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rainbowchewynuggets · 1 year ago
My website is currently down! For a long time!
Because I finally walked out on Wix as boycott in support of Palestine. I'm not walking out because I recently found out it's an Israeli company--it's because they are actively supporting cowardly anti-Palestinian narratives and pushing their little "Stand with Israel" widgets.
If you use Wix, I highly encourage you to check out other site builders. Here are a few suggestions. Wix has really sucked anyway, especially considering that they're about to implement a 300%+ price hike in February. If you were ever on the fence, now is an excellent time to get out.
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last-tarrasque · 2 months ago
If you have a website on Wix, shut it down. If you are subscribed to Wix or pay for their services in any way, cancel it. Wix is an Israeli corporation who’s profits go directly to funding the Israeli government and their genocide in Gaza and their apartheid regime. Hurting the profits of corporations like Wix directly hurts the Israeli regime and their ability to carry out genocide!
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iraqi-menace · 10 months ago
the biggest grifters are DeviantART users who preach for a free Palestine but then they also pay for core membership
they do realize that DeviantART is run by zionists, right?
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 8 months ago
Fuck You, Deviantart.
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I'm not wishing a happy birthday to a site that supports genocide. (Not directed here.)
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nostalgiamare · 1 year ago
Before I begin I want to quickly apologise for my ignorance. I have continuously utilised a website that from what I found online has recently exhibited abhorrent behaviour regarding recent violence that their country's government has actively participated and has even been the main oppressors and perpetrators in. It was very ignorant, hypocritical and ridiculous of me and I deeply apologise for my unawareness and for turning my back from this information. This post will be made to fix my mistakes as well as to inform others so they won't make or continue to make the same mistake I did.
For those who are currently unaware, Wix is an Israeli-owned company that has repeatedly shown zionist behaviour. During the Palestinian genocide (Which Israel's government are the main colonisers and destroyers as they continue destroying and displacing Palestinians as well as massacring and torturing the entire native population by the thousands), Wix has continuously shown support for Israel and has been extremely ignorant of their country's actions, to the point where they will spread pro-Israel content and fire their own employees . That's not just ignorant behaviour. That is behaviour that ENCOURAGES this ongoing mass slaughter and genocide against innocent Palestinians.
According to the BDS, a Palestinian-owned social-justice organisation that have continuously reported and documented companies, subsidiaries and corporations that are Zionist/Pro-Israel/Pro-Genocide, Wix is on the list of companies to boycott as stated by their actions above.
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After hearing of this behaviour and endorsement of Israel, I no longer feel comfortable using Wix to provide archives of once obscure and lost kid-friendly adobe/java content to users who cherish nostalgia and fun online. As a result, the Nostalgiamare Flash Shop Website will no longer be operated with Wix. I refuse to continue using a website that is openly advocating for genocide and ethnic cleansing.
So where do we go from here? What WILL happen to the website? Well one thing for certain is that it is NOT ceasing progress and will NOT be abandoned. I'll still continue work on the site as well as providing nostalgic content to users online. However, it will be moved to another site, which may take a while. Mainly because I need to figure out which website is the easiest and most accessible to use, alongside moving EVERY SINGLE PAGE AND ARCHIVE onto it. Once all of that is taken care of, I will make a new thread which will be from then on the main thread to document and report new updates on the website. After it is posted, the original will be deleted.
To find out more about Wix and what resources to use instead to successfully boycott the website, this link will provide the information necessary.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and expect more updates to come from the new website. Rest assured it is not going anywhere! Happy holidays everyone and I'll see you next week!
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From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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counterclockwisecomic · 1 year ago
I hate to do this, but Counter Clockwise is going on hiatus for a while as I recreate the website on a new platform (probably Bluehost). I've recently found out that Wix is an Israeli company, and I'm horrified and disgusted to have used their service to host my webcomic.
Thanks for reading, and I'll post an update when the new site is up!
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wildfairies · 1 year ago
I'm sorry to sending this ask to you, but I don't know where else to say it, my blog has like negative number of followers and no one will hear me there, and I remember you reblogging that post about curseforge supporting israeli army? You know the Wix site some simmers upload their cc to? It's an israeli company with hq in tel aviv, listed in usa. Maybe some people would want to stop using it if they knew.
thank you for bringing this up again anon, i was wondering yesterday if some missed that anti-curseforge post... wix is also on the BDS list of companies to boycott for supporting Israel, but i haven't seen much discussion of its role in our community specifically.
Wix asked their employees to create pro-Israel content and fired an employee for condemning Israel
Wix offers "Stand With Israel" website badges
Wix is Israel's most valuable company
Wix employees have been called up to reserve service in the IDF
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stephpotterart · 1 year ago
Annnnd I forgot that WIX is an Israeli company, so no they will not be getting that money from me.
Oh my god. No, I am not paying $344 USD to renew my website if I can avoid that heavy a charge.
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aspharah · 1 year ago
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what, and i CANNOT stress this enough, the FUCK is happening in america right now.
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iamrhyme · 26 days ago
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Listen 🎧 to, download ⬇️, click the heart-shaped ♥️ like button, comment 🗨️ and share 🔄 episode 447 of the Narrative Podcast across all social media platforms at the link 🔗 below 👇https://www.spreaker.com/episode/episode-447-the-narrative-podcast--64653249
The Narrative Podcast is the home of original people.
The Narrative Podcast...and it's like that!
The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.
Tune into the Narrative Podcast and become a Narrator.
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Visit the virtual online bookstore on Poetizer.com and purchase my original book of poetry "The Black Card.' Purchase The Black Card today or get your black card revoked!
Visual content creators shout-out The Narrative Podcast
( hosted by Hallzie Allen) on your visual content platforms.
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idlewarning · 1 year ago
just wanted to make an announcement that if anyone currently uses wix but wants to boycott it (which you should), I'd be 100% willing to code you your own website for e.g. neocities. I'm not a professional yet, but I have made more than a few websites in my time (current ones are listed here if you want to get a feel for it).
Just give me a screenshot of a receipt (personal info blurred out ofc) for a $20+ donation to any Palestinian liberation charity and I'll start working on it for you. DMs should be open, but shoot me an ask if not.
🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
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mutodaes · 1 year ago
With desperately wanting to part from Wix as my portfolio host and with almost every other website builder nauseatingly corporate, does anyone have any good portfolio building website recommendations?
Or alternatively, I would appreciate any guides on coding a website/implementing templates on neocities, though that would be the much slower option. Edit: For clarification, I'm using Wix's free website plan.
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icemintfreeze · 8 months ago
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syafi73 · 1 year ago
Boycutt WIX and Shopify for suporting the genocide. Free Paletine now!
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swamp-king1827 · 1 year ago
Being against WIX because it’s employees are in the IDF reserves is so funny to me because like. Yeah man. That’s how conscription works
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incoherent-orca · 1 year ago
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In ASL and SSL, this is the gesture for "Inshallah," which means means "God willing"; it's used to express hope that a specific future event will come to pass.
🇵🇸 Things you can do below 🇵🇸
🍉 SHARE posts from Palestinians, especially journalists on the ground (copy link on IG works just as well as sharing?). They're literally dying for that footage 🙃 let's make sure it counts
🍉 DONATE an E-sim @connectinghumanity_ on IG
🍉 DONATE to @CareForGaza (Twitter; donation links should be on their profile too). A lot of donation drives are just... making a grab at clout but this one is legit; a number of Gazans confirm that the food/produce is getting to them. The organizer seems to be Palestinian and living there as well
🍉 BOYCOTT brands listed by @bdsnationalcommittee on IG
Official boycott targets: AXA, Puma, Carrefour, Siemens, Ahava, HP, Sodastream, any products from Israel
Organic boycott targets: Domino's, McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Wix
🍉 PRESSURE your governments & officials to call for a ceasefire and #InvokeGenocideConvention at the ICJ (rootsaction.org)
🍉 PROTEST. If there are mobilizations in your area, show up to be part of the count. No heroics—do what you feel safe doing and listen to the organizers.
it was also important to me to include an Al-Qassam fighter in this, because they're often scapegoated by Western media, and also by well-meaning allies who say "but civilians are not Hamas"; there's this attempt to separate militant resistance from the process of liberation as a whole
Yeah, most civilians are not Hamas, but they don't denounce them either. Palestinians call them freedom fighters, protectors.
because the resistance is not a bunch of evil, violent outliers; they are as much victims of the occupation as the women, children, and non-combatants are. Most if not all of them were born under the occupation; a good percentage of them are also orphans.
I will never condemn boys who live along the coast but have never seen the sea.
And end to the violence can't mean a return to business as usual, where the occupation and apartheid continue and Palestinians are still getting displaced on their own land. it will still take decades to rebuild homes. priceless historical and cultural items & structures have been callously destroyed and can never be recovered. nearly all the children in gaza have been made disabled and traumatized and murdered—what kind of future will they inherit?
israel must be abolished. They, the US, Canada, and the EU, must pay
Inshallah, we will not stop at a ceasefire
Inshallah, we will see complete liberation for Palestine
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