#Antonio Medici
marcogiovenale · 2 years
premio cesare zavattini / aamod - archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico
premio cesare zavattini / aamod – archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico
  PREMIO ZAVATTINI 2021/22: DOMENICA 30 OTTOBRE LA CERIMONIA DI PREMIAZIONE L’evento conclusivo della VI edizione del Premio Cesare Zavattini si terrà domenica prossima 30 ottobre 2022, a Roma, presso il cinema Farnese Arthouse (piazza Campo de’ Fiori 56), dalle 11 alle 13: saranno consegnati i riconoscimenti previsti dall’iniziativa all’autore e alle autrici dei tre progetti vincitori Lorenzo…
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karolinevassalor · 7 months
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diceriadelluntore · 2 months
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Questa foto spiega in maniera decisiva perché la vicenda Carini-Khelif è una pagliacciata politica, mi permetto di dire tipicamente italiana. Per chi non conoscesse la vicenda, la pugile italiana Angela Carini si ritira dopo 46' dall'inizio del match con Imane Khelif, algerina. Motivo: ha ricevuto colpi fortissimi. Khelif, che ha già partecipato alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo del 2020, è stata squalificata ai precedenti Mondiali di Boxe dalla Federazione Internazionale per esami medici non meglio specificati, si ipotizza per un tasso di testosterone superiore, caratteristica che in maniera naturale può variare anche in maniera sensibile tra le donne. Il Cio ha rigettato la squalifica e ha permesso all'atleta algerina di partecipare al torneo olimpico parigino.
E qui arriviamo alla foto: Khelif e Carini sono idonee entrambi per la categoria in cui competono. Se Carini ha deciso di abbandonare, scelta legittima nello sport, è perché non si è sentita in grado di affrontare un'atleta idonea alla sua categoria di appartenenza.
I due in foto sono Victor Wembanyama, centro della Francia di basket, stella dei San Antonio Spurs in NBA, alto 2,24 cm; al suo fianco Yuki Kawamura, playmaker del Giappone, alto 1,76 cm. I giapponesi non hanno certo abbandonato il Parquet per una così marcata differenza fisica, anzi con una prova superlativa di tecnica e passione hanno portato la partita con la Francia, tra le favorite del torneo, ai supplementari perdendo solo di 4 punti. E tra l'altro Kawamura siglerà 29 punti contro i 18 di Wembanyama.
Chissà cosa avrà detto il premier giapponese dei 50 cm di differenza in campo. E aspetto con quasi impazienza di sapere dove verrà candidata da Fratelli d'Italia Angela Carini alle prossime elezioni.
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teecupangel · 8 months
Hiya! Could I possibly get more of the "cat cult"? I wanna see Ziio, Achilles, and many other AC characters as kittens.
(Why can I see Ziio being pure black, female kitty? Kinda like this;)
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The “Altaïr gets a cult (but nobody cares about that) and gets lots of cats against his will” idea and the “Malik and Altaïr bickers like an old married couple” side-idea with its sorta sequel “Ezio breaks down and starts doubting every cat he sees” idea.
“I have met with them.” Ezio said with the tired tone of a man who had seen god and returned with nothing but a new cape that did not even match any of his usual attire.
Antonio’s lips curved into an amused smile as he asked blithely, “Quite the eccentric trio, are they not? I find it is better to deal with Malik than the twins.”
Is that what they believe Altaïr and Desmond were?
He had spent two hours, perhaps three, with them and the two acted more like Desmond was a child to be coddled and looked after. It didn’t remind him of how he and his siblings interacted with Petruccio though. Altaïr and Malik both worried and cared for Desmond as if they were afraid he would shatter in front of them.
Sometimes, Ezio wondered if Desmond’s serene look at everything, even in the face of danger and death, was a sign of something more concerning.
But it was not his place to say anything.
“Altaïr has a lot of interesting opinions.” Ezio said instead.
And plans.
One of which was to take over their cul- Brotherhood and reinstate the “no close relationship with any powerful faction” rule that Ezio had never even heard about.
Desmond had whispered to him that King Richard the Lionheart actually tried to develop a close relationship with the Brotherhood but Altaïr had ‘dumped’ him, whatever that meant.
Ezio supposed that his recounting of how close the Auditore was with the Medici prompted this entire thing. Before that, Altaïr had seemed reluctant to take his rightful place as their mentor. Ezio wasn’t even sure if his uncle would like what was about to happen.
“I’ve actually come here to ask a favor on their behalf.” Ezio said with a sigh, making Antonio raise an eyebrow.
“And is that favor connected to the cats that followed you here and have been staring at us?” Antonio asked lightly even though Ezio could see the wary (and fear?) in his eyes as he glanced at the cats lounging on the roof, peering over them.
“Ah, yes. Forgive me for the late introduction…” Ezio turned to acknowledge the four cats as he said, “The black one is… I cannot remember her name but Desmond told me I can call her Ziio. The black and white one is Achilles. The grey and brown one is Maria. And the white and orange one is Clay.”
Among the four, only the one called Clay meowed, as if greeting back.
“They’re here to… support me.”
According to Desmond anyway.
While they all seemed to follow Altaïr back to their home, it seemed Desmond was the one who talked to them the most and named them.
“They are connected to the favor I wish to ask.” Ezio said and decided to just push through so he could get it over with, “They have decided to travel to Monteriggioni to talk to my uncle.”
And usurp him if the need arises, apparently.
Desmond was quite happy to tell Ezio their plan even though he knew that they were talking about his uncle.
Of course, we’re not going to kill anyone. Especially not Zio Mario!
The easy way Desmond called his uncle ‘zio’ made Ezio confused of their actual blood connection.
But everything about Desmond was a mess of confusion and worry. Altaïr calling Desmond his ‘child’ (said in a jest perhaps?) did not help at all.
“They need someone to take care of the cats while they are gone.” Ezio continued, “Just to feed them and make sure they have ample clean water every day. Perhaps clean any messes they make while playing inside. Desmond assured me that they take care of their ‘business’ outside or in the garden, behind the bushes…”
Antonio stared at him for a moment.
“Would you happen to know anyone who wouldn’t mind taking care of their-” army of “cats?”
“Will you be joining them in their travels?” Antonio asked and Ezio shook his head.
“We decided it would be better if I did not. I do not want my uncle to make a mistake and believe I have any part of this.” Ezio sighed.
The most he had done was explain the current state of the Brotherhood (although Desmond seemed to know about it, now that he thought about it). He didn’t have any hand on their plans or their decisions.
“Then it seems to me you already found the best person to take care of the cats!” Antonio said cheerfully as he patted Ezio’s shoulder.
Ezio blinked.
He supposed Antonio was right.
For once…
Ezio wished he was being chased all over by guards.
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bacchaemember · 1 year
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The Odyssey as headlines!
art: (1)Head of Odysseus from a Roman period Hellenistic marble group representing Odysseus blinding Polyphemus (2) Penelope with the suitors by John William Waterhouse (1911/12) (3)Portrait of Don Lorenzo de Medici and Athena Cosimo Ulivelli (17th century) (4) Circe offering a cup to Odysseus by John William Waterhouse (1891) (5)Neptune and Amymone, 1757, Carle Vanloo (6)Odysseus returning home by John Flaxman (16th/17th century) (7)The return if Telemachus to Penelope by Antonio Zucchi (1726) (8) Illustrattions for Homer's Odyssey by Jan Styka a Polish painter (1901-1903) (9)Helen recognising Telemachus, son of Odysseus by Jean-Jaques Lagrenée (1795) (10)The Companions of Odysseus Steal the Cattle of Helios (fresco by Pellegrino Tibaldi, 1554/56)
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othmeralia · 3 months
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Now that's a big book.
And a big book requires a big title, right? Get ready for this one:
Nuovo, et universale theatro farmaceutico : fondato sopra le preparationi farmaceutiche scritte da' medici antichi, greci, et arabi ; principalmente da Galeno, e Mesue. Appoggiato sopra le preparationi, dette spagi riche, già da gli antichi, in parte, abbozzate, mà da più moderni medici illustrate, e megliò coltivate ; scritte dal Beguino, Crollio, Hartmanno, Libavio, Minsicht, Paracelso, Quercentano, Sennerto, e Altri : rappresenttante e le une, e l'altre preparationi, per fondamenti unitamente necessarij alla veta, e artificiosa methodo farmaceutica : adornato, e ampliato oltre le fabriche, e compositioni medicinali, in qualsisia forma fabricabili, contenute ne gli antidotarij Veneti de Giorgio Melichio, aumentato da Alberto Stecchini, già farmacopei nella officina dello struzzo, e ne gli altri sin al presente, con le stampe, publicati antidotarij de più accreditati autori, e delle più rinomate città d'Europa, Anversa, Augusta, Bergamo, Bologna, Colonia Agrippina, Fiorenza, Londra, Messina, Roma, e altre ; con quelle fabriche, e compositioni ancora, le quali fossero state descritte da gli più lodati scrittori dell' arte medica, over inventate da' più dotti lettori, e professori della medesima : abondantissimo non solo de gli insegnamenti, dati da inominati antecessori, di nuovo revisti, ma ancora de tutti gl'altri avvertimenti, appartenenti alla intiera, legitima, e perfetta dispositione, alteratione, fabrica, unione, e compositione di tutte le materie medicinali semplici, e composte, cavabili da animali, vegetabili, e minerali ; necessario a ciascheduno farmacopeio: utile ad ogni medico, e amatore della medicina : curioso per gli investigatori delle più desiderate, e artificiose preparationi spagiriche / eretto, et esposto alla luce da Antonio de Sgobbis de Montagna ...
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thetudorslovers · 11 months
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"The mother of Pope Clement VII remains an enigmatic figure. Pieraccini cites a record of the Pazzi conspriacy by Antonio da San Gallo in which he wrote that Giuliano had a son, aged one, by the time he was killed in the Pazzi conspiracy in 1478. The mother was ' a woman of the Gorini, his friend. The said Lorenzo went to see him and then gave him to the care of the same Antonio, where he stayed until his seventh year. The said son had the name of Giulio and was born on the 6th March 1478. Seraccini is cited as stating that she was Fioretta di Antonio di Michele di Iacopo del Ciptadino corazzaio. Pieraccini however states that the mother's name was certainly 'Fioretta', but that all else is unknown.
An unpleasant paragraph then follows outlining the importance of knowing who the mother was, owing: ' on the laws of hereditary biology, the knowledge of whether Fioretta was daughter of nobles or plebs must be important, for example, to recognise the inheritance of particular refined talents or dispositions, presumably more developed in the Florentine upper classes than in the lower ones.'  Giulio had himself declared legitimate during Giovanni's cardinalate, saying that his mother had been secretly married to Giuliano. The eighteenth-century Jesuit antiquarian, Giuseppe Richa, in an attempt to ensure the Medici pope's legitimacy to the throne of S. Peter, repeated this claim of a secret marriage. Hibbert follows the Gorini reference, and identifies her as Fioretta Gorini. 'This boy, whose mother soon afterwards died, was adopted by Lorenzo'.  Young identifies her as Antonia Gorini." - Women on the margins: the beloved and the mistress in Renaissance Florence
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m1male2 · 1 year
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The Pudic Venus of the classical world are the representation of the goddess Aphrodite, naked or semi-naked, at the precise moment of modestly covering her "shame" or private parts, as if she had been surprised at the time of bathing or dressing.
It was one of the most typical artistic motifs of Classical Antiquity.
Let's see some examples:
-Photo 1, The Venus de Medici, Roman copy 1st c. BC, from the sculpture of Praxiteles from the 4th century BC
-Photo 2, Venus Capitolina, copy of the 2nd century from an original sculpture by Praxiteles. Capitoline Museums, Vatican.
-Photo 3, Aphrodite or Venus of Cnido, also called Altemps or Ludovisi. Work of the Greek author Praxiteles made around the year 360 B.C. Altemps Palace Museum, Rome.
-Photo 4, Aphrodite of Syracuse. Roman copy of the 2nd century AD. from a Greek original of the 4th century B.C.; neck, head and left arm are restorations by Antonio Canova. Found in Baiae, southern Italy. National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
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gregor-samsung · 2 months
" Dopo tre anni di pontificato mediocre papa Carlo rimase vittima di un attentato: dalla pensilina della tettoia di un autobus cadde del marcio che colpì papa Carlo sulla papalina. Carlo era cosciente ma la papalina iniziò a grondare sangue e tutti intorno a Carlo e tutti a preoccuparsi della papalina che veniva ricoverata d’urgenza mentre papa Carlo rimaneva tramortito sotto la pensilina. La papalina respirava a fatica, il cuore batteva fioco fioco, migliaia di medici erano al suo capezzano, annaspavano, sforzavano: all'improvviso un uomo di non più di alcuni anni si diresse, pistola alla mano, verso il letto dove la papalina era ricoverata, sfondò il posto di blocco, e svuotò mezzo caricatore contro la papalina che spirò morta. L’uomo venne arrestato mentre papa Carlo faceva ritorno a piedi in Vaticano. Entrò Carlo e venne bloccato e dai a spiegare che lui era papa, e vai a parlare dell'attentato, di quella cascata di marcio che lo aveva colpito rendendolo in fin di papalina, e dai a mostrare i documenti con scritto “Professione Papa”. Venne cacciato da Roma e si trasferì per un po’ di tempo a Istanbul dove cercò di riunificare le tre chiese. "
Antonio Rezza, Non cogito ergo digito (romanzo a più pretese), La nave di Teseo (collana i Delfini, n° 62), 2019; prima edizione: Bompiani, 1998. [ Libro elettronico ]
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Baroque opera recs that I forgot to post yesterday ✨
Gonna give five cause if I don't limit myself I'll just never stop
Jean-Baptiste Lully : Atys. One of my recent favourites. Charming, and sad, and beautiful. Lots of dancing and period-appropriate gesturing and other visual delights in the 2011 production in particular. It's on medici dot tv (check if your local library offers a free subscription) with English subtitles. Also on youtube but in a couple of parts and I don't know if it has subtitles
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie. Currently watching on medici dot tv as well. 2012 Opera Bastille production has an amazing cast and lovely, very baroque visual style. Also, the music is so unique and beautiful. Act II is musically endlessly surprising and wonderful
Antonio Vivaldi: Bajazet. Many wonderful productions out there, but I have so much affection for the 2023 Accademia Bizantina production. Amazing music, unhinged cast of characters, and my personal weakness, father and daughter raging endlessly.
G.F. Händel: Alcina. Just full of absolutely devastating beauty. The music is so full of emotion and subtleties. There are so many complex relationships and characters, and "Ah! Mio cor!" is the best aria ever written about heartbreak. In this essay I - no! I will control myself. Les Talens Lyriques and Staatsoper Wien prods are both very good
Henry Purcell: Dido & Aeneas. I know, it's no grand opera, but it's a short little tasty thing that I love and cherish. I love Purcell's music so much. And I adore that its first known performance was by a girls' school. Feels intimate, feels right.
Five is very few when there are so many good operas and other works out there, but I will add to this post later. Otherwise I will just start weeping about how much I love baroque music and it's gonna be so annoying
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
"storie di pietra. sulle tracce di roger caillois": dal 13 ottobre a villa medici, roma
VILLA MEDICI / Académie de France à Rome Viale della Trinità dei Monti, 1  Mostra STORIE DI PIETRA Sulle tracce di Roger Caillois Dal 13 ottobre 2023 al 14 gennaio 2024 Curatori: Jean de Loisy e Sam Stourdzé Compagne delle nostre fantasticherie, le pietre, più antiche della vita, hanno esercitato sugli esseri umani un fascino di cui ognuno di noi condivide l’esperienza: una raccolta, un lancio,…
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collectionstilllife · 9 months
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Bartolomeo Bimbi (Italian, 1648-1729)
Bimbi worked at the court of Grand Duke Cosimo III de’ Medici, who was a lover of plants and fruits, which he considered a reflection of the divine magnificence; he was so taken by them that he took personal care of their cultivation and growth.Bimbi brought to Florence new species and varieties from around the world. With the help of the Medici court's botanic, Pier Antonio Micheli, he began a detailed cataloguing, organized by species, season, and provenance. – Italy Magazine
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jaz-xedarix · 1 year
The Mark of the Holy Woman. Episode 2
In honor of the Trinity Blood Never Forget Day I wanted to upload as much as I can of the translation of R.O.M. IV, after three years of hiatus, I finally can finish at least this first part. I hate to keep promising stuff and ending up failing, but I want to finish this.
The theme of this year is "REBIRTH", so let's honor it by continuing my holy task.
This part may have mistakes, I wanted to post this as soon as possible so I didn't send it to correction before I post it, but I will send it and edit the post if necessary, remember you can point those mistakes too and I will gladly correct them.
We finally get to Episode 2: The Sorceress of the Temple. I hope you like it.
Enjoy ;)
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The Sorceress of the Temple.
You, however, smear me with lies... JOB 13.4
"I have been informed of what happened, Archbishop D'Annunzio… It is a great misfortune," the man began to speak from the monitor.
Whether it was because of his vigorous body or the cutting light shone in his eyes, like a saber, it seemed that more than the Cardinal's habit, a military uniform would have fitted him better.
Francesco Di Medici, in charge of the internal affairs of the Vatican, watched them from Rome with his hands folded under his chin. One by one, he observed them all: Caterina, who was silent; Antonio, who was more concerned with fixing his hair than anything else; and Brother Petros, standing tall with the expression of a student who had forgotten to do his homework. Then he fixed his gaze on the Archbishop again.
“To think it have to be precisely during the performance of a commemorative play of the battle of Istvan that was allowed a vampire to attack... and that they had kidnapped the very Saint... Where was that Guard you are so proud of, Archbishop?”
"Your Eminence, I have no words to apologize for our negligence, but if you will allow me..." The archbishop lowered his gaze at the Cardinal's reproachful expression. However, he did not choked with the words, but replied coldly, as if he already had the excuse ready:
“Because of the presence His Holiness and Her Eminence the Cardinal Sforza the security was concentrated around them. Please forgive my mistake: I trusted that the Director of the Inquisition, who was in the place at the moment, would be able to take care of it.”
“Eh!? But I…!”
Hearing how he tried to blame him for what had happened, the warrior monk raised his bandaged head. Petros was going to answer the accusation, but seeing the reproachful look of his superior, he remained dejected and silent.
“It's... it's true that I was there... and I can't deny my responsibility for what happened...”
“I don't know if it's right to blame everything on the director of the Inquisition... Excuses go against the morals of a knight.”
The one who came out in defense of Petros, who bravely endured the accusations, was a sweet female voice. Caterina, who until then had not done much more than cough in front of the heater, continued speaking in a calm but determined voice.
“Brother Petros' duty was His Holiness' protection. The security of the theater was in charge of the Guard... Which means that the responsibility falls on them.”
«So, it’s on you... »
The accusation wasn’t said, but Caterina looked firmly to the Archbishop. If her gaze was colder than necessary, perhaps it was due to her weak state of health. Crossing her legs under the habit, the Cardinal brought the cup of tea to her lips.
“Anyway, we'll think about all that when there's time for it. Now we have more urgent problems... We must immediately locate Esther Blanchett and the vampire who has abducted her. The progress of this investigation will also determine if we can continue with the ceremony for the fallen as it was planned...”
“The ceremonies cannot be stopped. The events of tonight are an indelible stain on our image and we cannot seem weaker. We are already the laughingstock of the secular states” Francesco replied through the monitor.
From the office window could be seen the multitude of journalists and onlookers that crowded in front of the doors of the Istvan Cathedral, built as an archiepiscopal seat to replace the Cathedral of San Mátyás, which had been destroyed a year ago.
Even the Vatican had found it impossible to keep silent the more than a thousand onlookers who had witnessed the incident. The huge propaganda for the ceremony for the fallen was also working against them. The case had already come to light in all secular states and everyone was watching for the slightest movement from the Vatican. Showing weakness at the time would have led to a decisive loss of prestige.
“So everything must go as planned. We can't allow the goddamn media to laugh at us… can we, Cardinal Borgia?”
“Of course not” said frivolously from the sofa the Minister of Vatican Public Relations.
Antonio Borgia brushed a strand of dyed hair smugly from his face and smiled with a theatrical grin.
“I've already given orders for them to report that Sister Esther was abducted by a vampire, but that thanks to the work of the City Guard and the Inquisition she has already been rescued. Now she is supposed to be at the Central Hospital recovering. By the way, couldn't we have His Holiness go and pay her a visit later? This way it will have more realism and everything, you know?
“That will buy us some time...”
The Minister of Vatican Public Relations seemed to want to keep chatting, but Francesco waved him off and stared around the room, his eyes gleaming like a saber.
“In the meantime, we must find and eliminate the vampire and rescue the sister... The investigations of the Inquisition have obtained some very peculiar data. You can proceed, Brother Matthaios”
“Thank you, Your Eminence... Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brother Matthaios from the Inquisition” said one of the figures in the room, which had remained silent until then.
He was dressed with the robe of the inquisitors, but beneath his messy dark hair, his boyish face was placidity in person. Brother Matthaios, who had arrived from Rome barely an hour ago, shuffled forward as he picked out a folder of documents for all to see.
“Here we have the results of the analysis of the fractures in the walls and the floor. It appears that the weapon the vampire used is based on a special synthesized crystal with an extremely powerful piezoelectric effect.”
“Piezoelectric effect?”
D'Annunzio raised his eyebrows at that unknown word and asked the young inquisitor with exhausted eyes:
“What is that supposed to be?”
“It means that it can cause a kind of earthquake through electrical vibrations.”
The one who answered the archbishop's question was Caterina, who did not take her eyes off the documents. The Cardinal, famous in the Vatican for her encyclopedic knowledge, explained with grace, putting her finger on her temple:
“Quartz, zircon and barium titanate… are crystals that, under a certain tension, have a piezoelectric effect that can produce discharges, in the same way, if they are introduced into an electric field, they can cause the opposite effect.”
“Which means, shortly, that if electricity is passed to them they can produce vibration and if a tension is caused they can produce electricity” added Matthaios, for those who did not have the same technical knowledge as the Cardinal. Unfolding the documents like a science teacher, he showed his audience the corresponding diagrams. “For example, a common use for it is microphones. Through electrical impulses they produce vibrations, that is, they produce sounds. Last night's weapon uses these properties to the maximum power, the vibration takes the metals to the limit of their resistance and ends up melting them, which causes the destruction of the target.”
"Well, the truth is that those details, I…" said D'Annunzio weakly, stroking his eyebrows in misunderstanding and casting a nervous glance around the room. “The important thing is to know if that technology surpasses what we have. And it is clear that the vampire is an assassin sent by the Empire, as she said herself, right?”
“That might be a hasty conclusion, Your Excellence...”
The one who then expressed her doubts was Caterina, leaving the documents on the table, coughed slightly before continuing.
“It is true that the Empire is our mortal enemy, but it has been more than a hundred years since they caused an incident. There is no reson that they have to start right now.”
“They don't provoke... Not until now, it's true, but won't they start to feel threatened now that we've occupied Istvan?”
Antonio had spoken in a serious voice, extremely rare for him, at the same time that he pointed with his chin towards the map that was hanging on the wall.
Before Armageddon, the city could be proud to be one of the pillars of central Europe, but today it was no more than a border city of two hundred thousand inhabitants. The surroundings of the urban nucleus were full of uninhabitable ruins and the tunnels of the old subway were nothing more than dark caverns.
The vampire would not be short of places to hide, and spotting her in this terrain would be extremely difficult.
“But, well, whatever are the intentions of our enemy, the important thing is to capture the vampire... Is there any news about her possible whereabouts?”
“The city guard is working hard on it with their full force.”
As if recovered from nervousness, D'Annunzio finally raised his head and, tracing a ring around the city with his finger, explained:
“The routes out of the city are all blocked and there are checkpoints on all the railway lines. In addition, we are sending squads with anti-vampire equipment to the underground tunnels.”
“I see. They are very wise measures, but isn't it a bit risky?” asked Matthaios, after raising his hand in a humble gesture, scratching his head he continued with a worried face, “With your permission, the Guard has no actual combat experience and their anti-vampire equipment is very limited. Even if they find her, the probability that the vampire will end up killing them is very high… May I dare to ask you to accept that the Inquisition participate in the mission?”
“Brother Matthaios, I thank you very much for the offer, but right now it is only you and Brother Petros, rather, since Brother Petros is wounded, we only have you. As much as you are inquisitor, it doesn't change the thing too much either.”
“Just me? Oh, of course! There's something I haven’t told you yet...” Matthaios clapped his hands, as if he had just remember something important, he explained with crystal clear voice: “Precisely now there are waiting at the airport of István three aircraft that carry a few hundred special policemen. I myself have come with a detachment that was on maneuvers in Triest. Ah!, and by the afternoon we expect near to two hundred more men as reinforcements.
“What? Is that right?”
Considering that not even twelve hours had passed since the incident, the speed of the deployment was extraordinary. Not only D'Annunzio, but also Caterina and Antonio raised their eyebrows in surprise. However, the inquisitor remained smiling and his eyes calm.
“As they were on maneuvers, we still have to reorganize the chain of command and provide them with the necessary equipment, but I think it won't take long to solve these issues. Give me an hour and I'll have them ready for combat.”
“Well, what a speed of reaction… I didn't expect less from you, Brother Matthaios. I see that the rumors that you are the best commander the Vatican has are not false. Very different from another that I know.” (T.N.: I’m angry now, sorry XD)
D'Annunzio unexpectedly began to praise the inquisitor. Even if they were already on maneuvers, transporting five hundred men, an entire battalion, across that distance in a few hours and having them ready to go into action really demonstrated prodigious capabilities.
“Magnificent. If we can count on the collaboration of such an experienced corps as the special police and the leadership of an inquisitor with such talent there is nothing to fear. I leave it in your hands, Brother Matthaios.”
As the archbishop filled the inquisitor with praise, like a teacher encouraging his favorite student, a barely perceptible voice sounded behind him.
“And… me…?” (T.N.: my heart is broken 💔)
The warrior monk, who was slumped in a corner, raised his hand with some fear.
“Please allow me to join the operation and regain the honor I’ve lost last night. We will find the vampire and I myself will bring you her head...”
“No, you won't go, Petros.”
The one who flatly rejected Petros' request was not the archbishop. On the monitor, Francesco was shaking his head sternly.
“The operation can be conducted by Matthaios alone. You look for the safety of His Holiness.”
“Eh!? But, Your Eminence…! I…!”
“Don’t get me wrong... it is not that I don’t trust you...”
The truth is that the expression of Francesco cannot be matched with someone who rebukes a subordinate. However, the veteran knight spoke with a firm voice, which did not admit reply. He nailed the sharp stare on Petros, then he explained clearly:
“As long as we have not captured the vampire, the chances that she will attempt to attack His Holiness' life are very high. In anticipation of this contingency, there must be someone by his side capable of protecting him. That's what I mean.”
“Eh…? But...”
Il Ruinante lowered his head at the stern, if not cold, words of his superior. First he blushed, and then he turned pale. With a pained look on his face, he muttered through clenched teeth:
“Understood... as you command, sir...”
“I've said it before: All of this should be kept hidden from the media. If they find out, they can do irreparable damage...” Francesco concluded, after looking at Petros and Matthaios.
The Cardinal had a determined but nervous expression, unusual for him. It wasn't strange. An error in the management of that problem would make it turn into something much worse than a simple incident that occurred in the provinces. At worst, it could end up affecting the power of the Vatican itself.
Looking out at the high ranks gathered in the room, the man whose iron arm held the Vatican in place repeated in a grave tone:
“An imperial noble has kidnapped our Saint... This is not a simple vampire attack, it could become the spark of a new crusade, we must be prepared for anything.”
“What has happened, Your Eminence?”
When Caterina returned to her assigned room, the silver-haired priest got up from the sofa impatiently. He would have not slept all night, because he was nervously looking at his superior, looking pale and haggard.
“What are the instructions? How are we going to proceed with the search?”
"The Ministry of Holy Affairs* does not have the right to participate in the operations..". (*T.N.: Need to check the correct name to be consistent)
Caterina coughed lightly as she handed her cardinal miter to the other priest in the room: Father Tres Iqus. The cold was very intense. After sitting down in front of the heater, she slowly caught her breath.
“The search will be carried out by the Inquisition and the special police. We will take care of the protection and assistance of the Pope.”
“Wha... but the one who has been kidnapped is one of ours!”
With a violent cry, very rare of him, Abel had turned even paler than Caterina. His voice, excited and trembling, revealed that he had spent the night awake, remorseful for having allowed a companion to be abducted before his eyes.
“Who has decided something so stupid as the companions of the abducted cannot participate in the search!? Right now Esther may...”
“Calm down, Abel...”
Caterina tried to calm the priest with a serene voice, he looked like he was going to get out in a rush at any moment.
Normally, the priest was so calm that he exasperated others, but this time the guilt was probably too strong. Trying to ignore the dark feelings that were beginning to bubble inside her, the Cardinal looked at the hysterical priest and explained calmly:
“I think it goes without saying that Sister Esther's safety comes first for me. She is a key agent who brought back invaluable information from the Empire. Losing her now would be a tremendous blow.”
“But we can't ignore His Holiness' protection either...”
The monotonous voice that joined the conversation was Tres’. The mechanical soldier continued speaking without any trace of feeling about the possibilities they had:
“As long as the vampire is within the city, the chances that her next target will be the Pope or Her Eminence are very high. If an attack did occur, we would be responsible. It must be avoided at all costs.”
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“Okay, so you can stay with the Cardinal, Father Tres” Abel answered immediately, preparing to leave the room.
This abrupt manner of speaking was not at all normal for the priest.
“In the meantime, I'll go find Esther around the town! Since I was here a year ago, I know the streets a little. Not that I'm going to wander aimlessly...”
“Negative. It is not advisable to disperse our combat capabilities, Father Nightroad. Our goal is to protect His Holiness and Her Eminence. We must also count on Cardinal Borgia. It is physically impossible that one can cover alone all the three objectives at a time. The minimum necessary is two units, which are you and me.”
Faced with the cold but exact reasoning, the silver-haired priest was speechless. He tried to think of a reply, but finally remained silent. Anyway, he turned decisively towards Caterina, with a face of not giving up, and looked with imploring eyes at his superior:
“Please... Your Eminence... I... Esther...”
“No. Impossible, Abel… I mean, Father Nightroad” Caterina said, shaking her head calmly at the priest's pleas. “I fully understand how you feel. I am also very worried about Sister Esther. But the vampire is still among us. If she attacks again, who will be here to defend us against her? Who will defend me and Alessandro? Only you can do it. Also, Abel...”
The priest bit his lip at the calm reprimand. In his watery eyes danced the image of those whom he had to protect. The cardinal cast her last sentence towards that gaze like a winter lake.
“Is it worthless for you to defend us?”
As if he had strings and they had been cut, the young man dropped his eyelids. He closed his eyes tightly and his face, with the expression of someone who had just drank poison, was drained of all color. But his lips opened one more time just to spit:
“Coward... That's a coward answer, Caterina... I can't believe that...”
After whispering those words, the priest went to the door.
“Where are you going, Father Nightroad? We are in the middle of a meeting. Come back immediately!”
The voice scolded Abel harshly, but he ignored it and reached for the doorknob. Without changing his expression, Tres quickly caught his partner in front of the door...
“You don't have to follow him, Father Tres” the Cardinal said, stopping the short priest with a gesture. “Even if we don't chase him, Father Nightroad won't abandon us… I know how he is”
What was that expression that crossed over the beautiful woman's face? Disgust with herself, anger...? A veil of pain darkened her face. But it was only an instant. Recovering her serenity immediately, the Cardinal ordered her subordinate:
“Father Tres, take care of the cathedral. I have to solve some matters and then accompany His Holiness to the Central Hospital. Take care of the preparations.”
Even after receiving the orders, the mechanical soldier remained standing for a moment, as if to say something, but in the end he withdrew silently through the same door his companion had used.
After verifying that the rhythmic echo of the boots had died down the hall, the Cardinal leaned against the back of her chair. Bringing the handkerchief to her lips, she coughed slightly...
“A despicable woman…” she groaned softly between her lips in a hoarse voice.
She had coughed so badly that her voice heard broken. Seeing the slight reddish stain that had appeared on the white lace of the handkerchief, on her face there was no shadow of the Lady of Steel that caused terror to all.
“I am… I am a despicable woman.”
Still coughing, she tossed the bloody handkerchief into the fireplace.
Thank you for your patience, see you next time!
If you find some mistake, please let me know in comments, don't forget to ❤ and reblog.
Stay safe guys. Hugs!
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teecupangel · 1 year
Another Desmond reborn as X, but this one is as Uberto Alberti's kid. Who we don't know anything about but "family" is the reason he betrayed his friend supposedly so I'd be interesting if Desmond could try and avoid it this time around.
According to the transcription of Uberto’s database in ACII:
Now, I found a backdoor into the Templars' database server, I've been combing it for some kind of smoking gun. I found it. Apparently, Uberto's family was evicted by the Medici bank. Uberto's been aching for revenge ever since, and the Templars promised him support. Ezio's father was standing in the way AND Uberto was jealous of his influence over the Florentine government. Two birds with one stone, isn't it? It looks like Uberto used his election to the Signoria as his opportunity to strike.
Apparently, he joined the Templars because the Medici evicted his family.
If he is part of the real House Alberti, there is no mentions of any evictions in wiki nor any mention of an Uberto. The Albertis were allies of the Medici as far as I read.
Returned to Florence, in the 15th century they were first allied to the Medici against the Albizzi. Main members of the period include writer Antonio Alberti, cardinal Alberto di Giovanni Alberti and architect and Renaissance theorist Leon Battista Alberti.
But wiki did say that they “divided into different lines, who owned several houses and towers near the modern Ponte alle Grazie” and “Some of them were admitted in the Venetian nobility late in the century” so maybe Uberto’s family wasn’t one of those few fortunate Albertis to gain nobility.
So, really…
Giovanni died and dragged his two sons with him because of his ties to the Medicis.
And Desmond would point that out.
In this setup, Desmond would probably think of Uberto as a good father as he did stress he did it for his family (although another setup is that Uberto is using the whole “I’m doing it for my family” to hide his greed and thirst for power but that would be a bit boring so we’ll go down the ‘a good man wishing to avenge his family’s misfortunes’ route instead).
So Desmond would want to protect his new family (especially if he has younger siblings). When they get evicted, Desmond understood why Uberto did what he did. Maybe add in the drama of the eviction being all of a sudden or not given any warning before they were evicted during a time when Firenze was having ‘money problems’.
Desmond knew that the Templars would contact Uberto then and tried to stop Uberto from saying yes to the Templars but he’d say that this was their only choice if they wish to protect their family.
(If you really wanna drive in a conundrum, one of Desmond’s siblings or his mother falls ill during this time and the financial support the Templars gave them is what kept them from dying or maybe said mother/sibling was already ill and almost died had it not been for the Templars’ money)
In the end, Desmond tries to leave the Auditores alone but, instead, Ezio found him and started to talk to him. Desmond couldn’t help but form a bond with Ezio anyway, maybe become a close friend who doesn’t really like to be seen with others.
Ezio knows Desmond spend most of his time caring for his ailing sibling/mother, and he remembers Petruccio so he has a soft spot for Desmond.
Uberto still becomes a Templar and Desmond tries to undermine him, first by trying to save the decoded message that Giovanni needed but that failed because Uberto knew that Desmond was trying to stop him so he’s become more ‘suspicious’. He never scolds Desmond though and he understands what his son is doing so he tells Desmond to continue to try and stop him…
“This way… no matter which sides wins, our family will be safe.”
And Desmond realized then and there that Uberto was ready to die if it meant their family would be safe and financially secured.
In the end…
Desmond helped Giovanni, Federico and Petruccio escape by unlocking their cage and telling them that Uberto’s a Templar. Desmond begs Giovanni to not kill Uberto, that he’ll be able to make Uberto understand that they have failed and they’ll leave Firenze, hell, they’ll leave all of Italia, just…
“Please… don’t kill padre.”
Giovanni promises not to kill Uberto if they leave Firenze as soon as possible.
And Desmond is able to persuade Uberto to do just that, telling him that revenge means nothing if it would lead to his death.
The happy ending would be that Desmond and Ezio would see each other and there will be this strain in their friendship because of Uberto’s betrayal that they will slowly get past.
The more angst-filled route would be…
Lorenzo wants all the conspirators of the Pazzi conspiracy to be killed and Uberto was one of them. He orders Giovanni to kill Uberto and Giovanni tried to say no, at first, only to acquiesce once Lorenzo reminded him who he was ‘allies’ with.
Desmond finds an Assassin standing in front of his father’s bleeding corpse and the darkness and his shock made it hard for him to see the Assassin clearly.
All he knows…
… was that the Assassin was wearing Ezio’s robes…
In this setup, Desmond would be torn between wanting to take vengeance or being the person to cut the noose of revenge that keeps looping and looping around all of them.
His trust in the Auditores would be destroyed and Desmond would want to believe that it wasn’t Ezio, that maybe it was Giovanni or even Federico but a part of him would whisper that it could have been Ezio. Ezio wasn’t there when Desmond begged for his father’s life.
Last time he saw Ezio, he was wearing those robes…
And Desmond can’t…
… will not kill Ezio even if a part of him wished to avenge Uberto’s death.
They had no reason to kill him.
His family had exiled themselves away from Firenze, living as normal farmers of all things.
He needed to know the truth.
And, once he knows it…
That’s when he’ll decide how to end this chain of vengeance.
With blood spilled… or not.
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adverbian · 8 months
ooo give me something from bless the arrows! I am watching this one. closely.
Crowley posed for Leonardo da Vinci’s studies for the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Leonardo did make Sebastian awfully hot, and his model did have shoulder-length wavy/curly hair —
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(In the end, Leonardo breaks it off, on account of Crowley is demonstrably in love with Aziraphale, who has come to Florence to try and stop the April 1478 conspiracy to assassinate Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici.)
(Am I writing an actual plot? Who even am I anymore??)
First line that my brain gave me when I started writing was the lead-in to the breakup:
“I have trained myself to observe, and I have spent hours observing you,” said Leonardo. “The play of light and shadow in your eyes. The tension in the muscles of your face. Even the beating of the pulse in your neck. Antonio, your whole being turns towards him like a flower to the sun. And he flies to you like a bird.”
But I already put that in the GOSP discord today; so bonus content of Leonardo giving direction to his model:
“You stand on the edge between Heaven and Hell,” said Leonardo. “You could still recant. You don’t. You look pleadingly up to Heaven. The arrows strike your side. Here” — his hands were tender, tracing the bottom of Crowley’s rib cage — “and here” — skimming his waist on the other side.
(Omg I am this close || to just infodumping all of my research at you. I must maintain a sense of mystery —)
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tuttocenere · 9 months
some renaissance people I have recently found doing magic in my history books:
Rui Gomes da Silva, personal favorite of Philip II and also of me, tried to employ an alchemist in the war with France to save on military expenses, it did not work, my poor man was duped
Henri II of France, king who famously got himself killed at the tournament held to celebrate his daughter's wedding to Philip, had his death predicted by an astrologer and went and died anyway because he's read his Greek tragedies, one assumes.
His wife Catherine de' Medici, also her second son the later king Henri III of France, both witches.
Obviously emperor Rudolf II of the HRE, famously a witch and incidentally also gay.
Antonio Pérez who was first the secretary and then the mortal enemy of King Philip, on the occasion of murdering another secretary, hired an astrologer named Pedro de la Hera, this did not work out well for him because the guy basically ratted him out to his victim's family in the form of a horoscope, as one does.
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