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star-wars-forever · 15 days ago
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aesnawan · 9 months ago
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Is this the Pip lovers fan club?
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holonetwork · 8 months ago
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Astromechs of the Expanded Universe
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mk-otro · 4 months ago
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We got Day 9 - FROZEN
When you think you had secured all of the pizza boxes frozen rations in the back and find out that you didn't. (It could have happened!)
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satureja13 · 1 year ago
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Since Ji Ho and Jack practice yoga and meditate to ease Jack's pain, they spend a lot of time together these days. And since Jack loves games so much, he teaches Ji Ho Sabacc. Usually Jack plays with Saiwa or Vlad but now that they are all so tense since Kiyoshi is back...
Jack: "Would you accompany me to the Temple later to let Arturo treat me? I can't wait to get rid of Kiyoshi's influence over me and all this pain. Tomorrow it's been a year since he became my Alpha and it went utterly downhill with me." Ji Ho hesitates, but he promised to be honest: "Um Jack, are you aware that it isn't Arturo who heals you? It's the magic of the Temple - and the Tree. And the Tree is Kiyoshi. He's the diety who gives Arturo his powers." No, of course Jack hadn't been aware of that.
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Jack: "Very well then. I will avoid the Temple. And Kiyoshi. I can do this by myself. It already got a lot better, even though Kiyoshi is back and always around."
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Ji Ho: "Are you sure? You live with this pain for months now." Jack: "Thanks to you I can almost do anything here. The yoga, meditating... I will set up a hot tub and skip the massages." Ji Ho: "I could ask Vlad if it's ok for him when I give you the massages?" Jack: "You would? I know this must be hard for you given that you learned how to do it at 'The House of the rising Sun' (the brothel where Ji Ho's mother used to work). But Vlad will be ok with it, I'm his best friend. Don't worry."
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Speaking of Vlad. While Jack and Ji Ho play Sabacc, he, Jeb and Kiyoshi gathered with Saiwa to finally tell him the whole truth about 'Bird'...
Vlad: "... and then we found out that Kiyoshi didn't say 'I love Bird' but 'I like Fur' because his last blurred thoughts were about Jack, his real fated mate. And not about you. *Vlad sighs from the dephts of his soul before he's able to continue. He hates to hurt Saiwa* So it wasn't necessary to have a fake relationship with Kiyoshi to bring him back..."
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Saiwa exploded. His head was spinning. Jeb and him put their whole relationship on a risk for a misunderstanding of a muffled word and Jack's weird theory and a tattoo? Arturo already told them that Kiyoshi and Jack are fated mates but it seemed so weird that someone like Kiyoshi would love someone like Jack so Saiwa too thought there must have been something between them so Kiyoshi's last thoughts were about him - and that he were so special to him and the fake relationship needed to be done to help him come back... And now this! Since the Lab Saiwa hadn't felt so humiliated. He was only able to say one word, and that was: "RUN!"
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And they ran... They know Saiwa well enough that nothing they could do or say now would be able to calm him down.
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Saiwa even started to throw things at them!
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Vlad is familiar with Saiwas temper and he knows he needs his time to cool down. And so they decided to go the only other place in Tomarang where they could stay - the Temple. There's always some work to do and they could also spend some time on their secret project which is supposed to help to make it up to the others. Now more important than ever.
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Poor Jeb. What have they done. That's the first time Saiwa is mad at him after they broke up - because of Jack - and he doesn't know what to do. What if Saiwa leaves him - again. He wouldn't survive this. Vlad: "Let's leave before he hits us with something painful - or comes after us!"
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And in the evening, when they came back from work, Vlad caught Ji Ho massaging Jack.
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Vlad knows there is no reason to be jealous. Jack is his best friend and even the Bond lets him know that there's nothing to be upset about.
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But it hurts. It reminds him of the times Ji Ho massaged him to charge the bond and he wishes his relationship with Ji Ho was different. That they finally could be together. His head knows how wrong this is and he wants to give Ji Ho all the time he needs and he would even give up on love if that meant Ji Ho could be happy without him. But his heart wants what his heart wants...
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'It's savage and it's cruel And it shines like destruction Comes in like the flood And it seems like religion It's noble and it's brutal It distorts and deranges And it wrenches you up And you're left like a zombie
And I want you And I want you And I want you so It's an obsession
It's guilt edged Glamorous and sleek by design You know it's jealous by nature False and unkind It's hard and restrained And it's totally cool It touches and it teases As you stumble in the debris'
Love is a stranger - Eurythmics
Vlad in his room looking at his plasmafruit tree. He's so happy that he can finally eat real food! Plasma fruit are delicious - but having them day for day...
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Jeb and Kiyoshi after teleporting ö.Ö'
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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swtechspecs · 3 months ago
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Kuat Systems Engineering Alpha-3 Nimbus-Class V-Wing Starfighter
Source: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections (Dorling Kindersley, 2005)
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keira-snaps · 5 days ago
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The ears are, in fact, completely detachable.
I give you, the trans pride astromech droid.
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themuskrater · 1 month ago
Gang am I fucking stupid?
I always assumed that Chopper was an R5 series astromech... because he LOOKS like an animated, stylized R5
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So I had a whole paragraph ready about how Disney made a mistake translating him into live action and used his animated propotions, but I kind of got curious how he got the name C1-10P. I assumed it was gonna be like ND-5, who's a BX battle droid, and his name isn't related to his series number. BUT NO. APPARENTLY, THERE IS AN ENTIRE C1 SERIES OF ASTROMECHS I JUST DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT.
And now I'm wondering why Disney created an entirely new series of astromechs if they were just going to design him to look like an R5 anyway? I always assumed he was just kind of wide because Rebels was a heavily stylized show. But no, that's what he's SUPPOSED to look like
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providence-park · 2 years ago
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trooperst-3v3 · 7 months ago
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Another droid we saw on Batuu. This one made me SO SAD.
I think woodcarving is cool and all but WHY would you remove this poor baby's HEAD to make your FURNACE? I was so upset to see this. I'm still upset.
I'm. . . I'm gonna go find an astromech to hug.
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simeonscott · 8 months ago
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Just a Couple of Absolute Icons.
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star-wars-forever · 1 year ago
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si0g0 · 2 years ago
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Did a little starwars propaganda poster "everyone can help, donate your old droid today" hope u like :3
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sudden-stops-kill · 11 months ago
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thelikingsofty · 2 months ago
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R9-K4 (“Red”)
Type: Astromech Droid
Standard astromech build, painted black with red accents and a slightly scuffed exterior.
Has a unique hacking spike that can extend from its chassis for slicing into computer systems.
Emits cheerful but slightly snarky beeps and boops.
Mischievous and sarcastic, often playing pranks on the crew.
Highly intelligent, with a strong sense of pride in its hacking abilities.
Has a soft spot for Kree, often working alongside her to improve the ship.
Acquired by Rhaen during a heist in the Celennor Concord and reprogrammed to serve as the ship’s hacker.
Acts as the Starfall Harrier’s software expert, slicing into systems and securing the ship’s navigation and communication.
Special Skills:
Expert hacker capable of infiltrating even the most secure systems.
Manages the ship’s computer systems and can override enemy security in combat.
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satureja13 · 1 year ago
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Sai is still caved up in his room. He can't face the others - too embarrassing after he made a fool of himself with that fake relationship. He'd been working on their game most of the time and only had short briefings about it with Ji Ho, Jack and Vlad. There is still that circuit board from Arturo, though. He said it would help them through 'it'. But Sai still hadn't found a 'device that's strong enough'...
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He's on his way to the garage again to try to create such a device. But since he has no idea how such a device should look like, he went through a lot of fails. Sai takes the long way to the garage because he doesn't want to walk by Jeb's shop - or Jack's, where Kiyoshi is probably making cheese... When he passed Jack's houseboat, he heard exiting beeps. Jack's astromech is greeting him. The little tin can.
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Wait - The Astromech! Sai climbed up to the deck. That's the solution! The tin can has a lot of slots for circuit boards AND it's a 'device that's strong enough'! Oh my, why hadn't he thought of that earlier!
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Tin Can being proud of himself :3
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Saiwa is checking the motherboard. That should work. He's going to prepare everything and then they should be able to find out what this circuit board from Arturo can do for them. How exciting!
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Let's hope they eventually find a way out of their misery with Arturo's help. Whatever it may be - it's sorely needed to fix their relationships.
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Have you noticed Jack's new Pizza Table? ^^'
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Before Sai went back to his room he gets riled up again and blames himself for not thinking of the astromech earlier... If he hadn't beeped out loud, he would just have walked by... They'd found him in the temple in Selvadorada where Other Jeb and Jack left their message for them. Of course he was there for a reason!
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'Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love!); There is one question I'd really love to ask (One Heart!): Is there a place for the hopeless sinner, Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?
One Love! What about the one heart? One Heart! What about - ? Let's get together and feel all right As it was in the beginning (One Love!); So shall it be in the end (One Heart!), All right!'
Bob Marley & The Wailers - One Love Link above leads to youtube
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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