#unordinary terrence
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beehiveofblorbos · 8 months ago
Wellston top 8 students as cards! And why I care too much about this
Seraphina: Queen of Clovers -> Ace of Spades
John: Joker
Arlo: King of Diamonds
Remi: Jack of Diamonds -> Queen of Hearts
Cecile: Jack of Spades
Blyke: Ten of Hearts -> Jack of Hearts -> King of Clovers
Isen: Seven of Clovers -> Jack of Clovers
Terrence: Eight of Diamonds
I used Clovers as the suit name instead of the traditional Clubs because clovers are associated with luck (even though these aren’t the four leaf ones), and the Class of Clovers (John/Sera/Blyke/Isen’s year, possibly also Terrence’s) was ridiculously and disproportionately overpowered.
First I want to address Cecile actually she’s weirdly the linchpin in all this. I made her the Jack because I do think she was the Jack that Remi dethroned (while Sera was still Queen), and I ended up choosing Spades for her as it’s the war-like suit that fits the order of Unordinary’s world, as well as her lack of hesitance to use her power to get the job done.
I ended up taking a lot of inspiration from the game of New Texis Hold ‘Em Sera plays with John and William early on. In it, the community cards are the Ten of Hearts, King of Diamonds, and Jack of Clovers. I wanted to make these match up with the Royals at the time.
Given that, it seemed obvious that Arlo would be the King of Diamonds; the untouchable king. Remi would fit neatly as the Jack of Clovers, which kind of fits the relative backseat she seems to have initially taken as the Queen early on. Nobody respects her authority, and the power transfer does seem to be recent. That was kind of a justification I used to say she’s not in her final form yet.
I gave Blyke then the Ten of Hearts, as he’s the third Royal but honestly really shouldn’t be anywhere near the Royals, even if he’s got the spirit of it.
The cards in Sera’s hand are the Queen and Ace of Spades. Seeing as she rose from the role of Queen to the Ace, and the Ace is the most powerful card in the game, I assigned her the Ace of Spades pretty much automatically. Plus she has Ace of Spades imagery, which I pointed out before. But I’d like to reserve the Queen of Spades, and instead make Sera start as the Queen of Clovers. Again, that’s her set in with the rest of the Class of Clovers. When Sera ascends to Ace of Spades, Remi becomes the Queen… and I think it’s not hard to agree that Remi is the Queen of Hearts
With most of Wellston’s Top Five covered, I just wanna check in on John; not much to say here as he’s the Joker, plain and simple. This also ties into that card game hehe
I’d rather do Terrence before Isen, so here goes: he pretty much just goes along with the hierarchy and isn’t driven by his own agenda, so he could be one of the counting cards. I picked Eight since that was the rank he died at. He doesn’t fall under any of the other suits easily, so I just picked Diamonds to isolate him.
I imagine Isen starting at Seven of Clovers, since he entered in that class and ended at that rank. He gets to ascend to Jack, just as he did in story, and he maintains his Clover class.
Meanwhile, Blyke is promoted to Jack of Hearts, since he spends a lot of his time as Jack basically being Remi’s lieutenant. He doesn’t actually get serious about the role until after X-Rei visits Brannish, and by that point his dethronement from Jack is already imminent. So directly from Jack of Hearts, he gets to rise to King of Clovers. He really was a King of the people, and we see that in how people respond to his ascension to the role. So he gets to take the King role in the Clovers suite, finally leaving Hearts as he’s found his own motivation beyond Remi’s.
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liviavanrouge · 11 months ago
New Ally
Orrin: Faith, let's calm down, shall we-
Faith: *Stands up, walking from the table* You can keep your deal, unlike you I don't toss people away!
Orrin: *Looks at Terrence* You understand right, Terrence, we're family
Faith: Terrence!
Terrence: *Looks at Faith then Orrin, his eyes wide*
Faith: *Holds her hand out, staring at him*
Orrin: *Smiles* Terrence-
Terrence: *Stands up and walks past Orrin, taking Faith's hand*
Faith: *Side eyes Orrin as she walked out* Don't talk to me or my little brother ever again, bastard, find someone else to bother
Terrence: *Glares at Orrin, walking beside Faith*
Faith: *Looks down at Terrence* You alright?
Terrence: I thought we were family, but he tried to kill me, were it not for you I'd be dead
Faith: *Pulls Terrence close* It's alright...
Terrence: *Rubs his eyes* C-Can I have a new name?
Faith: How about......Leon, it's a tough name and you've survived the harshness of the world for so long...
Terrence: *Looks down and smiles slightly* I like it...
Faith: *Wraps her arm around his shoulder, resting her head on top of his* Let's go home then, Leon Star
Leon: Alright, Big Sis
Arlo: You're joking, Faith-
Faith: Trust me, Terrence isn't gonna betray us..
John: You gave him a new name and a whole new identity though, if he does something we won't known it's him
Faith: Do you guys trust me?
Remi: Of course, Faba, but it's Terrence we can't trust!
Isen: He literally aided in trying to take our abilities and possibly kill everyone!
Blyke: Did you forget that!?
Faith: I've known Terrence since I was fourteen, it may not have been long but he is loyal to a fault-
Blyke: EXACTLY! He has to be turned back in!!
Faith: You said you guys trust me, so trust me when I say that Terrence won't betray us, I trust my little brother
Arlo: Faith-
Faith: Please Arlo...
Arlo: *Sighs and nods* Fine, he has ONE chance, if he betrays us he gets tossed back into jail.
Remi: Agreed, Faith?
Faith: Agreed....
Faith: Come inside, Leon!
Leon: *Opens the door and walks in, his hair dyed a flaming orange with yellow contacts in his eyes*
Isen: See! He has a whole new look, we weren't gonna know it's him
Remi: Isen, we made a deal with Faith, so we trust Leon for now...
Leon: I can tell you a little of what I know but not much
Faith: *Smiles and pats Leon's head* Maybe tell us a bit more about what we already know and we can work around to what you know
Leon: *Smiles at her and nods* Alright big sis...
Remi: *Stares in surprise at the two* He's completely different
Blyke: Don't tell me-
Remi: Maybe we can trust him...he's completely loyal to Faith now it seems
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unordinary-diary · 9 months ago
UnOrdinary 1v1s!
“Who would win” questions are a little boring in the world of UnOrdinary, because they can all be answered by a number on a scale. However, subtract abilities altogether...
1v1, no abilities allowed. Who would win?
For the sake of this hypothetical, no dampener or disabler is involved, and all passives are still on. This is a “no abilities allowed” situation, not a “no abilities au” situation.
‼️Spoilers only for up to chapter 55‼️
1. John vs. Arlo
Projected Winner: Arlo
This one was interesting, because my first instinct was to say John would win. However, thinking about it harder... the winner is definitely Arlo. John is an experienced fighter, but Arlo is bigger and heavier. Additionally, John’s passive is entirely useless in a fight, whereas Arlo’s passive gives him a huge advantage.
If you need more proof... this has actually come up before. In episode 89, we don’t get a full out no-abilities 1v1, but we do get this:
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There was also the time when John simply bumped into Arlo in the hallway by accident and got a pretty nasty bruise on his forehead.
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(Ep. 23) Just— imagine fighting that. With no ability. The winner is Arlo.
2. Seraphina vs. Remi
Projected Winner: Seraphina
This decision is pretty easy. I’m not entirely sure what Seraphina’s passive is, but I’m about 78% sure that it’s a speed boost. Quick thinking and moving. Remi’s passive is useless in a fight, but Seraphina’s would give her a huge advantage if I’m right. Seraphina is also physically bigger than Remi is, and she has fighting skills she learned from John. This one goes to Seraphina.
3. Blyke vs. Isen
Projected Winner: Isen
These two are pretty evenly matched even with abilities at the beginning of the story. Blyke of course, skyrockets up half a level while superhero-ing. However, without abilities...
They’re quite similar in fighting skill, and familiar with each other’s moves. Isen is taller, but I do imagine that Blyke is more muscular, as Isen doesn’t seem like the type who works out much— though that is pure speculation. My brother brought up that Isen seems more likely to fight dirty— hair pulling and such, whereas Blyke might fight more honorably, putting him at a disadvantage. Blyke does have a passive— but his healing seems to work too slowly to make any meaningful difference during a fight. Unless the fight went on for hours, I don’t believe his passive would skew the outcome much.
Isen however, is much more of a melee fighter than Blyke is. Blyke’s usual fighting style involves some level of close quarters combat, but he’s mostly a ranged fighter. Isen’s only ranged attacks involve throwing objects, so most of the time he’s fighting hand to hand. His melee experience gives him a huge edge in this case. However, if there are objects to throw... that would put Blyke at an advantage; Blyke’s aim is a genuine skill, but Isen’s aim comes directly from his ability.
All in all, I think this match could go either way. The outcome could be influenced a lot by various factors, such as the arena, and surrounding objects to be weaponized. They could probably fight many times and the winner never be a forgone conclusion. Ultimately though, I think Isen would win more often than Blyke would.
4. Seraphina vs. Arlo
Projected Winner: N/A
This one is really a headscratcher.
Seraphina has combat training from John, and a good deal of ability-less fighting experience. On the other hand, Arlo is much bigger and heavier than she is, and he’s male, which automatically gives him a significant physical advantage (which is very frustrating when you’re a girl btw). They’re both very smart and strategic as well. But... with how strong the two of them are, their passives alone are enough to completely uproot the playing field, and leave all of these variables insignificant.
Both of their passives give them a huge advantage— speed is incredibly useful in a fight, both for evasion and for landing harder hits. However, all that means nothing if none of your hits can make your opponent even flinch.
The kind of hits that Arlo can tank without even activating his ability is insane—
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Ventus’s ability amped up. Not a scratch. Not even a flinch.
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Meili’s ability amped. Again, not a scratch, not a flinch. Eyes are notably not glowing. For reference, here is what happens when Ventus and Meili, two elites, get hit with those exact same attacks with their abilities on:
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(Eps 55 & 56) Arlo, while he does take notable damage from the same attacks later, also tanks several shots from Cecile’s ability amped up:
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(Ep. 222) We don’t get much info on Seraphina’s passive. We have yet to see a situation where Seraphina is fighting without using her ability, but still has access to her passive. However, I still doubt that her passive alone could make her stronger than John with two elite abilities stored and amped.
However, a massive defense booster like that means nothing if you can’t land a single hit on your opponent. Seraphina is an 8.0– assuming I’m correct about what her passive is to begin with, it should make her pretty damn fast with that kind of level.
What I’m saying is: neither of them would be able to hurt each other. It would be a stalemate, or a war of attrition. They’d be stuck in the middle until one of them gave up or got tired enough for their opponent to take the win.
In the end, it really comes back to: Does Arlo have access to forks he can throw?
Other matches that I don’t feel compelled to explain:
5. Evie vs. Terrence
Projected Winner: Evie
6. Blyke vs. Remi
Projected Winner: Blyke
7. John vs. Seraphina
Projected Winner: Seraphina
8. John vs. Literally Anyone Else
Projected Winner: John
9. Remi vs. Isen
Projected Winner: Isen
10. Evie vs. Remi
Projected Winner: Remi probably?
Do you agree? Disagree? Would you like an explanation on any that I didn’t elaborate on? Are there any more matchups you’d like to raise? Do you think I’m wrong about Seraphina’s passive? Do you think Seraphina, or Arlo would win?
I’ve said before that I don’t really reblog because my diary is not a scrapbook, but this time around I’m making an open discussion, and I don’t mind scrapbooking any responses. Replies are also open.
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the-reincarnated-princess · 7 months ago
Tell us about your Isen x Evie brainrot
To fit the themes of UnOrdinary, it would make sense that, maybe not right away, but later on, there's one of the most powerful students ending in a relationship with a low tier. Remi and Blyke are together or will be, Sera and John is all but acted, and i dont see Arlo with anyone, and anyway i dont think he would get with a low tier even now that he's changed sides. (Or Arlo x Elaine if we really want to work with teased crushes, tho not on arlo's side again)
But Isen isnt teased with anyone yet, except to have a slight crush on Remi at the beginning, which isnt likely to happen now that she's with Blyke.
So Isen could end up with a lower level, it would fit the themes. Since he had a crush on remi, his type seems to be the assertive, confident girls, with a pinkish-shade of hair.
But he also almost died as a vigilante and he'd probably be happier with a girl who isnt running headfirst in situations.
Who is a low tier with dark pink hair and some confidence but also caution? Evie.
Now let's study the problem from Evie's point of view. She has multiple male friends (Terrence, Dylan, Roland...) none of which are teased with her. I dont think her female friends are teased with her either so let's pretend, for this thought experiment, she's into boys.
She's one of the smartest pupils in Wellston (word of god established it) and she's loyal to a fault (sticking with Sera when she's getting beaten up). But on top of that, she is brave enough to actually get into the whole Safe House establishment. She voted for John to be able to come on the trip, etc. Her character arc since the beginning, much more than that of similar characters (Dylan, Roland, Illena and the other low and mid tiers) has been to stop fearing the high-tiers.
Which is why, re: themes of how it's bad to isolate the tiers from each other, I think if there is a "mixed-tiers" couple at the end of the comics, she'll be one half of it.
And while his tracker ability makes him srtonger than the average, it's not an offensive ability on its own, so Isen is maybe the least threatening of the elite-and-more-tiers in school. So if Evie ends up having a crush on one of the top 10, I can imagine him to be the one she would actually dare to go to and ask out. He's the safest best even if no one that powerful is really safe.
Anyway she is a bit of the narrative mirror of Isen: both are the smartest person in their group (Isen can crack into restricted files and Evie is one of the smartest people in school); both have a more muted hair colour than one of the strongest people in school (desaturated yellow unlike the bright gold of Arlo; desaturated purple unlike the bright purple of Sera) and these muted colours, yellow and purple, are complimentary; both are the weakest person in their group and feel bad about not being able to protect people (Evie is 1.5 and one of the weakest students in school and wanted to learn how to protect herself via martial arts; Isen's ability is useless to fight and he constantly tried to get out of the whole vigilante/civil insurrection thing until pushed to make a stand).
On top of that, with Sera and the Safe House bridging the divide, Evie and Isen now have common friends and acquaintances. And Evie has started gravitating towards Blyke Remi and Isen with the field trip storyline etc.
If we leave the dominion of canon and themes, I just think they'd suit each other so well because I've decided so. The made up versions of them I have in my mind would go well together. Also can you imagine post-canon Isen and Evie, him a journalist, her a politician representing the low-tiers, or something, both still gravitating in the same circles as his elite-tiers friends and family but also bridging the gap with her low-tiers friends and family? Their dinner table being the place where people of all tiers have their place?
That being said, for now Isen's strongest relationships are friends (Blyke and Remi) and that suits me perfectly. I wouldn't mind either of them finishing the series singles, particularly if the series ends before they are out of high school.
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Countess Jahardt is the stepmother of main character Pereshati
she killed her husband and killed/tried to kill her stepchild to inherit the family money.
Orrin is the mentor and father of substitution of Terrence, a minor antagonist
He literally sent an assassin to murder his adopted son as soon as the kid was of no more use to him.
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5-7-9 · 5 months ago
Saw a comment that said they don’t think they could make it to the end of the year to see unOrdinary’s end. I feel for them. So I think I can guess some events that will happen, patience is virtue but waiting sucks.
First off, prison break obviously, and John and Cameron training arc. Mom past history lore is dispersed throughout, but judging from the season’s ending I actually think she’s getting out as soon as possible, we might see her sooner rather than later.
John’s long time goals is relevant because it's going to be our (readers/audience) goals as well. He has four: Make sure the world knows what the Bureau did to his father and family. Burn the Bureau down. Find his mother and save her. See Sera. Except like I just said, I think we’re gonna see his mom soon, and he managed to see Sera again. So this list is probably going backwards.
I’m unsure if sleep manipulation green haired girl has the ability to see memories, so I’m not sure if she’s actually checking Arlo’s mind. The only thing we’ve seen her do is cause sleep and remove memories. Since we have reference for when Keon replayed memories, we know that the glass shattering effect must be different. I’ll note that we can see Rei in Arlo’s memories. Since we know she can remove memories, I’m sad to say that Arlo is getting brainwashed through amnesia. Since his Aunt pulled strings, I’m assuming we’re gonna regress Arlo’s redemption arc again. Meaning he’s not gonna come with the group when they try breaking him out next season.
It’s Blyke’s memories I’m more concerned about. After rereading I have concluded that Arlo wasn’t given all the secrets like the teleporter or Doc, so I’m not worried about info Arlo could leak. But Blyke does, and considering it only took Terrence a week to possibly leak everything important to Keon who can read memories, then they need to get Blyke out before the end of the week. Problem is that the trio and vigilantes’ hideout is covered by the rich orange haired noobie, when/if Keon identifies him they won’t have their hideout anymore. They gotta ditch their place again, and won’t have any money resource to pull from anymore. Well, except for Cameron and I guess Spectre, but that’s new territory and after everything Spectre put them through is gonna be awkward. I guess after their branch of Spectre saves Blyke they’d have to come to an agreement. Basically the trio vigilante group stays with Leilah’s Spectre branch (edit: Neil) while John stays with Cameron and Sera goes back and forth. However they break out, I’m not sure how but the spider claw (Rein) might help or get helped idk, it is a prison break after all. Prison escape riots are always the best distraction. Then again if we’re going with my theory of them joining with Spectre, I’m not sure she’d be keen on staying again although she is forced to with nowhere else to go. After this is when we’ll see Jane maybe, to join in on the family and government lore and also training arc.
So since Blyke is fine but Arlo isn’t coming, we need to figure out how to undo his brainwashing. The only person that could and would is the old Headmaster who previously escaped. This is where Kassandra comes in, who has to be looking for him. So the group has to join with Kass secretly. Then the main cast will have to retrieve Arlo from the Bureau again and gain his memories back. (This, or Cameron can figure it out, I actually didn’t think about that until now since the plot works better like this… surely there’s more than those three psychics right???). The worrying part is what Arlo is going to do in the meantime, I don’t think the group or Arlo himself will forgive himself. I didn’t even consider that they wouldn’t realize Arlo is brainwashed either… *chews on thumb* 😬 they might need convincing and proof that they need to save him again. If possible, Kass might be able to. Or rather, Kass is gonna help do all the unbrainwashing herself, the group isn’t gonna be there at all. Okay, basically i was worried the main cast needed to break Arlo out again with all their resources again, but if Kass is going to do it then we don’t need to worry about that as she has easier access.
all the while the New headmaster (edit: Sylvia) ruins everything again, the classmates John and Sera trained and the Safehouse members and others who read unOrdinary might become vigilantes too. We’re not gonna get lots of attention at the school anymore, but I bet the students will come back to being relevant. A school of vigilantes? Sounds cool. I think it would be better for them to quit the school while they’re still going, so that they won’t get fed up with the rules. Oh, I almost forgot Zeke, he’s the next in line for King… crap. Okay, but Cecile is also the next in line… She might be forced into the position as Queen. She still has a few months and this plotline sure as heck isn’t gonna be pretty if this new/ex headmaster’s reign goes on. Every day counts for a new rule change. They have to work faster. The school might start an uprising secretly, I hope they work together because they aren’t gonna beat the new/ex headmaster no matter what. At the very least, everybody turns and jumps Zeke. He’s been the punching bag for a while now and it doesn’t seem like it’ll stop.
Orrin wasn’t exactly captured yet… so we still need to cover that basis. Since I think after Sera disabled Terrence, Spectre’s disabler might be their only winning chance against the Bureau. We can finally use the half-ing pulse beam against the government instead of being on the receiving end of it. Spider gurl (edit: Rein) and teleporter designated cab guy (edit: Kayden) will figure Orrin out, but we’re gonna see water boi and clone girl again. Not sure of their outcome. Since we have a cure, we’ll feel less worried about disabling or getting disabled ourselves.
Finally, either after beating Orrin or whatever, they can finally focus on besting the government. Vigilante riots break out across the city, this is the epic battle, the civil war!!! I think getting the world to know John’s dad and beating the Bureau is gonna happen together. unOrdinary is the final piece that will take down the trust in the government. old Headmaster (edit: Vaughn) might come back for the new government after everything.
I hope I get to see unOrdinary’s season 3 finish. Heres to waiting.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
being a fictive who's in a system with other people from your source + knows other systems with fictives from your source is all fun and games until you remember everyone hates source you :')
i definitely did a lot wrong, but our world was fucked. and i don't think i can fully regret doing what i could to change it, even if i didn't have much of a choice in the matter anyway
- terrence (unordinary)
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titithetiger · 2 years ago
Theories of John's ability - Spoilers!!!!!!
So today, I was talking to my nerd siblings about unOrdinary, over a very nerdy game of MTG, and what specifically from the convo I wanna share is our discussion about John's ability.
Can discuss all current episodes.
I mentioned to my brothers that I had thought that John could've saved Sera's ability by coming out to Sera about not being a cripple, harvesting her mom's ability (time manipulation), and reversing the injection of the drug. I was easily disproven, being her mom may not have the strength nor knowledge, it's potentially too far away, it would be too exerting on John, etc.
But then the conversation shifted to how after John got drugged himself, he was still able to break free, twice no less! Once when the Spectre agent went to murder him and Sera, then next when Zeke tried to attack John. Even though he was injected completely by Terrence, John *still* broke through, be it weak regardless.
This got me thinking, what if, if/when John meets his mother, and they maybe have time to train, what if John is able to learn how to alter OTHER people's abilities?
For context, from what we understood, how John's ability works is that he alters the very vessels through which his aura flows, and how the aura itself flows too. He reads the auras of the opposing person to change his aura to mirror theirs. And how the drug works, is that it blocks the aura from traveling through the vessels. How this ties together is that John can reopen the vessels that his aura flows through, if only for a short time, and in a short degree.
So if he were able to train with Jane, she could show him how to completely reopen the vessels, to a much stronger degree, and to alter the vessels of those around him. This could be a possible cure for his ability's shutdown, and possibly the shutdown of Sera's ability too!
I dunno. What we thought may not have been true. As well, we don't have much of any info on Jane, except that she is INCREDIBLY powerful, so she may not even be able to do this, let alone teach John to. And as well, this may not be exactly HOW John's keeping of his ability works.
Please leave your thoughts and corrections in the comments, Id love to hear what y'all have to say about this.
Edit (1?): The upcoming episodes (I Fastpassed) confirm part of this! But it's wrong that John will need to learn to reopen his channels, it's already happened because of his ability!
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cassiota · 3 years ago
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the textpost saga continues (part 1 | 2 | 3 )
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transterrence · 2 years ago
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happy late valentines day!! have these silly cards c:
here r some other ones ehe
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feel free to make ur own captions and reblog with them! pls credit if used <3
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scinnahunbun · 2 years ago
terrence is the most wasted villain in this webtoon like i’m cool with more important characters dying (like i wish more characters in uno died) but why are we focusing spectre on such boring ‘mwahahaha im so evil’ caricatures when we already had a perfectly good menace to fuck the main characters over—
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kairyuuyaps · 3 years ago
Ok so. This is yet another thing that's been sitting in my drafts for AGES, but the comment section on today's chapter of UnOrdinary made me fucking FURIOUS. I've mentioned it before, but the Webtoon comment systen is THE WORST and somehow on UnOrdinary it's particularly evident. At first, we had the "Asslo"-shaming I already complained about. Then, when John snapped and went on his Joker spree/became King, people were CELEBRATING him. And not the fact that he was (in his own, EXTREMELY misguided way) standing up to what he saw as an unfair, abusive system (it is), no, they were celebrating the gratuitous violence. The top comments were consistently people gloating about how John was beating up the high-teirs. And on today's chapter... I get that Terrence is the worst, trust me, I agree. But NO ONE deserves the kind of treatment John got in the "re-education class". Not even Terrence. What the actual fuck, Webtoon comments. How the FUCK did it get to the top 2 comments being GLOATING about a CHILD going through SYSTEMATIC ABUSE. And that is after said child having been in (essentially) a cult up until literally yesterday. Do none of you have empathy?!? And it's not just UnOrdinary either. Any Webtoon with an even remotely controversial topic will have stuff like this. It's horrifying. And the way the system is set up comments like that will get pushed even more as soon as they've attracted a modicum of attention. Have you ever tried finding a specific comment or interacting with people? It's freaking impossible. You can't change the way your own comments are sorted in any way, and for other people's comments the only ways to sort is by popularity or time of first publishing. You can't reply to anyone besides OP. You barely get any notifications about your comments in the first place, so if you want to interact with other people in any way whatsoever you have no choice but to look up said comment manually every now and then. And even if you DO get a notification for a comment interaction, you still habe to scroll down to it manually. It's an atmosphere worse than Twitter in that is pushes mob mentality and makes any actually productive discourse basically impossible to achieve. And it's not like this is because of tecnical difficulties, Webtoon essentially has a full-running social media platform BUILT IN with Line. Yes, Line is mainly used as a messaging service akin to WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal, but it has all the functions a platform like Instagram or Facebook does in it's "feed" function. Connecting that to Webtoon would not be that big of an undertaking, I promise you. But no, we're stuck with the dysfunctional mess of a comment section Webtoon is completely ignoring when it comes to updates -.-
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simplog · 3 years ago
264 spoilers
haha next up on unordinary, let’s guess “terrence”’s real name!!
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and damnnn his trick stat is highhhh
not anymore tho lmao sera did what all of us wanted to do and now i’m at peace
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feyn231 · 3 years ago
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My little meow meow ~~
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ozyras · 2 years ago
so i saw your response to my ask,,,, and so ofc i need to ask abt terrence in your au. i originally assumed evie and terrence would swap, but then i saw evie and claire swapped! so im curious about him :]
also! how does elaine fight with her ability as healing? and what was john's reasoning as to choosing cecile over blyke?
hope you dont mind me dumping you with questions!!! your au is so cool and i love the art you make for it- keep it up! <3
[also arlo, elaine, and cecile is the funniest trio ever to me i love their swap roles]
hehe i knew you were gonna ask about terrence :> ok so i was first thinking of swapping him with juni way before part 2 of season 2 had started, because i couldn’t find anyone else to swap him with and they were all minor characters we haven’t seen much of. however, now i think his swap would be dylan. he would still have the same backstory as canon about his mother but he wouldn’t be recruited by spectre. he’d still be hostile towards high tiers but kinda starts to look up to sera after she saves him from some bullies one day. he’d deny it if somebody were to ask him this though lol. he’s also good friends with claire and adrion :) oh also i think he wouldn’t have an ability level as high as he has in the canon and gets bullied a lot because it’s a non-combat ability. by the way evie - terrence would be a cool ass swap ngl i’d love to see some traitor evie >:)
i imagine elaine is very good at hand-to-hand combat so she either fights like that when necessary but mostly supports the others during a fight. maybe her ability could have a function like aura boosting in higher levels? so that she can make others’ abilities stronger this way.
gotta be honest, i have never thought of why john chose cecile over blyke before hgfhdj but in this au, blyke is a little cunning and has a lot of connections around the school (he’s pretty popular), while cecile is a less cunning version of her canon self. she’s also quite diligent and cool headed, contrasting with blyke’s hot-tempered nature. i think cecile overall would look more trustworthy to john so that’s why he’d choose her as jack. 
also yes, the swap au trio is the funniest thing ever and one of my favorite things in this au hhdjsh i really wanna explore their dynamic more. also, you’re not dumping me with questions, i really enjoyed them! feel free to ask more if you want to <3
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Orrin is the mentor and father of substitution of Terrence, a minor antagonist
He literally sent an assassin to murder his adopted son as soon as the kid was of no more use to him.
Mr Yeo is the father of Lady Yunhwan, a minor supporting character
Beat up his daughter because she refused to marry a guy twice her age she barely knew, and then when she killed herself he blamed it on the servants.
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