#Authentic Pinterest followers
sociocosmos · 9 months
Lost in the Pinterest wilderness? Feeling adrift in a sea of generic boards and ghost followers? Fear not, fellow Pin-terested soul! SocioCosmos is your compass, guiding you towards explosive growth and dazzling engagement.
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heywriters · 15 days
Details That Convey Intimacy
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Developing fictional relationships that feel authentic takes more than dialogue and grand gestures. Every detail below can be used to show platonic, familial, agape, or romantic love depending on context.
cooking a meal for someone, bringing them food, or spontaneously sharing a snack
sharing body heat/warming someone with outerwear like jackets and scarves
fanning them with something if overheated
getting a cold/hot drink for them
offering to carry something, whether it's heavy or just a jacket, to lighten someone's load or free up their hands
more below the click!
changing the subject of a group conversation that will be personally discomforting to someone in the group
making sure to include someone in a group conversation, especially if it's a topic they have special knowledge of
waiting for someone to catch up when the rest of the group has walked ahead
remembering preferences/allergies ahead of time when preparing/ordering food
planning trips, whether in a pair or as a group, that provide something positive for every individual to enjoy
procuring personal healthcare items like sunscreen, moisturizer, lip balm, pain relievers, or a snack and keeping them on hand for that friend who frequently needs them
making room for someone in a crowded vehicle or on public transit
making room for someone under an awning or in another limited space to help them avoid bad weather
warning or wordlessly covering for someone with a wardrobe/cosmetic malfunction
remembering a small luxury someone mentioned they enjoy, and getting it for them the next time it's convenient
running an errand for someone to make their day easier ('importance of errand : depth of relationship' ratio should be explored)
escorting someone to safety in a sudden unsettling event
escorting someone who is drunk, sick, infirm, injured, or emotionally compromised
asking if light, noise, or other sensory factors are bothering someone and taking steps to make them more comfortable
getting gag gifts for someone to show you reciprocate their sense of humor or quirky self-expression (not everyone does this, not everyone appreciates it, and some people predominantly express love through humor and gag gifts; works well with some characters more than others)
holding someone's hand or arm as reassurance, especially when they are afraid*
using their body to block someone from wind, rain, or heat
picking up a dropped item, or carrying a train or other dragging garment for someone else
returning a recognizable possession to someone who may have lost it
This is an inexhaustible list as humans have many ways of showing love for each other. If you are writing spec fic with non-human characters, you can play with variations on these by remembering three core values the "lover" has to consider:
physical comfort of others
emotional comfort of others
social reputation of others
I'd add "sensory comfort" though I think it's tied to physical and emotional comfort.
Please do not try and force any of these into the mold of the misogyny-based "Love Language" trend. Human emotions and expressions of love are diverse and endless.
*While hand holding can be construed as romantic, in reality it varies. Some cultures do not see this as romantic, and some individuals only mean it as a sign of support or compassion. Same goes for long embraces and kissing, both can be done platonically and of course naturally between close family members or friends.
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daisys-reality · 4 months
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── ☔ꜞ˖ ꒰ 𝙿𝙰𝙲: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚢 ꒱
Hello my fellow shifters, here is your ☔ reading which you've voted for!
Do you want to know why all of this is exactly happening? Do you want guidance and answers because you want to know where you’re standing in your shifting journey and how to move forward? What are you heading towards exactly? I’ll try to find answers to such questions for you in this reading. Choose a picture and enjoy your reading!
Also check out my  masterlist if you want! Fyi I don't own any of these beautiful pics, they're all from pinterest. 🤍
Why were you meant to find shifting? What is your (higher) reason for finding shifting? (for personal shifting reasons, please check out my other pac reading)
To develop your creative force, to be more daring and to follow your passion and ideas, to make you follow your dreams, to trigger growth, to give you a spark for new beginnings, to recover the joy of life/the magic of life
To give you strength in trying times (mental/health struggles, feeling rejected by this world, feeling lonely and not understood, …), to help you endure those almost impossible trials in your (cr) life, to help you stay resilient, to strengthen your resolve and faith
To evoke a nostalgia for sweeter times, to find your innocence again, to connect with specific people/souls, some people want to connect with you, to strengthen your connection with spirituality/the world of spirits, to go on adventures and partly to re-experience childhood especially if you felt like you missed out a lot in your younger years, to experience love/soul connection in other realities
This message only applies to people with specific spiritual beliefs: if you feel like you have a specific purpose in this life, it might actually be a major purpose for which you need to be strong, that’s why you experienced so many hard lesson in your life until now, shifting is there to make your experience in this reality a little bit easier/enjoyable, to give you strength to keep going because there is something great waiting for you, for some it feels like an exceptionally strong soul connection (!!), for some of you it feels a bit like a so called “twinflame” connection that is finally tuning into the same frequencies in this human life/reality - if you believe in this type of connections
Major theme in your journey: Learning something specific?
To learn to connect with yourself and your emotions on a deeper level, expressing yourself wholly and authentically with youthful purity, to learn to love yourself and other as well as learning to enjoy your experience here and in other places/realities, to make use of your sensitivity and to develop your own spiritual beliefs, to just have fun and to let things happen to you, no one and no thing(reality) is bigger, better or more important than you - there is no hierarchy, there is no specific worth you need to have - you are able and “allowed” to experience anything you desire whether it is true love, freedom, adventure, joy, comfort or just silly romance. No one is deciding above your head on what you may or may not do in this universe. It's important that you understand this. (Connecting, loving and expressing/communicating seem to be very significant here in general)
The difference between you right now and the you in the ‘future’ that finally succeeds (shifting)
Disclaimer: ‘Future’ is a loose word and time is not really real anyways. So, everything that is not the ‘present’ or the ‘past’, represents the future. ‘future you’ can be you in a second, you after reading this or you in a week etc.
‘Future you’ embodies the queen of swords energy. ‘Future you’ is strong and knows it. You will know that you're protected, you will be fearless and fierce, unbiased and independent. You will stay calm and open minded while still being firm (not accepting less than your ‘goal’, firm boundaries + direct communication), not giving in because ‘future you’ knows that it’s only fair that you succeed - you’re meant to succeed, you’re meant to shift. You’ll see your situation with open eyes, mind and heart, remaining positive and not losing hope. Your insights will make your beliefs stronger, therefore your faith will become also strong and unwavering. You. Will. Shift. Periodtt.
Advice for you right now:
Keep looking and acknowledging the signs around you, focus on recovery (your health, your energy etc.), forgive and fully release your past. be in the present moment and be free. 
Timing: “Create space (in your mind, life etc.) for it to happen sooner”, “Release any attachment to timing”, “Time is still unknown” (the energy is mutable)
Thanks for reading!🤍☔
Why were you meant to find shifting? What is your (higher) reason for finding shifting? (for personal shifting reasons, please check out my other pac reading)
To learn/practice long term commitment, to become more determined in life, to learn how to complete a “project”, to be decisive
To awaken the power of self, to build balance, to find your inner beauty and learning to appreciate it, to build your self-esteem, to give you the ability to see a future for yourself
To  understand the spiritual nature of life, to develop your intuitive abilities, and your grace in dealing with others
To increase your knowledge and wisdom, to learn to listen to your subconsciousness, to get encouraged to form your own conclusions, to recognize your vast yet subtle powers, to become a mystery in the eyes of others
Major theme in your journey: Learning something specific?
Learning more about spirituality and other spiritual beliefs and practices, finding your joy in those things, learning about & developing your new spiritual gifts or abilities, getting closer to spirit world
Learning how to make use of your emotions/feelings and your compassion, learning how to be more receptive to creative opportunities and loving connections, and to be more deeply compassionate for other living beings
Creating the start of a new life and a new version of yourself
Learning and practicing self reflection, making important decisions for yourself and about yourself (ex. who do you want to be, etc.)
The difference between you right now and the you in the ‘future’ that finally succeeds (shifting)
Disclaimer: ‘Future’ is a loose word and time is not really real anyways. So, everything that is not the ‘present’ or the ‘past’, represents the future. ‘future you’ can be you in a second, you after reading this or you in a week etc.
‘Future you’ knows that your life will drastically change and there is no going back, the change is necessary. ‘Future you’ went through a metamorphosis and is embodying the ‘king of swords' energy combined with the energy of volcano deity Pele. Your power will be enhanced by your wisdom. ‘Future you’ is wild and free, capable of anything, patient and persevering. ‘Future you’ knows exactly what to do to succeed. ‘Future you's’ approach to shifting will be very structured and disciplined, while your mind force (will power + confidence) will be wild and uncontrollable like an explosion or the eruption of a volcano. ‘Future you’ cannot be held back, shifting is inevitable at that point.
Advice for you right now:
Reconsider your current mindset one more time, spend time reflecting and ask for help from others, perhaps communicate your current ideas/plans with someone close to you to gain another perspective, communicate clearly (specifically with yourself), focusing on romance might have a positive influence!
Timing: “When you’re truly ready for it”, “Don’t lose hope”, “Create space (in your mind) for it to happen sooner” >prepare the metamorphosis<, “Gain more knowledge/wisdom”, “Meditating brings answers” 
Thanks for reading!🤍☔
Why were you meant to find shifting? What is your (higher) reason for finding shifting? (for personal shifting reasons, please check out my other pac reading)
To have the opportunity to fulfill all your many dreams and aspirations. You might have so many that you wouldn’t be able pursue them in “just one normal life”
To stop procrastination and to choose and go after the things you desire in life
To learn to differentiate between “illusion and reality” especially in regards to what you really want to experience and what you think you want to experience… some opportunities can often lead to a major disaster (if you’re someone who romanticizes dangerous realities… shifting there might not be the best idea, buddy)
to leave seemingly good things behind in the pursuit of higher ideals, to go deeper into introspection and starting to seek the truth and to come to realizations about yourself and about life/universe etc.
Major theme in your journey: Learning something specific?
(This is very specific and only relates to those who have special s/o:) Going through a rocky connection with someone who is probably from another reality and going through all these feelings/moods/longing in this “long distance connection”... I feel like this is about one specific person and you developed feelings for them..? Even though you’re pretty much opposites, you complement each other well and I think you feel this too… Learning how to love healthily is a theme in your journey…even ideal relationships still face difficulties, right? 
Learning how to create a stable lifestyle/mindset and to actively be thankful towards yourself but also for the things you have gained and experienced and to cherish them and the people who support you
Your shifting journey is the built up to your happily-ever-after (your reunion with someone specific and the start of many happy moments) 
The difference between you right now and the you in the ‘future’ that finally succeeds (shifting)
Disclaimer: ‘Future’ is a loose word and time is not really real anyways. So, everything that is not the ‘present’ or the ‘past’, represents the future. ‘future you’ can be you in a second, you after reading this or you in a week etc.
‘Future you’ is grounded, down-to-earth and very practical and organized. They are always on the move, improving, perhaps even teaching others, sharing their experiences and realizations. They are starting to be very secure in their beliefs and they are eager to travel the universe. Also, they feel abundant in energy, they are very self reflected and therefore overall balanced and stable in their home/cr life. ‘Future you’ acts very motherly towards themself - pushing themself when it needs to be and taking care of themself when they need a rest. ‘Future you’ does not lose their temper when things go ‘awry’, they always keep moving steadily towards their plans/goals
‘Future you’ overcomes the procrastination and follows their passion with much force. They are not scared of what is to come because they are so secure within that they feel comfortable enough to be daring in the pursuit of their goals.
Advice for you right now:
You might have to change your focus right now or rethink your current plans - there is another path that leads to more big happy changes. Always remain positive, don’t stop or procrastinate -  take action!
Timing: “Refocus and stop waiting for it”, “Trust that it will happen when the time is right”, “Summer time” (- perhaps in 2 months from now? August could be lowkey an important/happy month for you and your journey…)
Thanks for reading!🤍☔
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paladinsbrainrot · 1 month
matt duffer's pinterest ???
warning: potential spoilers for st5! proceed at your own risk
so this person on twitter apparently found matt duffer's pinterest account, which, if real, poses some SUPER interesting information about st5.
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a list created 1 year ago with pins similar to what vecna's mindscapes look like titled "max world"?
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a list created 1 year ago titled "st spinoff" with various vintage/50s inspired towns?
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not to mention all these lists...
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i am highly suspicious of the authenticity of this account because i doubt matt duffer would spoil some elements of st5 on a pinterest account literally called 'matt duffer' that is easily available to everyone and is super easy to find, but then again.... this account has been running actively for at least four years. i doubt someone wanting to impersonate him would keep the gag running that long. (that, and, it has taken a while to find this account. i think an impersonator would give up the shtick after they realize this is reaching virtually no one)
i think i have some evidence to back up that this is actually matt duffer though.
in 2020, around the time when they would have been starting production on st4, the account made this list called 'scar'
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i have a feeling this could have been matt visualizing scars on fred, or maybe even victor creel. fred has a scar that travels along his left cheek, though it's not as dramatic as these pins.
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could be victor because of the one with the eye though.
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another pinterest account, michael maher jr, was also featured as a collaborator on some of these lists (the account follows matt duffer's as well) and has some interesting lists as well. i think it's worth noting that this guy is literally an emmy nominated concept artist that has worked with stranger things before. this is his official instagram, if you'd like to check it out.
i don't really want to delve into this guy's account because these lists could contain some inspo for other projects that he's doing but you're welcome to view it on your own.
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this just begs the question: why would an impersonator go all these lengths to impersonate a concept artist ON TOP of matt duffer and run it consistently for four years?? it seems like too much work.
obviously, take everything you see here with a grain of salt. this could also very well be matt duffer trolling with us. but i think it's worth checking out!!!!
edit: please do not take this super seriously, he has harringrove saved on one of the boards lol
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
starting and managing ur blog⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍰
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so you wanna start a blog? in this post i’ll break down effective ways to start, manage and maintain a blog (from my own experience of course) i hope u find this helpful ✨
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to have a blog you need an idea or concept about what your blog will be about. make your blog about either something that you know a lot about/are proficient in.
or blog about something that u are learning about as a way to track ur progress and learn new information. you could blog about something that you love a lot etc etc. 
what is your aesthetic? for me it’s hyper feminine and pink and just DIVINE. when u choose and stick to an aesthetic it’ll give ur blog kind of a signature which is important for the rest of this post. 
when u have an aesthetic in mind for ur blog make sure that you have plenty of pins on pinterest that mesh nicely with ur aesthetic so u can find things like headers, dividers, photos and emojis that suit the aesthetic of ur blog. 
pinterest is my holy grail for resources. there u can find headers and photos to use in ur posts to give ur audience something visually pleasing to look at while they read ur post. 
what ur gonna want to start off ur blog aesthetic and theme is ; 
a header 
a color scheme (for coloring/bolding words. and the colors for ur blog page in general)
an informative bio 
a pfp 
if u want to run a well organized blog there are a couple posts that i think are beneficial for u to make. in fact the most important post that i think any blog should have is a MASTERLIST.
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master lists are great for a multitude of things. they help ur audience to navigate ur blog easier and see all that you have to offer in one convenient tap of their finger. plus when u make navigating ur blog easy, more people will experience ur content which will mean more interactions with ur post.
not only does it help the audience but it also helps u to know what u did and didn’t post, so that u can plan effectively for the future. it’s also a fun way to see how much u posted. i recommend making a new masterlist every year or when you can’t put any more links onto it 💀. if u want a reference for a good masterlist you can check out mine right here.
consistency is key in anything and everything and blogging is no exception. i recommend not blogging in a competitive nature, rather i think in order to be consistent with something like a blog you should genuinely just do it for funsies/passion and as a way to have ur own authentic creative outlet.
i don’t have a set posting schedule bcuz i don’t want blogging to feel like a chore when in reality it’s just a hobby that happened to gain an audience because people enjoyed it. and because people enjoy what i write, it in return makes me happy and wanna write more.
i cannot stress this enough but when u have a platform whether it’s small or big individuality sets you apart! have something that sets u apart like personalized hash-tags, a way that u talk, etc etc. 
personalize hash-tags with things like emojis. also, USE UR HASHTAGS because when someone looks up something like “self improvement” your post will be what they see if u add those hashtags.
furthermore if u personalize those hashtags it sets u apart and gives ur blog a kind of brand and individuality in a way. like a signature at the end of a post.
what posts you’ve done/want to do
upcoming projects or ideas that u have
how your following/interactions are growing or shrinking
how much $ u get from tips
inbox questions or dms to answer
your plans and goals
your personalized hashtags
i hope this post was helpful to anyone who has been thinking about or wants to create their own blog, i encourage you to do so ✨
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 4 months
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll Tips: Running + Managing a Blog! ୭₊˚ 💿🎀
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll tips!! ˙𓈒 𓏸 ; Hey Hey Dolls!! Welcome back 2 Doll Tips!! Where i give you tips and tricks in literally anything u want today i got and ask from a lovely new follower ! on advice for starting a manifestation blog!! So lets get into it!! 🎀 @liyahaffirmed
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₊˚💿✩ 1; Posting Ideas !! ୭₊˚
When it comes to manifestation there are lots of topics you can post about its quite a diverse topic & community with lots of different opinions on different things some manifestation topics you can post about
Ignoring The Unfavorable/3D
Things to manifest
Manifesting Techniques
Conciseness etc.
₊˚ 🏩✩ 2 ; Aesthetics !! ୭₊˚
Aesthetics are important for almost any social media platform not only to make you recognizable, showcasing authenticity & because who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures and fonts for me personally i don’t follow a set aesthetic more so i showcase my authentic self with things i like and i try not to categorize myself with a certain aesthetic but its still fine to take inspiration here and there make your posts authentically your own!!
₊˚🪼✩ 3 ; Decorate it !! ୭₊˚
Who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures?? when decorating your posts/blog you wanna make sure that its not only fun to look it but also make sure you have your own signature look/trade mark it could really be anything you want it 2 you can find super cute images/symbols on Pinterest and tumblr but also you wanna make your own 2 be recognizable you can utilize this all through your blog like
Fonts/Word coloring
dividers (be sure 2 give creds to og creators)
color schemes
master list
personalized hashtags!
₊˚ 🌸✩ 4 ; Posting Schedule + Organization !! ୭₊˚
Running a blog can sometimes be a tedious process especially if you have other things to do so what i like 2 do is make a posting schedule for certain dates and have my posts organized and ready 2 be posted i have a table spread sheet on my notion of different types of posts and when i posts them also you can utilize the queue feature so you can post without having to forget!!
₊˚🎀✩ 5 ; Consistency is Key !! ୭₊˚
When i first started my blog i only posted like small little affirmation posts but when i really started to take this seriously and keep pushing out blog posts i started to gain s following and now i have literally my biggest social media platform on my tumblr
also not being consistent will not only let you down but also your viewers because you may not realize it but people will actually love your blog more than you think!!
₊˚⭐️✩ 6 ; Negativity !! ୭₊˚
At times you will get nasty messages in your ask box,reblogs or even a comment section and literally just ignore these people especially the anon asks they’re too scared to just say it to your face so they wanna be little pricks and throw reads and you and buck at you for no reason just delete the asks,ignore it or sometimes you can also throw a read back st them and sometimes they won’t even respond because they’re essentially little punks or like to mess with people 4 no reason
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recycledmoviecostumes · 9 months
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Cecil Beaton designed this mint green and mocha-colored ball gown for use in the 1964 film adaptation of My Fair Lady, where it was worn by an extra attending the Embassy Ball. The dress made a blink and you’ll miss it appearance on an extra in the beloved 1980 film Somewhere in Time. 
The dress was auctioned by Profiles in History (now defunct, having partnered with Heritage Auctions) in 2016, but it went unsold. It was one of several specialty My Fair Lady lots released directly from the Warner Brothers Archive, so it was likely sent back to them after the auction.
The auction describes the gown as follows:
Consisting of a mocha and mint green satin floor-length gown with lattice lace short sleeves, an overlay of floral lace to body, a large integral bias bow at the waist, a falling train formed by two flowing hoops of gradient satin streamers that transition from mocha to green, with hook and eye back closure. Retaining Warner Bros. Pictures Inc. bias label. Worn by a background performer in the lavish Embassy Ball scene. Exhibiting tearing to lace overlay and fading to satin in areas. In production used very good condition. Accompanied by an original Warner Bros. Studios Certificate of Authenticity.
Costume Credit: Bmiranda97
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starsstuddedsky · 1 year
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Slice of Love
Haechan x reader
summary: birthday cake and boyfriend material
genre: fluff, non idol au, not really angst but haechan is so dramatic
warnings: swearing, food/dessert, i dont know anything about art, pls lmk if i missed any
wc: 1.8k (who is she???)
a/n: finally wrote something short and sweet :) it's been so long since i've done that lol. this is heavily inspired by 7dream cafe cake-making and my full belief that none of these boys should be unsupervised in the kitchen. thank you to @chocolatemilk139 for being my beta as always <3 (even though you didnt edit anything smh)
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It’s not horrendous.
Donghyuck stares at the cake in front of him. The process started well: he made the tester cake last week week that the council (also known as his friends) approved with generous support (“wait, what’s actually kind of good,” from Jeno, “it’s edible,” from Renjun, “the hint of orange really sells it,” from Jaemin, “it’s not burnt so it’s already better than anything I could make,” from Mark, “you didn’t buy this?” from Chenle, and Jisung, who just stared at him with wide eyes). 
No, the problem isn’t the batter. He slaved over it all last night and chose the two cakes that rose most evenly in the oven. Everything but his tears went into making them. 
“Wow,” Renjun says, leaning over the counter. “You fucked up.” 
Donghyuck smacks him, leaving a trail of lavender buttercream on the wool sweater. 
“Hey, that’s going to be a bitch to get out!” Renjun cries. 
“Cry me a river,” Donghyuck says, “which is a good song, but also, you deserve it. It’s not that bad.” 
Renjun raises his eyebrows but Donghyuck raises a spoonful of extra frosting. Renjun backs off. 
Despite his strong defense, Donghyuck fears Renjun may be right. Though the cake stands tall, crumbs mix in with the frosting on the sides. What was supposed to be an artistically plump edging around the base of the cake and around the top corner looks like it exploded out of the piping bag (because it did, popping the cap off several times). In his head, the center would be filled with flowers and hearts and all sorts of pretty shapes in all sorts of pastel colors—but by the time he got to the center, he’d fully given up on piping bags, meaning he had to get creative for the flowers. Instead of flowers, he made blobs of frosting pushed off a spoon. In some spots he accidentally mixed the colors together, a green one shade away from brown, not at all like the field in the pictures on his Pinterest board. 
Jeno appears next, wandering out of his room. He misses Renjun’s warning glare, though Donghyuck doesn’t. He steps right next to Donghyuck, tilting his head. “What is this supposed to be again?” 
“What do you think?” Donghyuck asks evenly. 
Oblivious or uncaring, Jeno pauses to ponder. “A really ugly version of Shrek’s swamp?” 
“Get out.” 
“Get out of ma’ swamp!” Jeno attempts a Scottish accent, authenticity as questionable as the flower field in Donghyuck’s cake. Jeno retreats with Renjun on the couch, dodging Donghyuck’s frosting spoon. It would be a waste of the delicacy on his stupid dri-fit t-shirt, which he wears even when he doesn’t work out. 
“It’ll be fine,” Jaemin says. “It’ll taste good, which is the important part.” He sits at the counter, the only one to offer moral support while Donghyuck decorated. But his attempts at comfort are in vain; Donghyuck doesn’t just want the cake to taste good, he wants it to taste perfect, to look perfect, for all of it to be perfect. It’s the least you deserve. 
Donghyuck ignores the banging on his door, letting one of the guys let Chenle and Jisung in (no one else would threaten to break down a metal door instead of waiting the five seconds it takes to unlock the door). 
“We come bearing food!” Chenle shouts, plastic bag singing in his hand as Jisung follows precariously carrying a stack of pizza boxes. Far more food than needed, but Donghyuck won’t skimp out on you. Chenle tosses his bag full of snacks on the table, crossing the room to see the ‘masterpiece’ Donghyuck spent the past week hyping up. 
“Dude, are you seriously going to give that to YN?” 
“Are you trying to get dumped?” Jisung asks. “Ow!” he cries when Chenle smacks him. 
“Your welcome,” he says, “though he sort of has a point, that looks like literal shit.” 
“Does it really?” Donghyuck pouts. 
Chenle points at one of the browner spots. “You’re telling me that’s not a piece of shit?” 
“They were supposed to be flowers.” 
Jaemin, Renjun, and Jisung manage to cover their laughs as coughs but Chenle and Jeno let out a bark of laughter. 
“Yeah, you’re screwed,” Chenle says, clapping him on his shoulder that sags even lower than his normal bad posture. “You could call Mark and get him to pick up a cake on his way.” 
“He’s bringing YN,” Donghyuck says glumly. “Besides, I already told YN that I would make it myself. I’m not going to be a failure and a liar.” 
“It’s really not that bad,” Jaemin says, ignoring the chorus of dissent from the rest of the guys. “It’ll taste good!” 
Donghyuck shrugs. He can’t explain it, at least not so that they can understand him. He knows perfection is a subjective definition that he’ll never be able to fulfill but he strives for it anyway. If it isn’t perfect then why would he do it at all? Even if it’s his first time attempting this level of artwork, he should at least be able to make something that looks okay, or recognizable. 
And you—you deserve more than a dry store-bought mess and more than a half-assed attempt at love. You’ve only been together for a couple months but he’s determined to prove himself. A birthday was the perfect opportunity, even when you’ve known him for years and spent plenty of birthdays with him. This was his chance to show you the boyfriend material he’s made of, except instead of black velvet or creamy silk, Donghyuck thinks this cake is the work of a neon yellow polyester shirt worth less than $2 at the thrift store. 
“Mark just texted that he just parked,” Jaemin announces. He glances at Donghyuck. “You ready?” 
Donghyuck glances at himself. His hands are covered in frosting that’s dried and crusted, spread up his arms. His Kiss the Chef apron protected his shirt and most of his pants from the damage, but the mess is the least of his concerns. There’s nothing he can do about the disaster (he’s given up calling it anything else) in front of him. Shrek’s Swamp or a toilet bowl, it’s definitely not a flower field and it’s definitely not what you deserve. But it’s all he’s got. 
The final punch hits with a gentle knock at the door. Donghyuck crosses the room to his doom, stepping past his silent friends who bow their heads in respect for the walking dead. He pulls open the door slowly. He sees your shoes first, white sneakers you spent three hours with a Sharpie decorating, full of hearts and stars and unmistakable flowers—daisies and chrysanthemums and lavender, more than he can name. 
You wear your favorite jeans, loose bootcut that tighten at the thighs, hugging you in all the right places. A loose shirt hangs from your shoulders, one of the bands you always play for him with lots of bass and visceral lyrics that romanticize suffering. A family of silver earrings dangle from your ears, and he recognizes each of your favorites, the miniature swords, sparkling star shaped studs, a curly twist of metal that wraps around the higher part of ear. You look perfect. 
Donghyuck has always loved the way you smile, a gentle turn of your lips, like the happiness belongs to only you. You lean forward, pressing a short kiss to his lips, a peck more than anything. Donghyuck stares at you, eyes wide. You gesture to his apron. “Just following the rules.” 
He smiles though it fades as soon as he sees the frosting–no, the evidence of his failures, spread down the black fabric. “Happy birthday,” he says, wishing he could put more heart into it. A tiny frown furrows in your brow but you don’t question him. 
He steps back to let you walk in, trailing behind you as the rest of the guys wish you happy birthday. Mark catches up easily, clapping a hand on his shoulder, whispering, “Jeno sent me a picture.” 
Renjun hugs you, which Donghyuck belatedly realizes he never did. 
“I brought the food,” Chenle announces. “Don’t go thanking anyone else for my efforts.” 
“Our,” Jisung corrects. “You barely even carried anything.” 
“That’s because I had to drive,” Chenle says, waving his hand. “And don’t even get me started on the pizzeria, you better appreciate every molecule because—”
“Thank you, Chenle,” you say. 
“Thank me,” Donghyuck says. “It was my detailed instructions that perfected absolutely everything about today, which reminds me, did Mark behave?” 
You turn back to face him, linking your fingers with his. “Yes, babe, he followed your script. He almost cried because the barista messed up the order and he didn’t want to be annoying but he said you said ‘if anything goes wrong, I’ll kill you,’ and meant it.” 
“And I did,” Donghyuck says. He nods at his best friend for his service. 
“Now.” You squeeze his fingertips. “Where’s this cake you’ve been so excited about.” 
Donghyuck doesn’t try to hide his face. There’s no use delaying the inevitable. He lets go of your hands, leading you to the crime scene to lay the final verdict (the judicial system of his brain is in need of some reformation). 
You reach the counter and freeze. A list of concert dates greets Donghyuck, your back facing him while you study the cake. There’s no name for the opposite of a masterpiece, no artist that wants their worst creation recorded in history. 
He inches closer to you, peeking at your face. He recognizes the expression, the narrowing of your eyes, the way you flatten your lips. He’s been to enough art shows and spent enough time with you studying for art history to know what you analyze art. 
“It’s not Van Gogh or Monet,” he says, “it’s not even that asshole guy who made the Bean.” 
“Mm,” you hum, “no, you’re not any of them.” 
“It’s an ugly cake,” he says, “I know. I tried, I really did, but apparently you actually do need a decade or two of experience to make a decent cake, which is totally unfair, like, I spent more time on it than my research project, and this only looks marginally better than that.” 
“It’s amazing,” you say, “reminiscent of the expressionist era.” 
“No,” you say, turning to grin at him. “But you made it, so none of that matters. Maybe it doesn’t look like what you thought, but seriously.”  You rest a hand on his arm. “It’s perfect.” 
He meets your eyes, sees sincerity and not an ounce of teasing. No, it wasn’t what he wanted for you, but that doesn’t really matter. Perfection is subjective and to you it’s perfect—why did he ever think it wouldn’t be? 
He grins. “Perfect?” 
You step closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug, ignoring the frosting that must be smearing across the band member’s faces. 
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a/n2: thank you for reading! as always, i appreciate any feedback :)
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Mick Schumacher with a southern GF
Summary: I can't be the only one who thinks that Mick would be absolutely perfect with a southern girlfriend so I had to share.
*Disclaimer: I use Y/N and reader, but when I write this in my mind I see her as a tall plus size gal (mainly because that's my personal body type), but also because I really see Mick doing amazing with a woman like that. If there is anything I write that doesn't apply to you feel free to leave it out and like always feedback is always appreciated and loved!
Photos from Pinterest
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you're an up and coming social media influencer and college student who just so happens to also be an F1 fan
You love to document things in your life like travel, food, college, and growing up in the south
You post some F1 content thinking nothing off it when you notice that Mick Schumacher has started to follow you and comment on some of your posts
Let's not lie to ourselves here you totally fangirled and that's totally understandable because it's Mick freaking Schumacher
You guys start DMing back and forth and really hit it off
That was over a year ago and let's just say the rest is history
You love visiting Mick and his family and you always come prepared with a batch of your Mamaw's peanut butter cookies
He loves when you wear your cowboy boots out because he can't quite explain it, but somehow it makes your legs and butt look so good
You're a natural with animals and kids which in Mick's head has him thinking "she's a freaking Disney princess"
Mick loves when you call him so excited about getting a new animal or something in the garden blooming
His mother adores you!! She thinks you are the sweetest woman she's ever met and she is so happy for her son
Seeing Mick in that cowboy hat just really gets you going and more often times than not when he wears you end up saving a horse and riding that cowboy
Bonfires are a regular get together for your family and Mick loves how down to Earth and sweet y'all are
He thinks it's so cute when you say things and your drawl comes out more than normal, especially when you're tired
You somehow give the letter M almost three syllables and he loves it
Your parents taught you to mainly cook from the garden and hunting and Mick is obsessed with your food, he's convinced that love as an ingredient is real
Loves to slip his hand in your back pocket when you're wearing jeans
You don't really post each other on social media much because y'all are more of a private, but not secret couple and it works so well for the both of you
You introduce Mick to some southern staples such as Moonpies, authentic biscuits and gravy, and of course some moonshine (it's not your favorite, but you'll drink it)
Some people like to assume that just cause you talk slow means your stupid and Mick can be the first one to say that is totally not the case
You have more knowledge in the back of your head than the library of Congress and he is so proud of how smart and hardworking you are
Mick loves when you come in dirty from the garden or helping out around the farm
"maybe we should shower together, save some water you know"
Mick's family loves how you're always making him smile and sometimes they swear they've never seen him this happy
Sometimes he'll find you just laying outside on the grass reading a book and he can't help but think to himself "I'm going to marry her someday"
His mom is constantly asking him when he's going to pop the question
One time you told him it smelled like it was going to rain and he looked at you like you grew another head until you explain it to him
You enjoy taking him to the local drive-in near your house and out to a small restaurant
He loves your papaw's raspberry jam and will fight anyone over the jars of it your papaw gives him
With you life for Mick slows down just a little and he sees his future in your eyes
If you're walking ahead of him and he wants you closer he'll pull you gently by your belt loops
You love taking him up to the top of the land and just watching the stars together
He loves you and he couldn't see himself with anyone else
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liked by yourbestfriend, yourmom, charles_leclerc, and 459 others
yourusername Home is where the heart is
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leoascendente · 2 years
PAC// What do you need to know? 🔮
Hi loves! Welcome to this new PAC, I hope you enjoy it💕
Take a deep breath and choose your pile. This is a general reading so take only what resonates with you and leave the rest. Choose more than one pile if you feel drwan to.
Decks I used: Goddess guidance oracle, ethereal visions tarot, shadows and lights oracle, shine from the inside cards.
Pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners.
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Pile 1:
Intuitive message: Be open to speak your truth, you are wiser than you like to admit, but your wisdom is needed in this world. You have something important to communicate that will help many others to get in touch with a part of themselves they left forgotten. You are full of potential and in your future awaits a lot of abundance, your voice needs to be heard, don't be afraid to stand for what you believe is right, don't be afraid to fail and learn, and even less be afraid of other people's opinion about you, someday you''l be an inspiration for other people and an example to follow. You have something important to do in this lifetime, focus on that, you are a living master, trust yourself. Sagittarius season will bring you the close of a cicle, you'll feel a lot more confident entering the new year, use these lasts months of the year to leave behind any fear or work in any blockage you are having.
You are getting a higher level of understanding about yourself, mostly with your emotions and how you deal with them. You are ending a healing cicle and understanding why certain things have happened to you in your past, you are reaching a very high level of wisdom. You are learning to listen to your inner voice and attend its needs, maybe you are even in touch with your inner child (if you are not I really recommend you to do it).
For these few last months of the year try to release the burdens you still carry, stop for a while and focus on your healing because this time will be aligning with you for release you from the pain that still remains. Also try to spend more time with your close and beloved ones, time with them will bring you so much happiness and gratitude, you'll feel very supported and protected by them, they'll genuenly show how much they care for you and how much they want to see you being happy. You will find some new friends or collaborators who will help you with your projects.
Focus on: There are some issues that needs to heal yet and for releasing them you need more introspection and learning more about your emotional responses to some situations, you have left behind a lot of hurt but there are still some wounds, they are not bleeding but you need to let them be healed. I feel you already know where this pain comes and it probably has to do something about an important loss you had in your past, you are missing someone or something and that can be making you feel empty sometimes. Don't worry babe, remember all the progress you have made, this is just the remains of what you've been through, you have bloomed into a beautiful version of yourself and you keep blooming, give yourself this time to let that behind and move forward into the new year without unnecesary weight on your back.
Breathe in bliss, exhale bullshit
Awaken your authentic self, unleash your wild side
Slow down and rest, you need it
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Pile 2:
Intuitive message: You are like the sound of violins and the singing of birds at the same time, you are realizing your inner and outside beauty and getting comfortable in the energy of appreciating yourself as the work of art you are, you are tuning into your Divine Femenine but for the most of you I feel you already embodying it. You're powerful and your precense feels powerful too, you know your worth so don't settle for less than what you know you deserve. You have made a long travel to be where you are now and this journey has taken a lot of energy and sacrifice, value that incredible alchemy you have made within yourself, the mountains from within are the hardest to climb and you have done it greatly and gracefully, enjoy this irresistible essence you are embodying. PS: I hear something about pheromones, is that relevant for you??
You are having a glow up babe! you shine like the sun wherever you go, you are focused into improving youself and your image or aesthetic and it's giving it's fruits. You'll start seeing how people feel naturally drawn to you and it's all because of your energy of self confidence, I feel dark femenine vibes from this pile. You have learnt or at least I see you in the process of stablish healthy boundaries, you are done being a people pleaser, you've spent too much time thinking about other people's feelings or thoughts torwards you and now you are entering in an state of pleasing yourself, you are giving to yourself the value and respect you know you deserve. I see you are becoming a safe place for youself, you are trying to be your own protector and counselor, you could even be embellishing your home and decoring it at your style to make it feel comfy and warm (you could have Cancer Venus/Moon or have any of those planets in the 4th house)
You are in a lucky and fertility time, you are probably harvesting the fruits of your labor, a lot of inspiration and new ideas are coming your way, would be great if you could write them to keep focused on your goals and avoid forget any of them. Don't worry babe, the Justice card here reveals you are receiving your dharma after a long time of releasing karmic patterns, now you understand the importance of feeling good within yourself to feel good about the world around you, you are taking the reins of your destiny and writing your own story. You'll receive good news soon about something you have been dreaming of or even a manifestation of your desires.
Focus on: Allow change to happen in your life, don't try to force or rush anything, just go with the flow of circumstances and cut off any of them that is not giving you good feelings anymore. Clean yourself from any negative energy, take care of your soul, mind and body and give them what they need to have a good functioning, nurture yourself and your needs, even make a deep cleanse in your home or wardrobe if you need to Try to keep like this at least through the eclipse season, after this season pass you'll feel completely renewed
Ask for help, it doesn't make you weak
Step out of your comfort zone and try something different
Surround yourself with your soul tribe
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Pile 3:
Intuitive message: My pile of geniuses! Your intellect is so wide and rich, give it their proper value because your mind is able to reach answers that other people aren't capable of. You might have felt misunderstood in your past, it doesn't matter babe, you are ment to be understood by people vibing in your same frequency. You see the big picture of life and that can feel like a too big responsability besides of feeling lonley and misunderstood, don't worry babe, it seems difficult now but in the future you'll be so proud of yourself! Focus onn learning a new skill by now, or instead you can improve an skill you already have, just do what makes you feel motivated and comfortable because soon a member of your soul tribe will appear in your life and you'll never feel lonley or judged again
You'll be going through a deep transformation that will reforce your psychic powers and abillities, you are shedding your skin to evolve into a new whole version of yourself. You are going to feel very empowered in your own skin and able to get anything you want in life, dreams you had will become a possibility in your future, you can even get psychic glipmses of what your future will look like, would be great if you could start a dream journal or write in a notebook all the visions or feelings you get. You'll be more in tune with your intuition and your guides, you'll start having a deeper bond with them and somehow their communication with you will be a lot more clear, for some of you, you can even develop a new psychic gift you didn't knew you had. Your communication skill wil also improve and if you are having any problem related to your throat chakra will be solving too, for some of you I hear laugh, so you could be getting a more positive mindset that makes you laugh of the mistakes instead of punishing yourself for that, you'll be a lot more kind with yourself. If you've been working to make your inner child happy you must be currently feeling better with yourself and with a better mood.
I must warn you babe, there's a negative mascuine energy around you and you are aware of who is this king os swords reversed, this person has a very weird and uncomfortable energy, when I try to approach their energy I see the face of a man who was stalking me a while ago. My love, if you feel intimidated by this person and that's the reason you are not taking the action of taking them out of your life you need to tell somebody close to you about this situation or call the authorities of the place you live in. Depending on the circumstances with this masculine energy you'll take different actions but please, don't keep person like this near you, their energy is consuming like a black hole (I could give you more details but what I feel is really creepy and has me a little shocked reminding me of my stalker, I hope you don't mind me stopping here). If this energy comes from a romantic interest watch it with cold head, you might be projectingg your good traits into them and that's not letting you see their true face, you probably have an important karmic lesson related to this person.
Focus on: Try to look within yourself to understand why you have attracted a person with such negative energy, this inner discovery will be hand by hand with the transformation process you are in, this will give you many answers about yourself too. This might has something to do with understanding the signals and synchronicities that your guides give you and the meaning of all of them, for this I find very helpful learning about archetypes and symbolism, books about the meaning of dreams are great tools for learning this king of things.
Change one thing today, start small
Commit to self care rituals
Be bold, don't be afraid to stand out
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Pile 4:
Intuitive message: You are so loving and caring, your heart knows no limits when it comes to share love, kindness and compassion to others, sometimes you can feel these traits about yourself are not being valued by the people around you but your guides want you to know they don't forget any of your gentle touch in the life of the people around you. They really want you to redirect that loving energy to yourself, be a little more selfish whenn you need to and learn to say no when it's needed becaue now you ar being called to take care of yourself to enter in a new chapter of your life with your batteries charged, in a near future you'll be so amazed with the person you've evolved in.
😌Another glow up pile! Go read pile 2 if you felt called to, you might find extra messages there. You are entering into an state of unconditional love but fully focused to yourself and what makes you happy, you'll be healing your relationship with your physical body as well, treating it with the love and respect you know you deserve. You'll be getting more healthy habits like a workout routine or a change in your eating habits. You are so loving and caring but now you understand that this energy must be first focused to yourself, you'll be honoring your Divine femenine by taking care of yourself and your physical needs. You'll be receiving good news about something good you did to somebody else, this new will fullfil your heart with joy and gratitude. This is like a response of your guides reminding you how close they are for when you need their help, they want you to know how strongly protected you are.
This good new will also give you a new perspective about your life, you'll be more certain about your self worth and what you deserve, your self esteem will heal in such a beautiful way, you'll feel more confident about yourself and will not be afraid to raise your voice to be heard. Someone from your past can appear soon, you'll have the chance to be honest and tell them what you think (this person can be an air sign) you might expect an argument from this person but they will surprise you for the good. Somehow this person attitude or what they have to say will make you feel awesome about yourself. For some I see this person could hurt you in the past and you were expecting any kind of regret about the way they treated you, idk what plan you have torwards this person but after that you'll feel like a living goddess.
Focus on: Feeling sexy and irrisistible, pamper yourself with the things that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. You can also change your style, your hair or the decoration of your place, make a sacred temple for yourself and water your inner garden. There's something important related to your sexuality you need to get more in touch with, try to make things to heal this energy, maybe you are a little like me, you have your moments of feeling like a living goddess but you get unconfortable when people stare at you or give you compliments, in my case I had to befriend with the siren archetype, you can try it too or look for the archetype you feel more identified with.
Get creative and excite your imagination
Keep your thoughts possitive
Trust your intuition, she's always right
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Pile 5:
Intuitive message: You are an strong fighter, my love, you have overcome so many battles and most of them just by yourself. You have trusted the Universe and have accepted its challenges for you even when you didn't wanted to, don't worry, this chapter of your life will bring you a reward, you just have to be patient and keep in the present moment. You are Divinely guided, my love, get close to your spiritual team, they are there to help you whenever you need it.
Well... This is a message of encouragement and recover hope in life, you've been through a lot, a I mean a looooooot in your life. It's pretty awesome that you are able to keep having faith that life has somethinig better for you, value and honor that hope you have within because it will be the compass that leads you to the life of your dreams. Your guides are providing you giving you what you need for the moment, when it's the time they will give you what you really want, this is just a process and a journey of self discovery and it's worthy to transit it. Your guides also tell you to start asking them more of their help, they are just right there but you have been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and they want you to know that you don't have to, ask them for guidance and they will give you a sign of their precense.
Your energy has been feeling very low for these past few months, I feel exhaustation and anxiety, maybe you've been even having problems for sleeping. You've been lacking enjoyment in your life, maybe you've felt a little depressive, if you feel like this I would recommend you any kind of therapy you feel comfortable doing, ik some of you might not like it but when we feel like this we need a helping hand that helps us understand what's going on and give us some answers, we can't do everything by ourselves always and we don't have always the answer to our problems. You deserve to feel happy and plenty, don't worry because you will be but first you need to attend yourself and heal from the pain you've been feeling, winter is always a wonderful time to rest, reconnect with our essence and gain strengths for the spring, so would be great if you could work on yourself and your healing journey, I promise that if you do you'll find a lot of relief and your guides will be there to help and provide what you need to keep going on, they will also make you feel you have a good company by your side when you get tired of humans 😊
Focus on: Your uniqueness and inner magic, get in tune with your intuition, try to practice any kind of divination, get a pendulum... anything that helps you develop the priestess you have within. You have psychic gifts and they are jewells waiting to be polished, don't be afraid because nothing bad will happen to you if you listen to your heart. The eclipse season will feel lighter for you but you might see the people around you tense and anxious, just focus on resting and cleaning your energy.
Tune into your inner peace, you deserve a break
Trust your intuition, she's always right
You are pure magic
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Pile 6:
Intuitive message: You've been projecting your energy outside for too long, it's time to rest and reconnect with your creative side and keep away from the negative energies around you. You have something relevant to do but there are people getting in your way or distracting you, for some you can be even recieving bad energy for making you stop progressing. Somehow you are conscious about these draining people or situations but you are not sure of what you should do. Don't put a mask to fit or be accepted by somebody else, if you have to fake who you are when you are with somebody that person is not giving you anything positive. You need to let yourself just be and enjoy, don't reject your beautiful essence for somebody else because that's cruel to you and you don't deserve to feel that unecessary pressure. If this energy comes from a brunette female, mostly a friend, be careful because there's a feeling of envy and competition coming from this female.
I feel an energy of discomfort from you, maybe this is a recent feeling or you've been dealing with it for a long time, whatever your situation is you are being called to groud yourself and work in your root chakra, probably heart chakra is calling for balance too. Your best skills to deal with this and keep evolving is to reconnect with Mother Earth, reforce your connection with nature and animals, spend more time indooors making a cozy home for you. Creativity is another important skill to improve, I'm pretty sure that the skills you develop related to these 2 themes is going to open a door for abundance in your future and this is just the learning process for you to do something important with your knowledge in the future, also this will help you relief that hard feeling you had.
The word that comes to my mind all the time is pressure and 10 of wands confirms that there's something feeling very heavy in your life, I feel it mostly related to somebody else's attitude torwards you or the relationship you have with somebody. You are not being grounded and this is leading you to be surrounded by confusing energies, you have the artist card too telling you that you are spending too much time in your imagination and not in the present moment, but I want to give you more happy news. Meditate more often, meditation gives you an space for the daydream too and you can use it to visualize the life you want to live, learn about asssumption law and manifesting so you can use your vivid imagination at your favor. Avoid focusing too much in resentment because karma is always working so it's not necessary for you to worry about somebody else's consequences of their actions, the most important thing for you should be have a clear conscience. For some of you I'm hearing something about feeling guilty, if that's your case you should know that guilt is a chatholic construction to makes us feel unworthy and hopeless when we make the "wrong choice", instead of guilt use the word responsability, if you did something that makes you feel uncomfortable with your own behavior take the responsibility of braking that pattern by healing yoursef. Learning to be generous with ourselves makes us understand better how can we be generous with others.
Focus on: Stop pleasing people and keepeng away from dramatic people or situations, sometimes the cost of being truly ourselves is making some people uncomfortable but that is necessary too, if someone to feel happy wants you to be someone you are not they don't love you unconditionally and you deserve unconditional love. this is probably a wound you have, to reject your happiness to make others happy, this is a beautiful trait that talks so well about you, but this also can make you naive and compleisant with insatisfaction. Who really loves you want to see you shine, will get happy everytime you overcome fear to become a greater and healthier version of yourself, don't worry babe, the correct people will come when it's the time and probably you have very good people by your side (mostly family) at the moment, then leave the people that leaves a negative influence behind and keep the ones that want you to succed close to you, you'll feel a lot lighter than before. This will also brings a healing process that feels very loving so I feel that you are going to have an extra spiritual guidance through this time, if you felt called to pile 1 or 5 go read it because it tells you too to approach your guides and ask them for help.
Align your intentions with your actions
Stay away from drama today
Show off your sparkle and shine from the inside
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sociocosmos · 9 months
Unleash Your Pinspiration: Ignite Explosive Growth with SocioCosmos
Feeling lost in the vast Pinterest landscape? Struggling to climb the engagement ladder? SocioCosmos is your rocket fuel! We blast your Pinterest presence into the stratosphere, delivering targeted growth that ignites real results.
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Ditch the generic strategies and ghost followers. SocioCosmos offers potent concoctions tailored to your unique goals:
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But here's the secret ingredient: SocioCosmos doesn't just sprinkle on numbers, we cultivate vibrant communities. Every follower, reaction, and repin is:
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Don't settle for slow, organic climbs. Invest in your Pinterest dream and witness explosive growth with SocioCosmos. Visit us today and unlock the full potential of your Pinspiration!
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weandthecolor · 6 months
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“ArtiFacial”: A Journey Through the Convergence of Authenticity and Illusion by Manu Grinspan
More here.
Follow WE AND THE COLOR on: Facebook I Twitter I Pinterest I YouTube I Instagram I Reddit
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pompettepink · 1 year
Part of being coquette is being you and I'm so sorry but following tons of micro trends will never be authentic or even a valid expression of style taste
Like, again I'm sorry, but being hyper fixated on always being the trendiest person in the room is not only embarrassingly expensive but it also completely eats away at your sense of self. That sort of self destruction forces you to live almost entirely in pov shots and robs you of the experiences of simply living in your skin.
"Green isn't a part of my wardrobe but I HAVE to have That Dress!" "Is there a way I can turn this maximalist outfit normcore?" "Would being too out there in an esoteric way read well in this room?" C'mon guys bffr!
Tell me what YOU like! No fashion wiki exerts. No pinterest moodboard. No tiktok saved videos. Tell me what you like and why you like it without using algorithms as a compass! I love the campiness of being a poser but summa yall are taking it too far and it's resulting in a closet that exacerbates your anxiety
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
I’m sure you get this question a lot, but what are your best tips to starting your own tumblr self care diary ? 💕
This is actually the first time I've ever got asked this! I can think of a few tips that I kept in mind when I created this blog.
Be authentic. For me, I use this as a safe space to be myself without fear of judgment. And I find it helps me to be honest and open and true to who I am, as it's even helped me to become more confident in my actual life!
Be mindful of your online presence. It depends on the level of anonymity you want, but i try to be mindful of making my identity known. it's the anonymous aspect that's helped me feel more comfortable being my true self.
Be comfortable. Only post content that you are comfortable with sharing and that makes you happy. I have no problem using aestheic pinterest photos, and keeping a theme because it makes me happy and I feel comfortable posting my life with limited details.
Have fun with it! For me, my blog is a form of self expression and I love the way I've curated the aesthetics of my blog to match my interests. I tend to dress a little edgier in person, and I'm an aspiring gym girly, but I love makeup and shopping and kpop and anime. I'm a very multifaceted person and I enjoy sharing those bits of myself online.
Remember this is for you. Don't feel bad for not getting as many likes or reboots or comments because this is for you. When I decided to start my blog as it is now, I had 7 followers. But I didn't care because this was something for me. And now I have over 1200 followers, and im so grateful for this community. This is a safe space I helped create for myself, and I'm just so happy I made the decision to start posting. I appreciate everyone who interacts with my content and who supports and encourages me. It always makes my day, but I never forget that this blog is an extension of myself.
I hope this was helpful! Good luck on your self care diary journey, I wish you the absolute best, and I hope you have the most fun and enjoyment with creating that space for yourself. <3
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brianamorganbooks · 2 years
Writeblr Introduction
Hello there! I've had an influx of followers recently, so it's time to introduce myself.
I'm Briana Morgan (she/her), a horror author, playwright, and game writer. If you're into the following, you'll like my work:
Body horror
Twisted games
Killer mermaids
The dark side of human nature
Psychological thrillers
I'm also queer and disabled, so representation is incredibly important to be. I try to imbue my work with authentic rep as much as possible.
On this blog, I talk about writing, books (mine and other people's), video games, and spooky shit. It's a little bit of everything. We have fun here.
This is a list of all my published works thus far, with links to purchase them:
The Reyes Incident
A Tricker-Treater Christmas: A Holiday Horror Story
Mouth Full of Ashes
The Tricker-Treater and Other Stories
"Eleven" (newsletter opt-in)
Unboxed: A Play
The Writer's Guide to Slaying Social
Livingston Girls
Touch: A One-Act Play
Blood and Water
Phew! I also have a book called Tiger Cult coming out in the fall of next year:
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Hmm... what else?
Oh! Social media. I'm trying to use Tumblr more often with Twitter imploding and all. Here's everywhere else you can find me:
I'm looking forward to making new friends here and learning more about everyone's works! Please feel free to stop by and say hi or drop a question in my ask box.
Thank you for reading! <3
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The blue Victorian gown was first spotted on Amanda Abbington as Mary Watson in the 2016 special episode of Sherlock titled The Abominable Bride. The series was generally known to take place in the present day, but The Abominable Bride took its cue from the original settings from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories, and this gown helped to lend a touch of authenticity to the period setting.
The gown later found a second life in Steven Moffat’s 2020 adaptation of Dracula, where Lily Dodsworth-Evans wore it in her portrayal of Lady Dorabella Ruthven.
Costume Credit: Anne81
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