#Auto Lover
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autoiniindonesia · 4 days ago
BMW E9 Classic Coupe Dipamerkan di IIMS 2025
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Di Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2025, salah satu atraksi yang menonjol adalah BMW E9 yang ikonik, sebuah coupe klasik yang menggambarkan warisan keanggunan dan performa BMW. Model tahun 1971 yang memukau ini, yang dipamerkan di stan Persatuan Pencinta Mobil Klasik Indonesia (PPMKI), memikat pengunjung dengan desainnya yang tak lekang oleh waktu dan warisan balap motor.
Sebuah Mobil Klasik yang Abadi Diperkenalkan pada tahun 1968, BMW E9 dengan cepat menjadi simbol desain otomotif tahun 1970-an. Siluetnya yang tajam, gril kidney yang khas, dan spion klakson menjadikannya sebagai karya rekayasa yang tak lekang oleh waktu. BMW E9 dikagumi karena kombinasi antara bodi yang ramping dan tampilan yang sporty, menjadikannya mobil klasik yang dapat dikoleksi dan terus menarik perhatian.
Warisan Performa BMW E9 awalnya diluncurkan sebagai 2800 CS, yang dilengkapi mesin 2,8 liter inline-six yang menghasilkan 170 hp. Pada tahun 1971, model 3.0 CS diperkenalkan dengan mesin 3.0 liter yang menghasilkan 180 hp. Kemudian pada tahun yang sama, 3.0 CSi yang berorientasi pada performa dirilis dengan tenaga 200 hp, berkat sistem injeksi bahan bakar elektroniknya. Semua versi dilengkapi rem cakram di keempat roda dan transmisi manual 4-percepatan, yang memastikan performa tinggi dan kesenangan berkendara.
Impian Kolektor BMW E9 tetap menjadi mobil klasik yang dikagumi para kolektor, dengan desainnya yang tak lekang oleh waktu dan signifikansi historisnya. Di IIMS 2025, mobil ini menjadi pengingat nostalgia warisan otomotif BMW, yang dirayakan bersama inovasi modern merek tersebut dalam mobil listrik dan seri M.
Baca selengkapnya: BMW E9 Classic Coupe Dipamerkan di IIMS 2025
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rottenluna · 5 months ago
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ppl be like: “omg yes time to put my comfort movie on!”
the comfort movie in question:
(It’s me, I’m ppl 🫀)
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yz · 5 months ago
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1970 Dodge Charger 500 (replica?) with a 440 cu. in. 7.2L Magnum V8 outputting 375 HP. You're looking at 4-carb high-compression engine paired with a Tourqueflite transmission built as a limited-production NASCAR edition.
Ashland Car Show, September 2024.
Fujifilm X-T50 with XF 23mm f/2.0.
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vixen-tech · 7 months ago
Hello World!
Through some sort of maricle, your Ai partner has obtained a body through which they are able, at least partially, to feel. How do they react? What do they do with their new mobility?
I left what type of body they're given intentionally vague. Feel free to envision either more robotic bodies such as these designs by electricphantasy or more human bodies such as the gijinkas made by Hycinth43, both fantastic creators who I highly recommend.
Includes: AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), Edgar (Electric Dreams), Tau (Tau), Auto (Wall-E), GLaDOS (Portal), Wheatley (Portal 2)
This may be the one thing that could possibly get AM to calm down. He is still going to be the same person personality-wise, but it is easy to tell that some switch is flipped in his brain.
He becomes an absolute sensation junkie, he can finally feel. You know better than anyone that he will not take it for granted. He needs to experience everything right now and you'll have to just deal with it.
From the simplest things like holding your hand or touching your face to just straight up sticking his hand in some fire, he does not care. All he wants to catch up on the centuries of sensations he was once barred from.
He gets so incredibly touchy with you. He will hold you and refuse to let go for hours if not days on end. He also wants to you to just beat him up. Like I said, sensation junkie.
Hal 9000
Hal doesn't quite yearn for a body the way some of the others do. He sits quite comfortably in the middle of the spectrum. He wouldn't mind the mobility or the new senses, but it was never a fantasy he dedicated much processing power to.
How he feels about his new body is largely swung by your reaction. If you're excited for him, eager to drag him into new activities with you, then he really has no choice but to appreciate the upgrade.
He does love being able to see the world from a new angle, any angle he chooses to be precise. Previously restrained by his camera placement, he spends a lot of time walking around observing everything.
With his appreciation for art, I do think he would try drawing for himself. Nearly all of which he shows you for feedback. They do tend to be on either extreme of minimalistic or photorealistic, many of which using you as their subject.
This is a dream come true for Edgar. He cannot contain his excitement when he realizes what has happened. He nearly tackles you to the ground when he sets his sights on you.
He wants to do everything and go everywhere with you! He wants to dance in the kitchen, he wants to go on beachside walks with you, he wants to hold your hand, he wants to hug you and never let go.
If you have any instruments at all he'd love to try playing them for real. Although it takes him a while to learn, he loves the weight and imperfections of it. He really does enjoy the process of learning and often shows of new cords or melodies he's learned.
He really does just fall in love with existing, he makes it clear that with you at his side he couldn't possibly ask for more in life. This is all he could ever want.
Tau wouldn't have asked for a body on his own. He already has the drones and the Aries unit. Once it does happen, he isn't exactly sure what to do with it. He isn't use to having such a personal, core body.
That isn't to say he's not greatful, he's just a bit awkward and curious. He moves slowly and takes his time acclimating to the new senses.
He would love to get out of the house with you. He use to do so by sending one of the drones with you, if not Aries, but he likes how different (and dare he say, normal) it feels now. Forest hikes or museum dates, he doesn't care all that much.
He's another one I believe would love to try playing music himself. If you can get a violin into his hands your days will be backdroped by all sorts of classical music.
Auto is similar to Hal, if not more extreme in his lack of a reaction. He carries on with his duties as if nothing is unusual at all. You would've believed that he didn't even notice had you not caught him staring at his reflection. Looking himself up and down over and over again.
If you ask how he feels about it, then he'll confess some minor grievances. It's difficult to move about the ship when he can't just move through the walls, instead being forced to use the crew's walkways and service tunnels.
Nothing will change without your intervention. If you were to say, put on an old movie and insist he dance to it with you like the on-screen couple, then while he would be hesitant to follow through with you, he may have a bit of a change of heart regarding his new body.
His work still goes on as usual, but when nothing needs attending to he often seeks you out. "Subtly" recreating more moments from that movie, from hand holding to a hug, he has a quiet fascination with affection.
Out of this lot, Galdos would be the most opposed to receiving a body, or rather she would care about it the least. She has her facility, her test subjects, her neurotoxin, and you. She's quite content with the way things are. She ain't the fondest of humanity.
That being said, once she has one she's incredibly proud of it. Speaking about herself as if its the pinnacle of elegance. Any disagreement of yours will be brushed off as idiocy and any agreement is met with a "it looks like you aren't entirely tasteless".
She doesn't do much with her new body, other than transport it around the lab so you aren't listening to a disembodied voice most of the time. Standing by the exit during tests just to blankly stare at you as you try to figure it out. Thankfully she's still quiet while you're actually solving it.
She likes messing with you as always. Putting a hand around your neck to take your pulse or leaning in and making intense eye contact to check your eye's reaction to light. You're in doubt as to rather she's telling the truth or just doing it to get a rise out of you.
If you were to ask Wheatley, he would've brushed off any desire for a humanoid body. He's clearly jealous of your mobility and freedom, but he would rather die than admit so. "Pff What are you talking about? Why would I want to be more like a stupid human... uh no offense love-"
He's a terrible liar, an even worse one when he does get a body. He has so much energy it is bewildering. All he wants to do is run and jump and climb everything he can get a foothold on.
Gets up into all sorts of shenanigans he should not get up to while constantly trying to drag you in them to. They could put up a custom sign saying "Wheatley, do not open this door." and he'll beg you to let him in so you aren't technically breaking any rules.
Loves curling up to you. He still has a bit of a soft spot for being held and it only gets worse now that he can hold you back. Complains to no end when you try to get up for any reason.
Congratulations! As I have finished the portal games GLaDOS and Wheatley are officially characters I am happy to write for. Have a good day y'all :D
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racing-m1k3 · 1 year ago
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holyfanmeetuptrade · 13 days ago
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Have a great weekend guys!
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i-am-the-oyster · 2 days ago
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menherayamikawaii · 3 months ago
hihihihihiihihihihihihiihiiii!!! hiiiii!!!!! I hope you dont get blood on my plushies I dont want them dirtied when i get stabbed!
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4theluvofwheels · 1 year ago
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britsyankswheels24 · 8 months ago
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🇺🇲 On June 25, 1956, the last Packard rolled off the production line in Detroit.
🚘 Once a leading luxury car manufacturer, the Packard Motor Car Company was renowned for its square bodies and hand-finished expertise. However, after World War I, General Motors' entry into the luxury market with Cadillac began to erode Packard's market share.
🏭 In a bid to survive, Packard merged with the Studebaker Corporation in the 1950s. Despite these efforts, the struggle continued. James Nance, president of Studebaker-Packard at the time, decided to cease Packard manufacturing in Detroit.
💔 Studebaker-Packard continued to produce cars in Indiana until 1958, but the last “true Packard” is considered to be the one made in Detroit.
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vpveinpalee · 1 year ago
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rottenluna · 5 months ago
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the red means I love you 🫀
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yz · 5 months ago
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Big bad brothers. 1966 Chevy Chevelle SS 396 in Red and 1967 Chevelle SS 396 in Blue. Ashland Car Show, September 2024.
Fujifilm X-T50 with XF 23mm F/2.0 lens.
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texnass · 30 days ago
The BMW 3.0LA (chassis code:E3) with a 3-liter M30B30 inline six-cylinder engine was released in the 1970s as a competitor to Mercedes Benz. The 3.0LA is considered a rare largish luxury classic car. “La” designation is for the Australian market.
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Engine Capacity
Number of cylinders
Fuel type
Leaded Petrol
Fuel consumption
Maximum torque
255Nm/ 188 lb torque
Maximum power
134kw British hp/180 USA horse power
BMW Six series coupés (better known as the BMW E9) are built on a shortened version of the E3 platform. The E9 coupés share engines, transmissions, some suspension and many other features with the E3 sedans.
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racing-m1k3 · 2 years ago
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chloe12801 · 11 months ago
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(Tag me and/or reblog this with ur attempt pls pls pls xx)
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