juliocesarpedrosa · 1 year
Batalejoj kaj soldatoj
(Foto: Specna Arms, Pexels.com) Oni diras, ke…Dio sendas al la plej penigaj batalejoj la plej fortajn soldatojn.Sed ŝajne Li pensas, ke mi estas Rambo…
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usaaguy · 1 year
Chef....You published a cookbook in 2000 "Holiday Food". Have made 90% of the recipes over the years. But please verify that in your Canoli recipe on pg 45 you only use 3 tablespoons Limoncello. Can't be right! Works with 6-8 but never 3. Love the book!
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shiftythrifting · 8 months
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Vintage Dr.Suess books I've never seen before, a book by a bad man, hockey, a doll I don't care for, that's not a dove, royals merch, and a new old stock massage table I actually got.
Bibles for Missions, Value Village and the Restore in Red Deer, AB.
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feminist-space · 6 months
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fallensapphires · 24 days
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Flowers: Hibiscus
I put hibiscus flower in every cup of tea I have. It's sweet, sexy, and cleansing.
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"Ma, pusti me da vodim ljubav sa svojim željama."
Zavrti mi se u glavi, na ravnom izgubim ravnotežu, pa ponovo vraćam kontrolu tako što ih probodem oštricom.. ruke mi ne krvare, ne tresu se, sigurne u to što rade. Da li iko sme da zna kako ih vraćam u život, kad ne gledaju, kako ih spajam sa svojim telom, kako je sve u meni budno tada, kako im se prepuštam? A uplašilo bi te da znaš, kako im se samo prepuštam.
Ja bih te, u svoju odbranu, smesta spustila sa tog neba na koje si se zaputio, odsečno ti rekavši da one nemaju veze s tobom! One su moje predstave o tebi, ti to možeš biti.. i ne moraš.
U mojoj glavi si velik, ali ja mogu i da te smanjim, uništim, zgazim. Ne izazivaj me. Prepuštam se njima, ne i tebi. One su te koje mi ubrzavaju disanje, puls, čine krv koja mi struji venama vrelijom. Izvini, ali previše je varnica ugašeno u tuđim grudima, da bih te tek tako pustila blizu, meni ne treba neko koga moja vatra greje, neko ko od nje pozajmljuje i ostaje hladan. Meni treba neko ko će sa mnom u njoj da izgori, pa se sutra sa mnom ponovo rodi. Ako smeš i ako umeš da za mene budeš Feniks, ja ću biti i tvoj plamen i tvoj pepeo. 
Toliko kol'ko sam ja slaba, umeš li ti da budeš jak?
Niko do sad to nije umeo, a lepo sam rekla i hiljadu puta ću ponoviti, trebaju mi ili jači saborci ili veštiji neprijatelji, pa izvoli i izaberi. Za polovinu nisam zainteresovana i nije mi potrebna; hvala terapeutkinji na savetu da nije sve crno/belo, ali odgovorila sam i pri tome ostajem: ako nije to, ja ne bih ništa. 
I zato ti sve ovo krijem, napravim korak, pa se povučem, a ti se ne pomeraš za sad, i to me plaši. Plaši me i oduševljava u isto vreme, loži, uzbuđuje, mogućnost da si jači, još jači od onoga kakvim mogu da te zamislim. Ja ipak blefiram, a ti podižeš ulog, ne trepćeš. Iza pokerface koji ti slažem, drhtim od sve izvesnijeg ishoda da pobeđuješ, svesna da te ne puštam.. da je tvoja moć nada mnom stvarna i da sam u isto vreme sve sigurnija da neće biti destruktivna. 
Ako uz tebe vrtoglavica prestaje, a ceo život niko ne zna koliko se plašim da sam balon koji lako odleti, ako ga ne zadrže na Zemlji... Ako skidam i odeću i kožu, ako ispuštam dah i prelivam se u tebe, kao reka u more. Ako mi bodlje otpadnu, a ostanu latice. Ako sve to preživim i dozvolim, ako na kraju pustim iluziju da sam se uopšte i pitala, ako nisam više onako bahata i ohola kao kad sam rekla sve ono s početka; izvini, ja se tako razmećem da ne pomisle slučajno da sam slaba... 
U tom slučaju možda ti i priznam, jednom, da si mi se ostvario i dao mi nešto više, da si pobedio moje želje i da zbog toga zaslužuješ mesto, ne na tronu, ni na dnu, već mesto ovde. Pored mene.
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suterbuyout2024 · 11 months
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we've been playing around with erasure in my poetry class and i thought i'd take a page out of isobel o'hare's book and do a bit of erasure of pride tape coverage. this is taken from this ap news article about the ban being rescinded.
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bladesrunner · 23 days
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The whole idea of writing a blog is to get away from what I do all day. – So write a blog about cooking. – I'm not a real cook, like Julia Child or Mario Batali. – Julia Child wasn't always Julia Child.
Julie & Julia (2009) dir. Nora Ephron
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acumtv · 2 years
ȘTIRILE ACUM TV | 24-26.09.2022
ȘTIRILE ACUM TV | 24-26.09.2022
Știrile județului Bacău Iată care sunt cele mai importante titluri ale ediției: – În premieră la Gura Văii – Festivalul Antic – Bătălia dintre carpi și romani pe Via Angustia – Multiple proiecte pe fonduri europene la Onesti – Lucrari de asfaltare In Darmanesti
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
My favourite wfa episode is where Bruce leaves his comm channel open. I am sure he is not the only one to do this, so any other shenanigans of the batfam leaving comms on when they really shouldn't?
Bruce: *turns on his comms*
Dick: Are you a terabyte of data? 'Cause you've been taking up my whole memory.
Barbara: *giggles*
Bruce: *switches channels*
Steph: Can you hold my drink while I check the perimeter again?
Cass: Sure.
Cass: *sluuuurp—*
Bruce: *switch*
Tim: Relax, babe. My family's all on different missions and Alfred's flying to England in the morning. You should come over. Bart and Cassie are bringing food, Cissie's inviting a bunch of her friends, and Kon's putting on fireworks. It's gonna be the greatest party ever.
Bruce: *switch*
Damian: Shh, just stay under my cape until I give you the signal.
Damian's cape: Woof!
Bruce: *switch*
Jason: Roymeo, Roymeo, wherefore art thou Roymeo.
Roy: Motherfucker I'm right here!
Jason: This is why we're in couples therapy!
Bruce: *switch*
Kate: Who's a good bike? You are, yes you are—
Bruce: *switch*
Luke: Gordon Ramsay says pineapple doesn't belong on pizza.
Bette: I've talked to an Italian and they said it was okay, and Italians beat celebrity chef.
Helena: Well I raise you both a Mario Batali.
Harper: This is also Rock, Paper, Scissors to me.
Bruce: *switch*
Bruce: *switch*
Bruce: Alfred, I've decided on a career change.
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bawlbrayker · 7 months
A little teaser for my upcoming fic 😊
I had some amazing art made by the incredibly talented @sweetperversiongirl who made the image in my head come to life.
Ian followed Mickey down the short hallway, admiring the strong back and pert ass covered in blue denim. They entered the bedroom, and Mickey turned to toss the black bundle at Ian, hitting him fair in the chest. “What’s this?” “While you were being all Mario Batali and playing chef, thinking with your wallet and your stomach, I was thinking with my dick, and grabbed these.” Ian shook out the bundle, unrolling a pair of leather chaps. He flipped them over in his hands to confirm… yep… assless leather chaps. 
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theygotlost · 3 months
but for real if you think taako is some kind of skinny twink youre insane. he's a master chef tv personality. he's got the mario batali build. the guy fieri realness. he IS the cake boss
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coraniaid · 3 months
Who do you think tended to be consistently the strongest and weakest writers on the Buffy staff? [With the obvious caveat that TV writing is collaborative of course.]
Looking only at writers who are credited with at least five episodes so that we've got a decent sized sample of their writing (and, as you say, pretending for the sake of the argument that each episode was written entirely by the writer named in its credits), our long list is:
Dean Batali and Rob Des Hotel co-wrote five episodes together, starting with Season 1's Never Kill A Boy On The First Date and ending with Season 2's Killed By Death
Jane Espenson wrote twenty-three episodes, starting with Season 3's Band Candy and ending with Season 7's End Of Days (co-written with Doug Petrie)
David Fury wrote seventeen episodes, starting with Season 2's Go Fish (co-written with Elin Hampton) and ending with Season 7's Lies My Parents Told Me (co-written with Drew Goddard)
Drew Goddard wrote or co-wrote five episodes, all in Season 7, starting with Selfless and ending with Dirty Girls.
Drew Z. Greenberg wrote six episodes, starting with Season 6's Smashed and ending with Season 7's Empty Places
David Greenwalt wrote eight episodes, starting with Season 1's Teacher's Pet and ending with Season 3's Homecoming
Rebecca Rand Kirshner wrote eight episodes, starting with Season 5's Out Of My Mind and ending with Season 7's Touched
Steven S. Knight wrote five episodes, starting with Season 5's Blood Ties and ending with Season 6's Seeing Red
Marti Noxon wrote twenty-three episodes, starting with Season 2's What's My Line? (Part 1) (co-written with Howard Gordon) and ending with Season 7's Bring On The Night (co-written with Doug Petrie)
Doug Petrie wrote seventeen episodes, starting with Season 3's Revelations and ending with Season 7's End Of Days (co-written with Jane Espenson)
Joss Whedon wrote twenty-seven episodes, starting with Season 1's Welcome to the Hellmouth and ending with Season 7's Chosen
Unfortunately for people who like to claim that being a good person and being a good artist are correlated, I think it's pretty much indisputable that Joss Whedon was consistently the best Buffy writer. As well as every season opener and season finale except for Season 5's Buffy vs Dracula and both Season 6's Bargaining and Grave, Whedon-written episodes include Lie To Me, Innocence, Doppelgangland, Hush, Who Are You?, Family, The Body and Once More With Feeling. You could easily make a plausible top ten of Buffy episodes without picking episodes written by anybody else.
It's true that Whedon has a very particular style, that his characters all tend to default to speaking in a certain way and that he is a lot better at mood and metaphor than tight, multi-layed plotting. I'm not sure this is an approach that necessarily works well outside of the show (as well as easy targets like Avengers 2 or Whedon's bizarre Wonder Woman script or whatever was going on in the post-Chosen comics, I should admit I don't think fan-favorite Firefly is very good either), and by all accounts he's a pretty terrible human being as well, but as a writer on Buffy I think his work is consistently very good. The worst Whedon-written episodes are probably the opening two parter, Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest, Season 1's Nightmares and Season 3's Amends, and I think it's a stretch to call any of them bad episodes.
Of the other good Buffy writers ... well, I wouldn't be much of a Faith fan if I didn't mention Doug Petrie (whose best episodes include Revelations, This Year's Girl, No Place Like Home and Fool For Love), but I think his Season 6 and Season 7 episodes are quite a bit weaker. I'm not a huge fan of Season 4's The Initiative either.
Marti Noxon had as big an influence as anyone on the show other than Whedon, but 'consistent' is not the word I'd use to describe her. Her best epsiodes (I Only Have Eyes For You, Consequences, The Prom, Forever, Bargaining) are fantastic, her worst ... well, she wrote the worst two episodes of Season 3 (Dead Man's Party and Beauty and the Beasts), she wrote Buffy vs Dracula (which I know some people love but I can't stand at all) and she wrote (or cowrote) Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered and Doomed and Into the Woods (all three of which, I think, would be in the running for a list of the show's worst ten episodes).
I think Petrie and Noxon are probably the show's best two writers after Whedon. I know a lot of people really rate Jane Espenson's work, and I do like a lot of her episodes (Earshot and Band Candy are both very good), but she also wrote some real stinkers (Pangs, A New Man and ... again, Doomed). She doesn't quite have any real knockout episodes, for my money.
Worst writer is a more hotly contested category.
David Fury wrote (or co-wrote) Lies My Parents Told Me and Go Fish (and, not to keep banging on about it, Doomed) which is a pretty good claim to the title of "worst writer", but he also wrote Helpless, Choices, Fear Itself and Real Me and at least co-wrote Bargaining. So I don't think, hand on heart, that he can possibly be the worst Buffy writer. Certainly not consistently so.
David Greenwalt wrote (or co-wrote, with Whedon) School Hard and Ted and Faith, Hope & Trick and Homecoming, all very good episodes. But he also wrote Teacher's Pet, which .... uh.
Probably the consistently weakest writers are the ones who didn't really write anything dreadful but also never wrote anything particular amazing.
Dean Batali and Rob des Hotel's worst episode is the forgetable Killed By Death, and I'm not sure I could tell you what their best episode is. Never Kill A Boy On The First Date, maybe? I think I like that one more than most people do.
From the other end of the show's run, there's Drew Z Greenberg, whose worst episode is probably a tie between Him and Empty Places and whose best episode is ... uh. Entropy, maybe? And David Goddard, who only wrote for the show's worst season and who managed to cowrite Lies My Parents Told Me, easily the show's worst ever episode (and I am not as much of a fan of Selfless as many people, although I'd agree it's certainly his best work).
It's no secret that Season 7 is my least favorite season, and while I don't think Season 1 is objectively great, it -- and the early parts of Season 2 -- have a certain nostalgic charm I don't really get from the rest of the show. So I guess I'd pick one of the Drews, either Greenberg or Goddard, if I had to pick a single worst writer. Or fail to pick one, as it happens, because I can't pick between them.
Though I think the absolute best sign that an episode is likely to be a stinker is if it's credited to more than one writer, especially writers who don't normally write as a team. There are a handful of exceptions -- Conversations With Dead People comes to mind -- but on the hand you've got 'classics' like The Pack and Go Fish and Flooded and Life Serial and Sleeper and Bring On The Night and Lies My Parents Told Me and End Of Days. That's a pretty consistent list of dubious to terrible episodes right there.
Oh, and don't forget Doomed, the only episode of the show officially credited to three different writers. Have I mentioned that I don't like Doomed? Because I really don't like Doomed.
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bread-bastard · 9 months
You know, I find it so hilarious how Brian is somewhat made out by the game as the near-perfect option, mostly because he brings the best benefits for Amanda.
Every family has varying color schemes, but Amanda's green, which is also Brian and Daisy's color.
Amanda mentions that she wants a dog with a handkerchief around its neck, and Brian's dog does.
Out of all the cul-de-sac kids, Amanda gets along with Daisy the best.
We also delve into Dadsona's character and backstory a lot more in Brian's route than in the others (although I could be wrong, since I haven't played about half of the other routes!)
And as a funny bonus, in Damien's third date when Mary draws out a map of the cul-de-sac, she codenames Brian as "Mario Batali", which is Dadsona's celebrity crush.
All of this, but Dadsona is made out to initially hate Brian's guts. He is literally the only character in the game who fails to see that this man is a walking green flag and that's so funny to me
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olliethescribe · 11 months
I know that Rupert Swaggart (Meat Sweats) is based on Gordon Ramsey but he’s also based on Mario Batali and it’s painfully obvious in his human form
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Why Mario Batali of all chefs? The guy is an American with bad fashion sense and barely counts as a famous chef anymore - it’s such an odd inspiration for Rupert since he’s a British tv chef - oh well, it’s very interesting
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
The cooking show will be interesting. I wonder which one she’s ripping off. Martha Stewart, Ina Garten, and Rachel Ray are probably the most likely ones since they were big in the ‘90s (aka Meghan’s ideal decade). But Selena Gomez and Florence Pugh are popular among the youth with their down-to-earth/slightly chaotic shows. But Anthony Bourdain (RIP) and Stanley Tucci are popular in the wine mom/Goop crowd Meghan is going after.
I say Bourdain. After all, Anthony Bourdain was Meghan's self-admitted OG travel/foodie show muse from way back. A Martha or Ina rip-off would require far too much work and actual expertise (in her mind). Although she may begin like them, based in one location (Montecito/Casa Olive Garden/the "American Riviera"), imo she'd love ultimately to expand into a Bourdain-type international travel/foodie show. I think she thinks that an on-the-road travel/foodie show would be easy-peasy for her (eating, drinking, traveling, word-salading on camera), while the producers and crew do all the bts heavy lifting. Remember when Gwyneth and the disgraced Mario Batali did something similar, traveling through sunny Spain, eating tapas and drinking sherry all day and night? WCK's Jose Andres did the same type of show recently with his daughters. The Tig was Megs' discount attempt to materialize an offer for a similar gig.
Of course, the reality is that the success of Bourdain and his iconic shows - just like Martha's and Ina's - required intense work and decades of culinary expertise and experience, not to mention personal charisma to burn ...none of which Meghan has.
(PS: "Slightly chaotic" is a perfect description for Selena + Chef! I loved her early show with Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli (sp?), in which Selena showed up in the kitchen wearing a white pinafore dress lol. But she's authentic and eager to learn, bless her heart, and brings in a young viewership.)
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