#Because the weird diamond shape.
pokeattorney · 2 years
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foervraengd · 1 year
Mirre’s “How i render gemstones” tutorial!
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(note: image above is not what is shown in the walkthrough. It is an example piece)
Art program that has layers and selection tools
Patience (hubris or stubbornness is fine too)
(recommended) photo references of gemstones and/or prisms
(Optional but very helpful) Knowledge on how to use Reference layers and anti-overflow in Clip studio Paint
For this tutorial i am going to use clip studio’s “anti-overflow” feature. This post is not going to explain how to use that specific setting but you should be able to find guides on how to use it on clip studio’s official website or on youtube.
Please Note: The result of this technique will not 100% represent real life gemstones. These are more simplified but should still make an impression of the brilliance and appeal of gems, crystals and diamonds.
If you don’t work in CSP: the best workaround is to use the polygonal lasso selection tool for the same purpose.
This ended up being a long post so I am putting it under the readmore:
First off; Basic idea on how the light refracts inside a solid transparent object:
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Wether it is acrylic, glass, water or crystal, the way light pass through more or less should behave the same as long as it is solid and not hollow inside. Pay attention to how the darkest parts of the stone goes along the inner edges, leaving a ”mid tone” sort of in the center. However, this might vary depending on the light setting. But it is a generally good rule-of-thumb to follow if you’re drawing something not based on a photo. Another thing to pay attention to here is how the placement of the highlight will lit up the inside of the gem in a parallel line. It also shows through on the cast shadow.
Light refraction on a cube:
I have already made two posts on this, so definitely go through them:
But a rough summary from those two links would be: Every side/facet of a gem or a cube etc refracts the light individually and not as one entity (that would make it look hollow and not solid). Think of it like how each piece in a broken mirror individually reflect your face back to you. Like a weird patchwork!
Putting this into practice:
For this tutorial I’m going to be nice to myself and not try to draw perfectly accurate gemstones. Instead I’m gonna draw them with a more ”natural” looking set of facets. Which actually isnt as common in real world as video games makes us think. Some crystals have geometric shapes naturally, but a lot of other stones are not as fancy. Anyway, im taking artistic liberty on these example stones because the technique I’m going to use will work for these just fine.
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So, in clip studio paint, I first draw the stones on a vector layer. I give them facets for the front side. Then I duplicate the layer, remove the front facets and replace them with the facets on the back of the stone. The third image here shows both layers visible on top of each other. I now put these into a layer folder and mark the folder as ”reference”.
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Now, on a layer below the lineart folder, fill with your base tone. Then make a layer on top (if you can clip it to the base tone, do that), this layer is where you decide where the highlight will be placed. In some cases the highlight is only lighting up one single facet - it really depends on the design of the stone. You can also blend and soften the highlight here if it looks good for you, just make sure not every facet is highlighted. The highlight layer should be on top of all the other layers clipped to the base tone layer.
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Now it is time for the juicy juicy stuff! Turn on both lineart layers so they’re both visible. I hid the hilight layer here because it was in the way, but might not be needed in your case. Make a layer clipped to the base tone and paint in the darkest tone. This is where anti-overflow helps me out, because when i run my brush over all these crossed lines it will make the stroke pop in and out for each facet. If you dont use CSP, this is where you can use the lasso tool and select every second facet. It will take a bit more time but it should work similarly.
After the darkest tones I then make a layer for the inside light that the highlight has lit up. Here i keep it inside the darkest tone but this might vary depending on the light setting. If it looks good to me, then that’s what i stick to.
The way I approach rendering the facets here is like the grid in the example images above, every shade and tone appear more or less in each facet but the amount is relative to their position. So a gradient wouldnt have a smooth transition; it would be slightly scewed in each square on this example grid. Essentially like how some bathroom window glass panes look like.
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Now it’s time to hide the lineart layer folder and check if the gemstones look decent to you. If not, then you can look up some reference photos and analyze where the values group together the most; be careful not to focus too much on the photos 500 million sparkles. Squint your eyes or blur the reference and try to see how the overall values behae.
I, personally, am satisfied with these rocks so I slap on a gradient map (you can manually color in them too if that’s your thing) and call it a day. The lit up inside of a gemstone tend to have a brighter and more saturated color than the mid tone.
Other Examples with this technique:
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If you look up ”gemstone types” you can often find images displaying various facet types from more than just front view. These can serve as useful base templates for practicing this rendering technique. The backside of a gemstone is called the “pavillion” and is really useful to have at hand when it comes to painting the inner refractions. You can probably also use 3D models and convert the wireframe into lineart. But that is slightly out of my pool of knowledge.
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Applying this knowledge without using a base lineart layer is of course possible. In this painting I followed a simplified summary of how the facets sparkle: Keep the highlight shape to match the front facet design, and all the inner refractions should be more scattered and split up but face a direction towards the center of the gem. Now don’t you think this sort of makes the gems look like eyes? That’s right! You can, and absolutely should, apply this on eyes to create the most sparkly anime eyes ever.
Now, refracted light that lands on the surface surrounding gemstones varies depending on the material - and if the gem is inside a metal frame it usually doesnt create this much refraction around it. But I want to have fun so i decided to break this rule in the name of pretty sparkles. :)
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remxedmoon · 2 months
What are your thoughts on ISAT's magic system?
okay long rambly post incoming. for the record like 90% of this is pure unfiltered headcanon. and almost all of this is about colors. sorry if this is hard to follow!!! i need to get this all out of my system.
oh also! a lot of this is based on a really good post by @/chronologically-challenged that shows off the differences between each character’s craft style! go check that out it’s really good
okay!! so!!! colors. this is just my own thing, but i personally like to color code the different types of craft!
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don’t worry about those middle tones yet just put a pin in those
there’s still a little bit of color variety within craft types (for flavor), but generally, rock is blue, paper is yellow, and scissors is red. i’m not going to lie to you i only did this because the splatoon testfire had these colors. it’s also why my triplets designs are colored like that!
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i think these colors also just fit the descriptions of these crafts? red feels like a more aggressive and active color, which matches how piercing craft is generally more focused on dealing damage, blue tends to be calmer, which matches protective craft being more supportive , that kinda thing. something something children’s hospital. yellow is a bit of a wildcard here lol, it just looks nice with the other two.
putting aside the colors for a mo! don’t worry those’ll come back soon. i’ve also been thinking a lot about how dual craft types work, though this is a little more speculative. i’m entirely basing this on how mira works. basically, one craft type seems to be more ‘dominant’ over the other. while mira is both paper and scissors, she’s still weak to rock, her basic attack is scissors, and her scissors skill (jolly round rondo) does much more damage than her paper skill (artsy silent burst). she behaves more like a scissors type, with an extra affinity for paper. which i think is interesting!!!
in terms of colors, i think this would manifest as mira’s craft being tinted orange, as a mix of both her craft type’s colors! this is partially what those uncategorized colors are for. while her scissors attacks are only slightly tinted, her paper attacks would be a lot closer to orange! and this would apply to other dual crafts as well. a rock/paper type would have more greenish attacks, a rock/scissors type would have more purply ones, etc etc.
i think this color mixing would also apply to single craft types trying to use a craft type that isn’t their own, though it’d prolly become less pronounced the more a person ‘gets used’ to using that craft type, so to speak. in a while rockodile would be pretty solidly purple, while rock bottom is more of an indigo color, and odile’s craft skills probably only slightly tinted as well.
ok!!! that was a lot about colors. i’m really fucking normal about colors. onto craft styles!! this is still kinda about colors tho sorry. also, again, go check out @/chronologically-challenged’s post if you haven’t already, it’ll prolly explain this better than i will
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for a tl;dr on that post, each country has a different way of using craft. the forgotten island has lightless craft that tends to manifest as stars and zigzags, vaugarde has big, rounded bursts of grey craft (with smaller circles around it), and ka bue’s craft is more diamond shaped/triangular and tends to be on the lighter side.
this is also the part i’m a little less sure about. i haven’t drawn these out in my normal style!! so a lot of this is subject to change. sorry about that!
anyways. i wanted to preserve the island’s lightless craft while still making it colorful, so i decided to give it a sort of. halo effect? i guess? i wanted it to vaguely resemble the ring of light around a black hole or a solar eclipse, but that is a lot harder to do with the zigzag shape of the craft + my color limitations. and as i’ve recently learned, glow effects look really weird with my pixelly art. so this is all just flat colors 😓
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shhh don’t mind the art here i’ve totally posted it before 🩶
vaugarde is pretty simple comparatively!! the craft is a sort of midshade ingame, so i just made the main color the normal craft colors. not much to say here!
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and ka bue is in a similar boat! i did kinda draw it in my odile sprite redraw, but i didn’t really look at references so it’s kinda boring looking there. not much to say here either!!
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and!! as we can see from the king’s special attack art, craft styles can kinda mix together. king’s style follows the general shape of vaugardian craft, but keeps the shade and stars from the forgotten island! i think it’d be fun to play with that a little more teehee. i imagine these are a lot more variable depending on how engrossed someone is in a culture, hence why odile’s craft doesn’t borrow from vaugarde’s style. unless she does? it’s not like we see other ka buans using craft in game. who knows.
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also because i forgot, some extra bonus doodles of that craft color mixing i mentioned earlier! yipee!
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and that’s it!!! there’s probably some other stuff that i am. currently forgetting. but this post is absurdly long enough!!! thank you so much for the ask i’m so sorry for autism blasting you about isat and color theory. am i still cool. here’s all of my craft doodles as compensation for reading this giant infodump. i’m so so sorry.
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schoenpepper · 11 days
It's Okay to Play Favorites (Vice Housewardens)
Intro: You accidentally get sucked into the world of Twisted Wonderland, your favorite game, like, ever. And uh, you may or may not have teleported with a plushie of your favorite character…
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread, self aware au but not god, your card collection is just you being freaky and taking pictures of them, google translated French be warned, ortho’s is platonic and if u take it any other way i ban u, lilia’s is also platonic but if u see romance crumbs i won't stop u, ik ruggie and ortho aren't vice housewardens but get this idgaf
A/N: Bro college got me fucked (second day in i know i'm a fucking whiner i hate it all). Not a request, just some random stuff I wrote during my 3 hour round-trip commute jfc. If my Jade favoritism is acting up, no it ain't.
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Trey Clover is a man often overlooked, whether in the fandom or the world of Twisted Wonderland.
So when you get transported in during orientation, you, the player, were holding a plush form of him?
He blanks out.
Sorry Riddle, your vice housewarden kinda crashed maybe you can reboot him or something.
Trey’s never thought of himself as anything special, but he must be if he’s your favorite character, right?
You befriend him with a giddy smile, he can almost see the hearts in your eyes as you fan[redacted] so hard you actually hug him in your excitement.
The player? Hugged? Him?????
“Crazy bro that’s like super nuts so jealous of you.” - Cater Diamond
Hm, he gets a bit bashful when you take so many pictures of him.
Do you really like him that much?
He…likes you too.
“Cringe.” - Cater Diamond
I’m just a normal person, you know? At least, the closest someone can get to normal in this place. You still want me? Are you sure?
If you’re sure.
Unfortunately, to date a dad is to put up with dad jokes.
Do you mind though?
Makes you the most delicious pastries and confectionery known to mankind. You’ll probably get 5 lbs fatter and a sugar addiction.
But your teeth will be beautiful because he teaches you how to brush your teeth properly.
(Ten kinds of toothbrushes…)
Picnic dates.
Tea party dates.
Baking dates.
You might need to go on a diet to stay in shape because Trey doesn’t mind fat. He will probably love you more if you’re chubby.
But he loves you regardless.
Rest of the cast is like, vaguely jealous because why Trey?
But also he has a generally good rapport with other people so it’s cool.
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Ruggie Bucchi wasn’t really paying too much attention at the ceremony but you definitely drew his focus.
Is that a plushie hyena beastman?
Does not register that it’s him until someone calls it out.
What? Why? How? When? Where?
He probably has major self esteem issues because, you know, the school’s filled to the brim with rich kids and people with status.
He has neither money nor power. So when he finds out he’s your favorite character? Boom.
He lets out his cute (im not biased) laugh but it’s because he doesn’t know how else to react.
You want to be his friend? Why not?
(Laughs again because he’s exploding on the inside)
You hug him???? Crazy. You owe him a donut for that, bro.
Thinks the picture thing is a bit weird but who is he to argue with the player?
You’re weird, y’know? There’s like princes and moguls and stuff in NRC, why me?
You like me? You find me charming?
That’s not something I’d really use for myself but hey…knock yourself out. Shishishi.
You get to scratch his ears and kiss ‘em and watch ‘em twitch while he tries to get away from you.
Insane bro wish I was you.
Cuddly and surprisingly clingy, loves loves loves being pampered.
Are you indoctrinated by my subby Ruggie vibes yet???
His love language is sharing food.
(Have you ever tried passing candy through a kiss? No? Wanna try?)
His grandma will love you <3
The other characters will be giving him major stink eye. The scrappy hyena? Really?
Yes really.
“Whatever, good for you.” - Leona probably.
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Jade Leech is amused.
Rather childish, is it not? Well, he’s flattered that you think so highly of him and even have this stuffed toy in his image.
Unfortunately, he does hold enough respect for you as the player to not immediately use your infatuation with him for nefarious purposes.
Not to say he doesn’t tease you though.
You are the flustered one here.
He’s your favorite? Oya, how interesting. He’s never seen himself the way that you do, but who is he to argue with the player?
Please, what do you like so much about him? Do tell.
(His systems crash when you hug him but you’ll never know)
You seem to enjoy taking his pictures. If you let him [redacted] you can take as many as you want.
If you don’t take him up on his offer I will!!!
My, I never expected to be your ‘favorite character’, was it? Well, I don’t mind.
What do I think of you?
Fufu, wouldn’t you like to know?
Loving a sadist means you’re probably a masochist.
You like it when he ‘unintentionally’ makes you do something stupid? Toys with you? Teases you with his annoyingly adorable super cutie pie grin?
Bro you have weird taste I could like, never~
If you didn’t like mushrooms before you do now.
You wish he’d look at you the way he looks at his terrariums.
You know that silly, happy, dopey little look he gets? The lab coat groovy one? Yeah.
Hiking dates if you’re physically able to. If not, he makes like the fanciest dinner dates ever.
He does love you, promise.
The other characters are highkey judging you.
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Jamil Viper is inside his hoodie and is very unlikely to ever come out.
You’re kinda embarrassing but what is he supposed to do?
You’re the player. You have a plushie Jamil. Tiny and cute.
Jamil doesn’t see himself as cute. Wouldn’t it be better if you had a different one? Someone sunnier, someone warmer, someone like…Kalim?
Jamil’s your favorite character?
Yeah he’s not leaving his hoodie.
When you’re so happy and excited that you hug him, his soul leaves his body through his lips.
Rip Jamil Viper.
I don’t think Jamil’s very used to the camera, considering he’s technically Kalim’s servant and servants stay in the background.
But since you adore him the way that you do, well, he won’t stop you.
You’re strange. Is this a prank?
No, I don’t mean to doubt you. It’s just that…
No, nevermind. Since you want me, I’ll—love? You love me? Fine, I can work with that too.
His favorite kind of date is one where you two sleep and cuddle together.
He needs a break.
It’s not too often that he can carve time out of babysitting, so any time spent with him you’ll cherish like gold.
You can help him with chores if you manage to persist through multiple rejections.
He’d really prefer not to make the player do chores with him, but when you smile so wide like that, he can’t refuse anymore on the grounds of you not enjoying it.
Kalim can lend you guys the carpet though, you wanna fly?
While the cast doesn’t generally approve of the snake, you’re very loud about your infatuation.
They can’t stop you.
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Rook Hunt is a lover of beauty, and you, the player, are the most beauté of all! (full points :D)
Qu'est-ce que c'est? A soft and fluffy copy of himself? How wonderous! Marvelous! The adorable cotton-filled blah blah blah (insert soliloquy here)
While there’s a tiny thought in his mind that perhaps the poison apple or the queen would be more befitting of a nui plush, he still takes your fascination with him in stride.
(It’s not often that he’s in this role.)
To be your favorite, it is an honor!
He shall dedicate a poem to your inner and outer beauty!
Accidentally tosses you to the ground when you try to hug him.
Desolé, instinct. Try again?
He’s not used to being the one in the spotlight, but please, take as many pictures as you need!
Love? Love is the most beautiful indeed. Comme toi, tellement adorable. Lovely.
You’re asking if I have someone I love?
Je suis un lâche de ne pas exprimer mon amour pour toi. 
Either you get what he’s saying or you remember it so you can translate later.
Anyway, have you ever wanted to hunt for sport as a date?
How about getting hunted for sport?
Still no? Shame.
Rook settles for little camping trips in the woods, just you and him and the forest (and his bow and quiver of arrows and his hunting knife and his dagger and—).
He makes very good roasted meat.
You’ll enjoy it as long as you remember not to ask where it’s from.
Uh, ignore how every other cast member is judging you. Love is love, right?
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Ortho Shroud is very happy! Very excited! Yay!
You’re a legendary figure, and you’re treating him so nicely! 
Is that a toy made to look like him? You like Ortho? He’s your favorite character?
Robo baby is very happy.
Since you like Ortho, do you like Idia too?
Can you be Idia’s friend?
Can you be a new older sibling? Please?
(Say yes or I will [redacted])
Hugs? Hugs!
Forehead kisses?
You seem to enjoy taking many pictures of Ortho. Why is this? You like him that much?
If so, maybe you two should take pictures together instead of always taking pictures of him alone. He’d love to take lots of pictures with you!
Can Idia come?
I am your favorite character? Like in a video game? This world is also a video game?
That’s great!
What kind of character am I?
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Lilia Vanrouge thinks you’re funny. But also totally correct.
He must be sinful because even you, dear player, find him absolutely adorable!
Is that a tiny Lilia? Good taste! It’s almost as adorable as the real one.
When you hug him in your excitement, he just laughs and pats your back.
Grandpa vibes.
A picture? Why not?
A selfie, as you kids say. (bro you’re not even detached from modern technology???)
Really likes taking pictures with you.
Since you like him a lot and he’s your favorite character, be a dear and forgo your sleep schedule to game with him.
I’m your favorite, right? Surely that means you’d love to taste my cooking?
No? Why, I’m saddened by your rejection…
There we go. It’s not so bad, is it? I made it with effort, onions, garlic…are you alright? Oh dear.
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suzukiblu · 1 month
WIP excerpt for Derpsheep; a fake cryptid and a real romantic. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Does Superboy still think you’re actually an actual cryptid city spirit thing?” Steph says, staring incredulously at him. “Did he think that when he made you the diamond? The heart-shaped diamond?” 
“. . . uh,” Robin says, still wincing. “He kind of just . . . showed up with it? Like. We never, uh, actually met before that? But uh, he knows the Bats kind of . . . stalk people, sort of, so I think he thinks it’s like our love language or something, so, uh, he was doing that? Apparently? And then he stopped Catwoman from robbing a museum and dropped her off on me and, uh. Had the diamond. And, uh. Gave it to me.” 
Steph stares at him a lot more incredulously. Then she grips his arm so she can shake him, just a little. Or a lot. 
She maybe nearly knocks over their froyo, but not the point, okay? 
“Robin, is Superboy a monsterfucker,” she demands. “Robin, you have to tell me if Superboy’s a monsterfucker. You can’t not tell me if Superboy’s a monsterfucker!” 
“I don’t know!” Robin hisses at her, sounding mortified. “I mean, maybe?! But like, considering some of the people who Cadmus has made and employed over the years and the fact Supergirl is literally protoplasmic goop with a personality and he’s half-alien, I don’t actually know how to judge that, okay? Maybe he just doesn’t automatically expect people to look human, I don’t know! He looked right at the Batman while he wasn’t bothering to pretend to have bones and didn’t even get weirded out or anything! And he made me a diamond specifically because he figured birds like shiny things and he offered to make me a nest when he found out I sucked at it and he caught Nightwing and called him ‘ma’am’ when Nightwing told him he was a ‘ma’am’ and he stalked me because he thought I’d like it!  And like, I managed to convince the Batman that he’s not a new Robin but I think now he maybe thinks he’s a stray cat or something? He called him a kitten. And like, scritched him. And Superboy didn’t even get weirded out by that!” 
“Oh my god, what is your life,” Steph marvels, putting a hand over her mouth as she grins in disbelief. This is the funniest friggin’ comedy of bullshit errors that she has ever even heard of. “You and the monsterfucker teen idol superhero you pulled by being a creepy little fake cryptid weirdo. When I’m your best woman at whatever freaky alien/cryptid-themed wedding you have, I’m telling this story in my toast. Fuck that, I’m telling the tabloids.” 
“Please do not,” Robin groans, hiding inside his wings again. “Look, he’s really–he’s nice, okay? He just has no idea what normal people are like and he’s also, like, trying to deduce what city spirit bird cryptids would think was, I don’t know, romantic specifically so he can hit on me and it’s just–it’s a lot, okay?! It’s just a lot!”
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moonastro · 9 months
pick a picture⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。 ⋆୨୧˚
𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙢 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙨 𝙥𝙩.2
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may have a significant-like a strong/muscley back or have problems with back pain--also the spine!!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may regularly change hairstyle often, perhaps cut their hair a lot and dye their hair often. i see them leaning towards having red/blue/grey hair.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may like sparkly thing, for example diamonds, glitter, glass and so forth. anything with sparkles on it intrigues them.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may also be into star shaped jewellery, stars may be an interest of theirs.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may wear hats or like to wear hoods.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚loves sleeping, is a deep sleeper.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may prefer winter/ autumn more than summer/spring. prefer the cold weather in general. may constantly have a fan/air con on at all times despite the weather outside.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚like cooking, preparing meals for others. are interested in learning new recipes.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚like history, are fascinated about historic events and eras.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚are most likely into skincare and haircare, have a designated routine that they do every day.
thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed!!✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚are definitely a high achiever, may have a lot of achievements academically speaking.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚are sensitive to sounds, sound is very important to them. For example, may like loud music blasting in their ears or are the opposite and hate loud sounds, like hating fireworks because of their loud sound.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may have green eyes, blonde/red hair.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚love children, would want a family for sure. has a soft spot for kids.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚has multiple of ears piercing, may have other body piercings also.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚hate being in tight spaces, are picky about clothes and overall personal space.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚very caring and nurturing. is the kind of person to anonymously do something to protect you without craving for the attention of recognition.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚has some signature sitting position/habit that they have when sitting down. may cross their legs or bend one leg and so forth.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚love warm weather, especially watching the sunrise- are perhaps a morning person as well.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚love movies, might have a comfort movie that they watch over and over again.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚have longer than average legs.
thanks for reading!!!✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚loveee music, may make/create/produce music themselves.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may prefer gold jewellery or may have/own a lot of gold accessories.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may be lactose intolerant or just hate diary, cheese-- may be vegan/vegetarian or follow some sort of a diet.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may like dark themes, clothes, style, music, aesthetic etc.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚weird way to explain it but may hate how time goes fast, may be afraid of aging or growing up. even may be afraid of death also.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚they don't get bored easily, can sit still doing nothing for hours on end.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚have a very hypnotic/sweet/classy voice. i feel like their voice makes people melt ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚keeps to themselves most of the time, and i don't mean that in a shy matter but in a energy reserved way- they just would much rather have/prefer their own company. or aren't bothered by being alone.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚might not celebrate their birthday. or may think that there is no need to.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚love thinking about the higher cosmos and the outer worldly possibilities.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may not drink enough water/don't like water/forget to drink water.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚prefer to stay silent than to express what they think.
hope you enjoyed this reading PILE 3!!!✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚are sly with things, almost like hypnotic. their actions are so hypnotising that you cant say no to them.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚have a soft spot for old things, may like to go thrifting, collect lost things, love getting generational stuff passed down to them etc etc.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚definitely go with he flow, they may not think much of their future and are too busy thinking about the present moment.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚like to try new things, may like to go along with the current trends on the internet and social media. may like to make social media content also.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚think about others before themselves.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚may be from a hot country-may be racially mixed.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚are very loyal.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚keep very good secrets. i feel like they are the friend who is always getting the tea☕🍵😭
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚are good with little details, are always confronted with "how do you know that" or "how do you remember that??". because they surprise people of how good they remember the tiniest of details of a situation or person.
thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed PILE 4!!!✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
FRIENDLY REMINDER- paid tarot readings are available (DM or check out here for more info!!)
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Hey, I love the comic! I love how the storywriting stays true to the original series but also adds its own fun spin on it! You've actually inspired me to write my own Blue diamond AU, lol.
Anyways I have a question for making comics just in general. How can you make dynamic compositions in such a small space. I honestly love how intricate all of your panels fade into one another!
So, if you're okay with it, I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how that would work?
Anyway, I love the comic and stay awesome!
Your own comic - that's awesome to hear! It's always exciting to start something like that. I wish you the best of luck in your goals!
As for the paneling - honestly, the first step is to stop thinking of it as a 'small space'! The truth is, even on a small mobile screen, we can fit a lot of detail. And as long as we know how to use the space wisely, it's not ever going to feel small.
Ironically, cramming MORE into a panel makes it feel smaller.
Drawing less on a panel makes it feel larger. Weird, isn't it?
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My more general advice is... STUDY MOVIES!
Don't just WATCH movies. But study them. Movies are like comics for dummies because there's only one size and shape of a panel and all the characters do the hard work of acting for you. (It's a joke, don't kill me.)
Anyway, the paneling in movies is versatile and interesting BECAUSE they're putting that single wide panel to the best use. If you already drew some comics, compare them to a movie screenshot and see what's different! Then, ask yourself why a certain angle, or a certain cropping of an image works better.
You'll find that there's some awesome ways to cram fun details into even the smallest corner of a panel. :)
There's also some awesome art resources by more talented comic artists than me out there. I'm sure others will link them in the comments, but for now, here's one I found:
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hasufin · 8 months
Correspondence Trap
You will end up in the Pentagon parking lot.
This is a basic truth of the DC area. Eventually you will end up in the Pentagon parking lot. It will be 3am, you're just trying to get home from clubbing, for some damned reason you missed the turn to cross the river, and now there's a guy who looks way too young carrying an M4 asking you what you're doing.
Thing is, he's used to it. He knows. He doesn't know why - and honestly they probably select guards for their lack of curiosity. But you're not the first person to get lost and end up there that night, and you will not be the last.
Now, someone might tell you this is because the Pentagon is right next to two of the only bridges from DC across the Potomac, or because the signage in DC is actively terrible. And these are true. But that's not the underlying reason.
To understand, you have to look at the history.
Now, you might wonder why of all shapes, the biggest office building in the world is a pentagon. The reason is that it wasn't supposed to be built there. It was supposed to be built on this weird-shaped plot of land out by Dulles. It was a hasty construction project during WWII with all sorts of contract weirdness, and the land purchase fell through, so they switched to another site. But it was too late to change the plans for the building, so they built that weird-shaped building in the wrong location. And then later they built 395, which isn't just an awful highway but - with its left and right exits much too close to each other - terribly dangerous.
But it's worse. It goes back further. See, the Pentagon is built on an island.
"But wait!" you say "It's not an island! I can see it on a map!" and you're right, but also wrong. It's right on the delta, so it is - or was - an intertidal island. That is, when the tide is in, it's an island, and when the tide is out, it's a peninsula. but it would be stupid to have such an important building separate by water, so they infilled and it's a peninsula.
And this makes it even weirder. Because the Pentagon is on the Virginia side of the Potomac, but it has a DC address.
And to make sense of that, you have to go even further back. See, the land grant for Maryland extends to the middle of the Potomac river, but for Virginia only reaches the shore of the Potomac. Legally this means the islands in the river are part of Maryland. And this intertidal island was... confusing. There were lawsuits. This also means that further South there is a bridge which goes from Maryland to Virginia, and half of the bridge is technically in DC in spite of neither endpoint of the bridge being in DC.
And, if you know DC, you can see how this is terrifyingly confusing. The Federal District was a square - diamond shape, on the map - ten miles on each side, taken from Virginia and Maryland, straddling the Potomac. After a few decades, because they wanted to sell slaves in Arlington, the land from Virginia was retroceded back. Which, again, caused confusion as they couldn't decide if that intertidal island was in DC or Virginia. Again, there were lawsuits. But the outcome of those lawsuits only decided specific matters and neither fully resolved the underlying issues, nor do they reflect later construction; this has never been fully resolved.
So let me round that up for you.
The Pentagon is a weird building which was put in the wrong place.
It's on an island which is also a peninsula.
It may be in DC, Virginia, or Maryland.
I believe in constructing the Pentagon they broke geometry, and it became a place where Lost Things end up.
You will find yourself in the Pentagon parking lot. This is a truth of the DC area.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— marry me + katsukl bakugou.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — katsuki bakugou knows two things for certain. that he loves you and that he’s not afraid of anything… so why are these two simple words so hard to say?
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up, fluff, high school sweethearts, proposals, pro hero!bakugou, fem!reader.
⭑ words — 2.2K.
⭑ notes — ok so this is an older commission that was clearly written for valentines day but i loved writing it and its super sweet and i think bakugou deserves some sweetness on his birthday so pls take it and enjoy!! ( thank you to @quaranweeb for letting me post!) - m.list ✩
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love is weird. 
love makes you do crazy things. 
at least that’s what bakugou thinks, standing here, in the middle of a cotton candy pink shopping aisle— bombarded with obnoxious and in your face bouquets of roses and cards with love hearts or corny messages inside. there’s an entire day dedicated to the celebration of love— rolling around every year instead of being celebrated constantly throughout. he finds it weird.
but here he is, a little lost and confused in the middle of an aisle dedicated to valentine’s day looking for the perfect bunch of flowers, the perfect card, the perfect little gift for the most perfect person who has ever stepped foot into his life. 
you’re something, someone, worth indulging even on this silly holiday. you’ve given katsuki more love than he could ever ask for and more than he thinks he deserves. so, of course he’d want to spoil you with his big plans today, even if they make him nervous or cause a burning bright red blush to spread across his cheeks and neck just at the thought of them. big plans on the day that couples play charades and pretend that they’re happy for the sake of social media. pretend that they’re like you and him— eternal, well and truly in love. 
katsuki bakugou used to hate valentine’s day , never believed in the commercialisation of it all— nor the kids in class squealing over who had gotten love notes or little chocolates in the shapes of hearts and cupid’s arrows. it almost embarrassed him, to have people he’d never met fawn over him and confess their affections towards the blonde. he didn’t deserve it, he had always thought. 
loving someone isn’t supposed to fix you, it’s not a tool but instead something beautiful to be shared. yet somehow, on that valentine’s day all the way back in katsuki’s third year, you’d mended him. put a bandaid on his broken heart and healed him when you confessed your admiration for him— how strong he was, how brave he was despite all that he’d been through. your speech had been heartfelt, not superficial, meaningful in the way that made the blonde feel like his soul was being seen for the first time. 
you’d taken his hands, albeit a little sweaty, under one of the winding trees outside of the U.A dorms and said. ‘i like you, katsuki, even if you don’t feel the same— or can’t say it back. i want you to know that i like you.’ there was no pressure in your voice or whiny insistence like the other’s who had been in your position…even back then katsuki had known you would love him for the rest of your life if given the chance. and he had known it too, murmuring his mutual feelings back to you under the grumbles that sat heavy on his tongue.
from there, he’d opened up a little more— accepted kisses from your sweet lips without flinching away again and craved the type of hugs where you buried your face into his chest because the scent of him comforted you. you embraced the cold together, passionate embers of your young romance keeping you warm for years to come, and now the chilly month of february has become his own solace. it holds his happiest memories, most of them pertaining to you.
but even after many years down the line with handfuls of valentines days underneath katsuki’s belt— he still stands in the middle of the cotton candy themed aisle, a diamond ring burning a hole in his pocket as he freaks out. he’s on the verge of tearing his hair out, deliberating on which flowers you might like the most for today. this day. the one that could determine the course of your lives together.
bakugou needed this day to be absolutely flawless. he’d ordered cheeses straight from italy and fruits from some of the highest rated farmers’ markets in japan just to make sure his girl got the best of the best. he’d even called up your mother from your hometown, asking her for the recipe to that strawberry shortcake you could never stop raving about. the cake that reminded you of summers back home before the chaos of high school and your pro hero career alongside the booming dynamight. 
‘you’re good to her, katsuki,’ your mother had praised him over the telephone line just hours prior, the blonde could practically hear her faint smile. ‘please, keep her happy. look after my little girl.’
it’s only after he remembers those words, that katsuki decides on a beautiful arrangement of calla lilies, tulips and peonies— the symbols of romance, a declaration of his love to you. 
nothing in this life is promised, but the blonde swears he’ll do his best to look after you just like your mother had asked. 
for as long as you both shall live.
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“suki,” you breathe, hand on your beating heart, looking up at your boyfriend fondly. “what’s all this?” 
the minute you’d stepped in from work, dropped your duffel bag and locked the door behind you— scarred, rough yet tender hands had guided you deeper into your shared apartment only to arrive at a candlelit dinner set up in the centre of your tiny living room. bakugou rubs soothing circles into your bare arms, traces his infield and the shape of a heart around them before he speaks— his chest warm against your back while he towers over you. 
“made dinner,” he rasps against the shell of your ear, kissing just under it with the ghost of his lips. 
you turn your head then— away from the flickering candle wax flames and up into the heat of his vermillion eyes. a blistering shade of red like the colour of romance. “i can see that, suki,” you tease with a coy smile, as if you’ve already found him out. “you usually do. but this is…it’s just… it’s pretty. is there some sort of special occasion?” you’re right, he may have gone overboard. 
your special selection of flowers sits at the centrepiece of the table draped in a linen tablecloth, pink wax candles and the finest silverware accent the set up and of course— your favourite slow song plays in the background, it’s mellow tune vibrating in the air around you as you sway with your boyfriend under the warm yellow light. 
the way you stare up at him knowingly has the big bad hero in a shambles. you’ve always been able to get him like this— flustered and shy, shades of rose blossoming on his cheeks like that of a spring bloom. katsuki grumbles with faux annoyance, pinching your side harmlessly. “i just wanted to look after you, spoil you a little since you always take good care of me.”
your all-knowing expression shifts to one of adoration, the creases in your features softening as they’re masked with love for your blonde boyfriend. “oh, suki!” comes your swooning sigh before you stand on your tiptoes and do your best to reach up so you can plant a smooch on his cheek. bakugou grants you some mercy, bending down so you can reach him— long, curly lashes fluttering against his sun-spotted cheeks at your silent ‘i love you.’ 
he still can’t get over that, how much you love him— how you make sure to let him know that you do, in every single way possible. big or small.
“you wanna eat with me or not, princess?” he asks shyly, bristling with happiness when you kiss him again to show your agreement. 
the explosive pro hero is quick to take the rest of your things and have you seated, falling to his knees to undo your work shoes as he places loving kisses from your ankle up to your hand— more specifically, your ring finger. bakugou knows that you’re staring at him while he dishes up your three course meals. you’ve told him before, you loved to watch him cook— it’s the way his arms move and his lips twist into a concentrated pout and his gaze stays honed in on every movement of his knife against the chopping board. 
you’ve told him you admire him. you’ve praised him for every dinner he’s ever put in front of you— tonight is no different. over the orange-yellow hue of the candles, content lights up your pretty face with each mouthful you take of each course. your face twitches with excitement, doing a little jiggle of happiness when bakugou serves you up another plate— playing footsies with your boyfriend under the table all at the same time. when he sets the strawberry shortcake in front of you, you practically shiver with delight and latch onto katsuki’s hand to give it a squeeze. another silent i love you. even as you babble on about your day, your load of interns straight from U.A and how you’d had to clean up their messes. 
and even though you vent between bites of food, bakugou having to wipe the corner of your mouth with a gentle swipe of his thumb— there’s nothing but a motherly smile on your lips and a caring tone laced into your voice while you talk about them. you love your job and your students; you take care of everyone around you and it only makes the blonde want to pamper you more— make sure you’re cared for too.
katsuki is confident in his career as dynamight, as a hero and as your boyfriend— but cowardness creeps into his veins and he forgets about the ring in his pocket all throughout dinner. it was meant to be a big surprise for the end of it all, but every time he looks at you, his heart drops to his stomach or beats so fast he thinks it might tear a hole through his chest. you end up washing the dishes together, fingertips brushing beneath the cherry-blossom scented and soap sudded water in the sink. a tingle runs down bakugou’s spine whenever your hands touch in the slightest, your delicate fingers passing him wet dishes while he dries them for you. 
he can only hope for more sweet scenes of domesticity with you, he dreams of them throughout his day and when he lies next to you at night. katsuki bakugou is so in love with you it feels like he’s suffocating, like he’s desperate for air because all he wants to breathe in is you. all he wants to taste is you. all he needs is you. 
you’re still chattering up a storm, washing the last of the cutlery when the blonde hero drops to his knees a second time, fumbling around in his pocket for the ring.
“marry me.” bakugou whispers, so quiet that you almost miss it underneath the volume of water sloshing about in the sink and your own ramblings. 
“so anyways i was thinking about getting either you or izuku to help train up my interns some— wait what?”
swallowing thickly to level his strained and shaking voice, bakugou tries again. “marry me,” he repeats simply, forgetting his big speech and all of his words about forever, always and perfection. instead he holds out the engagement ring for you to see, smiling slightly as its glint matches the shimmer of fresh and surprised tears in your eyes. “i love you.” 
you nearly drop the soapy glassware you’d been rinsing off, letting katsuki pry it away from your unstable grip before you cup your own face. “b-bakugou! k-katsuki! i mean suki,” comes your reply, each name clinging to the ridges of your throat as your emotions choke you up. “are you serious? w-what are you doing on the floor? get up! k-katsuki bakugou, you better not be playing with me! stand up!”
but bakugou does not budge, setting the wine glass on the floor beside him carefully before he takes your hand with the same amount of care and slides the diamond ring onto the correct finger. “marry me. aren’t ya hearin’ me right? i love you, there’s no one else who’s loved me like you— maybe that’s a selfish reason t’want to marry ya…” his lips, though slightly chapped, brush over your knuckles with each word as if to seal them as an eternal promise into your skin. “but i’m in love with you. always have been. always will be…a-and i wanna spend the rest of my life by your side. so marry me. i love you.”
there’s a moment, a quiet one, where it feels like you’re the only two people in existence before you launch yourself at your boyfriend— swatting at him until he falls back onto his butt and you're able to crawl between his legs. you grab at his cheeks, the metal band of your ring cool against his handsome face as you tug katsuki into a slow and passionate kiss, pouring every word you can’t think to say into it. 
when you pull apart there’s soap suds lingering on his golden skin and a look of adoration etched across the slope of bakugou’s features. you take a moment to admire him, tears free flowing, blood rushing through your ears carrying happy hormones and whisper back— 
“i’ll marry you, stupid. i love you, too.” 
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who-is-this-weirdo · 5 months
Arctic, Foeslayer, Darkstalker and Whiteout
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Some notes:
Arctic isn't old, just wasting away from stress and animus magic taking a toll on his body, being in the wrong environment also doesn't help
He is the reason Darkstalker and Whiteout have ridged spiral horns, Diamond also had them
Foeslayer is so cute shdhdjdnn, lots of battle scars from being a top ranking soldier
Gave her red eyes, it fits her well
Made Darkstalker to have no fur privilege, also I like the idea of him looking more like his father so he is blueish and more angular
Also red eyes because it looks cool
I like to think Whiteout superficially looks more like her mother, rounder shapes and body, greenish scales, same horn shape even if spiralling. Stonemover's stone scales and Sunny's darker patches also make them look like her
I accidentally made her look like a Seawing cause I had trouble making her fur curly, but I like that and I like the fact she could kind of look like Orca, weird opposite parallels
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honeyedmiller · 11 months
Mask | Joel Miller
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pairing: joel miller x f!neighbor!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption, partying, mutual pining, neighbor!reader, no outbreak, Joel’s anxious for a tiny bit, reader has a slight mask kink, porn with a plot lol. 18+, minors dni.
word count: 5.6k
synopsis: Joel throws his annual Halloween party and you’re both determined to settle your aching need for each other.
simply in honor of kinktober & inspired by @nostalxgic’s joel x ghostface edit
not revised, per usual (what’s new tbh) sorry for any mistakes.
divider by @ saradika 🖤
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“So I’ll see you this weekend then, right darlin’?” Joel Miller, a.k.a. the neighborhood dilf, asks you. You were going for a run when he stopped you right in front of the sidewalk of his house, inviting you to his annual Halloween party he throws every year.
You absolutely loved Halloween, so you couldn’t pass up his offer.
“Of course you will. Can’t wait.” You toss him a smile, and he nods before you’re on your way back to your house, which was only two doors down from his.
It was Monday, so you had to figure out what you were going to be for the party this weekend. You wanted to be something that would catch the older Miller brother’s eye. You’ve been trying for a while now to express your interest in him, and either he’s just very oblivious, or he just doesn’t want you.
You’re hoping it’s moreso not the latter.
Unbeknownst to you, Joel’s younger brother Tommy had pointed it out to him several times. Joel always thought you were so beautiful. He was just apprehensive about asking you out, mainly because he hadn’t been out in the dating scene for awhile. He was rusty when it came to impressing women.
Little did he know, all the neighborhood women would gawk over him every time he even stepped outside of his house.
Joel’s daughter, Sarah, hated the way these women talked about her dad. It was weird to her that these married women would talk about someone other than their husbands in such a vulgar manner.
Funnily enough, you were the only single woman in this neighborhood. The only one with no kids and no husband.
Sarah’s taken a liking to you, as you’ve watched after her a few times Joel and Tommy would be home late from work. You were close to her dad’s age, beautiful, smart, and most definitely Joel’s type.
There was always this weird tension between you and Joel. It wasn’t awkward. It was moreso full of desire and neediness for the other, but again, Joel just didn’t know how to go about expressing that he wants you in such a way.
You ended up settling on letting him take the reigns, because if he wanted to ask you out then he’d have full control.
The week went by, and you finally decided on what you were going to be: an angel. A little cliché, you must admit, but you already had most of the costume in your wardrobe. You just needed wings and a halo, which you picked up from the Halloween shop earlier in the afternoon. The party started at eight, so it gave you a couple of hours to get ready.
You started off with your hair, giving it a dream-like appearance before diving into your makeup. You were going for a bombshell look to give a mixed element of sultry and sweet.
Once you were sure Joel would at least do a double take on you, you slipped on the parts of your costume one by one. You went for a white lace corset top with a short white skirt, angel wings, the halo, and a pair of silver sparkly strappy heels.
You dusted diamond bomb body glitter across your collar bones and gave yourself one last look in the mirror. Your pink lipstick gave you the perfect innocent pout you were going for while your eyeshadow and lashes accentuated the color and shape of your eyes.
You grab your little clutch and tossed your phone, lipstick, lash glue and keys inside before grabbing the six pack of beer you bought and locking up, heading two houses down. The music was already blaring and the laughter and chatter of people from all over the neighborhood was prevalent as it echoed through the chilly night.
You stopped on the Miller’s porch, wondering if they’d even hear if you rang the doorbell. You thought it’d be rude if you just let yourself in. You decided to ring the doorbell anyway, and not even a minute later, Tommy opened the door.
“Hey you! You look real pretty.” He grinned, and you smiled politely.
“Thanks Tommy, so do you.” You joke, admiring the Greek God costume he was sporting. That costume choice was very fitting for Tommy Miller’s ego.
“Thanks sweets,” He chuckled, eyeing the six pack in your hand. “Let me take that, and c’mon in.” He nods his head toward the loud house, and you stepped in as he followed suit.
It was nice seeing all of your neighbors so dressed up and having a fun time. It was a side you rarely got to see from any of them.
“Drinks are in the kitchen and there’s a variety of food and snacks in there as well if you’re hungry.” Tommy shouts over the thumping music, and you nod.
“Thanks Tommy.”
You headed to the kitchen to mix yourself a drink, nerves easily seeping in as you weren’t the best in social situations. Your anxiety often got the best of you, and some liquid courage would definitely help your case.
You were pouring yourself some Malibu rum mixed with cranberry juice when a voice called from behind.
“Well I’ll be damned, you sure do look good darlin’.” That Southern drawl that had your core aching constantly rung through your ears, and you bit your lip to try and fight off a smile.
You turned on your heel to face the older Miller brother, adorned in a black long sleeve, black jeans, black boots, and black leather gloves. He held a ghostface mask in his hand, and your eyes trailed back up to his gaze before giving him a more seemingly collected smile.
“Hey Joel,” You say, taking a sip from your drink. “Nice costume.” You smirk, eyes averting back down to the mask in his hand.
“Sarah forced me to actually dress up. Said I couldn’t be a lumberjack again this year.” He chuckled, and you smiled and shook your head. Sounded exactly like something she’d do.
“Where’s your, uh, dress?” You tease, noticing he wasn’t wearing the exact full getup.
“Got too damn hot so I took it off.”
“Mm. Well, you look real good, Joel.” You toss a sweet smile his way, sipping on your fruity drink in the infamous red solo cup.
Even in the fairly dim-lit kitchen, you could see the sprinkle of pink dust his cheeks.
“Thanks, darlin’.”
“‘M sure all the moms of the neighborhood are drooling just looking at ya.” You tease, a hint of playfulness in your tone.
“Even if they are, I only got my sights set on one person.” He shrugs, taking a step closer to you. Your breath catches in your throat and you back up against the counter as he stands right in front of you, so close that you can feel his breath fanning your face.
He reached behind you on the counter, eyes never leaving yours. He smirked slightly at your reaction to the proximity between you two as he grabbed the bottle opener that was laying on the counter, retracting his hand.
“C’mon, let’s go enjoy the party.” He smiles softly at you, holding out his leather-bound hand. You take his hand as he leads you out of the kitchen, weaving between the neighbors. You stop here and there to greet them before you eventually make your way to the living room.
You see people playing beer pong in the backyard, chatting with other neighbors, and playing cornhole. Early 2000’s throwbacks were bumping over the speakers, and you assumed Tommy was in charge of being DJ for the night.
Joel sat down on the leather couch, patting the spot next to him. You sat down, wiggling your hips so your legs could get comfortable against the somewhat sticky leather. Joel draped his arm across the back of the couch, and Tommy made his way up to his brother so he could take the bottle opener from Joel.
The opener clinked against the top of the bottle, a release of pressure sounding as the cap was taken off.
“Thanks Tommy.” Joel semi-shouts, leaning back into the couch even further. His arm slides down, now wrapping itself around your shoulder. Tommy raises an eyebrow at his brother.
“Finally manned up and got the balls to ask her out?” Tommy’s words are a bit slurred now, and you can tell he’s teetering from being heavily buzzed to completely drunk.
“Tommy, don’t you have some other people to patronize?” Joel rolls his eyes, grip tightening on your shoulder.
Even the slightest touch from Joel sent an electric shock down your spine and into your core, which was already aching and throbbing with pure need and desire.
Tommy holds his hands up in surrender, chuckling.
“I’ll leave ya alone, but for the love of god, just do it already.”
Joel gives the younger brother a warning glare, pointing the neck of his beer at him, then to the back sliding door.
“Out.” Joel grits, and Tommy’s sporting a shit-eating grin as he walks away from you two.
“So what was that about?” You lean into Joel so he can hear you better. The look on your face conveys pure amusement.
Joel knew he couldn’t beat around the bush with this one, so he simply confessed. “Been wantin’ to ask you out on a date for awhile now.” His lips form into a thin line after he takes a nervous swig of his beer.
You raise an eyebrow at him, feeling rather bold yourself so you place a hand on his lower left thigh as you lean in even closer.
“Yeah? And when were you going to? I’ve been waiting.” You grin, eyes averting down to his lips before moving back up to his gaze. The action doesn’t go unnoticed, and it finally feels like he’s able to grasp something that had been slipping out of his hands for months.
“I was plannin’ on it, but I kept puttin’ it off cus I didn’t think you felt the same way.” He shrugs, taking another sip of the half-full bottle of beer that was now balanced on his lap.
That was half the truth.
The other half was him just simply being petrified, anxiety taking over his whole being at the thought of going on an actual enjoyable date after, god, fourteen years? Nonetheless with a brilliant, gorgeous woman like yourself?
He’d been so accustomed to taking care of Sarah (hell, Tommy too), making sure she was always his first priority. Sure, he’s had hookups here and there down the line, but none of them ever meant anything at all. It was always just a rendezvous in passing. Never anything serious.
But, when he first laid his eyes on you, he knew he wanted a real connection. He wanted something real with you, a relationship of his own that he could be proud of as you two built from the foundation up together.
“Joel.” You whisper, eyes darting back and forth between his. The once beautiful dark brown eyes seemed to turn black with lust, but remained soft as they scanned your features.
“Darlin’ I think it’s about time we do somethin’ about… this.” He gestures between you both, and a saccharine smile curls onto your lips.
“I couldn’t agree more.”
His eyes flitted to your lips this time, and the tension was insanely hot and heavy. You could barely even hear the thumping music anymore as your heart nearly leaped out of your chest from how hard it was pounding.
You two just stared at each other, quite literally enthralled with one another. You wanted to kiss him so bad, but in front of all these neighbors? They were good people, but were nosey as hell. Loved to gossip.
You didn’t need them in your business and you’re sure as hell Joel didn’t want them in his either.
You opened your mouth to say something, but were cut short by Tommy yelling into the living room.
“Shots in the kitchen everybody, c’mon!” He pointed at the two of you, and you laughed at his utter display of just not giving a fuck.
You tap Joel’s thigh with your hand. “C’mon cowboy, let’s go appease your brother before he calls us both out for not joining him.”
You stand up from the couch slowly, well aware of the fact that the back of your thighs were sticking to the leather at this point. You held your hand out to Joel once you were up, and he gladly took it. You both maneuvered your way into the kitchen, a small crowd of your neighbors already gathered around the island in the middle.
Tommy poured tequila shots into miniature red solo cups, passing them out to each individual around him. He put the plated cut up limes on the counter and two salt shakers on each side of the plate.
You lick a spot on your free hand and grab the salt, tapping it onto your hand before grabbing a lime. Tommy waits for everyone to be settled before raising his shot glass to the crowd before him.
“To my brother Joel for agreeing to throw this party yet another year. And to, y’know, Halloween.” Tommy chuckles, and everyone cheers to Joel. You look up at Joel as you lick the salt off your hand, toss back the shot, and stick the lime in your mouth.
Something in the way you looked at him when you moved to fluidly made his cock ache. The hungry look in your eyes, and the sweet smile you offered after you took the lime out of your mouth.
“Joel!” A voice squeaked, breaking your eye contact with him. You both turn to look at your neighbor, Tiffany, who was dressed as a sexy police officer.
“Hey, Tiffany.” Joel greeted, curtly nodding at her.
“Great party. I think it’s nice you invited the whole neighborhood.” She giggled, twirling her pin-straight brunette hair around a manicured finger.
“‘S all Tommy, really.” He shrugs, looking back down at you. You watch the two of them in amusement, noticing that Tiffany was getting closer to Joel. She eventually wrapped her arm around his bicep, to which he stiffened at her touch.
“Well, it’s sooo fun. You like my costume?” She inquires, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth. She looks up at him, feigning innocence, but he’s truthfully not paying attention to her. She seems to notice that he’s more focused on you, and she rolls her eyes.
She’s always been pretty rude to you since you moved into the neighborhood, and you didn’t know why. Now you had an inkling. You could’ve sworn she was married, so a devilish smile curled onto your lips as you tilt your head to the side.
“How’s your husband, Tiffany?” You ask, and she shoots you a glare.
“Fine, thanks.” She scoffs, and Joel shakes her hand off of his bicep.
“Let’s take another shot, darlin’.” Joel suggests to you, and you grin up at him.
An idea popped into your head, and you were hoping he’d go along with it.
“Wanna do a moonlick shot with me, Miller?”
He looked down at you in shock, abruptly pausing his movements.
“Mhm.” Was all he could muster up. Most of the crowd still lingered in the kitchen, so you knew you were about to put on a show.
And, well, licking salt off of Joel’s neck seemed extremely gratifying for the both of you.
You poured another shot of tequila into your little shot glass, grabbed the lime and salt, and stood in front of Joel again.
Tiffany watched you both closely, realization suddenly dawning on her.
She thought there was no way you two would actually do a moonshot in front of all the neighbors gathered in here, but with how heavy the tension was between you and Joel, you both didn’t care at all at this point.
Your eyes scanned the room swiftly, thanking the universe that Mrs. Adler was nowhere to be found. You’d never hear the end of it from her if she saw you and Joel like this.
You wrapped a hand around the back of Joel’s neck, standing on your tippy toes as you brought your face into the crook of his neck.
The warmth of his body sent chills down your spine. He smelled like an earthly musk. It was heavenly.
He gripped your waist as you moved your lips closer to his neck, finally poking your tongue out to slowly lick up the side of his warm flesh. You leaned back down to sprinkle some salt into your hand, pressing it into the wet spot on his neck. You grabbed your like and tequila shot, holding the backside of the lime up to his mouth. He graciously bit into it, and you smirked at him as you went to move your face back into the crook of his neck.
You licked the salt off of Joel’s neck, eliciting a groan from deep within his chest. His arm wrapped completely around your waist as you threw the shot back, taking the lime from his mouth with your own. You put the lime into the small shot glass before looking back up at Joel.
The fire behind his eyes was inevitable, and he finally closed the gap between you two. He enveloped his plush lips to yours, and you tossed both hands over his shoulders and let them dangle as both arms securely wrapped around your waist.
A few of the neighbors in the kitchen whistled, a “finally” thrown into the mix, and Tommy being utterly obnoxious by cheering his brother on.
Joel’s chest swelled with a bit of pride knowing he made his little brother proud.
Your lips moved in perfect sync, your core suddenly throbbing terrible as you felt your slick completely coat your panties. You moaned softly into the kiss, having barely any willpower to break apart from him.
Joel knew you wanted him as much as he wanted you, especially physically in this moment. He wasn’t going to waste another opportunity to finally let himself indulge in something he’s wanted for so long.
“My room?” He asks breathlessly, and you nod. You briefly noticed that Tiffany wasn’t standing in the kitchen anymore, and you smirked to yourself in a little victory.
Joel grabbed your hand and started to lead you out of the kitchen, but Tommy stopped you both.
“Hey, where ya goin’?” Tommy was completely unaware of how much of a cockblock he was being at the moment.
Joel faced his brother and pursed his lips into a thin line.
“Upstairs. Cover for me, yeah?” Joel says, and Tommy’s shit-eating grin returns.
“Oh hell yeah, big brother. Have fun.” He wiggles his eyebrows, and Joel rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He slips his ghostface mask back on to try and blend in a bit more with the crowd, both of you slipping upstairs seemingly unnoticed.
Once you were in Joel’s bedroom, he locked the door and took the mask back off, setting it on his bedside table.
Joel mentally thanked himself for making his bed this morning. The man was notorious for leaving the duvet completely crumpled.
You took in your surroundings. His room was cozy and simple, but felt like home. You smiled up at him, shimmying your wings off before hanging them on the bedpost. Joel took the halo gently off of your head.
“Reckon you definitely don’t need’ta be wearin’ this.” He chuckles, putting it to the side.
“Mm, I think you’re right.” You step forward, hands landing on his solid chest as you move them up to the sides of his neck. You can feel the vein in his neck, pulse racing under your touch.
“Listen, darlin’,” Joel starts, gently grabbing your wrists. “I haven’t done… this… in awhile. I really like you, too, and I really don’t want this to just be a one-time thing.” He confesses, and your heart melts at his words.
“I really like you too, Joel. I don’t want this to be a one-time thing, either.”
“Good.” He breathes, cupping your face into his hands before smashing his lips to yours. You moan into the kiss as he leads you back toward his bed. The back of your knees hit his mattress and you sink down onto it. Joel lays you down before parting your legs with his knee, putting pressure onto your throbbing cunt.
You find yourself unintentionally grinding your hips so your core is rocking against his leg, desperate for friction by any means. Joel feels how hot and wet you are, even through the fabric of your panties and his jeans.
“Christ, doll. Y’this fuckin’ soaked for me already?” Joel tsks, and you can’t help but let out a lewd moan.
“Yes, Joel,” You pant. “Wanted you for so long, can’t—fuck,—can’t wait any longer.”
“Baby, you don’t know how much that fuckin’ turns me on. You touch yourself thinkin’ about me?” He questions, slowly bringing a hand underneath your skirt to rub your soaked core over your panties.
“God, fuck, yes. All the time.” You admit, eyes squeezing shut as your breath begins to increase rapidly.
Joel groans at your confession, cock constricted by his jeans just begging for release.
“‘M gonna ruin every single man for you, baby.”
“Ruin me, Joel.”
That’s all he needed to hear before hastily sliding your panties off of your legs. He spread your legs as he got down on his knees, admiring how your pussy glistened in the low light of his room.
“Fuckin’ perfect little pussy.” He murmurs, lifting your skirt up all the way. You gasp as Joel kisses your inner thighs, dragging his tongue up your tender flesh, littering kisses along the way before he finally places a soft kiss to your core.
Joel wastes no more time teasing you and delves his tongue right into your folds, not wanting to hold out any longer on tasting you.
And, good god, you tasted heavenly. Ironic for being dressed up as an angel, but you really played the part.
You moaned loudly as he drank you up like a glass of water in the middle of the night. He was relentless with his tongue, the muscle swirling around your folds, flicking onto your clit, then moving down to your entrance to prod in and out of you.
His mouth felt divine. You truly don’t think any man has ever eaten your pussy this good, and you’d be damned if another man besides Joel ever did again.
“Joel, holy fuck.” You cry, and he moans praisingly into you. The vibrations sent a shock up your spine, causing you to arch your back off of the bed.
All of your senses ignited with just Joel. His mouth, his touch, his scent, everything about him was surrounding you all at once. You genuinely don’t know how you went about not doing this any sooner.
Joel moved his tongue back up to your clit, flicking over it expertly as he inserted his ring and middle fingers into you. You cry out once more, instinctively grasping onto his hair as you slightly tugged on it. He switched from flicking his tongue over your clit to sucking on it instead, fingers driving in and out of you at such an enchanting pace.
His fingers were so much longer and thicker than yours, so the feeling of it was becoming all too consuming. He hit that sweet spot inside of you once he started to curl his fingers upward, and you nearly choked on a gasp.
“Fuck, yes, right there right there right there—” You chant, feeling your orgasm rapidly approaching as it bloomed quickly within the deepest depths of your core, clawing its way out to the surface. “‘M gonna—”
“Let go, sweet girl. I’ve got you.” Joel praises, and your orgasm comes crumbling down, washing in electric waves through your body. You moan loudly, crying out Joel’s name as you gripped his duvet.
Joel admires how you writhe beneath him, riding out your intense orgasm. You’re nearly breathless, panting rapidly as you lay on his bed completely dazed. Once you finally composed yourself enough, your eyes fall on his face. Half of it was covered in your slick, and you whine at the sight.
“How was that?” He asks, standing up.
“I’m convinced you’re a fucking wizard or some shit.” You breathe, and he gutturally laughs. You love the sound of it, tucking it away in your memory to keep.
“Nope, just regular ol’ me, baby.” His smile is soft as he gazes down at you, and you lean up on your elbows, shaking your head.
“Nothing about you is regular. You, Joel Miller, are extraordinary.” You slowly get up from his bed on shaky legs, but he grips you for support. You switch spots with him, turning him around to softly push him onto his bed. He sits down and watches you closely, admiring how you look at him. It makes his stomach do a flip, and a blush tinges his cheeks ever so slightly.
“My turn to take care of you.” You whisper, sinking to your knees before him. You undo his belt buckle, pop the button of his jeans, and slide his zipper down. He lifts his hips for you as you pull down his jeans and boxers simultaneously.
Joel’s cock easily hits the shirt over his stomach, weeping and dribbling with pre cum. Your mouth watered as you took in the sight, appreciating the pink and tan silky flesh before pumping it a few times, causing Joel to suck in a breath and squeeze his eyes shut.
He lets out a low groan as you tug back to the top slowly, lowering your head to swirl your tongue around the tip. The salty taste of pre cum coats your tongue, and you hum in praise before licking a warm stripe over the vein of his cock. He curses, head lolling back as he tries hard not to cum right then and there.
It’s been far too long since someone’s touched him like this, and now that he has the woman he’s been fantasizing about daily at his discretion, he knows he won’t be able to contain himself for long.
His cock was heavy on your tongue as you slid more of him into your mouth slowly, trying to keep yourself from gagging. Your throat constricted slightly as the tip of his cock met the back of your throat, nose nearly buried in coarse, curly hair at the base.
“Fuuuck, sweet thing, ‘m not gonna last long if you keep doin’ that.” He moans, loving the feeling of your soft lips wrapped around his cock.
You flatten your tongue against him and start to bob your head up and down, setting a rhythm you could easily keep up with. Hearing him moan your name while you pleasure him shot straight to your core, aching for more of him.
You moan against him as your nails lightly scratch what’s exposed of his tan thighs, and you open your eyes to look right into Joel’s.
The nearly sinister look in his eyes when you look up at him makes you want to touch yourself while you made him feel good.
“Such a good girl, takin’ my cock in your mouth so well. Look so fuckin’ gorgeous like this.” He praises, cupping your cheek gently. He was refraining from touching your hair and face because he didn’t want to ruin your hairdo or your makeup, despite how badly his fingers were nearly itching to either cup your face harshly or thread his thick fingers through your hair.
You took him all the way into your mouth once more, swallowing around the tip of him before moving up to the tip to focus on just that. You swirled your tongue again, licking the slit on his head before Joel’s breath caught in his throat.
“Shit, baby, don’t stop, ‘m close.” He feels like he’s floating when his orgasm shoots down his spine not even seconds later, and you moan around him as you swallow everything he gives you.
He pulls you up gently but hastily from the ground, kissing you before pushing you onto the bed again. He had to be buried inside you now. He gave his cock a couple of strokes to harden himself again as he stood over you, a feral look in his eye.
Your eyes glanced over at the ghostface mask sitting on his bedside table, and his eyes followed yours. He quirks an eyebrow up at the mask, looking back at you.
“Want me to put it on?” He asks, and you felt your cheeks get hot.
“You don’t have to.” You’re suddenly shy, but the thought of Joel fucking you with a ghostface mask on turned you on immensely.
“I’m asking you.” A hint of questioning demand was behind his tone.
“Yes. Put it on. Please.”
“Kinky little thing, aren’t ya? Gotta mask kink?” He teases before grabbing the mask, slipping it on before towering back over you.
Seeing his tall, broad frame hovering over you like this with the mask on makes your pussy clench, a delicious lick of satisfaction shoving its way into your mind.
“Gonna fuckin’ ruin this pussy.” Joel’s voice is slightly muffled, but somehow the mask makes it sound deeper. You bite your lip and look up at him as he spreads your legs apart, coating the tip of his cock with your slick.
He pauses abruptly, as if remembering something.
“Should I get a condom?”
“Only if you want. I’m on birth control.” You give him a reassuring nod, and he visibly relaxes.
He continues where he left of, sliding his tip between your folds a couple of times more before slowly pushing into your entrance.
You both moan loudly at the sensation, feeling so warm and full and whole. Joel pushes into you until his hips are flush against yours before pulling out slightly. He grabs your legs and tosses them over his shoulders, a new feeling of deeper pleasure rippling through every fiber of your being.
“Fuck, feel s’good.” You toss your head back against his bed, reveling in the feeling of being stretched out.
“So do you, baby. Pussy’s so perfect. Was made f’me.” Joel starts to snap his hips against yours, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing off the four walls of the master bedroom.
Joel’s hands snake around your ankles on his shoulders as he drives himself deeper into you, pounding his hips into the back of your thighs.
The way you clench around him nearly has him choking, wanting to come undone right then and there.
You gazed up at Joel—well, ghostface—with your eyebrows threaded and jaw slack. There was something so deliciously fucking hot about the way his head was tilted to the side as he looked down at you, fucking you into oblivion.
He bent down ever so slightly to wrap his leather-bound hand around your neck, squeezing the sides. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as all of your sensations suddenly became so full of him again.
You were seeing stars, silent screams escaping your mouth as you tried to move up onto the bed. Joel gripped your thighs harshly and tugged you back down, pulling out of you swiftly to smack your pussy before completely filling you once more.
“Joel, fuck, oh god, oh god, JoelJoelJoel—”
“Yeah, that’s it. Fuckin’ pretty slut likes when I pound into her sweet pussy, hm? Likes getting choked?” Joel’s words drip with venom. You couldn’t even form a coherent word, leaving you to nod frantically.
“Fuck, baby girl, I need you to cum for me.” His voice is strained and desperate, needing to feel you pulse around him again. He brings a hand down to your clit to rub tight, deft circles around it.
You couldn’t even process one more thought before that same blooming, clawing sensation nearly paralyzed your body as you stiffened, orgasm completely washing over your body. You jolted up, crying out Joel’s name.
“I know baby, I know. Fuck, ‘m close, where d’ya want me?” He rips off the mask and tosses it aside, eyes meeting yours once more.
“In me, need to feel you.” Your words are slurred, starting to sound just like Tommy. But you two were very, very different types of drunk.
Joel spills into you, hips stuttering as he groans, jaw clenched. He leans down to kiss you fervently, moaning into your mouth as his orgasm finally rides out. He slowly pulls out of you, hissing at the sensation. You softly whine at the loss of such fullness.
He tucks himself back into his boxers and jeans, pulling them up, re-buttoning his jeans and re-buckling his belt. He sits beside you on the bed, warm leather landing on your thigh as he traces circles into your skin.
“Fuck, baby, that was just,” He pauses, trying to catch his breath. “Unreal.” He huffs, falling next to you so he’s laying down on the bed beside you.
“It was. Thank you.” You shudder at one last aftershock of your orgasm, and Joel chuckles.
“Anything for you, baby.” Your heart skips a beat at his words, and you roll onto your side to face him.
“Kinda don’t wanna go back downstairs. They’re all gonna see this angel really isn’t such an angel.” You huff a laugh, shaking your head.
Joel kisses your forehead before standing up, reaching for your hands to help pull you up from his bed.
“Gotta show Tiffany how good you got fucked somehow, right?” Joel grins, and your jaw drops.
“Joel Miller, you petty man!” You laugh, slipping on your wings and halo once more.
But, he was right—
You totally wanted to show everyone just how good ghostface really fucked you.
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tags: @nostalxgic ; @ilovepedro ; @party-hearses ; @tinygarbage ; @cool-iguana ; @bastardmandennis
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redroomreflections · 6 days
My Other Half
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader and their teen!daugther
request:Am I bugging out or did Cara have a half sister? If so do you think you could write something about them being reunited and how Natasha and R would view this?
Note: this is going to have to be two parts because that's all i got.
w/c: 2.9k
Cara sat cross-legged on her bed, the soft hum of her laptop providing a comforting backdrop as she edited her latest video. Her YouTube channel had gained a decent following, and she enjoyed sharing her life with her audience, but sometimes the influx of notifications left her feeling overwhelmed. Tonight was no different. The chime rang out again and again, interrupting her flow.
She let out a sigh and pulled her headphones down to rest around her neck. It was her own fault, she knew, that her notifications were still on. It's then she decided to take a break and check her Instagram notifications. Her account had been buzzing with comments and messages from fans, and she hoped that scrolling through them would be a nice distraction. Cara opened the app and began to sift through the usual fan messages and occasional sponsorship offers. A message in her inbox caught her eye, and her breath caught in her throat.
The message read: @jennajoy "Hi Cara, it's Jenna. I hope this isn't too weird, but I found your YouTube channel and saw your videos about your life and your family. I’m Jenna—your little sister. I know this might be a shock, but I wanted to reach out. Maybe we can talk?"
Cara's eyes widened as she processed the words. Shock and disbelief flooded her senses. She read the message again, her heart racing with hope and trepidation. The room seemed to spin slightly as her thoughts raced. The possibility that this could be a joke was high; she was no stranger to internet trolls. But as she clicked on the girl’s profile, she was met with images that felt strangely familiar.
Jenna’s profile picture showed a girl with a bright, open smile that mirrored Cara’s own features. Jenna had inherited their shared diamond shaped face and expressive eyes, though her hair was a shade lighter, a sandy blonde that caught the light in a way Cara remembered from her own childhood. There was a warmth in Jenna’s eyes that seemed to speak of a genuine, kind spirit.
Cara scrolled through Jenna’s feed, finding a series of simple, heartfelt posts. The first few pictures were of Jenna with a golden retriever, the dog’s fluffy coat complementing Jenna’s light brown hair. In one photo, Jenna was kneeling beside the dog, her laugh captured mid-air, radiating joy and innocence.
Another set of photos showed Jenna at a lake house, her sun-kissed skin glowing against the backdrop of a serene, blue lake. She appeared to be having fun, surrounded by what looked like her dad and a woman who might be her stepmom. They all shared a family resemblance, though the stepmom’s features were distinct, marking a clear, blended family dynamic.
Cara read through the captions, each one giving a glimpse into Jenna’s life. One read, “Had the best weekend at the lake with Dad and Mom! Can’t wait to go back soon!” Another photo showed Jenna sitting with the golden retriever, captioned, “My best friend and I, always up for adventures!”
The familiarity of Jenna’s features and the personal nature of her posts tugged at Cara’s heartstrings. She felt a lump in her throat as she digested the captions, each one a small window into a life that felt both distant and intimately connected to her own. The possibility that this was indeed her sister seemed more real with every swipe. She sat there for a moment, contemplating the message. Her fingers hovered over the screen as she fought to steady her breathing. After a deep breath, she slowly began to type a response, her mind a whirl of emotions.
@ iamcara Hi Jenna, thank you for reaching out. This is a big surprise. I am glad to know you and have some family. Do you want to chat on Facetime?
Cara sent the message and held her breath. It was a long shot, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
The reply was instant. Jenna agreed to a call.
Cara’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared at her phone, her breath caught somewhere between hope and anxiety.
"She agreed," Cara thought.
She quickly tossed her phone onto her bed, rushing to her mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, wide-eyed and flushed.
Without thinking, she started to adjust her hair, smoothing the unruly curls that framed her face. She tied it up, then let it fall back down, unsure of which look felt more right. This wasn’t just any video call—it was her sister. Her sister. She glanced down at her clothes, then opted to throw on her favorite hoodie, something that made her feel like herself but still presentable. She bit her lip, wondering if she was overthinking it.
"Okay, just be cool. Be yourself," She thought, pacing her room as she waited for the call to connect.
Jenna’s face popped up on the screen, her wide smile lighting up the room from wherever she was calling. Cara’s breath caught in her throat as she saw those familiar eyes, the same shape and shade as her own. Jenna looked just as nervous as she felt.
“Hi! Wow, this is crazy,” Jenna said with an excited laugh. “I can’t believe we’re talking.”
“I know, right?” Cara smiled, her nerves easing a bit. “I wasn’t sure if… I mean, I didn’t even know if you’d remember me.”
“How could I forget? I’ve wanted to reach out for so long. I’ve been watching your YouTube for a while… it felt like you were always just right there.”
“Same for me. I used to wonder where you were all the time.”
There was a moment of silence as they both took it in.
Finally, Jenna broke the silence.
"I have so many questions,” she admitted. “What’s your life like now? I mean, everything you show in your videos seems so fun. And… do you still remember Mom?”
Cara’s heart tugged at that last question. Her eyes softened, and she gave Jenna a knowing smile.
“Yeah, I do. It’s kind of blurry in places, but I remember her.” She paused. “It was really hard when we were separated, but my life now? It’s good. Natasha and y/n are amazing. They adopted me officially when I was 11, but I’ve been with them since I was 9. It feels like home.”
Jenna smiled at hearing that, her excitement palpable.
“I’m so glad! I mean, I’m with Dad and my stepmom, and they’re great too. But I always wondered what happened to you, where you ended up.”
“I wondered about you, too.” She laughed, realizing how similar they sounded. “I have questions too. Like… what’s your favorite thing to do? And your dog—what’s their name? They’re super cute, by the way.”
Jenna smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "That's Zoomie."
"Zoomie," Cara echoed, giggling. "I like it."
"Are you still in New York?" Jenna asked.
"No, actually we moved to Ohio. My family and I," Cara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You have brothers and sisters right?"
"I do, two brothers and two sisters," Cara nodded. "Also, my cousin lives with us. My grandparents too."
"Wow, that's a lot of people. Do you like living with so many people? I feel like I have so much privacy when it's just me and my parents."
"Well, it is a lot, but it's also pretty great," Cara explained. "So you don't have siblings?"
"Nah, I think my parents are good with just me," Jenna shrugged.
"Yeah. You seem really happy."
"I am," Jenna's smile was infectious. "It's nice talking to someone who knows what it's like."
"You mean, having a family who kept you?" Cara clarified.
"Yeah. Dad and Greer are great, but they can't really understand. I mean, they try, but..."
"Yeah, I get it." Cara nodded.
Jenna shifted slightly, her curiosity returning. "How old are you now? You’re like eighteen months older than me, right?"
"Yeah, I am fifteen," Cara confirmed. "Sixteen in a couple of months."
"Crazy," Jenna said, a slight laugh in her voice. "I’m fourteen now. It’s weird, right? I mean, we’re so close in age but lived totally different lives."
Cara nodded. "Yeah, but it kind of feels like we’re picking up where we left off." Cara leaned back against her pillows. "I don't want to hang up. It's like I want to know so much about you. The last time I saw you, you would cling to me all the time. With your little pigtails and pacifier. You had that thing until you were three."
Jenna laughed. "Yeah, well, you had a blankie. That's what Mom called it."
"I did!" Cara's eyes lit up. Jenna seemed to have good memories.
"Do you still have it?"
"No, I lost that thing a long time ago," Cara said. "What about your stuffed elephant? I remember that was your favorite."
Jenna's smile faltered a bit. "Um, I lost that. I actually didn't see it again after we left you."
Cara felt a twinge of sadness for her sister.
"Do you... remember more about her?" Jenna asked quietly. "Mom?"
"Yeah. Sometimes, when I was little, I would dream about her." Cara swallowed. "I'd like to think she's out there living a good life."
"Yeah, me too," Jenna nodded, her expression serious.
"Can I tell you something?" Cara whispered, her heart hammering in her chest.
"Of course."
"When we were separated... I thought you were gone forever," Cara said quietly. "I mean, we were sisters and they separated us."
"I know." Jenna's voice was barely audible. "I thought the same thing. I'd ask Dad and Grandma about you. They could never truly give answers. Dad always said he was working to get everything in order to be able to take you too but by the time he was able to find contacts you had been adopted."
"I always wished we had been together," Cara admitted. "I know that's stupid, but we were all each other had."
"No, I get it," Jenna said.
"You seem like a cool kid, Jenna."
"So do you." Jenna smiled, her eyes softening.
"Well, I should let you go." Cara looked away from the screen.
"Yeah, my dad will be coming to check on me soon," Jenna said, the sound of voices in the background. "Can we make this a weekly thing or something?"
"Yes! I'd like that a lot." Cara beamed.
"Awesome, me too." 
They’d exchanged more information about each other before hanging up. 
Cara sat in the quiet of her room after the call ended, staring at her phone, her thumb still hovering over the “end call” button even though the screen had long since gone dark. The reality of what just happened began to sink in. Jenna—her little sister—was real, alive, and out there, living a life she had never known. The conversation replayed in her mind, their easy connection surprising her as if they hadn’t spent years apart.
She leaned back on her bed, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions she could hardly name. Part of her was overwhelmed—joy, relief, even sadness—all tangled together. There was a time she thought she’d never see Jenna again, that she was just a memory Cara would hold onto in pieces, fuzzy and distant. Now, here she was, a real person with a life of her own, and they were talking like it hadn’t been years since they were ripped apart.
Cara let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her eyes drifting to the window where the evening light was fading. We were all each other had, she had said, and it was true. For so long, Cara had convinced herself it was okay, that her new family had filled the void. But the truth was, there was always that small piece missing—the one Jenna used to fill. Now, with just one conversation, that space didn’t feel so empty anymore.
A soft smile crept onto her face as she thought about how similar they were, despite everything. Jenna’s smile, her laugh, the way she spoke—so familiar yet new. It felt like a second chance at something Cara hadn’t realized she’d been waiting for.
She pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them as she stared at her phone, Jenna’s last message still glowing on the screen. Weekly calls. It sounded so simple, but it meant everything to Cara. She wasn’t alone in her past anymore—she had someone who understood in ways Natasha and you, as much as she loved you, never truly could.
A few weeks later...
The house was quiet this time of night. All of the younger kids were asleep so it gave her the perfect opportunity to speak with you. She stood in front of your bedroom door, hesitating for a moment before lightly knocking. Her palms were slightly sweaty, her nerves buzzing in the pit of her stomach. She had been thinking about this for weeks now, trying to find the right time to bring it up. Tonight felt right—after all the calls with Jenna, the questions swirling in her head, it was time to talk to you.
“Come in,” Natasha’s voice called from the other side.
Cara pushed open the door slowly, her eyes immediately landing on the both of you winding down for the night. Natasha was slipping into her favorite t-shirt, while you were already sitting on the edge of the bed, moisturizing after a shower.
“Hey, Babygirl, everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Cara said quickly, her voice a little too tight. She shifted awkwardly in the doorway, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. “I just… I want to talk to you both about something. Is now okay?”
Natasha, now fully dressed for bed, exchanged a glance with you before she nodded.
“Of course, come in,” Natasha said, her voice soft with concern. “What’s on your mind?”
Cara entered the room, sitting down in the chair next to your bed. She hesitated, then decided to just say it.
"So I know this might seem strange, and I can't stop thinking about it," she began. "I don't want you guys to be angry or anything."
"Oh my god, are you pregnant?" You asked.
Cara's face flushed with embarrassment, her heart beating erratically in her chest. "No!" She shook her head vehemently, her cheeks turning a deep crimson.
"Oh thank goodness," You sighed with relief, clutching Natasha's hand for support.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Natasha asked, her brows furrowed.
Cara took a deep breath, steadying herself before she continued. "Well, a month ago someone reached out to me on Instagram. A girl. Her name is Jenna and she's fourteen. She's my sister."
"She's my little sister. The one I told you about before," Cara continued nervously. She could feel her palms sweating as the words hung in the air. "I know I should’ve told you sooner," She said quickly, her voice rising with a mix of panic and defense. "But I didn’t know how you’d react! I mean, I’ve been talking to her for weeks now, and it’s not like I was hiding it on purpose, I just… I didn’t want you to think I was doing something wrong. And—"
“Cara,” You interrupted gently, sitting up on the bed and reaching out a hand to stop her. “Breathe. We’re not mad.”
Cara blinked, her breath hitching. “You’re… not?”
Natasha, who had been listening quietly, shook her head, her face softening. “Of course not. We’re just surprised, that’s all. This is a big deal for you.”
Cara let out a shaky breath, her hands fidgeting with the sleeve of her hoodie. “I-I thought you’d be upset or worried that I was talking to someone I didn’t really know…”
“We know about Jenna, sweetheart,” You said, your voice calm. “You told us about her before. We understand why this matters to you.”
Cara’s shoulders relaxed slightly, but the nervous energy still simmered under the surface. “I just… I didn’t want you to think I was trying to replace you or my life here.” Her voice wavered. “I’ve always felt so lucky to have you both, and I don’t want you to think that changes just because I found her.”
You gave her a reassuring nod.
"Babygirl," Natasha said, moving over and taking Cara's hand. "You're allowed to want this."
Cara felt her chest tighten at Natasha’s words, the anxiety that had been building inside her for weeks slowly starting to ease. “I’ve just… missed her. I didn’t even realize how much until we started talking. And I want to get to know her. I want her to know me. She's a lot like me. I mean she's really great and I know you guys would like her. ”
You nodded, smiling softly. “That makes sense, Cara. We get it.”
Cara bit her lip, her fingers twisting in her lap as she worked up the courage for what she wanted to say next. “I want to meet her.”
You and Natasha shared a quick look before you turned back to Cara.
"How does that work?"
"She says she's been speaking with her parents. They're willing for us to meet if you are cool with it. They still live in New York."
"So what does that mean? How would it work?" Natasha asked.
"Her parents want us to have a family meeting, all together. They'll explain how everything works," Cara said.
You nodded, a smile pulling at your lips. "Okay, then. That sounds reasonable."
"Are you sure?" Cara's eyes darted between the two of you. "You're not just saying that because I'm being a pain in the ass, right?"
"You're not," You assured her.
"Okay." Cara gave you both a grateful smile, her shoulders slumping as the tension eased from her body. "Thank you."
You returned her smile, reaching over to take her other hand.
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radiance1 · 11 months
Mechanical eastern dragon.
Danny, ever since he was a wee little lad, about 5 or so. Really liked eastern dragons since he found out about them, so much so that he even tried to make his own little eastern dragons!
When Jack saw that, it seemed to strike something in him and suddenly Danny found himself having a more experienced hand aiding him in his crafts.
Jack started directing him towards something simpler than a dragon when he was first starting out, then over time gradually let him make certain parts of a dragon instead of all at once, then when they were all complete, they stuck them together and Danny? Well, he found out why his dad liked to build so much.
So, he started to build more and more little things, small yet complex that'll eventually come together to form his eastern dragon.
As he got older, and his parents became more and more focused on their portal project, he eventually decided that, hey, why doesn't he just make a giant version of his little crafts?
An actual dragon.
Of course, such a thing was no easy feat, so he started it just like his dad taught him too, little pieces over time that'll eventually come together to make what will essentially be his masterpiece.
However, he lacks the parts to do so.
Well, not exactly considering there's a lot of household things he could take apart for scrap, but his parents are already doing that, plus he wants way better materials that'll really shape this up to be his mastepiece.
So he took to instead drawing out how it'll look, and creating various minor pieces that'll go into powering it and stuff. He took some of the ectoplasmic batteries his parents' didn't have a use for anymore, and kinda just, fused them together?
Either way, he made a core that'll be the basis of power for his dragon when he completes! Of course, it'll have to go over multiple modifications over the years while he refines the design for his dragon, to make it able to hold more energy, more durable and far more powerful.
He won't lie, he was both extremely suspicious and immensely grateful when Sam gave him a diamond of all things to make a battery out of, because she obviously wanted something outta it. What did she want? Dibs on being one of the first too see his creation when its finished.
Very simple, plus she said her parents could buy another one anyways. Ah, the joys of being rich.
Then he heard from his parents about how their portal works, though he wasn't too interested since he was too busy building the skeleton of his dragon from the parts Sam gave him.
Tucker, who was dabbling in coding, decided that he was going to attempt to create a high level AI for Danny's project, which Danny was all for! Great materials provided by his friend, and then his other one wanted to make an AI specifically for his masterpiece?
Why would he ever say no?
Jazz has been acting pretty weird thought lately, he noticed a bit after the day he was made aware of how his parents' portal managed to work, how he still isn't sure, nor did he actually believe there was a realm of the dead but eh. He would admit, he wasn't terribly close with his sister, ever since he started up his master work, and became a fink, but he could tell something was different.
Really only because she seemed to be finally getting off his case about how much work he's putting into his dragon and less into taking care of himself properly, which she usually does by bossing him around. But he thinks she's just busy, and is too busy to even care at this point so it didn't really matter.
He was a bit blindsided by ghosts actually being real but easily accepted it to be honest. Like, he's been using stuff powered by ectoplasm that ghosts are supposedly made of, so it wasn't that much of a stretch.
Of course, a ghost fighting against another ghost was new, different from what his parents had told him, but it was nice to have someone protecting the town other than his parents at the very least.
As he got closer and closer to finishing his masterpiece, and as Tucker himself almost finishing with the AI, his grades weren't receiving that much attention, he would admit. He would look back at them when he completed it, alright? But not now.
Then came a day where he was saved from a ghost attack by Amity Park's hero, and while he was extremely tired, he recognized that bossiness, snobbish attitude and smothering from anywhere. Did he expect his sister to be the ghostly town hero? No, no he did not.
Was he going to tell anyone? Not really, he cared, but he didn't care that much about to go around talking about it. Also, wasn't his place to spill his sister's secret really.
Also, she didn't know he knew, and he planned to keep it that way for the foreseeable future.
Just as he was nearing his completion, only having just a few finishing touches before it was ready for the AI to be uploaded to it, a test popped that he apparently had to study for, with his sister already passing with flying colors (which just proves how much smarter she is than him, because she fights ghosts regularly, he doesn't, doing something much safer and what does he have to show for it?) and urging him to study. Which, with her attitude that got even worse, after becoming half-ghost and a hero, he just, couldn't take.
He's thankful that ghost came when they did, because he just couldn't stand her any longer than that. So he just popped over to Nasty Burger instead, removing himself far as he could from that fight, and of course, of course said fight had to end up there.
The universe just hates him, it seemed. On the plus side, he managed to snag the answer sheet to that C.A.T. test his sister was nagging him about, why would he study if he has this now? Besides, he has something more important to do anyways.
Then a while he's confronted by his sister's apparent alternate evil future self after he dropped his knowledge of her secret in attempts to stave off the conversation of him cheating, which, now that he thought of it, was probably better than finding out and subsequently being knocked out by his sister's alternate self.
Thankfully, when he next awoke, he found his project was perfectly untouched, and then had to leave to take the test. He'll figure out a way to deal with his sister's future self later. While later, he finished the test, and was finally glad to be able to add the last touches to his project.
Oh, right, his sister's evil self. He almost forgot about her if he was being honest. So, he took the Fenton Peeler, and was going to go find his sister before he had to be called to Nasty Burger by his parents and, well, his 'sister' was there, and his cheating was already revealed and decided it's literally whatever and shot her.
Weird that he was separated from everyone else, but it's whatever. Sure, the sauce was going to explode and kill everyone, but he believed in his sister to come and save the day, as she always did and will continue doing and he told his sister's evil self that, and was incredibly smug when it happened.
He watched the fight, cheering a bit from the sidelines because, well, c'mon. It's not everyday he watches his sister beat her future self the up, and he might not get this chance ever again so might as well enjoy it while he can.
Unfortunately, he never accounted for his sister being too weak after said fight to help their parents', Mr. Lancer, and his friends, and then he saw them explode.
Then his sister disappeared.
He, very obviously, did not take this well at all. So, after he got back home, feeling both like shit and nothing at all, he stared at the almost finished eastern dragon sitting to the side of his bedroom/workshop, the only component missing being the AI bead, and promptly broke down crying.
He didn't cry earlier, but he just, couldn't contain himself. His parents were dead, his teacher was dead, and his two only best friends were dead too, and his sister disappeared in front of him and he had no idea where she could be.
He then cried himself to sleep.
Then he woke up, took up the AI bead, and inserted it into the dragon sluggishly.
It's completion was a solemn affair, rather than the bright and happy thing he expected and wanted. No one was around to marvel at his genius, too see the end result of what he tried for years to achieve, and no sister that he could rub it in her face about either.
He had nothing. Nothing but the product created from the combined efforts from him and his friends.
So, what was he to do?
Modify it, of course!
He threw all his attention into it, installing weapons, fiddling around with the core (That he had to take out and put back in) and giving it a lot of ghost shields, and other Fenton tech.
And for what? He doesn't know, but this, giant thing, somehow capable of growing and shrinking to his choosing (he still doesn't know how, even though he made the thing), installed to the brim with Fenton tech, is his.
And he'll use it to find his goddamn sister. Sure, they didn't have the greatest relationship, and sure, she wasn't the best to get along with, but she was the only thing he had left, and whoever took her could pry her from his and his dragon's goddamn hands.
Also, who would he rub his genius in the face of, if he didn't find her?
So, he took off to the zone, got lost, fought a few ghosts with his dragon and Fenton tech, and then ended up in another dimension full of heroes and villains. Did he care about that?
Fuck no.
But apparently, being a 14-year-old and fighting people off with his mechanical dragon was not a normal thing. Sure, he may have overreacted by having said dragon through his aggressors, who were normal humans by the way, through multiple walls, but in his defense.
It was their fault for trying him when he wasn't in the best of moods.
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mothiir · 1 month
pov: you’re an eldar, and the human you’re working with smells better each day.
this is the other side of eyes full of stars, told from Taleath’s perspective. fair warning that it will get pretty weird pretty fast, because writing from the pov of a murderous space elf leads to some strange avenues.
Whatever process that Cato Sicarius underwent to shape him into a muscle-bound killing machine clearly stripped out his — already limited — social grace and replaced it with battle acumen and bloodthirst. Taleath isn’t complaining — the creature is a worthy ally on the battlefield — but it is vexing to see the Astartes snarl and posture around you, despising how you inspire such rampant sexual desire in him, and thus despising you. It’s such a petty human trouble: denying your feelings, and having them twist into something gnarled and uncontrollable. And human emotions are so base and simple! If Cato were to feel one tenth — no, one hundredth — of the true emotional range of an Aeldari then his tiny, unwrinkled brain would combust with the effort of controlling them.
That being said: Taleath runs his tongue over his gauntlet, tasting where your lips brushed, and suppresses a full-body shiver. Oh how he wants. He’s spent almost a hundred years learning to manage his darker impulses, but before that he indulged them at will, and the hedonistic habits of three centuries are clawing at the edges of his self control. You taste sweet and mammalian. He wants to drink you down to the bone, your hot blood down his gullet, your shining soul sticking between his teeth. As he roles the fragments of you over his tastebuds, the tiny shreds of skin cells and drop of saliva, the taste thins and vanishes, and oh it is not enough.
It will never be enough.
“Come here, please,” he says, removing his gloves slowly, slowly, slowly — meditatively, focusing on the slide of metal over each of his knuckles, trying to use the sensation to ground himself. It works, up until the point when you stand before him, your warm heart racing, echoing in his marrow. His ears twitch to better capture the sound. He places one bare palm against the small of your back, pulling you closer, and declares a personal vendetta against whatever seamstress made your clothes, against whatever beast produced the fabric. He will gut them all, burn their worlds and display their loved ones on spikes, all for having the temerity of separating his hand from your flesh.
His thumb presses at your lower lip. Your flesh is softer than he expected, downed with fine hair that is invisible to a human’s eyes, but he sees it; sees how the light catches on the strands, velvety and exotic. He exerts just the tiniest amount of pressure, willing you to open your mouth, to welcome him inside, to lave that warm tongue of yours over his digit. You don’t, however. You hold yourself there, heart rabbit-swift and skin rosy with arousal, and you defy him. Your eyes fix on his: challenging. Pushing inside your mind feels all too natural; you welcome him in — subconsciously, of course — and he tastes your defiance like dandelion leaves plucked at dawn, your desire a rosy pink sunrise glow on a still pond. By the gods, this is monumentally unfair. He is meant to be reformed. A century ago, he would already have had you a dozen times over, shaping your sweet warm insides to fit him: you wouldn’t be able to move without the remnants of his pleasure leaking down your thighs. He would have braided your hair with diamonds that glittered like caught stars; you would jangle with the jewellery he draped about your throat, displaying the trophies of his latest raid. He would have have branded his sigil between your breasts and pierced your nipples, just so he could string a gold chain between them, and use it to pull you closer and —
Your breath puffs against his flesh, and he can restrain himself no longer. His fingers slot into your mouth like they were destined for it — maybe they were. The Farseers have stranger prophecies than this; it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Isha, in her infinite wisdom, sewed the seeds for your birth ten thousand years ago, knowing that one day you would be here, mouth crooked open, silk-wet and perfect.
He explores your mouth in the same way he removed his gloves: slow, deliberate; an act of meditation. He catalogues the ivory ridges of your teeth; the pillowy softness of your cheeks; the squirming wet muscle of your tongue. He coos with appreciation, his chest vibrating with a sound that few humans hear: the sound of a deeply content Aeldari.
Your drool should revolt him as it slicks between his fingers and drips down your chin — but no, it is not enough. He wants to see it pasted all over your face as you gag and hiccup, clinging helplessly to his boots for support, his cock sliding down your tight tight little throat —
It’s a trick. It’s what they do, it’s what they do. Your thoughts are abrasive: a stone splashing directly into his skull. He probes back into your head, and feels the spiderweb strands of your conviction that this is all a trap, that he is just pretending to desire you for some infernal purpose. Knife-ear, you think, and in that moment he wants to slice out the tongue of every human you have ever spoken to, just so he can mute the bastard who taught you that word.
“Do not insult me,” he growls, his voice slipping lower, losing the artificial Iyanden accent he adapts when conversing with others (once you hear the voice of a Drukhari you do not forget it, and humans often have quite dramatic reactions when they realise what he used to be. Entertaining reactions to be sure, but not ones conducive to diplomatic negotiations.) “I would not need to resort to such base measures to trick you, if I wanted to — if — “
You hollow your cheeks and suck, welcoming his fingers down into your soft palette, Taleath’s vision goes white. When he returns to himself, a fraction of a heartbeat later, you are bobbing your head back and forth, your thoughts pink-red with desire. You want so badly to hold his wrist, to urge him deeper — you are thinking of it so vividly — that for a moment he thinks you have done so. He feels the ghost of your grasp on his wrist, and — no. No, he cannot lose himself in this, he cannot.
I want him to fuck my throat —
Your desires are strident lightning, reverberating thunder. He yanks you closer, thankful that the segments of his armour shield his growing erection. He will bend you over his throne, he will carve his name into your back again and again, until there is scarce any flesh to mark that does not already bear the signs of his ownership —
No. No. He yanks his fingers free, and you mew with distress, leaning forwards after them, lips parted in canine supplication, your feelings spiking in violet defiance: give it back. Not just pleading, but entitlement; you want him, you resent him for stopping.
“I should not be doing this,” he says, swallowing thickly. Think of the ocean, his teacher would tell him when he first joined Iyanden, constantly changing, grey and endless beneath a bleak sky. “You are human.”
Your lips bump against his palm.
“Yes,” you coo, “and you want me.”
His body moves before his higher brain functions can step in; three centuries of slaking his thirst without thought for the consequence triumphing over a century of trying very hard to unlearn the impulse. In that space between one breath and the next he is not Taleath of Iyanden; he is Taleath of the Crimson Talon, kabalite warrior without peer. Your flesh gives way beneath his teeth like warm butter, and he greedily slurps down the blood that spills out. Your little cry of pain is music to his ears, and it will be the first of many; he will wring a symphony from you by the time he has finished. You open your thighs for him — so willing, so obedient — and he fully intends to give you what you both so clearly need. He will fuck you again and again and again, until even that idiot Cato Sicarius sees who owns you, body and bone and soul —
For you, the exchange is less than a heartbeat. For Taleath, it feels like an eternity: he grinds between your thighs, the heat of your cunt pulsing through his armour; he can smell how slick you are, how easily he could push inside. Your blood between his teeth and on his tongue, rich and delicious. He’ll dine on you each morning and each evening, glutting himself, because does he not deserve it? Is he not entitled to you? Sweet, soft human, so frail in his grasp — his kind built an empire whilst yours scrabbled in the mud, and —
He recognises the drift of his thoughts into old, familiar patterns and with a monumental effort of will he hauls himself away. Standing at the other side of the room, he licks your blood from his lips, rolling it between his teeth like he is sampling a fine wine. He wants the flavour to linger forever.
“Taleath —“
Gods preserve him, you smell of prey. Fearful, sweet, confused, aroused: you might as well be a fawn, tottering on long fragile legs before a hungry eagle.
“No. Stay there.”
Your fingers probe the bite mark, and he wants nothing more than to rejoin you, to replace your hand with his own; his fingers would span your throat, your jugular nuzzling comfortably into the webbing between his thumb and index finger.
But he does not move — not to join you, and not to retreat. The old soul-hunger is stirring once more; never quite gone, only denied and starved into submission. Taleath will die a thousand intricate deaths at the hands of a haemonculi before admitting it, but he understands Cato a little better now: one touch of your lips, one taste of your blood, and he is ready to tumble headlong back into the doomed ways of his former kin, willing to embrace damnation as long as he can do it with you warm and squirming under him.
“I hope that this is not a diplomatic incident.”
“No. But it could be. My kind do not engage in carnal pleasures casually — “
“—and not with mon-keigh.”
”Not often. Not usually.” An Aeldari would notice the telltale signs of sexual arousal he’s displaying, and would not-so-gently advise him to meditate until they vanish. His ears twitch; his voice echoes with that damnable coo that only the most practiced of his kind can swallow back.
You are human. You do not understand.
“I do not want you to be hurt,” he says, cursing the limitations of your language. To be hurt: what a limited, idiotic expression. There is no shorthand to specify what sort of hurt — injured pride, perhaps, which can be both a positive or a negative and thus demands at least two tenses; hurt in battle, which can be honourable; hurt in the aesthetic sense, where you view something so abysmally hideous it sears the artistic sensibilities of your soul — and so he must communicate with the linguistic equivalent of a shovel.
“I’m fine. It barely stings. It will heal up soon enough.”
That is not what he means; not even a little. Indeed, the notion of his bite healing up pains him, a searing slash across his chest worse than any bolter fire.
“—I do not want you hurt by anyone who is not me.”
“You — you want to hurt me?”
Again: your language is so limited, so primitive. There is a word in his native tongue that translates as one so precious that only I may flay them and another that means a face so beautiful it is best when attached it its bones and not even displaying it on my finest trophy wall would enhance its appeal.
He does want to hurt you — but it is more than that. He wants to own you. To devour you. To feel the warmth of your body under his, and to see your soul flare bright against the dark. He wants — and wanting, to an Aeldari, is poison.
When he leaves you, it takes more willpower than you can ever understand. And even as he sits alone in his quarters, trying desperately to reach the fathom depths of Craftworld serenity he now carries within him, he tastes your blood on his tongue.
He will be back to you. Of this, he is certain.
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thefallennightmare · 9 months
Just Pretend-seventeen
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: Don't forget your wigs, y'all.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @koskeepsake @bngurngheart @shilohrosechicken @emzandthevoid
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“I mean in what world do I go to sleep after you and wake up before you? I don't even know how it happens. Well, I hope you're having sweet dreams and you call me when you wake up.”
The noise of my mouse clicking was overshadowed as I played the voicemail repeatedly, sometimes with different remix as I tried to find the best one. After the initial shock of hearing the song, the voicemail, and realizing my feelings for her, I knew I needed to do something with the voicemail.
Someone knocked on the door of the studio but I didn’t take my eyes off the screen, still working. “Come in!”
“You’ve been in here awhile, just wanted to make sure you’re alright,” Jolly said while pulling up a chair next to me.
I nodded. “Yeah. I’ve been busy working on something.”
He eyed the screen as I worked through the program we used, the voicemail still playing.
“Are you sure you want to use this?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged with a sigh. “I figured we could remix it and bury it in a song.”
Jolly hesitated. “You’re not worried about her hearing it?”
Finally taking my attention away from the computer, I leaned back in my chair while adjusting my circle shaped, gold-rimmed glasses on my nose. “Clearly she wasn’t worried about me hearing it. Y/N knew what she was doing when she added that voicemail in the song.”
“I want to make sure you know what you’re doing, that’s all,” he said.
“I’ve been working on it all morning but still doesn’t feel right,” I admitted.
Jolly rose to his feet and gave my shoulder a squeeze. “You’ll figure it out; you always do. Make sure you come out and eat something before we leave.”
Waving him off as he left the room, I decided not to go back to the remix so instead I took a break by browsing through my phone. There were three unread texts messages, all from Bailey, but I didn’t feel like reading them. I already knew what she was asking.
Last night she asked if I wanted to hang out with her today but I’d already made plans; one that I wouldn’t skip out on.
So instead of responding to her texts, I browsed through social media for a few minutes before ending up looking through my pictures, stopping on a selfie. It was from when I watched Salem for Y/N while she was in Japan. In the haste of everything since she came back, I realized I never sent it to her. After watching her performance on the live stream a few days ago, something was different.
I love her.
The words felt weird on my tongue, almost foreign. I told the guys all the time that I loved them but this kind of love was different. It hit me really hard, I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve been through so many ups and downs, trials and tribulations with relationships. Sometimes, I couldn’t stand myself- I’d turn every mirror around. With Y/N, she moved and breathed in the same world with me. She was beautiful for the way she thought. She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was who she was, and I loved her.
Those feelings always had been buried deep within me but now when I say those three words out loud, it’s as if everything clicked into place. Almost as if that’s the way it's supposed to be with us, despite all the anger, hurt, and trials we’d gone through the last year.
Y/N’s eyes stole my heart. Her smile gave me life. Her presence made me high. And her touch left me breathless.
For now, I tried to hold these secrets inside of me because my mind was like a deadly disease.
My phone buzzed with yet another message, one I tried to ignore but my eyes immediately went towards it as it appeared on the top of my screen.
Bailey: Hi! Not sure if you saw my other message but I’m off work around three today if you wanted to hang out.
Swiping the message away, I went back to staring at the picture, wondering if I should send it to Y/N or not. It wasn’t a favorite selfie of mine but there was a chance she would appreciate it because Salem was in it.
After saying fuck it, I sent Y/N the picture, before deciding to text Bailey, hoping to avoid another one from her.
ME: I already have plans with some of the guys today. Maybe I can swing by later tonight.
As my text to Y/N went unread, I tried not to dwell on it for too long. Until the nagging voice in the back of my mind kept telling me that there was a reason she was ignoring my texts. Just as I clicked on the Hollow Omens group text thread, a private one from Malcolm popped up.
Malcolm: Hey, we’re sorry to do this but Y/N’s in a lot of pain today. She’s doesn’t think she’s going to make it tonight.
Feeling my heart drop, I sat up straighter in my chair, pausing the voicemail I just realized was still playing.
ME: Is she alright? Does it have to deal with her endometriosis?
As I waited for him to respond, I left the studio and headed to my bedroom, rummaging though my desk to look for my notes I took on endometriosis and ways to help elevate the pain. All of us had plans tonight to head to the pier for a night of gorging on street food and watch the fireworks. It was an annual thing our town did, and we figured it’d be something fun to check out. It’s all I could think about the last few days and the slight chance Y/N wouldn’t make it didn’t sit right with me.
When I slipped into my vans, my phone buzzed with a new text from Malcolm.
Malcolm: Yeah, it’s bad today. Her doctor switched up her meds but they don’t seem to help. She’s in the bath right now. But that’s the first time she got out of bed today.
Doing my best to ignore the thoughts of Y/N in the bath, I pocketed my wallet and phone before leaving my room. I passed Orie on the way down the stares and he gave me a look.
“Where are you headed? We’re not meeting everyone until later.”
I waved over my shoulder as I headed to the front door. “I’ve got some errands to run. I’ll meet you guys later.”
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I let out a long groan of pain while clutching my midsection, burying my face deeper into my pillow. The bath did nothing to ease the cramps even with the meds. I was apprehensive about changing the dosage but my doctor thought a lighter amount would be fine since the pain wasn’t that bad for the last few months.
The noise coming from my television was a white noise as I readjusted my position on the bed, hoping with me laying on my stomach, it would ease the pain somewhat; it did. I had the blanket pulled up to my chin as I reached for my phone, deciding to send a text to the Hollow Omens group chat to let everyone know I wasn’t able to make it tonight. But a new message from Noah halted that thought as I clicked it open, my breath catching in my throat at the picture.
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Mochi 🍡: I forgot I took this picture while you were in Japan. I miss him, I might have to come steal him for the night.
I couldn't stop myself from staring at the picture for an ungodly normal amount of time. His hair was shorter than it was now, Noah must have got it cut when I was gone. But fuck, he looked breathtaking. There was a quick thought of setting this picture as the background on my phone. I didn’t want to have to explain it to the guys or hell, even Bailey if she noticed so instead I opted in setting it as Noah’s new contact picture; replacing the one of him in the braids back from that night.
Noah fit so well with me-with Salem. Like a small family would be.
Oh fuck, stop.
I shook my head at the thought. I blew that chance; over. Done.
Well, maybe there was still a small chance for us?
No, don’t even think of it.
Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are there. One cannot be without the other yet they cannot exist at the same time. How would it feel to be always together yet forever apart?
With a wavering sigh as the pain returned, I dropped my phone to the floor as I curled into a ball hugging the pillow to my chest.
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I knocked on the door with my free hand, the other grasping a bag close to my chest while my foot tapped to a melody I had stuck in my head all day. Ever since trying to remix the voicemail earlier, I had this same tune and lyrics in my head.
“Am I worthy?” I hummed as the front door opened.
Chase doubled back in surprise when he saw me. “Oh hey, man, what’s up? I wasn’t expecting to see you till later.”
I nodded. “Malcolm texted me saying Y/N’s not feeling that great.”
“Yeah,” he ran a hand over his buzzed head while moving to the side, allowing me to step inside. “It’s been one of those days. The pain is really bad, and she hasn’t left her room.”
“I brought her some things, hoping it helps. I know she was excited about our night at the pier so anything to help her feel better,” I held up the bag in my hand.
Chase gave me an amused expression before nodding down the hall. “Third door on the left.”
As I approached her door, the faint sound of her television and a muffled noise gave me slight pause before I knocked softly.
So I knocked harder. “Angel, it’s me.”
It was a faint, but I heard her grant me entrance, where I slowly opened her door and noticed Y/N crouched in her bed with a pillow against her chest, blanket pulled up to her nose. Her eyes darted from the television over to me, doubling.
“Hey,” I said while shutting the door
“Noah?” She pulled the blanket away from her face as she sat up in bed. “What are you doing here?”
I smiled while setting the back down on the empty side of her bed. “I heard you weren’t feeling well, so I brought some things over.
Y/N stiffened for a long moment before he shoulders fell slightly. “They told you? Everything, I’d assume.”
“Are you upset?”
“No,” she sighed. “I just-I don’t know. It’s a lot to take in and understand.”
I waved her off. “I did my research on Endometriosis; from what Malcolm and Chase told me. So I brought some goodies for you.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” Y/N’s bottom lip wavered as she let out a deep breath. “Aren’t you busy with writing or-Bailey?”
I didn’t miss the way she stuttered out Bailey’s name but kept it to myself as I began unpacking things from the bag.
“She’s at work, it’s all good. Please, angel, let me be here for you. I’ve got some snacks and other shit.”
A tiny smile pulled at her lips before Y/N eventually nodded. “I mean, yeah. Please, I appreciate this so much, Noah. Thank you.”
I tossed on the bed a variety of snacks and drinks, her immediately reaching for the Reeses Peanut butter cups.
“How’d you know these were my favorite?”
I merely shrugged. “Lucky guess.”
Bullshit. I texted Malcolm to ask.
Our eyes locked, the invisible string that connected us vibrated in my chest.
“You wear glasses?” Y/N asked.
My hands quickly went to my face, feeling self conscious of her tone of voice. “Uh, yeah. I kind of forgot I was wearing them. I left the house in a hurry.”
“You look-,” her words trailed off for a long beat of silence as her eyes shined with light.
I look what, angel?
My fingers tapped against my thigh as I waited for her answer.
Y/N hesitated before answering. “Like a dork.”
Rolling my eyes with a chuckle, I tossed one of her pillows at her as she smacked it away with her own laughter echoing through her room.
“Oh,” I remembered while rummaging through the bag. “I also picked this up. You can always get a better one later but I’m sure you needed something to help a little. I read that heat helps with the cramping from Endometriosis.”
“Wait, a minute. You read?” She teased before taking the heating pad from me with a small smile of thanks.
“Don’t be a smartass, ma’am,” I chuckled. “I just wanted to learn more about this and want to help anyway I can, angel.”
She blinked slowly as she stared down at the heating pad and treats in her hand. “This is-uh. Thank you.
Noticing she was seconds away from crying, I set the empty bag on the ground before reaching for the remote next to her on the bed. “Ok now scoot over.”
“What?” Her gaze finally tore from the things in her hand up to me.
I motioned for her to scoot closer to the right side of her bed while I kicked off my shoes. “Make some room. We’re going to watch something on Netflix while we eat our snacks.”
“Mochi, for real?” Y/N smiled.
“Yeah for real, move,” I pushed her shoulder which made her finally move over towards the other side of the bed.
Making sure there was still space between us as I laid down next to her, I resumed the show Y/N was watching on Netflix as we silently watched while eating the snacks. After some time, I noticed she shifted deeper into the bed and pulled the blanket closer to her chest, a look of pain across her face.
“Are you alright?” I asked turning towards her.
Y/N shook her head. “The pain; it’s really bad. My doctor switched my meds, but it doesn’t seem to help.”
Quickly, I sat up from the bed to plug in her heating pad and handed it to her. “Try it.”
I watched as she adjusted herself in the bed with the heating pad against her abdomen with a sigh. “You really don’t have to do all of this, Noah. I know you must be busy.”
“I’m never busy for you, angel,” I promised while hopping over her into the bed.
The door pushed open with a small meow before Salem jumped up into the bed, immediately climbing and laying on my chest. With one hand propped up behind my head, I used the other hand to pet Salem’s head; his purring overpowering the noise of the television.
“He missed you,” Y/N said, not taking her eyes off the movie.
“I missed him too,” I mused while leaving pepper-like kisses all over the cat's face.
The comfortable silence fell between us again for a long while now with me peering over at her now and then to make sure she was alright. The heating pad seemed to have worked because gone from her face was the look of pain, instead the ethereal look I fell in love with graced her features. I marveled in the one dimple in her cheek as she laughed at something funny; the sound making my stomach flutter. I drank in the sight of how when her hair fell into her face, the lines in her forehead creased as she tried to blow it out of her eyes, failing miserably so ended up brushing it away.
“Why are you staring at me?” Y/N asked, breaking my trance.
“Just memories,” I smirked while grabbing my coconut water and taking a drink.
Her cheeks reddened before clearing her throat, just as the movie ended. “Should we watch another?”
“Actually,” I said while reaching for my phone that I placed on the end table, not disturbing the sleeping Salem. “I have something else to show you.”
“Oh, you do, huh? Is it another selfie?”
I scoffed while giving her a sideways glance. “You’re spicy today, aren't you?”
Noticing another text message from Bailey, I ignored it by clicking on my Spotify app; I chose the playlist I made while waiting in line at the store to check out.
“I made this for you. It’s a playlist of different earthy type songs or meditation sounds. Something to help you with the pain,” I explained while letting her peer over to get a glance at the different songs.
“An Incomplete List of Songs I Love That You Will Probably Love Too (Actually)?” She read back the name of the playlist.
I shrugged. “It’s not the weirdest one. So, which song?”
Y/N hummed while scrolling through my phone as I held it before finally settling on one. “Runaway by Aurora. I love that one.”
My heart stuttered in my chest at her choice; memories came flooding back. She didn’t know it but that song helped pull me out of a dark place in my life.
Running a hand over my jaw, I nodded while clicking on the song and connected it to Y/N’s smart speaker in her room.
As we lay there, listening to song after song, we let the soft tunes ease us into a state of calmness. While I pet Salem, quietly singing along to the words, I heard a soft snore beside me and noticed Y/N fell asleep. Her lips were parted slightly and her chest rose and fell with each deep breath.
Taking off my glasses and setting them on the table next to me, I sunk deeper into the pillow and eyes fluttering shut.
After some time, unsure how long, I woke first to notice that both of us had turn towards each other in our sleep, our faces mere inches from each other and hands grazing over one another in the middle of the bed. The earlier melody still in my head but now as I stared at Y/N, the words now clearing through the fog that clouded my mind.
“Weigh down on me, stay till morning,” I hummed low, slowly brushing a strand of hair out of her face, letting my fingers linger along the skin of her neck. “Way down. Would you say I’m worthy?”
Y/N shifted in her sleep as I pulled my hand away, eyes fluttering open. Our eyes locked, and she gave me a lazy smile. “Oh, we must have moved in our sleep.”
Fuck, my heart, stomach, and dick twitched at her tired voice.
“Did I wake you?” I muttered quietly.
She yawned while cuddling the pillow. “I don’t know. I thought I heard some humming or singing. Do you have a melody in your head?”
I swallowed. “Yeah, guess I do.”
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While walking down the hall, ready to head to the pier, I stopped in front of Y/N’s room to check and see how she was feeling. A shocked hum fell from my lips when I noticed there was more than one body in her bed.
Y/N and Noah were asleep facing each other, their fingers linked; subconsciously or not, it was as if their souls needed to be connected at all times. Salem laid between them.
“Oh man,” I sighed sweetly but there was that lingering fear that Y/N would get hurt again.
After closing the door, I made my way into the living room where Chase was lounging on the couch, playing a drum beat with his hands on his lap. I laid a kiss to the top of his head before going into the kitchen, grabbing a drink from the fridge.
“I didn’t know Noah was here,” I said while hopping onto the counter.
Chase nodded. “He came by a few hours ago. I guess he wanted to help Y/N with the pain.”
I made a low, amused noise. “Seemed to help. They’re both sleeping.”
“Yep, curled up facing each other with Salem between them. Like a little family.”
Chase rolled his eyes with a deep sigh. “They don’t even realize what’s happening; even in their sleep. This thing between them, you read about it. It what everyone looks for. Why don’t they fucking see it?”
I shrugged with my own deep sigh. “Fear? Anxiety? Who knows but I have a feeling shit’s about to hit the fan soon, babe. I really do.”
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The large group of us walked down the pier, the loud music and smell of food from the fair filling the air. I walked between Malcolm and Orie, as Noah walked ahead with Folio, Nick, and Jolly. Every so often, I’d catch Noah peer over his shoulder to make sure we were all following.
Bringing the camera up to my neck, I took a few differnt pictures; the pink painted skyline, the crashing of the water underneath, then when Noah peered over his shoulder yet again, I took a picture of him. I began clicking a bunch of buttons to zoom in, noticing Noah wasn’t staring at the camera; more so off to the left of me.
Glancing over my shoulder, I immediately noticed who Noah was watching.
Y/N walked alongside with Michael, Matt, and Jesse, all four of them laughing about something unknown. We were told earlier that there was a chance Y/N wouldn’t be able to make it because she didn’t feel well. Clearly whatever Noah planned for her earlier today helped.
When I glanced from Y/N back to Noah, already seeing that he was looking directly at me. Without saying a word, he told me exactly what he was thinking with a small smile.
I motioned to my camera. “Definitely a keeper; Noah. I’ll be sure to save this one.”
As we reached the main area of the fair, we all agreed on getting some food before the firework show. It was busy, crowds of people pushing their way through to get to where they needed. The occasional shocked expression was thrown towards us as people recognized Bad Omens and Hollow Souls. Thankfully, they stayed away knowing that we all wanted to enjoy our personal time.
Y/N sat at a table with Chase as Noah walked up with two large cups of sodas and a funnel cake, one he clearly was planning on sharing. The three of them attacked the funnel cake as Chase talked about how excited he was for the new drum track he was working on.
Once again, I was stuck watching this fiasco that was Y/N and Noah. There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind- this was all easy to us, but for them? Not so much. As an observer to the left eye, forgetting the truth behind what is current; they sat together, chilling out, doing what friends do, but, he looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man. I don’t believe I ever looked at a woman that way; at least not yet.
Y/N was beautiful, but not like those girls in magazines, I could totally see why Noah had his tongue stuck in his throat. Around her, he would retreat into this shy, introverted person around her company. Stealing those glances so subtly. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if others were sad, even when she, out of all people, were sad.
Before when I snapped the picture, I didn’t even catch he wasn’t looking over at me at all. His almond eyes were shifted, never me or the camera. Just her; Y/N. I don’t know shit about love, not right now and maybe not even a year from now. But I can say this-there are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice. I had a feeling they would find something somehow. The photo I took, the peripheral vision of her staring right back at him was proof.
I raised my camera, recording now, as Y/N walked to throw away the garbage and Noah running up behind her to lift her into the air twirling her around.
“Noah! Stop!” She giggled while wrapping her arms around his neck.
“What?” Noah stopped spinning. “Let you go?”
Y/N shrieked as he nearly dropped her. “No, you idiot! Don’t let me go!”
This short clip of them along with the picture from before were definitely keepers.
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“Are you sure you’re alright?” Y/N laid a hand on Malcolm’s back as he was doubled over, hands on his knees.
He dry heaved before nodding. “I’ll be fine.”
Chase sighed as he held back Malcolm’s hair. “Babe, you know how sick you get when you eat fair food then try to ride the teacup ride.”
“Fuck you,” he grumbled.
I chuckled as watching the three of them.
“Maybe we should go,” Chase said when Malcolm threw up yet again into the trash can.
Y/N hesitated but nodded. “Uh, yeah. Let me just get my things.”
My heart sank to my stomach because I wasn’t ready for her to leave yet. We were only here for about an hour and the fireworks show hadn’t started yet.
“I can take you home later, angel,” I offered.
Her eyes sparkled with the setting sun as she smiled over to me. “Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you for a ride.”
“I’ll make sure she gets home safe,” I spoke towards Chase.
He nodded while helping Malcolm stand up straight. “Have her home by midnight.”
Y/N scoffed. “A curfew?!”
I squinted my eyes. “12:30?”
She looked between the two of us, disbelief on her face, until Chase reluctantly agreed with a nod. “Not a second later!”
“I hate you, fuckers,” Y/N seethed with a hint of a smile before waving goodbye to the two of them and muttering something about needing to use the bathroom before the show.
“I’ll wait right here for you,” I said; with more meaning behind it than she might have realized.
She patted my cheek. “You’re a good man, Noah.”
Playfully pushing her away, heart pounding loudly in my chest, I watched with careful eyes as she walked over to the restroom to make sure she was safe. In that time, Jolly, Folio, and Jesse came up to me.
“The others found a great spot on the beach for the show,” Jolly informed.
I nodded while pointing to the bathroom. “Y/N’s in the bathroom. I said I’d wait for her.”
Folio was texting away on his phone as Jesse spoke next. “Where’s Chase and Malcolm?”
“Malcolm got sick so Chase took him home,” I chuckled. “I offered to drop Y/N off later.”
Jolly raised a brow. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Weren’t you planning to go hang out with Bailey?”
My eyes snapped over to him at the mention of Bailey. “I’m not going to fuck Y/N in the car.”
Folio’s eyes snapped up from his phone. “You fucked Y/N in the car?”
“Oh my god,” I pinched my eyes shut with a groan.
Jesse peered over Folio’s shoulder to his phone. “Oh shit. She wants to see that movie? I saw a trailer for it last night. It looks fucking sick.”
“Hey, fuck off!” Folio scolded while putting his phone to his chest.
Out of the corner of my vision, I saw Y/N walking back towards us but stopped when someone stepped in her path. She gave whoever it was a tight smile as they rambled something, talking fast with their hands.
“Who’s that?” Jesse asked.
“Must be a fan with how excited he looks talking to her,” Jolly said.
Y/N tried to speak, but the guy didn’t let her; kept rambling as he pulled out his phone. I didn’t miss the way she stiffened, clearly uncomfortable. My eyes narrowed as it watched intently to make sure this guy didn’t try anything.
Why does it matter? You’re with Bailey.
“Noah, are you going to go all Jack Nicholson on him or what?” Folio joked.
“What?” I shook my head. “No-I’m just watching from afar to make sure she’s alright.”
At first, I thought I wanted to be set free from the pain of Y/N leaving me that night. I thought by being with someone else it would help deliver me from her hands, but it hasn’t. I watched the dude talk and talk and talk. She wasn’t into it, but it wasn’t my place to intervene. I wanted too.
I’m going to stand right here, with my hands in my pocket. I’m going to stand right-oh, what the fuck!
I watched as the guy went in for a hug but it wasn’t a small hug. This was deep as his hands grazed up and down her back while her hands gently patted his. I could tell from here that the grip around her was tight and Y/N was clearly uncomfortable.
Fuck this.
Before I knew it, I was walking over, my gaze never leaving this fucking guy. I watched his hands, his entire figure embrace her.
No. Absolutely fucking not. You want a hug? Go for the hug that looks like a pat, you don’t need to be holding onto her for dear life.
I closed the distance between us face, my feet flew with force. My breathing was deep, huffing and puffing. I wanted to deck him. I shouldn’t, but I do. This mother fucker did even realize what a privilege it was to be even touched slightly by Y/N.
As I approached them from behind, neither of them noticing me yet, the guy said. “You’re fucking talented!”
She is, we know that -now leave.
“And you’re fucking beautiful, so beautiful, are you with somebody? Can I get your number, maybe go out?”
This guy kept rambling on and I tensed, my skin felt like cactus.
Y/N’s soft, polite voice spoke up. “I’m already spoke-” she stuttered. “No, not right now. But I’m not interested. I’m sorry.”
Why the fuck was she apologizing?
“Oh damn,” the guy’s shoulder dropped as his hands were buried in his pockets. “That’s too bad, I’d love to take you out, and show you a great time.”
This mother fucker wasn’t getting the hint.
I kicked the leg of the table that was next to them, making a noise as my face never leaving his. I bore into him.
They turned their heads over at me, a relieved expression crossing Y/N’s face. “Oh, hey. I was on my way back!”
A low noise rumbled in the back of my throat as I crossed my arms. “Hi, angel. Are you alright?”
Before she could speak, the guy cut her off when he pointed to me. “Holy shit, you’re Noah. From Bad Omens. What’s up, dude?!”
I wish I could say I was amused, even flattered, but I wasn't. I didn’t care if he was a fan of the band to be honest.
Get the fuck out of her face. Don’t touch or look at what’s rightfully mine.
Well, technically that not true now is it?
Ignoring the voice, I nodded towards the guy as I stepped closer to Y/N.
“Sup man, did you get your photo? Cause we have places to be.”
I was more hostile with my words than I realized but I didn’t care. He could tweet about it.
He noticed the tension. “Uh yeah, yeah I did. It was lovely to meet you Y/N. Thanks so much.”
“No problem! Have a good one,” Y/N gave her best smile.
He walked away, and I watched him, tilting my head as he looked over a few times before finally turning the corner, disappearing behind a crowd of people.
“Noah,” Y/N’s soft voice turned my attention to her. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” I nodded. “Are you? He seemed a little too fucking friendly, no?”
I was forceful with my words. I had no right to be, but I couldn’t stop seeing red.
“He was just a fan, Noah, it’s normal. You of all people should know that.”
“I get it, trust me. I only wanted to make sure you were safe. He looked at you like-”, I stopped myself before I even began.
Like how I fucking look at you and it pissed me off.
She shifted on her feet. “Like what? It was harmless flirting.”
“Hm, didn’t look like it. He looked at you like he wanted to devour you.”
“Noah, I can’t control that shit, no more than you can,” Y/N sighed, almost walking away from me.
My heart still was pounding hard in my chest as I reached for her elbow, gently pulling her back towards ms.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” I gave a small smile.
“I’m good, thanks mochi.”
She smiled at me; that same fucking smile that brightened any room she walked in. It paled in comparison to the setting sun behind her that painted the sky in pink and gold. I took a small step towards her, fingers itching with the need to grab her face so I could kiss her, until I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.
Without looking at it, I knew it was Bailey. She sent me a text awhile ago saying that she could order us some food tonight if I came over, which I responded with four words; I’ll let you know.
“Uh,” I swallowed while taking a step back. “Everyone found a great spot for us on the beach for the fireworks. Are you ready?”
“Hell yes, I love firework!” Y/N bounced on her feet.
As we began walking down the pier, both of our hands swinging so close to each other, I felt her skin on mine a few times.
“How’s the pain?” I asked after a moment.
“Good. I mean it’s still there but thanks to a certain someone,” she bumped her shoulder with mine, “the heating pad helped a lot.”
This time, I linked our hands together just as we reached the beach, and gave it a squeeze. “Of course, angel.”
I thought back to the last time we were on a beach together; us playing in the water after we both discussed parts of our past that made us who we were today. She was with Trey but that moment, I’d never seen her more alive and free.
Time traveling again, it was so easy to do it in her presence. Going back in time, things weren’t simple then either; but in those moments it became what I know of it now; everything to me.
My phone buzzed again which caused me to groan as I pulled it out of my pocket, expecting to it to be Bailey but it shocked me to see it was a text from Matt; a screenshot of a conversation on Twitter.
Met Y/N of Hollow Souls, so fucking beautiful and incredible in person. I’ve always been a fan of hers, but her music is great too. Holy fuck! I got the balls to ask her out. She said no lol all good. Still a fan. Always.
My grip around my phone as I felt the anger fester low in my gut before reading the next tweet.
Noah of Bad Omens was there with her and was a fucking prick. All good. Damn shame cause the music is good.
I snorted when I then read Matt’s own tweet in response.
Listen to the music for the right reasons then.
I responded to Matt with a few laughing emojis, still ignoring Bailey’s text, and pocketed my phone just as we reached everyone else on the beach. They were scattered either in chairs or on the blanket and the only open spots were on said blanket with Orie and Nick. We sat next to each other, fingers brushing against one another as we leaned back, staring up to the now dark sky while we waited for the fireworks. Y/N shivered, and I reached for my sweater that Jolly remembered to grab from my car.
“Cold?” I asked.
She nodded. “I should have brought something heavier.”
I handed her my sweater, and she took it with a thankful smile. “Thanks Mochi.”
Orie peered over to us, a sly smirk playing on his lips, but I ignored him as Nick patted my shoulder, showing me his phone.
“Death of Peace of Mind comes out at ten o'clock tonight,” he muttered quietly.
I bit the inside of my cheek but nodded. “She was bound to hear it, anyway.”
As I turned back towards Y/N, the fireworks began, loud cracks of coloring lighting up the sky. She stared up with wonder and excitement as she pulled my sweater closer to her chest. While everyone watched the beauty in the sky, I watched the beauty in front of me that was Y/N.
An ordinary beginning, something that would have been forgotten had it been anyone but Y/N. But as I shook her hand and met those striking eyes for the first time, the fireworks blew in through the sky, like they were made for her.
Before I’d taken my next breath, I fucking knew she was the one I could spend the rest of my life looking for but never find again if I lost her; I couldn’t lose her again.
I knew the way I felt right now wasn’t meant for Bailey; I knew it from the second I asked her out. That’s what kept me awake at night, that’s what scared me and kept me from admitting this truth. Y/N seemed like that good, that perfect feelings while those fucking fireworks exploded.
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Shit, talk about an awkward car ride.
After the fireworks ended, we all parted ways with everyone and Noah walked me to his car. The atmosphere was fine at first, but being so close to him in this confined space made my palms sweat and core ache. Which didn’t make sense because earlier today while we laid in bed together, I didn’t feel this awkward tension. But now, it was as if we were drowning in it. I kept my gaze out the window as the familiar streets and houses came into view, telling me I was almost home. I frowned, not wanting the day to be over.
Noah noticed because he tapped my knee with a knuckle. “Everything alright?”
I gazed over to him and sucked in a breath at the sight of him. He pulled back the long locks of his hair in a low bun, a few strands falling into his face. The darkness of the car did nothing to hide his gorgeous features, his almond color eyes staring deep into my heart as he took his gaze off the road for a few beats. Before while we were at the pier, he had taken off his glasses but now Noah was wearing them and I loved the way he looked in them.
There was that word again; love. It held so much meaning now that I admitted it out loud to myself but yet, stung deep knowing he didn’t feel the same. Because if he did, he wouldn’t have been with someone else.
“Yeah,” I answered when I realized I hadn’t said anything yet. “I had a really fun day today, Noah. Thank you for everything.”
His fingers grazed over my knee to give it a squeeze. “Anytime, angel. I’m here to help you through whatever you need.”
Noah pulled the car into a stop in front of my house and I let out a sigh, not moving yet.
“Your new song was great by the way.”
My head snapped over towards him. “Oh, Eyelids? You, uh, you like it?”
“It was beautiful, angel. It seemed to have come from your heart,” Noah turned his body towards me in the driver's seat of the car.
“It did,” I licked my lips.
His hand glided over the steering wheel. “You added your voicemail.”
I titled my head towards him. “What?”
“The voicemail, I heard it, you added that.”
“I-,” the words faltered on my lips, not knowing how I would explain this one.
I called him one night in Japan but ended up leaving a voicemail, not knowing that my laptop was still recording from when I was messing with my vocals earlier. I was so apprehensive about putting it in a song but Chase thought it would be a great touch to Eyelids. So I did it, not even thinking Noah would catch on.
“I know, I already know,” Noah leaned closer towards me, closing the space inch by inch.
I swallowed thickly. “You do? I’m sorry if it-.”
“No need to apologize to me, angel,” Noah said.
“I really wanted you to-to-.”
“To what?” He raised a brow.
“Like it,” I admitted with a long breath.
“I do,” he nodded with a large smile. “I’m proud of you.”
Suddenly, his phone buzzed from its placement in the cup holder, my eyes reading the name with a pang in my heart.
Noah ignored it with a sigh and even though it was a flash image, I noticed what his background was; me, back from when we were on tour together. It was one where I was on stage singing, eyes closed with the stage lights casting me in a white light.
I couldn’t ask him about it because I was afraid of ruining the good energy we found ourselves in today.
Noah rubbed the back of his neck before turning up the volume of the radio, not even bothering to mention Bailey was calling him yet again today. “We actually have another song about to debut.”
I smacked his chest while sitting on my knees in the front seat, excitement filling the air. “Why didn’t you say anything?! I would have missed it.”
He chuckled. “It’s about to play any second.”
Just then the voice of the radio DJ came on through the speakers of Noah’s car. “Alright guys, we have a new single from Bad Omens. These guys are releasing hit after hit with Concrete Jungle, Nowhere to Go, and now, here is the Death of Peace of Mind.”
“I made another mistake, thought I could change. Thought I could make it out. Promises break, need to hear you say. You're gonna keep it now.”
“Oh fuck, Noah.” I gasped. “Your voice in this is fucking incredible.”
He gave me a small smile.
“I miss the way you say my name. The way you bend, the way you break. Your makeup running down your face. The way you touch, the way you taste. When the curtains call the time will we both go home alive? It wasn't hard to realize. Love's the death of peace of mind.”
My body stiffened as I blinked up at him, Noah’s eyes never leaving my face. Suddenly these lyrics were feeling almost too personal. The thickness of the tension becoming too much, the air around us shifting into something that we should have pushed away from, ignored it like we did everything else.
“You're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames hanging upside down. For granted, in vain, I took everything I ever cared about.”
Instead, I leaned closer towards Noah, who made no move to stop me.
“I miss the way you say my name. The way you bend, the way you break. Your makeup running down your face. The way you fuck, the way you taste.”
I sucked in a breath, eyes snapping up from his lips to his eyes. “Noah, is this-?”
All he did was nod, but that was enough for me as I crashed my lips to his, a shocked moan echoing over the music of the car. Immediately I climbed into his lap, his large hands enveloping around me.
“When the curtains call the time will we both go home alive?”
Even though it had been so long since we last kiss, our lips moved in sync as if we never missed a beat. He tasted exactly the same, his tongue felt exactly the same as it explored every inch of my mouth. I whined into him when I couldn’t completely straddle him, my hands resting against his chest.
“Back seat,” he muttered against my lips before grazing his teeth over them, patting my ass.
“It wasn't hard to realize. Love's the death of peace of mind. When the curtains call the time, will we both be satisfied?”
With an excited squeal, I jumped into the backseat of his car and watched as his long limbs tried to climb over the center console. Noah smacked his head on the roof of his car, cursing under his breath as he fell into the back seat next to me.
“Maybe you should get a bigger car,” I teased while straddling him once again.
Noah hummed while grasping my hips, digging his nails into the fabric of my jeans. “Only if you promise more of this.”
I pressed my lips to his once again, tongues immediately finding each other.
“It wasn't hard to realize. Love's the death of peace of mind. Love's the death of peace of mind.”
“Noah,” I moaned when his hips pressed into my core, the hardness of his cock brushing across it.
He pulled away breathless. “Fuck, angel. I missed the way you say my name.”
“You come and go in waves leaving me in your wake. You come and go in waves swallowing everything.”
I pulled away from him to look down at him, hearing those lyrics, and raised a brow. “Oh, I do?”
Noah let out a low growl, hand snaking in my hair as he yanked me back down to my lips and adjusted me so my aching core was pressed against his thigh. “Ride it.”
With. Fucking. Pleasure.
“Are you satisfied? Love's the death of peace of mind. Mind, mind.”
While I rubbed my pussy against his thigh, Noah moaned out a question between kissees.
“Are you-?”
“Mad I-?”
“Wrote a song-.”
“When the curtains call the time will we both go home alive?”
My fingers snapped away the tie that held his hair together and I watched with ecstasy as Noah’s hair fell to his shoulders in waves. I almost through about taking off his glasses but decided against it.
Our lips met again in a fiery kiss as he finished his question.
“About that night?”
I mumbled into his mouth. “No, now let me fucking cum, Noah.”
“It wasn't hard to realize. Love's the death of peace of mind.”
I moaned as my orgasm built higher and higher, almost to a crescendo.
“When the curtains call the time, will we both be satisfied?”
With one hand gripped snaked under my shirt, Noah’s fingers scratched and clawed at my skin, undoubtedly leaving marks, while his other smacked against the window to his left, fingers dragging down through the fog the heat of our kiss created.
Then his fingers left the skin of my back to graze up over my chest and I nearly came when I thought he was going to touch my breast but felt him twiddle my necklace between his fingers. Then gone was that hand from my chest to graze against the skin of my left wrist, now twiddling the bracelet between his fingers.
“You’re wearing them.” His lips attacked my neck is viscous bites.
I leaned my head back to give him more access when my hips moved in faster, uneven pace, as my orgasm was so fucking close to exploding through me; I could almost taste it.
“I found them,” I said breathless. “They’re my favorite gift I’ve ever gotten.”
“It wasn't hard to realize. Love's the death of peace of mind. Love's the death of peace of mind. Love's the death of peace of mind.”
When the song faded out, Noah reached for the button of my jeans. “Let me help you, angel.”
Suddenly, loud ringing echoed through the speakers of the car, which made me pull away from Noah.
“Incoming call from Bailey. Anwer?” Siri’s voice said.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Suddenly the lust haze that has enveloped both of us faded, realization seeping deep into my bones. This was so wrong, so fucking wrong.
“Shit! Shit! Shit! Oh my god, I am so so sorry! I’m so-,” I apologized.
Noah realized what was happening, so he tried to reach for my face. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
I hastily jumped off his lap, fingers going to my kiss-swollen lips, as I took in the sight of him. His long hair a mess thanks to my hands gripping and his own lips were bruised from the force of our kiss; his phone still ringing.
Tears burned in my eyes as I smoothed my hair down and reached for my bag in the front seat.
“You should answer that,” my hand gripped the door handle. “She’s been trying to call you for hours.”
“It’s fine, Noah.” I blew out a shaky breath.
“She knows where I’m at, with my friends,” he explained before answering the call with a sigh.
My face physically twitched at his words. They stung like a fucking scorpion tail but I had no one else to blame but myself.
Friends? Is that what you call what just happened?
“Hi babe!” Bailey’s cheery voice dragged the knife deeper into my chest. “I’ve been trying to call you all day. “
Noah adjusted himself in the backseat next to me and for the first time I took in the sight of his cock pressing against his jeans but did my best not to let a moan slip.
“Can I call you back?” Noah asked.
“It’s fine,” I mouthed. “I’m going to go.”
He shook his head, trying to stop me as I opened the door, the cool night air brushing against my heated skin.
“So are you still planning on coming over tonight?” Bailey questioned just before I slammed the door shut, ignoring the hurt look that crossed over Noah’s face.
As the tears fell from my eyes, I didn’t bother looking back to his car, knowing if I did, I might not make it inside.
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tocomplainfriend · 3 months
I'm ace spec and I hate this shitty mix of stereotypes
So many people see Ace or Aro (and both) people as people who must not have feelings. That if you don't feel romantic or sexual attraction for example "you must be broken" in the same way people connect that to people like serial killers like Alastor. The not having feelings or empathy for people also connects to of all that. And the automatic connection of "no feelings, no empathy" = "ace", Because of the usual conflation of Ace and Aromantic. (Specially cause a lot of people have heard more about Asexual than Aromatic, and can't separate sexual and romantic attraction and empathy)
Again, the general canon treatment and vivs treatment of Alastor also leads to the idea of Complete sex repulsed Ace and Complete romance repulsed Aro. But when ask about his romantic attraction, she doesn't state it as much as she states his Asexuality.
"If I give the real cannon answer...it's gonna... it's gonna... I don't want to ruin anybody's fun, so..."
Old post about this, plus the video of the quote:
Crew notes for Al:
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What!? Yeah! Came out of nowhere! Now we got two Ace characters that are extra terrible people that hurt others cause of the idea of shitty with empathy connected to Asexuality is all around... "Too bad/selfish of a person" = ace
I think they really just put this in at random. I don't think it was pre planed to have him as Ace because of how Octavia and Al are written.
Al is written with the simplicity of him being so not into sex that they portrayed him as if he didn't know about it in Hunicast. But Mammon is constantly profiting of the sexualization of Fizz, now Glitz and Glam. Constantly using prude language as well. I think if there was an intention before, they wouldn't have done that. Viv hasn't shown me a deeper understanding of Ace spectrums at all, I don't trust this. She picked the fat character, the series and merch doesn't sexualize like the others. He always had clothes on and nothing kinky. (for example...Viv also doesn't show a deeper/ or non-basic/non-stereotyped understanding of pansexuality)
But if it was an understanding of Ace spectrum, I'll take that. Mammon being ace, but he can understand and feel comfortable with people feeling attracted to him in that kind of way, like portrayed in the sexy merch?
BUT he is the only fat character and the only one never portrayed as naked or with fewer clothes in comparison to literally all the characters (including one offs) isn't this Viv and crew searching something to not having to sexualize him like they do with all the others? The two other Ace characters in this list don't get sexualized at all (thank god, Octavia is a kid) with the idea that Ace = 0 interaction with anything sex or attraction related....
They are also only using the Ace flag? Mammon is using the color for his clothes, so it could be Demi or Grey too, I wouldn't know, but it doubts it... Demi could match his actual outfit cause of the diamond shape things are like the triangle in the flag too tho!
That he is not treated like he doesn't know how sex works is surprisingly/sadly good. When the only thing you got is how Viv treated Al in Hunicast.
(Hopefully there is no weird implication that he is only at pride as a shitty rainbow capitalism thing, and that he is not connected to the cause of pride because he is Ace and implicated as "not to being connected as much". Really don't think so, but is always a worry that there could be a treatment of you are not as LGBTQ+ because you are ace so...!)
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OCTAVIA: oh brother, I think she only got put on this because she is a minor, not to be sexualized in the heavily sexualized media. I mean, thank god.
I guess she's spilling her coffee at Stolas being sexual in the phone to Blitz in front of her, and telling them to get a room is the implication of Asexuality? Likewise, I think everyone doesn't want to hear their parent do dirty talk and attempt flirting in front of them.
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Are any of these gonna matter or have an exploration or mention it? In the same way, there is a mention of (mainly male) gayness? No.
I don't think so...
Btw also no nonbinary? No gender-fluid or... nothing? No? Damn...
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