#Artemis: I helped mother give birth to you
aj-artjunkyard · 3 months
Hc: in the Riordanverse, neither divine twin is older. Bc of the fluidity and contradiction of myths (that the books acknowledge), both Artemis and Apollo fully remember being born first and think the other is just teasing them. Neither have ever considered for a moment that their sibling might be telling the truth
Most other gods have worked this out but the twins’ pettiest on-going drama is very funny. Everyone’s stoking the flames. Leto diplomatically claims she doesn’t remember
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
Was Athena a Feminist or a Female Misogynist?
Athena is perhaps the one most famous goddesses from Greek Mythology, and was for a very long time considered a good role model for women and a feminist due to the fact that she's a smart woman who can fight in battles. However, there are also a lot of people who claim that she is in fact a female misogynist and consider her to be the original "pick-me girl" or "I'm not like the other girls" girl. And the fact that she's seen besides male heroes most of the time or the myths of Medusa and Arachne doesn’t make this situation any better.
And the very first problem in this equation is that people are using a lot of modern terms (and a modern mentality in general) in order to label a figure that was firstly mentioned thousands of years ago. So there's a LOT to unpack here.
The first mentions of Athena come from mycenaean mythology. Back then the place that later became Athens surpringly had a matriarchal view on society, which would explain why Athena as a female figures isn't depicted in a traditionally feminine way. But years have passed, and things have changed a lot both socially and culturally. Athens, despite of being one of the most developed cities from Ancient Greece, had a very patriarchal view on society, to the point where even the other cities considered it to over exaggerate. In order to understand just how misogynistic athenians were, they believed not only that the woman is a disfigured version of the man, but that men could find a way to reproduce themselves without the help of women and that the female is nothing but a vessel when it comes to reproduction.
The thing is that, while a lot of things changed in the Athens in time, the goddess that was the patron of that city remained the same. So the question that naturally comes is: If women are inferior to men, then why is our patron deity a goddess? And so, the only play which specifically depicts Athena as a female misogynist appeared: Eumenides. This play was obviously written by a male Athenian, and its pure intention is to answer to that question. In the Eumenides, Athena says this thing:
It is my duty to give the final judgment and I shall cast my vote for Orestes. [735] For there was no mother who gave me birth; and in all things, except for marriage, whole-heartedly I am for the male and entirely on the father’s side. Therefore, I will not award greater honor to the death of a woman who killed her husband, the master of the house. [740] Orestes wins, even if the vote comes out equal.
As you can observe from this quote, the dialogue is ment to confirm the ancient athenian perspective about reproduction, as well as their views on women in general. Despite the fact that Metis was supposed to be Athena's mother since she was pregnant with her when Zeus ate her, in this play she is completely erased and Athena has one single parent figure: Zeus.
In other words, Athena was clearly a product of the society that worpshipped her; a society that believed that traits such as high intellect or strenght cannot be attributed to women. It is up to you guys to decide wheter the Eumenides is canon to the rest of Greek Mythology or not.
However, aside from this particular play, Athena shows no ill-will towards women purely for their gender. She had a very close relationship with Pallas to the point where she even takes her name after she killed her by accident (Thank you, Zeus!), and acted as the big sis towards Artemis and Persephone, as it is suggested in Homeric Hymns to Demeter.
Furthermore, if you ever read the Iliad then you would observe that her interactions with mortal women are very different compared to those with Medusa or Arachne from Roman Mythology.
In the Iliad, Athena gifts Penelope in handicrafts, wiles, and storytelling, making Penelope an anti-Arachne due to the fact that she isn't punished by the goddess for her talents, but rather blessed for them.
Athena has endowed her above other women with knowledge of fair handiwork and an understanding heart, and wiles, such as we have never yet heard that any even of the women of old knew, of those who long ago were fair-tressed Achaean women— [120] Tyro and Alcmene and Mycene of the fair crown—of whom not one was like Penelope in shrewd device…
At the same time, we have the story of Cassandra and how Athena avenged her. Cassandra was brutally raped by Ajax the Lesser in her temple. She asked Athena for revenge, telling her what happened to her. Athena was absolutely livid, sent a storm to wreck the Achaeans' boats when they failed to kill Ajax, then destroyed his ship near the Whirling Rocks and left him to die, or lifted him in the sky during a storm and impaled him with her father's thunderbolt. At this point, Cassandra is an anti-Medusa, because she was avenged instead of being punished for being raped. Furthermore, in the original greek myths Athena herself was about to be raped by Hephaestus at some point. She was very aware of the fact that there's a difference between a woman who had sex on her own will and one that didn’t consent to it, so it makes no sense why she wouldn't help a rape victim.
Medusa and Arachne were later additions by Ovid, and their stories were anti-Authority Propaganda.
So instead of quickly coming to any sort of conclusion and deciding wheter or not Athena was a Feminist or a Misogynist, perhaps people should understand the fact that the situation was way more complicated as she was nothing more than a character that was depicted both according to the societal and personal views ancient greeks had on women (which were more or less different depending on the century and the poet), and that the answer is way more complicated than we think.
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theoi-crow · 21 days
do you know of any deities related to reproductive rights? i apologize if this is a silly question 😅
Hi, this isn't a silly question at all!
Unfortunately since women were not considered "people" in the ancient world (they were often seen as baby incubators with the sole purpose of having children which is why they were married off as soon as they got their periods and, unless they were from Sparta, without an education since education for young girls was seen as useless, unlike their brothers who would often receive an education, and sometimes if no other male relative was alive, their younger brother could be in charge of his older sister's life and marriage fate. Could you imagine having your annoying little brother in charge of your life? HELL NO!)
There are no Greek gods officially assigned to reproductive rights because reproductive rights were not a thing for women back then because they didn't have a say in their own life (there may be exceptions but those are super rare) but I believe that as time changes so do the gods which is why I believe any fertility god back then is also a god of reproductive rights, today: 
You are free to look into the list of fertility deities in case you prefer someone else but I highly suggest Artemis for a number of reasons: 
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1) Artemis is one of the oldest fertility gods in the pantheon: She has an older Mycenaean version where she was already a fertility goddess since her older version, A-te-mi-to was a part of an ancient Arcadian tree cult in Greece that had orgies for reproductive purposes so she was firmly a fertility goddess but when they decided to change her from the non-virgin, non-twin Mycenaean version to her post Bronze Age collapse virgin, twin of Apollo version they re-invented her myth to include her helping her mother give birth to her brother Apollo, so she could keep her original title as a fertility goddess.
2) Artemis jealously guarded her own virginity throughout her myths: As the goddess who refuses to be the wife of any man or god she was openly hostile to anyone who challenged her virginity. In some versions, instead of Apollo tricking her into killing Orion who secretly was planning to rape her, she kills Orion herself as a show of self-defense. While bathing naked she turned a peeping Tom into a deer and had his own hunting dogs kill him. She's also aware of her virginity being a desirable target because she uses it to distract the two giants who had imprisoned Ares.
3) She's the unofficial god-mother of the Amazons and she's the head patron goddess of the strong women of Spartan: Her and Ares, the father of the Amazons, are really close so she is often with the Amazons herself. This is probably the closest to children Artemis will ever have since she has no children of her own. She is also the main patron goddess of Sparta (with her brother Apollo), and Spartan women were the exception, they didn't get married until 18, often with combat training and an education, and since they often inherited their dead husband's wealth and kept getting re-married, the two kings in Sparta would often petition the women in Sparta for money to fund whatever war Sparta was involved in since the women of Sparta were often richer than the sitting kings.
So for these reasons, I imagine Artemis would be a very strong candidate as a fertility rights goddess since she exercised her right to remain child free all throughout history. 
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ssparksflyy · 19 days
what if. hera DID have children but they were born in a more athena-like way, and not how demigods are typically born
what if children of hera were born from a feeling or emotion or just idea so deep, that hera is able to transfer that energy into a human-like form?? OR what if she just like decided to make herself pregnant IDK LMAO
but i mean like what if she blessed/gave (???) lets say something like couples who want kids but cannot have them, or couples that lost their baby/mothers who had a miscarriage
im fully aware anybody who has a miscarriage still has a chance of giving birth to another baby, so this part kinda applies more towards couples that want kids but cant have them- but id say she looks for people who desperately want and are worthy to have kids, and kinda like (god i wish you guys could see my hand movements right now) gives them a child??? idk i mean she could just kinda like leave a kid on their front doorstep and just so happens to be a perfect mix of the couple (or person)?? something like that??
yea i know its such a weird concept and very loose but i think its a nice thought ! like the goddess of childbirth using her power to help those who want but cannot have kids
i think artemis would also have to play a role in this, like she and hera judge and evaluate whoever theyre gonna give a kid to so they know theyre not giving it to somebody who wont treat the kid right or like a couple that thinks having a kid will fix their relationship
AGAIN very very vague and probably doesnt align with greek mythology at all but like this is directed for the pjo fandom anyway so any greek mythology nerds out there pls dont come for me in my dms 😭
and now we enter the questioning period
"would they still be considered demigods?"
i think so yep!! cause yk they came directly from hera .. she created them .. kinda like athena babies !! theyd obviously stay in cabin two :)
"do the parents know their kid is a demigod?"
i mean like no demigod parents know that their kid is but i feel like hera would leave a little note with the kid making up a story about how she needs somebody to take care of the kid cause she cant or wtv but then shed actually sign it 'hera' (and probs add like a little heart or something or maybe theres like a mini peacock drawing on the card) but i think most parents would just kinda brush her name off i dont think they would really realize like 'ohmygod the queen of the heavens hath given me a child' yaknow
"what traits or powers would a child of hera have?"
ummm idk. im not thought daughter enough for that ngl, especially cause their nonexistent and this is literally just me making up a theory but i feel like she mostly has daughters (cause shes the goddess of women - but that doesnt answer the question at all), i think theyd be really sweet (even though hera is a jerk in the books), and i feel like theyd also be good at archery and have an interest in nature, that they get from artemis :)
oh also!! these kids are like rare. like big three rare- max three roll around every decade or so
lmk what u think !! ˊᵕˋ
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forgedbondspod · 4 months
Another day, another bit of cast appreciation! Today we'll be discussing the first half of our pair of twins, starting with Artemis and her magnificent VA Marguerite Kenner!
Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and wild animals. She's a sharp shooting bow wielder, helped her mother give birth to her twin brother Apollo, and roams through the forest with her all female group of hunters. There are many queer readings of Artemis, from the sapphic to the aromantic. Our show will focus on our arrow ace being aroace and goes into how that relates to the gods around her who are falling in love or having FWB situations. It's something I've wanted to explore with Artemis for a while, so there was no better time than now.
Our Artemis is being voiced by the incomparable and wonderful Marguerite Kenner! Marguerite is a lawyer, voice actor, streamer, Escape Artists Foundation co-owner, and all around amazing person. She is everything I aspire to be when I grow up and then some. Marguerite tapped into that gentle ferocity I wanted for Artemis so well in her audition and im so excited to get to work with her!
If you'd like to support Marguerite and the rest of our amazing cast, you can visit our indiegogo campaign!
And to Marguerite specifically: thank you for joining this project im so lucky to get to have you as part of it. Everything you do in and out of the podcast space is incredible and you've inspired me so much over the past few years. I can't wait for everyone to hear your Artemis!
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shmowder · 1 month
hi!!! yesterday i saw your blog and fell in love with your works. <3
soo can you write something where reader is the parent figure for termites + clara...
like taking care of them, feeds them, repair their clothes if they are torn, and maybe teaching them to read and write??
i really love them very much and i want them to be safe. :'((
(reader also may be familiar with artemy and help him with kids!)
Thank you <3
[Platonic, Found family, Parental figure GN Reader]
For some of the termites, it will take years to open up to a guardian figure. One of Isidor's virtues was that he got close to these kids while they were young.
He fathered the entire town after his son's departure, kids big and small. The termites grew up alongside him. He's been a constant presence in their lives more than their own parents at times.
Capella will be the hardest to get her to trust or even rely on you, especially at her age. 15-16 is a few years away from being an adult. She has already started to view the world as a series of contracts and exchanges. Offering to make deals with others in exchange for powers, sacrificing whatever necessary to gain leverage on her opponents.
There is very little you can do to influence her anymore. She is done looking for a parental figure, given up on chasing the ghost of her late mother. She rarely looks at a piano these days.
Treat her as an adult, and you'll gain her respect. That's all there is to gain anymore. Friendship will never be an option on the table.
Even if you were of a similar age to her. She feels like an outcast from both her own age group and the adults she makes business with.
You could never be her parent, you could never fill in the shoes of her mother or brother, she tells you that bluntly whenever you try to get closer, sneak under the castle walls which surround her.
Her father...however is the only person she slightly acts childish around. The only remaining speck of the innocent she once held.
She is very concerned about his health and safety, so much so that she never objects to any of his overprotective desperate measures. Looking at him with pity rather than resentment, with the wisdom a Mistress may only hold.
0% chance of success - She'll never accept a parental figure, preferring to become one to the other kids instead.
He tries to walk in Capella's shoes, to follow in her example and become just as detached... but he's very clumsy. awkwardly traversing this path and stumbling on every small branch on the way.
They both abandoned their names, Victoria and Caspar are no more; died in the first outbreak.
Capella chose this path out of her own volition, but Khan never knew another way. The Kains never made space for him in their grand design. Nina died giving birth to him, or was it during the first year of his life? He can't remember. They won't tell him either.
He envied Artemy in a way, to still have Isidor's love even after killing his own mother in childbirth likewise. It took him a lot of time to get past that resentment, by the time the youngest Burakh came back to town, Khan only felt apathy looking up at his hulking figure.
If his precious tower is still alive, there is absolutely zero chance of any adult of any nature coming into his life. You're not allowed to step a single foot inside let alone walk the stairwells, no matter how much you plead your case.
But if it came crumbling down alongside the remains of his childhood, he finally concedes.
He gets up, dusts himself off, and goes to play the role of life demands of him so much. But since he's much younger, still at the edge of 11, he's more prone to accidentally looking for others for guidance. As much as he tries to resist treating you with anything but apathy, he completely fails and has to come to terms with this begrudging respect he started to grow for you.
You'll need to be supportive but never infantilising, cheer him on, praise him for a job well done, remind him that he could still go join his friends outside in a game of ball or maybe catch bugs.
Allow him to adorn this facade of maturity whilst still keeping in mind that he's a kid inside.
Unlike Capella, his walls aren't fully closed off yet. His heart is still in view, hidden expertly but still bare if you know where to look.
And maybe, just maybe, he'll entrust you enough to ask for help one day. Be it with a trivial task as teaching him how to properly wear and tie a necktie, or something more important such as figuring out what he wants to do in life.
15% chance of success - A part of him still wants a dad, and Capella can only do so much.
She's a five year old that has been given respect and authority beyond her years, mother superior is a more familiar name to her than her own.
Taya has been revered, feared, and adored all her life. She started making doctrines and announcing laws even before she learned to read and write.
There's a clear split in her personality, one wisened up to a jarring degree, ordering the executing of people without as much as a blink. Yet still fully comprehending what she's doing, that those are living people atoning for their sins and not just dolls.
Then there is the other part, one allowed to remain childisht and joyful. The side of her that squeals at the mention of candy and strawberries, the part that soaks up all the attention the kin shower her in, wearing all the jewelry and finishing her bowl of soup before asking for seconds.
You could try to dote on her, but the kin already do all of that. They already stich her clothes, wash her hair and make her bed.
Taya never resists your attempts to get closer to her, in fact she welcomes you with open arms. Enjoying whatever candy you bring, listening to the fables and stories you read her from these books with funny pictures she loves looking at so much.
But no matter how close you get, you still feel like there is an invisible barrier between you two.
That's when it hits you, oh, she was never viewing you as a guardian figure to begin with, but an overeager servant. All of your doting has been chalked up to tributes for mother superior.
She doesn't listen to your orders, never abides by the bedtime you set for her. Never takes you seriously.
You can't win her with kindness and love. You'll have to earn her respect. Impress her, give her one good reason why she should even consider your opinion worthy? What do you know about steppe culture? What do you know about the traditions of her people? Could you translate the sigils if she suddenly quizzed you?
That's what she thought.
Taya takes her role as a leader seriously and never resents the kin for killing their previous leader, her father. It's only the way of life. When a finger becomes sick, you cut it off before it infects your whole hand.
You'll have to be someone of equal footing, a leader of some sort for her to treat you as a colleague at first, then if you're lucky, a friend.
And lastly, if you're wise enough, a parental figure.
She isn't opposed to the idea of getting a guardian, she just won't settle for less. Your chances are slim but at least she's sorta rooting for you? As long as you meet her requirements, she has no qualms.
But you'll never take her candy away! No matter how much she respects you, you'll have to claw it out of her grubby little hands.
30% chance of success - bring her a new dress next time you visit
As long as you help the souls and half gang in times of need a couple time, you've earned his trust. You're alright for an adult, he admits, might make you a honorary memeber even.
He is skeptical of your attention at first, much like earning the trust of a stray cat, immediately running off after he finishes the plate of hot food you left for him.
But gradually, as you stay consistent and predictable for him, he starts getting more comfortable around you. Actually humouring your invitation to eat inside your house on the dinner table rather than watch him awkwardly inhale the food outside each time.
As long as you don't make a fuss about the mud his shoes trail in, his dirt covered hands that might stain your couch or anything that's become so normalised to him, then he'll start viewing your house as a safe space.
Not a home yet...but a nice spot to let his guard down in.
You always offer him food without asking for payment or anything in return, even refusing whatever nuts and bullets he tries to get you to accept.
You attentively wipe the dirt off of his face with a damp towel, pat his head after he puts his empty plate in the sink, ask if he'd like a cup of tea or something to drink afterwards.
Notkin is not sure what you're getting at, why you're doing this. Do you just feel pity for him? Are you trying to take in a stray? is that what this is? Part of him is angry with your unconditional kindness, another part is starved for affection and warmth.
You noticed a rip in his jeans the other day and offered to mend it for him, asking if he might as well get in the shower while you finish washing and stitching his clothes. You lend him your own clothes and offer him complete privacy.
When the lessons start, it wasn't you who brought them up but Notkin himself asking you to help him, be it with sounding out certian words or spelling in general. Despite him being late academically for his age, he's very clever and makes for a quicker learner.
Once he ends up looking up at you, viewing you as a parental figure, he does so while keeping in mind that you're a friend first. He might spend a couple days per week in the room you cleared out for him in your house, keep his treausred belongings in there, but he still goes to the warehouses most of the time, looking after his own gang.
The final step to resonate with him is to show a positive reaction to him bringing his friends over to your house. Offering them food, and a real bed to sleep on.
You watch as he helps them with their literacy in the same way you helped him, imitating your teaching methods as he explains simple math to them. A bunch of kids huddled over your dinner table, notebooks and papers everywhere, Notkin sitting in the middle and explaining long division to them.
40% chance of success - He'll never forget the kindness you showed him as he grows up.
For the rest of the kids, it's kinda complicated because, technically, they're already adopted. Sticky and Murky with Artemy. Clara by the Saburovs and Alexander Block. Grace by Peter Stamatin and the Saburov.
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sihayadunee · 10 months
Mythic Symbolism in the Mayfair Witches
a mythic and psychoanalytical thread exploring themes of: alchemy, star lovers, fairytales, greek myth, three fold goddesses, and beastly grooms within the amc series ‘anne rice’s mayfair witches’
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This post will be split up into multiple parts as it is very lengthy.
The point of this post is not to discuss how the show adapts the source material, but instead how the show stands on its own, utilizing psychological and mythic motifs in its plot and character journeys.
For those who want to see the show, it is available on physical DVD and Blue-Ray as well as streaming. The entire eight episode first season is available on AMC+ which you can get a free trial for through Prime Video channels.
A second season has also already been green-lit. However the first season ends on what I would consider a very satisfying note.
Part One, Part Two
Aside from Rowan’s story, there are two other Mayfair women whose lives we follow. The progenitor Suzanne in the 17th century, and Rowan’s biological mother Deirdre. While together they each represent one of the goddesses, we also see each of them move through these roles in their own journeys.
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The concept of the triple goddess also has strong roots in the myth of the Greek Fates and the Norns of Norse myth. Both represent the Birth/Life/Death cycle. This archetype is also strongly associated with Persephone, Demeter and Hecate, or Artemis, Selene, and Hecate.
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Each of these Mayfair women has a role directly associated with life and death. For example, Suzanne is a midwife whose work, like her aunt says, is not just curing people but also helping give them a good death.
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Rowan, like Persephone as Maureen Murdock puts it, is pulled out of the innocence of everyday life into a deeper consciousness of self by Hades. Or in this case Lasher.
Furthermore, Deirdre like Demeter is overcome with grief and surrenders to her sorrow, when her daughter is taken from her. However in this instance her daughter is taken away by Carlotta.
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Suzanne is like Hecate as Jean Shinoda Bolen describes, a guiding companion force. When Rowan meets a crossroads in her journey at the Witching Hour, Suzanne is there to guide her as the first matriarch, as a mistress of life and death.
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They each have mirroring moments in their journeys. Just like Rowan, Suzanne too was visited by a murder of crows, and the Dark Night of the Soul that Rowan is facing is likened in dialogue to the dark subconscious place Deirdre is trapped. In fact, episode two is titled The Dark Place.
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Each of them share the same animus. A being known as Lasher. He is bonded to each of the “Designees”, the matriarchs of the Mayfair family. We’ll delve into him soon enough.
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When Rowan uses her powers on the crows, causing a couple of them to fall down dead, she lays them down in her jacket, and drives off to a beach. She then walks to the shore and digs into the sand until she has a hole she can bury the crows in.
After this she takes a pill to force herself to sleep, both exhausted and desperate to flee into oblivion to escape her consciousness as it begins to recognize her shadow. But now as she is laying by the ocean, she is submerged in the unconscious. 
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She experiences a dream that evokes Cinderella, fairy godmothers, transformation, and spiritual death. She is wearing a shimmering blue gown, and is chasing after Ellie who is leading her somewhere. She runs after her mother, who leads her to The Mayfair House. 
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Whenever we see the house, it’s presented as a piece of nature itself, overgrown, hidden among trees, and the sound of water. It is a true representation of the subconscious, the underworld.
When she finally goes to New Orleans, we think she’s going to get the answers she needs and reconnect with the feminine. However forces intervene and Rowan’s first impression of her Mayfair lineage and the power she possesses is one of fear, in part thanks to Ciprien Grieve. He means well, but his actions and perspective are a literal extension of Ellie as the “too good mother”.
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The organization called the Talamasca that Ciprien is part of, actually puts a spell around his building where Rowan is staying. Which acts as a wall or barrier keeping Rowan separated from her Shadow. It was made to keep Lasher out. This is when we have that cleansing flame, as Lasher sets a fire to get the alarms to go off and Rowan to leave the building. 
And the first thing she intends to do, is find the Mayfair House which as we know is her subconscious…
End of Part Two
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eridanidreams · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, and @artemis-crimson
As usual, post if you like, read if you don't!
from stars through my fingers like grains of sand
The Razorleaf hung out in space near the edge of the Volii system; Cait stared unseeingly out into the starscape. Their next jump was to McClure, where they would, if all went well, extract Lillian from whatever trouble she'd found herself in, and Cait needed to be at her best. Time was at a premium, but she thought she could spare half an hour to shake off the last vestiges of Neon.
The good news was that it hadn't been quite as bad as the first time; the doctor had had a good point about buffering the discomfort with good company. The bad news was that after a day of Neon itself wearing on her, and fighting her reactions to the doctor, and trying to help Cora cope with Lillian's neglect, and Cora blowing the lid off her deepest secret… she'd been utterly wrecked by the end of the day, and had spent a restless night racked with nightmares.
The terrifying news was that Sam knew now she was an empath. Actually, on sober reflection, she wasn't sure if it was more terrifying that Sam knew or that Cora knew. Cora—she really was amazing. Had decided all on her own that Cait needed her help, and gone out of her way to provide it. Had figured out how to use her feelings to give Cait some badly-needed emotional support.
Cait couldn't love that girl more if she was her birth mother. She let out a sharp little laugh. The damned Coes had tag-teamed her; Sam hit her high, Cora hit her low, and she'd fallen hard for them both. In a little less than two months, they'd turned her life so far around she wasn't sure which way she was headed anymore. Reflexively, she reached out to check on them—Cora was in her bunk, a tight knot of anticipation; Sam was… coming her way. Unusually, he felt like he was holding his feelings on a tight leash. Her own guts twisted with nerves; she brought up her mental barriers and tried to put on a serene countenance, but it just felt wrong. She scrubbed her face with both hands, fretfully, dreading the inevitable as his steps—and his presence—approached.
"Hey," he said, and she wasn't expecting the gentleness of his voice, or the fleeting touch on her shoulder that carried a hint of concern. The breath she'd been holding exploded out of her, and she sagged back in her chair. "You don't look good," he continued, leaning against the cockpit window so he could see her face, and waggled a bag of her favorite tonic in the air invitingly.
"Nightmares," she admitted, accepting the drink. "I'll be all right; just need to pull myself together."
"Talked to Dr. Manning this morning," Sam gave her a keen-eyed look. "Apparently, I'm authorized to access your records?" His tone made it a question.
She flushed, but nodded. "I meant to tell you—with everything else happening, it slipped my mind." She turned the drink bag around in her hands. "I, um, if something happened… you're the closest I have to…" Her throat tightened up before she could say the word 'family'. She took a sip of her drink, hoping it would help.
"And I can talk to him if you're having trouble." His tone was understanding. She nodded again, mutely. "Which, as it happens, I did. I wanted to know more about this—empath thing." She shivered as the tension started winding her right back up again. "Cait…" His voice was still gentle, but she couldn't meet his eyes, "Not gonna ask why you didn't tell me in the first place. Just… if you could talk about it, would you have told me?"
Cait swallowed hard and nodded again; this was something she could answer. "Yes," she whispered. "Once I knew I could trust you… yes."
A faint sense of relief rippled down her tie to him as he let out a held breath. "That's all right, then," he said… then reached out and tilted her chin up to look at him. "Ah, darlin', you didn't think I was mad at you, did you?"
The combination of his touch and eye contact sharpened her sense of him; she could feel his emotions roiling under his carefully-forced calm, but couldn't get a clear idea of what they were. "I knew you were mad at me," she said candidly, bracing against the expected mental backlash—a backlash that, much to her shock, didn't materialize.
"I was, yesterday," Sam admitted, giving her chin a light tap before he straightened back up. "But then I sat down and thought about it, and figured there was no sense in getting my ass on sideways unless you'd kept me in the dark on purpose. And figured there was no point pestering you about it when you were having such a hard time." He let out another sigh, this one exasperated. "I wish we could actually sit down and get ourselves on the same page, but the clock's ticking."
"I know," Cait replied. "Don't worry. We'll get her out safe. I'll hold up my end of things."
He gave her a quizzical look. "You always do," he said.
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simteacuddy · 2 years
Greek Gods Challange
NOTE: List is the same with CheetahAlyssa's greek gods challange except for the birth order. I changed the order a bit to make it more similar to the birth order of greek gods and I completed the generation number to 12.
Note from CheetahAlyssa
If you don't have a pack needed for one of the generations, just do it to the best of your ability!
You don't have to stick too closely to the rules, if you want to change some to make the experience better then go ahead.
I KNOW that there are a lot of siblings and children/parents on here, but if I were to stick that closely to actual Greek mythology it would be a mess. I want it to just focus on one god at a time. Plus, do you see how many children each god has? Hell no.
Rules (Not Obligatory)
Start by creating your founder in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There you must start out creating the very embodiment of Artemis. Your founder can be a young adult or adult. You can name him/her whatever you want. Since you are playing as an embodiment of each god, you do not have to name them the God’s name. You can make them look like whatever you want, though it is more fun to try and make them resemble the god that they are portraying. There are a ton of pictures of the Greek Gods on the internet if you want to draw from that.
Once you have created your sim, move them into an empty lot. To make the challenge more difficult, start on a 50x50 lot or larger. Depending on how difficult you want to make it, you must cheat your money down to §1800 or §0. You may start in any season and in any world you like. Build them a house as you get the funds to do so. No money cheats are allowed. You may use custom content to achieve a greek feel. You may use mods as long as it doesn’t give you an unfair playing advantage. For fun, you can try and make their home based on what their colors & symbols are. Make sure that your gameplay is set to normal.
I will put a disclaimer here that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take this challenge as fact! This challenge is meant to be fun and interesting.  Feel free to change this challenge to suit your needs or gameplay!
Generation one: Demeter
You are Demeter, goddess of the harvest, who presides over grains and the fertility of the earth.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardening
As a child, be in the Scouts.
Master the Gardening skill and career.
Complete your Aspiration.
Take care of at least three Bee Boxes.
Complete the gardening collection.
Generation two: Hera
You're Hera, born mother and raised many children. Loved all the children in the world, yours or not you never discriminated. You helped women build their house and have loving families but had a husband never faithful.
Traits: jealous, family oriented, self-assured
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Stay-at-home Parent
Complete aspiration
Have at least 2 children
Marry a non-committal Sim
Have a negative relationship with spouse's other offspring
Adopt at least one child.
Generation three: Poseidon
You are Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Hot-Headed, Child of the Ocean.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Diver (Part Time Career)
Must move to Sulani when Poseidon becomes a teenager, or when he's younger if you want.
You must become a mermaid (buy Mermadic Kelp from rewards menu.)
Try your best (as an individual) to keep the island clean, and help improve life in Sulani.
Complete your aspiration.
Date at least 3 other people before settling down, and have at least one child.
Generation four: Zeus
You are Zeus, king of the Greek gods who lived on Mount Olympus. You are the god of the sky and thunder.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Jealous, Romantic
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Astronaut
Complete your Aspiration by successfully making and leading a club.
Complete your career.
Get married to someone, and be mean to any sim who shows any interest in her. Have at least one child with her.
Secretly have affairs with other women.
Get the Weather Machine, and often tamper with it.
Generation five: Aphrodite
You are Aphrodite, a goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation
Traits: Romantic, Family Oriented, Outgoing
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Babysitter
Complete your Aspiration.
Get to level 10 of the Flower Arranging skill.
Can't settle down until after you've finished the Aspiration, and you must have at least five children.
Hook up at least 3 couples (*Click Sim* -> Friendly -> Other Sims -> Hook Up with...)
Be at Leats tier 3 Famous.
Generation six: Athena
You are Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.
Traits: Genius, Self-Assured, Ambitious
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Painter, Politics, Law Enforcement or Military
Get to lvl. 3 in the Painter career, quit and then get to lvl. 3 in the Politics career, quit and then get to lvl. 10 in the Law Enforcement or military career.
Complete Aspiration.
Reach level 10 Painting, Logic and Knitting or Handiness skill.
Never give birth, but you can adopt a child and keep going if you wish.
Get into fights with at least 5 sims.
Generation seven: Ares
You are the very embodiment of violence, for you are the god of war! While you are the most unpopular god in all of Olympus, you are very smart and strategic.
traits: hot-headed, mean, evil
aspiration: public enemy
career: Military, Criminal
Complete Aspiration.
Never marry, but either adopt or have 1 child.
First get to level 4 of military career, quit and join criminal career and reach level 10.
Reach level 10 of mischief and fitness skill.
Get in fights/brawls often, make at least 6 enemies.
Generation eight: Apollo
You are Apollo, the god of many things, including: music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
Traits: Creative, Music Lover, Ambitious
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Medicine
Reach level 10 in the Medicine career.
Finish your aspiration.
Reach level 10 in either the Guitar or Piano skill.
Have at least one child.
Finish a masterpiece poetry book.
Generation nine: Artemis
You are Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, also known as the goddess of wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Dog Lover, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Career: None
You must not have a job, you have to make money by fishing and collecting items.
Have a dog with the Hunter trait, and make your dog go out to hunt.
Finish your aspiration.
Can never Woohoo or Try for Baby. She must adopt at least one child.
Can never get married
Generation ten: Dionysus
You're Dionysus, god of wine, vegetation, fertility, festivity, madness, and theatre.
Traits: goofball, party animal, erratic
Aspiration: Master Mixologist
Career: Mixology
Complete aspiration
Earn gold on all event types
Have a grape garden
Reach level 10 in mixology and juice fizzing skill
Have at least 5 children from different partners.
Generation eleven: Hermes
You are Hermes, the god of trade, heraldry, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, trickery, sports, travelers, and athletes
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Active, Creative
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Athletic
Complete Aspiration and Career.
Reach level 10 in fitness and mischief skill.
Every time the Flea Market is in town, attend and both buy and sell items.
Have at least one child, either adopted or with another sim.
Never marry, but either adopt or have 1 child.
Generation twelve: Hephaestus
You are Hephaestus, god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture
Traits: Perfectionist, Genius, Loner
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Retail Store (Selling Works from Woodworking Table)
Complete Aspiration and get to level 10 Handiness skill.
Successfully run your own Retail Store by selling your work from the woodworking table.
Have an unhappy marriage with a non-commital sim.
Have at least one child.
Sculpt a masterpiece of every emotional sculptures.
This list of 12 generations is inspired from 12 greek gods of mount Olympus. As you can see some gods aren't included e.g. Hades or Hestia, but you can add them after the generations complete or you can add them as spouses or you can add extra generations as you go with the game. Hestia for example is the godess of hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family & state and she's the firstborn so you can start your save with Hestia or add her as a sibling or spouse for any generation, it's up to you to decide.
Rules (Not Obligatory)
Start by creating your founder in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There you must start out creating the very embodiment of Artemis. Your founder can be a young adult or adult. You can name him/her whatever you want. Since you are playing as an embodiment of each god, you do not have to name them the God’s name. You can make them look like whatever you want, though it is more fun to try and make them resemble the god that they are portraying. There are a ton of pictures of the Greek Gods on the internet if you want to draw from that. But, it is believed that each  god had a certain look to them. For instance, Zeus is usually portrayed as being an older strong male with white hair and a beard. For added fun you can give each generation a specific color and symbols.
Once you have created your sim, move them into an empty lot. To make the challenge more difficult, start on a 50x50 lot or larger. Depending on how difficult you want to make it, you must cheat your money down to §1800 or §0. You may start in any season and in any world you like. Build them a house as you get the funds to do so. No money cheats are allowed. You may use custom content to achieve a greek feel. You may use mods as long as it doesn’t give you an unfair playing advantage. For fun, you can try and make their home based on what their colors & symbols are. Make sure that your gameplay is set to normal.
I will put a disclaimer here that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take this challenge as fact! This challenge is meant to be fun and interesting.  Feel free to change this challenge to suit your needs or gameplay!
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literallyjusttoa · 2 years
I was struck with the worst brainrot over this one idea so onto the blog it goes.
(Disclaimer: This is all based off of my interpretation of Greek Mythology and is NOT AT ALL meant to be accurate to the original myths or disrespectful in any way. This is just a thought experiment.)
Anyways I'm going to infodump about Apollo and Metis' nonexistent son
Ok so basically, I think when reading the original greek myths, it would not be too much of a stretch to assume that Apollo is the living incarnation of Metis' unborn son. For those of you who don't know, Metis was Zeus' lover before Hera, and the mother of Athena. When she became pregnant with Athena, a prophecy foretold that her second child, a son, would eventually overthrow Zeus. To prevent this, Zeus ate Metis, and that's why Athena pops out of Zeus' head a couple of years later.
What does this have to do with Apollo? Well, for one thing, Apollo is the only second son Zeus has ever had. We know he was born second since Artemis literally helps Leto give birth to him. He's also considered to be one of the most talented gods on Olympus (this is not just me being biased I swear guys-) He's the god of the most things out of all the Olympians, and was also just a considerably popular deity throughout Greece. It wouldn't be the wildest guess to connect him with the prophecized revolutionary son of Metis.
He also has a lot of connections to Athena. Apollo and Athena are often seen as Zeus' left and right hands, and they're both gods of knowledge. In a few ways, Apollo and Athena seem like two sides of the same coin. Athena is a virgin goddess, while Apollo is known for his lovers. Athena specializes in war and strategy, while Apollo focuses on the arts. Despite this, both of them dabble a bit in the other's domains: Apollo with his archery and Athena with her handicraft. This isn't to prove that Apollo is super close to Athena or anything, he has a lot more connections with Artemis. It just shows that there is something there, if you really squint at it.
I will say that this only works best in certain timelines. Greek mythology doesn't have a specific canon as much as it has multiple different beliefs that coalesce into the basic story we know now. Because of this, we don't really know if Athena came before or after the twins? It's actually really funny because we have these two truths:
In Apollo's birth myth (I tried to find the specific version but I couldn't ;-;) It is said that he declared all versions of prophecy inferior to his own. Athena, who had been divinating with pebbles at the time, was so upset that she cast away her stones. This obviously implies that Athena was alive for a bit before Apollo was born.
On one of the pediments of the Parthenon in Athens, the birth of Athena is depicted. Apollo and Artemis can both be seen in the crowd of gods watching the birth. This obviously implies that Apollo was alive for a bit before Athena was born.
There are historical reasons for this discrepancy, but from a myth stance it's just really funny.
(It also means we don't know who the true Olympian middle child is. It's either Artemis or Apollo, depending on where Athena falls. I guess they can just share lol.)
I bring all this up because if Apollo was born AFTER Athena, things start falling into place. Zeus eats Metis, certain that in doing so he circumvented the prophecy. Athena is "born" and all seems well. But we all know that prophecy is not something that anyone can truly prevent. So, the next time Zeus has children, they're twins, with the second born being a son who will eventually overthrow him. A classic Greek tragedy, honestly.
It's also very interesting because technically, Apollo DID overthrow Zeus. Or at least, he did in a historical sense. Around 275 A.D., The Romans would start celebrating the birth Sol Invictus (The Unconquered Sun). This elevated the god of the sun, who at this point was an Apollo very transformed from his original depiction, above every other god in the Roman pantheon. This continued for a while, and a bit later Constantine I declared Dies Solis (Sunday) to be the day of rest, in dedication to this version of the god of the sun. By the end of the Roman empire, Apollo was definitely more popular than his father.
Btw, if Sunday being the day of rest sounded familiar, that's because this is actually where Christianity starts to co-opt pagan religions a bit, like always. Jesus' birthday actually also comes from this time period, as both Christmas and the birth of Sol Invictus fall on December 25th. So yes, technically, if you really stretch it, Apollo turns into Jesus.
ALL OF THIS is simply to say that Apollo could very much be the foreseen killer of Zeus, and I think that's very girlboss of him.
As a reward for reading this far, have this piece I did of Apollo if he got less time in the sun, was Athena's full brother, and also maybe committed some patricide.
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I really need to learn how to do good backgrounds
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divinelycrazy · 5 months
I feel restless, so I choose to follow my true nature and post some "fun" facts about greek mythology and its pantheon, enjoy.
Fact 1- Nyx, the primordial goddess of night & Erebos, the primordial god of darkness, have 2 children that are the complete opposite of their parents. Hemera, the primordial goddess of the day & Aether, the primordial god of light.
Fact 2- Helios, the Titan of the sun & and Selene, the Titan of the moon, have a sister. Eos, the Titan of the dawn.
Fact 3- Hades actually did almost cheat on Persephone, twice. The almost is because Persephone shut them down before anything could happen. RIP Minthe.
Fact 4- One of Nyx's children is Philotes, who is pretty much the goddess of friends with benefits.
Fact 5- Every single one of your ten fingers has an individual Greek deity associated with them. No, I am not joking.
Fact 6- Unsurprisingly, Hera's marriage to Zeus is completely without her consent. She never liked him, and especially didn't want to marry him.
Fact 7- Immediately after being born herself, Artemis helped her mother Leto give birth to Apollo.
Fact 8- After ascending to Olympus, Herakles got married to Hebe, the goddess of youth. And before you ask, yes, she is also his half-sister.
Fact 9- Historical research shows that Persephone existed and was worshipped as an underworld deity long before Hades existed.
Fact 10- Aeneas, the mythical founder of the Roman empire, was a son of Aphrodite/Venus.
Fact 11- Harmonia, the goddess of harmony, is the daughter of Ares, the god of war.
Fact 12- The Nemean lion, the Chimera, and Cerberus are siblings. Their parents are Typhon, the king of all monsters, and Echidna, the queen of all monsters.
That's all for now. Do with this info what you want.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Can you make some headcannons about:
-Artemis, Athena and Zeus
-Athena and Hera
-Artemis and Hera
-Hera and Leto
(apologies if this is too much)
Artemis, Athena, Zeus -
Artemis and Athena are Zeus' favorite kids (I don't make the rules)
He pushes them and tells them to go past their limits because he knows they are capable of being the best.
Although He doesn't show it very well, he is very proud of his daughters.
Father daughter bonding time (they all do paperwork and make stradages together)
Artemis and Athena care about him more than they let on…. Even if he can be an idiot sometimes.
The first time he heard/saw Athena break down because of the stress on her shoulders he made her and Artemis take a week long vacation (a lot of persuading)
Artemis and Athena tease their other siblings about them being the favorite (even though Zeus doesn’t really have Favorites.
Zeus is always on their side no matter what
Athena and Hera
The step-mother, daughter duo
Athena is the closes of Zeus’ children to Hera
During the Trojan war Hera and Athena were immediately willing to work on a team together.
Athena can be a rat bastard to the other Olympians and Hera couldn’t be prouder 
Zeus: *gives birth to Athena* Hera: ….I’m cool with that one
Hera taught her to fight you, can’t convince me otherwise
Athena get’s fucking pissed when Zeus’ has affairs, has to be restrained 
Resting bitch faces together
Artemis and Hera
They were not very fond of each other at first
Hera has and will beat the absolute shit out of Artemis
Although that just made Artemis admire her (to her anger)
After a while Athena got the two to talk and Artemis immediately asked if Hera could teach her how to fight.
Hera agreed… reluctantly 
Cue bonding while beating the absolute shit out of each other.
Apollo was not happy with this but he eventually warmed up to the idea
The two don’t really talk much unless they are at parties together and of at family meetings
But they definitely have a lot of respect for each other
Hera and Leto
They are wives…. They don’t realize it yet
During the titanomachy they were fucking perfect for each other (platonically at the time)
Hera = Neutral Chaotic 
Leto = Chaotic Chaotic
They were part of a group that included Metis and Maia during the war
After Metis got eaten tho things went downhill  
The Leto and Zeus incident happened and …well you know what happened
But Hera at one point regrets her decision and sent Elieithyia in secret to help Leto give birth but made her swear to never tell a soul, not even Leto.
After that they were distant and angry with each other but
One day something happened that would fix their relationship for good
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starofmithras · 1 year
Happy Thargelia! 🏹
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On this beautiful May morning, the first day of the Attic festival of Thargelia, I celebrated the birthday of Artemis and offered her hymns and libations. 🌙
"We sing of Artemis---for it is no small matter
for singers to neglect her!---whose great concerns
are the bow, and the hunting of hares, and the spacious
chorus and delight upon the mountains, beginning
from the time when, still a child, she sat on her father's
knee and in a childlike fashion said the following:
'Give me to forever preserve my virginity, O Papa,
and to have many names, so that Phoibos may not
outdo me. Give me arrows and a bow...give
me to be a light-bearer, and to hitch up my fringed tunic
as far as my knees so that I might kill wild animals...
Give me every mountain, and as far as cities are concerned,
give me whatever one you wish---it is a rare occasion
when Artemis will go down to a city. For I will dwell
in the mountains, and I will mix with the cities of men
only when women are worn by sharp labor pangs
and call out for help. The Fates assigned this role
to me when I was first being born, to help them
because my own mother carried me and gave birth
to me without effort...'
...her father laughed and nodded assent, and caressing her he said:
'When goddesses bear me children such as this,
I will care little for the jealousy of an angry Hera.
Take, my child, whatever you want, and ask for!
Your father will give other, still greater things. Cities
three times ten will I give, and more than a single
tower! Cities three times ten will know not
to glorify another god but you alone, and will be said
to belong to Artemis."
--- Callimachus, Hymn 3 "To Artemis," translated by Barry B. Powell
Art: "Diana" by Anonymous (16th century), Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden.
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demonboi96 · 1 year
Harry Potter X Percy Jackson crossover fanfic prompt:
Harry potter is not a demigod, at most he is a descendent of hecate like all wizards and witches. Instead over the course of his life he gains minor blessings from the gods. Like his birth, his parents prayed to Artemis to ensure a healthy and safe childbirth which gave him a minor blessing on his birth that allowed him an easier time tracking prey, or his familiar bond with hedwig gave him a minor blessing of Athena which allows him better remeber things he reads.
These blessings aren't particularly strong or even that rare, plenty of wizards and even non magical folks gain these minor blessings regularly. However because of his upbringing, his particular life and series of events, by the time he fights voldemort for the last time he has the blessings of all the major gods of olympus and some minor gods as well.
Which is probably why a saytr approaches him when he is travelling to new york at the age of 19, travelling the world and wants to know who his godly parent is and wants his help fighting in another war.
So I also have some thoughts on how he gains particular blessings and what they would be, however they obviously can be changed and modified to any writers interests.
1. Artemis being the goddes of childbirth would routinely bless the prayers of new mothers and their children, ecspecially to those that pray to her. Her blessing is a more easier time tracking prey, the reason why Harry is such a good seeker.
2. Athena Goddess of wisdom and Owls, with his Familiar bond he gained her blessing, which is an easier time memorising things he reads.
3. Hera or Zues depending on how you want to justify it could give their blessing while Voldemort is attacking the potters on the fateful halloween
4. The one that got me thinking of this plot is Ares blessing on Harry to be a strong capable soldier for his capabilities of surviving and fighting his battles.
5. Apollo the killer of pythons blessing would be bestowed onto Harry for his work in killing the basalisk. A minor blessing of healling, nothing major it just hastens Harrys healling a bit, something he probably never notices because he gets healed magically, and a resistants to diseases.
6. The blessing/curse of Aphoritite could actually just be because of his fame, which would make his love life more dramatic then it needs to be (something Aphrodite would consider a blessing but others not so much.)
7. Hestias blessing would be his feeling of comfort and safety at hogwarts because he considers it his home.
8. Hades blessing could have been given to him either when he was 1 and survived the killing curse or when he gained control of either 1 or all 3 of the deathly hallows.
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incorrect-au-master · 4 months
To Hecate and Artemis: So.... one question I have is .....did.... either of your ....moms mention that.... they had a.... sister? Maybe you could look it up.... maybe finding out about an aunt or even.... cousin.....sssss.... that you didn't know you had.
Hecate: my mother turned into an island so...
Hecate: yeah, i never got to konw much about her life.
Artemis: my mother told me she had a sister that helped her giving birth to my brother and I, but i don't remember anyone else there...
Hecate: hm... guess we'll never know.
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torntruth · 7 months
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* let's note that this is my preferred headcanon of events scaling down the overall comics, especially of what i know. it would be wonderful to remember that if you want a different version of her , this is not the place to be.
-- heavy in greek mythology timeline , what happens before the amazons and the humans actually don't particularly matter , but it's how the greeks believed humans came to be and the gods before them. the titans existed, fell apart, gods existed, fell apart. now humans rule. blah blah, anyway, hippolyta is the queen of the amazons after they were formed with the backing of aphrodite as the main god they worshiped. the amazons and mankind once lived together until a feud between ares and aphrodite was also the ignition of a fight between the amazon women and men. the men tried to capture them, so they escaped and formed Paradise Island, aka Themyscira. paradise island is also heavily an island for women abused by men and either found their way there in life as escape, or unfortunately was killed violently by a man and live their in a blessed afterlife. therefore ceasing a reason why they need men at all to give birth. their numbers are all equal this way.
-- hippolyta wanted a child and often created dolls as a hobby, aphrodite granted hippolyta a child made from clay : diana .
also please note that i'm not going to put a whole ton of effort into exact dates for the timeline up until WW1.
-- there was peace for quite a bit until ares started a new war, this time against the newly created humankind. he mostly just liked war, but this time it was under the threat that the amazons working peacefully with humankind could be bad for the gods. blah blah, prophecy. ares always worked discreetly, which means in my timeline he can always pop back up as a bad guy. he orchestrated a plot with antiope and artemis to hatch a chaos door and disrupt the amazons. hippolyta sacrified herself in the process of closing the door. antiope and artemis now guard the door as a redemption that it will never be opened again. duly note that diana got at least 500-800 years with her mother.
-- nubia and diana are not directly related, diana can not physically be blood with anyone, but nubia was also extremely close to hippolyta at the same time aphrodite granted diana's life. nubia was adopted to be raised directly by hippolyta and for awhile they just shared the thrown. they are not extremely close by any means, but they do work well together.
-- world war 1 breaks out and a man named steve trevor somehow accidentally crash lands on themyscira. while they aren't my favorite ship, i have come to appreciate them, and that he is the spark that ignited her love to help humans again. after some trails with him being a man and language, they finally learn to communicate just in time to help him. diana adopted the only kill when necessary rule around this time, but because of the events of ww2 as well, it should be duly noted that she always kills a nazi without batting an eyelash.
-- 2020: events of suicide squad kill the justice league. brainiac starts invading earth. she dies still and my current headcanon is that they find a earth variant where brainiac barely succeeded and transfer that diana back into earth 1. i'll work out the kinks, but i'm sure with the upcoming dlcs they'll find something as well.
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