#Basmati Rice Calories
alishaanbasmatirice · 2 years
Looking for the perfect Basmati rice that combines great taste, aroma, and texture? Look no further than Alishaan Indian Basmati Rice! Our premium quality rice is sourced from the finest paddy fields of India, and carefully aged for optimal flavor and aroma.
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Better taste for the secret meal. Enjoy rice delicacies every day. We Our Basmati Rice Company manufactures, supplies, and exports a wide range of Basmati Rice tastes. Each grain is hand-picked and processed with care.
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thedesiretobepretty · 10 months
Food Log 27th November 2023
Day 1 of the Get Worse Diet
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Calorie Limit: 1400
I'm doing intermittent fasting, either 16:8 or 18:6, depending on my schedule.
I did 18:6 today
Cooked Plain Basmati Rice, 104g : 91 cals
Raw Chinese Cabbage, 117g : 15 cals
Steamed eggs, 108g : 154 cals
4 fish and veggie nuggets : 154 cals
Lunch Total: 414 calories
6 Oreos: 316 cals
Golden Delicious Apple, 137g : 71 cals
Cup of Black tea with 5g sugar and 74ml of whole milk (my family won't buy skimmed :[ ): 66 cals
Snacks Total: 453 calories
I definitely need to snack less....
Chocolate Protein Pudding : 159 calories
Dinner Total: 159 calories
Total Calories Consumed: 1026
Total Calories Burned: 113
Net Calories: 913
Steps: 2296
Water Intake: 2100ml
I'm not quite used to eating over 1000 calories a day, so I ended up eating less. Life is Life.
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ricoydelicioso · 11 months
High Protein Chicken Shawarma Rice Bowls! ONLY 490 CALORIES!🍗🥙🔥
High Protein Chicken Shawarma Rice Bowls! ONLY 490 CALORIES!🍗🥙🔥
This might just be the best chicken & rice recipe i’ve made, juicy shawarma chicken paired with golden fluffy rice, my delicious spicy samurai sauce and yogurt cucumber mix🤌🏽🔥 @jalalsamfit
Macros per serving (4 total)
488 Calories | 45g Protein | 42g Carbs | 14g Fat
Ingredients (4 servings)
750g Chicken Breast cut into thinner fillet slices
4-5 Minced Garlic Cloves
2 tsp Onion Powder
2 tsp Dried Parsley
2 tsp Smoked Paprika
1.5 tsp Salt & Pepper
2 tsp Cumin
3/4 Lemon Juice
40g Light Butter (for cooking all pieces)
Spicy Samurai Sauce
200g Low Fat Greek Yogurt (Brand: Milbona)
100g Light Mayo (Brand: Hellmanns)
25-30g any Hot Sauce (I used Sauce Shop Buffalo Sauce)
1/2 tsp Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Onion Powder, Paprika
1/4 Lemon Juice
Cucumber Yogurt Mix
100g Greek Yogurt
Chopped Cucumbers & Tomatoes
Season to taste Salt, Garlic, Cumin
Fresh Parsley
Golden Rice
200g Uncooked Basmati Rice (140g Cooked Rice per serving)
1 tsp Turmeric, Paprika, Salt, Cumin
Find More Easy & Delicious Recipes like this in my Digital Cookbook!👨‍🍳📖
Important Cooking Notes
When cooking the chicken make sure it’s on medium heat. Use cooking spray or olive oil if preferred
Make the golden rice before cooking the chicken
You can make the Samurai Sauce and Cucumber Yogurt mix in bulk and store separately. Only add to your meal when ready to eat
Reheat the rice and chicken separately to the other components
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amsjourney · 5 months
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did a 22h 25m fast.
definitely could have went longer but my family made me dinner.
had 3 cups of water so far, aiming for 9 by tonight.
+1 more water 18:42= 4 cups
+2 more waters 18:58= 6 cups
+1 more water 19:57= 7 cups
+1 more water 20:25= 8 cups
+1 more water 21:04= 9 cups🎉🎉
+1 more water 21:43= 10 cups
+1 more water 23:31= 11 cups
10-15 min light weightlifting.
5,637 steps/minimum 10,000😕
-136 calories
(trying to go on another walk later today)
food: 500 calories worth of basmati rice and sweet and sour chicken.
so day 2 result:
287-319 calories eaten
hopefully i can go on another walk to burn them off today or i can do some at home workouts.
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healthcoach95 · 9 months
Can I eat rice during weight loss?
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In the mission for viable weight reduction, dietary decisions are crucial in molding results. As people set out on their weight reduction venture, a typical inquiry that emerges is whether rice, a dietary staple for some, can be remembered for their routine. This article tries to disentangle the intricacies encompassing the utilization of rice during weight reduction, offering a far-reaching investigation of its healthful effect and importance in a reasonable eating regimen.
Understanding the complexities of carbs is critical in exploring the scene of weight the executives. This part presents the principal job that carbs play in the body, recognizing perplexing and straightforward assortments, and digging into the effect of refined sugars on weight. Against this setting, the spotlight goes to rice, a flexible and generally consumed grain, known for its different assortments.
The presentation makes way for a nuanced conversation, prodding the peruser with the focal inquiry: "Could I at any point eat rice during weight reduction?" By laying out the meaning of dietary decisions and the resulting investigation of rice's nourishing substance and job, the presentation prepares for a quick and proof-based venture through the complexities of weight reduction and rice utilization.
The Job of Sugars in Weight Reduction:
Sugars, frequently examined for weight reduction, act as an urgent energy hotspot for the body. Understanding their job is essential to settling on informed dietary decisions. Complex sugars, found in food varieties like entire grains, vegetables, and vegetables, are rich in fiber and give supported energy. Conversely, basic carbs, predominant in sweet bites and refined grains, offer fast eruptions of energy however miss the mark on satiety given by their complicated partners.
In chasing weight reduction, the sort and nature of starches consumed play a significant part. Choosing complex starches manages glucose levels, diminishing the probability of energy accidents and desires. Refined starches, then again, add to weight gain because of their fast assimilation and effect on insulin levels.
To work out some kind of harmony, people holding back nothing ought to zero in on integrating complex sugars into their eating regimen while directing the admission of refined choices. This part investigates the nuanced connection between sugars and weight the executives, offering experiences into the effect of various carb types on by and large wellbeing and the viability of manageable weight reduction procedures.
Grasping Rice as a Staple Food:
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Rice remains a dietary foundation for millions around the world, giving a huge wellspring of food and nourishment. This part digs into the assorted universe of rice, investigating its different sorts and dietary profiles. From long-grain basmati to short-grain arborio, rice arrives in a variety of assortments, each contributing unmistakable flavors, surfaces, and supplement pieces to culinary scenes around the world.
Healthfully, rice is a perplexing carb, providing fundamental energy for regular physical processes. It is especially wealthy in carbs, transcendently as starch, which offers a promptly accessible wellspring of energy. Also, rice gives significant micronutrients like manganese, selenium, and B nutrients, adding to general well-being and prosperity.
Segment control turns into a vital viewpoint while grasping rice's job in a weight reduction setting. While calorie-thick, integrating rice into a reasonable eating routine can be gainful because of its flexibility and capacity to supplement different protein and vegetable pairings. In addition, the fiber content in brown and entire grain rice assortments upgrades satiety and helps processing, making them great decisions for those exploring weight reduction.
In rundown, grasping rice as a staple food includes perceiving its different assortments and healthful traits. This segment means to engage perusers with information about the nourishing subtleties of rice, empowering them to come to informed conclusions about its consideration in their dietary plans, especially about weight reduction.
The Association Among Rice and Weight Reduction:
The connection between rice utilization and weight reduction is diverse, including contemplations of part control, rice type, and generally speaking dietary equilibrium. Studies have investigated the effect of rice on weight the of executives, uncovering that the vital lies with some restraint and the fuse of better rice assortments.
Adjusting caloric admission is pivotal, and understanding part control is vital for successful weight reduction. While rice is energy-thick, it is essential for a reasonable eating regimen when consumed in suitable sums. Incorporating earthy-colored rice, entire grain rice, or other raw assortments can additionally improve the health benefit, as these choices contain more fiber, nutrients, and minerals contrasted with their refined partners.
The satiety factor is fundamental in the association between rice and weight reduction. Consolidating rice with protein sources and vegetables can make a balanced, fulfilling feast that checks to crave and supports weight the board objectives. Moreover, picking cooking techniques that hold the wholesome uprightness of rice, for example, steaming or bubbling, adds to a better general eating routine.
This segment means to unwind the intricacies of the association between rice and weight reduction, giving proof-based bits of knowledge into how people can appreciate rice as a component of a fair and viable weight reduction methodology. It underscores the significance of careful decisions and an all-encompassing way to deal with dietary preparation.
Ways to integrate Rice into a Weight reduction Diet:
Practice Piece Control:
Segment control is crucial while integrating rice into a weight-reduction diet. Estimating servings and settling on more modest parts assist with overseeing calorie consumption while as yet partaking in this staple food.
Pick Entire Grain Assortments:
Pick entire grain rice, earthy-colored rice, or other crude assortments. These choices hold more fiber, nutrients, and minerals contrasted with their refined partners, advancing satiety and supporting generally speaking well-being.
Offset with Protein and Vegetables:
Make adjusted feasts by consolidating rice with lean protein sources like chicken, fish, or vegetables. Changing it up of vivid vegetables improves the healthful profile of the feast and expands its fiber content, adding to a sensation of completion.
Careful Cooking Strategies:
Embrace cooking techniques that hold the healthful trustworthiness of rice. Steaming, bubbling, or using a rice cooker are better choices than searing or inordinate oil-based cooking techniques.
Consider Dinner Timing:
Consuming rice before the day or around times of expanded active work can support using the energy productively, keeping an abundance of calories from being put away as fat.
Explore different avenues regarding Different Rice Types:
Investigate the assorted universe of rice by attempting various sorts, for example, basmati, jasmine, or wild rice. Every assortment brings remarkable flavors and surfaces, changing up your eating routine and keeping dinners intriguing.
By consolidating these tips, people can appreciate rice as a feature of a weight reduction diet, guaranteeing that it adds to a reasonable and fulfilling wholesome arrangement.
Normal Misinterpretations About Rice and Weight Reduction:
Rice Causes Weight Gain:
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One pervasive confusion is that rice innately prompts weight gain. In all actuality, it's the unnecessary utilization or matching with fatty, undesirable backups that add to weight issues. At the point when eaten with some restraint and with careful decisions, rice can be important for a solid weight reduction diet.
All Rice is Healthfully Equivalent:
Not everything rice is made equivalent. White rice, while a typical decision, comes up short on fiber and supplements tracked down in brown and entire grain assortments. Picking the right sort of rice is essential for a decent eating routine and compelling weight the executives.
Rice Ought to be Killed for Weight Reduction:
Another confusion proposes that removing rice is vital for weight reduction. Notwithstanding, rice can be a significant wellspring of energy and supplements when consumed with some restraint and as a feature of a balanced eating regimen.
Rice Generally Spikes Glucose:
While white rice can cause a quick expansion in glucose levels, consolidating brown or entire-grain rice mitigates this impact because of its higher fiber content. The critical lies in pursuing educated decisions and understanding the effect of different rice assortments on glucose.
By exposing these normal confusions, this segment expects to enable people to make informed decisions about integrating rice into their weight reduction venture, underlining balance, and the significance of picking supplement thick assortments.
Customizing Your Weight Reduction Excursion:
Perceiving that there is no size-fits-all way to deal with weight reduction is a principal part of customizing the excursion. People have one-of-a-kind body types, metabolic rates, and way of life contemplations, making customization critical for supportable achievement.
Figure out Individual Necessities:
Fitting a weight reduction plan starts with understanding individual requirements, including dietary inclinations, medical issues, and movement levels. This guarantees that the picked approach lines up with individual objectives and advances adherence.
Interview with Experts:
Looking for direction from nutritionists or dietitians considers a customized evaluation. These experts can give bits of knowledge into explicit nourishing necessities, helping plan an arrangement that ideally upholds weight reduction without compromising by and large well-being.
Consider Social and Way of Life Variables:
Social inclinations and way of life requirements assume a critical part in planning a customized weight reduction system. Adjusting dietary decisions to line up with social standards and tracking down ways of coordinating sound practices into day-to-day existence improves the manageability of the arrangement.
Preliminary and Change:
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A customized approach includes a level of experimentation. People ought to be available to try different things with various food varieties, feast timings, and workout schedules while focusing on how their bodies answer. Normal changes in light of criticism add to long-haul achievement.
Embrace Individual Advancement:
Celebrating individual advancement, regardless of how little, is essential for keeping up with inspiration. Customizing the weight reduction venture includes putting forth sensible objectives and recognizing accomplishments, cultivating a positive mentality towards manageable way of life changes.
All in all, customizing the weight reduction venture is tied in with recognizing singularity and making an arrangement that lines up with special necessities, inclinations, and conditions. This approach advances a  more supportable and successful way to accomplish and keep a sound weight
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sunnflow3rs · 1 year
a lil dinner idea 4 me to remember 😋😋 it’s a lazy one cause i’m tired
i luuuv this recipe when it’s cold and i’m not in the mood to make something too much. involves proteins and veg! ☺️
🍚• 70g white basmati rice - 94cal
🥒• 102g cucumber - 15cal
🍗• 34g cooked chicken - 56cal
🧈• 1tsp butter - 34cal
🌶️• (optional) some sriracha
🍋• (optional) some lemon juice, salt and pepper
❤️‍🔥total (without sriracha): 199cal
*insert picture i don’t have 😪*
1. start by steaming your rice in a pot 🍚 add salt to taste🧂
2. next, dice your cucumber 🥒 and place in a bowl to add lemon, salt and pepper🧂🍋 (once again, optional)
3. also chop your chicken into small pieces! 🍗
4. once your rice is done, mix in butter until melted and put on bowl/plate and move to side to put cucumber and chicken on other side of the plate 💘
5. (optional) drizzle some sriracha on top of the rice (not sure if this is normal but i do it and LOVE it 😁)
AND ENJOYYYY !!!🩷🩷 this meal is so filling it makes it hard to believe how low the calories are 😩
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alishaanbasmatirice · 2 years
Basmati Rice Calories
Basmati rice is a long grain, aromatic rice that is commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. One cup (158g) of cooked Basmati rice contains approximately 205 calories. It is a good source of carbohydrates, providing 44g per serving, and is relatively low in fat, with only 1.5g per serving. Basmati rice is also a good source of thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6. It is important to note that the calorie count can vary based on the cooking method and any added ingredients.
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willowthinblog-blog · 2 years
Tuna Bibimbap (266cals)
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Was really craving a bowl of bibimbap today, so here's how I made mine! Keep in mind this could EASILY be less calories with more/different veggies, light soy sauce, etc, but I only had a few ingredients in my fridge.
1/2 basmati minute rice cup (105cals)
1/4 cup finely chopped carrots (13cals)
1/4 cup finely chopped cucumber (4cals)
1/4 tin of light flaked tuna (30cals)
1 medium boiled egg sliced (65cals)
1tbsp gochujang (33cals)
1tsp soy sauce (7cals)
1/2 tsp sesame seeds (9cals)
Total: 266cals
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dogstarblues · 1 year
took care of more tax stuff
rested my hands
read and highlighted Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Decolonizing the Mind for my thesis
hung out with friends
reached out to an irl friend
ate two slices of my herby bread for breakfast with coffee
made basmati rice topped with cabbage and tahini butter for lunch
am now about a third of the way done with The Salt Grows Heavy
went to the grocery store to buy groceries!
discussion of my ED wrapped up with my intentions under the cut
intentions for tonight:
eat something. anything in my apartment that i'm not allergic to. any of the groceries i just bought. eat more than a third of a teaspoon of raspberry sorbetto. i ate very little today. two slices of bread, a half cup of cabbage, and some rice. that like. 600 calories. that's not enough. i think i might be backsliding or relapsing. i hope im not?? this is the last i'm gonna try to post about calories on here or mention them but. yeah im not doing well tonight. i think i had a really tough day full of anxiety and this culminated.
shower. i think showering will fix me.
brush my teeth
side note: sometimes i don't mind being Mad but sometimes Madness really fucks with me. this brought to you by my ED grabbing onto trauma from homelessness to prevent me from eating in order to "save money." so. that's fun. i'm having trouble showering now too. i'm gonna ask my roommate for help (he is partially my caregiver after all) but. yeah.
groceries just cost so fucking much tho it's unreal. like. anyway.
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myf00djournal · 1 year
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Tuesday 🥱
I am absolutely exhausted today. I was feeling sleepy even on the way into work and it stayed like a haze.
Trained this morning - bench and single leg b stance RDL with accessories
Two eggs on two slices of toast
Coffee (cafe untracked)
Banana protein pudding
Babybel protein cheese
Pasta for lunch - basil pesto mushroom bacon
One Roses chocolate
Dinner was Moroccan chicken and basmati rice. Had a bread roll with it because I was hungry as
Sugar free hot chocolate sachet w some mini marshies
Much happier with my macros and higher calories today. About 2300. Hoping this higher quality energy will help me feel more lively tomorrow.
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nancypullen · 2 years
Countertop Eve
 I’m as excited as a kid at Christmas. We get our countertops tomorrow! After nine months in this house the kitchen will be finished! I spend a big chunk of my time in that room and it will finally feel like mine.  I cook a lot, I mean a lot, and I like my work space to be pretty and functional.  I don’t think that’s asking too much. These new countertops will stand the test of time. Since we’re on the topic of kitchens and cooking. I have decided that I am part elephant...or maybe panda. They eat tons of veggies and stay plump, and I am living proof that humans can do that too.  Most of my snacks and meals are made up of fruits and veggies.  This is what my cart typically looks like when I’m shopping -
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Top to bottom - a bag of apples, blueberries, bananas, broccoli, green beans, romaine, 2 packages zucchini, carrots, celery, there’s a bag of basmati rice, two pounds of lean ground turkey, chicken breasts, and salmon.  Those two cans are extras to go into a big pot of vegetable soup.  Did I also cruise down the candy aisle and pick up a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt? Guilty.  But that cart usually feeds us for a about a week.  It’s not keeping me thin, but it is keeping me healthy. Knock on wood!  I guess I’ll have to be content with that. Quick snack - just cukes with a tiny sprinkle of Maldon salt. I love baby cukes and a big bag is usually under three bucks.
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Those green beans? I’ll roast a bunch and eat ‘em for lunch. I spritz just a little olive oil, a sprinkle of sea salt, and then a few shakes of this black urfa chili.  It creates a deep, almost smoky flavor.
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I roast them until they’re blistered then I squirt a half tablespoon of garlic aioli (yes, I know I could make my own, but this is soooo easy) into a dish for dipping. I swirl it around to make it look like more - who do I think I’m fooling? It’s delicious.   So 45 calories for the aioli and whatever is in that spritz of olive oil. I probably burn 45 calories loading the dishwasher. 
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  Here’s a more fattening veggie dish, but not by much. Slice some zucchini lengthwise, lightly salt it, and leave it to sweat for about 20 minutes. Dab off the water.
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Spray a pan with olive oil and plop them in face down until they’re nice and brown.  
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Turn them over and pop them into a 400 degree oven for a few minutes. While that cooks, grab some fatty and flavorful toppings.  I chose reduced-fat feta, red pepper flakes, and my bff, garlic aioli.  No, I don’t eat it every day. Only on days when I want to be happy.
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A schmear of aioli on the plate is enough.
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An extra  sprinkle of red pepper flakes doesn’t hurt either.  When your zucchini is done (we’re talking just a few minutes, you don’t want it mushy!) plate it and give it a crumble of feta and more flakes.
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This was a delicious and filling lunch.  Just because I followed it with a square of dark chocolate for dessert doesn’t negate the fact that my lunch was less than 200 calories; 45-ish for the aioli, about the same for the feta, and then the olive oil.   One medium zucchini is 33 calories. I probably burned that while cooking it.  The feta is a good source of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus - so it’s almost medicine, right?  Like I said, I’m round but very healthy.
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That said, it’s time for more water and something yummy for lunch.  Dinner tonight is salmon and roasted broccoli.  Lunch is probably going to be veggies.  Mostly because it’s good for me, but also because my husband can’t stay out of Craft Bakery!!
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I think he’s trying to kill me.  He went out this morning to take photos and came home with a haul from the bakery.  My only real weaknesses there are her quiche and the blackout cookies.   This plate doesn’t tempt me.  The quiche is roasted potato, caramelized onion, and cheddar and it’s sitting in the frig calling my name. Pray for my salvation.
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Me too, Mae, me too. With that in mind I’m going outside in the sunny 46 degree weather to try to clean up that scraggly tree line and pull some ivy off trees.  I can’t hear the siren song of the frig out there.  I’m thinking of spring and what I want to see when I look out the windows to that back yard.  My itty bitty Jane Magnolia has buds, it survived the winter!  In a few years I’ll have a pretty pink tree out there.  If I want to live to see it I’ll avoid the quiche.  My good genetics can only carry me so far. I hope that you’re having a lovely Thursday and can get outside and turn your face to the sun. We’re already seeing longer days and I’m a fan.  There are daffodils up all over town and that always puts me in a sunny frame of mind. March up here came in like a lamb, so she may exit like a lion - but her sweeter sister, April, is waiting in the wings.  Here comes the sun, folks!
Sending you love & sunshine! Nancy
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bodyposi-af · 2 years
Braised Lamb Shanks
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Braising lamb shanks might sound a little intimidating, but honestly, it couldn't be easier. After a quick sear, the oven does all the work for you! Lamb shanks can tend to be a tougher cut of meat so to get tender, fall off the bone lamb, it works best to cook them low and slow. They'll braise in a savory tomato sauce that gives the meat so much flavor and the sauce becomes extra silky after the wine and butter gets stirred in. You'll have the most comforting dinner you've had all year! Serve it along side some mashed potatoes to soak up all that sauce or over basmati rice. 
If your lamb shanks are on the bigger side they may need extra time in the oven. Check to see that the meat is fork tender and don't be nervous to keep going until it is. You'll be so glad for the extra time! 
Looking for a different type of lamb? Try our Lamb Roast! 
6 lamb shanks
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
4 tbsp. butter, divided
1 onion, chopped
2 medium carrots, peeled and finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp. tomato paste
2 c. low-sodium beef broth
1 (15-oz.) can tomato sauce
2 sprigs rosemary
1 c. red wine
Mashed potatoes, for serving
Step 1Preheat oven to 350°. Season lamb shanks with salt and pepper. In a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add lamb and cook until golden all over, about 4 minutes per side. Work in batches as necessary. Remove lamb from pot and place on a plate. 
Step 2In the pot, melt 2 tablespoons butter over medium heat. Add onion and carrots and cook until soft, 4 minutes. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 1 minute more, then add tomato paste and stir until vegetables are coated. 
Step 3Pour in broth and tomato sauce, then return lamb shanks to pot. Add rosemary and bring to a boil. Cover and transfer to oven. Cook until lamb shanks are completely tender, 2 hours.
Step 4Remove lamb from pot and place on a cutting board. Tent with foil to keep warm. Discard rosemary. 
Step 5Return pot to stove over medium heat. Add wine and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer until thickened, 10 minutes. Stir in remaining 2 tablespoons butter. 
Step 6Serve lamb with mashed potatoes and spoon sauce on top.
Nutrition (per serving): 433 calories, 37 g protein, 9 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 37 g fat, 16 g saturated fat, 846 mg sodium
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doodleninasposts · 2 years
Food Log 9/12/22
Breakfast :
20g Exquisa Cream Cheese (50cal)
2 Rice cakes (52cal)
Lunch :
110g Leftover Basmati Rice (148cal)
4g Maggi (3cal)
250g Cherry Tomatoes (38cal)
+ Adventcalender Chocalate (48cal)
Intake : 338 cal
Burned off : 508cal
Overall an Okay-day for my taste it's a bit to close to my set calorie limit (which is 350cal). Also had to motivate myself quite a bit today to work out... But I did it, worked out twice a day.
Also here is the tracker for today and yesterday since i forgot it yesterday.
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shrilalmahal1 · 8 days
Health Benefits of Non-Basmati Rice
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Rice is a staple food in many cultures worldwide, providing essential nutrients and energy for billions of people. While Basmati rice often steals the spotlight for its aroma and long grains, non-Basmati rice varieties have their own unique set of qualities, including numerous health benefits. Non-Basmati rice encompasses a wide range of varieties, from short-grain and medium-grain types to red, black, and brown rice. These varieties are not only versatile but also packed with nutrients that promote overall health and well-being. In this blog, we will delve into the health benefits of non-Basmati rice, emphasizing why it deserves a place in your diet.
1. Rich in Essential Nutrients
Non-Basmati rice varieties are often rich in essential nutrients, particularly in their unpolished or whole-grain forms. Brown non-Basmati rice, for instance, retains its bran and germ layers, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Some key nutrients found in non-Basmati rice include:
Carbohydrates: A primary source of energy for the body.
Fiber: Promotes healthy digestion and helps prevent constipation.
Vitamins B1, B3, and B6: Essential for energy production, brain function, and maintaining healthy skin and muscles.
Magnesium: Supports muscle and nerve function and helps maintain a healthy immune system.
Iron: Aids in the production of hemoglobin, which is necessary for transporting oxygen in the blood.
Non-Basmati rice varieties, especially whole-grain types like brown or red rice, are more nutrient-dense than polished white rice.
2. Supports Digestive Health
Non-Basmati rice, particularly brown and red varieties, is high in dietary fiber. Fiber is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It adds bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract and reducing the risk of constipation. Additionally, fiber acts as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for overall health, as it influences digestion, nutrient absorption, and even mental well-being.
Whole-grain non-Basmati rice also has a low glycemic index (GI), meaning it releases glucose into the bloodstream slowly. This helps prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, making it a better choice for individuals with diabetes or those trying to manage their blood sugar.
3. Heart Health Benefits
Incorporating non-Basmati rice, particularly whole-grain varieties, into your diet can benefit heart health. The high fiber content in brown and red rice has been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels. Fiber binds to cholesterol in the digestive system and helps remove it from the body, preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Lower cholesterol levels are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
Additionally, non-Basmati rice is low in saturated fats, which can contribute to heart disease when consumed in excess. By replacing high-fat, processed foods with fiber-rich, whole-grain rice, you may lower your risk of cardiovascular issues and improve overall heart health.
4. Aids in Weight Management
Non-Basmati rice can be a valuable addition to a weight management plan. Whole-grain varieties like brown rice are more filling than refined white rice due to their higher fiber content. This means that consuming whole-grain non-Basmati rice can help you feel full for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating or snacking on unhealthy foods between meals.
Furthermore, the complex carbohydrates in non-Basmati rice are digested more slowly, providing a steady release of energy and preventing sudden hunger pangs. This can be especially beneficial for those looking to control their calorie intake and maintain a healthy weight.
5. Supports Blood Sugar Control
Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for individuals with diabetes, and non-Basmati rice can play a role in achieving this. Brown and red non-Basmati rice varieties have a lower glycemic index compared to white rice, meaning they have a more gradual impact on blood sugar levels. This slow digestion helps prevent rapid spikes in blood glucose, which can be particularly harmful to those with type 2 diabetes.
The fiber in non-Basmati rice further aids in blood sugar control by slowing the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. For this reason, non-Basmati rice can be a healthier option for individuals who need to manage their blood sugar levels or are at risk of developing diabetes.
6. High in Antioxidants
Some varieties of non-Basmati rice, such as red and black rice, are rich in antioxidants. These compounds help protect the body from oxidative stress, which can damage cells and contribute to aging and the development of chronic diseases. Anthocyanins, the pigments that give red and black rice their distinctive colors, are potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.
Consuming antioxidant-rich foods like non-Basmati rice can help reduce inflammation in the body, lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and support overall health and longevity.
7. Gluten-Free and Suitable for Celiac Disease
Non-Basmati rice is naturally gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Unlike wheat-based products, non-Basmati rice does not contain gluten, a protein that can cause digestive issues and other symptoms in individuals with gluten intolerance. Rice is a versatile and safe carbohydrate source for those following a gluten-free diet, and it can be used in a variety of dishes, from pilafs to stir-fries.
8. Promotes Bone Health
Magnesium, found in significant quantities in non-Basmati rice, is essential for maintaining healthy bones. Along with calcium and vitamin D, magnesium supports bone density and helps prevent conditions like osteoporosis. Consuming magnesium-rich foods like non-Basmati rice can contribute to stronger bones and reduce the risk of fractures as you age.
Additionally, brown non-Basmati rice contains phosphorus, another important mineral for bone health. Phosphorus works in conjunction with calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth, making non-Basmati rice a beneficial addition to a bone-healthy diet.
9. Boosts Energy Levels
Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy, and non-Basmati rice provides a steady supply of complex carbohydrates that fuel physical and mental activity. The slow release of energy from whole-grain non-Basmati rice helps maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day, preventing the energy crashes that can occur after consuming simple sugars or refined grains.
For athletes or individuals with active lifestyles, non-Basmati rice can be a valuable source of energy that supports endurance and performance. Its balanced nutrient profile, including vitamins and minerals like iron, further aids in maintaining energy levels and preventing fatigue.
Non-Basmati rice is more than just a versatile ingredient in the kitchen; it is a nutritious food that offers numerous health benefits. From supporting digestive health and heart health to aiding in weight management and blood sugar control, non-Basmati rice varieties like brown, red, and black rice can contribute to overall well-being. Rich in essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, non-Basmati rice is a valuable addition to any balanced diet, particularly in its whole-grain form.
Whether you're looking to improve your heart health, manage your weight, or simply enjoy a wholesome and satisfying meal, non-Basmati rice offers a range of health benefits that make it a great choice for daily consumption.
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alishaanbasmatirice · 2 years
Basmati Rice Calories
The world's most popular and healthy grain basmati rice is a very good for health. Most of the people who try to lose their weight they always prefer to eat basmati rice. If you want to consume low Calories, Basmati rice is the best option for you.
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