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thetudorslovers · 1 year ago
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"The mother of Pope Clement VII remains an enigmatic figure. Pieraccini cites a record of the Pazzi conspriacy by Antonio da San Gallo in which he wrote that Giuliano had a son, aged one, by the time he was killed in the Pazzi conspiracy in 1478. The mother was ' a woman of the Gorini, his friend. The said Lorenzo went to see him and then gave him to the care of the same Antonio, where he stayed until his seventh year. The said son had the name of Giulio and was born on the 6th March 1478. Seraccini is cited as stating that she was Fioretta di Antonio di Michele di Iacopo del Ciptadino corazzaio. Pieraccini however states that the mother's name was certainly 'Fioretta', but that all else is unknown.
An unpleasant paragraph then follows outlining the importance of knowing who the mother was, owing: ' on the laws of hereditary biology, the knowledge of whether Fioretta was daughter of nobles or plebs must be important, for example, to recognise the inheritance of particular refined talents or dispositions, presumably more developed in the Florentine upper classes than in the lower ones.'  Giulio had himself declared legitimate during Giovanni's cardinalate, saying that his mother had been secretly married to Giuliano. The eighteenth-century Jesuit antiquarian, Giuseppe Richa, in an attempt to ensure the Medici pope's legitimacy to the throne of S. Peter, repeated this claim of a secret marriage. Hibbert follows the Gorini reference, and identifies her as Fioretta Gorini. 'This boy, whose mother soon afterwards died, was adopted by Lorenzo'.  Young identifies her as Antonia Gorini." - Women on the margins: the beloved and the mistress in Renaissance Florence
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tizianacerralovetrainer · 2 years ago
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ivabellini · 2 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @grimmi__ Ti va un calice solo io e te?🍷#instagram #foto Seguono 3ª e 4ª foto che rappresentano la mia risposta a: -ma quando riprenderai la dieta e la palestra? -ma quindi hai deciso dove farai la magistrale? #italianwoman #italiangirl #portrait #italy #woman #selfie #me #donneitaliane #ragazzaitaliana #donna #picoftheday #italiangirls #instagood #bellezzaitaliana #italianstyle #italian #photooftheday #bellissima #igersitalia #like #bellezzeitaliane #femminilit #italia #fashion #portraitphotography #mood #actress #beauty
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antanasias · 3 years ago
Non si può fare la rivoluzione senza le donne. Forse le donne sono fisicamente più deboli, ma moralmente hanno una forza cento volte più grande.
Oriana Fallaci
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marcos-roma · 2 years ago
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Donne!! sta arrivando! classico? moderno? noi lo proponiamo cosi. Idee di arredo da circa 59 anni. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ www.marcos-roma.com 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #design #cameretta #madeinitaly #camerettabimbi #mare #arredocasa #cameradaletto #mobili #camerettabimba #sumisura #donneitaliane #stilemarinaro #mobilemarinaresco #arredo #stilemarina #donne #arredarecasa #otherwisefinest #camerettabianca #stilemare #arredomare #arredostilemarino #arredamento #arredamentimarina #marcosroma #arredarearoma #marinaresco #arredamentointerni #soluzionidicasa (presso Nautical Furniture & Design Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUl71lNY1j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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peppep82 · 3 years ago
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maggiethecatchatterley · 4 years ago
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thetudorslovers · 2 years ago
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Two or three of her ladies-in-waiting were pretty. One danced well and another, Lucrezia’s cousin Angela Borgia, was charming. Without her knowing, El Prete had picked her as his favorite. Angela’s charm would be the source of great tragedy in Ferrara; even then it must have been one of the reasons for the nightly visits Alfonso’s brothers made to Lucrezia’s palace.
She was the illegitimate daughter of Guillem Ramon de Borja and Sanoguera, son of Otic de Borja y Montcada and his wife Violant Sanoguera. Her mother was Isabel de Montcada. She was also a niece of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, later Pope Alexander VI .In her youth she lived in Rome alongside her cousin Lucretia Borgia, whom she accompanied to Ferrara when she married Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara 
Considered as a woman of great beauty, elegance, romantic, with an exquisitely feminine personality. She was absolutely trustworthy friend, confidant of the innermost secrets, favorite companion and assistant to her favorite cousin Lucretia. She won the praise of men of letters as Diomede Guidalotti who dedicated two sonnets to her, and even Ludovico Ariosto dedicated the last canto of Orlando Furioso to her. Pietro Bembo idealized her as an "angel that can pray for me." On 1 August 1504, in the dedication of his "Gli asolani" to the duchess Lucrezia Borgia refers back to his Angela, indicating that Lucrezia's cousin and maiden is "the dear and gallant Madonna Angela Borgia".
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tizianacerralovetrainer · 2 years ago
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In questi giorni in tanti ci siamo ricordati di Melania Rea, la sua bimba Vittoria oggi ha tredici anni e porta il cognome della sua mamma, dopo averne fatto richiesta in tribunale. Vittoria vive con i nonni a Somma Vesuviana, viene descritta come una ragazzina determinata e forte, la gioia della famiglia Rea, che non dimentica la dolce Melania. Lo zio Gennaro qualche tempo fa ha voluto dedicarle un post molto toccante su Facebook, ve lo riporto qui. Ricordiamoci quanto sia ancora troppo dura per noi donne, ricordiamoci quanto meritiamo e non dimentichiamo mai di darci sostegno reciproco. Vinciamo ogni esitazione, ogni vecchio cliché e ricordiamoci di stare sempre dalla parte delle donne e quindi dalla nostra. Difendiamoci, difendiamole.
“Sono trascorsi 12 anni, 12 anni in cui il dolore dentro il nostro cuore non diminuisce mai. In questo giorno la mente ripercorre quei momenti dalla scomparsa al ritrovamento. Momenti di speranza che immediatamente vennero sopraffatti da momenti di disperazione. A Te purtroppo non è concesso di ritornare tra di noi, dalla Tua bimba (oggi una bellissima ragazza), mentre al tuo carnefice viene data questa possibilità e tra qualche anno sarà libero perché qualcuno decise che non ci fosse crudeltà nelle 35 coltellate ricevute. Questa è la giustizia. Cara Melania da lassù proteggi sempre la Tua famiglia e la Tua Vittoria”
Gennaro Rea
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iltiziostranoeannoiato · 3 years ago
Raga, spiegatemi perché le ragazze si fanno troppe paranoie. Se a te piace un ragazzo perché cazzo non glielo dici e basta? Noi uomini per natura siamo degli idioti
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antanasias · 3 years ago
Complicità tra donne?
Rara, ma se c’è, fa paura anche al diavolo
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me-agape · 4 years ago
"Tutti ne hanno una nel loro curriculum sentimentale. Una persona sbagliata che hanno amato nel modo giusto: senza condizioni."
- F.Scott Fitzgerald
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aporiafm · 4 years ago
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stainlesssteelsaysso · 4 years ago
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thetudorslovers · 1 year ago
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Lucrezia Panciatichi, born Pucci, also known as Lucrezia di Sigismondo Pucci, was the wife of the Florentine academician Bartolomeo Panciatichi. Her hand rests on a book of daily offices, turned to prayers to the Virgin Mary, and the words on her outer gold necklace say Amour Dure Sans Fin. She looks us straight in the eye, but her face shows no emotion. As she sits in waxy perfection, her long fingers touch the book of prayers sensuously. Sensuality triumphs over religiosity as Bronzino renders every glimmer of light on her ruffed-up sleeves, every nuance of color in her dress. By contrast with the dark background, her neck and face look porcelain-like, offset by the deep shadows.
"The face of a young woman, all magnificently drawn, down to the hands, and magnificently dressed; a face almost livid in hue, yet handsome in sadness and crowned with a mass of hair rolled back and high, that must, before fading with time, have had a family resemblance to her own. The lady in question, at all events, with her slightly Michelangelesque squareness, her eyes of other days, her full lips, her long neck, her recorded jewels, her brocaded and wasted reds, was a very great personage — only unaccompanied by a joy. And she was dead, dead, dead." - Bronzino: Renaissance Painter as Poet by Deborah Parker
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tizianacerralovetrainer · 2 years ago
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