#wellston royals
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froggos-are-superior · 1 year ago
Mini rant time.
One of the most popular discussions in the Unordinary fandom is definitely the struggle between John Doe and the Royals at Wellston. I know John gets a lot of shit for his part in it, but I really don't blame him for most of it. His behavior at his school in New Bostin was atrocious of course, but when he moved to Wellston, he changed and made himself smaller to try and atone for what he did in an effort to not hurt anyone that severely again. Arlo started their rivalry and John simply finished it. To put it simply, Arlo fucked around and found out. As for the other Royals, they're not innocent in it either. Their job as Royals is to maintain the hierarchy, sure, but it should also be to make sure that the stronger students aren't abusing their powers, and they failed miserably in that. John went too far, yes, but he was blamed for everything that happened when in reality, the abuse he faced at Wellston was the result of the Royals' spectacular failure of managing the system they were so hellbent on maintaining. Also fuck you Vaughn for leaving the kids to "work it out on their own". In conclusion, John and the Royals both sucked, but Asslo takes the cake for highest level of suckery.
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beehiveofblorbos · 11 months ago
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Poor Isen, he’s the only elite in the main six and really not prepped for this. I wish Kass had warned Arlo that she’d already submitted the evidence against Vaughn and he could’ve warned the Royal vigilantes
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unordinary-diary · 10 months ago
Arlo and Responsibility
‼️Minor spoiler warning for… I think just S1‼️
I’ve been thinking about Arlo a lot lately, and I think I finally figured him out. All of the characters in UnOrdinary have major, underlying themes to their characters: for John, power and lack thereof, for Blyke, protection, and for Seraphina, its freedom. But Arlo is unique in that his most prominent theme, responsibility, is so central that every aspect of him leads back to it. Allow me to elaborate.
According to Arlo, high tiers have a responsibility to lead, and set an example, to work hard and keep order. This is the fundamental philosophy that everything is built upon. When John confronted Arlo, shouting about how all John wanted was to live a peaceful life away from the rankings, Arlo says “Who doesn’t want to live a peaceful life?”. Arlo doesn’t believe he has a choice in anything— that he, along with all high tiers, have been conscripted into a particular role that none of them really want, but they all have the duty to fulfill.
Arlo is an extremely hard worker and he takes his responsibilities very seriously. This is why he resents Seraphina and John— they don’t. To him, Sera and John both ran away from their duties, leaving all of the burden on him. The reason he goes after John in the first place is because he “corrupted” Seraphina. Remember, when Rei graduated, the school was a whole dumpster fire and Arlo cleaned it up all by himself, with no support from the other royals. Then later when Arlo is working in tandem with Sera to lead, the school is “the most peaceful it’s ever been”. Then Sera leaves it all behind. He feels like he’s been left out to dry, and unfairly forced to do everything by himself.
This is reflected also in how he treats Isen at the beginning of season 2: he puts Isen as the press leader, and Isen pretty quickly gets crushed under that weight and tells Arlo he can’t do it. Arlo has none of it, and tells Isen to basically suck it up and fix the problem. He admits that he does set high expectations for others, but “never without a reason”. He smacks the relevant paper down on the table and says “This is for the press leader to handle.” Arlo is delegating firmly because he believes Isen is capable and needs that push, but also because he is sick of working overtime while others sit back.
Even in his relationship with Remi, it ties back to this theme. He protects and looks after Remi because he cares about her, obviously, but a major facet of their relationship is that he feels responsible for her. Rei told him to look after her when she was about to enter Wellston. She’s also younger, smaller, and weaker than Arlo is. Not to mention that she’s reckless and naïve, especially by Arlo’s standards. This ties into my earlier point about Arlo’s kingly duties— he does have other royals helping him run things, so why does he continually lament that he’s doing this on his own? I think it’s because he sees Remi more as someone to look after than as someone he can rely on. Sera however, he did see as a reliable partner and an equal.
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hesitantsorrows · 5 months ago
Unordinary fic recs!
collect those cards, joker!  by a_swarm_of_irises
(9.5k, complete, part of a series, Gen rating)
John accidently befriends the royals + together they change the school! It was really fun to read, I was laughing thoughout the fic and it was lovely to read about his developing friendship with Blyke, it's something that I think should be explored more in canon
A couple of Idiots illegally fighting crime (orphaned work)
(1k, complete, part of a series, Teen rating)
John stumbles upon Remi, Isen and Blyke doing their superhero activities. Very funny! It's fun and lighthearted, and it's always nice to read about John messing with people
Welcome Home by thinmintssss
(17.9k, complete, Explict rating)
When John meets Adrion again, they admit their crushes + get together. Not usually a ship I'd read, but it was very sweet. warning for smut though
Supportive Friends by Hunio
(16k, ongoing, teen rating)
In which Isen panics and says the reason why he's been stalking John is because he has a crush... neither of them are very pleased with the way their friends are so supportive. Its so funny poor Isen can't get a break.
UnOrdinary: Spiral by NoraTheMediocre
(54k, ongoing, teen rating)
Adrion doesn't tell John he heard Claire's lie, and so John goes to Wellston slightly less traumatised, and instead of pretending he's a cripple, he just doesn't talk about his ability at all, and lets others reach their own conclusions. Very good fic, it's really well explored how John's life changes because he isn't stuck with the lable of cripple, and also he's a complete BAMF which is always a plus.
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ro-rogue · 11 months ago
-- some small spoilers up ahead for mha -- it is so interesting to me that uno often gets compared to mha by people who haven't read uno. because when you actually think about it, they really are eerily similar, despite many uno fans denying it.
at first glance: in uno, the main theme is "the government is evil and should be stopped at all costs". in mha, it's "well yeah the government isn't exactly good, but the villains are definitely worse".
and then you dig deeper.
in uno, the authorities are criticized because they do absolutely horrible things to people in the name of keeping the peace. they've lost the plot, gone too far, and what is, in theory, a very logical system (the royals) has devolved into systemic oppression. (i've read a really good commentary on here that explained why the royals are actually kinda necessary in a school like wellston, but i can't find it now, so if you've found it, pls lmk.) violence is constantly criticized. when john went joker, it wasn't glorified, like it would've been in so much of contemporary media. resistance and revolution are definitely advocated for, but violence never is.
(slight spoiler ?) the recent manga chapters of mha reveal a theme that has been pretty central for a while now: criticism of authority figures and their abuse of power. the lov is humanized, their actions are explained, they are clearly their own heroes. it's people like overhaul, like afo, who are really evil: people in positions of power who hurt those below them.
not to mention (SPOILER) hawks losing his wings. i didn't like it when i first read it, but looking back, it was the only possible ending for him. keigo had been used his entire life by the (evil) government because of his quirk, and now he's finally free. they don't have a use for him anymore. him losing his wings, ironically, set him free. (know of another character being used by an evil government because of their power?)
in uno, violence is very clearly posed as a bad thing and people in positions of power hurt those below them. in mha, violence and its glorification (hero society) is frequently criticized and the real villains are those in positions of power who hurt those below them.
also: in mha, lady nagant was a (one of presumably multiple) assassin for the government, cleaning up those who the authorities felt disrupted the current order too much. sounds familiar?
and then you have the protagonists. izuku and john both grew up powerless and then suddenly got one of the strongest powers in their society just before starting highschool, though at first, they weren't very good at using it. they both seem capable of using multiple powers, but technically it's just one really op power. i would like to claim that they both kept a really important secret about that power from their close friends for a while, but izuku told katsuki that he had a borrowed power literally weeks after he'd gotten it, so. props to john though.
there is another fun similarity between them, though. both are introduced as pretty non-violent people (rip pre-joker john, your miserable existence is missed dearly), and both go absolutely feral when their best friend ("best friend") gets hurt.
(it's also fun to mention that both izuku and john are Going Through It in the current arc.)
now, of course, a fundamental differnce between john and izuku is that izuku is fundamentally a good person who cares for people, and john,,, doesn't. it's not that he doesn't care about anyone; he just doesn't care all that much about people he doesn't really know. izuku wants to save everyone. john wants his loved ones to not be hurt. that doesn't mean he wants others to be hurt, but it will take more for him to want to save someone than just seeing them suffering. interestingly enough, it's pre-joker john who was the biggest advocate for cripple equality, while izuku has never been shown to do anything similar for the quirkless. also, izuku never went middle-school-katsuki when he finally got a handle on ofa.
but in the end, these visual-medium stories are remarkably similar and comparing them actually yields significant insights into both of these stories. comparisons should therefore not be avoided, but instead encouraged and expanded upon.
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ladyelainehilfur · 11 months ago
Hey! I'm SOOO behind on unOrdinary, but I came across your post about just sending asks. The series is SO well done, and the characters all tug on my heart in different ways 💖💖💖
it literally is so well done 🔥🔥🔥 I've been reading it since 2017 and aside from a few arcs (*cough*joker*cough*), it's been a massively steady and entertaining thing to look forward to every week. I really have to appreciate uruchan's storytelling abilities! Even from the earliest chapters, you could see her setting down the bread crumbs about Ember, the officials, Vaughn and Keene, etc. Now that we're finally delving into the world outside Wellston as the students fight it, her writing shines even more!
I love the new characters she's introduced like Kuyo and Kassandra (my fave adults) and it makes me so happy to see the Wellston royals actually getting along 😭 cuz I don't know about y'all, but if John smashed my face into the concrete and broke my arm and generally effed me up, I would NOT be forgiving him. You could argue some of them deserved it, but regardless, having them all unified as this passionate team who want change while still having their individual goals has been exciting to watch come together. Love this series so much :')
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graphicpolicy · 1 year ago
unOrdinary Vol. 1 is fantastic. One of the best comic releases of the year!
unOrdinary Vol. 1 is fantastic. One of the best comic releases of the year! #comics #comicbooks #webtoon #ncbd #graphicnovel #manga
Nobody pays much attention to John—just a normal teenager at a high school where the social elite happen to possess unthinkable powers and abilities. John prefers it that way. The more he stays under the radar, and stays close to the Royal’s most powerful Ace, Seraphina, the safer he is in the halls of Wellston High. But John has a secret past that threatens to bring down the school’s whole…
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519magazine · 2 years ago
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coldinfluencerbeliever · 3 months ago
"john did what he did out of revenge, not because it needed to be done"
I’d say that was inevitable. Taking John’s history before and after he came to Wellston, into account, he would have needed levels of strength of character and endurance of suffering he didn’t have to then take a measured and careful approach to reforming the school hierarchy. The reason the adult leadership sat back and let him run amok is probably because any cripple who did start to do something would be funneling years of anger, suffering, and rage at the “royals” and their hierarchy. One consequence of letting a bad situation or behavior in leadership positions run unchecked is that by the time you go to address the issue you’ve all but guaranteed it will be handled in the worst way possible and the “reasonable” people will hesitate to endorse it. However bad the current system is the cure will probably be worse (in the short term at least).
Regardless of John’s intentions he was the one to step up and do what needed to be done. His target was more the hierarchy itself, but it unfortunately included a good many well-intentioned (e.g. Remi) whom he was indiscriminate in targeting. It was always going to go badly, but someone had to do it.
"i... dont understand what youre saying about the royals in the 2nd paragraph."
I’m not making a value judgement on whether they deserve to be forgiven, but how John (and a chunk of the audience looking through his eyes) will feel about the Royals. It’s already established why John was riding the ex-Royals so hard and why he refused to accept their reformations and improvements. It was also resolved quite dramatically (for John at least), and it should have been the final word for the audience. The chaos of John’s reign (and repeated beatdowns) do in fact not feel like enough to many given how they treated John, Arlo in particular.
"i dont think he gets to point at the royals and say they arent doing enough. theyre doing more than him."
Not really, no. Then again, none of this positive change would have come about if John hadn’t started pounding the leadership into shape.
"my point in the original post is that people get mad when the royals are treated as "morally superior" and like they didnt do anything wrong"
I mean, John going overboard kind of overshadowed their wrongdoings and let them act morally superior to John. Arlo has all of what, 2 moments where he acknowledges his fault then jumps back to another 10 rounds of letting John know how terrible he is. Honestly my favorite moment with him and John doesn’t come until the amusement park after John is himself reforming.
"they should certainly stop pretending that john was morally correct in comparison to the people who were actually solving things"
People who again only began solving things when John cleaned house with blood and fire (metaphorically on that last part). You’d expect them to get it first as none of them had suffered nearly the trauma their formerly crippled peer had. That’s part of the beauty of the situation; no one really had the moral high ground. Sera comes the closest but would be the first to admit her own failings. Point out John’s failings, by all means. He’s the only reason everyone else could move forward.
im gonna shoot myself if i see one more person say in complete confidence that the hightiers were never held accountable for what they did, that john was punished too severely in comparison, or that the high tiers didnt grow as characters.
johns actions are much more extreme than the high tiers', except maybe arlo. isen, blyke, remi, and most other high tiers were more focused on their own lives than terrorizing weaker people. most of the high tiers' (basically all of them sans arlo) problems were naivete, not realizing the flaws in their system. while johns actions did serve the purpose of showing the high tiers what its like to be weak so that they can realize what is wrong with the hierarchy, johns violence was more extreme than his bullies' and lowkey he was terrorizing EVERYONE, even the people who never did anything to him. johns actions are more extreme, so he gets more extreme repurcussions.
unordinary fans look me in the eye and say that john, who had been terrorizing everyone for at least a month Minimum, shouldnt have to deal w people bsing terrified of him. girl use ur brains. people are scared of john bc he has proved himself unreasonable and cruel, while none of them had problems w arlo (bc arlos actions towards most of them were 1. almost 3 years ago, and 2. considered normal by their society bc as the leader of the school he is also considered the disciplinarian whenever students act up, not considering teachers. his beating up people was different than johns beating up people) and none of the other hightiers had done really anything. cecile isnt innocent btw but none of them had problems w her either bc the few interactions weve seen her have with the common student (juni) seemed friendly..basically the people had little reason to fear the other high tiers outside of their power but john had taken his time making himself a person to fear. fr he was trying to terrify them?? why are we prtending that its unreasonable for them to be scared of him can we please be serious
also johns legal punishment in new bostin and suspension in wellston were both reasonable bc he was regularly hospitalizing people and completely out of control. i dont think u guys realize how strong john is. whenever someone who is seriously described as godlike in power ("god" tier as a term is not that much of an exaggeration by regular human standards) starts going around and beating the shit out of everyone important in a show of power something has to be done. john was EXTREMELY dangerous. also "the punishment wasnt equal" is literally kind of the plot. johns mental spiral at wellston was supposed to expose the unfairness in the system and show how bullies and vicious people should not be able to get away with the things they do to weaker people. we dont think john is that strong bc we're surrounded by the strong in the story, but he is IMMENSELY powerful and should not have been left unchecked. (note, im not saying he deserved readjustment. there should have been a punishment for his literal several counts of felony assault but readjustment was literally psychological torture and he was a month into being 16.)
the hightiers were criticised and held accountable, either by themselves or others. arlo knows full well that he played apart in johns mental spiral and apologised multiple times. remi knows full well that she was naive and should have realized the problem sooner, then takes active steps to solve it and creates a safe space for people of different ranks. blyke literally apologised for shooting at john and had a whole arc of realizing low tier conditions during the x rei outings and trying to be nicer to john and low tiers. idk if isen apologised properly but it is also clear that he knows better than to do what hes done now. the safe house was literally their way of trying to fix their mistakes and be better going forward. aka taking accountability and then working towards being better people??? hello???
also saw somebody say that they acted like the royals had the "moral high ground"... as if they didnt. hello who were the ones actually fixing the problems. who were the ones with real solutions. john was the last in the cast to take accountability and work to be better. john was the schools resident terrorist ??? hospitalizer ??? FELON ??? he has literal FELONY ASSAULT charges fam. and LOTS of them. half his graduating class is actually crazy. since he was rank 427 or something when his ability hadnt come in yet, we can say that there were probably at least 100 people in each grade, since hs is 4 grades. a graduating class is a grade. john beat up 50 people not counting zirian and whoever else in different grades might have attended, not assuming the half the grade thing was an exaggeration. we also arent counting the charges he added at wellston itself. seriously this guy is an absolute menace and the royals were actually better than him morally i dont know why thid is a controversial take in the unordinary fandom. do i have to spell out why "guy with criminal charges for severely injuring 50+ people, probably sending them to the hospital considering he put HIGH TIER remi and blyke in the hospital, who has been terrorizing the school for a while at this point" is worse than "trio of individuals who were raised ignorant to their society's flaws realize the problem and take active steps to fix it, even being so kind as to eventually forgive the guy that put two of them in the hospital like a month prior"
the joker arc is as much johns mental spiral as it is the high tiers' character developments. if u somehow didnt realize that the characters were changing for the better then now u know why fhe english teacher wants you to analyze why the curtain is blue. media literacy come back the kids miss you
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godblesssmg · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: unOrdinary (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blyke/Remi (unOrdinary), Cecile/Isen (unOrdinary), Arlo & Elaine (unOrdinary), John Doe & Seraphina (unOrdinary) Characters: Blyke (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Cecile (unOrdinary), Elaine (unOrdinary), Arlo (unOrdinary), Seraphina (unOrdinary), John Doe (unOrdinary) Additional Tags: Wellston High (unOrdinary), Blyke x Remi, Isen x Cecile, unOrdinary but they all have a crush on each other, as it should tbh, Elaine likes Arlo, and everyone knows it, Cecile is a feminist icon, Remi likes someone and she thinks she's good at hiding it, spoiler: she's not, who knows what Seraphina is thinking? not me, they are all in love AND bored, Isen is annoying, Blyke is done, Arlo is even more done, John just exists, these kids haven't had fun since the trip to Rowden, why use your ability for useful things when you can just use it because yes, mentions of ovaries and testicles, no I'm not kidding I told you that the kids are BORED, King Blyke, Queen Remi, Jack Isen, johnny is no longer in his "i'm literally neurodivergent and a minor" era so he's not annoying here, look Arlo just wants to graduate, How NOT to flirt with a girl ft. Isen, Blemi, Blyke x Remi supremacy, Mentions of War, believe it or not this is not crack, Romance, Like Ron Weasley once said, All is fair in love and war... and this is a bit of both. Summary:
After an incident where Isen was almost left without the ability to have children, Wellston's top students came up with an idea: to participate in a competition together. The winners of the competition would be rewarded with a handsome prize, and the losers would be punished. The rules were simple: first, having any sort of contact with with the other team was strictly forbidden; and second, crushes were not allowed.
An unOrdinary fanfic about romance, war, and four boys and four girls that try to decide what's worse between being born with ovaries and being born with testicles.
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artekai · 4 years ago
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An Unordinary x Persona 5 crossover would be cool, is what I’m trying to say.
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unordinaryquotes · 3 years ago
UnOrdinary x Talentless Nana AU Part 1
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(You should watch Talentless Nana episode 1 before reading this, but you don’t have to)
-All children with abilities are sent to a boarding school once they reach high school age and are summoned. Wellston Boarding School is situated on an island and trained to one day fight “enemies of humanity” who showed up decades ago and caused millions of deaths
-John is an outcast due to the other students seeing him as weak. He tries his best to just live a normal life, but he occasionally gets harassed by bullies
-One day, the school attains two new students: Arlo, who is silent and apathetic, and Seraphina who is decently nice and cool. Arlo refuses to share his ability and Sera states hers is mind reading
-Sera gravitates towards John and the two spend some time together, with him showing her around. When they��re on the seaside cliff, Sera almost falls after the rope snaps, but John saves her
-The next day, the class starts talking about their eventual fight with the enemies of humanity, and decide they should have a group of leaders. Remi comes up with the Royal Hierarchy but is hesitant about it, but the rest of the kids go along with it. When they’re trying to nominate a King, Sera says they should choose John, which the others laugh off
-Later that day, John tells Sera off for throwing him out there. She asks if he’s scared to take a leader position due to his past and John blows up at her for reading his mind. She continues saying she understands what it’s like being under a lot of pressure but John leaves her
-The next day, Blyke and Isen are fighting over who gets to be King and the rest of the class is watching. The two get heated up, endangering the class in the process, and just when Sera is about to get hit by one of Blyke’s beams. John activates his ability to protect her. He can copy others abilities one at a time, first using Isen’s to tank the shot and then Blyke’s to stop the two
-The rest of the class is surprised at his talent, and Sera walks up to him, saying she knew he’d be a good leader
-Later the two meet up at the seaside cliff and talk about John’s ability. Sera asks if he can copy her ability and John says he isn’t sure since hers is a psychic one. He then states it might work if they touched each other, then realizing what he said, becomes flustered. Sera instead grabs his hand and asks if he can tell what she’s thinking. John tries hard but doesn’t pick up anything, before he fully states it though he feels a tug on his arm.
-In an instant, Sera pulls John over the edge and he barely has enough time to grab the rope. Sera then reveals she actually has no talent at all and just made use of what she found out about him in his files and what she observed to manipulate him. John wonders if she’s an enemy of humanity but Sera then responds that it’s actually the talented who are the true enemies
-With nothing else to say, Sera tells John to die and he eventually lets go of he rope, plunging into the sea surrounded by sharp rocks. Sera then looks at her phone, seeing “John Doe Estimated Kill Count: 10 million”
For character connections, Sera is Nana, John is Nanao, Arlo is Kyoya, and Evie is Michiru. Some of the characters abilities are adjusted to be stronger to better fit the “super power” theme. Also Rei and Remi are related in this AU, but they’re cousins instead. Ember and Spectre are also the same group now, with them keeping the name Ember and the overall government control, but having Spectre’s goal of weakening the talented
And for why Sera is saying she can read minds instead of her time ability, it’s simply because mind reading’s a lot more easy to fake and easier for me to write around
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beehiveofblorbos · 8 months ago
Wellston top 8 students as cards! And why I care too much about this
Seraphina: Queen of Clovers -> Ace of Spades
John: Joker
Arlo: King of Diamonds
Remi: Jack of Diamonds -> Queen of Hearts
Cecile: Jack of Spades
Blyke: Ten of Hearts -> Jack of Hearts -> King of Clovers
Isen: Seven of Clovers -> Jack of Clovers
Terrence: Eight of Diamonds
I used Clovers as the suit name instead of the traditional Clubs because clovers are associated with luck (even though these aren’t the four leaf ones), and the Class of Clovers (John/Sera/Blyke/Isen’s year, possibly also Terrence’s) was ridiculously and disproportionately overpowered.
First I want to address Cecile actually she’s weirdly the linchpin in all this. I made her the Jack because I do think she was the Jack that Remi dethroned (while Sera was still Queen), and I ended up choosing Spades for her as it’s the war-like suit that fits the order of Unordinary’s world, as well as her lack of hesitance to use her power to get the job done.
I ended up taking a lot of inspiration from the game of New Texis Hold ‘Em Sera plays with John and William early on. In it, the community cards are the Ten of Hearts, King of Diamonds, and Jack of Clovers. I wanted to make these match up with the Royals at the time.
Given that, it seemed obvious that Arlo would be the King of Diamonds; the untouchable king. Remi would fit neatly as the Jack of Clovers, which kind of fits the relative backseat she seems to have initially taken as the Queen early on. Nobody respects her authority, and the power transfer does seem to be recent. That was kind of a justification I used to say she’s not in her final form yet.
I gave Blyke then the Ten of Hearts, as he’s the third Royal but honestly really shouldn’t be anywhere near the Royals, even if he’s got the spirit of it.
The cards in Sera’s hand are the Queen and Ace of Spades. Seeing as she rose from the role of Queen to the Ace, and the Ace is the most powerful card in the game, I assigned her the Ace of Spades pretty much automatically. Plus she has Ace of Spades imagery, which I pointed out before. But I’d like to reserve the Queen of Spades, and instead make Sera start as the Queen of Clovers. Again, that’s her set in with the rest of the Class of Clovers. When Sera ascends to Ace of Spades, Remi becomes the Queen… and I think it’s not hard to agree that Remi is the Queen of Hearts
With most of Wellston’s Top Five covered, I just wanna check in on John; not much to say here as he’s the Joker, plain and simple. This also ties into that card game hehe
I’d rather do Terrence before Isen, so here goes: he pretty much just goes along with the hierarchy and isn’t driven by his own agenda, so he could be one of the counting cards. I picked Eight since that was the rank he died at. He doesn’t fall under any of the other suits easily, so I just picked Diamonds to isolate him.
I imagine Isen starting at Seven of Clovers, since he entered in that class and ended at that rank. He gets to ascend to Jack, just as he did in story, and he maintains his Clover class.
Meanwhile, Blyke is promoted to Jack of Hearts, since he spends a lot of his time as Jack basically being Remi’s lieutenant. He doesn’t actually get serious about the role until after X-Rei visits Brannish, and by that point his dethronement from Jack is already imminent. So directly from Jack of Hearts, he gets to rise to King of Clovers. He really was a King of the people, and we see that in how people respond to his ascension to the role. So he gets to take the King role in the Clovers suite, finally leaving Hearts as he’s found his own motivation beyond Remi’s.
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unordinary-diary · 7 months ago
Ok what's the rat king au about?
Rat King AU
Ask game
This AU was mostly thought up by my brother, so I don’t actually know why it’s called the Rat King AU. I asked him and he explained that he’d gotten the image of the king of the sewer rats calling upon his army, and that image was associated with this au. Sorry to disappoint, but there are no actual rats involved.
The premise of this au is that John, instead of having his Joker arc, he befriends all of the low tiers in the school and they become the ruling class through not strength but by numbers, kind of like a labor union or a school of fish. They all become the royals, and they call themselves the Royal Council. My brother and I discussed a scene where they show up to turf wars with all these people, and the King of the other school goes to ask: “Okay, one on one, or three on three?” But instead he goes: “Are we doing this one on one, or three on.... seventy-five...?”. John looks back at his group to ask— “Tournament mode or zombies mode?” And everyone is cheering for zombies mode.
John never hides his ability in this au, so because of both his power and the fact that he brought them together, he’s definitely the leader and they kind of... worship him. (Seraphina was also kind of a founding member, mostly because of her relation to John, but she’s a little more distant iykwim.) While they are fighting back against the oppressive system that placed them at the bottom, they’re still very much conditioned to follow the strongest person and that habit doesn’t go away so quickly. John hates the attention. He insists that he’s not the leader, and they all have equal voice, but that is definitely not true no matter how much he tries. (John’s still willing to take charge as a leader and such, he just doesn’t want to be treated like a king is basically what I mean.)
Now, because this is a hypothetical created through brainstorming between siblings while sitting outside at like 10:30 PM, it happens to have a branch that is silly and unserious that was created as we slowly devolved into madness. The funny-funny version of this au is that John’s cult following is like... an actual cult. They worship him for real. They have shrines and posters advertising their glorious leader. They bow to him. John is tearing his hair out. This is not what he wanted. Not just his group but the whole school treats him with reverence because even in the other system he’s still at the top. Arlo can be found putting up “ALL HAIL OUR LEADER JOHN” posters in the halls.
“Why are you doing that?” Someone asks “Don’t you hate John?”
“I do,” Arlo answers. “I’m doing this specifically to piss him off.”
Now in the serious version of the au... probably the silly version too tbh, the Authorities thicken the plot. Be aware that all of the lore after this point was brainstormed about 10 minutes ago so it might have holes.
Arlo probably calls his aunt for advice. “Hey, what do I do? The school is currently run by like 50 teenagers and not a single one knows what they’re doing.” This puts the Royal Council on the authorities’ radar as a threat to the current system. By “coincidence”, a new kid transfers to Wellston within a few days. His name is Berrence. (He probably has a better name in the serious version but right now I can only imagine him as being like.. a badly traced picture of Terrence with his hair recolored neon green or something.) He is a mole for the authorities, pretending to be a low tier within the Royal Council. He makes a list of names of the members and reports back.
So, shit gets real when the authorities start tracking down members. They try to get into the dorms to go and arrest the students, but Vaughn is like “lol nope” so they can’t. They have trouble getting a warrant because they can’t just openly admit that they put a spy in a high school, so instead they target students once they step off campus. Logically they would be killing those kids, but for the sake of the tone they’re just getting locked up without trial. The authorities didn’t count on people actually noticing or caring about the disappearance of low tiers, so when they notice and warn all members not to leave campus, they get thwarted. That’s when the authorities actually end up going on campus and yatta yatta, stuff happens, this is as far as we got.
There was something about a public execution for John where he says something about the One Piece (??idk) and then Seraphina rescues him, but there’s not really a plot beyond the disappearing students part. Not yet anyway.
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simplog · 3 years ago
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- rowden royal
uh yeah understatement of the century
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these kids were supposedly the strongest people for miles around and untouchable…?
sooo literally the rest of the school is below a 3.8
the entirety of wellston’s top ten is above a 4.0
powerhouse of a school???
no shit so w h y w o u l d y o u a t t a c k
from this we can rly get a sense of how overpowered wellston is
like 3 god tiers in one school sheeeeeesh
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scinnahunbun · 3 years ago
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Me: *redesigns Zeke so he looks more distinct from other bullies*
Okay so Zeke as a character always bothered me not because of the things he did but he’s only there as the absolute bare minimum of a villain. His whole personality is just stock bully character when I think he had a lot of potential as an antagonist as well as being part of the top 10.
So here’s my idea on how to make him interesting without changing the plot or ’redeeming’ him.
Make Zeke more calculating from the start. Show him actually being charismatic instead of beating the shit out of people willy nilly. Like I would love to see him have a way with words and be gaslighting people from left to right which is why he has a following in Wellston. Like "hey, I'm not actually the villain but you’re the one who fucked up so you deserve the punishment."
I want to see him earn the title of being a snake. I just think that showing off how much Zeke has intimidated the rest of the student body makes it more satisfying to see him getting beat up rather than just “HE HURT MY WAIFU/HUSBANDO”
His ability ’Phase Shift’ would work well with such a manipulative shit of a character. I like to think that we rarely see him personally beat others and he’s usually just ��negotiating’ and having his minions do it for him. However even so, people seem to be too scared by his prescence.
This is because the only few times he had were absolutely sadistic and hospitalizing people but only a few so they could serve as a reminder of what happens if he isn’t nice. This could also make him more of a foil to John in a way as well as make things ironic when he was suddenly hospitalized during the Joker arc.
Make Zeke highkey unhinged. Make him absolutely dangerous despite his lower power.
Scene rewrite (sorta)
Here’s how I would change a scene with him. Instead of beating Sera because her powers are now gone, have him try to make an offer with Seraphina first in exchange for him protecting her and John in her powerless state. (Like maybe some kind of leverage against the Royals or have her admit his superiority.) Have Seraphina refuse and maybe even call out Zeke and then have Zeke beat the shit out of her to set an example to other students for defying him. Have it be brutal. Maybe it’s one of his points of vulnerability where he just snaps and becomes too emotional for the first time.
Give him hints of insecurities, maybe from feeling inadequate compared to the Royals, not to redeem him but for his character to make a bit more sense with motivations.
His main motivation is him asserting as much power as he can towards the Boy’s dorm and everyone lower than him to cover his envy towards the other high tiers. To keep this sense of control no matter what.
Safe House Arc
John would initially recruit him just because of the following he has and his way of words towards less powerful people. While Zeke is a bully, John acknowledges that he’s useful. However, this is when Zeke regresses. No longer the cold and charming elite tier but John’s grovelling minion. Like he still keeps his cool at first but we slowly see him becoming more desparate for any sort of power as he looses trust with John and Cecile. He was to still be in control but no one takes him seriously anymore. We slowly see his incompetency and how weak he has become, this former shell of a once powerful student regressing into a child yelling for attention.
We almost feel sorry for him. Almost. But it’s more satisfying than anything.
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