sw:134 cw:112 gw:100 height:5'2"
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17cardboardboxes · 3 months ago
It doesn't matter how much weight I lose I'll still be ugly
But at least I won't be fat and ugly
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17cardboardboxes · 7 months ago
Cw 109
Yesterday's calories
Protein bar-200
Protein drink-150
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
Cw: 109.4 lbs
4.4 left to lose
I haven't had any strong urges to binge the past few days, which has been really nice. Unfortunately the fact that I'm not eating much is making me so tired, and my chest hurts almost all the time. I feel bad doing this to my body, and I can't wait till I get to my gw so I can just maintain. I'll loosen up my restrictions when I get to 105, so I won't be restricting like this for much longer.
Yesterday's calories
A monster-10
Diet soda-5
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
Cw 111lbs
Calories for yesterday
A protien bar-200
3 chips -about 50
1/4 cup ramen-about 100
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
116.8lbs to 111.6lbs after fasting for 48 hours
Lost 5.2, with 6.6 left to reach my goal of 105
I know I only lost a little fat, and the rest is just the weight of food, but I didnt crave food much while I was fasting, and I only broke it this morning because I didn't want to feel super tired at work, not because I couldnt control myself. If I can continue to not binge, I think I can reach 105 in about two weeks, which gives me a month to make sure I maintain it before school starts
Yesterday's calories (liquid fast)
Energy drink ~160 calories
Protien drink -150 calories
Burnt -2398
Net - 2088
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
I need more disipline or something to STOP FUCKING EATING
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
My only fear really is that I will binge and not be able to lose, or that I will gain weight from binging
So guys will like me more, Il look better in my clothes, look better without clothes, wont feel insecure in a bathing suit, won't have to worry about how my stomach looks as much, so people will think I look good, to make up for how my face looks, to make up for having small boobs, and to have a perfect body
So much. Starving myself made me obsessed with food, and now even when I try to eat normally and maintain, I still struggle to not stuff my face because I'm addicted to the dopamine it gives me.
They know I used to, and they didn't like it, and stopped me from dieting when they found out. But they think I'm better now, so I just have to hide it well
I lift to grow my glutes and upper body so my waist looks smaller, and so I don't get skinny fat. I don't really do cardio, cause I don't like it much, and you can't outrun a bad diet anyways
Not really, I'm pretty small already
Eating to help with boredom
Don't have one
I try to eat high protein, and a lot of low calorie veggies to help my not binge.
Unhealthy lol
Idk, probably 100 lbs. It's been my goal for over 5 years, and I hit it once, but I keep "recovering" and gaining back weight and I struggle with binging, so who knows when I'll hit it. I could get it in a month if I stay focused(which wont happen), but I hope I can before the end of the year
I was vegetarian before I started dieting, which is a good excuse to avoid food, but other than that it's not very helpful in my opinion
Five years ago in 8th grade when my mental health got bad and I started to hate myself
Anyone who does this list has an eating disorder
Chocolate, and any food nearby when people around me are eating
Idk, recently. I'm not very good at having an ed
Fasting tbh, when I start eating it's hard to stop getting "just a little more"
I'm a size 2 generally, or small/extra small
99 lbs. My parents found out, and stopped me from dieting, so instead I binged and gained 35 pounds over 2 years. And I've spent the last two years trying to lost it again.
Yes. The skinny actresses are always perceived as being more attractive
Pro ed stuff should be kept off of mainstream media like tiktok, but it's nice to have a community for people who look for one
Yes, I don't remember my first experience, but I use to be afraid of throwing up and I didn't know how to make it easier, so I'm sure it was not a good time
SKINNY WAIST, being smaller and eating to maintain, not lose
By binging lol. Sometimes I can trigger myself and distract myself with other things and stop myself from eating
I do, but I have big ass thighs, and I'd have to lose a lot to get one. I would rather keep some curves than have a thigh gap, so I pry will never have one. I care more about my stomach so a thigh gap isn't really a priority
I know it when I see it
I did these all in one day to distract myself lol
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
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Some of my favs, I'm obsessed with having a small, tight waist, but I still want some shape (an ass)
The one good thing about my weight gain is that I worked out while I pigged out, and got more muscle, now I just have to cut out the fat
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
I'm 5' 2", and I like being on the small side, but it makes gaining 10 pounds a lot more noticeable since there's less places for it to go
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
Re-doing this lol
Hw 134
Cw 116
Gw 105(for now)
Waist 25in
Hips 37in
Gonna do two days at a time because I'm bored
Weight 106
Height 5"2
My waist is like 23 inch
Hips are 32
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
Me when I gained 5 more pounds after this
Feeling bad about the weight that I gained till I saw the old weight still in my bio from a few months ago. I remember how happy I was to get to 112, and now I feel like shit because I got back to 110. I'll be able to lose it again.
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
oh, to be able to wear tank tops
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
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Me rn 115ish I feel massive but I can at least get to 105 before the end of summer easily
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17cardboardboxes · 8 months ago
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My favorite thinspo rn is me 6 months ago at 107lbs
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17cardboardboxes · 1 year ago
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17cardboardboxes · 1 year ago
If only my metabolism worked as fast as my anxiety. 🥀☕🍽️
Leave 1$ for everytime you binged this week. (Really I just need a college fund)
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17cardboardboxes · 1 year ago
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