#Barbara Morse ~ Mockingbird
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justdealingwithsomeissues · 4 months ago
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A pretty brutal looking cover...
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greerbaiting · 3 months ago
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Black Canary vs. Mockingbird by Brendon Fraim and Brian Fraim
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femmehysteria · 1 year ago
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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samasmith23 · 1 year ago
This scene from The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) #5, where Nadia Van Dyne admits that she has bipolar disorder and decides to accept help from both her friends and mental health professionals (thereby avoiding making the same mistakes that her father Hank Pym did) really spoke true to me as a neurodivergent person!
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While I'm fully aware that there are vast differences between Nadia's experiences with Bipolar Disorder and my own with Autism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, I still couldn't help but notice meaningful parallels between our respective mental health struggles! Its the main reason that Nadia's since become one of my new all-time favorite superheroes!
From The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) #5 by @jeremywhitley and Gurihiru.
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queen-daya · 2 years ago
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Happy 40th Birthday Adrianne Palicki (May 6, 1983)
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hjbirthdaywishes · 10 months ago
May 6, 2024
Happy 41 Birthday to Adrianne Palicki.
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rowinablx · 2 years ago
I will never understand why DC and Marvel think that erasing trauma from their characters is fine. No. Batgirl becoming paralyzed in the Killing Joke, while a total fridging arc, Barbra didn't let it completely destroy her life, she became Oracle and continued to help the Bat Family. Healing her broken spine (somehow) and having her become Batgirl again, it doesn't make sense.
Bobbi Morse being brainwashed and r*ped was fucking awful but she didn't let it control her even with her marriage to Clint ending, and then it was retconned that Bobbi cheated on Clint, yeah that's so much better than a victim becoming stronger, not!!!!
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diva-calderu · 1 year ago
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Alternate fancast:
Li Bingbing as Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird
"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s not S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore. I'm trying to figure out where I fit in, too."
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pacmangamemaster · 4 months ago
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Barbara -Bobbi- Morse - Mockingbird
Real Name: Barbara “Bobbi” Morse Alias: Mockingbird Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, West Coast Avengers
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Physical Abilities: Mockingbird possesses enhanced strength, agility, and stamina due to a combination of her athletic training and a special serum. Expert Combatant: She is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts, making her a formidable opponent in battle. Tactical Genius: Bobbi is an expert tactician and strategist, often leading teams in complex missions. Proficient with Weapons: She is adept at using various weapons, particularly her signature battle staves, which can be combined to form a bo-staff. Regenerative Healing: The serum that enhanced her abilities also grants her a regenerative healing factor, allowing her to recover from injuries more quickly than an average human.
Notable Storylines
West Coast Avengers: Mockingbird played a significant role in the formation and operations of the West Coast Avengers. Secret Invasion: She was a key player in the “Secret Invasion” storyline, where Skrulls infiltrated Earth. Hawkeye and Mockingbird: Her relationship with Clint Barton (Hawkeye) has been a central theme in many of her story arcs.
Mockingbird’s character is celebrated for her intelligence, combat skills, and resilience, making her a beloved figure in the Marvel Universe.
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earth-18104 · 7 months ago
Earth-18104 - The Battle of New York
The story is based on the movie Avengers, with some details from the comics. Most of the characters are changed to fit the original comics lineup of Avengers, and other characters have slight changes in their story, based on my original universe plot.
Like Loki uses different pronouns, Hawkeye and Mockinbird are not part of the team officially, and there's two Nick Fury in this universe: the Colonel, that fought with Captain America during war, and his son Diretor Fury Jr, that looks more like Samuel Jackson's version and is leader of the SHIELD. Also there's a slight addition of my OCs, but they don't even are part of the main story.
List of Events of Earth-18104 (Resume)
Resume of the events of 1990.
1990 -
• (Earth's mightiest heroes)
• (April 1, Sunday)
• On earth, Director Nick Fury Jr (42), Maria Hill (25), Barbara Morse (24), Clint Barton (24), Phil Coulson (43), Henry Pym (27), Janet van Dyne (24) and Erik Selvig are called to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility in the Mojave Desert, where Dr. Selvig is researching the Tesseract, which has recently begun emitting strange amounts of energy on its own, leading the facility to be evacuated.
• Aided by Thanos, Loki activates the Tesseract from within the Sanctuary, teleporting to the SHIELD complex. She steals the Tesseract and uses the Scepter given to her by Thanos to control the minds of several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, including Selvig and Barton.
• They escape and the Tesseract's energy destroys the base, starting the Chitauri Invasion. In response, Nick Fury Jr. reactivates the Avengers Initiative.
• In Asgard, Heimdall sees Loki on Earth with the Tesseract, and informs Thor and Odin, who sends his sons, Tyr, Vidar, Honir, Balder and Thor to Earth to bring Loki back to Asgard for punishment.
• (April 3, Tuesday)
• In Kolkata, India, late at night locally, Barbara Morse tracks down Bruce Banner (28) and tells him that his knowledge of gamma radiation is essential to helping SHIELD locate the Tesseract. Banner reluctantly agrees to help SHIELD.
• In New York City, Steve Rogers (70) sits in his new apartment going through the SHIELD archives. Unable to sleep, he goes to a boxing gym, where Nick Fury Jr. approaches him with a mission to recover the Tesseract.
• Meanwhile, Tony Stark (26) brings his miniaturized Arc Reactor online to power the newly opened Stark Tower in midtown Manhattan, built on the site of the old Pan Am Building.
• Phil Coulson visits Stark Tower and asks Tony to review Erik Selvig's research on the Tesseract, as well as classified material on potential members of the Avengers Initiative.
• (April 4, Wednesday)
• Phil Coulson flies Rogers to the Helicarrier and tells him about the new uniform they have waiting for him.
• There he also meets Bruce Banner, Maria Hill and Barbara Morse; he is impressed when the Hellicarrier takes flight and retroreflective powers to "disappear".
• At the same time, Selvig explains to Barton about his research, saying that he needs iridium, an element that they can find in Stuttgart.
• (Loki's attack in Germany)
• On the Hellicarrier, Bruce gets to work tracking the gamma radiation the Tesseract emits, while SHIELD's spy satellites find Loki in Stuttgart, Germany.
• Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne intercept a transmission from Selvig and trace it to Germany.
• Rogers dons his new Captain America uniform and travels with Hill and Morse in a Quinjet to confront Loki in Stuttgart; the God of Mischief is acting as a distraction while Hawkeye steals iridium to stabilize the Tesseract.
• Loki attacks a man named Heinrich Schafer before terrorizing a crowd of people attending a gala, providing a distraction so Hawkeye can steal iridium.
• Rogers and Morse attack him and a fight breaks out in the crowd. The unexpected arrival of Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp leads Loki to surrender.
• During the confusion, Mockingbird loses sight of Hawkeye and he escapes with the iridium.
• On the way back to the Helicarrier, the Quinjet is ambushed by the princes of Asgard. Tyr, Balder and Honir hold back the Avengers, while Vidar and Thor grabbed their youngest sibling and jumped.
• While Vidar wanted to simply bring Loki back to Asgard to be punished, Thor tried to to reason with them. Loki, blinded by his jealousy of his older brothers and contempt for Odin, refuses.
• The Avengers are not able to go through the princes, as Balder was indestructible and Honir and Tyr had the strength of ten men. Seeing the fight was useless, Wasp reasoned with Balder and explained they needed Loki alive.
• Balder and Wasp made a deal, and Balder allowed them to leave, agreeing that their younger sibling should be taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody as long as one of them went along.
• Vidar choose himself, as the oldest, but Thor asked to go with Loki, so he was granted permission, and his brothers went back to Asgard to tell their father.
• Back on the Helicarrier, Loki was placed in a cell designed to contain the Hulk and other super-powered people. The vigilantes and SHIELD agents debate what to do with Loki, giving them time to plan an escape.
• Fury tries to interrogate him about the Tesseract's location, but Loki remains silent.
• The meeting between the heroes was tense at first, but Wasp calmed the nerves and convinced the assembled heroes to help her cause. Thor reveals Loki's plan to the Avengers: with the Tesseract, he hopes to open a portal that will allow the Chitauri access to Earth, thus starting an alien invasion.
• As Pym and Banner work to locate the Tesseract, Tony becomes intrigued by his old college roommate's level of control over the Hulk. Henry is irritated by Tony's attempts to anger Banner, warning him that the Hulk is a danger to everyone on the Hellicarrier.
• Steve, also angered by Stark's erratic behavior and disrespect for authority, tries to get him to follow orders more carefully, which instigates a rivalry between the two. Wasp once again tries to intervene in the fights.
• The five begin to question SHIELD's intentions, deducing that Fury is hiding something about his plans with the Tesseract. Stark reveals that he has begun hacking the agency's mainframe to unlock its secrets, while Rogers leaves to investigate the restricted areas of the Helicarrier for himself.
• Tony also gave Henry access to Stark technology, which he used to build a device that could increase its range and be able to use ants across the country.
• Janet shrinks into a locked room, where she and Steve find several 1940s HYDRA weapons and uniforms in crates in a secret room. With Stark's help, they learn about "Phase 2", a project that aims to use the Tesseract to make weapons.
• (April 5, Thursday)
• In the early hours of the morning, Mockingbird interrogates Loki in their cell, but they refuse to budge. However, in a moment of cruelty towards her, Loki accidentally lets it slip that they're interested in Banner, and Mockingbird realizes that they intend to use the Hulk to escape.
• (Attack on the Hellicarrier)
• As the sun is rising, the Avengers confront Fury with their discoveries, to which he reveals that S.H.I.E.L.D. has begun using the Tesseract to make weapons in response to the Victor von Doom incident last year, the presence of the Skrulls in the planet, the first appearance of the Hulk, the Puppet Master attack, the debut of Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
• A large argument ensues, during which Hawkeye, accompanied by several soldiers also working for Loki, attacks the Helicarrier, crippling one of its engines.
• The resulting explosion destroys the laboratory where the group is arguing, causing Janet and Bruce to fall into the boiler area, trapped by the debris.
• Despite Janet's attempts to calm him down, the injured Bruce transforms into the Hulk and chases the Wasp throughout the Helicarrier.
• Thor comes to his rescue and fights with the Hulk, only to be surpassed in strength. A SHIELD jet tries to lure the Hulk away, but he crashes the plane and destroys it. The jet explodes and the Hulk is thrown towards the ground.
• Rogers, Pym, and Stark attempt to repair the damaged engine, but Loki's subordinates hinder their efforts.
• Janet and Mockingbird face Hawkeye and after an intense fight, they manage to break Loki's control by delivering a blunt blow to Barton's head.
• Thor tries to stop Loki from escaping, but is tricked by an illusion of Loki and imprisoned in her old prison cell and takes her out of the Hellicarrier. Thor breaks free of the cell at the last second, falling into a field.
• Rogers, Pym, and Stark finally overcame their attackers and got the Helicarrier back in the air. However, victory is bittersweet when Loki escapes and Bruce disappears.
• Hours later, Hawkeye recovers in the Hospital Wing and rejoins the team, informing them that Loki plans to open the portal above Stark Tower in downtown New York City.
• (Battle of New York)
• Mockinbird (26), Wasp (24), Hawkeye (24), Ant-Man (27) and Captain America (70) take a Quinjet to New York City, following Iron Man (26) in his suit.
• Stark arrives at the tower first, failing to stop Selvig from using the Tesseract to open the portal in conjunction with a device he built.
• Tony then enters the tower to meet Loki, failing to intimidate him. The god of mischief unsuccessfully attempts to possess Stark, as his Arc Reactor physically blocks the scepter's power and instead throws Stark through a window.
• Fortunately, Stark manages to activate his Mark VII armor before he hits the ground.
• Selvig launches the device, opening a portal above New York. The Chitauri fleet appears, beginning Loki's invasion.
• The other Avengers gather on the street to stop the Chitauri, but with the portal open, more and more soldiers arrive. Banner (28) finally joins them on a motorcycle and voluntarily transforms into the Hulk, who stops a large ship with his hands.
• Captain America begins giving instructions to the Avengers to direct their battle strategy against the alien threat.
• He tells Hawkeye to get to a nearby rooftop and assigns the perimeter to Iron Man, sends Thor to try and fire a beam at the portal while Ant-Man closes it, Wasp stays in the air, and Mockingbird and himself stay on the ground.
• Finally he instructs the Hulk to "smash". Hulk jumps from building to building, punching the Chitauri.
• Thor flies to the Chrysler Building to use it as a conduit, building up energy to fire at the portal, eliminating some Chitauri and an approaching Leviathan.
• On the Helicarrier, Nick Fury Jr. examines monitors showing what is happening. Maria Hill (25) says the World Security Council is calling.
• Hawkeye advises Iron Man to lead the Chitauri around sharp turns so they fall. He does so, eliminating the aliens chasing him, and goes to help Thor.
• From the battle, enormous damage is done to downtown New York City, and many lives are lost, but the Avengers save as many civilians as they can.
• Somewhere, Peter Parker and Harry Osborn (9), were returning from school when the attack began. The two boys try to get back to the Parker home safely when they are attacked by Chitauri soldiers.
• Fortunately, they are saved by Captain America, who orders Wasp to take them to a safe place.
• The Wasp shrinks them both and takes them away from the battle. Before leaving, she smiles and the two boys cheer for the heroes before running to the Parker's house.
• While Thor destroys as many ships he can, Heimdall, by Vidar's orders, opens the Byfrost. Vidar, Honir, Tyr and Balder join their brother on the fight, protecting civilians and putting Chitauri down.
• Francine (183) and Antônio Cavalcante (190) (both OCs) were watching the battle. Antônio asks his wife if they should help, when he recognizes Captain America, but Francine says that human problems are none of their business and tells her subordinates to protect themselves, closing the gates of the Sister Margaret's house.
• A Leviathan heads towards a building, the Hulk runs through the building and jumps on it, attacking it in the mouth and redirecting it.
• Captain America tells the Avengers they need to do something about the portal. Wasp grabs Pym and takes him to the top of Stark Tower.
• Hulk attacks a Leviathan, Thor helps him hammer a piece of the vehicle into the Leviathan's back, killing it. He crash lands in Grand Central Terminal, where Hulk also punches Thor in retaliation for earlier.
• Before more debris can fall on the civilians, the Fantastic Four arrive to help.
• The Invisible Woman (26) creates a shield while Mister Fantastic (27) pushes the civilians to safety. Human Torch (18) and the Thing (28) join the Hulk and Thor, causing a brief argument between the four.
• In New York's Sanctum, Stephen Strange (46), Wong (46) and Sara Wolfe (37) help fight the invading forces.
• At the top of Stark Tower, Erik Selvig wakes up, his mind control broken, and sees what is happening around him.
• The military enters the streets to do what they can.
• At Pym's house, his girlfriend Maria Trovaya, watches the fight on the news.
• Hawkeye directs Captain America to a nearby bank, where he goes and stops a Chitauri attack from killing civilians. The Invisible Woman protects the civilians from an explosion, while the Thing catches the Captain before he can fall from the building.
• Ben Grimm is nervous when meeting the Captain and presents himself as a big fan. Susan reminds him of the battle and drives them away with her shields.
• On the Hellicarrier, the World Security Council tells Fury Jr. that they have made the decision to launch a nuclear attack on Manhattan to contain the threat to the island only, but Fury refuses.
• Loki boards a Chitauri vehicle, which is intercepted by Human Torch. Johnny dodges the God of Mischief's attacks and throws her away, throwing her into Stark Tower, where the vehicle drops the "S" and "T" from the logo.
• Mister Fantastic scolds Johnny for losing sight of the "big villain", but Hulk jumps into the tower and attacks Loki, who tries to intimidate him; Hulk just grabs them and throws them to the ground repeatedly, leaving her unable to move.
• Wasp and Ant-Man meet Selvig in the tower, who says he believes Loki's Scepter, lying on the ground below them, may be able to close the portal.
• Iron Man finds himself unable to break through the shell of a Leviathan whale, so he tries to fly directly into its mouth, managing to explode it from the inside. He falls to the ground and finds himself fighting Chitauri again.
• Hawkeye runs out of arrows and has to kick an attacking alien off his perch. When his building is attacked, he jumps, firing a hook arrow to swing through a window below.
• He reaches the sidewalk, where he meets Mockingbird and they fight side by side.
• At Salem Center, Scott Summers, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III and Jean Grey watch the news. Scott asks the professor why they won't join the fight. Xavier simply says that them, as students, are not ready yet.
• Somewhere in Brooklyn, Sanguinária (OC) and Sabretooth takes down a Leviathan with their powers. They notice Captain America on TV and grin.
• The World Security Council orders a nuclear attack on Manhattan and a pilot will take off. Fury Jr. arrives with a rocket launcher and manages to hit the jet, but another jet flies in to launch the missile. He calls Stark and tells him that there is a missile heading to New York in the next 3 minutes.
• Wasp grabs the scepter. She, Selvig, and Pym work together to break the Tesseract's defenses to close the portal. Stark asks them to wait, saying there is a missile coming and he wants to send it through the portal.
• Stark grabs the missile just in time and begins to change direction. JARVIS tries to call Pepper Potts (29) in case he dies taking the missile through the portal. However, Potts, on a flight, is too preoccupied with watching the news to see her phone ringing.
• SHIELD watches the news closely on the Helicarrier. Just like every civilian, mutant and human, in New York.
• Stark diverts the missile into the air at Stark Tower and through the portal.
• SHIELD cheers with relief for New York, although Fury is worried about Stark.
• Peter Parker and Harry Osborn cheer in the living room, while Ben and May Parker (46) look fearfully at the TV.
• Strange, Wong and Sara Wolfe watch from the security of the Sanctum.
• Stark finds himself in deep space and his suit begins to fail. He releases the missile and it continues flying, hitting the Chitauri mothership and causing a huge explosion, which causes the remaining fleet of Chitauri and Leviathan to crash and fall dead without the mothership's power.
• Stark falls toward the portal, but the explosion threatens to hit Earth as well, so Rogers orders Pym and van Dyne to close the portal.
• Tony falls back into the New York sky just before its closure, but continues to fall, unconscious. Hulk jumps and catches him to slow his fall.
• The Fantastic Four and the rest of the Avengers crowd around Stark, Reed Richards manages to wake him up. Steve says they won and Tony says they should celebrate with shawarma, but Johnny reminds him that he lost sight of Loki.
• At Stark Tower, Loki recovers from Hulk's beating and the Avengers arrive to arrest her.
• A team from the Damage Control Department arrives at the Avengers' floor of Stark Tower to retrieve the Scepter. Jasper Sitwell takes the Scepter and he and Brock Rumlow (29) guard it.
• While the SHIELD agents guard the Tesseract, Tony invites the Fantastic Four to go eat shawarma and they accept.
• A little after the battle, at Thanos' ship on space, Gamora (29) talks to her master about Loki's defeat, the loss of the Tesseract and Earth's new protectors. He claims that attacking Earth again would be an act of suicide.
• Thanos (975), simply turns and smiles, thinking about what's to come.
• (April 6, Friday)
• The New York Bulletin has a front-page article titled "Battle of NY" that depicts a Leviathan causing several deaths by crashing into a building.
• The world, changed once again by the emergence of superhumans, is dominated by the idea of ​​a team of superheroes.
• The Avengers become the center of media attention, admired by the public as heroes, but are also received with some concern and fear. Some feel that his appearance during the battle is too coincidental.
• (April 11, Wednesday)
• Gathering in Central Park, the Avengers and SHIELD watch as Thor escorts Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard.
• Nick Fury Jr (42) talks to Colonel Fury Sr. (82), saying that the moment a new global threat emerges, the team will come together.
• Odin sentences Loki to an eternity of imprisonment in the Asgardian Dungeons and the Tesseract is put in a safe chamber inside the castle, watch by guards and Heimdall.
• (April 15, Sunday)
• Tony Stark (26) and Pepper Potts (29) review plans to rebuild the damaged Stark Tower, which lost the "S", "T", "R" and "K" outside in battle. They choose to repurpose the remaining "A" to represent the newly formed group, renamed "Avengers Tower".
• Tony reunites with Pym and helps him improve Janet's Wasp costume.
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justdealingwithsomeissues · 4 months ago
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This fight is bleeding over into the real world, threatening to destroy everything, so Wanda gets the idea to reopen the portal back to Mephisto's realm, and the fear of his realm merging with this one is enough to kill the battle... and in Mephisto's escape he tries to take back the Legion souls, only for them to be destroyed in the process.
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azurecanary · 2 years ago
Starting to feel like Bobbi Morse is a Marvel amalgamation of Black Canary, Helena Bertinelli and Barbara Gordon
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years ago
what are mcu characters you don’t like and which are the ones you like?
I like almost all of them but my favs from marvel in general are…
all the og Gaurdians+nebula and mantis(specifically mommy Gamora😩)
Adam Warlock
Sam Wilson(captain america)
monica rambeau(captain marvel)
jane foster
jean grey(dark phoenix)
moon knight
All the spider women(specially silk)
miles morales
moonstone(karla sofen)
miguel o’hara
barbara bobbi morse(mockingbird)
Nick Fury
dislike(strongly with some💀):
bucky barnes
kamala khan
america chavez
wanda maximoff
not a very long dislike list because like i said i like most of them. Didn’t add most of the avengers because im in the middle with them and lots of characters.
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samasmith23 · 1 year ago
Lol! Nadia really is Janet’s surrogate daughter!
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From The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) #2 by @jeremywhitley & Gurihiru.
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mogranet · 1 year ago
The New Avengers - Barbara (Bobbi) Morse (Mockingbird) Cosplay
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concernedandconfusion · 2 years ago
Bobbi and Hunter should've been in the finale hologram Zoom call. That's it. That's the post.
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