#hades tickle fic
thatbigbisexual29 · 4 months
Next Time, Kock! (Hades)
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akasjhfdkjdfhdkjhdkddskjbsdkidfsj I'm such a bad blog owner- hello everyone!! So, I'm not dead! I just keep forgetting to write and post blehhh. But! I have something that isn't too long but I hope everyone enjoys it! And if people continue to ask, maybe I'll make a sequel? Who knows lol. Also, this fic is a tiiiiiiiiiny bit suggestive but nothing gets extreme. Anyways, I'll leave with this byeeeeeeeee!
“Gods I wish I could stay here forever…” exhaled Achilles as he sat next to his lover. Patroclus chuckled and leaned closer into the warrior. The two gazed at the Lethe while a soft breeze made the grass dance around them. They were so content, so happy, so at ease. It was certainly a shame that it couldn’t always be like this. But that made the time they shared all the sweeter.
“Mm, yes. It is a pity that you work for that, how did you say… ah right, ‘blundering oaf’ named Hades. If I had any say, I’d tell him he doesn’t need a bloody guard for his bloody chambers.” Patroclus was about to continue complaining before Achilles, while chuckling, shushed him.
“Easy now, Pat. You wouldn’t want him hearing you. You’ve got no idea what he’s capable of. Let’s just be glad I’m here now, hm?” The dark haired man rolled his eyes and smiled. The blond always has a way of calming him down. Yet he found it rather annoying when he had something on his mind. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to spoil this moment with any of his bitchings. That didn’t mean he couldn’t suggest something else.
The elder of the warriors began twirling the blond’s hair, admiring its length and color. Achilles smiled as he was toyed with, enjoying how his partner’s calloused fingers picked him apart with such gentleness.
“You irritate me so, and yet, I can’t seem to get enough of you,” Patroclus purred into Achilles’ ear. The blond warrior shuddered at his lover’s voice, face becoming hot instantly. He adored all this attention… until Patroclus started to kiss his ear. The scratchy and unkempt beard and mustache that the older warrior sported was quite itchy. And, believe it or not, Achilles was equally as sensitive to it.
“Ah!” startled, he yelped at the touch. Patroclus was quick to pull away, worried for his lover, until a familiar thought filled his brain. He smiled mischievously as the two made eye contact. Achilles was still blushing and it only continued to grow.
“Still? After all this time?” the older teased. Achilles' brows furrowed as he turned his gaze away all huffy like.
“Don’t even start, Pat. I came here to see you and reLAX!” Achilles yelped again as Patroclus easily pushed him to the floor and leaned over him, chuckling at his partner’s embarrassment. Achilles drank in his happy laugh and he began chuckling as well. They lovingly gazed into each other’s eyes, basking in each other’s presence. Patroclus reached down and cupped Achilles’ face. Achilles leaned into his hand and held his own over it.
“You are such a cock, it’s unbelievable.” The infamous warrior commented.
“Oh really? That must be why you like me so much~” Patroclus cooed back, enjoying as Achilles blushed brighter than a tomato.
“Augh! You’re insufferable!” he said playfully as he weakly attempted to push the older man away. With no such luck, Patroclus decided to strike.
“Aw, too bad for you~ Because you can’t help but love me~ And my incredible cock~” Patroclus laughed and nuzzled his lips against Achilles’ ear, kissing and nibbling the spot which left the poor blond in stitches.
“Ah! Ahahaha! Wouhould you- fffhaha! Stohop! Cohome ohohon! Ohoho bollocks- Pahahahat! Quihihit, would you? Oh youhu penis!” Achilles swore and squirmed under his lover, not actually fighting against him. He missed this side of Patroclus. The playful and careless side that he saw more of on the surface. The way they ran and played together meant so much to him. Having Patroclus act like his old self did… things to his mind. He wasn’t about to make him stop now.
“Penis, cock, balls, dare I say testicles? My my my Achilles, is something on your mind?~ Naughty boy~” Patroclus now kissed the crook of the blond’s neck which resulted in Achilles hilariously arching to the side to create a C shape with his body. He scrunched his shoulders and tilted his head so Patroclus was stuck in a way. He could easily move, but where would be the fun in that?
The older man nibbled his lover’s neck and bathed in his boyish laughter. Something he hasn’t heard in some time. He slid his hand down Achilles’ side and cupped his hand on the small of his back, brushing his thumb against his hip bone. His other hand was placed on his knee and easily slid up his thigh, under his tunic.
A small gasp left Achilles’ lips. His hand swiftly gripped his lover’s wrist. The two paused and locked eyes. They didn’t even need to speak to have a conversation with each other. Achilles nervously smiled and shook his head. Patroclus raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Patroclus,” said Achilles.
“Achilles,” cooed Patroclus.
“Umm, hi,” breathed Zagreus.
Wait- Zagreus?!
The warriors whipped their heads towards the young prince who stood by sheepishly. His face was bright red with embarrassment as he looked to his feet, shuffling them nervously and scratching the back of his head.
“I- sorry, you two. I didn’t want to bother you but…” he trailed off.
Realizing the state they were in, Achilles shoved Patroclus off him in a panic and stood quickly, his face also red, but he tried to play it cool.
“Ah, ahem, no worries, Prince! Patroclus and I were just… we were just… just…” he too trailed off as his confidence dipped, deciding to look away and shield his eyes instead.
Patroclus scoffed and stood next to his lover, brushing himself off and fixing his hair. He gave a stink eye to Achilles before fixing his face to greet Zagreus.
“We were enjoying our alone time, that’s what we were doing. Although, it wouldn’t kill you to knock next time.” Sass dripped from his voice as he offered Zagreus one of his many belongings. The prince stepped forward and hurriedly picked one from the bunch.
“Ah, right, right, my apologies, sir. I-I’ll be going now.” The poor prince stumbled over himself while trying to make it to the door, not even thinking to pick one, just running right through in an attempt to exit this awkward atmosphere. Patroclus sighed and looked back at Achilles. His face was still burning like fire as the soldier sat down and groaned.
“I can’t believe he saw us like that… all across each other like horny teenagers… ugh…” While Achilles felt disgusted with himself, Patroclus laughed. The blond turned to his lover with confusion in his gaze. The older man sat beside him, giggling.
“Why are you laughing? Wasn’t that embarrassing for you?” Achilles asked which only resulted in Patroclus giggling more. His laughter was always so contagious, so naturally, Achilles’ half hearted frown turned into an amused smile. Patroclus placed his hand on his lover’s back, steadying his titters, and sighed.
“It's refreshing to see you so embarrassed. Reminds me of our first time~ Do you remember when your tent mate walked in on me-”
“Patroclus!” Achilles exclaimed and his lover burst into laughter once again. Feeling childish (and slightly vengeful) the blond pushed Patroclus onto the ground and dug his fingers into his ribs. Not expecting this, Patroclus barked out a laugh and attempted to hug and protect his chest. Achilles straddled his waist with ease as he continued to tickle the man beneath him. The blond chuckled as he exacted his punishment, soaking up his lover’s loud laughs.
“How have you no shame??” Achilles playfully demanded.
“Becahahahahahause Ihihihihihihi’m dead! Wait whait wait no, not there- Achilles no- No! NAHAhahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha youhuhuhuhu fffffffuhuhucker!” Patroclus cried out with mirth as Achilles let his tickling fingers climb into his armpits. The man tried rocking back and forth to dislodge those cursed digits, but they weren’t going anywhere.
“A fucker, am I? Well no wonder you like me so much~” the blond teased. He heard Patroclus’ laughter spike, so his joke must have worked or flustered him, or both.
A few more tickles and wandering hands later, their time did end. But it only renewed the couples’ excitement to see one another.
‘Gods only know what I’ll do to him,’ they both thought.
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fluffanonn · 8 days
New fics!
Here two new fics featuring Poseidon and Hades!
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
An...Informative Experience?
Lee! Zagreus, Ler! Megaera
Zagreus has an interesting question that puts him in an eventful position. Lots of tension. Thanatos makes an appearance!!
Zagreus had been on the other end of Meg's death stare many, many, many times, admittedly mostly for good reasons, but this time he was really just quite confused.
"Zag," she ground out between clenched teeth, "What exactly are you trying to play at here?"
Zagreus put his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing! Really! I'm just quite curious, and, well, everyone else seemed to get quite strange and jittery when I asked the question..."
"I honestly can't believe you would ask me such a question like that. Tsch. It's sort of sad, even for you."
"Well if you're quite done marveling at my apparently depressing lack of knowledge, I would very much like to know what this tickle thing is."
Meg gave him a discerning look—the type that used to make him want to squirm when he was a little younger. He raised an eyebrow.
"Alright. Fine. I'll show you."
"Show me? Oh—oh okay—" Zagreus followed along awkwardly as Meg pushed him up against the wall, smiling somewhat sheepishly.
They must've been quite a sight in the lounge, but there are not many things to which the dead are unaccustomed.
An exasperated sigh. "Try your best to stay still."
"Is it painful? I think I'll be quite—hng!"
Long nails slowly traced over the sides of his ribs and sent waves of tingles throughout his torso, making Zagreus resist the urge to squirm.
Meg's eyes sparked in a way that was concerningly familiar to the looks he recieved while fending off her whip.
"What was that, Zag?"
She sped up her fingers and skittered them all around his open torso, leaving Zagreus wishing he had maybe chosen an outfit with more coverage.
"Ihihihi! Ihihihi—Ahahah!"
This new sensation was turning Zagreus's brain to mush—he felt like he was actually melting as he let out these embarrassing giggles. His face was growing too warm for Meg not to notice and he only hoped she wouldn't say anything about it. His body seemed to have a mind of its own as it squirmed uselessly and weakly grabbed at Meg's wrists.
She apparently decided she'd had enough of that as she swept up both of Zagreus's hands and held them over his head. Zagreus's stomach flipped at this new position.
"W-wait, Meg, I—"
"Wait for what, Zag? Where'd all that curiosity go?"
"J-just! Plehease—AHAahah!"
His words were cut short as he collapsed into shoulder shaking, endearing, laughter; throwing his head back in a way that it almost hit the back of the wall.
Meg couldnt stop her smirk when she dug into Zagreus's exposed underarm, finding herself pleased by the way his body short-circuited underneath her fingers.
"Never thought I'd find something that left you speechless."
Zagreus just laughed and tugged at his arms a little, unsure he was capable of much else at this point.
Something in Meg's demenour relaxed as she studied Zags face, taking in his laugh. It wasn't like his usual quiet chuckles. It was loud, and full, and it had a sort of rough undertone to it like it wasn't used in quite a while. If she just leaned in a little closer she could see his scrunched up face, how that flush had so tastefully colored his pale skin—painting his cheekbones, neck, ears...
Looking at him this way it was hard to deny there was something about him that was sort of...
Meg said under her breath; before suddenly snapping back to reality. She pulled her hands away as if they had been burnt, taking several steps backwards. Purposely peeling her eyes from Zagreus as he caught his breath. She needed to stay professional. This was  completely out of line! What had even spurred her to—
"Meheg?" Zagreus wobbled on weak knees, and Meg did not think about how well that may have suited him. "Thahat—" he attempted to clear his voice, "That was quite the sudden...display. Not that I—! Well, uhm."
Meg glared, turned to leave the lounge because yes gods damn it she was embarrassed, only to see a very frazzled looking Thanatos gaping at the two of them.
Zagreus's remaining flush intensified somewhat as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Did you ehm, see all of that, Than?"
Thanatos seems to remember himself and quickly responded, eyes flitting about. "Yes, well, it is not my place to judge. It is...pleasant to see you taking revelry in something other than battle," he glanced at Meg cautiously, "Both of you."
Meg narrowed her eyes, giving the two gods a frigid look. "I have no time for this."
She didn't allow herself to feel bad for her cold behavior, even though she knew neither had done anything to provoke it. Instead, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.
Silence burnt through the room for a moment.
Zagreus sighed, shoulders sagging. What even happened back there? Had he done something wrong?
"I...apologize for her behavior, Zagreus."
"No, no, it's really fine Than, I just thought...well, I don't know what I thought, really."
Thanatos tried his best to give a reassuring look. "I don't believe she dislikes you, not really. Give her patience, space. Use that blasted persistence of yours."
Zagreus let out a weary laugh at that. "Well, my 'blasted persistence' hasn't proved very productive thus far."
At that, Thanatos let out a chuckle, grasping Zagreus's hands in his own. "It certainly worked on me."
Leaning his forehead against Thans, Zag felt himself relax a little. "Yes, you're right. You're always right."
A small grin. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object to that."
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hideaway (Hades)
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Happy Squealing Santa! Hello @rosileeduckie! It is I, Squiggily, your Secret Santa this year! I hope you're having a fantastic winter and holiday! Hades was such a great game, and even though I don’t always write about it- this was an absolute blast to make! :D I hope you like it! (Made an extra gift too~)
Summary: Zagreus and Thanatos share a stolen moment alone from the festivities.
The cool air around him was a blessing as Zagreus pushed through the balcony doors, breathing it in. Behind him, ghosts and demons alike laughed and cheered, clinking drinks and singing drunkenly to whatever a tispy Ophellio played for them. 
Winter in the Underworld had a profound effect on the residents that lived there- even his father- Hades himself. He was smiling as he chatted away with Achilles and Patrocles- the topic most likely not something Zagreus would be interested in.
Judging by the growing dulled expression Patrocles was starting to wear, it wasn’t something he was into either. It made the Prince smile knowing he wasn’t alone.
“Running away from the party? Can’t say I’m too surprised.” Thananto’s voice was smooth as the shadows he hid in, seeming to appear out of nowhere from his spot against the balcony fence. In his hand was a glass of ambrosia, barely touched. He twirled it slowly in his fingers as his careful eyes watched the prince, taking him all in. “You’ve never been one to stay in the palace- literally.”
“Good evening to you too, Than.” Zagreus brushed off the pointed comments, leaning back on his own end of the fence. “Funny you say that, but here you are- hiding away just like me.”
“I’m not-” He started, but thought better of it. Instead, Thanatos turned his gaze back to his glass, swishing the fluid within the crystal cup once more. “I’m not a fan of…this. There are too many souls in the room. It’s…overwhelming.”
“Hm.” Zagreus nodded. He understood that feeling all too well. The palace, while not nearly as packed as it was tonight- always felt like the air was thin. There was so much going on- so many unanswered questions about his birthright, so many tasks to do and jobs he had no interest in partaking in.
Sometimes he attempted to run to learn about his mother.
Other times he ran because it was the only way he could breathe.
The mood felt too heavy. Reaching out, he snatched the glass from the other’s hand, draining it in one clean gulp. “Can’t let it go to waste- that’s the good stuff.” Zagreus nodded with a grin, laughing at the shock on Thanatos’ expression.
“I was drinking that.” A lie and they both knew it.
“And now I did.” Zagreus stuck the tip of his tongue out at him. He was feeling silly- the wine was hitting him harder than he thought. “Take that.”
“You’re such a- I don’t even know what to describe you as right now.” Thanatos shook his head with a small smile, turning back to the night sky as Zagreus shook with chuckles. “I’m glad you're having fun tonight.”
“With you, I’m always having fun.” He meant it in a kind light, but the comment seemed to make Thanatos droop, his smile fading for a more somber expression as he stared out across the horizon. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?”
“This won’t last.” Thanatos didn’t even try to soften the blow. “By morning, you’ll be gone again- off to Olympus in an attempt to get out once more.”
That was true- he would be back at it again. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t.” Thanatos cut him off, voice tight. “Don’t you dare.”
Zagreus remained quiet, letting the sounds of the party fill the silence between them. This wasn’t a new thing; Thanatos made it clear his opposition to the prince’s various escapades. He didn’t try to stop him- he respected him too much to try and hold him back these days- or perhaps he was just too tired to try anymore.
Zagreus didn’t know how to feel about either.
The air began to grow flavorful- Dusa’s famous stew was near ready. Dinner will be served soon.
“Can’t keep them waiting.” Thanatos stood, stretching his arms out as he turned to the onslaught of partygoers. “We’ll be missed if we don’t show up.”
“You’re going like that?” Zagreus asked, brows furrowing at the grimness of Thanatos’ features.
“You have to at least fake a smile for family holiday dinner.” Thanatos turned his lips upward in a hollow curve, eyes sad as they met Zagreus’. “You and I both know that by heart now.”
He did, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit.
“Why fake it?” Zagreus asked, a new idea coming to mind as he straightened out. “When I can easily bring a real one out of you?”
“I highly doubt you could toni- What are you doing?” Thanatos backed up then, unprepared for how close the prince got. They were the same height, but this close in all his flaming glory, he seemed much bigger. “Zagreus-”
“Smile for me, Than.” His lips were curved into a wicked grin, eyes dancing. It wasn’t long before hands grabbed his waist, wiggling their fingers into his ribs.
“Ah!! No! Nohohoho, you bahahhahahstahhahard!” Thanatos yelped, squirming as he clung to the pale hands on him. “Gehehheet ohohohohoff you bruuhuuhute! Noohohoht hehehehehere!”
“Why not? Everyone’s either too drunk or too distracted to notice.” Zagreus’ tone was teasing, his mismatched eyes gleaming with satisfaction at the shaky smile forcing itself upon Thanatos’ lips. “And who are you calling a brute?” He moved his hands further in, grazing the back of Death’s ribs so gently it made him arch with a squeaky yelp. “I’d say I’m quite gentle. Can’t you tell?”
“Shuuhuhuhuhuhsh, you fiehehehhehend!” Thanatos tried to swat at him, but his attacks were weak- just barely swatting at his arms. Zagreus had him cornered, back against the balcony railing while his fingers flew up and down his torso, pushing past the thin material of his robes to get the warm skin there. “Ihihihihiihiht’s toohohohoho coohohohohld out heheheehheere for thhiihhiihs!”
“I know- that’s why I need to warm you up.” The prince leaned in close, his voice sending shivers down the other’s spine. “If you’d like though, we can move this somewhere else-”
The offer was enticing and embarrassing. Thanatos had no time to process either before they heard the thump of footsteps coming towards the Balcony doors. “Zag-”
“Hey, what’s up?” The prince’s back was to him now, his wide shoulders shielding a now exhausted Thanatos from their guest. “How can I help you, Hypnos?”
“Your father is looking for you. It’s time for the feast.” The sleepy being rubbed his arms as he looked around, brows furrowing. “Is Thanatos with you? I swear I heard him just now.”
“Nope- haven’t seen him all night. Must have passed out drunk somewhere.” That earned him a pinch to the bicep. It took everything in Zagreus not to grin. “I’m sure he’ll find his way back once the feast is on. You know how he is.”
“That I do. Okay; come in when you're done- before all the roasted duck is gone.” Hypnos waved as he reentered the party, leaving the two alone once more.
“Passing out drunk? What do you take me for?” Thanatos grumbled as he glared at the prince, a faint blush still painting his cheeks.
“What? It’s believable, right? Well- probably not for you.” Zagreus shrugged, just barely avoiding another pinch. “We could absolutely go out and get drunk if you’d like to validate our story?”
“You’re terrible.” There it was again, that small but warm smile he only wore for him. “We should really head back. I’m sure you’re craving that roasted duck Hypno’s mentioned.”
The prince’s stomach growled in response, earning a snort. “Knew it.”
“Heh, what can I say? It’s famously good.” Zagreus offered an arm, waiting patiently while the other stared. “Shall we?”
“...Fine, I suppose.” He took the other’s arm, letting him bring him back into the warmth of the room. A thank you was on the tip of his tongue, but for what he didn’t know. “Zag-”
“Yes?” He turned to look back, mismatched eyes kind. Something like understanding lingered in them.
“Nevermind.” Thanatos decided, squeezing his arm. “Come on- before we miss out.”
I hope this was good! Happy Squealing Santa!
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lucigoo · 8 months
Bagginshield Fic Rec List
So, here I will add all of the amazing Bagginshield fics I adore. I hope you like at least one, they all deserve love 💖💖💖
And as always, if its your fic, or you know whos let me know so i can @ them, they all deserve to be recognised!
Below the Belt - LordOfTheRazzles @lordoftherazzles
A Complaint A Day... - birdkeeperklink (speculating) @birdkeeperklink
Of Blacksmiths and Blackberries - littlebrownshoe (Wolfy_Tales)
He loves me, he loves me not - Alse_the_hobbit @hobbityalse
(Take Me Back To) The Night We Met - LordOfTheRazzles, MiraHerondale - @lordoftherazzles @consultingpacha
Fuck Thy Neighbor - LordOfTheRazzles @lordoftherazzles
An Almost Perfect Christmas - Ticklesivory @tickles-ivory
A King's Bond - mordelle @mordellestories
(Almost Believing) This One's Not Pretend - diemarysues
Lost and Found - Ticklesivory @tickles-ivory
The Danger In Missing You - Fantasyinallforms @fantasyinallforms
Child's Play - Anonymous - The Hobbit (the Company as kids, gen fic)
Letters from the Mountain - Middle_Earth_Mama @middleearthmama
Beyond the Pixels - Ticklesivory @tickles-ivory
Hold Me Down Until The Madness Ends - licha_nick
“I’zigh ‘Akshith” (War Surprise) - Ticklesivory @tickles-ivory (The slow burn is beautiful and the idea is so clever and unique imo)
327 Blossom Street - Ticklesivory (Tickles does modern Bagginshield so well)
Slow Dance: A Bagginshield SMAU - Ticklesivory (Modern day social media fic, its awesome)
The Bunny Saga - alkjira - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, its so cute and clever) Sweet Synthesis - Ticklesivory - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another craker from @tickles-ivory, with Cyborgs!) A Passion For Mushrooms - Chrononautical - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, beautiful world building and pining idiots) Behind the Money - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, @sunnyrosewritesstuff wrote an adoarble tea ahop AU) No Small Amount of Courage - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another wonderful fic from @sunnyrosewritesstuff where Bilbo loves so hard its enough)
A Hobbit's Gamble - CQueen - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Arranged Marriage Au in Erebor, and its precious, from start to end)
Wings from Ravens - IShipGayShit_SueMe - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, BAMF Bilbo, with wings. Need I say more)
Wild Wings - DomesticGoddess - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, As always everythign DG worites slaps so hard. This was my first ever wing fic read and i became obsessed its that good)
A Black-feathered Omen - birdkeeperklink (speculating) - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another wing fic, and sad, loely Thorin who needs a hug, or a hobbit...)
Let The Waking Morning Find - sunryder - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this is legit one of my fav Bagginshield fics ever, its clever and emotional and the thought of the One Ring gaining a body and becoming fixated on Bilob is spine chilling)
I don't belong (and my beloved, neither do you) - FrozenBrownie - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, mpreg, its heartbreaking and beautiful and a hea all rolled into one) None So Blind - Chrononautical - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Beautifully writte fic, woth Blind Bilbo and aftermath of BOTFA) the world is sleeping (my world is you) - katheneverwrites (mandolinearts) - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Thorin as a sweet Hades is just so precious) An Unexpected Friend - smoltimidturtle - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Bilbo gets a pet, its adorable, Thorin doesnt think so, a really cute reshirement fic) My Sister's Boyfriend - DomesticGoddess - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, as always DomesticGodess hits the spot you didnt know needed hitting. Jelous Thorin is perfect!) Now You Know - Arkan_Sonney - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Its very cute and fluffy and Frodo needs all the hugs)
Sansûkh - Chapter 1 - determamfidd - Multifandom (Multiple LOTR pairings, not sure if it eeds any interoduction, other then EPIC!)
Planting a Hobbit - northerntrash - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, The dwarves are adorable and its just a wonderful fic,)
May Your Forge Burn Bright - LordOfTheRazzles - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, once again @lordoftherazzles wrote an amazing fic, the world building and relationship between Bilbo and Thorin is stunning)
Bad Blood - Conkers - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, a clever little What If fic fom @conkers-thecosy, BAMF Bilbo is best Bilbo and OCnkers did it perfectly.)
If I could give my breath away (I would) - StupidFatPenguin - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, even with having lost his memory, Thorin is so precious in hiw quikly he falls in love Bilbo.)
(s)wiped out - I_did_not_mean_to, sandwich11213 - The Hobbit - (undercurrent of Bilbo/Thorin, the Bagginshield is subtle, but beautiful, and worth the entire fic to get to it this is a work of art, both the fic and the actual art)
Worlds separated by a garden fence. - TheCuriousCat - The Hobbit (Fem Bilbo/Thorin, one of my fave series, Durins are fae and Bilbo is BAMF!)
Guardian of Kings - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another excelent work by @sunnyrosewritesstuff, and im sure most bagginshielders love a bit of BAMF Bilbo and cultural misunderstanding, I know i do!) Summary: The Company has been having a good laugh as the story of their quest spreads through the mountain and more and more retellings makes Thorin out to be Bilbo’s damsel in distress. It stops becoming funny when Thorin’s honor is challenged, and it’s up to Bilbo to defend it. Thorin may be ready to smuggle his hobbit out of the mountain, but Bilbo will do it. For Thorin, he would do anything.
The Gift of Hobbits - MoroseBarnacle - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, and its just SO good!) Summary: The gift of hobbits is a secret not known to dwarves. Bilbo’s gift saves the Company—repeatedly—and they don’t even know it until after Smaug is dead. But by then, just about everybody knows there’s a hobbit in Erebor, and the invading orcs decide to keep Bilbo and his otherworldly gift for themselves.
Home - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Gen fic, Written by the wonderful @sunnyrosewritesstuff an adorable look at Uncle Thorin. )
Summary: Being an uncle doesn't come instinctual to Thorin. He loves his nephews with all his heart, but he doesn't quite understand them. However, when Dís needs far across the distance - LinguisticJubilee - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this one is lovely imo) Summary: Balin blinks, shifting backwards. “Laddie, it’s—it’s been a year. Bilbo has returned home, to the Shire.” He looks at Thorin, then says more gently, “I did not realize you counted the hobbit among your treasures.”
Guardian of Kings - SunnyRose - The Hobbit by @sunnyrosewritesstuff (Bilbo/Thorin, one of my favs from Sunny, its clever and the world building, its just delicious) Summary: The Company has been having a good laugh as the story of their quest spreads through the mountain and more and more retellings makes Thorin out to be Bilbo’s damsel in distress. It stops becoming funny when Thorin’s honor is challenged, and it’s up to Bilbo to defend it. Thorin may be ready to smuggle his hobbit out of the mountain, but Bilbo will do it. For Thorin, he would do anything. Prize Enough for Me - StrivingArtist - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, BAMF Bilbo for the win, need I say more?) Summary: After falling in love months earlier with the Dwarven King, when Bilbo sees Thorin stabbed on Raven Hill, he decides to find vengeance. mercy and death on swift arrows fly - authoressjean - The Hobbit (Gen, hinted eventual Bagginshield, another BAMF Bilbo, but also, hes just lovely no matter what) Summary: Hunger Games AU with slow burn Bagginshield.
Not All That Glitters (Is Good For Your Health) - comatosecombat - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, post quest for Erebor) Summary: In his attempt to distract Smaug from attacking Lake-town, Bilbo accidentally destroys the One Ring of Power, saves the day and brings peace on Middle-Earth.
When it comes to him and Thorin, that resolves absolutely nothing. An Unexpected Addition - karategal - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this whole series is pure gold imo)
Summary: All of the dwarves survive the Battle of the Five Armies, but Bilbo must return to the Shire to sort out his old life and make way for a new one in Erebor. Over one year later, Bilbo comes back to the Lonely Mountain with a recently orphaned Frodo. King Thorin isn't quite sure what to make of this new, tiny addition to his Company. far across the distance - LinguisticJubilee - The Hobbit - (Bilbo/Thorin, schmoopy Thorin has my whole heart)
Summary: Balin blinks, shifting backwards. “Laddie, it’s—it’s been a year. Bilbo has returned home, to the Shire.” He looks at Thorin, then says more gently, “I did not realize you counted the hobbit among your treasures.” far across the distance - LinguisticJubilee - The Hobbit - (Bilbo/Thorin, schmoopy Thorin has my whole heart)
Summary: Balin blinks, shifting backwards. “Laddie, it’s—it’s been a year. Bilbo has returned home, to the Shire.” He looks at Thorin, then says more gently, “I did not realize you counted the hobbit among your treasures.” What to do when one has died? Dig of course. - DBlack13 (Bilbo/Thorin, Afterlife fic, I repeate Afterlife fic (not that i have a fav trope or anything .....)
Summary: After death, Bilbo is bored. He misses his adventures, and although Yavanna’s Garden is everything a hobbit would wish for, Bilbo can’t help missing his friends in the Company, and above all, a certain blue-eyed leader… Makes the Whole World Blind - Chrononautical - The Hobbit (Bagignshield, I love when they are feral for one another)
Summary: Bilbo Baggins has been kidnapped. Thorin Oakenshield considers a proportional response. Nori Needs a Burglar - SunnyRose - The Hobbit @sunnyrosewritesstuff (Bagginshield, this is so clever and Bilbo getting caught in shennanigans accidently is *chef'f kiss*) Summary: In charge of distracting Bilbo from their party plans, Nori tells the hobbit about a problem they've been having in the treasury. Of course, Bilbo being Bilbo, he managed to stumble upon a conspiracy against the Crown. Unbreakable - Fantasyinallforms - The Hobbit @fantasyinallforms (Bagginshield, ngl, im not usually fond of the sex pollen trope as a personal prefrence, but this one is done so well and its all about the feels, its wonderfuly written) Summary: Bilbo and Thorin are captured coming back from a diplomatic mission to the elf king's halls. Their captures have no intention of killing the great Thorin Oakenshield outright; instead, they seek to break him and attempt to use Bilbo to do it. Bruises on the Heart - thehufflepuffhobbit - The Hobbit (Bagginshield, oblivious idiots, i'm looking at you Thorin, is always such a delicious plotline) Summary: 5 times Thorin noticed his soulmate’s bruises and 1 time he gave them one.
With a tie not easy to break - MiraHerondale - The Hobbit (Bagginshied woth alternate first meeting, this amount of sweetness isnt good for my heart) Summary:
“Finally”, said the hobbit, frowning despite his rushing heart. “I was worried.” The smial was deadly silent behind him, which was surprising, considering how loud the dwarfs had been moments prior. Yet he refused to turn around and check. “Worried? I thought we were angry.”
Fic for Thauc with the prompts "Bilbo and Thorin met before the Quest, fell in love and got married (in secret or not). How does that affect the Quest?" and "Thorin and Bilbo having an awkward and terrible hookup in Bree several months before the quest and then meeting at the quest." Clue-finder - TheGrayKnight - The Hobbit (Bagginshield, Bilob being accidently BAMF is brillaint) Summary: Bilbo originally asked to meet with Balin to discuss what he could do to help restore Erebor. He had no idea Balin would turn it around and talk about dwarven courting customs.
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rosileeduckie · 2 years
Tickled to Death
Pact of punishment level: maxed. Time face the scariest enemy you didn’t know lived in hell: your own boyfriend. 
Zagreus “helps” Thanatos get out from between a rock and a hard place. For @vqler, who GOD I’m so sorry I’m late but I hope you like me petrifying and obliterating Thanatos for you in the name of Christmas ❤ Much love to you, much love and thanks to @hypahticklish for hosting this year’s @squealing-santa. Kudos and love to everyone who posted for the event this year, happy holidays, and happy new year!
SFW. Potential warnings: just “returning to writing” writing lol. Hades: Zagreus/Thanatos tickle fic.
Word count: 3,075
Zagreus had attempted enough escapes from the underworld to know, upon even entering a chamber, when something was immediately off. He daresay he was experienced by this point; there were things he’d come to expect. Hordes of enemies, unleashed with love from his father? Certainly. The unavoidable spiting of and smiting from god-cousins for the favor of other ones? Often. Blood, death, and darkness? Absolutely. What he found waiting for him upon crossing from his most recent ferry to the nearest Asphodelian dock was, in a total understatement, wildly unexpected. 
Save for the familiar sound of bubbling, hissing lava and distant magma falls, the chamber was quiet. Zagreus entered as he always did, light on his burning feet and weapon unsheathed, ready to dodge or strike at a moment’s notice. He needn’t have, though, as he soon realized the chamber was befuddlingly empty. Sure, he’d encountered chambers with no enemies in them, either at first glance because they had just yet to spawn or at all because their presence was dissuaded by some form of boon or blessing. But the chamber he currently found himself in had no healing pool, no shop, and no allies, let alone enemies. It was just plain empty.
So busy with examining the room for some sort of clever trap, Zagreus didn’t even notice the obvious obstacle until he fully tripped over it, sprawling onto the rock with his weapon—Stygius, this time—clattering a couple of feet away. Zagreus looked back to see what had caused him to stumble, and his brow furrowed deeper in confusion. A scythe, large and dramatic and adorned with gold and a piercing purple eye lay abandoned on the rock, its usual wielder, the physically and emotively grey demigod that Zagreus had the biggest soft spot for, was nowhere to be seen. Or was he?
Zagreus turned his head, looking from Thanatos’ weapon to his own. A couple of feet away. His gaze lifted slowly upward. The grey and currently half-rocky skin had blended quite well into the environment like a natural stalagmite, and it wasn’t until he was actually looking for it that Zagreus could see that Thanatos was there, and likely not going anywhere any time soon. 
The prince rose, grabbed and sheathed his sword as he rounded the Thanatos-shaped pillar until he faced the front. Zagreus had been grinning already upon realizing what he’d stumbled upon, but that grin grew all the bigger and brighter when he saw the normally brooding Thanatos looking flustered and positively grumpy.
“Don’t—” Thanatos said, sighing in defeat when Zagreus snorted and burst into bright laughter that he tried and failed to hide behind his hand. “Don’t laugh.”
"I'm sorry, but can you blame me?" Zagreus said, nearly falling into another fit of giggling when he rapped a knuckle lightly against Thanatos' chest and the action produced a satisfying thunk. "What happened?" He asked, but it was fairly obvious: petrification. Gorgons were aplenty in Asphodel, and none of them so friendly as Dusa. Most of Thanatos' body was still affected by the curse, frozen in place and turned a stony stormy grey. By the looks of it and the fact that he could talk, the petrification was naturally draining from Thanatos' form from the top first, leaving the rest of him to wait out the "thawing" process in the stiff and stiffness-inducing position of both arms partially raised as those blocking with his scythe, and both feet floating their usual few inches from the ground.
"I was waiting for your slow ass," Thanatos grumbled, drawing the prince to close his cursory examination with a snort. "Expected for us to have one of our contests, but a gorgon caught me from behind. You'd be standing in her remains, if I hadn't vaporized her."
"Remind me to stay off your bad side." 
"“Stay off.”"
“Shut up.” Zagreus walked a slow circle around Thanatos. He cast his gaze outward, studying the chamber without the blinders of adrenaline and stress that tended to make things look fuzzy. He knew Thanatos was powerful, but—blood and darkness—he’d probably obliterated every shade within the next three chambers, let alone their current one. It was just a guess, but, with how thoroughly every trap had been tripped and every structural fault had been compromised simultaneously, as though from a massive blast, Zagreus was fairly certain that A. he and Thanatos were better than safe from shades for the time being, and B. even caught off guard, Thanatos did nothing at half-intensity. Drama queen. “So how long have you been like this?”
Thanatos grunted, straining to look over his shoulder at Zagreus when the prince moved fully behind him. “I don’t know. I didn’t count, as I was counting on you to be quick. Thanks for picking this one time to be the one where you drag your feet.”
Zagreus didn’t respond to the jab with more than a thoughtful hum. He was too busy watching the petrification dissipate, the cold stone color receding like a lava wave at low tide at a slavug’s pace. Ugh. 
“I don’t know how long I’ve been like this, and I have no idea how long I’ll be like this, since I usually have you to cover me.”
“It’s pretty quick, from the hits I’ve taken.” Of course, Zagreus realized upon thinking it over, he was often petrified while surrounded by enemies, and the threat of being sent back down the Styx made him struggle against the enchantment with all his might. Maybe it was supposed to last a long time; he’d just be thin on patience and break himself out. “Helps if you wiggle.”
Thanatos scoffed, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. “You are an amazing help.”
“Well, what do you suggest I—?”
“Just—” Thanatos huffed, neck and shoulders visibly straining where he tried to move them, move anything, “just keep watch to make sure nothing respawns. I didn’t even want you seeing me like this, let alone your father’s subjects.”
“Any shade would think they’ve gone mad with the heat before they accepted seeing you like this as real. Or they’d be laughed out of the House for such a ridiculous and unbelievable tale, you know that. But fine,” Zagreus replied with a yawn and set himself on a little guarding route around Thanatos, keeping an eye trained outward for ominous growling, keeping an ear pointed toward Thanatos to listen to his comical grunts and breathy swears of efforts, and letting his mind drift elsewhere.
When Zagreus found himself petrified on his escape attempts, a quick shake and healthy dose of stubbornness was all it took for him to bash his way to freedom and back to slashing shades to dust. There had been one time, though, when he’d found himself without monsters to slay beside the shade who’d landed a hit and then lazily floated away and straight into a fountain of lava. (Zagreus could understand enjoying a hot bath, but yikes…) With no adversaries, Zagreus had lacked his usual incentive to escape as quickly as possible. It was odd, to stop moving so thoroughly, without being able to so much as jiggle his leg or tap his fingers or click his tongue. His companion on-call at that time had been Dusa, and he couldn't think of anyone better to offer advice as to getting un-petrified than her. Luckily, the little gifted doll he kept like a keychain on his weapon didn't need to be physically or verbally invoked—that would make summoning under the onslaught of a dozen rakers or one very maltempered ROUS even more difficult—so he pictured the soft snakey toy, reached out with his mind, and called for his companion. In a flash, Dusa appeared, all smiles and polite shyness and readiness to stone and slaughter any foe that challenged the prince. Of course, there were none, but Zagreus' head had gotten enough feeling back to explain the situation to Dusa. Her advice was the same Zagreus had given to Thanatos in the present: wiggle around a bit. And she had, so helpfully, provided a new incentive via her trusty feather duster.
Recalling the event made Zagreus—well, first he flushed to the roots of his charcoal hair, and he was glad he'd come to stand behind Thanatos at that moment, and then—grin, delighted and devilish. "Actually…"
"What?" Thanatos tried to look over his shoulder at Zagreus once more, and found only the slightest more yield in his stone-struck muscles. He could almost touch his chin to his shoulder. 
Zagreus side-stepped accommodatingly to face his captive companion. "Funny thing is, Than, you're not rock. You can feel just fine." He gave another demonstrative flick to Thanatos' shoulder. "It's a bitch when you're being bombarded with enemy attacks. But it might help you break free. If I just—"
It had been a tactical move for Zagreus to move around to Thanatos’ front. For one, it allowed him easy access to scribble his fingers under death incarnate’s arms unimpeded. For another, it meant he got to see Thanatos’ face morph from dismay to betrayal to amusement (however helped along and hysteric).
“Zagreus!” cried Thanatos, the sound colored with a splash of helpless laughter. Truly, it was funny how his technically perfect defensive position, when without his intimidating weapon, left him totally vulnerable to a little tickling. (Well. A lot of tickling. Zagreus was usually on the other end of these fights, and he had already decided he was not letting such a golden fleece of opportunity go by.)
"Yes, Than dear?" Zagreus teased, smile growing wide enough as his victim's when he saw the way Thanatos' cheeks began to burn violet. It took the strength of Sisyphus, but Zagreus looked away from Thanatos’ face, looking instead at his chest and trailing the progress of the curse. Still slow, but with a bit more stuttering speed. The stony color had dissipated all the way down to about his collarbone, leaving the topmost part of his collar golden and shining once more. “No need to thank me. I can already see the curse is lifting faster. You keep wriggling, I’ll keep helping, and you’ll be out in no time!”
A whine that slipped seamlessly into a squeal punctuated Thanatos’ chortling. “But—!”
The dual-eyed demigod slowed his attack, keeping his fingers and just a featherlight flutter in Thanatos’ armpits. It was far from rare for the pair to engage in all-out tickle wars that could border on brutal, but this may have been a bit much. Zagreus didn’t want to overwhelm Thanatos. He waited for even the slightest inkling of dissent.
Thanatos ducked his head, panting and giggling and bumping his forehead gently against Zagreus’. “If someone sees…” It was a thin excuse, between euphoric lips and yellow eyes burning with excitement, and Thanatos knew it. 
Zagreus definitely knew it, holding Thanatos’ jaw in his hands to pull him in for a kiss that ended when the prince chuckled, low and wicked and delighted. “Darling, with how you smote those shades, we won’t be interrupted for awhile, I’m sure.” Thanatos’ eyes scrunched shut, and he bit his lip valiantly against a renewed fit of giggling when Zagreus’ hands migrated gently down his neck and back to his underarms. “No one but me to relish your screams.”
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Thanatos teased, teeth gritted in a grin.
Able to bear stillness not a second longer, Zagreus set his fingers dancing once again, spidering viciously beneath Thanatos’ arms. Poor death threw his head back as the villainous onslaught sent laughter bursting from his lungs to echo through the lava chamber. His shoulder muscles strained against stone, but, try as he might, he couldn’t lower his arms at all. Not the tiniest inch, not the slightest bit of reprieve. Zagreus grinned. It was spectacular. 
In self-preservation, Zagreus had tipped his head back from his and Than’s intimate moment seconds before going back to full tickle monster mode, which had been smart with how determined Thanatos was to thrash even with just his head. A minute or two of torture later, Zagreus saw another inevitable point of danger. The curse was ebbing; soon Thanatos was free to his shoulders, and that gave him only the ability to laugh enough for them to shake. As soon as his pectorals were free, Thanatos was going to have means, however clumsy, to fight back. With a sigh lamenting the end of a helpless Thanatos, Zagreus took one last adoring gaze at that tickled-mad, wide-grinning, ecstasy-dizzy face, and he ducked.
A deadweight hand swung over his head, and Zagreus sent one of few thanks to his father for increased difficulty in his pact of punishment. It might have been small, but his instincts were good enough now to avoid what would have been an impressive black eye. Blacker eye. Still, stone-from-the-chest-down was not the way Zagreus preferred his partners, so he couldn’t rest yet. Thanatos was flailing his arms with all his might, but he still couldn’t bend over, so Zagreus was relatively safe lounging against Thanatos’ knee. Reaching as high as he dared, Zagreus gave a few quick and indiscriminate tickles—resulting in beautiful answering shrieks—and latched onto Thanatos’ hips. Instead of pinching, Zagreus held on for dear life and dug into the fabric beneath Thanatos’ belt, burrowing into and scratching the soft sensitive spots that had the potential to make Thanatos purr but were currently making him wail like the damned. 
The longer Thanatos suffered under Zagreus’ malicious mischief, the quicker the curse faded. Zagreus’ wiggling fingers seemed to be fleeing from it as they squeezed down Thanatos’ thighs, skittered behind his knees, and eventually dashed to his soles. Thanatos was fully able to buck now, body all but back to his control. Had Zagreus not laid down on the rocky ground, he likely would have been throttled. As it was, he was still out of reach, grinning up at Thanatos and receiving an exhausted but elated smile in return. There was even almost a flash of fear in death’s eyes when Thanatos realized what Zagreus had planned for the finale of their first—and hopefully not last—curse-breaking session. 
“Don’t worry, Than. This spot ALWAYS makes you dance. If it doesn’t free you, nothing will.” Zagreus was positively beaming up at Thanatos, facing no defense in the form of scrunching toes or kicking feet his usually did even threatening to tickle this spot, and certainly not deterred by the pitiful attempt at a glare the smiley and slumped over Thanatos shot at him. 
Any shade that had even thought about reforming within a mile of them had probably changed their mind and stayed dead a few more minutes upon hearing the howl death let out when two fingers were traced delicately under his toes. Never mind the subsequent guffawing screams he uttered when Zagreus raked five fingers back and forth beneath them while his other hand devastated Thanatos’ soles with some evil scribbling that he could only imagine tickled like hell. Those sounds, even if it did make Zagreus wince and almost want to cover his ears, and the blazing, amazing, unabashed smile that accompanied it was better than any boon the gods could give him. Maybe it was a little devil in him talking, but it was simply divine to see his lover so undone and hysterical, so free even when immobilized, so happy and for only Zagreus to see. He wouldn’t mind staying there, basking in Thanatos’ warm and hysterical glow, for a few dozen winters.
His wish was not granted. He barely got a dozen seconds before Thanatos finally shook free from the petrification, yanking his feet away from Zagreus’ hands and subsequently upending himself, laughter having sapped his strength to the point where he couldn’t even float, collapsing on top of Zagreus’ chest and leaving them both wheezing. 
Once he’d gotten back the wind that had been knocked out of him, Zagreus chuckled, wrapping his arms around Thanatos and holding him close, rubbing smooth and soothing circles into the soft warm skin of his shoulder. So gentle and loving was the attention and little kisses he showered Thanatos with that his next words were a jarring dissonance.
“You know, it usually only takes me a few seconds to break free from a gorgon hit when I really want to,” said Zagreus, and he hummed smugly when he felt Thanatos’ face grow warm where it was suddenly buried in the prince’s neck. “Can’t help but wonder if, maybe, you just didn’t want to escape that badly.” He pressed a grinning kiss to Thanatos’ burning forehead. “Eh, Thana-toes?”
Just as suddenly as he’d been pinned to the floor under Thanatos, Zagreus found himself pinned to the floor, arms raised and locked in the grip of a vengeful death, whose amber eyes were absolutely alight with promise and payback, and smoldering more softly with fondness that could not be more obvious when he rolled them. “I will give you three conditions to escape a slow and very merciless end, after which I will personally drag you back down the Styx and deliver just as merciless a wake-up call.”
Zagreus gulped, his grin growing wobbly and his stomach already tickled by a swarm of prickling nerves and butterflies. “And those would be?”
“One,” said Thanatos, summoning a ghostly indigo shackle to bind Zagreus’ left wrist. “Please don’t tell anyone about this that I work with. I’d like to keep some professional dignity. Two.” Another shackled encircled Zagreus’ right wrist. “Don’t you dare call me that ever again.” 
Zagreus couldn’t help but smile proudly at the purple flush that touched Thanatos’ cheeks at that, albeit his smile swiftly turned giggly and giddy as those two shackles pulled his arms taut. 
“Three.” Thanatos leaned in just to nuzzle Zagreus’ ear and scoff lowly when he tried to scrunch up his shoulders. The wickedly sharp tips of Thanatos’ iron gauntlets grazed gently along Zagreus’ highest ribs, making him jolt and bite down on a yelp, grin already hopelessly wide and nerves tingling in anticipation. Zagreus was sure he lost what color he had, most of it roaring to flush and flicker in his hair and ears, and surer that he’d be cursing Thanatos next time, when the latter bowed close to whisper the final condition.
“Don’t laugh.”
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amazingmsme · 9 days
If Hermes ever worked up the courage to tickle the main three (assuming they’re at least slightly ticklish SOMEWHERE) do you think he’d succeed?
Assuming he does, I can totally see him having to go for unconventional spots or something (like Poseidon having ticklish shoulder blades, etc.)
(Also I LOVE your blog, you are so talented.)
Are you kidding me, OF COURSE Hermes has tickled the three of them just so he could say he did, he is obsessed with bragging rights & also causing trouble. & it’s my blog & I make the rules, so I’m saying yeah, they are ticklish I don’t fucking care if they’re big scary gods who are all powerful & “untouchable” if they can get hurt they can absolutely get their shit wrecked
Ok so blood of Zeus might be clouding my judgment a lil bit, but I feel like he wouldn’t be that mad if Hermes tried. He’s his son, so he can have a free pass every now & then. Zeus is more amused by his antics than he likes to let on, & he’s kinda curious to see how far Hermes is willing to go with a joke, even if it’s at his own expense. If he manages to get a really bad spot, he will immediately turn the tables, but that just lets Hermes know that he was letting him do it all along so he’s not REALLY as mad as he’s pretending. & Zeus totally uses some of his lighting when he’s getting revenge, so Hermes definitely paid the price
Fuck you Poseidon, I’m making him the most ticklish out of the big 3 because I think it’s funny & he’s a lil bitch who deserves it 💙 Hermes loves how easy it is to get under his skin & annoy him, & he gets soooo pissy & fed up when he tries to tickle him. He’s so defensive & tries to use his trident to block him, but Hermes is always just a lil too fast & zips around to poke at his worst spots & send him into a fit of giggles. He’s got this really deep rumbly laugh that gets louder the longer it continues. Hermes will try to make air bubbles in the water when he flies around him & that alone really tickles, so add in some mischievous hands to the mix, & Poseidon really can’t do anything but laugh. Afterwards tho, he will absolutely try to strangle him or maybe even use his trident calm DOWN Zeus, I barely scratched the bastard!
Again, boz got me tweaking my characterization, & since we haven’t really seen Hades in epic, I’m gonna lean on that & some other characterizations I’ve seen. But Hades is more quiet & calm than his brothers & even when he’s annoyed & pissed off, he tries to appear cool & collected, so it takes a while for Hermes to really get under his skin with his normal methods of bothering people. But Hermes had kinda psyched himself into believing that there’s no way Hades is ticklish, until he accidentally tickled him & now he never knows peace. He claims he’s just trying to lighten the mood, he needs to smile more, etc. etc. & Hades honestly doesn’t mind it as much as he thought he would. Probably because it’s Hermes, & he knows that’s just his way of having fun. & hey, he realizes that he’s rarely happy & when he is, it doesn’t last, so the fact that Hermes actually wants to check in on him & make him feel better is kinda comforting. So for the man in charge of ruling over the underworld, he can appreciate being made to laugh against his will, as long as it’s a rare occasion & Hermes keeps his fuckin’ yap shut
I’d love to write more fics with the gods, whether it be for epic or boz! Right now I only have 1 boz fic written, & I have a Poseidon & Odysseus prompt as well, but I’d love some more! & thank you so much, that’s so sweet!! I’m so glad you like it! These were so fun to do, thanks for sending them in!
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pursuitseternal · 1 year
“Forbidden Fruit,” a Hades x Persephone Haladriel fic tastes all the sweeter… when such things are forbidden
Second Age One Shot… when the King of Darkness takes the Lady of Light to be the Queen of his Shadowlands.
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Saurondriel | Explicit | 4K One shot
CW: lurking, voyerism, Greek mythology tones, and *ahem* Pomegranate s*x
A gift to @cliffdivingsblog with thanks to @marimosalad and @myfavouritelunatic for their reading and insights 🍇
Oft, when she would fall under the pull of sleep, he sent his shadows to soften her eyes and murmur words of love in her pointed ear. Words saturated with desire, verses that praised her beauty more than the Lamps that once lit distant shores. He sent his yearning for her on their whispering, tickling breath, seeping into her dreams until she smiled as she awoke.
But words and whispers, pining and watching would no longer satisfy him.
Lord Sauron would take her for his own. To make her a queen, stronger than the foundations of earth in which he dwelt.
That day, in place of his ravens, he came to hide in the shades of the grove himself, his cloak black as night to cover his pale flesh. Lest her eyes should see him. Her voice drifted on the breeze, humming melody after melody as she sat herself in her usual spot by the river, nestled between the roots of her favorite willow. Then he emerged.
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windsweptinred · 8 months
Shipper tag game
Thank you for the tag @marvagon, you glorious human 💖💖💖.
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
None. I may not be as passionate about them as I once was. But I still hold all my past ships near and dear to my heart. I'll even occasionally nip into their tags on A03 and have a dip into newer fics.
What ship would you consider your first one?
Daiken/Kensuke from Digimon 02. I remember watching it on Saturday morning and wondering if anyone else was seeing what I was seeing. That led me to discover Fanfiction.net. And the rest is history...
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
My very first full length fic was Corinthiel, posted here on Tumblr. My first fic posted on AO3 was Dreamling, and I wrote both last year. I am a very, very, very late comer to fanfic 😅. I'm honestly much more at home drawing fanart then writing. But will occasionally give into temptation, when an idea obbsessively hounds me to the point of insanity.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
I genuinely can't. 😅 I remember it was probably on deviantart.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
I try desperately to stay out of ship discourse. To me people's ships are their joy... And I've got no interest in being a theif of joy. If there's something I want to see more of in the fandom, like a rare pair I'm fond of, I just try and create content and hope someone else joins in (@bobbole loves you 💚🤍😅) . If it's not for me, I just keep scrolling on by.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Again, no. I've always been happy to pick and mix my ships. I have my favorites ofcourse. But I've never outright refused to dip my toe into any ship. Maybe if it ventured into an area I personally deemed problematic. But mostly, I'm happy to try anything once.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
I'm currently reading Remy Lebeau x Logan fanfic from Xmen. 😅 What sent me in that direction, I do not know. But I've found some amazing new fics in and amongst revisiting some old favourites.
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I can proudly say until recently I've never had an OTP. Being a multishipper makes that kind of hard. But I don't know, I may be in too deep with Corinthiel. I'm not sure I could picture Danny and the Second Corinthian with anyone else but each other now. (Curse you @ibrithir-was-here. See what you have wraught! 😆). Them and Charmes (Charon x Hermes) from Hades. Because why would you split up the professional associates like that?! (Again very much your fault @mashumaru 😆) , Damn, I guess I've got OTPs now. If there's an established, happy couple in canon, most of the time I'll respect that and leave them be. So I guess that kind of counts too.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Again no. If the juggernaut ship of a fandom doesn't really tickle my fancy, I'll sometimes stare forlornly at it. And sigh like a sad bohemian poet. But that's all content envy and I know it. 😆
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
🤔 I didn't dislike it, but I never really ventured near Corintheus until I started shipping Corinthiel. That made me backtrack and consider Morpheus and the original Corinthian's relationship from an entirely different perspective.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
No I don't think so. As far as know they're all still alive, well and for the most part, living in peace and harmony in their respective fandoms.
What is your favorite crack ship?
Bookend, Destiny and his Book. The old book and chain. Living their best, grumpy old married couple, life together. @jazzy-a 🤜🤛🤣.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Most recently was Dreamling. I'm a bit of fandom butterfly at the moment, fluttering between multiple fandoms, waiting for the next all consuming passion to strike me down. I read, and reread ANYTHING Corinthiel 😅. But of all time?..... I couldn't say. I revisit so many of my ships so often.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Two bastards in love will always be my favourite. I'd love to boldly claim it's all about two morally dubious rogues, being despicable in the kinkiest ways together. 😅 But I know it's more about two people, often misunderstood and maligned... Finding a deep sense of belonging with each other. But I'm an eclectic sort and I've got a lot ships that don't fit that category I still love dearly.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Absolutely nothing outright. I'll sometimes go off a ship a little once it reaches that point where fanon locks in too tight around it. But I think that's a very me problem, as I crave variation/new experiences/ideas. I'll still love the ship, I'll just know that's just my time to move onto something new and come back and visit every so often.
I'm tagging @martybaker @thelostkelpie @missingrache @thirrith @zigzag-wanderer @lucienne-thee-librarian and @tickldpnk8 and anyone mentioned above. If you want to have a go. 😁
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ticklishprincey · 3 months
Hi! You might not remember me, but your fics are really good and i was wondering if you could maybe write a tickle fic for platonic Leo Valdez and Nico D'Angelo? Like where Nico maybe tries to cheer up Leo after Jason dies? No pressure of course, there is just no tkl content for my bois! Have a nice day/night!
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✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Not me just receiving this ask directly after reading Jason was dead like BABES I'M STILL MOURNING MY BOY HE IS ALIVE AND WELL IN MY BRAIN DAMMIT so I will not be doing that specific scenario but I do agree with you there is not enough tickle content for the socially awkward babies so I WILL PROVIDE ◦•●◉✿ Warnings: Tickling, teasing, restraint (just pinning the other down nothing crazy) ◦•●◉✿ Pairings: Lee!Nico & Ler!Leo ◦•●◉✿ Notes: I headcannon Nico to be like 1,000% lee so he be a lee in this fic hehe also YES BABES I REMEMBER U HOW COULD I NOT /pos ✿◉●•◦𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢, 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚢𝚜◦•●◉✿ Leo stood at the helm of the Argo II, fidgeting with various trinkets he had lying around, looking over at the pure anomaly of a demigod leaning over the ship's railing. Nico Di Angelo. Holy shit, was he something else. Shadows seemed to bend to his will, he gave off this dark, emo, intimidating vibe that never sat right with Leo. Nothing against him, of course. Leo was partially in awe of the brooding demigod. He held himself with this... This aura of confidence and mystery that seemed to both intimidate and inspire. His thoughts were interrupted as the demigod in question suddenly appeared in a cloud of shadows behind him. "Hey, brooding's my thing. Cut it out." Leo jumped in surprise, whipping around to face the other teen quickly and nearly tripping over his own feet.
"Christ on a stick, man!" he gasps, gripping his shirt over his pounding heart. Instead of concern, the younger demigod simply smirked. "Maybe you need to grow a spine, fireboy." The comment earned a swift middle finger.
"Watch your mouth, Casper," he shot back, eyes narrowing into a playful glare. "Or I'll light you up like a Christmas tree." "Sure you will. I'm soooo scared." Sarcasm dripped like honey from the demigod's voice as he returned the glare. A wicked grin spreads across his face, darkening his warm features. "You should be," he said in a mock-threatening voice. "Unless you want to find out what happens when you piss off the kid that can control fire and heat with a snap of his fingers."
"What if I do?" Nico retorted. If looks could kill, Leo would be a skeleton by now. "Then you're either braver or stupider than I gave you credit for." "What are you gonna do, huh? You can't burn me, I'd beat your ass and Percy'd finish you off." Nico looked up at the taller demigod with his signature shit-eating grin.
Leo returned the grin, refusing to be intimidated, even though he knew Nico would wipe the floor with him in a fight.
"You're pretty confident for a skinny boy with zero upper body strength," he quips, poking him in the stomach with one finger. What he expected was a snarky comeback, maybe a reality-check. What he did not expect was a squeak from the younger demigod, followed by a light pink hue dusting the son of Hades's cheeks and ears. "Hey!" Nico exclaimed, pushing away Leo's hand. Leo blinked, momentarily dumbfounded, before his surprise gave way to realization.
He grinned like the Cheshire cat. "Are you ticklish, Casper?"
With those words, the race was on. Nico darted towards the lower deck, giggling like a child. Leo wasted no time in giving chase. "Get back here, ghost boy!" Leo catches up quickly, grabbing the emo's arm and wrestling him to the ground. "HEY!" Leo snickered as he pinned Nico to the deck below, straddling his waist. Despite the struggling boy beneath him, he had the younger demigod completely and utterly immobilized.
"Pinned ya," he said victoriously. Anticipatory giggles filled any silence remaining between them, the smaller demigod squirming underneath the weight of the fire-bender (yes I had to make that joke fuck off /aff). "Nononono Leo I'm sorry dohon't-" "Don't what?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned closer. He had the smaller boy's wrists pinned above his head with one hand. "Tickle me!" Nico responded, realizing too late what he had said. Leo grinned. "Tickle you? Only if you insist." With that, Leo squeezed Nico's side, eliciting a squeal from the other boy. He smiled down at him fondly. "Nononono Leheheo!" "Leo what? Leo keep going? My pleasure!" "Nohoho that's nohohot whahahat I meant!" Leo just laughed, keeping Nico wrists above his head, one-handed now as his other hand snakes up under the child of death's shirt to poke and prod at the pale belly.
"Oh, it wasn't?" he said with mock shock, watching him squirm. He never knew the Ghost King was so ticklish. "You know it wahahasn't!" "You're so ticklish, death boy. Who knew the big bad son of Hades could be brought down with just a few pokes?" "Fuhuck off!" Leo smiled and leaned down to blow a sloppy raspberry on the skinny and pale tummy, earning a slew of high-pitched laughter and squeals from his victim. His fingers continued to dance along Nico's ribcage, peppering smaller raspberries here and there. "NAHAHA NO RAHAHASPBERRIES!" "Aweee, but raspberries are my favorite! Tickle tickle, Neeks!" Nico absolutely melted at the playful teasing, trying and failing to pull his arms down, instead opting to hide his face in his arm. A bright red blush made itself known on his face despite his attempts to hide it. "Awe, you're blushing now too? How cute can you get?" "Quihihit ihihit!" "Okay, okay, one more thing." Leo took a deep breath and blew one last, torturous raspberry directly over Nico's belly button, eliciting bright and bubbly laughter from the other. "YOHOHOU ASS!" Leo laughed and stopped his attack, rolling off the son of death and letting him regain his bearings and some dignity. "You are- You are awful-" "I know."
✿◉●•◦𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚍◦•●◉✿ ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Thank you for your request! •.¸♡𝚝𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚖𝚊 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊 𝚝𝚎♡¸.•
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Lemme be honest, Percy Jackson is a book series I read and enjoyed as a kid, but I was totally not expecting these boys Nico and Will! And it's real! Omg I just read the new book, Sun and Star, and they really tickled my fancy!
Btw... I am not enlightened about hero's of olmypus since I don't remember much apart from the basic story line. Sooo, I will write about these boys more since I know them better. Btw I'm gonna be a lee!nico main! Ler!Will is the best! Sunshine needs to shed more light on him.
And the one I'm writing now is not entirely a tickle fic, because I want some more cuteness and love from them, so... there will be only a minor tickle scene. If that's not enough, I'll write a better and intensely cute one! Heeeheee
Warning spoilers alert
Need you by my side.
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Ps. You can't tell me this gif is not relatable!
Camp half blood was much quieter around this time. Will rested by the stretchers after most of the patients are well taken care of. He was ready to close down the infirmary when he noticed a familiar presence by the Apollo cabin.
This made the son of Hades step out and push his hands down his pockets giving a head gesture "Yo,"
As calm and reserved as ever, so intense. Will thought with a smile, but he really wished Nico could open up more than the rest. He just got used to socializing, but its kinda hard to get him to interact with others willingly.
He would do it for Will. Indirectly, he had that look ever since. Plus, he would swing by the infirmary to check on Will, showing his love more endearing for Will.
"Are you here to see me?" Will asked teasingly.
Nico looked away with a frown "Well, no... just bored,"
"I thought you enjoyed your self-solitary confinement," raising an eyebrow, Will watched Nico shift from one foot to another by holding the expression of seriousness. "Yeah, can't I roam around these lands?" He added "I need to get out of there at least once"
Sighing, Will reached to grab his shoulders and slide his arms over his neck to embrace him. "Just simply say you missed me"
Almost. Will saw a faint blush, but it was a split second. He scoffed but didn't push him off, "Yeah, think whatever you want"
"Babe..." he whispered to his ear now, this made Nico stagger back and Will grabbed his elbows now to avoid a sudden tumble on the grass.
There's that blush. Will grinned, now blowing into his ear. "Your ears are red... that was a dead giveaway..."
(A/N: I'm a sucker for sensitive ears - may it be for tickle purposes or any non-tickle purposes)
"Solace..." he gritted his teeth but didn't say anything much as he felt himself melting to the sudden arousal. He had always been weak on the ears, he can't control himself when Will took advantage of this.
They were still outside by the forests, far from the other cabins but close by the infirmary. They could slip away easily without anyone finding out... hopefully.
"W-wait..." Nico gasped suddenly leaning against the tree as he felt Will push himself to bite his ear, which made him moan a wavery and high vibrato.
"Nico that's adorable" he whispered.
"Ngh! S-shut up" hi gripped Will's jacket to push him and pull him... he was torn with both desires.
Will felt him warmer now, his own face slightly flushed with excitement. He watched the beautiful face of the Ghost King turn to something cute and stimulative.
"Can't... sorry," he nipped his collarbone, making Nico give a weak cry of protest, "I missed this... so much Nico"
He decides to back off before giving a long kiss to his tender lips. Nico widened his eyes. Those pitch-black eyes were brighter like a confused kitten. Will didn't stop his fingers from holding Nico's shoulders. He could see this was a temptation he wanted desperately for himself as well.
"You had to do that...?" Nico whined, pulling his knees to his chest as he mumbled like a child. Another lovely side that Will loves in him was this childish pout and complains he had. When things don't go his way he would be like this.
"Come on... you look like a puppy that needed attention"
"Is that so?" His tone shifts to a smirk. Will didn't see this coming. He felt a sudden weight on his chest as he watched Nico kiss him more vigorously, now pinning his own wrists. Too surprised by the attack, he gasped. "W-wait!"
"Your turn..."
Will liked it rough, he smiled fondly but then again, they might go too far as to getting caught. He should stop nico from getting too far.
There is only one way to stop him.
"Ack! Will!" He yelped now, stumbling away from his boyfriend."Dohont do that!"
Will snuck a few fingers clawing at his ribs. He resorted to immature measures in order to tame Nico's wild vengeance. It's effective even for someone like him.
"I'm sorry, but is the big bag son of hades a bit ticklish?" Will giggled when Nico tried to escape the playful nimble fingers of his. Chuckling more at that, he grabbed Nico's wrist and in one hand to his chest while the other hand snuck to his hips, pinching them rapidly. This drove Nico wild, "Yohohou moron! I'll sehehend you creatures ohohof -gahaha nohoho more -aahha ihihihi wihihill make suhuhuhure thehehehey eheheheat your brahahahain!"
Clicking his tongue, he poked his stomach. "That's so adorable. You should stop watching dead rising though," he grinned, now wiggling his fingers. "I can't help but want to tickle you more for that stunt you pulled ..."
"SOHOHORRY!" He yellled when Will hit a particular sensitive spot. He snuggled his lips to the side of his neck bringing tickly kisses which made Nico arouse and giggle at the same time.
"Alright, alright... we gotta stop. Let's continue on bed"
"Y-yohou mean thahat?"
Will watched the keeness in his eyes, then smugly pointed out "Oh, don't you like my seduction? That's fine, I can tickle you instead?"
"Stop, you know what I meant." Nico gave a soft smile without any forced attempt. Will felt his heart begin palpitation at that. He gave one last kiss on Nico's pale cheek before dragging him away, "I know, Nico..."
"I need you by my side," Will said unexpectedly, then Nico widened his eyes by this confession. He chuckles playfully. "That reaction was priceless... I gotta take a photo of that someday"
"Bastard, what am I a cat...?" he chuckled in a low voice but then looked up at the blond who was glimmering light to his life. Before that, he blushed as he said, "I love you, sushine, so i need you by my side too"
"I love you too, my grumpy ball of darkness"
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thatbigbisexual29 · 1 year
We’ve Had Better Days (Hades)
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Ok, so! This is a fic I had written a while ago when I bought the Hades game. I fell in love with it and I loved the parts with Achilles and Zagreus because I loved the story of Patroclus and Achilles. But this is about Achilles and Zagreus when Zag was in his youth. Lots of angst at first but it turns into squishy fluff :) Also I know the Hades tickle community is not many, but imma post this anyways so enjoy my lovelies!
Achilles wasn’t… the best when it came to kids. When he was alive he avoided them as much as he could. They were loud, unpredictable, and had no respect for personal boundaries. He remembered when he was alive he would frequently get swarmed by a group of kids that would want to play with him, and it’s a wonder how he got out of those situations every single time. But now, in the Underworld, there was only one troublesome child to deal with. Zagreus, the Prince of Hell. And honestly, calling him troublesome was an absolute lie. The boy did what he was told, followed orders, and was very polite. The only annoyance he caused was when he was curious which would be followed by heaps of, what seemed like never ending questions. Achilles didn’t mind all that much though. He’d preferred him and of his questions rather than any snotty nosed brat on the surface.
Today during training though, he was quiet. It was something to take note of. Zagreus couldn't stand being quiet. It wasn’t in his nature. Achilles observed him from the side of the courtyard with his spear in hand, watching closely as Zagreus practiced with his trusty blade, Stygius. He was disconnected but focused at the same time. Something’s happened, Achilles thought to himself.
“Remember to keep your feet apart, young prince! And try not to move your weight when you swing with the blade or else it’ll fly out your hands!” the forgotten hero called from the side. Normally Zagreus would respond with a “Understood sir!” or “Like this sir?” But today, he grumbled lowly to himself as his practice shade poofed into smoke. It came as a shock to Achilles, but then he remembered how testy pre-teens could be. He knew how much venomous fire he spat from his mouth when he was Zagreus’ age. And yet their training session had just begun. It’s going to be a rough day… Achilles let out a small sigh.
The training went on for another hour. Zagreus was slightly bruised with a few cuts here and there, sweating and panting profusely. Achilles had offered multiple times for him to take a break, but the young god refused. It was starting to look all too familiar to Achilles. When he would go hours on end with endless training, even stretching his sessions into the darkest of nights. He was battle hungry and wanted to prove himself, just like the prince was now. A rageful yell escaped Zagreus’ lips as he vanquished another shade, ripping Achilles from his memories. The young god whipped his head around to meet his mentor’s eyes, a malicious expression on his face.
“Achilles. Send me another,” Zagreus growled. Achilles huffed from his nose and shook his head, shocking the young prince.
“No? What do you mean no? Isn’t it your job to train me? Send me another!” he demanded. Achilles forcefully tapped the stone floor with the end of his spear, standing his ground.
“You’ve done enough training for now. Take a break and we’ll get back to it.” the soldier answered calmly.
“You said that in war, there are no breaks! So I’m not taking them! I’m preparing myself like father said I should! I’m only following his orders! Send another shade, Achilles!” Zagreus barked the order at him, marching up face to face with his mentor. Damn it, so that’s what this is about, Achilles thought as he looked into the furious eyes of the young god before him.
“Indeed, I did say that, lad. But overworking yourself will just lead to more pain. You’re taking a break.”
“You can’t make me!” Zagreus fired back as he stomped to the middle of the courtyard. 
“You don’t need to prove anything to me…” Achilles started slowly as he began to approach. Zagreus turned around and pointed his sword at the forgotten hero. “Maybe not to you, Achilles, but I need to prove myself to him! I have to show him I’m not worthless!”
“You aren't worthless, Zagreus, and you’d better think twice before pointing that blade at me! You don’t need to prove anything yet, you’re still a child,” Achilles argued. Seeing Zagreus act this way, in such a hateful manner to think it would please his father, it’s as if a bear mauled Achilles’ heart to pieces.
“What do you know?! You’re not his son! He likes you! BUT HE DOESN’T LIKE ME!” Zagreus threw Stygius to the ground in his fit of anger. It slid and clattered away as a hush came over the courtyard. The Prince’s short, angry panting turned into stressed, sorrowful breaths as he fought to hold back a sob.
“Why doesn’t he like me…?” The dam broke as a whimpering sob emerged from his chest, tears streaming down his face. Achilles dropped his spear and wrapped his arms around his boy, enveloping him in a large, comforting hug.
“It’s alright, lad, it’s alright. I’m here. I’m here for you. Just let it out,” Achilles coaxed softly into his ear. Zagreus hugged back and although it was muffled by the warrior’s chest, his wails were loud and full of sorrow. Gods how Achilles hated that sound. It even brought tears to his own eyes which he fought down to keep his composure. He hated this. He hated how he had to soothe Zagreus from his own father’s verbal assaults. Anger bubbled in his chest. If he could, he would fight the brute that did this to his prince in a bloody battle that ended in a permanent death. Zagreus screamed and cried so hard that his face was red and he had to fight through hiccupping gasps for air.
“Easy, prince, easy. Shh shh shh. It’s ok. Calm down. Take deep breaths. Here, do like me.” Achilles instructed, rubbing his hand across the boy’s back to soothe him. He took a deep breath in, then a deep breath out. Zagreus, through shaky breaths, followed his lead and eventually the two were breathing in tandem. With an affirmation from Achilles, the two walked towards the glass case and sat before it, with Zagreus leaning onto his mentor’s shoulder and burying his head into his neck. Achilles wrapped his arm around the boy, keeping him close to his side.
“I must be honest, lad. There’s nothing I can say truthfully that will ease your mind…” the warrior said in defeat, his heart crushed when he saw more tears spring from the young god’s eyes. “Your father is not easy to understand. And I hate the things he says to you, honest. If I still had blood, it would be boiling. I would fight him if it meant you never cried again.” Zagreus looked up at his mentor, the biggest tear-filled eyes looking for solidarity. Achilles only held him closer and pressed his nose to the boy’s hair. The soldier closed his eyes and gave a kiss to his head in a way to tell the prince that he cared for him. He pulled away and brushed his mop of spiked hair from his forehead, using his thumb to wipe away the tears tracks that clung to his cheeks. Achilles cleared his throat to fight off the wet emotion that would have seeped into his words.
“Now, let’s take a break. And, if you want, I’ll have the head chef make you your favorite. How does that sound?” Achilles promised, smiling wide when he saw the hopeful look in Zagreus’ eyes.
“You mean it…?” he asked with a lump still in his chest. Achilles chuckled and nodded, slightly shaking the boy.
“Of course I mean it, lad! Anything to make you happy again. Let’s see, a chicken gyro with fries, right? I’m right, aren’t I?” the soldier grinned as a small smile crawled onto Zagreus’ face.
“Yes…” he muttered, turning his face away from his mentor.
“You know better than to turn your back on me, young prince. I see that smile!” Achilles teased as he pulled the boy closer, but that only resulted in Zagreus attempting to lean further away.
“Noho…! I don’t wanna smile…!” Zagreus whined with giggles threatening his voice.
“Alright, smiling’s off the table then. What about laughing?” Achilles offered, snaking his hand down and squeezing Zagreus’ side. The young god squealed and laughed, grabbing his mentor’s hand but not moving it.
“Nohohoho! I dohohon’t wanna lahahahahaugh eheeheeheeheeither!” Zagreus curled his side in an attempt to escape Achilles’ tickly fingers, but he only sealed his fate as the soldier pressed his lips against his neck and blew a torturously big and wet raspberry. Zagreus shouted and his laugh went silent momentarily before it was rocketing out his mouth at a high speed. Achilles began to laugh as well as he playfully tickled the boy silly. Zagreus’ laugh was so infectious and goofy that practically anyone’s mood would brighten after hearing it. It certainly worked on Achilles.
“Sorry lad, but you need to pick one! Smiling or laughing, one or the other! Now pick before I call in Nyx to help me tickle you!” Achilles threatened, playfulness clear in his voice. He forgot how much fun it was to play with another person. The warrior took Zagreus’ wrist and lifted it above his head, scribbling his digits into the pit. Zagreus arched his back and failed to grab the attacking hand, scream-laughing his mentor’s name
“AHAHAHACHIHIHIHIHILLEHEHEHEHEHEHES!” Zagreus cried out with tears of mirth falling down his cheeks. All of a sudden, Achilles was shot back to a memory of his life. A position similar to this, but a shirtless man with cocoa colored skin and amber eyes, a laugh as rich as the taste of a pomegranate, writhed before him in his bed. He yelled his name too. His name was…
Zagreus finally slipped his hand from Achilles’ grasp and shot his arm down, holding a hand in his armpit and panting happily as his mentor stopped his assault. Achilles shook the memory from his head and smiled softly at the young god next to him. He reached his hand out to wipe Zagreus’ tears away once more, but the giddy boy squealed and rolled away, hugging his torso tightly. 
“Nohohoho!” he giggled. “Nohohohot agahahahahain! I want to smihihile! I’ll smile!” Achilles laughed and held up his hand as a sign of peace.
“Don’t worry, I’m done. Here,” he said as he leaned over and wiped his cheeks with his thumb.
His hand stayed on the boy’s face, his thumb softly caressing the prince below his eye. Zagreus slowly calmed down, his giggles dying out into a mirthful sigh. Then, his stomach growled. Loudly. Achilles chuckles as a blush came across Zagreus’ face. 
“I guess that means it’s lunchtime. Stay here, lad. I’ll go get some food.” Achilles said. The booped the boy’s nose with his thumb and ruffled his hair, earning more giggles. The soldier left to the kitchen and returned with two plates that held two chicken gyros and a boatload of fries, as well as bandages for the prince’s cuts. As he approached though, he saw a figure the same size as Zagreus peeking at said prince from a pillar.
Achilles smiled fondly as he recognized the gray skin of Thanatos. He let out a sharp whistle because 1 he wanted to get Zagreus’ attention and 2 he wanted to let Thanatos know he saw him. The young god of death looked at him in shock, as if a giant exclamation mark appeared above his head, and disappeared. Achilles shook his head and chuckled. Young love, he thought. The mentor sat next to his student as they enjoyed their meal in comfortable silence with Achilles taking breaks to patch up the prince’s wounds. Then, Zagreus spoke up.
“You know what, Achilles, sir? I don’t need my father’s approval. I just need yours…” the prince muttered that last part as his cheeks were dusted with a pink blush. Achilles’ heart swelled and happy tears fell down his cheeks. 
“Ah, you’re such a sap, lad,” he sniffled, wiping his tears away with his thumb. Zagreus looked bewildered. 
“Wait, you can cry? Since when??” he asked. Achilles barked out a loud laugh and held his stomach, enjoying the freeing feeling in his chest. He wrapped his arm around Zagreus’ neck and pulled him close, ruffling his hair.
“You know what, lad? I’ll give you all the approval you desire.” Achilles said, giving another kiss to his head. They stayed like that for a while until Zagreus eventually fell asleep. The soldier plucked the young god from his spot as if he weighed nothing and set him in his bed. He pulled the blankets over him and pressed their foreheads together.
“Rest well, mighty Prince Zagreus. May you grow up strong-willed and resilient in this rough Underworld. I pledge allegiance to you as I have with Lord Hades. I will not abandon you in your time of need. Soldier’s honor.” As Achilles finished his vow, he softly pressed a kiss against Zagreus’ forehead. He stayed there a moment then left him. From now on, Zagreus was Achilles’ boy. No one could tell him otherwise. 
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Okay, so I've decided to do Fic Rec Fridays at the end of the month now that I've been keeping a fanfic reading log. Guys. I've read A LOT of fic this month. 😅 Okay so I think the best thing is to organize this by rating and then word count. Please note that this is a pure reading log so I'm just listing fic, author, and small "what it's about".
For August I Read:
397,333 Words
20 Fics
17 Authors
Rating G:
AU-gust Mashups by @ahufflepuffhobbit- Short BOTFA fix-it with an ill-timed confession. Let's face it, this is how we all wanted to see BOTFA end.
Love Makes You Blind by thorinsbeard- Small little oneshot where Bilbo thinks Thorin is blind and can't stop staring. It had me rolling when Thorin told Bilbo he's an underwear model.
Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities by @nocompromise-noregrets- Oneshot from Frodo's POV as famous food critic, Thorin Oakeshield, arrives as his uncle's restaurant. All the interactions between the characters were fun as well as seeing Bagginshield through Frodo's eyes.
Teach Me Your Ways by airebellah- Multi-chapter story with refugee Thorin struggling through English, but he meets Bilbo who accepts him as he is. Honestly, super fluffy fic with lots of family moments that I really wish there was a sequel, but accept it as is.
Rating T:
Drawn by thorinsbeard- Oneshot where Bilbo stumbles upon some NSFW versions of himself in another cafe patron's sketchbook (in an uncreepy way). Will hope and anticipate a smutty sequel.
Prize Enough for Me by StrivingArtist- Two-shot with Bilbo chasing after Azog after believing he killed Thorin to enact his revenge. I'm always here for some BAMF Bilbo.
When Darkness Shines Brightest by @lordoftherazzles- Multi-chapter Hades/Persephone take. The introspection of Thorin's character blows me away in this fic.
Rating M:
How to Beat Gold Sickness by Epoxide- Cute oneshot where Fili and Kili decide that announcing that Bilbo is pregnant with Thorin's child will shake the gold sickness. Now I just need the sequel where Bilbo says that it's actually true.
Dating Blind by badskippy- Jealous waiter Thorin does sabotages Bilbo's blind dates. This was just perfect, and yes, Thorin does make up for it.
Sparks & Gardens by @fantasyinallforms- Down on his luck Thorin manages to get the best deal of his life when he becomes gentleman Bilbo Baggins handyman. Look, regency is normally not my taste, but this fic does such a good job of just making that the setting and not necessarily the theme (if that makes sense).
The Kitchen Thief by @mordellestories- Multi-chapter Tolkien AU (?) where Thorin still has dwarven blood but can get by with appearing as a human baker in a time where anyone else is treated with discrimination. I will forever be laughing at Bilbo's "oh no, it's the nutty baker" comment.
Stranded by @tickles-ivory- Multi-chapter AU where Thorin and Bilbo live in separate universes but find each other. Honestly, super cute concept and execution with fun "slice of life" chapters at the end.
My Love's a Noble Madness by silverneko9lives0- Bilbo works at an insane asylum where Thorin is a patient who thinks he's in love with him. Okay, I have to say that the tags on this had me scared for A LONG time, but there's actually 0 non-con after Thorin gets medicated and you find out the fucked up situation they find themselves in the beginning is all Azog/Sauron/Melkor's fault.
Rating E:
Look At You by thorinsbeard- Bilbo uses the ring to sneak into Thorin's room, accidentally witnessing the dwarf king masturbating. This fic is so hot and honestly another that I would 100% read a sequel for.
Evening Interlude by paranoid_fridge- Bilbo and Thorin have an evening to themselves for bondage fun. Seriously though, if you're wanting a fic with some heavy bondage kinks, this is the perfect fic.
If You Lend a King a Hand by Cranbear- Bilbo assists Thorin out in the woods, and they have come to an understanding regarding future engagements. Look, I just know this fic is going to checkmark some kinks for me and dom!Bilbo is just an added bonus.
Through the mist (I find you) by @consultingpacha- Thorin has developed amnesia after the events of BOTFA, and Bilbo returns to discover this as well as the fact that he's engaged. Guilty smut and angsty feelios galore (though we are promised a happy ending)!
Fuck Thy Neighbor by @lordoftherazzles- Thorin and Bilbo accidently got married in Bree after one drunken mistake and have now ended up as next door neighbors. This is the type of romcom shenanigans that I am 100% here for, featuring Roac tormenting Lobelia in this newest chapter!
the legend by Ineedtherapy (gethelp)- Bilbo thinks he's still banished and the Company thinks he's dead, and once this misunderstanding comes to light, Bilbo decides to travel with the returning caravan from Ered Luin. Bilbo probably dragged this out longer than necessary, but we're finally to the point where he reveals himself, and I need to know what happens next.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
[Zagreus is the son of hades and Persephone in this like in the game Hades]
I’m kinda working on a morpheus x hades daughter fic where she finds him and breaks him out of his imprisonment he’s kinda rude to her at first
not being grateful that she just rescued him. she’s annoyed by his attitude towards her
dream “I really didn’t need your help.”
y/n: “oh really, just moments again you were trapped inside a fishbowl and naked.”
morpheus: “I had it handled.”
Y/n: “The only place you handled it in was being too prideful.”
morpheus: “watch your tongue you maybe the daughter of hades bu-”
y/n: “oh gosh, oh now what’re you going to do banish me to the shadows, give me nightmares for eternity.”
y/n: “really I’m not scared of you Dream Lord.”
“ungrateful bastard” *mumbles*
morpheus: “I heard that”
y/n groans and mumbles under her breath flames flickering at the tips of her hair angry at the ungrateful dream lord.
before shaking her head and calming down.
“here take this”
she hands him a robe with flames flickering at the bottom. he just looks at her raising his eyebrow
she’s almost had enough “are you kidding me seriously just put the damn thing on!”
he does and still hasn’t said thank you, “I’m so tempted to just put you back inside that fishbowl.”
“so ungrateful remind me to never save your ass again.”
“I’m doing sticking up for you when you miss dinner with my family. done sticking out my neck for your u grateful ass.”
“no wonder I broke up with you.”
morpheus just watched as she summons a portal revealing the the underworld (not hell)
“ungrateful prick,” she mumbles storming away the fire coming back on tips of her hair.
just as she walks through, “thank you,” morpheus says, and she stops.
looking at him, “you owe me more than that but thank you.”
“now see that wasn’t so hard” She said walking further into the portal then closing it behind her
“Mama mama!” a little voice called out and she turned around seeing her daughter Atë running towards.
“oh there’s my little ball of mischief.” y/n smiled scooping up her daughter and tickling her,
y/n then saw her brother Zagreus with flowers coming out of his ears.
“atë?” hee daughter looked down shyly but giggles at the mischief she’s caused while her mother was away.
“I’m never watching her again,” Zagreus says and y/n just chuckled and tells her daughter to get rid of the flowers.
she does and fixes the other mischief she’s caused, “She caused Charon’s bought to tip over and the River Styx to be filled with what she’s calls liquid rainbow.”
“your daughter is mischief incarnate.” he says and just tickles her daughter in agreement
also atë is basically Anya
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also yes atë is morpheus and y/n’s child that he doesn’t know about cause he cut all times with her after she broke up with him and didn’t even respond to anything when she tried to tell him
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rowavolo · 1 year
Alrighty, i'm ready to ask ya general!
Can we hear
🌌- what was your first date like?
🎵- what are some song lyrics that make you think of your f/o/your relationship with your f/o?
💐- how did you two meet?
🏠- what's your and your f/os dream home?
For Ayato, Capitano, Diavolo and Lucifer?
I'm so glad to see some capitano selfships! Any genshin and obey me! selfships are so precious!
Your selfships all sound so nice! 🤩
So i hope you don't mind me asking
WHOAH ! absolutely, let's gooo !!
thank you so much for your kind words, youre so so sweet ahhh!!!
ramblies below the cut <3
🌌- what was your first date like?
Ayato - honestly, the way I imagine ayato and I is mostly in an arranged marriage type thing (I have a differently designed sona for it and everything khsjfsdj). our first 'date' i guess would be considered the boat trip back from watatsumi island (where the wedding took place) and we drank ginger tea and chatted about folklore and mythology <3
Capitano - i've never really thought about it much, but i'd imagine our first date would probably be some sort of nature walk/hike where we just chat whenever the mood strikes us and i point out cool stuff i see while he just nods politely <3
Diavolo - i. also imagine being in an arranged marriage with him in most scenarios, but outside of those scenarios, in an AU in which im just a normal exchange student, i think our first 'date' would be where im infodumping excitedly to someone else (probably lucifer, satan or solomon) about how dia's demon form looks like it might be a dragon and im all fascinated by that and barbatos overhears and relays it to dia, who then invites me to an afternoon tea and tells me im allowed to ask whatever i like <3 though even given that opportunity it Would still turn into me infodumping about dragons
Lucifer - he's a very traditional sort, he's very careful to make sure none of our regular hangouts could be misconstrued as dates until both of us are entirely ready (which id totally misread as him friendzoning me and be sad about). but the first date he makes a reservation at a nice restaurant and works really hard to make it this Whole Memorable Thing but honestly i still consider our first date to be that time he let me pace around his study and infodump about my favourite book series for 40 minutes while he nodded politely and did paperwork.
🎵- what are some song lyrics that make you think of your f/o/your relationship with your f/o?
(rifling through my eight billion playlists and vibrating intently)
Ayato - there's a particular set of lines from 'Inventor's Daughter' by Branches that just resonates so hard with the arranged marriage fic/au i have laid out and it makes me SO insane (/pos)
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theres something extraordinarily perfect to me about the "A white flag torn from a wedding gown" line, especially considering my sona's whole gender situation in this fic and the fuckery surrounding that. this au/fic holds a very dear place in my heart and honestly i need to keep writing it because i love it so much <3
Capitano - Black Bear (by Black Bear) sort of gives me him vibes, and the kind of wistfulness and envy the singer has towards the bear just. vibes. and also the way i write him. he is literally a black bear. so thats kind of funny
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Diavolo - ok i have a few songs that vibe with this ship but there's a specific one that gave me SUCH brainrot recently about an au in which he and i are like hades and persephone and theres just SUCH a vibe and aesthetic surrounding it that makes me INSANE. The song is Epic III from the live version of Hadestown
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Lucifer - There's something about 'Never Love an Anchor' by The Crane Wives that really tickles the Lucifer itch in my brain and the angst resonates SO MUCH with him. This section in particular just gives me SO MANY feels and makes me want to write disgustingly depressing angst of the ship ,,
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💐- how did you two meet?
Ayato - usually arranged marriage type stuff, but outside of that im like a stray that thoma brings in because were both from mondstadt and he thinks im silly
Capitano - just through whatever fatui shenanigans and the like, my guy is a knight of favonius so id imagine he just got sent out with that group that went out and met capitano and was like. "ok im fascinated by this big guy. seeya"
Diavolo - again, i mostly imagine arranged marriage, though the first time they meet would be Before that, during some like fancy soiree or whatever, i dunno. other than that, just the exchange program
Lucifer - exchange program. i latched onto him like a remora because i could sense his autism from across the room and he just kind of took it

🏠- what's your and your f/os dream home?
Ayato - the estate beloved <3 but also i could see us having a holiday home in liyue, since its where we went for our (very belated) honeymoon and we liked it a lot !!
Capitano - Answered here!
Diavolo - I think he'd be very emotionally attached to the Demon Lord's Castle but I could also see us getting a sort of smaller, more modern style house closer to the main bulk of the Devildom where we end up spending a lot of our time.
Lucifer - He's very attached to the House of Lamentation and despite all his complaints he and his siblings are pack bonded and if they're separated they'll all die of loneliness and broken hearts (and also his siblings are too dumb to survive more than a few days without him), but I could see us having basically the inverse of Diavolo's in which we get a small place in the human world or something that we can stay in for a few days at a time just to get away from things!
Again, thank you so much for sending this ask, it was so fun to answer!

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rosileeduckie · 1 year
Hot on your heels
Run, run, run, as fast as you can, you better hope I don’t catch you, or you’re a dead man.
A hellish pursuit ends in pleasant hysterics. For @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers , dear Panda, I hope this will inspire and strengthen you 😊 Also maybe fluster the heck out of you 😈💜
SFW. Potential warnings: none, except Meg being a meanie. Hades: Zagreus/Megaera tickle fic.
Word count: 3,572
The denizens of the underworld had become accustomed to the sight of the prince dashing through the labyrinthine chambers out of hell. They were no longer surprised, just resigned, at the approach of fiery footfalls of the armed and fiercely determined god wreaking havoc on any wretch to stand between him and his goal of the surface world. Sometimes the stretches between rampaging visits were long, sometimes short, but, eventually, inevitably, the prince would return to cut them down, and the wretched shades and monsters would rise at the call of their lord to slow the prince down as much as they could, to their last breath.
So they were understandably shocked when they were summoned to Tartarus only to see the prince running INTO the depths, fleeing the surface with all the fervor he usually implemented in trying to reach it. Shortly behind him and ostensibly sparking his retreat, the first of the furies tore after Zagreus, her pale blue face burning sapphire and her mouth twisted into a grinning snarl. One slice of her whip and Zagreus was yanked to a stop, caught 'round the ankle and sent sprawling. Megaera leapt, a cobalt lightning bolt arcing through the air between her and her prey, and landed atop Zagreus' back, pinning him to the ground on his front. Her whip seemed to slither of its own accord to loop around his other ankle as well, tightening to secure them together and prevent any attempt at escape.
For a moment that felt much longer than it was, the only sound in the chamber--recently vacated by wretches for fear of whatever horrors the first fury would subject the prince to--was both Zagreus' and Meg's labored breathing. He'd evaded her through quite a few many rooms before getting caught. Likely, she'd LET him stay just out of her grasp so he'd be too tired to fight back once she finally used all her effort to capture him.
When the silence evidently became too much for the voluble prince, he turned his head so as to comfortably smush his cheek against the ghastly stone and opened his mouth, certainly ready to use his breath for rambling instead of running. Meg cut him off before he could, placing a hand, shockingly gentle, upon the middle of his back. The pressure she added as she planted her hand there prompted a startled grunt from him, as she used the bracing hand to adjust her position to straddle his lower back. His forearms were pinned under her knees, and his ears flared crimson under her breath when she leaned in close over him.
"I’m accustomed to recounting crimes before I torture my charges," Meg growled, and Zagreus began to wriggle.
"Meg, Meg, wait, please—"
Zagreus was jolted into silence once more when Meg's other hand touched his back. That time, it was only the tips of her pink nails that met his skin, featherlight and full of devastating promise. "So. Let's do this again." She traced agonizingly slow squiggling patterns down his shoulders and the back of his ribs, edging tauntingly close to his sides as she went on. "I said, "are you seriously spending time using that silly rod to catch bottom feeders? Suits your pitiful extended family; just to their taste, I'm sure."" Meg's eyes flashed in a moment of rage, and Zagreus yelped when the fury's nails dug briefly but harshly into his lower ribcage. "And YOU said…"
Rather than supply what his response had been then, Zagreus rested his forehead against the dark rock below and willed it to absorb the heat in his cheeks. He wasn't digging his own grave, just begging the ground to swallow him whole and save him from Meg's wrath. Well. If he'd really wanted to avoid her ire, he wouldn't have provoked her, digging his own grave in the first place. "Somehow," he said, nose squished against the stone in his best attempt to bury himself, "this hasn't jogged my memory—blood and—!"
"You, HIGHNESS," and she added venom to that title by squeezing her fingertips into either side of his lower back and the jut of his hips, "no, Meg—"
"I do not sound like that—"
Another squeeze from Meg, another yelp from Zagreus, and she carried on. "You said, "no, Meg, this is what I do whenever I miss you, seeing as it often yields me slimy creatures with all your charm and wit."
Okay, yes, in hindsight, even with Meg pitching her voice down and jutting out her jaw to make it sound stupid… it had been a hilarious sting. Zagreus could hardly apologize for that. Especially when it had gotten him exactly the outcome he'd expected. Been hoping for. "Meg, come on," he said, more than ready to defend his comedic genius if it meant pissing her off more.
Such defense was cut off succinctly when she used both hands to shove him further into the ground. She used the momentum of the push to swing forward, bearing down on his ear once more with a furious whisper. "Do you think I can let that go unpunished, Zagreus?"
Zagreus was not unaware that nearly all his attempts to reply had been abruptly and aggressively cut off. Meg clearly wasn't interested in him talking. So he only grunted as she lifted her hands off him, biting his lip as she pulled away only to her fingertips and went back to tracing his back in that maddeningly slow and light pattern.
"This isn’t an errand your father has me running to slow you down. Now, it’s personal. You’ve insulted me. And I will not let that stand."
"Nor let me stand, it would seem," he couldn't help but remark.
Meg scoffed, certainly rolling her eyes. "Very funny. Let’s see how funny you find this."
The rapidly shifting dichotomy was going to undo him long before her vengeful appetite was satiated, he just knew it. The delicate but devious touch of her nails on his back, gentle enough to give him goosebumps and sharp enough to figuratively cut through the fabric of his tunic, was starkly contrasted by the strength she wielded against him. She wrestled him easily onto his side, and her whip slithered quickly up and around his wrists to lash them together and bind them above his head. In a flash, he was on his back, hopelessly helpless beneath the grip of her whip and the pin of her thighs on his waist. Apparently, she had granted him enough mercy by barely allowing him to plead his case. She gave him not more than a second--during which, he would have sworn, he could hear the sharp unsheathing of judgment blades as Meg bared her pink claws--before she attacked. Viciously, ruthlessly, with all the kindness of someone with too much experience in punishing, and experience in that exact kind. She plucked a hellish tune along the left side of his ribs, accompanied by his own sudden rushing shriek that descended into panicked, elated laughter. Scratching and scribbling tirelessly, Meg's nails made thorough treks up and down and back and forth across just the one side of his ribs, skating along the tips of the bones and vibrating torturously between them. But she didn't stop there. While the nails of her right hand did their damning dance on his ribs, her other hand hovered over his armpit--he could see it just barely through the laughter induced tears on his eyelashes, and, only when he had seen the newest form of his destruction--and swiftly descended. And treated the pale vulnerable hollow to the softest tickling imaginable from claws so sharp. Her fingers left lightning in their wake, delicately frying his nerves with sensation and softness. As her fingers on his back had all but ignored the fabric of his tunic to send shivers down his spine, they now seemed to ignore his skin, tickling right down to his immortal core.
And then she switched sides.
Moreover, her hands departed from his left side in favor of his right, but she also switched techniques. Now, it was his right armpit that suffered under the clawing vengeance, and his ribs that were teased, featherlight and unbearable. The howling laughter bursting from his lips left him little space to think, to decide which combination had been worse. Neither could he see the fiendish smile upon her face at having so easily reduced him to such a state—how she was enjoying herself as much as he was, and she knew it.
Desperate, dizzy gulps of air slowly overtook Zagreus’ laughter when Meg stilled her havoc-wreaking hands. He’d become so overwhelmed by and comfortable to her touch that he didn’t register she hadn’t pulled away, only stopped. So his giggly, gasping reprieve was interrupted by his own hiccupping yelp when Meg moved, her fingertips ghosting down his chest and torso until they settled on his lower belly, the soft spots on either side of and beneath his navel. Zagreus whined through his tittering and weakly shook his head. “No,” he babbled, giddy and unconvincing to either himself or Meg. “No, no, don’t—”
“You’ve had to beat me to get out of Tartarus,” said Meg, holding her hands in place, still, above the spot that had Zagreus pleading already, as she bowed over his beaming face. “Don’t tell me this is all I need to do to beat you.” Both the scoffing edge to her voice and the taunting glint in her eye softened as she leaned closer, smiling and teasing. “Really, darling? All it takes to break the Prince of the Underworld is to make him laugh?” He shook his head, ears aflame as though her very words were tickling him as well. Meg chuckled, lowering her voice and lips close to his flushing ears. “To softly tickle under his arms and between his ribs and around his belly button?”
When he shook his head that time, Zagreus couldn’t help but slow his movement—the only he could muster under how she held him—so as to keep his ear turned toward her and his burning cheek buried in his bicep. “Meg—” he managed through his piddly protests.
“Maybe,” mused Meg, leaning back and tipping her head thoughtfully and ignoring his words as consistently as she had the past hour, “next time you fight me and my sisters, I’ll tell them about this little trick. Better yet, show them.” Her once-soft grin sharpened back into something wickeder under his wide-eyed, mortified yet eager gaze. “All three of us with you at our mercy. Bet I could even rope a wringer or two into holding you down so the three of us could fully devote all our attention to you, get revenge for all the times you’ve defeated us. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?” Zagreus stiffened as she leaned in once more, a shiver passing bodily through him as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “For now, it’s just me you’ll have to survive. And, cute as you are, I haven’t forgotten why I’m doing this.”
He’d probably still be giggling if she hadn’t stolen the breath from him with such a ruthless plot for his next run in with the fury sisters. Instead, when his breath returned, he used it just to wheeze out, “I’m sorry.”
Meg rolled her eyes and chuckled. Just a twitch of her fingers into his belly, along with the following squeal that jolted from his chest, was enough to remind Zagreus of what awaited him in the present—never mind what he would have to look forward to in the future. “That’s nice,” Megaera said with a yawn, slipping her hands under the hem of his tunic. “But this is not to get an apology. This is for the consequences of your actions. And you knew that, or you wouldn’t have been such a little shit in the first place.”
Either his lapse in hysterical laughter or her own words spurred her into action, and Meg renewed her onslaught. With incredibly brutal softness, she scribbled her vicious fingers into his sensitive flesh, prompting from him a fresh and raucous bout of guffawing. It wasn’t just the physical attack; his exhaustion from having fought so hard through Tartarus and then having sprinting back, her teasing words planting images in his mind of countless damned hands reducing him to giggly shreds, and his relief to be swept away in it all—all the odds were stacked against him. In truth, the spot Meg had picked wasn’t so devastatingly sensitive. Sure, Zagreus could quickly melt into a happy puddle when tickled there, but her revenge would surely be better suited to the weaker spots she had already tormented. He’d been a little shit; knew that. Meg was vengeful; he knew that, too. What she knew, that maybe he didn’t or didn’t want to admit, was that Zagreus gave better than his all no matter what challenge he faced. Didn’t falter, didn’t give up, and didn’t rest. Unless someone who loved him very dearly held him down—or tired him so completely that he couldn’t do anything else—and ensured he rested. So even if Zagreus was flustered and laughter-drunk and exhausted, he was happy. Meg knew and loved him well enough to make it easy for him to get the rest and attention he wanted and needed, even if he couldn’t ask for it.
Maybe he’d rather die than ask for it. Or maybe Meg just wanted to kill him, he thought dazedly as Meg left his stomach to shake and suffer under lingering phantom tickles. He thought so, only because she pushed against the stone on either side of his legs to give herself the leverage to swing around facing away from him and to straddle his knees.
“Wait, wait—!”
The hoarse exclamation—the only so far to actually call for Meg to be diverted from her doling out of his punishment—was only made more sincere by Zagreus reaching to clutch Meg’s shoulder and stop her. Well. He tried to. Her whip was still wound around his forearms, so, though he could sit up, he couldn’t grab anything very effectively. He settled for earnestly flapping his hands against her back, shrinking only a little when she looked over her shoulder to glare challengingly at him.
“You—” Zagreus cleared his throat, nodding to his burning feet, “you’ll burn yourself.”
Megaera raised an eyebrow and scoffed, sending him teetering once more onto his back with a shove. “Oh, now you’ll be considerate? No, thanks, Zag.”
He was going to try to halt her once again, but the grin she turned back to cast him, so confident and evil, persuaded him otherwise, pinning him as effectively as her thighs did his knees. As he watched, she held up a hand, and, with a burst of magenta fire, shadows began to coil up her fingers like black flame, like burning smoke with no smoldering source. Zagreus tipped his head quizzically, still panting from the previous bout of belly laughter. That roiling, rising black fog… it almost looked like…
“Recognize this?” Meg guessed. She then explained, “From your spats with Tisiphone. Spectral shadows that relieve you of sight and speed.”
Of course, Zagreus realized, nodding but still squinting in confusion. In his fights against her, Tisiphone summoned souls and shadow to form a storm of darkness that kept Zagreus from landing any blows while she decimated the chamber in which they fought to give him less room to maneuver. But why did Meg…?
“Picked up that trick from her and made it my own,” she went on, holding the hand gloved in darkness over his chest for him to examine at a closer distance. “This is suffocating shadows. Relieves the area it surrounds of light and breath.” Though she hadn’t held it near enough for Zagreus to feel such effects, Meg pulled her hand away, reaching to the other end of his body and touching two fingers to his ever-burning calf. The small patch of fire surrounding where she touched fizzled out, leaving nothing but deathly pale skin. Zagreus blinked wonderingly at the display. It didn’t hurt, and, when she lifted her hand, fire quickly consumed the spot, yet her hand remained unharmed. “Quite devastating when used offensively,” she said, turning her hand one way and then another to watch the black flame curl and rise. “It will suit my needs now. Hopefully still devastating, but not as deadly.”
Her golden eyes flashed as she set her gaze from the fireless smoke back to Zagreus. Had he not been temporarily cured of his usual cleverness, he might have said she took away his breath just fine without the aid of magic when she looked at him like that.
“And, I swear,” Meg growled through a grin, “if you die on me before I am satisfied with my revenge, I will drag you out of the Styx, tickle you back to life, tickle you to death, and do so repeatedly until I am satisfied.”
Struck dumb for one of the few times in his life (even though a substantial amount of those times had occurred in that short day alone), Zagreus, throat dry, nodded.
Once more, Meg softened, giggling herself at the delighted terror on the prince’s face. “You’re strong enough to win against me any other time. You’re strong enough to last through this. You know I know that, don’t you?”
She knew too much, he thought, cheeks burning as he nodded again.
The warmth she granted him was quickly overtaken by the blazing fire of vengeance. “Good. Because if you can’t last when you practically begged for it, you ought to think twice next time before you get smart with me.”
The indignant squeak from the prince’s throat was torn through by a panicked squeal as Meg chuckled sinisterly and donned a second shadowy gauntlet before unleashing hell upon his innocent soles.
It wasn’t fair. Funnily enough for a fellow with fiery feet, Zagreus was no stranger to being tickled there. In general, it wasn’t a very well-kept secret that the mouthy prince could be calmed or quieted after being coerced to laugh until his sides were sore. He’d suffered under enough merciless merriment often enough that the most sadistic of his friends and family—usually his current tormenter and sometimes, funny enough for such a stoic character, Thanatos—that all of his weak spots had been targeted at some point or another. So common a weak spot for others could not be ignored, even with so convincing a deterrent as literal hellfire. Zagreus had thus suffered under some pretty creative means around his perpetual fire slippers and been wrecked to the fullest. He wasn’t even as ticklish on his feet as other spots, but how much harder they were to get at made them a novelty, and so never failed to make him lose his mind at the reminder of how bad it could tickle.
In a tortured song that could put the damned to shame, Zagreus thrashed and wailed, howling cachinnation echoing up into the caverns of Tartarus no matter how he tried to muffle it in his fists or Meg’s back. Even when he clung to her, she paid no mind, fully intent on her self-appointed duty. Her shadow-shielded fingers skated unimpeded up and down his soles, chasing shrieking laughter and sputtering flame almost as fast as either could be produced by the chortling prince beneath her. If Zagreus forgot each time how ticklish his feet could be, Meg remembered for him, every spot and every method to be wielded against him for ultimate destruction.
Her pink talons scribbling beneath his toes with special attention between his third and fourth, fluttering along his heels, raking up down his instep in unpredictable rhythm—every evil technique she used against him, both of her own devising and that she’d “picked up” as well, sent him further spiraling into elated, screaming laughter, until he couldn’t remember why he’d provoked her in the first place, where he’d been running to that had made his feet so sore for attention, couldn’t think of anything but that deliciously devilishly overwhelming need to laugh, to surrender to Meg’s hands, to her care. To trust that, if he couldn’t ask for lack of confidence or lack of breath, she knew what he wanted.
He may have had one foot in the Styx when she did, finally, deem his punishment sufficiently completed. At least, he’d lost enough oxygen laughing to have gone very loopy and very limp. Megaera chuckled, rolling her eyes fondly, and swung her leg off him to instead lay beside him, tousle his hair and touch his flushed and smile-stuck face. She may have spoken to him, but Zagreus felt like he was floating, like his ears were full of cotton and her voice was too far away to make out. But she smiled, and he was already smiling but he smiled back, and then he was floating because she lifted him easily into her arms and carried him toward the house at the heart of hell.
Zagreus leaned into the warmth of her shoulder and, at last, found excuse enough to let himself rest. He hoped his slurred speech amounted to something like “thanks” before he drifted off to the swaying step of her gait. He may have been dreaming already, but he thought he could hear her loving reply.
“You’re welcome, you damn idiot.”
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