#Gentoo Penguins
antiqueanimals · 2 years
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The Seashore. Written by Jennifer Cochran. Illustrated by Kenneth Lilly, Patricia Mynott, James Nicholls, and George Thompson . 1973.
Internet Archive
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tinins-art · 1 year
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some sillies
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travelella · 3 months
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Gentoo Penguins in Antarctica
Birger Strahl
Name: Gentoo penguin
Scientific Name: Pygoscelis papua
Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Family: Spheniscidae
Location: Antarctica and Sub Antarctic Islands
Conservation status: Least concern
Diet: Crustaceans (krill), fish, squid
Antarctic Peninsula, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands
Nest on flat or rocky beaches and beach grass; feed in cold nearshore waters
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A bunch of silly Gotham comics. In terms of the penguin rocks fact, check up Gentoo penguins and you’ll find it.
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animalsandanimals · 1 year
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Gentoo penguin and chicks, western Antarctic peninsula.
Patrick J. Andres
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penguinpole · 1 month
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Photo source: Sadie Muncy
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sitting-on-me-bum · 11 months
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Gentoo penguins are seen on Ardley Island, one of the 72 special protected areas in Antarctica
Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty
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travelnshit · 1 year
Antarctica Day 5
We were jolted awake at 6.30am by the dulcet tones of Mario over the PA welcoming us to the day. Jesus fucking Christ, Mario! A bit of warning would have been nice! We’d set an alarm for 7.30, I’d gotten up for a wee at about quarter past six all smug that we still had over an hour to snooze in our outlandishly comfortable beds. He was only waking us up to tell us how awful the weather was too,…
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cgandrews3 · 2 years
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squideo · 2 years
Have you ever visited The Deep in Kingston upon Hull? This fantastic aquarium is an international player in marine conservation, working on pioneering research schemes to protect the future of our oceans!
It is home to magnificent sharks, turtles, penguins and the UK's only green sawfish. The dramatic building, which overlooks the Humber estuary, was designed by world-class architects, Sir Terry Farrell and Partners in, what was then, one of the most deprived and unfashionable cities in England. The Deep is now the most commercially successful Millennium Project.
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streamingthruamerica · 2 months
The Best of Brown Bluff
After a week of island-hopping along the Antarctic Peninsula, Leah and finally set foot on the continent of Antarctica. And because this was Viking’s sole continental visit, the expedition team was particularly busy transporting the remaining 352 passengers to Brown Bluff while overseeing a range of other outdoor activities throughout the day. Our group was instructed to report to Deck 2 during…
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Day 10. The land of 8,000 penguins.
Today was the final day of expeditions on our Antarctica adventure and nature pulled out all the stops for us. Come see for yourself.
Wednesday, December 17, 2023 Debora Ragland BuerkThe Write StuffLooking at life from a different POV. Final Excursion. The grand finale with a cast of thousands. YANKEE HARBOUR, ANTARCTICA—Today was our final day in Antarctica for expeditions. It was like the finale of the 1812 Overature when the cannons are roaring and the fireworks are opening overhead. It was a day I wanted to give nature…
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funny-cute-weird · 9 months
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Jennifer Hadley
Comedy Wildlife 2022 “People’s Choice Award”
Funny gentoo penguins in the Falkland Islands
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filosofablogger · 1 year
Saturday Surprise -- Sphen & Magic! -- A Purposeful Reprise
Saturday Surprise — Sphen & Magic! — A Purposeful Reprise
I first wrote this story back in October 2018, and have since written an update (link at bottom).  I felt a need to reprise it today in light of the fact that a similar story about another penguin couple, Roy & Silo, written into a children’s book in 2015, has been banned in Florida.  As you will see, it is a wonderful story, a heartwarming story, but apparently some feel threatened by inclusion,…
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animalsandanimals · 1 year
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Richard Sidey
22 Best Wildlife Photos From National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
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psikonauti · 3 months
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Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) in Antarctica
Photographed by Luis Solano Pochet
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