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I reckon I could solve 99% of the Black Jewels trilogy with a couple of well-placed telepathic hiveminds. Avoid all the plot-propelling misunderstandings between Saetan, Daemon and Lucivar. And there's no way Dorothea and Hekatah would ever work together if they knew exactly how the other felt about her.
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I believe in art, including the art of filmmaking. It educates, provides perspective, shapes culture and has the power to enact broad societal changes. It is the most honest representation of a moment in time. In order to spark the renaissance we need, it is essential that we do not filter art, that we do not censor it, that we do not ban it — but rather that we invest in it, and uplift it, not only for some but for all.
from Jaenell English's article in the LA Times, upon leaving her job as DEAI lead at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
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this one makes me absolutely feral
#and it was written by just some guy#jk he's a sound engineer lol#otp: daemon and jaenelle#obviously#the inevitable spotify link
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Some Valyrian/Targaryen/Velaryon names. No expertise here, simply following patterns to see what sounds and looks nice + canon sources and Valyrian dictionary plucks. In chrono & thought order.
Canon — Rhaenys, Rhaena, Rhaella, Rhaenyra, Rhaegel, Rhae, Rhaelle, Rhaegar (All Targ)
Derived — Rhaenion, Rhaenelle, Rhaenella, Rhaegor, Rhaegon, Aenyra, Rhaelion, Rhaenyx, Rhaelyx, Rhaenar, Rhaenyar, Rhaenel, Rhaelys, Rhaevel, Rhaevis, Rhaevys, Viserrhae, Rhaenya, Rhaenior, Rhaenor, Rhael, Rhaen, Rhaejel, Rhaeqan, Rhaellor, Rhaemon, Rhaemond, Rhaenyron, Rhaema
Canon — Aenar, Aegon, Aerys, Aelyx, Aerion, Aethan (1 Velaryon), Vaegon, Aenys, Aerea, Naerys, Aegor, Aelor, Aelora (Rest Targ)
Derived — Aegar, Aelon, Aelys, Aelar, Aelara, Aella, Aelinor, Aeral, Aeron, Aelion, Aegys, Aegal, Aelia, Naera, Naeron, Naerion, Naerelle, Naerella, Naerea, Aethal, Aethelle, Aethys, Aethion, Aethar, Aethial, Aenor, Aethor, Aerelle, Gaelyx, Aenyx, Aeryx, Baelyx, Aelial, Aeliar, Aelior, Vaegal, Vaegor, Vaegar, Vaelior, Vaelor, Aerial, Aeriel, Aelan, Aevys, Aevelle, Aevella, Haelyx, Haelian, Aenir, Haethan, Haelan, Haelor, Aekor, Haeral
Canon — Gaemon (T), Daemion (T & V), Daemon (V & T), Aemon (T), Aemma (T [Andal?]), Vaemond (V), Aemond (T), Daeron (V later T)
Derived — Daemyra, Daemys, Daemyn, Daemelle, Daema, Gaemar, Daerelle, Daerion, Aemys, Aemar, Aemor, Aemir, Aemira, Aemara, Aemora, Daemor, Daemora, Vaemon, Gaema, Gaemond, Gaemyn, Gaemion, Aemion, Gaemor, Aemior, Aemyn, Aemin, Aerona, Aemona, Aemia, Aeman, Aemal, Aemelle, Gaemia, Aemol, Aemil, Aemila, Aemilon, Aemilor, Aeminor, Daemyron, Daeminor, Haemon, Naemon, Haemia, Naema, Haemal, Haemar, Naemior, Naemor, Daemian
Canon — Daenys, Daenerys, Daella, Daenaera (1 V), Daena, Daenora (Rest T)
Derived — Daenyra, Daenar, Daenor, Daenelle, Daenal, Daen, Nerys, Naera, Daenir, Daenyx, Daeryx, Daerys, Daera, Daerya, Daenya, Daenyron, Daenorion, Norion, Daenyrion, Daenarion, Daenaeron, Daellar, Daelar, Daelon, Daelor, Daelan, Daelana, Daelanys, Daelenys, Daelyn, Aenaera
Canon — Maegon, Maegor, Maegelle, Maelor, Maekar (All T)
Derived — Maegar, Maela, Maelys, Maegys, Maegera, Maegara, Maegerys, Maegal, Maegyn, Maegan, Maekor, Maekaera, Maegaera, Maegaela, Maekion, Maelyra, Maegyra, Maelara, Maelar
Canon — Elaena (T), Valaena, Laena, Laenor (3 V), Helaena (T)
Derived — Laenys, Laenyra, Laenar, Laenelle, Helaenys, Elaenor, Elaenys, Laenion, Laenir, Laenyx, Elaenar, Laenora, Haena, Vaena, Alaena, Haela, Norys, Alaenys, Vaenys, Galaena
Canon — Visenya, Viserys, Viserra (T)
Derived — Viserya, Visenys, Senys, Saenys, Saenya, Saenar, Saenelle, Saenyelle, Saenyella, Serya, Serra, Serys, Saenir, Saenyx, Saenor, Viselya, Senial, Serial, Saerial, Visellan, Visarys, Visenna, Virenna
Canon — Baelon, Baela, Baelor, Balerion (Blackfyre), Valerion (Rest T)
Derived — Baelys, Baelar, Bael, Baelir, Alerion, Aleria, Aelir, Valeria, Valerys
Canon — Jaehaerys (T), Jacaerys (V), Lucerys (V), Jaehaera (T)
Derived — Lucerra, Lucerion, Jaehaerion, Jaerion, Lucerya, Jacaera, Jaena, Jaenelle, Jaecelle, Jaesir, Jaekar, Jaeron, Jaela, Jaelon, Jaelor, Jaerys, Haerys, Haera, Kael, Kaecion, Kaeciel, Kaecelle, Kaerys, Kaerion, Kaeriel, Lucarys, Jaeca, Nicerys, Nicaerys, Hecaerys, Nicerion, Hicaerys, Niceria, Nicae, Lucarya, Lucaenys, Lucaena, Nocorys
Canon — Lianna, Larissa (V [Andal? First Men?]), Alarra (FM [Massey]), Alyssa (V & T [Andal? FM?]), Alysanne (T)
Derived — Alysor, Lianys, Lianor, Sianna, Amanna, Alanna, Noranna, Narra, Nyssa, Anyssa, Alarya, Asenna, Norissa, Irenna, Orissa, Lysarra, Lisarra, Aranna
Canon — Valarr, Vaella (T)
Derived — Vaelys, Valarys, Alarys, Alarya, Valarya, Valarra, Vaellan
Canon — Gael, Saera, Shaera (T)
Derived — Saerys, Gaelys, Gaelor, Gaelon, Gaelion, Saerion, Shaerys, Shaerial, Shaerelle, Shaelle, Shael, Shaelys, Saevys, Shaerion, Gaela, Shaela, Shaehaera
Canon — Corwyn (V [Andal?]), Corlys (V)
Derived — Corla, Corlia, Corlaenys, Cora, Corys, Corlenys, Corlea, Corlae, Corvan, Corvana, Corvys
Rhogar(/Rogar?/Rogare? [FM? HV?])
Monterys (All V)
Derived — Terys, Teraea, Taeraea, Taerion, Monys, Monerys, Montys, Rhogel, Malentys, Malenta, Monterion, Monterra, Mona, Monae, Monarra, Malentina, Lentys, Lenta, Lenya, Taenys, Taena, Alentys, Malya, Malys, Malea, Malena, Malenna, Malaena, Amalla, Alenna, Marissa, Monassa, Monessa, Monerra, Mosarra, Malarra, Malenys, Amarys, Mantys, Malta, Maltys, Maltine, Maltina, Amalta, Amaltine, Alta, Altys, Altarra, Maltar, Maltarys, Marion, Maltior, Malerion, Mornys, Mortys, Morton, Omorr, Omon, Malenion, Malenior, Almys, Monissa, Montissa, Montessa, Omona, Omorra, Maltion, Malton, Almont, Almae, Maltorra, Torys, Garys, Garla, Galtys, Torrine, Tarine, Maltarine, Maltarra, Almerra, Almarra, Almorra, Alterra, Lamina, Monta, Monte, Montae, Taera, Taerine, Taerin, Taerys, Manta, Almina, Almine, Rhonal, Rhonior, Rhomys, Almar, Malar, Malarr, Malarys, Almarys, Maline, Rhomalt, Rhomion, Rhomior, Rhomia, Rhoma, Rhoton, Rhomine, Rhomal, Rhogal, Rhomina, Rhomon, Rhomar, Rhomorr, Almassa, Rhomys, Rhomyn, Torial, Malial, Rhovys, Rhowyn, Matarra, Atarra, Rhomond, Rhomorra, Tormon
Matarys (T)
Derived — Matarya, Matara, Matys, Tarys, Tarya, Atara, Atarys, Tarial, Tarhael, Matarr
Canon — Orys, Borys, Orryn (Baratheon)
Derived — Orial, Ora, Orya, Orra, Borya, Boria, Boryl, Orelle, Orianne, Orael, Orrael, Orhael, Borion, Orion, Bora, Orian, Oryal, Oryas, Orias, Orios, Oryos, Rys, Ryssa, Ryssal, Orlisse, Rysla, Ryn, Rynel, Rynella, Boryn, Borryn, Rynal, Dorys, Orella, Dorella, Oryl, Orgillac, Orgyll, Borella, Borylla, Bolia, Bolas, Orlas, Ollyn, Olys, Olya, Orianna, Lorys
Bonus: Argellys
Canon — Maelys, Haegon, Aeryn, Calla, Rhalla, Shaena (Blackfyre)
Canon non-Westerosi Valyrians:
Jaenara Belaerys, Aurion
Canon Dragons:
Urrax, Terrax, Balerion, Vhagar, Meraxes, Vermithor, Caraxes, Meleys, Syrax, Vermax, Arrax, Tyraxes, Tessarion, Shrykos, Morghul, Viserion, Rhaegal
Unknown — Gaelithox?, Aegarax?
Original & HV Derived (some more suitable for dragons) — Aelsior, Qaelys, Qylys, Vhenys, Vhenya, Vhinyae, Vhanir, Vaenir, Vaenyx, Baelykos, Lykael, Lykaera, Raqael, Raqel, Raqys, Raqyssa, Raqissa, Raqar, Raqir, Raqor, Raqora, Raqior, Kionar, Malkion, Malkios, Vhaltir, Malkior, Vaedys, Vaedar, Elenys, Elenia, Elēnar, Elenarys, Elenarya, Elenara, Kostys, Kostir, Kostior, Pelarys, Pelonia, Pelonys, Eledrae, Eledrys, Eledryn, Peria, Perza, Perzys, Zysa, Amisor, Amisa, Aexior/Aeksior, Aexion/Aeksion, Raenion, Raenior, Qana, Qanys, Qantys, Ēbrior, Ēbrion, Ēbria, Jelmys, Jelmarys, Jelmazys, Jelissa, Tessarys, Tessara, Tessarae, Dessan, Dessenae, Hārys, Tōmarr, Tōmarys, Tōmasyn, Tessarax, Syrion, Syriel, Jēdarys, Jēdaria, Jorrael, Trēzos, Elilla, Vāedarys, Ōrbēdenos
Possible High Valyrian roots for names:
Rhaen — to; meet, find, encounter, discover
Bael — to help, to aid, to assist
Jael — to want, to wish/to store, to house
Jaelarys — hope (possible name)
#I was just hoarding these for no reason and then I realised oh I have a reddit now#but then I also realised that I don't despise myself so I remembered I still have tumblr#look I even kept the “common” names :D#I just want folks to realize we got options 😭#enough with throwing a bunch of consonants in the blender#let's respect the convention of AE#and -ys#and George might have had burnout when it came on to names but we're better off aren't we?!#yeah!#he got Rhaena from Rhaenys we can work with these We Have Options!#but yes as you can see I still had limits#house targaryen#house velaryon#house blackfyre#house baratheon#dragging them back to their roots by hook or crook >:(#it's bandoleros or nothing#therefore I guess it's only right to tag#house celtigar#FUCK didn't even show up in recommended tags this is so sad 😭#valyrian names#sometimes I compare a name's pronunciation in Common vs High Valyrian and my head hurts#Syrax what's happening w u bb 😭#is the y in Visenya a rounded vowel or actually an i *sleep-mussed contemplating Jungkook meme*#I'm good at names??#that's crazy
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The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop, the Arcane Society Exclusive Edition ❤️🖤 Absolutely blown away by the beauty in each of these books and in every detail 😭 To see Jaenelle in the covers, growing up, is amazing and to top it off the undercover has the jewel hierarchy in the back cover 😍😍 The edge painting is stunning and the inside decorations in each chapter is so awesome 😍😍 I'm so excited that this set finally arrived, I never imagined I'd have an exclusive set from one of my favorite authors 🥹🥰
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Like with any language, there are several resources and tools for those looking to learn Mandarin Chinese. I know because I’ve been there. And in this guide, I’ll set out some of the main things to know when starting your language learning journey and key resources to master Chinese grammar and vocabulary
The amazing Jaenelle, who did her thesis in Mandarin Chinese and studied in China, wrote up this post for beginners.
#mandarin#langblr#language#languageblr#languages#translation#language learning#lingblr#mandarin chinese#chinese
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I'm enthralled by Anne Bishop's "The Black Jewels" series
Yesterday I finished Anne Bishop's "The Black Jewels" trilogy. I know there are more books in the series, and I will get to them, but the first trilogy stands on its own. I'm kicking myself for being 25 years late to the party. Granted, I was only born a year after "Queen of the Darkness" came out... but still!
This post is just an unorganized collection of my observations:
The gender essentialism at the foundation the series is quite interesting. While I understand the limitations of creating a fantasy world where X is always X, Y is always Y, and X and Y have a strict constant relationship to each other, I think Anne Bishop pulls it off somehow. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the way women are always at the top of the Blood's caste system and men live to serve them. I also respect the unapologetic commitment to the gender binary in the book, in all its uncomfortableness.
The Chosen One doesn't get a POV! I really liked that we only see Jaenelle through the eyes of those perceiving her. It made her really feel like a mythical heroine-goddess. I think it's very difficult to capture the thoughts of any fantasy book's Jesus-figure in a way that preserves their power and mystique and doesn't make also them have to go "omg, l'm not like other girls!" | liked forming my own opinions on Janelle from the outside looking in. This made a lot of sense partly because Janelle is a small child for the whole of the first book and having her POV that young wouldn't have served a purpose.
Again, comes back down to the stringent gender roles in the series, but Daemon and Jaenelle growing to love each other as she gets older had me feeling all warm and fuzzy and ready to tear up. Daemon, in general, is a very well-developed and fearsome character in my opinion. Daemon fits in perfectly in a series revolving around sex, seduction, and sadism.
The brutality... I quite appreciated the discussions surrounding sexual abuse, rape, and trauma. Each of those horrible experiences was interwoven with the magic system and the worldbuilding, and while Bishop's presentation of rape is grim and blunt, it also pertinently addresses the horror rape inflicts upon victims and its inherent unforgivability.
#the black jewels#anne bishop#daemon sadiablo#lucivar yaslana#daughter of the blood#heir to the shadows#queen of the darkness#fantasy#dark fantasy#high fantasy#fantasy books#romantasy#book review
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#fun with polls#this is going to be a wildly lopsided poll purely for reasons of unfamiliarity#i considered including 'the f/f bingjiu that exists only in my head' but i don't think that counts
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So I started A Court of Thorns and Roses the other day, and actually made some progress before bed last night (Stardew Valley 1.6 is out, I dunno what you want from me). I am 90 pages in and I have something to tell fans of this series.
Acotar is Strictly Worse Black Jewels series.
I read Throne of Glass years ago and in the back it had an interview with Maas. One of the questions was about her favorite authors and she mentioned Anne Bishop. I could see some of the inspirations she took from it: the salt mines being a prison, a badass assassin girl, stuff like that.
But ho-lee shit.
Lucien is, so far, Lucivar--he even uses the phrase "old son." I dunno who Tamlin is supposed to be, but the Fae are clearly the Blood. High Fae are likely Warlord Princes and Queens. Having different fae that are different species is LITERALLY the Kindred. I'm just waiting to see where Kaelas and Ladvarian are. And Andras the wolf? It's that Arcerian cat coat Karla sees someone wearing, and finds herself horrified to find that that cat was a witch and they slaughtered her for her skin.
"But Tabby," you ask, "why do you say strictly worse?"
I Capital H HATE keeping things from the reader by not telling the main character. I get it; Feyre is our conduit into this new world she's in. It's a writing technique as old as time. But nobody tells her anything, so we're just frustrated waiting for the story to start.
Black Jewels gives us a prologue that introduces the main plot and a character we will never have the pleasure of reading from the perspective of again, and why. After that, the book assumes you are in the world and doesn't hold back. It shows Lucivar and Daemon in their slave conditions. It shows Saetan growing tired of his vigil waiting for Witch. And it doesn't wait; Lucivar meets Jaenelle in the first chapter, first scene. And his last line in that scene? "Witch now walked the realms." It's the plot in action.
A Court of Thorns and Roses keeps threatening violence. So far these have been so empty I don't believe them. Black Jewels shows the torture the slaves undergo, and the responses Lucivar and Daemon inflict on their captors. Daemon is not called the Sadist for no reason. In Heir, Jaenelle literally splatters a man around the room. And the Kindred aren't safe either; the end of Heir shows how a unicorn kills a man, and it is pretty fucked up.
So why is Acotar popular and Black Jewels is not? So far, it looks like it's because Acotar doesn't come with the triggering content Black Jewels does.
Black Jewels has genital mutilation, pedophilia, child abuse, sexual slavery, rape, literal actual gaslighting, animal cruelty, and probably more but it's been a few years since I read this, my favorite series.
Again, I am 90 pages into A Court of Thorns and Roses, so I may be wrong. Maybe it gets better. Maybe they stop hiding information from the main character for no damn reason. Maybe they do stop talking about ripping someone into ribbons and actually do the deed.
But Acotar fans, I am BEGGING you. Give Black Jewels a try. A major criticism is that it's very gendered, and you know what? They're right. But you will be so surprised at the similarities, it will be as if Maas wrote another 11-12 books in the Acotar series.
#acotar#black jewels series#tabby talks about books#dark fantasy#a court of thorns and roses#daughter of the blood#heir to the shadows
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SJM to Anne Bishop and other influences
So, I've been looking into what influenced SJM with her books and have been looking into Anne Bishop and the Black Jewels series along with what influenced that author too. I pretty much went down a rabbit hole to figure stuff out and it's just stuck in my mind.
From Anne Bishop I found the author Andre Norton who has a series called Witch World. I find it amusing because I'm pretty sure SJM's TOG series has a witch kingdom, I don't know if SJM read Witch World but now I know that SJM is not the first one to do the concept of a 'witch kingdom'. Also in Witch World there's a woman named Jaelithe and in the Black Jewels series there's Jaenelle so there's pretty clearly a connection between them. I might try to read Witch World or at least skim through it.
This is mostly speculation, but in Black Jewels Jaenelle is sometimes referred to as 'dreams made flesh' and it immediately reminded me of Call of Cthulhu. I have no idea if Anne Bishop has read any H.P Lovecraft but I do know that she has read some horror so it's made me wonder if there's a connection there. Hmm.
I also found Anne Bishop mention Charles de Lint, Shirley Jackson, and Jane Austen. For those that don't know Shirley Jackson wrote the Haunting of Hill House (which is horror). I've never read Pride and Prejudice from Jane Austen or anything from Charles de Lint but I think I might get to it. Anne Bishop also mentions Regency stories inspired her with her Black Jewels series, I'm not surprised but I'm probably going to be looking into older stories like that.
Back to SJM, I think I've seen somewhere that she's read books from Robin McKinley, in particular The Hero and the Crown. The main character is called Aerin "Firehair" and that is a very clear connection with SJM's Celaena/Aelin "Fireheart".
Just to be clear even though I'm pointing out these similarities I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, though I wish SJM at least tried to mention these authors or books more often instead of having her readers assume she came up with a lot of her worldbuilding herself (but I might be overthinking that).
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✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Sort-of tagged by @whimsicalmeerkat ❤️
70,820 words posted on AO3
32 works posted on AO3
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f4a890ea1d8d83d315deb3c7e539adf1/6848c4fd17a36dde-b4/s540x810/e5d0f052b750a1f057fd36b1259f62b9c126bbb0.jpg)
Fandoms & Ships Represented
House of the Dragon (Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen: 28)
Game of Thrones (Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen: 1)
Black Jewels - Anne Bishop (Daemon Sadi gen with Daemon Sadi/Jaenelle Angelline implied: 1)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Angelus/Buffy Summers: 1)
Greek Mythology (Hades/Persephone: 1)
Top Fics by Kudos:
Battlefields (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, M, NAWA, 11.6k, WIP)
People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, T, NAWA, 1.9k, Complete)
Unforeseen (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, E, Underage+CNTW, 5.4k, Complete)
The Comforts of Home (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, CNTW, 1.8k, Complete)
Because the Night Belongs to Us (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, E, NAWA, 4.6k, Complete)
My Fandom Fic Events in 2023:
30+ Fanfic events: 24-Hour Drabbles
Daemyra Discord prompt events: Dawn of Daemyra Fest, Daemyra Appreciation Month
HotD[aemyra] Discord prompt events: Summer Snippets and Stories, Amorous Autumn/Kinktober
IWRY Marathon @iwillrememberyoumarathon
Multifandom Exchanges: Flash Flood, Mind the Gap Flash, RelationShipping, AUEx, Everywoman, Father’s Day Flash, Stork Swap, Un-themed Flash, Smut 4 Smut, Id Pro Quo, Candy Hearts
While I have obviously still done many exchanges, this has definitely been the year of focusing less on exchanges and more on prompt events and smaller more community-focused fandom spaces, and honestly that’s something I’ve really enjoyed and want to continue going forward.
Upcoming 2024 Events & Projects
I’ll be sharing a 2024 goals list in a separate post, but I’m definitely not going to try planning out my event schedule in advance, I take it a month or two at a time based on what I’m in the mood for. Immediate goals are to finish Battlefields before we get too far into January and then avoid picking up any more commitments until Candy Hearts time, I’m feeling the midwinter burnout coming on and I need a bit of a breather.
Rules & Tags
Honestly, do what you want to with this whether that’s putting in way too much effort like I did, ignoring it, or somewhere in between.
I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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Re: your recent black jewels post - I always find it hilarious when (so many) authors write that there was no sexual intercourse due to menstruation. I read a lot of romance, and I find it there so much. It’s just crazy to me because personally, that’s when I tend to be most in the mood due to hormones. And it’s a natural lubricant too. So it’s so crazy that they write this, and it makes you wonder, do the authors live their life that way too? Or do they just write it because they consider it *proper etiquette* for sexual interactions? Who knows. But if the former, than they’re missing out
I mean, disclaimer: everyone's bodies and brains are different, everyone enjoys or doesn't enjoy all sorts of things, there is nothing wrong with liking or disliking a specific sex act.
BUT. The book presents it as if it is IMPOSSIBLE to have sex while one partner is menstruating, and that simply isn't true! As you've said, plenty of people have heightened sensitivity and/or sex drive due to hormones and attendant physical symptoms!
So maybe JAENELLE might not like having sex while she's menstruating, but it's pretty odd that her father would know and comment on that and assume it extends to everyone.
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7419fe9eddd78e02edbcce40e51d9657/02eb126264561dde-18/s540x810/ae3152d5f954f4284a69b2c1665eb1fbce6cb098.jpg)
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? [bc I know how many muses you actually have XD]
CANONS: Lisa Tepes - Castlevania
Wife of the famous Dracula, and a scientific mind, Lisa is stubborn, sharp tongued, and fiery.
Morgan LeFay - Arthurian (Multiple Verses)
Daughter of the Isle of Avalon, magical and touched by the Goddess.
Anna Marie D'Ancanto "Rogue" - Marvel
I mean, need I say more? I mix 616, Movies, and Evolutions to make my girl <3
Eva - Devil May Cry
Wife of the infamous Legendary Knight Sparda, mother to the half-demon twins Dante and Vergil. This Umbran Witch is stubborn, motherly, and gentle.
Jaenelle Angelline - Black Jewels Trilogy
Not many people know this one, but when I read BJT, and got to know Jaenelle as a character, Witch, it kinda struck me like a shot. I LOVE this character more than I have words for and I would love to play Dreams made Flesh off her Consort or any of her other family or Court....
#OOC;; Muses#V;; Answers#marvel rp#Castlevania Rp#Black jewels trilogy#DMC RP#Arthurian RP#CAN YOU TELL MY INTERESTS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE
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This is a book(series) review I wrote a few years ago on Anne Bishop’s 3 new Black Jewels series that happens after Twilight’s Dawn.
To preface, before I read these new books, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the Black Jewels series! I loved the prequels and sequels. I even enjoyed the Halloween “special”. I held Bishop as one of my writing role models for the longest time!
But then I read these books.
Girl, when I say she pandered, and pandered to the WRONG FANS, I am not kidding. She basically unraveled everything she did in Twilights Dawn and fucked over a lot of cherished characters. And yes, I’m including Witch in that last statement.
Here is the review I wrote (but don’t think got published cuz you know, only yes fans get their reviews published)
Queens “What The Fuck” by Anne Bishop
Screw spoilering, if you are fans of ALL the books to Twilights Dawn, you should know the fuckery that goes down before you dive into these. Because these three books royally fuck over my girl Surreal in the most fucked up ways! She not only loses her husband to some male hormonal bullshittery and her sudden sensitive ego, but she loses her daughter in the most fucked up way! It reads like some seriously vindictive fan fiction that was seriously anti Surreal. Like, I’m surprised the author didn’t just have her killed. That would have been LESS fucked up. This trilogy undoes everything that happens in Twilights Dawn. Not only that, but they fuck over Jaenelle too. BOTH of them. Witch basically gets forced back to “fix” Daemon and basically gives him a loophole to get back in with her, and loopholes the whole fact she was borne of the short lived species thing. FFS. And they fuck over DMF Jaenelle by having her grow up into a complete cunt who does some really ignorant but still shitty things to friends and family. This girl was supposed to be DREAMS MADE FLESH for Surreal and Daemon, while I agree she shouldn’t follow Witches path, at least don’t make her a bitch who wouldn’t make it into Witches class of Circle! So in summary, if you were one of the cry babies who complained about Twilights Dawn, congrats, it basically got retconned by this atrocity of a trilogy. If you weren’t; rent, borrow, whatever, but don’t buy. You’ll just end up wishing you could throw them out. Good thing I read the elder books before reading these so I could get one last untainted read in. Unfortunately if I want to read them again… the journey may be tainted by these three books.
Too harsh or not harsh enough?
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