#yandere subzero
kentstoji · 25 days
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new era! bi-han, who only used you for the advantages and benefits that a relationship could bring. power, renown and influence. from his perspective, you were merely another pawn on a board in a game between mortals and gods.
a lovely and manipulable pawn. still a pawn. irrelevant in many ways.
one of the biggest obstacles in your relationship has always been his indifference. sometimes you wonder why he started a romantic relationship, only to be negligent and cold. were you the problem?
at first, you tried to avoid thinking that way. tomas, the grandmaster's younger brother said you were perfect! but to be honest, tomas was the human definition of the word: sympathy. (he was a trained killer).
but over time, avoiding the inevitable train of thought became impossible. and when a creature, elegant and sensual, appeared in bi-han's life, it was clear to you that there was something wrong in this relationship.
(and judging by the disdain that was permanently planted on kuai liang's face, you weren't the one to blame).
her name was sareena, she was a demon and you couldn't hate her. she was beautiful, in every way. (magnetic. extraordinary).
even when you witnessed intimate moments that you begged to have with him, everything was so natural. knowing glances, gentle touches in moments when they thought no one was looking — and everyone was, waiting for something. a break in the trust of vows he made to you.
the imposing figure of the grand master was seen with a new companion at his side. it was her. the third participant in your relationship, but she was treated with respect and dedication.
you were the other, apparently. even in his actions, this was reflected. the vows of loyalty and love were just empty words.
there came a time when you got tired of living like this, tired of the neglect or constant silence.
and it was during this period that the invasions began, and other titans began to explore the timeline that liu kang conceived. and among them, there were three immortal variants of bi-han who began to stalk you, fascinated by you...
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blacklunardice · 1 month
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✦Falling for the Same Darling — Lin Kuei✦
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Request: Can u do a short story where sub-zero, smoke, and scorpion all have the hots for the reader and they end up kidnapping her? + Someone also requested some headcanons for them too.
Warning(s): Possessive Behavior, Kidnapping, Mentions of Punishment (Spanking, Isolation), Mentions of Unwanted Touching, Slight Guilt Tripping
Note: I don't really do one shots as of now, so these are a headcanon/scenario type of thing. This had been requested twice and I've decided to write out how they are as yanderes separately and how they'd be if they all fell for the same person. Anyway, this was fun to write! :D
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For starters, I have this feeling in my gut that Kuai Liang and Tomas are more willing to work together if they find out they like you. The two of them wouldn't really see a need to fight over you, given that they want the same thing. Basically to protect you from any dangers the world could throw at you.
The same can be said for Bi-Han, but...he's a bit possessive... I saw this but know that's a bit of an understatement. He butts heads with the two younger Lin Kuei members. Sure, he is aware of how capable they are, but he believes he can fully protect and provide for you on his own. He's pretty adamant and territorial.
The only way he would fold and actually give in to sharing you is if Kuai Liang and Tomas take some much-needed time to convince him. They'd bring up how it would just be needless violence and fighting if they dueled for your affections when they can all just come to an agreement. They bring up the benefits of this arrangement. You'd be fully protected by all of them and no one would really want to approach you when there are going to be three ninjas who can practically wield the elements.
So in the case of the two convincing Bi-Han, he begrudgingly agrees. I will mention that there is going to be tension between him and Tomas, unfortunately. He's okay with sharing you with Kuai Liang...but Tomas is another case. He always did treated the younger member differently ever since their father adopted him and that hadn't changed. It's usually Kuai Liang who stands as a mediator even when the tension escalates.
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✦Bi-Han — Sub-Zero✦
This man is hella possessive; even before deciding to kidnap you. It wouldn't be surprising if he was the one to suggest it. He is a man who takes charge and has confidence in his decisions. Bi-Han believes that having you within arm's length is for the best (again, due to his possessiveness). He was going to go through with the kidnapping on his own! To his annoyance, though, his brother had caught on to his plans. It was not hard to pinpoint that he felt some type of way about you, but you may mistake it for dislike or that he despises you. It’s since he has a resting bitch face and many assume he’s glaring at everyone within the vicinity. Still, his younger sibling knew better and understood his deep affection for you.
He’s almost the same when you’re within the walls of the Lin Kuei after the kidnapping. Bi-Han remains tense and cold as ever even in your presence. He does get annoyed when you want to push yourself away from him, which prompts him to pull you back to him aggressively (not in a way that hurts you). Your place is right here and he’ll always remind you of that. Still, he is told to be gentle in his approach towards you, especially if he wants you to come to him and willingly stay by his side. Bi-Han understands this, despite his grumbling, and tries to be softer. It’s a little difficult for him, but he at least tries.
It’s better to be caught by the other two than him if you ever try an escape and fail. This man is very blunt and his words are as sharp as icicles when he lectures (maybe to the point of berating you) you after dragging you back to the home. He doesn’t hold back and he has to be pulled away for a moment to have time to cool his temper down. He won’t hurt you — especially if  Kuai Liang and Tomas have anything to that. The worst he would do is spank you or make you sit in a room alone. He’s a little bitter after your punishment is over and it shows. He gives you pointed looks, dragging you close to him, and overall gets more demanding.
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✦Kuai Liang — Scorpion✦
Kuai Liang has your best interest in mind before and after the kidnapping. He deeply cares for you and would hate if you ended up fearing him or his brothers. Discovering Bi-Han’s plan to kidnap you was something. He had a suspicion that his elder brother was up to something the moment he noticed his gaze on you. It was the same way he looked at you when you were not looking. The situation is definitely complicated, but he doesn’t want conflict between him and Bi-Han since he knows it won’t end well. Every choice and negotiation he makes is all for you and your sake. It’s safe to say that Kuai Liang is fiercely loyal to you and would move heaven and Earth to make sure you’re okay. So he falls into the overprotective yandere category, but at least he can keep a cool head.
Your comfort is assured while under their roof. He understands that you need time to adjust, so he doesn’t push you. However, he knows that Bi-Han and Tomas are not the same as him, so he must remind the two that this will take time. Yes, he does want to hold you close and never let go, but he won’t be hasty. Even so, there are times when he wants to be just a little selfish — to just bring you in his arms without any hint or indication of his actions.
He scolds you if you ever try to escape, but at least he’s not as harsh as Bi-Han. No, he’s just a little disappointed that you would even attempt to leave. I don’t know why, but I can see Kuai Liang guilt-tripping you a bit to make you feel bad. He brings up how the three of them have provided you with everything you need, so it is foolish to want to leave. After the lecture, he sighs, holding you close and making sure you’re not injured. If it's your first attempt, he won't punish you. However, you are not going to be let off the hook with any attempts after this. You're not going to be left alone at all, since alone time is considered a privilege. If you want that back then you'll have to make up for it.
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✦Tomas Vrbada — Smoke✦
Soft. He is very soft towards you and practically adores you. Tomas definitely was the one to fall for you first out of the three. He is a bit clingy and maybe obsessive since he hangs off of every word you say. He can’t really help it since he enjoys your company as he gets to know you. However, he does have some possessive traits and they show a little the moment he notices how Bi-Han is looking at you. He frowns at this, at first not sure how to make of this. Tomas knows for sure that the older Lin Kuei member’s gaze is not out of distaste. No, he knows better. There’s a bitter taste in his mouth. He just…cannot allow Bi-Han to pursue you; you deserve better than that. He’s always felt a little out of place within the family and that is purely due to Bi-Han, so there is a bit of anger towards the older man. Then he learns about the plan to kidnap you. It almost sets him off and if it weren’t for Kuai Liang, he would have confronted Bi-han himself.
Sharing you with the other two within the walls of the Lin Kuai is fine. He can take what he can get and he does want what’s best for you. Despite reminding himself that, Tomas wished he had you all to himself. It felt a little wrong to be this selfish, but the cryokinesis user does not make the situation easier. Again, as mentioned before, there will be tension between these two. Tomas is the most approachable and you’ll probably feel the most comfortable being around him. Even so, he does tend to get in your space a lot. If you show discomfort in any way, he will back off a little…but only until the next time you two spend time together. Once again, he can’t help it; he loves being around you. It’s either that or you dealing with how Bi-Han is. Yes, he would absolutely put himself as the best option (especially compared to Sub-Zero).
Tomas is going to make excuses for your attempted escape. At first. When noticing you are gone, he is calm but his mind is racing. He assumes that maybe someone from a rival clan had taken you away or something else had happened. The moment he gets you back, he asks questions. He does not want to believe you left because you don’t want to be with them; to be with him. It would break his heart. He wants to know what can he do to make things better. Is it Bi-Han? Are you homesick? Do you not feel loved enough? There has to be a solution to this…and no, you’re not going back home. That would defeat the whole purpose of bringing you with them in the first place. You would be asking for too much.
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potatothots · 9 months
Tea Culture
Genre: Drama 
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Bi-Han x Reader
Warnings: stalking behavior, background death, sassy reader
Summary: Bi-Han sees everything you do. 
I got the idea for the reader from tea.culture4 on tiktok. She’s hilarious. Watch her!! I put a link in the story to the specific video I was thinking about. 
Note - I'm not your guardian. You read what you want. I can't stop you. If you don't heed the warnings, too bad for you, not me.
He watches you. It unnerves you to no end. Whenever he and his brothers come to Madam Bo’s, you feel his eyes on you. Bi-Han, the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, has a staring problem. You have a problem with him. Yet the more you’re mean to him, the more he seems to enjoy it. At least, it seems like it. He hasn’t killed you yet for the tea you purposely spilled on him, or the forgetting to serve him his portion of dinner. No, he enjoys it. His brothers laugh about it. Madam Bo has stopped scolding you about it. His big tips say everything he won’t. 
But, your problem with him runs deeper than his staring problem or his lack of social skills. It started when you flaunted having a date after your shift. You were excited - Jin was beautiful. He was well-spoken, nice, and had a great ass. You checked it out every time you saw him bend over. Your date had gone well, too. Jin took you to an Italian-style place. It was a city over. You’d never had anything like it before. His smile lit up your whole room as he watched you enjoy the layered noodle and tomato sauce dish. He promised to take you to more exotic food places. Maybe, even out of the country. 
You rewarded his generosity with your talented mouth. 
A note had been left in your bag the next day: “I see everything you do.” A few nights later Jin was found dead in the river next to your small town. 
You had the idea it was Bi-Han, especially when no one mentioned Jin again. It was almost as if he’d been erased from the town. 
Your second boyfriend possibly met the same fate - you couldn’t be sure. He had spoken about leaving the country for a medical degree. He was gone and had left you a simple note of goodbye, however you were suspicious. Why didn’t he tell you in person? Why had he hinted at a life with you when he left? 
You chewed on your bottom lip as you glared over at Bi-Han and his brothers. They were at Madam Bo’s for dinner. They’d also asked for one of your famous tea shows. You loved tea and enjoyed showing your skills off. Just not for the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster. You were pushed out of your thoughts when Madam Bo thrust your tea tray into your hands. 
“Go, girl. The sooner you perform, the sooner they will leave.”
You snorted at her words. Madam Bo liked them and always questioned you on your behavior. She didn’t understand. You couldn’t make her. With a deep huff, you plastered a huge, fake smile on your face and walked to the Grandmaster’s table. He sat at a large table, his brothers on either side. It was on a loft above the main floor. You purposely kept quiet when Kuai Liang and Tomas greeted you happily. 
Sitting down across from them, you set the tray down. The porcelain rattled. Each cup you took off to display made a clink with the force of your movements. (https://www.tiktok.com/@tea.culture4/video/7317142997303315754?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7261002111268783659) You did your set, but as messily as you could. There was tea and water all over the table by the time you were done. The lid to the teapot was on the floor. You’d eaten more of the rice cakes than they had. Giving them a sassy smile, you got up and left. You hadn’t even served Bi-Han tea. You drank it from the cup yourself. 
Avoiding the table for the rest of the night, you left the clean-up to another waiter. Sitting in the kitchen munching on some rice and reading a very worn copy of your favorite book after the restaurant closed, you looked up when you heard a shuffle of feet. It was Bi-Han. The fact he made noise meant he wanted you to know he was there. Suddenly, you realized no one else was in the kitchen. For the first time, you felt fear around him. Your eyes trailed over his hulking frame. He held a package in his hand. Silently, he set it on the table and pushed it towards you. Swallowing your feelings, you reached for the perfectly wrapped…gift? The item was wrapped in a blue silk scarf with what looked like pink flowers stitched in. Your name was beautifully written across a label. With shaking hands, you untied the scarf. 
It was a book. Not just any book, but the sequel to the one you were reading. You hadn’t even known there was more to the story. Your fingers traced the title with reverence. You wondered if there was more after this one. 
Looking back up at Bi-Han, you frowned. “Why did you give me this?”
“So you can see the rest of the story.” He answered, face and tone as neutral as ever. 
You looked between him and the book a few times. “Do you expect me to thank you? You might get killed.” You rolled your eyes, throwing the fact you knew what he’d been up to with your two boyfriends. 
The Grandmaster shrugged. “I expect nothing. Simply that you enjoy yourself. When you’re finished, there’s a third one.”
“I don’t want any more gifts from you.” You scowled at him. 
His eyes narrowed. The fear you felt earlier was back. 
“That’s not for you to decide.” He said. There was a pause as he tapped his fingers against the table. “We enjoyed your performance tonight. I’d like to see another tomorrow. Good night, Petal.”
You said nothing and watched him leave. As soon as he was out of your sight you wrapped the book back in the scarf and put it in your bag. You hated him, his stupid nickname for you, and the fact he watched you enough to care about what you read. Having your suspicions confirmed, you finally let it sink in he had his sights on you. The best you could hope for was he’d find someone more interesting and forget about you. Until then, you’d make sure to keep giving him the worst attitude possible. 
He seemed to like it. A small part of you loved that fact.
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gamerwoman3d · 11 months
◜ mk1 Sub-Zero: sexiest angst trope?◞
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Arranged marriage trope Bi-han this, yandere trope Bi-han that. Meh. It's okay, I'll read it, but I hope I'm forgiven for saying it's mid, and we can do better. IF you're going into that dramatic angsty dubious consent shizz with this man AT LEAST GIMME-
[Spicy/Explicit after the cut 🔞]
Gimme a trope where you're tied together and thrown in the same cage by a powerful mutual enemy who matched you to Bi-han as a breeding pair.
Can you even imagine 🥵🥵🥴😫😫
You know how many motherfuckers want Bi-han in captivity in that damn game? The entire royal family of Outworld. Nitara. Scorpion, Smoke, et al. Probably Ashrah. You get your pick of big bads and big neutrals and big goods. Everybody hates Bi-han 😆
Shang Tsung would do it though. He's the one most likely to snap and decide he needs cryomancer babies for some reason and also, canonically, the only one who managed to capture and chain up Bi-han in the past. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN LIU KANG WOULDN'T.
And I just wanna imagine what he'd be like if he were tied against someone else's body. The struggle to escape, the squirming, the apologies, the compassion and admiration he'd feel for the other person. The total inability to hide arousal, or lack thereof...
And what about the angst if the reader breaks down and asks for him to go through with it? If the reader relents and says it's okay, gives little permissive butterfly kisses, because they realize they can buy more time if they look compliant? The delicious inner turmoil where his whole body is saying yes and no at the same time, like standing on both the gas pedal and the break pedal to see which one gives way first.
He was so calm when Shang Tsung had him chained up. Which makes it that much more intense if he actually loses his composure in the situation. And if he kept his composure the whole time, THAT IS STILL SO HOT.
Also working together with him to get untied from each other... Fire.
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
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dollyyun · 4 months
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
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RELEASE DATE: Friday, 7th June 2024 (subject to change)
PAIRING: non!idols enha hyung line x fem!reader, heeseung x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), semi-college au, adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes.
WARNINGS: mentions of christianity, smoking, mention of drugs, alcohol consumption, violence, blood, profanities, obsession, yandere, manipulation, corruption, toxicity, dubcon, unprotected sex (no!), mean&softdom!hee (he’s unpredictable), name calling (slut, sweetheart, baby), degradation, car sex, possible voyeurism, slight bondage, gagging, choking, dry humping, blowjob, pussydrunk!hee, fingering, edging, manhandling, spitting kink, orgasm denial, crying, squirting, creampies, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, hee is very much obsessed with reader.
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3.1, PART 3.2, PART 4
The unsettling tension feels oppressive as it tethers your neck, while the fear that resides in your heart manifests in the uneven rise and fall of your chest. Every fibre of your being is telling you to flee him, but it is as though you are rendered immobilised under his piercing gaze that is fixed solely on your transfixed figure.
Goosebumps arise on your skin, and you swear that the cold temperature in the room has dropped to subzero. The longer the penetrating silence that shrouds the foreboding atmosphere in the room persists, the more reason for you to grasp the opportunity to escape, especially since he is further away from you and most probably unable to catch up to you.
“I asked you a question, sweetheart.” His once honeyed-dripping tone sounds eerily dark, with a rasp projecting in his husky voice, evoking involuntary yet familiar lust amidst the palpable terror. “Did you, or did you not trespass on my office?”
“I─” Just when you finally find your voice, it disappears again, prompting you to smack your lips shut and swallow the frightful lump in your throat. Your nails digging into your palms form the shapes of crescents as you clench your fist.
Confusion finds its way to plunge into the whirlpool of torrential emotions within you. You were certain that he was the anonymous guy who had been sending you all those texts, and you even followed his instructions. Could all of these be some sort of twisted test he decided to experiment on you?
Of course, it could be. After all, Lee Heeseung is as detrimental as his comrades.
You mentally nod your head to yourself, firm in your suspicion that Heeseung is indeed the anonymous guy, but you’re not about to let it be known to him.
“I didn’t─”
Heeseung scoffs out a chuckle at your audacity, his lips upturning a smirk while his eyes gleam dangerously with explicable sentiments that have you fully grasping the severity of your situation.
“What did I say about lying? Hmm?” He leans away from the table, his hands remaining tucked in his pockets, as each step he takes towards you is deliberate and stalking, while his dark, piercing eyes penetrate into your frightful ones.
Run! Your mind screams at you to run away from your predator before he devours you.
“T-That you hate liars.” Your timorous voice shakes as you finally regain mobility, now taking steps back. You see it in his eyes—how he finds great delight in your patent fear while the smirk on his wicked yet charming countenance remains.
“And yet you dared to lie.” He tuts, unceasingly stalking towards you, to which you grasp the courage and dash for the door. “Oh, sweetheart, why bother trying when you know you can’t escape?”
You ignore his taunting words from behind as you grasp the handle and try to pull it open, but the familiar sound of ‘ding!’ brings a dreadful realisation to you at the high probability that in order to exit, you must enter the correct passcode on the keypad, the same way when you two entered earlier.
Your pulses drum loudly in your ear as soon as you feel his ominous presence from behind, prompting you to make a run to the side, but his hands manage to seize you.
“Heeseung! Please!” You frantically implore him, struggling against him as the danger in the heat of his touch on your skin intensifies the churns in your stomach.
“Shhhh, sweetheart, look at me.” Heeseung attempts to calm you down as his grip on you tightens due to your persistent attempts to push him away from you.
A whimper leaves your lips as you shake your head, turning away from him, but his patience is running thin. “I said, look at me.” He roughly grabs your chin and forces you to meet his hauntingly beautiful eyes while his tone resonates down your core as it has you in a tight grip.
“I’m sorry for entering your office without permission.” You finally deliver your heartfelt apology to him, hoping that he will show you some clemency. Tears begin to accumulate in your eyes as you pleadingly stare at him. “I’m sorry, Hee. I won’t do it again.” 
“I know you are.” He says softly as he caresses your cheek, but even you can discern his hauntingly affectionate gesture. “Why are you crying, my love?”
You only whimper in response as a teardrop slides down your cheek, prompting him to gently wipe it away. “You’re terrified of me.” He states, his tone remains eerily soft while a sinister grin smears across his lips before he leans down to kiss your tear-stained cheek. “Mmhmm, as you should be, baby.” He rasps against your skin.
“H-Heeseung.” You weakly utter, attempting to push him away, but the trails of kisses on your cheek down to your neck enfeeble you as you find yourself succumbing to his dark allure that threatens to engulf you wholly.
“Now, tell me, what was your purpose for snooping around in my office?” He asks in between kisses before stopping at where his mark on your skin is. You shiver at the sensation of his sharp teeth grazing on your skin, a silent warning for you to choose your options wisely.
“I was just curious, I swear.” You try your utmost to tell him earnestly, despite knowing that it isn’t the entire truth. Heeseung seems to believe you as he presses a soft, lingering kiss on his mark before withdrawing from you. A hiccup emerges from your throat, and you stare at him remorsefully. “I’m really sorry, Hee.”
“I know, I know.” His hands descend to your thighs before grabbing them. “Jump.” He forces you anyway, which has you reflexively wrap your legs around his waist with his hand holding your waist while the other grips your thigh for more security before carrying you across the room where the centre table is.
It is as though he has bewitched you with some sort of spell, as you are unable to look away from his eyes. His dark allure continues to pull you into him as he sets you down on the table. His hand deftly supports your back from falling behind while your palms are pressed on the surface behind you.
“Heeseung.” You utter his name breathlessly, your mind fogging with lust and perturbation as his touch on your body feels igniting.
“Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn’t have lied to me, and even worse when you tried to run away from me.” He says softly, kissing the back of his mouth while his eyes drink in at how beautiful you look being trapped by him.
Your breath hitches in your throat. “But I told you I was sorry.” You whimper, hating how your desire for him is strong despite your fear.
Heeseung ignores your words as he takes you by surprise when he roughly pulls you to him until your legs go rooted to the floor. A gasp leaves your lips at how deftly he is manhandling you as he turns you around, one hand on your waist tight and fingers curling around your neck in a threatening manner.
Your heart pounds harder against your chest as you feel his hot breath fanning your earlobe. “It doesn’t change the fact that you made me angry, my love.” His honeyed-dripping voice lulls at you, akin to a siren serenading its victim.
“Oh, yes. I’m still very angry at you.” He whispers darkly into your ear before he forces your pliant body to bend down until your stomach comes into contact with the surface of the table.
“Heeseung, please.” You have no idea why you are pleading with him. For him to show mercy? For him to fuck you?
His dark chuckles send shivers down your spine as he presses his palm firmly onto your back while the other affectionately rubs your butt cheek. “Plead all you want. By the time I’m done with you, you know better than to cross me again.” You feel his hand moving underneath your skirt before his fingers hook around the string of your underwear. “What’s the safe word?”
“P-Pink.” You utter, flustered at the fact that you actually do want this. At once, he pulls down your underwear as it falls to your ankles. Your heart races in anticipation as you hear shuffles behind you.
“Sweetheart's been bad. You shouldn't have gone around snooping.” He drawls his words out, and you feel your cunt clench at the degradation that belies his tone. His fingers tangle in your hair before grabbing it in a makeshift ponytail and pulling your head with your neck strained.
“Hee….” You whisper fearfully, yet your cunt remains anticipating his cock.
“My pretty sweetheart,” He presses a deep, affectionate kiss on your cheek before murmuring, “You’re going to be good to me, yeah?”
“Yes!” You nod your head frantically, wincing as his grip on your hair is hurting your scalp.
“You’re not going to make me angry anymore?” He asks, humming while your pussy throbs when the tip of his cock rubs up and down against your folds.
“Yes, I won’t make you angry anymore.” You babble, needing him inside of you right now before enticing him with a soft, whimpering voice you know he won’t be able to resist, “Seungie, please─Ah!”
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hello! can i please have a fluffy soft yandere drabble with taehyung and "i didn't think it was possible to love someone this much.", please? thank you! have a nice day!
20191009 i like her:
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pairing: yandere! taehyung x reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || established relationship
summary: taehyung loves to take care of you
word count: 1k
tags/ warnings: lots of fluff, very briefly touched on unhealthy relationship, the flu (ew stinky), soft yandere! boyfriend tae, it’s super tame honestly considering some of the other yanderes i’ve written
notes: a self indulgent comfort fic from when i was sick a month ago and just never posted it ~ drabble game is closed <3
drabble masterlist || my full masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The human body is truly fascinating, strange in the way it works when you’re sick. How your temperature spikes before you’re sinking to what feels like subzero. Shiver tickling your spine, head throbbing and throat sore; truly an awful combination.
You seem to take every day for granted, grateful for what you had when you remember how awful being ill truly is.
“Please, baby” Taehyung kneels beside the bed, floorboards creaking under his weight.
You shake your head, “It tastes bad, Tae”
“It’ll help with your cough, please” his thumb brushes over your knee.
You shake your head, sudden motion tickling your throat; prickly cough spiking through your chest.
Taehyung sighs, cough mixture abandoned on your nightstand as he wanders out the bedroom.
Really he couldn’t be mad when in retrospect it was his fault. You never left the house all that often, everything you’ll ever need in his apartment. And he’d thought it’d be cute to take you out on a date, to a restaurant he’d been eyeing for a while. It was your anniversary, it was only right that he spoiled you a little.
Your immune system had never been all the best, even before Taehyung had started keeping you home. So, really he should have known that walking around the park after dinner would be too much for you.
You think you’ve won, head falling back onto your pillow, summer duvet pulled up to your chin so you wouldn’t overheat.
Taehyung takes a seat beside the bed once more, and he watches you eye the tangerines in his hand.
“For me?” you ask, pushing yourself to sit up.
Taehyung hums, tucking your hair behind your ear before he starts peeling the tangerines for you.
“No medicine then?” you dare ask, nose scrunching up at the mere thought of it.
“Nope” he grins, “medicine and then tangerines to get rid of the icky taste— open up”
Your mouth falls open, chewing as Taehyung opens the cough mixture.
“None of that” your boyfriend laughs as you frown, “the quicker we get it done, the quicker I can make us lunch”
His thumb brushes under your eye after you swallow, hand slipping down your cheek until he’s cradling your face. Your eyes slip shut when he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, tongue prodding the seam; gentle puff of air caressing your skin as he tastes the remanence of the cough mixture coating your lips.
You fall asleep in the bath as Taehyung runs a washcloth over your back. A towel dipped in cold water resting over your heated forehead, relief washing down your flushed cheeks.
The water ripples around your body as Taehyung turns you to face him, soft hands caressing your shoulders and down your chest. The bubbles spitter against your arms, and you can smell the faintest scent of vanilla through your blocked nose.
Neither you nor your boyfriend say anything, the gentle hum of the record player whirring away in the bedroom, a jazz album Taehyung had recently bought humming through the bathroom.
Yeontan’s nails clip against the tile floor, your furry companion stretching across Taehyung’s lap as his knuckles work your shoulders, kneading away any knots.
You and Tannie fall asleep on the couch after your bath, velvet blanket tucked up to your chin as the dog lays over your chest with his own blanket slung over his small body. A movie you had no care for playing in the background as Taehyung mills around the kitchen.
“Feeling any better?” Taehyung pushes your hair out of your face, and your groan. Pulling the blanket higher over your face.
“Nauseous” you whine, Tannie fussing over your chest as you wiggle.
“Lets have something to eat then, yeah?”
You shake your head, unsure if Taehyung even saw as he turns back the coffee table.
The world spins when your boyfriend hoists you up from under your arms, your hand shooting over your mouth at the sudden movement; awfully scared you’d throw up over your favorite blanket.
“Here” Taehyung gently hands you the tray, soup still steaming when you stare down at your bowl.
“You want any bread?” he calls from the kitchen, Yeontan following him in hopes of a treat.
“Just a slice” you peek over the back of the couch, hand fumbling around for the remote.
“Ah!” you turn to Tae, “It’s good” you marvel as you drop your spoon back onto the tray, always in awe of his cooking.
“Really?” he smiles, cheeks dusting the lightest pink, and you nod, puckering your lips for a kiss.
Taehyung indulges you, smiling against your lips as he presses a little deeper, almost tipping the both of you over.
His hand falls on the back of your neck, humming into your mouth, and you whine as he pulls away, air spilling into your lungs.
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much” Taehyung tells you after you’re done eating; an old romcom muted on the television. “I really hate seeing you suffer, my darling”
“I’m feeling better” a gentle smile graces your face, soon followed by a cough, but Taehyung can’t help but laugh, aways in awe of you.
You fall over his lap, eyes reflecting galaxies and stars and a universe built solely for the the both of you and no one else. Because why would you need anyone more than him when he was your whole world? Just as you were his.
His fingers rake through your hair, eyes flitting across your face as you sleep, face pressed against his stomach and hands fisting the back of his hoodie.
Next anniversary he thinks he’ll plan a picnic on the balcony, or a feast with all your favorite things. And all the kisses you ever deserve and need, and letters of love and poems of why you are the only person that would ever matter to his fragile mortal mind.
He traces his name over your arm with his finger, lips curling upwards as goosebumps prickle your skin with each gentle caress.
“I love you” you murmur, and he’s unsure if your awake.
“I love you more”
A fact you’d never be able to argue, because as much as you loved him, it would never match the haunting feeling of sadistic love he felt for you back. Something eternal, because he’d never let anyone take care of you the way he did.
“I know” you whisper back.
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vampiricgf · 4 months
⤷ hc request for @schadowheart as part of my headcanons for gaza which you can find more about here! If you can donate and would like to receive a hc in exchange too please do <3
mother superior/dark justiciar shadowheart non sharran reader/tav angst relationship. sfw. toxic relationship dynamics.
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despite how much she cares for you her dedication to shar trumps everything else, it has to if she's in the position of mother superior/dark justiciar. shadowheart isn't blind, she knows it's not a "have your cake and eat it too" situation
but she would still try, in her own way. I think she would keep you at arms length when it comes to anything explicitly about her activities in the cloister, not to be secretive but to spare you the burden of knowledge, to give you deniability. sharrans hunt selunites as well as mystra and lethander worshippers, you don't need to know details of things like that or of the methods used by justiciars for information gathering or punishment
she knows you're not blind either and you are already aware of the more gruesome things shar demands of her faithful but it's her own bare bones attempt at protecting you and hopefully allowing you to maintain a distinction between your version of her and the version of her that can commit acts that are less than merciful for her faith
it's an intense source of shame when she's with you and it plants a tiny seed of resentment in her mind. it's hard to keep in her head that it isn't your fault, she's the one constructing your relationship this way, but still. you inherently make her question her faith and if this balancing act is worth it, which digs a deeper hole in her heart because it's clear to her that she can't have both you and shar
but she still wouldn't be jumping to throw in the towel, not after experiencing real care and love with you after being starved of it for so long. so the internal battle would continue and as it does it'll become more and more difficult for her to keep herself together
there would be more arguments, more irritation, more unclear communication as she doesn't want to directly blame you for whats going on in her head or speak words of doubt into existence regarding her faith, and the walls of separation would soar higher and higher in tandem with her faith bound duty until eventually nearly all of her is walled off to you
but even then she wouldn't be willing to let you go. you can learn to lick love off a knife if it's all you have and she's had a lifetime of doing it for shar, she'll do it with you too. it doesn't matter how explosive or volatile arguments become, she'll say whatever she thinks is necessary to soothe you in the moment and keep some peace until the next storm blows through
it's an uneasy arrangement but eventually it becomes second nature to navigate emotional outbursts or the times you beg her to just talk to you. depending on how many years it's been it also becomes easier for her to simply answer with a "you know I can't" and keep her heart detached against any tearful displays from you
if you do finally attempt to leave I think she would snap, little by little all these cracks and fissures have been forming and that would be like the final step across an icy surface that's too thin to hold up and plunging into subzero water. she wouldn't go full delusional yandere but you're not getting away from her so easily
would frame it constantly as you giving up, being the weak one, being the one unwilling to sacrifice for mutual happiness and her own resentment from her self imposed strain would make the words come out like poison dipped arrows. to her you would be weak and unwilling because she's already done so much, put herself under so much stress just to hold onto you and yet you can't handle even a fraction of the same?
it would be impossible for her to see that it isn't the case, that saying those things to you or about you isn't completely correct because her own view of the relationship has become so warped and years of that stress from her near constant crisis of faith would spill out like floodwater
but, per shars tenants, she would give over that pain and use it in her acts done in shars name. detached brutality or particularly vile subterfuge would become easy for her. there would no longer be any separation between who she is and her role in her religion. it would all become fully one in the same and her faith would only deepen because she would view it as either being rewarded by the goddess or favored by her in some way for remaining faithful despite the difficulties in your relationship. her reward for no longer being burdened by the unfaithful
all her pain and sorrow over your relationship would never be properly dealt with, not even close. it would remain a sore spot, a twin to the wound on her hand that burns constantly no matter how "rewarded" she is by shar for brute forcing her way through it to continue her duty
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nyxdrabbles · 10 months
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• jujutsu kaisen: choso kamo, satoru gojo, kento nanami, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, ino takuma, shoko ieiri, ryomen sukuna
• mortal kombat: johnny cage, sonya blade , tanya , mileena , kenshi takahashi, kitana , sindel , bi-han ( subzero ) , kuai liang ( scorpion) , tomas vrbada ( smoke )
• stardew valley: sebastian, sam, alex, elliot, abigail, leah, penny, sandy
• kick-ass: dave lizewski, todd haynes
• resident evil: carlos oliveira, leon s kennedy, ethan winters, ada wong
• final fantasy: gladiolus amicitia, noctis lucis caelum, ignis scientia, prompto argentum
• will: somnophillia, con non-con, bottom / dom!reader, breeding, breast play, spanking / impact play, use of safe word, aftercare, choking, spitting, sub!reader, threesomes, orgy, voyeurism, blowjob/handjob, dacryphillia, age gap (10 year apart), dom!character, cunnilingus, pregnancy sex, sub!character, cheating, free use, dubcon, revenge sex / hate fucking, degrading, corruption, exhibitionism, cum play, bdsm, light pet play.
• won’t: watersports, scat, vomit, vore, food play, bodily fluids, wound fucking, rape / non-con, top!reader, heavy bdsm, bottom!character, beastiality, yandere, minors, age play / ddlg, character x character, pedophillia, grooming, very large age gaps (20-30 years apart), aged up minors.
• will: depressive topics, slow burn, fluff, angst, minors, aged up minors, cheating, aftercare, polyamorous relationships, wlw relationships, corruption, mlm relationships.
• won’t: detailed self harm stories, character x character, yandere, kidnapping, descriptive gore, grooming, pedophilia.
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generalasshattery · 4 years
Yandere sub zero?
So I’ve actually done a short one for him here! But I’m going to expand a bit for you under the cut. 
To my followers: the yandere trope deals heavy with themes of stalking, abuse, and violence. Please skip this post if your sensitive to any of those.
—————————————————————————— - It’s easy to see how you fell for him, he’s so calm, he’s supportive, and there’s something about him that just makes you feel so safe. His whole world feels safe, full of ritualistic routine that he manages to slide you comfortably into. He’s affectionate, in that reserved way that’s so uniquely him. Lots of gentle touches, and fond words when you’re alone. -In fact, there really were no red flags. He didn’t try to pull you away from your friends or otherwise isolate you, in fact the people important to you seem to adore him. -And yet, it almost wasn’t a surprise, perhaps due to the way he already had a lot of control with that rigid schedule. Not to mention all the people at his command in the Lin Kuei. -He rarely lashes out at you, no, when something goes wrong or gets in the way, he locks down on his control. There’s no getting away, there’s no place to go, and anyone that tries to interfere simply ceases to exist. -The threat is violence against you is unspoken, and something he’ll resort to only when you truly force his hand. If it comes to that, it won’t be a fight. It’ll be quick, it’ll be framed as punishment, and it may damage you permanently so that escape becomes more challenging. -And oh how disappointed he is in you, he makes that abundantly clear, you’ll get that good treatment back when you’ve proven you can be trusted again. You won’t have much a choice on compliance.
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mydear-yandere · 6 years
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Hello Welcome to my Mini Masterlist for OneShots!
Aliyaa Aepel x Hanzo Hasashi SFW
Aliyaa Aepel x Hanzo Hasashi NSFW
Selviya levsloky x Sub-zero (Kuai Liang) SFW
Selviya levsloky x Subzero (Kuai Liang) NSFW
Slave Selviya! X King Kuai Liang NSFW kinky stuff
Ice Queen Selviya x Warrior Kuai Liang! SFW
Fluff! Mild Yandere! Grandmaster Kuai Liang X Selviya
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Character x reader!
Grand master Sub-zero x Reader 18+
Threesome: Older Subzero and young subzero x F reader!!
Melting the ice: Grandmaster sub-zero x f reader
Kuai Liang X GN Reader X Liu Kang threesome!
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kentstoji · 9 months
yandere!bi-han who will kidnap you and if you complain too much, will kidnap your pet too.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Tw : yandere Ruki, punishment, torture
Hi ! I love your account and your portrayal of Ruki :) how would Ruki react if his y/o, after incessant punishments and knowing that she wants to escape and doesn’t like him, loses consciousness when he punishes her for wanting to escape him and good moments they both share together ?
“…Oi, Livestock. We’re not done yet. Wake up.”
A splash of glacier cold water doused your face and wounded flesh, tatters of clothing barely kissing your skin as the world around you spiraled and grew darker by the second. Eyes fluttering, consciousness fading, and blood absolutely depleted. Or at least, it felt that way after enduring the Vampire’s bites all throughout your body. Your neck, your shoulders, your chest, and even from the waist down, Ruki made you his own personal canvas of crimson besmirched adipose and violet wounds adorning your previously unmarred skin. Pained bellows of pure agony hardly assuaged the impermissible stinging and pulsating sensation, wrists chained, ankles tethered, the Vampire’s sharp nails raking over a vulnerable spot as he paced around you, his breath frosting your nape from behind. Chilling sweat mixed with the residue of the water he just assailed you with, cascading down a puncture to turn red the moment the rivulet collided with the stone concrete flooring of his dungeon. 
“Rest is not an option for you. Not after your misguided escape attempt,” a devilish cachinnation erupted from his blood-laden throat, indicative of his recent sanguine treat. “Besides, I’m certain that’s what you told yourself when you ran for the hills. So, why not follow that same advice now? Eyes on me.”
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A clawed hand clutched your chin, pivoting your head to turn his direction. Possessive in grip, the tapered ends drew further pinpricks of blood from you, yet he didn’t bat an eye. Instead, you couldn’t see anything beyond his subzero icy blues, fierce determination lying within before he closed his eyes and vehemently captured your lips with his. Forceful like the torture he subjected you to, yet passionate like the smiles and laughter you once shared, hand in hand, a mere reminiscence. Rather than reconciling or restoring the unadulterated joy to your visage, Ruki sought to break your mind until you recognized him as more than just your master, your owner, your only loved one. What he yearned for more than any of those titles or privileges was to hear you profess your love for him of your own volition in the most self-degrading way, begging for his fangs and everything that comes after. 
“Mm… You’re mine, Livestock… And you belong only to me. These bite marks, these chains, the tears you’ve shed for me… It’s all proof that I own you. And I’d hate for my prized possession to abandon me, too. After everything we’ve been through, you’d dare repeat their mistakes… To call it a disappointment would be an understatement.”
Two familiar ivory stakes plummeted into your vermillion border to spill even more of your life essence into the kiss, earning a pleased groan from the Vampire. As he fed from your lips, he doubled his efforts. Calloused hands caressed your sides to evoke a more aroused subtlety to what was already a delectably metallic flavor coating his tongue, plunging your mouth and invading each crevice to exterminate all cohesive thought out of you until only he remained. 
“Just you try to escape my grasp once more… And I will show you that everything to ever transpire in this dungeon thus far is child’s play. Now yield and submit to your master before I mark you as mine from the inside as well.”
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Clanging tintinnabulations echoed throughout the dungeon as Ruki finally withdrew from the kiss. It sounded like it came from somewhere low, perhaps his belt unbuckling or the unsheathing of another metal instrument designed for inflicting a world of pain. Despite the foreboding depravity of the situation, your body could only tolerate so much. Legs quivering, vocal chords struggling to utter a single syllable, and your whole self, physical and mental, teetering on the precipice of fainting. A slender, elongated object came to view, though you were unsure given your current state. 
“Tell me… Whose possession are you? Answer me,” a searing hot steel hovered near your backside, “now. If you do anything else but address me properly, then there will be Hell to pay. I will claim you over and over again, brand you as mine, and kill whoever stands in our way.”
Those were the last words you heard before you finally caved in to your lack of strength, much to the Vampire’s chagrin. 
“A pity, really. We’ve been through so much together… And I shared everything of mine with you. Clearly you’re just like everyone else—ready to leave the moment I spare you a shred of my trust. How dare you,” he reluctantly set the rod down, observing your seemingly lifeless form. “Sleep well, Livestock. You will undoubtedly need it.” 
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🧩 Aw, thank you so much for the kind words!! I’m very glad you enjoy my portrayal of Ruki and it’s definitely fun for me to write his yandere side every now and then. I appreciate the thought-provoking ask. ^^ 🧩
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Italic = Drafted
Underlined/Bold = Done (with link)
Normal = Soon to be started
Little Nightmares - 2/2
The unwanted answer
Mono X Six - “Roles Reversed”
Naruto - 5/10
Kabuto X Shy! Reader - "Oppsites Attract"
Orochimaru X Innocent! Reader - "Flower Crown"
Kabuto and Child! Reader - "Shihaikigo"
Sasuke X Reader - "Sorry, Sakura"
Gaara X Innocent! Reader - "Hellfire"
Kakashi X Uchiha! Reader - "Just like Itachi"
Shikamaru X Tired! Reader - "You're worse than me"
Reader as friends with Oro and Kabuto headcannons
Yandere Itachi X Reader
Orochimaru X Reader “A Little piece of Heaven” Imagine
My Hero Academia - 5
Aizawa X Villain! Reader - "Oof"
Villain! Aizawa X Reader - "Mega Oof"
Present Mic X Reader - "I'm dying inside"
AOT AU, Reader X...: Aizawa, Bakubro, Kirishima, Denki, etc
Denki X Deaf! Blind! Reader
One Punch Man - 1/6
Saitama X Demon! Reader - "One Punch"
Saitama X Hero! Reader
Saitama X Sonic's sister! Reader
Genos X Cyborg! Reader
Genos X Saitama's sister! Reader - "If you hurt her, I'll kill you owo"
Saitama X Reader - "Hero"
Death Note - 3/3
Light X Reader - Betrayal: Part 1, Part 2
Light Comforting Reader
Hunter X Hunter - 1
Hisoka X Numb! Reader - "No fun :("
Disney - 4
Young! Claude Frollo X Reader - "Hellfire"
Humanoid! Scar X Reader - "Be Prepared"
Jafar X Reader
Shan Yu X Hun! Reader
Mortal Kombat - 17/23
Kano X Reader - "Unfaithful"
Hanzo Hisashi X Reader Imagines
Subzero and Child Reader, X Innocent Reader
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Shang Tsung X Goddess! Reader - “Offering”
Quan Chi X Reader - “His Daughter’s Diary”
Fujin X Reader
MK Villain Imagines- Part 1, Part 2
Kabal X Reader
White Lotus X Angel Child! Reader
Reptile X Reader Angst
Kronika X GN Reader headcannons
Shitty Erron Black X Innocent! Reader headcannons
Kung Lao X Reader Prompt 23
Kitana X Reader Prompt 23
Baraka X Innocent! Reader
Quan Chi X Reader - Shitty Headcannons
Mortal Kombat Villians hearing/fighting their kid, opening scenes- Part 1,
Part 2 ^
Erron Black X Reader - “You’re gonna be a daddy”
Reptile X Reader
D’Vorah X Fem! Reader Headcannons
Raiden with S/O who died… :(
Quan Chi X Reader Imagine
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets - 2/4
Ticci Toby X Reader
Masky X Reader - "Suffocated"
Jeff the Killer X Reader - "Snowing"
Eye for an Eye, ‘Til the World goes Blind - Intro, Cha1, Cha 2, Cha 3, Cha 4, Cha 5, Cha
Slashers - 2/8
Michael Myers X Short! Reader: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Michael Myers X Nurse! Reader - "Addition"
Michael Myers X Murderer! Reader - "Card of Death": Part 1, Part 2
Michael Myers and Child Reader ANGST - Remastered
Jason X Child! Reader X Michael Myers - Remaster of PT1, Pt2
Predator reacting to his ooman with dyed hair and normal ripped clothes
Billy Loomis X Reader
Brahms X Reader
Happy Tree Friends - 2
Human! Flippy X Reader - "Wholesome Vibes"
Human! Fliqpy X Reader - "Not-so Wholesome Vibes"
Undertale - 2/8
Ink X Reader - "Another Unfinished Project"
Error X Reader - "Another Waste of Space"
Dust X Reader - "Defensive Fighting only"
Underfell Sans X Tired! Reader - "Boss is gonna kill me-"
Frisk X Genocidal! Reader - "Just as Bad"
Chara X Neutral! Reader - "Not so Bad"
Ariel X Genocidal! Reader - "I'm not your best friend"
Underfell Sans X Reader - "Brompton Cocktail"
Yandere Simulator - 4
Kaga X Reader
Umeji X Reader - "Two Sides of the Same Coin"
Gema X Weeb! Reader - "Why are you interupting me!"
Budo Masuta X Delinquent! Reader
Obey Me! - 3
Mammon X Reader
Asmodues X Reader
Beezelbub X Reader
Potential Series' - 4
AU where Itachi and Sasuke switch roles, and Sasuke abandons Sarada for Itachi to raise as he's going blind
Kabuto, Reader, and Orochimaru as friends going on multiple fights
Reader is thrown into a cliche fanfiction about her favorite anime and only speaks English, so she has to learn Japanese while trying to survive basically on her own
My OCs X CCs...Shang Tsung, Kabuto, and Aizawa are best bois....
Oneshots that don't fit into a category (or isn't an X Reader) - 4
L u n a X S o m b r a
Golden Freddy X Marionette
Foxy X Toy Chica (fight me)
Shadow Freddy X Marionette
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Me: "I should play honkai for genshin lore It'll be fine."
Also me: *Finds new men to simp over and realize they have MASSIVE yandere vibes*
Goddamn Kevin Kaslana and Otto Apocalypse THEM IT'S THEM The blonde one is Otto and The one with white hair is Kevin
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Oh and Otto has a weird thing for cross dressing
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Despite all this Kevin is actually a good guy. Otto is the bitch here, he has a habit of experimenting on children, about 300+ kids to be exact, gaslighting women and being an incel.
Plus Kevin has this thing where his body temperature is -30° so he can't touch anyone without hurting them (This was in the honkai manga not the game). AHHH imagine a yandere scenario where can't touch you to keep you safe so he just kills everyone around you until he's the only one left 😳 Or maybe you're someone who can't be affected by his subzero body temperature, he's touch starved and very much in need of affection and kindness after everything he's been through :(( oh and he's also immortal
Otto is the hard one to explain here, manipulative bastard, nearly everything bad that happened in game in Honkai is bc of him. Not to mention he has an obsession with this girl he fell in love with like 600 years ago but she didn't like him back because she was a lesbian lmfao (Yeah he's immortal😒). So when she died he tried to bring her back to life. This lead him to make a clone of the girl he liked but the clone ended up hating him, rip ig. So here's a scenario. You're one of the successful clones of the girl he loved (Her name is Kallen), perfect and resemble her so much in every single way. And so basically he keeps you n shit, gaslights, manipulates, and gatekeeps you from everyone. You can add another scenario where clone darl tries to escape him but Idk that might get too long.
I won't force ya to write for them but jesus christ these men right here have MASSIVE yandere vibes. Honkai men have so much more trauma than Genshin men it's so funny 😭😭 plus none of them look like boys or young these are GROWN MEN and they got the goods😳
Here's a pic of them together
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Kevin has a booba window but no booba :((
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Rich manipulative bastard probably puts you on a leash with full bdsm gear and a ball gag while he sips wine. Doesn't he just scream arrogant
Anyways thats all bye 😘 Have fun on your trip btw
I'm sorry the name Otto Apocalypse is killing me ahaha but yeah that's 😳😳 Hot... ngl I don't mind the baby-faced boyish shorties we got tho, I love those types of guys, but more mature men are also v gud
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midoriyas-wifey · 4 years
so i have to thank the one, the only, @shorkbrian for feasting with me on this concept. also i only have a vague understanding of the book so im pulling most of this out of my ass
WARNINGS: tw noncon, tw abuse, shoto is a nasty breeding stud huhuhu
to set the scene: this is set maybe like 3-4 generations after the canonical beginning of the society, so this culture of using fertile women as broodmares and women having like no rights at all has been totally normalized. few babies turn out to be fertile as well, but enough to keep pumping out more babies to keep a nation going.
shoto actually holds his official wife with a good deal of contempt because she’s only interested in him for status (as a commander) and money. the cherry on top is that his dad picked her out for him because of her quirk and family’s social status. he ignores her or gives the cold shoulder at the best of times. though they may sleep in the same bed, the atmosphere between the two is subzero.
shoto knew it was taboo, but he was adamant on hand picking who was to be his handmaid for the next 2 years. he was given a list of potential and available handmaids. as he perused the list in front of him, one stood out amongst all the others. you.
he couldn’t explain the feeling even if he tried, he was filled with a deep, molten lust; but on the other hand his chest bloomed with adoration. he read your description over and over obsessively, salivating over every word. you would be his. his to fuck, his to breed, his to impregnate. and of course, his to spoil and adore.
this deep of an attachment to a photo of your face and a paragraph of a description couldn’t be anything less than fate, he could feel it in his bones. you were his destined mate, fuck his whore wife and his shitty father, they could burn in hell.
shoto wondered how many of his kids he could get you to pop out in that 2 year time frame. IF he followed the time frame. the parameters of two years was already grating on him. he hadn’t even seen your body but he was chomping at the bit to flood your womb with his virile seed over and over and over and-
you’d just look so so cute as his barefoot and swollen leedle broodmare. his adorable little breeding heifer doing her duty, belly round and taut with his babies. he fantasizes about it day and night, your milky tits plaguing his dreams as he aches for both him and his future young to nurse on them.
ofshoto has no idea of the storm she’s been wrangled into. of course, you don’t know the levels of obsessive devotion he has to you. they might’ve even eclipsed his hatred for his father in their intensity.
having been schooled by the aunts, you had no true knowledge of how much of anything worked, except to be complicit to your commander and his wife. you knew your purpose, but not exactly how it went. the government wanted the handmaids to be as malleable and naive as possible. poor darlings.
shoto’s wife might be sitting in the chair next to him at the head of the banquet table and enji across from him, but shoto is too busy making his leedle handmaid cockwarm him thru dinner, occasionally bucking up into you, making you repress a squeal from how stuffed you are. you haven’t even gotten a chance to eat and you’re already full.
sometimes shoto’s wife is asleep when he drags his precious handmaid in to his room and you’re scared and crying because his wife will wake up and be angry with you. he tells you to be quiet and take his fat dick, let that ugly cow wake up and see him dumping his load into his broodmare, ask him if he gives a shit.
he’ll be railing you and rearranging your insides with you face down ass up while at the same time whispering in your ear about unfair his life is, that he only truly wants you and hates his father and wife. meanwhile you’re getting the screws in your brain fucked loose, knowing he has every intention of breeding you until your cunt can’t hold any more of his cum.
who is he kidding, of course he stuffs you with his seed way beyond what your tight little pussy can handle; every drop spilled is another huge, thick breeder load dumped, best try to keep it inside you.
the denouement is when enji walks in on shoto rearranging your guts and just freezes as he watches your body jolt and jiggle under the furious pounding of his son’s hips. the lewd slapping and squelching of your wet pussy around his dick was enough to have enji hard in his pants.
shoto knows all of this, and he revels in it. how enji can never have a taste of his delicious broodmare no matter how much he wants, how much he lusts.
without missing a beat, shoto looks up as his father while he pounds your gooey insides, your cries and wails bouncing around the room. their eyes meet. shoto quirks his brow and with a condescending and smug sneer on his face he asked his father: “what, do you plan on watching me make your grandbabies?”
shoto knocks you up with triplets within the first 2 months heehee >:3c
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