#And Tango Makes Three
gayanimaloftheday · 8 days
today's gay animal of the day is...
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chinstrap penguins!
homosexuality is actually fairly common across multiple species of penguin! it was first documented as far back as 1911, and has since been corroborated by many studies. A pair of male chinstrap penguins named Roy and Silo became famous for successfully incubating another pair’s egg, resulting in a chick named Tango, which was popularized in a children’s book called "And Tango Makes Three."
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intothestacks · 2 months
Judge Rules ‘And Tango Makes Three’ Case Can Proceed; Ruby Bridges Speaks Out
A federal judge has ruled that two authors and a student can pursue First Amendment claims against the Escambia County (FL) School Board over the removal of And Tango Makes Three from library shelves.
For anyone who's unfamiliar with And Tango Makes Three: It's a sweet picture book about the true story of how Central Park Zoo's gay chinstrap penguins Silo and Roy were given a baby penguin to raise.
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There's absolutely nothing in the story that's inappropriate for children; I've read it to my own students before.
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kajaono · 8 months
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Reading books that are banned in Florida 😌
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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dragonbadgerbooks · 11 months
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August Fun Day Book Photo Challenge: August 10, 2023 Lazy Day
It's nice to relax and read with Baby Badger <3
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filosofablogger · 1 year
Saturday Surprise -- Sphen & Magic! -- A Purposeful Reprise
Saturday Surprise — Sphen & Magic! — A Purposeful Reprise
I first wrote this story back in October 2018, and have since written an update (link at bottom).  I felt a need to reprise it today in light of the fact that a similar story about another penguin couple, Roy & Silo, written into a children’s book in 2015, has been banned in Florida.  As you will see, it is a wonderful story, a heartwarming story, but apparently some feel threatened by inclusion,…
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strangeauthor · 4 months
So. I am so mad. There was a book the librarian wanted the book club kids to read but she couldn’t cause it was risky. The risk? A woman mentioning she has a wife. That’s it. And the county could get on her neck about this and she’s very sad she can’t get the book for the club
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I have a lack of sympathy for Thingol, Dior, and Elwing and here’s why:
Ngl, i’d feel more sympathy for dior, elwing, thingol, etc if they didn’t all collectively decide a shiny rock, that they had absolutely no claim over and kept from their rightfull owners, over their own people.
Sons of feanor: hey, can we have our father’s greatest creation, that morgoth killed out grandfather for, back?
Thingol, Dior, Elwing: yeah, about that... see, it’s very shiny and i like it very much so imma just... keep it.
Sons of feanor: but it literally does not belong to you??? Stealing it doesn’t make it yours? And it’s literally one of the only things we have left of our trees of light? And once more our father created it? And it was stolen from him? You should really just give it back?
Thingol, Dior, Elwing: but it’s mine now. I have it.
Sons of feanor: you are aware that we have sworn an oath, a soul binding oath, that forces us to kill and get rid of any one and anything in our way to get them back, right? Like, we don’t want to, but we will due to this oath.
Thingol, Dior, Elwing: so?
Sons of feanor: we will literally resort to kinslaying to get these jewels back due to the oath, never mind that it literally does not belong to you and is our father’s creation, holds the light of our trees, and caused the death of our grandfather. Listen, we are trying to resolve this peacefully, bc we also do not want to resort to kinslaying, so give us OUR thing back. You are not beholden to an oath. Not that that should matter. Literally GIVE US OUR SHIT BACK.
Thingol, Dior, Elwing: nah
Sons of feanor: oh my fucking god *kinslays* we fucking warned you you dumbass! *kinslays again* all you had to do was give us our thing back, it literally does not belong to you. *kinslays* we fucking told you about the oath, but did you listen? No! Do you even care about your own people? Like, what is this shit?
Thingol, Dior, Elwing: *dies* *cries about how it’s unfair*
(Look, do i acknowledge and understand that what the feanorians did with the kinslaying is wrong? Yeah. Do i also acknowledge and understand that Thingol, Dior, and Elwing could have avoided all of this if they had just given the jewels that they had not right to back? Absolutely. Even ignoring how they had no right to the silmarils in the first place, as leaders of their people, they did not do right by their people by putting a shiny rock over their people (especially considering they were not under oath) especially considering they were given the option to resolve it peacefully and were given warning)
(To be completely honest, Thingol, Dior, and Elwing continuously acting as if they had a right to the silmarils is very much like how the museums dig up ancient tombs, pilfers the treasures, take it all to their land and display it, all without a second thought to the people and descendants of the rightful owners, and disregard the cultural value for the original people, and thenget bitchy when the people of the country and culture want their history ancestors possessions back)
The only one i’ll give lenience to is elwing bc she was young, had not parental guidance, and withholding the jewel was probably also partly driven by spite, but Thingol and Dior have no leg to stand on what so ever.
Lastly, i’d like to state that this is what I think, this is my opinion and you are absolutely free and welcome to have your own. If you have a different opinion, feel free to post it on your own time and in your own post.
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pixiemage · 2 years
Someone needs to write a fic where Shubble does, in fact, turn Tango into a toad by mistake, and the only way to turn him back is with a kiss. This, of course, would lead to Tango sheepishly claiming he “can’t think of anyone who would want to kiss him” and Grian finding out and teasingly suggesting Jimmy, only for Tango to declare that he “likes being a toad, actually, this is fine!” And then when Shubble manages to drag toad!Tango over to Tumble Town to ask Jimmy to help, Jimmy just blushes but he doesn’t exactly say no and–
(In other words, Tango and Jimmy didn’t get together during Double Life, but they both wanted to. They just never got up the nerve to say anything before the game ended. And then Tango gets turned into a toad and Jimmy wants to kiss him anyway.)
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archivlibrarianist · 1 year
"'I got an email from an art teacher who said they're making [the art teacher] get rid of [their] art books,” [blogger and Duval County Public Schools teacher Chris Guerrieri] told Motherboard. 'They can’t even have their books in the classroom. Like they can't just like, cover them up and put them to the side.'"
Another teacher posted video of what that looks like.
Tweet here.
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thechampagnesocialist · 11 months
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In which Dy makes a venn diagram of his main 4 AUs Adam. Some parts redacted due to spoilers; don't Laurie about it :)
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Do you think pokemon can be gay like we can? :P
Yes, definitely. My goodra (Jellybean) is definitely pan, because she's tried to court every member on my team, females included. There have also been instances of gay swanna adopting abandoned ducklet. So, I'd say they can be.
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infizero · 1 year
watching scar shoot at ppl on the ladder and glancing back and seeing grian like pacing behind him with his sword really briefly before turning back around feels like seeing the murderer appear behind the person in the horror movie but they haven’t seen them yet
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kajaono · 11 months
Will finally order „and tango makes three“
If that is what conservatives are afraid of, I will order it just out of spite. See, I am reading a banned book and I am supporting an artist while doing so
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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victorian-nymph · 1 year
Anyway now that that cash in drag post got attention I have a question for the mothers and fuckers of the jury;
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