#BUT the scene is very homoerotic
rosaacicularis · 1 year
i just thought of probably the most homoerotic fanfic scene like ever and i think i might just fit it into the hockey au….
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tsty-brry · 11 months
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going insane over him‼️
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vulturereyy · 4 months
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The Wraith
Chapter six - Where Chivalry Went to Die
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weidli · 20 days
i know i won't be leaving here with you
#tricked yall. this isn't actually about thorsten and victor it's about those two rabbits from the opening scene of tödliche tarnung#tatort stuttgart#(that was a lie this is my thorsten/victor thesis statement)#are they GOOD for each other? debatable. did they spend 90% of their acquaintance lying to each other? absolutely. are they both really#competent in their respective fields and really good at working together when they want to? yeah. is there something more than a little#homoerotic about all of it?#yes <3#the thing about take me out is that it's a rival snipers song and it's a song about machinery and knowing only one of you is getting out of#this alive . the thing about take me out is that it's about the moment before you both pull the trigger#still very annoyed by the GAPING continuity fail in spiel auf zeit btw. i'm sorry you're gonna base a whole escape plan on victor faking#there being a daughter thorsten doesn't know about. when tödliche tarnung TOLD us that victor has a daughter and OH YEAH thorsten (or chris#is her GODFATHER#come on. guuuuuyyyssss#i like making vids that feel a little like they're spiraling. repeating the same scenes (but not quite the same moments) over and over#again until it resolves into something either further up or further down but not far away from where we started#flashing back and back unable to look directly at the key moment until it passes and it becomes possible to move on#i ALSO like sebastian's silly little gazelle hop in that scene right after victor saves thorsten's life. symmetry would have demanded i add#some sort of baustelle instead on exactly that beat but no damn you. not throwing out the silly gazelle hop
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 7 months
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Had to get a bunch of different angles on this because I appreciate the eroticism of blood drinking. Definitely would have been improved though if Astarion was stradling Majexatli. At least a bit.
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kermitttttt · 10 months
i can’t believe ten couldn’t bring himself to say i love you back to rose but told the master that he cant live without him
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watched Little Shop of Horrors a couple days ago and remembered @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog's FANTASTIC high school Beetlejuice au, where bj adam + barbara get cast in the musical. bj is a PERFECT dr. scrivello. he loves being an asshole without the consequences and.... barbara kind of likes it? 👀
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rotisseries · 6 months
alright im giving in im finally asking. what in the everloving fuck is narines
HIIIII HELENA honestly I'm so glad you asked I think you'd love them but BASICALLYYYYY one of my mutuals, hella, @tbos-main, has this really cool original fantasy wip, the blood of serpents, which I am OBSESSED with so I do fandom post about it like any other media, and two of the characters are nate and rin. well. naithairan and herines technically but I'm on nickname basis with them. and I can explain tbos in more detail but since you asked about narines specifically, they are two characters who are very much on opposing sides of the central conflict and in a way that IS irreconcilable like. it has to be genuine all consuming hate it's bad. but they're also narrative foils and parallels and whatnot and outside of the main ideological difference in regards to the central conflict, they are very similar people in a very fucked up way, they're both martyr figures with a lot of religious themes, they both have had to learn the language of violence well, they both are willing to go to unfathomably low depths of morality and monstrousness in the pursuit of protecting the people they love, they're both incredibly calculating and callous, and so they have this INSANEEE dynamic that is very much "I see me in you I see everything I hate about myself in you I need to kill you because I need to be killed but yet I cannot kill you because that would be like taking a knife to myself and we recognize each other deeply and intimately in a very specific way no one else can and I HATEE you for it" and so like. they should fuck about that. obviously.
#and they are NOT CANON I SHOULD WARN. IT STARTED AS A JOKE BECAUSE THEY ARE SO INCOMPATIBLE AS A GENUINE SHIP#CANNOT BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS EACH OTHER.#but the GREATTT thing about their homoeroticism is that violence is like. chill to both of them#like they're both trying to hurt each other as much as possible they're trying to break each other#but neither of them is greatly affected by violence. so the way they choose to break each other instead#is that very occasionally in these homoerotic and non canon scenes#there will be a touch of gentleness. there's a scene where nate bites rin HARD and draws blood but he kisses first#and rin FREAKS out he's like “don't you DARE.”#and then the vivisection. where rin literally unironically gently talks nate through having a HAND DIGGING IN HIS GUTS🫶#many such cases#and that touch of gentleness is too much from the worst person on earth who you hate so much#and it's worse than violence to them it's worse than violence to experience that from each other#which is just. SO INTERESTING THEY ARE SO INTERESTINGGGG#I'm assuming you mostly asked this though cause of my tags on that post I rbed from you#so as for THAT#hella has a bit of saying she hates this ship so much and one time#she said basically “dark tbosmaucu is the only universe where narines absolutely couldn't happen thank god”#and then later at some point basically jokingly said it's cause they're medicated in that one#(medicated as in. nate self medicates. with hard drugs.)#and dark tbosmaucu btw is the acronym for “dark the blood of serpents modern au cinematic universe”#cinematic universe both because that's always a funny joke and because we do genuinely have like 6 or 7 versions of tbos modern aus#and the dark one is just basically modern au but you go really ham on the tragic backstory like aftg levels of what the actual fuck#which theoretically should bring the levels of trauma in the modern au the closest to how they exist in canon#and yet. hella shut down narines in that universe😔#anywayyyy. sorry I leave incomprehensible tags on your posts do you still think I'm hot😘#ask#miseria-fortes-virios#hi helena!
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argonapricot · 9 months
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very funny things to say
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
I feel like for Goncharov to be a REAL tumblr fandom you’d have to read all these meta posts about how incredibly Gay it is and thEN watch the movie only to discover that the homoerotic couples each have just one scene together, and most of the plot ACTUALLY centers on a boring bland cliche suffocatingly heterosexual love triangle involving characters who are so dull the fandom never mentions them. You’d have to read all this in depth meta about the agonized lesbian relationship between Katya and Sofia, then watch the movie and learn most of Katya’s screentime is actually devoted to her love triangle with Fred and Bert
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First post upon this blog
Warning- Slightly spicy
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reaperkaneki · 2 months
us before watching seed freedom—
me: hey you ever think about athrun going for kiras twin sister. like. they do look sorta similar. kinda gay
my bf: athrun asks her to dye her hair brown so she looks more like him
us after watching seed freedom—
me: so when kiras puts on his old clothes,
my bf: his destiny outfit, yes
me: this is like, two years after, right? so those are from two years ago?
my bf: yea thats right
me: ….so why does athrun just. have those. why does athrun have kiras old clothes. 👀
my bf: he keeps them for when he and cagali roleplay
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sloppyneedybmxboy · 15 days
everything about how much castiel cares about humanity dean winchester makes me want to tear things apart with my teeth
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nekhcore · 4 months
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me writing a homoerotic scene and being surprised when it's gay
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rebelband · 1 year
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cks was making a cameo in my dream and then my alarm woke me up, so. well. okay.
#[art]#[2023]#cks#specifically it was just two still images of them but it was at the very end#had my silly outfit and all its piercings... plus ones I never gave them before? odd.#so I wanted to entertain the ''actors au'' idea but in all honesty they wouldn't make it much beyond a bonus background actor or dancer#(for musicals); they'd forget their lines so often it'd just be a hassle#usually casted as goons/minions/characters that follow someone of authority/in power#height helps; unintentional intimidation factor at times...#pretty unknown! like the rest. except cpn who's well-known for his looks (and acting to back it up)#something something... gestures. a scientist and their creation made of parts and through illegal means#of which someone (swt) is chasing said suspects down except it's hard to exactly realize [cks] is the creation in question at first#so it has that internal conflict as the film goes on of like. ough. aren't they [human] at this point? and ough. illegally made. but ough.#didn't ask to be made. trope of -> creation will not mind if it has to be dismantled and its creator would go through hell to Not let that#happen out of love and. anyways I'm not going to explain the synopsis of the actual plot they play (was kept kind of unknown due to failed#marketing) but i do think they should get to know each other behind the scenes#and something etcetera any homoerotic or romantic scenes they play together Stop being just acting but Oh g-d they cannot confess that.#they're just work colleagues...!! and then there's an ''i love you'' scene and it's all#this is getting too long. bye
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nerdyqueerr · 1 year
Btw in my heart when Kit gets back home she gets fantasy!top surgery and changes her title to prince of Tir Asleen and Jade helps her cut her hair in an iconic butch4butch moment. I am choosing to believe this
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