linguario · 2 years
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🇨🇳 2️⃣1️⃣ 21 Chino - 中文 - Chinese 要求#孩子們 沒有缺陷,成為#完美 的的人性是 #自大 和不公正 🇭🇺 2️⃣2️⃣ 22 Húngaro - magyar - Hungarian arrogância és igazságtalanság a #gyerekektől azt követelni, hogy #mentesek legyenek a hibáktól és legyenek az emberiség #tökéletessége 🇮🇸 2️⃣3️⃣ 23 Islandés - íslenska - Icelandic Að krefjast #börn um að vera laus við galla og vera #fullkomnun mannkyns er #hroki og óréttlæti 🇮🇳 2️⃣4️⃣ 24 Hindú - हिन्दी - Hindi #बच्चों को दोषों से मुक्त और मानवता की #पूर्ण होने की मांग करना #अहंकार और अन्याय है 🇮🇩 2️⃣5️⃣ 25 Indonesio - bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian menuntut #anak agar bebas dari cacat dan menjadi #kesempurnaan kemanusiaan adalah #kesombongan dan ketidakadilan 🇮🇱 2️⃣6️⃣ 26 Hebreo - עִבְרִית‎, Ivrit - Hebrew לדרוש #ילדים להשתחרר מפגמים ולהיות #שלמות האנושות היא #יהירות וחוסר צדקת 🇮🇹 2️⃣7️⃣ 27 Italiano - italiano - Italian pretendere che i #bambini siano liberi da difetti e che siano la #perfezione dell'umanità è #arroganza e ingiustizia 🇯🇵 2️⃣8️⃣ 28 Japones - 日本語, Nihongo - Japanese #子供たち に欠陥がなく、#完全 な人類であることを要求するのは #傲慢 であり不正です 🇰🇿 2️⃣9️⃣ 29 Kazajo - қазақ - Kazakh #Балалардан кемшіліктен ада болуды,адамзаттың #кемелдігі болуды талап ету #менмендік пен әділетсіздік 🇰🇪 🇹🇿 🇺🇬 3️⃣0️⃣ 30 Suajili - Kiswahili - Swahili kuwataka #watoto wasiwe na kasoro na wawe #ukamilifu wa ubinadamu ni #kiburi na dhuluma. (en Tutonchany, Evenkiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CossVZQPeQA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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edlifannarra · 2 years
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Diving back, head first, into this cesspool of fandom. Let's start with some of the music projects I'm currently involved in and a few of the covers I've illustrated and designed for them.
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sophiamoment · 6 months
when you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then send this ask to 10 of ur most recent followers :)
I’ll send to friends later if I rember but for now here’s a few! (picking just 5 is so hard aaaa)
What Goes On - Velvet Underground & Nico
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It’s fun to listen to and it makes me happy! I originally got into them through Gomens but damn they are good :)
Love me More - Mitski
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Somehow has me incredibly emotional and weurdly upbeat at the same time. Mitski 🔛🔝
Kass’s Theme - BOTW
not much to say here. It’s just really comforting. idrc if it’s a strange choice lol
Miðgarðsormur - Skálmöldd
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Probably not actually my favorite of theirs but this is really just a label for all folk metal in general, I’m still getting into it but damn it’s fucking sick.
19-2000 - Gorillaz
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eldritchbeast-mord · 2 years
Loka börn
I’m finally done with this bichhh. Now it’s time for me to stop drawing until next year /j Did this for Icelandic class, it’s all of Loki's monstrous/supernatural children (Also before anyone mentions it, i know the sword didn’t go through his snout/mouth like that, i chose to do it for the aesthetics lol)
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heljar-heimur · 2 years
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only been waiting for this for a year or so.
10 year anniversary concert for Börn Loka.
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adiantum-sporophyte · 1 month
🎵other people...🎵
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pristine yday
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kynvillingur · 10 months
lmfao ætli krakkinn fái að vita hvað þú ert mikill skíthæll bjaddni
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Do any of my Icelanders remember this?? Cause I’ve spent the last like 15 years convinced it was I dream I had as a kid
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sigyn-foxyposts · 8 months
"Börn Loka..Loki's children"
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All of the siblings giving threatening stares at most likely Odin. I saw a base and I just had to try it out of them🤭✨
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uneasylisteningradio · 3 months
The Kids Just Don't Understand July 6, 2024
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Filling in for a metal show, playing 1 metal only (Total Hell). No recording, sorry, I linked to the songs where I could
Erik Nervous - R'G'M FREAK GENES - The Feeling in a Dream Sally Skull - You Better Go Street Eaters - Expensive Dog (Total Control) Uzu - Mada Hadeth ماذا حدث؟ Sister Irene O'Connor - Mass - 'Emmanuel'
Dissekerad - Explosion Inombords Eleven Pond - Watching Trees The Flatmates - I Could Be In Heaven
Joy Division - Shadowplay (Live) Pagans - Dead End America Łysol - Padded Cell Indikator B - Godi Nama Peace De Résistance - Coddle the Rich Excess Blood - Appeal
Crash Course In Science - It Cost's To Be Austere Added Dimensions - Interruption The Cake - Extroverted Introvert Quasi - Nowheresville Mope Grooves - Forever Is a Long Time Dark Thoughts - Do You Dream (version) Rat Cage - No One Head Cheese - Jungle Jam
Idris Muhammad - Could Heaven Ever Be Like This Three - Swann Street Hot Tubs Time Machine - No Thanks Google Maps
The Police - So Lonely Börn - Þú Skuldar Mér Að Vera Sexý Total Hell - Satanic Fist Plastics - Delicious Felt - My Face Is On Fire
Assistert Sjølmord - Toxicity Que Bono - Making Noise Eggs - A Pit with Spikes Lame Drivers - Runnin Scared Ground Zero - Televoid The Mall - Peeling
Chandra - Subways 27 Beaches - Somebody Got It Wrong The Louvin Brothers - Satan's Jeweled Crown Billiam - Maid Dress The Blood - Parasite in Paradise
Syndrome 81 - Recouvrance HEAVEN - S.C.U.M. TRAUMATIZER - Traumatizer Pack Rat - Sleepless The Cowboys - Raining Sour Grapes
Shellac - Rambler Song
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27thfirefly · 5 months
tagged by @nicomrade to do the type out your url with songs. killing you forever with hammers. im not gonna put anything by the same artist on here either.!
2 - 24 Ghosts III by Nine Inch Nails. yaaay ghosts
7 - 7 Seconds by Youssou N'Dour. this one i havent actually heard before so. yeay new music
T - To A Sea Horse by Moondog. this one i really like just for its atmosphere i forgot how i found it...
H - Hem Of Your Garment by CAKE. The Character song ever imo. this can fit to so many guys that have burrowed into my brain
F - Fight for Me by AlicebanD. THIS ONES VERY GOOD TOO so toxic i love it. ive been wanting to make a playlist centered around this for ages
I - I'm Yer Dad by GRLwood. first i park my car. then i FUCK my car.
R - Rule #18 - Lion by Fish in a Birdcage. dungeon meshi in a like... disgustingly on the nose way
E - Er það un-pc að skera börn í tvennt? by Sucks to be you Nigel. best song about cutting kids in half hamburger or hotdog style
F - Fire by The Prodigy. i tried to avoid the prodigy on here but. um. Oops
Y - Yo Traigo el Boogaloo by El Combo de Pepe. i guess this was in my radio at some point and i liked it enough to save it.? its pretty decent ya
ummm if you wanna do it. if not dont. shugs
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hatari-translations · 6 months
Bubbi Morthens - Beðurinn (The Bed) - transcript/translation
Dusting off another old request! This one features Bubbi tackling global warming.
Icelandic transcript
Leiðtogar jarðar loforð sviku gefin Hvísla, "Gerum ekkert meðan lifir efinn" Þeir vita að lygin er banvænn leikur Ljósið sem sest er eldrauður reykur
Við erum öll fram af brúninni að renna Undir draumnum er beðurinn að brenna
Hafið það súrnar og sólin hún grætur Svíður hagann og brennir rætur Þú mátt gapa en græðgin er verst "Gera ekkert of mikið, þú veist það manna best"
Ekki lengur spurning einhverju að nenna Undir draumnum er beðurinn að brenna
Á Netinu siglandi í sjokki horfum á Segjandi elskan, komdu, þú verður að sjá Leiðtogar þjóðar fastir frösum í meðan fólkið planleggur til helvítis frí
Við öngu björgum með blaði og penna meðan beðurinn okkar allra er að brenna
Enginn afsökun, verkin verða að tala viljir þú börn þín fái sín börn upp að ala í veruleika mínus hamfarir og dauða Þar sem skógurinn var er aðeins jörðin auða
Og þú sérð ekki sólina glaða sig glenna Hulin er reyk meðan beðurinn er að brenna
Teningnum kastað, tíminn er á þrotum Þurfum ekki loforð gefin í einkaþotum Milljónir á vergangi, maðurinn er ey Dylan sagði syntu, annar sekkurðu sem steinn
Og við vitum öll hverju er um að kenna Undir beði okkar allra er jörðin að brenna
English translation
The leaders of Earth betrayed promises made Whispering, "Let's do nothing so long as doubt remains" They know that lying is a deadly game The setting light is a scarlet smoke
We're all slipping off the cliff Beneath the dream, the bed is burning
The ocean sours and the sun cries Singes the fields and burns roots You can gape but the greed is worst "Don't do too much, you know better than anyone"
No longer a question of if you can be bothered Beneath the dream, the bed is burning
Surfing the internet, we look on in shock Saying, honey, look, you have to see The leaders of nations repeating phrases while the people plan their vacation to Hell
We won't save anything with paper and pen while all of our bed is burning
No excuse, we need to see action If you want your kids to get to raise their kids in a world with less disaster and death Where there used to be forest, there's only barren ground
And you won't see the sun happily beaming It's shrouded in smoke while the bed is burning
The die is cast, our time is up We don't need promises made in private jets Millions of refugees, Man is an island Dylan said to swim, or you'll sink like a stone
And we all know what's to blame Beneath all of our bed, the Earth is burning
Translation notes
Bubbi refers to sailing the Internet, which is not a usual metaphor I've heard, but English of course already has the concept of "surfing" the Internet.
The quotes around "Don't do too much, you know better than anyone" are just my guess that it's meant to be what the greedy are saying to each other, based on how I'm interpreting it - there's nothing else indicating that it's a quote, so I could be off.
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dustedmagazine · 10 months
Drýsildjöfull — Pükastuð (Iron Lung)
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Icelandic miscreants Drýsildjöfull pull off a fairly complex maneuver with this new tape: the band manages to be timely in its considerations of what metal’s deep underground (or at least some specific tunnels, crevices and dungeons tucked away in that underground) seems to find attractive right now, and at the same time, the band sounds completely authentic in its desire to pay the necessary fealty to certain much-honored names in the black metal pantheon. Check out Pükastuð (this reviewer advises that you do so), and you’ll hear some Beherit and pre-Viking-metal Bathory. Discerning listeners may also detect the influence of Börn, fellow inhabitants of Reykjavik whose excellent early sides had a strange production tone, somehow submerged and razor-edged at the same time. That’s already a weirding set of sounds, but Drýsildjöfull has other tricks up its grimy leathern sleeves.
As to those currently sexy metal modalities: Lots of the spooky kids collecting cassettes and haunting DIY basement shows are hip to dungeon synth — and the term “hip” is used here advisedly. More often than not, the form comes off as precious and vapid, an attempt at atavistic atmospherics that can’t help but parody itself. One can see the appeal for kvlty listeners: super limited cassette runs, ultra-primitive aesthetics, shadowy castle corridors and low-tech and no-tech magical rituals. Being in-the-know about the cool new release is another rendition of the aristocratic exclusivities some black metal types claim as their principal socio-cultural vibe. It’s not a far jump from there to vampire metal, and to the unpleasant varieties of ethno-nationalism that proliferate in that subgenre: who belongs to the chosen, who is a slave animal; Vlad in his castle, peasants running scared in the valley.
It's hard to know precisely what cultural politics motivates Drýsildjöfull, but the band’s aesthetics are well crafted. The Casiotone-quality synths are there from the jump, from the opening riffs of “Hefndir,” and they dominate a couple tracks at the close of the tape’s sides. The best songs on Pükastuð incorporate the synths inventively: check out their accenting role on “Bölvanir Og Plágur” and the tensile synth tones that alternate with oddly hollow ponging blips on “Allt Er Gull Sem Glitrar.” It’s not distracting; rather, it’s effectively oddball and even sort of eerie.
Most important, there’s a hugely winning madness about Pükastuð that captures the outsider sensibility crucial to all the musical forms the band plays with: punk, kvlt black metal, even dungeon synth when it’s not overly invested in its own schtick. There seems to be nothing posed about it. Drýsildjöfull is likely making the kooky, unpleasant noises the band needs to make, and it’s our luck that some of those noises have found their way onto tape. Better get one quick — those spooky kids love their limited-run cassettes. Cool j-card, too.
Jonathan Shaw
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liljakonvalj · 2 years
Things I find amusing; the Scandinavians wildly differing on which ages should get to see the 25th anniversary DVD of phantom of the opera
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[Image description: a photo of the back of a DVD case. At the bottom the age restrictions for the different countries says in order from left to right
Sverige -Barntillåten (sweden -allowed for children)
Danmark- tilladt for börn over 15 år (denmark- allowed for children over 15 years old)
Norge- aldersgrense 11 år (norway- allowed for children past 11 years old)]
Since the countries are so uneven i come to you tumblr for guidence:
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
🎵✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 1O of your favorite followers(non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨️🎵
Thanks for the tag @trashmouth-richie
1. 6 underground-Sneaker Pimps
2. Runner-Djo
3. Gloom-Djo
4. American Money - Börns
5. Look After You - The Fray
(I'm old, okay?)
Tags: @boomhauer @superblysubpar @myobmaya @loveshotzz @erin-bo-berin @lovlygrls @munsonology @corrodedcoffincumslut @vecnuthy @sllooney
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Kullbers has playrd on the left side too. Algave Cup for example. And Börn played at the euros as left center back. So I think no back up needed for Nilden.
Yea and like it's 1 game with 5 subs I don't see any defensive players being rotated
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