Fluff is my Life Force
417 posts
Hello! My name is FluffAnon :D (Because I have yet to make an Ao3 account lol)... I'm a girl in her 20's and I love Fluff in all its forms and tickles too! I'm currently into two fandoms: My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen ! I LOVE reading fanfics more than I do books hehe and making headcanons and AU's! I think that's it for now! Thanks for passing by (^∀^*)
Last active 4 hours ago
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fluffanonn · 4 hours ago
Ok, I kinda feel greedy asking for this.. but that Poseidon x Amphitrite fix was so good I just HAVE to have seconds! X3
Can we maybe get a Part 2..?
What if Poseidon got into a massive Lee Mood? Because, he keeps thinking back to that one night and how nice it was, and.. he wants more of it. But he'd sooner get stabbed in the face with his own trident before he ever admits that!
But with nothing else working to quell this annoying feeling he soon realizes he doesn't have a choice. So one night imagine Poseidon's just sitting there beside his wife, mumbling and stuttering over his words, blushing like an idiot and making 0 eye contact as he struggles to make this request as indirectly & vaguely as possible. But Amphitrite's able to catch on surprisingly fast, and she's more than willing to grant her husband's wish. He just has to ask~ 😉
The whole prompt is basically Amphitrite teasing the hell out of her husband, and this time, she's a lot more ruthless (get it~?) in her attacks (i.e. lots of upper body tkls, gill tkls, neck kisses & belly raspberries).
(P.S. Out of slight curiosity, since I know everyone has different visual descriptions for Poseidon in their stories- does your Poseidon have gills on his sides/ribs or his neck? Sometimes I get a lil confused while reading. 😅 Which specific artist's version of him (AnniFlamma's, Neal's, Gigi's, aulith's, Willows', etc.) are you envisioning when you write him?)
Stupid moods
🎂: Epic the musical
Summary: after a sweet night of tickly cuddles, Poseidon finds himself craving more, much to his dismay.
A/N: this is soooo cute absolutely!! Also, this is a sequel to Sweet Lovin’ so read that first! Not sure I like the ending, but whatever.
Happy new year and Enjoyyyyy!! :D
(P.s: my version/picture his gills are on his neck, and because I’m an artist I imagine my own design!:3)
Stupid moods
Poseidon was irritated.
The previous night, his loving wife have given him a night of cuddles, which ended up with him being gently tickled until they went to sleep.
And now he wanted more. And he hated it.
He felt all buzzy and fizzy, like a soda can that had been shaken. And it was so. Annoying.
All day he tried to ignore it. Pretend it didn’t exist.
All day he yelled at his brain to stop.
But it just wouldn’t listen. Pictures and daydreams flooded his head without his permission, and it was getting difficult to focus.
Obviously, he could just ask his wife to help him, but that was so embarrassing he thinks he might actually rather be skewered by his own trident.
So on the day went, this stupid mood growing and growing with every minute it went unsatisfied.
And finally, it reached a point where Poseidon couldn’t take anymore. If he didn’t do something about this dumb craving now it was going to be a problem. He didn’t really have much choice, unless he wanted to live with this annoying, insufferable buzzing for the rest of his immortal existence.
So, when he climbed into bed with his wife, ready to relax and then go to sleep, he attempted to ask. But it was still incredibly embarrassing, so he stuttered and blushed and really struggled to get the words out.
“Hey, darling?”
Amphitrite looked over curiously. “Yes, my dear?”
“Can you- uh.” He failed to say it directly, needing to find work arounds. “Can you do the- the thing?”
Amphitrite tilted her head a little in confusion, and Poseidon was looking anywhere but in her eyes. This was quite out of character for Poseidon, so Amphitrite was reasonably curious. “I’m sorry?”
“Y- Y’know, the thing. The one you- the thing you did last night?”
At these words, Amphitrite’s eyes widened in realization, a small, fond smile gracing her features.
“Of course honey. But.” She paused for dramatic effect. “I want you to ask. Directly.” Her voice was soft and gentle, but also teasing, making Poseidons already intense blush even worse.
“Uh- I-“ he stuttered a bit, still incredibly flustered and embarrassed.
“Well, if you want something you have to ask for it! It’s only polite.” She teased again, clearly enjoying the lighthearted chance to mess with him.
He stammered for quite some time, but eventually managed to spew it out, the words quick and tumbling as if he was trying to rip it off like a bandaid. “Pleasetickleme!”
As he finally succeeded, Amphitrite smiled and pushed Poseidon down so he was lying rather than sitting. “Of course, my love.”
She leaned down to whisper in his ear, her voice low and teasing. “Your safe word is trident. Use it wisely, because once you say it, I’m done.”
Once he nodded, she pulled back, putting on an uncharacteristic sort of tickle monster persona. “You know, since you asked, I’m not going to be merciful.”
Poseidon tried and failed to mask the excited shiver that he felt at the words.
“You’re going to be a hysterical, breathless mess by the time I’m through with you. No matter how much you beg me to stop, I won’t. I am free to do whatever I want to you, and no matter how bad it tickles, you can’t do anything about it.”
Her voice was sinister and mischievous, in a playful sort of way, not genuinely evil by any sense of the word. That teasing lilt, full of a playful kind of mischief, sent butterflies racing through Poseidon’s tummy, excitement zipping along his spine.
“Are you ready, darling?”
He gave a small, sheepish nod in response, and without any further words, Amphitrite started to rake her claws over his ribs, a fast, gentle motion that left him no chance to hold back his giggles.
“Ehahahahaha Oho myhyhy- ehehehe!”
“Haha, such cute little giggles, my dear~” Amphitrite teased, cooing in a way that made Poseidon blush all the more, his face turning a light pink.
Poseidon squirmed slightly under the hold, despite not wanting to get away. It was overwhelming. It was torturous. It was exactly what he wanted.
She scratched and scribbled at his ribs, pinching up and down the bones. Poseidon squirmed and giggled, unable to stop himself from laughing as that fizzy feeling fully exploded into a ticklish, tingly sensation of butterflies in his stomach.
“Eehehahaha ahaha- ihihi- ehehehee!” He was unable to get words out, not knowing what to say, or wanting to put in the effort to speak clearly through his joyful, bubbly giggles.
Amphitrite cooed, leaning over her husband teasingly as she raked along his ribs. “Tickle tickle tickle~”
Poseidon erupted into a much deeper blush, and as much as he hated to admit it his giggles grew a little more frantic at the teasing.
“Nohoho-! Dohohont dohoho thahat!”
“Do what?”
“Sahahay thehe wohord!”
“Oh? What word? Tickle?” She smirked, feigning ignorance.
“Yehehehehes! Thahat wohord!”
“Hmm.. I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands, my dear. Besides, it’s such a fun word, isn’t it?” She grinned playfully, moving up to scratch at his armpits as she began to tease once again.
“Tickletickletickletickletickle! tktktktktktk!”
Poseidon let out a small, giggly squeal. “Eehehehehe nohohoho!”
Amphitrite smirked, speeding up the scratching, to which she got frantic protests.
“Ahahahahaha! Whyhy- hahahahahaha-!”
Amphitrite huffed a laugh. “Every time you say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ or ‘don’t, anything of the sort- I’ll make it worse.”
“Whahahahahat?! YohOU cahahant doho thahat!”
“Actually, I very much can. Remember, you aren’t in control here, darling.” She emphasized the endearing nickname, making her voice low and teasing. Which, of course, caused Poseidon’s blush to double in size.
“Aww, how cute! You’re turning all red~ is my teasing getting you all embarrassed and flustered~?” She cooed slightly, which only intensified the mentioned blush.
“Nohohoho-! Dohohont tehehease!”
Amphitrite immediately increased the pressure on the touch, turning it into drilling. “What did I say about protesting, hmm~?”
Poseidon’s laughter grew in pitch, frantic but still joyful. “AhahahahahHA-! Ohoho myhyhy gohods thahat TIHIHICKLES-!”
“That’s the point, honey~”
Amphitrite trailed her hands down his sides, a light, teasing touch, leading all the way down to his hips. Once she reached the spot, she squeezed and then drilled into the divots of the bone.
“GYahahahahaha! Nohohoho-! PlehehehEASE-!”
“That’s more protesting, darling~”
Getting the implication of the teasing words, Poseidon frantically protested, only digging his grave deeper.
“Nononono- dahaharlihing plehehehehease-!”
Amphitrite ignored the protests, continuing to drill into his hips and also going up to pepper tickly kisses all over his neck.
At the new, more gentle touch, the sea god scrunched up, his giggles becoming more bubbly.
As much as he was protesting, Poseidon was having the time of his life right now. It tickled so damn much, and he loved it.
While still sprinkling kisses all over his neck and ears, Amphitrite moved her hands to scribble at his belly, making sure to use her claws for extra ticklishness.
“EE- ahahahahaha- dahaharlihing-!” He erupted into louder laughter once more, squirming uncontrollably. He arched his back slightly, which only increased the pressure of the nails on his tummy, making him laugh even louder.
“Yes dear?”
“Ihi- ehehehehe-!” Poseidon had to cut himself off from protesting, knowing it would only make it worse for him.
“Ahh, you’re learning. Let’s see if I can get you to protest some more~”
The words sent shivers down Poseidon’s spine, a frantic, giddy nervousness settled in his chest and stomach. Amphitrite removed her hands from his tummy, and started to blow raspberries there instead.
“EE- nohoho- ahahahaha-!” Poseidon failed to stop the fruitless pleas that spilt from him, squirming around and laughing loudly as his tummy was assaulted with ticklish sensations.
“Hehe, there we go~ now I get to make it worse~”
“AhahHA- PlehehehEASE- myhy lohoHOVE-“
She ignored his pleading, starting to add nibbles with the raspberries on his tummy, using her claws to trace his ear fins at the same time, the conflicting feelings of harsh versus gentle driving him crazy.
“AHAHA- ehehahahHA- ohoho myhy- pleheheHEASE-!”
Amphitrite decided to let up for a moment. “Ah, fine. I don’t want you to give up just yet~”
She stopped the raspberries, and started to just gently trace along his sides, making sure to tease at his ribs, drawing swirling patterns along his skin that left him in a fit of bubbly giggles. He was a little embarrassed to say that he melted at the touch, the gentle shapes relaxing him.
“Aww, look at that. You’re turning into a little puddle of giggles~”
Poseidon didn’t bother to deny it, a few contented hums mixing with his warm giggles. Amphitrite waited until his eyes were closed and he was super relaxed, then she suddenly stopped the tracing.
“Whaha-“ Poseidon’s confused protests of why she stopped were cut off by a scream of laughter as she blew a massive raspberry over his gills, using her hands to scribble and scratch at the gills in the other side of his neck.
“AHAHAHAHA- OHOHO GOHOHODS NOHOT THEHEHERE PLEHEHEHEEASE!” His laughter immediately grew loud and hysterical, his shoulders scrunching fruitlessly to try and block the sensation.
He protested frantically through squeaky, loud laughter despite not meaning any of this. It was absolute torture, complete and utter insanity. And he loved it.
His face was flushed from laughter, tears falling from his eyes as his stomach quivered and trembled from all the laughing.
“Oo, looks like this is a lovely little sweet spot, hmm~?” Amphitrite’s teasing made Poseidon’s already flushed face even redder, his cheeks feeling like they’re on fire from the warmth rushing to them.
“AHAHAHA MYHY LOHOVE- AHAHA- PLEHEHEHEASEE!” He struggles to speak through his laughter, gasping for air in between the loud, joyful sounds.
Then Amphitrite moved both her hands to scratch at his gills, even wiggling slightly underneath to the insides. And just when Poseidon thought it couldn’t get any worse better, she added raspberries and nibbles to his tummy, especially over his navel.
Poseidon couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. All he was in that moment was just pure, complete, joyful laughter. All his thoughts could say was ‘it tickles, it tickles, it tickles!’ It was so maddening, so amazingly horrible. As much joy as this was providing, Poseidon really was struggling to breathe now, his stamina running low and his sides starting to ache from the workout, his limit thoroughly reached.
As soon as the magic word was said, Amphitrite stopped. Poseidon panted with leftover giggles, feeling intense lingering tingles over his gills. He had a feeling that he would be struck by giggles just at the thought for weeks to come.
“Aha… Wohow..” he panted out, going to wipe his eyes from the tears, but Amphitrite got there first.
“Are you okay, my dear?”
“Yeheah… I’m Ahalright. Juhust.. neheed a minute.” He giggled, taking deep breaths to try and get the air back into his lungs and the warmth in his face to cool down.
“Was it everything you wanted?”
Poseidon’s brain was so thoroughly turned to mush from the maddening feeling that he couldn’t even think straight enough to be embarrassed, just giving a sleepy hum. He was exhausted after that.
“Would you like some water?”
“Yehes please..” Poseidon answered quietly, and Amphitrite stood up to go get him some.
Poseidon found that he couldn’t stop giggling for the life of him. He still felt it. It was as if it was so intense that it was burned into his nerves and it wouldn’t go away, leaving happy, giddy feelings lingering along his gills.
Short after Amphitrite returned with a glass of water, handing it to him. “Drink slowly, love.”
He just hummed in agreement, sipping off the water for a while as Amphitrite gently rubbed her hand along his stomach to try and ease the leftover tingles.
“Okay, let’s go to bed. I’m guessing you’re tired after that, huh?”
Poseidon hummed as he set down the now empty water glass. They cuddled up in the bed, and Poseidon gave a contented, sleepy hum.
Sleep didn’t take long to descend upon him, and he fell asleep in the comfort of Amphitrite’s loving arms.
———THE END———————————————————-
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fluffanonn · 5 days ago
"If Gaea wakes," Jason said. "The mighty Kymopoleia can help us make sure that never happens. Then all demigods will honour you big-time!" "Will they cower?" Kym asked. "Tons of cowering! Plus your name in the summer program. A custom designed banner. A cabin at Camp Half-Blood. Two shrines. I'll even throw in a Kymopoleia action figure." "No!" Polybotes wailed. "Not merchandizing rights!"
I loved this line, honestly. It's really funny. Not merchandizing rights almost made me want to laugh out loud at school today. Because that line's still so funny. I love it. And I love how Jason is just a master pitchman. I wonder if Kymopoleia ever got her own action figure?
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fluffanonn · 8 days ago
Love being sick with the flu thinking it’s not that bad but then being wide awake at almost 3 fucking am coughing my lungs out in pain everywhere and possibly with a mild fever 🫡🤣💀💀 but not too bad!
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fluffanonn · 10 days ago
PJO Amphitrite Headcanons
Amphitrite is the kindest and most loving Mother one can have
She LOVES being a Mom and having children or children in general. She also loves taking care of random sea creatures.
Amphitrite needs to baby someone every once in a while, she needs to care and dote on someone. Usually, one of her kids if they are at home at the moment, or even Poseidon if Triton already ran away. Or Percy too when he visits.
She has a nickname for everyone usually something to do with the Sea so she'll call someone "Little Pearl"
She made each one of her kids a plushie when they were born: Triton has a dolphin because that's the animal that's associated with her the most so I thought it would make sense.
For Rhode, a starfish because I imagine Rhode being graceful and more associated with the Land and starfish live on the sand in the sea lol (if that makes any goddamn sense)...
for Benth! We don't know much about her, but I think she would have either a squid or a sea turtle (cause she's also associated to the depths and to waves?)
Kym a Seahorse. I choose that because I think it contrasts well between her *very* chaotic/violent vibe with innocence. Which I think Amphi tried to protect despite their relationship problems as Kym got older..
Also! I headcanon that Amphi loves all of her kids equally. And that she didn't reject Kym, I know that in canon that is different, but I can't buy it. I think she definitely struggled with her. But never stopped loving her or wanting to be close to her.
Amphitrite has actual horns that look like crab claws. I think Benth would also have them from her in a different color!
She can change her form from humanoid to mermaid if she wants to.
She taught her daughters siren songs when they were small. Even though Kym struggles with them to this day and makes her self-conscious.
She would be more of the disciplinarian in the family (even to Poseidon sometimes haha)
But she also can be very playful
She's very well settled into her role as Queen but also wishes Poseidon would do more of his paperwork alone *lol*
She taught him how to speak Atlantean when they started dating
Amphitrite also had Demi-God children in the past but I imagine that they sadly passed away. But she kept pictures and trinkets of them in her room. She doesn't feel the need to have more kids now ie: since Kym X) but she doesn't mind her husband's human kids. Or otherwise. She treats them well and cares for them deeply.
Because this is getting super long one last headcanon, I believe that while she's very kind and loving, she also has a more animalistic nature as Sea People do. Like nesting habits which Poseidon really appreciates, scent marking yes even underwater she can mark her children and Poseidon.
I headcanon that Amphi smells very good like tiare flower for some reason haha
She also gives Poseidon all the hugs he *wants* :D
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fluffanonn · 12 days ago
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Here Is Valentine's day already! And for celebrate I'll show you my original designs of the big 3 with their wives 💖 You already met Jellyseidon (and Zeus maybe? Was only One post I'm afraid) so here are the others!
Later i Will publish also the last episode of the First Cloudysseus arc. 👀 So stay tuned!
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fluffanonn · 14 days ago
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Father and daughter moment
I draw this for Neal because her god game animatic
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fluffanonn · 14 days ago
Percy: Hey Amphitrite, have you seen dad? We were suppose to have breakfast together.
Amphitrite: I haven't. Tyson, have you seen your father?
Tyson: He’s in the garden arguing with a crab.
Amphitrite: …Why?
Tyson: The crab took his trident.
Percy: And he didn't ask me to go on a quest to get it back? Thank goodness. We've come such a long way.
Amphitrite, starring at Poseidon waving his arms at a 100 foot crab that could've been breakfast:
Amphitrite: There has been no progress. I am married to an overgrown child.
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fluffanonn · 16 days ago
Percy: You're ignoring all your problems.
Poseidon: I know.
Percy: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism?
Poseidon: I'm ignoring that fact as well.
Percy: Just like you ignored me the first 12 years of my life?
Poseidon: I-no! I did that to keep you safe from Zeus and Hades's attentions!
Percy: uh huh. But now I'm ignoring that reason.
Poseidon: I see. It's uncomfortable being on the other side of it. You've made your point. Please stop ignoring me.
Poseidon: Percy? Come back! I swear, your my favorite son and I'll never miss another birthday party or basketball game again-
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fluffanonn · 16 days ago
a quick psa to anyone recently getting into greek mythology and is a victim of tumblr and/or tiktok misconceptions:
-there is no shame in being introduced to mytholgy from something like percy jackson, epic the musical or anything like that, but keep in mind that actual myths are going to be VERY different from modern retellings
-the myth of medusa you probably know (her being a victim of poseidon and being cursed by athena) isn't 100% accurate to GREEK mythology (look up ovid)
-there is no version of persephone's abduction in which persephone willingly stays with hades, that's a tumblr invention (look up homeric hymn to demeter)
-as much as i would like it, no, cerberus' name does not mean "spot" (probably a misunderstanding from this wikipedia article)
-zeus isn't the only god who does terrible things to women, your fav male god probably has done the same
-on that note, your fav greek hero has probably done some heinous shit as well
-gods are more complicated than simply being "god of [insert thing]", many titles overlap between gods and some may even change depending on where they were worshipped
-also, apollo and artemis being the gods of the sun and the moon isn't 100% accurate, their main aspects as deities originally were music and the hunt
-titans and gods aren't two wholly different concepts, titan is just the word used to decribe the generation of gods before the olympians
-hector isn't the villain some people make him out to be
-hephaestus WAS married to aphrodite. they divorced. yes, divorce was a thing in ancient greece. hephaestus' wife is aglaia
-ancient greek society didn't have the same concepts of sexuality that we have now, it's incorrect to describe virgin goddesses like artemis and athena as lesbians, BUT it's also not wholly accurate to describe them as aromantic/asexual, it's more complex than that
-you can never fully understand certain myths if you don't understand the societal context in which they were told
-myths have lots and lots of retellings, there isn't one singular "canon", but we can try to distinguish between older and newer versions and bewteen greek and roman versions
-most of what you know about sparta is probably incorrect
-reading/waching retellings is not a substitute to reading the original myths, read the iliad! read the odyssey! i know they may seem intimidating, but they're much more entertaining than you may think
greek mythology is so complex and interesting, don't go into it with preconcieved notions! try to be open to learn!
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fluffanonn · 16 days ago
*talking about Amphitrite*
Poseidon: She is beauty.
Triton: She is grace.
Kymopoleia, runnning into the room: SHE CAN DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE!
Amphitrite, grabbing Kym by the scruff of the neck: No, I can't. You on the other hand can, and are far too excited by that idea. What happened?
Percy: She hit Florida with three hurricanes this summer.
Amphitrite, sighing: Of course. And this is why Percy is my favorite. He's the only sane one here.
Percy: Really? Yay!
Triton: Yay- wait what? What about me, mother? He's not even your actual son - I am!! What am I, chopped liver?
Poseidon: Well, son you're not exactly sane - do you remember the 13th century? - and sanity is a requirement.
Triton, swimming away: Nevermind! I hate this fucking family!
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fluffanonn · 16 days ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Amphitrite/Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Amphitrite/Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Characters: Amphitrite (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Kymopoleia (Percy Jackson), Triton (Percy Jackson), Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Rhode (Percy Jackson), Benthesikyme (Percy Jackson), Zeus (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Poseidon, Alpha Amphitrite, Omega Kymopoleia, Alpha Triton, seafam, Fluff and Angst, Amphitrite is not a good alpha at first, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Manipulative Kronos (Percy Jackson), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Poseidon is hurt, Hurt Amphitrite, Child Kymopoleia, Good Parent Poseidon, Good Parent Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), to come, Good Step Mom Sally Jackson, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha Hades (Percy Jackson), Alpha Zeus (Percy Jackson) Summary:
Amphitrite was Poseidon's loving alpha and the Mother of their four children. Everything was good and well until she started to change one day and became more and more unpredictable.
One day, she hurts Poseidon, and their little family and Kingdom start to crumble. Poseidon is insoluble and tries to find help in Olympus to save Amphitrite.
Sally becomes the mother of now five children most of whom are Gods. There are many good changes until Poseidon has to go to a random checkup with Apollo and someone from the past comes back. And it changes everything once more.
Eventually, Poseidon ends up with two loving Alphas and surrounded by the love of their children.
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fluffanonn · 16 days ago
Percy, taking to his siblings: Listen up here you little shits-
Percy: Not you Tyson, you're an angel.
Tyson: Yay!
Percy: The rest of you bastards.
Triton & Kymopoleia: Not-
Percy: And gods.
Triton & Kymopoleia: Dammit.
Percy: Dad is having a hard time recovering from the war. So we are not going to stress him out unnecessarily, okay?
Percy: That means, no eating each other.
Polyphemus: Dammit.
Percy: Or sacrificing them.
Antaeus: Dammit.
Percy: Or creating large storms that damage old or newly repaired parts of the castle.
Kymopoleia: Dammit.
Percy: Or nagging him with non-critical reports about the kingdom.
Triton: Dammit.
Percy: That's it. I will know if you bother him, and I will make you suffer. Any questions?
Tyson: Can I still ask him to read me bed time stories?
Percy: Yeah that's fine, Tyson.
Amphitrite, in awe: It's like watching myself in the mirror. I'm so proud.
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fluffanonn · 20 days ago
Poseidon: Kymopoleia, I need you to be on your best behavior at this family dinner.
Kymopoleia: Of course, Dad. When am I not on my best behavior?
Triton: Do you want the list alphabetically or by the level of destruction?
Kymopoleia: By level of destruction, please. I'm proud of some of those.
Percy: HA!
Triton: Quiet, you're no better Jackson.
Percy: Hey! Those weren't my fault! I was at war fighting for my life!
Triton: Then behave and don't start any wars at dinner!
Percy, grumbling: Easy for you to say; you've never had multiple prophecies dictating your life.
Amphitrite: Children please-
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fluffanonn · 21 days ago
I have an update ish on Poseidon’s design! This version is meant to show him more tidied up, emphasizing the “sea” aspect of the God of the Sea. But I’m really unsure at the moment, right now, it feels like it’s too much. I kind of liked it when he just had his boring white robe.
I think the crown might be making it feel too cluttered. Maybe I’ll change its color to match the trident, so they coordinate better. The reson why I used pink was cuz I thought it would be fun it was his wife idea to decorate him with more cute light, like the seashells buuuut id dosent fit really... welp it was kinda the point tho. Not sure.
Also, yeah, he’s definitely lost about 40% of his fabric. He’s more naked than before.
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fluffanonn · 21 days ago
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reworked epic!poseidon
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fluffanonn · 21 days ago
Hello fellow Epic fan! Hope you're still open to requests because I'm here to donate~! 😉
So I recently discovered that Poseidon has a wife of his own, named Amphitrite (whom I really hope he's more faithful to than Zeus is to Hera); I've also been craving more Lee Poseidon as of late, so how about we combine the two.
Scenario: Amphitrite sees her hubby's been in a really grumpy mood all day (no doubt because of some pesky mortal again) so she wants to help him take his mind off it with some sweet personal TLC in the bedroom~ (mostly cuddles and kisses, dw) That's when she rediscovers some pretty adorable things about her little lord of the sea~ 😊
TLDR; I want some wholesome couple fluff involving lots of tickle kisses (mainly on ear fins or gills).
Hope that's good enough for a description for ya!
Sweet lovin’
🎂:Epic: the musical
Summary: after Poseidon comes home from an upsetting encounter with a mortal, Amphitrite wants to help cheer him up.
A/N: I don’t know much about Amphitrite, so I’m basically winging her characterization. Also, as a teenager who’s aroace and never been in a relationship, I’m hoping that I wrote the lovey-dovey stuff okay. With all that being said, enjoy! :3
P.s: (oooo, sorry to disappoint but Poseidon actually had more lovers than Zeus 😅)
Sweet lovin’
Poseidon walked into the fancy, decorated underwater cave, and the first thing Amphitrite heard was a sigh.
She turned to look as her husband stepped into their cave, their underwater home, looking tired and stressed. She walked closer, gently and slightly hesitant.
“My dear? Are you alright?”
Another long, deep sigh. “Yes, love, I’m fine. Just had some problems with that damn mortal I was telling you about.”
She smiled a bit, fondness and sympathy sparkling in her eyes. “I see. How about a bit of a cuddle night?”
Poseidon’s eyes lit up a bit at the words, although he tired to hide his extreme excitement as a more casual acceptance. “Yeah, that sounds…nice.”
Amphitrite chuckled a bit at the facade, but decided not to bring it up. “Alright dear, you go take a warm shower and I’ll get the bedroom set up, okay?”
Poseidon smiled a bit. “Thanks, love.”
She walked up to him and gave him a little peck on the cheek, needing to stand on her tiptoes slightly to reach. “Of course, darling.”
Poseidon kissed the top of her head in return and then walked off towards their bathroom. Amphitrite heard the water start running as she walked into their bedroom.
She looked through the room to find the most cozy, warm blankets that they owned. The cave was, well, a cave, but it was still fancy and furnished in a way fit for an Olympian, including a large, soft bed.
As Poseidon washed away the stress of the day, Amphitrite busied herself with making a comfortable nest of pillows and blankets on the bed. She dimmed the lights, and put on some soft music, trying to make a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.
Not long after she had finished, Poseidon stepped out of the bathroom in a comfortable robe for sleep. He walked into their bedroom and saw the little nest.
“It’s lovely, dear. Thank you.”
“No problem, my love. Now let’s cuddle!” She encouraged, pulling him towards the nest.
He chuckled and followed, and then they both climbed into the bed and wrapped their arms around each other in a warm embrace.
For a while they just cuddled calmly, but at some point, Amphitrite started to lightly trace Poseidon’s back.
He huffed a bit of laughter through his nose, and muttered lazily. “Darling, tha’ tickles..”
Amphitrite smiled, fond yet mischievous. “Oh, does it now?”
The teasing tone sent a shiver down Poseidon’s spine.
“Maybe this will help cheer you up, hmm?” She whispered, her voice full of affection. She wrapped her arms around Poseidon a little tighter, and then started to intentionally tickle, tracing and scribbling lightly at his sides.
Poseidon started to giggle, the light touch eliciting a light, airy sort of laugh. “Lohohove, nohoho..” he complained half-heartedly, but both of them knew it wasn’t fully genuine.
“Awww, but your little giggles are so cute!” She teased in response, her voice full of love. She leaned forward and started to pepper his neck with light, ticklish kisses, even making ridiculous little exaggerated noises.
Poseidon felt so silly, but yet so loved, as the various light, tender touches produced joyful giggles from him. “Ahamphitrihite plehehease! Thahat tihihickles!”
“That’s the point, dear, I’m tickling you!” She paused her little kisses to respond. She loved the giggles of Poseidon, how sweet and gentle they sounded in contrast to his usual rough personality.
Despite his protests, Poseidon was pretty happy right now. He definitely felt much better than he did when he came home. Amphitrite continued to trace little shapes and lines all over his sides with her long claws and lightly kiss along his neck and ear fins, eliciting soft giggles.
It was such a warm, loving and cozy environment, and Poseidon felt so cared for and loved.
It was all soft and gentle, each little giggle or teasing word no louder than a whisper- until Amphitrite decided to blow a small little raspberry on her husband’s gills.
This resulted in a quite embarrassing squeal from the god of the tides, followed by a bright blush and protests. “Dahaharlihing nohOt thehe gihihills!”
“Aww, are your little gills super-duper ticklish, hmm? Do they make you all giddy and happy~” she cooed gently in response, only furthering the redness on his face.
“Nohohoho, daharlihing stohohop!” He protested, unserious and gentle, gently pushing at her head where she was kissing and blowing raspberries along his gills. He was laughing much louder now, deep, belly laughs that echoed along the stone walls of the cave.
“I don’t know, dear~ are you sure you’re feeling allll better? No more yucky stress, hmm~?” She teased again in response, voice gentle and loving in the way only she could be.
“Yehehes, ihim hahahappy, ihi prohohomise!” It wasn’t a lie either, he truly was happy. The whole night of cuddles and tickles had done wonders to brighten his mood.
But Amphitrite wasn’t done just yet.
“I don’t know if I believe you~ maybe I should do one last thing, just to be sure, hmm~?”
“Plehehease, nohohoho!” Poseidon protested once again, a giddy sort of nervousness building in his chest.
Amphitrite ignored the untrue protests, and then pulled him closer. She’s scribbled her sharp claws along his sides and blew a big raspberry on either side of his neck at his gills at the same time, causing loud, rumbling laughter to escape from him.
After just a moment, she stopped, leaving him with leftover, breathless giggles.
“Ohoho myhy… yohou reheally know hohow to make a mahan lahaugh..” He smiled widely as he said it, giggles sprinkled into the words.
Amphitrite smiled, and leaned in close to Poseidon, continuing to cuddle as he let out all the remaining giggles. “Do you feel better?” She asked, genuine and fond.
Poseidon nodded. “Yes, love, thank you.”
“Of course, darling, anytime.”
And they held each other close for the rest of the night, until they drifted into a peaceful, loving slumber in each others arms.
———THE END————————————————
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fluffanonn · 21 days ago
How do you feel about the gods as children? Like if Kronos never ate them? I can't help but wonder if they would be any different, or how much the timeline would have changed.
I also can't help but picture really cute scenarios with the Big Three as kids. You just know Hades is the responsible older brother, Poseidon is the moody one, and Zeus is an absolute menace. I feel like Zeus and Poseidon would be bickering constantly, but put their differences aside long enough to pull pranks on everyone else, especially poor Hades.
Poseidon definitely had really long hair as a kid that got tangled easily, and his brothers were always having to help him detangle it ( inspired by Neal Illustrator's art of Hades and Zeus helping comb out Poseidons hair after Ruthlessness).
Younger Zeus would have a soft spot for really small, fluffy animals like bunnies (he definitely tried to hide one in his room as a pet). He could easily spend a whole day just running around a field and watching animals.
Hades was (and is) a bookworm. And wears glasses. I refuse to hear anything else. When he isn't wrangling his brothers you can usually find him in the shade of a large tree, nose buried in a book (or scroll ig).
They would definitely have tickle fights. Mostly Zeus and Poseidon, but Hades would join in from time to time, to help turn the tables, or when one of the younger two was being a pain in the ass. Between the two menaces, Zeus was usually the winner, which Poseidon was always salty about. But hey, it's not Zeus's fault he's so ticklish.
I feel like when Poseidon was younger he was actually okay with being tickled if he had a bad day or wanted to spend time with his brothers. He would get his revenge of course, but sometimes Hades would just gently trace his ear fins and it would draw out the most adorable giggles! If it went on long enough he would fall asleep, and he has fallen asleep on Hades before. One time Hestia was looking for them and just found the both of them asleep under a tree (if someone wants to draw this i will give you my soul).
That's what I have for now. It's been living in my head rent-free and I needed to share the fluff.
- 🧁 anon
AAAAAHHH THIS IS SO CUTE!! I feel like if that never happened, they would definitely have a healthier & happier relationship, but I feel like their relationship for the most part was pretty normal & healthy until they got older & more competitive with each other & their respective domains
I agree with all these headcanons, they’re so cute! Poseidon has always had long unruly hair, but at least now it’s manageable. When they were younger & helping him comb it out, they would always sneak in a few tickles. His neck & ears are crazy sensitive & the comb is an an evil tickle tool
My heart omggg Zeus loves fluffy lil creatures! He’s so gentle & sweet with them! & you’re so right, Hades is a total bookworm! Zeus & Poseidon love to bother him when he’s reading. Sometimes they’ll conspire against him & sit on either side to trap him & then start tickling him, telling him he needs to “loosen up.” But a good 30% of the time he manages to turn the tables & get them both at the same time. He’s super smug when it happens, but it doesn’t last for long & it’s 10x worse than it would’ve been
But their love language is pissing each other off, & they humiliate each other for sport, so of course tickle fights are common among them. Poseidon was absolutely the grumpy moody one, so Zeus & Hades had to make sure he still smiled, but Zeus always started it. He’s an instigator, but sometimes it bites him in the ass. Especially when they got older & Poseidon started standing up for himself. & Hades has never been afraid to put either of them in their place when they get too snarky. Even now they better watch their mouth around him, unless they wanna end up a laughing mess.
Poseidon doesn’t hate it as much as he pretends, & he’ll try & kill anyone who points it out. It was “ok” to have fun with it as a kid because he was a KID but now he’s the God of the ocean. He’s got an image to uphold! But if he’s wrestling with his brothers that motherfucker will cheat at the first opportunity & then boast about how he’s so much better. It’s no wonder they have to knock him down a peg (he did it all on purpose)
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