#Ask them to potentially to endanger themselves for you
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Earlier today I was having a.. discussion on whether House MD is really about two doctors in love who actually are married and they just don’t know it yet. Now, they were of the opinion that Hilson is simply fandom conspiracy and nothing more. Despite numerous assassinations attempts to take down this idea, this person would not be moved. Which left me in a state of shock, so naturally, I vowed to have a better thesis for them.
All that to say, it’s currently 3:30am and I have finished rewatching the S4 finale. So hear my thesis. You’re telling me that, a misanthropic idiot who is afraid of pain, is willing to risk his life multiple times to have a diagnosis for his best friend. Which, okay, he like his puzzles, sure. But when faced with death (for the third time) he is more worried about his best friend hating him and not being able to handle that as to continue living, when he thinks there’s nothing beyond. Mhmm. Yeah, no I see what they were getting at, totally just friends, not in some weird relationship or something. No, no not all. Sure.
#They’re not NORMAL#One doesn’t simply put their gf life in someone’s hands#Who was well and involved in their accident#Ask them to potentially to endanger themselves for you#AMD THAT PERSON SHOULD NOT GO ALONG WITH IT#AND MUCH BE CONCERNED MORE TOUR FEELINGS TOWARD THEM THAN#FUCKING LIVING#They’re such idiots#Married idiots#But idiots#house md#greg house#hilson#james wilson#S4
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Of Convenience 5.2
(all previous parts of "Of Convenience")
Adar x Celebrimbor (silverscars) political marriage AU, 5th snippet, part 2. The fallout of Adar's prior revelation. Celebrimbor has a Gil-Galad moment (disappointment), a Feanor moment (rage), and a mental breakdown. Not neccessarily in that order. Somehow the negotiations turn out okay afterwards.
This is a bit of insanity but honestly, I imagine Celebrimbor would not take it well if he knew Galadriel had told Adar about Nenya's whereabouts, or that Elrond had brought the ring into the uruk camp with him. Plus I feel Brimby is entitled to a lil breakdown by now. He's had a wild few days. (There is some silverscars tenderness at the end too!) (Btw this is be the longest snippet yet, w t h where are these words coming from?!)
"Also. Galadriel tells me Lord Celebrimbor managed to create three rings of great power - great enough to extend the stay of the elves in Middle Earth. One of which was bestowed upon her, Nenya- she confided in me that she gave it away before attacking my camp. That she'd given it to an elf that would arrive with Lindon's army," the short pause, undoutedbly used for dramatic effect, was defeaning. "I assume this elf to be you, herald Elrond."
"And I also I believe that combining the power of these rings with the crown will allow me to permanently rid us all of Sauron. If you choose to hand them over to me."
It was as if somehow, all sound had deserted the inside of Adar's tent. At least, it felt that way to Celebrimbor. Adar's words rang in his ears, endlessly repeating.
As incredulous as he felt, the smith wasn't sure where to direct his attention towards first; the uruk who had more or less just insinuated that the elves should just hand over their precious rings to him, Galadriel who had given away such a strategic advantage, or Elrond who might actually-
The smith first settled his gaze on Galadriel, hoping that Adar had simply picked up rumors or scraps of conversation and constructed himself a full picture from it that might benefit his plans but would not hold up to reality.
Unfortunately for Celebrimbor's sanity, Galadriel looked caught, then stricken, and soon averted her face to the far side of the tent. It was clear that Adar had spoken the truth.
In the back of his mind, Celebrimbor understood what her intentions might have been. He too had expected Adar to be more cooperative, now that the uruk had secured himself the neccessary edge to demand a treaty. He'd been the one to suggest this path, after all.
Telling Adar about the rings themselves might have counted as a tactic to show that the elves had an edge as well, that he should not underestimate their prowess and that they could not just be roped into his own plans and considerations.
But telling him about where Nenya was, endangering Elrond's life in the process-
The smith attempted to diffuse the situation. "The existance of the rings are a well-known fact by now," though he himself hadn't even known until that moment who got to wear them, he couldn't help but think bitterly, "I am sure Elrond wouldn't risk bringing one of the rings into such close promixity to potential danger."
There was the sound of a sucked-in breath on the other side of the table, and Celebrimbor went very, very still.
With an almost pleading, incredulous expression, he let his gaze drift over towards Elrond. Not just hoping, but praying to the Valar that he'd taken the wrong clue from the other elf's noise.
Elrond outwardly appeared unmoved, but Celebrimbor knew his friend well. Judging by the way he had tensed up, the slightly widened eyes, Celebrimbor suddenly knew his fears had not been unfounded - he could see the faint glimmer of a fine, silver chain around Elrond's neck, almost imperceptible against the herald's collar, and the smith's heart sank and dropped into his stomach.
"Please tell me you didn't," the smith couldn't help but ask - one last, foolish attempt to be proven wrong. He didn't care that Adar could hear. He couldn't believe that two of his friends, whom he had considered among the wisest and most noble of his kind, had inadvertently managed to turn such promising negotations so volatile. And that they had heaped even more worries onto Celebrimbor's shoulders in the process.
"Of course not," Elrond replied as he tried to hold Celebrimbor's gaze. But his words convinced absolutely no one.
Least of all Adar, who hummed and appeared to be exceedingly smug has he leant back in his chair.
"Well, well," he drawled. "Looks like we are getting somewhere after all."
As Elrond regained his composure and began to threaten having his riders overrun Adar's camp if he so much as laid a finger on the herald or his friends, and Adar began to press for the elves to hand over the rings so Adar might use the full force of them and Morgoth's crown against Sauron, Celebrimbor found his mind just...detaching itself from the conversation.
He could tell Galadriel was trying to get a word in as well, but it was as if the others were speaking a language unknown to his ears.
His faith in the wisdom and foresight of elvenkind had been strained plenty already, not least of all by the history of his own house. He would hardly call himself a shining example of either virtue, either.
But the current situation really had him question whether this was all the Deceiver playing them for fools, or if they weren't all being fools on their own volition. He had certainly expected more - from the others (including Adar), but also from himself.
The smith realized that he'd slouched down on his own seat and curled up into himself over the table, mouth covered by a hand and eyes wide in horror as the full scale and danger of their current situation began to press down upon him.
Here they were, two armies at odds with one another, and in the middle of that, the smith Sauron had intended to use to further his own plans. As well as one of the elven rings of power. All well within his grasp. All of which could have been avoided, if they hadn't squabbled with one another, if they hadn't been led astray by their own overconfidence.
Finally, Celebrimbor reached out and pulled over the wine chalice. Instead of pouring himself a glass, however, he felt his own hand wrap around the handle and clutch it, desperately trying to find something to hold onto. And, perhaps, throw across the tent. But that would remain a truth only he himself was to be privy to.
Through the fog of his own worries and a mounting sense of hysteria, the smith could hear a faint voice call out to him. As he wrenched himself back to the dispute at hand - albeit with difficulty - Celebrimbor could see Galadriel's worried face in front of himself, leaning over the table even as Adar's uruk guards tried to hold her back.
Maybe she'd asked his opinion, or maybe she'd inquired after his wellbeing. The smith cared not. He shook his head and closed his eyes as he held up his hand to ward her off. The tent suddenly felt entirely too suffocating.
Not caring about what a sight he would be to the others, Celebrimbor sprung up from his seat. The tent fell quiet as his chair toppled to the ground, and suddenly, the eyes of Adar, Elrond and Galadriel, as well as Vorohil and the uruk guards, were on him.
A manic giggle escaped the smith, who held up a finger and felt his face pull into a grimace of cordial elation that he didn't feel a drop of. "If, if you would excuse me for but a moment, please."
And with that, he spun around and marched out of the tent. He vaguely heard Adar ordering two of the uruk to follow him, but they didn't stop him from stepping outside.
The fresh air was both a relief and a shock to Celebrimbor. He stood outside for a moment, breathing erratically as he felt like he might not quite get in another gulp of air, mind spinning with everything that had happened to him those last few weeks. He felt as if he were drowning as he swam against a current, until suddenly, something snapped inside him.
He almost felt removed from his own body as he started shouting to the skies above. He had just enough propriety left to do so not in a language most of the others would understand, and so he began to curse loudly in khuzdul of all things.
Insult after insult fell out of his mouth - he cursed Sauron and his vile manipulations, he cursed the stubbornness of Galadriel and the carelessness of Elrond, he cursed his own pride and gullibility, he cursed Adar's lack of insight and Gil-Galad's abscence. And then he cursed everything else, from his own house up to and including the Valar and Eru himself.
When finally, the last of his vitriol and bad temper had bled out of him, Celebrimbor almost sank to the ground in exhaustion. It was both as if he'd rid himself of a great poison that had overtaken him, and as if he hadn't properly rested in several months. The latter of which, sadly, could have been true, come to think of it.
As he looked up again, the uruk in the camp had stopped whatever it was they were doing - one of them had raised a hammer above his head and halted in that pose, another had dropped a barrel she'd been carrying, and several had drawn their weapons and pointed it in the direction of the elf in their midst. Celebrimbor couldn't fault them for it - he must appear quite mad, all things considered, and he couldn't say for certain that he wasn't.
When he righted himself, a little flustered, the uruk scurried backwards and away from him. Seemed that in their perception, his outburst had not been that of a pathetic elf wailing about his own misery, though Celebrimbor couldn't guess what they might see him as instead.
"I apologize. These so-called 'leaders' are particularly bothersome today," Celebrimbor said to the uruk in general, then turned around and went back inside the tent - this time, with the determination to somehow put all of this right.
He hadn't come so far, given himself away in a marriage and helped drag nearly everyone to the negotiation table for things to fall apart around him now because of some trinkets he'd made and the foolishness of people who should have known better.
As he stepped back into the tent, he was greated by a variety of expressions, none of them positive - the uruk guards looked either downright frightened or aghast, Galadriel's eyes were opened wide and she was leaning away from the tent flap he'd come back in from, Elrond - who could speak khuzdul - seemed utterly scandalized, and Adar himself had gripped the handle of his sword even as he remained rooted to his throne.
Celebrimbor exhaled a breath, paused a moment, then drew another one in, before he continued where he'd left off outside the tent.
"How is it, when compared to you," he pointed at Galadriel, "the commander of the Northern armies collaborating with our greatest and most dangerous foe, getting yourself captured by our enemy and revealing the whereabouts of Nenya," she flinched, but Celebrimbor had already turned to Elrond,
"you, the herald of High King Gil-Galad himself, who has not only kept that ring but brought it with him into a battle and into the very heart of an enemy camp instead of leaving it with someone else," he turned towards Adar finally,
"and you, who claims he will vanquish Sauron and wants to create a lasting peace, for the wellbeing of his children, but who seems determined to sabotage every attempt at collaboration with frankly ludicruous demands and needlessly cruel ideas,"
he pointed to himself, "that I, who let Sauron himself walk into my city and practically handed him the keys, who was willing to believe his lies because he played into my inflated sense of ego and my pathetic need to outshine my grandfather, might actually run the risk of counting as the most responsible one between all of us, when it should be the opposite?!"
Well, even he hadn't expected that he still had enough fire left in him to start yelling again. He'd be impressed with himself, if this didn't remind the smith of his own grandfather far too much. But perhaps if no one was willing to listen to reason and actually work towards a solution for all of them, screaming people into submission was the only option left.
Judging by the chastized expressions on everyone else's faces, and the way nobody dared to talk back at him, Celebrimbor might have been onto something in this instance. He'd try not to make a habit of it though - suddenly he wished back for Gil-Galad's disappointment and understood the way the high king looked so utterly, completely tired all the time.
With a deep, resounding sigh, his shoulders deflated, and Celebrimbor slowly walked over to Adar's side. The uruk leant the slightest bit away from him for a moment before he regained himself, but even his guards seemed too unsettled to stop the screaming mad elf from getting closer to their leader.
To everyone's surprise, Celebrimbor dropped down on his knees next to Adar instead, and grasped his arm as he looked up at the other. The uruk's face was unreadable, and he still hadn't relinquished his grasp on his sword.
This time, the smith's voice was much softer. "Husband," he started, and Adar's eyes widened. "If you are to join forces with Lindon, their army and yours would be the same. It would be a shared endeavour. Both armies would walk up to Eregion's walls and demand its surrender - and you would march into the open gates side by side with the High King himself."
"It would make no more sense for Elrond to relinquish the ring as it would be for you to hand over Morgoth's crown. If we indeed need both to fight and defeat Sauron, we will do so - together, as a united force. And for that, we need trust."
His gaze turned imploring. "I have made no attempt to desert you since we took each other as spouses. Me and Galadriel walked alongside you to greet Elrond and the other elves, and we did not run or betray you. You have to put trust into the sincerity of our joined efforts for this alliance to come to fruition. Same as they do towards you."
"A lasting peace cannot grow on demands and suspicions. It can only grow on trust."
As the smith finished his appeal to Adar's reason, the uruk's face held a stunned look. His whole attention was focused on Celebrimbor, as if he'd seen the elf for the first time - and well, Celebrimbor supposed in a sense, the other had. He usually tried to keep his own temper in check, too aware of his own heritage and its destructive power.
Slowly, but surely, Celebrimbor could see the uruk's mind begin to work again behind his eyes, as his eyebrows knit and his lips pursed.
The smith held his breath as the uruk detached his gauntleted hand from the handle of his sword, and instead rested it on Celebrimbor's arm. But he didn't try to pry the smith's hand away.
"Please, get up, Celebrimbor," Adar said, unexpectedly gentle. It was the smith's turn to be too stunned to speak as the uruk got up, urged the smith to stand, bent to right his chair, and then carefully pushed Celebrimbor into it, before he poured him some water - not wine - and pressed the glass into his hand. "Rest."
The smith blinked, and then watched as Adar rounded behind him and faced Galadriel and Elrond, who had watched the scene before them with in silence.
The uruk seemed to fight with himself for a brief moment, and then rose to his full height. "Herald Elrond. Please, tell your king that I am interested in joining our forces. Tell him of what we discussed in this tent. Tell him..." he briefly faltered. "Tell him that I have Morgoth's crown, and that I would walk to the gates of Eregion with him and the elven rings. So we can finally be done with the evil that occupies it."
"And so that we may, luck permitting, use our shared victory to build a prosperous cooperation between our people, and my marriage to the Lord of- to Celebrimbor, to help usher in a lasting peace."
With a sigh of relief, Celebrimbor watched as Elrond hesitated, briefly, and then nodded in agreement. "I will return to my king at once and tell him of your proposal. I will advocate on your behalf...and on your husband's."
Celebrimbor was hit with such a rush of hope that his hands began to shake, even as he tried to take a calming drink of water. If one of the others noticed, they thankfully didn't bring any attention to it.
#the alternative title for this one was “brimby is losing his shit - thankfully not the *traditionally* feanorian way”#some may consider this a mental breakdown - others might just call it “post annatar clarity”#there is a lil bit of tenderness at the end don't worry silverscars folks#of convenience#adar#adar trop#adar the rings of power#celebrimbor#adar x celebrimbor#silverscars#trop#the rings of power#fanfic#my fanfic#my trop fanfic#mine#political marriage trope#marriage of convenience trope
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Having a secret/not-so-secret relationship as Interpol coworkers must come with some complications.
Besides sneaking physical affection and being so juvenile as to test HQ's security camera range or the facility's every broom closet, missions can possibly be a pain. You'd risk a lot if a particularly dangerous person or organization catches wind that endangering (or flat out ending) the life of your partner is an easy way to gain the upper hand.
And I don't think either Looker or Anabel would find 'Flirt with the suspect' tasks fun to watch if the other is necessary for the mission. Not rage inducing, but if you sat them down and asked them if they could really watch the other snog a stranger, it's going to make them uncomfortably shuffle. I don't think Looker and Anabel really have to romance a suspect for a mission... But it's definitely a conversation to have.
And maaaaaybe it can get a little bit weird, but I don't think they're the kind to have 'lovers' spats' though I suppose every relationship of any kind has its arguments and awkward moments. Maybe a moment or two in the middle of a Situation™ when one of them goes "Is now really the time to talk about that???"
I like to think Looker and Anabel were experiencing a lot of tension as their "We're totally platonic and NOTHING ELSE" relationship was boiling, before they finally admitted their feelings to each other (and themselves for that matter). Not anger point tension; more like "About To Pounce On Each Other" tension.
Potential Energy threatening to become Kintetic if you will. Not frustrated with each other but VERY frustrated with their own internal emotions.
What I'm saying is that Looker would have gotten uppity about someone being flirtatious on Anabel on a mission and it would have been Very Entertaining.
#/-harsh whisper- ''LOOKER what are you DOING?''#/''HE'S BEING A BASTARD I'M JUST BEING A GOOD SAMARITAN''
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Did It Hurt? | Prologue: The Fall
↳ FallenAngel!Taehyung x LostSoul!f.Reader ⤜ Fallen Angel AU, Strangers to Lovers ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 880 ⚠️ Violence, injury, judgement and punishment
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Taehyung, Sometime around the end of the 20th century, in the Divine Chamber of Justice, Heaven
“Why are we even bothering with this trial?” Phanuel asks, crossing his arms and giving his Brother a pitying look. “Is it fair to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the ones we protect?”
Amitiel harrumphs softly. “Of course we are to hold ourselves to a higher standard. We are Divine Protectors of the Heavens, pointedly above those we protect.”
“I think what Phanuel is trying to say,” comments Mitzrael, “is that there is nothing in the Doctrine about what Brother Taehyung did being unforgivable. If those we protect can be forgiven through Grace, shouldn’t we afford our Brother that same Grace?”
“I say we hand him over to our Fallen Brothers in Hell,” mutters Kushiel, ever the rigid purveyor of punishment.
Gabriel shifts where he sits at the pinnacle of the Judgement dias. “The spilling of one’s Holy Seed is different from that of a mortal’s seed. We all are aware of this. The creation of Nephilim has been strictly forbidden since the fall of Lucifer. Therefore, the act that can potentially create such a monstrosity should be punished to the fullest extent. After all, Taehyung may not have created a Nephilim, but to even act in pleasures of the flesh where that is a possibility is worthy enough of our ire. Imagine the destruction he would have wrought, untold devastation.”
There is a quiet murmur around the chamber, soft echoes of fear and agreement, Sarathiel loudest of them all.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself, Brother Taehyung?” Zadkiel asks, speaking over the hushed clamor.
Taehyung prostrates himself before his gathered Brothers, pressing his forehead to the smooth surface of the floor, wings splayed out behind him. Holding the position for a few precious moments, he gathers his thoughts before looking up and meeting all their gazes one by one until he’s focused on Gabriel. His Brother might not be the Angel of Judgement, but he’s the Leader of all Angels, which Taehyung knows holds far more sway over all the others than anyone else; he’s a leader for a reason.
“Brothers,” he begins, “I would not ask for forgiveness for such an unforgivable act. As Brother Gabriel has stated, what I did was careless, not just to myself but to all others. I endangered all that we hold Divine and Holy here. I endangered our home. But I would ask for your leniency, your guidance and deliverance. Treat me as one of the flock. Let me seek righteousness and serve a penance for my disgrace. Do not cast me into oblivion. Let me prove myself worthy.”
“We shall take that into consideration.” Sarathiel eyes Taehyung with a cold appraisal. Fear and pain burn hot in Taehyung’s chest. The few stolen moments he sought with–he can’t even think of their name without wanting to wail in mourning–have proven to be what might be his downfall; literally.
The Counsel gathers, cloistering themselves behind a hazy wall of silence. All Taehyung can do is watch them, trying to discern what words lips are forming and what the emotions flashing across his Brothers’ faces mean. Gabriel and Sarathiel seem to be leading the conversation. He can only hope they both remember their love for him in their hearts.
It could be hours, or just minutes, before the shield falls and noise eases back into the chamber, sounding far too loud after the silence. Taehyung thinks he might sickup on the floor if that’s even something Angels can do; he’s seemingly forgotten how to function at all.
The Angel of Justice, his Brother, Raquel, steps forward and gives Taehyung a sad, soft smile before beginning, “It is with heavy hearts that we, the Council of Grace and Purity, hereby sentence you, Brother Taehyung, to one hundred years of exile for breaking your Oath of Holy Divinity by seeking pleasures of the flesh and spilling Holy Seed. At the end of your one hundred years, if and only if you have found a soul seeking absolution and deliver them unto a path of justice and redemption, will you be granted back within the sanctity of this Kingdom and your wings restored. If you fail in your penance, you will feel the wrath of Divine Smite. May the Lord have mercy on your everlasting soul.”
Always so regal and poised, Michael steps forward, the tip of his great sword trailing just a breath above the floor. Taehyung couldn’t bear to look his brother in the eye for fear of seeing the disappointment there.
“Let it be known,” Michael whispers over Taehyung’s bowed head, “I take no pleasure in this, Brother.” With one felling sweep of Michael’s blade, Taehyung is rendered incomplete, severed from his proper form. White feathers fill the air, softening the cry that rips itself from Taehyung’s throat.
His Brothers watch as he plummets from the Heavens, entering a fiery free fall into an existence none of them envy. If only he had the Grace to keep his hands to himself. Though not all Angels are meant for the Heavens, that much is clear. They can only hope Taehyung finds his way once again, or Lucifer damn him, they’ll lose another to the darkness.

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#kim taehyung#taehyung x reader#taehyung smut#taehyung angst#taehyung fluff#taehyung fanfic#taehyung imagines#taehyung fanfiction#bts taehyung#fallenangeltaehyung#bts smut#bts fanfic#bts angst#bangtanwhq#btscreaturecoven
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Why not start a revival? Send in your prompts!!
This is an experimental format, so hopefully it works out!
FAQ (also under cut for mobile users)
What is a kink meme? Basically a public (usually nsfw) prompt, popularized on Livejournal. One person will throw out an idea that they don’t or can’t fulfill themselves in the hopes that it will spark creativity in someone else! A kink meme can be as simple as pairing + trope, or a full well-thought-out AU!
How do I submit a kink meme? Use the ask button on this blog and it will go into the queue! You can submit anonymously (traditional), but it will be posted either way - make sure you click anonymous if you don’t want your face on it!
How do I fill a kink meme? Any way you like! You can write a fic directly in the reblogs, post it on another site and provide a link, or even post a 32 part series in the replies! We just ask that you link the prompt on your creative piece and/or reblog the submission with your piece included or linked (whichever applicable). If you are putting an explicit fill in reblogs, please remember to add a community label if the original post does not already have one!
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Can I fill a prompt with art? Absolutely! If your craft is drawing, painting, crocheting, stop-motion, needlepoint, cosplay, etc etc etc and you are inspired by a kink meme, we encourage you to participate! We also encourage adding alt text to any images.
What content do you allow in submissions? All kinks are welcome - yes, even that one. We will reject submissions that are not WWDITS-based, are hateful in some way, or appear to be submitted in bad faith. Venting, character-bashing, or incomprehensible prompts will be deleted. Transphobia, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, ableism, etc will get you blocked. Due to the limitations of the mods, we are currently only accepting submissions in English or Spanish.
How are kink memes tagged? Tags will include any and all pairings, kinks, applicable tropes, and potentially triggering content to the best of our ability. If we have missed something or you would like to request a certain trigger tag, send us an ask! We cannot guarantee that we will be able to tag for everything, however, and it is important to remember to protect yourself and your online experience. Submissions with explicit language will have community tags attached.
Can I submit SFW prompts? Of course! Despite the name, kink memes aren’t just for porn.
Can I submit prompts with characters from the WWDITS movie, too? Absolutely!
Can I submit prompts with my OC? No, but not because we don’t like your OC - we just don’t know them! These prompts are for someone else to fill, so it has to include characters they know.
Can I submit reader-insert or y/n prompts? Yes, as long as the other characters are from WWDITS!
Can I submit RPF prompts? No, as we prefer that this kink meme focus on the characters in the show rather than the actors who play them. However, celebrities who have appeared in the show as themselves count as characters and are fair game (within reason)!
Can I submit crossover prompts? Yes, under certain conditions. This is a WWDITS kink meme, and we want to ensure those characters have the spotlight! So if your prompt is mostly about the crossover property, or if the WWDITS character is simply one of a medley of different characters, it may be rejected. No Harry Potter, please.
Can I make my own kink meme for a different fandom using this blog as a template? Of course! We encourage this - please bring kink memes back to fandom!!
Who are the mods? Just some adult fans who long for the insanity that was LJ back in the day.
Mod the Impaler - they/them ModMilla - she/her
#wwdits#wwdits kink meme#kink meme#writing prompts#art prompts#nandermo#lasja#polyvamps#laszlermo#what we do in the shadows#what we do in the shadows fx
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Hello thank you for approving of my "Bruce's unexpressed resentment towards Jason filters into his treatment of Steph" idea it's been giving me hives lately thinking about it.
Because I don't think any theoretical (slightly substantiated?) resentment Bruce would have towards Jason is like. Malicious. It's more the aching absence of needing to scold your child for scaring you, for endangering themselves bc don't they know that they're your heart? Except you can't say any of that because they're dead and it's cruel.
But I think it all comes back to like. "The good soldier" epitaph (which actually has very little presence in canon and idk if Jason ever even brought it up post resurrection?) which, in my mind, could be seen as in character for Bruce IF we assume that Bruce is retroactively putting distance between him and Jason, bc otherwise he has to confront the fact that he lost his baby, not a sidekick or a friend but his baby, his boy. And it's easier to lose a solider rather than your baby WAIT. ASK CANCELLED THIS IS ABOUT BRUCE/STEPH PARALLELS AGAIN; THE LOSS OF A CHILD. HOLY SHIT!
I’m coughing blood and dying holy shit. Great great stuff genius theory I super love this. Horrible but so so great.
In my mind if I were to explain why Bruce might start feeling resentful towards Jason it would comes down to these two things, that scolding instinct you mentioned which is really just grief, so much grief, and then that combined with the victim blaming that sort of goes on with Jason after he dies.
Because you have to blame Jason a little bit, it has to be his fault because it’s the only way forward, because how else could Bruce ever validate his choice to work with a new Robin? How else could he go on at all? And Alfreds right there, at the airport after Jason dies, and the first thing he says to Bruce’s face, the very first thing he says is that it isn’t Bruce’s fault, and that it was Jason’s disobedience (Gotham Knights #44).
But because we get this increasing focus on how Jason’s own faults led to his death we get that frustration/grief compounded with this increased blaming and you can’t be angry at Jason he’s dead. But now there is this frustration targeted towards his memory, and that’s not what you’re supposed to feel about your dead son, thats not an acceptable target.
(It’s Not substantiated strongly enough in canon BUT thats how I would explain any feelings of potential anger towards Jason after he died)
Your analysis of the phrase of “good solider”….my lord. Hm don’t worry he wasn’t a boy wasn’t a child who died don’t worry it was a soldier. Sometimes that happens to soldiers.
(Just in case someone else brings it up, although I’m 80 percent sure rhato technically canonizes that Alfred put up the Jason Todd Case and therefore the “good solider” plaque, pre new 52 there’s evidence it was Bruce’s decision not Alfreds)
Tf when I create emotional distance between me and my baby because I can’t handle losing what I must lose if I allow full recognition.
Tf when I blame myself but still the only way forward is this ignorance, this denial of what was. GAH!! (THIS IS ABOUT STEPHANIE BROWN AND BATMAN BOTH ITS ABOUT BOTH OF THEM HOLY SHIT)
I NEED to give her pregnancy lasting thematic and narrative significance Bc the writers sure as hell did not want to, THANK you for fueling my mad agenda (giving Stephs horrible pregnancy arc more meaning besides being a hamfisted PSA and Tim Drake drama)
Anyway thank you so much this is a fucking incredibly based theory I’m extremely in favor.
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Post Rewrite-
What happens when they bring Trellis back?
Is Luger still around? I know you said you were reworking his character, so has he become the docile old man we saw in canon or is something else going on?
Trellis agreed to go back on his own will eventually - at the start he only went with Alma was because his presence endangered the small village that took him in, but as he travels all over Gulfen, getting to know its people and the country's issues, the more he feels like he's made a mistake and that he left the kingdom's subjects to fend for themselves instead of actually taking care of them. Trellis has some part of him believing he's not the best guy for the throne, but he wants to enact some good changes, and someone has to take responsibility for his father's terrible actions and make up for it, even if Trellis himself isn't personally responsible for it - he feels like it's what he owes to the people, in Gulfen or otherwise.
Thankfully, people were happy he took the throne because at that point Trellis has built up a good reputation (it also helps he's the one who brought back the River), therefore while the first years were a struggle bringing a country back to proper working after the war, there isn't considerable opposition.
Luger is a villain from start to end, if having a bit more depth but still y'know, a villain - I moved him turning into a giant from book 2 to around book 8 or 9 on the timeline. I don't like him becoming docile after his transformation just quickly absolves him of any personality and impact. If he's gonna be a bad guy, really ramp it up y'know? And Luger was a very effective and a very good bad guy in Amulet, and I really wanted to tap on that potential to antagonize and force the protagonists to grow. He makes a great Foil to Emily, a great archnemesis to Trellis, and a rival for Max.
He's the guy that kicks off Trellis's character arc in the Rewrite (in an extremely brutal way), so when he comes back around, wandering around no memories, stone intact, it doesn't go well. Navin found him and took pity (he got captured by Luger alongside Aly when they got separated from the Cielan Army in Rewrite book 6/7, and at that point Luger was strained thin under the EK's increasing dissatisfaction at Luger, hence Navin was able to see a side to Luger most don't get to see), so he took him in. Emily isn't happy but doesn't feel right retaliating since that isn't technically "Luger". When they asked Trellis for help, he refused to do so, and left them to their own devices, but is forced back to help them because there's a group of people after Luger's head and anyone who helps him.
Luger's storyline occurs a bit over half of the Post Rewrite, and it's all about what "justice" is. Eventually, some events happen (I'd say more but this is getting long but I'd be happy to elaborate if you want), and Luger regains his memories, but the trio let's him go anyway while they resolve things with the people after his head. He shows up again days later in Trellis's court in remorse, as he retains memories during the time they took care of him, and despite knowing full well the punishment to be incredibly severe, turns himself in to take accountability of what he did serving the Elf King. Thankfully, Trellis has also gained understanding that retaliating against Luger by hurting him the same way he hurt Trellis and many others, even when he has all the power and understandable reasons in doing so, isn't justice, and thus ultimately imprisons him for life, but makes it clear he has no intention to treat Luger inhumanely, so no, he won't be tortured or mistreated - he simply would no longer be free until he dies.
Later, we get to see Navin admitting to Trellis he's actually been sending letters to Luger in prison and believes Trellis would disapprove. On the contrary, while Trellis isn't enthusiastic, he doesn't disparage Navin for it and encourages him to write Luger as much as he can as Luger would genuinely appreciate it.
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We'll never get a third Ritchieverse Holmes movie. But if we somehow did, this is what I like to think should happen.
I would absolutely love for the inciting incident to be that, since the reason Holmes faked his death was because he wanted to keep Watson and Mary safe, the reason he has returned from faking his death is because that backfired and Watson and Mary are very much not. Why aren't they safe, you ask? Well, because Moran is on the revenge trail. Typically, he didn't have much personal investment in the killing of his targets, but we all saw how absolutely furious he got when Watson nearly killed Moriarty and escaped with Holmes. Now Moriarty is dead, and Moran has no job, no purpose, no one in the world - nothing, save for anger and grief. He cannot kill Holmes, because he does not know Holmes still lives. But if Holmes took the life of the only person Moran ever cared about, then even if he's not around to suffer for it, he will do the same to him.
Except, naturally, Holmes is around to suffer for it, and this cues the ending scene of the movie where Holmes coyly reveals he's alive, and would pick up right from there. There would be action! There would be shenanigans! Holy hell there would be character drama! Watson and Mary are absolutely going to beat Holmes's ass within an inch of his life, but also Watson is so, so very glad to have him back... Mary's not forgiving him ever for what he put Watson through, but how can she - how can they - bring themselves to be fully angry when he went through this to the end in an attempt to ensure their happiness? Especially when, if one considers the reason he closed his eyes to be for Watson to be the last thing he saw if he died, Holmes wasn't even completely sure he'd successfully fake his death... And they can't just unpack that while sitting in a house somewhere talking about their feelings, because Moran and the remnants of Moriarty's wide-reaching organization are very hot on their heels.
How does the movie progress? Well, I'm not entirely sure. I would love for Moran to get betrayed by those he conspired with, and be forced to work with Holmes and Watson (and Mary, who is adamantly refusing to let these two do all this on their own when her life is as endangered as theirs) on some level, thus forcing everybody - including Moran - to actually talk to each other. I also want to show that Holmes is beginning to get tired of all this - he loves the adrenaline, he loves to exercise his genius, he hates being bored, but he's also tired of the people he cares about constantly being in danger because he knows he can't always protect them. He knows that, because of what happened to Irene.
How does the movie end? Well, I can certainly tell you that. As a significant portion of the fanbase and Jude Law himself will tell you, the Ritchieverse Holmes movies come off very, very strongly as romances. In most cases, I am not the sort of person who advocates for any given ship in a medium to be acknowledged as canon just because a lot of fans like it, especially since that can often lead to disastrous results... but Christ alive, these movies are leaning so ridiculously hard into Holmeswatson vibes that I can't imagine it was an accident. And, well, part of the reason I want Moran to figure so heavily into this movie is because I think there was quite a bit of potential exploration of what exactly his relationship was with Moriarty just in the few tidbits you saw of them together... perhaps through a few flashbacks sprinkled in after Moran confesses what they really were to each other. Because if there's one thing I love, it's parallels. Watson and Moran, the military veterans and crack shots who are so very attached to the often-difficult genius masterminds they love. Unlike the singly-devoted Moran, Watson's affections are torn, because he adores Mary with everything he is, and is constantly fighting himself and pretending he can give up Holmes for her even though he can't imagine a life without both of them in it - but he is no less devoted for it. In different ways, they both cannot see a way forward - Moran cannot without Moriarty, Watson cannot because he cannot choose. So, in terms of an ending, I want Moran not to have to be killed by our heroes, or die in some sacrifice, or take his own life. I want him to have to live, without taking revenge. To figure out some kind of life, now that he's been spit out by the Queen's Army, and has lost the new life he was given now. It's more interesting, and less cheap, especially if this movie serves to build up and add depth to his character. And as for Holmes and Watson, well, it's not 2009 or 2011 anymore, so what's to stop your loose action movie adaptation of century-old, now-public domain stories from just going ahead and having them admit they love each other? (Or, potentially, having Mary admit it for them, to one of them, because she is sick and tired of their bullshit?) Why not let them, after all this is over, finally, finally share a kiss?
And as for the epilogue, I think it would be super fun and endearing if it cuts to Watson and Mary finally moving into that country house in Sussex together. He and Mary love each other, they're happy, they'll do so very all right. Then they get a knock on the door to find that the old woman who lives in the house next door has come to bring them a housewarming gift.
Except it's not an old woman. It's Sherlock Holmes dressed as an old woman. He has gone into early retirement to keep bees, and he just so happens, by pure coincidence, to have bought the house next to theirs.
Watson and Mary are exasperated. Then they probably think it's really funny, while still being exasperated. And ultimately, what Watson needs to realize is that there is something in this world that is insistent upon keeping these three together. If all of them can put up with each other - as they have shown they can just manage to do, this whole movie - and if all of them care for each other - as they have shown they undoubtedly do, for this whole movie - then no matter what he was sure was the "correct" and "right" thing to do before, he does not, and has never had to choose. Holmes doesn't have to steal him away from Mary any more than Mary has to steal him away from Holmes, because the great lesson of the Ritchieverse Sherlock Holmes movies ought to be that sometimes, polyamory is the best solution. And they all live in Sussex together, and quibble incessantly, and remain there for the rest of their days.
P. S. The number one thing this movie is absolutely, positively not allowed to do is kill off Mary. I don't care if she dies offscreen in the books, these movies did not have so much of their character conflict be Watson's inability to choose between her and Holmes for that to conclude with the immensely cheap act of offing her - not to mention that that would mean killing the only remaining major female character left in the series, and that these movies are so far removed from the ACD canon anyway that they can literally do whatever they want.
P. P. S. I don't have anywhere else to put these since I'll certainly never finish an entire screenplay concept for this without help, so here are a few disconnected, inaccurate-screenplay-format snippets using this idea that I jotted down on my phone way, way, back. Enjoy?
Opening shot: pigeons.
It’s early morning, and a man sits on a bench with a small bag of birdseed. He takes a handful of it, and reaches out to them. They flock around him with enthusiasm, some perching on his arm and hand.
The pigeons know him, clearly. It is SEBASTIAN MORAN.
He turns to look over his shoulder.
Moran: Hey, Professor, do you -
He stops. There is no one beside him.
Something hardens in his face.
He continues sprinkling birdseed. But his movements are listless, and it is clear the act no longer brings him much joy.
Holmes: It appears that Moriarty’s death, while ultimately a public service to the human race, has unleashed a far greater and more unpredictable danger to you than I could have imagined.
Watson: A danger?
Holmes: Indeed. And so long as I was believed to be dead, I was sure you and Mary would be entirely safe from it.
Watson: What - ?
Holmes: But I am now very much aware that that isn’t so, and so I have returned.
Watson: What danger, Holmes?
Holmes: Sebastian Moran.
Watson: Sebastian Mor- What, Moriarty’s right-hand man?
Holmes: The very same.
Watson: But why would he come after us? His superior is dead, he hasn’t got any orders -
Holmes: This has absolutely nothing to do with orders, Watson, and everything to do with the precarious and emotional nature of the human condition.
Watson: For the love of God, Holmes, can you just explain -
Holmes: I mean to say that this is entirely personal. Moran did not just work for Moriarty, he cared for him. Though to what extent, I haven’t the slightest idea.
Watson: For Moriarty?
(A disbelieving chuckle.)
Watson: Delusional bastard. I can’t imagine Moriarty cared for a soul in the world.
Holmes: And he may not have. How fallible man is, hm?
Holmes: Nevertheless, I believe that the colonel is seeking revenge. And if he cannot get it on me, then he will not stop until he has slain everyone I have ever cared for.
Holmes: Thus, my return from the grave. But I’ve already said that, haven’t I?
Holmes: No. No more deaths. No more lives lost because of me.
Holmes: …Not after Irene.
Moran: You should have died like the dog you are.
Holmes: Perhaps I would have, if I hadn’t known that Moriarty’s dog still lived.
Holmes: I had - foolishly, perhaps - thought that were I to die, Watson and Mary would be safe. A life for a life - my life, for Moriarty’s. No more.
Holmes: But you weren’t content with that. Were you?
Holmes: You wouldn’t stop until you’d killed everyone that meant something to me, even though I wasn’t there to see it.
Holmes: What will you do, if you succeed? What will you have left? It’s not as if revenge will bring him back.
Moran: You’d do the same if you lost your bloody Watson, wouldn’t you?
(Holmes is, rarely, silent.)
Moran: …And I don’t know how to do anything else.
Moran: …You’re wrong.
Moran: Nobody was kind to me. Not until I met the professor.
Holmes: But of course. It behooves a smart man to take good care of his tools -
Moran: You don’t know anything! It was real, what we had!
Moran: …It was real. I know it was. Because he told me that he didn’t even want to like me, at first, let alone…
(He trails off, as if thinking better of it. But then he shakes his head with a bitter chuckle.)
Moran: …What’s the point? I’ll hang for all the murders I’ve done. Another felony won’t mean much.
Moran: I loved him. And you’re the reason he’s dead. So I’ll kill everyone you love, and then I’ll kill you, or I’ll die trying.
Okay, that's it. If for some reason you read this far, thanks for sticking around! And if you have any personal thoughts on a third Ritchieverse Holmes movie, I'd absolutely love to hear them. See ya!
#rdj holmes#ritchie holmes#sherlock holmes#john watson#mary watson#sebastian moran#james moriarty#holmeswatson#holmeswatsonmary#moraniarty#and well i suppose i should tag this the almighty#johnlock#i honestly think all my screenplayish tidbits are waaaaaay too on the nose lmao#but i didn't want them to sit on my phone forever#but man is this a movie i'd love to work on if it somehow existed#even though there's no way it could given how much older all the actors are#i've seen and heard about numerous continuation concepts#but i always thought it a shame that they left out the fact that moran is still alive and kicking#and the fact that moran clearly cared about moriarty is such fun and barely explored territory in the movie#and appeared in none of the continuations that i could see#(sure it's entirely possible to interpret it that moriarty was just using that care)#(but i think that's boring)#(much more interesting to have your ruthless terrifying criminal mastermind villain be capable of genuine care)#(after all he canonically cares for those pigeons doesn't he?)
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Welcome to the Grimm Kink Meme
Doing our part to reintroduce kink memes to the fandom ecosystem!
Credit to @wwdits-kink-meme for the idea and for their generosity in allowing other fandoms to use their blog as a template to start additional kink memes!
This post will be updated with frequently used tags for ease of navigation on mobile.
Questions? Check out our FAQ! (also under the cut for mobile users)
What is a kink meme? A kink meme is a public (usually nsfw) prompt thread, originally popularized on LiveJournal. One person will throw out an idea that they don’t or can’t fulfill themselves in the hopes that it will spark creativity in someone else. A kink meme can be as simple as pairing + trope, or a full well-thought-out AU.
How do I submit a kink meme? Use the ask button on this blog and it will go into the queue! You can submit anonymously (traditional), but it will be posted either way - make sure you click anonymous if you don’t want your face on it!
How do I fill a kink meme? Any way you like! Submissions are open for you to submit your prompt fills directly to this blog, but you can also do any of the following:
Reblog the ask post and put your fill in the body of the reblog
Make your own original post on tumblr and link back to the original prompt post
Post your prompt fill to AO3 or another fanfic archive and post a link on tumblr
Whatever you do, we just ask that you link the prompt on your creative piece and/or reblog the submission with your piece included or linked (whichever applicable). If you are putting an explicit fill in reblogs, please remember to add a community label if the original post doesn’t already have one!
Can I fill/submit an NSFW prompt if I am under 18? No, you should not do this. Doing so not only endangers you, but the adults in fandom as well. We can’t stop you from seeking out certain content if you want to see it, but you should not be interacting with adults on sexual topics.
Can I fill a prompt with art? Absolutely! If your craft is drawing, painting, crocheting, stop-motion, needlepoint, cosplay, etc. and you are inspired by a kink meme, we encourage you to participate! We also encourage adding alt text to any images.
What content do you allow in submissions? All ships and kinks are welcome - yes, even that one. Prompts not related to Grimm will be rejected. Venting, character-bashing, or incomprehensible prompts will be deleted. Transphobia, racism, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, or ableism will get you blocked.
How are kink memes tagged? Tags will include any and all ships, kinks, applicable tropes, and potentially triggering content to the best of our ability. If something is missing or you would like to request a certain trigger tag, send an ask! Every possible trigger may not be tagged for, however, so it’s important to remember to protect yourself and your online experience.
Can I submit SFW prompts? Of course! Despite the name, kink memes aren’t just for porn.
Can I submit prompts with characters from the Grimm tie-in novels, comics, and games, too? Of course!
Can I submit prompts with my OC? No, but not because there’s anything wrong with OCs! These prompts are for someone else to fill, so it has to include characters they know.
Can I submit reader-insert or y/n prompts? Yes, as long as the other characters are from Grimm!
Can I submit crossover prompts? Not at this time.
Can I make my own kink meme for a different fandom using this blog as a template? This kink meme was created using the WWDITS Kink Meme as a template with permission of the generous mods as stated in their FAQ. I encourage you to check out their kink meme if you’d like a thorough starting point!
Who are the mods? Right now this blog is run by Jujubiest, one lone Grimmster who misses LiveJournal kink memes. If at some point we have additional mods, we will list them here.
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Here's an explanation for the Checo situation :)
The main issue with what Checo and Red Bull did, was that Checo's rear wing was half hanging off, and was dropping debris and carbon parts all the way as he drove it back to the pits, which was a major hazard for other cars. Usually in other instances where a penalty was not given for going back to the pits, the car has sustained damage and can make it back, but is not causing a hazard for other drivers.
For example, when a car has completely lost their front wing, they can make it back and replace it, and since the wing is completely gone, they're not spreading more debris everywhere. Similarly, when you see a car with a front wing end flap hanging, the longer it hangs the more likely they will get a black and orange flag to go in and replace it, because it's a hazard. But if the end plate flies off quickly and isn't hanging off the car, stewards allow the car to continue running.
Another major point is the rear wing in that state is not fixable, so he was retiring either way. In the decision notes, the stewards mention that Red Bull admitted they asked Checo to drive it back to avoid a safety car (it's not explicitly stated in the document but the implication is that they didn't want a safety car with Max being in the lead).
So basically the stewards saw it as Checo and Red Bull knowing they had a major issue that would retire the car, and still chose to drive it back to the pits knowing it was a carbon/debris hazard to other drivers, because they wanted to avoid a safety car affecting Max.
If they didn't punish this, it would set a dangerous precedent with teams having their hazardous cars go back to the pits because it may benefit their other driver. Unless the cars main components are affected, a car with three wheels and a hanging wing could still drag themselves back to the pits if they really wanted to. There's no point going back to the pits if your car will retire either way. The car parts and debris just add a greater hazard to the other drivers, so the stewards are going to give a penalty if you still choose to run your car on the track and potentially endanger others.
This is actually a very good explanation, thank you!! 🫶
It was harder to tell just how bad the wing was from the grandstands (it didn’t seem like there was active debris fall, only a few drivers saying there could be) & looked like it could be a “well it seemed alright to limp home” in the moment type of situation (on top of them really wanting to avoid that safety car, ofc). But I have to agree that if they 100% knew there was no recovering it AND that the wing was too precarious, then it makes much more sense to put the precedent in place now to avoid that moral hazard. I did see some saying it’s usually a fine and not a penalty, which is interesting, but I can’t recall any specific incidents that quite mirror this one.
#I said ‘actually a very good explanation’ as if I had doubted it would be 💀 in fact I was ready to believe you from the start#me vs the inclination to add ‘actually’ to everything#anyway ‼️ we learn things today! I really need to go rewatch the race w f1tv commentary after work#I’m missing some specifics#sergio checo pérez#canadian gp 2024#f1#*oracles
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Joe Biden lied about seeing Palestinians beheading 40 Israeli infants and four days later a Palestinian American six year old was stabbed 26 times in his own apartment. Under Biden's direction the US vetoed UN Security Council vote calling for an Israeli ceasefire that would allow humanitarian aid, medicine and food into Gaza. Then he visited Israel, embraced Benjamin Netanyahu (who is Israel's Donald Trump, look it up) and co-signed the Israeli lie that Hamas blew up Al Ahli hospital themselves, drafted $100 billion dollar foreign aid package, sent weapons to Israel, and gave the go ahead for a genocide in Gaza.
So, no, we will not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024.
It's very clear that the Democrats are running the Bush 9/11 playbook, i.e. Change the Conversation By Starting A War Based On Lies That Will Kill Millions of Arabs, Sustain That Effort Through Clumsy, Racist (but always effective!) Propaganda, And Endanger Arab And Muslim Americans In The Process.
So Instead of supporting universal healthcare in the midst of a global pandemic, forgiving predatory student loan debt that has hobbled an entire generation of young Americans, safeguarding the Supreme Court or protecting Roe from the decades long relentless attacks from the Right, Joe Biden is going to send billions of dollars to one of the richest countries on the planet to leverage his way back into the white house via manufactured crisis and the fake moral injury of "Fifteen 9/11s." (Someone needs to tell Pop Pop that social media exists and we can see Israelis "at war" partying at the beach, eating sushi and taking duck faced mirror selfies on Tik Tok and Instagram in real time, forty miles away from piles of dead babies...)
So no, we will not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024.
The Democrats have clearly decided that they do not need our votes. And/or the votes of other people of color and/or people under 40 and/or actual leftists across demographics-- who all overwhelmingly support Palestine... And if they think they'll keep working class white votes by playing on their Anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia as they watch the money they were told did not exist for them get funneled to one of the richest countries in the world while they struggle... well, good luck with that habibi.
Now, I can already hear the Neoliberal Hot Take Machine whirring to life with self-righteous posts about how "we" have to prevent Trump or any Republican from taking power in 2024. So I want to say to those folks directly, if you are concerned about the loss of potential votes for Biden in 2024, you should be. But instead of whipping up patronizing posts "explaining how politics work" to people living and dying at the mercy of those politics your energy is much better spent reaching out to the Democrats and letting them know that this is a losing strategy for them in 2024.
And if you doubt that Democrats need the votes of the young/ people of color/ leftists/ white working class people to win the Presidency then you can always ask Hilary Clinton. Just give her a call. She's probably at home.
#Palestine#Gaza#Genocide#Genoxide#Israel#israeli apartheid#Joe Biden#democrats#2024 elections#bloop bloop#neoliberalism#Trump#hilary clinton#Supernatural#qsmp#loki#destiel#us politics#mass effect#one piece#taylor swift#the eras tour#dnd#mcr#wwdits#stranger things#the marvels#noah schnapp
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A lot of people talk about the increasingly volatile situation in the Middle East.
Most people comment on the apartheid and the genocide. However, it feels like unspoken truth keep getting buried beneath the propaganda fluff.
I take a personal issue with charging a foreign country with the burden to solve native conflicts.
In the real world, you need a robust defense system and the fire power to fend off against potential attacks.
You cannot pray your way out of facing a material threat. I get a million adverts about small humanitarian organizations struggling to collect funding for the war-struck, vulnerable, and impoverished people.
They are not just helpless right now. They lack the good sense and resources to prepare their next generation to inherit an embattled, unwelcoming, and hostile world.
It's not a matter of how many lives are lost. It's a territorial skirmish. To fight is part of human nature. War, famine, hunger, poverty, and natural disasters are inevitable.
But I cannot in good conscience blindly pander to a cruel, unkind, and malicious placeholder.
Fools and deviants continue to lick the boots of feudal lords to earn small stipends and get puppy pets.
The helpless people,
They pray, they obey, and they prostrate all their lives. In return, they are left to fend for themselves unfed, unclothed, cold, alone, and endangered.
They exhaust their entire life savings on a pilgrimage of a lifetime. Meanwhile, the coffers overflowing with their blood, sweat, and tears are blown out on luxury and extravagant vanity projects.
These people are innocent enough to spend their dying breath subservient to a pedagogy that has not only forsaken them but it was never there for them to begin with.
The sycophants may earn their keep for a few days signing praises of the merchants of death. And they may pose their scum shillings as divine blessings.
But I know better than that. It may sound excessively emotionally charged. But hey, it's just the death of your children versus the murder of mine.
The nauseating smell of burning flesh makes me delusional enough to speak as thus!
You are part of the problem if you partake in this meaningless rubble rousing.
Learn, educate yourselves, and get out of mindless bantering.
Point in the right direction and ask your questions. 🫡
#writeblr#writing#writers on tumblr#writer problems#writing process#fantasy#writerblr#writer#spilled ink#my writing#Palestine#Middle East
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𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕞 𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟
In anticipation of the full moon, local residents and visitors of Greywood have begun to notice an alarming increase in creepy crawlies throughout town!
Where are these bugs and what can be done?
In Town, residents may be pleased or horrified to find that various insects have suddenly bloomed in population and are invading homes, businesses, public spaces and even your plumbing and vehicles. It seems nowhere is safe from these pesky bugs! There are occasional swarms in the sky of beetles and flies, earthworms are crawling out from the dirt and littering the sidewalk, even crickets and other insects seem to be persistently spawning inside nooks and cracks of homes and businesses despite best attempts to keep them out. Residents are encourage to contact local pest control services, witches for magical fixes, or attempt to clear out, relocate or eradicate the insects from their homes and businesses themselves! Whatever feels IC for your characters!
The Outskirts are experiencing the same, though perhaps more concerning are the sightings of something large moving through the woods - giant worms a few feet long burrowing beneath the earth and car sized beetles felling trees are flooding the news channels being broadcasted all over Greywood. If your character frequents the Outskirts or has made one of the rare homes there their own, be safe and mindful of this! Your wellbeing and safety is endangered even more than usual.
Deeper in the Greywood Forest, where the fog is thick and the town seems to melt away, residents should be extremely careful. There may be something even more dangerous lurking between the trees. Not only are the bugs still swarming en mass here, but giant bugs are more likely to be encountered, along with other giant magical insect creatures. Residents are encouraged to run if encountering one of these creatures, or for the brave and able, can attempt to encourage one of these insect beasts back into hiding or defend yourself by any means necessary.
Characters who are employed with the Greywood Fire Department, Sheriff's Department or Hospital may be alerted and contacted for assistance regarding managing the increase of bugs or aiding for any potential injuries caused.
How long will this last?
This takes place in-character from March 25, 2024 to April 8, 2024, after which we ask that no new threads be made but current and ongoing threads are okay to run until completion regardless of how long it takes. Participation is optional.
Can my character fight a giant bug?
Yes, they certainly can! Be sure to plot properly with your writing partner regarding action or fighting scenes and ensure any potential injuries, minor or severe are consented to with all parties and be sure to add any trigger warnings appropriate.
What kind of giant magical bugs are there?
Use your imagination! Feel free to have it simply be a giant version of a normal bug or use some kind of existing giant insect creature from fantastical mythology. If you have a more specific thing in mind and aren't sure, please contact the mods.
Is this part of a bigger plot?
This will be considered a stand-alone environmental world state change and not part of a larger plot arc.
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You know I was just reading the tintin books originally from the first one and I can tell I didn't like the way herge handled the drinking situations with haddock,like in most of the stories he didn't really give a damn about anything but his whisky lol,nowdays the regular fans or people only talk or joke about his attachment to drinking I feel like he could be much more than that,in some stories he was even literally annoying like in that whole moon business or in calculus affair the guys were talking about calculus's safety and here he was only asking or thinking for a drink lol💀I know it was all for jokes or to make people laugh but I didn't like that haddock was all about drinking,the only time he took anything seriously for a bit rather than drinking was in the red sea sharks lmao I feel like he just had more potential than to just act as a drunken man,what do you think of it?
Ok but I totally agree with you, especially in the early works the way the drinking problem is handled is just so off puting, so weird. It's always used for jokes and I confess that I have laughed with many of them but that doesn't mean I'm totally fine with them.
On one side I understand that these jokes are also a product of Herge's time and in general the conversation about alcoholism and other addictions wasn't as excessive and as developed as now (not that we treat them any better but at least there is now the aknowledgement of the problem and real efforts to be taken seriously). However we can't ignore that these jokes have aged poorly.
Besides the nature of the jokes themselves, I think the amount of them have done bag things to the character's reputation. Herge wanted to repeat the familiar jokes but he put them so many times that now most people remember Haddock for his alcoholism than all the other virtues he has shown.
[Surprisingly and maybe unpopular opinion but I did like how this was handled in the Spielberg movie. Yes it was used as a joke all the time but Tintin never encouraged Haddock drinking and he even got mad when he thought that Haddock drank (I still cry with this scene). Haddock tries to stop himself from drinking and he manages that two times, with the last one being such a great moment. He is also shown to realize his problem and not being proud of himself and he still tries to do better, to be better. And that's the core of Haddock's character. He is a man that reached the bottom and stood up again, he just needed the right push.]
In the later comics the drinking jokes are still there but I notice they're more about in how many ways we can prevent Haddock from drinking, reaching the Picaros where he can't even drink anymore. I think this is an improvement of the joke compared to before.
I want to stay on the example you mentioned with the moon case. Haddock's drinking and eventually endangering everyone because of it is never dealt lightheartedly. It's the first time we see Tintin losing his composure and yelling. Tintin, who until now never yelled at Haddock no matter what he did, is so angry and so disappointed that he yells. After that Haddock is immediately shown to be truly guilty and asking for forgiveness and of course Tintin forgives him. They don't mention it again and Haddock doesn't drink again.
Let's count how many times Haddock was completely drunk to the point of being dangerous for himself and others. Two. The first in his first appearance, in The Crab With The Golden Claws, and the second in the Explorers On The Moon. The two cases seem not similar but they do have one thing in common. Both times Haddock felt trapped and having no control over his own life and the only thing that felt in his control was alcohol. In Karaboudjan he felt trapped and Allan and the rest taking his freedom. In the rocket he felt trapped and before going he had tried so many times to get away from it and told so many times that he didn't want to participate but no one listened. We can't ignore the pattern here, alcohol for Haddock is his mean to regain control of himself and get courage. He needed a lot of time to take this matter in his hands and I don't think it's a coincidence we don't see him that drunk after the moon. In that case, he seemed to realize that he is not alone, his freedom isn't stolen but shared with his friends and freedom comes with responsibility and consequences. In both times Tintin is endangered and yet he doesn't abandon Haddock and saves him. In the first time, Tintin gave Haddock, a stranger, the comfort and courage to stand up and believe in himself again. In the second time, Tintin gave Haddock, his closest friend, a good shaking and scolding to stop being selfish and realize he's not alone anymore.
It's easy to diminish Haddock's character to his drinking. It's not fair though. Haddock has shown many MANY great virtues, since his first appearance even! In The Crab With The Golden Claws he didn't give Tintin although he was literally whipped and tortured to talk. In the Seven Crystal Balls he did everything to find Calculus. In the Red Sea Shark he literally shines. In Tibet he follows Tintin even though he thinks it's nonsense and he was ready to sacrifice himself for him. He has shown with words and actions that he's a philanthropist and strongly against racism and slavery and war. He is kindhearted, loyal and honest. He is a great friend and for all these Tintin and the rest characters chose him to be their friend and never gave up on him.
I simply wish fans could see all these stuff that Haddock is without drinking and not limit their perception and opinion on him from just drinking jokes.
Idea: let's stop making alcohol jokes and start the jokes about mineral water!
#thank you so much for this ask!#i wanted to talk about this topic a long time now#i love haddock but this drinking jokes were too much herge#i am haddock supporter and i will die on this hill#captain haddock#archibald haddock#tintin#the adventures of tintin
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if it's not possible to ban exploitative child r*pe stories from ao3, then they should be age-restricted. if it's not possible to remove racist stories that deeply upset a lot of poc, then allow a separate tagging system for non-white readers to warn each other about certain fics' specific outrages. if readers should just avoid tags they find repellent, then remove the "creator chose not to use warnings" option so they aren't surprised by something that could hurt them. All 3 of these compromises have been suggested before--and self-proclaimed pro-shippers called all 3 "fascism". That isn't anti-censorship, it's callousness. it's a refusal to admit that large widely-used platforms have different responsibilities than niche corners of the internet where you really can post any horrible shit you want.
How do you intend to enforce age restriction without endangering or cutting off the very minors you're protecting?
Yes, all potentially disturbing material should be properly tagged.
"Creator chose to not include warnings" also could be 100 words about two people cuddling by the beach, so instead of removing it entirely coming up with a seperate "no really there's nothing here that should bother most people" tag as well as a catch all "too many triggers to count, proceed with caution" tag is probably the better option. I do think there should be more moderation but in the form of more mods who tap fic creators on the shoulder and ask them to properly tag their fics or just do it themselves- I've been on other art sites that do exactly this, so I know it's a doable system. I also know it's thankless work and requires a huge amount of time spent doing so.
The rating system also provides a "are you sure?" buffer, by clicking it you are consenting to experiencing what it said on the tin. If something does not get properly tagged, see point #2.
Do you feel that libraries also should have a similarly robust system? The book series, that was not properly marked, that I found as a middle schooler that I will not return to was found in a library. Would you call that library callous or irresponsible or horrible?
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"too many people think he called the police on jay when he actually called them on Nadine" Apologies I thought it was Jay. I wouldn't have blamed Callum if he did though. But, what I don't understand is the people saying "whats his business, he should let him grieve". You shouldn't ignore someone taking drugs, and honestly, I get the vibes these are the type of people who will ignore someone self-harming or really doing anything dangerous to "help" themselves cope with something. Have you seen the latest episode?
the police called nadine by her name and knew she was dealing, whereas they had to ask for jay’s name so they clearly didn’t know he’d be there. so callum gave them nadine’s name and address - not jay’s.
i feel like that attitude is really people making light of taking drugs. just like some people did last year when ben was doing drugs. they’re not the right way to cope with heavy trauma. and it definitely is callum’s business if jay is taking and having drugs on him with a child in the house. he’s potentially endangering lexi here and ben and callum are right to not tolerate that, just like lola was last year when it came to ben.
#ask#those same people advocated for ben to lose access to lexi last year when he dealt with the aftermath of the sa and drag him#for his way of grieving all the time but now that it’s jay it’s suddenly ‘they need to mind their business’?? give me a break
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