#Autistic Basil
basilpaste · 1 month
"not all autistics are low-empathy!!!! some are really high-empathy!!!!!" okay cool good great. but are you like... normal about autistics who are low-empathy, though? because people with low empathy exist and are normal people. are you normal about them?
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ssoupcup · 1 year
tw // life size portrait, vanity, questionable morals, aging, supernaturally not aging, locked rooms, murder, people named after herbs
you guys won't believe what just happened
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wolfy-star1401 · 2 months
Little! Basil of baker street moodboard/Outfitboard
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@sw124 @i-ate-your-children @i-love-the-little-things @thedreemer-artrequestsopen @dragon-queen21 @babyspace-sfw @iceagere @theogclownboy @beautifulcrownmusic @eflen-n-reegee
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mouserissa · 8 months
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For those who headcanon him as autistic; and for those, like me, who are on the spectrum and love him. ❤️
Free for use as long as you credit me! :)
These will be available for purchase on RedBubble soon. Stay tuned!
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yellow-dress-basil · 8 days
Idk what I’ve done to make the universe so mad at me.
Another rough day. I had a 3 hour virtual class this morning and my cat attacked me half way through my intro so on top of the extreme social anxiety and difficulty with sitting in front of my computer for 3 hours (no breaks) I also had to deal with that.
Then, my wife and I went to Target to get home stuff and my rigidity was extra bad so we almost got in a fight.
Then when we were rearranging our room my wife dropped my Monstera and it broke 3 leaves and lost a ton of dirt and I had a meltdown about it which made her feel guilty even though I didn’t wanna do that so I felt guilty about the meltdown even though I couldn’t help it.
Then, I was going to reheat the last 2 slices of pizza for dinner and they fell off the plate on the way out of the microwave so I also lost my whole dinner and had a complete breakdown.
And now I feel guilty cuz my wife is making me mac n cheese cuz I’m like, immobile at this point.
Autism really is a disability huh
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ominous-feychild · 3 months
Guys I literally JUST realized a thing about my autism/masking/alexithymia. I noticed there was an alexithymia tag here on tumblr and when I investigated, there was this one post listing these symptoms:
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and I just--
I've had these exact, MAJOR struggles through my whole life for one.
But for two, and what's really interesting in my opinion...
Yesterday, I was having a video call with my mom. I've been off of some medications that I'm supposed to be taking because of financial issues, so my mental is NOT in a great place and I've had NO spoons for the past month. But while on call with her, she seriously, unironically, asked me if I thought I really needed the meds. Because, apparently, I "wasn't acting like I needed them" or something like that. And I'm sure I don't need to explain why that pissed me tf off.
But, like... at the time, the closest thing I could come up with for an answer was that "I have no spoons and no energy to do anything"; "I lived 17 years without meds, I kind-of know how to fake it"; and "I haven't had much socializing lately, so I have enough Social Energy™ to fake being okay right now."
Now that I'm not being put on the spot and after reading that post, I'm slowly figuring out that I've always done this. I mean, I've obviously always struggled to describe my own emotions and need to analyze my physical reactions to figure them out, but like. I'm just now starting to realize that I've really struggled to describe exactly how I'm "feeling bad" or, in fact, that I am feeling bad at all.
I mean, again, considering the alexithymia, that last part is a given. But it's kinda putting into perspective exactly how I've always had to understand "I don't have the energy to do anything" or "it's incredibly difficult to do anything" or "something deep inside of me feels Wrong™ and I can neither address nor identify it". I'd just passively have those "feelings" and struggle to continue life despite them.
It brings back thoughts of my struggles with masking, and how I was never diagnosed with autism as a child. Looking back, it should've been incredibly obvious. I had SO many of the tell-tale signs. But I guess it wasn't today, and there wasn't anywhere near as much awareness of what those signs were... but really. Textbook.
I'm sure my masking made it more difficult to recognize the signs as I got older. Hell, I even read over different "autism diagnosis checklist"s countless times, thinking to myself "oh wow it's a lot like me!... exceeeeeptttt--" and moved on from there.
I keep digressing. My point is, since discovering my autism and how it was hidden by masking, I've always wondered where my mask ends and where I begin. Most of the time, I feel like I feel nothing, even when I'm not depressed. I've been told I don't show my emotions, like when I'm happy (aka my chest is light and I feel free). That, or people can't tell when I like/dislike them (though that's partially a trauma thing). Other times, I've been told I'm smiling when I didn't even realize I was happy, much less that I was actually smiling. Some people have told me I'm incredibly easy to read, that my emotions show very clearly. But how can they when I feel like I feel nothing?
Which leads me back to what I said earlier, my conversation with my mother. How she asked if I actually need my meds because "I don't seem like I do". I guess I kind-of understand now, why she might've seen it that way. Do most people always show signs of how they actually feel? And how does the fact that I "don't feel" effect what I show?
I've wondered about that for a while. How much of how I act is because I was trained to, one way or another? How much of the emotion I show is because I learned to? Do I even show the emotions I feel? I really can't know because the people I know irl, who would better be able to tell me how I act, aren't understanding of any of these things. My older sister is lowkey ableist and thinks she sees the grand plan of the universe, my mother is too "pull yourself up by the bootstraps!!!" to accept Spoon Theory or mental health struggles, and just about everyone else in my life comes and goes as quickly as the wind.
Anyhow, this was a long rant that I've kinda had half-formed thoughts about for a while. Thanks for reading, hopefully this can help or entertain whoever stumbles upon this?
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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Basil stimming redraw,, - Sunny
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d34d-ch4nn · 2 months
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Basil stimboard
(Credits to gif makers<3)
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 2 months
Basil from omori (preferably the faraway version, aka the less colorful one with normal tones)
Basil from Omori is Autistic!
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crowbasils · 3 months
What do you think about autistic Basil headcanon?
I made a post about this, I relate to him a lot and I see a lot of his behavioral patterns in me.
YES. i see it!! and i’ve been meaning to talk about the possibility of basil being autistic for quite a while, so, i’ll talk about it here. it’s harder to see it in comparison to sunny’s since he’s most likely masking (which sunny doesn’t really do), but it’s still there!!
(this tweet will kinda be a mess, since it’s not like an analysis analysis. if i’m wrong, please do correct me!)
according to the nhs (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/signs/children/) signs of autism in older children include:
- not seeming to understand what others are thinking or feeling
- unusual speech, such as repeating phrases and talking ‘at’ others
- liking a strict daily routine and getting very upset if it changes
- having a very keen interest in certain subjects or activities
- getting very upset if you ask them to do something
- finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on their own
- taking things very literally – for example, they may not understand phrases like "break a leg"
- finding it hard to say how they feel
from what we know about him & from what the duet cutscene says, he was alone for most of his life before meeting the friend group. he also has a line (though said by headspace basil) about this! while that may not necessarily be a sign of autism, it’s what he says next that stands out to me.
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“you’ve all taught me so much… how to care for others and how to care for myself too!”
that specific line stands out to me because of how it tells us that basil wasn’t always as caring and cheery as he was as a 12 year old. he learned from his friends—through experience with them, and through observation.
he’s also implied to have a hard time making friends. other than aubrey (who he likely met later in his life rather than in early childhood like sunny and kel), he had no friends before that. how awkward he is in the cutscene where aubrey introduces him to her new-found friend group also implies that he hasn’t had experience with friends. (he also looks like he’s somewhat ‘copying’ aubrey’s smile, just in a more awkward way)
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basil most likely has difficulty when it comes to identifying feelings—specifically ones he hasn’t experienced himself. such as the fear of spiders. he doesn’t seem to get that others can fear spiders due to how he doesn’t fear spiders and sees them as a positive instead.
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(icon can’t be seen due to my bad internet, but it’s headspace basil. a lot of the headspace basil lines in blackspace and omori route help when it comes to understanding his character better. stranger’s lines help as well :3)
(it should be noted, though, that otherwise, he’s good at reading sunny specifically. may not be a sign of it on itself, but taking into consideration that sunny is also likely autistic, it might be. both of them understand each other despite their childhood different experiences due to it.)
he’s also… pretty bad at articulating and identifying feelings.
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“…but the words don’t come out.”
“i don’t know if i should apologize”
“but why does part of of me still cling on?”
the feeling of not knowing if you should apologize or not, the inability to form words and articulating yourself, the feeling of not knowing why you do something… that counts, right?
basil has a very keen interest in plants and flowers. he memorized the symbolism of the flowers that the he assigned to the friend group, and we see plants all over and even outside basil’s house.
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he also insists on only taking photos of people when they’re not posing for him and genuinely expressing emotion (which does give the headcanon of him observing expressions and feelings through the photo album a little more merit :3)
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from OMORI canon, we know how attached he is to the past and how he dislikes sudden changes. it’s why the photo album exists, it’s why he says “everything will be okay”, it’s why he did what he did. this is something that both sunny and basil have in common!
to me, basil is an autistic person who learned how to mask because he’s afraid to be seen as weird by his friends & others. his relationship with sunny is the only one where he’s able to drop that mask and be “free” in a sense. post-incident basil tries to mask too, but fails at it since he has… a lot more going on his mind.
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
giving all your ocs the alien ikea plushie. shrinking two of them a little bit for basil and sasha
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anton loves it so much he says thank u
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year
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I tried
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rhymeswithfart · 16 days
Dear friends 🙏
Please donate 🙏
I'm a father of four children and we are live in a tent , my children suffering from disease because of the tent is not suitable for live💔💔 Please help my children by donating
Please help me and my family to evacuate from gaza🙏
Verified by /@sar-soor
I hope this will help. I will add images to tag more things. Please boost, everyone.
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wolfy-star1401 · 3 months
A little agere edit out of boredom
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Tag : @sw124 @i-ate-your-children @i-love-the-little-things @dragon-queen21 @theogclownboy @babyspace-sfw @nottapossum
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doktoredelweiss · 2 months
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Here is a random Basil having a crisis sketch because there was a stain on my sketchbook page
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yellow-dress-basil · 2 days
I didn’t realize that July was disability pride month???
First - hell yeah! Two months of pride for me in a row!
Second - I got my diagnoses at the end of July, which is kinda the ultimate celebration!
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