puckpatties · 2 months
haii everybady plugging my chilaios And accidental farcille fic friends are family, a mediocre fanfic about laios and chilchuck pining for each other Featuring wingmen marcille and falin, chilchuck tims lesbian daughters, mother senshi, and many more! if you like chilaios and found family as much as i do maybe u'll like it, i hope u do!
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wellhellothereem · 1 year
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EYYEEHEEEEYYEEH!~!!!!!! I read @strawbubbysugar 's Bethroned AU and IL OVE IT!!!!! :DDD
So when I heard we could make our own-----citizens?Characters?sonas? Our whatever-- I was SO EXCITED! So ofc I had to make a florist!!!! (I love flowers suprise suprise <--- has a whole garden in front of her apartment and plants everywhere in the house) They are--- or I am?? Honestly not sure if I made a sona or a character because she has my sonas base design.... I'll just refer to her as a seperate thing from me! She is a Florist who also ocasionally sells her flower paintings in her store when customers ask if they are on sell! She is friends with an animatronic she made when they were children who will be signing up for the war! (as shown in the bottom right angst doodle <3)
okyeh I am rambling now I should stop--- BUT BEFORE I DO
If Bubby is reading this I wanna say I LOVE your writing style!!! I love how in chapter 1 + 2 it shows the different perspectives of both-- nations? Countries?? And I am SO INTRIGUED at the daily life of both kingdoms!!! So excited for chapter 4 <33<33
ps I will 100% draw her animatronic friend also :3c
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heknowshisherbs · 1 year
alright, yes, i confess, i'm actually in love with dewey finn (NO!) yes indeed
pairing: musical!dewey finn x reader warnings: drinking (and getting sick after), cursing word count: 3,070 author's note: hey y'all! this was the first fic i posted on the og heknowshisherbs, so it only felt fitting that it's the first fic i post on the new blog. i'm getting back into the swing of things so please forgive me if the formatting on my first few posts is a little fucked. i hope you enjoy!
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Y/N: bRIIANNAN briainanan RBIANNA gota teelll u sooemthing Dewey: ? Y/N: brianana in eeed you to ansnwer EM noW Dewey: …U do know ur texting Dewey right? Y/N: hOWEDYOKNOW THAT whaxts im mltkaing abouyt Dewey: Y/N I have no idea what ur saying Y/N: nreedsu oyu toknow that il ove dwey som mocuh. i wanna kissihis satupid faccw Dewey: Are you drunk? Y/N: onnlyly if oyuwo wants me roi 33343333333333…….;;.;.d.d' Dewey: I’m coming to get you.
    That string of texts was the reason Dewey Finn found himself in his car, on his way to a dive bar, at 03:47. Y/N had tried to get him to come that night with her and her friend, Stella, but he told her he was working on music which was half true. He did need to write some songs for the kids, but he mostly tried to avoid the bar because he didn’t want to be there when she inevitably went home with another random guy. As long as she was safe he was happy but it made him incredibly jealous and he didn’t feel like stewing at the bar all night, so he said he wouldn’t go. He hadn’t heard from Y/N at all up until he got those texts; he didn’t need to see her to know that this was probably the drunkest she’s ever been. She was always kind of a lightweight and even at her drunkest she was (for the most part) aware of her surroundings, but these texts made absolutely no sense. He was afraid someone would pick her up and just leave with her because she wouldn’t be able to defend herself or even say no.
    When he pulled up to the Roadhouse it was still pretty packed, which wasn’t all that shocking for a Friday night. He arrived at the nick of time— someone was leaving. He immediately took their spot which, luckily, was right next to the door. He ran inside and started searching for Y/N, praying she was still there.
    Calling out “Y/N!” elicited no response, but once Dewey finally found her it became clear that he got no response because she most likely didn't even know her own name. She was flopping around the bar, babbling nonsense to random people. Some humored her for a bit, while others ignored her; Dewey was just glad nobody had tried to take her home.
    He gently reached out for her hand, and she almost toppled over after attempting to turn around. Y/N collapsed into his arms and looked up at him with a crooked smile, “Plleased to meeetcha!” Even blackout drunk, he thought she looked radiant.
    “Come on, Y/N, we’re going home, okay?” He tries to lead her towards the door, but she messily snatched her hand away.
    “‘M nOT going home with a sTRANGER!”
    People started glancing over at him, and he began to panic; the last thing he needed was to get arrested while on his obligatory best friend wellness check, “Hey, hey, hey! It’s me okay, it’s Dewey.” Her face remained blank, she knew nothing but booze. “Dewdrop? Y/N, I promise I’m not kidnapping you, I’m just gonna put you to bed."
    The word ‘bed’ seemed to help Y/N register what was happening, and she threw her arms up in triumph. “M geTIN LAID!” she cheered, which earned her confused looks from anyone within a seven foot radius. Maybe she didn’t register what was happening after all. Either way, it was enough to make her go with him willingly.
    If anyone else had been working that night there is no way in hell Dewey would’ve been able to leave with her in that state, but their favorite bartender, Kara, was on and she knew that the pair were best buds. Dewey locked eyes with her to confirm that he was taking Y/N home. Kara just shook her head, shouted “good luck!” over the bar, and turned back to the customer she’d been talking to.
    Dewey helped Y/N throw an arm around him so they could walk to his car, but they only made it about twenty feet before it became painfully clear that she couldn’t make it that far. He scooped her up and walked outside; she, all the while, was babbling about something Dewey couldn’t decipher. Her speech was so slurred at this point he wasn’t even sure there were actual words coming out of her mouth.
    He gently laid her in the backseat and buckled her in as best he could. She’d started nodding off at this point, which was probably for the best. It worried him slightly because he wouldn’t be able to check if she was breathing for the whole ride home, but he laid her on her side and hoped that would be enough.
    It was only a short ride to his apartment and, in that time, all he could do was pray she didn’t vomit until they made it inside. He lived on the third floor and knew there was no way in hell Y/N was making it up the stairs, even with help, so he had no choice but to carry her again. It was difficult to maneuver the narrow hallway and, while she didn’t feel all that heavy to him, he’d definitely gotten his workout for the next month out of the way.
    He stumbled through the door, almost dropping Y/N in the process. He quickly got her upright, and before either of them had time to register what was happening, she’d vomited all over her dress and the floor.
    Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Dewey really wanted to keep her in her clothes; they were best friends and she’d seen him in his underwear loads of times but this was different. Dewey gently sat her down on the ground before running into his room to rummage through his drawers and find a pair of pajama pants and an old shirt.
    When he made it back to the kitchen, Y/N was passed out on the floor, and she’d thrown up again from the looks of it. He closed his eyes, let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, and made his way over to her. Once he was sure she was still breathing, he tried to slip the dress off as gently as possible. It wasn’t too difficult to do, and once it was entirely off he was grateful she chose to wear that leather dress that always made his heart stop; as disgusting as it sounded, her vomit wasn’t able to seep through the fabric so her bra and panties remained clean. He felt much better about helping her change now, and it was only a matter of time before she donned Dewey’s slightly too big clothes.
    He cleaned the mess, ran over her face with a wet rag to get any remaining vomit off, and sat on the floor with her for a moment to gather his thoughts. She looked so peaceful. He ran a hand through her hair and smiled to himself. 
    Dewey had loved her for a while, and he’d always wanted to tell her how he felt, but things just weren’t that simple. What they had going was good, he couldn’t let his feelings get in the way. He’d resorted to pining from afar and supporting her romantic endeavors endlessly, no matter how much it hurt.
    “Nngh…” she mumbled a bit in her sleep, before her eyes slowly opened. “Don’t feel good. Doooooo not.”
    “Are you gonna be sick again?”
    “Mmmmm…. I dunno.”
    'I dunno' was not a good enough answer for Dewey to consciously let her sleep in his bed. Even with a bucket next to her, there was no guarantee her aim would be spot on, and he didn’t want to take the chance. Cleaning your best friend's vomit off tile flooring was one thing, but cleaning a vomit soaked carpet was another thing; even Dewey Finn has limits.
    He helped lead her to the bathroom and sat her next to the toilet, silently thanking whatever deity had given him the motivation to clean his bathroom that afternoon. Upon sitting down again, she immediately vomited, and all Dewey could do was sit behind her, hold her hair, and wish he could make her feel better.
    After about an hour she’d finally stopped being sick, and an hour after that it was almost 08:00 and he could feel drowsiness overtaking him. She’d been asleep on his chest for quite some time and he hated moving her because he knew he’d never get this opportunity again. He bunched up a clean towel and put it on the floor for her to use as a pillow before leaving the bathroom. In an ideal world, he would’ve stayed with her but his bathroom room was far too small for that.
    Then again, in an ideal world they’d be together.
    He laid in bed for about ten minutes before he decided he’d feel better if he was closer to her in case she needed anything. He took a pillow and blanket, and laid himself down on the floor right outside the bathroom door and let the sound of Y/N's soft snoring lull him to sleep.
    When Y/N woke up, her eyes were practically glued together with a layer of crust and makeup from the night before. Her head was pounding, and the first thing she did once her eyes were fully open is stick her head right back in the toilet and vomit. Once she's convinced there’s nothing more to puke up she disregarded any logic or sense of cleanliness and pressed her head against the cool toilet seat. It’s only then that the fog clears— just slightly, but enough for her to register where she is. She recognized the unusual, mismatched tiling on the floor to be Dewey’s, but had absolutely no idea how she ended up on the floor of his bathroom. He wasn’t even at the Roadhouse last night.
    She wracks her brain for what could have possibly happened the night before but her mind is entirely blank. She remembered leaving her apartment, taking two shots, and then the rest of the night is a blur. How did she get to Dewey’s place? Did Stella drop her off? She noticed her phone sitting on the counter and shakily reached for it, hoping it could give her some answers. It was 14:37, and the only notification she had was an unanswered text from Stella, who asked where the hell she went last night. Evidently, she hadn't dropped Y/N off at Dewey's place. She quickly responded with “i’m fine, lyk later. puking” before checking her conversation with Dewey. 
    She couldn’t decipher a single text message she sent him, and from the looks of it, he’d been in the same boat. All she was able to gather is that she trying to reach Brianna; it wasn’t until she reached the jumbled message reading "il ove dwey som mocuh” that she realized what she’d done. This brought on a whole new wave of nausea and she quickly found herself, again, retching into the toilet. 
    She decided then and there she needed to leave as soon as she could. She was still a bit drunk so driving was definitely out of the question (she didn’t even know where the hell her car was), but she didn’t live too far and assuming she could stand up she just might be able to walk back home without Dewey ever knowing. She’d leave him a note. Using the edge of the bathtub for support, she shakily stood up. It took a while, and the nausea came back and slapped her in the face as soon as she did, but she remained standing without vomiting for a few moments. Y/N decided it would be okay to try to leave. She made a break for it and opened the door as carefully as she could hoping that Dewey wouldn’t hear it when all of a sudden-
    Y/N froze. Looking down from the crack in the door, she could see the top of Dewey’s head— he had been right outside the door all night. If her situation hadn’t been such shit, she’d have found it endearing, but right now all she was worried about was their inevitable confrontation and the potential concussion she just gave him. She slammed the door shut.
    “Uh, I’m out of the way now if you wanna come out...” She wanted nothing more than to remain hidden in the bathroom but he knew she was awake, and there was nothing to do now but go out and face him. 
    Once the door was open, she finally got a good look at him. His hair is sticking out in more directions than she can count and the bags under his eyes are dark. Y/N can only imagine what he went through last night trying to get her here. He was wearing his favorite AC/DC shirt and sweats, which clued her into the fact that she wasn't wearing the dress you left home in last night. She fiddled with the fabric at the hem of the shirt before looking up at him “Dewey, did we-?” 
    She didn’t want to imply anything, but she had no other logical explanation for where her clothes could have gone. Her voice sounds gravelly and her throat feels like sandpaper but that’s something he’ll just have to get past. 
    Dewey's eyes widened in panic, and he ran a hand through his hair “No, no! God, no!” He nodded towards a plastic grocery bag tied up by the door, “You didn’t even know who I was when I picked you up, I would never… I was just gonna let you sleep it off in my bed but when we got here you threw up all over yourself. I-I didn’t see anything, I promise. I just couldn’t let you sit in your own puke all night… sorry.”
    “No, oh my God, Dewey, don’t apologize!” Y/N felt awful, she must have put him through hell last night. Sure, he was her best friend, but that went far beyond what she’d ever have expected him to do for her, “I’m so sorry you were stuck dealing with me last night, you can literally pick the movie for every movie night we have ever again. I’ll help you clean up once my headache dies down a little.”
    He smiled a little bit, “There’s nothing to clean up, it’s okay. You should eat.”
    “I’m not hungry.”
    “I know, but you should still eat,” he made his way towards the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice, “You can have some of this and I’ll make you toast. I’ll make you more food if you’re hungry later but for now we should see if you can even keep that down.”
    “Yeah,” she mumbled. “Thanks.”
    As he’s getting the glasses for their orange juice, she felt her panic start to rise. She knew they needed to talk about the text, but he hadn’t brought it up.
    The silence is deafening, and it all but consumes Y/N as she watches the orange juice fill the glass, and before she knows it, there’s toast in front of her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to even consider eating without vomiting until she got this over with. “ImsorryIdrunktextedyou.”
    “’s okay,” he mumbled between bites of toast, “You could barely function as a human being, I didn’t really take anything you said to heart. I’m not entirely convinced you knew who I was. ‘M just glad you’re okay.” Dewey smiles up at her, eyes twinkling, and her heart melts.
    “Dewey, I-”
    “Y/N, I’m not kidding. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re my best friend, I promise I didn’t take any of it seriously.” Dewey could all but hear his heart shatter, and he just prayed she couldn’t hear it too.
    She bit her lip. Jesus fuck, she just wanted him to understand without having to say it out loud. “I um… I know you don’t think I knew what I was saying and uh... for the most part I didn’t, but that text, um, t-the text was um. I feel like that when I’m sober too.” 
    Y/N struggled getting her words out, and although she knew Dewey was trying his hardest to keep his reaction hidden, his nostrils flared. He never notices he’s doing it but she always did— it's a nervous tick of his. Normally it’s really cute, but right now it just made her want to curl up in a ball and never face him again. "N-Nothing has to change, it’s just… I don’t know. Fuck!” 
    With a loud groan, her head was in her hands, blocking out the light (and Dewey), “I just. Don’t want to lose you as a friend.”
    No response.
    “D-Dewey? Are you gonna say something?”
    “I-” he faltered and she prepared herself for the worst. “How long have you felt this way?”
    “O-Oh, uh… a year. M-Maybe longer.” Y/N finally looked up at him and he was just staring at her, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. She scooted herself away from the counter and mumbles a quick “thanks for taking care of me last night” before making her second break for the door.
    She only got halfway through the kitchen before she was whipped around and found herself in Dewey’s arms. Shit. He was practically crushing her, and she genuinely couldn't tell if everything felt more intense because she was so hungover or if he was really using that much force. It was probably a bit of both.
    “I love you too,” he mumbled into her hair. 
    Wait. What? 
    “Fuck, Y/N, I’ve loved you for so long and I thought I didn’t stand a chance. And then I got that text and I just— Jesus, when I got to the Roadhouse and saw how trashed you were I didn’t think there was any way you could’ve known what you were saying but… you mean it?”
    She inhaled deeply, forehead still pressed into his chest, “Of course I do, you doofus. How could I not?”
    He squeezed her just a little bit tighter before placing the gentlest of kisses on the top of her head, “I’m really glad you got drunk last night.”
    She laughed quietly, a short huff of air out of her nose that warmed Dewey’s chest through his shirt, “Me too."
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menkhu · 5 months
Are you playing in, or GMing any TTRPGs currently?
very yes to both! i'm gming two campaigns. it's less overwhelming than it sounds bc one is monthly rather than weekly. making the stories come to life has become one of my favorite things
i'm sort of playing in four campaigns right now? it's also not as overwhelming as it sounds; the group only meets once or twice per week. one of my gms got excited about a different campaign while gming the first so now we're swapping between the two campaigns when we finish each book. the gm for campaign three has been overwhelmed by Life™ recently so another gm stepped up to run what was conceived as a series of one-shots for when the others aren't able to run anything but we're currently on a pirate-themed (sort of) mini campaign so i'm counting it as campaign 4.
all are pathfinder, some 1e, some 2e. more about the particulars of each under the cut
the weekly campaign i run is hell's rebels! i play with kcvagabond, chromaticcarton, and two others who aren't on this site. we're about 3/4ths of the way through it. i was resistant to the idea of gming at first but a friend of mine who lives in another state was talking about how he missed playing ttrpgs and i wanted to change that but i wasn't going to ask anyone to do something i wasn't willing to do myself so i took the plunge and i'm so happy i did.
the monthly game i run is kingmaker and it's for a church group actually! i'm not really religious, just friends with the pastor who is a big fantasy nerd and has always wanted to play in a ttrpg. there are six players and i was nervous about managing such a big group, but they instantly had a great rapport and they put a lot of value in making sure everyone gets a say in decision making. we've only had 3 sessions but i'm loving it so far.
campaign 1 is strixhaven. my character is zefi (he/she/they) a fetchling champion of alseta who is perfectionistic and a people pleaser. alseta is the goddess of transgenders and also letting people do whatever they want so zefi's dogma, as they follow it, is basically being an enabler i love playing paladins that aren't lawful good
campaign 2 is rise of the runelords. my character, sylvie, is a human tower shield specialist who i min/maxed for ac. her concept is basically she's a teenage girl. she's brilliant except for when she's stupid. she's cool except for when she's not. she painted purple stripes on her shield with nail polish. her closest friends in the world are a geriatric scholar and the orphans she babysits il ove her
campaign 3 is homebrew, possibly taking some cues from extinction curse? i play lee, a human bard who ran away from the pressures of noble society to join a circus. massive nerd. his muse is the heroine of his favorite adventure novels. he didn't realize he was nearsighted until he tried on a pair of glasses while looking for circus disguises. his initials are lol. il ove him
campaign 4 is also homebrew. i call it sort of pirate themed because the gm defines pirates as sailors on adventures. knowing the gm it's probably one piece inspired although i'm not familiar enough to say for sure. good cartoony fun. my character is aven (he/they) a suli oracle. he's the least evil of his party which is saying something because he can get pretty bitchy. pf2e oracles are a huge chronic illness mood; using certain abilities advances their curses and the only way to reset and recover is by resting which i think is pretty neat. he's a lot of fun to play
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siffrin-enthusiast · 1 month
as a fun motivation thing for myself. listing all the names/poorly done summaries of my wip fics here. if any one of them sounds interesting come poke me into writing it
tempus edax rerum - siffrin shenanigans in the loops. just generally losing their mind while loop goes "eeeeyikes stardust!!" in the background
the end is never the end is never the.. - oh yeah hello system siffrin/loop fic i've not worked on in MONTHS. i still think about this i just cant write it ougghshghdshghghhhhg
oh yea the deltarune system fic i wrote!! hello!! inspiration please come back
unnamed moon knight wasn't real so now steven/marc/jake go to therapy fic! i've written like 2k words but ough. i want more :(
unnamed hannibal fic. will graham dissociates so bad and commits like seven crimes. oopsies
the absolute monster that is hannibal x killing eve crossover fic
not started but i want to write some mirabelle isat-centric fics. why? because il ove her
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deathlessathanasia · 2 years
“Ares is usually associated with the bloodiest, most destructive facets of war, revealed by his epithets, his love of warfare (Orph. H. 65.1–6), and his reckless or enraged character (Hom. Il. 5.831 and 892; 15.128 and 605; Aesch. Sept. 344), behavior which, in the same way as Typhon, defined him as a “disaster” (τυκτὸν κακόν, Hom. Il. 5.831). His situation amongst the Olympians cannot be considered as advantageous: he was a laughingstock amongst the gods, thanks to the trap that revealed Aphrodite’s adultery to Hephaestus (Hom. Od. 8.325–332; Hyg. Fab.148.1–2; Ov. Met. 4.185–189); he was indicted for the murder of Halirrhothius, in the first trial held amongst the Olympians (Paus. 1.21.4 and 28.5; Apollod. 3.14.2); he had an indecisive nature, revealed by the fact that he constantly changed sides during the Trojan war (Hom. Il. 5.830–834); and he was condemned by Zeus (Hom. Il. 5.890–893).
This tells us of a god who was only valued–or rather, feared–in warfare, who was irrelevant in other spheres. However, in his case, this activity also has a negative side. Ares engaged in bloody, destructive warfare, far removed from the combat of the hoplite citizen-soldiers (Vian 1968: 53–69; Eck 2012: 122), instead befitting the “savage warrior . . . the worst personification of Ares” (Eck 2012: 139) with rules and strategies that flew in the face of the technical warfare that Athena dominated to perfection. This type of warfare is tinged by the contamination implicit in the spilling of blood (Parker 1983: 104–43), closer to murder and pollution, as indicated by some of his epithets. The murderous warfare of Ares, which in opposition to Athena, brought him more closely into line with the figure of the “imperfect son.” This pronounced opposition between Ares and Athena has recently been explained by Deacy (2000: 285; 2008: 54–56) who, quite rightly, has indicated both the existence of similarities between the two characters and the much more complex character of Ares’ mythical personality. Nevertheless, there is a clear difference between the two divinities which, pointing to an already indicated trait, allows us to continue defending the existence of a polarity between both mythical characters: Athena can distance herself from war and violence (Deacy 2000: 289; 2008: 56) while Ares, on the other hand, needs war in order to exist because this is his work (Kostuch 2011: 46).. . .
As we have seen, Ares personified bloody, savage, uncivilized warfare, closer in nature to the “pollution” of murder (Vian 1968: 55); a savage nature maybe related to the closer relationship of Ares with an ancient Indo-European god of war (Strutynski 1980: 217–31). Athena presides over another type of warfare, strategic and tactical in nature, and based on the polis (Eck 2012: 121). The virgin goddess is also marked by her μῆτις, a feature that makes her similar to her father; while Ares lacks it, as well as living apart from the Olympians (Eck 2012: 171) and failing to feel any penchant for civilization. Their relationships with their respective solo parents reveal another facet of their mutual opposition. There was a close, solid paternal bond between Athena and Zeus, characterized by their similar nature (Hes. Th. 896). Ares refers to his attachment to his mother on several occasions, such as when he harasses Leto for his mother’s jealousy and urges pregnant women to invoke her. However, Hera does not seem to reciprocate her son’s love, as revealed in the Iliad when she condemns her son’s actions and demands that he be punished (Hom. Il. 5.755–766); an improper request for a mother whose husband, declaring his absolute lack of empathy towards Ares, suggests that his daughter Athena should be the one who deals out the punishment. The implicit values in this passage are clear: Athena, the perfect father’s daughter, is superior to Ares, the catastrophic “mother’s son”.”
- Ares and Other “Mothers’ Sons” in Greek Mythology: A Structural Analysisby Irune Valderrábano González & Francisco Javier González García
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ellanainthetardis · 4 years
Something I love about the 74th Reaping: 
Sure you can take it straight as Katniss tells us and conclude Effie is just a bubbly dumb empty-headed drone and Haymitch is just a drunkard who’s “disgusting” and pathetic but... If you read between the lines... 
I don’t think Effie is flustered because she doesn’t know what the protocol is for a volunteer or because she doesn’t know what to do. I think she is flustered because she’s really good at reading situations and she can feel the situation is about to slip out of control (and Haymitch is drunk, which means she’s on her own because I don’t think she would trust the mayor to help and she’s responsible for the Reaping going smoothly probably since she’s the Capitol representative here) which is why she reaaaally goes slick on the bubbly cheerful act. To me, she doesn’t read cheerful, really, she reads a little panicked. She’s good at reading the room and 12′s audience isn’t exactly supportive or happy. 
As for Haymitch, he only steps forward and makes a big spectacle of himself when the tension is at its paroxysm and everyone in 12 is doing the fingers salute, refusing to applaud, being very quietly rebellious... He steals the spotlight from Katniss, makes it all about himself, brings the eyes on him, goes as far as attacking the Capitol by pointing straight at the camera... And then promptly falls off the stage, breaking the tension off, making himself the comic relief, turning himself into the joke victor of Twelve, offering the perfect distraction for Effie to spring the rest of the Reaping along... Even drunk, he knows it’s too dangerous and Katniss is going to be in the Capitol’s bulleye if this goes on too far... I’m so 100% sure he did all of that on purpose... 
So, yeah... One interpretation is to take the text as literal but, honestly, you can’t convince me that it wasn’t Effie and Haymitch playing the games, doing what they do best, being a team. 
No this post had no other point than gushing over my favorite characters...
And we’re not even talking about how the first thing haymitch does when he goes on stage all confused (probably because he was dragged there by peacekeepers instead of his escort) is to hug effie like it makes perfect sense to his confused drunk brain. “a big hug”, Katniss says. I say it must have been a hell of a hug to tilt that wig to the point she has to hold on to it later XD Oh the lectures that must be happening off stage later on... 
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glorytoclorin · 4 years
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“So, do you want to know what a pterodactyl sounds like?” Say no. Please, don’t let her. 
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a-big-apple · 3 years
Ok I have to go off about Luisa’s look for a minute because I’ve been watching Encanto daily (sometimes twice a day) in that honeymoon phase of wanting to see every detail and I’m quietly taking notes on her outfit so I can make it for myself and I have a lot to say about it
So it’s clear her whole look is about practicality, right, she’s sweet, she’s femme, but she has a lot of manual labor to do on the daily and her whole self-worth is riding on doing it well. So everything she’s got going on is supporting that goal! 
Her hair: gorgeous, I would pay so much money to see it down, but she can’t afford to have it in her face or in the way. So she’s got it braided on the side, which is pretty and decorative but also a braid can sometimes hold onto your little short tendrils that would pop out of a regular ponytail, and we know she has some little tendrils! 
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Also, the bun! It bounces like it’s not super tight, so probably she’s not taking a ton of time in the morning to get it precise--again, it’s a practical choice, she’s working out before the coffee’s even ready. A quick bun is up off her neck, out of her face, nothing dangling that’s gonna get caught on the bottom of a church or whatever. She has a nice thick ribbon for it too, because all that hair is probably pretty heavy.
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While I’m on this screenshot, her earrings: plain gold studs, pretty small! The Madrigal women overwhelmingly have dangly earrings, but once again, Luisa’s gone for something more practical that’s not going to get caught on anything. 
Also while we’re here, her bracelets! Here’s where I’m treading lightly and doing a lot of googling, because I have no particular knowledge of Colombian textile arts (so if somebody reading this does, please feel free to correct me!). Based on some searching (specifically what I found here and tried to cross-check a bit), I think these cuffs are modeled after ones woven from cane fiber, like the Zenú vueltaio hats we see here and there in the movie and which have been mentioned in some of the talk in blu-ray extras and online about Colombia-specific details. 
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And each side is one bracelet, all the rings attached to each other! Another practical choice. If cane fiber hats can stand up to the elements, then so can these cuffs. They fit snugly and don’t dangle, and they don’t look fresh and new either, she’s been working with these on for a while.
Okay, back to this screenshot for a sec to talk about her top
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IL OVE THAT THEY EVEN PUT IN THE SEAMS! A seam down the center back, including the collar, and seams where the sleeves attach! And look at the beautiful texture of that fabric, it looks like linen (or maybe cotton) to me, which is another great choice for hard work in a warm climate. It breathes, it’s hard wearing, and it’s white so it’s easy to bleach stains out of. Also the embroidery and ribbon on the trim around her collar really gets me, what a beautiful little textural detail, geometric shapes just like on her bracelets and her skirt along with a lil pop of color. Like all the Madrigals’ clothes, this was made specifically for her and with care, and it’s another place where she can get in a bit of decoration without it feeling too frivolous for her work.
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This piece also has very subtle little buttons on the sleeves which sent me over the moon when I noticed! Given the probable time period (around 1950) and how cut off the encanto is from the rest of the world, it’s safe to assume there’s no stretch fabric and maybe no elastic at all. Luisa’s got bigass muscles, and when she’s using them they’re gonna bulge in different ways depending on what she’s doing! The button on the sleeve gives her space to open that cuff if she needs to, but also gives the sleeves a sweet, subtle amount of pouf. Again, this girl’s a femme and I love her for it.
The longer I go on the more I feel like I must seem bananas but let’s keep going. She has darts! 
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Darts are these little pleats in the fabric, present in a lot of clothing intended for people with boobs and/or other curves. In this case, it’s a straightforward way to negotiate the difference in circumference between the fabric at the collar and how much she needs to fit around her chest. For a lot of folks with breasts, you need more space in the front than in the back of your shirt, and the darts create that space. Anyway, it’s a glorious detail, pretty and practical for her shape, and keeps the trimmed neck lying neat and flat against her upper chest where it won’t gape open too much when she’s bending down.
Ok, moving on! 
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Her waist! Here we get a little more understated decoration in the form of embroidery and I think some lace, and gather up that extra fabric she needed for her incredible pecs into a slightly narrower waistline. I’d love her without an hourglass, but also as I’ve said a hundred times now, it delights me that she’s huge and muscular and also femme. So we’ve got a little bit of pouf again here, some room for her to move, but also an emphasis on her natural waistline. Also look how pretty the waist is in detail, I’m crazy for it:
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Ok, going on. Here’s where I’m once again relying on my own experience of clothing on a bigger than average body, amateur costume making, and very basic knowledge of European and North American fashion history. I don’t know how any of that maps onto Colombian fashion history, though I’d like to find out! So that said, It seems like a brightly colored skirt and a lighter blouse is a common clothing choice for the Madrigal women and lots of background folks in the encanto, but I don’t think Luisa’s top is a blouse. She’s got a white slip on under her skirt and over the bloomers (don’t worry I’m gonna get to the bloomers I’m obsessed). 
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It seems the most sensible to me for the top and the underskirt to all be one piece! A chemise, or the equivalent. More carefully crafted for daytime wear than say, Mirabel’s nightgown:
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but basically the same item. MUCH simpler, when you’re hauling and bending and twisting and lifting and running flexing, to not worry about whether your shirt is still tucked in or whether your slip is getting twisted around or creeping up your ribs. Especially when you’re 19 and constantly stressed out and your body is pretty different from the other women in your family. If it’s all one piece, you just stick your bloomers on under and your skirt over and ta da, you’re dressed.
Now, the skirt! This is where the most obvious details are, her signature geometric shapes and weights embroidered on. The embroidery has a gorgeous kind of shiny texture, animation is so wild wtf--
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and the skirt is long enough to cover her underskirt and bloomers but short enough to not be super in the way when she’s bending to lift things.
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Also, the waist has a seam in the center back, which I’m guessing (and when I make it for myself, I will ensure) has hook and eye closures so she can get it on over her magnificent thighs and then get it snug around the waist so it’s not moving around all the time.
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Also, her skirt is a really practical shape overall! It looks to me like a half circle, which gives her plenty of room to move without being so full of fabric that it gets in her way. 
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A half circle skirt means that, if you cut it open along the seam and laid it flat, it would make half a circle shape! So when you close it up and put it on, it makes a silhouette like you can see above, sort of a quarter of a circle when it’s open. I would guess it’s probably also linen or cotton, and probably decently heavy so that it’s durable and doesn’t go flying around too much! The animators gave it a nice weight, it hangs really beautifully, and that makes me think it’s fairly thick.
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I’m so in love. I have nothing smart to say about them, except that they’re the crucial period-appropriate item for her to be able to work without worrying about flashing people. Love the lace trim and delicate scalloped edges, love the purple ribbon, love that she gets to have another layer that’s practical and pretty at the same time, also love that they put the seam along the side of the leg??? The attention to detail is so wild!!
And while we’re here, her shoes! Espadrilles, which I only know anything about because they made it into North American fashion at some point. They likely have rope soles, nice and flexible, and canvas or some other sturdy fabric uppers, and those handy straps to keep them in place while Luisa’s running around rerouting rivers and whatever. Lightweight, partially open, nice for the warm/mild climate we see in the encanto. They’re also embroidered with her signature pattern, which is super cute to me.
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At last we’ve reached the end this post with a lot of details that possibly only I care about, but at least it’ll be a good reference for me when I start actually constructing all these pieces for myself. Let’s have one more look at Luisa because she’s wonderful and deserves every good thing:
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I love her so much
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Hello! i would like a spirit guide reading, my initials are CF and im a scorpio 14/11, i love your work thank u so much!
👋 hello, CF ♏ 🦂 Scorpio,
Your Spirit Guide is Goddess of the 🌈 Rainbow, Messenger of the Gods: 🌿 IRIS
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In Greek mythology, Iris (/ˈaɪrɪs/; Greek: Ἶρις, Ancient Greek: [îːris]) is the personification and goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
According to Hesiod's Theogony, Iris is the daughter of Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra and the sister of the Harpies: Aello and Ocypete. During the Titanomachy, Iris was the messenger of the Olympian gods while her twin sister Arke betrayed the Olympians and became the messenger of the Titans. She is the goddess of the rainbow. She also serves nectar to the goddesses and gods to drink. Zephyrus, who is the god of the west wind is her consort. Their son is Pothos (Nonnus, Dionysiaca). According to the Dionysiaca of Nonnos, Iris' brother is Hydaspes (book XXVI, lines 355-365).
She is also known as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky. Iris links the gods to humanity. She travels with the speed of wind from one end of the world to the other[1] and into the depths of the sea and the underworld.
Iris had numerous poetic titles and epithets, including chrysopteros (χρυσόπτερος "golden winged"), podas ōkea (πόδας ὠκέα "swift footed") or podēnemos ōkea (ποδήνεμος ὠκέα "wind-swift footed"), roscida ("dewy", Latin), and Thaumantias (Θαυμαντιάς "Daughter of Thaumas, Wondrous One"), aellopus (ἀελλόπους "storm-footed, storm-swift).[2] She also watered the clouds with her pitcher, obtaining the water from the sea.
🦋🌸🦋The hieroglyph for her name originally used meant (female) of flesh, i.e. mortal, and she may simply have represented deified, real, queens. The most commonly used name for this deity, Isis, is a Greek corruption of the Egyptian name; and its pronunciation as 'eye-sis' is a further corruption by English speakers. The true Egyptian pronunciation is unknown, as Egyptian hieroglyphs only recorded consonants, and left out most of the vowels. The Egyptian hieroglyphics for her name are commonly transliterated as jst; as a convenience, Egyptologists pronounce that as ee-set.
IRIS (Iris), a daughter of Thaumas (whence she is called Thaumantias, Virg. Aen. ix. 5) and Electra, and sister of the Harpies. (Hes. Theog. 266, 780; Apollod. i. 2. § 6; Plat. Theaet. p. 155. d; Plut. de Plac. Philos. iii. 5.) In the Homeric poems she appears as the minister of the Olympian gods, who carries messages from Ida to Olympus, from gods to gods, and from gods to men. (Il. xv. 144, xxiv. 78, 95, ii. 787, xviii. 168, Hymn. in Apoll. Del. 102, &c.) In accordance with these functions of Iris, her name is commonly derived from erô eirô; so that Iris would mean "the speaker or messenger:" but it is not impossible that it may be connected with eirô, "I join," whence eirênê ; so that Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, would be the joiner or conciliator, or the messenger of heaven, who restores peace in nature. In the Homeric poems, it is true, Iris does not appear as the goddess of the rainbow, but the rainbow itself is called iris (Il xi. 27, xvii. 547): and this brilliant phenomenon in tile skies, which vanishes as quickly as it appears, was regarded as the swift minister of the gods. Her genealogy too supports the opinion that Iris was originally the personification of the rainbow. In the earlier poets, and even in Theocritus (xvii. 134) and Virgil (Aen. v. 610) Iris appears as a virgin goddess; but according to later writers, she was married to Zephyrus, and became by him the mother of Eros. (Eustath. ad Hom. pp. 391, 555; Plut. Amat. 20.) With regard to her functions, which we have above briefly described, we may further observe, that the Odyssey never mentions Iris, but only Hermes as the messenger of the gods: in the Iliad, on the other hand, she appears most frequently, and on the most different occasions. She is principally engaged in the service of Zeus, but also in that of Hera, and even serves Achilles in calling the winds to his assistance. (Il. xxiii. 199.) She further performs her services not only when commanded, but she sometimes advises and assists of her own accord (iii. 122, xv. 201. xviii. 197. xxiv. 74, &c.). In later poets she appears on the whole in the same capacity as in the Iliad, but she occurs gradually more and more exclusively in the service of Hera, both in the later Greek and Latin poets. (Callim. Hymn. in Del. 232; Virg. Aen. v. 606; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 288, 432; Ov. Met. xiv. 830, &c.) Some poets describe Iris actually as the rainbow itself, but Servius (ad Aen v. 610) states that the rainbow is only the road on which Iris travels, and which therefore appears whenever the goddess wants it, and vanishes when it is no longer needed: and it would seem that this latter notion was the more prevalent one in antiquity. Respecting the worship of Iris very few traces have come down to us, and we only know that the Delians offered to her on the island of Hecate cakes made of wheat and honey and dried figs. (Athen. xiv. p. 645; comp. Müller, Aegin. p. 170.) No statues of Iris have been preserved, but we find her frequently represented on vases and in bas-reliefs, either standing and dressed in a long and wide tunic, over which hangs a light upper garment, with wings attached to her shoulders, and carrying the herald's staff in her left hand; or she appears flying with wings attached to her shoulders and sandals, with the staff and a pitcher in her hands.
AELLOPUS (Aellopous), a surname of Iris, the messenger of the gods, by which she is described as swift-footed like a storm-wind. Homer uses the form aellopos. (Il. 409.)
Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.
A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow, or as a lovely maiden. She wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand. Her name combined the Greek words for “messenger” and “the rainbow” to signify her dual role. Some accounts depict her as one of the goddess Hera’s assistants. (Hera carries associations with the sky.)
The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes. She served as a messenger from Mount Olympus. She would use her pitcher to scoop up water from the ocean and carry it into the clouds. Some legends also hold she used her pitcher to collect water from the River Styx, the shadowy river separating the world of human beings from the underworld. Many Greeks viewed Iris as an important link between mortals and the realm of the gods.
The Family Life of Iris
Most sources describe Iris as the daughter of the Oceanid cloud nymph Elektra and Thaumas, a minor god sometimes associated with the sea. She would have been one of the Titan Oceanus’ granddaughters. Her rainbow frequently appeared in the sky over bodies of water.
Legends differ about her life as an adult. Some stories describe her as unmarried and primarily a messenger for the Olympian gods. In other accounts, she fell in love with Zephyros, the god of the West Wind. They had a son named Pothos, who personified Desire.
Iris as a Messenger
Iris would frequently use her pitcher to serve nectar to the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. When these major ancient Greek deities needed to send messages to other gods or to human beings, they would sometimes ask Iris to transmit their words. She could travel very quickly from Mount Olympus to Earth, and could even journey quickly into Hades.
Many ancient Greeks considered Iris one of the most beautiful goddesses. The ancient Greeks described her as “swift footed”, suggesting she could respond rapidly to requests. In legends, she carries symbolic associations with messages and communication.
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Iris is depicted in ancient Greek vase painting as a beautiful young woman with golden wings, a herald's rod (kerykeion), and sometimes a water-pitcher (oinochoe) in her hand. She was usually depicted standing beside Zeus or Hera, sometimes serving nectar from her jug. As cup-bearer of the gods Iris is often indistinguishable from Hebe in art.
The message that rainbows connect us to the immortal can be seen in many mythologies worldwide, including Japanese and Navajo, though each has a different back story and belief. In our lives, we can see the rainbow as being symbolic of a transition, suggesting a potential change from one phase to another.
Rainbow – Other Symbolic Meanings
In general, rainbows are seen as transcending the earthly realm. Rainbows are the physical symbolism of this ascent. It provides us with inspiration to achieve greater heights and seek wisdom from the worlds beyond. The rainbow is the bridge that closes the gap between these two realms and allows for the possibility for communication. It is symbolic of possibility in many other ways as well. The glowing arch appears high above our horizon and can look close and distant at the same time. We are incapable of finding its end.
The rainbow challenges us to be a better version of ourselves. A more inclusive person, a person who seeks a challenge, a person who desires spiritual growth and a connection to the spiritual realm, a person who endures the darkness in pursuit of the light.
Like the rainbow, these things can seem far away and out of our reach. The important thing, though, is that we keep striving for them. The rainbow symbolism is powerful because it reminds us of the endless possibilities. It shows us vast and magical our world is. Rainbows challenge us to confront and embrace our own potential.
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Thank you for meeting your Spirit Guide today .. if you ever want to contact your Spirit Guide, Iris, you'll have to try a guided meditation especially designed for Spirit Guides (YouTube has plenty of sufficient one)
But if you prefer that I get in contact with her and get you some messages just simply go to my PayPal and give a donation .. thanks 😊
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ofbloodandfaith · 5 years
Day 7 of 30 Days of Apollon
Names and epithets
He has so many, though my favourite has to be ‘Lykios’ meaning ‘of the wolves’ or ‘Horios’ meaning ‘Boundaries, Of Borders’
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More of his epithets are below
ABAEUS (Abaios), a surname of Apollo derived from the town of Abae in Phocis, where the god had a rich temple. (Hesych. s. v. Abai; Herod. viii. 33; Paus. x. 35. § 1, &c.)
ACERSE′COMES (Akersekomês), a surname of Apollo expressive of his beautiful hair which was never cut or shorn. (Hom. Il. xx. 39; Pind. Pyth. iii. 26.)
ACE′SIUS (Akesios), a surname of Apollo, under which he was worshipped in Elis, where he had a splendid temple in the agora. This surname, which has the same meaning as akestôr and alexikakos, characterised the god as the averter of evil. (Paus. vi. 24. § 5.)
ACESTOR (Akestôr). A surname of Apollo which characterises him as the god of the healing art, or in general as the averter of evil, like akesios. (Eurip. Androm. 901.)
ACTIACUS, a surname of Apollo, derived from Actium, one of the principal places of his worship. (Ov. Met. xiii. 715; Strab. x. p. 451; compare Burmann, ad Propert. p. 434.)
AEGLE′TES (Aiglêtês), that is, the radiant god, a surname of Apollo. (Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1730; Apollod. i. 9. § 26; Hesych. s. v.)
AGE′TOR (Agêtôr), a surname given to several gods, for instance, to Zeus at Lacedaemon (Stob. Serm. 42): the name seems to describe Zeus as the leader and ruler of men; but others think, that it is synonymous with Agamemnon :-- to Apollo (Eurip. Med. 426) where however Elmsley and others prefer halêtôr :-- to Hermes, who conducts the souls of men to the lower world. Under this name Hermes had a statue at Megalopolis. (Paus. viii. 3. § 4.)
AGO′NIUS (Agônios), a surname or epithet of several gods. Aeschylus (Agam. 513) and Sophocles (Trach. 26) use it of Apollo and Zeus, and apparently in the sense of helpers in struggles and contests. (Comp. Eustath. ad Il. p. 1335.) But Agonius is more especially used as a surname of Hermes, who presides over all kinds of solemn contests. (Agônes, Paus. v. 14. § 7; Pind. Olymp. vi. 133, with the Schol.)
AGRAEUS (Agraios), the hunter, a surname of Apollo. After he had killed the lion of Cithaeron, a temple was erected to him by Alcathous at Megara under the name of Apollo Agraeus. (Paus. i. 41. § 4; Eustath. ad Il. p. 361.)
AGYIEUS (Aguieus), a surname of Apollo describing him as the protector of the streets and public places. As such he was worshipped at Acharnae (Paus. i. 31. § 3), Mycenae (ii. 19. § 7), and at Tegea. (viii. 53. § 1.) The origin of the worship of Apollo Agyieus in the last of these places is related by Pausanias. (Compare Hor. Carm. iv. 6. 28; Macrob. Sat. i. 9.)
ALEXI′CACUS (Alexikakos), the averter of evil, is a surname given by the Greeks to several deities, as -- Zeus (Orph. De Lapid. Prooem. i.), -- to Apollo, who was worshipped under this name by the Athenians, because he was believed to have stopped the plague which raged at Athens in the time of the Peloponnesian war (Paus. i. 3. § 3, viii. 41. § 5), -- and to Heracles. (Lactant. v. 3.)
AMAZO′NIUS (Amazonios), a surname of Apollo, under which he was worshipped, and had a temple at Pyrrhichus in Laconia. The name was derived either from the belief that the Amazons had penetrated into Peloponnesus as far as Pyrrhichus, or that they had founded the temple there. (Paus. iii. 25. § 2.)
AMYCLAEUS (Amuklaios), a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Amyclae in Laconia, where he had a celebrated sanctuary. His colossal statue there is estimated by Pausanias (iii. 19. § 2) at thirty cubits in height. It appears to have been very ancient, for with the exception of the head, hands, and feet, the whole resembled more a brazen pillar than a statue. This figure of the god wore a helmet, and in his hands he held a spear and a bow. The women of Amyclae made every year a new chitôn for the god, and the place where they made it was also called the Chiton. (Paus. iii. 16. § 2.) The sanctuary of Apollo contained the throne of Amyclae, a work of Bathycles of Magnesia, which Pausanias saw. (iii. 18. § 6, &c.; comp. Welcker, Zeitschrift für Gesch. der alt. Kunst. i. 2, p. 280, &c.)
ARCHE′GETES (Archêgetês). A surname of Apollo, under which he was worshipped in several places, as at Naxos in Sicily (Thuc. vi. 3; Pind. Pyth. v.80), and at Megara. (Paus. i. 42. § 5.) The name has reference either to Apollo as the leader and protector of colonies, or as the founder of towns in general, in which case the import of the name is niearly the same as theos patroôs.
BOEDRO′MIUS (Boêdromios), the helper in distress, a surname of Apollo at Athens, the origin of which is explained in different ways. According to some, the god was thus called because he had assisted the Athenians in the war with the Amazons, who were defeated on the seventh of Boëdromion, the day on which the Boëdromia were afterwards celebrated. (Plut. Thes. 27.) According to others, the name arose from the circumstance, that in the war of Erechtheus and Ion against Eumolpus, Apollo had advised the Athenians to rush upon the enemy with a war-shout (Boê), if they would conquer. (Harpocrat., Suid., Etym. M. s.v. Boêdromios; Callim. Hymn.in Apoll. 69.)
CARNEIUS (Karneios), a surname of Apollo under which he was worshipped in various parts of Greece, especially in Peloponnesus, as at Sparta and Sicyon, and also in Thera, Cyrene, and Magna Graecia. (Paus. iii. 13. § 2, &c., ii. 10. § 2, 11. § 2; Pind. Pyth. v. 106; Plut. Sympos. viii. 1; Paus. iii. 24. § 5, iv. 31. § 1, 33. § 5.) The origin of the name is explained in different ways. Some derived it from Carnus, an Acarnanian soothsayer, whose murder by Hippotes provoked Apollo to send a plague into the army of Ilippotes while he was on his march to Peloponnesus. Apollo was afterwards propitiated by the introduction of the worship of Apollo Carneius. (Paus. iii. 13. § 3; Schol. ad Theocrit. v. 83.) Others believed that Apollo was thus called from his favourite Carnus or Carneius, a son of Zeus and Europa, whom Leto and Apollo had brought up. (Paus. l. c. ; Hesych. s. v. Karneios.) Several other attempts to explain the name are given in Pausanias and the Scholiast on Theocritus. It is evident, however, that the worship of the Carneian Apollo was very ancient, and was probably established in Peloponnesus even before the Dorian conquest. Respecting the festival of the Carneia see Dict. of Ant. s. v. Karneia.
CATAE′BATES ( Kataibatês), occurs as a surname of several gods . . . Of Apollo, who was invoked by this name to grant a happy return home (katabasis) to those who were travelling abroad. (Eurip. Bacch. 1358; Schol. ad Eurip. Phoen. 1416.)
CHRYSAOR (Chrusaôr). The god with the golden sword or arms. In this sense it is used as a surname or attribute of several divinities, such as Apollo (Hom. II. xv. 256), Artemis (Herod. viii. 77), and Demeter. (Hom. Hymn. in Cer. 4.)
CLA′RIUS (Klarios), a surname of Apollo, derived from his celebrated temple at Claros in Asia Minor, which had been founded by Manto, the daughter of Teiresias, who, after the conquest of her native city of Thebes, was made over to the Delphic god, and was then sent into the country, where subsequently Colophon was built by the Ionians. (Paus. vii. 3. § 1, ix. 33. § 1; Tacit. Ann. ii. 54; Strab. xiv. p. 642; Virg. Aen. iii. 360; comp. Muller, Dor. ii. 2. § 7.) Clarius also occurs as a surname of Zeus, describing him as the god who distributes things by lot (klaros or klêros, Aeschyl. Suppl. 360). A hill near Tegea was sacred to Zeus under this name. (Paus. viii. 53. § 4.)
CO′RYDUS (Korudos), a surname of Apollo, under which the god had a temple eighty stadia from Corone, on the sea-coast. (Paus. iv. 34. § 4, &c.)
CY′NTHIUS and CY′NTHIA (Kunthia and Kunthios, surnames respectively of Artemis and Apollo, which they derived from mount Cynthus in the island of Delos, their birthplace. (Callim. Hymn. in Del. 10; Hor. Carm. i. 21. 2, iii. 28. 12; Lucan, i. 218.)
DAPHNAEUS and DAPHNAEA (Daphnaia and Daphnaios), surnames of Artemis and Apollo respectively, derived from daphnê, a laurel, which was sacred to Apollo. In the case of Artemis it is uncertain why she bore that surname, and it was perhaps merely an allusion to her statue being made of laurel-wood (Paus. iii. 24. § 6; Strab. xvi. p. 750; Philostr. Vit. Apollon. i. 16; Eutrop. vi. 11; Justin. xv. 4.)
DECATE′PHORUS (Dekatêphoros), that is, the god to whom the tenth part of the booty is dedicated, was a surname of Apollo at Megara. Pausanias (i. 42. § 5) remarks, that the statues of Apollo Pythius and Decatephorus at Megara resembled Egyptian sculptures.
DE′LIUS and DE′LIA (Dêlios and Dêlia or Dêlias), surnames of Apollo and Artemis respectively, which are derived from the island of Delos the birthplace of those two divinities. (Virg. Aen. vi. 12, Eclog. vii. 29; Val. Flacc. i. 446; Orph. Hymn. 33. 8.) They are likewise applied, especially in the plural, to other divinities that were worshipped in Delos, viz. Demeter, Aphrodite, and the nymphs. (Aristoph. Thesm. 333; Callim. Hymn. in Dian. 169, Hymn. in Del. 323; Hom. Hymn. in Apoll. Del. 157.)
[DELPHINIUS and] DELPHI′NIA (Delphinia), a surname of Artemis at Athens. (Pollux, x. 119.) The masculine form Delphinius is used as a surname of Apollo, and is derived either from his slaying the dragon Delphine or Delphyne (usually called Python) who guarded the oracle at Pytho, or front his having shewn the Cretan colonists the way to Delphi, while riding on a dolphin or metamorphosing himself into a dolphin. (Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 208.) Under this name Apollo had temples at Athens, Cnossus in Crete, Didyma, and Massilia. (Paus. i. 19. § 1; Plut. Tiles. 14; Strab. iv. p. 179; Müller, Aeginet. p. 154.)
EPACTAEUS or EPA′CTIUS (Epaktaios or Epaktios), that is, the god worshipped on the coast, was used as a surname of Poseidon in Samos (Hesych. s. v.), and of Apollo. (Orph. Argon. 1296; Apollon. Rhod. i. 404.)
EPIBATE′RIUS (Epibatêrios), the god who conducts men on board a ship, a surname of Apollo, under which Diomedes on his return from Troy built him a temple at Troezene. (Paus. ii. 32. § 1.) In the same sense Apollo bore the surname of Embasios. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 404.)
EPICU′RIUS (Epikourios), the helper, a surname of Apollo, under which lie was worshipped at Bassae in Arcadia. Every year a wild boar was sacrificed to him in his temple on mount Lycaeus. He had received this surname because he had at one time delivered the country from a pestilence. (Paus. viii. 383. § 6, 41. § 5.)
EUTRESITES (Eutrêsitês), a surname of Apollo, derived from Eutresis, a place between Plataeae and Thespiae, where he had an ancient oracle. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Eutrêsis; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 268.)
GALA′XIUS (Galaxios), a surname of Apollo in Boeotia, derived from the stream Galaxius. (Procl. ap. Phot. p. 989; Müller, Orchom. p. 42, 2d edit.)
HEBDOMA′GETES (Hebdomagetês), a surname of Apollo, which was derived, according to some, from the fact of sacrifices being offered to him on the seventh of every month, the seventh of some month being looked upon as the god's birthday. Others connect the name with the fact that at the festivals of Apollo, the procession was led by seven boys and seven maidens. (Aeschyl. Sept. 804; Herod. vi. 57; Lobeck, Aglaoph. p. 434.)
HECAERGUS (Hekaergos), a surname of Apollo, of the same meaning as Hecaerge in the case of Artemis. (Hom. Il. i. 147.) Here too tradition has metamorphosed the attribute of the god into a distinct being, for Servius (ad Aen. xi. 532, 858) speaks of one Hacaergus as a teacher and priest of Apollo and Artemis.
HY′LATUS (Hulatos), a surname of Apollo derived from the town of Hyle in Crete, which was sacred to him. (Lycophr. 448, with Tzetzes' note; Steph. Byz. s. v. Hylê; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 596.)
INTONSUS, i.e. unshorn, a surname of Apollo and Bacchus, alluding to the eternal youth of these gods, as the Greek youths allowed their hair to grow until they attained the age of manhood, though in the case of Apollo it may also allude to his being the god of the sun, whence the long floating hair would indicate the rays of the sun. (Hom. Il. xx. 39, Hymn. in Apoll. 134; Horat. Epod. xv. 9; Tibull. i. 4. 34; Ov. Met. iii. 421, Amor. i. 14. 31; Martial, iv. 45.)
ISME′NIUS (Ismenios). A surname of Apollo at Thebes, who had a temple on the river Ismenus. (Paus. ii. 10. § 4, iv. 27. § 4, ix. 10. §§ 2, 5.) The sanctuary of the god, at which the Daphnephoria was celebrated, bore the name of Ismenium, and was situated outside the city.
ISO′DETES (Isodetês), from deô, the god who binds all equally, is used as a surname of Pluto, to express his impartiality (Hesych. s. v.), and of Apollo. (Bekker, Anecdot. p. 267.)
I′XIUS (Ixios), a surname of Apollo, derived from a district of the island of Rhodes which was called Ixiae or Ixia. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Ixiai ; comp. Strab. xiv. p. 655.)
LAPHRAEUS (Laphraios), a surname of Apollo at Calydon. (Strab. x. p. 459, where, however, some read Lathrios.)
LEUCA′DIUS (Leukasios), a son of Icarius and Polycaste, and a brother of Penelope and Alyzeus. Leucas was believed to have derived its name from him. (Strab. x. pp. 452, 461.) Leucadius or Leucates also occurs as a surname of Apollo, which he derived from a temple in Leucas. (Strab. l. c.; Ov. Trist. iii. 1. 42; Propert. iii. 11. 69; comp. Thuc. iii. 94; Serv. ad Aen. iii. 274.)
LIBYSTI′NUS, that is, the Libyan, a surname under which Apollo was worshipped by the Sicilians, because he was believed to have destroyed by a pestilence a Libyan fleet which sailed against Sicily. (Macrob. Sat. i. 17.)
LOE′MIUS (Loimios), the deliverer from plague (Loimos), was a surname of Apollo at Lindus in Rhodes. (Macrob. Sat. i. 17.)
LO′XIAS (Loxias), a surname of Apollo, which is derived by some from his intricate and ambiguous oracles (loxa), but it is unquestionably connected with the verb Legein, and describes the god as the prophet or interpreter of Zeus. (Herod. i. 91, viii. 136; Aeschyl. Eum. 19; Aristoph. Plut. 8; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 794; Macrob. Sat. i. 17.)
LYCE′GENES (Lukêgenês), a surname of Apollo, describing him either as the god born in Lycia, or as the god born of light. (Hom. Il. iv. 101, 119 ;comp. LYCEIUS.)
LYCEIUS (Lukeios), a surname of Apollo, the meaning of which is not quite certain, for some derive it from lukos, a wolf, so that it would mean "the wolf-slayer;" others from lukê, light, according to which it would mean "the giver of light;" and others again from the country of Lycia. There are indeed passages in the ancient writers by which each of these three derivations may be satisfactorily proved. As for the derivation from Lycia, we know that he was worshipped at mount Cragus and Ida in Lycia; but he was also worshipped at Lycoreia on mount Parnassus, at Sicyon (Paus. ii. 9. § 7), Argos (ii. 19. § 3), and Athens (i. 19. § 4). In nearly all cases, moreover, where the god appears with this name, we find traditions concerning wolves. Thus the descendants of Deucalion, who founded Lycoreia, followed a wolf's roar; Latona came to Delos as a she-wolf, and she was conducted by wolves to the river Xanthus; wolves protected the treasures of Apollo; and near the great altar at Delphi there stood an iron wolf with inscriptions. (Paus. x. 14. § 4.) The attack of a wolf upon a herd of cattle occasioned the worship of Apollo Lyceius at Argos (Plut. Pyrrh. 32; comp. Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. ii. 124); and the Sicyonians are said to have been taught by Apollo in what manner they should get rid of wolves. (Paus. ii. 19. § 3.) In addition to all this, Apollo is called lukoktonos. (Soph. Elect. 7; Paus. ii. 9. § 7; Hesych. s. v.) Apollo, by the name of Lyceius, is therefore generally characterised as the destroyer. (Müller, Dor. ii. 6. § 8.)
LY′CIUS (Lukios), i. e. the Lycian, a surname of Apollo, who was worshipped in several places of Lycia, and had a sanctuary and oracle at Patara in Lycia. (Pind. Pyth. i. 39; Propert. iii. 1. 38; Virg. Aen. iv. 143, 346, 377.) It must, however, be observed, that Lycius is often used in the sense of Lyceius, and in allusion to his being the slayer of wolves. (Comp. Serv. ad Aen. iv. 377, who gives several other explanations of the name; Paus. ii. 9. § 7, 19. § 3; Philostr. Her. x. 4; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 354.)
LYCO′REUS (Lukôreus). A surname of Apollo, perhaps in the same sense as Lyceius; but he is usually so called with reference to Lycoreia, on Mount Parnassus. (Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1490; Callim. Hymn. in Apoll. 19; Orph. Hymn. 33. 1.)
MALEATES (Maleatês), a surname of Apollo, derived from cape Malea, in the south of Laconia. He had sanctuaries under this name at Sparta and on mount Cynortium. (Paus. iii. 12. § 7, ii. 27, in fin.)
MARMARINUS (Marmarinos), i.e. the god of marble, a surname of Apollo, who had a sanctuary in the marble quarries at Carystus. (Strab. x. p. 446; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 281.)
[MALLOEIS and] MELUS (Mêlos). A son of Manto, from whom the sanctuary of Apollo Malloeis in Lesbos was believed to have derived its name. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Malloeis.)
MOIRA′GETES (Moiragetês), the guide or leader of fate, occurs as a surname of Zeus and Apollo at Delphi. (Paus. x. 24. § 4.)
NO′MIUS (Noumios), a surname of divinities protecting the pastures and shepherds, such as Apollo, Pan. Hermes, and Aristaeus. (Aristoph. Thesmoph. 983; Anthol. Palat. ix. 217; Callim. Hymn. in Apoll. 47.)
ONCAEUS (Onkaios), a surname of Apollo, derived from Oncesium on the river Ladon in Arcadia, where he had a temple. (Paus. viii. 25. § 5, &c.)
PAEAN (Paian, Paiêôn or Paiôn), that is, "the healing," is according to Homer the designation of the physician of the Olympian gods, who heals, for example, the wounded Ares and Hades. (Il. v. 401, 899.) After the time of Homer and Hesiod, the word Paian becomes a surname of Asclepius, the god who had the power of healing. (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 1494; Virg. Aen. vii. 769.) The name was, however, used also in the more general sense of deliverer from any evil or calamity (Pind. Pyth. iv. 480), and was thus applied to Apollo and Thanatos, or Death, who are conceived as delivering men from the pains and sorrows of life. (Soph. Oed. Tyr. 154 ; Paus. i. 34. § 2 ; Eurip. Hippol. 1373.) With regard to Apollo and Thanatos however, the name may at the same time contain an allusion to paiein, to strike, since both are also regarded as destroyers. (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 137.) From Apollo himself the name Paean was transferred to the song dedicated to him, that is, to hymns chanted to Apollo for the purpose of averting an evil, and to warlike songs, which were sung before or during a battle.
PAGASAEUS (Pagasaios), i. e. the Pagasaean, from Pegasus, or Pegasae, a town in Thessaly, is a surname of Apollo, who there had a sanctuary said to have been built by Trophonius (Hes. Scut. Herc. 70, with the Schol.), and of lason, because the ship Argo was said to have been built at Pagasus. (Ov. Het. vii. 1, Her. xvi. 345.)
PALATI′NUS, a surname of Apollo at Rome, where Augustus, in commemoration of the battle of Actium, dedicated a temple to the god on the Palatine hill, in which subsequently a library was established. (Dion Cass. liii. 1; Horat. Carm. i. 31, Epist. i. 3. 17; Propert. iv. 6. 11; Ov. Ars Am. iii. 389.)
PARNO′PIUS (Paruopios), i.e. the expeller of locusts (paruôps), a surname of Apollo, under which he had a statue on the acropolis at Athens. (Paus. i. 24. § 8.)
PARRHA′SIUS (Parrastos). A surname of Apollo, who had a sanctuary on Mount Lyceius, where an annual festival was celebrated to him as the epicurius, that is, the helper. (Paus. viii. 38. §§ 2, 6.)
PATAREUS (Patareus), a surname of Apollo, derived from the Lycian town of Patara, where he had an oracle, and where, according to Servius (ad Aen. iv. 143), the god used to spend the six winter months in every year. (Hor. Carm. iii. 4. 64; Lycoph. 920; Herod. i. 162; Strab. xiv. p. 665, &c.; Paus. ix. 41. § 1.)
PHILE′SIUS (Philêsios, a surname of Apollo at Didyma, where Branchus was said to have founded a sanctuary of the god, and to have introduced his worship. (Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 8; comp. BRANCHUS.)
PHOEBUS (Phoibos), i.e. the shining, pure or bright, occurs both as an epithet and a name of Apollo, in his capacity of god of the sun. (Hom. Il. i. 43, 443; Virg. Aen. iii. 251; Horat. Carm. iii. 21, 24; Macrob. Sat. i. 17; comp. APOLLO, HELIOS.) Some ancients derived the name from Apollo's grandmother Phoebe. (Aeschyl. Eum. 8.)
PHY′XIUS (Phuzios), i. e., the god who protects fugitives, occurs as a surname of Zeus in Thessaly (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. ii. 1147, iv. 699; Paus. ii. 21. § 3, iii. 17. § 8), and of Apollo. (Philostr. Her. x. 4.)
PY′THIUS (Puthios), the Pythian, from Pytho, the ancient name of Delphi, often occurs as a surname of Apollo, whose oracle was at Delphi. (Hom. Hymn. in Apoll. 373; Aeschyl. Agam. 521 ; Horat. Carm. i. 16. 6; Tac. Hist. iv. 83.)
SALGANEUS (Salganeus), a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Salganeus in Boeotia. (Steph. Byz. s. v.; comp. Strab. ix. p. 403.)
[SARPEDONIUS and] SARPEDO′NIA (Sarpêdonia), a surname of Artemis, derived from cape Sarpedon in Cilicia, where she had a temple with an oracle. (Strab. xiv, p. 676.) The masculine Sarpedonius occurs as a surname of Apollo in Cilicia. (Zosim. i. 57.)
SMINTHEUS (Smintheus), a surname of Apollo, which is derived by some from sminthos, a mouse, and by others from the town of Sminthe in Troas (Horn. Il. i. 3.9; Ov. Fast. vi. 425, Met. xii. 585 ; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 34). The mouse was regarded by the ancients as inspired by the vapours arising from the earth, and as the symbol of prophetic power. In the temple of Apollo at Chryse there was a statue of the god by Scopas, with a mouse under its foot (Strab. xiii. p. 604, &c.; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 34), and on coins Apollo is represented carrying a mouse in his hands (Müller, Ancient Art and its Rem. § 361, note 5). Temples of Apollo Sminthens and festivals (Smintheia) existed in several parts of Greece, as at Tenedos, near Hamaxitos in Aeolis, near Parion, at Lindos in Rhodes, near Coressa, and in other places. (Strab. x. p 486, xiii. pp. 604, 605.)
SPO′DIUS (Spodios), a surname of Apollo at Thebes, derived from spodos, ashes, because his altar consisted of the ashes of the victims which had been sacrificed to him. (Paus. ix. 11. § 5.)
TEGYRE′IUS (Tegurêios), a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Tegyra in Boeotia. where, according to some traditions, the god had been born. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Tegura ; Plut. Pelop. 8.)
TELMI′SSIUS (Telmissios), a surname of Apollo derived from the Lycian town of Telnissus or Telmessus. (Cic. de Div. i. 41; Steph. Byz. s. v. galeôtai; Strab. xv. p. 665.)
TEMENITES (Temenitês), a surname of Apollo, derived from his sacred temenus in the neighbourhood of Syracuse. (Steph. Byz. s. v. ; Sueton. Tib. 74; Thuc. vi. 75, 100.)
THEOXE′NIUS (Theoxenios), a surname of Apollo and Hermes. (Paus. vii. 27. § 2; Schol. ad Pind. Ol. ix. 146, Nem. x. 32.) Respecting the festival of the Theoxenia, see Dict. of Antiq. s. v.
THYMBRAEUS (Thumbraios). A surname of Apollo, derived from a place in Troas called Thymbra, where he had a temple in which Achilles was wounded, or from a neighboring hill of the same name. (Strab. xiii. p. 598; Steph. Byz. s. v. Thumbra; Eurip. Rhes. 224 ; Serv. ad Aen. iii. 85 ; Hom. Il. x. 430.)
[ZOSTERIUS and] ZOSTE′RIA (Zôstêria), a surname of Athena among the Epicnemidian Locrians. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Zôstêr; comp. Herod. viii. 107.) The masculine form Zosterius occurs as a surname of Apollo in Attica, on the slip of land stretching into the sea between Phaleron and Sunium. (Steph. Byz. l. c.)
Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.
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mani-mari · 5 years
I’m not sure where to start!
Spoilers? past this point? yeah
I like Rudy! He’s a little weird but he’s great! I do see him as a replacement for Nathan which makes me a little sad but... Ah well.
So apart from watching Episode 1, I also watched Vegas Baby! and.......... so Nathan is in jaaaail..... and the baby’s name is Nathan Juniorrrrr... that’s so cuuUUUTEE.. <3 alright alright sO
poor Curtis btw he’s single again - almost forgot that. But it looks like Alisha and Rudy had a uh.. a little past ! ;^)
OKAY ALSO THE WHOLE GANG IS BACK IN COMMUNITY SERVICE and I still love the probation worker. We love a lazy jerk. now I will watch episode 2 , and breaks in watching to react will be separated by lines beginning with --.
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you know what though, when he turns into “MuhhhLISSA” he is leading a double life and honestly mood but also no thanks because that’s a lot of lies to keep and carry
THE PROBATION WORKER WAS EYEING HI- HER-- what pronouns-- ok, I will refer to *him* as Curtis and *her* as Melissa but that’s still confusing but ok that’s it
so the probation worker was definitely eyeing her and also she told poor Barry Simon to move like a JERK I hate her even though that’s definitely Curtis talking LOL
please don’t turn out like Bruno, I loved Bruno, shame what his .. condition was, but AUGHH A NEW COUPLE?? YES???? P L E A SE ?? KELLY DESERVES ALL THE LOVE
but so did Bruno I LOVE YOU BRUNO
-- looks like Curtis can never find love!
i was rooting for them but she literally just gave him sympathy sex. I couldn’t tbh. mostly because I don’t want to have sex with anyone, much less sex out of sympathy. I can’t imagine that...
I don’t really like her, she’s a bit rude, but then again she invites Melissa out to have fun somewhere so I guess that’s girl power-whatever-stuff? yay...
i mean ok we love representation but I think Curtis should stop all this stuff, I know he wants to run but he obviously is making things harder on himself. yikes
I have some issues I want to address.... they’re kissing. even though he knows that she had sympathy sex with him. he is still SMITTEN WITH HER. Curtis my boy you gotta think with your head not your dick- or your vag- well i dunno, your gametes. just realized how nasty that word is. anyway THINK Curtis. smh
“I don’t think there’s an official term for this shit” yeah that’s fair
-- the coach creeps me out... yikes. I mean he’s weirrrdd with Melissa. she also just gets stares by a lot of guys. now I guess Curtis knows how it feels. :|
heccck this season is driving me crazy
-- i- i-- wh ----- hwh waht the fuck
did he change back? i skipped the scene because there’s no way I’m watching a fucking rape scene.
I went back a few seconds and saw something?? under the dress and I saw Curtis’s face and he PUNCHED the coach and crawled out of the car and I’m kinda scared.
-- alright a bunch of stuff happened at once but I just wanna appreciate Curtis’s (Melissa’s) line “You have no idea what it’s like to be a woman” and then Simon’s face. alright moving on
ope, and there’s the period.
-- BOY!! the way he just ran omg yes go get Emma !!! Curtissss RUNN.
I hate the coach. I despise him
-- OK OK they’re cute again but that’s only cause he admitted the truth
ahhhhh that’s adorable
also what’s going on with Kelly and her new man?? serious lack of that as well as Simon & Alisha this episode I am SAD
-- oh no I watched the up next segment and I’m scared SIMON IS GONNA LEAVE!!! Y’ALL I CAN’T WITH THIS SHOW
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theseourbodiesrp · 8 years
I’m making a Star Wars OC based on Rogue One because: I can
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mystisnykoto · 6 years
The Outsiders - Chapter 24
Weight of the World
'Warning: Chassis damage detected. Emergency combat mode enabled.'
Iris shuffled up to her feet, stepping backwards and trying her best to keep on her feet. Perraux moved forward, each step causing sand to blast away from her foot.
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“You... pushed me too far...” Perraux's voice boomed. “You... will die...” Perraux clenched their fist tight, dashing forward in a near instant to punch Iris in the gut. Her frame cracked, small shards of her chassis shattering off from her back and side. Iris tumbled back, rolling back to her feet as pieces of her mechanical insides began to crumble and fall out from her back. Iris grunted, dropping to a knee, bracing herself on the sand beneath her.
'Alert: Escape is advisable in the current situation.'
“I'm... aware...” grunted Iris, looking up to see Perraux flying in with their knee shoved forward. Iris fired off her leg jets, propelling her clear from the strike aimed at her face. Iris landed on her feet, trying her best to analyze the situation for a way to fight back. Perraux slid to a halt, quickly snapping their sight back to Iris. “How c-can I f-fight ba-ack...” Perraux dashed in again, Iris preparing to dodge once more, only to feel her body because extremely heavy and sluggish.
'Warning: Battery levels at ten-percent, seek a charging source immediately.'
“Y-yesss, I-I kn-now...” spoke Iris, her voice echoed and mechanical, her feigned attempt to avoid the attack caused her to take the brunt of the attack to the face, shattering her shell and exposing her metal skull beneath. Iris slid down the dune, never falling off of her feet, and came to a stop once the surface leveled out. “I'm... t-too sl-slow... H-how c-can I do th-this...” Iris spoke aloud to herself.
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“What's wrong Iris!?” Perraux taunted, walking down the dune with their arms out to their sides. “Lost the will to keep fighting?”
“Ha-hardly...” Iris responded as she readied the cable from her back of her hand, remembering her time from inside The Net and accessing the data of others. “Br-i-ing it...” Iris called back. “What if I d-don't fight, a-and access-s their d-data directly... G-gods I-I hope thi-is works...” Perraux rushed in punching Iris in the stomach again, their fist burst out from Iris' back. Iris yelped in pain, moving as quick as she could to shove the end of the tether into Perraux's neck.
'Establishing connection...'
                                                                                                                Iris slowly opened her eyes, her form restored and complete, seeing a endless expanse of white before her with several standing panels seeming to frame a sort of walkway.
“Do it!” cried out a voice, Iris recognizing it as her own. “Destroy the panels and erase Perraux from our body!”
“STOP IT! DON'T YOU DARE APPROACH!” Perraux shouted back, Iris running forward to the first group of panels, seeing all of them with Perraux on display. Iris
“Smash his panels!” the voice of the original Iris shouted. Iris slammed her fist into the first panel, causing it to shatter and burst into pieces. A cry of pain sounded out from Perraux, echoing across the white space. Iris smiled with delight, rushing over to the next panel to see Perraux, with a quick flicker of her own original face. She smashed through the panel again, hearing the same scream from Perraux, as well as a loud grunt from the original Iris. Iris looked around, scared for a moment after hearing her own scream from all around her. “D-don't stop! You have to keep going and erase him!”
“R-right...” Iris stammered, running between the panels. She smashed the glass-like panels, each causing Perraux's cries to grow progressively weaker.
“Please... sss-stop this... I... I'll do wh-whatever you want... g-give you what y-you want...” Perraux begged, as Iris run up to one of the last two panels seeing a scared and terrified Perraux reflected within. “P-please! Don't... don't k-kill me...Bygones... a-and all...”
“You had your chance to be civil and let bygones be bygones...” spoke the original Iris, her voice extremely weak as well.
“... but your lust for power brought you passed redemption,” Iris spoke, smashing the panel and watching as the image of Perraux fragmented within. Perraux's image faded from each shard, a silent and pained scream on his face. Iris slowly turned to look at the last panel, stepping over to it to see a crying, but still smiling original Iris standing within.
“Y-you... you did it...” the original Iris spoke, her voice soft and weak. Iris placed her hand on the panel, touching softly as a glow began to emanate from within. The original Iris stepped out from the panel, collapsing into Iris' arms with a soft squeak and smile. “Aaah! Th-thank you...” Iris helped her original self stand back to her feet, as the two smiled at each other.
                                                                                                              The pair stepped through the white space as panels rose up from far beneath, settling near the pair, each panel displaying a different memory and moment from their life.
“Oh gods, r-remember this-s one!” the original Iris cheered out, her form glitching a bit as she trotted over to a nearby panel. “When L-Leo firs-st started-d to teach u-s-s...” Both versions of Iris let out their own soft chuckle, as android Iris approached the panel.
“Leo didn't quite know how to control his own strength, whacked us pretty hard on the head,” spoke android Iris, touching the panel. “He sat there apologizing for almost two hours! It... it was how I knew he was truly a kind and gentle person... That... he really did care about me and others, and wasn't just some bodyguard for my... our, father.” The pair laughed a little more, sharing a smile to one-another. “I really do miss him...”
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“He's... alive, actually...” Android Iris quipped. “Something about Mystis bringing him back and being recruited into the Light Brigade.”
“R-really!?” the original blurted out, looking on in shock. “He... he really made it onto the squad, finally... He always said he was going to one day...”
“Yeah, he met with me just yesterday,” the android started. “He... he told me that the Brigade was... they were going to hunt after us... b-because of the amount of power and aether you had been pulling in...” She paused a moment, touching the glass. “He was the only one standing between them and us. So he made one last move to try and keep them off our back...”
“I... I s-see...” the original spoke softly. “I-I alm-most want t-to... n-no, this has to be done... Y-you have to stop me...” The original turned on her heels, pacing over to the next panel to see Ruri's bright smile. “When-n... we f-first met-t...I miss-s her s-so much... m-more than an-nything else...”
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“She fixed our jacket, it looked turned out perfect... and gave her an excuse to see us again,” the android giggled. “Her smile was so warm... so genuine!” The pair giggled happily, walking between each panel and sharing in the memories, as the original Iris continued to fragment further. “Oh gods! This one! This is right after Ruri made herself a digital paintbrush! That... well, that was quite an interesting experience,” android Iris giggled, biting softly at her lip as the original Iris flushed bright red.
                                                                                                              “Th-is-s is-s one of my n-new f-fav-vorites-s, b-but n-not for-r the obv-vious r-reason...” stuttered the original Iris, touching a panel to show the memory. On the panel showed a scared android Iris, staring in through a window. “I-it is when-n Perr-raux f-first s-saw y-you, a-and I kn-new th-that in a-a way, I-I was s-still aliv-ve a-and I-I lived-d on.” The pair looked over the panel, as the original Iris began to glitch and distort even more erratically. Tear fell from her eyes as she looked over to her android self. “I kn-new... th-that Ru-Ruri would-d b-be prot-tected-d... sh-she would-d b-be w-with me...”
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“I... I don't...” android Iris spoke, stumbling over her words as she began to cry even more.
“I-I kn-now...” the original Iris touched a hand to the cheek of her android self. “I-I'm n-not g-going to l-last m-much longer... A-all of-f Perr-raux is g-gone, b-but h-he had int-tegr-rated t-too deep i-into m-me. H-his presence r-remo-oved i-is causing m-me to slowl-ly er-rase...” She held up her hand, watching her hand scramble and fade as the fragmentation started to spread slowly up her arm. “Wh-hen I'm gone... p-please... sm-il-le when-n you th-think of-f m-me...”
“You... you could...” spoke the android Iris, touching over her original selves cheek. A warm glow spread from her hand, flowing into the original's cheek and slowing the glitch effect. “You... can integrate into me. My... you... could be safe with me, we could... could b-be whole...” She cried as the original leaned into the touch, her body beginning to fade from sight as the glitching ended.
“Mmm... would be nice... if it... would work...” the original spoke, closing her eyes as she was almost completely gone. “Please... tell everyone, I love them all... I-I... I have to leave...”
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                                                                                                              Android Iris collapsed to the floor after her original disappeared, the white light of the space surrounding her starting to glitch with static and fade to black. Tears fell from her eyes, looking over her hands as a small glowing light floated above them. A weak smile crossed her face as she pressed the light to her chest. She pulsed with a warm light as the rest of the world around her faded and disappeared. Iris blinked, finding herself on her knees back in the Sagoli Desert. Her tether still connected to her old body, feeling the connection had closed and all data transfer ended. She tried to stand, feeling the arm still shoved through her gut and pinning her in place. Iris wiggled away, the arm pulling several small component pieces out from her. She slowly stood, staggering away as she walked through the desert.
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“I-it's... it's over...” Iris muttered, smiling softly as she shuffled and kicked through the sand.
'Warning: Temperature lev-vvvvvlls-sssssssss rissss- ss---kkskssssss. Ex---ksssssnal-- detec—ksss' her system voice spoke, crashing and distorting as her systems began failing. Her vision fragmented and distorted, her tether dragging through the sand. 'Batksssss-ry levvksss-- wo perce---kssss...'
“Y-yes... I kn-now...” Iris spoke, her voice dulled and monotonous. Iris made it ten yalms from her old body before collapsing to her knees, her vision crashing and shutting off.
'Criticksssssssss-l sssssysssksssss... failure... Sysssskssssss-tem terminating...'
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“R-Ruri... E-everyone... I love you all, I h-have to g-go...I'm... I-I'm sorry...”
(First Chapter)          (Previous Chapter)           (Epilogue)
(Other Tales)
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Allora you Peace and tranquilla but for Chosen was ones being push to probly even go off the cocker to do something strenching & more anti becoming more offing
My house is being watch
And i have the ufo on stage sono
& not know who has a settimana settimanale
Cause its hard for me to meet people because of social traumas and being a Giunone empatia per once of logica then crash d'umore but Will go to all estends for the PC of self but
But with knowlege of
Idiolology but brave & honest versione of an originale
Then hamster wheel of viole inglese nerd me being a semi v make me not favorito necrophillia .
Like is my divine creation uguale but to only on a cats paw scale for Humans that wanna verbale ruin your Life to other desperate mind of
Anti inspiration for the build of the Luciferian effect of Life & minds that just want to be' in complete sturdy soliduted ov satifi with out infridge ment of forign negitivy of physical h7 refections with differenti programs of who you even are
Forever i needs guns
And also im bisexual ti the shades o intinseity and my gosh e il tuo amico
Im kind turned on by men & if it will last It it kindels joy i glow [so i dove spot of people of a lie on Onedrive to a fixiated Moment of è my life be' like owaoawaowowa .
I fought my tatto maker on a foul account of fiction and masculity & on costruttori x☆
Got hit by a car but i feel like It was dark magica and intended by the chance of who her even was lost my bike
To stunts & in donne
People talk but the dont trust know anything i rally dont wanna do anymore hits dispile is a better teacher than motivation im totally just trying to move away from paparizs i sign a innovaition for a creative working arc for the meanwhile
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spillingthefarm · 6 years
AND NOW...... WE HAVE APOLOGY SCENE W ISAAC.... HE TRIES TO BE SMOOTH... BUT HE IS ALSO CALM AND EARNEST.. AND WILLING TO LISTEN. .. OMG... HE HAS BEEN SO BURDENED... i actually assumed that the activity club’s membership order was something like ed/isabel package deal, then isaac, then dimitri, who exits so fast suzy and colin never realize he was with them. i guess i assumed that just because isaac is like older than all of them?? so i was like hmm isaac must have been w spender/the club at least as long as ed/isabel have? but like.. this update’s revelation reveals an extra facet to the pressure issac puts on himself, like he is a whole grade older than these kids (WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF ISAAC WAS LEGITIMATELY STRUGGLING FOR “SENPAI” STATUS...) but also started as the least experienced, and then he even hurt one of them. i’ve talked about this before but if suzy and colin seriously don’t know about dimitri, a possible reason why could be because dimitri and isaac were in the same grade until the accident happened. the “injury (???)” could have been significant enough to hold dimitri back a grade. thus the gap in colin and suzy’s intel.
on the other hand if they did know the whole time. then dimitri must have had a ready excuse for them. like “i was only with them for a short time, not long enough to see any action.” which would be half true.
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