#Augh I wish I have the time to color this I would have loved to color Elaine
cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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First matchup is Elaine! They're poncho buddies :)
I LOVE Elaine's design. The way she looks like space in some parts, lining up with the classic dweller design while also having the minions' cloak is great design choice. The pins are ADORABLE RAAAA. And she ran a shop where she sold homemade clothing?? I love her. She's awesome.
Elaine belongs to @dustedrosedraws and the matchup is for @ahatintime-oc-competition! May the best win!
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liquidstar · 6 months
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BROTHER AND SISTER OF ALL TIME THEYRE SO CUTE <3 love seeing how their relationship has progressed from beako literally throwing him out a window for stuff like this to her happily playing along its so so so so so cute. genuinely just one of the cutest and sweetest dynamics in the series
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hi ram roswaal and fred :) this is probably all we're going to really see of you guys this arc lol
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JOSHUA REAL!!!!! but not for long (also otto in the bg foreshadowing all the drinking hes about to do this arc. hes so stressed. poor emilia is trying her best)
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julius looks so babyfaced here? they really emphasized his long eyelashes just like subaru has been on about every time he mentions him. they better include the scene where he checks him out, like, if they dont animate subaru looking dead at this mans ass im going to riot
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i LOVE this shot of ana. you can really tell shes up to some corrupt capitalist bullshit as we speak. love her for that. wish i had this pic when i made that one money game anastasia video
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the red dress actually does look really good on crusch like it compliments the green hair really well but also the crusch we know would not walk around in such a thing so its like. damn looks like the "memories are an important part of identity" story thinks memories are an important part of identity. who knew.
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ALSO LOVE FELTS NEW LOOK SO MUCH! the only complaint is i felt (felt lol) like the red brought out her eyes more but the blue also looks cool. three primary colors all being used looks nice too
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no fucking way... did they actually...
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photos taken seconds before disaster lmfao. i still love how chin thinks subaru is a freak and weirdo for being so buddy buddy with him after he and his buddies mugged him. twice. (even more times from subarus perspective. hell he stabbed subaru once) genuinely cant wait to see more of this dynamic its so stupid.
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THE FUCKING CUNT!!!!!! also the apples lol
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oh you poor thing. you have no idea what next level family drama bullshit awaits. good luck. get ready to kill grandma AGIAN lol
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:'( emilia still misses her terrible cat dad and its kinda sad when you know were not getting a resolution on that here either. they both look so sad :(
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i cannot wait for garf mommy issues round fucking 2.
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he fucking bit it. yeah i guess thats what dogs do tho.
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the empathy powers will have a glowing eye effect. very cool but i hope they dont show it too much in the first scene bc like in the LN i think its cooler if you dont know why everything is so... Wrong.
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i dont rly have anything to say i just think ferris looks cool covered in blood. imagine being healed here like doctor catgirl will see you now
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emilia be nice. that crazy bitch might be your mom. just like how the previous crazy bitch was in fact your dad.
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THEY CHANGED UP CAPELLA'S DESIGN TOO honestly tho her being sexualized makes sense w a lot of the themes (the way its intentionally meant to be perverse and gross in a way explicitly stated) so i didnt mind as much and she still IS here but. this is still an improvement imo just a better outfit looks cooler. bug.
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mouwrites · 5 months
ahem, let me redo this... (i think I did it wrong the first time) CONGRATULATIONS!!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! 500 FOLLOWERS!!?!?!?!?! star struck <3
here's the board (again...) the character i had in mind was Cole from Ninjago
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(I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜💜💜💜)
AUGH OMG you're too sweet 😭😭 I love you too!!! Also.. I'm totally starstruck as well! I'm so pleased to have you all here :,)
(note: f/a = favorite (music) artist)
Word count: 1.4k
Ninjago - The Concert (Cole) (500 follower event)
“Come on Y/n, we’re going to be late!”
“You can’t be late to being early,” you protested, jogging through the halls urgently. “Where is it?”
You were looking for your jacket; it was a brand new jean jacket Cole had bought just for this concert, and you’d be darned if you left without it.
“What are you looking for?”
“The jacket… you…” You rounded a corner and came face to face with Cole, who was holding the very jacket you were looking for. Though you almost didn’t recognize it, as it had a rather radical new addition; the back was painted with f/a’s logo (or album cover, if they don’t have a logo ^^).
You slapped a hand over your mouth, partly because you were shocked, partly to stop yourself from screaming. You jumped at Cole, throwing your arms around his neck and wrapping your legs around his middle.
“Woah there!” He chuckled, fumbling with the jacket for a second before securing his arms around you. “I’ll take that as an ‘I like it’.”
“Like it?! I love it!” You gushed, squeezing him tighter. Then you let yourself drop to your feet so you could have a better look at the jacket, which Cole handed to you at last.
“Did you paint this?”
“Can you tell?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, running your fingers over the imperfect lines, “but that’s why I love it.”
Cole threw an arm around you and pulled you in to plant a quick kiss atop your head. “I’m glad. Now, we really should get going.”
“Right,” you assented, almost sad to put the jacket on because that meant you had to stop staring at it.
Cole was a seasoned concert-goer. He knew that it was best to arrive earlier than early, if not only to avoid traffic (both human and automotive), then to secure your place in the crowd. And to buy merch if the stands are open, of course.
The stadium was even bigger than you’d imagined, but as more people crowded in it seemed smaller and smaller. Soon you felt like a little brick in a huge Lego set, packed in between so many others and secured in one spot. Luckily the little brick next to you was Cole, someone you didn’t mind being this close to. You clung together, shoulder-to-shoulder, to avoid the other people surrounding you both.
The openers were pretty good, but deep down you were anxious to see your band. To be fair, you did buy the tickets to see them specifically. 
And then they finally came. The sky was quite dark by then, and the stadium lights began flashing different colors. At that moment you were certain that they were about to come out. And sure enough, there they were, rocking their best clothes for the occasion on stage.
Your hand tightened into a crushing grip around Cole’s; he was doing the same, but neither of you really noticed. You shared an overexcited glance at each other that read oh my goodness it’s them!! Are you seeing this?
Bouncing eagerly on your heels, you waited in anticipation for the music to start. The speakers blared with f/a shouting a welcome to the crowd, which you and everyone around you responded to with enthusiastic yelling. It was quite noisy, but the speakers easily overpowered the noise with the first note of a song.
Time passed way too quickly. With each new song you silently wished that the moment would last forever, only to be disappointed when it ended but to have the feeling rekindled when the next song started. Suddenly they were all your favorites; though of course you went especially wild when your actual favorite number was played. 
Dancing, screaming lyrics, waving your arms—it all came naturally to you, as if you were an animal transformed in the multicolored lights. Maybe there was something in the fog waterfalling off the stage; everyone else seemed to be affected in the same way. You often bumped shoulders with Cole as you both moved around, and sent endless innocent smiles to each other when you stepped on the other’s toes.
F/a ended up doing an encore of your absolute favorite song, earning a little squeal of delight from you. You hopped in the air, but instead of connecting back with the ground, your feet remained dangling in the air. You looked at Cole quizzically, hoping your question was obvious because there was no way he’d hear you talk above all the shouting and music. What are you doing?
Cole just gave you a reassuring smile, heaving you higher into the air and then onto his shoulders with a little “Hup!” that you could barely hear.
You squeezed one of his hands, which were holding your legs in place, in a thank-you gesture, but also in sheer excitement. You could see f/a better than ever from up there, and any guilt you had about blocking someone’s view was eased by the people subtly shifting around you so that they could still see. If the huge smiles on their faces were anything to go by, they were too excited themselves to even notice you. You could also see a number of other people sitting on their companions’ shoulders.
This time, when the song ended, you were in tears. You shouted the most affectionate farewell you could muster when f/a finally left the stage, and then the tears really started pouring.
Cole just held your hand while you walked to your ride, letting you get your feels out. He knew full well what it was like to lose it over music, and he actually cried a little during the concert, too.
Eventually you sniffed sharply, wiping your tears away for the last time. “That was amazing,” you laughed.
“I know! My voice is going to be so hoarse tomorrow.”
“Ugh, mine too… but it was worth it.”
You hugged your jacket around you, defending yourself against the chilly night air that you were finally becoming aware of. A little smile came to your lips when you remembered what was painted on the back, and you stepped closer so that you and Cole were walking shoulder-to-shoulder.
“I’m so glad they did an encore,” you sighed dreamily, “and I’m glad you let me sit on your shoulders for it.”
Cole wrapped an arm around you, his hand coming to a comfortable rest on your upper arm. “Don’t mention it; I just knew you had to see better if they were doing an encore of that song. I know it’s your favorite.”
You smiled, putting one of your hands over Cole’s.
You two gushed about the concert the whole way home, adrenaline still running too high for either of you to be remotely tired. The sugary ice cream you made a pit stop for certainly didn’t help.
You particularly liked listening to Cole’s gushing; while you could express your joy through fast talking and blushing cheeks, he had an artistic way of describing the things he experienced through other experiences. He likened the colored lights to the taste of sour candy, compared the roaring crowd to the feeling of cannonballing into a surging, lukewarm ocean. Your eyes sparkled at each description he offered, and you found yourself agreeing with almost everything he said.
Single digits were on the microwave clock by the time either of you even started to wind down, but once the sleepiness found you, it hit hard. One minute you were drumming your fingers on the table trying to re-create your favorite bits, and the next you were fighting to keep your eyes open. 
“I’m sleepy,” you yawned. “But I don’t wanna sleep yet.”
“Me neither. Let’s just chill on the couch.”
“Good idea,” you smirked, lumbering over to the couch and cozying up with Cole. You planned on gushing a little more, but the feeling of his arms around you and his warm body beneath you were like a sedative. You opened your mouth to speak, but only soft breathing came out, and suddenly all went dark.
The last thing you were aware of was the feeling of lips being pressed to the top of your head. “Love you,” Cole murmured sleepily.
“Love you too,” you slurred automatically, smiling when you remembered that your jacket was still on, still looking fabulous, still holding f/a close to you. It was just you, Cole, and f/a, drifting away to sleepy bliss together.
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Tysm for taking part in our event!! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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silent-littles-blog · 4 months
I saw ur post about trying out doing HCs! Could I please request some of Caregiver Slayer from Guilty Gear Strive ? :>
- @thetinyblossom 🌸
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cw: padded regression, a single mention, idk if this is worth to be a cw but I saw a few people do it, its at the end so skip it if you want!
omg, my first ask!! thank you, let me try :]
Like I said in my previous post, I don't know that many fandoms and media, so my HCs can be inaccurate or what you might not look for. I'm sorry if any of these are the case. ^u^;
heard he's a vampire and a gentleman and has a wife . . .
augh also . . . i confuse this game with metal gear rising . so much, my bf likes both, so I got to know a tiny bit about this guy :>
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🦇 • Would probably watch spooky movies or horror movies with his little one. Prepare snacks that look like little bones, bugs or just funny shapes. (If you do not like bugs, he'd NOT make bug shaped snacks!)
♦️ • He probably likes luxurious drinks like wine? And give you strawberry juice or red colored milk to make it look like wine or blood.
🧛 • Has a comfy, king sized red bed. Cause, wife and comfort. Would let you occupy all the space while he rests on the edge.
🎃 • His wife probably adores you and makes you very delicious soup from foreign ingredients.
🦇 • Since he is from a fighting game, he's probably jacked. Very protective and carries his little around. Probably very active and wants to teach his kiddo some few attacks but he's very gentle and cautious?
♦️ • Fancy dad. Has fancy clothes. Will prepare the best outfit with and for you! Will let you wear whatever you like but if he wants to show you off, he will make you look fancy.
🎃 • Nicknames...probably some very gentle ones. 'Little bat' or 'Tiny bugling' or the average: 'Hun', 'Love', 'Little precious', etc.
🧛 • Lets you wander around his residence and pick books from the library for him to read you. He isn't vocal with voice acting but makes different tones.
🦇 • To me he seems like he can be a bit more emotional at times, so besides that gentle tone and slow gestures there can be a sparkle of intense positive emotions. Especially with his wife around and how it all feels like a family. You nail something? He cheers for you. You mess something up? He's on his way to help.
♦️ • Has a set of rules and is strict with them, I think his wife would probably make him be easier about them. I feel like he'd be more of a night person and prefer you to take regular naps over having a strict bedtime in the evening.
🎃 • I think he has no sense of colors and how creative you can be with them, so you requesting a colorful toy or a batch of crayons that are saturated would help him break through that.
🧛 • Very, very gentle. If you are upset, he lets you get it out by throwing fits or crying, but he will always hold you. Ofc he will be more cautious if you do not like to be held, in that case, he will get a pair of headphones and calm music.
🦇 • I feel like he can handle energetic and curious kiddos just as the ones that are more sleepy, except he might get too worried if they sleep too much, as I feel like he doesn't need that much sleep himself. Though on behalf of babysitting, same with kiddos with specific conditions or diagnosis, he is always up for them, he probably doesn't know too well about everything but with enough guidance he will try his best.
🧛 • I feel like littles who like goth/emo styles would looove him and he'd looove them too!!!
♦️• His wife probably handles changing padded regressors, he seems like too much of a clean guy to me. Tho, he doesn't mind them at all!
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I hope these are ok! I wish you a good day. :) Leave a note or something if you wanna let me know if I did good,,, /nf
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thatbigbisexual29 · 4 months
Next Time, Kock! (Hades)
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akasjhfdkjdfhdkjhdkddskjbsdkidfsj I'm such a bad blog owner- hello everyone!! So, I'm not dead! I just keep forgetting to write and post blehhh. But! I have something that isn't too long but I hope everyone enjoys it! And if people continue to ask, maybe I'll make a sequel? Who knows lol. Also, this fic is a tiiiiiiiiiny bit suggestive but nothing gets extreme. Anyways, I'll leave with this byeeeeeeeee!
“Gods I wish I could stay here forever…” exhaled Achilles as he sat next to his lover. Patroclus chuckled and leaned closer into the warrior. The two gazed at the Lethe while a soft breeze made the grass dance around them. They were so content, so happy, so at ease. It was certainly a shame that it couldn’t always be like this. But that made the time they shared all the sweeter.
“Mm, yes. It is a pity that you work for that, how did you say… ah right, ‘blundering oaf’ named Hades. If I had any say, I’d tell him he doesn’t need a bloody guard for his bloody chambers.” Patroclus was about to continue complaining before Achilles, while chuckling, shushed him.
“Easy now, Pat. You wouldn’t want him hearing you. You’ve got no idea what he’s capable of. Let’s just be glad I’m here now, hm?” The dark haired man rolled his eyes and smiled. The blond always has a way of calming him down. Yet he found it rather annoying when he had something on his mind. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to spoil this moment with any of his bitchings. That didn’t mean he couldn’t suggest something else.
The elder of the warriors began twirling the blond’s hair, admiring its length and color. Achilles smiled as he was toyed with, enjoying how his partner’s calloused fingers picked him apart with such gentleness.
“You irritate me so, and yet, I can’t seem to get enough of you,” Patroclus purred into Achilles’ ear. The blond warrior shuddered at his lover’s voice, face becoming hot instantly. He adored all this attention… until Patroclus started to kiss his ear. The scratchy and unkempt beard and mustache that the older warrior sported was quite itchy. And, believe it or not, Achilles was equally as sensitive to it.
“Ah!” startled, he yelped at the touch. Patroclus was quick to pull away, worried for his lover, until a familiar thought filled his brain. He smiled mischievously as the two made eye contact. Achilles was still blushing and it only continued to grow.
“Still? After all this time?” the older teased. Achilles' brows furrowed as he turned his gaze away all huffy like.
“Don’t even start, Pat. I came here to see you and reLAX!” Achilles yelped again as Patroclus easily pushed him to the floor and leaned over him, chuckling at his partner’s embarrassment. Achilles drank in his happy laugh and he began chuckling as well. They lovingly gazed into each other’s eyes, basking in each other’s presence. Patroclus reached down and cupped Achilles’ face. Achilles leaned into his hand and held his own over it.
“You are such a cock, it’s unbelievable.” The infamous warrior commented.
“Oh really? That must be why you like me so much~” Patroclus cooed back, enjoying as Achilles blushed brighter than a tomato.
“Augh! You’re insufferable!” he said playfully as he weakly attempted to push the older man away. With no such luck, Patroclus decided to strike.
“Aw, too bad for you~ Because you can’t help but love me~ And my incredible cock~” Patroclus laughed and nuzzled his lips against Achilles’ ear, kissing and nibbling the spot which left the poor blond in stitches.
“Ah! Ahahaha! Wouhould you- fffhaha! Stohop! Cohome ohohon! Ohoho bollocks- Pahahahat! Quihihit, would you? Oh youhu penis!” Achilles swore and squirmed under his lover, not actually fighting against him. He missed this side of Patroclus. The playful and careless side that he saw more of on the surface. The way they ran and played together meant so much to him. Having Patroclus act like his old self did… things to his mind. He wasn’t about to make him stop now.
“Penis, cock, balls, dare I say testicles? My my my Achilles, is something on your mind?~ Naughty boy~” Patroclus now kissed the crook of the blond’s neck which resulted in Achilles hilariously arching to the side to create a C shape with his body. He scrunched his shoulders and tilted his head so Patroclus was stuck in a way. He could easily move, but where would be the fun in that?
The older man nibbled his lover’s neck and bathed in his boyish laughter. Something he hasn’t heard in some time. He slid his hand down Achilles’ side and cupped his hand on the small of his back, brushing his thumb against his hip bone. His other hand was placed on his knee and easily slid up his thigh, under his tunic.
A small gasp left Achilles’ lips. His hand swiftly gripped his lover’s wrist. The two paused and locked eyes. They didn’t even need to speak to have a conversation with each other. Achilles nervously smiled and shook his head. Patroclus raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Patroclus,” said Achilles.
“Achilles,” cooed Patroclus.
“Umm, hi,” breathed Zagreus.
Wait- Zagreus?!
The warriors whipped their heads towards the young prince who stood by sheepishly. His face was bright red with embarrassment as he looked to his feet, shuffling them nervously and scratching the back of his head.
“I- sorry, you two. I didn’t want to bother you but…” he trailed off.
Realizing the state they were in, Achilles shoved Patroclus off him in a panic and stood quickly, his face also red, but he tried to play it cool.
“Ah, ahem, no worries, Prince! Patroclus and I were just… we were just… just…” he too trailed off as his confidence dipped, deciding to look away and shield his eyes instead.
Patroclus scoffed and stood next to his lover, brushing himself off and fixing his hair. He gave a stink eye to Achilles before fixing his face to greet Zagreus.
“We were enjoying our alone time, that’s what we were doing. Although, it wouldn’t kill you to knock next time.” Sass dripped from his voice as he offered Zagreus one of his many belongings. The prince stepped forward and hurriedly picked one from the bunch.
“Ah, right, right, my apologies, sir. I-I’ll be going now.” The poor prince stumbled over himself while trying to make it to the door, not even thinking to pick one, just running right through in an attempt to exit this awkward atmosphere. Patroclus sighed and looked back at Achilles. His face was still burning like fire as the soldier sat down and groaned.
“I can’t believe he saw us like that… all across each other like horny teenagers… ugh…” While Achilles felt disgusted with himself, Patroclus laughed. The blond turned to his lover with confusion in his gaze. The older man sat beside him, giggling.
“Why are you laughing? Wasn’t that embarrassing for you?” Achilles asked which only resulted in Patroclus giggling more. His laughter was always so contagious, so naturally, Achilles’ half hearted frown turned into an amused smile. Patroclus placed his hand on his lover’s back, steadying his titters, and sighed.
“It's refreshing to see you so embarrassed. Reminds me of our first time~ Do you remember when your tent mate walked in on me-”
“Patroclus!” Achilles exclaimed and his lover burst into laughter once again. Feeling childish (and slightly vengeful) the blond pushed Patroclus onto the ground and dug his fingers into his ribs. Not expecting this, Patroclus barked out a laugh and attempted to hug and protect his chest. Achilles straddled his waist with ease as he continued to tickle the man beneath him. The blond chuckled as he exacted his punishment, soaking up his lover’s loud laughs.
“How have you no shame??” Achilles playfully demanded.
“Becahahahahahause Ihihihihihihi’m dead! Wait whait wait no, not there- Achilles no- No! NAHAhahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha youhuhuhuhu fffffffuhuhucker!” Patroclus cried out with mirth as Achilles let his tickling fingers climb into his armpits. The man tried rocking back and forth to dislodge those cursed digits, but they weren’t going anywhere.
“A fucker, am I? Well no wonder you like me so much~” the blond teased. He heard Patroclus’ laughter spike, so his joke must have worked or flustered him, or both.
A few more tickles and wandering hands later, their time did end. But it only renewed the couples’ excitement to see one another.
‘Gods only know what I’ll do to him,’ they both thought.
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mareenavee · 1 year
All the Lines Tag Game!
AUGh I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Okay thank you to @throughtrialbyfire and @miraakulous-cloud-district for the tags! I am thus tagging @paraparadigm, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @thequeenofthewinter, @gilgamish, @rhiannon1199, @elfinismsarts, @kookaburra1701, @dirty-bosmer, @nuwanders, @ladytanithia, @polypolymorph, @saltymaplesyrup and @archangelsunited!! And, you if I didn't tag you. Tag me back! I want to see!
Here are the questions for the tag game right here! Fill them out!
Without further ado, read on for some lines for The World on Our Shoulders!
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
Chapter 25: A Perfect Storm
“Then why did you not poison the Dragonborn?” Teldryn ventured. He’d already taken the coin purse from the bench next to the Thalmor without being noticed. He grinned as the man’s face twisted through several different emotions until he buried his face in his hands. “Oh, please. At this point, you must know I never did claim to be a good double agent,” the Thalmor lamented. Teldryn let out a loud cackle.
I have a few zingers lol but Varlais, Varlais. He's the comic relief here.
A line from your fic that makes you sad
Chapter 8: Haunted By the Ghost of You
“I can’t do this by myself, love. I really need you here,” he whispered to the ghost of the girl he remembered, singing in the kitchen with autumn eyes full of love and hope. She didn’t answer. Couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She was gone, and Athis knew no matter when Nyenna next came home, that girl in his memories would never, ever return.
Bean </3 Poor, poor Athis 😭 Why did I do this to him? augh.
A line from your fic you're proud of
Chapter 26: Voice Within
More and more of its lair started to fall away back into the void, or else Oblivion; patches of reality pulled forward, stark against the ruined illusion. Varlais, face set in a severe scowl, took its moment of weakness as a signal and pulled an ebony dagger from somewhere in his coat. He rushed at the Atronach, stabbing into it with all the force he could muster. As with ice, silence shattered.
I just really loved this entire scene actually. It causes so much trouble for CHAPTERS after this. And it's excellent.
A line for your fic you think could have been better
Chapter 3: A World of Fragile Things
“Of course you do,” the second vampire said. Her voice seemed calm, distant. This one was a Nord at one point, tall and imposing. She was casting a spell of some kind, but it hurt. Nyenna looked down at her hands and was shocked to see the color being drained from her, her hands almost skeletal. She screamed then, terror getting the better of her and clouding her mind.
I kind of wished I pushed the description of this magic a little bit further. I do love editing and I'm still in awe of past Katie for how far she's gotten so far. So I'm still fine with this line but it was an opportunity I didn't take.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character.
Chapter 19: Although I am Already a Danger
“You seemed to be having a hard time. Nothing a sweetroll can’t fix, I figured. Want to talk about it?” he offered. Nyenna gave him an apprehensive look. She didn’t really want to talk to him particularly about all her nonsense, but if she didn’t, it would be harder to focus moving forward with all that had to be done in the next few days. “No. But I’ll tell you anyway,” she said. He scoffed. She ate the piece of sweetroll she held before continuing. “I…was not the best wife. I ran away in the middle of the night. It was unkind. I knew it was when I did it, but just like he followed me into battle with a dragon, I knew if I didn’t simply go, he’d turn his back in another horrible situation all because of me. And after everything I’ve been through, I just…I guess I couldn’t handle watching him get injured again. Or worse, as it sometimes goes with dragons.”
There are a few instances where Nyenna makes really stupid mistakes. Extremely stupid mistakes. And this, innocuous though it seems, is one of them. One of the huge ones. I think only @paraparadigm caught it. I was yelling when I wrote this. Like "REALLY NYENNA?!" On the other side of the coin, she's used to people behaving like Teldryn had before this; it was expected. When that dust settled, and he was elsewise, well. She just blabbed.
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
Chapter 6: Together, We Are Enough (slightly longer snippet, I can't help it lol)
She made him feel less alone, after so long and so much struggle. They could build something beautiful together. He hoped. Better to ask and be sure. He was still grinning, and no longer cared a whit who saw, or who had comments or jokes to make on the matter. He was happy. Actually happy. And he loved her with all his heart. It may not have been a long time, but it felt right. And so he’d worn the pendant. And he had hoped. And here she was, an Amulet of Mara in her hands. “Well?” he asked, after a moment. “You want to marry…me?” she asked with a giggle. “Won’t lie. I do,” Athis answered. He felt his face get hot. Other people were shushing each other up near Jorrvaskr. A few people had even wandered further down the stairs to better spy on them. “What about you?” She gasped and all but danced in place. She held onto the amulet with both hands, staring at it just for a moment. She let it fall to her chest. She looked him right in the eye and beamed. “Of course, of course!” she squealed. She threw her arms around his neck again and he embraced her back. “Then it’s settled. It’s you and me, love,” Athis whispered, squeezing her tightly before lifting her up and spinning around. There was a huge roar of applause behind them, as the Companions and a few townsfolk there for Anoriath’s event celebrated with them. Athis laughed deeply, embracing his soon-to-be wife. They walked back up to Jorrvaskr, hand in hand, into the crowd of merry friends and feast-goers.
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
Chapter 27: Echoes
He reached for her then, running as fast as he could toward her. He seemed to run forever, never getting any closer. As if his hands were blocked somehow. She never came into focus. Instead, the figure — who wasn’t at all Nyenna — turned, silvery hair curling back on itself like a stole. The figure threw its head back in a wicked laugh that broke through the buzz. The hair morphed into the form of a silver snake, twisting over the figure’s shoulders and arms, which they held out to either side. The snake’s scales slowly shifted golden in hue. Teldryn couldn’t see the figure’s face. He never got close enough. A sword in their other hand glinted in the light from the moonless sky, driven into the ground at their feet. Still, the image wasn’t quite clear. Still, he could not reach.
I almost linked the entire fanfic.
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
“Ground rules,” she said, trying to seem aggravated. “Keep those thoughts to yourself, especially in public.” “As you wish, sera,” Teldryn said, still beaming. She rolled her eyes. Geldis gave him a harsh look as he dropped off two bowls of porridge and two mugs of canis root tea, but said nothing.
I always yell about all the Tolkien references so, instead, have this Princess Bride easter egg instead :>
A line from your fic that's shocking
Chapter 1: Prologue
“I don’t regret us, for the record. My fear has nothing to do anymore with where we are and how much stronger we’ve become. We’re supposed to be together. She’s supposed to exist,” Nyenna said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She drummed her fingers over his hands which still lay on her stomach. “She? More like he," Teldryn scoffed in a teasing tone. He paused, waiting for her retort, and chuckled instead in the silence. “You keep saying that,” Nyenna said and shook her head. She laughed too, especially as the little one kicked at their touch, restless and relentless. Teldryn kissed the side of her jaw near her ear and she sighed. “I’d have never made it through any of this without you, you know.” “You would have. I see you. You’re stronger than you know,” he replied. He always said the right things at the right time. She wondered briefly how he always seemed to know exactly what she needed to hear.
I could've linked the entire prologue lol. I laid everything out on the table right at the beginning. Perhaps this isn't shocking anymore for most of you LOL but I mean...sorta yeah. There's more that probably would be. But it's not published yet. :>
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
Chapter 27: Echoes (longer snippet again lol)
“Tell me what to do,” he said after a moment. “Oh, I really hate this, though,” Neloth said, apprehension sounding odd and incongruous for him. “There’s a reason people don’t practice this way. It might seem like nothing to you now that you’ve already accomplished the connection. That it brought forth memories of immature jokes should have told me enough… But… I’ve seen people disintegrate, their Magicka pools just… gone. In an instant. I’ve… Well, I’ve done it to someone before, myself.” Teldryn stopped short. “Jokes aside, Neloth, but…you? With someone else?” When Neloth fell silent and pensive instead of digging back at him, Teldryn knew something was wrong. His stomach lurched again as the old wizard opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again and ground his teeth against whatever he was holding back. He cleared his throat before he was able to make his point. “Yes, I… It was during the Oblivion Crisis. We closed a gate that opened at Sadrith Mora. We were… We were without resources, but…” He trailed off, grief and anger crossing his brow like a squall. His eyes went dark. “I thought I didn’t care about her at the time. My apprentice.” He smoothed his robes and sighed heavily. “We were the last two mages left alive and the Redoran hadn’t gotten anywhere near the settlement yet. Neither of us were enough on our own. The option was this… indecent spellwork or both of us dying trying to break the siege of Dremora ourselves.” He fidgeted with his sleeve and looked anywhere else except at Teldryn. “It had been our last resort. I reached and she answered and then in a moment, she was gone. Ashes. Like she’d never even existed. But I still remember her. And I remember the sound of it…of her Magicka evaporating… like it was yesterday.” He cleared his throat and glanced up at the ceiling. “She wasn’t weak by any means. This happened anyway. And I… I still feel like I’ve lost something of myself all these years later. Something I’ll never get back.”
NELOTH BACKSTORY. I could and probably will write more fic set before the events of World and include more of this. More of what this person meant to Neloth, and more of what this event really caused for him personally, for House Telvanni, for his standing in the Council, for the outcome of the Oblivion Crisis. Everything. Oh it'll be so much fun.
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aroace-poly-show · 6 months
*cough* greetings I have come to explain the Don't Erase Our Memories hw cover in detail because it's amazing check it out I'm manifesting Kanamafu cover rn.
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Ruinene looking back at their childhood when they where blissfully unaware of The Horrors™. The "for all time" basically translates into "for forever" in most cases and they have been together since day 1 so.
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Here either the monologue is changed or it's just default Miku/VS stuff. You said the Sekai had already existed for a while, probably since Tsukasa's childhood. IMAGINE HOW LONG MIKU HAD TO WAIT. LIKE... SPINEL STEVEN UNIVERSE FLASHBACKS. ESPECIALLY SINCE MIKU HAS SOME KIND OF FUTURE VISION. imagine how happy she was when Tsukasa finally came and with a whole troupe.
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This one usually translates into "don't erase/scratch our memories" and let me tell you IT'S THE TENMA LINE EVER. because Tsukasa was taken away from the memories he made and Saki's was privated from the memories she never made.
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The next one usually translates into "searched" instead of "wished" which is just... So Tsukasa.
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I... I don't think I need to explain (transmitting my blight via our shared wxs fan brain canal)
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Also he would absolutely slay the high notes. Thank you thank you I know I'm right
Also Tumblr doesn't let me post more but the end of the song is BEAUTIFUL it fits so well go check it out you won't regret it.
Anyway... Yeah. Um. My fucking fingerssss
hi sorry it took me a while to respond but i am eating this. oh my god . i have some additions to add btw:
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yeag tsukasa + virtual singer. yeag
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theres something here. i cant place my finger on what it is but there is something here. this line is good.
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i forgot to use the coloring thing like you did but. 1st line virtual singer 2nd tsukasa 3rd emu 4th rui or nene but i���d like it to be both 5th tsukasa (i think its like. a vow he will remember. a vow he won’t forget the things that are important to him like he did before.) and last two all together. tyty for this.
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trenchcoatsbi · 8 months
*head in hands*
I can never escape my feelings for Racer. I may be aroace but apparently one (1) ginger idiot from over 100 years ago is the exception. (side note apparently he isn't ginger in the broadway prodction?? like of all the things do be different from canon Albert and Racer swapped hair colors???? what the fuck??)
I want him to play pokemon with me. i dont even know how to play pokemon but I wanna do it with Racer. it's enrichment. we're simpply cats who need a mouse to chase :3 - Voidling Anon
oof that is felt so hard!!! idk despite the aroace swag a lot of the time I'll be just doing stuff and then just augh I wish ___ was here to do this with me. I was just doing hw for a computers class and I had a passing thought about how much one of my old partners would've loved to hover over my shoulder and watch me go fucking insane trying to get the bloody thing to work properly. I will be doing the most mundane shit and I always find a way to loop my loved ones into it. Like yeah Kristin would love this awful joke I just made and Gri would've fucking hated the awful breakfast I just made for myself...
Anyway I'm gonna go play sudoku and reminisce now. I have about ten people on the mind who I know would tease me for how religiously I open the website to do my daily number puzzles
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joviantwelve · 1 year
watched spiderverse
impressions and theories below!
ok so
1. glad they made the spot so cool. underrated villain in the catalogue
3. a lot of moving pieces tho so I can see why that was a necessary decision. matrix 2/3 vibes over here
4. totally called miles getting sent to the wrong dimension. number was wrong, mom's eye color was wrong, she said his hair was different.......tragic tho
5. I always love and hate it when a groundbreaking piece of media uses ideas I've had for a while LMFAO. like it's so frustrating in the sense that "now people will assume I am ripping this thing off" but cool in the "YES THE WRITERS FEEL ME" sense.
my main Rixile story has the "you're an anomaly not supposed to be here, as you are now, to begin with" kinda thing, complete with accidentally getting yeeted to the dimension you technically relate to but isn't your home, where everything is now bleak because history spun away from its course so bad.
so anyway RE: the end of the movie, I take it this is the typical comic book "crime rules the city" kind of dimension cuz there's just no hero at all. always fun!!
6. prowler miles will become good after being inspired by spider miles. i hope
7. I'm assuming the main theme is "you CAN fight fate because fate is just a made up concept" cuz they've already talked about the "predetermined events" just being based on their study and models and shit. science is meant to be challenged. prophecies are also meant to be challenged. this is just a prophecy with science on top. and might also be a metatextual commentary on comic book AU-type characters?!??!? maybe??
man we're really into meta movies lately huh. the EEAAO nod was very funny
8. in that vein I'm also assuming whatever happened to that dimension miguel hopped into was not directly related to him being anomalous but rather him mistaking correlation for causation. and showing him you maybe CAN rescue a dimension from collapse would challenge that worldview. and hey we have a collapsing dimension right there already in the story! let's fix that!!
9. it would be cool if there was a spacetime loopy thing going on and spot is what caused that thing to happen tho, and miguel just got the wrong idea from it. though I guess that might be too far from the other message of "shit just happens sometimes and you have to deal" and I don't want them forcing a golden ending or anything. just might be cool if miguel is mistaken. lighten up a little mr. manpain
10. spiders-man was my jokey wish for these movies and he was not there, tragically, but there being a third movie is at least some hope for me.
I don't even need him to do anything big I just want lord & miller to point out how fucking horrifying his concept is in their typical joke style
11. finally I liked all the cute little references here and there. in the best way you can do it which is "unobtrusive but if you know you know." spectacular spider-man finally recognized after all this time. jk simmons recognized as the only actor that is allowed to play JJJ. gotta love it.
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bluewillowedart · 2 years
hi :) can you talk about anything related to prsk you have been thinking about lately. literally anything even if it's 15 paragraphs about an au in your head or disecting a character or just a little headcanon i Will read it. also what's the flag in your pfp?
hello :)
ohhhbhh goodness theres so much i could talk about oh god oh god.
but first - the flag in my pfp is the agender flag but the colors were picked from touyas sdsc trained card! ((you can pick the aromantic and agender flags from them and it makes me so happy hehe))
but now. jun insanity moment time. ((warning. this may be long))
uhmm idk how much i will end up putting here since. im not the best with words but. magical girl au with the gamer quartet.
i just think. pink leader emu would be so fun,, im drawing a lot of dynamic and design philosophies from precure so thats where that decision came from. the cute tiney girl with the big ass hammer being the leader is so amusing to me listen. Listen.
also the progression of who joins the team is emu -> nene -> akito -> touya
i really like the idea of touya being the more. almost aloof one whos hesitant to join the team and would prefer to work alone. that sort of concept but not exactly if you will hehe. there is an interval between nene joining compared to akito and touya. the latter two are somewhat close to precure's late cure concept. slightly.
emu and nene are established as close friends from the beginning in the au anyways so that lends itself to make the dynamic easy to build from. im still trying to figure out how to fill the void in how this blends akito and touya with this starting duo. but i like to think that touya got his powers even before akito but. kept it a secret from him (which he wish he didnt have to but you know). so when the two found out abt each other having powers. just. woah?!?!? spiderman pointing meme or smth ig.
i also should add the designs for them in general was drawn from that cutesy space/cyber aes along with very vaguely. sea slugs.
its been referenced and shown on one of my posts but their partners. emu -> crocodile, nene -> owl, akito -> wolf, touya -> panda. all based off of the animals they chose in close game offline :) they are silly little friends and the team has to pretend theyre little plushies to avert suspicions hfdjs
and similarly for their weapons. emu -> big fucking hammer. nene -> laser sniper. akito -> serraded knives. touya -> thats a secret ;)
TBH touya is an interesting chara in this au very mysterious very funky. he is super powerful but doesnt have full control over his powers yet. i will leave it at that. augh.
they have to fight off the forces that are created from the build up of negative feelings drawn from sekais that are able to phase into the real world. these said feelings are ones that have gone haywire and all. for the most part the team can use their cellphones to detect these. monsters. and fight them. they typically arent seen by the normal eye but there are some who are so powerful that can override that.
overall this au diverges from canon and theres a handful of things drawn from said canon that ive altered for the sake of this au making sense but. its my silly au i get to make the silly rules and it means so much to me aaadhjksaaaaaaa
there is also a pkmn au that keeps going in and out of my head. and my bf and i created a team for touya. milotic, miraidon, ceruledge, lucario, corviknight, decidueye. this au doesnt have a lot to it as of rn but also. emu with tinkaton. its so necessary. that mon is Meant for emu. oh yeah and akito has amarouge to compliment touya. hehe. yeas.
i have. more aus. but theyre not super developed enough for me to talk extensively abt them but they sure exist in my head.
PLEASE do continue to pick at my brain for the magical girl au tho i love that one so badly hfusjkd
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rillette · 2 years
dnd might start goin a little bit later but thatsss ok
we go home go sleep. cc wakes up in the middle of the night to see a desaturated blue jester at the window. we sleep in and marie leaves smoothies out for us but her and her children do not seem to be home. two kidu (kileon independant detectives unit) guards knock on the door and codos and damona hide while cc answers the door (harry and turf are still sleeping upstairs) they ask somethin about have you seen people with unnatural blue colored limbs and then leave. we head out on that quest the tci assigned us and we meet two old owlens on their farm and oh my god they are adorable theyre an old married couple and augh they offer to make us dinner when we get back from the lake even if we dont successfully unblock the water theyre just really sweet old people i love them. on the path were on we can ALL see a black and white jester writhing on the ground pretty fucked up and then it dies and fizzles away. we come up to a dam that was causing the water problem and make a bunch of percy jackson style dam puns before a guard fuckin disappears in the woods and then right after him a purple jester (only cc can see) comes out. says he is ferdinand and that "everything will make sense in due time" also he apparently looks kinda like ccs brother. we find a pipe in the ground and hear a voice through it and oh my god we spent like 30 full minutes fucking with this guy he was like "get off the scanner you arent supposed to be here" and we just kept stepping on and off and on and off god he hates us anyways we burn down the dam and fix the water issue. the pipe guys name is oliver and hes apparently the old owl peoples son. the woman old owl gives us cookies and the man old owl says he loves us and we all awwww and go on our way. murmur asks us to pick up a sword for her so we do AND WE GET IT FROM ANOTHER BOAT MAN-LIKE DUDE and an emo girl but boat man :) then we go back to tci headquarters and citrine and murmur are sitting with a guy who "stares sadly at the empty tables and chairs..." and i spend about 5 minutes going DIRK YOU FUCKIN DIDNT YOU DID NOT YOU DID NOT DO WHAT I THINK YOU DID anyways motherfucking marius hands us a letter they found on a guard that is "incomplete" but codos and damona can read all of it because blue and it saysssss "Goodevening bark, Thank you for your last letter, It seems that he has gotten closer to finding the Aersk site, although it runs in his veins, he won't believe a trail has gone cold until there's true evidence. I require you shut down the operation in June. Move the rig to somewhere closer, possibly the scattered pine? If you fail to follow i will be forced to take stronger methods, if you wish to pursue life I recommend you move fast. Wouldn't want to end up like Theriot, would you? Yours truly, Emperor Rylefion" which is hm. we take it and head back to maries where she says theres a letter for us and it is from june and is said to be from eivas. the letter inside is very much not in eivas's handwriting though and basically says "come back to june as soon as you can. emperors guards found where we were. eivas is in bad shape." and harry says its in drygon (bartender lady) handwriting. we have turf use a message spell to contact ollie and we go on the boat and timeskip back to june. we walk in and the place is like...messed up. we go up to eivas and theriots room and eivas is a MESS also doesnt have a shirt on for this whole conversation. hes basically like "a lot of people died everyone else is either moved to a different spot or captured. theriot..." and he kinda cuts off at theriots name so we all are like. "theriot got taken??" and we go down to turf and have him use another message spell to contact theriot (damona pulls out eivas's wallet to show turf what he looks like and codos gives like a general description of how he acts) and we message him like "hey. what the fuck happened? are you safe? where are you? were going to find you" and he responds pretty much immediately and is like "im safe. dont come looking for me. im were i belong" AND THATS WHERE WE FUCKING ENDED IM SOOOO
woahhhh the plots heating up!!! so much stuff happened this time omg. the jesters thing is really interesting, i wonder why only cc could see the purple one. and theriot omg 😨
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moonmothmama · 2 years
i swear to christ i've fallen in love with Cain and Abel all over again every single time i've encountered them.
years ago when my brother recommended i read Swamp Thing, do you know what i came away from it with? i mean i enjoyed it. but what really burrowed into my brain were these two fuckin' guys from ONE scene, a dream sequence, and i knew there was more to them, i didn't know what it was referencing but i knew it was referencing something, and i had to find out what, i wanted more of them
and it's interesting because i had run into Cain and Abel before, briefly; in the tie-in comic book to Batman: the Animated Series. it was an issue about Scarecrow. on one page there was a sequence with two men talking to Professor Crane about a work release therapy thing. and it stuck out to me because, just like the Swamp Thing appearance later, i could tell it was a reference to something. i didn't understand the reference but i know how that shit goes. they were way too detailed and distinctive not to be someone. i couldn't look it up back then because like..... it was a long time ago. it's not like i could just google shit the way we can now.
anyway. i read Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing- which predates Sandman as i later found out- at my older brother's behest, and as i said, i walked away with a burning curiosity about two characters who had appeared once in a main character's dream.
so. typical me.
and when i looked into it, i found something that fucking delighted me: that their origins were in old horror comics. that shit was RIGHT up my alley. so i dove in, and fell in love with them again. for real, i love those comics. first off the art! AUGH the old comic book art, i live for that shit. older comic book art is so gorgeous. and i love horror! i don't care that they were a lil corny. i have some of the collected volumes of House of Secrets & House of Mystery and god i wish they were in color.
anyway there was no repetitive reenactment of the first murder going on between them until Swamp Thing. they had a pretty typical mildly antagonistic sibling relationship as far as i recall (i have to go digging for my books); Cain teased Abel, and they were a bit competitive with each other, but iirc that was about as far as it went, aside from maybe a few quick gags. although, idk, would they have been doing that back then if they could've gotten away with it? hmm. food for thought.
what was i saying? right right. falling in love with Cain and Abel for the third time: watching Sandman on Netflix. by the time i heard that was gonna be a thing i already had a deeply established affection for these guys, although i'd never encountered them in the Sandman comics (the only sandman things i can remember reading are Death: The High Cost of Living & Endless Nights. if there was something else i've forgotten it). all the same, though, i was creeping on the news about it because hell, what chance am i ever gonna get to see Cain and Abel onscreen again? i mean a gal can dream. (hah) and they were a huge deciding factor in me watching.
they're so good i love them so much
particularly, watching this reminded me how much i enjoy Cain. is it weird that i feel a little guilty admitting that i favored Abel?? almost feel like i should apologize, lol (sorry Cain. mea culpa). but i love both of them. and i love them as a pair. and i am SO HYPED at the prospect of seeing more of them next season. PLEASE let there be more Cain and Abel next season.
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mushramoo · 3 years
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2184 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 03:44:14 GMT
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Ok but why is Poppy Playtime actually good 👀
3505 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 01:27:43 GMT
I really wish Minecraft would add mob variants from Minecraft Earth, like seeing different cow types/colors, breeds etc. would instantly liven up the world. I feel like it’s such an easy way to make the game more immersive.
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Like!!!! Look at these bois!!!! They’re all so cute and fun!!! I would kill to have wooly cows and sunset cows and CREAM AND COOKIE COWS in my Minecraft world. Augh!!!!
4293 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 02:52:17 GMT
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18020 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 14:09:15 GMT
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This has been plaguing my mind since chapter 2 came out
19789 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 14:09:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 109
-The Tragedy of a an episodic format attempting to connect narrative in a series: (Tohru’s Background or Kyo’s Focus?)
One of my issues with se03, ep6 (other than it being 3 chapters combined horribly with new material added for shock value) is that it was weakly undecided who would be the focus? who would the narrative follow?: Is it tohru’s own pov abt herself? is it the gramps giving boring exposition abt tohru over weak still images of flashbacks or is kyo thinking abt tohru’s pain?
The truth is, it was all the above in the manga, but the manga gave each a chapter focus so that the chapter is well-directed with focused narrative. The anime weakly jumbled the 3 chapters together as they always do. You mix chapters & tada~ you got an ep, you only need a broad weak theme that connects the dots! here: it is tohru! & that’s it. As long as the 3 chapters discuss tohru in any form & manner, nothing will seem off if we put them next to each other in a 20 minute ep! right? riiiiiight ????
.. this was never a correct way. Just like a chapter needed a narrative direction, the ep is the same!!
ch 107: The beginning of tohru’s pov on her realization abt loving kyo.
ch108: tohru’s full pov of shock upon reaching the conclusion that she loves him & the beginning of her mom’s issues & abandonment.
ch109: Kyo’s pov abt tohru’s pain & his involvement, guil & the sheet hug.
ch110: (completely cut from the anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Kyoru’s part: the aftermath of kyo & tohru crossing the line of being in the most vulnerable & intimate, building towards a more crushing impact of the climax. The stronger & more painful their love is, the more it will hurt. Also a yuchi buildup?!!!!
-so, you see each chapter has a direction i& a narrative it follows independently that is weaved together to make a connected tissue of the overall plot. The anime puts the 3 chapters next to each other & we are lost on who to follow? kyo or tohru or the gramps. That’s why it feels tohru is weak & her two chapters worth of pov is stolen from her cuz it cut or shortened to include the grandpa, kyo, isuzu, shigure & let’s not forget (kazuma, yuki & haru) at the beginning, the dramatic shock value addition & OP & ED. All these take valuable screen time. The ep shocks us by moving from tohru to kyo. One minute she’s crying with him on the streets, next he’s at the grave & she’s visiting isuzu.
Kyo said he isn't going to the grave in the ep, upon seeing him actually going, I just assumed he wanted to avoid, hana, cuz I’m so invested in his story that I remember sth happened in se1, ep 14.. ages ago, The anime didn’t even allow kyo to inner talk abt avoiding hana... In their weird mind, kyo only inner talks in dramatic situations..See the difference!
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Not only the writer (a) reminds us why kyo avoided the grave visit, she also (b) seized the opportunity to shine lifht onto an issue that will be the center of kyo’s struggles: Running away!
The anime introduce this in kyo’s pov only when kyo confronts tohru. Only when it was needed & couldnt be avoided. This is sth that will be the core of all the climax & the aftermath as well! Kyo running away.. How bad are you if you avoid inserting one line only that can be said in few seconds & establish great deal & foreshadow plenty!!!!!!!!!! I can’t for the life of my understand why short lines are cut from kyo when in the anime they have him be standing silent in the graveyard. Like slap the line above the silent scene!!!!! But doing so means the anime team understands tohru & kyo’s issues. They don’t. Not the slightest.
-Ep 6 signals the beginning of the anime moving from episodic format of se1, 2 & 5 eps of se3 & entering a connect plot. The anime doesn’t know how to do that & screwed tohru in the process. The protagonist’s main issues are one ep worth only. The antagonist main issues are one ep only (ep7).  Ep 6, was treated as a stand alone ep (minus the inserted shock scene to create a lingering issue that needs a following ep to explain. TOLD YOU they don’t know how to make a series!). Thus the following ep 7 is akito’s focus. Everything that was established in ep 6 was pit on hold until akito reaches the craziest mindset for the climax. See why ep 6 was so bad? it is Should NOT be a stand alone ep.
-The plot connects kyoru emotional & physically: (Kyo’s chapter with a tohru’s focus:
Unlike the anime, the chapter knows what it’s presenting 7 where it’s going. Kyo’s issues. This ch focuses on him uncovering parts of his past as it connects with tohru’s. Unlike the anime, we know why kyo's connection to kyoko’s past. The anime is hiding this for the climax, no problem, it can still work both ways. However, hiding kyoko /kyo connection doesn't necessarily mean hiding kyoko/tohru connection. But the anime is cutting this to milk it in an ova or series next year~ no problem,  it can still work if you handle this ep’s  flashback better. for all the artistic creativity they inserted in the added scene, they failed miserably in tohru’s flashback portion. how?
By choosing a frontal pov shot in tohru’s grandpa flashback as if the audience are the ones who abandoned tohru or opening the door to find her alone. it does NOT work at all. why? the audience are encouraged to be like tohru since ep 1 as tohru is the mother, angel, fixer & endearing hopeful girl. The audience will NEVER abandon tohru, that’s why tohru’s story felt disconnected & weak in the anime. Not knowing what kyoko did, who would abandon such child?! differently not us. so why use the frontal pov shot? -_-’
-tohru confesses her pain to kyo without being ushered by isuzu, without any outside factor. She simply visited the grave & came home. hiding her pain. once again. like she always do. One question by kyo, prompts her to “ complain a little” call back to se1, ep5 as he advised. we see tohru get out of her shell little by little. NOT SCREAM OR SLAP. She opened up. why? cuz the story is abt “ opening the lid” not abt “ snatching the lid”. No need for shocks. Yuki opened his lide slowly, tohru even slower, kyo is resisting opening his altho it is cracking in this chapter. When your story focuses on character buildup it pays!
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-I’ll give the anime credit when it due. The hug scene is so good both in manga & anime. but so awesome in animation, colors, music & voice acting. It’s breathtaking & painful. The most beautiful kyoru scene in the whole anime.
-It represents their mutual vulnerability, understanding, pain & determination to love the other but not also let go. kyo has made his mind to be locked in order not to hurt tohru & tohru has made her mind that she can’t let go of her mom.
You see, the scene’s meaning hits different between manga & anime; In the anime: tohru has already challenged the sohmas & screamed to be with kyo, while kyo is still decided to leave her. In the manga: they’re both at the same spot (undecided). I like both interpretations but I’ll choose the manga’s version. Simply cuz it means tohru is still uncovering her issues which means more focus on her, & more explanation of why cant tohru love her mom & kyo at the same time.
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-This expression on tohru’s face is a the complete opposite of the shock value expression in ep 6! T_T. I do’nt even hate the shocked scene addition itself that much, I just think (a) this is NOT its time! Tohru deserved better spotlight! (b) kyo didn’t friggen forget! ah! THIS I HATE! (c) the whole shocked scene was so wasted in ep 7. tohru return to her stupid dumb lalala~ land, cooking & forgetting kyo. what growth? what determination & screams to isuzu? what enduring kagura’s slaps? nope! just happy & cooking, lalala~ no one was freaking over her mom’s picture~ lalala~ & kyo just slept it over~ shhhh... its okay. he’ll forget again... see? totally wasted!
The anime knows nothing abt connected narrative! augh!
Side Notes:
We see kyo asking the gramps why he’s offering him info abt tohru which is so logical! XD. I love it.
I’ve read ch 110 & wanted to insert the kyoru scene in ch 110 here, & put yuchi alone in a different post, then I realized I’ll need to talk abt it again once I analyze yuki’s own expressions! XD. so, I’ll put all ch 110 together in one post. It kinda half written by now, so I’ll publish it very soon in two days time. I didn’t read ch 111 yet tho.
I hope ch 110 is the last I feel this much disappointments in furuba’s anime & by ch 11, it hopefully be be minor changes altho I doubt that cuz the manga needed to dwell into tohru’s mindset & the anime kinda stopped after ep 6. so, yup! more big changes coming!
The sheet hug is so brilliant in theory & application! so romantic & so endearing! love it so much! The anime did it so well, too!
I love kyo’s narration & pov cuz it’s so refreshing change from the anime where he rarely does!
I really wish they kept the kyoko abandoning tohru part in the anime... sigh~ it has nothing much to affect her story with katsuya. so it won’t ruin the spin off/ ova or whatever it’s called. 
I love the light focus on tohru in this chapter & how organic & natural it is opposed to how forced the plot seems in the anime....
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
For the Romping and the Roaring- Part 1
Here is my submission for Day 1 of @serpentfever's Inhuman Event!
Link to read on ffn.net
This is part 1 of the story, and the rest of the parts will be posted, one each day, for the rest of the event. Because of the length of this, full story is under the cut. I've provided a little preview of the story below:
Perhaps the most strange looking thing about the scene, though, was the small boy perched on the badger’s back. Small black horns pertruded from a head of fluffy blond hair, and long, pointed, velvety black ears wiggled eagerly. Short, splayed fingers gripped the badger’s shoulders, and his small, webbed wings proved quite the contrast from Zane’s feathered ones. Perhaps the most noticeable of all, however, was the long black tail that waved behind him, curved fins flaring out at the end of it. And the delighted trills coming from his mouth were definitely anything but human.
Well, maybe it was strange-looking to anyone else. But for Kai, it was just an ordinary day.
Prompts Used: Panic, Hiding
Word Count: 10,082
Rating: T
Trigger Warnings: Imprisonment, Dehumanization, Mentions of Murder
Part 1
“Wake up, sleepyhead!”
Kai groaned, blinking awake. His sister grinned down at him, her arms dangling in his face from where she was hanging, her spotted tail wrapped tightly around one of the structural beams.
“Go away,” he mumbled, tossing a pillow in her face. “It’s too early.”
“It’s ten am.”
“So? It’s not like there’s anything to do around here, I might as well get my beauty rest.”
“Goodness knows you need it, with that dreaded mane of yours.”
He tossed another pillow at her face, which turned out to be a mistake, because now he was out of pillows.
“Why do you always have so much energy? Don’t you ever sleep?”
She shrugged. “I like to sleep in the afternoons. I guess it’s a leopard thing? They’re nocturnal, you know.”
“I know, Nya. I’ve had a half-leopard as a sister for sixteen years, don’t you think I would know that by now?”
“I’ll ignore that comment if you let me sleep for a little more.”
“Have you forgotten what day it is?” Nya chirped, beginning to swing back and forth. “Today Dr. Borg is letting us take Lloyd into the city!”
Kai sat bolt upright. “That’s today?”
“Yes, fish-brain! You should see him, he’s so excited.”
Kai scrambled out of bed, startling Nya and making her fall into the bed with a yelp. He shook his head, letting his mane cascade around his face and down his back. Huffing as half of it fell into his eyes, he wrestled it into a ponytail- part of it, anyway- and walked over to the door, Nya bounding after him. The other four beds in the room were already empty.
Opening the door revealed the same thing it always did. Another room- this one much larger than the last one, but a closed-off room nonetheless- stretched around them. There were a few other doors that led to bathrooms, a room with skylights (made with reinforced glass, of course, so no one could break it, even if they had superstrength) so they could soak in the natural light from time to time, and just some rooms with various activities- paints, notebooks, computers, puzzles, TVs, and all the books and video games they could ever want, or if they just needed some alone time away from the others for a bit.
But none of that changed the fact that the door on the far side of the room was always firmly locked.
In the kitchen, Zane was whipping up a bowl of pancake batter. Tawny-colored wings unfurled from his back, stretching freely now that he didn’t have to hide them. The feathered tufts behind his ears twitched as a loud shriek sounded out from the other side of the room.
Kai turned, a purr rumbling in his throat as he caught sight of the large badger lumbering across the room. A small yellow labrador raced after him, barking excitedly.
Perhaps the most strange looking thing about the scene, though, was the small boy perched on the badger’s back. Small black horns pertruded from a head of fluffy blond hair, and long, pointed, velvety black ears wiggled eagerly. Short, splayed fingers gripped the badger’s shoulders, and his small, webbed wings proved quite the contrast from Zane’s feathered ones. Perhaps the most noticeable of all, however, was the long black tail that waved behind him, curved fins flaring out at the end of it. And the delighted trills coming from his mouth were definitely anything but human.
Kai’s tail thrashed fondly. Well, maybe it was strange-looking to anyone else. But to him, it was just an ordinary day.
“Lloyd, you’re here already!” Kai called, hurrying over. The small boy brightened- even more so than he already was- at the sight of him, and leapt into his arms. Kai stroked him gently, and Lloyd purred softly, his long tail thwacking against his leg.
The badger blinked at him, shaking his head, and, in a flash of light, he was gone, a young man sitting on the floor in his place. His curly black hair, with a white stripe down the middle, nearly hid the small black ears poking out. Round glasses framed his dark eyes as he grinned up at Kai, his fangs glinting. The lab jumped into his lap, and the man scratched behind his ears. With a flash, the lab turned back into a teenager, his auburn curls falling into his freckled face.
“Augh, Jay! Get off of me, you lump!” He shoved his friend off of his lap, sending him tumbling.
“Hey, Cole, you could’ve asked nicely,” Jay whimpered, even though his golden tail was wagging, and his ears were perked.
“Yeah, well next time, don’t transform back when you’re in my lap! Having a small dog sitting on me is one thing, a lanky teenager is another.”
“Stop acting like you’re so superior! You’re only four years older than me, barely out of teenagehood yourself!”
“I’m not acting like I’m superior! I’m just telling you not to sit on top of me!”
“Whatever,” Jay grumbled.
“Hey, guys,” Kai snorted.
“Mornin’ Kai,” Jay grinned. “Have a nice lie-in?”
Cole groaned, shaking his head, and Kai shot Jay a glare.
“You shut up with your damn puns, puppy boy.”
“Jeez, apparently someone’s had his pride hurt.”
“I swear, one more lion pun-”
“Fine, fine! I know when my witty quips aren’t wanted.”
Jay,” Cole sighed, “they’re never wanted. Anyways, you ready for today, Kai?”
“You bet! They brought Lloyd in early, today, huh?”
“Dr. Borg wants us to get him ready and make sure he’s behaving well before we leave.”
Kai raised an eyebrow. “And romping around giving him badger rides and riling him up is a good way to do that?”
“Aw, come on, Kai, he’ll be fine. Besides,” his voice lowered as he went on, “he deserves to have a little fun while he’s here.”
Kai instinctively tightened his grip on Lloyd. None of them knew what happened to Lloyd when their caretakers took him away at night, apart from the fact that Dr. Borg insisted he was perfectly safe, but, at the very least, he was alone, and sometimes, Kai, with his heightened sense of hearing, could hear him whimpering through the walls. Lloyd hated being alone, and Kai didn’t understand why he couldn’t just stay with them all the time.
But, like most things, Dr. Borg just kept them in the dark about it.
Not that he was being ungrateful- Dr. Borg had kept them alive.
Issac Borg, son of Cyrus Borg, had taken over his father’s company when he had died, and, as head scientist at Borg Tower, had made it his mission to help the few living hybrids left- Kai and his friends. Dr. Borg had told them stories of how the human world rejected anything that was different from them- that they feared those with different blood such as Kai and his friends, saw them as “monsters,” and would seek them out and kill them if they ever found out their secret.
But Dr. Borg didn’t think the same way as the rest of the world. He wanted to protect them, to let them thrive and grow strong. So, he took them in and helped keep them hidden. He had given them work to do, too, not normal work, but things that only they could do. Dr. Borg told them how the world wanted everyone to be the same, and to hide what made them unique, but he said that they should be able to play to their strengths. Their trainers helped them learn how to fight, and to use their unique skills to an advantage. At this point, Kai had a repertoire of fighting skills he was eager to bring to fruition, but it seemed like the time never came to use them.
They did get to use their skills in other ways, though. Jay often went out in the streets in his dog form, his quick and cunning nature allowing him to be a natural pickpocket, with the ultimate disguise. Zane’s flight abilities allowed him to scope out Ninjago City, and keep Borg posted on the government’s actions. Nya’s agility skills let her slip around nearly undetected, which kept them out of a lot of fights. Kai’s hearing allowed him to eavesdrop for information, and Cole’s strength and digging skills could break through a lot of walls and barriers.
Except for the ones of their room.
For as much as he loved Borg- he was the closest thing to a father that any of them had- he couldn’t help but feel a bit like a prisoner, trapped up in here. He just wished Borg would trust them more.
Kai was eighteen now. He was old enough to keep himself and the younger ones out of trouble.
Which Borg is depending on me to do today, he reminded himself. The others had gotten the hang of how to behave outside of the tower by now, but Lloyd was still so young and often needed reminding. And it was no secret the little oni, dragon, and human tribrid was especially clingy with Kai. It was his job to keep him under control and on his best behavior.
I can do this. I will prove to Borg how trustworthy I am.
“Pancakes are ready!”
His thoughts were interrupted as Zane chirped at them from the kitchen. Lloyd’s warm, comfortable weight vanished from his arms as he leaped to the ground and scurried towards the kitchen island on all fours, climbing up the barstool to perch on top. He clicked and chirred brightly at Zane, his red eyes glinting hungrily, and the falcon hybrid bit back a grin at his expression.
“Use your words, Lloyd.”
Lloyd’s expression dimmed slightly, and Kai frowned. Lloyd’s reluctance to use human words was probably what worried him the most about integrating him into society. But Zane had been practicing with him ever since he could crawl, and if anyone could get him to speak, it was Zane.
“Can I have pancakes? Please?”
“Yes, Lloyd, you may.”
Zane slid two chocolate chip pancakes onto his plate. The sweet scent of the pastry drifted over to them, and Kai felt his mouth water. Jay, Cole, Kai, and Nya bounded over to the island as well as Zane served them the food. Jay jumped up and dashed towards the cupboard, grabbing out a container of rainbow-colored sprinkles.
Lloyd’s eyes practically glowed as he grappled for them. Jay laughed, and sprinkled a handful onto his pancakes. Lloyd chirred delightedly and hurriedly began to devour his breakfast.
“Jay, don’t give him more sugar. He’s going to be impossible when we go into the city.”
“You’re the one watching him, not me,” Jay chirped.
Kai put his head in his hands, sighing.
“It’s okay,” Zane assured him. “A little milk can go a long way to calm him down. Here Lloyd,” he pushed a sippy cup of milk towards him, “drink some of this.”
Lloyd worked on the milk as the rest of them ate, and, by the time they were all finished, he was looking a lot less feral. Zane was a lifesaver.
Nya glanced at the clock. “It’s almost time to go. We should start getting ready.”
They walked over to the closet where they kept all their gear. The large, loose sweaters allowed them a place to tuck in their tails, and, for Zane, his wings as well. As Kai helped his friend to adjust his coat to properly hide all the feathers, Nya pulled the sleeves of hers longer down her arms, hiding the light rosette spotting there. She had been able to pass it off as a tattoo before, but they really didn’t want to take any chances, especially not with Lloyd along this time.
Cole began to help Lloyd with his jacket, but the young boy swatted his hands away. “I can do it.”
“You sure, bud? It can be tricky-”
“I do it. I do the buttons.” His ears twitched as he ran his fingers over the smooth objects.
While Lloyd worked on the jacket, the rest of them shoved hats over their heads, Kai, with some difficulty, getting his over his mane, but when they turned back to Lloyd, now sporting his lopsided-buttoned jacket, there was evidently a large issue, and it wasn’t Lloyd’s button job.
“What are we going to do about his tail,” Jay asked. “The rest of us have the self control to hold ours under our coats for the time period, but he’s four, he’s not gonna be able to do that.”
“And it’s so long,” Nya pointed out. “I remember having a lot more trouble with my tail than any of you guys did, and Lloyd’s less than half my size!”
“Didn’t we used to tie it up when you were younger?” Kai asked.
“What?” “Here,” Kai pulled a scarf out of the closet. “C’mere, Lloyd.”
The child bounded over to him, and Kai picked up his tail in his hands, examining it. “Hmm. Flexible enough.” Folding it back on itself a few times, Kai used the scarf to tie it up firmly, and then pulled the coat down over it. “That should hold for quite a while.”
Lloyd bared his teeth at him, and Kai winced. “Sorry, I know it’s not the most comfortable thing, bud, but we got to do it, okay?”
Lloyd started to grab for his tail, but his small arms couldn’t reach it. Kai stopped him, nonetheless. “Hey, bud, don’t. I’m not kidding, okay?”
Lloyd huffed dramatically, before pacing towards the door.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Lloyd glanced back, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of the small hat Kai was holding in his hands. He squwaked loudly, trying to scramble past him, but Kai swooped him up in his grip. Lloyd hissed and struggled, although his body was trembling with the familiar vibrations Kai recognized as playfulness. This was a game to him.
“Lloyd,” Kai growled through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on the squirming bundle, “Just put on the hat. It’s not the end of the world.”
Well, that was one word he knew quite clearly.
Kai jammed the hat onto his head, but Lloyd quickly shook it off and jumped away, scrambling under the couch to hide, his red eyes glowing eerily in the darkness, his pupils narrowed into thin slits.
“Lloyd,” Kai said, letting an authoritative tone slip into his voice- which wasn’t something to be messed with, when you were part lion. “This is not an option. Either you wear the hat and behave, or we don’t go out at all.”
Lloyd’s eyes blinked, and after only a second, he was scurrying back out and reluctantly letting Kai pull the hat onto his head.
And not a moment too soon- Kai’s ears twitched as he caught the sound of movement behind the big, blocked door. His head whipped towards it, and the others quickly picked up on him, revving their gazes towards the door, too. After a few moments, they began to hear it, too. Jay cocked his head anxiously, Zane adjusted his coat, Cole pushed his glasses further up his nose, and Nya narrowed her eyes, grabbing Lloyd’s hand.
The door slowly swung open- Kai had to resist the urge to dash out- and revealed four of their caretakers- Liam, Noah, Rahn, and Kelsey. Kai let out his breath, slowly.
“Are you ready to leave, children?” One of them, Liam, asked. His gaze flitted between each of them, scanning them carefully. He stopped on Lloyd, his eyes narrowing, but if he had a problem, he didn’t voice it. “You look wonderfully human. A job well done, and not an easy one, I’m sure.”
“Yes, but appearances are only the beginning,” Kelsey pointed out. “You must make sure you are all on your best behavior, especially the muta- Lloyd. You all have learned a lot from your human behavior lessons, have you not?”
They nodded, and Kai added, “Is Dr. Borg not going to see us off today?”
“He’s a very busy person, Kai,” Rahn reminded him. “You children are lucky that he makes as much time for you as he does.”
Kai dipped his head, falling silent.
“Don’t worry, he’ll probably check in with you when you’re back,” Noah assured. “For now, we can escort you. Are you ready?”
Yelps and purrs responded him, and Noah shot them a sharp glance. Kai felt his ears droop shamefully as he responded, in sync with the others, “Yes, sir.”
“Then let’s go.” Noah beckoned for Cole to follow him, who was closely followed by Jay, then Zane. Kai and Nya went last, Lloyd bounding between them. His eyes were both bright and wary.
Rahn cleared his throat as they passed, and Nya bent down to Lloyd, whispering, “Two feet, bud.”
Lloyd grumbled, but obliged, taking his hands off the ground and standing up on just his feet instead. His steps were a little wobbly, so Nya and Kai each grabbed a hand. That made him look a little less grumpy about the situation, at least.
The caretakers led them down the floors of Borg Tower, and for the first time in weeks, Kai saw people, more than just doctors and scientists and caretakers, at least. Employers at Borg, but these ones weren’t the higher up, didn’t know their secret. Wary glances were shot at them, but it was probably just because they were wondering what a bunch of kids were doing in Borg Tower, not because they were secretly a bunch of weird monster mutants that had to hide everything about them because no one trusted them and people wanted to hurt them, and they just wanted to be normal kids-
The point was, it was nice to be looked at like a kid, for once.
And then, there were windows, and then-
They were outside.
The little skylight in their room couldn’t bring justice to this. Sunlight streamed around them, bright and cheery and welcoming, and the crisp autumn air tickled his cheeks. There were people everywhere, not Borg employees, but just regular people, talking and laughing with each other. No one was staring at him, conversing in hushed whispers, or telling him off for smiling too much and showing off his fangs. There weren’t any trainers scolding him, or doctors whisking him off to yet another appointment, and most of all, there weren’t any walls.
Kai felt like he wanted to cry. It wasn’t his first time out, Dr. Borg let them out every so often, but…
It had been way too long.
Although he knew that, however bad it was for him, it was worse for Lloyd. While they got to go out every month or so, Lloyd only rarely got cleared to come with them, and he had only been allowed to at all about a year ago. Dr. Borg said it was because he was too young, although Kai swore that he could remember him and the others going out more often when they had been Lloyd’s age, with adult supervision, of course.
Sure enough, Lloyd’s eyes were as wide as saucers as he gazed around, taking everything in in that quiet, attentive way of his.
“Excited, Lloydster?” Kai asked him. “Wanna go to the mall?”
Borg had given them a fairly sizable chunk of money- after all, being the owner of the city’s largest science organization didn’t exactly leave him with empty pockets- to spend as they pleased (as long as it wasn’t anything too outrageous, and their bags and pockets were to be searched before they reentered the tower,) so they went shopping at the mall. Lloyd obviously wasn’t so enthralled with Macy’s, Barnes & Noble, or Hot Topic, so the ninja took turns with Lloyd while the others went shopping. When Kai was with him, he spent a lot of time going up and down the escalator. Kai was worried the behavior might be unusual among humans and draw attention to them, and although they got a few odd looks, after a little while a little girl named Raina started running up and down the escalator with him. Kai had frantically apologized to her mother, but she just laughed, telling him “kids will be kids!” Kai had allowed himself to give her a tentative smile, and had been reluctant when he had to leave with Lloyd. The woman, Jessica, had given Kai her number if Lloyd ever wanted to get together.
Kai didn’t have the heart to tell her it could never happen.
After they finished shopping, the group stopped for lunch in the food court, then headed to the park and chatted while Lloyd ran around.
The afternoon was peaceful and cool, and it was all too soon when he got the call telling them it was time to go back.
“Hey Lloyd, time to go, bud.”
The look that flitted across Lloyd’s face made his heart break. “Can we… can we come back tomorrow?”
“I don’t think so, bud. I’m sorry.”
“We can watch a movie when we get home, bubs. You wanna do that?” There was a shake in Nya’s voice as she spoke, and he knew she hated this as much as he did.
“Can we watch… the one with dinosaurs?”
“We can watch whatever you want, bubs.”
The walk back to Borg Tower was grim and quiet. The silence was only broken when Lloyd pointed at the fountain in the town square, as they were walking past.
“Look!” he called, leaning over the side to peer in. “There’s so many shiny things in there!”
“People throw their coins in fountains,” Zane told him.
“Why? I use my coins to buy a lollipop,” Lloyd giggled.
Kai crouched down next to him. “They say that if you throw a coin in the fountain, you can make a wish.”
Lloyd’s eyes were wide. “A wish? Like what?”
“I don’t know. Anything you want, I guess.”
Nya crouched down on the other side of him, slipping a penny from out of her purse. “You want to make a wish, bean?”
“Yeah.” Lloyd took the coin and closed his eyes. He was silent for a moment, before tossing it in. They watched it sink, down, down, down, until it hit the bottom.
On the way home, Jay spoke up. “What did you wish for, bud?”
Lloyd was quiet for a moment.
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
After their caretakers looked through their bags, they brought the group up to the room. The walk was a quiet one. The unasked question in all of their minds hung on the air- they wanted to ask if Lloyd could stay the night, just this once. The boy had been eerily quiet since the fountain, not even protesting when he had been searched, and Nya was holding him gently in her arms now. He wasn’t asleep, but his eyes stared off into the distance, his mind obviously elsewhere.
Dr. Borg himself met them at their door. “My children! How was your day out? Were you on your best behaviour?”
“You already know,” Nya muttered.
Borg frowned. “What was that, dear?”
Kai cocked his head at her, and she gave a tiny shake of her head, her glare telling him, not now.
He stared her right back, the message clear. We’ll talk later.
“It was good, Dr. Borg, but we were just wondering- would it be okay if Lloyd stayed the night with us? He’s pretty tired, and it would just be for one night-”
“Zane, I’m sorry, but Lloyd has a very important doctor’s appointment tonight-”
Out of the corner of his eye, Kai caught Lloyd stiffen, gripping tighter to Nya’s shoulder. A low growl sounded in her throat, and she brought her hands up protectively around him.
“Another doctor, Borg?” Kai snapped. “That’s the third one this week. Is there something wrong with him? Something you’re not telling us?”
“Of course not! Kai, calm yourself. What reason do I have to hide Lloyd’s medical records from you? Nothing is wrong, we just want to do some more testing. As you know, we give you all frequent checkups so that our doctors may learn more about you and your bodies. Lloyd is even more unique than any of you, so unfortunately, that just means more appointments.”
“He’s not a test subject,” Nya growled, “He’s family.”
“I never said he was! He is just as much family to me as he is to you!” Borg’s voice softened. “Nya, I know you are protective, but I am doing this for Lloyd. Knowing his body better will help us to help him better in the future, if he is to ever get sick or something.”
Nya wilted. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. I know you mean well. Now, c’mon, Lloyd, it’s time to go.”
Lloyd wailed as Borg’s assistant tried to pull him away from Nya, and he clung to her as firmly as his fingers would allow, which, for someone of his genetics, was pretty tight. Eventually, Kai had to step in.
“Lloyd, please. Let go. We’re just trying to help you.”
Lloyd released Nya’s shoulder slowly, but his eyes were round and hurt as he gazed at Kai. He tried not to flinch. Lloyd didn’t understand that this was for his own good.
Kai didn’t really understand it, either.
The group filed into their room- the door locking with a sharp click behind them- and the others wandered off to do their own things. Jay flipped through the TV channels, not settling on anything for more than ten seconds, and Cole and Zane worked on a puzzle, although their progress was slow, and their heart didn’t seem to really be into it.
Kai, however, made no time for pointless hobbies, and headed over to Nya.
“We need to talk.”
“I agree. But not in here.” She pointed towards the bedroom door. “Let’s go somewhere more private.”
He followed her in, closing the door behind him, before heading to sit next to her on her bed. “What’s so important that the others can’t hear?”
“It’s not that they can’t hear it. It’s just… I don’t know if they’ll want to. I don’t know how everyone’s going to take it, and I think it’s best to not tell everyone all at once.”
“What?! Nya, you’re killing me, just tell me what’s going on!”
“Someone was following me.”
Kai froze. “What?”
“If I’m right, someone was following all of us.”
“You mean in the city today? Like, a stalker or someone?”
“More like a Borg employee.”
“They’re spying on us, Kai, don’t you see? Dr. Borg sent some of our caretakers out to monitor us today. It’s their own fault, really. If they hadn’t trained me to use my detection skills to their full potential, I never would’ve noticed them.”
“But why? What have we done to break Dr. Borg’s trust? We’ve done this before and never got caught, why would today be any different?
Nya narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t be dense, Kai. He’s been doing it since day one. We’ve just never noticed before.”
Kai was beginning to feel very uncomfortable with the turn this conversation was taking. “How do you know that? Do you have proof?”
“Proof!” Nya stood up suddenly, her eyes blazing so fiercely that Kai flinched back. “What about any given day over the last sixteen years of my life, or the eighteen of yours! We’re prisoners here, Kai. One day a month outside of the tower doesn’t change that, especially when we’re being monitored even then.”
“Nya, don’t get like this again. Dr. Borg saved our lives-”
“From what? He tells us that people want to kill us, but do we have any reason to believe that’s true? What if he’s lying? How do you know he’s not just using us?”
“Dr. Borg is the closest thing I have to family! I trust him. With people like that, you just know.”
Nya’s ears pinned back, her voice wavering. “What happened to this family? True family is always there for you. Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd… me… we’ve all done more for you than that old fool ever has.”
Kai flinched, immediately regretting his words. “Wait, Nya, I didn’t mean- of course you’re my family, I’m sorry-” he snatched for her wrist as she began to walk away, but she easily dodged. She turned to look at him, her eyes sad.
“I know you are. You don’t want to hurt anyone- you’re just doing what you think is right, and I get that. But come talk to me again when you’re ready to reconsider.”
The next day, Kai had fighting training with one of his trainers. She seemed to be working him especially hard, but he only worked harder, and when he stopped for a rest, it took a moment to calm the adrenaline rippling through his veins. He had always been much stronger than the average human, but… usually it wasn’t so hard to control.
Dr. Borg showed up later in the lesson to pull him aside. “Kai. Your trainer tells me you are doing well. This pleases me. You are growing stronger.”
“I’m trying my best, sir.”
“Good. I expect nothing less. You’re eighteen now, Kai. Officially into adulthood. Soon, you will enter into a noble line of work I have to offer you. Now is no time to hold back. In fact- and keep this between you and me, if you will- I think you have the greatest potential of all your peers. What beast is greater than the lion? They don’t call it the king of the jungle for no reason. Your strength will be unmatched.”
Kai felt like he was supposed to be pleased by that, but something about the words just felt wrong.
“Sir,” he interrupted, feeling the sudden need to ask something, “What… why do I need to learn to fight like this? Who will I be fighting?” “If all goes well, no one. But this is necessary to defend yourself. Like I have told you since you were a cub, the rest of the world wants to hunt you down. You deserve a way to fight for your life and honor- and for the… weaker members of your team, don’t you?”
Kai nodded. “Of course. I was just wondering… is that all it’s for? Self-defence? Nothing more?”
Borg narrowed his eyes, but nodded slowly. “You will only have to do what must be done.”
“…Alright. Thank you, sir.” “And Kai?”
“Yes?” “If Nya’s been putting ideas in your head again, don’t listen to her. I know she means well, but she’s going through that natural ‘teenage rebellion’ stage right now, and isn’t thinking straight. Just take my word for it, alright?”
“O-okay. Have a good evening, sir.”
“Train hard!”
As Kai trodded back to the room that evening, he couldn’t stop thinking about what Borg had said. His words had been so vague. And he had been so quick to accuse Nya! Did he mean what he said, or was Nya right?
Did Borg want to use him for something more?
He still didn’t know what to believe, but one thing he knew was that he didn’t like the way that his sister had immediately been blamed. She had always been the most reluctant to listen to Borg, the most upset about their situation, but he wasn’t going to let Borg do anything to her, if that’s where this was heading.
His thoughts were interrupted as the floor suddenly heaved beneath him, and Kai was knocked to his feet. He barely bit back a scream, his breath coming in shallow pants.
What was it? An earthquake? He had never felt an earthquake before. Oh gosh. Should he be doing something? Was he going to die?!
But as quickly as it happened, it was over, and Kai got to his feet, breathless. After he was sure the floor wasn’t going to collapse beneath him, he set off towards the room in a dead sprint.
“Guys,” he gasped, “Did you feel that?”
Jay glanced up from his phone. “Like, that weird tremor thing, you mean?”
“Tremor? It was way worse than a tremor, the ground, like, bounced beneath me!” He gave a demonstration of this with his hands, but the others just blinked at him, unimpressed. “What?”
Cole shrugged. “I dunno, maybe you were just closer to the source or something. It didn’t seem that bad to us.”
“Do earthquakes even have sources?”
“First of all,” Zane said, “they do, and second, Ninjago City doesn’t get earthquakes. The geographic location makes it literally impossible.”
“But you can’t tell me that was nothing.” His voice wavered, and he caught Nya frown.
“You serious about this, bro?”
“I dunno, it’s just…” he put his head in his hands. “I don’t know what happened. It frickin’ scared me.”
Nya rested a hand on his shoulder, at his side now. “Hey, everything’s okay now. You’re safe here.”
“I know.”
“Do you want me to call Borg? I’m sure he can tell us what’s going on.”
Nya dialed, and they waited for Borg to answer. He didn’t pick up until the last ring, which was unusual for him. When his voice did come through, it was harried and distracted.
“What is it, Nya?”
“Dr. Borg, Kai was just coming back from training and he felt this weird… earthquake-type-tremor thing. We were just worried. Is everything alright?”
“Oh? Ah, yes, don’t worry, you’re perfectly safe-'' there was some muffled yelling in the background, and the phone went quiet for a minute. “There’s nothing to worry about, we’ve got it under control-”
“But what was it?”
“We’re… uh, still investigating. Maybe some sort of malfunction in the machinery, or radiation leak or something.”
“I assure you dear, it’s fine, we’ve got a whole crew on top of it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m kind of in the middle of something-”
“What about Lloyd?” Kai asked, leaning over to speak into the phone. “Is he okay?”
“Lloyd… Lloyd’s fine.”
“Can we see him?”
“No,” Borg said quickly. “...he’s seeing people right now. Will be for a while, probably, so don’t even ask.”
By this time, the others had joined them at the phone too, and they all looked at each other at that. “Seeing people?” Nya asked. “What kind of people?”
“Just… double-checking his safety. For… the radiation.”
“Was he close to it?” Nya gasped. “I thought you said he was safe!”
“He is! It’s just a precaution-”
“Then when can we see him?”
“Nya, I told you, not now!” Another muffled shout interrupted him. “I have a lot bigger fish to fry right now, this conversation will have to continue later.” And, with that, he abruptly hung up.
“What was that,” Nya spat.
“If that was your attempt to make me feel better, it failed miserably.”
“I didn’t know he was going to be like that, did I? Ugh, Borg always is so vague, but this- this is a whole new level!”
“We need to find out more,” Zane said. “Borg isn’t giving us clear answers. We need another way to find out information.”
“Luckily for us,” Cole added, “It seems that in all the commotion, they never sent a caretaker down to lock the door after Kai returned.”
The others froze, staring at each other. Slowly, they turned their gazes to the door.
Cole was right. It was still open.
Kai immediately felt his heart begin to race. He didn’t know how to react. This had never happened before.
Zane was the first to snap out of the shock and into action. “Borg is a careful man. It won’t be long before he realizes we have free reign of the place. If we’re going to do something, we need to act quickly.”
“I say we escape,” Nya hissed. “This might never happen again. Kai’s the only one who knows this, but I saw Borg employees following us yesterday. He’s always watching. This could be our only chance to get out of here!”
There were a few uneasy looks at that. “Nya,” Zane warned, “Borg may be secretive, but he’s not a bad person. He’s protecting us.”
“Yeah, and what about the police?” Jay whimpered, his tail between his legs. “Borg told us they would kill us just for being different.”
Nya’s tail lashed. “You all are hopeless! The old fool’s got you all wrapped around his little finger! Can’t you see we’re prisoners here? I’d rather take my chances with the police.”
“Nya,” Cole said firmly, squeezing Jay’s hand, “You’re making Jay nervous.”
“I’m sorry, Jay, but it’s the truth. You’re seventeen now, it’s about time you start hearing it.”
Jay’s ears quivered. “It’s okay, Cole, she’s right.”
Cole grunted. “If we’re doing this, I won’t let no police lay a finger on you.”
“So you’ll do it?”
“I dunno. I’ve never really felt comfortable with Borg. But we’re also safe here. I want to protect you guys. I don’t know if freedom is worth the risk.”
“Well, we don’t have time to think about it. Zane’s right- if we have to act, we act now. I’m going- come or don’t.”
“Nya, come back,” Cole growled. “We’re a family. Whatever we do, we do together. I don’t want us splitting up.”
“Then do the right thing and come with me.”
The tension crackled between the two for a moment, until Cole ducked his head. “Nya-”
“Kai, you’ll come with me, won’t you?”
Four pairs of eyes turned towards him. Kai’s tail twitched, and he tried desperately to still it.
“I… I don’t know what I want to do, Nya. But I’m not leaving without Lloyd.”
Guilt flashed in her eyes. “I… I didn’t mean… of course I would never leave without him, I just didn’t even think… we can go get him, right?”
“Do you know where he is?”
Nya’s tail drooped. “Then what do we do?”
“Zane’s right- what we need is more information. Running away isn’t the answer.”
“Kai- can you just think about it-”
“I’ve been thinking about it,” he roared. “I’ve spent eighteen long years locked away in this room- don’t you think I want to leave, too? But this is about more than just me- this is about us. I have a family to protect, Nya, and this is the best way to keep them safe.”
Nya cringed back from him- something any sane person would do when a lion- or a half lion- was yelling in your face. He didn’t like to use it on his family often, but when he did, it was the quickest way to silence a room. Everyone knew you didn’t mess with a lion’s roar.
“So what are you going to do instead?” Jay asked quietly, after a moment.
“I’m going to go find Borg and listen in on what he’s doing.” Turning to his sister, he added, “Nya? Will you come with me? Your stealth will be useful.”
“You still want me?”
“Don’t be like that, Nya- I’m just doing what’s best for us. You get that, don’t you?”
“I guess.”
“So you’re not coming?”
“No, I’ll come. I’m just still upset with you, that’s all.”
Kai sighed as she whisked out the door past him. “You guys keep a lookout, alright? I’ll have my phone on silent so we don’t get caught, but I’ll be able to feel it vibrate, so shoot me a text if something happens, alright?”
“Good luck,” Zane nodded.
“Hurry back!” Jay called as Kai slipped into the hallway.
He bounded a little ways to catch up with Nya. They walked in silence for a little while until they made it back to Kai’s training room, where he had felt the tremor.
“Smell anything?” Nya asked.
“Jay’s the best tracker, but I think I can pick up Borg’s scent coming from that way.” He pointed a finger down the right hallway.
“Think?” “I don’t know. There’s a lot of foot traffic coming from that way as well.”
“Surely that’s a good sign. If there was some sort of catastrophe, a lot of people would have gone to help.”
“Yeah, but it’s strange. It mostly smells like caretakers and trainers. I would’ve thought Borg would’ve wanted more mechanics and doctors if there was a malfunction.”
“Unless he was trying to keep this a secret.”
Kai shot her a look, and she ducked his gaze. “Sorry.”
Kai shook his head, turning back towards the trail, letting Nya slink down the hallways ahead of him, checking that the coast was clear before he followed. He pointed her in the directions that the scent led, until, at last, it led to a door.
“Borg’s office?” Nya questioned. “His scent will be here all the time. Are you sure that he’s here now, or is it just leftover residue?”
Kai opened his mouth to respond, but froze when he caught the sound of footsteps. “Hide!” he hissed to Nya, and the two of them dove into an empty lab room and pulled the door shut, just as two pairs of footsteps rounded the corner. They came to a halt outside the office door, and Kai held his breath.
“What do you mean you can’t control him, that’s your job!” Borg’s voice, sharp and angry. The rooms in this part of the building were soundproofed, but Kai’s hearing could still detect their voices when he pushed his ear to the door. Nya hovered beside him anxiously, watching his face for signs.
“Sir, we’re doing everything we can, but we’ve never worked with a specimen like this before.”
“Borg,” he whispered to Nya, “and a researcher.”
“Tell me you at least have him contained?”
“He’s chained and isolated right now, sir. And under guard.”
“Did you tell him that we’d punish the others if he stepped out of line?”
“Yes, sir. He’s young, and seems to have some literacy issues, so we’re not sure if he got the entire message, but we believe we got the basic point across.”
“Good,” Borg sighed. “Hopefully that will be enough to stop him from trying anything like this again.”
“Sir, surely you’re not just going to let him stay. People could’ve died today!”
“Do you think I don’t know that?” Borg snapped. “Seven of my best researchers have been hospitalized, and now the damn police are on our back and I could get sued. I could lose millions, you know that? And to make things worse, the kids called me and are trying to see him. They suspect something’s wrong.”
Kai’s blood was roaring in his ears. Was he hearing this right?
Nya put a hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong? What did they say?”
He shook his head, gesturing at her to be quiet. “They think Lloyd was the one responsible for the accident. People were hurt. Borg might get sued.”
“Would it really be such a bad thing to let him see them, sir? He obviously is very on edge about the testing and sampling. Seeing the others might put him at ease.”
“They’re already suspicious, and I can’t help but feel I’m losing my grip on them. They’re teenagers, I knew they’d rebel at some point, but… I don’t want to risk him telling them anything. Now that he has power over us, I’m not sure what good the threats will do.”
“Then what are we going to do?”
Borg sighed, slow and tired. “I had hoped it would never come to this, but… I think we bit off more than we could chew with this one. And he’s only four, it will only get worse as he ages. I don’t think we will ever be able to put a handle on him. I had hope, after such great success with the others, but… it just didn’t work out. Breeding oni and dragon and trying to contain it was always going to be a bad idea.”
“Are you sure, sir? There’s no going back if you decide to go through with it.”
“I’ve thought about it for a while now, and today’s accident has only solidified my suspicions. We will still be fine. The others have amazing amounts of strength, speed, stealth, and heightened senses. We can be well-equipped without him.”
“Alright. We will begin making preparations first thing, sir.”
“Make sure you keep the body so we can continue to study it. I want him euthanized first thing in the morning. The longer we wait, the more of a window we give him to act up again.”
No. No, no, no, no, no. Kai squeezed his eyes shut, slumping against the door as the door to Borg’s office was clicked shut. This couldn’t be happening, it was just some sort of sick dream, Borg would never do this-
“Kai, Kai please, answer me!”
He opened his eyes to see Nya shaking him gently.
“You were right,” he croaked, “we have to go.”
“Kai, what’s wrong, what did you hear, you’re scaring me.”
Kai stumbled to his feet, and Nya grabbed his arm as he trembled. There was no time to sit around and mope. Lloyd’s life was on the line.
“Nya, we have to go-” he reached for the doorknob and began to twist it.
“Wait, are you sure they’re gone, we can’t get caught-”
“I’m sure, we have to hurry-”
Nya skidded in front of him. “Kai, tell me what’s going on. I need to know what happend. I can help!”
“There’s no time, Nya,” he gasped, half in tears by this point. “I’ll tell you later. I’m going after Lloyd. You go and get the others. Meet me near that little diner at the edge of the city. The one we went to for your birthday last year, you know the one? We’re leaving. Now.”
“Wait, you mean you changed your mind?”
“No. I told you that I was going to do whatever it took to keep you guys safe. Before, that meant staying here. Now, it means leaving. It is the circumstance that has changed, not me.”
Nya gazed at him, tears glazing her eyes. “I wish you would tell me more.”
“I still need time to process. I’m sorry.”
“I get it. Just stay safe, okay?” She kissed him softly on the cheek, and then, she was gone.
Kai didn’t waste any time, and set right off on the researcher’s trail. Eventually, it led him to a small, closed off wing, where she had then taken a right, but Kai was more interested in the room on the left.
Two guards, armed with guns, stood attentive at it. Kai shifted into a lion, and, trying to remember stalking lessons from Nya, crept along the hallway. If they spotted him before he was within pouncing distance, he was done for. They wouldn’t hesitate with the guns, he was sure.
Luckily, Nya was an amazing teacher, and as one guard fell to the ground with a smack, the other one turned sharply, raising his gun, but Kai was already pouncing, knocking him out.
Shifting back into himself, he grabbed the keys from the guard’s pocket, and unlocked the door.
Inside, the lights were dim. Kai wished he had Nya’s night vision right about now.
When his eyes finally adjusted, Kai choked back a gasp. Lloyd was lying on the floor, chains bolted around his wrists, ankles, and tail. Metal clamps pulled back his wings, and a muzzle had been tied over his mouth.
“Oh my gosh, Lloyd-” Kai dropped to his side, trying not to look at the boy’s face. Blinking back tears- emotion was something they didn’t have time for right now- Kai ripped through the chains and pulled off the muzzle and clamps. Lloyd whimpered, looking up at him with watery red eyes, and reached for him, cooing softly. Kai scooped the boy into his arms, accidentally pulling back his shirt as he did so, and revealing a long, raw, red scar along his side. Kai quickly pulled the shirt back down, looking away, and planted a kiss on his forehead. Bolting to his feet, he took off down the hall, towards the back door.
After only a minute of running, an alarm began to flash, and Kai swore under his breath, praying that the others were already out.
After what felt like far too long, he spotted the door. As he sprinted for it, he heard someone yell out behind him, but it was too late. He was already out the door.
He didn’t stop though. He wasn’t stupid enough to think they would give up chase so easily. Heading down some of the back alleys, he ran in a crisscross of crazy patterns, taking a way which was five times longer and more complicated than necessary, but he wasn’t risking the chance of being caught, or worse, leading the Borg employees back to Nya and the others.
When he began to feel a little safer, he stopped for a rest behind a dumpster. Setting Lloyd down, he checked his phone and saw he had twenty-seven missed calls from Borg.
Shoot, he can probably track this. Cursing under his breath, he tossed the phone in the dumpster. He didn’t like being phoneless, but it was a thousand times better than the alternative.
Lloyd’s stomach growled loudly, and Kai glanced down at him. The boy looked smaller than ever, his red eyes wide and scared. Kai crouched down, pulling his trembling form close, and the two just sat there for a moment, silent. Kai breathed in Lloyd’s comforting scent.
I almost lost this. Forever.
Kai wiped at his eyes. But he hadn’t. And they weren’t safe yet. They had to keep moving, and get as far away from that phone as possible.
But first, he had to find the poor kid something to eat. He looked half-dead on his feet, and Kai felt a surge of anger as he realized that Borg probably hadn’t been feeding him well.
Jumping into the dumpster, Kai scrounged around until he was able to find half of a cheeseburger and a stale bag of pretzels. Not the most sanitary, but it would have to do.
“Here, bud, you want these?” He handed the food to Lloyd, and either the boy was really, really hungry, or his animal instincts were just kicking in, because he scarfed down the food without any reservation about the fact that Kai had literally dumpster dove for it.
As Lloyd finished the food, licking the wrapper, he spoke for the first time since Kai had found him chained up that evening.
“Am I in trouble?” His voice wavered, tears pricking his eyes. “Did I do a bad thing?”
“Honey, no, it’s not your fault,” Kai whispered, pulling him close. “You didn’t mean to do it. Your powers are too strong for your own good. But you’ll learn to control them eventually, I promise.”
“People are hurt,” he whispered. “I’m the reason we had to go.”
“You just opened my eyes to what Borg was doing to you. To his true intentions. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
Lloyd looked at him. “He told me he would kill you.”
Kai bit his lip, and Lloyd broke down crying in his lap. Kai curled his arms protectively around him.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I let you go through that all these years and didn’t notice something was wrong.”
Lloyd buried his face in Kai’s shirt. “I just want to be normal.”
Lloyd fell asleep soon after that, and Kai carried him towards the meeting place. The walk was long, about two hours, but with every moment that passed, Kai was more and more grateful that he had picked somewhere far away. He was exhausted, and if Borg’s associates found him now, he was in no position to fight back.
It felt like heaven when he finally spotted the little diner in the distance, with its gleaming lights offering a cheery glow to the foreboding dusk. Reluctantly shaking Lloyd awake, he took off his hat and coat and helped Lloyd put them on to carefully mask his monster features. Since Kai hadn’t had time to grab extra, he fluffed up his hair extra (something he hadn’t ever thought he’d do, it was fluffy enough as-is) to cover his ears, and tucked his tail into his pants.
The little bell on the diner door rang cheerily as they pushed their way in. At this time of night, the diner was empty, as expected- but there was one booth in the corner where four people were sitting, eating what looked to be pancakes and bacon. They looked up sharply as the bell rung, and Nya stood up abruptly, meeting his eye.
“Kai,” she cried, running over to him as tears sprung in her eyes. “Oh my goodness, oh my spots, oh my goodness.” She threw her arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder as he squeezed her just as tightly back. “You’re alive, thank the stars you’re alive, I thought I had lost you for good.”
“I’m just as relieved to see you guys,” Kai breathed, walking over to the booth. Although it was only intended to seat four, his friends squished over to make room for him, and he scooped Lloyd onto his lap.
“Kai, what took you so long, you had me worried out of my mind,” Nya muttered, stopping to take a breath and sip from her coffee. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Sorry, we got a little held up. We got caught escaping, and were followed. I spent a good hour, at least, trying to throw them. I wasn’t going to risk leading them anywhere.”
“You could’ve at least texted me, letting me know you were alright. Why didn’t you answer any of my calls?”
“I ditched my phone. Speaking of which, you guys probably should too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Borg had a way to track these things.”
“Get rid of our phones?” Jay whimpered. “How are we going to communicate if there’s an emergency?”
“Would you rather us get caught?” Kai snapped. “We can just buy some of those burner phones from the store.”
“Kai, I think you owe us an explanation,” Cole growled. “We’re tired, hungry, scared, and don’t know why we’re here. Nya told us you overheard Borg saying something, but wouldn’t tell her what he said, and just said to run. Are you going to give us any more than that?”
“I’m sorry, but I was just so scared, and there was no time…” He took a shaky breath, drawing an arm around Lloyd and pulling him closer. In a whisper, he admitted, “Borg was going to kill Lloyd.”
The table lapsed into a stunned silence. Even Nya, who had always been heavily critical and suspicious of Borg, looked shocked and horrified.
“When?” Zane asked faintly.
“Tomorrow morning.”
Cole paled about ten shades, Jay looked like he was going to faint, and Zane just stared as if he didn’t believe what he was hearing.
“One more day,” Nya whispered. “One more day and we would’ve lost him.”
“Don’t remind me,” Kai told her, his breath hitching as he tried to focus on the weight on his lap- warm, gentle, and alive. He was here. He had saved him.
“I don’t understand,” Jay whined. “Why would he do such a thing? I mean, I know we all had our suspicions, but… kill him? Really? What changed?”
“Remember all those ‘doctor’s visits?’ Apparently they’re some sort of testing, or sampling, or something. Show them the scar, Lloyd.”
The boy looked up at him hesitantly, before slowly pulling up his jacket and shirt to reveal the long scar Kai had seen earlier. Four sharp intakes of breath sounded as it came into view.
“Oh, Lloyd, honey,” Nya whispered.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they were doing at our doctor’s appointments, too, but for some reason they are really obsessed with Lloyd. Something about his lineage, I guess… but it was too much for him. He…”
Kai glanced at Lloyd, who was nibbling at the bacon Cole had slipped him. He didn’t seem too invested in the conversation, but he still kept his voice low.
“That tremor we felt? Apparently, Lloyd caused it. People were injured, and… the police came to investigate… Borg was furious. He decided Lloyd had caused more trouble than he was worth. Lloyd was chained and muzzled when I found him, and I… I couldn’t… I wouldn’t deny it any longer. Borg doesn’t care about us. He never has. He’s just using us.”
Silence gripped the table as his friends stared at him. Jay wiped at his eyes, which were bright and wet.
“What do we do now, Kai?” Nya asked, her voice barely audible.
“What do we do? We survive. You got some money, I hope?”
“We’ve been stashing it. Any time Borg gave us money on an outing that we didn’t use, we kept it. We brought everything we could find. And a few valuable items as well. We can sell them if we need to. Hopefully this will last us a while, if we stick to the necessities.”
“Good. Because we’re going to need every penny we can get. I have no idea how long we’ll have to be out here.”
“As long as Borg is hunting us, nowhere is safe,” Cole warned. “He’s got amasses of people at his disposal. I don’t know where we’re going to go that he can’t reach.”
“I know a place.”
“Are w-we al-almost there, K-k-kai,” Nya hissed, her teeth chattering. “I’m freezing.”
“We’re here.”
Jay stopped beside him. “An old warehouse?” “Hey, I remember this place,” Cole said, stepping up beside him. Lloyd was fast asleep in his arms- he had been out cold before they had even left the diner, and when Kai had tried to carry him, Cole had told him off, saying he had already done more than his fair share for the night, and that he ought to give someone else a turn before he keeled over from exhaustion. Kai was grateful for the gesture, although they still had needed to walk another hour to get to his destination.
“When we were younger, Cole and I used to take a bus down here sometimes on our days out to play around in this abandoned warehouse.” Jay raised his eyebrow, and Cole laughed. “When you’re a twelve year old boy, those kinds of things sound a lot cooler than they actually are. Still, I’m grateful you thought of it now. Who would’ve thought, when everyone else failed us, it’s the old warehouse that held through.”
“It’s nothing special,” Kai said as they tramped inside, “but it’s sheltered, it’s sturdy, and, most important of all, it’s unsuspecting. I doubt Borg would ever think to look here.”
“It’s perfect, Kai,” Nya sniffed, “Thank you.”
“I don’t know why you’re thanking me,” Kai sighed, lowering himself onto the ground and wincing at the ache in his back. “I was the one who kept trying to convince you that the child-murdering psychopath actually cared about us.”
“It’s not your fault, Kai. Borg tricked all of us. If it weren’t for your jump into action, we’d have lost our baby brother.”
“I just can’t stop thinking,” he whimpered, squeezing Nya’s hand tighter, and watching Lloyd from where Cole cradled him across the room, stroking him gently, “what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten there in time, or if I had decided to stay back in our room.”
“You can’t spend time dwelling on the past, Kai. You didn’t do those things, and everything worked out- well, as best as we could ask for, at least. You have to have more faith in yourself. We’re scared and confused, and we’re looking to you. I know that’s not fair, that you’re struggling just as much as any of us, but it’s the way things are. We need someone strong, like you, to keep us going.”
“I want to protect you guys, and keep you safe, more than anything else in the world. But I’m lost. I don’t know what to do, and I can’t do this alone.”
“Oh, Kai. No one would ever ask you to do anything alone. Whatever happens next, we’re all right here.”
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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“I finished crying in the instant that you left, And I can't remember where or when or how, And I banished every memory you and I had ever made! But when you touch me like this, and you hold me like that, I just have to admit that it's all coming back to me... When I touch you like this, and I hold you like that, It's so hard to believe, but it's all coming back to me... It's all coming back -- it's all coming back to me now... There were moments of gold And there were flashes of light -- There were things I'd never do again, But then they'd always seemed right...”
~“It’s All Coming Back to Me,” by Celine Dion
AUGH, my heart! I blame this 100% on @mira-shard sending me that ship ask for my book-smart, people-dumb spaceman Jacob Cromwell and his boy best friend Duncan and reminding me how friggin’ much I adore these two. They hurt my heart so much and yet I love them with all of my heart and soul. ;~;
This is set toward the end of Carewyn’s sixth year, right after that certain Redacted event. This is also the first time these two have seen each other since Duncan died...and yeah, as you can expect, their reunion was pretty damn feelsy.
Jacob Cromwell had been working hard on his own almost all of that school year to reach the Sunken Vault before Rakepick, but after finding out that R was still actively targeting Carewyn by sending members like the Wizard in White after her, he became all the more determined to try to force them away from the Hogwarts grounds. Unfortunately for Jacob, R was one step ahead of him. Using the blood they’d managed to collect after badly injuring Jacob the previous year, they had Blaise Cromwell use Polyjuice Potion to masquerade as his nephew and sneak into the school so as to have access to his niece Carewyn, who R’s leader (Jacob and Carewyn’s cold-hearted maternal grandfather Charles Cromwell) ultimately wanted among their ranks as well.
While masquerading as Jacob, Blaise learned Carewyn was still planning on chasing after the Vaults, with the blessing of Mad-Eye Moody, who was currently investigating R himself, and after putting on a weak act of discouraging her, he “accepted her help” and subtly encouraged her to not tell her friends anything else about the Vaults, supposedly for “their safety,” but truthfully because Blaise didn’t want Carewyn to have ties anywhere outside of their family and organization. Blaise did suss out, however, that there were a few people in Carewyn’s circle of associates who were reluctant to leave the Cursed Vaults alone and “stay out of R’s business,” including Ben Copper, who Blaise in particular felt a searing distaste for, given that he was not only a “filthy Mudblood,” but he also was one of Carewyn’s first friends who was incredibly overprotective of her. After Blaise discussed the matter with his father Charles, it was decided that R should “deal” with Ben Copper the same way R had dealt with Duncan Ashe -- namely, to make an example out of him, which would not only scare Carewyn into line, but also take out a potential threat to their overall plan to isolate their target so they’d have no one else to fall back on.
Just as they had whenever Blaise infiltrated the school, R purposefully led Jacob away from the grounds, this time with the Wizard in White as a decoy. Since the Wizard had recently threatened Carewyn’s life, Jacob immediately charged after him with a vengeance, determined to hunt him down and kill him so that he’d never touch “his Pip” again. Unfortunately after several weeks of doggedly pursuing the Wizard in White all across London, he escaped, and Jacob in utter frustration was forced to return to Hogwarts and continue trying to access the Sunken Vault, even if he knew no way to do so without both of the Coral Keys that unlocked the outer and inner doors. It was only when Jacob returned to Scotland that he learned Rakepick had returned to Hogwarts the day he first left and had killed someone in the Forbidden Forest -- and it was a few days later, late at night, that Jacob was confronted by a familiar voice in the Lakehouse that was his hiding place. 
“So you are here, then.”
Jacob’s heart stopped. Whipping out his white Aspen wand, the ex-Ravenclaw whirled around so violently that he nearly knocked over the overturned boat on the floor behind him.
Hovering over him was a translucent shape of a seventeen-year old wizard. He wore Hogwarts robes, but due to the bluish-gray tint of his form, the uniform’s house colors weren’t identifiable. Not that Jacob would’ve needed to try to guess what house he’d been in -- he already knew the young man was in Slytherin. Jacob had gone to talk to him in their very first year all because he was a Slytherin and could answer that random question Jacob had had about the Slytherin commonroom...
Jacob’s almond-shaped blue eyes went very wide, losing almost all of their light, as his face blanched.
His voice left his lips in such a hushed whisper, it was like the breath had passed his lips without any diction whatsoever.
Duncan crossed his arms moodily. “Long time no see, Jacob. I’m curious -- did your sister just not tell you I was still around, or did you actively decide I wasn’t worth a visit?”
Jacob’s blue eyes flooded with pain as he shakily lowered his wand arm.
“Ashe...” he whispered again feebly.
The facial reaction didn’t move Duncan -- instead he plowed on.
“I mean, Hell, apparently Madame Pince even managed to catch sight of you before I did. Suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, though...you always did run to books for all your answers, rather than use any common sense -- ”
Jacob did not know what Duncan was talking about, but in that moment, he had trouble articulating that on top of everything else he was feeling. It felt like his heart had swollen up in his chest and was slamming up against his ribs, throbbing with pulsing pain as he clumsily tucked his wand back into his robes.
“Ashe...” he tried again, but it was no use. His throat was so tight, it was like it was being squeezed...
“Then again,” laughed Duncan humorlessly, “‘common sense’ was never exactly common for you, was it? Nor was tact, patience, humility, sensitivity, or even a shred of self-control -- ”
“Ashe -- ”
“I mean, if I’d abandoned the precious little sister who I’d never bloody shut up about for seven years,” said Duncan in a very harsh, cutting voice, “I probably wouldn’t have immediately abandoned her again and only bothered checking in with her after finding out that someone might want to kill her because of me! You kept saying to me, ‘I gotta protect Pip,’ ‘I’ve gotta take care of Carewyn’ -- well, where the Hell were you, Jacob? Where were you this last month!? Where were you after she broke you out of that Vault!? Where were you, when I had to pick up your slack?! Just like I always do -- just like I’ve always done, ever since you waltzed your way into my -- !?”
The surname came out oddly choked. Duncan looked Jacob in the face fully for the first time, and immediately faltered.
The ex-Ravenclaw had hunched in on himself in the face of Duncan’s tirade. His hollowed-out blue eyes were very weak and rippling with moisture that he fiercely fought back. Although his shoulders hadn’t crumpled, they were shaking, as were his hands as they clutched at the sleeves of his elegant scarlet dress robes. His...very familiar scarlet dress robes...
Something twitched in Duncan’s expression.
“Ashe...you...” Jacob gave a very painful-looking swallow. “...You’re here.”
Duncan tried to glower at him. “Well spotted.”
He hated how much Jacob was shaking, and how it looked like he was fighting back tears. Jacob didn’t respond to Duncan’s sarcasm -- he appeared unable to.
“You’ve...been here all this time...all these years...you stayed behind?”
His voice was very quiet. He clutched at the sleeves of his dress robes.
“I thought you’d gone on!” Jacob burst out, his voice very strained. “I thought -- you’d left...”
“Well, clearly I didn’t!” Duncan shot back, more defensively that he’d intended. He didn’t like seeing Jacob like this -- didn’t like seeing him so upset -- didn’t like how...his voice echoed with something like remorse...longing...
Jacob’s hands shook more as he squeezed his arms in a vice grip, staring at Duncan as if he were a faded photograph he hadn’t seen in years and wished to carve into his memory before it became too damaged to salvage.
“When I was in the Portrait, I spent days and weeks wishing I could have just one more minute with you -- maybe fifteen, or thirty, just -- enough time to tell you every little thing I never did before...”
Jacob seemed unable to finish. He broke off, his head falling so that his eyes fell into shadow.
“...But -- but knowing you are here -- that you’re here like this...after I couldn’t save you, after R targeted us -- ”
Duncan flinched. The pain and self-hatred in Jacob’s eyes -- it looked just like the kind he’d seen in another pair of blue almond-shaped eyes not too long ago, in response to her having lost her best friend. At the time Duncan had briefly wondered if Jacob had reacted as badly to his death as Carewyn did Rowan Khanna’s, but had pushed off the thought. It was something he couldn’t believe -- didn’t want to believe.
“Ashe...” Jacob murmured. His voice had become rather level and absent, as it always was when he was thinking, even though the clenched hands on his arms were still shaking terribly, “Ashe, I’ve been such a fool...I don’t know how I never saw it before...how much I cared, how much I wanted you -- wanted us to...be an ‘us’...to swoop in and just...take you home to Pip and Mum, and...be a family together -- to break curses and travel the world and get into fights and then kiss and make up and get into trouble and then out of it again and laugh a lot and do stupid stuff and change the world and...maybe, I dunno, adopt some kids down the road or something -- I’d probably be a pretty lousy father, and we could’ve completely fallen apart, and the whole thing could’ve ended up being a mistake, but...thinking on it, all those years...all I could come back to over and over again was hating not knowing -- not knowing if we could’ve been happy together, if...well, even if we were a disaster, at least we still could’ve been something -- had something -- ”
Duncan felt a familiar burning sensation in the back of eyes, and it made him lash out.
Jacob’s head shot up, taken aback. Duncan held up a clenched fist as if he longed to punch Jacob right in the face.
“I’m mad at you!” shouted Duncan. “I’m allowed to be mad at you! After every mistake you made, for every bloody mistake you’re still making and will no doubt make for the rest of your sodding life, I should be mad at you! You never bloody learn and you always dash headlong into situations without using that brilliant brain of yours to think twice! And yet you...”
Duncan’s eyes were filling up with tears.
“You...you’re making it bloody impossible! I want to yell at you! I want to hate you! I want to know you never cared and I was a fool for ever wasting my time on you, because otherwise my whole reason for staying behind -- ”
The thought hurt Duncan too much, and he furiously shoved the end of that sentence away.
“I want to resent you for the rest of my undead days, and yet there you go, looking like that and rambling on like an idiot and...and...”
A tear leaked out the side of his eye. Despite the anger in his expression, Duncan was shaking too now. His other hand tentatively rose, hovering just shy of Jacob’s pale face as if he longed to touch it.
“...and...making me fall for you all over again,” choked Duncan, his voice very low and muffled in the back of his throat.
Jacob looked like he too was fighting back the urge to try to touch Duncan as he stared up into his light-less eyes. Like the rest of him, there was a tint of ghostly blueish-gray to them, even though they’d been such a warm, bright brown in life.
“Jacob, for the love of -- stop saying my name like that! I told you I’m mad at you!”
Even as he said it, Duncan’s transparent fingers grazed Jacob’s face, making Jacob shiver slightly at the cold as it passed through his skin.
“...Why?” said Duncan softly.
“My robes,” Duncan clarified. “You kept them.”
Jacob’s eyes pulsed with emotion, both pained and almost offended.
“Well, of course I kept them,” he retorted hotly. “You gave them to me. Did you assume I’d just stick them in the back of my closet?”
“Sort of,” said Duncan a bit awkwardly.
Jacob’s face actually flickered with some righteous anger. “Because you wanted to believe I didn’t care?”
“Don’t turn this around on me!” Duncan shot back defensively. “What was I supposed to think, after you disappeared without a trace -- after all of the things I heard about you doing R’s dirty work -- ?”
“You KNEW R forced me to join them!” shouted Jacob. “You KNEW what they had over me -- what they almost did to Pip! You KNEW I would never, ever abandon Pip and Mum by my own choice -- ”
“I KNOW!” Duncan said fiercely.
The transparent hand that had been beside Jacob’s face clasped weakly at the air beside his hair, as if he longed to grab hold of it.
“...I know...” he said in a more hushed, strained voice.
Jacob’s blue eyes were still blazing with mild frustration.
“Ashe, I wore these robes for you, the night I went to the Portrait Vault,” he said lowly.
Duncan was startled.
“I wanted you with me, when I broke the last two Vaults’ curses -- when I saved Olivia...”
Jacob’s gaze betrayed a strange, almost beastly glint -- like vengeance, but much darker and more hostile.
“I wanted you with me when I demolished R and everything they’ve ever wanted and chased after. I still do. I want to make every last one of them pay for everything they took from me -- everyone they took from me.”
Duncan stared at Jacob, his expression strained with disbelief and something oddly touched.
He once again looked like he wanted to touch Jacob’s face, to trail his fingers through his dark curls. His light-less eyes fell away from Jacob’s and came down to rest on his lips instead.
“...You know I can’t help you do much of anything, like this.”
Jacob’s expression turned a bit more serious. “There is one thing you can do for me -- make sure Pip doesn’t leave the castle again. I heard Rakepick killed someone in the Forbidden Forest -- I can’t let her do the same to -- ”
“You can’t shield Carewyn from R, Jacob,” said Duncan very sharply.
“I can and I will,” spat Jacob fiercely.
Duncan’s lips came together very tightly.
“Do you know who that person was?” the ghost said very lowly. “The one Rakepick killed?”
Jacob’s expression lost some of its anger, seeing how oddly grave Duncan’s expression had become.
“Her name was Rowan Khanna,” said Duncan. “Sixth year Slytherin, supposedly in the running to be Hogwarts Head Girl. ...She’s also your sister’s best friend.”
Jacob’s eyes went very, very wide in horror.
His head fell. His eyes stared down at the floor, but didn’t seem to see it -- his mind was racing, unable to keep up with the horror of this news.
“Carewyn was lured out to the Forest after finding a Quill addressed to you in your old room,” Duncan told him sharply. “Three of her friends followed her and tried to protect her when Rakepick confronted her there.” Duncan’s voice lowered significantly as he added, “....She’d been sent with orders from R to kill one of your sister’s friends -- to send a message.”
Jacob once again clutched at his own arms, his flurry of thoughts darting across his eyes as he stared at the floor.
“They played me,” he whispered. “They knew I wanted to protect Pip -- so they sent the Wizard in White to attack her at the Lakeshore, so I’d fear him going after her...so I’d chase after him to try to stop him, even if it meant leaving Pip alone...”
His head shot up, and his eyes were narrowed in urgency and confusion.
“You said there was a message for me, in my room? Pip found my room?”
“A few years ago, I believe,” said Duncan. “I reckon it would’ve been a logical place to look, if she wanted to figure out what the hell you were up to, before you vanished...if she could even have found anything, in that absolute mess you always worked out of -- ”
“But why would there have been a message for me there?” said Jacob, his eyebrows knitting together. “I haven’t gone in there since I was expelled...”
Duncan frowned. “Well, R might’ve heard about you going into the Library...”
“But that’s just it!” said Jacob. “I didn’t! I haven’t entered the school since I left! It’s not exactly easy to break into Hogwarts -- and if I did and got caught, then where would I be, in protecting Pip and stopping R? I can’t let them get into the Sunken Vault first!”
Duncan suddenly looked almost as troubled as Jacob.
“...So...you haven’t entered Hogwarts at all? But...then why did Pince and Filch see you inside?”
A thought struck his mind.
“...Jacob...when was the last time you spoke to your sister? Not just saw her, I mean, really spoke to her.”
Jacob frowned deeply. “Last year, in Knockturn Alley. Though we didn’t really have much time to talk then, either...”
Duncan’s eyes narrowed in anxiety. “Jacob...Carewyn told her friends that you ‘don’t tell her much, whenever you meet.’ That doesn’t sound like something that someone would say after only seeing her brother once in an entire school year. It sounds like someone who’s been meeting him regularly.”
Jacob stiffened visibly. His eyebrows furrowed over his eyes as they wandered over the walls and floor.
“Something’s not right,” he said lowly.
He turned on his heel, whipping out his white wand as he went.
“I need to find out what’s going on. Ashe...while I’m gone, please -- ”
“Jacob, stop.”
Duncan swept right through Jacob, making the smaller man shudder. The ghost hovered over Jacob, his translucent robes flapping silently on either side of him.
“Before you go running off  without thinking again,” said Duncan sardonically, “talk to your sister.”
Jacob looked hesitant and slightly ashamed.
“I need to protect her -- ”
“No, you need to be there for her,” Duncan cut him off fiercely. “She’s just lost the first real friend she ever made in her life -- someone she cares about like few others. There’s only one person in this entire world who might know what that’s like...”
Duncan swallowed back the lump in his throat.
“...If you...truly cared, when I died, Jacob...then you’re the only person who might know what she needs, right now.”
Jacob closed his eyes and turned away, unable to reply. His fist clenched over the Aspen wand at his side.
“...Does she hate me?” he asked at last, very lowly. “Does she blame me...for what happened?”
Duncan’s eyes softened slightly. “You know she doesn’t.”
This didn’t seem to comfort Jacob, though. If anything, it made him more upset -- like he thought she should blame him.
Duncan exhaled heavily. “Jacob, please -- I know you want to protect Carewyn, and I know there’s not much time to stop R from reaching the Sunken Vault...but...”
A strange wry smile pricked at the corner of his lips.
“...if there’s one thing your sister has taught me...it’s how much knowing that someone cares -- that you’re not alone -- can mean.”
Jacob’s posture straightened slightly.
“She’s shouldered a lot by herself since you left, Jacob,” said Duncan. “Her friends are trying to help her with it now...but I think the help she really needs is yours.”
Jacob was silent for another long moment. Then he turned just enough to look at Duncan over his shoulder -- his lips had curled up in a crooked, sad smile.
“...You really did look after my Pip for me.”
Duncan gave a loud huff and crossed his arms. “It’s not like I could’ve not picked up your slack.”
His expression betrayed a bit more seriousness as he added, “...She’s a fine lass, Jacob.”
Jacob’s eyes squinted almost fondly. “She is.”
The smile then slid off his face.
“If Pip wants to see me, just...tell her to go out toward the Lake after dark and shoot up red sparks. I’ll come running right out to her. ...Will you tell her that, for me?”
Duncan nodded. “Of course.”
“Thank you. And Ashe?”
Jacob swallowed.
“You know how I feel about you...right?”
Duncan’s expression turned rather snarky. “Of course I do. You kept me around so you’d have someone to show off to.”
Jacob immediately looked irritated, and Duncan quickly added in exasperation, “Oh, come on, you know I know! Just...”
His transparent cheeks darkened with a dark blue flush as he glanced away out the side of his eye.
“Just...say it anyway.”
Jacob’s expression cleared, slowly breaking out into a bright grin that made him look years younger.
“...I love you.”
Duncan closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly through his nose.
“I have for a while,” Jacob pressed on, “dunno really how long, but...”
“All right, that’ll do,” Duncan said under his breath brusquely, despite the dark flush still clinging to his face. “I love you too -- so don’t go off and get yourself killed too, all right?”
With this, Duncan swept right past Jacob, brushing through his hair as he disappeared through the Lakehouse’s wall and back toward the school.
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