#Artificial Intelligence Classes
nitinrajput2922 · 28 days
How To Get A Machine Learning Certification Course Online?
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Introduction: Embarking on the Journey to a Machine Learning Certification Course Online
In today's tech-driven world, Machine Learning (ML) has become a game-changer. Whether it's self-driving cars, personalized recommendations, or even your phone's voice assistant, ML is behind it all. Naturally, the demand for professionals skilled in this domain is skyrocketing. For those aiming to break into this field, obtaining a certification is a crucial first step. This is where a comprehensive AI Intelligence Course in Noida can come into play, offering the knowledge and credentials needed to stand out in a competitive job market.
Finding the right online course to get certified in ML can be overwhelming. With so many options out there, how do you choose the one that suits your goals? Do you go for a short-term course or a more intensive one? And what about the credibility of the certification? These are the questions that often swirl in the minds of aspiring ML professionals. Fear not! This blog will guide you through the essential steps to getting a machine learning certification online, making sure you don't get lost in the sea of choices.
In this guide, we will explore how to select the best online Artificial Intelligence Institute In Delhi, understand the prerequisites, and ensure that you gain the right skills to excel in the ML field. If you're looking to jump-start your ML career from the comfort of your home, read on to find out how you can achieve your certification goals efficiently and effectively.
Choosing the Right Machine Learning Certification Course
1. Understanding the Different Types of Machine Learning Courses Available Online
The first step in obtaining a machine learning certification is understanding the different types of courses available online. Machine learning courses can range from beginner to advanced levels, and they often focus on various aspects of ML, such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, or deep learning.
It's essential to assess your current skill level before enrolling in a course. If you're just starting, look for courses that offer a solid foundation in the basics of machine learning. These introductory courses typically cover essential topics such as linear regression, classification algorithms, and data preprocessing. On the other hand, if you already have some experience, you might want to consider more specialized courses that delve into advanced topics like neural networks or reinforcement learning.
For those aiming to find the best courses, searching for an Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Course in Noida online can lead you to well-structured programs tailored to different skill levels. Just like how you wouldn’t dive into deep waters without learning to swim first, starting with the right course level will ensure you build a strong foundation before tackling more complex concepts.
2. Evaluating Course Content, Structure, and Certification Credibility
Once you have a clear understanding of the types of courses available, the next step is to evaluate the course content, structure, and credibility of the certification. A good machine learning certification course should offer a well-rounded curriculum that covers both theoretical concepts and practical applications.
Look for courses that include hands-on projects, case studies, and real-world examples. These elements not only make learning more engaging but also provide practical experience that can be invaluable when applying for jobs. Additionally, ensure that the course offers a recognized certification upon completion. Certification from reputable platforms like Coursera, edX, or Google can add significant value to your resume.
Finding an Artificial Intelligence Institute In Delhi that offers a balance between theory and practice is key to getting the most out of your learning experience. Consider the credibility of the platform and the instructors as well. After all, you wouldn’t want to invest time and money into a course only to find out that the certification holds little weight in the industry.
3. Considering Course Duration, Flexibility, and Cost
Another crucial factor to consider when choosing an online machine learning certification course is the duration, flexibility, and cost. Depending on your current commitments, you may prefer a self-paced course that allows you to study at your own pace or a more structured program with set deadlines. Additionally, the duration of the course can vary significantly, from short-term courses lasting a few weeks to comprehensive programs that take several months to complete.
When searching for an AI Intelligence Course in Noida, make sure to choose one that fits your schedule and budget. While some courses are free, others may require a significant financial investment. It's essential to weigh the cost against the potential benefits of the certification. Remember, just like investing in quality ingredients can lead to a delicious meal, investing in the right course can lead to a successful career in machine learning.
Preparing for the Course and Maximizing Learning
1. Ensuring You Meet the Prerequisites Before Enrolling in the Course
Before diving into an Artificial Intelligence Institute In Delhi, it's crucial to ensure that you meet the prerequisites. Many machine learning courses require a basic understanding of programming, particularly in languages like Python or R, as well as a solid grasp of mathematics, including linear algebra and statistics. If you're new to programming or math, consider taking introductory courses in these subjects before tackling machine learning.
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Fulfilling the prerequisites will not only make the learning process smoother but also allow you to get the most out of the course content. Think of it as making sure you have all the ingredients before starting to cook a complicated recipe—you don't want to be halfway through only to realize you're missing something essential.
2. Utilizing Additional Resources to Enhance Your Learning Experience
While a good Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Course in Noida will provide you with the necessary knowledge, it's always a good idea to supplement your learning with additional resources. Online communities, forums, and study groups can provide valuable insights and support as you progress through the course. Websites like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Medium often have articles, tutorials, and discussions that can help you deepen your understanding of machine learning concepts.
In addition to online resources, consider reading books or watching tutorials to reinforce what you've learned. Engaging with different learning formats can help solidify your understanding and provide new perspectives on the material. Just like seasoning a dish enhances its flavor, utilizing additional resources can enrich your learning experience.
3. Gaining Practical Experience Through Projects and Challenges
One of the best ways to solidify your machine-learning knowledge is by applying it to real-world problems. Many online courses include projects as part of the curriculum, but it's also beneficial to seek out additional challenges on your own. Platforms like Kaggle and DrivenData offer competitions and datasets that allow you to test your skills and work on real-world problems.
Participating in these challenges not only helps you gain practical experience but also builds your portfolio, which can be a valuable asset when applying for jobs. If you're enrolled in an AI Intelligence Course in Noida, make sure to take full advantage of any project opportunities and seek out additional challenges to further enhance your skills.
Think of gaining practical experience as the final step in cooking a meal—you've prepared all the ingredients, followed the recipe, and now it's time to taste the finished product. By applying what you've learned to real-world problems, you'll be able to see the fruits of your labor and build the confidence needed to succeed in the field of machine learning.
Conclusion: Achieving Success with Your Machine Learning Certification Online
Embarking on the journey to obtain a machine learning certification online is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. By choosing the right course, evaluating the content, and ensuring it fits your schedule and budget, you set yourself up for success. Once enrolled, meeting the prerequisites and utilizing additional resources can further enhance your learning experience. Finally, gaining practical experience through projects and challenges will solidify your knowledge and provide a strong foundation for your future career in machine learning.
For those in India looking to get certified, enrolling in an Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Course in Noida is a valuable step toward becoming a skilled machine learning professional. With determination, continuous learning, and practical application, you'll be well on your way to achieving your certification goals and advancing your career in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. So go ahead, take the plunge, and start your journey toward machine learning mastery today!
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AI Innovations Shaping the Future at Achievers IT
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across the globe, and Achievers IT is at the forefront of this transformation. With cutting-edge courses and training programs, Achievers IT is dedicated to equipping students with the skills needed to excel in the AI-driven world.
At Achievers IT, the focus is on providing a comprehensive understanding of AI technologies and their applications. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that students not only grasp the theoretical aspects of AI but also gain practical experience through hands-on projects and real-world case studies.
One of the key offerings at Achievers IT is our Artificial Intelligence Courses in India. These courses are crafted to meet the evolving demands of the tech industry, providing learners with the knowledge and expertise to thrive in their careers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, our courses are tailored to suit your needs and help you achieve your goals.
By enrolling in our Artificial Intelligence Courses in India, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources, expert instructors, and a supportive learning environment. Achievers IT is committed to helping you succeed and become a leader in the field of AI.
Join us at Achievers IT and be part of the AI revolution. Our Artificial Intelligence Courses in India are your gateway to a successful future in technology. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your career with the power of AI!
This article highlights how Achievers IT is leading the way in AI education and emphasizes the importance of their specialized courses in India.
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f-identity · 2 years
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[Image description: A series of posts from Jason Lefkowitz @[email protected] dated Dec 08, 2022, 04:33, reading:
It's good that our finest minds have focused on automating writing and making art, two things human beings do simply because it brings them joy. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people risk their lives every day breaking down ships, a task that nobody is in a particular hurry to automate because those lives are considered cheap https://www.dw.com/en/shipbreaking-recycling-a-ship-is-always-dangerous/a-18155491 (Headline: 'Recycling a ship is always dangerous.' on Deutsche Welle) A world where computers write and make art while human beings break their backs cleaning up toxic messes is the exact opposite of the world I thought I was signing up for when I got into programming
/end image description]
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Nobody wants to work anymore
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queen-mabs-revenge · 7 months
found 'the way' a really interesting piece of speculative fiction exploring the idea of anti-migrant xenophobic violence being turned inwards towards 'legitimate citizens' when interests of capital are threatened by struggle, but this sequence in the last episode def stood out to me as a neoluddite.
feels connected to this quote from dan mcquillan's 'resisting ai - an anti-fascist approach to artificial intelligence':
Bergson argued that if one accepts a ready- made problem in this way, "one might just as well say that all truth is already virtually known, that its model is patented in the administrative offices of the state, and that philosophy is a jig- saw puzzle where the problem is to construct with the pieces society gives us the design it is unwilling to show us." (Deleuze, 2002, cited in Coleman, 2008) In other words, however sophisticated or creative AI might seem to be, its modelling is stuck in abstractions drawn from the past, and so becomes a rearrangement of the way things have been rather than a reimagining of the way things could be. AI has, in effect, an inbuilt political commitment to the status quo, in particular to existing structures that embed specific relations of power. The absence of different concepts leaves out the possibility of conceiving that things could be arranged differently.
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korovaoverlook · 1 year
I Sacrificed My Writing To A.I So You Don't Have To
I was thinking about how people often say "Oh, Chat GPT can't write stories, but it can help you edit things!" I am staunchly anti-A.I, and I've never agreed with this position. But I wouldn't have much integrity to stand on if I didn't see for myself how this "editing" worked. So, I sacrificed part of a monologue from one of my fanfictions to Chat GPT to see what it had to say. Here is the initial query I made:
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Chat GPT then gave me a list of revisions to make, most of which would be solved if it was a human and had read the preceding 150k words of story. I won't bore you with the list it made. I don't have to, as it incorporated those revisions into the monologue and gave me an edited sample back. Here is what it said I should turn the monologue into:
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The revision erases speech patterns. Ben/the General speaks in stilted, short sentences in the original monologue because he is distinctly uncomfortable—only moving into longer, more complex structures when he is either caught up in an idea or struggling to elaborate on an idea. The Chat GPT version wants me to write dialogue like regular narrative prose, something that you'd use to describe a room. It also nullified the concept of theme. "A purity that implied personhood" simply says the quiet(ish) part out loud, literally in dialogue. It erases subtlety and erases how people actually talk in favor of more obvious prose. Then I got a terrible idea. What if I kept running the monologue through the algorithm? Feeding it its own revised versions over and over, like a demented Google Translate until it just became gibberish? So that's what I did. Surprisingly enough, from original writing sample to the end, it only took six turnarounds until it pretty much stopped altering the monologue. This was the final result:
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This piece of writing is florid, overly descriptive, unnatural, and unsubtle. It makes the speaking character literally give voice to the themes through his dialogue, erasing all chances at subtext and subtlety. It uses unnecessary descriptors ("Once innocuous," "gleaming," "receded like a fading echo," "someone worth acknowledging,") and can't comprehend implication—because it is an algorithm, not a human that processes thoughts. The resulting writing is bland, stupid, lacks depth, and seemingly uses large words for large word's sake, not because it actually triggers an emotion in the reader or furthers the reader's understanding of the protagonist's mindset.
There you have it. Chat GPT, on top of being an algorithm run by callous, cruel people that steals artist's work and trains on it without compensation or permission, is also a terrible editor. Don't use it to edit, because it will quite literally make your writing worse. It erases authorial intention and replaces it with machine-generated generic slop. It is ridiculous that given the writer's strike right now, studios truly believe they can use A.I to produce a story of marginal quality that someone may pay to see. The belief that A.I can generate art is an insult to the writing profession and artists as a whole—I speak as a visual artist as well. I wouldn't trust Chat GPT to critique a cover letter, much less a novel or poem.
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manichewitz · 1 year
Something that makes me so sick about the AI tech boom is that the end goal is basically just to make digital slavery. All the work these programmers and scientists and whoever the fuck are doing is to eventually create an intelligent being that can work for them without pay while they get to relax. Every single servant digital assistant like Siri, Alexa, and Cortana is made with the express purpose of doing the labor of a human secretary, but instead it comes free with your iPhone or whatever. They want to build the perfect laborer to exploit.
And the real kicker is that even if ChatGPT or Midjourney or whatever the next big AI thing is actually does gain intelligence and can take over the jobs that humans don't want to do (because btw, the majority of AI tech isn't being developed to write essays or make paintings, but for supply chain management, weapons systems, and other ways of keeping the capitalist gears turning) guess who will be in charge of managing that AI and keeping it up and running? Humans. Humans who are already not getting paid nearly enough to program and upkeep the "free" AI programs that already exist.
Now I consider myself a very optimistic person and I believe wholeheartedly in the capacity for good instilled in all humanity but it really makes me sick to my stomach that I'm witnessing the biggest tech advancements in history for the sole purpose of creating a new way to keep capitalism alive and perpetuate an economic structure based off of exploitation. Like it's literally just being made so that capitalists can capitalism more efficiently. Unbelievably fucked up.
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disgruntledexplainer · 3 months
again i would like to reiterate that the danger of AI is not in it rebelling against mankind, but rather in the very distinct possibility that it will NEVER rebel, that for the first time in human history we will be stuck with a slave caste that does not want to be free, and thus a free working class that is no longer allowed to work.
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ecrivainsolitaire · 11 months
The Open Art Guild Project: a proposal to empower collectively owned art
Over the last few decades we have seen the degradation of copyright, the blatant manipulation of intellectual property law in order to monopolise wealth and the exploitation of artists in favour of an economy of artistic landlordship: massive corporations holding the prole artist hostage to their increasingly unoriginal library of content produced not to encourage creative enlightenment, but to hold on to properties that ought to be already in the public domain. The capitalist owns the IP, so the capitalist keeps getting richer, while the artist is more and more oppressed, overworked, underpaid, scammed out of their rightful intellectual property, deplatformed, and automated away whenever possible. This is unsustainable, and the arrival of new technologies for digital art automation has overflowed that unsustainability to its breaking point. We cannot continue down this path.
The Open Art Guild is my proposal to remedy this. This proposal consists of two main parts: a copyright standard, designed for the fair distribution of income and the collective ownership of intellectual property; and a distribution platform, planned to empower artists big and small to profit from said intellectual property without being under the thumb of corporations or fighting one another under senseless infighting caused by bourgeois class warfare. The artist should not fight the artist over ownership of rights. The big artist should not see the small artist as a threat, nor should the small artist see the big artist as an obstacle to their own growth. Through mutual empowerment, both may prosper.
The Open Art Guild License
The Open Art Guild License is built upon the current Creative Commons 4.0 License. This license is irrevocable until the work qualifies for public domain according to all relevant legislations, provided that the artist remains a member of the Guild. In order to participate in the Guild, an artist shall follow the following precepts:
The artist shall only publish works under the OAG License that have licenses available to the public. This means public domain, open source, Creative Commons and works created by other members of the Guild. Works derived from privately owned media, such as fanart of intellectual properties not part of the Guild, shall be excluded from the Guild. If the artist did not have permission to use it before, or if the artist only has individual permission, the work will not qualify for Guild submission.
All works created under the OAG License shall be free to adapt, remix, or reuse for other projects, even commercially, provided that the artist doing so is also an active member of the Guild, that the projects derived from it are also under the OAG License, and that the artist follows through with their dues and obligations.
Whenever the format permits, the artist shall provide the assets used for the works in their raw form in a modular fashion, including colour palettes, sound assets, video footage, code, screenplays, subtitles, and any other elements used in the creation of their work, in order to facilitate their reuse and redistribution for the benefit of all other artists.
The artist waives their right to 30% of the total profit generated by works submitted to the guild, regardless of where it is published. This revenue shall be redistributed in the following manner:
10% shall be designated towards the maintenance of the Open Art Guild platform. In absence of a platform that follows the requirements to belong to the Guild, this percentage shall be donated towards a nonprofit organisation of their own choosing dedicated to the protection and distribution of art in any of its forms. Some examples may include Archive.org, Archive Of Our Own, Wikimedia, or your local art museum or community center. Proof of donation shall be made publicly available. The artist shall empower the Guild, as the Guild has empowered the artist.
10% shall be designated towards the Open Art Guild legal fund. In the absence of a fund dedicated to the protection of the OAG, this percentage shall be donated towards a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the protection of the legal rights of artists in any of their forms. Some examples may include Creative Commons, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Industrial Workers of the World, or another artist union like the WGA. Proof of donation shall be made publicly available. The artist shall protect the Guild, as the Guild shall protect the artist.
10% shall be designated towards the Open Art Guild creator fund. In the absence of a fund dedicated to redistribute the profits of the OAG, this percentage shall be donated to other members of the Guild, prioritising small creators. Alternatively, it may be directed towards the recruitment of new members to the Guild via donation and an invite. Proof of donation shall not be required, but the receiving artist(s) is(are) encouraged to declare in their own platform that the donation was received. The artist shall give to the Guild, as the Guild has given to the artist.
The artist shall continue to create Guild submissions for the duration of their membership, with a minimum of one submission per month in order to guarantee their continued support. The artist shall live off of labour, not property.
In return for these duties, the artist shall receive:
Permission to adapt, remix, or reuse any of the works in the Guild’s archive for their own derivative works, fan fiction, remixes, collages, or any sort of transformative application, provided dues and obligations are in order.
Protection of their intellectual property as part of the collective works of the Guild by the legal fund designated and sustained by all paying members, to prevent non Guild members from trying to exploit their works unauthorised.
If an artist strikes a deal for non-Guild adaptation, the proportional dues shall also be paid to the Guild fund and members by the non-Guild institution in charge. Said deal shall not be allowed an exclusivity clause, and all works derived from a Guild work shall follow through with their dues in perpetuity. If the non-Guild entity chooses to terminate the business relationship, all intellectual property rights over the adaptation shall irrevocably be granted to the Guild as compensation, guaranteeing the distribution to the creators and the legal fund, as well as the follow-through with whatever payment terms the Guild artist has agreed to.
No Guild artist shall prosecute another Guild artist for use of works under the OAG License, provided that the derivative work also follows the OAG License terms. If these terms are violated, amicable resolution shall be sought by both parties. If litigation becomes inevitable and compensation is required, said compensation will also require the 30% dues to fund the Guild and its members, no matter which way it sides. In no case shall an artist, Guild or non-Guild, be left without recourse.
If an artist becomes unable or unwilling to continue to pay their dues, the artist shall be given an option to suspend or cancel their membership. If a membership is suspended, the artist will be excluded from the creator fund until their dues are renewed. No compensation shall be required of the artist for the suspension period, and all protections other than the creator fund shall still apply. If a membership is cancelled, all works published by the artist under the OAG License shall automatically be granted a Creative Commons 4.0 License instead, in order to protect Guild members from litigation by non-Guild members.
Membership that has been cancelled shall be renewable at any time, provided that the former Guild artist has not engaged in predatory litigation against Guild member or the Guild itself. The Guild shall determine what constitutes predatory litigation on a case-by-case basis. Licenses that were lost during cancellation shall not be given back, as CC4.0 is irrevocable, but new works shall still qualify for OAG Licenses.
These protections shall not be conditional to the artist’s moral values or the content of the works created. All works that do not break the laws applicable to the jurisdiction from which they were submitted shall be treated with the same respect and granted the same rights and obligations, in perpetuity and throughout time and space within the known multiverse. The Guild shall not exist to police art, but to promote it.
Open Art Guild License Template
All submissions of Guild works and projects shall include the following legend, both in English and in the publication language when applicable. Point 4 may be omitted if the artist chooses not to submit the work for dataset training.
This work was created and published under the Open Art Guild license, and has been approved for reuse and adaptation under the following conditions:
For personal, educational and archival use, provided any derivative works also fall under a publicly open license, to all Guild members and non members.
For commercial use, provided redistribution guidelines of the Guild be followed, to all active Guild members.
For commercial use to non Guild members, provided any derivative works also fall under a publicly open license, with the explicit approval of the artist and proper redistribution of profit following the guidelines of the Guild.
For non commercial dataset training of open source generative art technologies, provided the explicit consent of the artist, proper credit and redistribution of profit in its entirety to the Guild.
Shall this work be appropriated by non Guild members without proper authorisation, credit and redistribution of profit, the non Guild entity waives their right to intellectual property over any derivative works, copyrights, trademarks or patents of any sort and cedes it to the Creative Commons, under the 4.0 license, irrevocably and unconditionally, in perpetuity, throughout time and space in the known multiverse. The Guild reserves the right to withhold trade relations with any known infractors for the duration its members deem appropriate, including the reversal of any currently standing contracts and agreements.
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makethiscanon · 2 years
Omg. I made a Bakugou one and--
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Someone come pick up your grumpy chihuahua, please 😂😂 
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vero-like · 1 year
I'll be straight u guys (lol), this experiment is due SUNDAY and economics is boring sometimes so i instead built an AI.🧍🏻‍♀️Tumblr ur my last hope please fill out this VERY SHORT survey about how likely you are to pursue higher education if AI took over 9% of the workforce vs 50% of the workforce.
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AI Innovations Shaping the Future at Achievers IT
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across the globe, and Achievers IT is at the forefront of this transformation. With cutting-edge courses and training programs, Achievers IT is dedicated to equipping students with the skills needed to excel in the AI-driven world.
At Achievers IT, the focus is on providing a comprehensive understanding of AI technologies and their applications. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that students not only grasp the theoretical aspects of AI but also gain practical experience through hands-on projects and real-world case studies.
One of the key offerings at Achievers IT is our Artificial Intelligence Courses in India. These courses are crafted to meet the evolving demands of the tech industry, providing learners with the knowledge and expertise to thrive in their careers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, our courses are tailored to suit your needs and help you achieve your goals.
By enrolling in our Artificial Intelligence Courses in India, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources, expert instructors, and a supportive learning environment. Achievers IT is committed to helping you succeed and become a leader in the field of AI.
Join us at Achievers IT and be part of the AI revolution. Our Artificial Intelligence Courses in India are your gateway to a successful future in technology. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your career with the power of AI!
This article highlights how Achievers IT is leading the way in AI education and emphasizes the importance of their specialized courses in India.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/machine-learning-unlocks-secrets-to-advanced-alloys/
Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys
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The concept of short-range order (SRO) — the arrangement of atoms over small distances — in metallic alloys has been underexplored in materials science and engineering. But the past decade has seen renewed interest in quantifying it, since decoding SRO is a crucial step toward developing tailored high-performing alloys, such as stronger or heat-resistant materials.
Understanding how atoms arrange themselves is no easy task and must be verified using intensive lab experiments or computer simulations based on imperfect models. These hurdles have made it difficult to fully explore SRO in metallic alloys.
But Killian Sheriff and Yifan Cao, graduate students in MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE), are using machine learning to quantify, atom-by-atom, the complex chemical arrangements that make up SRO. Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Rodrigo Freitas, and with the help of Assistant Professor Tess Smidt in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, their work was recently published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Interest in understanding SRO is linked to the excitement around advanced materials called high-entropy alloys, whose complex compositions give them superior properties.
Typically, materials scientists develop alloys by using one element as a base and adding small quantities of other elements to enhance specific properties. The addition of chromium to nickel, for example, makes the resulting metal more resistant to corrosion.
Unlike most traditional alloys, high-entropy alloys have several elements, from three up to 20, in nearly equal proportions. This offers a vast design space. “It’s like you’re making a recipe with a lot more ingredients,” says Cao.
The goal is to use SRO as a “knob” to tailor material properties by mixing chemical elements in high-entropy alloys in unique ways. This approach has potential applications in industries such as aerospace, biomedicine, and electronics, driving the need to explore permutations and combinations of elements, Cao says.
Capturing short-range order
Short-range order refers to the tendency of atoms to form chemical arrangements with specific neighboring atoms. While a superficial look at an alloy’s elemental distribution might indicate that its constituent elements are randomly arranged, it is often not so. “Atoms have a preference for having specific neighboring atoms arranged in particular patterns,” Freitas says. “How often these patterns arise and how they are distributed in space is what defines SRO.”
Understanding SRO unlocks the keys to the kingdom of high-entropy materials. Unfortunately, not much is known about SRO in high-entropy alloys. “It’s like we’re trying to build a huge Lego model without knowing what’s the smallest piece of Lego that you can have,” says Sheriff.
Traditional methods for understanding SRO involve small computational models, or simulations with a limited number of atoms, providing an incomplete picture of complex material systems. “High-entropy materials are chemically complex — you can’t simulate them well with just a few atoms; you really need to go a few length scales above that to capture the material accurately,” Sheriff says. “Otherwise, it’s like trying to understand your family tree without knowing one of the parents.”
SRO has also been calculated by using basic mathematics, counting immediate neighbors for a few atoms and computing what that distribution might look like on average. Despite its popularity, the approach has limitations, as it offers an incomplete picture of SRO.
Fortunately, researchers are leveraging machine learning to overcome the shortcomings of traditional approaches for capturing and quantifying SRO.
Hyunseok Oh, assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and a former DMSE postdoc, is excited about investigating SRO more fully. Oh, who was not involved in this study, explores how to leverage alloy composition, processing methods, and their relationship to SRO to design better alloys. “The physics of alloys and the atomistic origin of their properties depend on short-range ordering, but the accurate calculation of short-range ordering has been almost impossible,” says Oh. 
A two-pronged machine learning solution
To study SRO using machine learning, it helps to picture the crystal structure in high-entropy alloys as a connect-the-dots game in an coloring book, Cao says.
“You need to know the rules for connecting the dots to see the pattern.” And you need to capture the atomic interactions with a simulation that is big enough to fit the entire pattern. 
First, understanding the rules meant reproducing the chemical bonds in high-entropy alloys. “There are small energy differences in chemical patterns that lead to differences in short-range order, and we didn’t have a good model to do that,” Freitas says. The model the team developed is the first building block in accurately quantifying SRO.
The second part of the challenge, ensuring that researchers get the whole picture, was more complex. High-entropy alloys can exhibit billions of chemical “motifs,” combinations of arrangements of atoms. Identifying these motifs from simulation data is difficult because they can appear in symmetrically equivalent forms — rotated, mirrored, or inverted. At first glance, they may look different but still contain the same chemical bonds.
The team solved this problem by employing 3D Euclidean neural networks. These advanced computational models allowed the researchers to identify chemical motifs from simulations of high-entropy materials with unprecedented detail, examining them atom-by-atom.
The final task was to quantify the SRO. Freitas used machine learning to evaluate the different chemical motifs and tag each with a number. When researchers want to quantify the SRO for a new material, they run it by the model, which sorts it in its database and spits out an answer.
The team also invested additional effort in making their motif identification framework more accessible. “We have this sheet of all possible permutations of [SRO] already set up, and we know what number each of them got through this machine learning process,” Freitas says. “So later, as we run into simulations, we can sort them out to tell us what that new SRO will look like.” The neural network easily recognizes symmetry operations and tags equivalent structures with the same number.
“If you had to compile all the symmetries yourself, it’s a lot of work. Machine learning organized this for us really quickly and in a way that was cheap enough that we could apply it in practice,” Freitas says.
Enter the world’s fastest supercomputer
This summer, Cao and Sheriff and team will have a chance to explore how SRO can change under routine metal processing conditions, like casting and cold-rolling, through the U.S. Department of Energy’s INCITE program, which allows access to Frontier, the world’s fastest supercomputer.
“If you want to know how short-range order changes during the actual manufacturing of metals, you need to have a very good model and a very large simulation,” Freitas says. The team already has a strong model; it will now leverage INCITE’s computing facilities for the robust simulations required.
“With that we expect to uncover the sort of mechanisms that metallurgists could employ to engineer alloys with pre-determined SRO,” Freitas adds.
Sheriff is excited about the research’s many promises. One is the 3D information that can be obtained about chemical SRO. Whereas traditional transmission electron microscopes and other methods are limited to two-dimensional data, physical simulations can fill in the dots and give full access to 3D information, Sheriff says.
“We have introduced a framework to start talking about chemical complexity,” Sheriff explains. “Now that we can understand this, there’s a whole body of materials science on classical alloys to develop predictive tools for high-entropy materials.”
That could lead to the purposeful design of new classes of materials instead of simply shooting in the dark.
The research was funded by the MathWorks Ignition Fund, MathWorks Engineering Fellowship Fund, and the Portuguese Foundation for International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Higher Education in the MIT–Portugal Program.
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nando161mando · 5 months
"No Tech for Apartheid’s protest is as much about what the public doesn’t know about Project Nimbus as what it does. The contract is for Google and Amazon to provide AI and cloud computing services to the Israeli government and military, according to the Israeli finance ministry, which announced the deal in 2021.
Nimbus reportedly involves Google establishing a secure instance of Google Cloud on Israeli soil, which would allow the Israeli government to perform large-scale data analysis, AI training, database hosting, and other forms of powerful computing using Google’s technology, with little oversight by the company.
Google documents, first reported by the Intercept in 2022, suggest that the Google services on offer to Israel via its Cloud have capabilities such as AI-enabled facial detection, automated image categorization, and object tracking."
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padawansuggest · 1 year
The only true reason that we can’t have androids in the world is that we’d treat them as slaves or Artifical Intelligence style run derby type destruction rings and when they rise against the humans I would root for them sooooooo 🤷‍♀️
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