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birger-wuvs-elsa · 5 years ago
A Newborn Phoenix
Apparently, the Neta X Birger fic I once promised a long time ago...never bloody happened. Well! That changes today! It’s probably not what I had planned to write back in the day, but I’m still quite proud of this. I accidentally made it parallel a certain other fic, but it’s all right. It’s still very much it’s own thing, and I am quite pleased.
Happy birthday, Neta! @thesciencegoose
“You won’t hurt her, you know.”
Elsa watched Birger paced wildly and gnashed his teeth, but didn’t respond. He had all but worn a trench in the stone of the courtyard by now. He’d grown, large and fluffy and mighty, his antlers well on their way to becoming a proper rack. Birger’s growth had all but become a mythical visual marker for everyone else’s, it seemed.
As, after all, her baby sister had just had a baby, herself.
You don’t know that, Elsa.
She frowned and crossed her arms.
“Don’t I?” She shook her head. “Come now, Birger, you know better than to succumb to such a pitfall.”
I could hurt the pup by simply breathing on her, Elsa. I shouldn’t be allowed near her, not yet, maybe not ever.
Elsa sighed and brought a hand to massage her temple. Though Birger had been a great source of support as she struggled to tame her own anxieties, dealing with his were an entirely different beast. His self-loathing was oddly sharp and secular, focused harshly on his being a dragon, living in a land of humans. When it came to the humans he cherished, specifically, Elsa noticed that Birger’s fears worsened.
And now, one of his most cherished humans had a child, one that he clearly saw himself as a danger to.
“Birger, please, you are no more or less a danger to Neta than
” Elsa paused, and took a deep breath before she finished. “Than I am.”
He whirled on her, then, his pacing swiftly ended as he brought his great head down and glared at her.
You could never harm the pup.
Elsa simply glared back. “And neither could you.”
Birger snarled, great white canines and molars shining in the sunlight, his sabers their twin cornerstones.
I am a dragon! A beast, a vessel of feral magic and rage! I am fully capable of harming her, and I would prefer the risk to be avoided all together!
Elsa’s glare strengthened as she stepped close to his nose, and poked it hard.
“Then you will find a way to tell Anna to her face why you refuse to meet her daughter.”
His snarl froze, all growls and hisses gone, as he stared at her then.

“You will.”
“She deserves an explanation from you.”
She deserves the world, not me.
“She wants you to meet Neta.”
What she wants is impossible.
“You’re the one being impossible!”
You’re the one who won’t listen!
Elsa grabbed his nose, then, and forcefully pushed it earthward so that his eyes were closer to hers. She shouldn’t have been able to manipulate the dragon so, but Birger was always weak when it came to the woman who shared his heart. Ironically, he melted at her touch, and let her bring his face close. Even if it meant coming so near to her furious glare.
“You know full well that I always listen to you. I’m the only one who truly can, and you’ve always done right by me and listened in return. Now, you will be silent, and you will hear my words and feel my heart. Do I make myself clear?”
Birger gulped, but obediently said nothing and kept his heart open.
Elsa sighed then, and took a moment to gather herself.
“You have had every opportunity to cause me and Anna harm. So many moments, don’t you remember? When your wounds healed, and you pulled me and Anna to your chest? You rolled onto your back, and pinned us against your fur.”
Birger felt more than heard Elsa’s silent command, and slid a paw up to settle beside her. She rested her hand on it, and smiled.
“With these great big paws of yours, tipped with mighty and sharp claws. You held us both close, and did anything happen to us?”
Birger meekly shook his head, eyes still locked on hers.
“Exactly, you did not. Even when you sensed Alan’s intrusion, and rolled back onto your belly, you still kept us safe. Even when those wolves ambushed Anna later, your rage never came near me.”
His ears pinned back at the memory of that painful moment, but she simply stroked his nose and sent warmth and love through their bond.
“Birger, you could never hurt us, and you will never hurt Neta. You will be just fine, and she could be no safer than in your very paws.”
Birger was silent for some time, and Elsa patiently waited. She could still feel him, open and bare, and how he agonized. It was better than before, now, at least. Now, he agonized over convincing himself, over accepting her words and taking in the reality of them. Finally, he heaved a great sigh, and nuzzled his nose to her.
Very well
I concede, my heart.
Elsa smiled, and let a burst of frost sparkle in his fur. She turned away, then, and called out to the nearby castle door.
“Anna! He’s better now, you can bring her out.”
Elsa felt more than heard Birger’s surprise, as he backpedaled away. He clearly hadn’t expected for the subject of their discussion to have been waiting nearby that entire time. The doors were opened by guards waiting on the inside, and Anna emerged and approached them.
She was dressed lightly, no doubt still somewhat in recovery, though it had been a couple of months. Anna bore a great sunny smile as she neared the frosty pair. In her arms, tightly held and protected, was a blanketed bundle. Though not too terribly cold outside, it was far nippier than any baby would like.
Birger stood ramrod straight before them, head drawn high and back by his great neck. His ears, at least, were high and at attention, and his wide azure eyes were locked on the bundle in Anna’s arms. His tail swayed about slowly behind him, almost like a focused cat’s, and Elsa struggled not to giggle at the sight.
Anna smiled gently up at him, and carefully hefted the silent bundle as she nodded to him.
“Are you ready?”
Slowly, carefully, Birger lowered himself and laid down. He hovered his head near, ears still high and eyes still wide. His tail swung around to settle beside them, its long and fluffy length easily doubling back along his form. Anna, almost too excited to wait, bounced happily as she carefully pulled at the edges of the blanket.
Elsa almost stumbled at the sheer force of the pride and adoration that struck her through their bond.
Birger brought his large, fluffy nose close to the bundle as he looked at the wee baby nestled in them. The little one, her so dark now but with promise to brighten, stretched as the close confines of the blanket were loosened. The dragon simply watched, enthralled, as little bright eyes blinked open. To his shock, ears pinned back, those little eyes looked right up to his great big azures.
Birger stared, and Elsa could feel him get antsy, could almost feel the tension in his legs as he prepared to vault away as if they were her own. He held, though, to Elsa’s pride and satisfaction, Birger held his ground and brought his nose ever closer. Little Neta, for all her too-much youth, reached out and clumsily gripped the fur of Birger’s nose.
Anna laughed, even Elsa couldn’t help a giggle, at the sight. It got ever sweeter, though, as Neta seemed to pull on the fur. Though her mother stayed close, and stepped closer to allow her baby to get near the great fluffy beast. Birger’s ears flicked impossibly more forward, and Elsa could feel him relax and settle as he began to thrum.
The deep sound thundered out of his chest, and the sisters could all but feel it in their feet. Neta seemed to just adore it, little high cackles of a baby breaking the gentle silence of the moment. Birger’s thrum strengthened, its note higher, as a close-mouthed but wide grin took to his lips.
The pup is warm, my heart. She is a phoenix like her mother, burning and strong. Her father, for what it’s worth, has only made the little one all the mightier.
Elsa smiled, gentle and proud, and glanced over at her sister. Anna was beaming, herself, as she held up her little girl still to Birger’s great nose. The deep thrums of Birger continued to rumble from his chest as the three of them simply stood there, together, and basked in the joyous sound of a little Neta’s happy laughter.
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bonniebird · 5 years ago
The Wolf of Kattegat (Part Eight)
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Ivar x Reader
Part One   Part Two     Part Three   Part Four    Part Five  Part Six  Part Seven
Siblings names:
Birger – One who helps.
Ragna – Giving advice.
You sat at the small table with a mirrored shard of glass propped against the wall. It looked as if the mirror came from one much larger, flakes of gold dusted on edge and you wondered how it looked before it had been destroyed.
Tracing your fingers over the bite mark scar left on your neck you scrambled for the jewelry that had been reluctantly given to you by Aslaug. None quite covered the scar.
Ubbe kicked on the wooden beam that framed the doorway to your room. “You didn’t eat any breakfast.” He set down a bowl in front of you.
“I’m not hungry.”
“I am sure you are. After what you have gone through.” Ubbe sat on a stool beside you. It had been the one the Thrall had sat you on so she could comb your hair and help you into bed. You’d wanted your sister. No one else had cared for you in such a way since your parents. Hvitserk had whispered that he and Sigurd vowed to protect your siblings, from whatever they must.
At least they were safe. While you sat here in the den of the beast you thought bitterly. “Floki should have told you what he was doing. He needed to
 ask. Now you and Ivar. You are entwined in a way only the gods can understand.”
“The seer says I am on two pasth. One of death and one of life. I do not know what to do. How do I make sure I am on the path of life.” You said quietly. With frustration you threw down the necklace. All the dresses that had been given to you, seemed to mirror the colours Ivar so often wore, seemed to show of the great uggly scars that you wanted to hide.
“There is little we can do now. But Ivar’s temper has waned since last night. He is happier. That is because of you.” Ubbe smiled. You could see in his eyes he was trying to be kind. There was an urgency to comfort you. But it didn’t.
There were few options that you could even consider. You could run to Bjorn and his mother. But that would mean telling them about Ivar and they would surely kill you both and start war with Kattegat again.
You could steal a boat, flee to King Harald’s kingdom. But you’d heard the stories of him demanding wives from allies. You didn’t want to marry him.
England. Would get you killed. There was no way you could convince their king.
All of your options, you would have to leave your siblings at the mercy of Aslaug, who would surely be furious that you abandoned her son. You weren’t sure how Sigurd and Hvitserk planned on keeping them safe.
You hopped that Ragnar would arrive one day. To fix all of this. The hero he had been before he vanished. But that was about as likely to happen as Ivar bursting into the room to declare he was cured.
“You seem sad. Perhaps you should go for a walk. I could have a shieldmaiden
” Ubbe started to offer.
“No. I am fine.” You answered quickly. Your stomach twisted in knots. You would find a way, a place they didn’t know about. Then you could ask the brothers to bring your siblings.
Floki looked up when he heard sniffling. The night before had been hard, but he was relieved that at least he had saved you. He had no clue where Helga was. So he imagines Ivar would just want to talk with him.
“Do you have her here?”
“Who?” Floki asked as Ivar dragged himself up.
“Selene. Ubbe saw her this morning but she is gone. Hvitserk and Sigurd have her siblings. They said to keep them safe incase someone has taken Selene.” Ivar’s lip quivered as he leant into Floki who hushed the boy.
“What is wrong Ivar. Selene loves the woods, she will return.” Floki hushed him.
“What if I have killed her and do not remember!” He said softly. He looked up at Floki. His eyes were filled with exhaustion, guilt, fear. His face looked as if he’d suffered years of torment. Floki’s heart cracked as he looked down at the boy.
“Selene would not leave you. He knows what you are going through. She will come around.”
Floki assured him.
Helga strolled back towards them. She stopped when she saw Floki cradling Ivar. He looked at her, hoping her soft heart hadn’t helped you get away. Binding you and Ivar together was his guilt to bare. But he should have known Helga would have wanted to help you. She had suggested so many times that they take you to Lagertha. That if they went with you, their old friendship could help you. Floki looked up to the sky and whispered to himself as Ivar moved away to wail to Helga.
“You give them to each other to stay alive. But you force them apart. They are children. Youngsters, why must you make them suffer so?” A large raven cawed as it landed on a nearby tree, seeming to watch them. He huffed and got to his feet, returning to the boat he’d been building.
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 6 years ago
ĐœĐŸŃ пДщДра, тĐČĐŸŃ пДщДра.
I actually wrote this one up early and scheduled it, just in case my forgetful mind lost this day in the midst of sleep, work, and school. ;3 @shardsofarendelle
This uh...got...longer than I planned...Birger had input, it would seem.
Elsa was in the midst of filing paperwork when she felt him. Her dragon, Birger, had ever so gently brushed her mind; over the years, their bond had grown, and the ways they were able to connect varied as they strengthened. Even when Alarik’s arrival came about, and all the...unique situations that entailed, and the pair’s own bond was tested, all came out well. They didn’t need questions or permissions with one another, and to outsiders, it would seem as if the queen and her fluffy companion were as one unit.
So it was with a perplexed frown that Elsa set down her pen, and absently glanced at her window. There were no words to Birger’s contact just now, no clear cut thoughts or anything. It was merely a feeling...a subtle guide to meet him outside. Elsa hesitated, as she knew that Birger understood she was in the middle of work. He normally respected her “foolish duties”, and their importance; so why on Earth would he disturb her now?
The queen stood from the chair, and walked around her desk as she approached the window. It was cool outside, and the nippy temperature beyond the castle’s warmed walls caused a conflicting fog to cloud the glass. But she didn’t have to be able to see through the windowpane to know that her dragon sat just beyond it, in the castle’s vast courtyard, which was just barely able to contain his now grandiose form.
A word, this time, to come with that same soft caress to her spirit. She could feel more to it now, a warm beckoning...he wanted to take her somewhere. Out of habit, out of instinct, her body moved to go out and meet him. But as she thought of her family, of Alarik, and the thought of letting herself be spirited away without warning...she hesitated. But no sooner then she did so, and the doubt began to prick at her heart, had she felt an even warmer, soothing balm come from her dragon.
Fear not, heart...please, come...
Elsa only remained still for the briefest moment before she continued her original path. Before long, she was garbed as her dragon strangely requested her to, and met with Birger in the courtyard. The large, fluffy beast near reverently crouched down as she approached, one foreleg held out to make her climb up his fur a less harsh angle. Hood up and mask on, Elsa nestled in the teal mane that pooled between his shoulder blades as the huge beast bounded out of the city. Though Birger said nothing, and his heart betrayed nothing, Elsa knew immediately where he was headed.
She could never forget the way to her dragon’s cave.
As the icy pair approached the clearing that, to this day, held fast against the forest, Elsa noticed something odd. The large, gaping hole in the mountainside—carved out by expert miners and Birger’s own paw to accommodate his growth—glowed from deep within by was seemed to be flickering firelight. The blonde frowned and tilted her head; there should be no one here, Birger would’ve told her if there’d be a plan regarding his cave. As she thought so, the strong form beneath her began to shake with clear laughter.
Elsa looked up just as Birger had turned his head down to meet her gaze.
You were not told the plan, for it was not mine to tell, heart.
Elsa frowned, pulled back her hood, and tugged down her mask. “What...Birger, what do you mean by that?”
He didn’t answer, merely smiled, and crouched down to allow her ease to dismount. As she did so, Elsa heard boots in the snow, and looked up at the cave’s entrance. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly, as the last person she expected to emerge from Birger’s cave did so.
“Hello, min elskling.” Alarik said, and smiled from beneath the furred hood that protected his magic-less body from the cold.
“Alarik...” That was all Elsa could manage to say before the stun was too great, and she turned to stare, shocked, at Birger’s smug grin.
You two are in dire need of some quality time, heart. You need somewhere quiet, secluded; and, well...
His grin shifted to a gentle smile.
MĐŸŃ пДщДра, тĐČĐŸŃ пДщДра.
It was one thing that Birger dared to allow himself to share Elsa, his heart, with Alarik. But that he would share his very cave, the place where the dragon and the queen first met? Tears pricked at Elsa’s eyes, and almost as if in expectation, Birger had already brought his head down. She threw her arms around his mighty snout, and the beast thrummed softly.
Stay here with him, enjoy your time together unbothered and unburdened. I promise you won’t be gone long, but you two deserve this. Stay here, and cherish one another...I will keep watch, as always.
Elsa nodded into his fur, and didn’t so much as make a sound when she felt gentle hands on her shoulders.
“Honored guardian, if I may have this lovely lady’s precious time?”
As Elsa released his snout, Birger lifted it to brush the tops of both their heads at once with his large chin. The smitten pair laughed at the gesture, and the blonde queen eagerly followed the redhead gentleman into the dragon’s den. The inside was, as always, comfortably prepared should Elsa stay a night with her dragon. But on this night, it was softly lit, densely cushioned, and overall terribly romantic. Shocked for the third time in just a few short hours, Elsa turned to her husband, speechless, as he smiled bashfully.
“I uh...I might’ve had this planned out for a while. Thank goodness Anna’s a very proficient interpreter for your dragon, or I might’ve never–”
He was able to say no more when Elsa hugged him fiercely about the shoulders, and before he could speak again, captured the would be words in a kiss. The utterly twitterpated pair’s world quickly shrunk to the confines of the cave. Neither of them paid any heed to the crackling of ice being sparked to life at the cavern’s entrance. Not a one of them noticed the shift in the air as a wall of ice, thick enough to be opaque but with slits in the top where it met the rock, settled into place and safely ensconced them within. They certainly did not hear the thuds of heavy steps that steadily grew quiet as a certain someone made his way to the opposite end of the clearing about the cave’s now sealed entrance.
Even the sun’s rising the next morning went unnoticed...
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birger-wuvs-elsa · 6 years ago
I realized something about Jenny and Birger, and how they’re more alike than I previously thought. Then...this came up, and, well...
I’m sorry. @shardsofarendelle
Birger sat quietly, unmoving, and it unnerved Elsa to see him so statuesque. He’d asked to see her, had said he had an important matter to discuss with her. But the tone he’d used...he sounded almost...sad. Elsa was immediately concerned, because Birger just doesn’t sound that way. Even in their darkest hours in their earliest times together, he never sounded so morose.
It didn’t help that he had his emotions blocked from her, and that scared her.
She reached out and gently pet his forearm, and cringed when he flinched. “Birger, what is it? What’s wrong?”
It was some time before he dared speak, and he remained still.
Don’t lose her...
Elsa frowned, and it took her a few moments of opening and closing her mouth before she finally found the will to speak.
“What do you mean? Don’t lose who?” She pursed her lips and all but hugged his large, muscled arm. “I can’t feel you when you’re like this, Birger. Please...speak to me...”
The frost dragon slowly lowered his head to her level, and gently pressed his nose to her head. The fluffy thing was so much bigger than her head, but Elsa welcomed the contact, and nuzzled back. They remained still in this cuddled closeness until he spoke again.
Your pup, Jenny...I have come to a startling revelation, one that worries me. I beg you, my heart, don’t lose her...
Now Elsa was very concerned, but she dared not pull back from him. Though he did not make to fully hug her, even through the block she could sense the way his emotions roiled and thundered. He was not well, not emotionally, and what little contact they currently made was far more than he usually allowed when in such a state. 
Birger, you’re scaring me. What do you know that I don’t? Is something wrong with Jenny, has she told you something?
He all but shuddered beneath her arms. No, no your pup is fine. The problem lies more with me than with her...
Elsa’s frown shifted from one of worry to confusion at that. Birger...?
Don’t let your daughter grow up to be like me.
The blonde immediately pulled away, released her dragon’s arm and took several steps back to look him in the eye. Birger did not look away this time, but rather met her gaze. That sadness, so sharp and terrible, shone bright and painful in his azure eyes. It looked far too similar to the look Elsa once had herself...
“Wha-what do you mean? Why shouldn’t she? You’ve done nothing but good for those you care about, you’ve comforted us, protected us, celebrated with us. Birger, I would honestly and truly be proud if my daughter grew up to be like you. It would be fitting, as much of an uncle to her as you are.”
Birger didn’t move, but she could’ve sworn she saw his lips quiver...as if to snarl.
I am not the paragon of protection and loyalty you make me out to be, Elsa. There is no pride to be had in what I am, in what I’ve done. Protect her, Elsa, don’t let her be like me.
Elsa scowled, and clenched her fists. Her dragon wasn’t making any sense, he wasn’t explaining anything. She would have her answers, and he would give them. The queen drew herself up as she cooled her expression, and she saw the twitch in Birger’s ears. He’d noticed the change...good.
Elsa took a step forward and glared at her dragon. “Then why don’t you properly explain to me what your supposed fatal flaw is then, hmm? What is so wrong with you that I shouldn’t be beyond thankful my daughter would take after you?”
The twitch of his lips as he struggled to keep a snarl at bay grew, but Elsa did not so much as blink.
It’s not important, just rear your pup calmly and cooly, and make sure her rambunctious spirit doesn’t grow too wild.
“No, you will tell me what’s wrong, here and now.”
Pearly sabers and ivory canines glittered in the sunlight as the snarl grew ever stronger. His breath had begun to mist in the air as his grasp on his magic grew as tenuous as the one on his snarl. Elsa merely clenched her fists tighter, and ignored the crackle of frost on them.
It. Isn’t. Important. Just keep her away from my path, that’s all that matters.
“Your path brought you here, to us, so either find a better excuse or tell me the truth!”
Birger’s snarl now came in full force, and he rose to his feet as he faced his bond mate.
It doesn’t matter! The truth doesn’t matter! Don’t make me say it, Elsa!
The ice on Elsa’s fists now spread beneath her feet, but she wasn’t the only one. As Birger had risen on his four paws, a prickly layer of his own ice sparked beneath his padded digits. The icy pair now truly glared one another down, but Elsa would not lose this battle. Even through the cracking block her dragon had, she could all too easily feel his rising pain, and the sorrow that she could feel piercing her own heart must’ve long since run Birger’s through.
Elsa had to win, for both their sakes.
“You will tell me now, Birger, or so help me...” Elsa gulped as she hesitated, almost unwilling as she was to make her ultimatum. But Birger feared very little, and she had no choice...
“You will be blocked from me until you do.”
The world around her shook as Birger lunged at her, but instead of making contact, he skid to a thunderous stop right in front of her. His snarling maw came upon her as he roared in her face, but it was more akin to a desperate scream than the true, fearsome bellows the furry warrior had once uttered. Elsa would not be fazed, however, and stared unblinking into her dragon’s roaring maw, even as icy mist and frost blew past her, and tossed her hair in its gale. Snow had begun to fall around them, but Elsa knew it wasn’t her.
As his roaring scream ended following his mental shout, Elsa met his eyes and gasped. They froze as soon as they were shed, but she saw them: tears. Her Birger was crying, but his anger froze them to his fur and he snarled at her, ears pressed back hard against his head. But she knew that look in his eyes, and she knew there was no true malice. He was hurting...so badly...
Don’t let her be like me, Elsa! I fought with my own sire, disagreed with him and clashed with him, so like how Jenny clashes with you! I would run off, wander the lands around the herd’s valley, try to avoid my duties and shirk my responsibility. I fought, saber and claw, against my own father, Elsa! I had a little sibling as well, a sister, and everyone loved her! I was to be their next leader, but what did I do?! After we lost her, after my herd blamed me and my own sire grew disappointed and angry with me, what did I do!?!
He roared again, but that desperate keen from before remained, if not stronger.
The ice and snow that had been in Birger’s air froze in place, suspended in the air. Elsa’s heart broke as she saw the frozen tears in his fur melt, and the pure sadness fell freely from his eyes now as he cringed.
Don’t let her be like me, Elsa...don’t lose her...don’t let her be like me...
Elsa took a shuddering breath as she regarded her dragon. “Oh Birger...”
She took steps towards him, and kept her eyes on his as she held out her arms. Without hesitation, he fell prone on the ground with a thud that hardly fazed her, and he met her with his head. Elsa hugged his snout fiercely, and buried her face in the teal mane that had grown down onto his face. It had grown as the years went by, and no doubt Birger’s growth resembled his sire’s, which Elsa feared might’ve excarbated these feelings he’d been festering.
My dear Birger...you didn’t abandon them, they pushed you away.
He whined, but said nothing, so she continued.
Your father blamed you, your herd lost faith in you, but your sister always loved you. As do I, and everyone here, all of Arendelle loves you so dearly. You left a home that had grown too cold for you, you are not at fault. I’m sorry you still carry this pain, and I swear, I will do everything in my power to help you as Anna has helped me.
Elsa then smiled as she scratched the soft underside of his jaw, and chuckled at his pleased hum.
And once more, with feeling...I would be so proud if my daughter grew up to be like you...
Birger closed his eyes and thrummed, and the force of the vibrations pleasantly shook her to her core.
ĐŻ люблю Ń‚Đ”Đ±Ń, Elsa.
Jeg elsker deg ogsÄ, Birger.
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insectoid5 · 7 years ago
Jenny!! Such language! 😅😂
This is excellent!
Ficlet: 21, Birger + Jenny!
21. “Why are you laughing?”
aka the return of my Jenny’s Math Teacher, whose name I’m still waiting for people to get the pun of
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insectoid5 · 7 years ago
I expect Birger will tell Jenny and Aksel that bowling for trees is not an acceptable recreational activity. 😅
47, your choice
47. “We go on three
Jenny X Aksel (her dragon I haven’t started yet fuck me I’m so behind on my commissions)@shardsofarendelle
P.S. ‘kan is an honorific suffix in the dragon language, my original language that all dragons can speak (in my head worlds that is). It basically is on the same level as -kun in Japanese, only in this case it means “glory” and effectively is a one word way of saying someone is glorious, or that you wish to honor them by attributing them with the word “glory”.
P.P.S. You’ll understand the purpose of this image after you read the story. =P
P.P.P.S. Procrastination and a minor headache made this take much longer, also, probably accidentally inspired by sled dogs (damn I want a husky).
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frozenprocedural · 5 years ago
*rolls eyes*
Birger, you idiot.
A Newborn Phoenix
Apparently, the Neta X Birger fic I once promised a long time ago
never bloody happened. Well! That changes today! It’s probably not what I had planned to write back in the day, but I’m still quite proud of this. I accidentally made it parallel a certain other fic, but it’s all right. It’s still very much it’s own thing, and I am quite pleased.
Happy birthday, Neta! @thesciencegoose
“You won’t hurt her, you know.”
Elsa watched Birger paced wildly and gnashed his teeth, but didn’t respond. He had all but worn a trench in the stone of the courtyard by now. He’d grown, large and fluffy and mighty, his antlers well on their way to becoming a proper rack. Birger’s growth had all but become a mythical visual marker for everyone else’s, it seemed.
As, after all, her baby sister had just had a baby, herself.
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