#Art Toy Files
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thisisnotaboutarttoys · 13 hours ago
Jumping Brain: Cuando el Arte, la Ciencia y la Evolución se Fusionan
Descubriendo las historias, los creadores y la cultura detrás de los #ArtToys
¿Y si la evolución no fuera solo biológica, sino también conceptual? ¿Y si una idea, un pensamiento o incluso una chispa de curiosidad pudiera materializarse físicamente, lista para dar el salto? Esa es la esencia del Jumping Brain, el Art Toy más icónico del artista español Emilio García.
En 2008, tras un viaje a Berlín, García se inspiró en las historias de personas que lograron saltar el Muro de Berlín—desafiando límites, rompiendo barreras. Esta idea se combinó con su fascinación por la neuroplasticidad, la capacidad del cerebro para adaptarse, evolucionar y reconfigurarse. ¿El resultado? Una fusión escultórica entre un cerebro y patas de rana, una creación híbrida que representa el movimiento, el pensamiento y la reinvención.
Al igual que Nike convirtió una zapatilla de running en una revolución cultural, García tomó el cerebro—frecuentemente visto como algo estático, atrapado en la lógica—y lo transformó en algo dinámico, en movimiento. El Jumping Brain no es solo un Art Toy; es una filosofía hecha escultura.
La mayoría de sus piezas son elaboradas a mano en resina, asegurando su carácter artesanal y exclusivo. Sin embargo, el Jumping Brain también ha sido producido en vinilo, permitiendo que su mensaje se difunda en diferentes formatos. Ha estado presente en grandes ferias de arte, museos y exposiciones internacionales, demostrando que los Art Toys pueden ser mucho más que objetos coleccionables—pueden ser símbolos de ideas más profundas.
El Jumping Brain nos recuerda que la creatividad, al igual que el cerebro humano, nunca es estática. Salta. Se adapta. Evoluciona. Y quienes entienden su significado no solo están adquiriendo una escultura—están sosteniendo un manifiesto de movimiento, transformación y posibilidades infinitas.
#MoreThanDisPlay #ArtToyGama #ArtToyFiles
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Sergio Pampliega Campo & Cristina A. del Chicca are members co-founders of Art Toy Gama Collective since 2014
SHOP https://arttoygama.storenvy.com/
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tokei-sama · 2 months ago
Happy new years (a lil late sorry)
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I hope everyone have a great start this year <3
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hypnoness · 7 months ago
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since y'all like eyes so much....
gotta make more of these. love love LOVE to you. c u soon <3 :D
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snowwangel · 3 months ago
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a request by @fleeglefazbeagle
a kidcore glimmer bunny stimboard with art and retro childhood themes 🧸
🌼🌈🌼-🎨🖍️🎨-🌼🌈🌼 (divider)
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ruvviks · 7 months ago
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hard to believe that the whole story starts because yancey got cheated on by his girlfriend of several years
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@shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @roseeway, @stars-of-the-heart;
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cutiepieautistic · 9 months ago
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Fox mulder stimboard
×/×/× ×/× ×/×/×
*with niche stims, and stim toys!
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rookeryyy · 1 year ago
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:D aka a gift for my buddy @triffany-lottablog of their bugsnax oc for getting me cattails: wildwood story and don't starve together <333
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bosiphas · 10 months ago
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i gave up colouring this piece bc i loved the line work i did, i loved the sea colouring, but could not for the life of me find a way to colour kairi that i liked so here is a half finished piece of kairi
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thisisnotaboutarttoys · 13 hours ago
Art Toy Files #41: Jumping Brain: When Art, Science, and Evolution Collide
Uncovering the Stories, creators and culture behind #ArTToys
What if evolution wasn’t just biological but conceptual? What if an idea, a thought, or even a spark of curiosity could physically manifest itself, ready to leap forward? That’s the essence of Jumping Brain, the most iconic Art Toy created by Spanish artist Emilio García.
In 2008, after a trip to Berlin, García was inspired by stories of people vaulting over the Berlin Wall—defying limits, breaking barriers. This idea fused with his fascination for neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt, evolve, and rewire itself. The result? A sculptural fusion of a brain and frog legs, a hybrid creation that embodies movement, thought, and reinvention.
Much like how Nike turned a running shoe into a cultural revolution, García transformed the brain—often seen as static, trapped in logic—into something dynamic, something in motion. The Jumping Brain isn’t just an Art Toy; it’s a philosophy in sculptural form.
García handcrafts most of his pieces in resin, reinforcing their artistic uniqueness. But the Jumping Brain has also been produced in vinyl, allowing its message to spread across different mediums. It has appeared in major art fairs, museums, and international exhibitions, proving that Art Toys can be more than collectibles—they can be symbols of deeper ideas.
The Jumping Brain reminds us that creativity, like the human brain itself, is never static. It jumps. It adapts. It evolves. And those who recognize its significance aren’t just collecting a sculpture—they’re holding a manifesto of movement, transformation, and possibility.
#MoreThanDisPlay #ArtToyGama #ArtToyFiles
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Sergio Pampliega Campo & Cristina A. del Chicca are members co-founders of Art Toy Gama Collective since 2014
SHOP https://arttoygama.storenvy.com/
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cocoa-nuts · 1 year ago
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"Her attitude towards you is even better than what we'd imagined..."
See under readmore to truly grasp the suffering I went through to get this out of my brain
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seekincrows · 7 months ago
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Commissions are OPEN!!!!! I only take PayPal, cashapp, and venmo. Dm me for any inquiries! If any of yall could reblog this post that would also mean a lot to me. I have made my commissions dirt cheap to help my best friend pay off an enormous vet bill of $2,200 because we had to rush his dog to the emergency room last month. Any help means the world to us!
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walloyamorring · 5 months ago
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Hi everyone,
We are Svetlana and Dmitry from Walloya Morring. Previously, we created BJD animals, but now we conduct preorders for BJD Grannies twice a year, while dedicating most of our time and energy to our new project, Happy Flexi Pets. In this project, we create designs for flexible toys (primarily animals) that are available as digital files in STL and 3MF formats for home 3D printing. This means that anyone with a 3D printer can purchase and print our designs—it's very convenient and promising, isn’t it?
With Halloween approaching, we started thinking about what we could create for this theme. Eventually, we came up with an unexpected idea—an art doll called Little Dark, which can hold a little cat in her hands. We created several variations of Dark and the cat, and that’s when we realized how much fun it was. This led us to create a dog, a crow, a bat, and also a friend—Little Grim. In the end, it all turned into a large collection that we named Little Dark and Her Friends.
In the photo, you can see Little Dark and her little cat. In other posts, we will share photos of her other animals and her friend, Grim. If you have a 3D printer and would like to print Little Dark for yourself, you can purchase the files on Cults3d You can also look for ready-made dolls from our authorized sellers by searching for Little Dark. But if you want to support our project, we would be delighted to welcome you to our Patreon!
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ninjas-and-coffee · 2 years ago
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isb-headquarters · 2 years ago
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pngkatios · 2 years ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on preliminary sketch art of Superman villain and member of the Legion of Doom, Toyman, artwork by Alex Ross for the "Justice" (2005-'07) maxi-series published BY DC Comics.
Resolution at 1508x1220 & 1074x1650.
ORIGIN: "Crimes with children as victims or witnesses must be the worst of all. In the case of Winslow P. Schott, the crime was theft. When still a boy genius, Winslow built his first toy, a model plane, and had it stolen from him. The criminal in question, Winslow's next-door neighbor, was a boy about his own age.
Many would say this was merely a child wanted another child's toy. That is completely natural. Are we all so naive? For Winslow, it was far more than the theft, though. It is the compulsion of the criminal that leads him or her to crime. If Winslow's toys could be stolen by another child, why couldn't Winslow steal from others? Moreover, why couldn't he commit thefts using toys that he had built?
Schott's obsession is more than his proclivity toward crime. It's a desire for publicity, a childlike and almost limitless need to be the center of everything. His aspiration to be known for his genius is one of the primary reasons he has spent as much time behind bars as he has.
The Toyman has no special physical abilities save his ability to create toys of all forms and sizes -- toys that can crack safes, deliver explosives, murder and far more. His killer toys have all but defeated Superman in the past.
Crime twists the entire world. It can turn the weapons of an adult against a child, and it can turn toys against those meant to protect the children."
-- BATMAN, from Bruce Wayne's private files in the Batcomputer (script by Jim Krueger)
Source: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Winslow_Schott_(Justice) and www.pinterest.com/pin/bruce-waynes-private-files--828099450221692502.
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