#And sadly of course the friendship I thought I could make did not work. We haven't talked since. I think I scared her away
caluski · 2 months
But also, so to not sound like too much of a drag again, on the bright side of things - I have very cheap yet delicious goat cheese in the fridge. I love you forever discount cheese section in Auchan. Also, while I didn't think it would work, my parents seem to have actually read through my vinyl birthday wishlist that I sent into our family groupchat - yay! And I have repurchased my cherry glass that I broke recently.
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hollisxwrites · 8 months
Hiii!!! I was wondering if you could do a Percy x Reader, where it’s a friends to lovers kind of thing, they have kind of a childish relationship, and they confess their feelings towards each other when Percy gets a bit jealous of the reader and Grover being close? If not that’s 100% okay! And either way I hope you have a good day or night xx🤍
our goat man friend did the underwater jig
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percy jackson x fem reader
word count: 1.6k maybe?
authors note: GUYS. i love you all. thank you for supporting me and my work, I have 3k notes now, and 70 followers. i owe this all to you, and i am so proud of the work that i have done so far. i think this is the most unserious fic i have written; i wrote this at one am, but i think it's cute and fluffy and silly. i hope you guys enjoy my dancing goat man that i love so much! also, so sorry if this is not exactly what you were looking for, anon, i just kind of took a silly idea and ran with it lol.
warnings: jealous percy!, curse words, a fish, this is so silly.
Percy Jackson was my best friend in the entire world, but he was also someone that I love more than my life itself. Ever since we met one faithful day in June, my first day of so-called summer camp, we became inseparable. The son of Poseidon was beautiful, to say the least, and he was endearing. Everyone in Camp loved him, which made everyone in Camp love me, as we were pretty much joined at the hip. Starting when we were thirteen, we would spend the night in his cabin together since we were both plagued by vivid nightmares that left us both restless. It started off as just sharing his cabin, but then it came to sharing a bed, and eventually, us holding each other for maximum nightmare prevention. We also trained together, more and more often the older we got, and we even broke the rules and ate every meal with each other. The young campers, once we turned seventeen and were seen as the ‘cool, older campers’ thought we were dating, and one of them went as far to say that we were married. I could see where someone young would assume that, but none of the older campers said anything…to our faces. I heard the rumors, but I chose to ignore them, Percy and I were just friends. We teased each other, of course, and made sex jokes to each other all of the time, but we were just friends, sadly.
I was in love with the Percy Jackson. He was everything I could ever want, but I blocked out my feeling in order to salvage our friendship that I held so dear. That didn’t stop me, however, from thinking about kissing him every time we laid in his bed together, every time his hand brushed against mine, and every time we spared, and he pinned me to the ground. We spent every single day together, and so, of course, his friends became my friends, and that includes his best friend, Grover.
Though Percy was always going to be my best friend, my home, I was quite the sociable person, and so I enjoyed spending time with everyone. Grover was hilarious, in a quiet way, and he kept me on my toes and my wit in tip top shape. I slowly began to start spending almost as much time with Grover as I did Percy, and nine times out of ten, Percy would tag along, making us a happy little trio that most definitely got along. This specific day, we were spending time at Percy’s favorite place on the Campgrounds, the lake.
I was chasing after Grover and Percy who had taken off spiriting through the woods after they heard some rustling in the trees that they thought was a monster, or even worse, Clarisse, but it just ended up being a cute little bunny. “Guys!” I panted out. “Wait up, please!”
Percy looked behind himself and at me. He gave me one of his award-winning smirks and said, “just run faster, bitch!”
Grover snorted rather unattractively at that, but the joke didn’t stop him from slowing his pace to let me catch up to him. “Don’t want you to get lost.” Grover winked, making me laugh at his comedic gesture.
“Stop flirting and hurry up, don’t want anyone to have the same idea as us!” Percy, from about thirty feet away, yelled, a sour tone in his voice.
“Ew, we are not flirting, Perc!” I yelled back, in an equally disgusted tone.
Grover rolled his eyes at both of us and lowered his voice just to address me. “When are you going to tell him, girl?” He massaged his temples. “He is goo-goo eyed for you.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Never. I love him, but he doesn’t love me like that.”
Grover nearly groaned in annoyance. “{Reader}, I’m saying this because I am your friend, but you are acting like a dumbass. I have told you he loves you, and you love him, and why don’t you just act on it?”
Grover had been my wingman this entire time, encouraging me to grow some balls and ask the man of my dreams out. It all started this one time where, on a dare, someone asked Percy to kiss me, and he obliged without any protest. Putting two and two together, Grover decided that I liked Percy, and he liked me, and so we needed to date. That was three years ago. Nothing anywhere close to that, except this one time he kissed me on the cheek because…that’s beside the point.
“I will, Grover. I just don’t want to…”
My thought was cut off by us approaching the clearing where the man of the hour, the beautiful, Perseus Jackson stood, his arms crossed, and cheeks flushed from overexertion. “Took you guys soon enough! Let’s swim!”
Percy tossed his orange t-shirt aside and it took everything in my power not to stare. He was just too stunning. I followed suit, pulling off my athletic shorts and matching orange Camp shirt to reveal a deep blue swimsuit that I think showed off figure that I had acquired from training.
I dove in the water after Percy, and he scooped me into his freckled arms. “I like the swimsuit.” He said with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Thank you, Perc.” I said, my face flushed, but I pretended it was from the bright sun that was baking us.
Our moment was interrupted by Grover cannonballing right into the middle of our little bubble of unconfessed feelings, sending a tidal wave of water over Percy and I.
I wiped the water from my eyes when all of the sudden, Percy pushed me under the water. In the moment, I started to panic, a little bit, because I couldn’t breathe, but all of the sudden, I could. Percy was protecting me. My initial thought was, poor Grover, we’re abandoning him, but then my second thought was, holy shit, I’m underwater alone, in a bubble, with Percy fucking Jackson.
Percy smiled at me and hurried me along when we were finally able to touch the floor of the lake. I could see Grovers little goat feet treading water from above us, and it made both me and Percy giggle a little bit. Percy finally stopped pushing me along in his little bubble when we reached a beautiful cove of water lilies. I smiled at the boy in front of me, and he smiled back, a little awkwardly.
“Soooo…{Reader}.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. I giggled awkwardly. “Percy.”
“I see you and Grover have gotten…closer.” His eyes were unreadable, and I had no idea where this was going.
“He’s a twenty-something year old goat man who I see as more of a father figure than anything else, Percy. I am a seventeen-year-old demigod who has no father figure in her life. We may have gotten closer, but it’s nothing like that.” I said, a matter-of-fact tone in my voice.
Percy looked embarrassed at this, probably thinking about how he didn’t really think his accusation through. “That’s very true.” His eyes avoided meeting mine, and he seemed suddenly very interested in a fish swimming by me.
“Why do you care?” I asked, genuinely wondering. Percy shrugged at this, not confessing his real reason for dragging to the bottom of a dam lake. “Look at me, Perc, why do you care?”
His eyes finally met mine. “Because you’re mine, and I don’t want someone else to look at you the way I want to.”
I was…flabbergasted…to say the least. I was not expecting that. “Of course, I am yours, but to what extent? We can’t keep dancing around each other, waiting for someone to finally break the tension surrounding us.”
At this, Percy pulled us closer together, our faces inches apart. “This tension?”
My breath faltered. “This exactly.”
Percy let us linger on the feeling of closeness without pressing our lips together. Our eyes met, and our noses nearly touched, but neither of us took the next step. I could feel him breathing, and I was sure he could feel me, and the electric energy of love sparking between that I was sure the fishes around us could feel it. “Kiss me, asshole.” I mumbled against his lips, and his next movement made my head spin.
The kiss was…magical. I was unable to think of anything, not even how to breathe. Percy’s lips were everywhere and nowhere all at once, and my hands found his hair almost by instinct. Before things could get a little too far, both of us looked up and almost had a heart attack. Grover was right above us doing a little jig in the water, holding his nose, trying not to inhale water.
“What the fuck, Grover!” Percy exclaimed, laughing hysterically, his hands still around my waist. Grover floated back up to the surface, probably going back up for air, and Percy and I smiled at each other, laughter seizing our bodies.
We paddled back up to the surface. “Grover, I will slaughter you.” I said, the huge smile on my face telling him that my threat was empty.
“I win a bet! I win a bet!” Grover sang, doing his little jig on the beach now. “I am so glad I do not have to listen to you guys pine over each other anymore!”
I gasped and looked at Percy who froze beside me. “You pined over me?”
“That’s a story for another day.” Percy said, stifling back a laugh.
The rest of the day was bliss, my new boyfriend and annoying, jigging goat friend by my side, making that day a day that I would always remember.
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gay-wh0re-slut · 11 months
Omg would you please write something smutty-close friends yearning each other-there was only one bed-thing 🥹
omg i forgot about the typical tropes, i’d love to write this one. i think i’m gonna go more fluffy then smutty tho unfortch (still smut tho don’t worry) bc i need a break from writing it. i’m afraid i’m getting too repetitive so i hope this suits your needs hehe but thank you for the request!
For Sure
rhea x fem!reader
content: slight angst?? kissing, def some fingering, def some praise for SURE
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Working with Rhea had been a dream. She was so sweet and genuinely cared about you. You had been her assistant for a about a year now and the friendship was really tight. She wanted someone she could talk about anything with, especially something other than wrestling.
You two usually stayed in adjoining rooms when you would travel for the shows, sometimes in the same room, with different beds of course. She had joked many times that one day they would mess up and give the two of you one bed but it hasn’t happened yet, luckily.
Your job as her assistant was to make sure she stayed on schedule, booked her hotel rooms and was the liaison for people who wanted to do interviews with her. Safe to say, you spent a lot of time with her, but you didn’t mind. To say that though, was an understatement. You loved spending time with her because these past few weeks, you’ve been wanting something more than just a friendship.
You and her would always flirt playfully as girl friends would do, but you never thought she was serious. “You look so scrumptious today,” she would say, or would joke around sometimes when you would accidentally brush against her hand with the “if you wanna hold my hand just ask,” and you wanted to so badly but you knew it would be too much.
The weekend came and you booked for the two of you to stay in a room with two beds at the hotel WWE chose.
“For Bennett please,” you said to the lady at the front desk. You use her real last name in case any crazed fans try to find her.
“Okay, one second,” as she typed away at the computer.
Rhea made eye contact with you and gave you a wink. Butterflies hit your stomach and you could feel your face getting red so you turned away after you winked back. You tapped your fingers on the counter hoping the lady would hurry up.
“Unfortunately, it looks like all our double beds have been booked for this weekend,” she said hoping you wouldn’t be mad.
“Are there any adjoining rooms?” you were scared to ask the question.
“We don’t have those here, sadly, I apologize,” she frowned.
“Looks like we’re cuddling, babygirl,” Rhea interjected.
Shit. “Do you have a pullout-”
“We’ll take a single bed then,” the wrestler interrupted you.
The lady flicked her eyes between the two of you and smiled. She began clicking away at her computer again, “here’s one with a king bed and a small kitchenette, that okay?”
“Perfect,” Rhea smiled devilishly.
She handed you the keycards and you headed to the room. You were so nervous about this whole thing, you couldn’t contain your wringing hands.
Rhea opened the door and there it was, the king bed. Your heart skipped a beat but you tried your best to stay calm.
She placed her luggage on the floor, throwing her duffle on the chair. You did the same but placed yours neatly on the desk near the window.
“Finally,” she said dropping her body on to the bed face down.
You giggle, “I’ve needed to go to the bathroom since we landed,” and you head in.
It wasn’t a lie but you did need to splash some water on your face to calm down. So you used the bathroom and washed your hands but kept the water running to cool you off as you washed your face.
“It’s fine, you’re fine, nothings even gonna happen,” you whisper to your reflection. “And if it does…no, no, it’s not going to so there’s nothing to worry about so…” you shrug to yourself. You finally turn off the water and walk back out to find the muscular woman changing into her pajamas. You cowered away at first when you realized but she was turned away from you just right. Her back muscles were, oh, so perfect and her arms are just so big and-
“Should we do each other’s makeup and watch scary movies?” she turned around finicking with her shirt.
“What… oh!” you laugh, “that’s sounds like fun, but I’m so tired and it’s already midnight and we have to get up.”
She sighed dramatically, “if you say so boss,” as she slipped under the covers, “oh this is sooo comfy, you should try it.”
“Lemme change first,” you said nervously, “and no peeking.”
“Aawww,” she joked as she covered her eyes. She peeked through her fingers at you as she giggled then covered them completely.
You quickly changed into your pajamas which was just a big tshirt and biker shorts. “Done,” you said as you turned around to her already looking at you. Your face immediately got hot.
“(y/n),” she said quietly, “you’re so beautiful,” her face staring in awe.
You crossed your arms to cover as much as you could, “I told you no peeking and thank you but you should look in a mirror sometime.”
She immediately got out of the bed, “no, I’m serious,” she pulled your arms apart, “like so incredibly.”
“Stop,” you chuckle, “you’re gonna make me fall in love with you,” you said in a joking tone but it was completely serious as you walked to your side of the bed.
“You’d love to have me as a girlfriend,” she started with a teasing tone, “I’d take you out, show you off, buy you flowers… I’m a great girlfriend actually.”
“Ha ha, very funny, but seriously we have to go to sleep,” you get into your side of the bed.
She sighed once more, “I guess so,” she followed you into the bed. “So cuddling’s off the table?” she turned to her side with her head resting on her hand.
“Unless you subconsciously do it in your sleep,” but you wanted to so badly.
“Suit yourself, I’m a great big spoon,” she turned over and turned off her light.
“I bet you are,” you turned off your light too, “goodnight Rhea.”
“Sleep well,” she huffed.
You couldn’t sleep. Your mind was running, thinking about all the things she could do as a girlfriend and how easy it would be, how fun it would be. The places you could go eat in the new cities, holding hands walking down sidewalks, coming over whenever, not having to book double beds anymore, the possibilities were endless, you thought. And the sex… you shook the thought away, she’s your friend, best friend even. You couldn’t get her off your mind for at least fifteen minutes.
You turned over on your back, “Rhea?” you whispered so quietly, but there was no response. So you tried again, “Rhea,” a little louder this time.
She turned her head towards you, “you okay?” she whispered back.
“Yeah I’m fine, just had a question,” your heart was beating out of your chest it felt like.
She turned completely over facing you, “what’s up?”
“Were you serious?”
You could feel her staring at you in the darkness, “I’m gonna need more context, love.”
“When you said I was beautiful,” you couldn’t stop now even if you tried.
“Of course. I’ve always thought you were.”
You could tell she was smiling at you, “yeah.”
“Okay,” a few long seconds passed, “and about the girlfriend thing?”
“So you are in love with me! I knew it!” she said a little too excitedly.
“Woah woah, I never said that,” you face her.
She turned over and turned her light back on. The both of you winced at the sudden brightness. She turned back towards you seeing now that your face was red with embarrassment, “but I know you’ve thought it! Like I haven’t noticed the glances, the extra giggles at my jokes, the nervousness of the one bed. Oh no, what if she cuddles me?” she mocked.
You huffed as you tried to turn away from her.
“Uh uh,” she grabbed your chin and pulled you back, “you can’t even deny it!”
That movement sent chills down your body. Unfortunately, you didn’t have an answer.
“Well,” she let go of your face and pushed a loose strand behind your ear, “if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way,” she said softly.
Your eyes widened, “you can’t be serious.”
“Have I ever lied to you?”
“Yes, actually multiple times about stupid stuff,” you sat up and situated yourself to face her.
“Okay, yeah maybe, but this is serious,” she sat up and mirrored your position.
“I don’t believe you,” you crossed you arms once more.
“Will you stop doing that,” she pulled your arms apart again, “and I am. I have been since I hired you. I couldn’t find the right time to tell you and I was worried that you wouldn’t feel the same and then it would be awkward.”
“I still feel like you’re kidding,” you said sadly.
She rolled her eyes as she huffed then suddenly cupped your face with both hands and pulled you in for kiss, “does that seem like joking to you?”
You were so shocked you couldn’t speak. Your mouth was open and you sat frozen trying to think of anything to say.
Now she was becoming embarrassed, “please say something because now I look crazy.”
But you still couldn’t, so you decided on something else. You grabbed her face and pulled her back in for another kiss. Her hands were on your thighs bracing herself. She quietly moaned into the kiss sending shivers down to your core. You didn’t know you needed to hear her do that, but you were grateful she did.
Your lips danced against hers like they were meant to be, you knew exactly what to do and exactly when to do it. Her breath was hot against your face, but you didn’t care. Her hand tangled itself in your hair and before you knew it, she was guiding your body to lay down beneath her. She easily straddled you, never breaking contact with your lips, until, “This okay?”
“Perfect,” you smile as she goes back to kissing you.
Small moans came from the both of you. Your hands felt your way down her back not wanting to go too far, but found themselves under her shirt feeling the muscles contract as her body moved against yours. And moving it was, she was slightly grinding against you which was driving you crazy. Your nails slightly dug into her back before grazing down to her thighs.
One of her hands caressed its way down your torso and under your waist band, teasing at going farther.
“Can I-” she breathed.
“Yes,” you whined a little too desperately.
She grinned as she slipped her hand under. Gently rubbing your center up and down, you moaned into her kiss.
You suddenly gained consciousness, and pushed her away, “wait wait…”
She immediately took her hand out and sat up with a look of concern, “did I do something wrong?”
“No, I just…” you couldn’t understand what you were feeling. You rubbed your eyes, “are you sure? or are you just doing this to…I don’t know,” you displayed your hands out shaking them to signify that you didn’t know what you were trying to say.
“Yes, I’m a thousand percent sure,” she sighed with relief, “when I first met you, I thought you were so pretty. As time went on though, we clicked so well that I couldn’t help falling in love with you. I just needed that push to tell you and weirdly, it was the ‘only one bed’ that helped me out,” her hands were placed on her thighs, trying to not shake with nervousness.
“And there was no other time?” you joked.
“Babes, if I coulda I woulda,” she joked back, “but yes, I’m sure.”
You lay in thought for a second scanning her face for any sign of uncertainty, luckily you couldn’t find any.
“Can we go back to what we were doing or are you going to ponder some more?” she mocked.
You giggled, “yes, sorry. Please continue.”
“Thank you,” with a huge smile, she bends over you again and kisses your neck. Her hands finds its way back to your waistband, sneaking its way in, “Still okay?”
“A thousand percent.”
Her hand caressed your center just right, drawing small circles making moans and whines fall out of you with ease.
“What do you like?” she whispered in your ear before going back to kissing your neck.
Your face immediately got hotter than it already was, so you didn’t answer in fear of embarrassment.
“I won’t continue unless you tell me,” she stopped her motions with her hand.
You huff, “Uhm…” you racked your brain to remember. It had been so long since someone even thought about kissing you, “I’m not sure.”
“Oh, c’mon,” she started moving her fingers again but ever so gently, “maybe some praise?”
“You can try that,” you were too embarrassed to say that it was what you wanted now that she said it.
“Yeah?” her hand felt down your wet folds before she continued on your clit, “I can do that.”
She kissed her way back up to your lips as her hand worked its magic. Your hands were tangled in her dark hair before one slid down her arm and told her hand to go inside. It followed orders and gently pushed inside of you.
You moaned loudly into her mouth when she began to slowly pump in and out of you.
“You feel so good, baby,” she smiled against your kiss.
That could’ve sent you over then edge right then but you didn’t want to seem too desperate, so you opted for a whine instead.
“Oh, you really liked that, should I say more?” she cooed.
You nodded your head biting your lip, “yess, fuck,” you forced out.
Her pace quickened so the moans became more frequent. Your eyes were already rolling to the back of your head, you couldn’t believe it.
“You’re doing so well, taking my fingers,” she growled this one out. You could tell Mami was coming out and you couldn’t wait much longer.
“God,” you breathed. Her fingers still plunging into you, you rode her hand and the pressure was quickly rising.
She smiled into the kiss once more when she quickened her pace so fast that you were rocking the bed.
“I can tell you’re close,” she huffed. Her head was slightly sweaty but it made her look even hotter. “So be a good girl, princess and cum for me.”
Your back arched, your toes curled, your eyes rolled, and the pressure finally released, “fffffuuuuck,” you whined.
She let you ride it out as long as it took, which was a few long seconds of you writhing underneath her. Her hand slowed as your breathing became more regular.
“That’s it,” she kissed your neck once more, “good girl.”
“Holy fuck,” you gasped as she pulled her hand out of your pants. She continued to kiss up your neck until meeting your lips for the last time.
“Was that okay?” she slipped off of you.
“That was…” you couldn’t really think, “crazy.”
“Yeah? Well we really have to go to bed now,” she sighed.
You looked at the clock and sighed with her, but then you immediately shot her a look, “we can nap instead of lunch tomorrow,” and you sprung up and straddled her.
“Oh shit,” she caught your thighs, then smiled at you devilishly, “deal.”
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September Prompts Day 21: Murderous
Harry was the Man Who Conquered. The Head Auror.
And he had never faced a situation quite so tense.
Ginny fixed him with a murderous gaze before slowly moving her eyes to her brother. “Which of you was it,” she said in a low, dangerous voice that typically preceded hexes, most likely the Bat-Bogey variety. “I want the truth. Now.”
Harry was used to making decisions on the fly, but this was ridiculous.
“Answer the question, boys,” Hermione said disapprovingly, perching on the couch, her book closed for once.
Harry made an executive decision.
“It was Ron,” he threw his best mate under the bus with no small amount of remorse.
“Harry!” Ron cried out in betrayal as both women honed in on him with murderous gazes and flared nostrils akin to bloodthirsty hellhounds (he ought to know; he had a case related to them not two months ago).
“Did you do it, Ron?” Ginny asked, now very calmly. Somehow, this was worse than the angry tone. Hermione was fingering her wand as she stood up, also very calmly.
Harry loved his girlfriend and best friend. He really, really did.
He was just also extremely scared of them, as any sane person would be.
“I cannot believe this,” Hermione intoned lowly. “From you of all people. I would’ve expected this kind of impulsivity and short-sightedness from Harry—”
“Hey,” Harry cut in broodingly, because doing suicidal reckless things was kind of in his nature, but shut up when Ginny raised an eyebrow.
“But not from you,” Hermione shook her head sadly, ignoring Harry completely, which he was grateful for, but also a little offended by. “How could you?”
“Hermione, c’mon, I didn’t mean to do it!” Ron cried out desperately, confirming his guilt and sealing his fate.
Then he proved just how little Harry’s friendship meant to him.
“Harry was the one who brought it up, anyway.”
“Ron,” Harry said hoarsely, disbelievingly, as the girls’ murderous looks were trained once again on him.
“You started it, mate,” Ron shook his head sadly too, proving he spent far too much time with Hermione.
“Harry,” Ginny said slowly. “Did you bring up the party to Mum?” Hermione stared at him incredulously.
Harry saw his life flash before his eyes.
He could lie to the press, the whole world, his coworkers, the Weasleys, even Ron and Hermione and Teddy, but he couldn’t lie to Ginny.
He took a deep breath. Steeled himself.
“Yes. I did.”
“How could you?” Ginny whispered. Harry could swear there were tears in her eyes, but Ginny Weasley never cried. “Do you realize what this means for us, Harry? What the next three months of our life are going to be like?”
“I know,” Harry nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Hermione sighed. “Of course you didn’t,” she murmured.
Ron made an indignant noise. “Why is it when Harry’s to blame you two go all soft and when I am you look murderous?” He complained.
The girls threw scathing looks at him. “We haven’t forgotten that you’re the one who dealt the final blow, brother,” Ginny said threateningly.
Ron gulped and shut up, because he had a sense of self-preservation.
“I’m sorry,” Harry repeated, because despite how ridiculous it sounded, he could display some self-preservation too. Occasionally.
“I know you are,” Ginny said soothingly, murderous expression disappearing, as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. Hermione sighed and sheathed her wand.
“I hope you know we’re leaving all the work to you,” Hermione informed them.
Harry and Ron blanched, exchanging looks.
“We know nothing about party planning,” Ron said flatly.
“Well, you should’ve thought of that before promising Mum our help,” Ginny smiled, showing all her teeth. “Unless you’d like to also be the one to tell her we can’t.”
Harry would, quite frankly, rather face Voldemort again.
Ever since the extended Weasley family (which consisted of most of the Order and the DA along with the actual blood family) had started marrying and having children, getting together on days such as Christmas and birthdays had become nigh impossible.
Mr. Weasley had discovered the American holiday of Thanksgiving, and his wife had decided that was the one day every single person of their acquaintance would sequester themselves in the Burrow and celebrate.
It was the most exclusive event of the year, according to Witch Weekly, and Mrs. Weasley’s mania regarding it exceeded even her grief after the war and the craziness of her children’s weddings.
And Harry and Ron had just promised to help her plan and organize it, something the others took literal vacations to avoid (George and Angelina were currently in Botswana; Percy, Audrey and Oliver were pretending to be sick while definitely not being so; Bill, Fleur and Victoire had escaped to France; Neville was apparently swamped with work at the office while Harry knew he was tending to plants in his terrarium all day; Teddy had suddenly started throwing tantrums with destructive accidental magic again according to Andromeda; Kingsley was assigning himself paperwork, which was truly desperate).
“We’ll do the work,” Harry said defeatedly, Ron nodding morosely beside him.
Nothing for it, after all.
Ginny smiled and kissed him, which made his outlook a lot more positive.
She was worth the entire world.
Even spending his days buried in invitations, letters from various great-aunts and fifth and sixth cousins, gifts, catering orders and décor options.
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
Here we go! This is one that I think many have been curious about. The reason for why Nagito became Izuru!
I’ve been discussing this with @karugoround a lot to make sure it fits their vision. We worked together for a while to come up with the details and this is the result! I think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
So please enjoy the wonderful angst!
A vital aspect of the world he lived in. Something that was adored and practically worshiped by all. Something he himself was blessed with.
Though, Nagito Komaeda often thought talent was a curse. Especially his own. The death of his parents and the winning lottery ticket being staple examples of his cycle.
But regardless of how his life had been up until now, he still held onto his hope. Not for him, but for the rest of the world. His worthless self didn’t deserve such kindness. He kept trying to express that to his classmates, who treated him well despite his protests. He saw them all as bright beacons who could contribute to the world with their abilities. For as much as he hated talent, he couldn’t deny the fascination he had with it. It was contradictory and perhaps a bit hypocritical, but he didn’t care all too much about that. He just wanted to help raise his classmates to achieve their fullest potential.
Which is why it had confused him greatly when one of his classmates, Chiaki, had introduced him to someone she called her friend. An average looking Reserve Course student. A leech and waste of effort. How dare he latch onto an Ultimate like that.
Time and time again, he had tried to convince his classmate of the need to distance herself from this Hajime Hinata. Nothing good would come from a friendship with one of his ilk. But she always puffed her cheeks out and insisted that he was a good friend of hers. So he begrudgingly would attend her meetups with this Reserve Course to make sure she wasn’t being tainted.
Which had led to him finding out about the Kamukura Project.
He was sure that he wasn’t supposed to see it. However, his curiosity had spiked when he saw some kind of confidential form sticking out of Hajime’s bag one day with the Hope’s Peak logo stamped on the top. Chiaki had instructed him to watch their things while they went to grab drinks, so he was alone with this file. So of course he gave into the temptation and looked through the file.
A project to try and create the Ultimate Hope by using a person’s body as its host.
Nagito memorized every word and shoved the form back in Hajime’s bag. Then he sat there, lost in thoughts about what he had just read. How would one be transformed into the Ultimate Hope? He read that it would involve surgery, but how far would it go? And if it was successful, would this hope be artificial? And why did Hajime have such a form? It had the headmaster’s name attached to it, so why was someone like Hajime in contact with the headmaster of the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy?
Needless to say, his curiosity only grew and he had resolved to do some more research about it in the following days.
But he sadly hadn’t gotten much of a chance, as his luck struck once again. This time in the form of a medical report from his last visit to the hospital.
Lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia. And a life expectancy of six months.
When he had read that letter, his first reaction was to begin laughing hysterically, to the point of tears. Of course this was his to be his fate. To die alone in a hospital bed while still a teenager. How pathetic and wasteful. Mother Nature had decided that he wasn’t worth anything and was trying to take him out. But that was not unexpected. He had figured something like this would happen. No use fighting it.
The days after his diagnosis had been bland. Nothing excited him or held his attention. And the fascinating part? No one noticed or asked about it aside from Miss Yukizome briefly in the hallway. He had brushed off her concerns and she let it go fairly quick, proving how worthless he really was.
One day, he found himself listlessly wandering around campus after classes were over. There was no real reason, just a meaningless task to occupy his dwindling time on. Which is how he had happened upon Chiaki and Hajime once again playing video games on the bench near the fountain. Hajime seemed more stressed than usual and Chiaki questioned him about it. Nagito leaned against a tree nearby, listening as Hajime began talking.
“But what if someone else were the Super High School Level Gamer? Every time they left your score in the dust.”
Chiaki was quiet for a second, but then spoke confidently. “There’s more to life than just talent.”
Hajime’s eyes widened, and he returned to looking at Chiaki.
“Miss Yukizome likes to tell us stuff like that all the time. She says that talent is never a guarantee of an interesting life. Making memories with other people leads to hope. And hope is way more important than ability in the long run.”
“Hope…” Nagito muttered to himself. “Hope… is the most important thing. Yes, that’s right.”
He went home after that, his mind consumed with the battle between talent and hope. Which would triumph if such ideals clashed? Which was stronger? He was sure that others, like the headmaster, desired to know this answer as well.
He was then reminded of the form he had seen, about the potential to become the Ultimate Hope. Perhaps he could be of use with that. But if he did enter into the pool of candidates, he knew he would be selected. There was no chance he wouldn’t. He knew how his luck was, especially after his diagnosis.
He was on the fence about it the following day, debating whether it would be beneficial or detrimental to Hope’s Peak if he entered. Would he destroy the project, or become the beacon that the world desperately needed? Who knew? Certainly not him.
But his mind was made up after a conversation with Hajime. Seeing the Reserve Course being so set on trying to be talented lit a small fire in him. One that made him want to prove the opposite to the other. So he walked off, saying his last farewell. And within minutes, he found himself in front of the headmaster’s office. He took a deep breath, clenching his fist before relaxing again.
“I’ll show you, Hajime. I’ll prove to you that talent dooms a person from the start. That your ordinary life is so much better being talentless. That being talented always changes people for the worse. That the only use my talent gave me was the opportunity to be a useful stepping stone. And if I die in the process? At least it was for the greater good.”
He pushed open the doors, stepping inside to speak with the headmaster. To enter into the pool of candidates. To be chosen to become someone new.
Izuru came out of his memories after finishing his food. He had not thought of those events in a vast amount of time. The thoughts and feelings that his previous self experienced felt so foreign, yet so familiar to him. It was a fascinating mental dilemma, one that would keep him entertained for hours. But it did bring to mind an inquiry, one that he wished to solve now.
Luckily for him, he did have a source of information right in his room. “Answer me this, my dear caretaker. Have you gotten the chance to observe the scans the doctors have taken of my brain?”
Hajime widened his eyes for a moment, stopping his sweeping. He surely had seen the scans when they were still labeled as Nagito Komaeda, even though he was no longer the owner of his brain. Remembering that name seemed to give him a growing sense of anxiety, but that didn't stop him from answering Izuru's question.
“I had the opportunity to look at those scans, yes. I don't know exactly how to read them, but I know by firsthand that Nagito Komaeda was someone impressive and difficult to understand. I don't think there was another person like him...”
Izuru watched him with a curious look, sensing that there was more to say. “But?”
Hajime gave a shaky breath, as memories of an angry face and bitter insults clearly flooded his mind, and the doubt that had been burning his skin for months finally surfaced. “I just… I just don't understand why he did such a thing. He had friends, he had a future full of opportunities waiting for him. He… he had talent. Why did he sign up? What was he planning to do?”
The white haired man listened carefully, but when he met the caretaker’s shaky hazel eye, Hajime looked as if he was feeling incredibly guilty. “Sorry, I feel like I shouldn't have said something like that to you.”
Izuru began laughing quietly to himself, confusing his caretaker. “You have nothing to apologize for. It is natural to wonder what it would take a person to come to his decision.”
The brunette tightened his grip on the broomstick, no doubt thinking about how he, in the past, was also prepared to do exactly that.
The Ultimate Hope turned his eyes back to the brunette. “The previous identity that hosted this body never told you about what was going on in his life before I was created, did he? I was just thinking about how things might have been if he had known.”
Hajime’s eye widened, clearly interested. “Knew what?”
“That he had been misdiagnosed. That he had never been in danger of dying whatsoever. The poor fool. He threw his life away for nothing.”
Hajime froze, shocked by what he was hearing. “D… dying? That’s why?” He looked off to the side, clutching the broom handle tight. “That’s why… he looked like that when we last spoke. I… had no idea.”
“Both he and I share one thing in common. If we have secrets, none will ever know them unless we willingly give up the information. But the past is not something that we can change, therefore we must not regret it. Maybe there was something more to his intentions, but I see no reason to dwell on my body’s previous owner. Still, I shall not stop you should you desire to,” Izuru stated.
“Thank you, sir,” Hajime replied, returning to sweeping with his practiced proficiency, a bit lost in thought as he cleaned.
The experiment laid back on his fluffed up pillows, sighing as he sank into them. The sedatives were doing their work unfortunately. He again cursed the doctors who forced this routine. He desired to be rid of them, both the doctors and the sedatives. He wanted to feel his body at its full capacity with no restrictions. It was the one thing he was envious of Nagito for. At least he had been free to travel where he wanted, to eat what he wanted, to do what he wanted. No such freedom existed in this hell.
But, this would not last forever. He would not permit for his existence to solely be a lab rat. No, he would get his freedom one day, by any means necessary. And maybe, he thought as he turned to stare at his busy caretaker’s back, he would not accomplish this alone.
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
i'd like to know your ship ratings for all of the crocs (kiburi, makuu, tamka, nduli, pua, maybe even hodari if you want!) respectively if that's okay :3
I’d love to!
Makuu seems to be the most shippable, since I’ve seen quite a few oc’s shipped with him. Although the ones I REALLY pay attention to are Makuu x Akina and Makuu x my own oc, Ucheshi.
Makuu x Akina is an easy 11/10 because my god are they perfect for each other. According to LadyAnaconda’s hc, it was quite a love story and I love how clear it is that they love each other despite their disagreements.
In my completely biased opinion, I’mma give Makuu x Ucheshi a 10/10. They weren’t expecting to fall in love, but they did and their Roger x Jessica Rabbit dynamic is not only adorable but really fun to think about. Ucheshi puts Makuu on a pedestal and Makuu brings her up right next to him. His reason? “She makes me laugh”
Going back to that Makuu x Ma Tambo ship…..7/10, although as a brotp it’s a solid 8/10
As for the other Makuu x oc ships…..6/10. They’re cute but I don’t have much else to say
I could have sworn I’ve seen Makuu x Pua somewhere and just….no. 0/10
-Hodari x Kinyonga is a 9.5/10. I took half a point off cuz they never met but their relationship is sooooooo cute 😭
The only ship I’ve seen of Pua other than my own is that someone mentioned Pua x Basi. I’ll give it a 5/10 romantically but a 9/10 as a friendship. They just work better as friends
My Pua/Kongwe headcanon is purely platonic and I’ve mentioned them on my blog somewhere. Giving it a 7/10, though I have thought about them becoming a couple here and there. Won’t ever happen tho lol
Pua x Kuimba however, 20/10 cuz IT’S SO WHOLESOME GODDAMMIT. They love literally everything about each other and they were GOALS I TELL YOU. Pua loved her the minute he saw her and he still doesn’t know what he did to deserve her. Tamka asked him once for dating/courting advice and it was the one question he couldn’t really answer 😭
“Well, how’d you get mom?”
“….That is beyond my knowledge”
-There are so little ships for Kiburi’s float but I’ll try hhhhhh
Kiburi x Zula from “The Northern Crocodile” have a very snarky, but playful relationship from what I remember. There was this scene where she showed him that his float was okay and they began playing together, which I think made Kiburi let everything out and admit how happy he felt. 9/10
Worldgovernmentleader on Deviantart (aka the person who wrote “Darkness of the Ring”) made a croc oc named Maklia and the piece they made of her and Kiburi is adorable. Also 9/10 cuz it’s so pretty
Kiburi x Ushari: 8/10. No explanation needed
Makuu x Kiburi as a canon relationship? 1/10 for obvious reasons. As a crackship? 10/10 lmao
Tamka and Nduli sadly don’t have any ships with them other than mine, but I have seen them shipped with each other. I’ll give it a 5/10 cuz I don’t hate it, but they just work better as BFF’s
I’ve seen Kiburi x Nduli fanart somewhere deep on Deviantart. Interesting, but they once again work better platonically. 4/10
Of course we got my ships for them: Kiburi x Hukumu, Erevu x Tamka, Nduli x Kuamua, all 9/10
*panting* Did….did I get em all?
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thegothicviking · 4 months
TW: Mention of suicidal thoughts
Lost another friend due to me being "high "maintenance"...although I don't feel like I am?
I guess I nagged too much on her and she didn't think that not wishing me "happy birthday" was a big deal, when I personally think birthdays are important. Clash in personalities I guess.
I'm just glad that we didn't have that much in common (although she told me she was Asperger too and she was the only physical friend in a long while that I had a mutual fave band with, Bauhaus,) but we weren't even friends for a whole year so it's not that much of a loss I guess. I might have ONE "in real life" friend left now. ONE that I can still visit. But I feel like she is gradually withdrawing herself too. She is never the first to contact me to ask to hang out...
To be honest, I feel empty and tired of trying. I feel I need to "keep a lid on myself"/wear a mask now as I always end up being too enthuastic about a new friendship right from the start. This enthusiasm is scaring them away. So I'll try to keep it more "low profile" but this last physical friend, but it's hard when you have endured so many years of bullying and finally get to talk to someone face to face. Of course I get excited! It's like a starving man finally get access to food for the first time in a long time! He ends up eating too much and too fast. Just like I end up nagging and pushing...
I guess I just haven't found my type of people yet. And I honestly don't think I will, at least not here in Norway...
It has only been a week since I returned from Dresden and Leipzig..and my suicidal thoughts are already back. I returned from being surrounded by likeminded people..being able to express themselves and dress how they wanted to!
And then returning to..."normal people"...everyone looks the same..everyone is talking about the same mundane things.. It's eating me from the inside!
I wanted to be honest with anyone who is willing to read this: the mental health care system in Norway is a joke. They will straight up tell you that "because you are suicidal/have suicidal thoughts...this and this program won't work for you" and then they let you leave without even trying to recommend or place you into some other option of therapy or help. It's like they literally want you to just... die.
Here at home: I honestly feel like that person that stinks..or have some sinister mark on them. As if I have the plague and everyone avoids me..and I am blissfully unaware that I stink..or have the plague..and so I try to run towards the pretty people and I always have to try and chase them because they keep on running away from me. And I am blissfully unaware that I am meant to be shunned/shooed away. That I don't belong.
Ever since I was 6-7 years old and wrote in a stupid "friendship book" (which I now honestly believe is cursed)..all of my then friends who have ever written in it, are no longer my friends and in the beginning of the book I was supposed to write or draw whatever I wanted in life (as an introduction to the owner of the book/me).
As a 6-7 year old I could have written or drawn the most insane of things! Ask a child what they want and they can answer anything from a pony to a million in cash or a whole mountain made of candy..
And what did I write/draw? What was I wishing for? From anything in the world what did I want?
"Friends." ("Venner").
I draw two girls chasing each other in a tag-game. And I wrote "Venner" ("Friends").
And now, over 20 years later...that wish is sadly still relevant.
I really want to go on..but I am so tired.
If I didn't have my fic series...something I feel like I HAVE TO complete (out of spite or because hate to have any project unfullfilled). If I didn't have that... I'm sure I would have been 6 feet under now...or have had my ashed tossed into the sea.
I have no therapist...I wasn't allowed to keep him..and besides my family I don't have anyone to vent too. This is why I make this long post now. As to make you all my followers/mutuals aware that.. I might give up one day. I don't believe suicide is selfish. I believe you should be allowed to end it all if everything seems hopeless. I just wanted to vent. I just wanted you all to know...
I am grasping the last strands here. I am trying my best to keep on...but please don't be mad/angry if I decide to give up. I have fought these thoughts for 21 years now... Don't be mad at me if I'm too tired to keep on fighting. But I will give you a sign. I will let you know..if I decide to give up.
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littlest-w01f · 6 months
Slumber Party
Feyre x Evelyn (my oc, Tamlin's sister) [Feylin ship]
For @feyreweekofficial
Feyre week 2024 Masterlist
Day 7: Free day
Summary: Feyre having a first proper sleepover with Evelyn
Cw: Fluff, slightly sad, Friends yelling at each other about their choices to make bargains
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Feyre couldn't believe it, in a year she had settled in the Spring court so easily, she had Evelyn to thank for it, bubbly Evelyn who always made sure to not make her feel excluded. Evelyn and Feyre had formed a sister-like friendship soon after Feyre had arrived to live in spring.
"So, have you ever had a sleepover?" Evelyn had asked her, her eyes wide, popping a berry in her mouth. The two of them were on a picnic, eating different forms of berries.
Feyre looked at her confused, chewing her own fruit, seated in Evelyn's garden, "Well, don't we every night? We live in the same palace..."
"Oh, you did not just say that," Evelyn looked at her almost offended, "No... That's not a sleepover."
She smiled softly, "A sleepover is another step of friendship, we do each other's hair, and nails, we talk about males, we twirl around in pretty dresses or just stay in our nightgowns." Evelyn smiled brighter, "And we also kick the males out and sleep in the same bed." Evelyn turned to face Tamlin and Lucien, who were a little further away from them when she stated it.
"That sounds fun." Feyre smiled back. "And we have snacks...?"
"Of course, we have snacks, Feyre!" Evelyn gasped, playfully enraged they wouldn't be. "A sleepover is nothing without snacks that people can't finish and they have to be packed away."
Feyre looked over her shoulder to Tamlin and Lucien, "Well I could do without those two for a while." Making them send a wave of talking over each other, pissed at the two females making a joke on their behalf.
"You can paint me," Evelyn wiggled her eyebrows, ignoring her brother and their friend.
Feyre and Evelyn were soon alone in the mansion, Evelyn sprawled over a couch with Feyre standing on the opposite ends, with her canvas and paint. Feyre's brows were furrowed in concentration as she moved the brush flawlessly across the canvas.
"So...?" Evelyn had a teasing tone, "How is being a High Fae?"
Feyre smiled, looking up from her work, "I... I can see colours so much clearer, it's amazing."
"We're just better." Evelyn gave a cocky grin, the grin that matched Tamlin's almost identically.
"You are gorgeous," Feyre breathed with a soft blush, if Feyre had thought the Spring Court Fae were pretty before with their masks, Evelyn was painfully gorgeous, especially by human standards. Evelyn was a mix of soft and sharp features, something Feyre felt she could not put on paper. There was something in her emerald eyes that swirled differently than some other Fae she had seen, well, she had also seen only a handful of Fae as close as she had seen her.
"Should've chosen me over Tam, Feyre." Evelyn gave a wink, chuckling slightly. "You're gorgeous too."
Feyre was a lot fuller now, especially after Under the Mountain, she and Tamlin had managed to figure out how to make her feel better and manage being High Fae, she was a lot more powerful, just as much powerful as the heir of High Lords.
It was quite after that, Evelyn posing for Feyre as she painted, a little pain splattering on her hands. Alis had come in, setting their finger foods down on the small dining table in the room, Evelyn had asked Alis to stay with them but she had smiled and said he would be with her nephews, taking them out for dinner in a new place that had been fixed up.
"Could... Could you not include this?" Evelyn whispered, motioning to the black ink band around her ring finger on her left hand, and a tattoo of stars and swirls flowing up.
Feyre smiled a little sadly, looking at the tattoos "What does it signify?" She had never asked, seeing how Evelyn was uncomfortable with it, as Tamlin had told her, telling her it was Evelyn's story to tell. "If you are feeling up to telling me."
"Well, we do have deep conversations during sleepovers," Evelyn smiled softly, "It's a bargain I made with Rhysand." She didn't talk of the band but the rest of the ink. "I... I made it so that Rhysand would look after you... Keep you... Alive."
"What...?" Feyre set down her brush at that, walking to sit next to her, "That's why he was... Did he ever...?"
"No." Evelyn cut in, "No he never actually hurt me, even if we did piss each other off a lot."
"What did you give away?" Feyre asked, her hand holding Evelyn's tattooed one, stroking the swirls.
Evelyn smiled slightly, letting Feyre feel the magic of the bargain, "A week every month, for my entire life. I have to stay with him."
"But it's been months since then." Feyre looked slightly hopeful, "Maybe he forgot."
Evelyn smiled, moving to sit closer to Feyre, "That's just wishful thinking, the Night Court is rather... Firm... about their bargains."
Feyre looked melancholy, "Well, this got upsetting quickly."
"Ok." Evelyn shrugged, a smile forming on her face again, she picked up the pillow she was leaning against and smacked Feyre in the head with it.
Feyre's eyes widened, "Oh no you didn't!" She picked up her own pillow before swinging at her.
"Oh yes I did!" Evelyn dodged her hit. Swinging again as she got up, Feyre followed her, trying to get a hit on each other.
Feyre landed a hit, making Evelyn stumble slightly against the wall, "How could you give yourself up for me!" Feyre held the pillow against Evelyn's neck as if it were a weapon.
"Because it's you!" Evelyn yelled before hitting Feyre across the face with her pillow, "Because you gave yourself up for my brother! For me! For Lucien! For all of my people!"
"Stop yelling!" Feyre yelled back, glaring, holding her pillow like a sword.
"No!" Evelyn glared back but didn't yell anymore. "You were willing to die for my brother, and you did die. Of course I would do anything to protect you. Even if it is making a deal with Death itself."
Feyre paused, "You did it all for me?"
"Of course I did." Evelyn set down the pillow in her hands, "And I would do it again."
Feyre smirked when she put her pillow away, choosing to strike her again hard enough to make feathers fly out of it, "And I would always help our people!"
"Oh, are we screaming again!?" Evelyn glared, throwing the pillows on the couch at her. "You don't get to be the only person who scrifies something for people."
"Well, you're too gorgeous to end up dead over me!" Feyre yelled and Evelyn was surprised at the splash of dark green paint that now covered her face.
"There!" Feyre smiled, rubbing the paint in Evelyn's hair, "Now I can capture you in paint!"
Evelyn squealed as she heard Feyre mumble "Stupid gorgeous Fae" running to the paint table and throwing the bowl of pink paint.
"Shut the fuck up Feyre." Evelyn watched the pink paint run down Feyre's face, "You're gorgeous too!"
The two run in circles, hitting each other with pillows and paints, yelling aggressive compliments at each other. They end up falling on the floor of paint and feathers, giggling. Evelyn uses her magic to clean both of them.
"Is this what a sleepover is like?" Feyre asked, breathless.
Evelyn shook her head, "I don't know, It's my first too. But I liked it."
The two smile, looking at each other and the mess they had made.
"We left you guys alone for 4 hours!"
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{General taglist: @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria}
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iceeericeee · 3 days
Okay so I had the BEST night at the museum dream ever oh my gah I loved it so much AND I EVEN REMEMBER THE MAJORITY OF IT TOO!
Buckle up, this dream is LONG
So it started off with me an’ Larry kinda walking around the museum once it had come to life, and I made a beeline to the miniatures. And then my dream gave me a montage of me and the miniatures hanging out and talking and stuff. At the moment I was watching them play some kind of weird version of soccer, and every once in a while they’d lose the ball so I’d grab it for them.
But the whole friendship wasn’t working for me? Because of size difference (obv) and also my hands were super shaky (because they are irl) and I was kinda just sadly watching them continue their game.
And then one of the exhibits (one of the human sized ones) came up to me and was like ‘U know, if u ask the tablet nicely it’ll make u small too?’ And I was like ‘how’d you know I was thinking that???’ And she was like ‘hun I could see it in ur eyes.’
Anyways so I went to go find the tablet, and I did. Except it looked nothing like the tablet did in the movies. But I knew that it still had lots of power, somehow. And then I… prayed over it? Yeah, and I asked it for just one night of being small in the diorama with the others. Once I finished there was a gentle voice in the back of my head and it said ‘It is done’
And then BOOM I’m in the diorama! So I go looking for Jed (because why tf not lmao he’s my fav) and I snuck up behind him and surprised him.
Once he got over his schock he was super excited I was their size now, and then we just kinda sat and talked about random shit. Then the sun came up and I was suddenly not in the diorama anymore but like, beside it instead.
Then time skip to the middle of the day, and I’m looking around for the tablet again (because now I know it works). But it’s not there? Turned out Larry (who somehow was slowly morphing into my irl dad) had hidden it because he didn’t want me to become little every night because it was really dangerous.
(Also, the whole layout of the museum is fucking nuts. It was somehow the museum but it was also a mansion I lived in.)
So he’d hidden the tablet somewhere in the house in one of the rooms. Of course, I had to find it, I wanted to actually be able to spend time with my friends, y’know? So I was creeping around the place looking for where it could be and kept coming up with dead end after dead end.
Then I watched as Larry moved a door in a specific way and revealed a secret room. So I thought to myself ‘oh he’s DEFINITELY keeping it in there.’ And I went down after him. (At this time his resemblance is just fully my dad. I did not question it.)
And I found myself in an ultra long corridor. And it looked like one of those half-finished basements with a couple couches and boxes of random stuff everywhere. Mind you, this corridor was so long I couldn’t even see the end of it. But it was well lit and kinda cozy, so it wasn’t like. Spooky or whatever.
Then he heard me behind him and caught me. But instead of making me leave, he got super cocky and said ‘yeah sure why not. Go ahead and look for it.’ Like he was ultra sure he’d hidden it really well.
So I go walk down the corridor and keep my eyes peeled for anything that resembled the not-tablet. And all I really found was more boxes of junk stacked all over each other, a Christmas tree at one point, and a really fancy bunk bed that happened to have my two youngest siblings sleeping in them. At the end of the corridor was just one lonely bathroom that was just a toilet and a sink. Also I kept like, calling out for the tablet. Like it was going to answer back or something.
So I’m defeated, yeah? And Larry walks away triumphant.
And then this is where it gets really really weird
I’m just kinda sitting there, super duper sad. And then I hear a voice, the same voice I heard in my head when I had made the prayer the other night over the tablet.
So I think it’s the tablet calling out back for me, yeah? But it’s not the tablet. It’s this weird spoon-bell thing that’s kinda hopping around. (I didn’t think it was weird in the dream. But now that I’m awake yeah that was kinda weird.) And it directs me to this line of tin cans with arrows indented in them pointing into the same direction. I follow them and I find a the tablet behind a bunch of the junk I’d walked past originally, covered in this really soft fabric to try and hide it.
The I realize that Larry never actually left and he was RIGHT BEHIND ME. So I ran as fast as I could to the end of the corridor where the bathroom was. In the middle, Larry grabbed me and tackled me down. So then I had the idea to pray again over the tablet and ask for strength. I got it, and pushed him off of me. Then I got to the bathroom and used that strength to hold the door closed as I started to pray again over the tablet to make me miniature and in the diorama every night.
But before I could start Larry just went on softly about how he was just, like, trying to protect me, and that it was dangerous to be that small every night.
So that convinced me to instead pray for just one more night of being miniature, so I could break the news to Jedidiah.
It works, and I’m back in the diorama. And I see Jed and I just full on tackle hug him, and he catches me and spins me around. Then I break down in tears and he tries to console me, and I have to tell him that this is the second yet last night I’ll be able to actually for real hang out with the miniatures like this.
So then there’s this like. BIG time skip to later in the night. I’m still miniature and I’m dreading the sun coming up. Then I see human-sized Jed with the tablet and he’s in a standoff with Larry just in front of the diorama. Turns out he’d somehow done all that in an attempt to help me be able to… visit them more often in a more convenient way. Because even though I told him I was fine with the original arrangement (even though being miniature was really fun) he could see that it wasn’t really what I wanted. So that’s what he told Larry.
Anyways that’s it. U may continue with your regularly scheduled scrumbling :3
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commenter2 · 22 days
"Absolute End" review (Murder Drones finale)
After almost 3 years since the first episode, we are sadly at the end of Murder Drones. SPOILERS!
I thought the finale would be longer, at least the same length as the previous episode.
Gravity is acting up and massive earthquakes are happening, which I bet the drones can handle BUT UZI GETTING AN A-, that is a sign that the world is ending.
Even at the end of the world, the Teacher Drone is just done with everything.
Is CYN pulling a Dead Space 3?
Again the Teacher is just done.
So how did Uzi get into space exactly? Last episode had her falling down to the hole in the church to the planet’s core, did gravity and the Absolute Solver program cause her to go straight through the planet and fly into space?
Smart thinking on the writers here having Uzi and her mom be able to control space rocks, as they such things do have metal in them.
New feature for screen faces, they can use it to communicate if there isn’t any sound.
How is Uzi’s mom finding all the space for her words? :3
A nice mother/daughter moment, also Uzi has a parental lock XD.
Of course Uzi’s mom still has her iPod XD
Who is that! Whoever that is, let’s just hope Uzi’s mom doesn’t survive planetary re-entry
N! Wait how was he able to get to a ship so fast?
PILOT N! Wait does he remember how to fly that thiAPPARENTLY HE IS STILL REMEMBERING!
Wait are Uzi and N about to ki-SAVED BY THE VILLAIN! Ehh I was kind of hoping for Uzi X Thad and N X V to become canon but this is fine too...for now but more on that later. At least Uzi is still herself, though I question anyone who wouldn’t want to hug N.
It is still funny that the bus is also sentient in this series.
V! And of course she was able to tame one of the raptors.
“character not interested in epic battle that is occurring” trope.
GET THAT BRATTY TEEN DRONE ROBO DINO! I never thought I would ever say that.
Khan T posing XD
Clever robo girl! Wait didn’t I already use that?
Uzi would have been so proud hearing V use her catchphrase, especially on J of all drones.
Uzi can make blast that can go through planets. Write that down Death Battle fans.
(Uzi and CYN fighting)
J; Want to get out of here?
V: Why?
CYN just caught Uzi attack like its nothing.
The world ending threat still loves a fool after all this time. Have I mentioned how great this show is?
Look at them protecting each other!
Crap CYN is going pissed off yandere on N!
Okay we got it, N X Uzi is canon.
While nice to see V showing love for N, it was kind of a coward move of her to try and work with CYN/Absolute Solver again at this point.
Heh, I guess CYN has parental controls too XD.
Doorman with the universal door remote FTW!
Okay that was a dumb move on Thad’s part. Guess he just assumed Uzi was nearby given he has seen her around the Disassembly Drones every time they met.
(Uzi and V smile at each other)
An old time iPod in the future can survive the reentry of a planet, yet iPhones can’t survive a small fall from one’s hand to the ground without cracking in half.
According to the subtitles the song playing is AJ Dispirito song called “BiteMe”. Is this where Uzi got her catchphrase? Seeing how her mom acts, I wouldn’t be surprised if she sang that song as a lullaby to baby Uzi. The song is really good.
Friendly fire on CYN’s part. Then again if they can regenerate, is it really that bad?
(Me seeing Uzi stabbing N with pickaxe)
Yami Yugi voice: It’s not him!
N has a valid point, nice to see him getting his heart ripped out and almost eaten by his yandere stalker didn’t mess up his lovable personality.
Cheap move with the puppy dog eyes CYN. Then again it is canon that all dogs are immortal, so N could have attacked her without fear of killing any digital dogs.
Now Uzi is just learning to tell apart holograms form the real thing! Admittedly that is a bit cheesy, but at least it led to that epic scene of her ripping out the CYN’s heart Mortal Kombat style.
Finally its OVE- what is that?
That fight scene must have been so expensive that they had to cut the color budget!
I’m getting flashbacks to the Death Battle episode “Starscream vs. Rainbow Dash”.
So is eating the "Solver heart" going to make Uzi the new Absolute Solver master? Horror is one of the themes of this series, and “monster still being alive” is the genres most known tropes. Guess we’ll find out in the next 5 minutes.
Kind of hard to read the text coming up on Uzi’s face near the end. I can see NULL, escaped_data=sent, escaped_data=str_replace [arry] and escaped_data=str_replace[global entites]. This sounds like it isn’t the end of CYN and her Absolute Solver control.
Who knew Thad was a skater! Also where did he get that skateboard? Still nice to see him being nice, even if its towards Lizzy.
Khan and Nori are going to meet. Okay THAT scene was hilarious, and that “kind of hot” line XD.
The Teacher survived, still not wanting to get involved in anything XD.
A robot raptor riding a sentient bus. Thank god the Jurassic Park movies are done as I feel like that franchise would try and do something dumb like that in their movies.
Uzi is very far from where she was a second ago. Again what is up with teleporting in this series?
So Uzi is the new absolute solver master. Luckily she doesn’t want to kill everything like CYN wanted. Then again it’s pretty much confirmed that all humans are dead so what else can she do, kill the worker drones?
Was that a Gaz Membrane reference in the “I’m not solved” pic. Also the pic file is labeled as “nothing”, which makes me wonder if the writers are again telling us that there won’t be any more episodes. Again more on that at the end.
The Heroes journey pic. Wait is that text a refence to when Game Theory did an episode where they used said Heroes’ Journey pic to theorize what was going to happen?
So are the others drones not going to find a way to cure N, V, and likely Uzi’s need to drink drone oil?
Doll is still dead. Odd to bring that clip up, but fitting with this show's humor.
N is pretty good at manga art. Also again nice seeing V being the one in love with N.
I wonder if there was going to be a difference between Uzi’s purple colored power and her yellow colored one. I guess we will never know.
During the credits we see: J is still alive and building a ship, likely to get back to JCJensonINSPAAAAACEE!!!!! HQ
N and Uzi hanging out with Khan and Nori (does Khan know it is her?) at door security. Is that really necessary now that nearly every serious baddie is dead?
A hint at the possibility of CYN still being alive. That or its Tessa’s ghost.
The Murder Drones are still killing drones for oil
A Murder Drones anime drawn in the same art style as Liam Vickers other works, like the underrated Cliffside pilot.
Lizzy being nice and holding a funeral for Doll. Thad your kindness is wasted on her.
V wearing N’s hat and playing chess against the raptor and the robo bug, which I totally forgot about. Looks like the raptor made peace with Lizzy too.
A callback to the 2nd episode with the robopede.
Hologram Uzi?
CYN IS THE TAIL! Personally I never did like the tail design, so it’s a good excuse to get rid of it now.
A very entertaining ending to a series that I wouldn’t mind getting a sequel series one day BUT has given me enough closure that I can be happy if it never does. Then again in this era of media you never know.
Sure it would have been nice if the show had been a few episodes longer, going over more things like dealing with other kinds of Disassembly Drones (something I was hoping to see since the very beginning) and more moments of unique character interactions like Uzi and Thad as well as N and V regaining their memories together.
Now that the series is over (again maybe for now) I wonder what Liam Vickers will work on next. PLEASE let him go back to work on his Cliffside series, as that has a lot of potential. After seeing how good he is at 3D animation, imagine what he can do with a 2Dish show like Cliffside! Seriously people go watch the Cliffside pilot when you can.
What were your thoughts on the Murder Drones finale?
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
18 - Nothing There // Forever Winter // a.b x oc
warnings: mania, SAD, undisclosed mental illness(es), brief mention of non-consent, sexual themes, 18+ always, mdni, please don't hate me
18/? - Austin shows up to Elsie’s apartment in a panic with news that could shatter her heart, but it is something far more sinister that is the culprit of her heartache
see masterlist/summary for background info + chapter log
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(NOT elvis!austin just fit the vibe // gif cred: @karamelcoveredolicity i think ?)
𝚂𝚘 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙸'𝚖 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚍, t𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙸'𝚖 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎
𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎
𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚜
'𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚢
I sat on my bed folding some of Nox's work clothes that spread across the mattress. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been feeling lonely without Austin. Even though I had Nox back, it wasn’t the same. Nox and I weren’t best friends. Despite what all my other friends said, I didn’t believe that I needed to be best friends with my partners. At least I never had been. There was a distinct line between relationship and friendship, no overlap.
I had been feeling so disconnected lately, not just from Austin, but from Nox, from everything. I made up with my boyfriend, but I still felt heartbroken. Maybe even more so than when I was at Austin’s.
I still loved Nox, but the feeling of him touching me wasn’t the same. It felt empty – boring, loveless. We’d only had sex maybe two times since I came home. He had tried, lord had he tried. But I fled from his touch every time. Nox could be vicious but something he’d never do is force me into anything I didn’t want to do. That was the biggest difference between him and my exes, sadly.
I couldn’t get that night out of my head. Austin was so much bigger than Nox, I didn’t need to feel him inside me to know that. Even just his touch was better than Nox. I never thought I could finish with another person – only ever by myself. I had accepted that men just couldn’t make me come, but Austin did – three times. And that wasn’t counting the times the thought of him helped me finish - alone.
What the fuck was wrong with me? Thinking this shit about my friend. It should feel weird to know what your best friend’s dick or tongue feels like - and well it did, kind of. Or maybe that was just how illicit it felt. Either way, it was more temping than anything.
Oh yeah – and of course there was the fact that I cheated on Nox. Well at least, I think? Were we even together after he kicked me out? Regardless of the technicalities, Nox could never find out about it. Even just the thought of his reaction was enough to scare the shit out of me.
But he wasn’t stupid, he picked up on the shift between us and relentlessly pressed me about it, until I finally gave in and told him a watered-down version of truth or dare. He wasn’t happy about it but surprisingly didn’t react as bad as I thought.
Yet after having a taste of what I could experience with someone else – the rigid, fast sex Nox offered was no longer enticing. But if I was going to save my relationship, I needed to forget all of it.
If I was going to save my friendship, I needed to forget it. Pretend it never happened.
Austin’s cold front could very well be a symptom of what we did. He might’ve seen it as a mistake. Whether that was a good or bad thing, I wasn’t sure.
I methodically pressed Nox's black button downs, taking extra care making sure they were creaseless and symmetrical. He had been a tyrant about organization lately which naturally meant I was deep cleaning the house and reorganizing everything.
Suddenly a frantic knock at the door yanked me out of the monotonous zone I had fallen into. I warily slid off the bed and went to the door, finding the frenzied knock quite odd for the middle of the day. 
Standing on my tippy-toes I squinted an eye through the peep hole finding Austin on the other side. Both relief and anxiety rushed through me as I opened the door.
“Hey Aus-“ He dashed past me. “Whoa, what is going on?” I questioned, immediately noticing his outfit. An oversized t-shirt with sweatpants. It was like below 0 outside, what the fuck was he doing without a jacket.
“Elsie I am so sorry, but something happened.” He began pacing back and forth, “I saw something.” I genuinely had no idea what exactly I was perceiving in front of me and didn’t know what piece of it I needed to focus on first.
“Austin I’ve been trying to call you-“ I started before Austin cut me off again.
“Els I don’t know how to tell you this,” He halted his pacing for a second trying to catch his breath and shaking the cold out of his bare arms. His pale face made it seem like he’d seen a ghost.
“Austin breathe, please.” I walked to him, grabbing his frigid shoulders, “What is going on?” My eyes scanned his blues, desperately searching for an answer. They were unreadable, fogged with something that registered as familiar, but I couldn’t put a finger on what exactly.
He ripped out of my grasp and started to pace across my living room again. “I really don’t want to tell you this El, I really don’t” His movements gaining momentum as he spoke. “So, I went to Roast right? To work on my role, right?”
I cautiously nodded, “Right.”
“When I was walking home, I saw something.” His voice accelerating. 
“Okay yes, and what did you see?” I probed to finally get to the point.
He inhaled a deep breath, stopped pacing and faced me, “I saw Nox with another girl.”
Immediately my heart dropped into my stomach. I had suspected him of cheating for a while but I never thought it was real. I thought it was just my own paranoia, my insecurities. “Are you sure it was him Austin?” He nodded.
“How sure are you?”
“Elsie, I saw him! It was him!” His voice strained.
“Okay but how do you know it was him for sure?”
“It just it was- Oh yeah I took a picture!” He scrambled to pull out his phone to show me. I braced myself for even further heartbreak. I didn’t know if I was prepared to see my boyfriend with someone else. “See look!” He shoved his phone in my face.
I let out a gasp before grabbing his phone and inspecting it. But, something wasn’t right. Before I could even process the photo, a distant but familiar wave of dread seeped into my bones. I turned my focus up at Austin taking in his appearance fully for the first time. His hair was messy, dark bags laid beneath his eyes, thick sweat across his forehead.
All the odd puzzle pieces from the past couple weeks began to piece together. The forgetfulness, the ignored calls, the poker faces, the mood swings. I was so stupid for not recognizing it sooner.
“Austin,” Words struggled to get past the lump in my throat, “Austin, this isn’t Nox.”
“I know it’s hard to believe, but its him. I saw him.” Annoyance pitched his voice.
“Austin that isn’t Nox.” I repeated delicately, “Are you feeling okay? Have you been sleeping?” My first instinct was to reach out to him, press my the back of my hand against his forehead - but I knew it'd only make him retract from me.
“Elsie c’mon I know it’s hard to believe but,” He snatched the phone from my hold and zoomed in on his hand. “Look that’s his tattoo! The dagger!” Austin pushed to convince me.
Leaning forward to once again examine the picture - it still wasn’t Nox. The swirling pit in my gut only grew heavier. I took a deep breath and struggled to remain calm. I had to avoid escalating the conversation so he’d actually listen to me. “Austin, that’s not a dagger.” I carefully handed the phone back to him, “There’s nothing there.”
“Are you blind Elsie? That’s a dagger! That’s Nox!”
I moved timidly closer him, not wanting to set him off, “Austin there’s nothing there, that man doesn’t even have a tattoo.”
I studied him further, all the dots connecting. The wide red eyes, the disheveled clothes, the rapid speech. I was close enough to have my nostrils filled with a smell I was well acquainted with. “Did you smoke today?” I asked softly, meeting his eyes. I tried my best to keep my tone from sounding accusatory.
He stuttered a bit, “Yeah I felt stressed and it helped. I feel better! I got a lot of work done.”
It wasn’t that I was against weed. I fucking love weed. Austin and I smoked all through university and I still smoke almost daily. But at some point, it began to affect him differently. After his break in college, since the incident.
In between the harsh divide of pro and anti-marijuana, there was a grey area that was rarely talked about. It IS an amazing healing plant for most, but not all. Especially with certain mental illnesses or addictions.
I stepped forward and took his cheeks carefully in my hands, “Austin you need to listen to me. I need you to sit down.”
“No you have to believe me.” His voice even quicker than before.
“Please Aus, for me, please sit down.” I begged, hearing my voice waver.
He huffed and reluctantly sat on a wooden dining chair. “You’re just in denial, why don’t you believe me?” His voice came out almost dejected, like he was genuinely hurt that I didn’t believe him. It stung so fucking bad. I just knew that he must be questioning just how much I actually trusted him. He would never lie to me, I knew that. He was just trying to help. A burning, tight feeling grew knowing that he was this upset over something imaginary. 
I sat in a seat at the corner facing him asking, “Aus can I see the work you did today?”
“Yes! That’s a great idea!” He grinned wide drawing the silver laptop from his leather carrying case and lifted the top, then turning it to me, “See look!”
Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at the screen trying to decipher what I was looking at. As much as I attempted to hold tears back, one escaped down my cheek. I swiftly wiped it off so that he wouldn’t see. “Aus,” Hesitating, “Austin there’s nothing there.” My tone delicate, like when you have to tell a child their dog ran away.
“What the fuck are you talking about Elsie? I spent three hours studying today. I’ve worked all week on this.” Getting more and more frustrated.
“Austin, this is gibberish.” Swiveling the laptop back to him. The screen displayed an open Word document filled with absolute nonsense. 8617 words of nonsense.
“No no no, what are you talking about? Look I wrote notes, I wrote—” He went to read what he thought was a brilliant line but soon realized he couldn’t. “No Els, I swear I wrote so much,” He scrambled, “The file must’ve gotten corrupted or something.”
His fingers worked frantically on the keyboard looking for a something that didn’t exist. The vicious churn in my stomach was almost enough to make me throw up.
I remained silent, just watching his frenzied desperate movements. How the fuck was I supposed to handle this. We’d been in this situation numerous times, but it never got easier. I never got better at it. And it hadn’t happened in so long, I really thought he was doing good.
This was one of the worst parts about this, having to be the one rip him down from whatever fluffy cloud he was on. I hated it, hated it. These were some of the happiest times I saw him and I had to be the monster to pull the curtain down. Seeing your best friend so confident and happy for the first time in so long and then having to snatch it from him. Knowing that you were the one to trigger the inevitable comedown, watching the joy and euphoria pale from his face because of you.
“Did you take anything else after you smoked?” I questioned, there was no way this was solely induced by marijuana.
“No Elsie I told you I feel better! This isn’t about weed for fucks sake. I saw Nox with another girl. Why don’t you believe me? I literally showed you proof.” His speaking was overly animated, his hands following every word.
“Austin. You have to tell me if you took anything besides the weed.”
He paused, seemingly battling to answer. “Fine fine, I just took some Adderall to help me focus and keep me awake.”
“Austin! What the fuck, why would you do that!” At this point I was growing angry but knew it wouldn’t be helpful. I had no clue how to handle his hallucinations, none the less the pills.
Mental illness wasn’t anything new to me. Everyone I fucking knew including myself struggled with it. But Austin’s was more complicated, more extreme. His episodes terrified me and they were almost always followed with a relapse - sometimes with just one fix, sometimes all. I was even less equipped to handle those.
“El I needed to work, I needed to focus. And I did, this is the best I’ve been in weeks.” Trying so vehemently to convince me.
“Wait wait wait,” I full stopped, “Have you been taking your meds?”
He stayed quiet for a couple seconds looking everywhere but at me. “I just needed a break El, they weren’t helping. I just wanted to handle it myself.”
My hand found his boney wrist, giving it a small squeeze, “Austin you know you can’t do that. You have to call me when you feel like that.”
“I know but I couldn’t- I just couldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“I just… I just wanted to deal with it alone. I just needed to be alone.” He was lying. I just knew he was lying.
The heavy weight of guilt only added to the knots in my gut. Like all my intestines were folded into fortune cookies encasing just one message-
If I hadn’t left that day, this wouldn’t have happened. If I hadn’t acted the way I did – if we didn’t do what we did. None of this would’ve happened. He would’ve came to me.
I made a promise a long time ago that I wouldn’t let this happen, and this was precisely the reason. So things didn’t get messy, so that it wouldn’t come between us. So I could be there for him no matter what.
So I wouldn’t have to leave him, not even for a second.
“Austin. You’re manic.” The words came out bluntly, my voice stern but calm.
He stumbled over his words, “No that’s not what this is. Elsie, I swear to god I’ve never felt better.”
“Yes you are, you’re having an episode. We need to get you your meds.” My emotions were overridden by the sudden urgency of the situation.
He seemed to be lost in his head, ripping it apart for sane answers. I stood up cautiously and tilted his chin up to meet my eyes. “It’s going to be okay, I’m here. I’m gonna help you.”
His eyes were soft blue and full of pure defeat. When I pulled him into my arms, he pressed his head against my stomach. I kept an arm curled around his head and another rubbing his back “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” I repeated in a whisper.
A quiet cracked voice muffled, “Don’t leave again, please.” The beg echoed a memory, one I had tried so viciously to forget. 
“I won’t, not for a second.”
Not even for a second.
I brought Austin back to his loft and helped him sort out his medications, which ones he was supposed take and when. I even brought him one of those weekly medicine organizers. I finally convinced him to take his daily dose and had him show me his lifted tongue to make sure he swallowed. 
He refused to let me stay over no matter how much I insisted.
I made him pinky promise to send me daily updates of when he took his meds.
He didn’t.
I blew up his phone every day for the past week.
No response.
Excruciating worry built up in my ribs until it became too much. I needed to devise a plan to get everyone on good terms, so I could stifle Austin’s touch just enough to be there for him completely. I wouldn’t have to avoid him because it was tense and awkward. I could keep an eye on him without being clouded by something else - something I didn’t understand and wasn't sure I wanted to. 
So I wouldn’t have to leave. Not even for a second.
Next Chapter: 19 - Not Even For A Second
// i am so sorry for this chapter and for what i'm about to do to you in chp 19 just remember ily 🥲
as always thank you for any love shown for FW and for any like, reblog, comment 💜 it means the world to me truly
-M🥀 xx
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edvinception · 2 years
What are your honest thoughts about season 2?
I loved it. After the first binge watch on the premiere day I was left feeling a little underwhelmed in one way and overwhelmed in another. After spending so much time thinking about it and theorising I felt like it was so different from what I expected.
However I gave it a second watch and fell in love alot more. I focused more on the story and the archs of each character. I think they did a great job with all of them.
The season is so jam packed it was a little too much to take in at once and since it was so different from what I thought it would be I needed time to digest.
There of course something I would change, things I didn't love but over all I think they did a great job.
We got archs for all characters but Felice which sadly didn't get much of a story of her own which was sad. However I do think the rest of the characters had archs that made sense. I would personally focus less on Sara and August as a couple but I get why they were a prominent part of the season.
Their archs are also great. Sara is struggling to fit in. She's living her dream but is still having to fight to fit in. Too hard. Her friends are nice but they don't realise that she can't afford their lifestyle. They don't even reflect on that. And she's trying to keep up. So she's living her dream but is also not. Not everything is as amazing as she thought it would be. Then we have her relationship with August. She falls in love and obviously gets alot of conflicting feelings. She knows she's keeping secrets and that it's wrong but she's justifying it or ignoring it until it all catches up and she realises she's lost alot. Her friendships and her relationship with Simon. I think we'll see season 3 allowing Sara to find herself again. She lost herself in season 2 and made alot of mistakes but I think she will work on it. We'll see her try to repair her relationship with Simon, she will move home, she will try to become friends with Felice again.
August arch was also interesting. At first he seemed full of regret, actually regretting what he did. You could tell he was upset and Wille taking revenge on him took a toll and he kinda crumbled a bit. However I also think he kinda learned that things like school status is not everything. Or he just thought it didn't matter because he was essentially going to be part of the royal court which is much cooler. On top of that he really fell in love with Sara. She made him a different person. Or he was different around her.
In the end though then it came down to it he still did everything he could to save himself. He didn't change for the better. He didn't care. He can be nice, he can be thoughtful but at the end of the day he's selfish and only looks out for himself. It will be interesting to see what season 3 will bring.
Contrary to many others I actually think Simon had a good arch and he was not treated like shit or just as a love interest. I agree that it would have been nice to see more of his family and I hope we will get it in season 3. It's something I would change. However I think his arch makes sense. Simon does not deal with his problems. He kinda runs away from them. He also tries to push away his feelings because being vulnerable is scary.
I think it makes sense that he tried with Marcus. Wille really hurt him. He betrayed him when he lied and left Simon in the dark. So he's hurting alot as we see in the first ep. He sings to let his feelings out. Then Marcus shows up. Not a random person but someone he kinda knows. And Marcus gives him attention something he likes and craves. He did really like Wille giving him attention too. He also had his best friends push him to get over Wille and they were all for Marcus.
And just like they discussed in the video from a few days ago, Marcus is very different from Wille. He's confident, he will make a fool of himself, he's not complicated, he's not anxious. He's an easy alternative. But as we see their relationship doesn't work. Marcus is not perfect. He's kinda smug, he looks down on the rich kids, thinking he's better then them and he is also a bit patronising. I do however think he had every right to want to take things slow when Simon jumped him during their movie night. But yeah he was a bit patronising. Then of course he also was very manipulative when Simon tried to break things off. He went way out of line. That shit was very creepy.
And ultimately he showed that he wasn't the right person for Simon. Not because he's a villian or an entirely bad person. He has flaws. He was toxic and he wasn't what Simon wanted or needed. It's not about him being perfect but not being Wille. It's not about him being the complete opposite either. They didn't work together. He was a dick a lot of the time. But Simon also used him. He went back and forth, he used him to make Wille jealous. Only called him if he needed something or he had had a row with Wille. That doesn't make what Marcus did or say right but Simon was using him.
I also think his friends could have been more intuitive. They are pushing for Marcus but it feels like neither of them listen to what he really needs. At least not in the beginning which makes Simon even more confused.
I think we saw Simon grow as a person and even if he still covers up alot of his feelings he was a lot more open. He spoke his mind with Wille. He stood his ground. He set up boundaries. He made mistakes (yes he did) that we recognise from season 1.
At the same time he came to more realisations about Wille. And when Wille backed off and begun to listen more to Simon’s needs that also helped Simon trust Wille again. It didn't happen over night. It took work from Wille but Simon also came to some realisations and like I said he messed up too. I understand him completely, I get why he did say or do things but I think it was important that he made those mistakes and messed up. He’s sixteen so of course he's going to. I think it was vital that things were on his terms when it came to him and Wille. In the first season almost everything was on Wille's turns until Simon broke up. In season 2 Wille realises this and begins to slowly work on that and towards the end it's Simon taking the lead. Wille lets him go, Simon goes after him. Simon finds out about August, Wille acknowledges he should have told him immediately but he doesn’t stop Simon from going to the police. He let's Simon decide but he's also open with how that will affect him. And Simon still wants to go to the police because it's important for him. And Wille won't stop him. We also see Simon’s compassion and love, his conflicting feelings. And when August tries to black mail them he kinda goes fuck it. I'll protect my family and myself too. And he realises he wants Wille in his life. And he can compromise and be in a secret relationship. Because it's no longer only on Wille’s terms only. He has agency and he gets to decide.
And finally Wille's arc is beautiful too. He's so full of emotions this season. He's angry, he's grieving, he is lonely. He's desperate to get Simon back and desperate to make August's life a living hell. He gets very lost in this and obviously keeps making the mistake of not really considering Simon’s feelings or how Wille's decisions hurt him. But he realises and he does let Simon go, even if it hurts him. He tries to make things be on Simon’s terms. I think he grows a lot and in many ways. I also loved his therapy scenes. They were truly a highlight. We learned so much about him and the constant pressure he's under. How much he struggles and how he doesn’t feel enough.
And I think in the end after he had given Simon up but then gotten him back he felt brave and he wanted to take that step and take control. It was beautiful to see.
And there were so many breathtaking scenes too. So many stunning, beautiful moments that I love. And there was the beautiful incorporation of minor characters like Nils and Stella and Vincent.
There are so much more I want to talk about but this too long. If didn't touch upon something you think is super important don't think I don't care about it. I probably thought about it. I just didn't want this post to be even longer. So yeah I couldn't touch upon everything so just now that I have many more thoughts and feelings on all characters and their archs.
This was more than you asked for anon 😂
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darkened-storm · 10 months
Tai friendship drabble
Instead she knelt on the grass of the soccer pitch, thumbing through the pictures she’d taken on her DSLR while Tai practiced. 
Throughout middle school, Steph had been a member of a number of after school clubs, but it wasn’t until she’d signed up for the school newspaper that Steph had discovered her love for photography. Tai, of course, was happy to act as a practice photography subject - as long as it meant he could play more soccer. 
“So what did Nishijima want to talk to you about?” 
Tai let the ball bounce against his chest, then once against his knee before dropping it expertly onto the tip of his boot. The ball soared through the air and neatly between the two goal posts. 
He makes it look so easy, she thought to herself, somewhat enviously. 
“He wanted to know if I’d finished my college application essays.”
The ball rolled slowly back to him and he toed it upwards, bouncing it expertly on his knee. 
“What did you tell him?” 
“I told him the truth - that I haven’t even thought about apply to colleges yet.”
“Tai,” she admonished. “You really need to start taking things more seriously.” 
“Yeah, I know…” 
He flopped onto the grass beside her leaned back on his elbows to look up at the sky. In the Digital World, the sky was often filled with all sorts of meteorological abnormalities from auroras to meteors, and sometimes, the sky of another world. In comparison, the sky of the real world was decidedly ordinary. 
“What if we don’t know?” 
Steph looked up from her camera. “What if we don’t know what?” 
“What if we have no idea what we want to do with the rest of our lives?” 
Steph shrugged, unsure how to answer such a loaded question. She was, however, glad that Tai was finally opening up to her, so she placed her camera down on the grass and lay down beside him. 
He craned his neck to look at her. “You want to be a doctor, yeah?” 
Steph nodded. Unlike Joe, her decision to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a doctor was only a recent one. “I think I could see myself working in a hospital,” she said. “Maybe with little kids. I’d like to spend my life doing something I know matters.”
“That’s the thing - I don’t know what I want to do with my life,” he told her. “I’m only seventeen, and everyone is acting like I’m supposed to have my whole life planned.” 
“Well … maybe not your whole life,” Steph reasoned. “Maybe just start by declaring a major. And I’d suggested avoiding the sciences. I don’t think Izzy’s eyebrows have fully grown back from the time you accidentally mixed the potassium with the sulfuric acid in Chemistry.”
Tai laughed. “How was I supposed to know it would catch on fire?” He rolled over on the grass, his grin fading and his expression growing serious. “Do you ever think about them?” he asked. “Agumon and the others?”
Steph nodded. Of course she thought about Patamon every single day. “It’s been over a year now, and we’ve still been unable to open a Digital Gate,” she said sadly. “
Tai sighed. “When Agumon was around, I always knew who I was and what I had to do,” he explained. “Without him … I just feel lost.”
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Some more Ghost AU stuff on THH's Chapter 2
The first thing that was on his mind after he woke up was Mondo and Kiyotaka.
And if they were ok.
Thanks to having woken up slightly earlier than usual, he first ran towards the sauna, letting out a sigh of relief at not finding them unconscious, or dead, from the heat inside it.
But the sauna being empty wasn't enough to soothe his worries of them getting hurt, so he went running to the dining room, to see if the others knew where they were.
Only to find them together, laughing heartily, like if they didn't spent last night arguing with each other and almost killing themselves in a endurance contest.
Somehow, in the period of time in between him leaving them in the sauna and the break of dawn, something in the sauna made their personalities do a full 180 into becoming the bestest of friends.
He was happy for them finally leaving their differences aside, but his newfound friendship was too saccharine for everyone else, making the breakfast meeting absolutely unbearable for everyone except them.
Once he finished his breakfast, he ran back to his room, already planning on keeping his distance from those two, when he heard someone ringing his room's doorbell.
It was Toko.
And she was asking him to go to the library.
He was glad for Makoto to leave the dining room when he did it.
Because Mondo and Kiyotaka's new 'buddy-buddy' relationship was starting to getting on his nerves.
The entire thing just felt like a more obnoxious version of the friendships that some of the, now long dead, male members of class 79 once had, before he and Akane used them as guinea pigs for the killing game Junko sent them to cause.
And Toko dragging Makoto to the library just to be her wingman for Byakuya's love left him even more annoyed.
He had noticed that there was something weird about her feelings for him, knowing that they didn't had enough interactions in between the two of them inside the killing game to cause such crazy love, but he put those thoughts aside for the moment.
The only thing he wanted in that moment was pure, unadulterated, silence.
But, once Makoto went back to his room, and started to look at him from his bed, he knew that his wish wasn't going to be fulfilled.
"Hey, Utsuro..." The luckster started talking, turning himself over so that not only he was lying on his side, but also to be able to look at him in the eyes "About the conversation we had yesterday..."
Of course he wanted to talk about that, he couldn't help but to think in annoyance, glaring at him in an attempt to intimidate him into silence.
An attempt that didn't work out, because he just kept talking "It's just that, I couldn't help but to kept thinking about some of the things you told me that day" While the luckster rambled, the only thing that he could think of was for him to shut up already, a wish that, sadly, couldn't be fulfilled now that he's dead "About how nobody 'truly wanted you as a friend', or the fact that you immediately jumped to the conclusion that my desire to be your friend, their friend, was just an attempt to get something out of you..."
Makoto then looked right at him, his eyes full of sadness and pity for him, before he finally revealed his deduction "Did... did those who called themselves 'your friends' only did that because they were just interested on what you could give them back?"
He didn't flinched at him deducing that truth about him from so little, not at all, he just trembled because of the cold, he immediately thought, even though he knew it was a lie.
"I guess that's a 'yes', right?" The luckster said, clearly having noticed the fact that he had flinched, even though he tried to hide it.
The room stood quiet for a moment, neither of them making a noise, until he opened his mouth.
"...yes, but..." He didn't knew what was compelling him to talk, what Makoto had done to him, but, once he started, he just couldn't stop "One day, I ended up meeting a group of people, my..." That word felt like ashes in his mouth, the memories of 'Yuki' connecting and working alongside them forcing inside his brain while he tried to spit it "My classmates, who weren't interested on that. They just wanted to be my friends, but I just... I couldn't let it happen"
Makoto shifted his position on the bed so he could lean onto his elbows, clearly interested on what he had just said.
"I just... I couldn't trust them" And he couldn't let them discover who he truly was, that he wasn't the guy they thought he was.
Makoto lowered his gaze in understanding "Yeah, it makes sense. If I had also spent my entire life being followed by people who were only interested in what I could give them, I would also have issues with trusting those who truly wanted to be my friends to keep their word"
He stood floating in silence, everything that was said in that room in such a short time leaving him in such a vulnerable state that, for a moment, he couldn't help but to feel like he was left all naked for Makoto to see.
It felt absolutely horrible, and he hated every second of it.
His mind was starting to spiral, memories that weren't his and emotions he couldn't recognize invading his brain, only for Makoto's words to cut that distress like a hot knife to butter.
"I... think that this is enough for today" When he looked back at him, he realized that he was now laying down on his stomach, his head laying over his crossed arms "It's probably about to be nighttime, and I'm sure we both need to get some re-"
But, before Makoto was able to finish what he was going to say, the TV screen in the room turned on, playing a message from Junko.
And she wanted everyone to go to the gym.
It was clear that she had become bored once again by the lack of killing between her remaining classmates and had already cooked another motive to put on their heads.
And, when he locked eyes with him, he knew that Makoto was thinking the same.
Once the message had finished playing, he left his room and went to the gym.
He was exhausted, processing what Utsuro had told him just minutes before and just wanting to rest in general, but he knew that if he dared to skip this 'meeting', the mastermind would kill him, so he had to go, no matter what he, and the others, wanted.
When he finally arrived, everyone else was already there, waiting for Monokuma to appear, a certain someone more happily than the rest of them.
After being admonished by a furious Aoi because of his eagerness to 'play' the killing game, Byakuya immediately pointed out to them that, even though a week had already went by, no one had came to rescue them, even though something like 15 students of Hope's Peak Academy being trapped inside the building with a murderous mastermind should be something of great importance.
And, with Yasuhiro's comment after that about having heard a noise the night before, he couldn't help but to think about what Utsuro told him all those days ago.
That the building was covered in guns, all of them installed by the mastermind, to make sure no one could ever rescue them from this hell.
And Monokuma immediately appearing after that and starting to babbling about explosions and guns just gave more weight to it.
But the bear wasn't interested on vaguely telling them about how he was killing their rescuers outside the building, he wanted to give them another motive.
This time, it wasn't a video, but a bunch of papers, where their darkest and most embarrassing secrets were written.
He didn't knew how the mastermind had gotten hold of such information, but he immediately grabbed the one with his name on it, and took a peek into the paper, almost not noticing the purple light shining on the corner of his eye from how intensely he was looking at the paper inside.
Only to see that his 'darkest secret' that was written in the paper was about how he was a bed-wetter until he was 10.
Yeah, that was embarrassing and he wouldn't want the entire world to know it, but he wasn't going to kill anyone because of it, as he made it clear to Monokuma.
But the only reaction the mastermind had at it was to feign disappointment at his words and leave the room, leaving them alone with the darned papers on their hands.
Kiyotaka tried to convince everyone to just tell the secrets to each other, to make sure Monokuma couldn't use them against them, but with both a good chunk of their classmates rejecting the idea, and the nighttime announcement playing through the building, they decided to go to sleep and leave that talk for tomorrow.
But, when he was about to enter his room, he felt a hand over his shoulder.
It was Kyoko.
"Can you wait for a moment, Naegi? I want to ask you something. I promise you that it won't take long"
"Ok?" He was pretty confused at why she wanted to talk to him right now, being completely exhausted at both everything that had happened during the day, and Monokuma deciding to throw them another motive to them to make them start killing each other again, but he let her continue.
Which she did "When we started talking about the conspicuous lack of outside help even with all the days we spent trapped inside this building, i noticed that your expression grew thoughtful and worried, with Hagakure and the mastermind's comments about noises and 'explosions' just making that worry become more noticeable on your face..."
She then looked right at his eyes, making him feel like a bug that was being studied under a microscope "I want to hear what you deduced from all that"
"W-well..." He couldn't help but to let his voice tremble for a moment, being absolutely uncomfortable with her unbroken gaze "I just thought that, with all the security that they put to keep us trapped here, that, maybe, they also put something outside to make sure no one on the outside could get us out either"
She put her hand under her chin, in deep thought, before answering him "It makes sense, the one behind this demented 'game' clearly wants us to play it no matter what, so keeping outside help away from us would have been seen as a necessity"
She then turned her around, ready to go to her room "Thank you for telling me this. Goodnight, Naegi"
And like that, she left, leaving him alone in the hallway before he too went to his room.
Once he was inside, he immediately threw the envelope on the floor and threw himself onto the bed. With everything that had happened in that day, he was tired and only wanted to go to sleep.
With the ultimatum that Monokuma gave them, they would have time to discuss about this new motive the next day by the morning, so he, and the others, rested easy that night.
Completely unaware that that decision was the wrong one to make.
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cloudynimbus · 4 months
F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P. B.R.E.A.K.U.P.
It's been around four months that I don't speak a word to her. Truthfully, I never imagine this would happened. Sometimes, when I'm about to sleep, on the way to my workplace, in the bathroom, at my prayer mat, or when I'm just randomly daydreaming, those beautiful memories appeared before my eyes like a tragic movie. Yes, beautiful but tragic.
At first, I cant comprehend what is going on. I think this friendship will be eternal, until one of us die. Yet, sadly, it has to end like this. I wouldn't tell the reason how both of me and her come into this point, yet I just want to tell how does it feel to deal with a friendship break up.
Honestly, it is never easy at all. In the first place, I keep questioning my self-worth, I keep questioning whether I deserve to have a genuine connection, the love and respect from others. I keep asking myself why did this happen. I realize as a friend, I am very far away from perfection, but, I try hard to be good as I can. I respect all of my friends, including her. When I made mistakes, I asked for forgiveness. I know I've done the same mistakes for several times. The last time when I was clueless and convinced that I am innocent, I still asked to be forgiven eventhough I didn't know what I did wrong and tried to explain myself, but it just made me looked like the sole villain in the whole chaos. She brought back all the faults I've done and said my traits was not compatible with her.
After the long and hard thought, I realize at some points things may not always work out the way we want. I know I have to protect my heart so I decide to let go of everything. It's hard, of course. Sometimes, after praying, I just sit in my prayer mat and keep thinking about all the moments we've both shared. I wonder whether I've done the right thing or not. The memories of our togetherness come to mind. The ups and downs, the POV of work life, family matters, and so on. I ever believed that she is someone who I could rely on.
Time really is a true healer. When I think I can't get through this, turned out I can survive. It's just that I'm not the same person anymore. There is like a piece of puzzle missing in my life, yet I know even I can find another piece, the place of that missing puzzle can never be replaced. It's like some parts of myself has also gone with it.
Now, after some times, I can see the things differently. I have plenty of times to reflect on many things. I can't deny that this new state of life is quite challenging and eye opening for me so I try to fix many things in my life. I try to stay close to my family and mend my relationship with them, I try to always asked Allah's help in every matters of my life. I try to befriend my own self, doing the things I've always wanted to do, learn to communicate what I feel in a better way, try out my courage, love myself more and find solace in solitude.
I believe It takes time to be healed completely, for both of us. I know maybe she is also doing the same thing, trying to be healed, and I don't want to force anything. I realize that I am letting her go to make sure that I won't hurt her or anyone else anymore because of my actions or words. This current situation is far better both for me and her. On the contrary, sometimes I still feel lost, I miss her and wonder whether she feel the same too. But, I believe that If Allah plans us to be friend again, He will guide us to the way. I also pray for her to be able to forgive all of my faults. I pray that her heart will be at ease, her wound because of me will be healed completely, so that I can face Allah later with peace.
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kogameh · 11 months
I finished my first blind run of DigiSurvive!!
Being a blind run I, really avoided looking at my karma stats even until the end of the game (lol) but upon further snooping, I apparently the Moral ending so spoilers ahead (with images too, be warned)
I actually got a happy ending?! All things considered. Definitely reminisce a LOT from the original DigiAdventure (down to fighting in the villain's space warp thing...and especially everyone happily returning to their world leaving their Digimons behind) but I'll, leave my full onions on that premise for my ""full thoughts"" review-ish another day.
Since it's a happy ending of course the latter half is not as crazy as the first half and does have the cliche shounen ending trope of "why we should save the world because not everyone is evil" and power of friendship thing, but eh, I DON'T CARE. It was still beautiful and I'm just happy that everyone...well, survived, regardless ;_;
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The only criticism I have is that since its borrowing a lot from Adventures, (with some 02 and Tamers here and there) some of the characters sadly doesn't feel as....fleshed out in comparison? I think that's to be answered mostly when I played other routes. But I still think Some things in this specific route could use some more...time? Renamon's death was too short-lived to make an impact, and while the interactions between the mons and their tamers were good, I'm not sure if anyone would easily buy them since 50% of them does feel boiled down as "I did this because I'm your destinied partner" and doesn't have the buildup like say, the original Adventures in comparison. Honestly that buildup between friendship is what makes the ending to the OG Adventures so impactful, man :^)
...I said that, and I thought I wouldn't be as sad with the ending if they pulled the same thing as Adventures with the whole "farewell with your mons for now and see them again someday" thing (which they did) but I still ended up tearing up a bit :^) so yeah.
I'm honestly glad that they used a video game format like this to utilize multiple endings and character deaths, etc, it really raises how high the stake the original Adventures could be if they went full horror with it LOL.
I'm definitely saving my full thoughts on the game once I played all the routes but I'm 100% happy I got this game !! I love Z/ero Escape games and I love hobbyani/moncolles, and Digimon is the few existing franchises I know can make this combination of two of my fav type of games work! A sequel with an actual murder game someday, mayhaps? Who knows.
Now I'm just gonna...try finish other routes with less stalling as I could since I Really want to talk more about this game but I don't want to risk getting spoiled by doing that haha.
PS. The ending song being Miyuki's song...that also turned out to have the same instrumentals as the intro music, that was a beautiful touch...
Edit: P.PS. The game also gave me this note btw. "You didn't die but if only you befriended that emo mf smh nobody would've been killed"
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