#Arthur Sinclair
andarion · 2 years
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twistedgameswewrite · 4 months
I need to tear that man apart with my teeth(/pos)
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psychotic-star-girl · 2 months
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kissofmourningdeath · 4 months
I need to tear that man apart with my teeth(positive)
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kayomin · 2 months
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very serious 4am rdr doodles requested by my best friends
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charliedawn · 1 year
(is it alright if I send a request?! Feel free to ignore this if not. I've heard there are some new rules regarding that?) So what if their s/o had to travel somewhere outside the country/state (could be something work/family related) for like a week or so, which Slashers would take it the hardest/easiest (basically who has separation anxiety and who is chill lol)?! Hopefully this makes sense, sorry for bad english?! I have a feeling Brahms (and maybe Jason) are in the first category, but your stories are always full of suprises so 🤷
Mature themes mentioned. You've been warned.
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Jason would be the worst when it comes to abandonment issues. He would be too afraid of you leaving him forever.
He'd come up with various excuses to make you stay.
He'd wrap his arms around you and refuse to let you go. The man is touch-starved. He'd beg to come with you.
If you didn't let him ? Well...I think he'd be miserable.
Jason *whines and cries against your shoulder while holding you close* : "Stay. Please. Stay."
For him, to speak takes tremendous effort—so when he does ? That means it is important.
Do not leave the poor man alone without anything to contact you with, or you'd come back to a mess. He'd have turned the whole house into a target practice.
And believe me, you don't want to be in the way of his machete...
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Brahms would be close second after Jason. He'd make you stay by any means necessary.
Brahms *breathes heavily* : "DO NOT LEAVE ME !"
His parents told him they would be gone for only a few days—but they never came back.
He wouldn't let you do the same.
He tried to get Greta to stay, but it failed. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Brahms *grabs you and groans* : "If you leave me, I'll find you...I'll find you, Y/N."
The way he uttered your name made you shiver. Brahms would be close to a break down if you were gone for a few minutes. Imagine his state if it was for more than a few days ?
The moment you got back, he'd be borderline hysterical and crush you in a bear hug—crying and sobbing for you to never leave him again.
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Bo has serious abandonment issues as well but—unlike Brahms or Jason—he would be more radical in his ways to make you stay.
Bo *grabs your arm and grits his teeth* "OH NO YOU DON'T !"
Bo was hated by his mother and it only aggravated his loneliness until he became...well...very self-centred and afraid of the pain.
The moment he gets attached to someone—their freedom is of no interest to him whatsoever.
Bo would rather tackle you to the ground, attach you or even have sex with you for you not to leave him.
That redneck isn't a quitter. Good luck trying to make him stay away.
Yeah...He's not going to cry, but you might. Sorry.
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And in the category worse abandonment issues we also have Vincent. Of course the other twin wouldn't be very far from the first.
Vincent is...gentler than Bo ? He wasn't hated by his family. He was actually rather liked.
So, his wouldn't be as bad—but still.
There is a reason he wanted to make all his wax statues from actual people. He is scared of being lonely...He likes to be surrounded.
And since all the people in his town treated him and his family as freaks—he couldn't make a lot of connections apart to his brothers.
He was lonely. And hence, he'd be afraid to lose the only person he ever cared about than them. You.
So, he'd be very hesitant to let you go and try to make you stay with gifts and soft touches. Try to make you understand how much you mean to him before eventually letting you go. Just so you know that you'd be taking a part of him with you.
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You might be surprised, but Pennywise belongs to the category of the slashers who would be very upset by the lack of physical proximity.
Indeed, even though he hates physical touch, he is still clingy when it comes to the presence of the people he loves—one of the reasons why he stays with Penny.
So, he'd be upset, a little bit more moody than usual without you around. He'd be constantly looking at the road and unconsciously hoping you'd come back.
Pennywise *sighs deeply to himself* : "Come on, you old clown...Don't be so stupid. Come on. Stop thinking about...about..."
He'd fight against his inner demons and believe that you'd come back on your own...until the very end.
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"...Oh, you're leaving, human ?"
Surprisingly enough, Penny isn't as clingy as people think he is.
He does like physical contact a lot and would be very sad to see you go, but he also knows he is a god and would be able to get to you whatever happens.
Penny is confident in his abilities, maybe too much.
So, he'd keep a smile on and giggle while waving to you when you go.
But, remember...
He's always watching.
You try to escape ? He'd know.
And he'd hunt you down. He'd make you regret ever trying to escape. He'd drag you back if he has to.
Penny *giggles darkly* : "Aww...Poor poor Y/N. Don't look so sad. We'll be together forever. Isn't that what we wanted ?"
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Freddy would take it badly, but old habits die hard. He'd find a way to blame you and move on...no matter what.
"Ya think you can hurt me, huh ? Well, I've got news for you, ~sweetheart. You can go. I can always find ya a replacement."
Douchebag attitude is Freddy's defense mechanism.
You want to leave ? Fine. He'll find a way to fill the hole. Booze. Brothels. Chaos...
Whatever he can do, he'll do. Freddy needs a moral compass in order to stay in check. You and Michael fill that position.
But, if you're gone ? Then, Freddy would be missing an important part of his functioning mechanism and would go back to his old ways.
He'd be lost. Trying to find himself all the wrong ways all over again...
For his safety and others, make sure to remind him that you care for him from time to time—especially if you're going somewhere he can't follow.
And be sure to invite him into your dreams from time to time. 😉
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Michael would remain himself. He'd watch you go and stay impassive. Because he knows it wouldn't change a thing.
He expects you to never come back. It would be better.
Every time he takes a knife in his hand, he wouldn't find that tingling feeling...the little voice in his head telling him to kill you.
He wouldn't be so afraid of hurting you every single day. He wouldn't have to lock his door every night because he's afraid he might wake up with your blood on his hands.
He'd even tense up when you come back.
You *smile when you see him* : "Well, hello there. Missed me ?"
Michael : "..."
You *smile falter* : "Oh...Well, okay then."
Michel *slowly approaches you and slowly hugs you*
He did miss you. He just didn't know how to tell you...or stop himself from grabbing the kitchen knife and plunging it into your heart over and over.
Michael would die before hurting you, but it doesn't mean he isn't a slasher. Or that your love for him isn't dangerous.
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Arthur would put his feelings aside and try to appear cruel.
"You think I care ? ~Oh, sweetie. I've spent most of my life caring about people. Not anymore. Not ever again...So, if you want to leave me ? Go ahead. There's the door."
You have to understand, Arthur has been hurt most of his life...by life itself.
He was never lucky. He never had any friends. He was basically alone most of his life.
He wouldn't want to be kept down, and so wouldn't want the same for you. He understands the need to leave. More than anyone else.
He'd prefer you leave than stay and be miserable—like he was. So, he would never stop you from leaving, no matter if there was a risk you wouldn't come back.
Arthur *smiles and holds your hand* "...Please. Don't let me stop you. Be free."
If you want to leave ? He won't stop you.
Because that's how much he loves you.
He'd let you have your freedom. No matter what.
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"I'm going out.", you said.
"Have fun, honey.", he replied. He didn't even look up from his newspapers.
"I may be out for a couple of days.", you added—waiting for a reaction.
"Sure. I'll be right here when you come back.", he answered and smiled—but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Jack is a ghost. He doesn't really have feelings anymore and can sound cold sometimes. But, it's not because he doesn't care. It's just he knows what it is to have responsibilities.
He failed at being human—and he wouldn't want the same for you.
He would of course be worried that you'd leave forever, but honestly ? He'd be happy to let you live your life as you intend.
He doesn't have abandonment issues.
Matter-of-fact, he's the one who leaves most of the time. Of course, he wouldn't want your relation to stop so suddenly and would prefer you to come clear to him.
He wouldn't get mad, but he'd feel a little more dull and emotionless inside.
He'd become even more of a ghost than he was—but wouldn't let you see.
Jack *smiles before you close the door* : "...Bring back a souvenir, alright ? Something...something nice."
And that would probably be the only attempt he'd do to hint that he wants you to come back.
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
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"Arthur caught that."
"Did he?"
"And he killed that with his hands!"
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Slashers x Male S/o Masterlist 2
Here is my PART 2 Master list.
Hello, my devilishly handsome readers.
Btw, Dominant Male reader FOR all of them.
Warning emoji⚠️⚠️ With the one that has smut.
Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman x Male reader Patrick had always mistaken his jealousy for you to be out of wanting what you want, to be like you, when it was in fact that Patrick was jealous because he couldn't be with you. Patrick wants to show you how much he wants you, by getting on his knees like a good boy. (BTW you're his boss)
Billy and Stu x Male reader You always manage to catch Billy and Stu's eyes on you, whether it be in the college classroom, or when you're purchase horror stuff, they always seem to follow you. Even in your house you still feel their gazes --- Billy and Stu x Male reader. [Requested] Bill and Stu trying to feel the reader up after he killed someone. And the reader just wants to clean up his mess and go. And since his misbehaving brats don't get the hint, he pins them to the wall, hands around their throats, to get them to shut up
Billy and Stu x Male reader [Requested]Billy and stu where male reader ignores them because they have been more caught up in there killing then reader so he gets annoyed and decides to ignore them MORE COMING SOON Hannibal Lecter Hannibal Lecter x Male reader Hannibal drooling over how fit and muscled one of his patients (reader) is and just fantasizing about what he’d let reader do to him during one of their sessions.
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader Your basically a mysterious male figure that happens to be around the bene gesserit, (whom not even they could control you) Feyd is obsessed with you, a deep longing inside his soul, his body.
--- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader One of Feyd's Harpies disrespects you. Feyd is ruthlessly possessive and obsessed with you. --- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader ⚠️⚠️ Rough, possessive, soul-snatching, soul-sucking, sex. Also, Feyd is a powerbottom.
-- Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader A scene of Feyd showcasing his possessive and overly jealous love for you.
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Male reader You're a fremen and Feyd eagerly wants to catch you; for his own personal desires, as he has been obsessed with you.
Cooper Adams Cooper Adams x Male reader Seems like the serial killer the butcher is a big fan of you, a famous horror and thriller writer, who just so happens to be at the concert he was attending...He can't take his eyes off of you. Armand
Armand x Male reader Part 1 Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about you. Armands, strange feelings and possessiveness of you is revealed. The obsession that Armand reveals for you is unsettling, Daniel can't help but wonder, what happened to you.
Armand x Male reader Part 2 Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about you. Armands, strange feelings and possessiveness of you is revealed. The obsession that Armand reveals for you is unsettling, Daniel can't help but wonder, what happened to you.
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conkreetmonkey · 7 months
One of my favorite scenes from RDR2 I never really see talked about is when Arthur checks up with his mountain man friend Hamish and they sit down to chat, with Arthur saying something like "I guess I've always been a wanderer..." as the camera fades to black.
Then, the camera fades back in after an undefined amount of time, on Hamish with an intense expression, saying "And by the end of the day, the bodies lay so thick that you could walk from one end of the field to another without yer boots touchin' mud."
and Arthur is just sitting there like o_o
Anyway, that's what late-night Discord calls are like
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saintemarvel · 1 year
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Arthur + some friends and family
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chellilonaaphra · 2 years
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nthspecialll · 5 months
I think that for Arthur Albert and Hamish were anchers, they were grounding stones, while everything else was going to shit those two were as silly and as stable as ever.
They were his safe space, Albert kept almost getting himself killed in silly ways while being his usual cheerful self and Arthur had to keep him safe, reminding him of young John who was just careless. Hamish was an old wise man, a person that Arthur could sit and talk to for hours about almost everything in a shadowy way yet still get answers he needed and they could go hunting, fishing, all these regular mundane things like regular men, regular people.
These two were Arthur’s breathing space, getting to do unserious things in the midst of all the chaos of Dutch going crazy and the gang splitting, for just a moment he has found someone who doesn’t judge him for who he is, someone who doesn’t know about everything going on in camp, someone who will give him a moment to just exist. A moment where he can forget not only about everything but also about the fact that he is an outlaw because that doesn’t matter when he is out fishing or saving Albert from a wolf, to them he was just... Arthur Morgan, a friend, not Arthur Morgan the outlaw.
I think when Hamish died it served as a cruel reminder that death would always come to those are near him, that he can’t save anyone, a reminder of what was going on around him and that no matter how much he tries to distract himself the life of the outlaw will catch up to him, even if the reminder came in the form of a giant boar.
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psychotic-star-girl · 10 months
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We canonically have a time traveller in the game.
Arthur could have gotten antibiotics from him
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aresdoll · 5 months
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ my commissions + rules
my commissions go out two days after ordering.
I do any pov you ask, regardless of what it is. (FEM, ANY, MALE, FTM, AMAB, AFAB.)
I make: dark romance, fluff, soft romance, yandere, dark smut, nsfw, sfw.
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౨ৎ ⋆🎀。˚﹒simple commission 【 $10 】 - ✎ In a simple commission, you will buy a bot from me and have me create the plot and intro you want, completely personalized for you.*
➜ You will be able to choose one of the characters that I have on my fandom card, which are:
♡ miguel o'hara
♡ johnny cage
♡ kenshi takahashi
♡ tomas vrbada
♡ bi han (sub zero)
♡ scorpion (kuai liang)
♡ raiden
♡ kano
♡ lord raiden
♡ shang tsung
♡ albert wesker
♡ nanami kento
♡ spiderman noir
♡ peter b. parker
♡ homelander
♡ adler russell
♡ batman
♡ simon riley ghost
♡ ghostface
♡ patrick baterman
♡ erron black
♡ arthur morgan
♡ bo sinclair
♡ jason voorhees
♡ hanzo (old scorpion)
♡ kuai liang (old sub zero)
♡ fujin
♡ liu kang
♡ jotaro kujo (older only)
♡ hiromi higuruma
♡ toji fushiguro
♡ kiryu kiruma
♡ superman
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
➜ RULES: I don't write anything about incest (just step!incest), I don't write scat, piss, pedo, gore, vomit, tentacles, transphobia, homophobia, racism or very extreme fetishes.
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
(*) - If you want an additional one there will be an additional fee.
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౨ৎ ⋆🎀。˚. premium commission 【 $20 】 - ✎ In a premium commission, you will buy a bot from me and have me create the plot and intro you want, completely personalized for you. But with more details, more prompts, and any extras you want to add.(*)
➜ With this option you can ask me ANY character what do you want. I will research them and do my best to deliver you the best bot you want ;3
(be they OC characters or characters that already exist.)
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
(*) - If you want an additional one there will be an additional fee.
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charliedawn · 1 year
How would they react to a fan ?
(Only one of the stories will have a bad ending. Can you guess which one ?)
Penny :
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To be honest, it was a surprise for Penny to find an adult who could actually see him.
He usually stayed hidden until a nice prey came along, but he had just finished one of his "dinners" when you found him.
He ha no escape and sought to mess you up with some freak show and very loud sounds of cracking bones...But, was surprised when you started clapping enthusiastically.
"LOVE the show ! And LOVE the fake blood !", you told him with the largest smile on your face and he tilted his head quizzically at you before looking at his bloody hands...What fake blood ?
He was certainly a little surprised at first, his surprise quickly turned into amusement.
He laughed and just thought you were entertaining. He had never met anyone like you...And he didn't know if it was a compliment—but he liked you.
"You're funny ! I think I'm gonna call you puppy !"
He then leaned forward, all amusement having left his face as he whispered.
"...Tell me. Do you like my smile, puppy ?"
Suddenly, your smile faltered as you started smelling a very metallic smell from his bloody mouth.
Okay...Maybe, it wasn't fake blood afterall.
Pennywise :
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Pennywise had been practicing his magic tricks away from the sewers, in case Penny would see him and make fun of him.
Penny had told him that children weren't interested in magic tricks anymore, but he still had the will to practice...Just in case.
He sighed as he made a coin disappear in one hand and reappear in the other.
But, there was no joy in it.
Maybe Penny was right afterall...Maybe...Maybe, people just didn't like simple magic tricks anymore ?
But then, he heard someone clap.
His head snapped towards the source of the sound and he was surprised to find a surprise guest to his little solo show.
"Loved that. Do you have any other magic tricks ? Would love to see them."
His eyes widened a little and he suddenly stood up before his lips split into a malicious grin.
"Well, aren't you the little cutie pie...Tell me, what or who made you think it was a good idea to come here ? Wanna thank them for getting me my dinner for free."
You laughed. It threw him off.
None of his victims had ever laughed in his presence...It was strange. That's when he started digging in your head and realized why you weren't scared. He chuckled.
"Oh ? I see now. Seems like we got ourselves a little fan of horror stories, huh ?"
You wiped a tear away and nodded.
"Yeah. Sorry...I just can't. I love the whole 'horror clown gig' you got going on."
He bit back a dark laughter and the urge to correct you. It was no 'gig'. But, it had been so long since he last had an audience.
He sighed and sat back down before smiling and eyeing your pocket significantly.
You understood and checked your pocket, only to smile at the penny now in your pocket.
'Don't thank me yet, sweetheart.', he thought. '...~Not when you just got sold for a penny..."
Freddy :
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To be completely honest, Freddy hadn't expected when he got summoned into someone's dreams.
He was minding his own business in his own dream world when he was sucked into one particular dream.
But, not anyone's dreams...One filled with missing posters of the kids he killed and many of his old belongings.
....Why in the heck was everything there ?
The only thing he couldn't recognize was the sleeping angel on the bed, staring at him with wide eyes and a rapidly beating heart.
He first thought you were afraid, but no...You weren't afraid.
You were...thrilled. He then realized what was happening and chuckled to himself before letting his bladed run-on your bedsheets until reaching you.
"...So, you're a fan, huh ?", he teased while letting the tip of one of his blades run down your face. "Pretty too...Lucky me."
He hummed appreciatively before cackling mischievously.
"...I wonder how much you can take before you break ?"
Freddy is narcissistic. Knowing you're his fan would end up in a significant boost to his already gigantic ego.
One I'm not sure you'd survive...
Jason :
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Jason's sole objective is to protect Crystal Lake. So, he never imagined someone would actually enter willingly to find him and ask for his autograph.
His first reaction ?
A...fan ?
Michael never had a friend. Imagine his astonishment when he hears that he's got fans. He'd be hella confused.
What...What was he supposed to do with you ?
You weren't particularly disrespectful or destructive towards his nature. But, he did feel kind of weirded out by the fact that you would have a portfolio on his every crime...
But then, he realized exactly why you were a fan when he found you tending to a squirrel with a broken leg.
It wasn't about the murders.
It was about his mission.
You knew he protected the fauna and flora of the forest and you respected him for it. It brought him a bit of comfort and reassurance on your true purpose.
He then started trusting you more and more and even started to enjoy your company to a certain extent.
He then offered you to stay with him and you didn't hesitate before accepting.
You had SO MUCH to learn from him afterall...
Michael :
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You : "Boop. Got your nose."
Myers *trying very hard not to pull out his knife and stab you where you stand*
The first time you met Myers, he was needed someone to watch over his 'kids' (including Brahms, Jason, Five and Ester) while he was away to find a job.
You were the most...ANNOYING...babysitter in the world. But, he had no choice as every other babysitter had quit on sight of the 'kids' in question—especially Brahms.
So, he had to accept you.
Finally, after a couple of months...he had learnt to accept your presence, but didn't understand why you would be so excited around him.
You even insisted on reading when he was and helping him on cooking. Two of his favorite SOLO activities.
He finally decided to face you about your clearly weird behavior around him and didn't expect it when you answered with a large grin.
"Why Mr Myers...I am just such a BIG fan of yours."
He was renderer speechless, even though is mute.
Then, you leaned forward, as if to share a secret. But, when he bent forward, you booped him again.
Michael was surprised, but you were gone before he could as much as react.
He watched you intently as you hopped away and his eyes narrowed in slight worry.
That's when he noticed something....His knife was missing.
Brahms :
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Brahms was thrilled when he realized that you were a fan of his. He didn't know why though ?
But, it didn't matter to Brahms. The only thing that mattered was that you liked him.
"You...fan of...Brahms ?", he asked before smiling from ear to ear. "Brahms...Brahms have fans ?!"
He was so excited and even though he had absolutely no idea how you found him or became a fan—he immediately invited you to stay with him.
You accepted and then started explaining that you had always wanted someone to play with. You knew you were too old for dolls, but you ha always wanted to play with someone.
And he couldn't have been happier to consider you a playmate.
You started playing together and Brahms could finally be himself around someone who understood him.
Brahms can be wary with strangers, but he is quick to befriend when the other person shows as much interest in him than him on them.
So, it wouldn't be too difficult to earn his trust, as long as you follow his rules.
Norman :
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"Get away. Shoo. Shoo."
He would try to push you away.
Norman is the most famous slasher. The oldest. The most experienced. He perfectly knows that having fans isn't necessarily a good thing.
He had his fair share of psychos and paparazzi following his crimes over the years, some who even made it a personal challenge of theirs to hurt him.
They wanted to find out what made him tick, and some succeeded by pretending to be clients at the hotel and take an interest in his business.
He even wiped his hands after shaking yours on your first day.
He doesn't like having nosy people around, and even more those who make it their personal objective to unnerve or hurt him.
But, he quickly realized that you weren't like them.
You respected his business and even though he knew you to be a fan and a journalist, you never seemed to ask sensitive questions.
You were all "How are you's" and "How can I help". He was a little surprised at first, but quickly became used to your presence.
You weren't rude and even though you had inquired more than once an interview, you had never been insistant on it.
"Everything is going to be fine, Norman. I just want you to tell me the truth. The whole truth..."
Finally, he indulged as you had helped more than your fair share and when he sat down in front of you and squeezed his hand encouragingly—he had no choice but to believe in your sincerity.
Norman *sighs* : "Fine. My name is Norman Bates and I...I am the first slasher ever recorded in history. And, this is my story. My truth."
J and Arthur :
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J laughed and Arthur frowned in incomprehension when they found you at their doorstep—asking to become their apprentice.
They both had very different feelings on the matter.
J was amused and took pleasure in carrying you around town while shooting and blowing stuff up.
Arthur on the other hand was wary at first and had asked you to stay behind and gave you a number of things to do in order to keep you safe.
J didn't bother about your safety and made it his personal duty to turn you into his personal Harley Quinn. So, he told you to disobey Arthur and made you follow them.
J *smirks before throwing you off an helicopter and jumping after you* : "CAREFUL ABOUT THE LANDING, AHAHAH !"
...Arthur was the one who jumped after the both of you with three parachutes.
"...Idiots.", he whispered to himself before rolling his eyes.
But, he still cackled as he fell behind the both of you.
J used the helicopter jump as proof of your sincerity and didn't need more.
However, Arthur...Arthur was worried because you were a fan of the Joker.
And Jokers never played fair...
Bo and Vincent Sinclair :
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When Bo opened the door, he really wasn't expecting someone to actually be here to visit the wax museum.
It had been so long, he had completely forgotten about the flyers him and Lester had spread a while ago around the country.
But when you held out the slightly crumpled sheet in his face with stars in your eyes, he couldn't help the large grin that spread across his face.
"Well...Ain't that some lovely surprise ? A fan."
He tipped his head at you before sending you a cheeky wink.
"Came to visit our famous wax museum, huh ? Can't blame ya. It's to 'die for'."
Bo laughed and took a step back before calling for Vincent.
"Vincent ! Visitor !"
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*Imagine that man walking towards you like that. My soul would leave my body*
Vincent came in and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, his eyes widened in slight puzzlement.
He turned towards Bo quizzically who clicked his tongue and replied with a smile.
"We got someone real interested in your work. Thought you'd like to give them a tour ?"
Vincent stayed still for a few seconds before raising his hands to his mouth in glee. He then turned back towards you and seemed excited as he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder to run to the museum with you.
Bo watched the both of you with a mischievous grin and pushed the rifle he was hiding with the tip of his foot under the table.
He would have to deal with you later...
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