big-fan-of-that · 1 year
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Use tax dollars to feed children/students who, by law, have to attend schools.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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Check out my ongoing comic Crow Time. It has crows, and also neat pantheons of epic beasties.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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please let it be known that it was Greta Thunberg who brought down Andrew Tate
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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I went on a double date with my sister (Jamie, 24) and her new boyfriend. (Paul 25ish) We went to an Italian place. Paul goes on about how the word is for red in Italian marinara, and the word for white is alfredo, so that’s how he remembers the sauce names. I told Paul I took Italian in high school, and it’s rosso and bianco. It even says so on the wine menu. Paul started yelling at me and calling me wrong. Those are the names for wines, not colors. My husband showed him on Google the translation for red and white. Paul told my sister he was leaving and called us stupid assholes and how wrong we were. Paul and my sister left without paying their bill, or even getting some food. When we asked the server he said the drinks are no problem and not to worry about it. My sister texted me later and said why do I think I always have to be right and I embarrassed Paul, and it was immature of my husband. She said we didn’t have to argue with him over something so silly. She said my husband, and I bullied him. She told me that I don’t have to say to people when they are wrong and embarrass them in public like that.
World heritage AITA (Am I The Asshole?) post.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
It's still so strange to me how apparently taboo it is to like a post on someone's Instagram from a month ago when there are posts still circulating on Tumblr from 1550 BCE
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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Matt Walsh doesn’t like the idea of teaching children about consent, for some reason
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
My dad and I once had a disagreement over him using the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
I said, "That's just not true. Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you brittle and injured or traumatized."
He stopped and thought about that for a while. He came back later, and said, "It's like wood glue."
He pointed to my bookshelf, which he helped me salvage a while ago. He said, "Do you remember how I explained that, once we used the wood glue on them, the shelves would actually be stronger than they were before they broke?"
I did.
"But before we used the wood glue, those shelves were broken. They couldn't hold up shit. If you had put books on them, they would have collapsed. And that wood glue had to set awhile. If we put anything on them too early, they would have collapsed just the same as if we'd never fixed them at all. You've got to give these things time to set."
It sounded like a pretty good metaphor to me, but one thing I did pick up on was that whatever broke those shelves, that's not the thing that made them stronger. That just broke them. It was being fixed that made them stronger. It was the glue.
So my dad and I agreed, what doesn't kill you doesn't actually make you stronger, but healing does. And if you feel like healing hasn't made you stronger than you were before, you're probably not done healing. You've got to give these things time to set.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
If you don't support public sector workers when they're striking, you don't get to complain when services are shit the rest of the time. It's a public safety issue when public sector workers aren't treated well.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
disability and class are inherently linked. the disabled are pushed into kind of a permanent underclass. poverty creates chronic illness and chronic illness creates poverty. there is no inherent conflct between the workers' struggle and the struggle against ableism. we are the same people, working through the pain or unable to work and thus plunged into destitution. out of sick days. testing blood sugar in breakrooms or unable to afford gluten free food.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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These two mean everything to me
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
lots of people seem to forget strikes are SUPPOSED TO negatively impact the economy and inconvenience people. that's how you force the company to give into your demands. it's hitting them where it hurts hardest--their profit.
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
paid sick leave exists in a majority of countries on earth and the US government is acting like the demand for it is a radical anticapitalist act that will destroy the economy. OK
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big-fan-of-that · 2 years
I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but more people should read incomplete/unfinished/in-progress fanfics.
I've noticed this huge trend where creators on tiktok and tumblr who will be explaining how to use Archive Of Our Own to new users and they always say "and make sure to scroll down and click completed only" or how people will go out of their way to mention they only read completed fics 'because they were traumatized when they forgot to check the dates and didn't realize this fic hadn't been updated since 2012'.
The thing is - I think by not engaging with and/or actively avoiding writer's WIPs readers are potentially adding to the aggregate of abandoned works. Now this obviously isn't the case for all abandoned fics, anything from major life events, to loss of interest, to getting busy can be a reason for a fic getting abandoned - but at least on some level I just know that writers are quitting while they're ahead when they aren't garnering any response or feedback because reading WIPs has become unpopular. If you're worried about reading something that hasn't been updated since 2012 then you can use the date updated function to sort out old fics.
Anyways, support your favorite fanfic writers by engaging with their WIPs.
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