filosofablogger · 1 year
Saturday Surprise -- Sphen & Magic! -- A Purposeful Reprise
Saturday Surprise — Sphen & Magic! — A Purposeful Reprise
I first wrote this story back in October 2018, and have since written an update (link at bottom).  I felt a need to reprise it today in light of the fact that a similar story about another penguin couple, Roy & Silo, written into a children’s book in 2015, has been banned in Florida.  As you will see, it is a wonderful story, a heartwarming story, but apparently some feel threatened by inclusion,…
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onlinegurusworld · 4 months
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Been rewatching Atypical…
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masonjarcollector · 8 months
Sphen and Magic :))) and their little chick Sphengic :)))))))
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spiderliliez · 3 years
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Brigette Lundy-Paine (as Casey) Fivel Stewart (as Izzie) Keir Gilchrist (as Sam) Sam talks to Casey about Izzie, and gay penguins. From season three of this Netflix series.
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kattarsunni · 5 years
The Australian gay penguin couple, Sphen and Magic are in fact DEREK AND STILES. You don’t believe me? Check this out:
-Magic is a three years old gentoo penguine who is excitable and playful. He chases after toys and anything that shines(cough cough ADHD cough cough) He greets visitors.
-Sphen is six years old (so he’s older than Stiles, I mean Magic) he is taller (remember hoechlin does have an inch or two over dylan) and has a bigger beak. He’s quieter, more serious and less interested in toys and humans.
The couple had a baby penguin together and they’ve adopted another. And while other penguins look for other partners over the years, Sphen and Magic have stayed together cuz like STEREK, SPHENGIC IS ALSO ETERNAL!
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Say hello to Sphengic, the baby penguin being lovingly raised by two gay male penguins named Sphen and Magic. Adorable, yes?
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randyite · 5 years
For those people who keep insisting that homosexuality is a choice because if it were not a choice then there would have to be some benefit it conferred on the species (a misreading of evolution – a trait only has to do no harm to survive) and that there clearly is no such benefit; they might want to watch this …. gays  will raise your children who otherwise would die.
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uinterview · 6 years
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indelicateink · 5 years
One couple, though, was extraordinary. Not because they were the colony’s only gay penguins, though they were, but because Sphen and Magic looked like they would make great, diligent, careful egg-warming parents. They made the biggest nest, and they sat on it constantly. [...]
Penguin keepers cannot say exactly why one penguin chooses another, especially two penguins as different as Magic and Sphen.
Magic, a 3-year-old Gentoo born at the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, is excitable and playful. He chases after toys and anything that shines. He greets visitors.
Sphen, who is 6 and from SeaWorld, is taller and has a bigger beak. He’s quieter, more serious and less interested in toys and humans.
But it was clear early on what Sphen and Magic were doing when they met one summer day at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium.
First, as is the Gentoo way, they began to bow to each other.
They brought each other carefully selected pebbles for the nest they hoped to build together. If either had not been interested he would have rejected the pebble, pushing it away with a beak. But each admired the pebbles he was brought.
Ms. Lawrie described it as “consent.”
Then they started to sing. Standing close together, they sang to each other until they had learned each other’s voices.
“You would see Magic standing in his spot looking for Sphen, and he would call and Sphen would come running over and give Magic a little bow and sing as well,” Ms. Hannan said. “They’ve chosen each other. That’s it. They’re bonded now.”
Others in the colony of 33 penguins were still flirting. Younger birds tend to take a little while to choose their partners.
“They were recognizing multiple different bird calls and bowing to different individuals,” Ms. Hannan said. “We saw none of that behavior from either Sphen or Magic. They weren’t interested in other birds in the colony.”
And so it was no surprise that the two began preparing for an egg.
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cheeroodraws · 6 years
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I heard that the gay penguin couple in Sydney zoo recently hatched their forcefully adopted son. I’m so proud of the new dads!
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inbreadibly-skyler · 3 years
Sphen and Magic are two penguins in a same sex, committed relationship living at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. They met in 2018 and became inseparable, and since then have created a life together. Workers at the aquarium say the have the most beautiful and possibly the neatest nest in the aquarium. 
They have a little girl named Sphengic, a foster egg after her parents abandoned, and recently were given a second egg after being seeing taking care of a rock. 
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izzie is so precious i can’t,,, she doesn’t deserve any of the hate she gets.
and yes that girl is always sleeping lolll like when they’re in the blanket fort and casey just knows izzie will end up falling asleep before it finishes bc apparently, b can’t stay up late 🥰 + all the different shots of her just sleeping in casey’s bed 🥺
don’t even get me started on the elsa/izzie scene. how izzie doesn’t want to go home and makes it so so obvious, and then elsa invites her in and they have that sad but cute talk about childhood stuff. god i need more scenes of them, atypical let casey have a stable adult figure in her life.
an actual ball of sunshine i can’t believe i’m so attached to this character that doesn’t even have a last name..
Literally I just love the way casey knows that izzie won't last through a movie! Like that is the most precious thing to me tbh 🥺
Omg the Elsa and izzie!!! Please let Elsa be there for izzie more, like Elsa is just so understanding tbh but also just like that kind of positive figure who would genuinely care for izzie and be there to give adult advice aaahhh!!! She deserves that, like izzie just being a welcomed addition to the family!
Omg the scene where sam is on the couch and casey and izzie are both nervous and awkward and not sure rather to kiss or hug or just do nothing at the door!! That's immaculate tbh, especially because Sam brings up Sphengic omfg, Sphengic lives rent free in my kind tbh 🐧🐧
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thisiswhoiwannabe · 4 years
Sphen&Magic w Sphengic😍🏳️‍🌈
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npr · 6 years
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Sphen and Magic, a pair of male gentoo penguins at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium in Australia, are the proud new dads of a 91-gram chick, the aquarium has announced.
The tiny, as-yet unnamed penguin will stay with its dads for the first 5 – 6 weeks of his life, the aquarium says. Sphen and Magic — nicknamed Sphengic — will feed the chick up to 10 times a day by regurgitation.
"Baby Sphengic has already stolen our hearts! We love watching the proud parents doting and taking turns caring for their baby chick," Tish Hannan, Penguin Department Supervisor at the aquarium, said in a statement on Friday, one week after the happy event.
In a tweet, the aquarium says male and female gentoo penguin chicks don't have any physical differences, and sex can only be determined by DNA testing. The penguin's gender will be determined two months from now, the aquarium said, because drawing blood from a newborn can be dangerous for the chick.
It's A Chick! Sydney's Same-Sex Penguin Couple Welcome Baby
Photo: Barcroft Media/Barcroft Media via Getty Images
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lenudiste · 5 years
:Two penguins that formed a same-sex bond at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium have hatched their first egg, the BBC reports.
Sphen and Magic gained worldwide attention earlier this month when it was reported that the pair was expecting. Spehn and Magic, or "Sphengic," as they're called, became close during breeding season and started to collect pebbles together to create a nest.
The two male Gentoo penguins were given a dummy egg to pretend to take care of. After showing aquarium staff how committed they were to their "egg," the aquarium staff decided to do something special for the penguins by giving them a real one.
"They were absolute naturals and displayed great care for their egg, so much so, the team at Sea Life Sydney fostered a real egg to them from another couple who had two," the aquarium wrote on its website.
Sphen and Magic put their pebble nest to work and began incubating the egg. Like most penguin couples, the two swapped duties daily. While one penguin incubates the egg, the other patrols the perimeters of the nest to ward off danger.
On Friday, Sphen and Magic's egg hatched and a baby penguin was born. The baby was given its two dads' "celebrity couple" name, Sphengic, for now and it will live in the pebble nest its dads built, the BBC reports.
While scientists might argue that "gay" is a cultural term that only applies to humans, same-sex pairings have been observed in the wild in hundreds of animal species. Magic and Sphen — and their chick — are just the latest example capturing hearts across the globe.
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