#Anne Bishop
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thebellekeys · 7 months ago
A strong suggestion of plagiarism: Detailing the similarities between Anne Bishop’s The Black Jewels trilogy and Sarah J. Maas’s ACOTAR series
Anne Bishop released her The Black Jewels trilogy between 1998 and 2003. It is a dark fantasy book trilogy, part of a larger fantasy saga within the world of The Black Jewels. Sarah J. Maas released the first book in her A Court of Thorns and Roses fantasy romance series, which goes by the same name, in 2015. This popular series of Maas is still ongoing.
For the last decade, many individuals have noticed glaring similarities between Maas’ fantasy series and Bishop’s earlier books. From character names to world-building elements and plotlines, several readers have concluded it is highly possible that Sarah J. Maas has plagiarized major aspects of Bishop’s work in the ACOTAR series. For purely legal reasons, I am hesitant to say outright that Mass indeed plagiarized The Black Jewels in ACOTAR. However, I do believe that there is very strong evidence indicating that Maas may have done so. Please note all my screenshots here are all from The Black Jewels and I can provide more if necessary.
This post presents my observations of the similarities between Maas’ book series compared to Bishop’s trilogy. Indeed, there are several elements that are near-indentical in Maas’ series compared to Bishop’s. Whatever is in brackets is my shabby-MLA-esque way of referencing in which specific book you can find the content I'm talking about. I am aware others have made similar posts on Tumblr and Reddit, and I salute them! Here, I am merely outlining what I have noticed myself, and I imagine there will be significant overlap between his post and others online.
The Eyrians and the Illyrians
The Eyrians are a winged warrior race in TBJ, described as having tanned skin, black hair, gold eyes and "batlike wings". They are one of the long lived races and live thousands of years, based upon a lofty mountain range in their realm. They are a warrior race with a long history of physical fighting, often reputed to be "backward" by aristocrats in their realm (DOTB, HTTS). Their "dark, membranous" wings are the prized physical feature among their race and they have a tradition of turning to militarism and barbarism during skirmishes (DOTB). Cutting off or clipping an Eyrian's wings is the greatest torture and the worst dishonour for a warrior (HTTS). The Illyrians in ACOTAR are a virtually identical winged mountain warrior race with a similar culture and physical features including "black, membranous" wings and tanned skin (ACOTAR). The Eyrians, like the Illyrians, yearn for freedom of their expansive mountains and the war camps within them.
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Eyrian males are raised to be warriors in hunting camps in the mountains, while females are forbidden from touching weapons and are confined to domestic pursuits. Eyrian women are often mistreated and are usually expected to be docile and subservient to their militaristic males (QOTD). This is the same gender construct present among the Illyrians in ACOTAR.
The Eyrians in TBJ carry prejudices against half-Eyrians, similar to the Illyrians' prejudices against "half-breeds" like Rhysand in the ACOTAR series (ACOMAF). The word “half-breed” is actually used to describe an important half-Eyrian in TBJ, Lucivar Yaslana.
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The Eyrians have a practice known as the "Blood Run" which is a rite of passage taken by skilled Eyrian warriors in their mountains, rather similar to both "Nephelle's Run" and the "Blood Rite" which we learn about in ACOWAR and ACOSF respectively.
Powerful Illyrians, like Cassian and Azriel, use siphons—colourful, jeweled gauntlets that channel and hone their magical power. This is eerily similar to the way aristocrats in TBJ use jewels to channel and concentrate their power. The Illyrians also wear fighting leathers while the Eyrians wear black skintight leathers to go to battle.
Lucivar Yaslana and Cassian
Lucivar Yaslana is an Eyrian male who commands a large portion of the Eyrian troops. He is described as a "bastard", both as an insult and a jest in TBJ, because his father and his mother were unmarried and he did not grow up knowing his father who’s the High Lord. The same situation is pertinent to Cassian in ACOMAF whose "bastard reputation" precedes him.
In QOTD, Lucivar begins training Eyrian females to defend themselves and fight military-style, which is a radical move in the realm and receives a lot of push-back from fellow Eyrian males. Lucivar wants to make sure the Eyrian women tap into their strength, at least a little, to prevent them from being helpless when under attack or in battle. There's a few heartwarming training montages in QOTD where he whips them into shape. Cassian leads a similar initiative in ACOSF where he trains Illyrian women so they learn to defend themselves and some even become respected warriors.
Lucivar has gold eyes, big wings, big muscles, shoulder-length dark hair, and light brown skin. Cassian also has gold eyes, big wings, big muscles, shoulder-length dark hair, and light brown skin. Lucivar ultimately reports to the authority of his queen and serves her faithfully just as Cassian reports to authority of his High Lord and Lady and serves them faithfully.
Daemon SaDiablo and Rhysand
Daemon SaDiablo of TBJ was forced to serve as a sex slave in the court of an evil priestess, Dorothea of Hayll, and he has experienced a lot of trauma and pain for hundreds of years due to being forced to serve in the bedchamber of this abusive enslaver. Rhysand similarly serves as a sex slave to Amaratha for 50 years when she builds her court Under the Mountain. In TBJ, the evil queen who conquers the realm through cruelty and corruption, Dorothea, enslaves multiple males to serve her in bed and she even banishes Lucivar to land's brutal "salt mines" when he becomes disobedient. Daemon is known as "Hayll's whore" by the public in DOTB just as Rhysand is known as "Amarantha's whore" by the public in ACOTAR.
Daemon has jet-black hair, golden skin, and a frighteningly beautiful face. Daemon is also known as a natural Black Widow, one of the one only male Black Widows ever in their world. As such, Daemon is one of the most powerful males in all the realm. Rhysand, similarly, has dark hair, a stunningly beautiful face, and has unique powers making him the most powerful High Lord. Daemon, like Rhysand, becomes the highest ranking male in his "Dark Court" and he is also the main love interest (QOTD).
Daemon has a habit of putting his hands in his pocket when he's nervous and/or trying to intimidate people. Rhysand has the same habit. Daemon is feared for his sadism and power in TBJ but is, deep down, a good person and a devoted lover, similar to Rhysand’s persona being much crueler and sadistic than his real personality (ACOMAF).
Daemon originally starts seeing the protagonist of the series, Jaenelle, in his dreams and he recognizes while enslaved that she is the realm's salvation (DOTB, QOTD). Rhysand also begins seeing glimpses of Feyre in his dreams while enslaved Under the Mountain and he knew she was Prythian’s hope (ACOMAF).
We know that in the ACOTAR world, the wingspan of an Illyrian male is supposedly proportional to their, yunno, male parts. This is also the case in The Black Jewels where, in the second book, we learn a male's wingspan also corresponds to the size of his… down there.
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Scents and gender
In TBJ, magical figures have the abilities to identify or smell another person based on his or her "psychic scent", which is their unique scent. The psychic scent also allows them to sense the magical abilities, emotions and traumatic experiences of other persons. Romantic couples also have a keen awareness of their partner's scent. This is the likewise the case in the ACOTAR world where mates and fae can identify and read each other based on specific scents including their arousal.
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In TBJ, you can put up a "psychic shield" to stop someone from peering into your thoughts and reading you through your psychic scent. It's the same in the ACOTAR world, a concept introduced in ACOMAF, where you can put up a mental shield or barrier to stop someone like the daemati from breaking into your mind.
The males in TBJ can become quite territorial and possessive over their women and mates, almost animalistic based on their emotions. They purr and snarl and growl quite often, and Sarah J. Maas uses identical descriptive language regarding the bat boys.
Dragons and Amren
There's an older female character called Draca in TBJ who is a dragon in human form, trapped in a human body. Draca, who serves in the main character's Dark Court, has to decipher old texts in the TBJ because she is the only one who understands the ancient languages they contain. Draca is referred to as the "ancient one." This is exactly like Amren being known as the little "ancient one", a powerful angel in human form who is the only one that can decipher the Book of Breathings in ACOMAF.
There is a "creature" deep beneath the Keep and library of the High Lord of Hell in TBJ who, in HTTS, turns out to be a mighty dragon whose name is Lorn. Likewise, beneath the library in Velaris lurks Bryaxis who is a dangerous dragon-esque creature (ACOWAR).
Other worldbuilding plotpoints
There are “High Lords” of various realms in The Black Jewels and High Lord is not a traditional feudal title throughout history or mythology. One major character in TBJ is the High Lord of Hell, Saetan SaDiablo. His court, and that of his adopted daughter, is known as the Dark Court or the "Court of Darkness". Rhysand is the most powerful High Lord who presides over the Night Court which is also, in many ways, Prythian's own Court of Darkness.
The Dark Court in TBJ has a "first circle" that is comprised of the queen's most trusted courtiers. Rhysand's Court of Dreams in ACOMAF also has an "inner circle".
Jaenelle is known as "Dreams Made Flesh" because of her immense power and ability to deliver her lands from evil. Jaenelle was a saviour-figure who was dreamt up by the "dreamers" in her realm who were suffering and oppressed for many years, ruled over by cruel queens (QOTD). Likewise, the Court of Dreams and Feyre's defeat of Amarantha were, more or less, the product of dreamers who wished upon the stars (ACOMAF). Just like how Feyre possesses the power of all seven High Lords, Jaenelle is the magical figure to possess the power of all the various colored jewels in TBJ.
There is a character named Prythian in The Black Jewels who is a powerful priestess, and the main land that the ACOTAR series is set in is called Prythian. There's also an assassin-prostitute character in TBJ named Surreal, and the Suriel is character in the ACOTAR series.
The sigil/seal of Janelle's Dark Court in TBJ, we learn in the second book, is an image of a mountain with a unicorn’s horn above it. The main sigil of the Night Court in ACOTAR is a mountain below three stars. The vastness and freedom of mountains are a motif in both TBJ and ACOMAF.
Conclusion: There are others online who have pointed out the similarities between The Black Jewels and the Throne of Glass series, but it’s been many years since I read Throne of Glass and I’m rusty so I won’t touch it. Did Sarah J. Maas rip off Anne Bishop’s work? I think it could be proven in a court of law, but I’m quite hesitant to say outright that she’s guilty of plagiarism. Is Sarah J. Maas guilty of serious unoriginality? Yes, definitely. A preliminary search online will tell you that Sarah J. Maas has openly praised Bishop’s writing and she has even said that Lucivar is her favourite fantasy man of all time. Bishop's books were released when Maas was a teenager. Make of this what you will.
I’ve used a variety of tags on this post because, honestly, I’m not sure whether it falls into the “anti” category of posts or not. I think this post neutral in tone and exists just to catalogue the similarities between both series. I hence believe both fans and antis might appreciate it... for different reasons.
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moonssalad · 7 months ago
What confuses me the most is how so many ACOTAR readers say that SJM only got a bit of inspiration from the Black Jewels series just like any other writer does from other peoples work.
Like what.
I dont know about you guys but I dont consider copying another authors whole race of warrior fae and so many scenes as inspiration. And that isnt even fully touching on what she has copied.
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random-bookquotes · 10 months ago
“Extinct” was the most terrible word we knew.
Anne Bishop, The Lady in Glass and Other Stories
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The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop, the Arcane Society Exclusive Edition ❤️🖤 Absolutely blown away by the beauty in each of these books and in every detail 😭 To see Jaenelle in the covers, growing up, is amazing and to top it off the undercover has the jewel hierarchy in the back cover 😍😍 The edge painting is stunning and the inside decorations in each chapter is so awesome 😍😍 I'm so excited that this set finally arrived, I never imagined I'd have an exclusive set from one of my favorite authors 🥹🥰
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lyriawhitethornnomore · 6 months ago
Throne of Glass was published on fictionpress in 2003. The original version was called Queen of Glass and was supposed to be a Cinderella retelling. As we read throught the final product we can see that apart from glass palace in Rifthold it has little to do with the classic Grimm's/Perrault's tale. In the original fairytale we had cruel stepmom and wicked stepsisters who were mean to Cinderella - Throne of Glass has none of that.
I saw people talking abt how both Acotar and Crescent City shares many elements taken from Abrahamic Religions and I think that with Throne of Glass it's the same, especially the storyline from book 1 about Celaena being a slave at salt mines.
In their old posts @alexcollix7 and @longsightmyth pointed out that Celaena being a slave at salt mines storyline was ripped off Lucivar Yaslana's arc from The Black Jewels trilogy by Anne Bishop, but I think it actually has something to do with The Book of Esther.
The Book of Esther also features a young heroine being sold into slavery who then wants to overthrow a powerful ruler - this can't be coincidence
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timetravellingshinigami · 2 years ago
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woodpengu · 10 months ago
To the fans of ACoTaR...
I urge you to read The Black Jewels by Anne Bishop, the books Maas ripped names and ideas directly from. Not "took inspiration" from, definitely yoinked verbatim.
[unless content of an SA, pedo, or like behavior is triggering, then please don't subject yourself to reading the book; instead, seek out a synopsis or summary or video essay]
I read Black Jewels first (it came out first) but didn't give ACoTaR a try until too many people hounded me about not giving it a real try. So I did... and now - though it's not without flaws - I won't be swayed from deeming Black Jewels superior.
ACoTaR... ripped too much from too many places and left me a mighty disappointed bibliophile. Please stop recommending it to me.
[As a note: I read and enjoyed Throne of Glass, wishing it had been given more attention in the development stages, so it's not author bias; don't eat me]
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specificpollsaboutbooks · 2 months ago
F/M Couples
Round 1
About Lucivar and Marian :
At first I didn’t care for the ship one way or the other. Lucivar was a bachelor for the first two books then all of a sudden the 3rd book takes place after a time-skip and he’s married and he and Marian have a baby. It was a little jarring. But then the author published a spin-off anthology of side stories to the main trilogy and told us Lucivar and Marian’s whole story, and it was beautiful. They each helped each other heal from their respective traumas and are wonderful together. I love them more than the main ship!
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ryanoftinellb · 11 months ago
I reckon I could solve 99% of the Black Jewels trilogy with a couple of well-placed telepathic hiveminds. Avoid all the plot-propelling misunderstandings between Saetan, Daemon and Lucivar. And there's no way Dorothea and Hekatah would ever work together if they knew exactly how the other felt about her.
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isaacsapphire · 10 months ago
So, I'm probably going to do a full, post on AO3, meta work up on this in a few months, but something that is extremely clear to me is that Andulvar Yaslana was not actually seduced by Hekatah. I think he intentionally made her think she seduced him, despite this type of interpersonal maneuvering Not being his strength, and despite having every reason to expect to be killed if his plan worked.
He arranged to be seduced by Hekatah and impregnated her because Satan wasn't going to divorce her unless he could not possibly ignore her cheating, and ending their marriage without literally ending the world was absolutely critical to avoiding the Blood equivalent of global thermonuclear war.
After Zuulaman, it was clear to Andulvar that being married to Hekatah created a vulnerability in Satan that threatened his emotional stability and sanity. Keeping the most powerful male in the history of the Blood out of the Twisted Kingdom and emotionally stable was essential to the safety of literally all life.
Andulvar would have known that the child he had with Hekatah would be in extreme danger considering that he knew that she used her previous newborn as a political pawn and dismembered him. I suspect this was the only part of this plan he had even the smallest hesitation about... And he concluded that he would do everything he could to rescue the littlest Eryan POW, but if his son died as a newborn, he would be dying as a warrior to prevent a far worse slaughter.
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blackrosebookstore · 5 months ago
The World of the Blood [Setting]
The Jewels
Most members of the Blood are gifted with a Birthright Jewel. These can be cut or uncut. Cut Jewels are Jewels that are thought to have been used before, and may come already set into jewelry. Uncut Jewels are unused, and are hence more powerful than their cut counterparts Uncut Jewels come directly from the scales of Lorn himself. Through the Offering to the Darkness, the Blood can earn Jewels up to three levels darker. Tapping into these deeper or darker reservoirs is called "descending", (e.g. Birthright White could descend to Rose) and darker stones allow for more potent magic. The Blood can channel magic without possessing a stone, but their Jewels store reservoirs of power not otherwise available to them. The darkest Jewels one can receive for a Birthright is Red. The Birthright ceremony is performed at an altar, usually by a Priestess, and occurs in early childhood. On rare occasions, a birthright darker than red will occur. But only once or twice in history has a birthright been darker than Gray. If you want to make a birthright darker than Red, you will need to petition and have a very very good explanation for that request. And you'll have to prove you can play as a dark jeweled character as well. The Offering to the Darkness occurs at the end of puberty into early adulthood. The darker a Jewel the more power it holds which in turn can be used by its wearer. This means that a dark Jewel shield would be able to hold out against a lower Jewel attack. However, members of the Blood can link their powers together to overcome a higher Jewel wearer if need be. The colors of the Jewels are, in ascending order: * White * Yellow * Tiger Eye * Rose * Summer Sky * Purple Dusk * Opal ** (The line between the Lighter Jewels, and the Darker Jewels.) * Green * Sapphire * Red * Gray * Ebon Gray * Black Birthright Ceremony (The Jewel you start out with.) The Birthright Ceremony is preformed around the maturity level of age 7, or children in the first grade in real life. This is a special time in the society of the Blood. Not only is it the first step to the power they will wield when they are adults, it is also the time were the father is being recognized by the mother. Offering Ceremony (Your Adult Jewel) Unlike the Birthright Ceremony, the Offering is a personal journey into the darkness. There isn’t usually a big flair or event, but personal family may come to stand vigil over the altar while it happens. The Offering Ceremony always last from sunset to sunrise. Note: The Blood can only descend (move up in strength) three jewel ranks. I.E. A white jewel can descend and receive a Yellow (1 rank), a Tiger Eye (2 ranks) or a Rose (3 Ranks). 
Blood Males - Refers to any Blood male who does not wear Jewels. A Blood Male can perform basic Craft but cannot reach the level of the Jewels. Blood Males are not guaranteed a Jewel at their Birthright Ceremony as other castes are; they can receive any Birthright color of Jewel though. A Blood Male can also try again to receive a Jewel, once he is older, by making the Offering to the Darkness. The darkest Jewel a Blood Male without a Birthright Jewel can receive at the Offering is Yellow. If a Blood Male does receive a Jewel, he becomes a Warlord, if not he remains a Blood Male. They very rarely rise to the "killing edge" and never experience rut. Blood male (with a low case "m" in male) is also a general term for all males of the Blood. The need to serve has been bred into Blood males since the dawn of their time. They cannot be emotionally whole with out it. A strong love-bond can ease the hunger for service; all Blood males need one or the other. All males of the Blood (whether they wear Jewels or not) can serve Coven or Court, or enter into personal service. A strong Jeweled Blood male may rule territory in the absence of a Queen, or in service to his Queen.
Warlord - A Warlord is any Jeweled male who does not belong to the other hierarchical levels, equal in status to a witch. Warlords are born Blood Males and become Warlords once they receive their Jewel. They rise to the Killing Edge only when greatly provoked and go into rut only a few times in their lifetime.
Prince - A Jeweled male equal in status with Healers and Priestesses, one step lower than a Black Widow, one step higher than Witches and Warlords. A Prince is born into his caste, and thus is guaranteed a Jewel, but not what strength the Jewel may be. He must go through the Birthright ceremony and make the Offering to the Darkness to receive his Jewel. Princes are more aggressive and territorial than Warlords are, and are thus quicker to anger and rise to the Killing Edge. They experience the rut once or twice a decade.
Warlord Prince - A Jeweled male higher in status than a Black Widow, but lower than a Queen. Warlord Princes are the highest ranked, and also most rare, male caste. A Warlord Prince is born into his caste, and thus is guaranteed a Jewel, but not what strength the Jewel may be. He must go through the Birthright ceremony and make the Offering to the Darkness to receive his Jewel. The most territorial and sexual males of the Blood, they are extremely aggressive and dangerous. Warlord Princes have the strongest need to bond in service and/or love-bond. They rise to the Killing Edge quickly, easily and without warning. Warlord Princes go into rut once or twice a year. A strong Warlord Prince can rule a territory in the absence of a Queen.
Females: Blood female - Mostly refers to any Blood female who doesn’t wear Jewels. Blood Females can do all basic Craft but cannot reach the level of the Jewels. Blood Females are not guaranteed a Jewel at their Birthright Ceremony as other castes are; they can receive any Birthright color of Jewel though. A Blood Female can also try again to receive a Jewel, once she is older, by making the Offering to the Darkness. The darkest Jewel a Blood female with no Birthright Jewel can receive at the Offering is Yellow. If a Blood Female does receive a Jewel, she becomes a witch. If not she remains a Blood Female. Blood Females can serve Coven or Court, or enter into personal service. Also a general term for all females of the Blood, used as Blood female rather than Blood Female.
witch - A Blood female who wears Jewels but isn’t a member of the other hierarchical levels. This can also refer to any Jeweled female. A witch is born a Blood Female and becomes a witch once she receives a Jewel, either at her Birthright Ceremony or Offering to the Darkness. A witch will sometimes specialize in a particular side of the Craft such as hearth or garden. Witches can serve in Covens (such as the Coven of the Hourglass, the "Guilds" within the Realms) or Courts, or enter into personal service.
Healer - A witch who tends physical wounds and illnesses, born with the instincts to comfort and heal. They are higher in status than a witch or Warlord, equal to Priestesses and Princes. Healers have the strongest ties to the Body. They are the doctors, nurses, midwives, and even veterinarians in Blood society. Healers are highly respected amongst the Blood for they will often sacrifice their own health/safety to heal others. Healers can serve Covens or Courts, or enter into personal service, though often they will set up a practice of their own. All Healers must have at least one Jeweled male in personal service to her, in order to ensure her safety and protection.
Priestess - A witch who cares for altars, Sanctuaries, and Dark Altars; they are the most spiritual of the female castes, leading the celebrations during holidays and ceremonies. Equal in status with Healers and Princes, Priestesses have the strongest ties to the Self or Soul. A Priestess witnesses handfasts and marriages, performs funeral rites and offerings, and provides spiritual counsel for her community. Every Priestess can serve in an Altar, Coven, or Court, or enter into personal service. All Priestesses must have at least one Jeweled male in personal service to her, in order to ensure her safety and protection.
Black Widow - A witch who heals the mind, weaves the tangled webs of dreams and visions, and is trained in illusions and poisons. Black Widows are considered to be the most dangerous and sexual of the Blood female castes. Equal in status to none, Black Widows answer only to Queens, Warlord Princes, and other Black Widows of a darker Jewel rank. Black Widows have the strongest ties to the Mind and the Twisted Kingdom. Although a Black Widow is apparent at birth, and they may show some signs in childhood, they do not truly have the Craft or physical traits of a Black Widow until the onset of puberty. Such traits are increased empathy, lucid or prophetic dreaming, the snake tooth under the right ring finger along with the ability to naturally produce venom, immunity to many poisons and venom, and a slight change in physic scent. Every Black Widow must train and serve at her territory’s Coven of the Hourglass; she can also serve in a Court or enter into personal service, or have a private practice. All Black Widows must have at least one Jeweled male in personal service to her, in order to ensure her safety and protection. A strong Black Widow can rule territory in the absence of a Queen.
Queen - A witch who rules the Blood. She is considered to be the land’s heart and the Blood’s moral center; she is the focal point of their society. They are the highest ranked females and most rare of all the castes. Queens tend to the land, being the only ones who have the Craft to heal the land after it has been damaged or tainted. They have the strongest ties to the Land/Earth and the Blood itself. Queens are born with the instinct to protect their land, territory, and people. All Queens must have at least one Jeweled male in personal service to her in order to ensure her safety and protection. A Queen’s very strength, psychic scent, and nature will draw strong males to her, from which she chooses her court. A Queen may serve in another’s Court, and this is common for light Jeweled Queens. Also, young and strong Queens may serve in another’s to gain experience. To make a claim to rule a territory, a Queen must have a Court consisting of at least 12 Blood males, made the Offering to the Darkness, and be of at least 20 years of age. To confirm the position, a majority of the other ruling Queens in that Territory must acknowledge her. If a Queen challenges another or more than one Queen vie for the same throne, a general election is held. A Queen can rule a Township, District, Province, or Territory. They may as well hold a small, independent, non-ruling court.  
Social Status
These are the social status available for a character, ranked from highest to lowest.
* Rulers (Territory) * Aristocrats (Either born aristocrat, or became aristocrat by becoming part of a Territory Queen's Court) * Soldiers and/or Guards * Merchants/Traders * Entertainers * Commoners (People who work for others. They make up most of the Blood soicety ) * Slaves (No social status at all. Are regarded as "non-man".) 
Long Lived Lifespan of 5000 years Appears : Actually in years 1-12: 1-12 - Birthright between 8 and 10 12-15: 12-60 15-18: 60-500 18-22: 500-1300 - Age of Majority/Offering is between 800 and 1000 22-25: 1300-1700 25-27: 1700-2200- Prime 27-30: 2200-2600 30-40: 2600-3200 40-Death: 3200 to 4000/5000(?) Short/Long-lived Mix (half and half) Lifespan: 2500 Appears : Actually in years 1-12: 1-12 - Birthright between 8 and 10 12-15: 12-30 15-18: 30-250 18-22: 250-550 - Age of Majority/Offering is between 250 and 350 22-25: 550-825 25-27: 825-1150- Prime 27-30: 1150-1325 30-40: 1325-1720 40-Death: 1750 to 2500 Medium/Long-lived Mix (half and half) Lifespan: 3500 Appears : Actually in years 1-12: 1-12 - Birthright between 8 and 10 12-15: 12-45 15-18: 45-375 18-22: 375-900 - Age of Majority/Offering is between 375 and 525 22-25: 900-1250 25-27: 1250-1750- Prime 27-30: 1750-2000 30-40: 2000-2350 40-Death: 2350 to 3500
Medium Lived Lifespan: 1500 Appears : Actually in years 1-12: 1-12 - Birthright between 8 and 10 12-15: 12-20 15-18: 20-150 18-22: 150-260 - Age of Majority/Offering is between 150 and 200 22-25: 260-375 25-27: 375-500- Prime 27-30: 500-900 30-40: 900-1300 40-Death: 1300 to 1500 Short Lived Lifespan: 150 years Normally
Notes: One must be at least 18 to make their offering. Age of Maturity is between 18-25 years of age. 
The Races
Long Lived Races (Age up to 5000 years)
Eyriens * Appearance: Brown skin, gold eyes, black hair, large membranous bat wings * Males do not grow body hair * Names end with 'ar' for males and 'ian' for females * Home Territory - Askavi (Both Realms) * Aging - Eyrien’s age slowly with puberty coming around 550, and they are in their prime around 1500-2000 years old. Hayllians
* Appearance: Brown skin, gold eyes, black hair * Males do not grow body hair * Has reputations of being 'slicky' and 'sly' * Home Territory - Hayll, Terreille * Aging – Hayllian’s age slowly with puberty coming around 550, and they are in their prime around 1500-2000 years old.
* Appearance: Brown skin, gold eyes, black hair * Males do not grow body hair * Home Territory - Dhemlan (Both Realms) * Aging – Dhemlanese’s age slowly with puberty coming around 550, and they are in their prime around 1500-2000 years old.
Medium Lived Races (Age up to 1000)
Dea Al Mon (Children of the Woods)
* Appearance: Pointy ears, silvery/light colored hair, light colored eyes. They appear slighter than most humans but are just as strong and resilient. * Tends to avoid outsiders, very at home in the woods * Home Territory - Dea Al Mon, Kaeleer * Aging – Members of this race age 10 times slower than those of the short lived races
* Appearance: Half horse, half man * Upper appearances may vary * Color may vary * Home Territory - Centauran, Kaeleer
* Appearance: Winged, small Blood * Overall appearances may vary * Home Territory - Philan, Kaeleer
Mixed Blood
* Appearance: Varies. Tend to have the skin and hair color of their long lived parent * Home Territory - Varies (Both Realms) * Aging – Those of the mix blood age much like the medium lived races. There bodies grow quickly compared to the Long-lived races, but the tend to mature slowly.
Short Lived Races (Age up to 100 years)
* Appearance may vary * Home Territory - Challiot, Dena Nehele, Pruul, Raej, Shalador, Tacea, Dharo, Nharkhava, and Scelt.
* Appearance: Tiger stripes on face and body, claws instead of nails, padded palm and feet * Almost animalistic, uses drums to signal messages * Home Territory - Tigrelan, Kaeleer
* Appearance: Half goat, half man * Upper appearances may vary * Home Territory - Pandar, Kaeleer
Glacians * Appearance: Light skin, blue eyes, blond/light colored hair * Well suited to cold climate * Home Territory - Glacia, Kaeleer
* Appearance: Light skin, blue eyes, blond/light colored hair * Northern European and british isles. A Note Red haired Challiotans are considered touched by the misty lands across the sea and viewed with suspicion if not actually cursed. * Home Territory - Challiot, Terreille
Dena Nehelians
* Appearance: Lighter skin, blue but also many with grey eyes, blond/light colored hair * Well suited to cold climate * Home Territory - Dena Nehele, Terreille
Shaladorans * Appearance: darker skin with browns and golds, dark eyes brown to deepest black with a fair number of green eyes also, black/brown colored hair * Well suited to a warm climate * Home Territory - Shalador, Terreille
* Appearance: Very dark skin, vary dark eyes brown to deepest black, black/brown colored hair * Well suited to a hot dry climate * Home Territory - Pruul, Terreille
* Appearance: Anything * Raej is the great mixing pot of races and cultures. Anything goes. * Home Territory - Raej, Terreille
Kindred Races (Age up to 50 years)
Arachnian Spiders * Small spiders with golden shells * All natural Black Widows * All female * Rarely travel * Home Territory - Arachna, Kaeleer
Arcerian Tigers
* White tigers * Larger in size than normal Tigers * Natural predators * Skilled at sight shields and air walking * Males does not live with females * Weight is nearly 800 pounds * Home Territory - Arceria, Kaeleer
Little Dragons
* Man-sized small dragons * Colors/outer appearances may vary * Home Territory - Fyreborn Islands
* Unicorns of varying colors * Long horn are very valuable * Fiercly territorial * Ruled by Warlord Prince/Queen mated pair * Home Territory - Sceval, Kaeleer
Other Animals
* Blood animals of all races * Appearances vary * Fiercely loyal * Home Territory - All territories in Kaeleer
Demon-Dead/Guardians(Till they fade back to Darkness) Demon-Dead
* Retains appearance of before death * Children are called Cildru Dyathe * A violently killed female is a Harpy * May need to drink blood to retain strength * Home Territory - All Territories, Hell
* Retains appearances of back when they were fully alive * Mostly resides in Ebon Askavi or Hell * Not quite alive, but not quite dead * May need to drink blood to retain strength * Home Territory - All Ebon Askavis, and all of Hell 
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thebellekeys · 7 months ago
The black jewel similarities are so crazy to me. I remember hearing about the similarities for the first time and being skeptical because people accuse copying for unfounded reasons a lot in fantasy especially towards women(and I do think some are ridiculous). Then reading the posts and being like??? She couldn’t have been a LITTLE more creative? I also wonder how much this affected her rewriting of books 2&3 and adding to book 1, which she did less than a year before they came out. Like rhys thing with amarantha and acomaf is obvious but what about other parts of book one? Like did she add high lords and the name prythian along with rhys or was that always there? Sorry I’m rambling I just find this so interesting. I’d love to know what the original storyline was. Do you think sjm is aware of the similarities and doesn’t think it matters or doesn’t care or is she somehow oblivious?
See: the post in question!
Love this ask! Firstly, I think Sarah J. Maas that is an uncreative and unoriginal writer and, hence, that she always intended (perhaps passively) to make ACOTAR virtually identical to The Black Jewels. This is, in part, because the same situation exists when it comes to Throne of Glass, ASOIAF, and LOTR. Sarah J. Maas would have been a teenager when TBJ first came out and I think it left such a mark on her that she couldn't help but reproduce it in her own writing. TBJ is fairly popular among millennial fantasy-reading demographics but most people born after 2000 (more than half her fanbase) don't know that much about Anne Bishop nor care for writing as dark as Bishop's, period.
I also think she doesn't care about the similarities between ACOTAR and TBJ because she knows neither her hardcore stans nor casual fantasy readers will be able to immediately identify Bishop's work in her own and cramp her sales. This is the woman who name-dropped Breonna Taylor's murder while promoting her book and simultaneously relegating every major Black character in her works to the developmental back-burner if she doesn't kill them outright. She doesn't care. And there is no way she obvious to these glaring similarities.
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moonssalad · 7 months ago
How come I only now find out that SJM ripped off the Black Jewels series. The comparisons between ACOTAR and Anne Bishops series are insane.
How has SJM not been sued or getting more backflash for this??
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random-bookquotes · 1 year ago
Funny how the heart gets bruised when someone tells you you’re not what he wants—even when you already know he’s not what you want either.
Anne Bishop, The Lady in Glass and Other Stories
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dspd · 1 year ago
If I had decided to become an artist instead of a musician, I 100% would have jumped on the webcomic train during COVID and made a comic for Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy
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Time to start the yearly summer reread!! I'm so excited to go back into the Black Jewels world 😍
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