#Because we all know who Louis prefer more lol
lilies-are-azules · 1 year
I rarely see people give louis that status in william's life tho? It's always sherlock this romantic love that
You're probably right and maybe I just read three fics that did the same thing in the same hour and im just exaggerating.
(Maybe im having a moment because I've been in a lot of fandoms were they do this thing of "adoptive sibling is less siblings because they are not blood related")
I still wanted to point that I don't think Liam would do this difference of adoptive/biological sibling. I believe that if they weren't blood related Liam would still be overprotective with Louis.
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ghouldump · 2 months
hi i love your writing unfortunately there aren't many fics for the iwtv so tysm!!
i was wondering if you could write something about louis lestat and claudia with a (vamp?) reader that accidently timetraveld
Back In My Arms | Lestat x Reader x Louis
ෆ time traveling accidentally and you're able to relive bittersweet memories.
thank you and I agree, especially the amc version compared to the movie. The other posts are coming, but I had to rush and get this one out because it was so gut wrenching for me 😭 LOL
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“What do you think? The blue or the purple,” you held the dresses to your body.
“I prefer your birthday suit,” Lestat said over the classical music, making you roll your eyes at him. Could he ever be serious when you needed him to be?
“Louis,” you called out, wanting a real opinion.
“Hm? Oh, the purple” he was hardly listening, more focused on the pages of the book.
“So the blue, got it,” you grumbled, storming away, to finish packing your things.
“Ma chèrie, why are you leaving again? It truly makes no sense to me why you remain friends with this mortal,” Lestat said.
“I don't see why you care, it's not like either of you will notice I’m away,” you said, as you closed the bag.
“Don't say that, we do notice,” Louis said, defensively.
“I'll only be away for a night,” you mumbled, checking your appearance in the mirror, and slinging the bag over your shoulder.
“Stay, you can give us a more detailed visual representation of the dresses,” Lestat said, straightening his posture when you scoffed.
“Sex doesn't fix everything”
“It is a start”
“And maybe that's why we’re in the situation we’re in, now, if you'll excuse me, I’m going hang with my mortal friend, who communicates with me and doesn't want to block out our problems with Mozart, books, and sex,” you said, storming out of the townhouse, making sure to slam the door.
Getting into your car, you began to drive to your close friend, George, or Georgie, you called him both. He was middle-aged, although he was closing in on becoming elderly. He'd oftentimes been told he resembled Bill Nye, but those comments usually only made him red in the face, before he sent a storm of swear words at the person, in his thick Cajun accent. Divorced and cut out of his kid's lives, he was lonely, but so were you. Georgie was the only mortal to ever know that you were a vampire, and he made you feel normal.
Although having a few questions at first, he eventually let the matter go, and hardly ever brought it up. The two of you had been friends for nearly a decade now, and you planned to hold on until the bitter end. He wasn't too keen on being turned, scorned by his wife leaving him and his children siding with her. Lestat and Louis weren't comfortable with your friendship at all, but after realizing your relationship was completely platonic and you weren't cutting him out of your life, they grungily accepted him.
As you finally parked in front of Georgie’s house, approaching the door, you shook your head, discovering it was unlocked. Letting yourself in, you locked the door, going to where you'd both hang out for hours, his basement.
“You need to keep your door locked old man, anyone could just walk in here,” you said, going down the stairs. Tossing your bag onto the couch you'd usually sleep on, in the windowless room.
“Nobody comes here but you,” he said, making you laugh.
“So how is it going?” you asked, sitting in a nearby chair.
“A little more progress than last time, how are things at home?”
“Lestat is…well Lestat and Louis will always act like our issues aren't there,” you shrugged.
“Have you tried talking to them?”
“Of course, Lestat doesn't take anything seriously enough, and Louis wants to brush over it all,” you said.
“Hopefully, this is a success, because then we can fix everything,” Georgie smiled.
“Maybe you, but I don't see my problems being fixed”
“Don't underestimate science,” he told you.
Georgie had been working on an actual time-machine portal. He believed if he could go back in time, undo his mistakes, could prioritize his family over work, maybe that would stop his wife from having an affair with the neighbor, from leaving him and draining his wallet, and taking his children who he couldn't even get a happy birthday from.
He insisted that you would be able to use it, to repair your companionship. A long time had passed since 1910 and much tragedy and heartbreak happened. Separating from each other and eventually reconnecting, recently everything had been so stagnant and bland. No energy to argue about obvious conflicts, but unwilling to leave each other again and be forced to deal with the pain.
“Oh, my goodness,” Georgie stood up, his hand going to his chest. Your eyes widened, worried that he would croak.
“What is it?” you asked, you couldn't sense any internal issues, noticing his thoughts were jumping for joy.
“I think…I think it works,” he said, as he began to type on the nearby computer. The pod he'd spent years building, lit up, the white light faint.
“It turns on, how will you know if it works for real?” you asked.
“Could you maybe catch a few raccoons, rats, birds, anything, we can try on them,” he asked. Standing up, you went outside, quickly grabbing a rat from near the drainage, bringing it to him.
“Done,” you smiled, holding it firm, tossing it in the pod, as he opened the door. The rat squeaked a bit, running in circles, as Georgie typed.
The machine began to make a noise before the rat burst. It’s guts splattering on the door.
“Ew, what happened?” you asked him, pressing against the door, to look inside in disgust.
“It seems like it is releasing some sort of radiation, too strong for animals and people, I'll have to keep working on it,” he grumbled disappointedly.
“I could try it if you want,” you offered.
“The radiation will be damaging-
“In case you forgot, I’m hardly human anymore, I am a bit intrigued, the worst thing that could honesty happen is I get burned up, and I’ll heal,” you said, as he faced you.
“Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to do this, Y/n,” he said, but you brushed him off.
“Trust me, I don't, but you've put so much time into this, almost as long as I've known you, I want this to work out for you,” you said.
“Okay, let me get suited up, to clean it first,” he said, changing into the nbc suit to clean the inside of the pod. While waiting for him, you checked your phone, seeing a message from Louis.
“Sending a picture of the dress, I’m sure you look beautiful as always”
Smiling softly, you set your phone on the counter, taking your shoes off, watching as Georgie scrubbed the blood away. Little did Louis know, you wouldn't be wearing the dress to go hunting tonight. As soon as he finished cleaning, he was back at your side, typing on the monitor.
“We’ll do, let's say 5 minutes into the future, I’ll think of a number and when you come back, tell me the number, and time it to see if there is a significant change in time,” he said, as you nodded in agreement, accepting the small stopwatch, stepping into the pod.
Your arms at your sides, you briefly gave him a thumbs up, hoping to reassure his anxious thoughts. Typing on the computer, the pod began to light up again, the noise leaking out before it started to shake. Standing up, Georgie stood with his eyes wide, his jaw dropping as you vanished.
“Oh my Lord, it's working,” he said, his hand shakily went to his mouth.
Back at home, Louis and Lestat were relaxing, leisurely lounging around when it happened. A sudden feeling of dread washed over them as if you were gone. Glancing at each other, both of them stood up, rushing from the house to your friend, George's home. Bursting through the door, they went downstairs.
George looked back, gasping, surprised to see the elder vampires. However, before he could say anything or move, Lestat had him pressed against the wall, his hand around his neck.
“What did you do?”
“M-machine,” he choked out, looking over at the pod.
“Lestat, look,” Louis said, staring at the pod, fog seeping from the bottom.
“What is this?” he continued, looking to George.
“Time machine,” he struggled to say, before Lestat dropped him.
“You didn't put her into your experiment,” Louis said out loud, shaking his head, already pacing the floor.
“She offered, and it was only five minutes into the fut-
Suddenly, within the fog, you could be seen, smiling in excitement from the exhilaration of the atoms passing through your body. Your smile quickly faltered, seeing your lovers and a nervous Georgie.
“What are you doing here?” you asked.
“Get her out of it, now,” Lestat told Georgie.
“Leave him alone,” you argued.
“This isn't safe, Y/n, we thought you were gone,” Louis told you.
“Don't parent me, Louis”
“Get her out of it now, or it will be destroyed,” Lestat said, shoving George into the computer, his hands smashing against the keyboard.
“Stop it, Lestat,” you yelled.
“What did you do?” George stressed, as the machine lit up. Typing as quickly as possible, he couldn't see the results that he needed.
“Y/n, he made me press a few buttons, it is going to the past, I don't know how far, but I’m going to fix it,” Georgie said apologetic.
“What?” Lestat and Louis said at the same time.
“Do not kill him, fucking asshole,” you said before vanishing.
“Can you bring her right back?” Louis asked.
“I don't even know how far it has brought her”
“Well figure it out,” Lestat snapped.
“This is your fault, she told me all about you and your ugly ways,” George said. Tilting his head, Lestat was about to reach for him, but Louis grabbed his arm.
“He has to bring her back to us,” he reminded him.
“She is going somewhere in the 19th century, I can't pinpoint where and when. Time should be a little longer through the pod, so I’d estimate a few hours for us if it is a success”
“For us?” Louis asked.
“IF it is a success?” Lestat screamed at the same time as him. George truly didn't understand what you saw in the dramatic man, other than his good looks.
“I've been studying this for some time now and with time travel, it could feel like days, or even longer, but in reality, it should only be a few hours, and I say if because we haven't tried going to the past. The pod isn't sustainable for the undead and Y/n getting in was the first actual progress of real-time travel,” he explained.
“Maybe one of us could go in and-
“No, that is the worst solution, we don't know where she went, so I wouldn't know where to send you and it is only one pod, and overloading the database is the last thing that needs to happen, we’ll give it a few hours,” George said, standing.
“Where are you going?” Lestat asked him.
“Have a glass of wine, if it could take a few hours, I’m going to relax for a while, you're free to make yourselves comfortable,” he said, stepping out of the NBC suit, before going up the stairs.
“We just have to wait,” Louis reassured Lestat, who stood staring at the pod, unable to believe this was happening.
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As the pod finally stopped shaking, you peered outside at the change of setting. You were outside, Georgie nowhere to be seen. Turning on the stopwatch, you muttered an apology to him, before punching the thick glass and pushing the door open. Immediately, you recognized the familiarly different environment.
Your bare feet touching the dirt, you recognized the small, poorly built houses. You hadn't seen these houses in ages after Katrina wiped the remaining pieces away.
“Hey, what are you doing-
“You saw no one here, and you won't let anyone get near this precious contraption, now go on inside,” you glamoured the man, watching as he went back up the stairs, into the house.
Sighing, you began to leave the area, ignoring the strange stares. From the way everyone dressed, you were somewhere between the first three decades of the 19th century, and you were sticking out like a sore wearing the knee-length sundress. There was only one place you knew to go, to be sure of the date.
Coming to a complete stop in front of your home, you could see the lights on. Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself that if they were here, this wasn't the same Louis and Lestat you were having issues with, and so you'd have to act accordingly.
Opening the door, you could hear the shuffling of feet and the sound of furniture being torn apart. Furrowing your eyebrows, you went upstairs, surprised to see them in that room. Making eye contact with Louis, he did a double take.
“Y/n,” he said, taken away by your beautiful, he hadn't seen a dress made in such a way before, shorter than average, but still classy.
Hearing your name, Lestat opened that lovely pink coffin, climbing out, and tossing the diary to the side.
“Ma chérie, you stopped for shopping?” he asked, a small smirk in place.
“Did you see her?” Louis finally asked. At a loss of words, you struggled to speak for a moment.
“I'm sorry, I'm not feeling like myself, what year is it?” you asked.
“1920, you alright?” Louis asked, approaching you.
“Look who finally decided to crawl home to her coffin and write about her psychosexual behavior,” Lestat spat.
“You read my diary?” hearing that beloved voice, your eyes began to sting.
“Only a little bit,” Louis confessed.
“I read all of it and you are a little deviant brat,” Lestat said, as you slowly turned around. The bloody tears began trickling down your cheeks, as you stared into her eyes. She was real, in the flesh, not a figment from your dreams or old photos, but was here in front of you.
“Claudia,” you said, her name flowing from your lips caused you to visibly tremble.
“Mama,” she started, concerned, her eyes widening as you rushed over, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.
Weeping bitterly, you held her close, unwilling to let her slip away this time, whispering sweet words of love to her. Confusedly, she hugged you back, as you both sat on the floor, holding her in your arms.
While the two men were originally set on disciplining their wild daughter, their concern now shifted to you.
“Claudia, you've been reckless-
“They're buried in Chalmette,” you interrupted, Lestat, your hand comfortingly brushing over her curls.
“How do you know that?” Louis asked, but you ignored him.
“My beautiful girl,” you whispered, hugging her one last time tightly, before letting her go.
“Are you okay, mama?”
“I couldn't be better at this moment,” you reassured her, kissing her forehead.
“Let her off this time, please, for me, she's still a child, and there will be a time when we wish we still had our beautiful girl staying here with us,” you said, facing them, seeing your blood-stained face, they were beyond concerned.
“It's still a little early for bed, perhaps you'd like to play a game of chess?” you asked her, wiping your eyes and accepting her hand, as she stood up.
Going into the living room, Claudia couldn't help but think about how unusually attentive you were being. Sure, she was just as spoiled as other children, but you never stopped her from being disciplined when you all agreed she needed to be.
“Claudia, you know I love you, right?” you asked her, watching as she set up the game.
“Yes,” she nodded.
“Without you, an eternity isn't the same,” you admitted, as Lestat and Louis came downstairs, joining the two of you.
Your lovers watched you intentively, as you played the game with Claudia. Lestat noticed how you were letting her win, purposely moving to the wrong places, as she took your pieces while showering her with praises.
He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about the interaction seemed different. Any other time you played chess with her, you gave her a challenge, expressing where she was improving or where she needed work. This time, you were treating her like a little child, like you hadn't seen her in forever, or would never see her again.
Time flew and after two long rounds, Louis stood, announcing Claudia needed to go to bed. Groaning, she stood, wanting to stay longer, but you shook your head.
“It's okay, you need your beauty rest, I love you so much, sleep well,” you told her, hugging her firmly once more.
“Love you too,” she mumbled before she was stomping up the stairs.
“Are you sure you are okay, ma chérie?” Lestat asked, as soon as her bedroom door shut.
“I am, I just, the thought of one day losing her, or being apart hurts my soul, our relationship would probably never be the same,” you said, smiling sadly at him.
“Why would we never be the same?”
“Because she's our daughter, and it would take losing her to see how much she is loved, even you, she's so much like you and that's why you clash so much,” you laughed.
“Wouldn't that make us stronger?”
“I wish that was the case, but holding onto the past makes you unable to communicate like you're supposed to-
“Where is all this coming from? Talk to us, what's on your heart?” Louis asked.
“Please don't question me, but there will be a time when we are so weirdly uninterested in each other, and we try to block out our issues with reading, music, and sex,” you said.
“Why though?”
“Holding onto the past”
“Then you'd have to remind us of what is ahead and not behind,” Lestat said, leaning down, pecking your lips.
Feeling your face burn from the passionate kiss, you looked down, your eyes widening noticing your fingers faded. You have watched enough sci-fi movies with Georgie to know it was time for you to leave.
“I need to make a quick run-
“The sun will be up in another hour,” Louis told you.
“I know, I won't be long, love you both,” you said, pecking both of their lips, before running out of the house.
As you ran back to the backyard, you were surprised to see the man back outside.
“What are you doing?” you asked him, seeing as he sat on the steps, watching the pod.
“I saw some kids run back here, so I’m just watching this contraption,” he shrugged. Staring at the man, you recognized him, Georgie’s grandfather, but much younger. You had seen the few photos hanging up on the house and you identified the face quickly.
“If you had advice for a future relative, a son or grandson, what would you tell him?”
“Life gets hard, we make mistakes, and we lose people, but we have to hold onto the better part of things. I get divorced, but I was able to experience a beautiful marriage, same with children, I was fortunate to experience fatherhood”
“Beautifully said, go get some rest,” you said, glamouring him, watching as he nodded, going inside.
Carefully stepping over the broken glass, you cautiously stepped inside, shutting the door, as the fog came back, the machine lighting up, before you were gone.
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“You just asked me that a few minutes ago, please, have some damn patience,” George said to Lestat, who was pestering him about you. The man was trying as hard as he could and Lestat did not care one bit.
Suddenly, the pod lit up, the fog coming back. Typing on the computer the door opened, before you stepped out, your feet dirty.
“I was away 6 hours and 40 minutes, how long has it been?” you asked, tossing Georgie the stopwatch.
“2 long hours, you've been crying,” Louis said, going to pull you into a hug.
“I saw her, our girl, she was perfect,” you said, feeling him stiffen in your arms before his shoulders shuttered from crying.
“What was she doing?” he asked.
“She had gotten in trouble, but I convinced you both to let it go, and we spent time together,” you said, as he smiled, nodding.
“You told her you loved her?” he asked, hopeful.
“Yes,” you nodded, as the hug tightened before he pulled away.
“And you told me something, so valuable,” you said, shifting to Lestat.
“Of course I did,” he smirked.
“You told me to remind you both of what is ahead of us and not our past,” you said, watching as he dabbed his eyes, stopping any tears on his part.
“Sounds like something I’d say, I guess,” he grinned.
“Are you ready to come home? I know you're probably exhausted from all of this?” Louis asked, grabbing your bag when you nodded.
Glancing at Georgie, who stood awkwardly waiting for you to finish with your reunion. Moving away from Lestat, you stood in front of your good friend, before pulling into a hug.
“Someone dear to you told me some valuable advice I want to share with you,” you smiled.
“Life gets hard, we make mistakes, and we lose people, but we have to hold onto the better part of things. Our past isn't meant to be changed, but rather we embrace the experience, both good and bad, because it shapes us into who we are. You might not be able to get your marriage back, but you could try to reach out to your children, Georgie,” you said, smiling as he teared up, agreeing with you.
“We have our own affairs to handle,” Lestat groaned, ready to leave the tiny basement.
“Shh,” Louis nudged him before you followed the two out of the house.
“Now that I think about Lestat was more charming back then, but now it's you, Louis,” you said, both of you laughing as Lestat scoffed, going on a rant about his greatness.
You missed Claudia greatly, but you had to keep moving, you all did. You still had an eternity of life, but maybe one day, just maybe, when you're reunited, she'll be where she belongs, back in your arms.
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nightcolorz · 2 months
Concept: The Tallamasca tries to recruit Daniel back in the 80's, Armand lets it happen because he wants to see what his boy would do
Daniel then proceeds to yell at several Tallamasca agents that they clearly don't know shit about vampires and they just nod and take out notebooks because yes, that's why we want you Mr Molloy, you have more practical experience than any of us
Daniel laughs when they start to ask questions about Armand specifically and he decides to have fun by telling them completely true but completely irrelevant shit about Armand (and maybe some about Louis too, they look surprised that he has met Louis and survived)
The Vampire Armand has great calligraphy, beautiful but still legible
The Vampire Armand drolls on his sleep
The Vampire Armand is a big fan of nail polish
The Vampire Armand's favourite art movement is Dadaism
The Vampire Armand prefers motorbikes to cars
The Vampire Louis loves photography
The Vampire Louis hates it when people dog ear a page on a book to mark where they were at
Daniel intended all this little nonsense fun facts would annoy the agents but to his dismay they keep taking notes and acting as if they are getting some big revelations to update their files with, he gets frustrated and leaves
Armand finds this all very amusing, once again his beloved boy has surpassed his expectations and surprised him, he should reward him with some blood and a nice outing, perhaps a new golden watch for his collection too
Meanwhile the Tallamasca agents are marking Daniel down as a person of interest and plan to follow his whereabouts for the rest of his life, they thought Daniel was some pet/slave for the Vampire Armand who they thought to be around 200 years old and were offering their protecting in exchange of information, their chat with Daniel has revealed that Armand is actually
closer to 500
A lot more powerful than they thought
Capable of blending in with humans to a concerning point
More interested and aware of human affairs than other immortals (again very concerning)
Marius de Romanus creation (they are very excited about this new piece of information)
Allows Daniel an insane amount of freedom but also feels comfortable enough around him to allow himself vulnerabilities such as falling asleep around the human (they update Daniel's file and mark him as a human paramour and possible future vampire, they make a point not to tell this to Daniel)
They also learn that yes, vampires have human-like relationships with each other, this seems obvious to Daniel but it's a very contested fact in the organisation, with defenders and detractors all giving big speeches and presentations defending their opinion on the matter pretty regularly
It was NOT Daniel's intention to reveal any of this, the majority he thought they knew
Daniel: Louis Du Lac is a snob, put a trashy magazine in front of him and he'll literally turn up his nose
The agent, writing it all down: You know more than one vampire? And have talked to them as if they were people and not creatures of the night? And you know them intimately enough to know their opinions on things such as this?
Daniel: wait no, that was supposed to be a useless piece of information
The agent, vibrating with excitement: what else do you know
Daniel, feeling lost and needing a cigarette: Armand likes Blade Runner
The agent: fascinating
Daniel: no, you are supposed to think this is irrelevant
Agent: tell me more about The Vampire Armand's opinions on pop culture
OMGG LOL this is so funny im dying. the concept of Daniel trying to be intentionally unhelpful out of spite and actually being incredibly helpful in the process is soooo peak comedy and in character i love it.
I think any talamasca member would fight tooth and nail to get their hands on extremely mundane vampire fun facts. Their jobs r canonically the useless collecting and maintaining of information on supernatural creatures that they will use for nothing and just like to have for the wow factor and so I feel like they wouldn’t care about the difference between valuable facts and invaluable facts. Armand is capable of exploding ppls internal organs from the inside and Armand has a hyper fixation on mobile apps r both equally valuable bits of lore considering what they plan to do with it (create a profile of his character and store it in a vampire library). So Daniel saying smth like “Louis is insecure about being a bad artist” or “Armand cries during sex” would be like a goldmine for them 💀
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
I'm sure you've heard already but ppl on Twitter tearing sentiment about Louis entering relationship with Armand for protection TO SHREDS. Going off how flirty Louis looked on the date. I just have two question for them:
1)What is that happened after that date that would've made Louis change his heart? (Sarcasm) Yes, Louis clearly boldly flirted with Armand there (lets ignore lestat third-wheeling and Louis taking photos of lestat with Armand being at the side). And AFTER he nearly died by Armand's hand. And Assad confirmed that Armand was planning to kill him, it wasn't just a sham. So, it's understandable that Louis started to look at Armand differently there.
2)"it's also the beginning of the ultimatum with Armand and the beginning of the darker side of their relationship" from Jacob's mouth. They need to look up definition of ultimatum. It's a CONDITION usually combined with a threat. We're being NICE when discuss this scene because I haven't seen single person imply that Armand was pressuring Louis into sex. All I saw people saying this situation happened unintentionally on Armand's part because he's used to power plays, toxic relationship etc
People are sooo hypocritical in this fandom. They SWEAR they love toxic love stories but get scared by toxicity. Bet same people who are pissed about this believe that Louis didn't want sex in ep6 and that he did it to appease lestat. Picking and choosing where to see abuse and where don't.
Also it seems like some give more importance to reviews than cast's interviews. I read reviews and read about tender romantic loumand in Paris.
I also heard Hannah saying that cage in bedroom was intentional. I also read jacob saying Armand is dark looming presence and that he serves function to Louis and that Louis becomes dissatisfied. There was a lot in Jacob's interviews actually.
Reviews and interviews don't always say the same thing, sometimes even contradict each other (Assad and Eric mentioning devil's minion and reviews saying there's nothing between them). And you would think people will focus on words of someone who WORKS on the show, but they prefer to hear only things that support their headcanons
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Tbh, I have been taken aback by how willingly everyone is jumping/hating on that post (and, I mean, I have pointed out the same thing???), because... it completely dismisses what Assad and Jacob have said...
AND it completely dismisses Jacob's acting there.
Really look at him. I'm not going to pull up the gifs now, it's the current episode, go look at Louis' face and expression and body language... and then remember what his "inner Lestat" said.
And we all know how good an actor Jacob is, right.
I mean. The fandom dismissing what cast and creators say in favor of accusations is nothing new. God knows I've ranted about this. But... I mean... how can you think Louis, after Armand almost kills him... would just happily enter a relationship? When he just asked to be decapitated??? When the only thing that stopped him - was Armand's comment that Claudia wouldn't be around for long.
THAT is, as far as the tale is currently spun, what made Louis stop. Literally.
Jacob said that it would go darker from here and I... don't doubt it. But I think some people are not prepared, lol.
Dubai is a golden cage, by intent and set design as stated. And Louis was "the little birdie for the next 50 years".
Or does anybody really think the overlay with the coven telling Claudia that was a coincidence....
Or wonder why AMC did not promote Loumand as a couple... at all.
I'm just glad the gag orders have dropped away, at least I can listen now to Assad, Jacob, Sam and Rolin telling it like it is.
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twopoppies · 6 months
You make some really good points here, especially about stepping away a bit and trying to just enjoy them as musicians. I’ve tried it with some success, but it’s not easy. I do honestly love both of their music and listen to it daily. Beyond that, it’s good to back off a bit for me.
I think for me something that has really become clear this last year, is that many fans feel entitled to what I would call Chapter 118 of the Harry/Louis WIP, and the reality is it’s just not coming. Now I love reading Larry fan fiction as much as the next person, but looking at it that way is so unfair to them. They have real lives and relationships and it’s not a story that needs to be tied up with a happily ever after. Lots of Larries - especially Twitter Larries - seem to use every interview or use of a primary color as a new chapter. I’ve never been a believer in the “mastermind” theory. And you are so right when you say the good vs evil is not really clear anymore. Yes, Syco and Cowell committed a lot of abuses, but those guys walked out of there with around $50M and tons of doors opened for them that wouldn’t have been possible without 1D , so the lines are blurred.
I think it’s pretty clear from Harry’s “corner of the internet ….it’s not real” interview to Louis latest, they don’t want our help in this - whatever “this” is anymore. It’s not underdogs vs overlords and I don’t like taking away Harry’s and Louis’s agency at this point.
It’s funny, because in 2016 if someone had said this is where you will be 8 years later I would have laughed in their face. But this is where we are and finding ways to deal with it and realizing we may never have more then we have today can be hard. Who knows what will happen in the future. Tomorrow the whole thing could blow wide open and lots of questions will get answered, but I just don’t think so and I’m ok with that. Sort of…. lol!
Anyway, thanks for the nice, calm commentary. I still enjoy reading it all!
Oh, I totally feel you on waiting for chapter 118. So many people treat their lives like an unfinished fic or a game to win. It’s super unhealthy for fans and I can’t imagine it feels good for Harry and Louis. And I very much agree that where we once were helpful, we may now be a hindrance at times. Saying that, I think it’s important to acknowledge that we’re not fucking making things up out of thin air and Harry/Louis/their teams often use Larry and larries for their benefit.
That makes it difficult to feel that they’re being completely honest when they say they don’t want a focus put on Larry.
Regardless, I’m tired of playing this game. I’d prefer to just chill in my own little circle and talk about Larry with my friends and go to concerts and have fun. But I don’t enjoy being treated like shit when it’s convenient and then sent flowers when I’m needed again, you know?
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ca-suffit · 3 months
“loumand were happy together most of the time” is kind of an insane take bc louis spent eps 1-4 haunted by lestat and distracted by a hallucination of him, fought badly with armand and called him a boring beige pillow in ep 5, the closest they probably came to being genuinely happy was in 6, the ep which had louis acting really off (i think jacob himself said he’d regressed to a lot of his past personality). eps 7, 8 and dubai speak for themselves lol. whereas loustat *were* happy, especially when they were raising claudia (“we were a happy trio”), and it’s clear that louis downplayed a lot of that happiness (see all of jacob and sam’s comments about dreamstat reflecting the softer and happier parts of loustat that louis wants to forget). but people also ship them because a) their intense chemistry and b) the whole show revolves around their romance, which is tragic and destructive because they love each other *so much*. it’s fucked up but also so compelling and epic and romantic because they will literally love each other forever and nothing can stop it no matter the cost. that doesn’t mean you have to ship it, but it actually surprises me that someone could even enjoy the show if they don’t even “get” loustat at all
tbh I think an argument could be made for both relationships either way. I don't think any of it has to be a contest of any kind. ppl come into the show from all different backgrounds and awareness of the books / characters or not. I think it's fine to let ppl come into the story however they want.
loustat allowed louis to feel seen for the first time in his life but also unseen in other ways. we do see them have happy moments but the more time goes on, the worse they get and the less "alive" he seems. then there's the explosive endings of the fight and mardi gras. although the show has told us there's layers to this and a general back and forth of whether things were better or worse all over their timeline.
loumand and being in paris gives louis more freedom in ways than he's ever known. he explores hobbies, he feels less judged as a black man in public spaces, he feels like he's allowed to have boundaries and voice desires. armand pretends to relinquish control at times when he knows it's what louis requires to feel good. that's something that lestat wasn't doing. for a lot of S2, in dubai, there is an unease felt and a forced manner of discussing all of these "happy" memories they have together, but a lot of it still feels real. like an authentic couple that's been married a long, long time and settled into each other. 2x5 shows us a layer peeled back and starts to break the illusion, but just like with louis' happy moments with lestat, it doesn't change that those moments still exist.
the show itself is always telling us that everything we see of any of this are parts of a whole. just like real life, all events have different perspectives. if louis' memory hadn't been erased after 2x5 then who knows what would have happened. but louis also wouldn't have left lestat on his own without claudia too, so maybe nothing?
the core of all of these relationships is what they reveal about the characters. while loustat has been said to be the main focus throughout, it doesn't lessen any of the others. all of these characters are around each other for eternity and have to endure each other somehow, whatever their current status with each other. I don't think anyone has to have any relationship preference to watch the show tbh, bcuz they're all related in the end anyway.
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knightotoc · 9 months
Just finished IWTV book, so now I can say the differences between the book, movie, and show. The movie is quite accurate to the book, while the show is more original. I love them all quite a lot, but I think the show is my favorite since it's the most romantic. Long post with spoilers below the cut.
The depth of Louis' interiority, especially his thoughts about religion, can only be found in the book. I am also ex-Catholic so this is high-key my shit. Especially knowing Anne Rice went back and forth later in life. I can relate. Louis wants to talk about his feelings with other vampires, but Lestat and Claudia aren't interested, which is the main reason Louis is attracted to Armand. Where is the Brideshead Revisited crossover?? Louis get in a bisexual love triangle with the Flytes for me🙏
I learned in the Matt Baume video on Anne Rice that she wrote IWTV while grieving her daughter, who died of leukemia just before her sixth birthday. This feeling of grief, reflected so clearly in Claudia, is the most moving and unique aspect of the book, far more than anything between the adult characters.
One reason this feeling is watered-down in both adaptations is that in the book, Claudia is only 5/6, the age of Anne's real daughter. In the movie she is 10 and in the show 14. Of course it would be impossible to find a 6 year old actress who could act with the maturity of an 80-year-old woman. But the character is even more pitiful and bizarre as a little child than as one nearing puberty.
In the book, Lestat is shown to have survived the murder attempt pretty early on, and he keeps jump-scaring Louis and Claudia on their adventures. I prefer the movie's version where they hold off on this reveal. Though of course I always love to see him, lol
In the book, I got the impression that Lestat and Louis are both bi, but Lestat prefers men and Louis prefers women. Still, their motivations aren't driven by sexuality in a straightforward way. For example, Lestat's ideal prey is a young man, because he loves to destroy their potential. Louis feels something like love for a few women characters, because he feels empathy for their misfortunes.
The adaptations soften/change Louis' status as a slave-owner; in the movie, he frees his slaves, and in the book he just flees. As much as Louis is a soft-hearted quasi-feminist, defined by his guilt and regret, he is still racist and close-minded in most ways. This seems realistic to me.
I did think it was interesting and cool that the enslaved people can tell Louis and Lestat aren't human, while the other plantation owners and even Lestat's dad have no idea. But we don't get their perspective, just Louis' racist assumptions.
Yeah in the book Lestat has a dad! It is rather confusing since Lestat explains nothing, but it creates some great melodrama. I guess I have to read the next one and hope for a backstory reveal.
Fun spooky detour into Eastern Europe! I hope the show goes there in season 2.
Louis and Armand's discussions are really cool. I especially loved Louis' monologues after Claudia's death. There wasn't room for these discussions in the movie, but I feel like it'll be a main focus in season 2 of the show.
Like I said, the movie is impressively accurate, and a beautiful work of art on its own. The best innovation is holding off on the Lestat reveal until almost the very end. This makes it look like their murder attempt really did a number on him, and it took decades and decades of rat-eating to even drag himself out of the swamp. I like that.
The movie also has a more exciting and ridiculous ending, in which Lestat attacks the reporter in his car and drives away to Guns N' Roses. The book ends with the reporter hurrying off to find Lestat himself. It's funnier and more awesome if Lestat is the one driving the plot and the car. Pleased to meet you :D
"How avant-garde." Best line in the movie, and it's not from the book!
Since the movie cut out most of the minor characters, there isn't as much evidence for Louis' bisexuality. Louis seems more like, gay but closeted. And Lestat seems more like, gay but misogynist, so he'll prey on women just for sport lol.
I'm a Fight Club guy so I love that this is, like, a reverse companion movie (this time, Brad Pitt is the pushover in a dangerous gay duo)
This is the only version that is clearly gay. But this dynamic is the same: Louis wants to talk about things, and Lestat does not. In this case, the focus of these discussions is not vampirism or religion but their relationship. Louis points out that he is gay and Lestat is bi. Perhaps it's just because I saw this version first, but this is my favorite version of their sexualities. The show simply spends more time with this dynamic, and how it affects everything, including their interracial relationship and openness in society.
In the book, Lestat is a talented but soulless musician. He can play anything, but without heart. In the show, music is Lestat's one genuine connection to humanity (even if this connection just leads him to kill musicians who don't impress him). I believe later books go more into Lestat as a musician, so I'll have more thoughts on this later.
Since the reporter is cynical, old, and dying, this creates a much more compelling conversation within the framing device. He holds Louis to task with a forcefulness that rivals Lestat. It is a clever way of modernizing the story, since Daniel references their last interview in the 70s (when the book was published), and you are meant to wonder which version is more truthful.
Since Claudia is 14, she can pass as an adult, and she is able to go on her own rather disastrous adventure. It is exciting, terrifying, and sad, and a welcome addition for this character, though it is much different than the book's helpless, heartless Claudia.
The Catholicism in the show is flashier, but not as interesting as the book. For example, in the book, Louis is haunted not just by Paul's death, but Louis' failure to meet Paul's faith-driven monetary demands. In the show, Paul's ideas seem like more of an annoyance. Maybe there will be more religious doubt in season 2, but I don't really expect it.
In the book, it seems like Louis and Claudia throw Lestat in the swamp since it's faster and more thorough than fire. In the show, the oven they use is a major plot point, and Louis can't bear to put Lestat's body in it because he still loves him. Instead they throw Lestat in the trash, which is one of my favorite tropes (see: Maul in The Clone Wars, Soldier 1998). This is just one of the many ways the show complicates and deepens Louis and Lestat's bond.
I feel like the show is more believable and has more deepness in general, since it's a smart retrospective on an old franchise and a response to decades of vampire fun in pop culture. For example, in the show Louis has volunteer humans to feast upon, and it's very "safe, sane, and consensual," versus the universally predatory relationships in the book and movie. Because we all know now that if vampires were real, and they were hot and rich, they could get all the blood they want without hurting anyone. An ethical vampire like Louis isn't impossible anymore. Compared to other billionaires, he's a pretty decent guy.
So, I'd say the book has the most profound perspective on grief, the movie has better structure, and the show has the most complex romance.
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Tell me abt preggers armand please. I have a fic im working on and need 2 hear other peoples opinions on this topic 😈
okay so first of all i'm so upset i didn't see this ask until i checked my askbox on my phone which i almost NEVER do anymore since i'm getting old and prefer to just answer things via laptop where i can keyboard smash at full capacity raw and unfiltered but like MY DMS ARE OPEN I'M NOT ALWAYS THE FASTEST RESPONDER BECAUSE I'M IN GRAD SCHOOL AND LIFE AND WHATEVER BUT I DON'T TRUST TUMBLR ANYMORE BECAUSE I DIDN'T SEE THIS UNTIL YESTERDAY ON DESKTOP TUMBLR PLS DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY PEOPLE
now that that's out of the way:
it depends! you have to be more specific, like are we talking vampires? human AU? BECAUSE I'VE GOT SOMETHING FOR EACH
canon verse/vampire:
don't ask me to explain the science or whatever lol i don't care, i just skip to the pregnancy part!
i think armand would be SO FUCKING FERAL and defensive, like he's lost so much and been so traumatized in so many ways, the idea of anything happening to his baby would have him in full gremlin mode. imagine a feral cat hissing and spitting and clawing and biting (not for food but for violence)!
on the other hand, he'd be obsessively bonded to his baby daddy (daddies, if there's multiple babies). he is not letting them out of his sight (i default to lestat here LMAO listen i want them to knock each other up so bad--separate universes obviously)
HE WOULD NEST SO FUCKING HARD!!! i was going to say i apologize for my brain but then i realized that i don't actually but i want him to nest on a pile of lestat's clothes and give birth right there like a fucking cat 🥹
ALTERNATIVELY THOUGH: i also had this idea that's like louis impregnates lestat and armand at the same time and they get to go through their pregnancies together and it's every bit as horny, hellish, and sweet as you'd imagine 🫶🏻 i've said it before and i'll say it again--lestat would be the WORST pregnant person ever dead or alive!!
now for human AUs:
i guess my thoughts here primarily but not exclusively exist within the same universe as I Feel You (sorry idk if you read that fic but tl;dr- IT'S PWP OF TRANS!ARMAND 2/3RDS OF THE WAY INTO GETTING A TRAIN RUN ON HIM BY HIS BOYFRIENDS LESTAT, LOUIS, AND DANIEL AND HE'S YOUNG DUMB AND FULL OF CUM SO YOU KNOW IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE HE'S GOTTA PEE ON A STICK RIP BOYS)
i think each of his boyfriends would handle the whole thing differently! lestat would be so over the moon because he's careless (clearly) but also so damaged from his own childhood he would just see it as a chance for a do-over, reality and responsibility be damned. lestat's on sex and backrub duty, and he's good at it (the backrubs i mean, sex is a 50/50 but you know what, at least he's enthusiastic and good at manhandling armand so that's 70% of it right now and the 30% is absolutely ridiculous horny pregnancy hormones)
louis panics internally as he immediately starts creating a spreadsheet of their finances. outwardly though, he's very calm and supportive and he's the one who's most able to comfort armand the most and settle him down during his crazy mood swings. armand basically lives in louis's baggy sweaters during the last trimester
daniel panics outwardly (listen LOL the whole premise of Our House is that human!daniel molloy is not ready for children and i find it hard to budge from that mindset, but he could ease into the Cool Uncle role quite nicely). he handles distractions and food cravings, and he might not be down to be a dad yet but he does buy very thoughtful and sentimental baby gifts every now and then that make armand tear up
i was gonna add mermaid AU thoughts but then i remembered armand's laying eggs instead (he's feral during that whole process too so i guess it's similar to the vampire version. i just love him so much okay!!!)
pregnant!armand fics on ao3 I'M CRAZY ABOUT AND HAVE REREAD AT LEAST 10 TIMES:
shelter by @rainbowcarousels
it must be the clouds in my eyes and everything in that series by @its-ness-ness
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missfreija · 1 month
louis for the ask meme ❤️
favorite thing about them: his tendency to react with great fervor only to the topics that interest him, his love for literature, his reverence for life only after becoming a vampire, his emotional vulnerability and weird moral principles, his introspective and anguished narrative, his physical appearance lol i like that the author wrote him as a sort of naive dramatic romantic mc.
least favorite thing about them: he is so judgemental. (real answer: his almost total absence after iwtv. I need a trilogy slice of life from his pov lol)
favorite line: 'The great adventure of our lives. What does it mean to die when you can live until the end of the world? and what is 'the end of the world' except a phrase, because who knows even what is the world itself? I had now lived in two centuries, seen the illusions of one shattered by the other, been eternally young and eternally ancient, possessing no illusions, living moment to moment in a way that made me picture a silver clock ticking in a void: the painted face, the delicately carved hands looked upon by no one, looking out at no one, illuminated by a light which was not a light, like the light by which god made the world before He had made light. Ticking, ticking, ticking, the precision of the clock, in a room as vast as the universe'
brOTP: david (basically canon, they often live together for years between memnoch and post merrick, they seem to have a mutual admiration and sometimes david can kiss his maker's husband ahah), gabrielle (a girl can dream lol i wanted more interactions between them), armand in tg era, and i think marius would be a good friend for louis. marius likes louis right away in qotd and once louis got over his reverential fear of the roman they could often discuss about art and other interesting topics. I think louis would get along with almost all the cast
OTP: lestat
(honorable mention under the section 'emotional relationship that made me cry a lot' for louis and claudia <3)
nOTP: i don't Hate them but i've never been a fan of armand/louis
random headcanon: 1) when he was human his only sexual experiences were with prostitutes, he never had a lover. 2) he is a decent billiards player. 3) during the nineteenth century he read and enjoyed penny dreadfuls. 4) even in the present sometimes he confuses words and mixes French and English
unpopular opinion: i dont know, people only talk about show!louis (and i couldn't care less about that version of the character...) or how they hate him in the books.
i like to think that his angsty reunion with lestat at the end of iwtv happened in 1920/'30 (we know that Lestat affirms that this fact never happened and that Louis only spied him from the windows but I don't really like this explanation sooo I prefer to believe louis' version and to think that lestat lied or doesn't remember lol).
i don't know if it's an unpopular opinion but i noticed that many fans love his character development/glow up post merrick (having accepted his nature and no longer being sooo weak) but I have always been a bit perplexed about this event, in the narrative his resurrection is rushed and shallow, to me it felt basically just a pretext to awaken lestat (even his chapter at the end of pl is so...random and out of context but ok). on the other hand I'm happy that Louis got some peace and happiness after so much suffering but the (offscreen) process that led to this change disappointed me
him being the 'royal consort' in the final books gives me second hand embarrassment lol
song i associate with them: saint bernard - lincoln, california - lana del rey, his Canonic Song aka moon over bourbon street - sting
favorite picture of them: there are so many amazing fanart 🫶🏻
i love this artist - this - this
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licncourt · 1 year
As far as engagement with your fics dwindling, I think it’s mainly a result of the ao3 tag naturally being flooded with show verse content and book writers disappearing. There’s also the increasing rhetoric among popular show writers/bloggers that continued art and fic for book Louis and Armand is inherently racist so my guess is no one wants to out themselves as someone who enjoys book fic for fear of being shunned. Which is disappointing but with a large fandom that is mainly centered around a popular show, not surprising (not that there wasn’t gatekeeping preshow but the fandom was significantly smaller). I think most fans of the show think with these new (and improved) incarnations of the characters, there’s no need for their book counterparts. And the belief that people who do still enjoy book Louis and Armand are ignorant and fundamentally don’t understand the vc characters. It sucks because it would’ve been sweet if it could all be enjoyed for the multiverse it’s become since there are fans (like myself) who enjoy both the books and the show but there does seem to be an unspoken rule that you shouldn’t still be interested in producing content for the books. However, I’ve always been a huge fan of your works (and meta/thoughts!!) and the quality of your writing and grasp on the characters is still just as compelling as ever so I selfishly hope you continue writing 🫶 I promise I’ll make an effort to drop comments! lol
Well first of all thank you!! I just want to reiterate that the point of my original post was never to fish for comments or anything, I was just curious about why the engagement was happening on here suddenly vs ao3, but I always appreciate comments, kudos, reblogs, etc, it makes me so happy to know people like my writing because I really love doing it. I have plenty more stuff planned just because I love writing fic and I love the characters, so no worries there!
That also makes a lot of sense actually as far as people wanting to send me anons instead of comment. That's a crazy take though, like the books are forty years old you can't expect them to suddenly not have fans because of a new adaptation...? And I think it's a wild take to say that the original books/fans of them don't understand the characters?? Tumblr discourse is on another level always.
Liking the show better is absolutely fine, everyone can have their own preferences in media, but I don't believe for one second that the show is "less problematic" than the books. They just found a different way to be insensitive and offensive 😭 I think Anne Rice IP is just destined to be a morally bankrupt trainwreck and we all have to accept that. No one has moral high ground here really. And in a way it really feels like people coming into OUR house and saying we suck and aren't welcome.
This might be a selfish way of looking at it too, but I didn't get called literal slurs for months because I was defending the show and diverse casting for people to act like I have a problem with black Louis or brown Armand. Myself and friends of mine were harassed (including racially and sexually) for speaking positively about the casting decisions from day one, before most of these people knew the show or IWTV existed. My issues with it only started after episode 5 and that will always be my reason for jumping ship on the show.
I really wish things could have been different too, I was hoping the show would bring new people into the fold and just generally expand the VC multiverse like the movie did except with a new take on the story, but of course everything has to degenerate into a slap fight on the internet.
**There are absolutely people who don't like the show because they're racist shitheads and that is absolutely not a valid opinion to have btw. Just a blog reminder that I will absolutely never support or tolerate racism surrounding the show/the casting/the actors. It could have been a really great thing, unfortunately I just deeply disagree with how it was handled.**
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alarrytale · 1 year
Hi Marte!! So a topic came up on your blog the other day about how people rule out men being gay because they've had girlfriends, and one of your anons gave a great take on it. I just wanted to give my two cents on it as someone who hangs around in queer circles and has a lot of gay male friends. I can only give their views as I'm a queer woman lol. But it's pretty normal for gay men to have girlfriends when they haven't come to terms with their sexuality yet, society pressures and wanting to fit in at school or work, internalized homophobia and etc. There's nothing weird about it and not everyone comes to terms with their sexuality right away. Usually there is a period of denial. They were also talking about how gay men usually have a lot of female friends because gay men tend to be effeminate and can relate to women more. They become 'one of the girls'. I was thinking about Harry and how he's usually around women and het Harries have a really weird view that men who hang around women a lot must be into women. Not true. It also drives me a bit crazy when Larries joke about how Louis is allergic to women and is so uncomfortable around them that he must be gay. I use 'joke' loosely because although some people are joking, many use it as 'proof' that he is gay and they will point it out under every pic of him with a woman or even dig up pics of him with women to illustrate their point. A problem is that we hardly ever see him around women unless it's his fans and I don't think it's because he's uncomfortable around women, I think it's because of his laddy bro image. We only see him around his laddy pals. I'd bet anything that he has female friends and is very comfortable around them. The way this fandom acts like gay men are repulsed by women. It's just really out of touch. Gay men are comfortable around women. It doesn't mean they're sexually attracted to them and it doesn't mean they have sexual chemistry. I'm more inclined to think that if multiple women are very comfortable around a man then he is probably gay. The twitter hets drive me crazy at times. I know it's just ignorance and lack of understanding but they'll usually sprout their nonsense as if it's fact. They're just really out of touch with the lgbtq+ community.
Hi, anon!
Yes, gay males having had gfs in their teens is not uncommon at all. You can’t really use 'but he had a gf when he was 15' as an argument that someone isn't gay or queer. Some people don't fully understand their sexuality and isn't ready to label themselves before they're late into their 20's. I'm not a fan of people setting time limits and expectations on when you should have it all figured out.
Yes, loads of gay men have female friends and prefer female company over straight mens. I agree that Louis image is stopping him from having public female friends. But remember this used to be Louis:
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You also reminded me i have a tag 'louis is one of the girls'. I hate that it's not in use anymore. I've ranted about allowing him to have public female friends before too. Female celeb friends (other than Perrie) would be great for his career.
Also a bonus picture for the ongoing Nick 'is he or isn't he' conversation we're having. Food for thought.
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(This is Nick on the set of Mary and George with some female crew members he very quickly befriended)
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
Rewatch thoughts episode 2
The groan is really prominent. And we must be past QotD for that art to be on the wall, like, I cannot see Armand hanging that prior to some kind of a reunion.
Also the music being Sybille‘s preferred one is interesting to say the least. (At least I think it is ?)
The guy bringing the AB negative… I wonder if that may be one of the vampires, too. The extra shot… David, maybe. (IF he hasn’t been introduced in Mayfair Witches episode 6 just now).
The spark being a reference to Memnoch is just such a nice touch.
The wine comparisons are very nice, considering how there’s always bottles/alcohol in their home (especially when laying low later).
Louis wanting to go for that guy had to seem to Lestat as if his… inclinations were closer to his re fun and sex imho. He probably should‘ve let him…
Sam had lost the nail on the right middle finger. Cannot unsee now 🙈
The broadcasting is very deliberately shot.
Lestat totally enjoyed being thrown around the room. And he also relished a lot getting to carry Louis. I wonder how often he might have done that… the carrying bridal style I mean. If Louis let that happen after. (I can totally see it in their good times).
You can be on top. Mh hmmmm. All the ash and blood in Lestat’s coffin? Did he scrub the lining after? ;))
The fact that Louis had nightmares is so… did Lestat hold him then? They are obviously discussing it. Did they continue to sleep together later for that reason, too? And when they didn’t anymore… that probably didn’t help either.
The almost sharp retort and challenge to peel back on Louis… lol.
And the bitching between Lestat and Mama Du Lac is still hilarious.
Grace calling Louis better you… 😭 So heartbreaking that it had to go wrong at some point.
The slight smile when Louis recalls the unfortunate incident with the business man… lol. You can still see the edges of that anger even in modern Dubai.
Also, on that - Lestat’s library of confusion is so on point (as is their whole argument) bc Lestat just doesn’t get that. I‘ve said it before it’s not willful imho, but… he just doesn’t get it.
And that broadcasting once more when realizing he cannot say no… (despite his better judgement).
A cigar is a cigar is a cigar… or not. 😈 (Them almost cracking up makes me crack up lol).
I still doubt he ate the baby, they would have come after them if he had. BUT I like the moral question posed. Also, knowing Lestat did in Notre Dame and NOLA while recuperating … maybe a parallel to season 2 later. I‘d love that.
The brute in Madagascar. WHO TF is that supposed to be.
Lestat telling Louis of the rite of passage (and generally being rather aware) is often overlooked for the further developments imho. Because we’re still well within a mortal lifetime… that rite of passage coincides with what is happening later.
The opera scene is still baffling to me - to know this was their first scene. The… feeling there already.
The way Louis softens to the tuxedos…. and the factual intimacy of the tenor’s death. I know he says something different, but the way they supposedly drain the man for hours?! It’s easier if you can say it’s because are under someone’s thrall. Because he just before called himself a pupil for the last 6 years… he doesn’t tell anything else about those 6 years, apart from the mountain of money. Quite the skip. But Lestat calls it finally submitting to his nature… there must have been a lot more problems in regards to… eating.
The thing with Alice‘s brow always being dyed back to brown is indeed quite interesting. It’s too prominent for this show, especially given the location of eating that dessert in Paris.
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nouies · 8 months
helloooo, lou! 💙
i have seen how much hate the creators in this fandom get. and i have been feeling really anxious to post whatever i had in mind. but there is first time for everything, huh?! 🥶
it's so nice to change a whole recipe to match your friend's preferences. and cook for her. it's like not a lot of people do it anymore, respecting others' wishes and decisions. 🗣️
have you been to other concerts? 🧞‍♂️
actually, the miscommunication was my fault. i reread your last reply and realized that you said "rule out". i didn't know the meaning of this phrase until now, so i checked it out and now i know what you meant. but do people go hiking/biking/etc on dates? i would never... 🐳
english is not my first language as well, and a lot of times the language barrier leads to miscommunication. but your english is amazing and i think you are great with words. 🦋
louis is such an awesome person. his interests and visions are really wonderful. it's so good you both have so many things in common. 🌀
okay, i have a funny story. when 1d formed as a band, i was eleven years old. my classmates were obsessed with them. so i was like "i won't be like the other girls" and i was showing disinterest every time someone was talking about them (but at the same time i was secretly blasting more than this. the only reason i love that song that much, was because of niall and louis' solos). and i listened to their songs occasionally on the music tv channels (their singles). and for the time the band was still touring and making albums, i just didn't vibe with them, and even think about them. when zayn left the bad, i read it somewhere and that was all. but when the next year mind of mine came out, i fell in love with his voice. so, all in all, i would say zayn. i have been listening to his music for years and i just have really soft spot for him in my heart. 🫐
my questions for the day: what is your favorite tv series? can you share one fun fact about you? 🖌️
hope you have a lovely day,
- your secret valentine 🦕
p.s. don't let the last emoji betray your vison for me, because in fact i'm quite short.
hi valentine!! 💓
listen, don’t think of any of that yet. there are horrible ppl around but i still believe there are some good ones left. i understand feeling anxious, trust me that i always feel that way whenever i’m posting something new, but don’t let the haters win. their goal is to stop us from creating so if we do stop, they’ll win, and they don’t deserve to win. if you truly feel uncomfortable sharing anything, then it’s fine too. at the end of the day, creating something in the fandom is supposed to be fun and if you’re not having fun, then it loses its purpose.
anyway. yes, we’ve been best friends for almost 13 years so i just want her to be happy and comfortable. :) and she does the same for me, like every time i visit her house, she makes sure to buy me tacos from the stand i like.
last year i only went to see Aurora and to the fest where Niall performed, this year i’m going to see a mexican artist called Yuridia and in june i’m seeing Louis. 🤧 have you been to concerts lately or are you planning on going to one soon?
no worries!! tbh i sometimes use verbs that i’m not sure abt but i’m too lazy to google lol but it’s fine. idk if there are ppl who go hiking but i’ve seen ppl who go skating ???
omg you’re way younger than me lol 1d came out when i was starting uni lol but your story is very cute, and tbh it’s very understandable bc i feel like as teenagers we either want to fit in or we want to be unique. at the end, i’m happy that you found someone who resonated more with you. Zayn is a great artist and he seems like such a sweet soul, i want to squeeze his cheeks lol
my favourite tv series is mindhunter, and i’m still sad we got only two seasons of it :( i love jonathan groff so much. idk what could be a fun fact abt me… like, i’m just thinking abt facts but idk if they’re any fun 😭 had to ask for some help but you probably know how much i love fics, and i when i write for a fic fest, i read the rest of the fics (which i thought it was the norm but apparently it isn’t), so my fun fact is that i read every blff fic the day it was posted, maybe with the exception of the 100k one bc it took me three days but the rest of them i read them on each day they were published. and now my brain is fried hdjdhdjdhd
thank you, valentine! i hope your day is awesome as well. 🤗 (and i’m quite short as well so we’re twinning!) <3
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holdingontoheadache · 2 years
Doly, Doly, Doly! My dear friend, I’m sorry for going like a week without sending a message! This week really got away from me. How’s your vacation been? How’s Hail Mary? I hope you’re doing well!!!
Oh my brother always hated having to share with me cause you know I was the annoying little sibling who wanted to play with all the stuff he had. It was the only way I played like any video games until I was in my preteens and got a wii and DS but I’m not sure which one was first lol. But I still tried to play games on his stuff.
We definitely would! There’s so many concerts I wanna go to and I can’t wait till I feel comfy enough to start going back to them!!! I’d absolutely go see Niall in a heartbeat. There’s just something about live music that really is magical. And it’s also one of those human moments of “I’m in a room full of all these people and we’re singing the same songs and love this person on stage.” And what a feeling that is. Especially for an artist that makes you feel like at home, that is truly special.
How exciting! Let me know how you like it once you get it! I found that I enjoyed it quite a bit! And I’ll have to see if I can find them! I took photos of that installation like six years ago now!
I want a Louis hoodie so bad! I have one of his shirts but it’s kinda old, too small and the back art on it is peeling. My favorite YouTubers announced they got married recently and oh my heart, it was so sweet. For streamers I feel like I rarely catch the streams live so I watch a lot of vods or people editing down the streams to the important/good bits. I think I said I tend to wear a normal like baseball cap? I’m not sure how else to describe it but I wear it when I’m having a bad hair day or just don’t wanna deal with it. I got to wear my beanie today which was nice since I rarely get to! It was pretty cold so it worked great when I went out/had to let my dogs out. I will say, I think I prefer ice skating to roller skating! I’ve been roller skating a normal amount and I think I’ve only gone ice skating once but it was so fun cause it’s just so different! I’d love to do it again. Italy! How exciting! I bet it was beautiful. I know this sounds crazy but I’m not sure of the last time I had a mango/if I’ve ever had one really. I know I’ve had kiwi but it’s been a very long time so I dont remember much about the taste. Cleaning carpet is awful! I’ve stained my carpet horrendously by accidentally leaving a tube of black paint out and stepping on it 😐 and then a blue drink spilled on my beige carpet sooo. I like it in my room but probably nowhere else in a house.
I know this isn’t as long as the others but I feel im blanking on what to talk about atm buuut I’ll still do a speed round of course!!!
Since it’s the holidays: if you have a Christmas tree, do you prefer a fake or real one? I understand the appeal of a fake one 100% because there’s no cleaning up, watering and throwing it out like a real one and plus it’s a one and done payment for years to come! However, im a sucker for a live tree. I love smelling the tree in the house and I love going to pick one out!
Do you dilly dally? Like when running to the store are you someone who gets everything they need and then goes straight to check out or do you kinda get pulled in by other things not on your shopping list? I feel I can do both but I absolutely dilly dally more than anything. I get distracted easily like when Walmart was open 24/7 my dad and I would just be like “we should go get snacks” at like 1am and then we’d be there for an hour and a half… it’s why my mom refuses to go inside Walmart with him.
Do you prefer to use the stove/oven or the microwave? Like when I make soup I make it on the stove my friend makes it in the microwave. And like a stouffer’s meal I make in oven every time my friend will just the microwave. Like even when making water I’ll boil the water instead of using the microwave. I hate using the microwave for most things I’m not sure what it is or why but it just feels better using the stove/oven.
When it comes to jewelry, do you prefer gold or silver? I personally prefer silver. I think it just looks better on me! But I feel that I don’t wear much jewelry anymore at all.
I can’t remember if I’ve asked but which do you find more interesting or even scary? Space or the ocean? I feel both are equally so fascinating but also absolutely terrifying!! I love the ocean though, I used to want to be a marine biologist sooo and someone tried to tell me we’ve explored a lot of the ocean so there was no point in being a marine biologist and I almost lost my mind cause anyone and everyone know how little of the ocean we’ve actually explored!
Do you enjoying sparkling water? I personally am not a big fan. I just don’t like the taste of almost jay of them! I think it’s very rare for me to find one I like.
What was the last movie you watched that had you thinking “I’ve got to tell everyone to watch this movie” because you enjoyed it so much? I’d say mine was probably Glass Onion and Nope. Also, what’s an underrated movie you think deserves more love?
Okay, I think I’m done for today! I’ll talk to you soon!!! Hope you’re doing well and are having a good day/night! ❤️
Hello, lovely!! Happy Louis Tomlinson day!! 🥳✨🥳✨ I can’t even believe he’s 31 like- time is truly and illusion cause he doesn’t look a day over 25!! Also, Merry Christmas Eve!! May you spend this day filled with the love and joy from friends and family!!
I totally understand!! I, too, have fallen behind on my Christmas asks this year. It’s been tough to find the time to send these asks, so no worries, love!
My vacation has been going very well!! The next couple of days are going to be me just trying to soak it all in!! The days are counting down and before I know it, I’m back in the cold again. 😵‍💫 how are you on the weather situation? I heard it snowed pretty bad in the southern states, so I wasn’t sure if you were affected? I haven’t read Project Hail Mary since I landed last week. It’s one of those things where I have to be in the mood to read it. But I definitely will get back into it at some point once I’m back home!! I like it too much to just abandon it!!
I think all of us younger siblings are embedded with the ability to annoy our older siblings into either 1.) letting us play video games with them or 2.) doing everything in their power to make sure we’re not two feet within the proximity of their gaming systems lol. It’s the annoying young sibling to gamer pipeline!!
You described the concert experience to a tea!! Two days ago, I went to see a Latin reggaeton duo that I’ve been listening to for as long as I can remember!! It was a magical experience in that arena and I would do anything to relieve it again!! Can’t wait for what next year entails for live music!!
Are you talking about Jenna and Julian? I saw!! I’m so happy for them!! I remember watching the one really old video where they both try MacBook filers. Julien had me in tears that day because of how hard I laughed!! I only wish the best for them!! ✨ wait, you’ve never had a mango? Oooo, if I can send you a box right now, I would!! It’s not mango season here on the island or else I would send a picture of what I believe are the best mangos! When they’re just ripe, they’re so sweet, yet tangy at the same time!! Highly recommend!!
Speed Round Answers!! Fake/real Christmas tree? All my life, I’ve only ever had fake Christmas trees, so I’d probably say that only because of convenience! If I had my own proper house, then I’d say yes, probably! Even if it’s just for one holiday season!! It sounds like something nice to have and I do like the smell of pine trees lol. When you get the chance, I’d love to see a picture of your tree when you can!! Do I dilly-dally? I can wholeheartedly say that I’m a dilly-dally kind of person!! I have to go down almost all the isles to find things that I would like, both when I’m grocery shopping and clothing shopping; hell, even just window shopping when I’m not buying anything!! Lol. I think I get it from my mom cause she’s the same way I am where she has to go down every isle, unless she’s in a rush for one specific thing. I’m definitely someone who’s down for snacks in the late hours of the morning lol. Microwave/stove? For convenience, I’m a microwave user, but I’ve also realized the importance of using a stove to reheat food! Especially things like leftovers, they taste better reheated on the stove than using the microwave!! Unless it’s like 3am and I’m hungry for something I’ve set aside, I’ll just pop it in the microwave and hope for the best lol. Gold/silver? Depends on what I’m wearing that day, but I would probably say silver! I think it goes with everything a lot better than gold does. I say, as someone who doesn’t wear jewelry all that much except for their ear piercings that have mismatched earring on that follow no specific pattern whatsoever. Space/ocean? Both are equally as cool as they are absolutely terrifying!! While there is still so much of the ocean that hasn’t been discovered, I can agree and say that we can definitely keep it that way!! I’d say space travel (I wouldn’t go up into space myself, but the idea of it does sound exciting nonetheless). Sparkling water? Not a big sparkling water/soda drinker. It doesn’t really taste like anything (even though water doesn’t have a taste anyway) and the carbonation isn’t really my favorite. I’ll only really have a carbonated drink when I’m out and that’s all they have to offer. Other than that, I’ll take a juice/plain water any day!! Movie to inform the masses? I haven’t watched a good movie in a long time!! The last movie I saw in theaters was My Policeman. Just out of the sake of my lack of movie engagement, I’m gonna say that!! It has a really good message about love and loss, especially in a society that didn’t allow that kind of love to happen. While many current places are still restricting lgbtq+ people today, it shows we have the ability to move past that kind of mentality in the upcoming years!! Underrated movie? Hmmmmmm…. I’m not sure. I’m gonna go with the easy answer and say the Andrew Garfield’s adaptation of The Amazing Spider-Man. I really enjoyed those movies when they came out and seeing a lot of people undermine the cinematic masterpiece that it is makes me sad. I haven’t seen Nope, but I heard a lot of good things about it. Never heard of Glass Onion though. Might have to take a look.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season, love!! Sending all the love to you and your family/friends/whoever you choose to celebrate this year with!! I’ve truly enjoyed talking with you this December!! Until the next one 💕.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 2 years
Since I keep seeing stuff about the new adaptation of TVC, I decided to re-watch the old one, so here's my thoughts on Interview with the Vampire (1994) the second time around:
I find it hilarious how book!Daniel was terrified out of his mind the whole time while movie!Daniel has such swagger
Jeez you can tell from the get-go that Brad Pitt hated acting in this. (Meanwhile it's so obvious that Tom Cruise had so much freaking fun. So much.)
I will never forgive the movie for getting rid of Paul de Pointe du Lac in favour of "wah my wife died in childbirth" like I get that that's shorthand for "cis white boy sad" and they only had two hours but STILL
I'll never understand the choice to have the statue’s eyes open. It's just weird lol
i'M QuiTe FoND oF LooKiNG aT CRuXiFiXeS
Why is there more than one coffin, Lestat? WHY IS THERE MORE THAN ONE COFFIN LESTAT -
"Read her thoughts." "I can't." "Eh." That little shruggy hand gesture is everything to me.
(this isn't the one I was talking about, although this is just as good - I can't find a GIF for the quote I chose lol)
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Wow. Okay. Forgot about the little "voodoo" ritual Louis's slaves have there. Could have gone without that.
Love the way Louis wields that flaming torch like a rapier. Very elegant, very hot (pun intended).
"We're in a nice, filthy cemetery. Does this make you happy?" fhesiofwne the sass - (btw the above GIF is of this scene)
The smug look Lestat gives when he knows the baby-trapping has worked gosh how does anyone hate on Tom Cruise’s acting he got it DOWN like -
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"I prefer Creoles to Yankees, their democratic flavour doesn't suit my palate" why does Lestat have to commit to the French nobleman act this hard? (I know it's not just an act but really he does fill the role perfectly)
I forgot about Claudia sitting in her bed surrounded by her dolls and casually drawing a naked woman -
GO OFF GIRL! GET IT CLAUDIA! I will never not be impressed with Kirsten Dunst's performance in this. She stole the show. The rage, the coldness, the sophistication, the gleeful cruelty - she nailed it.
The hurt, the betrayal, the slight fear in Lestat's eyes here . . . I will never be over Tom Cruise's acting in this scene.
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"He will never let us go." "Oh. Really?" *smirk* Like I said, Kirsten Dunst was amazing in this.
"A beautiful woman with endowments you'll never possess" I literally said "wow" out loud. Holy fuck Lestat that was a low blow.
Hmm floating up against the ceiling while on fire, now where have I seen that before?
As much as I resent the movie depriving us of Louis and Claudia's vampire hunter days, I have to admit that the montage of all of Claudia's sketches was actually a really clever transition.
I saw something once about how clothing tells its own story in IWTV because even though Claudia stays the same she slowly starts dressing more and more like an adult of whatever time period they're currently in and I really do appreciate that detail.
Anne Rice really deprived us of some sexy Spanish lover vampires and it shows with how tantalizing the little glimpse we get of Banderas!Armand is
Ah, the Theatre des Vampires scene. They really nailed the dumb goth drama and I gotta respect this movie for that.
Random woman in the audience being like MONSIEUR VAMPIRE TAKE ME I ADORE YOU if that ain't all of us -
Who else wants to Armand to hug them like this?
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"So you have answers?" "So you have questions?" *he responds before Louis is even done talking, maybe a bit too much eagerness in his voice* If Antonio Banderas nailed anything about Armand, it's the thirst.
Damn the way Banderas's wig moves it's so thick and silky and long and *chef's kiss*
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I wanna know how historically accurate these costumes are lol
Imagine being Brad Pitt and having to sit in a coffin and scream at a camera that's inches from your face lol
Okay but I love how Louis tips the candles backward into the coffins without even a backward glance
This is not in the movie but I just remembered that canonically the plot of land that the Theatre was on is still under Lestat's name to this day and I love that.
"What if all I have is my suffering? My regret?" *implying that he doesn’t want to move on from it* Damn Louis needs therapy and Armand is not that (because he needs it too lol)
Louis going to the theatre and watching Nosferatu is something I will never be over
Rule number one of being a vampire: always dress well
Louis disturbed a bat and the subtitles said [SCREE SCREE]
Say what you will about how they changed the ending of the movie from the book but Lestat jumping into Daniel's car and just saying "I assume I need no introduction" is iconic okay
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matan4il · 2 years
I'm not sure if you know this answer but you seem to be the Bubbie Bible so it's a shot lol. Are the same writers and show runners still in place from S2 and on. I have to admit my favorite seasons were 2 and 3.. 5 was my least favorite and it really was just over all critiques. Like yes we got some good Buddie content but there was just also so much left out.
I really wanted to see the St. Louis conversation. The Chim Buck Conversation. The Eddie reaction to the BT break up.
I was told more then I was shown and I'm curious if it's just because we know the characters so much now we are supposed to interpret it? I think I'm just prepping myself for S6 expectations. Thanks for any insight!!
Hi dear Nonnie! Thank you for the lovely title, I kinda love it, though I have no idea whether I actually get to claim it. I will do my best for you, though! *hugs*
So the biggest change is that in s5, Tim Minear stepped away from being the main show runner for 911, he did this to more closely supervise 911 LS, but it's not like he's out of the picture completely. Instead of him, Kristen Reidel has stepped in to be the main show runner (though presumably she still answers to Tim if need be). She has been with the show since s1, she has been co-executive producer since back then and a full executive producer since s3. She has also written more than ten eps herself (the first one again going back to s1. She also wrote 205, which is when the team gives the verbal middle finger to what is clearly a reference to the homophobic Westboro Baptist "church", as well as 301, which gave us Eddie having Buck's key as canon, Buddie hugging, plus generally kick started the beloved tsunami arc. Maybe most importantly, she wrote 414, with the will reveal. Most recently, she wrote 503, which gave us Eddie breaking up with Ana, but first telling Buck about it, clearly showing Buck was the one who got Eddie to do it, as well as 517 and 518, which gave us Buck in the Diaz home, just being a natural part of whatever Eddie's going through). Lastly, she also directed eps 317 and 518.
I kinda went into details, because I do believe all of this means Kristen should have a pretty good grasp on what 911 wants to be, and what about it works. I do think she was thrown into rough circumstances, where she still had to navigate around covid issues (like Michael's actor being let go of because he refused to get vaccinated) in addition to having to build a season where a relatively big number of the actors for the show's loved characters weren't available to film (Maddie, Chim, Albert). I heard this is why Taylor's background in 507 and 509 was thrown in there, basically as filler since they were missing a lot of their cast. Though I still think that's a highly questionable decision (I would have much preferred it if they had used the extra time to delve into one of the more established characters), it did serve to better explain why Buck was willing to put up with a lot in that r/s. It showed him not exactly happy with some of Taylor's investigative ways in 507, but swallowing that down, and it also showed his fear of being abandoned dictating some of his actions in 509, plus let's not forget he's a naturally protective guy. Taylor in that ep def stirred that in him.
And I get it, I feel a bit cheated out of certain aspects as well. 911 might revisit them in the future, as it has done with some other issues in the past. I hope so. For example, we could still have a convo in s6 where Taylor is brought up and we get to see Eddie's glorious facial reactions, or hear what he has/had to say about the break up. All I'm saying is, given the obstacles in Kristen's way, then some of the shortcomings of s5 might be down to that. IDK what they'll do for s6, whether Tim will be back or what, but even if it is still Kristen at the helm, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll dislike s6. Not to mention, s5 def did deliver some things that fandom has wanted to see for a really long time, and even put Buck in the room! ;) I'm just saying, have heart. However you felt about s5 is legit, but s6 can still be a season you'll really love...
Hope this helps, Nonnie! Have a great day! xoxox
If you're looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox  
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