asktheweirdpichu · 1 year
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Asche: "Let me- let me just wait another minute- just in case!"
"Aaaaaand... aaaany moment now...!"
"... ... ... ... ..."
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Asche: "Sigh... alright, I'm not a Pikachu after all, I guess... good to know... yaaaay..."
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Asche: (Ah... g-getting dizzy...? That’s... weird, I haven’t used any moves today... guess I'll just... put this somewhere safe and... g-go rest for a bit...)
[ @auctor-phineas-quillsworthy​ ]
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httpiastri · 5 months
Current fixation is Paul's jewelry. Specifically him giving you his jewelry to keep safe during a race.
oh. my. GOD. this is such a sweet idea, im crying. you're a genius anon. i'm also very much obsessed with his jewelry, but this idea…. 😭
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as we know, he's got so many bracelets… and so many rings… usually, he goes through his routine of taking them all off a long time before the race, storing them in his little box in the team's truck. but one day, it has just slipped his mind and suddenly he's standing by the car, all ready to jump in, when he realizes that he's still wearing them all. it's far too late to go back to the truck now, so he gets nervous for a second – before he remembers that you're there.
a confused look grows on your face when he walks up to you in the paddock – he's supposed to prepare for the race, what's he doing? – but then, he grabs one of your wrists, holding the hand up towards him and opening it. he starts sliding his rings down his fingers, placing them into the palm of your hand. then, he takes off his bracelets, one by one, which takes a lot of time as he's got about millions of those fan bracelets. when he's finally done, he folds your hand, wrapping both of his hands around it. he looks at you softly, and tells you: "keep them safe for me."
you nod, your frown morphing into a smile instantly. and lastly, when his hands let go of you, he reaches to the back of his neck, unclasping his necklaces and taking them off him – before reaching towards your neck, putting them on you. then he presses a quick peck to your temple, before hurrying off to his car again while being scolded by his engineer about not being in the car already.
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daddyricsdoll · 7 months
Ur so real honestly I was taught not to go in strangers cars but if that stranger is paul my common sense is going out the window and I’m going with him lmao, honestly I wish I was a writer you all seem so imaginative and you can put all the words onto “paper” and share it with other people whereas I sit here with nothing in my head trying to decide if for my bedtime imaginary story™️ I think Paul would wanna do unimaginable things in his sexy car or weather he’s too much of a total gent or weather he’s just a tease till we get wearever we’re going honestly I envy the way ur mind works -🫶🏻
I think that common sense would be to go in Paul’s car. And I think quite a lot of my imagination comes from delusion but at least we’re here to try and put the beginning of your thoughts into a story/fic.
Paul knows how to treat a girl so I’m sure he will be a gentleman and once he hears the moans leaving your mouth from his fingers he doesn’t want it to stop so he starts teasing you. Even edging till you try and slip your hand down to try and make yourself cum but he can’t let you do that.
You beg him so many times and it’s like music to his ears and when you finally cum he doesn’t let you get a break. Once he finds a secluded spot he gets out of the car and opens your door, just to kneel down and put his head between your legs.
He’s so talented with his tongue and he teases you, but not as much as before, letting you cum as your fingers pull on his hair tightly. Then finally you get to feel his dick slide into you and leave you speechless.
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championdaigo · 2 months
blease,,, steven but he's beat up. or steven and his team together. depends on your comfort lvl w/ drawing beat up characters but i think he would look nice a little bloodied and bruised in your style. ❣️
i'm actually pretty glad you asked for steven with his team, because i can share a little baby WIP!!
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b-but beat up steven? steven stone?? Now why would I do that 😳💦👉👈
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molliemoo3 · 2 months
Could you explain formula e to me please as Paul Aron is racing this weekend
OK so im not necessarily great at explaining things but a basic weekend run down is
-FP1 (30 mins i think)
-FP2 (30 mins i think)
-Race 1 ~ 40 laps, 6 mins of attack (4-2, 3-3, or 2-4 splits)
-FP3 (30 mins i think)
-Race 2 ~ 38 laps, 4 mins of attack (3-1, 2-2, or 1-3 splits)
FP sessions are exactly as you'd expect (if they arent the 30mins theyre 45)
Quali is in 2 sections, first the group stages - 2, 12 (i think) min sessions with the drivers split into 2 groups based on championship position (basically odd is one, even is the other) with the top 4 of each group going through to the duels. And then the duels, which are 1 laps shootouts until the top drivers from group A and group B go against each other for pole.
The races are in a lot of ways just races, except with 1000% more chaos a good 95% of the time, the biggest differences are -
Attack Mode, which is the FE equivalent of drs/p2p, except drivers have to push a button to "activate" it, and then go off line to actually gain attack mode, this is where the main strategy comes into play. It is an increase in energy from 300kW to 350kW, and it has to be activated twice in the race, notably in Monaco Jehan failed to activate it at all, and received a 10 secind stop go penalty post race (48s added to his race time). It will cause drivers to lose postiins pretty frequently so its important to make sure you hit the button and go over the 3 loops on track the first time(s) you intended to in order to not lose positions unnecessarily.
No pit stops unless there is a problem hence why attack mode is the main strategy bit. Also front wings arent vital so if it completely comes off and isnt at risk of coming off under the car, theyll probs just keep going without it.
SC, under if the race is under safety car, and or full course yellow, for a certain amount of time (in relation to a reference lap time set based on each track, for Berlin its 2min45s) laps will be added for the first 80% of the race, any sc or fcy after that point will not result in added laps. There is a maximum of 5 added laps per race.
Energy management is a huge part of FE it can sometimes lead to peloton (i think that's the word i mean) style racing with drivers not wanting to lead for to long which can be a bit annoying, but we do get a good dose of chaos each weekend, especially in the last few laps which is always fun. And the mid pack will always be in some sort of fight.
In terms of where to watch your best bet is going to the FE website (or app) and checking for your country. FP sessions are free on youtube and show on the app/website too. There's a predictor game each race which is fun and on the app, as well as driver radios during the race.
Paul's making his debut with Envision, who are the reigning teams champions of formula e. Season 10 hasnt necessarily had the best start for them, but it hasnt been terrible, with best finishes of P2 at the opening round in Mexico and at Race 2 in Diriyah. Envision is a customer team of Jaguar TCS racing who supply their power train, and who the other Envision debut, Joel Eriksson, is the reserve driver for. There's definitely the possibility for points, with a car capable of podiums with its usual drivers, and a power train that can win races and is currently topping the teams standings, a good quali, and avoiding the chaos (much easier said than done) is vital, but definitely doable for him, especially given how his rookie f2 season is going (i say like these cars arent entirely different beasts). Envision clearly has faith in him, and chaos means literally anything is possible (like an abt almost got a podium the other week, truly anything is possible here)
We're also blessed in Formula E land that we have a bunch of lovely people who put a lot of time into creating guides and gathering info for people interested in FE, the mains ones im aware of are:
@formulawah 's bad guide to formula e season 10 - by bad it isnt bad its silly and funny and something to look forward to each season, they also post on twitter about fe and have a blog they post on
@robinfrinjs 's formula e, an intro to season 10 - this goes into more detail about the cars and how theyve changed through the gens and has more info on sessions and how a weekend is run. They have a discord full of wonderful people that love fe too.
@formulaesource doesnt really post much over here anymore, but theyre incredibly active on twitter, and are attending this weekend. Theyre pretty much always up to date on how long races and such are gonna be and a great source for updates on penalties and such, and just changes to the formula e world in general.
Hopefully this is somewhat helpful and anything i havent remembered to include can be explained elsewhere or just send another ask and i shall do my best to help you figure out this chaos child of a racing series. Fingers crossed for a decent weekend for Paul 💚💚💚
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norrisgrl · 3 months
Does Paul still live with his parents
hihi, anon!! i'm not a hundred percent sure but i think he does:) there was a little reel (from november last year) where Ralf said that Paul still lived with his parents, so i'm sure he still does
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the-mew-crew · 9 months
So what lead to you guys living here? (If you're comfortable answerin, of course!)
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friendball-irl · 10 months
Wlecomd. Back Gray!!
Ggla.d you feel berger.
-aron a non
Hey Aron!
Thank you. I feel great now.
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game-set-canet · 5 months
Uhhh so what's the deal with Aron Canet? I'm asking because your username lol seems like you're an aron canet girl. What's the riding and lore like. What about the tattoos 👀 (asking for completely normal reasons ofc)
hello lovely anon! 🥰 sorry for the late reply.
I’ll just collect random thoughts about him bc if I do a whole essay it would turn out as a 100+ pages book😂
what’s the deal with Arón Canet, that’s a great question 🥰😂 I started supporting him in 2018 – mostly by accident. I never really watched Moto3 until then, only MotoGP and Moto2 and I watched one single Moto3 race and immediately liked him. He is just a very special little guy <3 sadly he never won a single moto2 race (yet) but – like: always the bridesmaid, never the bride – he got a pretty impressive collection of 2nd place trophies at home. But he tends to get injuries a lot (wrists, metacarpal bone and he even lost the tip of a finger bc of a crash).
He is the cutest boyfriend someone can imagine – at least I think he is the cutest with his fiancée and I can’t wait for their wedding this year 🥹
usually he has a great connection with his teammates. especially with Jorge Navarro some seasons ago. Jorge invited Arón and Rocio to his wedding and they had a very lovely bond, even got a tattoo together!
I read somewhere that he originally wanted to be *fully* covered in tattoos (even the face) but he promised his grandfather not to tattoo his face. he was in the talks with a MotoGP team some time ago, but the team wanted him to cover/ger rid off his tattoos if he wanted to race for them – and they are not the only ones. He gets a lot of “hate” for his tattoos (don’t get me started about the “he is the bad guy! Just look at all the tattoos”-bullshit). Personally, I think his tattoos are amazing, he looks like a walking piece of art and it’s part of his personality and he is perfect the way he is ❤️
he is just a sweet little cupcake who deserves the world and more! ❤️
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
hii!!!<3 for the person who asked about Ralf (which is so cute, love seeing it 🥺) i just wanted to say that he's still racing but in a different series!! he's gonna be racing in the 24hs of nürburgring.
andd he's not a team manager at prema anymore, he took it as a summer job back in 2019 (?) i'm not super sure of the year, but i think he was in charge of the FRECA team
The Anon who asked about Ralf Aron, here you go babes!
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
Ralf anon here
He’s definitely a fine man 😋
So would you consider writing for him 🥺There is almost nothing about him here
i would but i feel like i know nothing about him 😭😭 BUT I WILL TRY BABY
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sunny-cafe-official · 2 years
IRL/DA culture is this meme i made to represent the feelings i feel at school 😌
They dont know 😔
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DSKGHSLKDFHALKDHFS FR THO MAN i can't tell you how many times i've been in a heavy irl mindset at school around my irl friends and im like "they have no clue man wtf do i do"
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httpiastri · 4 months
paul and ollie talking in the new prema video😭😭
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them :(((( the biggest cuties :(((((((
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bookiezzz · 1 year
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molliemoo3 · 2 months
Paul did good I think no points but still good
He did great, frankly finishing the race, especially if he kept his front wing is a big feat in this chaos arena and he finished. He was on the outside of multiple cars in one of the last turns which screwed him over, but he made it to the end. Hopefully tomorrow he can go a bit better in quali and get some points
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iknowitwontwork · 2 years
a really random af ask but how does ur handwriting look like?
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