crocmr · 1 month
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(and some FOP (Fairly Odd Parents) drawings i made) Non-welcome home related for once
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only one bc this is the first time I've drawn the digitally and i was very tired ksjdkjsad
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons the Mothman should die, collectively written by the residents of the Hazbin Hotel:
Coding for Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Pentious, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, pretty much everyone
TW: References to abuse
He’s holding back Angel’s progress. (Vaggie, is killing really necessary?) (I am concerned about going after a Vee)
I’m hungry (ALASTOR!)
Ms. Angel gets nervous when on the phone with him.
His coat is tacky.
He’s a bug! And bugs must be DESTROYED!
So Angel stops feeling like he has to be so damn fake. This is getting on my fucking nerves.
HE LICKED CHARLIE!!! (Vaggie, wait it’s okay.)
Color scheme sucks. Purple AND red?!
He makes Angel sad, NOBODY should make Angel sad.
Those obnoxious glasses just make him look stupid.
He’s a manipulative, abusive prick.
ANGEL DIDN'T KNOW BOUNDARIES WERE A THING?!?!?!?!?!? (Honestly that explains a lot.)
NOBODY deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
Too many arms. Nobody needs that many. (...Angel has that many?) (Well maybe he shouldn't.)
Ms. Angel keeps coming home all messy!!
He’s ruining hearts for everyone. Me and Angel already have enough. At least those are on our bodies, what’s his excuse?
Hearts should not even be ASSOCIATED with Valentino, THIS IS NOT LOVE.
I can do without all the sexual depravity. While I am in Hell this is NOT one of the reasons.
If I have to hear that ringtone one more damn time-
The Eggies found some of his films. They should never be exposed to such horrors. Now I have to explain what “a sex” is.
Makes picture shows that are a disgrace to the idea of “entertainment.”
He’s making a bad name for Uncle Ozzie. This is NOT “lust.”
So we don’t have to listen to another one of Angel’s pornos. (Agreed, it’s quite horrifying!!)
So Ms. Angel isn’t tired when she gets home and can save the kinky stuff for then :) (Niff, really?)
So the kid stops coming home with bruises and cuts that I fix up at 3 am. (Husk, what the fuck?)
Because what the FUCK Valentino?
He keeps forcing Angel to do drugs. (HE WHAT?! Like crack??) (That but also I’m pretty sure whatever comes out of him is an aphrodisiac.)
I want to use his antenna as a backscratcher
Has that whole red color thing going on. Only I am allowed to wear red :) (Al, your text isn’t even red.) (My what?)
What is up with his red spit and smoke? Seriously disgusting.
The red stuff from him may be what allows Velvette to create her “Love Potions” which funds Vax’s stupid endeavors (Do you mean Vox?) (Who?)
FOR MY COLLECTION :D (…yeah okay.)
Really is making a bad name for Overlords. And not in the fun way.
Angel’s shown trauma signs of abuse in our meetings. Im pretty sure it’s Valentino.
Make a doll out of his fur so I have a main villain for roach puppet shows!!!
His only purpose is to keep Veks occupied but considering Vixen’s inane attempts to catch my attention it isn’t working.
So Angel can have his soul and he and Husk can run off into the sunset together like in a fanfiction!!! (Ah, yes that would be nice.) (WE WHAT?!) (Oh Husker, denial doesn’t suit you.)
So Angel can get a good boyfriend THAT’S NOT ME to stop these bullshit allegations.
So Angel can admit his feelings to Husker because our cat surely isn’t going to be the first to do it. (ALASTOR I SWEAR TO GOD!)
Who knows how many other people he’s abusing.
Seems to give Vicks confidence. He has enough of that as is. It much more fun to destroy him.
He makes Angel sad which makes Cherri sad!
Called my dear Rosie an "old hag" NOBODY CALLS ROSIE AN OLD HAG.
Angel is a good friend and deserves so much better.
I’ve forgotten what moths taste like.
He keeps trying to get Angel to move out :(
Told the kid he had to lose weight. What the actual FUCK. (Ill kill him.)
He’s annoying and looks quite stupid. How has this not been added yet?!
He’s making a bad name for Spanish speakers everywhere. (Yeah it’s embarrassing.) (Wait… what?)
He’s making a bad name for pansexuals everywhere.
He’s making a bad name for wing-holders everywhere. (HE HAS FUCKING WINGS?!) (Oh, yeah, I didn’t tell you?)
Too tall. This is ridiculous.
Won’t admit he’s blind so he’s become even more of a public safety hazard.
If I get one more transmission of him and Box commiting lascivious acts someone will be eaten. I don’t care who. What the purpose of these are I don’t know. Advertisement? (I think it’s to make you jealous boss.) (Ha! Jealous of what? Mediocre sex with a pathetic excuse for a businessman with a TV as a head?)
Because Angel deserves fucking better.
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thunderon · 1 year
my attention deficit ass could never be in a saw trap because i genuinely don’t know if i could give those traps my undivided attention without my conditions for a productive work environment being satisfied
that stupid puppet would be like “you have one minute to undo the locking mechanism to stop the shotgun from blowing your head off” and id be there like “okay sure thing Mr. Saw sir but can you put on some white noise? i just need a little bit of background noise to focus. oh and i’m kinda hungry so i need a snack to be at full productivity or else im going to start thinking about what im doing for dinner tonight and agh that reminds me i need to pick up some beef from the store i ran out yesterday i totally forgot to—
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my ramblings about eurylochus :DDDD :
eurylochus is such a interesting and like amazing character. he’s introduced saying to burn down a island and pillage for food for his and his mens hunger. he shows that he holds his crew within high regards and do many stuff for them “six hundred reasons to take what we can”. ody may be captain eury is the person who has more of the crews trust(i personally believe this is cause eury listens and communicates with them more? idk just silly brain). some of this is shown that while odys instrument is a guitar, penelopes is a viola(i think thats what it was?), eury’s ‘instrument’ is the crews vocals, showing that what he says is usually the echoed sentiment of the crew. also with him during the entire musical leading up to when he opened the wind bag it is shown how his distrust grows. every time he gives his opinions or worries to ody its just brushed off like it was nothing due to odys hubris(he was right pretty much every time BUT STILL. its a cause for eurys distrust to grow which eventually causes him to open the wind bag(and not blaming ody theyre all complex characters who have their faults)). when eury suggested to pillage the lotus eater island, run away from the cyclops, not go to the wind gods island, and more ive probably missed eury was just kinda brushed off in my opinion. AND IN PUPPETEER he goes to ody to confess his wrong doing, to apologize he once again gets brushed off “whatever you need to say can wait some more. of that, im sure”. then when he comes back without his crew who were scouting, explaining this great power who took his men, his brothers. he is scared, he wants to run and not lose any more people, he believes the men turned pigs are now gone, this is a powerful being who he believes wont be stopped and he says these wories but guess what. ody ignores again. he’d probably have been turned into a pig or even died without the moly root from hermes. (skipping the underworld saga cause he doesn’t have any lines besides backing vocals. maybe this is intentional showing that he’s now trying to not question ody anymore as ody’s been right every time?? idk) In the thunder saga he finally confesses about him opening the wind bag. his guilt is finally to much to bear(and maybe whispers from scylla and being hungry made himself more prone to confess?? idk). and what does ody do? he just seems to brush it off and tells eury to light six torches. attempting to send eury to a death sentence. he broke the final straw. this intentional killing of six men and not even giving the crew the choice to give up, to not go through scylla’s lair not even the knowledge that this is scyllas lair. so he mutinies. they don’t kill ody they wrap up his wounds and don’t kill him. they’re brothers and love each other(fun fact eury is actually odys brother in law). eury and the crew are tired. they are so tired and hungry. their captain just sacrificed six of their brothers. eury isn’t thinking straight and kills the sun gods cattle even with odys begging for them to not. it’s just heartbreaking. as ody picks his wife over his crew(don’t blame him for that choice) eury just sounds dejected. he knows what ody will choose and is just so tired.
eurys story in epic ends as it started. in hunger
these characters are so complex i just AGH i love eurylochus. he may have made some super terrible decisions but i still love him and think he’s over hated online
im normal.. definitely 😸
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
WN Women Bonus Polls #5: Other Danmei
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[Propaganda below] - Major Spoilers Warning!
Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Her character arc is so good and im so proud of her 🥹 
Additional Propaganda: Baili Qingmiao's story is about breaking out of cycles that trap us in toxic situations. She is the last primordial goddess going through her tribulation, but some asshole thought he'd interfere making him her tribulation. She just wants to help people, but she can't escape her attachment until a bunch of demonic cultivators form a community around her and help her conquer the part of her is sabotaging her and the rest of the world.
DVAWTK Carrd Link 
Bai Rong from Thousand Autumns
Submission: She's funny, pretty, and goes through a great character arc. 
Chu Yue from Global Examination / GUEE / QQGK
Submission: She is the best friend anyone could ever have, and she is compassionate and kind despite the horrible things she's had to endure. She's a vital part in taking down The System (TM). 
Hua Xiangyi from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Surprisingly skillful player in a complicated political arena. Her love interest is her stepdaughter (same age as her). 
Murong Mengze from Yuwu / Remnants of Filth
Okay, this is a tricky one. Major spoilers ahead. Murong Mengze was born biologically male but raised as a woman for her protection by her mother, who used medicine to make Mengze appear female. For most of the novel, Murong Mengze has a female identity and is referred to with female pronouns. At the end of the novel, it seems she is set to reveal herself as a man after taking control of Chonghua, and the narration refers to her with male pronouns at the very end. We don't actually see her unveil herself as a man, though. I'd say that she counts as a transgender woman, but it's okay to disqualify her. Anyway, the real propaganda is that she is an excellent puppeteer, pulling the strings behind the scenes without anyone realizing for a very long time. She controls the kingdom of Chonghua at the end of the novel. 
Wiki Link
Qiu Congxue from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission 1: I haven't finished reading this book yet but Qiu Congxue is just the funniest character to me. her immediate suggestion to any problem is horrific, traumatizing violence and is confused by how this might be inappropriate or undesirable for some people. ultimate problem causer without realizing she might be causing problems. a genius to herself and no one else. she let her body be eaten by hungry ghosts for her cultivation. head intact, body skeletal and she likes it that way. when asked what she should do to interfere with the enemy while undercover in their territory, her sect leader and our protagonist Wenren E replied that her mere presence is enough interference in itself. my stupid queen <3
Submission 2: Skeleton lady full of ghosts (literally). 
DVAWTK Carrd Link
Qi Zhuyin from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Female general in love with her stepmother. Known as the Wind Guiding the Scorching Plains.
Wiki Link
Shu Yanyan from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Aroallo queen <3 
Song Qiutong from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
Submission: I just think it would be funny to have her here.
Ye Wangxi from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
“Among the 72 glorious cities of Rufeng Sect, there is not even one man.” - Ye Wangxi, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 215 (Wiki)
Submission: Righteous, dignified, loyal, brave, etc.
Mod Propaganda: The “last gentleman” in Rufeng Sect, according to Taxian-jun, who she fought to the end in the first timeline when the Rufeng Sect leaders had already bailed 
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I wanna do more kabumisu positivity following that other anon. it really brightened my day so much.
bc really I dont want to bash other ships to lift mine up!!! and I actually also really love and respect labru, and know the majority of labru shippers arent Like That, just like most kabumisu shippers arent Like That. every group has some annoying, loud, opinionated people and they dont represent the average person who likes the ship, you know? I would love to see some labrus follow suit and send in some positivity as well!!! If the positivity keeps going I will come in here and post all my fave things about labru, labru art, and labru shippers as a kabumisu. lets ditch the bitching and hold hands instead!
anyway, some reasons I really love kabumisu
- as a neurodivergent disabled person dating another neurodivergent person, this is like. THE couple to me. and like its not just about mithrun being taken care of. taking care of mithrun actively helps kabru be more mindful of his own needs. In my life, I may struggle to feed myself, but I can make breakfast if my partner is hungry. other times she may do the same for me, it depends on who is doing worse.
-they both struggle with insomnia also
-from everything we've seen, pre-dungeon mithrun wasn't entirely dissimilar to kabru (high masking people pleaser) and thats Fascinating to me.
-kabru's job seems pretty stressful (no matter how much fulfillment it brings him, its a lot of responsibility for one person!) so I feel like coming home to that one guy he can take his mask off around and not even have to try and impress must be such a huge relief. also add mithrun with cooking experience to this, making kabru a nice meal after a long day of work.
-Mithrun is actually very perceptive and sees straight through kabru's bs multiple times and doesn't hesitate to call him out. Laios isnt the only character that forces kabru to be honest. ("unless theres someone else?" "theres someone you want to tell that story to.") mithrun is also the one who gives kabru the information he's been seeking this whole time.
-I am very interested in exploring mithruns whole desire situation. what desires does he gain? I think it is probably a lot of little ones that weave together. oh also I think sometimes things may seem more mithrun centric bc in any story where he is going to end up in a relationship he is going to have a much more dynamic arc than whoever he is paired with. literally dynamic as in like. he requires a lot more growth to achieve the outcome. and there are ways to skip it or gloss through it but. a lot of these stories require that in some way you show the progress has happened.
-to me, kabumisu is more often queeplatonic than romantic. but Im aroace so that could just be my aroace glasses. ALSO kabru is vaguely aro to me. you mean the guy thats super desirable that doesnt really seem interested in anyone particular outside of pursuing friendship? that guy? (also the way he did rin omfg)
-random but I dont think kabrus PTSD is talked about enough and also like the extent of his trauma. its not just utaya/monsters/his mom dying; its being raised by a single mother, its his blue eyes, its being adopted, its being raised by an elf, etc!!!! a lot of things he does bc of ptsd get attributed to autism (I also hc kabru as autistic, and some is symptom overlap. but it is secondary to the ptsd! he is traumatized first and foremost ty) I really love kabru so much. ty for the ptsd rep <3
-also out here to say I know an amount of kabumisu content is mithrun centric. I will tell you from my pov specifically though its bc I deeply relate to mithrun (as someone who once told a therapist many years ago I desired nothing and truly meant it. she said I was like a puppet without strings. of course I saw mithrun and was like. oh.) and Im in love with kabru. kabru reminds me of all the people who gave me a reason to pull through. people who saw good in me and treated me like a person when I didnt feel like one. I also really relate to kabru though as someone with complex trauma, even if my traumas are not the same. thats why I say I think not enough is attributed to his ptsd. anyway, once I just opened a notebook and wrote kabrus name over and over again with hearts. I have never done this to mithrun. so dont tell me kabumisus dont like kabru !!!
-kabru and mithrun are both so gender. Ive seen so many variants on their gender and gender expression in the ship. some people hate this and insist they must be one way or the other. I think theyre neat lots of different ways. I love when theyre both feminine men. I love when mithrun is super masc. I love when theyre butch4butch. I love when theyre both trans. and so much more. its all beautiful. a very good variety of food. the other day on my dash I had a tallman art of mithrun with the biggest tits imaginable and the very next post he was like a little porcelain doll. keep up the good work guys. I love you.
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starlightingsss · 1 year
mad woman (laxus x reader)
my man so fine ong 🤭🤭
part one
dialogue is not my strong suit yall.
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as night fell, the other 4 started setting up their camp.
well not necessarily the other four , just the 3 that you wreaked havoc onto her guild, while the blonde sat and stared at her, a blank expression on his face.
she was a little lost on what to do or how she could help, until he seemed to snap out og his thoughts and walk over to her.
"shower." he instructed, handing her a towel.
"excuse me?" she snapped, indignantly.
"go take a shower." he repeated, irritated with her already.
"we're in the middle of nowhere!" she hissed, not appreciating his tone.
"theres a waterfall a few hundred feet to the left," he grunted, pointing in the direction as she took the towel and walked away.
after an hour or so, she returned.
"jeez! you took forever! even longer than me!" evergreen remarked, putting down the fish she was eating.
the other 3 just continued in their hushed conversation, as she sat with them by the fire.
they were all eating fish, and she was a little hungry too. but still a little too shy to ask, so instead, she stood up and walked around the clearing - looking for berries on some of the bushes.
"what are you doing?" laxus snapped, watching her walk around.
"looking for something to eat." she replied defensively, as she finally found some berries.
"in a bush?" he sneered, raising his eyebrows.
"berries." she snapped.
he scoffed before portioning some of his fish for her, as she picked from the bush.
they continued in their conversation, not paying much attention to the girl. before freed turned to her, and asked her, "where do you plan on sleeping?"
"in a tent..?" she said, confused.
"in which tent," freed said curtly, elaborating, "either with us or with laxus."
"how about you all stay together and i get a tent to myself?" she piped, not liking either of her options.
"now don't be like that," bickslow laughed, as his puppets mimicked.
laxus narrowed his eyes before deciding for her, "you'll just stay with me."
eventually they finished their meal, and evergreen returned, and they all retreated into their tents.
"do you snore?" she asked, as she watched laxus get ready for bed.
"do you snore?" he snapped in reply, annoyed with her question.
"is that a yes?" she asked, as he shrugged. uncontent with her answer, she grunted and laid down to sleep.
after a few hours, laxus was awoken by screaming.
he mumbled some curses, before lighting the lamp, and seeing her drenched in blood, with her ribs protruding from her chest, her back arching and hands clawing into the ground.
despite all of this, she was still sound asleep, and laxus didn't seem to know what to do except wake her.
once he recovered from his shock, he neared her, shaking her awake, as her eyes snapped open.
she gasped as she realized what had happened to her in her sleep, before 'fixing' it.
"i'm so sorry.. this just happens sometimes when things happen to me, it's totally nothing, im so sorry." she mumbled, to a shocked laxus, who just shook his head and told her it was fine.
after that night, they packed up their camp, and their track back to the guild was pretty short, even thought they ran into a vulcan or two.
as they re-entered the blososmimg town of magnolia, it seemed it was just in time for their annual harvest festival.
she had heard a lot about it, it was a nationally renowned event - people woukd travel from all over to see it, and to watch the fantasia parade.
there was also a kind of pageant taking place, miss fairy tail.
as they all walked, the green haired guy and laxus continued in whispered conversation, they appeared to be arguing in a way.
when they finished, they told "ever" something and she backtracked tappning y/n on her shoulder.
"you're going to join our guild." she proclaimed, not leaving room for argument.
"i'm already in a guild."
"well! you're going to join ours," bickslow cackled, "my babies love you already!"
"don't be so sure yet, makarov still needs to approve her." freed spurred, his voice still stern.
"that old geezer will let her in justttt fine," laxus snapped, "just in time for the miss fairy tail contest too!"
"excuse me?", i asked, insure exactly why he wanted me to be in the pageant.
"with that pretty face, you'll win that 500.000 jewel just fine, can't have you lounging around for free!" laxus thundered, wrapping his arm around the girl.
as they approached the guild hall, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
laxus and the rest of them practically blew the door in, before storming their way into the guild hall, invoking a ton of whispers and stares.
"oh! laxus, you're back in town!" smiled a white haired girl, mirajane strauss - i recognized her from a few magazine covers.
laxus just scoffed in her direction, before making his way over to the guild master, who was sitting and just drinking.
"well?" the master asked, as laxus stood in front of him.
laxus tugged me in fromt of him, "she wants to join the guild."
the master seemed to sober at that moment, staring at the girl, taking in her face and her figure, "shes a mage?"
"of course shes a mage!" laxus snapped, "wouldn't bring in some weakling.."
"laxus, let me speak with her." the man instructed, as laxus scoffed and walked off, climbing the stairs to the second floor.
"so," makarov said, swinging his feet a bit, "what magic do you use, y/n?"
"is it really important?" i growled, coming off harsher than i should have.
"well it is a wizards guild!" he said, still jolly, "i don't sense any particular magic power from you.. but you might just be powerful enough to conceal it."
"bones. i control bones, they speak to me, i instruct them, they obey. every bone in your body, every bone in my body, every bone in the world." i replied briskly.
"no wonder laxus brought you over here.. is there anything else you can do?" the master continued, humming and swinging his legs on the bar.
"some shadow magick, some requip .. a bit of rune magick too."
"shadow magick? could you elaborate on that?" he murmured, seeming to be deeper in thought.
"i can merge with that shadows, sneak around." she munbled, "it's not really anything."
"well! you certainly are a mage.. a quite powerful one at that.. im glad to say, welcome to the guild, y/n!" makarov said, before announcing to the guild, "now you buffoons welcome our new member!"
"YEAHH!!!" yelled out a pink haired guy, before he launched himself at her, slamming her straight into the floor with a fire engulfed punch.
"OI! NATSU YOU MIGHTVE KILLED HER" the master exclaimed, in shock, before the girl got right back up.
"oi natsu! hands off my girl." thundered laxus from upstairs, who was now leaning over the balcony.
"OHOH A FIGHT!" natsu exclaimed, "happy!", as a flying blue cat lifted him, launching him at laxus as his fist was now again engulfed in fire. laxus struck him down mid air with lightning, as natsu laid on the floor knocked out, his cat next to him.
the girl just stumbled out of the rubble, as laxus made his way down stairs to meet her. his arm wrapped around her waist as they both exited the guild as quickly as they came.
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I have a request please!
Could you write about Eddie dear and Frank frankly taking care of a regressed reader?
(Headcannon or fanfic I don’t mind!)
Sorry I didn’t notice I got an ask !! Im still getting used to Tumblrs interface, especially since it’s so different on my phone than my laptop (╯‿╰,)
Absolutely ! I’ll do headcanons since everything is so new, but I hope you enjoy it anon ! Hope you don’t mind that I like writing reader as a fellow puppet of the Neighborhood.
Synopsis : Frank and Eddie take care of you during dinner time and tuck you in for bed
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
✿ Just like Julie, you would consider yourself pretty good friends with Frank. You trusted him more than anyone else in the Neighborhood. So when he finally made it official with Eddie, you were over the moon for him! Now you had two besties to hang out with
✿ Most everyone knew you age regressed occasionally, heck, some of your fellow neighbors did as well ! Sally, for example, regressed like you do and made for wonderful playdates
✿ When Frank had suggested that both him and Eddie act as your caregivers, you hesitated. On one hand, it would be awesome having not one but TWO caregivers. On the other hand, you felt rather shy opening up to Eddie in such a vulnerable state.
✿ In the end though, you agreed. Frank had said that he spoke with Eddie before approaching you about it, and that the mailman was more than excited to partake. “I think it would be fun!” He had said
✿ Franks home is a nice little two bedroom house with a little office he kept for all his insect stuff. Especially his display of butterfly shadow boxes. The spare bedroom was originally a guest bedroom but doubled as the space where you and Frank would hang when regressed
✿ As the afternoon turned into evening and Eddie’s shift ended, little you and Frank waited patiently (albeit excitedly) for the mailman to come home. Dinner was around the corner and Frank had already set the table, your own colorful plastic plate and cutlery set out as well.
✿ “I’m home!” Eddie announced loudly as he entered the house. He set his satchel and hat off to the side. “Sorry if I’m a little late, I got lost delivering some of the last packages.”
✿ “Welcome Home.” Frank greeted him as well and went to give his hello kisses. You giggled at their interaction from your place at the table. “Dinners ready whenever you are.”
✿ You couldn’t help the giggles that seemed to spill out of you as you watch the two dot over eachother. It was enough to catch Eddie’s attention. “Now what this over here? Looks like someone has a case of the giggles.”
✿ “Papa gave Daddy kisses.” You said gleefully behind your hands. Eddie left Frank’s side to come over to you as he enveloped you in a hug.
✿ “And Papa gives kisses to littles too!” He said giving you quick smooches to both your cheeks. His hands found their way to your sides and before you could register what he was doing, he began to tickle you. This sent you into a raging fit of laughter, absolutely shrieking before Eddie took mercy and took his place at the table.
✿ Dinner went by normally. Frank put your food on your plastic plate, with dividers, and poured your favorite juice in a sippy cup. Eddie talked about his day and how it went and in turn ask you and Frank how yours was.
✿ “We played with Sally at her house and for lunch we had sandwiches that Miss Poppy made. It was really yummy. Then we had nap time and daddy read me the hungry caterpillar, it’s my favorite bug book.” You rambled off when it your turn to talk about your day. It was like that as everyone finished their food as Frank and Eddie started taking plates and washing them.
✿ Frank had been to worried in the past that you might accidentally cut yourself with something sharp while helping with the dishes, so he asked instead if you didn’t mind getting into your pajamas for the night. “I’m sure papa would love to see your new jammies we got from Howdys.”
✿ The idea of being able to show off your new pjs was more than enough motivation to leave to two in the kitchen as they cleaned. When you came back, they were finished and had put most of everything away.
✿ “Papa!” You had practically shouted as you came into the living room. “Look at my pjs! The stars glow in the dark!” They were indeed cute pajamas. They had a solid blue background with white stars scattered about in various sizes.
✿ “Come here,” Eddie patted the space between him and Frank on the couch. You gladly wiggled in between them to cuddle. “Why, these look spectacular! You’ll have to show me them glowing when it’s bedtime.”
✿ As you snuggled between your caretakers you felt sleep slowly but surely creep its way up as you began to yawn. Surely closing your eyes just to rest them won’t make you go to sleep. Besides, papa is telling a real interesting story (that you aren’t following) to daddy so of course you’ll stay awake.
✿ In all honesty, you only lasted for roughly half an hour, and that’s being generous. The sun had set long ago and the hour was late. “Oh dear,” Eddie said, suddenly dropping his voice to a whisper. “I believe they’ve fallen asleep.”
✿ “So they have.” Frank whispered. “Here, why don’t we take ‘em to bed.” He gently pried himself away from you, moving ever so slowly in order not to wake you. Eddie scooped you up in his strong arms, trying his best not to stir you, and carried you to the guest room.
✿ While Eddie tucked you into bed, Frank grabbed one of your stuffed animals and expertly slid it between your arms. You moved a little but it was to grasp the toy and hold it dearly. Frank plugged in a nightlight on the opposite side of the room before tiptoeing out, Eddie leaving right behind.
✿ Even though Frank had left you a nightlight, he flipped the hallway light on and left the door open a creek. He knew that you hated wondering around in the dark in case you needed something in the middle of the night.
✿ “Goodnight sleepy bug.” Eddie whispered to your sleeping form before finally taking his leave and following Frank upstairs and to their bedroom.
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the1trueanon · 11 months
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Fun fact! Actor AU is currently the only WH AU to have a version of Sage instead of Rosemary! :D
Her intro stuff is really long, so I'll put it under the cut (AAAA IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE HER)!!
So, for the Actor AU, Sage actually isn't an actor at all! She's a singer and songwriter who has pretty recently (like, within the past year or two before meeting the WH cast, maybe?) become very popular. Sage's personality and music draw a lot of inspiration from AURORA and MALINDA -- songs that tend to have a lot of deeper meaning behind them. She's eccentric and honestly a bit weird, but she's most known for being open and honest about herself and her music, and for being very caring and sweet. She's able to immediately connect to people and help them see different points of view, which is part of why she's gotten so popular with both puppet and human audiences.
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Wally, of course, doesn't really trust it, considering how he thinks and what he believes. He assumes she's probably just another attention-hungry diva, thinking they're the shit, using the whole "lets all be best buds!" schtick to sell out. So he doesn't really pay attention to her or what she does too much, besides taking note of her rising popularity.
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That is, of course, until he meets her.
Due to Sage's rising popularity, the show executives decide to have her come on the show as a sort of guest star. Wally doesn't really like this, but they're able to negotiate him to at least try it out for an episode and they'll decide what to do after that. Wally reluctantly agrees, but he's not too optimistic about it. He's really just expecting another one of those "rising star" types, y'know? (Which, fair enough, when you consider what all he's probably had to deal with in his time, plus the fact that all he's probably ever seen or heard of her is in interviews, and he puts on an act well enough for his, so.)
I have a whole actual comic planned detailing this that I'll hopefully finish and get out soon (sitting and writing comics is hard when you have near-zero focus QwQ) but essentially he's outside, before filming for the first day of this, just to get air before having to go back in and start directing things and getting ready and she approaches him and just starts talking with him. And he has no idea who the fuck this is??? (Honest to god, he'll never admit it now but he thought she was an intern or something at first XD) But slowly he goes from just answering her shortly to actually participating in the conversation?? And not just a "how's the weather" sort of thing, but like. Actual deep conversation, about what he's doing out there and talking through a little bit of the stress and stuff. And eventually he kinda like, comes to and realizes he's been talking way too much about way too deep stuff and he's like "hold up who tf are you again?" Which is about the same time her manager (who has been named Savannah and she's also a sweetheart) comes out looking for her and before Sage heads in she fully introduces herself to him, and he's just. Stunned. Absolutely blown away.
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Here he was, expecting some diva he'd have to give the shake down to, but instead he's met with just. A girl. An honest, strange, caring girl.
This continues throughout that week of filming, Sage subverting every expectation Wally previously had of her. The whole time he's just more and more startled by Sage and who she is. Her whole team is super sweet and she obviously has very deep trust in them, and jokes with them like friends. She treats his staff with utmost respect (which, admittedly, makes him act on his best behavior every time she's around. He doesn't wanna look bad in comparison XD). She seems to genuinely enjoy her time there and what she's doing. Even more than that, Sage honestly has a very poor filter, so she talks a lot about everything lol, but it can be good! Because this is how Wally learns about her drive to create and how much she genuinely wants to bring people together. He finds out that really, the two of them have very similar visions, just for different audiences. Later, he and the executives and director and stuff are all discussing if they wanna keep doing stuff with her and her team and he's just immediately like "Yes. Absolutely. She has a similar vision to me. We either keep doing stuff with her or I'm personally helping fund her, capiche?" and they're all like "👀Got it" XD
And then, of course, there's her music. Which, after that first day of filming, he searches up as much of as he can and listens to it. And is again absolutely blown away lmao (there's another little comic idea I have for this too hehehe but its much shorter than the other one)
And thus begins Wally's journey of self-improvement, led by Sage's example /j XDDDD
ANYWAY HRGHRGHRGHRHGR THATS ALL THE EXPOSITION IMMA GIVE HERE CAUSE THATS A LOT AND THERE'S STILL A TON MORE STORY IN MY BRAIN BUT AUUUGGGHHH I'M SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS AU (also Frills, I have no idea what spell you've put on me with this thing but I have never made such cinematic art before O-O don't stop XD)
As always, Welcome Home belongs to Clown (partycoffin) and Actor/Diva Wally and the Actor AU belong to the wonderful @frillsand!! 💖💖💖
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grosserboyfriend · 2 years
redguytober two.
warnings: bugs (NOT in a sexual sense there’s just a creepy mention of bugs.) implied mind corruption, anal, rougher than anything i’ve written for him before. no specific genitalia mentioned
also im trying out writing with the gang’s human names (red is harry, duck is dillan, yellow is manny). theyre still puppets in this though. maybe in the future i’ll de-degenerateify myself and write them as humans, i dont think thats what you guys are here for though
this house did things to people.
you had first noticed it at breakfast, a couple weeks ago. it had been a while since dillan’s stint as a dead man, but you felt something crawling up your foot anyway. you shook it off, peeking under the table to see what was there.
maggots. maggots were creeping their way out from every crevice of the floor to dillan’s legs, swarming him with their hungry little bodies. when you looked back up, he was still just reading the paper as if nothing were wrong. manny giggled as some of the bugs crawled over his feet, complaining of the tickles. he had taken the brunt of the mental toll, sometimes going completely non-verbal as if it hurt him to think.
you’d made eye contact with harry, a silent, worried look passing between the two of you. there was reassurance there, that he hadn’t succumbed to whatever lurked in the walls and devoured your friends bit by bit.
or that’s what you had thought, that morning. but now, with your face pressed into your pillows and fingers curling in the sheets, you wondered if harry’s mental decay had taken a different form.
he was holding your hips up, forcing your back into a perfect arch even as your arms ached and your thighs trembled. he had already made you cum once, his triple tongues working you open and making you see stars. you had thought he’d stop there.
you were wrong.
he was rutting against you, cock pressed against your ass as he reached around to palm at you, sending sparks through your body. you whined, arms threatening to give out as he toyed with your overstimulated body. “love,” you groaned, voice hoarse. “please don’t- fuck, don’t tease-”
it came out as a command, not a request- the first time he had ever spoken to you like that. the surprise of it made you fall silent, eyes wide as he pressed himself into you more insistently, as if he were edging himself. “just- hush, fuck.”
the last words tumbled out as a moan as he finally, blessedly entered you, making you shove your face deeper into the pillows to muffle your moan. the sight of you so complacent only encouraged him to hold your hips up with one hand, the other on your back to keep you down, as he fucked you into the mattress.
despite his request, you couldn’t help but moan into the pillows as he set a brutal pace, cock hitting spots you didn’t even know you had as he wrecked you. you could hear him above you, the absolutely lewd squelch of his cock plunging into you muffled by his own pants and groans, louder and more unabashed than he’d ever been. your whole body twitched as you heard him hiss, “so pretty, so fucking good for me”. this only earned you being pressed harder down into your bed, and a deeper angle for harry to fuck into you at.
you could feel yourself getting close, reaching a weak arm to touch yourself before harry pushed it away, the hand from your back going down to palm against you. you sobbed, back arching against him as you came, clenching around him. he hissed, holding your hips in a grip so rough you were sure you’d have a bruise the next day as he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own release.
before you could fully cross into overstimulation, he came inside you, the sensation of him filling you making you whine as he choked on his moans, shaking as you milked him for everything he had.
he collapsed against you, half-pinning you to the mattress. “sorry.”
“hm?” you tilted your head to face him as best you could, what with his softening cock still inside you. he refused to meet your gaze, staring off to some dark corner of your room. “didn’t mean to hurt you.”
it was a simple statement, but you knew what he meant.
“you didn’t. you’d never.” you whispered, tucking yourself into your place in the crook of his neck.
this house did things to people.
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rabid-citrus · 1 month
Happy fnaf at feddy's 10 year anniversary, thank you for changing my life when i was an edgy fifth-grader
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acrylic markers on marker paper
I learned that fnaf exists back in early 2015 when i saw my classmate playing it on her phone. At first I didn't think too much about it, but then I discovered a wikipedia page about it and one of the links at the bottom took me to the fan wiki. And I, being an information-hungry gremlin, started OBSESSIVELY reading up on the plot and the characters. It sucked me in. I was attracted by the animatronic designs. I read every theory. I watched every SFM animation and lots of gameplay videos. I was there for the fnaf world and sister location releases. I remember when pizzasim came out right on my birthday.
I was BIG into humanizations (cough, pole-bear designs, cough cough) and it still shows with my puppet depictions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My all time favorite was (and still is) the Puppet. I liked the lore around it and I thought it looked cool. I thought it would give the best hugs. Maybe it's the reason for me experiencing neuron activation every time i see a clown now lol
My weird puppet obsession grew into scrambling for every last puppet incarnation, including the ones from fangames. Anything even vaguely shaped like a Puppet variation was instantly snatched and adopted. Then, as the headcanons piled up, it grew into an elaborate au with a fixation on the puppet type. Maybe one day I'll muster enough courage to share it with you.
The Security Breach announcement turned my mind upside-down with the second trailer: I imprinted on the Sun. It pushed every single button: tall, lanky, clown - the same characteristics that the Puppet design had! I was very excited for the release. So excited, that it would make me feel nauseous if i thought about it too much. I got sick a few days prior to December 16th and the nausea got so bad I had to restrain myself from thinking about the Daycare Attendant, or else I felt like throwing up. I remember watching Dawko's playthrough while sick, I would take breaks to get off the computer and lie down every few minutes. I LOVED THE DAYCARE SECTION. Sun and Moon were definitely an addition to my comfort character list.
A few days later, after obsessing over the robot clowns in a chat with my bestie, I posted a VERY POORLY WORDED and somewhat misinformed ramble about the character being neurodivergent or at least nd-coded, with LOTS of self-projection (i had(and still have) really strong suspicions that im autistic and/or have adhd at the time, but thats a whole another story). Again, I worded the post very poorly and I had inaccurate information about neurodivergency on my hands at that time, and, unsurprisingly, I ended up unintentionally offending some actually autistic people (i don't remember what exactly caused the backlash, i think it was me misusing some terms and saying something along the lines of "the character is lonely because his over-the-top manners scare others away" which was another way of self-projecting, as I was feeling like an outcast myself at that time, and i unintentionally came off as being ableist. If I offended you, I'm really sorry for it, and I take full responsibility for being insensitive) I learned a lot of new and actually accurate information since then and I learned to be more careful with my words.
I have history with Freddy's. This franchise radically altered my brain chemistry, and I wonder where would I be without it today. It and it's fangames gave me the majority of my comfort characters, and it was one of the reasons for me to become a full-on artist. It holds great emotional value to me.
Thank you for reading my rambles, i hope it was coherent enough
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
Hellooo if requests are still open,,, may i please request one with zacharie, the batter and valarie? With the reader having an overactive imagination (i.e being able to make up stories on the spot and sometimes rambling about these idea’s) maybe at some point just saying “oh im sorry,, am i rambling to much???” If you reply thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!! :D
Anon, I'm going to give you the most loving headpat of all time for requesting Vader Eloha!!!
Batter, Zacharie and Vader Eloha with a Reader who has an Overactive Imagination
Batter is always going to be all ears whenever his beloved puppeteer starts talking, your voice being more beautiful than any song angels or something akin to them could sing, so naturally he will give each and every single one of your stories his full attention. But it’s not just the way your voice sounds that has him completely smitten, oh no, it’s also your creativity and the way you express yourself through the medium of speech, with all kinds of emotions behind it.
From the way you smile when you think of something funny or wholesome to the way you could almost cry when your beloved characters die, it all makes all the more intrigued by your stories and ideas, not that he wasn’t already. And even if you simply state them in the most flat and monotone voice imaginable, he will still be more than happy to listen to you. You can expect him to ask you some questions as well, if you don’t mind them.
Whilst he may not be the most expressive person, or the most imaginative one either, having a hard time imagining something in full detail that isn’t just his instinct in battle, he will try his best to visualise something you’re telling him about. As mentioned before, he will ask questions since he has difficulty doing so. And who knows, maybe if you tell him about something very wholesome and sweet he might just think that you and him being in that situation might be very sweet as well!
Don’t you worry about apologising to the guy, he won’t take any offence to you talking a lot, quite the opposite, he loves it. The only time he will interrupt you is when you’re about to get maimed by a spectre, but I think that can be excused. Other than that, he will tell you that it’s alright in his usual, flat and monotone tone.
Zacharie will also be giving you his full attention, most of the time. When he isn’t haggling with a tough customer, he, too, will listen to every single word you have to say. Of course, that doesn’t mean you won’t be teased lightly on occasion or flirted with when you have some ideas, but he means well and will stop if you don’t take too kindly to it. If it’s an especially sweet idea he might just imagine the two of you being in that scenario while neither you nor customers are around.
Will write your ideas down in a small notebook and say that he’s going to sell them. He could, he knows they would go like warm bread rolls, but he won’t do so. Each and every single idea and story of yours is like a small treasure, a memory worth more than any amount of credits in the world. Sometimes he’ll read through his notebook(s) and remember all the scenarios you’ve come up with. Zacharie might try his hand at writing something based on your stories to surprise you with, and he’s not that bad of a writer either, but he doesn’t have too much confidence in himself since he thinks he won’t ever be as good at it as you, so most of his drafts end up in the trash.
If he can feel that it’s going to be a longer story and the two of you are home, then he will prepare a seat for the two of you, some drinks and, if time allows it, some food as well. Talking for a long time can make you feel parched and hungry and he does value your comfort and well-being over everything else. Plus, if you’re okay with it, he would like to have a nice cuddle session with you as well while you tell him all about your ideas.
This man does not take kindly to you being mean to yourself. He’ll take your hands in his and tell you that there’s absolutely no need to apologise, that he loves listening to you more than anything and that you’re so creative, it would be a waste for you to not share your beautiful ideas with anyone. While he can be sneaky when it comes to talking, knowing very well what to say to make a good bargain, he would never lie to you. Especially not during moments like these.
Vader Eloha:
She absolutely adores your capability of storytelling. She’s a mother, so she knows that coming up with stories can be rather difficult at times, so Eloha can definitely admire that. If you’re fine with it, she would love to have you tell some of your stories to Hugo and her while you eat cookies together and drink some milk, or any other beverage of your choice. Yes, she would prefer you told Hugo only the funny or wholesome ones with a good ending, but if it’s just the two of you, you’re more than welcome to tell her any violent or gorey stories as well, she can take it.
Eloha will sit with you at a table and drink some tea while you tell her all about your newest idea. If you’re smiling while narrating something sweet she, too, will be giving you a gentle smile. Even if you’re frowning or on the verge of tears, she’ll give you comforting words. During the latter, she will, after you’re done, of course, make a suggestion on how to make the story a bit more happy, if not give it a happy ending altogether. In her opinion, everyone deserves one, no matter how rough around the edges they are.
The Queen is pretty good at drawing stuff, so, if she ever finds the time, she might draw a scene or two from one of your stories or ideas and give the finished piece to you. Giving her a hug or a sweet kiss will only inspire her to do so more often. The more descriptive you are, the more details she will encompass while making her art. In fact, if you’re down for it, the two of you could always just sit together while you tell your story or idea and she will draw it at the same time. You could create a picture story together like that!
If you ever apologise to her, she will simply embrace you ever so gently and give you a kiss on the forehead or crown of your head, telling you that it’s alright. She loves listening to anything you have to say and will repeat such as often as you need to hear it. If you ever need reaffirmation that it’s okay, she’ll start asking questions and show even more interest in all your creativity, showing you even more support than before. Eloha just wants you to be as happy and comfortable as you could possibly be.
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i'm sorry but i'm not sorry to him or any of them they're really gross to me i hate them all i don't like being obsessed over ill say if again i don't like it
sorrryyyyyyyyyy i relapsed but it's not that bad
im sorry i promised you i'd do some work then we'd play together but i'll pay for it so if i'm not replying its because i'm taking care of myself for what i did to you and myself for not working im sorry
i kinda forgot how good this feels aaaaah it's dark so i hope i didn't go overboard.... is it bad that i'm enjoying it? should i go further? mmm
the caffeine wasn't supposed to make me dizzy it was supposed to make me do my work ,,., but the crickets are chirping and imperial girl is playing so i don't need to do anything anyways i'm just gonna talk then shut up
i can't believe i still feel a sort of fear whenever i check my spam emails because of you. You're so useless and it makes me laugh at the nerve you have harassing me and yeah I do take pleasure in watching you all scramble for my blood like starving mosquitoes but seriously what's wrong with you? I consider myself someone with high morals and consideration for others but at this point Kys I don't care You're all pathetic pathetic gross pathetic why do you want to have control over me so bad? you like hurting people because youre insecure? You power hungry animal i hope someone puts you in your place you destroyed my innocence . I'm glad I supposedly make you cry because you d9nt have control cry harder sob and beg at my feet for my attention stupid bug
im not your puppet or toy to play with and beat up cry harder sob cry cry cry cry cry I dont care what appearance my body makes me take I still hate you and I'm always going to be here under the surface die
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coralcolonial · 5 months
i wish it loved me, honestly.
um. emotional stuff under the readmore, so... kc, don't look, unless you want to, i guess.
i want it to love me. i dont care how bad it is. i dont care if it'd be hungry to do so. i want it to love me. and i know it wont because im me. im not the stupid little puppet that doesn't even appreciate what it has. and i wouldnt ever be. ||but i would tear myself open at the chance to be perfect like that, to be loved like that, i would leap to the chance to be made into something worth loving, something with use and a purpose and something that isn't me. anything that isn't me. it would fix me and make me stop thinking like this.|| i already love it. but i think it prefers things hard to get. it wants what it cant have and i want what i cant have but the difference is that the house always wins. im just a mage of void. i know nothing. good for *nothing.* i'm not even a player. ||i'm not even a person, really, just some bits of code that swallowed up a defective ghost. but i want to be something so bad that i'd die for it if i just. and i never will, and i want to so bad.|| i never will. it will never want me.
i am more grateful than you will ever be. but you will always be favored. even when there's someone more capable and willing and loyal than you, even when time and time again they try to steer you right and you refuse to listen, you will always be favored.
it hope it hurts now that you don't have a purpose.
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i wish i could be something more other than this. i wish i was better. i wish i could just pick myself up, or perhaps just let someone puppeteer me around.
some days I wish bad things wouls happen to me again, just so I can go back to surviving and not rhinking. ive spent my entire life surviving and getting by on scraps, half hungry on most days and running out of tears. now everythinf, in theory, is safe and im mwant to move past things, but it doesnt work. im stuck with all the things people done to me and i cant escape any of it.
i considered of paying a stranger to lay with me in bed, not do anything, just hug and cuddle me, letting me cry into their chest or shoulder the entire time, hug me andngently kiss my head.
i want something or someoje to hold me tight and not say anything or maybe say everyrhubf that my younger seld ever wanted to hear.
i know whats wrojg with me, its the ptsd from being assoulted, from being abused, from being left alone to cry since I was tiny, trying to figure out what I did wrong to make no one want to touxh me.
i wish i couod sleep for a year so that i can get as close to death as possible, but even then, I feel selfish.
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
Debra Bend Air
Crash Nebula, NEW BUILD LA
Galaxy Launcher, LAWN CHAIR
Barbie & Ken
Airport Express
Project Rainbow TreeHouse
Family Tapestry
Debra Bend Air
Elephant Fancy
C'mon white powers,
hurry hurry!
dont forget to play BOTH,
hero and villain,
Oh, if you can play Dirty Doctor, Copy Cat Cop, AND private child molester hunter
those are the 3 favorite white roles i enjoy watching whites lie about,
hey! its the same guys!
hey guys!
Yup! Its the guys who love that Vanilla, and those Parrot Party Poppers LOL
so fucking nasty!!
white america! woohoo!
just pretend to be a little girl, and talk to white money only...
the guys come rushing out,
the moment you switch ur little girl voices, for dominant vanilla
you guys get so hungry and hot,
hmmmmmm whats the rush guys?
hmmmmm whats the hush guys?
Rush rush rush,
and hush hush hush
you can puppet master white teams,
just by pretending to be a scared victim... funny how their speed increases, the tighter you make the "rainbow parrot" comments
white money is fun! right?
white silver labs is fun! right?
white white white white white white
hmmm.... I notice a theme in these "child molester" and "sky pizza" themes....
white teams have to answer first right?
or they play Ping Pong, and Paddle Board lol
Lets talk about how america likes my little voice saying OH PLEASE STOP!!
the tighter i scream stop,
the closer white teams want in
Im just genuinely curious
does justice come in different colors?
Rainbow Parrot Pop Parties
Strawberry Vanilla pretended screams of little girls trying to piss daddys silver fire
dirty white guys are so easy to turn on... specially if you cross reference money... and secrets...
ooooh this is where it gets REALLY fun!
the more money,
the more reasons to lie!
oooooooo this is fun fun fun,
i hope nobody tried to criminalize my strawberry sundays lol
Oh gee, i hope their not white....
Oh no! Watch Out!
I know how to make my voice extra extra special for whites who listened for too long...
being extorted in america!
yay! fun! right?
if you havent noticed,
i speak sarcasm,
except the only thing thats not sarcastic,
is how much these white guys want to touch anything that says VANILLA
whisper is really smoothly
whisper Rainbow Skittles really tightly in ur pretend to Piss...
and appears these white guys have a difficult time distinguishing between protecting their Dick, their Ass, or their Lies...
hmmm... Rainbow Parrot Party!
hmmm.... a gay guy who can scream like a little girl....
hmmm white guys who cant get enough...
Anyone Hungry?
If I see a white guy,
My first & only question,
And I want to know about ALLLLLLL the sexual details first
Nah, I dont care too much for the sign languages, or the "ops" or "co signs"
I'd rather talk about what happens whenever I make myself Tight like a little girl, while I know ur nasty asses are listening
Yah, thats the conversation
Yah, thats the 24/7
lets talk white money
lets talk white power
Now Anyone Hungry?
Now Anyone Like Rainbows?
Now Anyone Like Piss?
Now Anyone Like Tight Voices?
Its pretty easy to see,
theres tons of corrupt WHITE parties, purposely listening to my lifes work...
all because i caught a ton of mother fuckers in human trafficking,
and these rich "telepathy" talks, cant be believed, or poor poor white guys get exposed....
lets get creative,
so next time I scream like a girl whos blowing her entire vagina out,
can you at least compliment me before you rush covering up, ur already covered role
lol.... pretend you've been an agent for years.... and ur still talking to the same fucking gay guy!
LOL some of these same guys have told me so many lies!
and they act like they can change their face and come right back lol
Ur still the same nasty mother fuckers!
ur exploiting my psy languages,
and Im purposely talking about tight pussys popping, just to see ur white asses call on the club...
and once your little club of white money comes up...
i snake every single one of you with ETERNITY
because Im not here to only be a victim,
Im here to be a victor..
you were busy playing Hero & Villian... while I played OH NO!! DONT HURT ME AGAIN DADDY!
Oh no! My Parrot Skittles might pop
Uh Oh! I hope you guys didnt lose track of the teams required in maintaining ur lies lol...
No worries,
if i lose track of you guys,
all I have to do, is make a few screams that say OH NO! DONT POP MY VANILLA AGAIN!
and u white guys come back...
if i want you back faster,
I whisper Secrets about White Money first
If i want you to move faster
If i want you to 'come get it' faster
I first make sure I cross reference WHITE MONEY,
hmmm... how did that Vanilla shop gain so much momentum...
seriously so fucking shameful and disgusting this many White guys are getting away with all this,
just because I have too much sarcasm and endless sadistic jokes about nasty fucking white people
I will NEVER bed with you,
but if we talk Whips & Chains,
and Vanilla Parrots...
you guys will act like I've completely lost control of the dog pile of slanders you guys run...
Oh dog piles!
I love dog piles!
Wow! All white too!
Wow! How are the citizens so lucky?!
Dog piles AND their ALL WHITE!
If i pretend touch myself, and scream alittle bit,
does ur dick twitch?
how ur ass feel, when i pretend to piss like a little girl?
White guys love to compare their poor spirits to mine...
poor poor child molesters lol,
they didn't start off that way...
That just "evolved" that way LOL
I think maybe theyre listen to my Vanilla too much LOL
thats just a guess tho,
gosh darn... i wish i could prove something... but a global revolution would be too much right?
Okay lets go back to screaming in little voices, and begging white guys not to pop up..
Oh no! Please dont pop me Mr.Whites Guy club
oh no! I hope you dont play a reverse theory on me!
Oh no! whos the hero!?
Oh no! whos the villain?!
Oh no! now im a dangerous gay child molester... hmmm... these
lies and accusations get extensive quick... whenever WHITE MONEY is on the line lol
Oh no!!
A gay guy who can double bait
Oh No! Not a pretend voice!
Oh No! Not another excuse to "pop a vanilla"
Uh Oh!
I hope I didnt beat the child molester "ops" ...again.... and again..... and again....
just by calling myself A GAY ANNA
Hurry ups telepathic listeners
we need more cover stories LOL
white money exposed LOL
god bless the innocent
and say GAAAAARRRBAAAAAAYGE to "white power america"
Power RED+
Power to garfield
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