#Bee escreve historias
birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
Hmm for another cocktail how about a 10 leading into a 15 then ends in a 22? For pairing edeleth again, unless you have another pair you wish to write for.
10. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
15. A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.
22. A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
Oh hell yes, let’s do this. I’m making the mistake of doing this on mobile, but whatever, let’s get this bread. Going in a generic modern AU here, still trying to get my footing a touch. I’m baby, be gentle but enjoy. <3
Edelgard hadn’t meant for it to happen, really.
She’d walked into the flat that she and a couple of other girls shared, tired and spent from a long day. She’d dropped her bag by the door, not really caring enough to bring it in further. Edelgard didn’t want to physically carry it any longer anyhow, it was filled with work and she’d damn well had enough of that. It could simply wait for her to choose to care about it again.
As Edelgard rubbed at her eyes, and absently walked farther into the living room, she felt a familiar warmth wrap around her.
“You look tired, El...long day?”
It wasn’t on purpose, exactly, just a simple instinctive reaction. To what, she wasn’t sure. The comforting warmth? The familiar safety? The way that calm voice swiftly soothed Edelgard’s every nerve? Whatever it was, without a single thought spared to it, Edelgard simply leaned up and gave her girlfriend a chaste kiss hello.
“Yes, very long, and mind-numbingly ridiculous. If I have to hear another man tell me how to run a meeting, I swear–”
Byleth chuckled, very familiar with this particular rant, and she knew full well where it would lead. Rather than let Edelgard get herself worked up over something hardly worth the effort, she cuts her off with a kiss. This one somewhat less chaste than the last, if either woman was being honest. Truly, it was meant to just be the one kiss, to quiet and calm Edelgard down.
But no, it quickly multiplied, one after the other in a steadily increasing fervor. Edelgard’s hands hesitantly slide up Byleth’s chest, before they grip the back of her neck and hold her fast. She finds no care nor breath to complain, really. Instead, Byleth pulls the woman’s waist close to her, and makes a bold move.
Byleth pulls away, just enough to take a moment and catch her breath. Edelgard couldn’t help but whine in protest, a frown pulling at her features. Before she has time to complain, however, Byleth fiercely brings their lips back together, and what breath they’d both regained was quickly lost again. Still excited, Byleth nibbles at Edelgard bottom lip, and gently soothes the wound with her tongue.
Edelgard’s broken gasp at the feeling only encourages her all the more. Emboldened beyond measure, Byleth has her against the wall now, mouth now hot and eager against a pale neck. It doesn’t last long, however, as the needy mewling above brings Byleth back to once again kiss Edelgard soundly and mightily on the lips.
Just as hands have begun to travel, a loud succession of knocks to the front door shock them apart.
“Can you two stop devouring each other for, like, five minutes so I can bring the groceries in?! Please, for the love of all things good!”
Byleth, still flushed from it all, can’t help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of the moment. Edelgard, on the other hand, is far less amused.
“God damn it, Dorothea, hold on!”
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
How about an 8 that leads into a 16 for edeleth?
8. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.16. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
Ooh, what a delightful cocktail. I don’t often write romance, but I want to try, so let’s do this thing...and you know what? Let’s spice it up a little, we’re doing this in the Big Spender Verse!
“You can have this room, it should suffice just fine.”
Edelgard stepped through the door behind Byleth, and scanned the generously sized bedroom. It was well-furnished and awfully cozy, really. The rays of sunset that came through the window warmed the room in hues of orange and red, and gave it a soft aura. It was all very relaxing, but not nearly as much so as the gentle hand that gripped hers.
Edelgard turned to regard her mysterious rescuer, who seemed strangely bashful all of a sudden. While her expression was mostly neutral, those sharp blue eyes were downcast and the faintest of blushes colored her cheeks. That was quite the surprise to Edelgard, as her eyebrows rose at the sight, given how stoic Byleth had proven to be so far.
“I hope you like it here...” Those blue eyes rose to meet Edelgard’s, and she struggled not to gasp. “You can stay as long as you need to, but don’t feel obligated to do so for very long.”
Edelgard smiled, and squeezed the hand that was still in hers. “I am very grateful for what you and the others did for me. I feel I must find someway to repay you all, so I won’t be going anywhere for quite some time.”
To see that soft but small smile break out on that normally blank face was akin to seeing a sunrise. Edelgard flushed at the thought, but stayed strong, and kept Byleth’s gaze. She did, however, go wide-eyed as Byleth brought their joined hands up, and gently laid a kiss to the back of her hand.
“There’s no need for repayment, Edelgard. Simply having the opportunity to spirit you away from that man’s grasp was reward enough.”
Edelgard frowned as she shook her head. “Absolutely not, I would be remiss to allow such kindness to not be repaid properly. I will find something I can do for you in return.”
Byleth’s smile endured, but something shifted in her eyes, and looked almost...fond.
“Being as cute as you are now is repayment enough, in my book.”
Edelgard pouted now, indignant as she was at being teased so, though her reignited blush betrayed her. Before she could counter and continue the argument, however, she felt Byleth’s free hand gently cup her cheek. What words she’d planned on speaking evaporated in her mind as Byleth leaned down, and kissed her. Edelgard gasped softly, the sound of it lost as she closed her eyes, and simply let herself go.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
A Tale of a Shadow
This got far longer than I intended, whoops. I’m on mobile too, so no read mores, we read or scroll like mad dastards, lol. @patricia-von-arundel @frozenartscapes
Edelgard was not one for telling stories.
So when the child asked her for one, on a quiet moonlit night when being put to bed, she wasn’t sure at first what to do. Byleth wasn’t available, having long since fallen asleep, overwhelmed by a long and taxing day. Millie has already given her goodnight hugs and kisses, and it had been up to Edelgard to take her to bed. There was no way out for her, no excuse or escape; and honestly, no desire not to. She absently remembered asking for stories as a child herself, and wanted to afford her daughter that same luxury.
But what story to tell her...?
All our lives are stories, El, that can be shared and keep us alive in memory. How else do you think legends are made?
Shadow’s words echoed in her mind, and Edelgard smiled down at the little face that beamed up from her place in her mother’s lap.
“Once upon a time, there was a young princess, who caught the eye of a mysterious dragon spirit...”
Millie’s eyes sparkled, already enamored with the tale, and cuddled closer to Edelgard’s chest as she eagerly awaited the rest of the story.
“The dragon had been traveling from world as they searched for their soulmate. When they came to Fódlan, the princess was so similar to their soulmate, the dragon spirit was fooled into thinking she may be their quarry. But as the years went by, and the spirit was as an invisible friend to the princess, they fell in love with the little girl’s spirit and heart. After all, she clearly was alike to their soulmate, and such a unique soul was well worth their companionship.”
Millie squirmed in her lap, her gaze unfocused and fascinated. “Ooh...did they stay with the princess?”
Edelgard smiled and nodded. “Indeed they did, they watched over her during her childhood. She knew they were there, as well; had spied a large hulking shadow that did not match her own. That, and she could sense them read books over her shoulder, or dance with her as she practiced alone. Thus the princess dubbed them Shadow, for they followed her as one.”
“This quiet friendship lasted for many years, during which Shadow would occasionally disappear. But the princess never feared, for they always returned. Though she didn’t know it at the time, Shadow would leave for days at a time to scour Fódlan for their soulmate, before returning to the girl’s side.”
Edelgard hesitated, and her voiced caught in her throat, as she approached the next part of the story. Millie noticed, and hugged her tight, which she returned with a bittersweet smile.
“But one day...everything would change. Evil people took the girl and her siblings, took them to a deep, dark place. They did horrible, painful things to the princess, and to her brothers and sisters. This lasted for a long time, for too long, and the girl despaired, for Shadow had disappeared and had yet to return. Her heart broke in the darkness, as it seemed Shadow had abandoned her.”
Millie pulled back, distressed and shook her head. “No! But Shadow loved her, right? Why would they leave when she needed them most?!”
Edelgard hushed her gently, and held her close as she calmed her daughter. “Shh, it’s all right, sweetheart. Shadow had already been gone when they took the princess away, and they spent all of that time desperately searching for her. They had planned to go, to leave Fódlan and continue the search for their soulmate. But before they could leave, they sensed the princess’ cries, they felt her call out to them.”
Once she felt the child relax in her arms, Edelgard carefully pulled away and stroked Millie’s hair. “So you see? They could have left, but when Shadow realized the princess was in pain and all alone, they rushed back to her side. In fact, Shadow had to sacrifice their chance to leave, for their power was weak in the world that they were alien to.”
Millie’s eyes widened as she gasped. “Really?! Shadow couldn’t leave after they stayed for the princess?”
Edelgard waved a finger at her. “In a way, yes. It would take many years for Shadow to regain the strength to leave again. They devoted those years to being ever closer to the princess, as she grew up to be a strong, fierce young woman. They stayed at her side from that point onward, even as the princess went to the Officer’s Academy. One day, in fact, Shadow truly revealed themself to the princess.”
Millie gasped, but looked excited. “Really?!”
Edelgard, amuses by her daughter’s excitement, smiled as she chuckled. “Yes, they did. They wrote a letter, and coaxed her to the roof, where they stood, physical and real and tall before her. They were like a man and a dragon, all at once, shining black metal skin, a bright red mane that put horses to shame, and great golden horns. But as fearsome as they looked, they were still the princess’ dear friend.”
“Shadow told her their story, of how they didn’t belong in that world, and had mistaken her for their soulmate. There was a brief argument, as the girl felt betrayed by something Shadow had revealed.”
Millie frowned, pouted even, at that. “What could Shadow have said to upset her?”
Edelgard’s eyes glazed as she remembered that moment. “Shadow had told her they were a god, a dragon god from a distant world...and the princess had never been kind to the concept of gods till then. She couldn’t imagine a god could be so nice, but furthermore, she was upset that a god had failed to save her siblings.”
Millie’s pout faded, but she frowned still. “Oh...but...but Shadow didn’t know! They didn’t know about the bad people, right? And didn’t they have problems with their power?”
Edelgard smiled, proud, as she nuzzled her forehead to Millie’s. “You are correct, my dear. But the princess didn’t understand at the time, and she was still grieivng for her siblings, and for who she’d been before the pain. But as Shadow explained, she could not stay mad at them for long. After all, they swore to help her, for they believed in her cause, in the change she wanted to bring about in the world when she would own day become...”
Edelgard paused, and watched her daughter’s eyes closely now. “...when she would be emperor.”
Millie frowned again, and pulled her head back. Edelgard merely waited, confident that her clever little girl would figure it out. And so she did, as those big eyes widened in surprise. She stared at her mother, a new look on her face now, somewhere between confusion and awe.
“Mama...it was you? Shadow was your friend?”
Edelgard nodded, proud yet again of her daughter. “Indeed I was, and Shadow truly was precious to me, and I to them. They had to leave, sadly, before the final battle when we approached Fhirdiad. They had regained the strength they needed to leave, and had also promised not to help.”
Millie almost scowled now, but it was hampered by her remaining awe at the revelation of who the princess of the story was. “They wouldn’t help you fight? Why not? Didn’t they love you?”
Edelgard smiled and stroked her still chubby cheek. “Oh they did, very much so. That is exactly why they didn’t help. Shadow knew what our cause was, mortal people standing together to free ourselves from cruel and unneeded gods. Shadow would not make our victory hollow, by being a god helping us slay another god. No, instead, Shadow and I traded promised before they left.”
“I made Shadow promise me, that should they ever need my help, to call on me. No matter where they were, no matter the world and no matter the danger. If they needed my help, to call on me, to summon me to their side. In return, they made me promise...promise that, should the worst come to pass, that I would pray to them. That I would call them to myself, before I passed, so that they could see me at the end.”
Millie pouted again, upset at her mother’s words. “But...but you’re fixed now, right? Mom said you’ll be okay, and your hair is brown again now.”
Edelgard nodded, and her eyes flicked down to the loose brunette strands that fell past her shoulders, before she smiled back at Millie. “Indeed...so, the worst will not come to pass, not for a long time yet, at least. But nature is not the worst, and Shadow need not see me as we once feared they would.”
Millie pouted still, but seemed to almost scowl. Edelgard frowned now, and tilted her head. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Did you...not care for the story?”
She shook her head, hard, her own brown hair whipped back and forth from the force of it. “I didn’t like the ending! It was happy AND sad, and I don’t want it to be sad!”
Edelgard chuckled softly, touched by Millie’s indignation in her rescuer and mother’s behalf. “It’s all right, Millie. I got you and your mother out of it, didn’t I? It’s not so bad an ending.”
Millie forced her way out of her mother’s grasp, and stood tall on the bed, arms crossed and pouting mightily. “No! I think you should get to see Shadow again! You miss them, I can tell! And I bet they miss you too! Have they asked you to help them with something, yet?”
Edelgard tentatively nodded, far less comfortable sharing that particular tale. It wasn’t a bad one to tell a child, sure, but she’d rather not have to tell Byleth as well. She doubted her wife would be pleased to hear of Edelgard being on another world entirely, helping Shadow and their allies face powers that made Rhea and TWSITD seem as nothing.
“Y-yes, Millie...they made do on their promise, and I provided them with my support. It’s still been many years now, however, since I saw them last.”
Millie stomped her foot in fury, but lost her balance on the bed. Edelgard quickly supported her, but the girl still maintained her mood.
“You should get to see Shadow again, then!”
“But Millie, they–”
“No! You miss them! You should get to see them again!”
“Millie, hush, it’s late! You’ll wake your mother!”
“El? Mill?”
The pair both looked over, suddenly sheepish as they beheld a groggy Byleth smirking at them both. Her hair was unkempt and nightwear wrinkled from sleep, but her eyes and smile were bright. She approached the bed, and picked up Mildred to settle their daughter in her lap. Byleth met Edelgard’s eyes as she raised an eyebrow.
“Told her about Shadow, I take it?”
Edelgard sighed and nodded. “Yes, and now she’s adamant that Shadow and I deserve a renunion.”
Millie, as hugged Byleth tight about the neck, grumbled into her othe mother’s shoulder. “You do!”
Byleth chuckled as she rubbed Millie’s back. “She’s right, you know.”
Millie pulled back, and both she and Edelgard stared at Byleth with wide eyes.
“She is?”
“I am?”
The simultaneous surprise just made Byleth love them both all the more, as she laughed and ruffled Millie’s hair. “Yes, you are! I had the pleasure of being confronted by Shadow, once upon a time. They approached me like an angry big brother, concerned that I would only cause Edelgard trouble. We had a moment of mutual understanding, and they gave me their approval before they disappeared back to El’s side.”
Edelgard raised an eyebrow. “Neither of you ever told me that...”
Byleth met her gaze and shrugged. “I think Shadow was embarrassed by the encounter. They were more than prepared to give me grief, but I suppose I didn’t give them much traction for that.”
Edelgard shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t.”
Millie squirmed in Byleth’s arms, and looked up at her. “So...does this mean we can make Mama talk to Shadow again?”
Byleth looked up at her wife, who simply sighed and waved a dismissive hand. She smiled at the show of surrender, and hugged their little girl all the tighter.
“We’ve won, kiddo. One reunion with the great Shadow, on the horizon.”
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
You actually came for me...? ~ Edeleth Ficlet
I’ve yet to the play the game, and know very very little, but...here’s a little something that started playing out in my head, and I wanted to make real.
Edelgard stood there, at the window’s edge in the tower, and gazed out to the lands below. Though her eyes looked, they did not see, as her mind’s eye wrested their power away and farther, past the horizon. She was waiting for someone...someone she truly did not know if she’d actually see. The odds were stacked so solidly against her, that it was quite foolish for Edelgard to be in the tower at all.
What was she thinking? Edelgard resisted the overwhelming urge to bite her lower lip, as the sun began to dip low in the sky. Why would she even come here, to Edelgard, after everything?
What have I done to possibly deserve you...?
The sound of footsteps behind her made Edelgard refocus on the horizon, though she did not turn to look.
“Any sign of her?” Edelgard inquired of the arrival, her voice strong despite the weakness in her chest.
“No, my emperor.” It was Hubert; of course, it was. He’d all but been her shadow for five years and beyond.
She struggled not to sigh, for she knew there’d be far too many emotions in the air that would escape. It hurt her chest to keep them there, but Edelgard would not afford them the freedom. If the person she awaited did not arrive, Edelgard would know freedom was never in the cards for her, so her emotions shouldn’t get such a luxury.
“Hubert...” She muttered, so soft, a part of her worried he wouldn’t hear.
“Yes, my lady?” Of course he heard.
Somewhere in her mind, something screamed at her not to let the words out. But as the sun inched lower...
“...do you think she’ll show?”
The anticipation for Hubert’s answer outweighed the disappointed her backbone had in her in that moment. The silence seemed to last an eternity, but felt no where near as long as the wait Edelgard had suffered so far.
“I am uncertain, my emperor. Mayhap she will...”
The trail off in his voice cut Edelgard deeply.
Hubert sighed behind her. “There are many hands that tug at her arms, many voices that demand her ear. Though it pains me to say so, Edelgard, I can promise you nothing.”
But I’m not reaching for her arm...I’m simply holding out my hand. I don’t demand that she hear me...I simply want to hear her.
The sun now fraternized with the horizon, and Edelgard’s lips threatened to purse together. The darker the world about her became, the darker she felt inside. Though the air was warm, the land lush and comfortable, Edelgard felt a chill. She’d hoped against herself that her fears were wrong, that she would be here, that she would come. Had their time at the academy not been as special as Edelgard had thought it to be?
Had she not cared for Edelgard at all?
Edelgard’s hands clenched into tight, shaking fists at her sides as she fought against the storm that grew in her chest. Hubert must’ve taken notice, for she just barely heard his approach, just hardly felt his air behind her.
“My emperor, please, let us g–”
Before he could finish, a sudden commotion startled them both. Edelgard heard Hubert’s blade sing in freedom before she swung around to see him take his stance between her and the door. Her hope already quenched, Edelgard bared her will and her axe as she gazed past Hubert to the threshold where the intruder stood.
Only for her axe to cry out as it fell to the floor, for her breath to disappear, and for all the world around her to recede to the woman at the door.
There Byleth stood, all her weight leaned against the doorframe as she panted and bled on it. Her sword was sheathed at her side, the cleanest part of her—but of course, the professor had emphasized weapon cleanliness above all else. Her hair was tangled and matted, and did not come out bloodless. But as she raised her head to look to the two in the room, her eyes shone bright as they locked on violet.
And Edelgard saw the sun rise once more as Byleth smiled.
“El...” Byleth spoke softly, and sounded so terribly tired.
The teacher tried to take a step, only to immediately begin to fall. Before Hubert could make to help, nor even protest to his emperor’s movements, Edelgard was already across the room. She held onto Byleth for dear life, kept her upright and gentle as she buried her face in the dirt-smeared shoulder. Weak arms rose to cling to her back, and though Edelgard knew the dirt and blood on Byleth would be all over her attire, she truly did not care.
“You came...you actually came for me...?” She didn’t mean for it to be a question, but her body had broken out in rebellion upon sight of Byleth.
A weak chuckle shook beneath her hold. “But of course...I’m sorry I’m late, bandits of all things, you see.”
The hand that rubbed at her back felt like heaven. “How sad I didn’t have any future students to save me, hmm?”
Against her will, the rebellion going strong, Edelgard giggled. “What a tragedy, the poor professor on her own.”
She clung tighter, her brow furrowed as her relief at simply holding Byleth threatened to run down her cheeks. “I was so afraid you wouldn’t come, my teacher...”
A startlingly warm, soft sensation of pressure went off on her temple, and Edelgard all but went into shock.
“I’ll always find you, my El.”
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
Sylvain’s first mistake was challenging “Leonard” to an arm wrestling match.
His second mistake was thinking he could win.
Ariel smirked, her hand hardly trembled as it grasped her opponent’s. Sylvain groaned and struggled, and sweat beaded all over his face. But Ariel’s hand was unmoved, her face calm and still grinning. Honestly, she hardly needed to flex to keep him from pushing her hand down.
She wouldn’t actually tell him that, as obnoxious as Sylvain could be, Ariel wouldn’t dare mock the boy so. Instead, she simply decided he’d suffered long enough, and without trouble slammed his hand back onto the table. The crowd that had gathered cheered, and Sylvain’s fellow Lions even gave Ariel some pats on the back.
Ingrid seemed especially grateful.
“That was great, Leonard!” She smiled down at Ariel, who struggled not to squirm. “Sylvain needed to be knocked down a peg or two, thank you for your hard work.”
Ariel glanced over to make sure Sylvain couldn’t hear, them leaned towards Ingrid and whispered, “It wasn’t hard, honestly.”
Ingrid immediately burst into laughter, and patted Ariel on the back once more as she left to join her classmates. They crowded around Sylvain, and seemed to alternate between heckling him and comforting him. Ariel had lingered at the table that had been used for the match, and was startled when Caspar suddenly appeared across from her. He smiled wide at her and already had his hand up.
“My turn, Leonard!” He shouted, making Ariel’s ears ring. “Let’s do this!”
The still present audience milled excitedly, no doubt eager for another round. Ariel blinked ar him for a moment before she shrugged, smiled, and took Caspar’s hand. The crowd roared in approval as, after a moment’s hesitation and then a nod, the match started.
Ariel knew better than to underestimate the blue-haired bundle of energy. She’d seen what her classmate could do, and knew his stature meant nothing; he really was deceptively strong. While it wasn’t beyond her ability to handle, she truly did have to put a little bit more elbow grease into holding back Caspar’s hand. But where her strength failed her, Ariel’s endurance did not.
Though to his credit, Caspar lasted twice as long as Sylvain. But his stamina still eventually began to die out. Sweat and stress alike spread throughout his face as he began to have issue holding her back. Ariel gave Caspar a smirk, and afforded him a few more seconds before she slammed his hand back as well. The crowd cheered once more, even louder than before, and Caspar slumped back with a smile.
“Leonard, that was amazing! You’ve got to train with me sometime, show me how you got so tough!”
Ariel shrugged and leaned back in her chair. “If you want, Caspar, but I make no promises. Arm wrestling is more delicate work than it seems, after all.”
Caspar stood from the chair, and frowned as he stepped aside.
“I wouldn’t think so, but then I lost, so maybe you’re right!”
Ariel smiled and waved at him as he left. She loved this game, though she really needed to get out of there. She’d promised to meet up with Dorothea, she’d offered to help her go on a market run. But before Ariel could even think to rise, Raphael plopped himself in the seat across from her, elbow already on the table as he grinned.
“My turn, Leonard! Come on, loser gives the winner their dinner shares!”
Ariel grimaced and sighed, but didn’t have the heart to deny Raphael his challenge. The muscular young Deer loved feats of strength, after all. Plus, the roaring approval of the crowd as she grasped his meaty hand reminded her of their presence. She’d accidentally gotten them all hooked on her win streak, and now Ariel was paying for it.
Sorry, Dorothea...
The match began, and Ariel kept her eyes on Raphael’s face. She had to be careful, the young man outweighed every single other student in the monastery with his musculature. One would think he’d win all arm wrestles easy, but Ariel was both pretty strong herself, and clever. Pure strength alone did not a winner make, as Sir Malachi had always told her.
It took a lot more effort, and a lot more time, but before long Ariel managed to wait Raphael out. She could see how labored his breathing was, the sweat that gathered on his brow, and smirked. He was glaring at their grasped hands, lips pulled back in a strained grimace. But then, Raphael made the mistake of looking up and meeting Ariel’s eyes.
She simply smiled, and slammed his hand back into the table.
The crowd cheered loud and proud, as Raphael pouted. Ariel easily knew why he was upset, and reached out to pat his hand.
“It’s okay, Raph, I didn’t accept your bet, now did I? Don’t worry about the dinner shares.”
The young man beamed at her, then stood and patted her on the back. She only winced a little, to her credit.
“Thanks a bunch, Leo! And good match, you’re a lot stronger than you look!”
As he left, Ariel frowned and scratched the back of her head. Than she looked? How strong did she look, or...not look, as it was? She sighed and shook her head, finally free and ready to leave. But just as she made to stand, another challenging hand entered her field of vision.
“I believe I deserve a turn, don’t you think?”
Ariel jolted, shocked are the all too familiar voice, and looked up in horror at Dorothea’s smirking face. It didn’t help that she looked awfully beautiful as always, and Ariel could already feel the flush take over her face. She gulped and started stuttering, what words she got out somewhere in between apologies and explanations. Dorothea simply raised an eyebrow and wiggled her fingers.
“Beat me, and we’ll call it even. Lose, and you’re coming with me to an opera show.”
Ariel took a shuddering breath, the crowd that watched in equal parts amusement and anticipation long since gone ignored by her. She resettled herself on her chair, and raised her hand to take Dorothea’s. This was actually the first time she’d held the woman’s hand without the gloves Ariel normally wore, and she regretted it being now, when her palm was horrendously sweaty.
Dorothea didn’t seem to even blink, however, and simply stared at Ariel as they both waited. After a moment passed, they started, arms flexing as they pushed against each other. Not wanting to insult Dorothea, Ariel treated her no different and fought to win. She ignored that still present smirk on her distractingly pretty lips, and tried to focus. For a moment, it seemed, obvious as it may be, that Ariel would win yet again.
Then in a swift motion without ever lifting her elbow, Dorothea stood up, leaned over the table, and kissed Ariel on the cheek.
Ariel’s mind flatlined, and the next thing she knew, the crowd was crying out in outrage and a sharp pain was pulsing in the back of her hand. She blinked back into awareness, and hardly noticed how Dorothea gently rubbed the the smarting back of her hand. Ariel did, however, notice the big smile on her victorious opponent’s face.
She’s so beautiful...
“I’ll let you know when the show is, you’ll love it, I promise.”
Ariel just nodded dumbly, awestruck and utterly twitterpated, as Dorothea winked at her and walked away.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
Shadow ~ FE3H One Shot
Edelgard dragged me along again, but honestly, I kinda conspired with her this time around.
Shadow had followed her for as long as she could remember.
Edelgard did not know who it was, nor even what it was. Ever since she was a little girl, she’d seen it out of the corner of her vision. She’d just happen to spy her shadow, only to realize it was far too big, far too muscled, and far too tall to be her own. But every time she realized, and would look to the strange shadow, Edelgard would just see her own.
Thus did her young self dub them Shadow.
As a child, she had very much enjoyed Shadow’s company. When she read a book, she could feel a presence look over her shoulder and read with her. She’d even read slowly, just in case Shadow wasn’t as fast as she was. When Edelgard would practice her dancing, if she ever did so alone, she would feel the air before her shudder as if she had a tall partner join her.
Edelgard knew better than to let slip the presence of her strange companion. Even as a child, she never thought it wise to inform the adults about her invisible friend she called ‘Shadow’. She both preferred not to suffer the looks they’d give her, but a jealous part of her enjoyed Shadow’s exclusive attentions. The simple fact that no one else saw signs of Shadow’s presence, but Edelgard clearly could…
They only wanted her to know them, and that made her small chest swell with pride.
As she grew, Shadow remained close at hand, no matter where her family ended up taking her. The assurance that her companion was not just some localized phenomenon greatly comforted Edelgard. She truly had come to cherish Shadow’s friendship throughout her childhood. Even as the young Hubert became her vassal, and as such a physical shadow that trailed behind her, the Shadow that eclipsed them both still held a special place in her heart.
Which would make the tragic events that would soon befall her all the worse.
Growing up, Shadow would occasionally disappear and spend time on their own. Edelgard grew to understand that they simply wanted to strike out on their own every once in a while, and explore. Even as a child, Edelgard was all right with this; after all, imaginary friends didn’t leave of their own accord, they were always where you imagined they would be. Since she always wished that Shadow remained close, their autonomy further proved the tangibility of her companion.
So it came at poor timing that Shadow was missing when Edelgard’s suffering began. During that dark and painful time, Shadow had seemingly never returned, even when she thought they should’ve. Edelgard did not know if her friend feared the horrid people that tortured her so, or if they had some shell that prevented their presence. Throughout all the agonizing pain of the experiments inflicted on her, she begged for Shadow to come back. Edelgard would be loathe to admit it in her elder years, but one could call her silent pleas for Shadow’s return prayer.
But strangely enough…it seemed to work. As if her inward calls actually reached them, Shadow found her just as the arduous experiments came to an end. Whether they were freer with their feelings, or their strange bond was stronger, it didn’t really matter; all Edelgard cared about in the wake of her pain was that she could feel Shadow’s own. They were beyond shocked to find her as they did, and she could all but feel their sorrow and their guilt.
Shadow didn’t leave her side again for the next several years.
The days of the Academy were an especially fascinating time for them both. Shadow seemed strangely shy for a being who could show signs of their presence to only Edelgard, and she found new ways to interact with them without being caught. Quiet, stolen moments with a book in the library, silent exchanges in the cafeteria that none could understand, and whispered good nights and phantom hair strokes before sleep. Though tenuous with the undercurrent of Edelgard’s plans, Shadow kept to their word, and never left her side once.
But it was when the new professor arrived that things…changed.
   For the first time ever, Edelgard’s gaze was stolen away from her Shadow.
For several months, her focus was on her studies, and even then, she was often distracted by the new teacher. True to their promise, Shadow remained close, and what times Edelgard paid attention, the air about her when they were near seemed…oddly gleeful, especially when she was with Byleth. She pointedly ignored it, though it did please a part of her that Shadow seemed to approve of her teacher. She dared not share Shadow with Byleth yet, though to her surprise, she often considered it.
Even poor Hubert didn’t get such consideration.
Beyond the abnormality that was Byleth, and the confusion that seemed to bring her, Edelgard’s time with Shadow remained mostly unchanged. The only real change seemed to be that, to both her surprise and delight, Shadow was taking a more physical presence. They toyed with her curtains, fluffed her pillows when no one was looking, and even pulled up her blanket as she slept.
It was especially nice when Edelgard had a quiet moment alone, Hubert standing guard as always, but giving her privacy. She’d bring out her chess set and set it up, then make her turn. All she had to do was wait, and watch as the other side’s pieces slowly moved along the board on their own. Edelgard would almost smile, always so comforted by seeing the pieces move and the assurance that her childhood was not a dream. The game would continue, and to her delight, the outcome was never certain. She would win most of the games, but that was not always the case; either Shadow would somehow force a draw, or to Edelgard’s shock and joy, even win once in a while.
This enjoyable routine soon found itself with a shadow of another sort over it, however. As Edelgard’s plans continued, and Shadow remained ever close through it all, she often wondered what they thought of everything. What they thought, what they wanted, why they were even here at all? Why did Shadow follow her all this time? Why did they even care?
...who are they?
One day, however, Edelgard got her answer.
   After a long day of class, as the sun set and everyone went about their evening, Edelgard eagerly returned to her room. She was just a touch sore and tired, having overly exerted herself during spars and training. It was all the better, of course; if she was going to succeed, she had to be at her best. She’d been somewhat distracted, however, over the course of the day.
Shadow was missing.
They hadn’t been missing since that time, and so their absence had bothered Edelgard just enough that she struggled to contain it. The day before had ended the same as all others, there was no sign that something was amiss. As Edelgard made to turn into the night, she paused and stared at the table by her window.
The chess board was sitting out…she’d put it away last night, and hadn’t touched it all day.
Edelgard approached the board slowly, and kept her senses keen for any disturbances. Whether it was Shadow or something else, she would not be caught off guard. As she got closer to the board, it came to her attention that not all of the pieces were out. Only two of them were, set side by side atop a folded piece of paper. The White Queen and the Black Knight, with the former oddly set slightly in front of the Knight to its side.
Or perhaps…the Knight stood behind its Queen…
Gently, almost reverently, Edelgard set the pieces aside on the board—she even took the care to keep them together, out of some strange sentimental urge. She lifted the note and carefully unfolded it, only to drop it upon seeing letters scrawled on it. Edelgard turned to scan her room, but frowned when it was clear that she was alone.
She took a shoring breath and looked back down at the note as she picked it up again. The handwriting was somehow both bold and rushed, a hand so confident that it wrote too quickly. As she read it, a tumultuous storm of emotions ignited in her chest.
 Edelgard, follow my pull and come to the steeple roof. It’s about time that you and I properly spoke; I owe you an explanation, after all.
~With love,
            Your Shadow
 A slight tremble took to her hand before she stilled it. Shadow wanted to speak? Face to face? Why now, after all this time? Was it because of her plans…did they want to talk her out of it? No, with a purse of her lips, Edelgard knew that wasn’t the case. If Shadow disapproved, they would’ve made it clear well before she’d reached this stage.
They wanted to explain themselves…a lifetime spent not questioning their presence, and now, all the answers she never asked questions for were at her feet. Or, they would be, once she followed Shadow to their chosen spot.
As soon as Edelgard set the note down, she felt a gentle pull at her shoulder. She turned with it, and saw a dark phantom shape on the wood of her door. It was so tall, it had to crouch for its totality to be seen. The shadow was too muddled to make out, but Edelgard’s heart stuttered as she realized what it was.
Then she blinked, and it was gone.
Edelgard rushed out the door, and swiftly looked both ways down the hall. She saw nothing, but then felt another pull on her shoulder. She followed it, just as they asked, and continued to follow both the pull and the phantom silhouettes until she reached whatever destination Shadow desired.
It was, indeed, one of the large steepled roofs of the monastery. This particular one was large enough that its angle was not too steep to be climbed. Edelgard had heard tale of many rebellious, adventurous students who dared each other or themselves to climb to the top and watch the sunset. But on this night, the sun had already set and the moon lit Edelgard’s climb to the enormous beam that stretched across the height of the roof.
Just as Edelgard was about to reach it, her foot slipped, and her eyes widened in dread. She threw out one of her hands to try and get traction on the tiles of the roof…only to have the hand be grabbed by someone else’s. With their hold as an anchor, Edelgard managed to get her footing and catch her breath. Relieved that she wouldn’t have to explain herself to everyone, she looked up at the hand that held her own.
Her eyes widened as she realized the hand holding her own was so very larger, what felt like a hand was merely fingertips.
Edelgard followed the crimson digits thicker than a halberd’s pole, to the black palm that eclipsed her own like the sun dwarfed the moon. All of it was blacker than the night sky, an abyssal skin that felt like living metal. Farther along, the arm as thick as a small tree, covered with more of the black, jagged metal-like skin, the black occasionally broken by streaks of red or gold. The arm more muscled than all the boys in the monastery combined flowed up into a shoulder that made a stone look insignificant, into a chest that blocked out the moon entirely from Edelgard’s vision.
And atop that chest, a vast head…the head of a dragon.
Bright blue eyes flecked with gold shone in the shadowed expanse of the beast’s face, shrouded by the shadow it made with the moon at its back. A crimson mane crowned it, enormous bull horns of gold swept forward out of it, and above huge ears that looked somewhere between those of a horse and a bat. The long snout curled into a smile, the gentleness of which defied the grand, fierce visage that it bore.
The beast inclined its head to Edelgard, its long chin brushing the metal-skinned chest beneath.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you properly, Edelgard.”
The deep, gentle baritone of its voice struck a chord inside of her, like she’d heard it before, and yet this was the first time it graced her ears. As the man-dragon carefully pulled her up onto the steadiness of the steeple’s beam, Edelgard looked up—way, way up, the entity was massively tall—and narrowed her eyes as she met its own.
The fluffy red eyebrows above its eyes curved upwards as it smiled sheepishly.
“Aye, the one and only.”
Edelgard stared for a moment before she shook her head.
“This can’t be…what are you? A dragon?”
Shadow nodded, their smile still rather shy as they scratched the back of their mane.
“Of a sort, yes, I am.”
Edelgard narrowed her eyes up at them.
“Of a sort? You have the bearing of a man, but the head of a dragon…that is a rather unique sort of dragon to be.”
The dragon sighed as they nodded, and carefully made to sit down on the steeple beam. They let their long legs stretch out down the roof’s tiles, and it was then Edelgard realized the lower half of their legs were also more draconic than human. They had no tail, it seemed, and with a sigh of her own Edelgard crouched down to sit beside Shadow. Even sitting down, they towered over her, even the mere top half of their badly greatly outreaching her own height.
After a few moments of silence, thankfully not ruined by the revelation of Shadow’s appearance, they finally spoke.
“I am a god, Edelgard.”
Time itself seemed to halt as Shadow’s words hit her, and she held terribly still. All of her frustration and anger at the church and the gods it revolved around bubbled dangerously in her chest, and she struggled to keep it at bay. This was Shadow, her Shadow, the friend she’d known since she was a little girl…
Without looking to them, she whispered so softly she barely even heard herself.
“You can’t be…”
A gentle huff of a half-hearted laugh from them.
“Can I not?”
“You can’t be a god…you care.”
She saw them move out of her peripheral, and knew they had glanced her way. The following silence hardly lasted another heartbeat before Shadow spoke again.
“I know nothing of your gods, Edelgard, but I am a god myself and you’re right…I do care.”
Her fists clenched and lips pursed, and she glared coolly up at them.
“Do you? Truly? And yet you allowed so much to occur? To this world, to my family, to–“
Her voice caught in her throat, and Edelgard looked away. But before she could stew in her grief and frustration any longer, Shadow softly spoke again…and their words seethed with an undercurrent of an emotion she couldn’t quite place.
“…it is not my place to decide what happens in this world, Edelgard. I swear to you, had I the authority, had I the influence, had I the thrice damned power I once did, your hair would still have been the sweet brown I once wished to touch.”
Edelgard’s eyes widened and she looked back up at them, and almost leaned back at the burning intensity in their eyes. It was anger, but not at her…no, she knew her Shadow, they would never be angry at her. But then who could possibly be on the receiving end of this fire? The longer they stared at one another, however, the clearer it became.
Shadow was angry with themself.
“What…do you mean, the power you once did? You lost power?”
Shadow raised a mighty paw, and stared down at it before they slowly curled it into a tight fist. Sparks of fire and lightning pulsed and zapped across the metallic, abyssal sheen of their skin. But…for a god, it was…oddly small of a show.
“I am not of this world, Edelgard…I came here, searching for someone precious. But it was far more costly than I ever could’ve imagined.”
Edelgard tilted her head as she regarded her friend, and felt a strange urge come about her. She slowly reached out with a hand, and braved her own hesitations and gently set it on Shadow’s great arm. She expected the metallic appearance of their armor-like skin to indicate a cold touch, but rather Shadow radiated heat like a small, dying star.
“Shadow…you…came here? From another world entirely?”
They stared at their fist for another moment, before they looked down at her hand on their arm and sighed.
“Aye…I did…I thought I would find her here…”
“Her? Who were you looking for?”
The look of sheer heartbroken sorrow that overcame Shadow’s eyes actually affected Edelgard to her core.
“…my heart…my dear Elizavere.”
Shadow then regaled Edelgard with a tale she could hardly believe to be real. A tale of a world of bestial gods, of their children that they abandoned, and how one mortal woman broke Shadow’s self-imposed exile and somehow won their heart. To hear of a woman so selfless and brave, she willingly took upon herself the powers of yet-to-be-born gods that offered their strength to her cause…both in word of her actions, and by the adoring, reverent tone Shadow spoke of her with, Edelgard found herself moved.
Shadow crossed a thousand worlds and a thousand lifetimes, following their love to every life she was forced to live after having been banished by Shadow’s enemies.
Their tale finally finished, Shadow sighed as their form slumped, the mighty size of the dragon god suddenly so small.
“I thought she was here…I thought I felt her, but I was wrong. She’s nowhere to be found.”
“Why don’t you leave, then?” Edelgard questioned, the answer seemingly so obvious escaping her. “Find another world where she may be?”
They shook their grand head sadly.
“I can’t…I am too weak right now. Had I wished to leave, I should’ve done so years ago, before my power waned. At this point, it’ll be another several years before I am rested enough to leave.”
Edelgard frowned, and took some time to consider what could possibly have kept Shadow here, in a world without their heart. If they’d long since realized she was missing from here, then why? Why would they stay, when they could’ve continued the search?
“…then why did you stay?”
A sad smile spread across the black and crimson snout of the god as they turned to look at Edelgard.
“I couldn’t ignore the prayers of a little girl who needed my help.”
Her eyes widened as her breath stilled in her chest.
“But I…I didn’t, I never…I don’t…pray…”
Shadow’s smile remained unfazed.
“Ah, but you did. When those monsters took you away and ravaged you, I had been making a final search for Elizavere. I was just about to make way, to leave and hope you would grow to think I was just a figment of your imagination. But then I heard you…afraid, in pain, and I felt my heart ache.”
They looked away, and up into the starry night sky.
“I couldn’t leave you alone…she would never forgive me if I abandoned you, and I would never forgive myself. Besides…”
They smiled down to her again, the mirth and cheer she’d once associated with Shadow as a child evident in their blue-gold eyes.
“I’ve grown rather fond of you, my dear Edelgard. Besides, remember how I said I had thought I felt her here?”
She nodded, hesitantly, and their smile grew impossibly brighter.
“Your spirit fooled me for hers, they were not too dissimilar.”
Edelgard stared at them in shock, and shook her head.
“No, you must be mistaken. Elizavere, she…she sounds like a hero, she sounds more like Byleth or some other noble soul. I cannot possibly have…”
She drifted off as Shadow’s smile endured, unaffected by her dismission. They slowly raised a hand to gently hold her back, the paw so large it nearly dwarfed her back.
“I have had the pleasure to meet my Elizavere in more lifetimes than I care to count. She has not always been the same in each world, Edelgard. In each world, in each lifetime, I saw a different Elizavere. She was always different, but never the same. I truly believed you could be her, Edelgard. Though that may have proven false, do not dare think yourself unworthy of my attention. There is not another mortal on this world that has come close to deserving my gaze, let alone my time.”
Their gaze drifted away, and they tilted their head.
“Except for Bernadetta, perhaps…I still battle the urge to show myself to her father and give him a piece of my mind.”
Edelgard could not combat the smile that came about from Shadow’s admission. After all, it was a sentiment she regularly visited herself. To know that Shadow had felt the same when watching Bernadetta while they trailed behind Edelgard was very satisfying.
She sighed, and let her own gaze drift away and up at the stars.
“What will we do now, then, Shadow? While we wait for your next window to find your heart?”
She heard their heavy sigh, and easily imagined they looked star-ward as well.
“Most paramount, I do not intend to be known to anyone else in this world. I was never meant to be here, and I cannot dare be known by any others. No…I shall stay your Shadow, and hope I can be of help to you beyond the reach of the others.”
Edelgard raised an eyebrow and eyed them out of the corner of her vision.
“So you intend to follow through with me, then?”
They huffed once more, the laugh bearing more heart in it this time.
“But of course, my future emperor. There is wisdom in your plan, its only faults caused by the limitations of the thinking of those around you. And…well…”
She looked over just in time to watch Shadow gently, oh so very gently, take her small hands in their huge ones and eye her chest.
“I know all too well why you rush, Edelgard, and I understand. I will do all that I can to assist you, in every way my limited capacity will allow.”
As Edelgard stared up at their blue-gold eyes, and saw the devotion and the sincerity of their claim, the words left her before she could even consider them.
“Please…call me El.”
  Edelgard’s relationship with Shadow surprisingly didn’t change that much, even with their godly revelation.
They returned to their dominantly incorporeal state, as they’d done before. As her plans began to reach a head, Shadow never left her side as they kept an eye about her and whispered what they saw and what they thought. There remained some degree of mirth in their interactions, however; especially on Shadow’s side, as their newfound openness gave them more confidence in being silly, it seemed.
Edelgard couldn’t figure out if that was a good thing or not.
Shadow had been awfully proud behind Edelgard during the coronation, and if she was honest with herself, it felt nice. There were not many who she could consider truly close that attended, and Shadow’s beaming presence at her side warmed her like a gentle fire. Though, it didn’t help when Shadow pointed out to her that Byleth was present.
Edelgard could all too easily imagine Shadow’s cheekily excited body language, and ignored it along with her own budding joy at her teacher’s attendance.
The next five years were difficult, with the war in full swing and Dimitri’s wrath on the horizon, Shadow’s enduring support was much needed. Especially after Byleth disappeared; though Shadow assured her that she was all right, but never disclosed how they knew. Edelgard let it go, and focused on the war efforts with her army, and her house classmates she formed into a fearsome strike force.
Shadow provided surprisingly effective tactical advice every now and again. It ranged from supply line information, improving efficiency in a variety of fields, and…attack plans that were shockingly ruthless. But then, Edelgard supposed that she shouldn’t be surprised. Shadow had, after all, had to all but wage war with most of their godly siblings, and would later go through several lifetimes following their soulmate.
All that experience would’ve worn away a lot of Shadow’s…sentimentality regarding such things.
Hubert often asked after Edelgard’s mysterious source of advice and information. She simply assured her dear friend that all was well, and the source could be trusted more than most anyone else. He took that rather skeptically, as she expected him to, but Hubert accepted it on the grounds that it kept his lady safe and victorious.
A delightful change of pace after Shadow came clean was the stories. Every night that they were able, before Edelgard retired to bed, she would challenge Shadow to a bout of chess. Rather than move the pieces akin to a ghost, Shadow would fully appear as they had that fateful night. It was a delight for her to actually get to see their face and body language as they considered their moves.
The way they bent forward, rested their strong arms on their knees. The way their bushy crimson eyebrows clouded like a bloody stormfront over their blue-gold eyes. The way their shoulders hunched forward, and would rest their long chin atop clasped paws. Edelgard couldn’t decide which was the more fascinating part: getting to see a contemplative humanoid dragon, or playing chess with a god.
Ultimately, she decided the most fascinating part was simply getting to play chess with Shadow at all.
Edelgard was also impressed at Shadow’s capacity for multitasking, as they managed to continue to provide a challenge for her whilst simultaneously sharing more tales. Though they seemed rather hesitant to share too much about their first home, Shadow readily regaled her about all of the other worlds they’ve been to, the lives they lived. Some of them were too outlandish for her to believe, and occasionally the shine in Shadow’s eyes seemed too…mischievous.
Edelgard especially like the stories about Shadow’s closest friend, a powerful, brave woman known as Yuna. Apparently, she had to teach Shadow a thing or two once upon a time, and saved their ass more times than they could remember. They spoke of her fondly, and often referred to themself as “her dragon”. What this woman did to earn the god of dragons as her personal dragon companion, Edelgard could only dream.
Some of these moments, however, found a shadow of another kind over them for Edelgard. It dawned on her that this time with Shadow was borrowed. They regained the strength they needed to leave once before…and sacrificed that chance to go back for her. But now, that time was coming again for Shadow to be able to leave. Maybe not go home, exactly, but to continue their search for Elizavere’s next life, and reunite with them again.
Shadow was going to leave her soon…
  The end had finally begun.
Fhirdiad spread out before them, lit aflame by Rhea’s desperate order. Edelgard stood alone, apart from where her army and friends were massed, and waited the order to proceed. They’d just seen Rhea transformed into a dragon, and soared over the city. They would be marching soon…
“So that’s what a dragon looks like here.”
Edelgard looked to her left, and then up as she took in Shadow. They had their thick arms crossed over their mighty chest, and crimson eyebrows bunched angrily over their eyes as they glared solemnly over the city. She sighed as she looked back to the burning buildings ahead of them.
“Indeed, it would seem Rhea was keeping secrets.”
Shadow hummed in thought for a moment.
“Is that so? A shame I didn’t spy on her more, then…though, perhaps she might’ve sensed me were I too close. Alas, it’s past now.”
Edelgard’s gaze grew distant as she lost her focus. She held up her hands and stared at them, trapped in contemplation. The time must be soon…the finality of everything was too purposeful, too fateful. The journey was coming to an end, and Shadow would soon be just a memory…just a story.
She felt a large hand gently cover her back.
“El…come back, now, El.”
They spoke so softly, her breath caught in her throat and she could swear her heart stuttered. Why was this happening? Why did she feel this way, so on edge?
Why were her hands shaking?
“You’re going to leave soon…” Edelgard murmured, her eyes still on her shaking hands.
She heard them sigh.
“Aye…soon, I’m almost strong enough to leave again. I need to find her trail; I’ve been away from Elizavere for too long now.”
It wasn’t quite envy—or perhaps jealousy?—that Edelgard suddenly felt waft over her, no. But it was something deep and sharp, that struck at Shadow’s words. They’d been around for so long, for as long as she could remember when she was a little girl. What could life possibly be like without her Shadow?
“Do you have to go…?”
The words were spoken before she could stop them, and she immediately scrunched her eyes shut and pursed her lips. She didn’t mean to say that, Edelgard didn’t want to say that. The last thing she wanted to do was guilt trip Shadow.
“I’m sorry, Shadow, I didn’t–”
Her eyes shot open wide, and she looked up at their face. Their hand was still on her back, and they smiled at her when their eyes met.
“My name is Kalahan.”
Edelgard felt quite calm, strangely, upon hearing that. She frowned and tilted her head as she gathered her thoughts.
“Kalahan…I am sorry, I didn’t mean to ask that before. You have elsewhere to be, your place isn’t here. It isn’t…”
She took a deep breath to shore herself.
“…it isn’t with me, and I understand. But I must admit…I will miss you terribly.”
Shadow—no, Kalahan—nodded, their smile sadder now.
“I will miss you too, El…so very much. It has been a delight to watch you grow up into the mighty emperor you became, even if I had to watch you endure so much pain to reach it. And it has been the highest of honors to earn your friendship.”
Edelgard watched as Kalahan took a step back, and her eyes widened as they lowered to one knee. They placed their hands one over the other on the still raised knee, and bent over in a shallow bow.
“I wish you all the best in your future, my emperor.”
Her body seemed to be in the mood for rebellion. Perhaps the war raged against the church was to blame…but in the moment, as Edelgard’s feet moved of their own accord, and she found her arms envelop Kalahan’s thick neck, and gripped their mane in her gloves, she didn’t care. It was for the best, then, that she forgot herself in this moment, and the feel of Kalahan’s strong arms gently wrap around her and their chin softly fall to her back, it was worth it.
“My dear El…I am so glad I chose to stay behind. I meant what I said, it has been a true honor to be your friend. I cannot wait to tell Elizavere all about you, when next we meet. She’d have adored you, as would that rather rambunctious companion of mine I warned you of.”
A chuckle came unbidden, but Edelgard had truly given up her cares, this moment was too important for them.
“I still doubt I could be so alike to this heart of yours that you’d mistake me for her, but I am grateful for the mistake all the same.”
The dense chest beneath her arms shook with laughter.
“I will happily call you my greatest mistake, if that’s what you’re implying, El.”
Edelgard shook her head as she pulled away, her hands rested on their shoulders as she gazed somberly into Kalahan’s blue-gold eyes. They seemed to take notice, and let their own hands carefully rest on her back as their ears perked up.
“Kalahan…promise me, here and now, that should you ever have need of my help you will not hesitate to call on me. I do not care where, when, or what you are when you do so…I will always be at the ready, whenever you may need me.”
They stared at her for some time, as if testing her resolve…and seemed pleased as they smirked.
“I promise, Edelgard. Should I feel the situation is dire enough, and I need to call upon my allies, you shall be first and foremost among those I call to arms.”
They then gently squeezed her back and smiled.
“If you promise me…”
They hesitated, awfully distressed with what they were about to say. Edelgard reached out and pet their chin as she waited for them to gather their courage. Kalahan took a deep, shoring breath before they could continue.
“…if you can’t get your crests taken care of, then please, I beg you…pray to me before the end. Let me be there, please…”
Kalahan’s voice was thick as they spoke, and Edelgard could swear she saw their eyes glistening. She was confused at first, until she remembered: Kalahan watched her grow up. They really were there for her from the beginning, and were perhaps…making light when they said, that night they revealed their nature, that they had “grown rather fond” of her. Even if they had vanished when the experiments were performed, they knew…Kalahan knew what it meant.
Edelgard realized that it was genuine fear and sorrow that shimmered in Kalahan’s eyes.
“You can’t be a god…you care.”
Oh, what an understatement…
Edelgard could feel the prickly sensation of threatening tears, but ignored them as she pulled Kalahan’s chin down and gently kissed their nose, just beneath the golden horn that sat proudly there.
“You have my word, my dear Shadow.”
  Edelgard sat there, on her knees, fire all around her but she didn’t care.
In her arms was her teacher, was Byleth…her heart. Rhea, the Immaculate One, lay dead behind them, slain by their combined and determined might. The city burned around them, and no doubt, their forces were taking care of everything. All that mattered to Edelgard in that moment was Byleth.
Her heart had stopped, and the emperor clung to her, crying.
Don’t you leave me, too…I can’t lose you both, not in one day…
Suddenly, Edelgard heard a soft beat from the chest beneath her ear, and her eyes opened widened. She pulled back and stared at Byleth’s face as she watched the woman slowly open her eyes. Relief fell from Edelgard’s eyes as she smiled, and laughed with joy as she hugged Byleth tight. Her heart only soared higher as she felt weak arms gain their strength and hug her back.
The whisper was soft, the voice hoarse, and Edelgard gently squeezed her.
“Don’t speak, my teacher, please…rest yourself.”
“El…I-I heard…someone…”
Confused, she pulled back and scanned Byleth’s face, further perplexed to see her smirking.
“Yuna says hello…she’s…she’s taking care of Shadow for you…”
Somehow unsurprised that Kalahan’s closest friend had been watching over Byleth, Edelgard simply laughed and held her heart close.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
And the next chapter of Cyber Emblem hath arrived! <3 Enjoy! I am very much enjoying where this it going, hehehehe. I hope everyone else is too. 
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
Chapter four of Cyber Emblem is up! And also, I’ve drawn a lineart of the helmet of Byleth’s cyber armor.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
How about a 27 whose kiss comes from 28 that ends in a 17 for Ariel and Dorothea.
27. Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.28. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.17. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
Your bribe is in good taste, let’s do this thing.
Sometimes Ariel thought the goddess had it out for her. Other times, she thought that perhaps instead she was trying to help. But there were, rarely if ever at all, times when Ariel wondered if both could happen at once. For she found herself in such a moment, where she could not tell if this was a punishment or a reward.
Ariel had been having tea with Dorothea in the other woman’s room, and it had been going well. Very well, in fact…maybe even too well. Her first mistake was noting out loud to the songstress hadn’t been spending as much time with various men as she once had. That had resulted from a look, comment, and wink (in that order) that had rendered Ariel speechless and blushing. Honestly, she knew how much time they’d spent together, but Ariel had originally thought that her luck only extended as far as close friendship.
Ariel was right on the word “close”, perhaps not on friendship, though.
Before Ariel had realized what they were talking about, she blinked and found herself suddenly held down by Dorothea’s weight on her lap. Even her darker complexion wasn’t enough to hide the furious blush that had taken to her cheeks. She didn’t fight it, though, strangely enough. Even as Dorothea came closer, almost too close, Ariel simply found herself lost.
If Ariel had thought Dorothea was beautiful at a distance, she was stunned speechless from seeing her so close. At this point, she didn’t even know if the woman was still speaking to her. All she knew were those green eyes that scanned her face, an awfully fond smile on her lips. Speaking of, Ariel could swear she felt a fingertip trace along her own, and that realization made her blink, and finally hear what Dorothea was saying.
“I’ve…actually considered these far more than I usually do.”
Ariel gulped as she tried to keep her focus, and frowned.
“Considered what?”
Dorothea’s finger had rested on her lips, and she’d let it follow their movements during Ariel’s question. She simply grinned and met her eyes, the expression so much sweeter up close.
Suddenly, Ariel lost her breath, as Dorothea leaned even closer as she moved her finger to her chin. The songstress then leaned in and kissed her. A part of her screamed a warning, that this was dangerous, that this risked everything she was trying to do. As far as everyone else was concerned, Ariel was actually Leonard, and that included Dorothea. But even she had to admit, Ariel had dreamed about this moment.
So she simply closed her eyes, and enjoyed it.
The warnings in Ariel’s mind were increasingly drowned out as the moment lasted. As Dorothea boldly kissed her harder, and lost as she was, Ariel met her beat for beat. She was never one to not work as hard as everyone else, after all. Though, Dorothea wasn’t the only one who felt bold. Without another thought, Ariel deftly snuck her way past her vest, and tentatively found the songstress’ back.
Now it was Dorothea’s turn to be surprised, it seemed, as she gasped and pulled back. Her eyes fluttered open, the green oddly darkened in a way Ariel hadn’t expected possible. Dorothea grinned, then, and leaned back closer.
“Your hands are so warm…” She whispered in Ariel’s ear, voice melodious as ever.
Ariel, her mind too far gone to recover, simply smiled and kissed Dorothea again, and reveled in the knowledge that she could. 
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
Chapter 3 of Cyber Emblem is up!
I’m super proud of how this has been coming along so far, and have already looked far into the story’s progression. Oh, the ideas I have, the tales I can spin with this...please do give it a try, I’m enjoying writing this so much, I wanna hear everyone’s thoughts!
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
Chapter 2 of A Stormborne Champion is up! Merry Christmas and Merry Cicholmas, everyone! <3
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
A Newborn Phoenix
Apparently, the Neta X Birger fic I once promised a long time ago...never bloody happened. Well! That changes today! It’s probably not what I had planned to write back in the day, but I’m still quite proud of this. I accidentally made it parallel a certain other fic, but it’s all right. It’s still very much it’s own thing, and I am quite pleased.
Happy birthday, Neta! @thesciencegoose
“You won’t hurt her, you know.”
Elsa watched Birger paced wildly and gnashed his teeth, but didn’t respond. He had all but worn a trench in the stone of the courtyard by now. He’d grown, large and fluffy and mighty, his antlers well on their way to becoming a proper rack. Birger’s growth had all but become a mythical visual marker for everyone else’s, it seemed.
As, after all, her baby sister had just had a baby, herself.
You don’t know that, Elsa.
She frowned and crossed her arms.
“Don’t I?” She shook her head. “Come now, Birger, you know better than to succumb to such a pitfall.”
I could hurt the pup by simply breathing on her, Elsa. I shouldn’t be allowed near her, not yet, maybe not ever.
Elsa sighed and brought a hand to massage her temple. Though Birger had been a great source of support as she struggled to tame her own anxieties, dealing with his were an entirely different beast. His self-loathing was oddly sharp and secular, focused harshly on his being a dragon, living in a land of humans. When it came to the humans he cherished, specifically, Elsa noticed that Birger’s fears worsened.
And now, one of his most cherished humans had a child, one that he clearly saw himself as a danger to.
“Birger, please, you are no more or less a danger to Neta than…” Elsa paused, and took a deep breath before she finished. “Than I am.”
He whirled on her, then, his pacing swiftly ended as he brought his great head down and glared at her.
You could never harm the pup.
Elsa simply glared back. “And neither could you.”
Birger snarled, great white canines and molars shining in the sunlight, his sabers their twin cornerstones.
I am a dragon! A beast, a vessel of feral magic and rage! I am fully capable of harming her, and I would prefer the risk to be avoided all together!
Elsa’s glare strengthened as she stepped close to his nose, and poked it hard.
“Then you will find a way to tell Anna to her face why you refuse to meet her daughter.”
His snarl froze, all growls and hisses gone, as he stared at her then.
“You will.”
“She deserves an explanation from you.”
She deserves the world, not me.
“She wants you to meet Neta.”
What she wants is impossible.
“You’re the one being impossible!”
You’re the one who won’t listen!
Elsa grabbed his nose, then, and forcefully pushed it earthward so that his eyes were closer to hers. She shouldn’t have been able to manipulate the dragon so, but Birger was always weak when it came to the woman who shared his heart. Ironically, he melted at her touch, and let her bring his face close. Even if it meant coming so near to her furious glare.
“You know full well that I always listen to you. I’m the only one who truly can, and you’ve always done right by me and listened in return. Now, you will be silent, and you will hear my words and feel my heart. Do I make myself clear?”
Birger gulped, but obediently said nothing and kept his heart open.
Elsa sighed then, and took a moment to gather herself.
“You have had every opportunity to cause me and Anna harm. So many moments, don’t you remember? When your wounds healed, and you pulled me and Anna to your chest? You rolled onto your back, and pinned us against your fur.”
Birger felt more than heard Elsa’s silent command, and slid a paw up to settle beside her. She rested her hand on it, and smiled.
“With these great big paws of yours, tipped with mighty and sharp claws. You held us both close, and did anything happen to us?”
Birger meekly shook his head, eyes still locked on hers.
“Exactly, you did not. Even when you sensed Alan’s intrusion, and rolled back onto your belly, you still kept us safe. Even when those wolves ambushed Anna later, your rage never came near me.”
His ears pinned back at the memory of that painful moment, but she simply stroked his nose and sent warmth and love through their bond.
“Birger, you could never hurt us, and you will never hurt Neta. You will be just fine, and she could be no safer than in your very paws.”
Birger was silent for some time, and Elsa patiently waited. She could still feel him, open and bare, and how he agonized. It was better than before, now, at least. Now, he agonized over convincing himself, over accepting her words and taking in the reality of them. Finally, he heaved a great sigh, and nuzzled his nose to her.
Very well…I concede, my heart.
Elsa smiled, and let a burst of frost sparkle in his fur. She turned away, then, and called out to the nearby castle door.
“Anna! He’s better now, you can bring her out.”
Elsa felt more than heard Birger’s surprise, as he backpedaled away. He clearly hadn’t expected for the subject of their discussion to have been waiting nearby that entire time. The doors were opened by guards waiting on the inside, and Anna emerged and approached them.
She was dressed lightly, no doubt still somewhat in recovery, though it had been a couple of months. Anna bore a great sunny smile as she neared the frosty pair. In her arms, tightly held and protected, was a blanketed bundle. Though not too terribly cold outside, it was far nippier than any baby would like.
Birger stood ramrod straight before them, head drawn high and back by his great neck. His ears, at least, were high and at attention, and his wide azure eyes were locked on the bundle in Anna’s arms. His tail swayed about slowly behind him, almost like a focused cat’s, and Elsa struggled not to giggle at the sight.
Anna smiled gently up at him, and carefully hefted the silent bundle as she nodded to him.
“Are you ready?”
Slowly, carefully, Birger lowered himself and laid down. He hovered his head near, ears still high and eyes still wide. His tail swung around to settle beside them, its long and fluffy length easily doubling back along his form. Anna, almost too excited to wait, bounced happily as she carefully pulled at the edges of the blanket.
Elsa almost stumbled at the sheer force of the pride and adoration that struck her through their bond.
Birger brought his large, fluffy nose close to the bundle as he looked at the wee baby nestled in them. The little one, her so dark now but with promise to brighten, stretched as the close confines of the blanket were loosened. The dragon simply watched, enthralled, as little bright eyes blinked open. To his shock, ears pinned back, those little eyes looked right up to his great big azures.
Birger stared, and Elsa could feel him get antsy, could almost feel the tension in his legs as he prepared to vault away as if they were her own. He held, though, to Elsa’s pride and satisfaction, Birger held his ground and brought his nose ever closer. Little Neta, for all her too-much youth, reached out and clumsily gripped the fur of Birger’s nose.
Anna laughed, even Elsa couldn’t help a giggle, at the sight. It got ever sweeter, though, as Neta seemed to pull on the fur. Though her mother stayed close, and stepped closer to allow her baby to get near the great fluffy beast. Birger’s ears flicked impossibly more forward, and Elsa could feel him relax and settle as he began to thrum.
The deep sound thundered out of his chest, and the sisters could all but feel it in their feet. Neta seemed to just adore it, little high cackles of a baby breaking the gentle silence of the moment. Birger’s thrum strengthened, its note higher, as a close-mouthed but wide grin took to his lips.
The pup is warm, my heart. She is a phoenix like her mother, burning and strong. Her father, for what it’s worth, has only made the little one all the mightier.
Elsa smiled, gentle and proud, and glanced over at her sister. Anna was beaming, herself, as she held up her little girl still to Birger’s great nose. The deep thrums of Birger continued to rumble from his chest as the three of them simply stood there, together, and basked in the joyous sound of a little Neta’s happy laughter.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years
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The Dragons of Disney stories have begun—starting with Tiana’s dragon, Paxton! It’ll take time to get through everyone’s dragons, especially since many still need to be designed, period. But the process has started, enjoy!
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 6 years
Det Drage Gås ~ A Late Elsarik Day 1 Story
Alarik sat still and stared, hard, resolute, at his opponent before him. Neither of them had moved for several minutes, there was the occasionally blink; this wasn’t a staring contest, staring just happened to be involved. But Alarik wouldn’t be moved, and to be honest, he was afraid to move. His opponent had never let him this close before, and not done something to push him away.
“What on this good Earth are you doing, dear?”
Startled at the sudden voice, Alarik jumped and even yelped, only to cringe. His opponent...a grey-white goose with a blue-tinted beak, flapped his wings as he honked in a way that sounded too close to laughter. The feathery beast trotted away, and though a part of Alarik knew better, he could swear it smugly, triumphantly marched. Alarik sighed, and turned around to look up at the one who interrupted the duel.
Elsa had an eyebrow raised, her head tilted just a little to one side, and a smirk that bordered on ornery on her lips.
Alarik tried his hardest not to pout, but one corner of his mouth did rebel just a tad. “I was...um, nothing, darling, I was doing nothing.”
The blonde’s expression remained mostly the same, but her eyelids did hang a little lower. “You two were dueling again, weren’t you?”
Alarik now let himself pout as he crossed his arms and sank into his chair. “Perhaps...”
Elsa shook her head as she chuckled, then walked to stand behind him as she rest her hands on his shoulders. “Don’t force respect with him, Alarik. Birger will like you in due time, I promise.”
She paused for a moment, then Alarik heard her giggle. “You’re both geese, after all, and birds of a feather flock together, do they not?”
Alarik leaned his head back to send her a playful glare, to which Elsa laughed out loud as she leaned on his shoulders. He waited a beat, then stood from his chair and went around to hug Elsa tightly. Despite the laughter that still wracked her form, the blonde hugged back just as if not more fiercely, and Alarik smiled.
Only to lose it as he looked over Elsa’s back to see him stare at them.
... blodig drage gås...
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