heartrender6 · 12 days
VFD calls itself "not an aristocracy of power, based on wealth, but an aristocracy of the sensitive and considerate", yet ever single member we know of has immense generational wealth. They all live in huge mansions. THE DUCHESS OF WINNIPEG is a volunteer. Lemony describes having friends with big yachts and fancy vacations in asoue. The word "noble" is consistently used to mean 'good'. not to mention the implications of 'literacy' being such an important quality for 'noble people'. idk that sounds like the usual kind of aristocracy to me.
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sawdusst · 3 months
trying to be more active on Tumblr 😭😭 i think I'm going to be moving my coroika pirate au stuff to a separate blog so it doesn't get mixed in with the multi fandom stuff
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v171 · 6 months
Not to be capitalist atheist Barbie, but I feel like it's a red flag for an employer to make Good Friday a holiday.
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qjackmanifold · 6 months
list of qsmp cubitos i want to visit silent hill with, in no particular order
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sanguineterrain · 5 months
jason loves chubby/fat people btw. thinks they're hot. is down bad
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minotaurs-my-beloved · 2 months
call me a pretty boy and i will cry
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sandymybeloved · 1 year
its really funny to me (and by funny i mean infuriating), how vastly different the acceptable levels of silly nonsense are between different eras of specifically the revival
its like, RTD era: incredibly dumb moment (affectionate), Moffat era: that's silly (derogatory), Chibnall era: I have to suspend my disbelief??? (borderline homocidal)
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whosectype · 1 year
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(This was asked at @ask-chai-and-casino-cups)
Camodiel has been getting hate for so. Freaking. Long. Aren’t you guys done being jerks yet???? You should never bash another artist for their art style. It’s incredibly harmful, and it feels horrible to have your art style compared/criticized for not being good enough.
Obviously you are not an artist. You wouldn’t get this. You just want to be an asshole.
And you know what’s funny? If i DID continue casino cups, or if any other artist did, they would still get hate for it and people like you would still call the style liquid ass.
So shut your face and create your own casino cups continuation if youre so butthurt about it. Oh but you probably cant, cause you aren’t an artist and suck at drawing, sorry :(
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moki-dokie · 1 year
It genuinely infuriates me sometimes that I have this big goddamn elaborate epic story and universe and amazingly detailed characters in it that has been a work in progress for close to 20 years and no one else except me and 1 other person will ever know it.
Mainly bc I'll never be able to write it in a story format in my lifetime.
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k0t3x-n3t · 4 months
My random idea rough draft of kingdom come:
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The ACTUAL draft of kingdom come (which I haven't touched in months):
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ameliafuckinjones · 1 month
On the one hand I love usuk (though interpret it as ukus) on the other I see the opposition toward and diminishment of the ship within the fandom at large as divine punishment for turning England into a whiny bottom twink who can do no wrong and America the big strong macho man with no sensitivity. In my eyes, the ship, which was once so popular in the fandom, simply lost the mandate of heaven. Where once the usuk fandom was as plentiful as the stars and beloved, it is now few in numbers and an outcast in comparison to other ships that only gained in popularity and eventually overwhelmed usuk in terms of content and adoration (rusame and fruk). Why? Because while usuk shippers succumbed to tired old yaoi fujoshi tropes from the mid 2010s, rusame and fruk shippers were creating Shakespearean ass soulmate doomed tragic lovers content with nuance and multitudes. That USED to be usuk, but not anymore. Cause of woke.
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musicoftheheart · 10 months
ugh i never realised how much it would suck not to have a working laptop until i dont
i was being all gay in a coffee shop today for a few hours and motivation struck to write, and who am i to ignore that? so i spent like five hours handwriting my fic, having to switch hands every time i got cramp, and i cant even post it yet because im not about to now type that shit on my phone yk
and to make matters even worse, no pretty people came up to me and asked me out like in fanfics :(( like why else do i sit in coffee shops for hours instead of at home if not to fall in love?
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imbringing-hollaback · 5 months
So I've been watching Adventure Time for the first time and I've convinced myself that the little bee in the credits is named Kelly
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my girlfriend just saw Starchy the Gravedigger and said "is that a mustache donut?"
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subjectsix · 4 months
bad news: car needs repairs and its defo my fault but an accident entirely, that “not squirming miserably under the consequences of accidents you cannot instantly fix” business is being tested again
good news: in a tent and going to write so much hopefully
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findingschmomo · 5 months
sometimes you wake up to a broken fridge, still have to go to work, spend two hours trying to help an asylum student get financial aid (to no fucking avail), return home to find yay new fridge but also one of your sentimental items of a precious memory that was held on the fridge by a magnet is GONE (along with all your other magnets) and you have a fucking full breakdown in your kitchen
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