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blktop9 · 3 months ago
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skull-ishcloud · 2 years ago
Unpopular opinion: Asslo is the best character in UnOrdinary. His ideology, his internal conflict, his obsession with the rules and "that's how it's supposed to be". It's just *chef's kiss*
No offense to the Powerpuff girls trio, but Arlo is beautifully portrayed. I loved that arc in which he outed John, it was so perfect, the scheming in his head, the entire plan and again that obsession with rules, makes that character just great (even if I would hate his guts if he existed irl).
Also about John cause I'm pretty sure someone is gonna say it. His trauma is very well built, but like his redemption arc? I hated him with all my heart before we even got to see him kicking people, and him beating my Remi half way to death, was the last straw.
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1010ninetynine · 2 years ago
why arlo is objectively worse than john fight me
Okok so asslo got his name for a reason. this hierarchy he’s obsessed with isn’t something he’s obsessed with to a T, ok? he’s not like “might makes right” else he’d worship the floor John walks on. He would only dream of being beat up by John again, the fiery passion in his eye stirring a longing Arlo can’t quite understand (mom this is for you <3)
No, instead, Arlo has an issue with John being a dumbass who can’t function. Because, yk, his method was “hide the fact im powerful and everyone will love me again” which worked out so wonderfully for him.
Not to say he can never be smart. I’ve met people who were truly dumbasses who came up with the genius of putting icecream on fruit roll ups before tiktok. But like...he doesn’t think anything he does through, and that’s why Cecile got fucked over. She assumed John acts with reason in his pea brain.
So I understand Arlo’s issue - John has no real goal, my boy is just angry. What he fails to understand that the fact this school is in ruin is 50% his fault (well he realizes it later but he certainly believed it was justified for a while)
Don’t believe me? I’ll explain.
SO seraphina losing her powers? 100% not his fault, and that was going to mess with his beloved system whether he liked it or not.
BUT. The main reason why this problem was exacerbated, and another problem in its own right, is that he chose to mess with the school ““cripple””, knowing ISEN, RUMOR LOVING ISEN, was scared enough to say “Hey! Leave John alone, I can’t predict what will happen.”
So, instead of doing that, taking the hint from Isen’s OBVIOUS fear that it’s more than just John being powerful, it’s also John being unfit for a Royal position, Arlo decides to force him out of hiding.
This, my friends, is the only reason John actually ends up fighting Arlo’s system of affairs. If Arlo did jack diddly squat regarding John, taking Isen’s fear as a hint, then John would be playing cripple and Arlo would still have a semi regulated system. Just with Seraphina needing protection.
I judge John less for what he did and how that, objectively, was bad for everyone because - he found a way to not be an ass, yk? Sure, not mentally healthy, but with Seraphina as his friend, she would’ve found out eventually and she was (and probably still would be) kind enough to get him to get it the fuck together. But even if she weren’t - Arlo made the CONSCIOUS decision to fuck with someone whose powers he DID NOT KNOW for the SOLE purpose of maintaining a HIERARCHY he DOESN’T BELIEVE IN.
Like FUCK. Arlo’s gotta stop being a might makes right guy if John being an ass was going to bother him. Like...bro. If high tiers rule, then why is John’s current behavior in any way ludicrous to him. He should be unquestioningly listening? Compared to John, he’s not strong in the slightest.
And I’d have forgiven all of this ludicrous hypocrisy...if Arlo was the kind of guy who wouldn’t be so violent with a crippled individual. Wanting the cripple to know their place, that’s one thing. Being so cruel to a cripple is another.
He only realized his wrongdoings and felt sorry after John ruined everything for him. If John really wasn’t that strong, Arlo wouldn’t have felt any sense of guilt whatsoever, because he never would have thought about what he did.
John only became someone worth caring abt when he was strong. And it’s difficult to think of John as objectively worse when Arlo pulled that shit on him.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 1 year ago
Arlo: I don't know what's so special about birthdays
John: You get to have fun on your birthday?
Arlo: What's so fun about a group of people huddling around an object on fire while chanting a song in unison until the fire goes out and a knife getting stabbed in the said object? And let's not forget the offerings people give us.
John: ...
John: How could you ruin birthdays for me? Are you not satisfied with just my life?
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dumbdumbartprojects · 10 months ago
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sipthegossip-if · 6 months ago
Arlo is probably going to be my favorite, but I'm going to forever think of Asslo from unOrdinary. Is there an eta on the demo release date? If not, that's fine. I just want to make sure I save the date.
Arlo is probably going to be my favorite, but I'm going to forever think of Asslo from unOrdinary.
They are even somewhat similar in appearance tbh LMAO. It was unintentional, really sjsjs.
Is there an eta on the demo release date? If not, that's fine. I just want to make sure I save the date.
Not yet! But I will make an announcement a day or two before the actual release so no worries there ahaha!
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cephei-ea · 2 years ago
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F= fluff
A= angst
N= nsfw
S= smut
C= comfort
H= hurt
ima= imagine
one= oneshot
fic= fic (multiple chapters)
drb= drabble
au= alternate universe
hc= headcannons
Geto Suguru
Memento (fic - a, c)
Levi Ackerman
Reflection (one - a, h)
Cloud Strife
Fluff Alphabet (hc/drb - f)
Interlinked (drb - a, h)
Lee Rang 
Green Juice (one - a, h/c, f)
Shigeo Kageyama (Mob)
Disbelief  (ima - a)
Diluc Ragnvindr (DNH)
Hydro Abyss Mage (ima - a)
Multi (individual) - Reaction To Your Pregnancy (fic/hc - f, a)
Multi (individual) - Argument Pt1 (hc/drb - a)
Multi (individual) - Argument Pt2 (drb - a, h/c)
Arlo (Asslo)
Chores (one -  a, c)
Pattern (one - a, c)
Dieter Becker-Wulff
Summit (drb - f, h/c)
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froggos-are-superior · 1 year ago
Mini rant time.
One of the most popular discussions in the Unordinary fandom is definitely the struggle between John Doe and the Royals at Wellston. I know John gets a lot of shit for his part in it, but I really don't blame him for most of it. His behavior at his school in New Bostin was atrocious of course, but when he moved to Wellston, he changed and made himself smaller to try and atone for what he did in an effort to not hurt anyone that severely again. Arlo started their rivalry and John simply finished it. To put it simply, Arlo fucked around and found out. As for the other Royals, they're not innocent in it either. Their job as Royals is to maintain the hierarchy, sure, but it should also be to make sure that the stronger students aren't abusing their powers, and they failed miserably in that. John went too far, yes, but he was blamed for everything that happened when in reality, the abuse he faced at Wellston was the result of the Royals' spectacular failure of managing the system they were so hellbent on maintaining. Also fuck you Vaughn for leaving the kids to "work it out on their own". In conclusion, John and the Royals both sucked, but Asslo takes the cake for highest level of suckery.
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Who's Arlo?
Well the fandom nicknamed him Asslo and he threw a fork at two kids who were bickering. He loves hierarchy but mainly because he's at the top of the foodchain. He's a pawn of the government but he's starting to learn he cannot trust them. All in all, a lovable asshole.
Who's Remi?
She's my favourite secondary character in the series (we love girls who get things done) so here is a nomination for her!!!
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when i say asslo (derogatory) i actually mean asslo (affectionate)
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zoentrope-rkgk · 5 years ago
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Episode 188 got me thinking, so I ended up drawing this XD https://twitter.com/zoentrope https://www.instagram.com/zoentrope/ 
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amanizali · 5 years ago
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this gives no-gel John vs. gel John energy
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crazydaymycrazyway · 1 year ago
One of the royals in the neighboring school during turf wars: I beg your pardon
Arlo: Then beg
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annalycheee · 5 years ago
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❝No, I prefer to stand. I enjoy looking down on people.❞
- Arlo [Chapter 79]
                            ♛ 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢  𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢  𝙰𝚛𝚕𝚘 ♛
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resident-normal-person · 4 years ago
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Asspollo 🤝 Asslo 🤝 unironic nicknames from Top Comments
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Always Led Back to You chapter 2, a John Doe/Seraphina from UnOrdinary fanfiction [FASTPASS SPOILERS for 212-214]
Hey guys here is the next chapter! Since only fastpass people only have access to the content in UnOrdinary’s chapters currently, I will be spoiling some stuff, but it won’t be word for word from the chapters either so no one will get bored. Just a warning there IS spoilers for fastpass 212-214!
Thank you for all who liked, commented, and favored this story so far!
Disclaimer: I don’t own UnOrdinary
Seraphina quickly changed out of her uniform, a frown marring her features.
“Are you crazy, Seraphina? Why would you go meet this person? It all just sounds so shady.” Isen voiced, looking at her like she was out of her mind. Maybe she was, but Seraphina could no longer stand on the sidelines as John self-destructed and everyone would pay the price for it.
“I won’t be alone. You both could go with me.” Seraphina reasoned.
“But last time you met these people, Arlo was with you! I’m not as strong as him.” Isen argued.
“Isen is right, Seraphina! You’d just get hurt and we wouldn’t be able to protect you.” Elaine tried to reason with the magenta haired girl.
“We need to do this, Elaine. John’s going to destroy us all if we don’t do something.” Seraphina was losing her patience, tired of feeling useless in the wake of Ragnarok.
“We’ll find another way.” Isen placed his hand on her shoulder. Elaine nodded.
“Seraphina, please…” Elaine beseeched her.
Seraphina stared at them. She was silent. Isen and Elaine waited with baited breath.
“No.” Seraphina was firm, her eyes filled with determination. “I’m sorry, Isen… Elainie.” She then turned away from them, walking away. “If you won’t go with me, I’m on my own.”
“This is the only way. I have to do this.” Seraphina told herself, straightening out her jacket. She glanced at herself in the mirror, satisfied with her attire, and took a deep breath before exiting her bedroom.
“Seraphiina.” Arlo was there with Elaine, who looked absolutely panicked. Seraphina locked eyes with the former king.
‘Elaine must’ve gotten him to reason with me.’ Seraphina concluded.
“I’m not backing down from this Arlo. If you’ve come here to stop me, it’s useless. I refuse to watch everyone suffering anymore and me not being able to do anything about it.” Seraphina told him.
“I know.” Arlo replied, crossing his arms. “That’s why I’m coming with you.”
“W-What?!” Elaine looked like she was about to faint, not expecting this plot twist from her former king.
Seraphina and Arlo examined each other for a brief moment, neither speaking, before Seraphina smiled, patting the blonde’s shoulder.
“Well, whaddaya know? You came through after all, Arlo.” Seraphina teased. Arlo tensed and Seraphina couldn’t help but picture him as a bristling cat. As if Arlo could sense she was picturing him with cat ears and a tail, he frowned.
“If you weren’t a cripple, I’d teach you not to tease your king.” Arlo huffed.
“Ah, but as I recall, you are no longer a king, and I shall hopefully no longer be a cripple if my instincts are right.” Seraphina’s smirk was absolutely fox worthy.
“Tch. Let’s get this over with.” Arlo dismissed her statement.
“H-hold on here! You two can’t be serious!” Elaine fretted.
“Elaine, if we’re not back by curfew, tell the school.” Arlo commanded. Elaine could swear her soul was leaving her body from fear.
“Arlo! What do you mean if you’re not back?! Why are you two walking away from me?!” Elaine cried as Seraphina and Arlo hurriedly made their way out of the school.
They arrived at the café that was designated as the meeting spot for Seraphina. Grabbing a table, the two surveyed their surroundings.
“You see anything suspicious?” Arlo asked.
“Nothing really. Just people having fun.” Seraphina answered. Arlo sighed, leaning back into his chair, his arms crossed, finger tapping against his bicep. Seraphina watched him closely.
“You seem nervous.” Seraphina noted.
“Should I not be?” Arlo asked her, his eyes stern, reprimanding as if she was the cause of his worry. “We don’t know anything about these people, and we’re going in blind. How can you be so cool about it?”
“I guess remaining cool is all I have going for me right now.” Seraphina shrugged. “I’m a cripple now. I can’t do anything about what’s happening, but maybe if I remain level-headed, it can help soothe everyone around me in some way.”
Arlo studied her, not saying anything. Then, a waitress approached their table.
“Hi! Would you like to order anything?” the waitress was all smiles, especially at Arlo, who paid her no heed. If Seraphina was in a mischievous mood, she probably would’ve stirred some trouble to tease the blonde.
“I’ll have a mango boba.” Seraphina smiled. The waitress nodded and then focused on Arlo, blushing a bit.
“I’ll have a black coffee.” Arlo stated. “No cream. No sugar.” His commanding tone startled the waitress while Seraphina, who was used to her surly friend, hid a smile.
“O-oh! Okay! Coming right up!” with that, the waitress left, and Seraphina found her opportunity to pounce.
“You know, you’ll never get a date if you constantly scare people away, Mr. Serious.” Seraphina pointed out lightly. Arlo raised an eyebrow at her.
“How could I be thinking of dating at a time like this?” Arlo was flabbergasted, or at least as much as the serious blonde would show. “I have no use for dates.”
“And that’s why you’re gonna end up an old man who never married with Elaine banging her head against the wall because you’re so dense.” Seraphina quipped.
“Elaine? What does Elaine have to do with this?” Arlo asked. If Seraphina wasn’t so composed, she would’ve burst out laughing.
‘Poor Elaine…’ she thought. ‘She surely likes someone who’s denser than a boulder.’
“Nevermind. Maybe try smiling once in a while? With all your frowning you’re going to lose that handsome mug from wrinkles.” Seraphina dismissed his question. The image of a cat bristling came to her mind once more when she saw Arlo’s expression.
“Well, what about you, Seraphina? You haven’t been on a date either.” Arlo pointed out, and Seraphina raised an eyebrow, surprised he’s even entertaining this conversation more.
“In case you’ve forgotten, Arlo, I’m not exactly a prize.” Seraphina replied. “Being a cripple hasn’t really endeared me to anyone as you have noticed.” She gestured to herself.
“John didn’t seem to mind.” Arlo replied, not maliciously, just stating as if it was a fact.
“That John isn’t here anymore.” Seraphina responded. She blocked out that fight where John was completely shattered in her eyes. His voice still rang in her ears when she slept.
“Seraphina, if you think John was putting on an act for you, you’re denser than me.” Arlo told her sternly. “He may have lied to you about being a cripple, but John would’ve conquered the world if you asked. He would’ve done anything just to make sure you were happy and safe, and has done things to do so.”
“I didn’t need the world.” Seraphina griped back, bitterness taking over. “I just needed him to be there.”
“And he was.” Arlo countered back, not bothered by her tone. “Why do you think he became Joker?”
“To punish people.” Seraphina was quick to respond, knowing the answer.
“To punish people who were harming you.” Arlo also was quick to respond. “Personally, I think John should’ve just came clean to you and protected you himself instead of relying on masks or us to do so, and I hate the guy for all he’s doing, but I can’t in good conscience deny his motives anymore or else I’ll be a coward just like him.” Arlo explained.
“What… what do you mean?” Seraphina asked, almost afraid to hear more. Arlo sighed, the tapping of his finger against his bicep increasing in speed.
“John’s priority was and has always been you. Everything he did, he did because he thought it would keep you safe. Seraphina… he’s nearly killed someone just for threatening you while you were unconscious.” Arlo confessed. “Now, you can tell me that John is gone, but you can’t deny he was never there. Personally, I’m glad you kicked him to the curb because he’s become too unstable and nearly hurt you, but you can’t really go on believing you were never his entire world.”
“I wasn’t…” Seraphina tried to defend, the reality of Arlo’s confession washing down on her like a thunderous waterfall.
“You were. You may have thought you were just his best friend, but John, even if he never admitted it or realized it, saw you differently.” Arlo concluded with her, the tapping calming down, relieved he could finally say what he’s been keeping to himself since John threatened his silence. It was soothing to finally tell Seraphina what John didn’t want her to know, to finally be honest with a person he respected.
“Well…. That’s…. shocking to say the least.” Seraphina finally spoke. Arlo shrugged. “Is… what he became… is this all my fault?”
“No.” Arlo responded, not even needing to think about it. “All the fault is John’s. He should’ve just been honest with you in the first place.”
“But… if I had done things differently…” Seraphina was consumed by what ifs and should haves. What if she pushed harder? What if she let him know she was there? Would John be the way he is now if she had done things differently?
“No. Don’t think about those thoughts, Seraphina.” Arlo commanded. “It will do you no good. You cannot change the past. Now, we’re going to see if your hunch is right and you can change the future.”
“Arlo…” Seraphina paused. “Could I… is it possible you think I can save him? Even now, when he’s gone?”
Before Arlo could answer, the waitress brought them their drinks. Arlo paid the waitress no heed, watching Seraphina, his friend, struggling with her demons.
“Oh! By the way, there’s someone who has arrived for your table! I’ll be back with her order as well. Sorry about that.” The waitress announced, taking her leave. Arlo tensed, and quickly turned his head towards the door where the mysterious person they would meet was standing.
“It’s a woman.” Arlo whispered. Seraphina was roused from her inner turmoil, turning her head to look in the direction of the door as well.
Her heart stopped cold.
So there you have it! I did add a lot more content than the original episode and changed the conversation a bit, but I hope you still enjoyed. I was going to have Arlo originally say it was his fault John went crazy, but then I realized that wouldn’t be in Arlo’s character to admit he fucked up.
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