," he gently took her face with his palms and showered her with light kisses, "Let that old man do what he wants. But there's no way I'm giving up on you. As soon as I become Grandmaster, I will break this marriage."
"Bi Han…"
"I won't give up on you. If only you don't refuse, if only you don't want me to be a part of your life anymore, I will never accept this marriage. I don't care what anyone else thinks."
"I won't give up on you, Bi Han."
Cryomancer felt relieved. As long as they have each other, they can overcome this together. His brothers understand him and will accept any choice he makes. Mingzhu is by his side and won't give up on him, even if she has to be as a lover in everyone else's eyes. The rumours will be disgusting, but it will be his father's fault for dragging him into his games. Bi Han will be able to protect Mingzhu from evil looks and cruel sneers. All they have to do is wait until the power is in his hands. Then he can make things right.
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Evenings in Harbin had never been warm. For those who once chose a life of luxury in a developed infrastructure, that did not seem to be a problem. But others who followed tradition faithfully, continuing to live as clans among the deserts, mountains and forests, coped with the cold in all sorts of ways. There were times when there was a catastrophic lack of resources for heating, and some clan warriors had to work tirelessly in the nearest towns to earn good money for firewood and coals.
As it happened, this year's winter was even harsher and more ruthless. Everyone in the small village felt its power, not risking to go outside.
Only one person was too insensitive to this weather. She didn't feel the frost that cut through her skin with sharp blades. Her heart and soul had long ago been covered with a thick layer of unbreakable ice.
Xuehua watched the woods from the balcony of her chambers, trying to digest what had happened in the past few days. As a result, they had decided to marry her off. So that she wouldn't feel "hurt" by her younger sister's gross misdemeanour. Both of them would marry worthy young men, but Xuehua would bring great benefits to their clan.
She had never experienced such an insult before. And for some reason, everyone in the clan supported her mother's decision, not caring that the victim should have gone into seclusion, come to her senses and find peace in her soul, rather than going into the arms of a strange man. And worse for the Lin Kuei Grandmaster's son.
Indeed, fate favours her.
It seemed that no one was going to stand up for her. Just hearing that a favourable candidate was coming from Lin Kuei, everyone seemed to lose their heads at the future gains. Her mother glowed with pride that her eldest daughter would be the future mistress of such an esteemed and powerful clan; some only encouraged and supported her enthusiasm. The younger sister might have opposed it, thinking it was too cruel to her. But under the pressure of the adults, she chose to remain silent, holding her fiancé's hand tightly.
'It's too late, sweetheart. There's no need to fake play. You got what you wanted,' Xuehua thought bitterly, clenching her icy hands on the railing.
"You haven't left your room in a while, jiejie. I was worried," the girl behind heard her younger brother's voice.
"It's not necessary,"
"Grandmaster was here. They have discussed things,"
"Of course they did," Xuehua snorted.
Sure enough, they had already decided everything, ignoring her existence. Mother is probably already jumping with joy.
"Maybe it's best for you, A-Hua? Away from A-Lu? It won't make you feel any better that she's staying here with that jerk. She intends to move your lab as well…"
"If she goes in there, she can't expect any good from me."
"Jiejie, I will do my best to make sure she is punished later," my brother took her cold hands in his palms, "Though I'm against mother's decision, but I think you'll do better in Lin Kuei. A-Lu gave them all sweet talk, now they're eager to get you out of here as soon as possible. Maybe they'll treat you better there. Think about it."
Brother's words didn't make it any easier. It was unlikely that she would be treated better in Lin Kuei. After all, this was a warrior clan that recognised power. And she was just a healer, albeit the best one currently living in all the clans.
Well, if there's nowhere else for her to go, she'll try to find her niche there. Maybe there'll be someone she'll feel comfortable with.
Maybe she should try to give herself and her future husband a chance.
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P.S. Xuěhuā - "Snowflake", Míngzhū - "Pearl"
In the art below Xuehua's appearance close to my imagination. Art is from Pinterest, user @xichdiemcotich
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
It's me again haha... I would like to request a continuation of the story of our mk1 boys having a secret relationship with the Earthrealm Empress, in which case their relationship would have become public and some time later, as always, they would have had to marry the Empress and become emperor. They are the Lin Kuei brothers, Liu Kang, Raiden and Kung Lao. HAPPY NEW YEAR ❤️🍾🥂
continuation of this post
-Your relationship was discovered when Liu Kang opened the door of your room and noticed a naked body sleeping next to yours.
-Like there is nothing wrong with having flings, but the back of the guy looks awfully familiar. The gasp that leaves Liu Kang’s body when his mind does two plus two…
-The truth is that Bi-Han slept in more because he wanted to have your relationship discovered, too many flies around you.
-Your marriage will be celebrated soon after, you dressed in typical Earthrealm clothes and Bi-Han with typical Lin Kuei ones.
-He would have preferred if you wore Lin Kuei ones too.
-Private wedding, very few people are invited since the situation could become dangerous quickly.
Kuai Liang:
-You were making out behind heavy curtains, nobody should have been in the room and you should have all the time in the world before the guests arrive-
-“Yo! Have you seen that-“
“Johnny don’t shout!”
-Nobody is in the room, doesn’t mean nobody is outside looking at you two. When I mean nobody I mean all Earthrealm fighters plus some Outworld ones.
-Liang can bet he heard Bi-Han choking at the sight.
-You marry much later tho. Marriage is intimate with just a few friends and relatives. The news spread really quickly in all realms.
-Like for Bi-Han, you wear your traditional clothes and Liang his ones.
Tomas Vrbada:
-You get caught during the act, Tomas blushing so much, not being able to stutter a word out, you almost worried his brain melted.
-Raiden gasps like a fish out of the water, meanwhile, Kung Lao’s grins go from one ear to the other, but is the first one to help deflate the situation.
-“So the Empress…good job, you dog!” Lao says, slapping Tomas’ shoulder, the boy still red, greyish eyes wide.
-The news soon reaches everyone's ears, Kuai Liang doesn’t wait a second, teasing his brother for the week to come.
-You marry much later when times are calmer and you are both ready to start a family. At the marriage, few people were invited, but it seems everyone wanted to tease the groom one last time before he became Emperor.
Liu Kang:
-The creator of this timeline, found with hands in the jam like a kid, by his trainees, the embarrassment…
-He knows there is no way the secret will be kept, so he asks you what to do, if you want to reveal your relationship or if you want to break it, Liu Kang’s heart already screaming in pain at the idea of not being able to be with you anymore.
-You smile, noticing the worry on his face, hands cupping his face “Let’s tell everyone.”
-Marriage comes later, Liu Kang is a busy man who worries a lot, you’ll have to make the first step and purpose to him.
-He’ll gladly wear Earthrealm clothes, being as fashionable as he can.
-Look. Nobody would have known if it wasn’t for Johnny and his damn phone. He took a photo of the background and who was there, kissing under a tree?
-Yeah, you two. Johnny didn’t notice you two at first, so he shared the landscape photo with everyone.
-At least you won’t have to tell each person about your secret…
-As much as Raiden would like to marry you even now, he understands that it is better to wait a bit more, you should both be ready.
-He doesn’t have fancy clothes, so Raiden will ask for his friends' help. Help that is asking you to give him groom clothes that fit the celebrations.
-Better to accept the request if you don’t want him to arrive with his Wu Shi training clothes. His smile beautiful enough that everyone will only look a this radiant face, but you know, better to suit up.
Kung Lao:
-It is Raiden who snitched! He was tired and it slipped his mouth, understanding immediately his mistake.
-The real surprise isn’t your relationship, but that the secret wasn’t revealed by Lao! Is he finally getting good at keeping secrets?
-No, don’t hope for that. Anyway he is overjoyed that your relationship is public.
-And don’t worry, Lao will protect you from all the villains that want to hurt you!
-He’ll be the one to do the marriage proposal when you both feel it is right.
-The palace is full of people, Lao really wanted everyone to see how beautiful and perfect you both are!
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antvmnos · 1 year
headcanons wedding day (bi-han ver.)
bi-han x reader
you and bi-han finally marriage each other.
afab, sfw, fluff, established relationship, reader is gender neutral.
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First of all, before anything else, your marriage to him would most likely be something purely political. He wouldn't be interested if it weren't. You are probably a descendant of a powerful clan or someone from a crumbling clan who has special abilities like his. He combined the useful with the pleasant and sees this as a big deal. The elders did not agree with this idea of ​​such a hasty marriage, but he is the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei. He just doesn't care.
You basically didn't have much of a say in the party preparations because your, for all intents and purposes, future husband, had everything under control and made sure to rub it in any individual's face and wants everyone to know. Your wedding will have all this pomp in every detail and place it can be seen.
Their clothes are of the highest quality standard, they have the characteristic blue and the clan symbol. Just like Kuai's scenario, you should know that you are not just marrying Bi-Han, but his entire clan and deserve the respect you will deserve. (He will make sure of this).
You got gifts. HUGE gifts from everyone in the clan and guests, without exception. The amount is exorbitant and is almost a condition for being in the wedding.
Kuai Liang was happy for his brother and congratulated him, as did Tomas. Although you know the way he treats his brother with consideration, you also thanked him because he considers him his brother-in-law, despite all the interpersonal issues behind their relationship.
Bi-Han does not respect Liu Kang as a god, much less to be the host, so he chose someone else, but due to his insistence he had to swallow his pride to ask for blessings for his marriage. You really don't know how you convinced him. It is serious.
Your wedding was in Artika's, few people, but relatively important people. Naturally, Bi-Han hates heat and this was on purpose for his relatives who are from abroad. Deal with it. Give everyone warm clothes… Or not.
You greet all the guests and Bi-Han just watches you with this hardened expression of his. He wasn't wearing a mask and it was as if you were being devoured with his eyes. There's a feral desire there in those dark orbs that's hard to measure. Possessiveness. (He will ruin you after all this shit).
You don't love him and that feeling is reciprocated. But maybe you can learn to love him eventually. (I think???) I wish you luck marrying this guy. You will need this and a lot of patience.
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a/n: maybe I should do a nsfw part 2? (tell me if I should or not... I have some ideas... *winking eyes*
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shan-yee · 8 months
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𝙽𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 + « 𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚔 » [ 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 ; 𝗗𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗗𝗮𝘆 ] 𖦹𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 = ello !! can i request for a short bi-han fic / headcanon (mostly fic) with his newly married wife ? thankies :)) ๏𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ๏𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 = like one sentence about sex. ๏1101 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 ๏𝘈/𝘕 = I finally finished this request and I slightly added my personal touch at the beginning. ๏𝘈/𝘕 2 = I tried to make Bi-han as similar as possible to the image I have of him, hope y'all and "Anon" like it ! I HAD SO MUCH TROUBLE WITH THIS POST OMG I WANNA CRY 🧍🏻‍♀️
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——— 𝐒 𝐎 𝐌 𝐌 𝐀 𝐈 𝐑 𝐄 • • •
𝐈 :: 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
𝐈𝐈 :: 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙚𝙙
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╰─► 𝐈 ・ 。゚☆ 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
⇰ Let's start with the beginning. Honestly I think there would only be two situations where he would get married. The first one ? A marriage of convenience, Bi-han would surely marry a woman of power, but not too much because he to be the powerful one, who could give him men for the Lin Kuei, even if he doesn't really like the idea of them not having Lin Kuei’s blood.
⇰ The second would be out of love, although love is a great mister for this man. I think you two would be childhood friends or something. The man he has become would certainly not be capable of creating such a bond so to have such a relationship with him you would have to have been there in his most distant memories.
⇰ If we follow the second option i believe that he would have developed a childhood crush that he would’ve kept hidden until adolescence when other men started to turn around you. Then he surely started showing others that they have no chance and that even if you don't know it, you will end up with him.
⇰ Bi-Han has always been possessive and jealous although he won't show it to you. He's not jealous of others or anything, but doesn't want anyone to touch you or your smile to be for anyone else. Moreover, he will always act in secret, not wanting, at first, to draw attention to what he feels.
⇰ You will probably have to take the first step because i clearly don't see that man pulling you aside to tell you that he has feelings for you. This ice cube on feet would a thousand times prefer to live with this secret rather than get turned down or have to be vulnerable with anyone, even you.
➽─────❥ The sun hadn't risen for a long time but the young children were all already up. The three brothers had to train which explained the fact that they were already awake but the young girl who accompanied them simply wanted to spend time with them and watch them.
Bi-Han, the eldest of the troop, didn't really like her presence which tended to disrupt their training. Tomas was always nervous under her gaze and Kuai Liang couldn't help but ask her if she wanted to practice a little with them or if she really didn't mind sitting like that. He couldn't stop himself but to snipe little remarks at his brothers or toughen up their exercises if he had the right to choose them.
Their training ended at lunch and the little troop decided to go for a walk before they were all called to go eat. Tomas and [Y/N] were having fun patting each other on the back of the head, although the young future assassin held back his pats which tended to annoy his friend.
Bi-Han watched them slightly annoyed by their idiocy but his gaze never left the girl. He didn't like their proximity and even if he didn't like games he would have preferred to be the one she bickered with. And at these thoughts he couldn't help but wince which alerted Kuai Liang who asked him if everything was okay.
—Everything is fine, just unwanted thoughts. he sighed.
Little did he know that these “unwanted” thoughts never left him.
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╰─►  𝐈𝐈 ・ 。゚☆  𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙚𝙙
⇰ I honestly don't think that his behavior would change, he would be proud to be able to call you his wife but when he loves someone, it's almost impossible, his feelings don't change over time. Yeah they increase over time but after a while they will remain the same, neither more nor less.
⇰ However during the honeymoon he will maybe be gentler than usual wanting everything to be perfect. He'll try to be a little more tactile and agree to one or two things he had always refused to do, like styling his hair the way you want or making a clay mask.
⇰ Once you return to the Lin Kuei your routine will not really change but he will more easily accept that you accompany him and will be proud to introduce you as his wife. He will not accept you being called anything else than "his wife" and will annoyingly correct anyone who makes a mistake.
⇰ Bi-Han will probably also want to start trying for a child. For him it is important that a Lin Kuei by blood, his son, takes over after his death. He refuses to let anyone else take care of his clan, just as he would have refused Tomas the title of Lin Kuei if given the choice today.
⇰ The sex will also change slightly at first. He will like to remind you that you are his forever now and will focus a little more on your pleasure and especially foreplay.
⇰ Before the wedding I don’t think that you would have a shared bedroom. So now that you live together full time he will be satisfied to come home, practically every night, and see you waiting for him.
⇰ The cryomancer doesn't want you to work, he prefers to have you warm, at home. He will certainly not be against the idea of you having activities although you will have to push a little at first. Now that you're married he always wants to know where you are and with whom to make sure you're safe.
⇰ He will surely ask one of his ninja to follow you discreetly and to know everything you do. In the evening he will come home as if nothing had happened and ask you to tell him about your day even though he already knows everything, from what you ate to when you woke up.
⇰ Even though he doesn't show it much Bi-Han has feelings for you and at night, when you're asleep, he'll whisper to you how proud he is that you're his wife.
➽─────❥His hand moved gently over her arm, although the coldness of his hand made her shiver. He had tried to slightly warm them before touching her not wanting to wake her but her body must surely have gotten used to his coldness over time which should have allowed her to sleep so soundly.
He kissed her shoulder before holding her against him. Bi-han always took several hours to fall asleep and liked to be sure she was safe before he relaxed or dared to close his eyes.
Then, on the verge of succumbing to Morpheus, the ninja nestled his face against her back and whispered in the softest way he could.
—I…love you my beautiful and clever wife… 
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clairesvalentine · 3 months
Hello! I have a request: SFW alphabet for Kuai Liang cause he doesn't get enough attention.
sfw alphabet — kuai liang
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note: i’m so sorry for disappearing!! life has been so so so hectic!! i’m back for the time being. also, i’m adding gta 5 to the games i’ll write for :) admin, i’m so sorry for the long wait! i hope you enjoy 🤍 this was really fun to do!!
warnings: none. just pure fluff 🫶🏼
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
kuai liang isn’t the most affectionate in public. he prefers to show his live through actions rather than words. while in public, he’d have a protective presence over you. if he feels like you’re in any danger, he’ll place his hand on your lower back or do whatever he can to watch over you.
however, in private he’s much more affectionate. he’ll gently place his hands on your waist if he has to pass by you. he loves placing soft kisses on any part of your body. whether it’s your shoulder or your cheek, he always wants you to feel appreciated.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
as a best friend, kuai liang is very loyal. you won’t ever have to fear that he’d betray you. if you need him, he’ll be there in an instant. he shows his appreciation by doing tasks for you, even the minor ones. he wants to show you that you can trust him.
you two always had a mutual respect for one another. after you were recruited by liu kang, he had kuai liang train you personally. the two of you grew to have a mutual respect with another. with that respect grew a romantic relationship.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
boy oh boy kuai liang absolutely enjoys cuddling, especially after a long and strenuous day. his cuddles are strong yet tender, making you feel safe in his arms.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
eventually kuai liang would like to settle down. there’s nothing more he would like than to start a family with the person he truly cares about. you guys have had conversations and it’s something that’s rather debated. you’d like to start a family, but with this war starting between his clan and bi-han’s, starting a family would now would not be the best time to do so.
kuai liang isn’t a neat freak per say, but he does tend to keep everything nice and tidy. he’s not at gordon ramsey’s level but he can cook well. he’s always willing to try something new and if he sees that you’re tired, he’ll take over while you rest.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
if kuai liang had to break things off with his partner he’d do it with utmost respect and honesty. he’d never want to hurt anyone intentionally, not if you were someone he deeply cared about. it would definitely be face to face, that way he’d be able to express himself better.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
kuai liang deeply values commitment and would not rush into marriage without being absolutely sure. after being betrayed by his bi-han, it’s hard to know when you can trust someone. you never really know who’s working on the other side.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
kuai liang is very gentle, both physically and emotionally. he understands the strength of his abilities and is always careful not to hurt you. he’d never forgive himself if he ended up harming you in any way.
emotionally, he is patient and understanding, ready to listen to you if ever need to vent or ramble about anything that’s bothering you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
kuai liang loves giving you hugs, as well as receiving them. though he mostly reserves them for special moments. his hugs are firm and comforting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
he would wait until he is one hundred percent sure before saying "i love you." he believes in the weight of those words and wants to ensure they are said sincerely and at the right moment.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
kuai liang doesn’t get jealous that easily, but when he does he tends to do little subtle things. for instance, he’s much more affectionate in public. he’d wrap his arm around you, pulling you as close to him as possible. this usually tends to happen whenever johnny tries to shoot his shot.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
kuai liang’s kisses are tender and deliberate, full of meaning. he likes to kiss you on your forehead, lips, and your shoulders. he enjoys being kissed on the neck, finding it comforting. though he also just likes feeling your lips against his.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
kuai liang is gentle and patient with children. He treats them with respect and enjoys teaching them new things. when he’s training children, he’s stern but patient. unlike bi-han, he treats his trainees like one of his own. training with the shirai ryu is no easy task. he wants his trainees to be the best they could be. children often feel safe and valued in his presence.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
morning with kuai liang are calm and structured. he likes having a good routine and often starts the day with some light exercise or meditation. on the days he isn’t training, he enjoys quiet mornings with you, sharing a cup of tea and conversation. if you’re still asleep, he will make sure that he leaves you some breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
nights with kuai liang are relaxed and peaceful. to unwind, he likes to lay beside you and listen to you ramble for hours until he drifts off to sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
kuai liang reveals things about himself slowly, preferring to build trust over time. he believes in sharing when the moment feels right. with bi-han betraying him and tomas, it's a bit hard to trust people. the fear of people ultimately betraying him in the end hits hard for him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
kuai liang is incredibly patient. it takes a lot for you anger him. however, his patience starts to run thin if he feels as if you're drawing at straws just to argue with him. even then, he'd never yell at you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
kuai liang is not one to forget anything about you. he wants you to know how much he appreciates you. from remembering your birthday to how you like your coffee in the morning. you are his person, he'd do anything to make you happy.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
his favorite moment with you would most likely be a quiet, intimate time spent together. one of this favorite moments with you would have to be when he took you to watch the sunset. it was your all time wish and he just had to grant it for you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
kuai liang is very protective, always looking out for his partner’s safety. with this war going on between his clan and bi-han's new one, he has to ensure that you're safe. whether it's by having you in his sight or by having tomas accompany you, he wants to ensure that you're okay. however, in the off chance that something does happen to you, he will most definitely go after the person to hurt you. for kuai liang, he appreciates being protected emotionally, knowing his partner has his back. loyalty is definitely a big one for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
kuai liang puts a lot of effort into everything he does, especially when it comes to his partner. dates, anniversaries, and gifts are planned thoughtfully. he pays a bunch of attention to what his partner likes and values.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
though he does try his best to spend his time with you, he does get involved with his work too heavily. with the war against his brother, he has to train his clan to be ready for anything. another one of his "ugly" traits would be his tendency to internalize his stress and emotions, sometimes making it hard for him to open up when he’s struggling. he might also be overly critical of himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
kuai liang is moderately concerned with his appearance. he believes in presenting himself well but he doesn’t obsess over it too much. his main focus is on being disciplined and maintaining his physical condition.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
ABSOLUTELY!! you are his entire world. you bring a different kind of balance in his life. without you, he doesn't have that structure or balance.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
kuai liang knows how to play the flute. that's it. that's the tweet. like c'mon!! this man has some musical bone in his body, i'm telling you rn
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
he HATES dishonesty and betrayal. in a partner, he values integrity, kindness, and loyalty. he can't be in a relationship where he doesn't trust his partner.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
kuai liang is a light sleeper and often wakes up early. in case of an attack, he has to be up and ready to fight. he prefers to sleep on his back or side.
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valyrra · 11 months
Hi there! Thanks for the follow ❤️ I rlly like your blog!
Can I request headcanons on Kuai Liang proposing and getting married to fem!reader?? I feel like he would be soo romantic
I'm so sorry I took so long ;_; I'm a bit insecure about writing him specifically cause I don't know what a healthy relationship is.
I love your blog too! Thank you so much! 🩵🩵🩵
Kuai Liang x Reader
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- Kuai Liang is smooth. So smooth it is borderline cheesy.
- Though I believe you could see how greatly his gaze changes when he decides to finally make a move his heart aches for.
- Would shower you with gifts, making sure you won't even think of denying him ❤️
- Kuai Liang is the man who will pick out the most beautiful place before getting down on one knee. And I think he would do it in the nature. Near some lake where moon shines beautifully on your gorgeous face.
- Only people you both trust are invited to your wedding. No exceptions.
- He whispers softly "Come'ere" before kissing you at the altar (hngggg I'm down bad for his voice lines)
After wedding:
- The man is the biggest green flag I've ever seen in the history of video games
- He's protective, yes. But not to an extent of Bi-Han. Kuai Liang is calm and confident, like fire. But that doesn't mean he won't burn everything that aims to hurt you.
- Probably would give you subtle signs how great will you be as a mother, trying to convince you to bear his child after your wedding itself
- He'd be so kind and soft with you, making the time after the wedding seem like a heaven.
- I have a headcanon he's God at cooking. Idk. You cant change my mind
- Though you two would try to keep your marriage a secret for protection reasons - he'll make sure you know who do you belong to.
- He doesn't have trust issues. Kuai Liang knows his powers and he knows that he can probably fight off everyone just for you.
- Right as well as you would never even think he'll ever lay eyes on another woman as he stares at you.
- Kuai Liang would never allow you to ever feel bad about your appearance, too. Be prepared to be showered in compliments!
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mktrashheap · 8 months
Lin Kuei brothers and a taller s/o. M! reader.
Height was the first thing he noticed, even before your fighting abilities and he'll not hide that fact.
He's not blind to beauty and strenght, but what will be the deciding factor is how he's treated.
Be kind to him. Patience and understanding is key.
Tall, strong, handsome and is kind to him? Marriage material.
He has neither the time nor the inclination to be in a relationship that will go nowhere. Wants you to be part of the Lin Kuei and marry him.
Likes to spar with you. Wants you to be the best and is also a way to spend time together.
He's a Grandmaster, he can't indulge in displays of affection, not that he has the time nor the inclination to.
However, he'll take whatever opportunity to spend quality time. It wounds him that he can't enjoy his beloved as he would like.
Hold him and kiss the top of his head. He won't say a thing, but he looks forward to it.
Likes to boast about you. A lot.
Bi-Han would never settle for someone any less than what he deems perfect and once he finds his one and only, he's full of it and is absolutely boastful.
His husband is glorious and most importantly, his. The rest can cope and seethe.
Has a preference for sleeping resting his head on your chest. Why? Because after a day of demands and stress, it's where he relax. It's the best place to get his hair played with, it's soothing to hear his beloved heartbeat, it's warm.
Kuai Liang:
Unlike Bi-Han, he doesn't care that much for height. Sure he appreciates it, but height in of itself isn't what's going to win him over.
Will find enjoyment on it though. A lot of it.
Likes to be embraced in private. Hug him from behind and leave no space between the two of you. He'll gladly welcome it like you're his own personal sweater. Makes him an itsy bitsy warmer.
Accidently rubs his butt against you. Plays dumb about it.
Will use training as an excuse to climb you like a tree.
Don't get him wrong, he'll train pretty seriously because gods forbid something takes his boyfriend from him. But he likes to have some silly fun from time to time.
He's sleeping over you. During the day he seldom has time for himself, much less to spend with his man, so at least when it's time to sleep he wants to.
Since his boyfriend is bigger than him, he can sleep upon him without worrying he's going to crush him and that's exactly what he'll do.
Sorry, this is the rule.
What can he do? To him, you're the most comfortable place to sleep. Even more so when you're so kind to pass your hands on his back. Liang will find a comfortable position and he's out.
It's like sleeping with a weighted blanket. A warm, heavy blanket that won't let you get up before it does.
You won the genetic lottery and the love one, this guy is a keeper. Congratulations.
Earthrealm giant power couple.
He's glad there's someone taller than him tbh. Given his Czech origin, he's not that phased by height per say, but since moving, he's often the odd one out because of it. It serves him fine for his work line and he's proud of his physique, but it's uncomfortable to be on the spotlight wherever he goes.
He now gets to have someone to be uncomfortable with!
He's a little shit though. His boyfriend will hear EVERY tall pun and joke in existance, Tomáš is living for it.
Be patient. Life dealt shitty cards to him, he deserves the joy.
Won't mind if you get back at him in private. Will do it even more.
However, doesn't appreciate other people making puns.
Oh, you're sparring with him. Life is out to get him and he wants your skills the sharpest. Also, there's few people more qualified than him for it.
Likes to be close and in private, likes to cuddle.
Likes even more to kiss while sitting on your lap. Tomáš is a big guy himself, he doesn't get to have a chance like that easily so he'll take full advantage of it.
Will adapt to whatever are his boyfriend's preferences, but if he has his way, he'll be the little spoon. It feels comforting, loving and safe to him.
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wonder-mei · 7 months
Letting Life Lead Part 2 (MK1 Bi-han)
Reminder: this is not lore accurate to the Mortal Kombat universe. I write because they're hot. I also do not have a beta reader or I read my fanfic from top to bottom to see any errors. I'm lazy okay.
I forgot to include an idea in the previous fan fic so here’s a sequel. Consume it well.
Ever since she was a teen, many of her friends and girls around her age got into relationships with people they were interested in. Some until it led to marriage and some broke up. And from that she learned; not everyone can have happily ever after with their first love or when someone thinks their partner is the one. 
But there is one conversation her friends always frown upon. Arranged marriage. They said it is too out of time and unethical because of how it won’t give that person no choice to defy. When the rumour of her getting arranged with the oldest son of the Lin Kuei clan grandmaster. Her friends sent her condolences which she understands because everyone describes Bi-han is as cold as his cryo power and very stern to be the best for his clan. 
And they were all wrong. Very wrong about him. 
The wife of Bi-han turns her head towards the door slides and her husband enters with his arms on his back hiding something. “Welcome home” she greets with a smile and drops the brush she has been using for hours on the wooden table in their room “What’s that?” 
Bi-han approaches her and places a box wrapped in cloth on the table. She curiously unfolds then opens the box and reveals her favorite sweets inside. She smiles cheekily at Bi-han “Your Po Po won’t like this” even with that word she eats them anyway.
Just this evening before the maids cook lunch she requested for her favorite sweet but out of nowhere Bi-han’s grandmother came into the kitchen “You cannot eat that food! They are unhealthy”
She then came into their bedroom with a frown in her face “What’s wrong?” Bi-han asked but she didn't answer,one of her quirk when she is upset. Bi-han sighs leaving his wife alone to soothe her emotion off alone as she is comfortable to do it on her own alone. He went to the maids asking what happened to his wife and it was his grandmother once again being strict with her wife. 
Now Bi-han can now be at ease seeing his wife eating the food she craves today. He caresses her head as she eats. He then holds the paper she wrote a poem on, a talent of hers. She writes her thoughts and nature as her hobby. It reads;
The sun arise at dawn,
And the moon moves away for it to shine,
Even the sun is brighter than the moon,
The moon is still there for the sun,
Even it is not a star,
Giving light to earth,
The moon will be by the sun’s side,
Nonetheless and forever.
Bi-han smiles as he reads the poem. He stands up to put it on the wall with the other poems. His wall used to be blank and nothingness and now the walls are covered with poetry she had written. Even the poem she dislikes, he still stick them on the wall saying ‘Still written with your heart’
After she finished eating. They both sleep for the night together. And the morning came, they both ate breakfast together. The grandmother came in to join too. “Young lady, I told you to wear Beizi! It is the clan’s tradition for the women to wear Beizi everyday” she nags pointing at her Aoqun attire.
Bi-han sighs, gripping his fists under the table. His wife is pouting again at the nagging “I told her to wear Aoqun today”, he said with a gruff. The grandmother scowls in annoyance. His grandson is backing up his wife again as he always does. The old lady left the couple alone. The wife hugs his arm as a Thank You. Bi-han knows she is fond of wearing Beizi as her daily attire every day. Bi-han would occasionally back up his wife in whatever situations. 
“You have been married to her for 6 months and she is still not pregnant. It seems like she is useless!”
“It is my decision to not have a child now”
“Why is she not wearing blue? She is your wife and it’s symbolized she is your property”
“I told her to wear that”
“A married woman shouldn’t walk around the village!”
“I made her to walk outside”
“She still acts like a child! She’s very childish”
“I will teach her”
But he didn’t. He let her be herself. Bi-han understands that she is his wife but she is still young and has a lot of experiences to discover for her curiosity. She can still hangout with her friends or play with the clan’s kids. Even though she was given a lot of freedom, she still respected him as her husband and set her own limit for his comfort. 
What are the odds, a man as cold as Bi-han is the greatest husband every woman wishes for. Her friends are jealous that her husband worships her like a deity and loves her as her own. From fear to adoration the women view Bi-han but he won’t even take a glance at them. He already has his wife who sees good in him just from the first glance they shared. No judgement in her eyes,only acceptance.
P.S: i don't know how to write poem so i'm sorry if it's bad lol
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
[MK1] Bi-Han & Kuai Liang. Good brother? Evil brother? Nah, just different reactions to trauma, part 4
part 1, part 2, part 3
Sources provided a clear difference how brothers felt about their father. For Kuai Liang, the man was a cherished parent AND authority figure he built his life around. For Bi-Han, father (and mimicking him grieving Scorpion) was a source of frustration and limitation he did not agree with. Bi-Han and Tomas definitely had a more complex relationship with their father than Kuai Liang did.
So far, we got only little bits in regard to mother and her influences on brothers and Lin Kuei politics but enough to see how Sub-Zero and Scorpion’s relationship with her differ from how they felt about father.
Before I will dwell on those relationships I would like to point out a small detail noticed during my research: so far there is no direct mention that the mother was in fact a wife of Grandmaster. She is either referred to as a mother or parent - which makes sense, because her importance is related to the brothers, not to their father, so it would be weird if Bi-Han, Tomas or Kuai Liang talked about her as the “wife of Grandmaster”. At the same time, the lack of implication of marriage bond between mother and father[1] and how she is refered feels similar to the obscure reference from original timeline:
Born in America, Sub-Zero was the oldest of three children, which included a brother and sister. Their mother wanted a normal life for her sons, who had already been chosen by the Lin Kuei to become warriors for the clan. She tried in vein to hide them from their father whose own life in America was only a cover for his true identity and purpose. Eventually they were found and their father returned with them to his homeland. Their mother and sister were never seen or heard from again. (x)
Due to this, I decided to not describe her as the wife or supposed wife of Grandmaster and stick just to provided by sources terms of mother, parent and Lin Kuei fighter - so in advance sorry for repetition of those words. At the same time, this specific way of including the mother in Bi-Han, Tomas and Kuai Liang’s story creates a possibility of a more complicated family relationship, both between brothers and their parents or between the mother and father alone. And as a result the whole Lin Kuei inner politics, as we already have a hint of its complexity due to Cyrax and Sektor's loyalty to Sub-Zero threatening Kuai Liang’s birthright to the title of Grandmaster.  Keeping it in mind, here are some of my thoughts and conclusions about the mother and her sons. 
Let’s start with Kuai Liang. There is no doubt he respected and deeply cared for father’s teaching. As I hopefully proved in the previous part, there is a solid reason to think that the loss of a cherished parent affected Scorpion to the point that grief influenced his behavior (mimicking father) and in result, relationship with brothers (barely talking with them if it didn’t involve father or tradition up to Sub-Zero’s betrayal). He expressed a burning anger at Bi-Han for letting their father die.
Kuai Liang doesn’t seem to have the same emotional bond with mother. 
Sindel: Both your parents were excellent fighters. Scorpion: I can only hope to live up to their example.
Like yes, he will acknowledge Sindel’s opinion and hope to be good as his parents but that is like the only one time we hear him saying anything about mother - and even then, she is mentioned alongside the cherished father. 
Mind you, this is solely my impression, but this intro reminds me of film scenes in which a character is told by others about a parent they had never had the chance to meet or know too well. It may be a wrong impression, but there is something about Kuai Liang’s response that makes me wonder how old he was when mother died and if he lost a parent at a young age, did it fuel his deep dedication to father as there was no other authority figure to influence him as a person?
Granted, both Kuai Liang and Bi-Han never bring mother first in their intro dialogues - what A) says a lot about their upbringing and B) differs from some mentions of father. But in Scorpion’s intro there is hardly anything truly personal about his bond with mother, or her personal feelings on Lin Kuei duty, especially when compared to those focused on the previous Grandmaster.
In contrast, we have interaction between Tomas and Bi-Han:
Smoke: If Mother were alive -- Sub-Zero: She would applaud my actions.
Tomas and Bi-Han may have a different idea of how mother would react to their brotherly conflict, but both talk about her in a more personal way. Tomas invokes her the same way he brings father into discussion:
story mode: "Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest."
Sub-Zero: You were never truly one of us. Smoke: Were Father here, he would disagree.
So we can assume mother had an impact on Tomas as he respected her as an authority figure similar to father. Alternatively, he thinks Bi-Han is more likely to listen about mother than anything he will say about their father. 
The letter part would be an interesting parallel between Tomas and Bi-Han, because Smoke himself is implied to grow up without a father or not being close to his biological parent - when talking about his original family Smoke directly mentioned so far only mother and his twin sister.
Also, the same as happened with father in intro dialogues, Kuai Liang and Tomas do not talk about their Lin Kuei mother. Scorpion claimed that Tomas never mention his biological mother and sister:
Scorpion: You never speak of your mother and sister. Smoke: Their ghosts no longer haunt me, Kuai Liang.
but as the other intro dialogues proved, Tomas does talk about them directly and indirectly with some characters, 
like Kitana,
Smoke: My sister was my twin. Kitana: How it must have hurt to lose her.
Tanya (priestess warrior) 
Smoke: After losing my family, I lost my faith. Tanya: It's the only thing that can sustain you, Tomas.
and Liu Kang (Fire Lord who may be responsible for their death)
Liu Kang: I cannot bring back your family, Tomas. Smoke: You can't or you won't?
Like I said before, it is impossible to tell for sure about which mother, biological or adoptive, Smoke was speaking, but as he claimed Li Mei resemble him mother
Li Mei: I remind you of your mother? Smoke: No-nonsense and tough as nails, just like her.
I personally assume he meant the adoptive one, as according to Smoke’s ending he lived with the Lin Kuei family for around 15 years. Logically thinking he would have more clear memories of her than about the biological parent he lost in childhood. We of course have no idea when - and how - his Lin Kuei mother died, but if I’m right in my assumption, then Tomas is providing vital insight into what kind of person she was. As Tomas said, a tough and no-nonsense woman and that fits perfectly the image of an excellent Lin Kuei fighter, because frankly, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang easily fit that description too. As presumably, the majority of Lin Kuei warriors. 
Another thing to note, the adoptive mother is not identified by Tomas with kindness, comfort or warmth or anything most people usually associate mothers with. This of course does not mean his adoptive mother didn’t love him or was a bad parent but may give us an idea what it felt to grow up in a clan primarily focused on training warriors. A purpose that definitely affected how people interacted with each other and what was expected from children. 
However the most interesting thing about Tomas considering Li Mei to be similar to adoptive mother is the fact that from all possible female fighters, he identifies mother with a woman forced into and shaped by Umgadi system of servitude but who found her true purpose outside said system. 
Kitana: Resuming your old role is a waste of material. Li Mei: Being First Constable is my first, best destiny.
Liu Kang: I hear the Umgadi want you back. Li Mei: I prefer to remain First Constable.
And this finally led me to the eldest brother and Sub-Zero’s statement that mother “would applaud me”.
Bi-Han outright claims mother would be proud of him and logically thinking, supportive of his choices. Which is a drastic contrast to how he perceives father as he did call the man a fool that doomed Lin Kuei.
And here comes an important thing: though sources barely provide us an idea who Bi-Han’s mother was in original timeline - a Lin Kuei herself who knew what lay ahead of her sons already chosen by the clan or just a woman that was unlucky to meet and have three children with an assassin working undercover in America - she was literally the only person that tried to give Bi-Han and Kuai Liang a normal, safe life. This woman, whoever she was, challenged a powerful assassin clan to save her two sons and daughter and was presumably killed alongside the daughter by Bi-Han’s father. This definitely affected Bi-Han’s worldview and interestingly, the sources have never implied Sub-Zero had any strong emotional ties with his father. 
Mythologies Sub-Zero’s backstory mentions only Bi-Han and Kuai Liang being kidnapped against mother’s will, that cryomancy was passed down to Bi-Han from father, that he took his place and mantle when the man died and that is basically all we know about their relationship. 
Between brothers, it is always Kuai Liang to mention other male members of their family with respect, as can be seen with new timeline Scorpion and alternative timeline Kuai Liang:
Sub-Zero: I disown you in every way. Noob Saibot: Then disown my name, 'Sub-Zero'. Sub-Zero: The name was Grandfather's first.
Sub-Zero: Grandfather? Sub-Zero: Defeat me to earn my mantle. Sub-Zero: You honor me with your kombat.
despite the possibility that said Grandfather may be the one that kidnapped brothers to enroll them into the Lin Kuei clan, while Bi-Han as a Noob Saibot was the one bringing their mother, even if just to be sarcastic/ironic:
Noob Saibot: You disappoint me. Sub-Zero: The feeling is mutual, brother. Noob Saibot: Mother would be so proud.
and on two separate occasions talked to Jacqui about her mom that passed shortly before MK11’s events:
Noob Saibot: Vera's soul calls you. Jacqui: Keep mama's name out your mouth, Revenant! Noob Saibot: Revenant? I am Wraith!
Noob Saibot: Return to your mother's arms. Jacqui: She's dead, asshole. Noob Saibot: And her soul is mine.
and isn’t it a surprisingly similar thing to current timeline Bi-Han talking to Kitana and Mileena about their dead mother?
And yes, Liu Kang’s timeline is a fresh start and a lot of things have changed but some elements seem to repeat themselves, whether the Keeper of Time agrees with it or not. Which is why I think mother - and her fate - again deeply influenced Bi-Han, the same as he was influenced in the original timeline by her desperate attempt to save him and Kuai Liang from Lin Kuei bondage. 
Bi-Han claimed mother would applaud his action, so she may herself feel resentment for Grandmaster’s idea of tradition and duty to Earthrealm and that resentment was passed down to her eldest son. Alternatively, it was her death that made Sub-Zero question both the nature of the relationship between Lin Kuei and Fire Lord and his father’s wisdom.
This leads me to another detail that may not be intentional on NRS’s part but it is repeated through the sources. The same as mother is never said to be the wife of Grandmaster - what admittedly is the most logical assumption for a traditional (patriarchal) clan as a way to secure the line of legal heir from proper marriage  - the decision of adopting Tomas was made solely by Grandmaster. And so we have:
Smoke’s bio: As a boy, Smoke lived to hunt with his family. Their final hunt, however, ended in tragedy. Having accidentally trespassed onto Lin Kuei lands, they were attacked. Smoke was orphaned. Ashamed by his warriors' actions, the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster adopted Smoke. He raised him alongside his sons, Sub-Zero and Scorpion.
Kitana: You are Kuai Liang's adopted brother? Smoke: His father's honor demanded that he take me in.
Reptile: Lucky for you, Kuai Liang's father took you in. Smoke: It didn't feel that way at the time.
Bi-Han, story mode: Mind your place, Tomas. Father may have taken you in, made you one of us… but your blood will never be Lin Kuei.
As I talked before about Bi-Han and Tomas forced brotherhood on different occasion it struck me how the adoption resolved mainly around father’s selfish reasons like saving his honor and erasing the feeling of guilt rather the boy’s safety and emotional health. There is something truly disturbing about forcing a child to be part of clan that murdered his family over a trivial matter. But there is also something disturbing about how the mother had no say in the adoption of Tomas, as there isn’t any hint the man consulted that with her. Now, it is understandable that in a very traditional (patriarchy) clan the father, as the Grandmaster and head of his family, could make decisions without consultation with others, including his own wife or children. But usually people who love or at least mutually respect each other discuss the vital matters before making decisions whose consequences will have such a great impact on their and their children’s life. Adopting a child, so greatly traumatized and from totally foreign culture, is something that should be a joint decision of father and mother if both were supposed to raise said kid alongside their own. In that regard the father comes off badly, not only by how sources made his reasoning selfish (“his honor demanded”, “Ashamed by his warriors' actions”, “father wanted us to be brothers”) but also how uncaring he was toward the mother of his children, especially compared to Sindel and Jerrord. 
We have no idea if Bi-Han’s father and mother were in love or were forced into a relationship by demands of tradition, maybe even through arranged marriage. But we have Sindel that though married Jerrord as a means to ensure peace, 
Sindel's Bio: When Sindel ascended to Outworld's throne, she worried that she was ill-prepared. Adding to her stress: her impending arranged marriage to Jerrod, an Outworld noble. Forced into it to placate a rebellious region, Sindel could only pray that he was worthy. To Sindel’s delight, Jerrod proved an ideal partner. 
she was loved, respected and supported by her husband and the feeling was mutual.
So far there is little suggesting Bi-Han’s mother had any real influence over Lin Kuei’s politics or that Grandmaster sought out her advice. She is not called the wife of Grandmaster, a title suggesting some high social position and so far only Sindel's remark gives us any idea what her role in clan could be. Liu Kang and Scorpion do not bring her dedication to Earthrealm and duty as a counterargument to Bi-Han’s resentment the way they talk about previous Grandmaster’s teaching and wisdom. She is pretty much removed from the picture and only Sindel and Tomas bothered to mention her at all. Sindel by praising Kuai Liang’s both parents as excellent fighters and Tomas by recalling her authority - the only one that Bi-Han seems to agree with, as according to him reclaiming Lin Kuei independence is what would please his mother.
If Tomas and Bi-Han have such a different idea of mother, the first question coming to mind is which brother speaks truth and which one is delusional. However I think that is not right question, because mother could not to speak about her desire to gain independence for Lin Kuei with Tomas - not because she didn’t love or accept the boy as her own, but because the orphan, as not born into clan, could not understand fully the Lin Kuei situation. Especially not when little Tomas was mourning the killed family and not when it became clear he and adoptive father became close. 
Another thing worth to examine is the possibility that Bi-Han, consciously or not, also associates Li Mei with his mother, as 
he clearly respect her, a former Umgadi turned into First Constable, more than Tanya, the current leader of priestess warriors:
Sub-Zero: No one in your order can defeat a Lin Kuei. Tanya: A nescient boast which is easily disproven.
Sub-Zero: Mileena sends a bodyguard, not a warrior? Tanya: Underestimate me at your peril, Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero: I hear your skills are formidable. Li Mei: As are those of all who have been Umgadi.
he encourages Li Mei to stop serve Royal Family and govern themselves
Sub-Zero: Your constables could also govern. Li Mei: We are sworn only to protect and serve.
something he usually does not do, as Sub-Zero has no interest in people outside Lin Kuei.
I’m painfully aware there is not enough source material to have clear conclusions and many of my thoughts are based on guesswork and comparative analysis. That said, I do think that as death of father deeply influenced Kuai Liang, the same happened with Bi-Han when their mother presumably was killed on duty. We have no idea what is the age gap between brothers, however I do think that Kuai Liang, as the younger brother, could not have a chance to know their mother well so all his devotion was focused on the living parent that raised him. If the mother personally wished for or actively supported Lin Kuei independence, she could do so as a way to ensure her children will have a better life than endless servitude, the same way the original timeline incarnation tried to save her sons from servitude to the assassin clan. In that case, Bi-Han was raised with an additional influence that shaped his mindset about his duty to clan above duty to Liu Kang and Earthrealm. If mother’s death was somehow the fault of Grandmaster and/or Fire Lord, as in, they sent her on ill-fated mission, it could be the origin of Bi-Han’s resentment against both men. 
There is much more to say about the conflict between tradition vs independence and I for sure will talk about that soon, but the next part will be focused on POWER.
[1] Alternative timeline seems the closest to presenting Bi-Han and Kuai Liang’s parents as the “normal family” as both look devastated when their children were kidnapped by Lin Kuei.
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At the same time, MK11’s intro dialogues of Sub-Zero and Noob suggests their grandfather was once a Sub-Zero himself, with raises a question how much their parents were aware of danger from the assassin clan and if any of them were a Lin Kuei themselves.
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stellasworks · 11 months
Bi-Han x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, arranged marriage, Bi-Han being mean :(, character death, arguing, possible triggers for anyone with an ED (mentions of malnourishment).
A/N: I’m so sorry if this doesn’t really make a lot of sense, I will admit it’s been sooo long since I’ve written a genuine x reader fic. But I hope to improve in the future. 🫶🏻
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Being the wife of a cold-hearted grandmaster was not ideal.
Often he would come home, pay you no mind, eat, then go to bed. It’s a very common occurrence, one that you loathed.
But yet.
You loved him.
You don’t know what it was about him, maybe it was his determination, or his stoic nature, maybe it was just how handsome he is. You never knew.
You two didn’t sleep in the same room. You, unfortunately, remember the talk you two had about it like it was yesterday.
Your clan had arranged for you to marry Bi-Han due to the clan lacking status and respect, so they made an agreement with the Lin Kuei. You’d marry the eldest brother, Bi-Han, who’d soon be the grandmaster because of the recent grandmaster, their fathers death in order to not only gain respect but to gain the strength of the Lin Kuei being in their corner.
Having fully moved in to the Lin Kuei temple, you had wondered about your room. So you thought to ask Bi-Han.
You found him training his members, you had stopped to watch him train them for a bit before calling out to him. He stopped the session and walked over to you.
“What do you need, I’m in the middle of something.” He said coldly
It caught you off guard at first, his rude tone, but you left it be. “I was wondering about where I’d be sleeping, considering there are so many rooms I can only assume I’m sleeping with you in your room-“ He cut you off, scoffing in annoyance.
“No. You’ll have your own room.” He said, you looked at him in disbelief.
“My own room..? But we are married are we not? We should at least sleep in the same bed Bi-Han.”
Your brow furrowed “Excuse me?” You asked.
“You are to call me Grandmaster, not by my name. You’ve not earned the respect to call me by such familiarities.” He said, finding no remorse for being so rude.
“You are more concerned with me calling you by your professional title than where your wife is sleeping at night..?” You asked.
He scoffed once more and shook his head slightly almost as if he was speaking to a child he was disappointed in. “In the public eye, you are my wife, but here? You are nothing more than another occupant living in this temple. Our relationship is strictly business related. Nothing more, do not think of it as anything else.”
You went silent, you’ve never met someone so cruel.
“My mistake.” You said in a snippy tone. You attempted to walk away before he grabbed your wrist, you didn’t turn to face him you just listened.
“You will treat me with respect.” He said demandingly
“Then you will earn it.” You replied. You then walked away, you didn’t speak to him for the rest of that day.
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You had come down from your room, having just woke up, and as soon as you arrived downstairs you spotted Bi-Han and his brothers Kuai Liang and Tomas, getting prepared for something. You had walked over to the brothers and asked what was going on. Bi-Han didn’t even look at you before Kuai Liang spoke.
“We have received orders from Liu Kang, we are preparing to head to Outworld to help find Shang Tsung. We will be gone for a while.” He said.
You became increasingly upset but kept a level head.
“Why was I not told about this beforehand?” You asked, more so directed towards Bi-Han.
“Because it does not concern you.” Bi-Han spoke.
“It most definitely concerns me! You are my husband, and whether you like to acknowledge it or not I love you and I care for your brothers! I should be told important thing like this! What if something happens to one of you and I didn’t know?” You asked getting exceedingly frustrated.
Kuai Liang knew where this was about to go, so he took Tomas and left the room.
“There is no one to blame but yourself for loving me, you are well aware I do not feel the same, so do not think you can raise your voice at me just because we are married. The sole purpose of our relationship is business. Nothing else. You cannot possibly be so naive as to-“ You cut him off from his tangent
“I am not naive! I am not a child so stop treating me as such! I refuse to believe that you are genuinely this cold and mean and ruthless all because you are grandmaster and you have a certain reputation to keep up!” You raised your voice at him once more watching him freeze in disbelief, not in disbelief that you were speaking to him like this but in disbelief that you were finally expressing your true feelings to him.
“You cannot possibly tell me you do not feel an ounce of love for me! I refuse to believe it!” You said.
“If you truly do not feel anything for me I want you to say it. Say it and I will leave you be, I won’t speak to you, I won’t bother you anymore. I will relieve you of the burden that is my presence.” You said, hoping that something would change in his heart to make him realize that he loved you.
oh.. how naive.
He walked up to you. Look you dead in your eyes.
“I feel nothing for you. You are nothing to me but an inconvenience. I did your clan a favor, and yet somehow I am met with the biggest burden of it all.” He said.
You looked down from him and stood there for a moment, you felt your heart break and felt tears streaming down your face, yet no crying was heard. You’ve reached your breaking point.
You turned and headed up stairs back to your room. Soon after Bi-Han left with his brothers.
You laid in your bed and cried, soon after falling asleep.
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You woke up feeling ill. You had a fever, and you felt your heart racing. You attempted to walk out of your room, to the medic of the Lin Kuei.
You got half way down the hall but soon collapsed on the floor. You felt weak. You yelled out for help, soon after two Lin Kuei members found you and helped you to the medics office. Once you arrived, the medic saw how pale and sweaty you were almost as if you had seen a ghost. He acted quickly and did all that he could. This illness was difficult to identify, it would take weeks for him to properly detect was it was. Little did he know,
You didn’t have much time left.
The brothers had soon returned days later. Usually, when you were told about their missions, you’d quickly come downstairs to greet the brothers. But you were no where to be seen. This filled Bi-Han with a feeling of dread. But why? He did not love you, He didn’t even care for you so why was he feeling this anxious?
He was soon given a reason
The medic that had been treating you broke the news to Bi-Han and urged him to come quickly.
And there you were.
Your breathing was slowed, you were malnourished due to being unable to keep any food down. You were pale and looked visibly frail. He quickly kneeled by your side almost panicking, shakily grabbing your hand in both of his and holding it up to his forehead.
“What happened?!” Bi-Han raised his voice at the medic.
The medic explained that you were sick, and he’s doing his best to keep you alive but Bi-Han cut him off.
“Your best is clearly not enough!” He said, feeling himself getting choked up for the first time in years.
“I want the best doctor you can find in Earthrealm, I do not care who it is just get me them now.” He said to the medic, in order for him to reiterate the request to the others.
Bi-Han looked back at you, feeling tears fall down his face. He felt your hand moved gripping his own.
“Grandmaster?” You said in a raspy voice, almost above a whisper. Looking at him in a confused manner, why was he so worried about you all of the sudden?
“Y/n..” he looked at you with kind eyes yet scared eyes.
“What- what are you doing..?” She asks.
“The doctor told me you are unwell. When did this start?” He asked softly. This was not the Bi-Han you knew. This was someone completely different. Is this who he is capable of being?
“The day.. after you left.” You rasped out.
His breath hitched.
Was he responsible for this? For your weak state?
“I am sorry y/n.. I’ve been cruel to you. It’s always been uncalled for, you’ve only ever tried to show me who you are and how kind you can be. You’ve only ever meant well, and I pushed you away, I was.. afraid to admit my love for you, afraid to be vulnerable.” He said.
“Please, let me stay with you. Allow me to make up for my wrong doings however I can.” He begged.
You stared at him, then looked away from him ripping your hand away from his.
“No.” You said
“Y/n.. please-“
“No. You only notice my worth now that I’m weak and feeble? You notice my value now that I’m dying? You choose now to realize your love for me..?” You asked him.
“You made your choice. You said what you said and you cannot take that back. Just because you feel guilty now that I’m in this state, just because you feel liable for this, suddenly having a change of heart does not shift how you’ve treated me over the years. I’ve done nothing but beg for you to love me as I love you, I guess I truly am naive.” You laid your head down just wanting to rest for now.
He took this into consideration and left you be to rest.
Later that night he checked in on you, he approached the medics office where you had been resting. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked once more, no answer. He finally entered, sensing something was wrong. He saw you laying on the bed but something wasn’t right.
You weren’t breathing.
He ran to your side, and yelled asking for the medic.
The medic tried everything he could to revive you but it was no use. Bi-Han dropped to your side cradling your body in his arms as he angrily sobbed into your neck, he loved you. He loved you so much.
But that realization came far too late.
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lament4piligrim · 9 months
Frozen heart knows no pain
Arranged marriage AU, pre-MK1
Angst, No Comfort (at the beginning), Hate/Love, Jealousy
Before and after marriage Bi Han is in relationship
Brothers do love his partner (not legitimate wife, but they respect her)
Bi Han ignores (or try) his wife, while his partner tries at least befriend her
Wife is an excellent healer, but she hides her true powers because of an accident
Wife does not interfere in the relationship and avoids any contact with Bi Han, his partner and brothers
Her bestfriend is Sector
Character names are fictional, you can use your own
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If someone asked Bi-Han what, or rather who, he hated most in the world, he would have answered without a second thought: his own father.
He hid his hatred deep inside him, behind a mask of cool indifference, promising himself and his mother that none of his family would notice it. At least not until the right moment.
The eldest heir sought to become an unique Grandmaster, one that had never before existed in Lin Kuei. He spared neither himself, nor his brothers, nor his loyal warriors - since he was assigned to keep an eye on trainings, he toughened them up to bring out the most resilient and strongest who would become the backbone of his clan in the future.
The first benefits he tasted a few years later, when his mother's death and his father's cold "I'm sorry" didn't haunt him at night.
When the ice in his heart was melted by the warrior in whose eyes he saw stars and whose tinkling laughter captivated his mind.
She had joined Lin Kuei willingly, loving martial arts with all her heart that she had to run away from home because of her parents' prohibitions. She probably wanted to prove to herself and the world that she could protect herself and those she loved, that she was worthy of something more than just a young girl who was stuck in the village for good.
Bi Han thought that such a fragile and insolent girl had no place in Lin Kuei. She dared to contradict the words of the eldest heir and even more so to argue with him, finding it amusing. Not surprisingly, she quickly found favour with Tomas and Kuai Liang. Together, they never missed a moment to mock him. It was annoying as hell.
However, Bi Han couldn't help but notice the wounds and bruises on the girl's arms. The results of hard work and determination. The first thing he realised as he began to look at the girl differently.
He saw the way she agonised her body, balling her fists into bloody knuckles and clenching her teeth tightly as she broke bones. Saw her rise up, unwilling to admit defeat in practice fights. Saw her eyes shine with excitement when she would take down her opponent and then happily help him back to his feet with a satisfied smile. Her smile was like the sun that warmed on spring evenings.
And Bi Han realised that he was deeply in love with her.
He tried to change, to become more open… to let her into his world, to shield her from evil, to protect her at all costs. Only for her to smile at him, not expecting him to blame or criticise her.
He truly felt happy when she kissed him first. Shyly and awkwardly, standing on tiptoe and putting her hands on his broad shoulders. Her face was crimson with embarrassment, and yet she couldn't stop smiling foolishly, as if she had received the most precious gift.
It took a few more years before the whole of Lin Kuei was aware of the relationship between Bi Han and the fox (as they nicknamed the girl for her playful nature). Both weren't shy about showing how much they loved each other, and sometimes fought in public if they saw each other in strangers' company trying to flirt with them. Fox could even throw a tantrum, but Bi Han was skilfully able to suppress it by not letting the girl go all night.
His relationship with his brothers improved, thanks to her. They began to spend more time together, and Kuai Liang thanked fate for giving them Mingzhu.
The Lin Kuei warriors thought that nothing would shake this strong alliance. Even those who disliked Mingzhu didn't doubt it.
Things began to crumble when Grandmaster made the decision to marry Bi Han to the daughter of an important and close ally of the Lin Kuei.
Chapter 1
P.S. Probably I'd publish it in AO3. As I said, you can use your names for characters, or even put yourself in their place
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pitofpurple · 4 months
LMK Pride Headcannons
MK came out to Sun Wukong as gay and he was like “and?” Because he grew up in the Han dynasty where that stuff was completely normalized
In the future LMK takes place in Gay marriage is legal in China and not nearly as stigmatized
Redson is pansexual
DBK and PIF support Redson dating men but still want him to marry a woman so the family line can continue (basically they still work by ancient rules)
Mei is bi and jokes all the time about how she’d only date women if the allure of men wasn’t so strong
The first time Sun Wukong was asked his pronouns he was so confused so he googled it and proceeded to have a full on gender crisis
Ao Lie was a trans woman but she never got the opportunity to come out because of fear of ridicule from her family (who she already had a strained relationship with) so she delt with dysphoria by disguising as a human woman at every opportunity and making her voice higher in her regular human form
After learning more about trans people Sun Wukong realized Ao Lie was trans and felt a wave of grief and regret because she never felt safe enough to be herself
on a more light hearted note Pigsy and Tang used to go to pride events (film festivals, meetups, bike rides) all the time before adopting MK and people always thought Pigsy was a straight ally because he looks straight.
Now MK and Mei go to gay and lesbian bars together
Tang is Bisexual. He thought he was gay but then he found out about the wonders of strong, dominant women and everything changed
Pigsy is Queer. He doesn’t care to specify further label wise. I’m fact unless it comes up he doesn’t talk about it at all. MK didn’t even know until after he came out
Sandy is actually Aromantic and is perfectly content living alone with his cats in his boat (as long as he also has friends to visit)
Macaque found out what a gay was from one of his odd jobs and went “oh… dats me”
Speaking of, it took forever for Sun Wukong to find out but he’s actually gay, Demi-Romantic and asexual, gender is still a mystery to this day but he/him out of convenience.
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lynn-w3st · 6 months
Diet Mountain Dew
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Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Pairing: Kuai Liang x OC, Bi Han x OC (implied)
Alternative Universe MK1
Warning ⚠️: Past Toxic Relationship, Game Spoilers, Mention of Death, Mention of Blood.
The lovely oc Kimiko Hasashi belongs to my dear bestie @khaotic-kris. ❤️❤️🥰
Sorry if this came out very cringe 🥺 I tried my best but hope you guys enjoy this story.
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Kimiko Hasashi has always been a very bold, assertive and diligent personality and tends to be mischievous and hot headed like her father. In which many clansman in the Shirai Ryu clan would see her as very rebellious and aggressive.
Her fiery personality and fighting spirit had caught the attention of many suitors as one of them was the Grandmaster’s eldest son Bi Han.
He found Kimiko very attractive and beautiful in many ways but he wasn’t the only one attracted to her. The Grandmaster’s second son Kuai Liang had developed romantic feelings for her.
Since they both were old playmates before she was arrange into marriage with Bi Han at her eighteenth year birthday for the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu to have a very strong alliance.
Hanzo and Harumi Hasashi wanted their own daughter to focus on her training and career as a medical doctor since she has a passion of learning medicine and helping people out.
So both parties agreed that Kimiko would be married to Bi Han when she turns twenty three. Over the months, she and Bi Han started to try getting to know each other as they both are now betrothed to each other and will wed soon.
However, in those months of getting to know each other Bi Han began to change more as the recent death of his mother had taken a toll on him as he no longer was man she once knew.
Bi Han became very arrogant and cold towards Kimiko, as he would often verbally bully Tomas for not being Lin Kuei blood and how his father was a fool for adopting him into the family. Kimi would spend a lot of time in Fire Temple after she decided to pursue her medical career.
Her parents were supportive of her decisions and decided that she’ll focus on her own things for the time being. Bi Han could care less of what his soon to be wife does as he only cares about the Lin Kuei and gaining the respect they deserve instead of being shackled to a God.
Then it happened, years later his father died from unknown causes (Bi Han killed him) as Kimiko realized this was not the man she once fell in love with. Her and Bi Han would have very nasty arguments which led her to seek comfort from Kuai Liang who loved and supported her.
Even if she chose his older brother as her soon to be husband, Kuai Liang never stop loving her and would do anything to ensure her safety and happiness. Hanzo and Harumi began to cut ties with the Lin Kuei after their new Grandmaster began to do some unquestionable decisions.
“Was all this nothing, Bi Han!” Kimiko yelled as her soon to be husband who scoff and gave a scolding expression. “I don’t have time for any romantic relationships let alone marriage.” He said angrily as Kimiko clench her fist tightly.
“So the love you showed me was fake! I thought you were good man but I guess I got my hopes up to quickly.” Kimiko said angrily as Bi Han felt something break inside him as he watch his ex fiancée walk away from him but quickly turned back to his usual cold and vicious demeanor.
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So life continued on as Kimiko slowly began to distance herself from Bi Han and ignore him whenever he and his brothers would visit the Fire Temple or Wu Shi Academy. But she still spoke and hung out with Kuai Liang who was very supportive of her and was there for her.
She would often feel someone watching her every move as Kimiko knew that it was Bi Han. He watch in anger at how close her and Kuai Liang became over the years. He wish things would turn out differently but he can’t go back.
He watch from afar in anger and despair when his brother confess his love to Kimiko. She once belong to him but his ambition and pride drove her away and seek comfort from his brother.
“I love you Kuai Liang. I thought Bi Han would be a change man but he became a monster. I’m sorry for every pain I have caused you.” She said as she and Kuai Liang spoke privately after she, Kuai Liang and Tomas were casted as traitors.
“You don’t need to apologize, I’m here for you and I won’t leave you alone. I love you Kimi. You mean the world to me and my brother was a fool as he lost a beautiful and loving woman.” He said softy as he brought Kimiko into a hug.
“We will stop Bi Han and the Lin Kuei. Tomas, Riko and I are here to support you. I’m here for you and I will make sure that the Lin Kuei are stop.” He said as he gently kiss his wife before they sat in silence in each other’s arms. They will stop at nothing until Bi Han is defeated.
“How is she, mother?” Kimiko said softly as her mother place fresh new bandages on Riko who was injured very badly by Quan Chi. She had a large slash across her body and facial scarring.
Harumi Shirai sigh softly and gave her a sorrow expression. “She’s stable but she lost way too much blood. If you would’ve waited a bit long she wouldn’t have made it.” Her mother said.
Kimiko clenched her hands into a tight fist as her anger towards Quan Chi and Shang Taung intensified more as they hurt her little sister. Riko was family and means a lot of everyone mostly to Tomas who loves her unconditionally.
She watch in guilt and sadness at Tomas who held Riko’s hand tightly against his own cheek. Kimiko stood up and excuse herself to allow the two love birds some privacy as Riko means a lot to everyone especially to her brother-in-law.
As much as it hurts her to face Bi Han in battle, she won’t hesitate to spill blood to ensure the safety of others and will make sure he is stop.
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Hope you guys enjoy this story that I made, very sorry if it’s about an oc. I wanted to do something different. The yandere story has started being work on but it may take some time for me to finish it. I’m very sorry for the lack of content as life has been bullying me.
Please don’t hesitate to message me if you guys have any questions or concerns about anything. Your guys ideas and opinions are very much appreciated and mean a lot to me.
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lilacsandpetals · 11 months
First of all, I want to say thank you for making this beautiful fanfic Frozen Bloosom. It was almost perfectly written. I barely attached to any fanfics x readers before, especially from MK franchise. But When I discovered your writings, I was hooked up and couldn't stop re-reading all the parts. And this is the first time I have written my admiration for someone this long.
You described Bi Han accurately and fit the current situation. And you didn't force us (readers) to steal the spotlight or make us mary-sue-ish.
And I like that you gave us (the readers) a position as apprentice fighters in the Lin Kuei instead of making us the typical main characters who get miracles directly. You make us (the readers) humble individuals, willing to sacrifice for the sake of our family and the clan involved by marrying someone who doesn't seem to want us in the beginning. This is very relatable to life in the real world.
You successfully made this fanfic quite correlated with the timeline created by Liu Kang and not too contradictory. When I read it, in my headcanon, I felt that in his other timelines, Liu Kang deliberately made the marriage between the two clans happen so that there would be no more divisions and conflicts that would destroy the order of Earthrealm.
I feel like when you wrote it, Liu Kang chose us (the readers) to be Bi Han's redemption. Liu Kang aspires for us (the readers) so that one day we would be able to melt Bi Han's cold heart and prevent a major conflict in the earth realm or with his brothers.
Love takes time, and I like the process experienced by Bi Han and the readers. not too straightforward but also not too draggy. You didn't make Bi Han look 'simp' towards us, in fact, you created us to also make an effort to open Bi Han's heart and accept us as his partner.
I like how you keep our lore (the readers' lore) to a minimum so that we (the readers' lore) have the freedom to select and build our own OC lore (this may be due to my poor habit of shipping canonXheadcanoon or is it me who never read fanfic reader, but whatever).
The point is that I adore Frozen Bloosom. It's beautifully written and not forced.
Thank you much for the compliments, I really appreciate that 💖 I'm so happy that you've been enjoying my writing as well, and I appreciate you leaving such kind comments 💕💙💕
Yeah I tried to write Bi-Han as carefully as I could and I try to keep a balance of him and the reader for each chapter. Initially I was worried about how Bi-Han might come off because my main knowledge of him comes from MK1. I played the other MK games here and there but I don't remember too much.
I tried to make the reader's position as nuanced as I could. I didn't want to make them seem like they came off as perfect right from the start. I wanted some development throughout the story. I usually prefer flawed or complex reader x character stories so I'm glad that's the vibe it gives off. Plus I'm a sucker for characters caught in an arranged marriage they aren't thrilled about.
I like that headcanon of yours! And yes that's why I tried to set it as an AU for the MK1 timeline. In my mind, it would make it harder for Bi-Han to turn towards a darker path.
Yesss I love slow burn romances so I definitely wanted to make sure I portrayed that correctly. It takes two to make a relationship work so it was important for me to show that evolution of effort on both ends. Balancing the line of not moving along too fast and not dragging it can be a bit difficult, so hopefully I can keep up that balance :)
Mhm I try to keep the reader's background minimal so it's easier for them to self-insert or insert an OC, etc.
Again, thank you much for reading. 💕✨💕✨
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The Cassie dialog about being a lesbian makes me so sad, I know Sonya didn’t meant it like that but I’m sure she has said weird stuff about it before
With that I do also feel bad for Johnny because in my head he was a repressed bisexual so I imagine they had a similar situation when Sonya was confused and assuming the worst and yeah
Oh Johnny is 100% bisexual. He's been out for years but bc he dates women more often everybody just kind of ignores it.
Sonya was trying but couldn't really shake how weird she found it, so Johnny went back into the closet during their marriage, which is part of why they divorced.
She's gotten better, like she doesn't want to be homophobic and she is putting the work in, it's just really slow going bc it's so ingrained (and maybe she's got some repressed queerness too that she ain't ready to face so that's slowing her down)
Bi-Han and Sareena despise Sonya bc of that as not only has she made their favorite niece's life a living hell rn but also she's the cause of a lot of Johnny's insecurities around his sexuality that still rear their heads in their relationship
Bi-Han is actually the first man Johnny has dated or even allowed himself to acknowledge an attraction too since Sonya, and Johnny can be surprisingly shy when they're together.
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 10 months
So, I'm planning on writing a reader-insert arranged marriage fic for Bi-Han and I'm curious as to when in the story I should write it. Above are two options:
Pre-MK1 - this option is for those who would like it to be before the start of Mortal Kombat 1. This means the angst and betrayal come with it.
Post MK1 - an option I'm working around that fits into the story after the game and the next arc. Since leaks have come out that Bi-Han becomes Noob and his brother tries to save him by having Liu Kang revert him, I want to write a reader who is with the Shirai Ryu (probably a distant relative of Harumi Shirai or secondary branch clan leader) that is promised to him after such events. He's going to be the same asshole but his relationship will be repaired a bit with his brothers since the arranged marriage will be used to unite the Lin Kuai and the Shirai Ryu.
I appreciate the votes and feedback.
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