cordeliawhohung · 3 months
soap x f!reader | drabble
cw: smut, dub-con voyeurism, religious talk and standards, virginity taking/hymen breaking, breeding kink, just a lot of fucking filth, unrealistic sex, this was just an idea i need to get out of my brain so i can work on something else lmao
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You always knew Johnny was a traditional and devout Catholic, but you didn't think he'd consummate your marriage with an audience; let alone in front of the members of his task force.
"It's okay," he coos softly. Soft sheets sprawl underneath your bare body as your wide eyes catch sight of the three men entering the hotel suite. Shaky hands grab Johnny's arms as you attempt to bury yourself in his exposed skin to save yourself any sort of embarrassment. You recognize them instantly as attendants of your wedding — they're even still wearing their suits — but that doesn't ease your anxiety any further. "They're just 'ere tae watch. Ah work with them. Trust them with mah life. Won't speak a word."
There are only so many chairs in the room for them to take. John, who you remember being introduced to earlier that night as Johnny's captain, drags one of the office chairs to the foot of the bed. He sits with a polite smile, as if you're meeting for Sunday brunch. Kyle does the same, both of them sitting, legs spread far, knees nearly knocking together. The lieutenant, Simon, doesn't make himself nearly as comfortable. He stands behind them, arms crossed over a broad chest as his eyes wander your body, taking in the sight of your soft skin and neatly done bridal makeup. Your skin perks, prompting you to cover yourself with your arms as a chill racks your body.
"To watch?" you repeat, teeth sinking into your lower lip. "I don't... I don't know, Johnny."
"We have tae," he presses, fingers ghosting over your cheek and turning your attention to him. The mazarine hue of his eyes bores into you as he leans up, hand wandering over your torso until he rests on your stomach. "Everyone has tae know this bairn A'm gonna give ye is mine."
"But, I've never-" you begin to protest.
"I know ye haven't," he shushes. "This is how it's always been done. Tradition, aye? Please, mah love."
You love Johnny. You wouldn't have married him if you didn't. But this strong ambivalence is torturous. It tingles up your spine in line with the watchful eyes at the foot of your bed. But you love Johnny, and if this is what he wants, then you'll give it to him.
"Okay," you eventually concede.
He grins. "Ah love ye."
When his lips meet yours, you feel the warm beads of his rosary rest on your chest. He had you pray with him before this. Kneeling next to the bed, elbows resting on the mattress, thanking the Lord for your union and the child you'll eventually bring to this world. Despite tradition, consummating your marriage this way feels blasphemous, put on display for his teammates to see like a whore rather than a wife.
Johnny's hand begins to wander between your legs, rubbing over your clit in a way that leaves your hips bucking into his touch. You rarely touch yourself like this, too afraid to revel in sin, but his touch is searing. Unfamiliar and burning. He chuckles, warm and low, as his fingers begin to prod further, relentless ardor exuding from his body. When he presses into your cunt and meets resistance, he pauses, eyebrows furrowing as he leans back.
"Spread yer legs for me, lovely," he prompts.
Body stuck on auto pilot, you listen before your brain has time to process his request. Knees bent, your thighs separate as the heels of your feet dig into the soft mattress, and Johnny wastes no time spreading the lips of your pussy for the boys to see.
"Christ," John groans. "She's still intact."
You make the mistake of looking past Johnny, and you see the way the boys paw at themselves. Chubbed cocks straining against the pristine fabric of their dress pants, palms rubbing at themselves for any fraction of relief.
"Look at ye, so lovely," Johnny sighs. He settles between your legs, body blocking the view of your bare, unfucked cunt. He tugs at his aching cock, and this is the first time you've allowed yourself to push past your bashfulness and look at it. Delicate reddened skin, a thick base and heavy veins — he's going to tear you apart. "Gonna let me have ye? Tell me yer mine."
You swallow the discomfiture stuck in your throat. "I'm yours, Johnny."
There's no more time to waste — he presses into you, leaky tip butting against the thin membrane of your hymen. Pressure builds as he pushes, and your eyes screw tight at the sting as thin skin stretches and accommodates his length.
"Go on, love," Kyle prompts. "Don't hold back now."
You whimper, but you don't know if it's from the teasing or from Johnny finally bottoming out. Wide eyes stare down between your legs where the two of you are joined, and you see the slight tinge of blood that covers the base of his cock. You groan as your head hits the pillow, never having felt so full in your entire life.
"Fuckin' hell. Hardly gave 'er any time to adjust, you dog," Simon teases through a grunt.
Johnny's hips slowly move back, leaving you empty for only a split moment before he pushes forward again, hips hitting yours with a lewd slap. You gasp, air being sucked free from your lungs as he grinds deep inside of you, in a place where no one else has been.
"Cannae help maself," he breathes, face burrowing into the side of your neck. Instinctively, your arms wrap around his neck, holding him close as you drown your moans into his skin. "Have'ta give mah wife the best. Cannae settle for any less. Need'ta give her a sweet bairn, just like Ah promised."
Your mind goes blank as more moaning and grunts join in harmony with yours and Johnny's. Belts become undone with quiet clinks followed quickly by sticky skin on skin contact as the boys rut into their own palms. There's no time to feel bashful about their transgressions in your presence. Pure hedonia captures your mind, numbing anything else as Johnny's thumb presses against your clit. You tighten around him, and he growls against your throat.
Something overwhelms him. Makes him insatiable as his cock pistons into you at a relentless pace. When you finally get your eyes to open through it all, a halo of light illuminates behind him as if he were an angel. Soft, defused, and gentle as the rosary around his neck swings with his movements. You feel something build inside of you, a needy pressure that expands in the heat of your stomach, where it grows, and grows, and grows until-
"J-Johnny, f... fuck!"
It's a sin to enjoy sex. You've known as much since you were young. But this is the closest to heaven you've ever felt. Not even praising God in the pews of your grandiose church has ever brought you this much bliss. The curse falls from your lips as that pressure snaps, body convulsing, pussy clenching around Johnny as if to draw him in, beckoning, demanding he give what he's promised.
And he does. Stuttering hips seize as his cock pulses inside of you, and you swear you feel every single throb as his body pins yours to the bed, warm sweat staining the sheets. He sows his seed, and you feel tears prick the corner of your eyes at the utter ardor you harbor for him in your heart.
When Johnny pulls out, he keeps your legs spread wide to show the boys, each of whom have made messes of themselves. Wasted cum coats their fingers where they quickly clean themselves up on handkerchiefs, eyes still glued to your leaking cunt. Simon mutters something about you dripping, that he shouldn't let his work go to waste, and Johnny agrees by gathering his spend on his fingers and shoving it back inside of you. They chuckle at the way you jolt.
Just as promised, the boys leave once everything is clean, each of them muttering congratulations as the hotel room door shuts behind them. But he can't stop himself there. He lies with you as you both catch your breaths, but it's only minutes before he's shoving his cock into you once more. You whimper, tell him that you shouldn't have sex more than necessary, that it's a terrible sin you'll both have to repent for, but he coos and tells you not to worry. He just wants to make sure his seed takes. That he gives you what he swore he would.
"Besides," he whispers, lips brushing against your ear just as his cock hits your cervix, "don't have'tae hold back anymore with the boys gone. Can have mah lovely wife all to maself now."
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thewidowsledger · 2 months
Looking Out For Three
© thewidowsledger 2024 - DO NOT REPUBLISH AND PLAGIARISE
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Pairing: Avenger Natasha Romanoff x Agent Female Reader
Word count: 5.6k
Tags | Warnings: +18, Natasha has a penis (no smut though yet), pregnant reader, kinda gruesome details of organ taking/trafficking, self-destruction if you squint, angst, bad writing
Author's Note: This is a scheduled post; I just recently lost my cousin so I may not be able to be active here for some time but I’ll for sure check in once in a while. Happy reading! I hope you're all having a good time.
MINI SERIES: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Natasha's eyes fell upon the woman's lower abdomen. Her stomach is slashed open, and the crimson depths reveal that something has been taken from within…
A baby, she could tell that it was a baby as the skin on the stomach of the woman was slightly stretched out and the umbilical cord splayed out on the bed.
A life that had just begun, now cruelly snuffed out.
Two lives cruelly snuffed out.
After Natasha had taken care of Strange, her focus immediately returned to you. Seeing your unconscious form, her heart broke as she frantically searched for something to cover your exposed stomach.
She found a blanket and tore it into a small piece and she gently draped it over your stomach, her hands trembling, staring at your wounded stomach. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at you, whispering words of apology.
“I'm sorry,” she murmured, her voice choking with emotion. “I should've listened to you last night, if I knew you wouldn’t…you wouldn't…” Natasha gasped for air but still trying to hold back a sob, she finally looked at your face. She held your hands and pecked a kiss all over it.
“I could've lost you, detka. I can't let that happen…I’ll never forgive myself if I lost you.”
“Everything's going to be okay. You, me, and our baby,” she smiled at the thought, wiping some tears on her face, “We're going to be a happy family.”
Tony landed with a heavy thud, the suit's thrusters kicking up a cloud of dirt and debris. Bucky quickly joined him, eyes wide as he took in the scene before him. A doctor's body lying on the floor, unrecognizable as its face has a lot of holes in it.
He started to move towards you and Natasha, but Natasha's steely glare made him stop in his tracks.
Yelena tried to approach her sister and offered her help but Natasha ignored her as well. The expression on her face was cold and distant, her only priority was getting you to safety. She carried you in a bridal style and the rest of the team watched, unsure of what to do, as Natasha carried out of the room and started heading onto the Quinjet.
Steve and Tony spoke quietly to each other, trying to make sense of the situation. Tony couldn't provide any concrete answers, but he did share one unsettling detail. He projected a hologram display, showing the scans of the doctor's body. The bullet holes were highlighted in red, showing exactly where each of the 21 shots had landed. The lone bullet in the shoulder was also indicated by a separate red mark.
“Here,” he said, pointing to the tiny screen. “21 bullets to the head and one in the shoulder.”
The team winced as they took in the information, their gazes shifting to Natasha, who was still holding your hand in her lips.
Tony shrugged, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture. “Hey, I'm not judging,” he said. “I've done my fair share of blasting people in the head too.”
The team started to look your way, their gazes shifting towards your unconscious body and Natasha, but then they quickly averted them when they saw Natasha glaring at them. They scrambled to look busy, trying to avoid her disapproving glare.
In an attempt to look as if they weren't just staring at your unconscious body and Natasha sitting close to you, Sam awkwardly broke the silence by pointing at the glassed windows of the Quinjet, “Wow, a bird.”
His words hung awkwardly in the air, only to be met with Natasha's continued glare and the team's collective facepalm at his failed attempt to diffuse the tension.
When the Quinjet landed on the compound, the team immediately got up and was welcomed by Clint as the door of the Quinjet slowly opened. He already knew what happened and he was on leave since Laura just gave birth to their third child.
He walked towards the bed where your unconscious body was laying.
“Hey Nat.”
She didn't answer, but as soon as Clint touched the bed to help her get you out the Quinjet Natasha swiftly pulled a gun and pointed it towards his head.
“Nat…” Clint called, the team became frozen in place at the sight.
“Don't touch her.” She said her voice was hoarse and shaky.
“Yes, I'm not touching her. I am touching the bed,” he offered a logical argument, his tone gentle as he tried to diffuse the situation. He immediately but slowly moved his hands away from the stretcher you were in and put them in the air where Natasha could see.
The room's tension rose even more as the team started calling her out.
“Romanoff.” Tony called in a warning.
“Natasha.” It sounded more authoritative coming from Maria.
“Natasha, calm down.” Steve’s voice joined the fray, calling out gently.
“Back down! No one gets to touch her!” Natasha furiously exclaimed.
Natasha's grip on her gun tightened further, she pushed the tip of the gun on the back of Clint’s head, her eyes beginning to well up with tears.
A ripple of tension ran through the group everytime Natasha spoke. The atmosphere in the room immediately grew heavy, and the team members instinctively also tightened their grip on their own weapons.
“No one’s gonna hurt Y/N, Nat…please.” Clint reassured pleadingly.
“Shut the fuck up!”
And with that a loud thud echoed through the Quinjet with Natasha’s unconscious body laying on the floor. Yelena, her sister sulking at the corner with her hands clenched into fists pointed towards where Natasha was and her widow's bite smoking.
“Izvini, sestra.” (Sorry, sister)
Dr. Cho launched into her report, clearly concerned about the oversight. Wanda, Steve and Bruce were in the medbay with you.
“So no one noticed the bleeding on her head?” the doctor repeated incredulously. The room fell silent for a moment, and then Steve spoke up.
“Natasha wouldn’t let us near her.”
“Yeah,” Bruce confirmed, “She came before the team, I prepped the stretcher and she immediately snatched it away from me, not even letting me help her.”
Wanda clenched her jaw in frustration, her eyes narrowing as she listened to the two about what happened. She couldn't help but feel annoyed and frustrated with Natasha's behavior, which had led to your current situation. If Natasha had just been a little more cooperative and let the team help her help you, you would've been fine and awake by now. Instead, you were lying unconscious in the medbay, not sure when you're going to wake up.
“And no one knew that she's pregnant?” Dr. Cho added that made the three wince in guilt, how could they not notice? You live in the same place for god's sake, in the same compound.
Wanda was particularly hard on herself, her face filled with guilt. She’s your best friend and you two had spent so much time together, she felt ashamed that she didn’t notice anything different about you, especially since the two of you are inseparable when Natasha was away for 2 months.
You always had a morning walk together, gets to shop together, you two always watched sitcoms together and trained together. Wanda could only remember a moment when she had accidentally hit you in the abdomen during combat training, and you had collapsed on the floor laughing at the witch. You were for sure pregnant at that time and Wanda could only wince at the memory hoping that hit didn't affect her growing niece at your stomach
And the fact that she covered up for you made her want to let the ground eat her, what if she just let JARVIS figure out that it was you who was pregnant? This wouldn't have happened to you…
“Don't worry, Y/N is stable" the doctor said reassuringly, “and she should wake up at any moment. However, we can't say for sure when that will be.”
She looked around the room, meeting the worried gazes of the team members who's nodding at her words.
“I’ll get her an ultrasound later which should give us more accurate information. For now let's give her body a break. And I need Romanoff here as soon as possible.”
Natasha tossed and turned in her sleep, distress written all over her face. She rubbed her eyes and slowly sat at the bed, she took the place in where she was; it was your shared bedroom. She can feel her brain pounding inside her skull but still, she immediately got off the bed as the first thing she thought was you, she found herself frantically walking down a dimly lit hallway, approaching a closed door at its end.
As she neared the closed door, she noticed a soft glow and a bed with a woman laid out on it, bathed in a dim light. The sight invoked a pang of uneasiness in her, but she couldn’t shake the compulsion to get closer.
Natasha continued walking, drawn to the woman on the bed like a magnet. Each step seemed to echo loudly in the silent hallway, but she pushed onward until she was near the bed.
With a heavy heart, Natasha makes her way to the bedside of a woman who lies there lifeless and unseeing. Her eyes, hollow sockets staring into nothingness…
Her eyes scanned the woman's body, taking in every detail of the horror.
The ribcage splayed open like a grotesque butterfly…
The heart and lungs are missing, leaving a gaping hole…
Natasha's eyes fell upon the woman's lower abdomen. Her stomach is slashed open, and the crimson depths reveal that something has been taken from within…
A baby, she could tell that it was a baby as the skin on the stomach of the woman was slightly stretched out and the umbilical cord splayed out on the bed.
A life that had just begun, now cruelly snuffed out.
Two lives cruelly snuffed out.
The redhead's gaze lingers on the woman's lifeless hand, before her eyes widen in horror. She recognizes that hand, and with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she starts to panic.
Her heart pounds in her chest as she spots a manila folder beside the bed, within her grasp. With trembling hands, she snatches it up and flips it open, gasping as she scrolls through the contents.
“Y/N Y/L/N”
Natasha gasped in horror, she flips open the file, page after page of personal information and photographs spill out of the folder, painting a detailed portrait of your face and body. Each page she turns reveals more information about you, and with each turn, her heart drops further into the pit of her stomach.
This body that is lying in front of her with no eyes, ribcage splayed open, heart and lungs missing, stomach slashed open and a baby taken out of it…
Is your body and your child. Her child.
“No, no, no,” she gasped, “Fuck no!” She threw the folder away and your body was already gone in the bed.
She immediately shot her head around when she heard a faint cry of a baby, but as soon as she turned she saw a shadow of a woman carrying a baby.
She knows it was you only by its figure…
Your voice reached her ears, filled with desperation as you called out to her.
“Natty, love? Can we talk?”
“Help us, Natasha.”
“Natasha, please talk to me.”
“Natasha! Wake up!”
Natasha jolted awake, the loud call of her name immediately took her away from the depths of her dream. She panicked as she found herself surrounded by the darkness of your shared bedroom. Clint was holding her and she immediately ripped herself away from him, her movements sharp and agitated.
“Hey,” Clint's voice was gentle, a calming presence amidst the chaos of her thoughts. “Natasha, breathe,” he urged, his hand reaching out to rest on her shoulder but Natasha flinched, “You’re okay, everything is fine.”
“Where's Y/N?” Natasha demanded, her voice husky and rushed as she moved away from the bed ignoring her best friend's concern for her because clearly, nothing is fine.
“Nat,” Clint circled the bed to get to Natasha and she immediately got into defensive form.
“Are we really gonna do this again?” He asked, his hands raised in a placating gesture. And that's when the memories came rushing back, flooding her senses with a torrent of emotions. She remembered the weight of her gun in her hand, the cold metal pressed against the back of her best friend's head and the team trying to calm her down. The last thing she saw was your stretcher above her.
Natasha's breath hitched as the memories overwhelmed her, and she felt her legs buckle under her. She reached out to grab onto the bed, her legs weak and unsteady. She had come dangerously close to losing it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
Natasha's voice shook as she apologized over and over again, her eyes filling with tears as she felt the weight of her emotions bearing down on her. She felt Clint's arms wrap around her once more, pulling her into a gentle embrace.
He tightened his grip on her, feeling the tremor that ran through her body. “Shh,” he whispered, rubbing small circles on her back with his hand. “It’s okay. You're fine, Nat. You're safe here.”
Natasha nodded, taking a deep shuddering breath as she tried to collect herself. “Where's Y/N?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Clint, where is she? I need to see her.” Her eyes pleaded with him, searching for answers.
Clint could see the desperation in her gaze and knew exactly what she needed, you.
“You'll see her alright?” he said, a small smile playing on his lips. “But right now I need you to rest.”
Natasha was about to refuse, she needs to see you now, but she knew better than to fight with her best friend. She needed to rest, to get her strength back before she gets to see you again. She nodded weakly, allowing Clint to help her up.
“You shower, get some fresh clothes and I’ll have some food over. After that you can see your girlfriend.”
Natasha worked diligently, her eyes alight with a soft and caring glow as she arranged everything on the bed. She had brought out all of your favorite blankets, each one softer and more comforting than the last. Her eyes landed on the strawberry plush, and her lips curved into a soft smile. She remembered how you had squealed with delight when she had won it for you at the basketball booth at a carnival.
“Hey Nat, you ready to go? Dr. Cho is waiting for you.”
Natasha startled at the sudden interruption, blinking as she tried to shake off her thoughts. “Oh, uh, yeah,” she said, her voice a little softer than usual. “Did she ask me to bring something? Does she want anything? Food? How's Y/N?” Natasha continuously asked as she put the blanket and pillow on a bag.
But Clint only muttered, “C’mon,” not wanting to break the news himself to her best friend. He’ll let Dr. Cho do the job on answering that.
Natasha felt her heart beat faster with each step as she and Clint made their way to the Medbay. She could feel her hands trembling, but she clenched them into fists at her sides, trying to keep her composure. As soon as she entered the medbay, she saw Dr. Cho and Wanda by your bedside. Her eyes immediately went to your unconscious form on the bed, her worry deepening. Why aren't you awake yet?
She felt Wanda's intense gaze on her and Natasha immediately put her face away from her direction, gripping the bag she brought. She couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort of the witch’s presence.
Dr. Cho, as if reading the room, asked Wanda and Clint to give them privacy.
When the two left the medbay, Natasha finally allowed herself to breathe. The witch's intense gaze had made her uneasy, adding to her worry about you. She let out a long sigh of relief as the doors closed behind them, leaving her alone with Dr. Cho.
“How are you feeling, Romanoff?” Dr. Cho started.
“I’m fine. How is she?” Natasha immediately asked as she put the bag down at the side table of your bed.
Natasha's eyes lingered on your unconscious form, she carefully held your hands and a sudden flash of her dream returned to her mind.
Your body lying in front of her with no eyes, ribcage splayed open, heart and lungs missing, stomach slashed open and your baby taken out of it…
She immediately shut her eyes to remove the thought in her head, the urgency she felt in the dream now mirrored in the real world.
Natasha's gaze snapped to Dr. Cho at the sound of her name, quickly trying to mask her panic with a cool, calm expression. She took a deep breath, her voice coming out steady and collected, “Yeah? H-how is she?” she asked once again.
“Y/N suffered a blow to the head, causing significant trauma. There's no way to predict when she'll regain consciousness...”
Natasha's brow pinched at Dr. Cho's words. The idea of you being unconscious, possibly for an extended period of time, weighed heavily on her. She searched for more information, “Are you saying she's in a coma?”
“A light one.” The doctor pointed out, correcting her.
“And the baby?”
Natasha's gaze shifted from your face and to the printed ultrasound image Dr. Cho handed her, she shakily reached out to get it and her other hand never leaving yours. Her features softened as she took in the small, blurred figure on the paper. “So that's our little one?” she murmurs, a touch of awe in her voice.
Dr. Cho nodded, smiling gently at Natasha's reaction. “Yes, that is your baby at 12 weeks. As you can see, the limbs are well-formed and the baby's major organs have started to develop…”
“Oh look at that! That's your baby Romanoff!”
“Romanoff, your baby is healthy and developing just like it should. All the organs, muscles, limbs and bones are in place.”
Natasha winced as Dr. Cho pointed out the tiny head, spine, and other features of the developing fetus to her, explaining that these details were visible at this stage of pregnancy. Natasha tries her best to listen attentively, but the memories are trying to get back in her head.
“Did you know she was pregnant?”
“You didn't know until now did you?”
“Oh, that's a shame.”
“You are a bad mother.”
“Romanoff, are you sure you're alright?” Dr. Cho asked, worry written all over her face as she noticed Natasha drifting off once again.
“Yeah,” she answered dismissively, “There's uhm uhh…a cut on her stomach—”
“It's all patched up now.” The doctor said reassuringly, not letting her finish.
“Can I uhm…can I have some time with Y/N alone?”
“Of course, whatever you need. I’ll leave you two now.” Dr. Cho tapped Natasha's shoulder for comfort as she retreated to the medbay.
Natasha swallowed thickly, her throat constricting as she finally, finally felt like she could breathe freely. It was just the two of you now and that's what she needed. The machines beeping in the background seemed to fade into the distance as Natasha's gaze locked onto your unconscious form.
She was acutely aware of the soft rise and fall of your chest as you slept, the gentle curve of your belly where your little bean settled.
“Detka, I need you to wake up now…” she said as she gently removed the blanket you had and replaced it with the ones she brought, which is your favorite one. She now pulled the strawberry plush and laid it beside your pillow.
“I need you to wake up so I can make it up to you.” Natasha gently brushed a strand of hair from your forehead.
A single tear slipped down her cheek as Natasha brought your hands to her lips, pressing a tender kiss before resting it gently on her cheek. She closed her eyes, taking in the warmth of your skin against hers before falling into slumber.
You slowly blinked your eyes open, your senses still groggy from whatever they put or injected in your body. Your left hand was wrapped around by a figure, holding it close as they slept sitting up right next to you on the bed.
Your right hand snatched the nasal cannula out of your nose and the IV lines that are connected to your forearm. Slowly, you pulled your left hand out of the tight hold of the figure sleeping beside your bed. You started to breathe hard, finding some support for you to stand up.
Natasha's eyes snapped open as she felt the bed movements and the warm hand she's holding is now out of her grasp.
“Baby? Hey…”
She felt alarmed hearing the machine beeping continuously and the oxygen out of you. You snatched everything that is connected to your body and now slowly moving away from the bed.
“Detka,” she called again, holding her hands out even though it's your back facing her.
But you didn't hear, there’s this loud thumping in your ears, you can feel as if someone is hammering your head, and the only thing you can see is a blur. Nothing is clear and you’re feeling numb.
You continued to move until your feet felt the cold tiled floor and that's when you lost consciousness for a second. You can only feel a warm body catching you, you locked eyes with the emerald ones before you feel your body taken out from her embrace.
Natasha paced back and forth outside the medbay, her mind racing as she waited for word about you. She was still reeling from the events that had led to this moment, and she couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that had settled into her bones.
“You deserve it.” Wanda’s words cutting through the air like a knife. “You're the reason why she's there.”
“Whatever is happening to you right now, you deserve it.” She spat, Natasha now sat outside the medbay, her hands over her head as she faced the floor. “I am one blink away from invading your mind, to see what happened but I respect Y/N so much. You deserve everything that you feel right now, every guilt and shame. You deserve what's happening to you but my best friend doesn't deserve to be there!”
She could only bite her cheek, shutting her eyes as if she's not hearing the witch, but she could feel the heat of Wanda's words as they washed over her, stinging like a slap in the face.
Natasha and Wanda both turned their attention to Bruce as he stepped out of the medbay, the tension between them dissipating in an instant. Wanda took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and Natasha immediately stood, her heart thumping on her chest wanting to hear about your condition.
“How is she?” The two redheads asked in unison, Wanda can only roll her eyes.
“She's awake now.”
Wanda didn't waste a second moving inside the medbay, walking past Natasha and Bruce.
“She's stable for now,” Dr. Cho informed Natasha who was left outside the medbay, “she just disassociated when she woke up earlier.”
Natasha nodded peeking over the doctor’s shoulder to get a sight of you but she can only see Wanda sitting beside your bed.
“Hey…how are you lyubov?” Wanda asked her fingers grazing yours.
“I feel weak,” you mumbled but gave the witch a soft smile, you managed to hold her hand that made Wanda sob. “Hey, I’m fine Wanda.”
She held your hand tightly and brought it to her cheek, “You should be, you really should be.” You hummed as you wiped the tears that streamed down to her face.
Natasha stood just outside the medbay entrance, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched you and Wanda interact. Your eyes flick towards her and you can read her lips muttering, “Hey,” to you.
“I want to rest for a bit.” You said, immediately avoiding Natasha and the witch noticed the tension between you and your girlfriend.
“Sure.” Wanda was about to stand to leave when you held your hands up, “Stay, Wanda. Please.”
Natasha could read the situation clearly, you didn't want her around. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut because all she wanted to do is to hold you and pepper you with kisses, take care of you. But she did notice what you want and it's not her, so she respectfully stepped back, retreating out of the medbay. The coldness in her chest had deepened into an ache, but she pushed it down as she always did.
For now, she’ll give you what you need but she will never stop trying and making it up to you.
Dr. Cho informed Natasha that you are now discharged and can leave the medbay anytime soon.
Right now, she's supposed to be sitting right next to you, apologizing or…begging for forgiveness, peppering you with kisses or cuddling you. But instead here she is walking alone to your shared room. Natasha had held back her tears as she walked towards the room, but the moment she stepped inside, the floodgates opened. She couldn't hold back any longer. She let out a choked sob and collapsed onto the floor, burying her face in her hands.
Suddenly, Natasha surged to her feet, fists clenched at her sides. She couldn't contain her anger and frustration to herself any longer. With a roar of rage, she began to pummel the walls of the room, punching it with all her strength.
Eventually, Natasha's frenzy subsided, and she steadied herself against the wall, forehead resting against its cool surface. Natasha took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She closed her eyes and imagined herself in your embrace, feeling your arms wrapped around her, holding her down and keeping her grounded like you always do.
“You cannot be like this,” She whispered to herself. “You have a wife and a baby on the way to look up to. You cannot…you cannot be like this.” She repeated, as if trying to drill the words into her own brain.
Natasha slowly turned back, surveying the room with keen and puffy eyes. Without hesitation, she removed her jacket and top revealing her gray sports bra and started deep cleaning everything. Something that will occupy her for a while besides she doesn't want you to come back here with a messy and dirty room, though you always make sure that your shared bedroom is clean, both of you have tasks on what to do, on who's gonna do this or that, clean this or that. Actually it's you who gave her tasks, Natasha can be careless and a messy person at times but with you, it all changed.
Natasha started to take off the cover of the pillows and replaced them with fresh, clean ones from the closet. She then moved onto the bed sheets, pulling off the used ones.
After that Natasha moved to the bathroom, checking every corner, she pulled out the trash and some stuff scattered at the counter. When she opened the cabinet she was welcomed by a pregnancy test, not just one but three tests with two lines showing in each one.
Natasha picked the three, studying each one carefully before setting it back down again at the counter. She wondered if this was the thing you wanted to talk about before the mission. She clenched her jaw remembering how she treated you that night.
A call on the door pulled Natasha out of her thoughts. She retreated from the bathroom, taking a deep breath before opening it to reveal Clint standing on the other side.
“Hey, here's the flower you asked me to get.”
Natasha smiled as she took in the sight of the beautiful bouquet that Clint had brought for you. “I know you asked me to buy roses, the pink ones which is Y/N’s favorite but I saw these chrysanthemums and carnations. I bought this for Laura when she was pregnant with our Nathaniel. You should avoid-strong smelling flowers. Y/N’s sense of smell might be a little bit sensitive now.” Natasha listened intently as she had seen how Clint handled being a father of three. How he was able to protect her family while being an Avenger so might as well take her best friend’s every advice.
“You might wanna do some research. It's gonna be a lot but I know you two can do it.” She nodded solemnly. “Thanks, Clint.”
“Mood swings, Nat,” Clint chuckled as she warned Natasha, “It's gon’ be a hell of a ride.”
“Oh yeah it is, even though she wasn't pregnant yet it was a rollercoaster already.” She smirked remembering how she handled your mood swings during the course of your relationship.
“Oh Nat, now it's gonna be a whole new level.”
After a few more words of farewell, Natasha went back inside the room, and placed the flowers gently in a vase beside your shared bed. She filled the vase with water from the bathroom sink, letting it flow over each bloom as she arranged them.
Natasha settled on the couch after putting back the vase beside the bed. She put on some headphones as she lost herself to some music. An automatic vacuum hummed quietly in the background, gliding smoothly over the floor and picking up any debris.
Natasha indeed took Clint's advice, she was reading and researching about the changes that were happening to your body and what to expect during the course of the pregnancy. You're now in your 12th week and she read that during week 12 of pregnancy you’re wrapping up your first trimester and the odds of miscarriage are highest in the first trimester.
She took notes and made a mental list of things to expect.
“Your baby is only as big as a passion fruit but is growing and developing.” Natasha read to herself.
“Baby bump’s first appearance depending on the body type, food cravings, weird food cravings,” Natasha murmured, she continued, “Dizziness, mood swings, sore breast, heightened sense of smell,” She hummed, remembering her best friend's advice about sensitivity of your smell.
Natasha did a double-take as she read the last item on the list.
“Spike in sex drive?”
A knock on the door interrupted her researching and reading and she quickly put her headphones down, turning her attention towards the entrance.
She opened the door to see you standing there, a strawberry plush in your hand, and Bruce behind you carrying the bag of blankets she brought in the medbay. Her eyes widened slightly but she quickly composed herself, her expression softening as she took in your face, “Hey.”
You took in the sight of Natasha, your mind being in a haze. She is dressed in a gray sports bra and matching sweatpants, headphones clinging on her neck. Her arms were flexed like always and you could see the details of beads of sweat on her defined abs. Your breath hitched in your throat.
Natasha, noticing your gaze on her, quickly took the bag from Bruce. You walked past her already and went inside the bedroom.
“Dr. Cho will check in on her periodically.” Bruce informed the redhead.
“Thanks, Bruce.”
You sat at the bed slowly, noticing the new sheets of the bed and the flowers, the smell of it invading your nostrils. You caress the softness of the sheet while the strawberry plush sat on your thighs.
“Hey baby, how are you feeling?” Natasha asked as she closed the door. She put the bag down where you put your dirty laundry.
“Baby?” She called again, “You know you can't avoid me forever.”
“Yeah, like you did me the other night?” you replied with a dry tone.
A heavy silence fell between the two of you and Natasha bit her lower lip in contemplation. Without hesitation, she immediately removed the headphones from her neck and walked in your direction. She gently knelt in front of you, placing the plush beside you as she took both of your hands in hers. Her bright green eyes searched for yours.
“Baby,” she began, her voice gentle and soothing. “I'm sorry.” She paused, her thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hands. “Please, I was out of my mind that night,” her voice is becoming shaky this time. “It was the stupidest thing I ever did,” she continued, the regret evident in her expression. She swallowed hard, squeezing your hands gently. “Please, forgive me detka? I promise it won't happen again. I’ll take care of you, cook for you, buy you gifts, whatever you want baby, just—just forgive me.”
You actually stopped listening when she said “I’m sorry” all you could focus on was her arms untensing and tensing with each movement of her hands gently gripping your own. And the smell of the flowers were now gone as your girlfriend’s cologne, which was your favorite cologne of hers, started to envelop your senses. You don't know why you're being like this.
Natasha watched as you yawned, “I'm sleepy,” you slur.
“I uhh…alright baby,” She immediately let go of your hands and stood up, hesitating for a moment. She gently guides you as you lay down to your shared bed, putting the comforter all over your body and handing you the strawberry plush.
“Sleep tight detka, I’ll be here,” to her surprise, you hummed in response as you snuggled the strawberry plush close to you, a small sound that filled the air between the two of you and it made Natasha's heart jump. She took that as a good sign and she will for sure do anything to earn your forgiveness.
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coolyiooo · 1 year
BSD Men Reacting To You Wearing A Bunny Suit!
pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, and Chuuya
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❗Warnings❗: moaning, whimpering, dirty talk, kissing, grinding, stimulation.
Summary: To be honest, you just wanted to see their reaction when you put on the outfit, so you bought one. Plus you wanted to spice things up a bit in the bed room so why not?
You just finished putting on the outfit. It was tight and very revealing but you felt powerful in a way. You were checking yourself out in the mirror. How the outfit hugged your curves and the light gray stockings covering your legs. You tried your best to place the bunny ears in a good position when suddenly the door opened.You turned around to see a slightly blushed, yet stunned, Dazai. You started to blush a little too.
"W-well.. do I look good?"
He closed the door, didn't say anything, and walked towards you with the same expression he had as he walked in. He grabbed your hands and kneeled on the ground. looking up at you with glowing eyes.
"You really are a goddess from the heavens! I've been blessed!" He said with literal tears in his eyes.
"All this from a bunny suit?" You looked confused but felt flattered.
"My belladonna~ you did this for me?" He said placing a hand on his chest.
"Well I just did this to see your reaction..so I guess I did it for me and you?"
He got up and put his hands on your hips, bringing you closer to his torso. Your foreheads touching.
"Why don't I show you how much of an affect you had on me just from this outfit?" He says in a husky, low voice.
He grabbed one of your hands and placed it on his slightly hardened cock. Your eyes widened a bit, as your cheeks start to blush more.
"Y-you horny bastard!"
He smiles cunningly "Only for you bella~ I mean what were you expecting? That'd I'd just tell you how gorgeous you are, go on about my day, and throw away this opportunity? You wanted to see my reaction right bella~? Well let me show you~"
He then carried you bridal style into your room. You have a very heated night to look forward to. Also he'll definitely make you jump on his dick like a bunny.
You were putting on the outfit in your room, waiting for Ranpo to come from his snack run to the store. After putting it on you looked in the mirror and you were starting to get nervous, when Ranpo opened the door.He stood still by the door way with a bag of snacks in his hand
"Oooo~ you see I knew you had a surprise for me..with my deduction skills! But I didn't know what it would be. I wanted to be surprised"
"Do..you like it?" You said kind of timid with a slight blush.
You felt your heart stop and sank after he bluntly, with no hesitation, said no. You turned pale.
"I love it!"
You let out a sigh.You felt relieved, yet a bit angry. Your face showing a 'are you fucking serious?' face.
"You tease!"
He scoffed "Me? A tease? I'm not the one wearing a cute bunny suit!" He said pointing at you
"Well, since you look the part..you know..a bunny..maybe.."
He closed the door, set the bag of snacks on the counter, and walked towards you. He opened his eyes, they looked like shining emeralds, and held your chin up with his fingers.
"You should jump on my cock like a good little bunny"he said with a low voice.
You gulped at his dirty comment. He grabbed your hand and brought your body towards his after he sat at the edge of the bed. Your hands on his chest and his on your hips.
"This is after all what you were hoping was going to happened right~?"
You just finished putting on the outfit. Checking yourself out in a big mirror, feeling pretty but still shy. It's a very bold outfit in your opinion. You heard the door open, to see Fyodor stare you.
His eyes slowly looked up and down at you. Really taking in what his eyes are seeing. He saw you hugging yourself with a hint of blush.
"How..do I look?"
He closed the door and walked towards you with a straight face. He grabbed both your arms and separated them, forcing yourself to be more exposed. He then laid a hand on your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes.
"Don't look so shy, my love~ you have no reason to when your always breathtaking"
Ugh, the things this man does to you could almost make you cry. You looked down, trying to hide your embarrassed, flushed face.He smiled softly at you.
"What made you do this?"
"I uh- just wanted to see your reaction. As simple as that"
"Hm~ your not fooling anyone, my love. You wanted me to have my way with you, isn't that right?"
"W-what no! W-well I mean..of course I wouldn't mind-"
"Hm I thought you'd want to be fucked into oblivion, my dear, but since you said no then-"
"N-no! I mean.. y-yes I was hoping you'd do that. I do want it..please"
He looked at you with a pleased smile "If That's how you want it. How can I resist? especially when you put this on just for me and only me"
You and Atsushi were watching TV when suddenly you told him you'd be right back. You went to your room to put on the outfit. You thought you could surprise him just by walking in front of him. You opened the door and Atsushi looked at you with a bright red face.
"W-what are you w-wearing?! I-i mean not that I don't like it! Your very beautiful- wait, don't tell me you were gonna go out l-looking like that!"
"W-what?! Ofc not! I wore this for you!" You said with a blushed face. Why on earth would he think you'd wear this in public?
"W-well...i love how it looks on you" His eyes looking up and down at you, gulping.
"Hm? Why's that?" You walked towards him with a smirk.You wanted to tease him a bit.
"H-how could I not? It shows off your c-curves very well.. and shows off your legs" he looked at your body, taking in the sight you left before him.
"I put this on for you, love. I did this to see your reaction and im very satisfied."
He looked a bit stunned after hearing the reason you did this just to see his reaction, but then it turned into a more soft look when you put your hands on his cheeks.
"You can do whatever you please"
He paused just for a moment "T-then if you don't mind"
He got up and carried you with your legs around his waist, you let out a yelp of surprise. He brings you to the bedroom, laying you on the bed.
"I think I'd like to play cat and mouse except.. there's a tiger and there's a bunny"
He kissed you passionately, already whimpering softly. Your arms around his neck as his were around your body, your legs still around his waist.He pulled away from the kiss to look deeply into your eyes. Exactly how a predator looks at it's prey. It honestly made you wet.
"I hope you don't mind if I bite a little bit"
You were planning on surprising Chuuya by just walking into a room with the outfit on. You were in your room putting on the outfit when Chuuya walked in on you changing. You didn't even notice because your back was facing him. He just stood there in a bit of shock, then realization hit and he starts to smirk. He laid on the doorway with his arms crossed, waiting for you to be done. When you zipped up the suit, finished dressing, you heard a voice.
"Damn your so sexy~"
You jumped a bit, almost falling, but thanks to Chuuya's ability, he caught your fall and laid you back to stable ground. You looked at your boyfriend, who was smirking.
"H-how long were you here for!?"you said a bit embarrassed.
"That's not important..what's important is what made you do this?"he walked up to you
"I- I just wanted to surprise you and see how you would react" you said looking down, flustered
"Well isn't that cute? your so irresistible, doll~ you did this all for me?" He put his fingers on your chin to make you look at him.
"Yes.. I thought you'd like it"
"Well I fucking love what I'm seeing"He said, looking up and down at you.
You felt incredibly flustered.He used his ability to make you float, startling you, and dropping you on top of the bed. He got on top of you and started to caress your entire body, making you moan and whimper.
"God, I can't keep my hands off of you. You drive me so fucking crazy, babe"
"W-well ..you can do whatever you want, as long as it is you, Chuuya~"
He then kissed you aggressively. You both moan into the kiss. He started to grind against you. You could feel his cock, hard and ready to feel you.he pulled away from you.
"If this is for me then you wouldn't mind jumping up and down on me with my cock inside you like a cute lil bunny right?"
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Keep Living with Us
Part 2 of Keep Living with Me | Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!Anderson!cop!reader
Summary: After the death of your mother and getting engaged to Tim Bradford, you take another step in life.
Warnings: fluff, brief angst, mentions of parental death (Zoe Andersen), pregnancy
Word Count: 1.8k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“What about those?” Tim asks, pointing at another page in the magazine before you.
You hum before turning the page. Tim pulls his hand away from your lap before gently removing the magazine from your hands. He raises an open palm to your cheek and gently turns your face to his.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to answer any questions unless they’re asked under fairy lights,” you murmur.
Tim notices that your eyes aren’t quite to his. The past few months have been hard, but you’ve been able to move on and take your life back from the man who murdered your mother. Thanks in no small part to Tim and his constant presence by your side.
“That proposal spoiled you,” he muses. “I knew I should have asked you in those ratty old pajamas.”
“You said I look beautiful in those pajamas.”
“And you do. You don’t have to talk to me about it if you don’t want to, but don’t hold it all inside.”
“I just- planning a wedding is hard, but I always thought I’d be doing it with her. My mom was in every idea and dream I had of my future. Now she’s gone. Even looking at bridal magazines makes me miss her more.”
Tim leans forward and kisses your forehead. He loves you and has reminded you that life is worth living, and the loss and grief you feel do get better, though it never goes away.
“I have a question for you,” you murmur against his palm.
Tim looks up before he clicks his tongue. “No fairy lights.”
“Will you go dress shopping with me? You don’t have to see the dress or anything, but I want you there.”
“Of course. I’m great at picking wedding dresses; ask Angela.”
“Thank you.”
Tim hasn’t said you’re welcome in weeks, always saying, “I love you” instead. Just as he does now.
“I love you more.”
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“Knock, knock,” Wade calls through the curtain separating your bridal suite.
“Come in,” you call.
“Wow,” he compliments as he enters. “You look beautiful.”
“Don’t make me cry this makeup off.”
Wade chuckles before asking to speak privately. Your bridal party, including Angela and Lucy, excuse themselves, and you take Wade’s hand as he leads you to sit on the settee.
“I know what you just said about crying, but I have something for you.” He pulls an envelope from his blazer pocket and taps it against his hand. “Your mom was a planner and a good one. She, uh, wrote you this letter and gave it to me in case anything ever happened to her. Actually, she wrote you a different letter, and replaced it with this one a week or so before everything happened.”
You take the envelope carefully, tearing up at the sight of your mom’s handwriting on the front.
“I’ll leave you to read it, but it’s a big day, and you deserve to know that your mom loved you.”
“Can you stay? Please,” you say as he stands.
Wade nods and returns to his seat. He watches you as you remove the letter and read it. When your eyes reach the bottom of the paper, you look away quickly and wipe under your eyes with the pads of your thumbs.
“Can you find Tim?” you ask with a sniffle. “I need to talk to him.”
“I can. He’s not seeing that pretty dress, though.”
You stand after Wade leaves and pace the bridal suite. It’s less than three minutes later when Tim steps through the curtain. Finding it impossible not to, you laugh at him.
“This was Wade’s idea,” he grumbles.
Tim raises his arms, and you take his hands with another laugh.
“Whose tie is that?” you ask.
“Wesley’s. Can’t you tell from the quality silk?”
Tim uses your joined hands to pull you closer, and he lowers his voice to ask if you’re alright.
“Wade gave me a note from my mom. She talked about you and how happy we were together. Uh, the last line was that our life together would be twice a life.”
“You sound like you’re about to cry,” Tim says. “Please don’t. If you start crying, I have to take the tie off.”
“Just hug me, Tim,” you demand.
Tim happily pulls you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. In parallel to the night after the funeral, Tim holds you close and whispers promises that everything will be okay and you’re never alone. When he adds that he loves you and he can’t wait to be your husband, you choke on a cry.
“Don’t,” you say as his hands move to the tie. “I’m okay. You- you can go now.”
“Oh, great,” Tim groans as he turns away. “Now it’s my turn to cry when you walk down the aisle in the perfect dress.”
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The moment you step into Tim’s sight at the end of the aisle, tears build in his eyes. Though it’s Wade at your side, you feel your mom’s presence, too. It’s as if she is right beside you and cheering you on the entire walk down the aisle.
“You’re perfect,” Tim whispers as he takes your hand.
You shake your head, but Tim squeezes your hand to reiterate his point.
“The dress is perfect,” you reply with a smile.
Tim picked it for you to try on and it ended up being your favorite. The surprise on his face when he first saw it was just as amazing as you anticipated. Now, at the altar before all your closest friends and those who have become family, you know that you’re living again, and nothing can take the life you have built with Tim.
“I love you,” Tim mouths as the crowd takes their seats.
“I love you more,” you reply silently.
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“Hi,” you greet.
“Watch your step,” Tim chides as his hands move to your hips. “This is harder than it looks.”
Tim moves the bouquet into the crook of his elbow before taking your hands. The sun has set, and only ambient light illuminates the trail before you.
“Hi again,” you start over. “We got married, Mom.”
“Thanks to you,” Tim adds.
You don’t sit down, too worried about grass stains on your reception dress. Tim seems to understand why you stop farther back. He steps forward and sets the flowers at the base of the headstone before returning to your side.
“It was your daughter’s idea to give you her bouquet,” Tim says.
“And it was your son-in-law’s idea to do it before we left. Everything that I am and have is thanks to you, Mom. I miss you like crazy, but I know you’re with me everywhere I go.”
“She loved you,” Tim murmurs against your shoulder.
“She loved you, too,” you tell him. “We’re going on our honeymoon. I know you would’ve given me a hard time about the time off, but you’d also be happy for me. I love you, Mom.”
You turn away and smile at Tim. He nods before kissing you and whispering, “I’ll catch up.” When you’re out of earshot, he squats and says, “I will treat her better than you ever thought I would. Thank you for letting me be your son-in-law, Zoe.”
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Four months after you return from your honeymoon, you walk into the Mid-Wilshire Station; not for work, but to visit Tim on your day off. Your smile is wide, and even Smitty notices your contagious excitement.
“Tim!” you call when you see him.
“Hi,” he greets as he turns to meet you. “What are you doing here?”
“I have something to show you. Can we go somewhere private?”
“Ooh,” Smitty interjects before pursing his lips.
“I would gladly go somewhere away from him,” Tim agrees.
He leads you into an empty break room before looking you over. Other than your growing smile, you look the same as you did when he left this morning.
“Here,” you say, passing him a small box.
Tim raises his brows before removing the lid. The small plastic stick inside causes him to freeze, and he slowly puts the lid back on and sets it down before cupping your face between his hands.
“We’re pregnant?” he asks softly.
You nod, and your smile falters for a moment before Tim’s smile grows to match yours. He pulls you into a kiss before wrapping his arms around your waist and spinning you around. As you gasp in surprise and excitement, you know that this is the life your mom and Tim talked about.
“What is happening in here?” Angela asks as she opens the door.
You nod at Tim, and he says, “We’re having a baby.”
“You’re pregnant?!” “Who’s pregnant?” Lucy asks from outside. She sees you and squeals before joining your hug with Angela. “Ooh, can I do your gender reveal party?”
“Not without me,” Angela answers.
“You’re not arguing with me, Tim. What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find a single thing wrong with this moment,” Tim admits as he pulls you into another hug.
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“You really didn’t know about this?” Tim asks again.
“No! Just shoot it, Tim!” you cheer before placing your headphones on again.
Tim levels the gun in his hands before aiming at the target. A shooting range gender reveal sounded like the perfect idea, and you were happy to let Tim do the honors. As he pulls the trigger, you hold your breath for the millisecond it takes to hit the target.
The packet behind the target erupts and turns the range pink. You cheer before Tim picks you up and yells in excitement. He sets you down and kisses you before running his hands over your bump, where your daughter is healthy and growing.
“We’re having a girl,” he whispers in awe.
“I love you,” you reply.
You’re pulled apart by your friends, but the joy of everyone around you only increases your happiness.
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The night after the gender reveal, you find yourself lying beside Tim, with your head on his chest as you watch your most recent ultrasound.
“Look at her little hands,” you coo. “She’s perfect.”
“Hey,” Tim says. You ignore him to point out something else. “We should name her Zoe.”
You sit up quickly, momentarily forgetting that you have a bump to impede your movements. Tim moves to accommodate your new position and smiles at the look on your face.
“What?” you ask.
“We should name her Zoe. Your mom got us here, and honoring and remembering her like that would- I think it’s a good idea.”
“It’s a great idea,” you agree. “Tim, thank you. For everything.”
“Of course.”
“No, you don’t know; you can’t imagine how much you and our relationship… how much you’ve done for me and what it means. I can’t thank you enough or tell you that I love you enough.”
“I love you more,” Tim says.
You smile wetly as tears gather in your eyes. Tim pulls you against his chest and restarts the ultrasound recording. When he whispers again that he loves you, your baby kicks. At this moment, you can’t imagine how different things would be without Tim, or if you had given up and stopped living. You’ll never know because of Tim Bradford.
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Heart Shaped Wound:
Hanayama’s Ending
Heart Shaped Wound
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Author’s note: took me awhile to write this! I’m working on the separate smut ending so stay tuned!
       (Your name) placed her hands over her eyes and sighed in frustration. She couldn’t do this… she couldn’t possibly choose. It was impossible. She had dug herself into an inescapable hole.
     (Your name) sat up and glanced at the dress that laid across her dining room table. She told Hanayama she’d see him tomorrow… she promised him. 
       (Your name) rose up and went over to the table to touch the fabric of the dress once more. She knew Hanayama had feelings for her… she would have to be blind not to see that but… she wasn’t sure he’d take rejection well…
       She sighed. This would be tomorrow’s problem, for now she’s sleep on it. It was too much stress to think anymore about it.
     If only she hadn’t been so naive…
         (Your name) carefully set the last bit of her hair in place before her scheduled time with Hanayama. Her unexplainable nerves made her stomach hurt. She didn’t have a clue on why she felt so nervous. She’s went out with him many times before… and yet this time it felt different.
       (Your name) rose up from her vanity and admired her reflection. This dress was much classier than the others and it hugged her figure nicely… Hanayama had exquisite tastes as always.
      Knock. Knock. (Your name) heard some strong knocks at the door. That must be Hanayama… he was a little early.
       (Your name) made her way over to the door and opened it to reveal Hanayama in a black suit with a red silk dress shirt under. He looked even more handsome in red.
     Hanayama caught her admirable gaze and smirked.
      “Do you like what you see?” He softly asked, he scooped her hand in his to give it a soft kiss. “I try to coordinate our outfits.”
        “You look handsome.” (Your name) gave him a smile, her cheeks a little red from his action. Hanayama was never anything short of a gentleman to her. He was suave. 
       “And you’re beautiful as always.” Hanayama pressed one last kiss to the back of her hand, the feeling he left behind lingered on her skin. His dark eyes stared deeply into her soul with an all consuming storm of lust. She was his… tonight and forever she’d finally be his. “Shall we?”
       (Your name) allowed Hanayama to scoop her up bridal style in his arms so she didn’t get sand on her feet. He always loved to carry her like a princess, so she’d understand how much she meant to him.
       Hanayama basked in the stares of his men while he made his way to the limousine. He enjoyed their looks of jealousy and admiration. That’s right. This beautiful woman in his arms was his future wife and today… today it would be perfect.
      Just like it should have been the first time.
      Hanayama’s chefs had prepared a five course meal with ingredients she had never heard of and with a unique plating that told her how much Hanayama most likely spent on this date (he again). Hanayama had no problem flaunting his wealth to her.
      Each meal was more delicious than the last. The flavors melted on her tongue with each bite. Hanayama was thoughtful to consider her taste.
    Once their meals were over and done with, Hanayama gave her a smile.
      “I’ve never introduced anyone to one of the most important women in my life…” Hanayama softly whispered, his obsidian eyes never left her smaller form. “This means a lot to me.”
       Hanayama rose up from the table and held out his hand for her to take. (Your name) hesitantly accepted his hand and Hanayama hoisted her up. She could tell he was nervous.
      (Your name) smiled at Hanayama to try to ease his nerves. Her thumb glided over the back of his hand in a soothing manner.
       “I’m happy you’re introducing me to her then. She must mean a lot to you.” (Your name) failed to notice the look in Hanayama’s eyes when she softly spoke. He was happy to introduce her… he always wanted to introduce his future wife to the person who raised him with love.
       Hanayama lead her through the compound and out into his giant rose garden. (Your name) was amazed at all the beautiful variety of red rose bushes. She knew Hanayama preferred to gift her the flower to romance but she had no idea he had a giant garden of the flower themselves. He must really enjoy them…
       It was when he stood before a tombstone that made her realize he was going to introduce her to his mother… oh no.
       “(Your name), this is my mother.” Hanayama smiled softly at her, his hand guided her to stand before the well kept grave. “Mom, this is (your name).”
      Hanayama’s grip tightened around her hand, his breath a bit ragged. “I talk about you a lot with my mom… I’ve always wanted to introduce you.”
       Hanayama turned his head to look at (your name). He took his free hand to remove his glasses so she could see his eyes that were full of love and possessiveness… she felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Oh no…
        “…really?” (Your name) softly muttered out. It was all she could muster under his predatory gaze. 
      “My mother deserves to know about my future wife.” Hanayama smiled softly at her, he tucked his glasses into his suit pocket. 
    “I never thought I’d find someone strong enough to stand by my side… someone to share my life with… and then I met you.” Hanayama muttered softly, his voice trembled a bit with emotion. “We met in a tournament of all places and you defeated me in a fight… I knew I had to have you then. I wanted to give the perfect night to the perfect woman… the woman I love.”
      Hanayama then got onto one knee which made (your name)’s blood run cold. Hanayama pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a beautiful marquis cut ring. It was a beautiful ring… a beautiful cage.
       “Be my wife, (your name).” It was not a question, it was a statement that she didn’t dare want to refuse.
        The garden was filled with his men, she knew she wouldn’t be able to fight her way out of this one or flee. She’d be stupid to try… she should have never came here. Hanayama had set the perfect trap for her.
       Tears fell down her face, her hands covered her mouth to stop a sob. She had no idea that to Hanayama and his men, it looked like she was crying tears of joy. It made Hanayama’s heart set ablaze. Hanayama put the ring into one of his fists before he stood up at his full height.
        Hanayama wrapped his arms around her and moved her hands off to the side to press a powerful kiss to her lips. His heart hammered in his chest and his grip tightened around her. He knew she’d be happy… he had wanted to propose for so long.
        (Your name)’s eyes widened in shock from the sudden kiss while his men applauded the ‘happy’ couple. They were happy that their boss was finally going to get his beloved wife.
         Hanayama took advantage of her shock and slid the ring onto her finger. A slight blush on his cheeks.
         “You’re finally all mine…” (your name)’s throat felt dry, everything had happened so fast-
          Hanayama barbarically swung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The man gave her bottom a firm spank as a grin engulfed his face.
        “Now it’s time for a treat of my own, wouldn’t you say? We can have the wedding in a few days once you’ve recovered.”
         “R-recovered?” (Your name) quickly repeated. He couldn’t possible mean?
      Hanayama gave her hip a squeeze, a satisfied hum escaped his lips. “Mhmm. I’m going to make you my woman.”
        (Your name) tried to pull away but Hanayama had a death grip on her as he carried her back into the compound. His eyes black with lust.
         Today he was going to make (your name) his woman… inside and out.
Author’s Note: thanks for reading! I’m trying my best to finish every ending! 🥰
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mactavsh · 2 years
Wishful Thinking [John “Soap” MacTavish X Female Reader]
Synopsis: You and Soap talk about the future.
Word Count: 819
Warnings: fluff with a pinch of angst, mention of injuries
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Normally you would have hated being told to stay put, being idle was never your strong suit. 
However, the medics had been very strict about bed rest and Price had also made sure you knew it wasn't a request. So you were relinquished to a small room in the infirmary of an old army base. 
You couldn't be too mad at the Captain’s orders, after all, he was there when you were injured. Moving on your own was painful so you thanked whatever god was up there for John MacTavish.
You and Price had been sent on a simple intel-gathering mission. However, since nothing can ever be simple, you and the Captain were ambushed. You’d gotten separated from Price and pinned down. He got you out but not before the enemy got too close for comfort, one landing a shot on your hip.
When you and Price landed back on base Soap was waiting for you on the tarmac along with Ghost and Gaz. His excitement to see you quickly faded into worry when he saw The Captain helping you walk down the small aircraft’s ramp. He ran to you, taking over for Price and picking you up bridal style instead.
“What am I to do with you, woman.” He mumbled as he carried you to the infirmary.
He hadn’t left your side since. He was there with his hand in yours while the medics stitched you up, he made sure you took your antibiotics and helped you clean your stitches. 
It was late at night now, and the sounds of the infirmary had dulled to a low hum outside your door. The two of you were smooshed together on your small cot. You were laying half on top of him, head on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. 
"You think about the future much?" Soap's chest rumbled as he spoke. 
The question had taken you aback. Admittedly, you hadn't given it much thought until recently. You joined the military young and since then have been solely focused on your career. Up until joining the 141 it had been a constant battle to prove yourself. Captain Price was one of the first commanding officers you had who actively acknowledged your talents.
You lifted your head to look up at him and shrugged. "Not really sure how long I’ll get to live.” You smiled up at him sadly. “Have you?"
"Honestly I hadn't really until I met you." He smiled, thinking of the day you first met. "I knew as soon as I saw you. That woman's going to be my wife."
"Is that a proposal?"
He laughed, a mischievous light in his eyes you were all too familiar with. "Oh, you'll know when I propose."
You smacked him lightly on the bicep and rested your head back down on his chest. “I suppose I have been thinking about it lately. The two of us, growing old. Our hair turning to gray while you still have that ridiculous mohawk.” You both laughed at the mental image.
“You love it.”
“I do.” There was a brief silence before you spoke again. Your mind running away with the ideas of a future for the two of you. “Christmas together with the whole team. We’re all old and wrinkly. Covered in more scars mental and physical but alive, safe. Everyone is crammed onto some old couches watching shitty movies.” You traced random shapes on his chest as you spoke leaving goosebumps in your wake. “Price gets a fire going to keep everyone warm. Gaz made popcorn, handed everyone their own little bowl. Ghost snuck bourbon into the hot cocoa. Mandatory matching sweaters, obviously, provided by yours truly.” Soap hummed beneath you as he took in every word.
“Totally sewing a Santa hat to Ghost’s balaclava.” He spoke with a smirk.
“You can’t sew for shit.”
“Super glue then.”
“Sure if you want that to be your last Christmas.”
Another brief silence filled the room before Soap broke it. “What about me?”
“What do you mean?”
“You didn’t say anything about me at your little Christmas party.”
“You’re there, of course you are.” You shifted, grabbing his hand in yours. “Always right next to me. We’re cuddling on an armchair underneath the most ridiculously fluffy blanket, rings on our fingers.”
“Aye, sounds wonderful.” He squeezed your hand for a moment. “Wait, was that a proposal?”
Now it was your turn to laugh. “Oh, you’ll know when I propose, dear.”
“Gonna have to beat me to it, woman.” He wrapped his arms around you again and gently kissed the top of your head. “I hope we make it there,”
“Me too.” The two of you fell back into silence. The reality of your line of work was not lost on either of you. The future was not a luxury you were sure you had, but you would cherish every moment you could, together. 
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spookyji · 1 year
husband!kai who doesnt leave for work until you kiss him goodbye >< who always kisses you when he comes back from work too eeekk who makes sweet love to you at least once a week that leaves you in tears (both from pleasure and how sweet he is) kisses all over your body, whispering how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have married you~ who always cums when you tell him you love him >< hes down bad frfr
also psa for u mille~ feel free to not write for any of my thoughts i just like to share them :p but if you do thank you for your sweet writings hehe
oh this was made to hurt me ;-; THIS HURT HARD
husband!huening kai who refuses to leave for work, even if he’s running a little bit late because he hasn’t had his goodbye kiss yet, his tall frame leaning over you, trying to catch a kiss. his plush lips against yours, yours eyes fluttering shut as he deepens the kiss, smaller hands resting on the broad plane of his chest… oh! the sound of his ringtone has the two of you separating, a subtle blush on your cheeks as he fumbles to answer the phone, waving goodbye as he grabs his suit coat on the way out, knowing his pretty housewife will always be waiting for him when he gets back.
and coming home, it’s like the honeymoon phase never ended, his arms easily scooping you up into a tight embrace from behind, his lips on your cheek as you squeak in surprise, kai can’t go a day without giving his pretty housewife kisses, can he~? his big hand finding yours, feeling the ring he put on your finger and bringing your hand up to his lips, a smile gracing his features as he wonders how he could have been so lucky in life~ and he can go from one second of being sweet and innocent to flirtatious, nipping your hand before leaning over your shoulder, pressing you further into his chest as his hot breath on your neck, whispering whether you’ve been waiting for him all day, he heard your soft whimper as your cute clothed ass presses to his bulging erection, he’s just so in love being with you turns him on, seeing you so prettily domestic in an apron and so small in his arms <3 so whisper his name, laced with need, and he’ll easily catch you in his arms, bridal carry back to your shared bedroom, imagine being so in love, an unspoken desire~
let husband!kai take care of you, his broad frame over yours, clad in a dress shirt slightly too small for him, his pecs and biceps straining through the material, a charming, adoring smile on his face. husband!kai’s lips on yours, soft and gentle, his hands deftly catching the zipper behind your back, sliding it down, and your instinctive move to cover your chest has his large hands taking your delicate wrists, a murmur that you know he loves you, why hide from him, pretty wife of his~? kai’s lips pressing kisses between your pretty tits, hands tugging down your dress and exposing your lovely body to him <3
kai who holds your hand as his tongue laps up your essence, your teary cries of his name as his tongue prods your folds, addicted to your taste and soft reactions, don’t hide a thing from him. so cum on his tongue, and he’ll kick your release off his lips, an angelic smile, he lives to serve and care. so husband!kai who’s eyes blink and flutter shut as you press kisses to the numerous moles on his skin, feather light but conveying endless affirmations of love, holding hands as you squirm under his broad frame as he pants into your shoulder, kisses pressed to every inch of skin as you struggle to take his big cock, a slight burning stretch to fit his heavy length <3 his slow but hard thrusts into your tight pussy, one hand roaming your soft body and taking in every curve and imperfection, adoring without hesitation or limit. and husband!kai who cums only when you have, his thick seed spilling into your cunny, as he mumbles in your ear how he hopes his seed stays, secretly wondering how beautiful you’d be so full of his love and softly swollen with time, oh— husband!kai can’t help but feel hard again at the thought, gazing down at your teary face with so much adoration <3
ps. husband!kai who has to carry you around for the rest of the day, he’ll never let you lift a finger or take a step of you feel the slightest bit sore… shhh, he also does it because he doesn’t want his cum leaking out more than it already is <3
brb going to go cry in a corner ;-;
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ofsinnersandsaints · 1 month
Whiskey and Starlight
Karen sees someone at Foggy and Marci's combined bachelor/bachelorette party and insists Foggy introduce them for @kastlenetwork kastle week: rom-com au/fluff Rating: G Word count: 1859 One shot AO3
Karen wound her way through the party guests to find the man of the hour, and was unsurprised to find Marci and Foggy at the bar together. This was why the normally separate bachelor and bachelorette nights had been combined, neither of them wanted to be apart from the other.
It was adorable.
“Karen!” Marci greeted, completely drowning out Foggy’s own greeting. “I’m so happy to see you!”
She hugged Marci, and looked over at Foggy who shook his head with a smile, “She’s already pretty deep in the sauce. Right now, she loves everyone.”
Marci released the hug ten seconds after she should have and turned to Foggy, “Of course I love Karen! She helped you pick out my ring, and she threw that lovely bridal party when my bitch of a sister-in-law fell through.”
Karen had never been more stressed out, but the look on Marci’s face had more than made up for it. “It was a good time, but I think this party is going to beat it.”
“I know! It’s amazing!”
When another guest came up to say hi, Karen used the distraction to turn to the bartender and order. “When did she start drinking?”
Foggy laughed, “As soon as we got here. It’s the red wine, it gets her drunk quicker than any shot.”
Karen looked at Foggy to see him staring with undiluted adoration at his fiance. “You love her.”
“This whole thing would be a little weird if I didn’t,” he reminded her dryly.
“I know,” Karen smiled. “It’s just so nice to see it.”
After she got her drink she turned around to look at the rest of the guests. There were high-end dresses and off the rack suits, voices layering over the music, empty glasses on tables and -
Her eyes stumbled over a lone figure sitting at one of the booths and she couldn’t loo away.
He was rough hewn, like Michelangelo had realized David was too soft, and he needed to make something better. There were at least two days worth of scruff on his face and the suit looked like it barely contained all the muscle covering his body.
She tapped her friend’s shoulder and nodded towards the man, “What’s the deal with him?”
Foggy looked in the general direction she’d indicated and smiled with a shake of his head. “Leave it you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You always go for the complicated ones.”
She tried to act offended but was also aware Foggy knew her well enough, and long enough, to know she had a type. “What’s his name?”
“Frank Castle.”
The name immediately rung a bell with her as someone who been accused of treason, but thanks to Foggy he’d been protected as a whistle blower. Karen had followed the case because her closest friend was heavily involved, but cameras hadn’t been allowed inside the courtroom and Frank had infamously avoided the camera so she hadn’t recognized him.
He looked uncomfortable, like someone who didn’t know what to do with his hands or the people around him. “Does he know anyone else here?”
“Besides me? No.”
Karen leaned over to the bartender and ordered another drink before turning to Foggy, glasses in hand. “Introduce me.”
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meiliarotten · 1 year
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time
Day 11: Suits (Formal Wear)
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Pairings: Spy x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader wears one of spy’s suit jackets with nothing under it to tease him
Tags: Formal wear, suits, facial
Word Count: 1.7k
The Masterlist
Spy led a pretty busy life and often worked ungodly hours. Unfortunately, early work days usually meant you found yourself waking up alone in bed. Sometimes you wished he would wake you before he left, if only for a kiss goodbye. Then again, slipping away silently and allowing you to sleep peacefully may be his way of showing you courtesy, so you tried to appreciate it.
You woke up around mid morning to the usual feeling of a lonely bed and the distant sounds of the mercenaries battling over whatever chunk of land they were supposed to lay claim to today. The noise didn’t bother you anymore. You had become used to it.
A quick glance around the room was all it took for you to notice something amiss. Spy’s wardrobe was left ajar. He was usually quite meticulous about keeping everything in his room orderly. He had once explained that it was his way of separating himself from the filth that his job often required him to wallow in.
He must have been in a rush this morning. Perhaps he had taken a few extra minutes to spend with you and lost track of time. The thought warmed your heart. Curiously, you got up from the bed and paced over to the wardrobe. You reached in, running a hand over the expensive suit jackets hung up within. As you did so, an idea entered your mind.
You giggled to yourself as you reached into the wardrobe and pulled out one of the jackets, trying it on for size. It was big on you, especially in length. You could practically wear the garment as a dress, albeit a short one. It was perfect. With a smirk, you set out to execute your plan.
Spy returned from battle thoroughly exhausted as always. He was ready to relax with a cigarette and maybe a book until dinner. As he opened the door to his private quarters, he found the room empty, or at least that was what he assumed.
You came up behind Spy, having hidden just behind the door when you heard him approaching. You felt him tense up when you first wrapped your arms around him. Clearly, he was used to being the one sneaking up on people, not the other way around. However, he quickly relaxed when he realized it was just you.
“Aw, darling, did you miss me?” He looked down to where your hands were clasped around his waist. You saw his head tilt to the side in confusion when he recognized the familiar jacket sleeves.
“I have a bit of a surprise for you,” you said, smirking as he turned around to see you in his jacket. It really was much too long for you. It also soon became clear that you were wearing nothing beneath it.
“How do I look?” You asked, taking a few steps backwards and spinning in a manner similar to a model on a catwalk. “I guess you’re not the only one who looks nice in a suit, hm?”
Spy seemed speechless, simply looking you up and down with a grin, unsure how to respond. He really wasn’t the type to be caught off guard, whether it was by a bad or a good thing. And make no mistake, this was definitely a very good thing in his opinion.
You, on the other hand, were beginning to get a bit nervous with his lack of response. “Um, I can take it off if you want-”
You were cut off with that short, one syllable word, and before you could even register what was happening, Spy took a few quick steps towards you, picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the bed. You yelped as you were thrown back onto the mattress a bit more harshly than you expected.
“Don’t take it off darling,” Spy said, already on top of you with surprising speed. He looked you over as you lay prone beneath him, admiring how the suit jacket hung loosely over your curves, just barely covering your ass and hips. His gaze traveled from there to the way the lapels framed your chest, cleavage exposed by the deep V of the neckline.
You tried, and failed, to smother a laugh at the sight of Spy so obviously ogling you. “So, I’m guessing you like it too?”
“You look ravishing,” Spy said, finally breaking his stare and kissing you deeply, passionately. Any exhaustion, any ache in his muscles, and any lingering stress from the day's battles were completely forgotten. His focus was solely on you.
Your lips parted in a soft gasp and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, gentle but demanding. You moaned against his lips as you felt your arousal begin to build between your legs, bucking up to feel Spy’s erection tenting his pants. When the kiss finally broke off, he wasted little time tugging his pants and underwear down, just low enough to free his cock. A thrill ran up your spine as you realized that Spy would be keeping his suit mostly on.
At one point, you instinctively moved to unbutton your jacket, wanting to give Spy a better view. You were stopped when he took you by the wrist. “I told you to leave it on, chérie. It’s the least you could do for both of us, since you seem to like it so much.”
You blushed, wondering if you were really so easy to read. It was true, you took a particular enjoyment of the sight of Spy in his work clothes. You had always assumed you were subtle enough about it.
“Is it that obvious?” You asked, barely containing a whimper as you felt Spy’s gloved hands running up your thighs.
“Perhaps I’m just a bit more observant than you give me credit for, mon ange.” His hands eventually traveled far enough upwards to hold onto your waist. Some loose areas of fabric bunched up around his grip. With little warning, Spy thrust into you with a deep, growl-like moan.
You reacted with your own gasp of shock and pleasure, startled by the sudden intrusion. You gripped the sheets as Spy began to pivot into you at a surprisingly rough pace. His hands were constantly traveling up and down the length of your torso, grabbing at your waist and hips, running up your thighs, or reaching into the neckline of the suit to grab at your breasts.
The sensations were overwhelming. You weren’t sure how much longer you could last, and that was the exact moment Spy chose to change his angle, thrusting up into your g-spot.
“Oh fuck, Spy!” Moans and curses fell freely from your mouth as you felt your orgasm fast approaching.
“Already getting close, mon amour? Are you-” you cut Spy off, grabbing him by the lapels and pulling him down into another fervent kiss. As you did so, Spy continued to thrust hard against your sweet spot, and it wasn’t long before you were coming undone. You moaned against his lips as you came, muffling your sounds.
You pulled away with a gasp, falling back onto the pillows behind you. The rise and fall of your chest gradually slowed, a drowsy smile playing on your lips. While you would have been content to bask in the afterglow like that for hours, you soon realized Spy wasn’t quite finished yet, despite having pulled out of you.
“Here, let me finish you off, alright?” You said, sitting up and gripping Spy’s still slick cock, eliciting a low groan. With a quick switch of positions, you were on your knees at the edge of the bed, with Spy sitting on the mattress in front of you. You worked quickly, taking him into your mouth with an eager moan, tasting your own arousal still on him.
Swirling your tongue around the shaft, you used your hand to make up for whatever you couldn’t take in. Spy seemed to be enjoying it all the same, looking down at you with heavy lidded eyes. The lust he felt was obvious in his gaze.
“Mon dieu, keep doing that darling,” he moaned, brushing his fingers through your hair in a soothing and encouraging gesture. You hummed softly in acknowledgement and continued.
Spy was rarely quiet during situations like this. He made no secret of how good you were making him feel. It was also convenient, as you could often tell how close he was getting just by listening. You continued to work until you heard Spy’s moans begin to grow in volume and desperation.
“Chérie, I’m about to-,” Spy wasn’t able to finish his sentence, but he didn’t need to. You already knew. Reacting quickly, almost on a spur of the moment decision, you removed your mouth and stroked Spy to completion with your hand, letting him release onto your face, your chest, and that expensive suit of his.
Spy felt like he should have been annoyed, but God, if that wasn’t the most erotic thing he had seen in a long time. With a sigh, he practically collapsed backwards onto the bed.
You grinned with pride, shucking off the jacket and leaving yourself completely naked. A quick search into Spy’s bedside drawer revealed some much needed tissues for you to clean yourself up with. Once clean, you crawled up onto the bed next to your spent lover, curling comfortably into the curve of his body.
Spy spared but a glance at his soiled jacket, discarded on the floor. “That will need to be dry cleaned,” he said, his voice still a bit shaky. You gave him a guilty look.
“Sorry. I guess I just got caught up in the moment,” you said. Although you tried to maintain an apologetic tone, you also displayed an aura of ‘sorry, not sorry.’ Despite this, Spy couldn’t even bring himself to be the slightest bit annoyed.
He found it endearing. Plus, there was no way to deny how much he had enjoyed the sight of you marked with his release with a joyous grin on your face.
“Well, if it means I get to see you get dressed up for me more often, then dry cleaning bills will be a small price to pay, mon amour.”
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1996 European style McMansion for sale in Fayetteville, Arkansas. 6bd. 9.5ba. $2.5M + $83mo. HOA fee.
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Typical double bridal staircase in the entrance. 
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And, it opens to a huge sitting room. 
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But, it’s this library that got me. Amazing. Look at the balcony up there. Then you sit in the easy chair and read before the fire, cup of tea on the table. 
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Or, you sit and read up here.
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Formal dining room with an amazing ceiling.
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Cozy family room beside the kitchen.
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Very spacious kitchen. 
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Pantry off the dining room. 
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The 2nd fl. is split into 2 hallways connected by the stair landing.
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Main bd. has separate sitting room. 
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Large en-suite bath.
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And, a kitchenette off the bath.
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Walk-in closet.
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Lovely room looks like it belongs to a daughter. 
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Look at the nice en-suite sink and vanity.
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This room has a mural on the ceiling.
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This room has a reading nook. Very nice.
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Private home office or craft room.
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Herd’s a bar for entertaining.
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The wine cellar.
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Home theater/media room.
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This could be a home gym. 
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It has a sauna, too.
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I even like the way the laundry room is decorated.
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Paved outdoor space.
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Moonlight swim, anyone?
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softspiderling · 2 months
Since Harry is my petite princess, I picture him getting drunk very easily and Tom is a big queen so he can hold his booze easier. Tom is always literally carrying Harry to their uber. Idk if Spain or Ibiza has Uber so maybe a taxi.
Or imagine they want to save money so they walk back to the hotel but since Harry has the spins, Tom can’t throw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and he can’t fireman carry him in case he throws up.
So Tom has to carry Harry bridal-style to their hotel suite and their shared bed.
i like how you and another anon separately had the idea that tom carried harry bridal style😭
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viridian-house · 2 months
Your prose is so unique and I just really want to know if there are any pairings you plan/want to ever write but have a hard time with (outside the naruto fandom as well)
🥺😭💕💕💕 thank you so much, you're always so kind!!
there's a ton of stuff I have ideas for (varying degrees of vague to decently thought-out plots). I've even written out decent chunks of a few, but am not happy with for reasons
ichigo/rukia: watched the first arc of bleach with my wife during initial quarantine and thought these 2 were so aesthetically complementary and CUTE with each other?? not confident writing them just because idk the source well enough (I know the canonical endgame couples though 🥲)
bakugo/uraraka: I can't nail bakugo's attitude, and my uraraka comes out bossy & outspoken. I have an easier time throwing eijirou in the mix and bc he suits them both very well (they're such a lil ot3 for me!!)
matrix/andraia: ummm kind of a deep cut with this one, no clue if any of my readers even know what they're from. a canonical power couple (and my pansexual awakening shhh) who honestly get done justice by the source, how can I compete with the hottest woman I've ever seen calling her absolutely jacked, emotionally stunted bf "lover" and him killing the big bad with HER WEAPON??? *chefs kiss*
ryoko/ayeka: another semi deep cut. I love the idea of them together but can never write enemies/rivals to lovers with any believability. had a dream once where ryoko was carrying ayeka bridal style.....they might be Fanart Only territory for me
ino/sakura: although I'm writing about them in one fic (and have a separate [smutty] one cooking), these 2 are hard for me. idk if you guys have seen that post that's like "came back from the codependent homoerotic friendship wrong" but that was a Real Thing I lived through lmao I didn't even ship inosaku until years after we'd stopped talking 😩
leon/ashley: they are simply Too Sexy for me to even think about attempting. I'll read other fics of them and have to put my phone down to take regular breaks like I'm doing manual labor they make me INSANE. but maybe someday I'll get there (I'm working on one that's just titled "sin" in my docs HELLO)
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httpiastri · 2 months
pt 1
based on pepe's off the track ig stories he travels and takes a lot of aesthetic pics hence..... 🍯
whenever it's off season or summer break, you take a leave and travel around pepe to unwind yourselves. pepe with travelling as his second nature, plans out the itinerary, having a balance of relaxation and thrills that you might hate him for later on (a kiss would solved that anyways)
pepe is always the adventurous one when it comes to travelling, he'd never force you if you don't want to, but he highly encourages you to step out of your comfort zone to try out some of their cuisines, picking ones from the menu that he thinks suits your palate, or to go try activities like scuba diving or hiking to make your trip worth it.
but pepe doesn't always push you to your limits, he'd be down to anything that you want to do. he'd take your pictures, helping you pose and capturing you in your best angles, hyping you up while doing so since you tend to get shy especially when you are taking pictures in a crowded area.
he'd also be down to your pub hopping around the town. getting different drinks since you want to try all of them (even though you'd switch with pepe at the end since you always choose the hard drinks at first) and you'd talk about what's ahead of both of your careers, and as time goes by, gets into more serious ones like settling down together and starting out a family.
at the end of the day, you'd be so tired with the shenanigans pepe put you through that you'd be magnetized to the bed. pepe would helo you with your clothes and remove your makeup before the both of you ending up in a spooning position, reminding you how he's lucky to have a partner and travel buddy like you for a lifetime, and in the end, promising you that in every universe the both of you are in, he would travel the world just to find you again and again.
pt 2
OMG OMG IT POPPED UP IN MY HEAD 🍯 MOREOVER pepe knows you're a fashionista at heart whenever you travel and he always tries to match up with your outfits, he even asks you beforehand what would you wear so he can pack up clothes that would pair with them. he also has things prepared in his backpack just it case the fashionista in you won't last a day: a bandaid for your blisters, a pair of sandals when your feet decides to give up, an extra hair tie when the wind is too much for your laid down hair to handle, and a cardigan if it gets too cold or something spilled on you. when you are almost at your hotel and your feet decided to kill themself, he won't hesitate to carry you bridal style to your bed.
is it a lot to carry all of those in his backpack, and even more when your weight is added when needed? definitely, but he thinks it is all worth it just to hear your sigh of relief when he brings it out of his backpack or when he's carrying you, pecking his cheeks, because you as well, is lucky to have a attentive travel buddy and partner like, and you promise as well to meet him halfway when he comes to find you in every universe.
(im answering this ask instead of the separate ones, hope that's okay 🥰)
i'm about 100 years late and im SO SORRYYYY!!! but omg you really cooked with this 😭
gosh i think traveling with him would be so so cozy :(( he would definitely be up for planning and taking care of stuff, but also involving you a lot? but just making sure everything is as comfortable as possible for you because he knows how important it is for you to just relax during your break (bcs school/work is so exhausting & you deserve time to recover)
but yes, he definitely tries to push you out of your comfort zone, but little by little !!!! you mentioning cuisine made me tear up a little ngl because i'm super sensitive when it comes to food and just... this made me think of other traveling/food thoughts i have had about pepe... like the fact that if he orders new stuff for you from the menu, and you end up not liking it, he definitely offers to swap your meals and eats it for you (so you don't feel embarrassed about not finishing your food)... or if he tastes something new that he really thinks you would like, he will suggest that you have a little taste and if you don't like it then he'll just smile and think no more of it... anddddddd my #1 thought, he definitely orders for you if ordering food is something that bothers you (like it does to me) 🥺 especially in spain when you come with him, he has no issues placing all of your orders in one go in spanish, all while holding your hand on top of the table and secretly asking the waitress about stuff he knows about your food preferences (like, "are there a lot of carrots in this one or is that just on the side?" or "is the sauce very spicy?")
pepe as your personal photographer >>>> !!!! god he would be so good at that, and he definitely has an eye for taking good candid pictures... and he also takes a lot of pictures of the scenery, especially ones where you're subtly in them, just to fill out your pretty instagram carousel for later <33
and pls drinks with pepe? help??? im not very good with drinks but if i were to sit next to him at a bar, i would try any drink he offered to me (and i would watch in awe as he drank everything i didn't like) <33 and pls having talks about your future together? and just knowing you two have each other until forever, and the fact that it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as you're together?? 🥺
aaaaa pepe would lowkey act like he wasnt sure about the idea of matching outfits at first, but he grows very fond to the idea really quickly.... and soon it's him initiating it 🥺 and him being so prepared with his backpack is soooo true!!! some snacks for whenever you both need some energy, a little polaroid camera that he bought as a surprise just to get some extra memories from the trip, tons of water to make sure you don't get dehydrated.... and it all just comes so naturally to him that when you point it out one day he's just like "?? am i not supposed to do this? what else is my job??" :(( he doesn't mind it at all, because any opportunity to make you happy is a win for him <3
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joe9cool · 1 year
A little sneaky peaky of the new Epilogue
The rehearsal was catered by Traeger Grills. Justin and Sara loved the crew as they had come over to film sponsor videos with Justin.
As they all enjoyed the full barbecue banquet, both sets of parents had surprised everyone with a sideshow of the couple growing up. Justin died of laughter seeing Sara go beet red when some childhood photos popped up she thought were buried deep in the attic. Mark and Holly came through with Justin's pictures. 
The planner made sure that everyone disbanded and was at their rooms by 9pm. "We want to make sure we all get a good night's sleep. 6am wake up call tomorrow."
Justin and Sara walked slowly to the hotel lobby, they would stay on opposite ends of the hotel and wouldn't see each other until the first look. "This is ridiculous. We are already married." Justin whined as they swung their arms as they walked. Sara giggled. "It's one night. You will live." She squealed as Justin picked her up bridal style and swung her around with ease. Their lips met and even after a few years, there was still passion, the love that they had through each other could be felt through their kiss "Are you sure we can spend the night? We will just sneak back before everyone wakes up." Justin broke away.
She thought about it. "Sorry. But the girls and I are doing a little skincare before bed. Plus I'm saving myself for the wedding night." Justin snorted. "And how is that going for you?"
"Pretty well. Actually." They heard footsteps. "Alright you two you will see each other in the morning." Bella laughed as Justin set Sara down, making sure to steady her in her heels. With one last kiss, they departed and went their separate ways. 
Upon entering her Bridal suite she laughed. Above her bed were big Silver balloons spelling out 'HERBERT' 
"It's surreal huh? Sorta your last night as a Wozniak." She turned around to see her MOH, Alyssa leaning against the doorframe with a smile on her face. Sara smiled. "Yeah. I mean it feels official. I know Justin and I are legally married. But…." She trailed off, not sure how to explain her feelings.
Alyssa nodded. "I know. When Brent and I first got engaged and were in Mexico, we went to a church and got married." Sara's eyes widened. "You never said anything."
"We never did the paperwork to make it binding. But we did it. Why do you think Brent was so defensive of you two?" Alyssa walked up and grabbed her younger sisters hands. "I should have stood up for you too."
"We all should have." Now they were being joined by the other two. Katie sighed. "We are very sorry. How we reacted, God we are no better than our mother." The girls laughed.  "Where is mom, by the way?" Sara looked behind her.
"She's off making sure everything is set up. Also Denise and Linda are with her as well." Sara rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything else they were interrupted by Alisha knocking. "Come on ladies, we have everything set up!
Feeling better after the talk with her sisters, the girls joined the rest of the bridal party.
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pin-crusher2000 · 6 months
Earth 66 Headcanon Asks
1) Since they’re dating, how common is it for Mar’i to purr like a kitten when Jake is cuddling her?
2) Since they’re twins in your version; which one is technically the older sibling as they came out first, Mar’i or Jake?
3) Any storylines you’d like to do for the Grayson-And’r Family?
4) Similar as 3 only for the Super Family?
Good questions! @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 :D
before I start, it’s actually Chris not Jake XD *sweet home Alabama plays in background.*
1: very common! Maybe like every 2nd or 3rd cuddle time. Mar’i would cuddle close to Chris, head on shoulder, hand on chest, & maybe legs & feet intertwined, & softly purrs. Chris does gently ruffle her hair like a pet. ;)
2: mar’i is the oldest, being 21 seconds ahead of Jake. (Since mar’i was create 21 years before Jake; 1996 to 2017)
3: hmmmmmmm top of my head I got 3! :D
1-Court of Owls: the idea of them being nightwing’s villains is pretty cool. (So I’m gonna borrow that from you if that’s ok?)
A lot of people are going missing in Bludhaven, & rumors spread around of mysterious black ninjas running around at night kidnapping people. The Grayson-And’r family, after some research, interrogation, & clues, mange to find an underground labyrinth with an army of talons (black ninjas) & “dead” people, plus some people in owl masks.
The main villains are: rich folk/mobsters (people who wears the owl masks) & NightWing’s ancestor: William Cobb (who wears a white/Gray talon suit to differentiate from regulars)
After the family beats up the majority of the villains, using ice equipment (cause talons are weakened by cold temperature) & the tamaerans starbolts (in my universe, you can kill these guys by turning them to ash) the only bad guy left standing is William Cobb. He decides to overdose himself with a chemical compound called: Electrum; which allows talons like himself to gain immortality, regeneration, & the typical superhuman stuff like strength, speed, & durability. When he did that, he grows super big & transforms into a giant bird monster.
He chases the family, knocking down everything causing the labyrinth to crumble down, the family got separated, dick with Kory and Jake with mar’i . Fortunately, Jake & mar’i did mange to reunited with their parents, unfortunately, mar’i got hurt during the battle hurting her legs & Jake had to carry her bridal style; Jake had to slide down a broken pillar while escaping a transform Cobb & there was a raised bump that hit Jake in the crotch, that causes his eyes to cross when he went over it. Jake: “d’oh! I think I peed my pants! (From the “famous” dragon escape scene from Shrek)
Heading close to the exit, the family does one final ice/fire combo that traps Cobb & have rocks to crush him to death & turned into ash by beams of starbolts.
(The next might be a little NSFW/dark, a little warning)
2-Doctor Light: Doctor Light (a major teen titans villain) decides to attack the family with a upgraded suit & kidnaps Kory, Mar’i, & Jake causing Nightwing to go rescue them.
Doc Light traps Kory & mar’i in chains while laying down on a table, arms spread & legs are facing forward. Jake was free but was getting beat up by him. After a small beating, he goes over to Kory & mar’i & starts touching their hair & (you can choose) starts climbing on top of either Kory or mar’i, rubbing his hand across “their” cheek. Jake gets back up & grab & throws doctor light across the room. Doctor light gets back up & tackles & starts choking Jake. With Doc being distracted, Jake uses whatever strength he got left & presses his foot into his crotch & headbutts the doc out cold.
For the final battle later on after rescuing his family: Nightwing is hurt & alone facing Doctor Light who powers up to the max, becomes pure light, pure energy but after digging out a picture that shows Kory, mar’i, & Jake, he gets back up & blocks hard light energy with his electric escrima sticks & blows Doctor light up. There is two different endings:
1- Nightwing dies similar to iron man in endgame (& Jake gets to become NightWing 2/3)
2- he gets knocked out for a few days & gets back up after that XD
3- Red Hood: in my universe, Jason Todd is either: permanently dead or comes back like how he did in the animated movie under the red hood, but he is fully a antihero/villain like his early comic book counterpart.
After the battle with Batman, (note: he didn’t blow up bludhaven yet in this version) he goes after the Grayson-Anders family (for reasons XD) & holds Jake & mar’i hostage. The house does get destroyed during a battle between him & Nightwing, fortunately, everyone is ok but Jason is injured from his fight with Batman & Nightwing & escapes into the unknown; injured.
4: I got 3, 2 original & the 1 from the above question.
1-Red Hood: in the original story: A death in the family, Batman really wanted to kill joker, but Superman talked him out of it. After learning that Batman WAS supposed to kill joker but was talked out of it, Jason decides to go after the Superman family years later after the battle with Batman & Nightwing. (Jason lost his memories & stayed at a church as a priest, he gains back his memories years later when seeing Superman on tv.
Red Hood creates a vigilante group called the red hood gang that has kryptonite weapons & attacks the superfamily (this is around the time the Super-Twins are a thing, probably a few weeks after the Blue Earth story). The SuperFamily (& a little help from Batman, & the Grayson family) managed to stop the red hood & his gang, but he sacrifices himself to take everybody out with a kryptonite bomb, but fails. The only thing that remains is a semi broken red hood helmet/mask. (Hinting that he is still alive)
2- Fire Of Olgun: this small “moment” in the comics has revived Osul-Ra from death on war world by mongul; & in one of the action comics, he was almost taken away from the New Gods (Orion). Annnnnd then it went nowhere XD I say use that to somehow age down Jon Kent (or retcon it saving osul as a potion not a “power up.”)
3- Slices Of SuperLife: mostly just slices of life moments of the superfamily like how we saw during Superman 2016 with the carnival & the road trip.
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
If you aren't tired of talking about maneskin and fashion already, may I ask what are your fave Vic outfits? Looking at it from the perspective of Vic as a separate individual, not part of a band. I am more into women's fashion so I find it hard to look at Vic's outfits as just a part of a whole and some of the outfits that are iconic for the fandom bc how well they work together with the boys' just look ugly and unflattering to me.
ok this is difficult bc she haas so many fucking great outfits but i hve limited space so this is just a small selection from her or the bands instagram
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staring with this iconic moment the rush wedding promo . i love this so much i love the mix of textures and fabrics between the dress the lace veil the fur there’s a lot going on but not so much that it clashes i love the accessories esp the gloves but i think the best thing about the outfit for me is for sure the jacket i love the that it bro he’s thsi huge dramatic shape to the outfit i love the slightly off white colour so it’s breaking up the whiteness just a little without changing the meaning of the outfit completely . i love this it feel bridal but in a vintage kind of vegas wedding way it still feels sexy and a little slutty which is so good for her she looks amazing idc
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gonna keep a similar vibe and look at a few more dresses like . tbh miss girl could walk out in a potato sack and still pull it off she’s so beautiful . but what i live about these is the way they’re accessorised bc it makes it more than just wearing a dress and more crating an outfit i love the inclusion of the belt across the balck dress personally it’s not something i would’ve thoight of doing bc i feel liek that drop waist effect paired with a low rise belt would cut off the torso in a way u wouldn’t like but this just goes to show u if u don’t at least try it ur never gonna find out i like it i love it the same goes for the ruffle shawl i think it just elevates the outfit and brings out more personality
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i’m gonna put all three of these your outfits in the same category bc these to me are just quintessential victoria stage outfits titties out looking hot she eats every single fuckinf time . i think the third on there is also extremely underrated i love the shoulder pads and the kind of exaggerated silhouette from them i love the way that the stuffing helps to emphasise her figure and break up the outfit a little i think she looks phenomenal in it . u can probably tell i love a globe moment i think they’re a super underrated accessory and it makes me so happy to see her wearing them i also love dark colours and smoky grunge makeup on her i think it’s super complimentary to her skin tone esp the navy blue i genuinely believe that it so fucking phenomenal on her and i love the mix of fabrics there the pvc and the velour it’s just . so iconic .
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this is just a little appreciation for her causal outfits too i love the way vic dresses herself and watching her over the past 2 years kind of fidn and develop her style has been so interesting i love that she’s kept these vintage vibes and brings it into modern trend with the y2k but still manages to keep a slightly western vintage tie in which i adore i think her layering is super fun playing with different lengths styles and fabrics in her shirts she knows herself and her body super well she knows what works for her and she’s super fucking hot
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this is me in my controversial era i love vic una. suit . i love the tartan suit i think it’s hate on a little too much i think the colours compliment her well and the fit is amazing it’s tailored perfectly i LOVE that chunky belt almost straying into corset belt territory with that cinching effect i love the gloves and how they match the belt and the shoes like the gloves just add in that little bit of Sexy that’s in every måneskin outfit and i think she looks great .
they also went through a phase with these huge feather cuffs i remember them wearing them on a talk show and in the gucci campaigns they did a while back they definitely wore a lot of this in their gucci era and honestly i live for it i think she looks so cool and i wanted an outfit like this so bad when i saw her wearing that . i also love vic in pink . idk vic in suits i love its a completely different silhouette than her stage outfits and they’re always styled and accessorised to still emulate that femininity and sex that’s integral to her personality
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