highladyjane · 27 days
I haven't seen this pointed out by anyone else, so I'm posting it...
ACOTAR-ACOFAS were usually announced on a Wednesday in mid-November (except for ACOMAF). Then released the first Tuesday in May. I think ACOSF was initially delayed due to the pandemic which eventually also affected Sarah's schedules for CC, book tours, etc.
ACOTAR was introduced on Wednesday, November 19 2014 - released Tuesday, May 5 2015
ACOMAF had its title announcement on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - released Tuesday, May 3 2016
ACOWAR had its title announcement on Thursday, November 17 2016 - released Tuesday, May 2 2017
ACOFAS had its title announcement on Wednesday, November 15 2017 - released Tuesday, May 1 2018
Following the original pattern, I'm crossing my fingers for a 🤞✨️Wednesday, November 20 2024✨️🤞announcement - which is by the way, our favourite and most handsome, most delightful, and most cunning High Lord Rhysand's birthday 💜😉 Or even a November 13 announcement, the Wednesday before, just because it numerically fits and so as to not take away Sarah's attention from Josh on his birthday.
And a 🙏✨️Tuesday, May 6 2025✨️🙏 release - right about ACOTAR's 10th anniversary 😊
So let's not lose hope just yet for at least an announcement this year!
Y'all also already know my guess for the title 😊
P.S. It could very well be a close call with Bloomsbury UK's distribution and logistics move to Hatchette in April, but I'd like to believe they've planned ahead with their promise of a "smooth transition", so it would be right on time and a perfectly great start to their first year of partnership and financial year of 2025! In the worst case, there could be a delay in distribution in the UK and Europe... But let's 🤞🤞
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how strange it is to dream of you, even when i’m wide awake
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elriel month prompt seven: a bridge between souls
Fog and mist.
For hours now she’d been plunging deeper and deeper into that murky realm of the unknown, wandering through her visions, searching. Pushing herself further than she had ever gone before because her Court counted on her.
She couldn’t recall why, but she knew that sole reason fuelled her determination. She was needed, and that constant reminder urged her to continue her laborious work. 
Shadowed figures dashed about the edges of her sight, further obscuring the swirling eddies of her visions, but other than those glimpses of cloistered figures it was just endless fog and mist.
The mystical tendrils of her powers slithered along, probing deeper into that realm that was neither reality nor fantasy, but rather an entirely separate entity of what will be and what has come to pass. Omniscient grey haze swirled throughout that endless void, and she floated in the midst of it all, searching for an answer. Any answer. 
She often found herself forgetting what it was she was looking for… why she was in this place... 
Strange. It was all so strange.
And then it would come to her; the fourth Dread Trove, the location of Koschei’s lake. 
She had come to believe if she located one, it would in turn lead her to the other. The two had become synonymous in her mind. 
Her Sight cast its net out further and further across the lands and seas, the obsession of the hunt growing every day the answer she searched for continued to evade her grasp. Sometimes it felt like she finally had a hold on it, only for it to slip through her fingers like an oily veil, dissolving in a puff of smoke until there was nothing left but bitter disappointment. The sense of that loss tasted acrid in her mouth, but it only bolstered her resolve.
As each month passed, it only became more dire that whatever this item was, they find it first. Before their enemies did. For if that information—that source of raw power— fell into the wrong hands… well. Who knew what the repercussions could be?
“She’s gone too far.”
The voices of those that remained Above floated around her, their words wavering in and out, only catching glimpses of what they were saying sporadically. She couldn’t discern whose voice it was exactly, and she found even the faces of those voices’ owners grew hazy the longer she remained here. 
The longer she remained Below, the foggier their memories became. They threatened to drift from her reality forever. Would it be so bad if they did? She couldn’t recall.
The voices Above would call to her, but it sounded like they were speaking through miles and miles of tumultuous waters, the sound swallowed by the sheer magnitude of that distance.
Sometimes she couldn’t remember where she was supposed to be, only that she remained searching, moving, Seeing. Sometimes, the only provider of comfort was the swirling grey fog that engulfed her, the gentle mist that hypnotizingly called to her, enticing her to remain cocooned in its cool embrace.
And so, deeper she delved. Down, down, down. Pulling further away from whatever reality she had left behind. Deeper into the dark abyss of her mind. She knew she had to find it. Although what it was, she could no longer recall. She just knew it would call to her when it revealed itself, and she would know she had succeeded.
Somewhere on the surface, she felt the faint touch of a cool hand on her shoulder. 
“Elain, come back.”
Elain? Who was Elain? The name prickled at the memories in the corners of her mind but, it went no further. It remained on the periphery of her subconscious, lingering in the shadows, silently begging her to look.
All she knew was fog and mist. Endless, languidly curling, fog and mist.
“Elain, I’m here.”
She thought she knew that voice. It called to something deep within her very soul, sparking a hint of recognition in the darkest corners of her mind. She paused.
A small kernel of light formed somewhere, slowly, and softly glimmered. Not a light that she could see, but rather one she felt. Within her. She sensed herself solidify slightly, not having realised she had begun to fade into mist herself, the threat of vanishing into nothingness closer than she had realised. That small spark of light had reminded her to hold on and fight, to remain as something more substantial than the oracular thoughts she had been submerged in for what seemed like an eternity. 
That small kernel grew, warming her chest first. Her heart. It thumped pointedly, reminded her of its existence.
A delicate, gilded thread from that tiny kernel of light twined from her chest toward the voice that had spoken to her. She felt a warm, golden tug from deep within her. 
She was feeling.
That same golden warmth spread outwards, causing her to suddenly become aware of her fingers again, of her beating heart, of the blood it slowly drummed through her body. 
She had a body.
She was not merely a collection of prophetic memories, of future plots and past knowledge aimlessly floating amongst that dark realm of wonder. 
“Elain, please. You can hear me, can’t you?”
Again, that voice. That mesmerizing voice. Its call was stronger than the ever-engrossing fog she drowned in. From somewhere Above, she faintly felt the touch of a gentle hand grasp her cold fingers. Rough, beautiful hands. She knew they were beautiful, she couldn’t quite remember how, but she knew. 
“Elain, come back to me, my love.”
A whisper. Just for her. Carried on a tendril of night kissed shadow she would recognise anywhere. Shadowsinger.
She knew him, recognised him on some intrinsic level. Knew him just as well as her powers recognised his, her very being purring in his presence. Their souls spoke to one another, she knew him. 
His very essence called to her in that dark void like a beacon. He was a pure, blinding light. His goodness so at odds with the decaying serpents of that dreary realm. 
How ridiculous that he was likened to shadow, when he was the only light in this dreadful place. In the chasm of her murky subconscious, he shone brighter than the sun. In the shadowy corners of her mind, it was his light guiding her back. Back where? She wasn’t quite sure, but she let him lead her to that place. The place that called to something deep within her. Deep within her chest where she felt the ghost of a bridge, one that had not yet awoken. It was a shimmering gold coiled chain, twined around her heart, slumbering. 
Its knowledge tugged at her subconscious, and she devotedly followed it as if she were an acolyte on her pilgrimage. Like a white bright hand stretching out to her in the darkness, she reached out and took it, allowed it to guide her.
The endless depths of that cloudy existence basked in his golden glow. He glowed. In the greyness and mystery that surrounded her, he lit up her way. 
She waded through the swirling eddies of her mind, the swelling pressure weighing her down as if she were drowning in the darkest of seas, its heavy walls rapidly closing around her. But he was there, beckoning her to come. 
She drudged through the merciless quicksand of that realm, toward that light. Toward Azriel. Azriel. That was his name. Azriel, the answer to her question. Azriel, her light.
“Yes.” It was all her mind could manage. 
Yes, I’m still here. Yes, I hear you. Yes, take me home.
- -
Thousands of miles away, Elain’s eyes fluttered open, her cloudy irises growing clear once more. Perched on the tufted leather couch in Rhys’ study, she came face to face with Azriel who was crouched before her. His face was open, observant, unexpectant… relieved. 
Their family stood scattered around them, the expressions on their faces ranging from anxious concern to stony unease. Nesta visibly sagged upon seeing Elain cognisant once more.
“Elain, what did you see?” Azriel’s voice was so gentle, pulling her attention back to him.
Her hand was still clasped in his, and she was surprised to realise his fingers were cold, clammy. His face revealed nothing, not a single line out of place to suggest anything was amiss to their surrounding family, but she heard his heart thundering in his chest before her. Felt it violently hammering behind his ribs like it was trying to escape. 
She had gone too far, deeper than ever before. She felt cold, and tired. Her head felt unbearably heavy.
Azriel gave the fingers he still held in her lap a gentle squeeze. Its ok, when you’re ready. I’m here. They never needed words.
She was sure if he hadn’t helped her find her way home, she would have been lost in that mystical, delphic realm forever. He had come for her. As he always would.
That light…that glowing kernel of light…
She shook her head slightly, clearing those thoughts from her mind, just for now, refocusing on her intended mission.
Squaring her shoulders, Elain mustered up the remaining fragments of her rapidly fraying strength.
Her voice rang out surprisingly clear, as she announced to the room; “I know where Koschei’s lake is.”
EM tag list:
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lurkinggirlie · 5 months
Elain’s book is next !
Being in less chapters doesn’t mean less impact.
Nesta was in ACOFAS far less than Elain and yet she was next, because we knew she had something going on DURING ACOFAS which signified her having a journey. Cassian was in that book far more than Nesta as well, and guess what? He was her love interest
Elain was barely in acosf, but there was enough given about her character signifying that she will be next next. That her journey might have already started (the potential spy training) Plus Azriel was constantly on the page and we later on learn that all his secrets were about Elain. If people didn’t read the bonus they’ll still wonder what his secret was, they’d probably need answers in the next book. And only logical answer is Elain + Azriel
🕯️ 🕯️ Hopefully we get a May announcement. Praying circle elriel sisters 🕯️ 🕯️
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ramoneida · 6 months
The good news is that today we're one month away from the best month of the year!! 🥳🥳🥳
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elrielbliss · 4 months
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✨ @elriel-month W𝘦𝘦𝘬 7: 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘴 & 𝘈𝘜 ✨
“𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘴𝘩𝘦’𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘈𝘻𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘭, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘵.”
🎨: eguardx on IG
Commissioners: @azrielslight & @elrielbliss
For this Elriel Month we had the fun idea of creating Elain as a celebrity and Azriel being her bodyguard. Azriel may have this brooding personality, but with Elain he has a soft side where he would do just about anything for her - including holding all her shopping bags 😂. We're so happy how this came about and hope you enjoy this fun piece as much as we do!
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elriel-month · 5 months
“It had ever gone this far. They’d exchange looks, an occasional brush of their fingers, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching. Wrong—it was so wrong.”
“He didn’t care.”
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Elriel Month officially begins next week and as a little gift, we have this beautiful piece by @/giulopesart (IG), commissioned by @lesolehabitantdelalune to give you a taste of what May has in store! 🌹🦇 We hope you’re as excited as we are!! 💕
Please no reposts. 🫶
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Love on Ice: An Illustrated Semi-Modern Elriel Fanfic
Yes, you absolutely read that right.
Together, @chachachai17 and I have been working tirelessly to create something wonderful for not only our friends, but also fellow Elriels.
What happens when you put an artist and a writer together? You get an illustrated fanfic.
@chachachai17 has created so many incredible pieces of art to go along with the chapters. She is a wonderful friend of mine, and I’m sure some of you have already seen her beautiful work. You will be SPOILED. 💖
A few things to note:
I have permission from Charlie to be posting her artwork.
This fanfic and Charlie’s artwork will be posted on my Ao3 account ( obsidian_witch ) and my tumblr! Charlie’s artwork can also be found on her tumblr ( @chachachai17 ) and her twitter ( @cha_chachai )
Chapter 1 will be posted tomorrow.
Blurb and Cover Art for the fic below 💖
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A few months before Prythian’s Annual Ice Dancing Competition, Elain Archeron’s partner Lucien Vanserra drops out of the competition, leaving Elain to scramble for a replacement. Desperation drives her straight into the arms of Azriel, former ice dancer turned star hockey player. Teaming up with her teenage rival is certainly not her first choice, but Azriel’s skill, precision, and grace, coupled with the undeniable chemistry between them, may be Elain’s only shot at winning the gold.
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violetasteracademic · 3 months
A ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee...
My darlings, have hope. SJM had been letting us know where this is headed for many years, and she continues to speak to those who understand what to listen for.
I have already made a post sharing the meaning of The Glass Coffin ballet Bryce played for Nesta and Azriel in the bonus chapter, which is Sleeping Beauty.
Let me repeat that again: in the bonus chapter where Azriel is asked if he has a mate (or spouse, or partner), the bonus chapter where he looks down at Truth-Teller, thinking of Elain when describing how the King of Hybern was killed, the bonus chapter where he listens particularly close to Nesta describing if she now finally prefers being Fae to human.... Bryce played Sleeping Beauty for them.
Now, the Elriel being a Sleeping Beauty retelling has been theorized for YEARS.
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I will link some of these below, but I want to touch some of my favorite ideas and easter eggs.
Many have pointed out the significance of Briar, the human woman Azriel and Elain carried back from Hybern after Azriel rescued Elain as a Sleeping Beauty clue. Briar Rose is the Alias that Princess Aurora lives by under the protection of the three good fairies.
The fairies are:
Flora (flowers) in possession of the Sword of Truth
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Fauna (fawn) who gives the gift of song
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Merriweather (the blue fairy) who attempts to give the gift of happiness, but is cut short by a spell
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It's actually kind of insane when you start to look at all of these details. Flowers, fawn's, and happiness from the blue fairy being interrupted by a curse or a spell. Something only true love can break.
I agree with the take (which I originally saw on @elriell post found here) that Sarah might invert the Sleeping Beauty retelling for Elriel. Azriel has a few building blocks to indicate he is at a high risk. Koschei is specifically trying to get his hands on Azriel, stating he planned for him for months, and he is in close proximity to the priestesses, some of whom at this moment have the ability to lure and lull. Whether it's G/wyn and her theorized lightsinger and/or siren abilities, the sermon's Clotho suddenly discovered one day amongst random books shelved below Level Seven:
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Or Merril, the descendant of the Lord of the Western Wind who considers G/wyn a lackey to be dismissed (while Koschei plants words in courts through whispers on the wind)
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There is no doubt in my mind that as Rhys was captured by Hybern and Cassian was captured by Briallyn and the crown, Elain will step into her power to save Azriel from whatever it is Koschei needs him for.
The Sleeping Beauty theory moved beyond theory in HOFAS, in my opinion. I'm not saying Sarah dropped The Glass Coffin specifically for Elriel's, as we all know SJM doesn't have social media on her phone and she tends to keep away from too many fan theories. What I am saying is Elriel's have long picked up on the Sleeping Beauty threads Sarah has been dropping for years, and SJM has done nothing but continue to build on that narrative.
In this year of 2024, in Sarah's most recently published book, after years of speculation:
Azriel confirmed something was indeed wrong with the Cauldron.
Azriel literally listened to a Sleeping Beauty symphony.
Briar Rose, flowers and fawns and the Sword of Truth, sleeping spells which can only be broken by true love, the inside of Elain's mind being described as a sleeping garden.
It's honestly overwhelming.
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amandapearls · 4 months
Every year this is what happens:
The Elriels give themselves a month long celebration for their ship. Which is totally fine, you do you. No issues there. Then about 2 weeks into Elriel Month I guess they start getting bored because then the “anti” post start popping up. And then by the end of Elriel Month it’s like a constant bombardment of anti-Elucien and anti-Gwynriel post coming from the Elriels.
Unfortunately I see a good bit of these post because I follow the Elain Archeron tag.
But this is how it goes every year in May.
Why can’t people just enjoy /focus on their ship during appreciation weeks or months? Why does it have to turn into a “anti” feast?
You best believe whenever Elucien Week rolls around all I’m going to care about is celebrating my ship with my friends. And, of course, fan-girling over all the beautiful Elucien art and fanfics.
PS- To the few elriels who are actually kind and just enjoying their ship month, then I hope you have a good month.
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"Az doesn't give a damn about Gwyn being in the Blood Rite"
So, Elriels want me to believe that Az is a heartless monster, who spent every day for months training Gwyn, Nesta, and Emerie, but yet he doesn't give a damn if they're gang raped or killed in the Blood Rite? That's the kind of male Elriels want to stan? That's the kind of male they want with Elain?
Canon proves this wrong anyway. Canon proves how much Az and Cass care about the Valkyries.
"There are plenty of other unspeakable things that could be happening to her," Cassian said, voice thickening. "To Emerie and Gwyn."
The shadows deepened around Azriel, his Siphons gleaming like cobalt fire. "You - we - trained them well, Cassian. Trust in that. It's all we can do."
The shadows deepening around Az, his Siphons gleaming, him stuttering are all indications of how worried and terrified he is for them. But he has to try and keep calm for Cassian's sake because if Az can't contain his worry then Cassian won't be able to contain his and he'll fly back to Illyria, try to rescue them, and get them all killed.
In no way shape or form is the Blood Rite comparable to Az rescuing Elain from Hybern. If Gwyn had been taken by Hybern, Az would have left without hesitation, killing as many people as he needed to bring her back. He would do the same for Nesta, for Emerie, for Feyre, for Mor, for Briar, for any of the priestesses. Because that's the kind of male that he is.
Now, don't get me wrong, Az isn't perfect and he has many flaws he needs to work on. He may not have hesitated to save Elain from Hybern, but he obviously doesn't care much about her well-being if he's willing to kill Lucien, not giving a damn if that's what Elain wants or even how losing her mate might affect her.
Az isn't a monster. He cares very deeply about Gwyn, Nesta, and Emerie. We just won't know how much until we get his book.
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feyresdandelion · 5 months
Something that I always find funny is when el*ciens who also happen to be gw*nriels are so against vassien and always use arguments like "you can´t seriously believe Vassa can carry a whole book", "Vassa isn't going to be the one to kill Koschei", "Vassa is a side character, she isn't getting a whole book", "what can Vassa do against a death god?", "You only ship vassien because you don't want el*cien to happen"
Like, first, Vassa is a huge part of the Koschei plot. You can't seriously believe she isn't going to become more important later on.
Second, I'm sorry to break your heart, but Gwyn is a side character too. We have known Vassa longer than we have known Gwyn and, more importantly, Vassa is more tied to the overarching plot than Gwyn.
And third, I, who was not in the fandom until a couple months ago but read the books in 2021, who had never seen theories or any other content apart from the five books, shipped vassien from the moment we got introduced to the band of exiles.
From my very first read, I was all for elriel and vassien. And I was truly shocked when I came into the fandom and saw how many people were all for gw*nriel (a ship I didn't even know existed) and el*cien (a ship I always thought had zero chemistry).
You can say that you don't like vassien, but having those kinds of arguments is so stupid. Specially when they can be used against gw*nriel.
In my opinion, there's a bigger possibility of vassien happening than gw*nriel, but I may be a little viased.
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cinnibelle · 18 days
I’m sorry, the complaining about all the elriel content during Elain week is grating because it feels exactly like people complaining an artist is focusing too much on their *interest* and not providing enough of the content *you* wanted. If you want a specific art done, I must implore you find someone to commission or you learn to draw yourself. Do not nag and whine that there’s not enough of the content that you wanted to see, that this isn’t portrayed how you see it- go create it, nobody is stopping you. Ok that’s a lie, this fandom has many limitations and judgements. Still, **You have the power to do what you want and see what you want to see**. You have not only the ability to block people but the ability to create and be the source of your own interests.
Stop depending on others to provide for you, ESPECIALLY commissioners and artists you spend the rest of the year outside of the event making fun of and slandering. The commissioners you speak so poorly of really get the beat down the rest of the year and they have provided so much “non ship” content, we are truly blessed they spent their time, money, creativity bringing it forward. Enough of this entitled behavior, go create. It’s really that simple. This event was doomed from the start with the sabotage campaign and still people poured their soul into it regardless. Just because YOU have a skewed idea of “elriels” doesn’t mean everybody who participated is actually the way you perceive them. These are truly lovely people and you are held back by your bias and hatred of a ship instead of either ignoring or uplifting what they created (obviously outside the ship art). No one is forcing you to dissect their captions (which they have a right to make, we all are encouraged to make artist statements and say what the source of inspiration was).
And it’s hypocritical to say only elriels are doing this, that’s never true. Nearly everyone makes some statement, sometimes no statement IS a statement even. I really do not like speaking to this fandom but I cannot get over how EXHAUSTIVE it is to exist in this space with such negative people. I have to think twice when working on a piece because it’s going to offend someone, I don’t need that. I’m not out to harm people, neither are those who participated in Elain week the way they did. It’s hilarious seeing the people who ATTACKED ME during elriel month talk from some moral high ground about how things should be done and what should be embraced when they were spitting at me in May and destroyed my drive to create anything for this special week. I’m going to talk because I am a creative that has tried my best not to step on toes but enough is enough, you guys make fandom such a miserable experience when it doesn’t have to be like that. Seriously, you will feel better if you create from your heart and make the content you want to see.
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coeurdelain · 28 days
Actually it’s kind of logic if we didn’t get an announcement yet knowing that BB said that there is no book expected before February 2025. And usually there is a 6-7 months gap between the announcement and the release of the book for the majority of SJM’s books.
So if there is an announcement it most likely from September for a release after February 2025.
But because I think we are unlucky , I don’t think the book would be released directly after February. So not in March or April.
My hopes are in May because it’s exactly a decade after te first acotar book.
So if Elain’s book is released in May, and there is 6-8 months between the announcement and the release of the book, I’d say that the announcement would probably be between October or November. (Maybe September 🤞🏻)
Also, how cool it would be if the book is in May, during Elriel’s month !
Please give me right🙏🏼
I refuse to suffer again. (But I think we’re going to suffer for a few more months knowing that every article about acotar says that the release of Acotar 5 would be end of 2025/beginning of 2026)
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offtorivendell · 3 months
The possible significance of Azriel and Elain Archeron, the Embrace of Solas and Cthona, the paired blades Gwydion and Truth-Teller, and thin places; a theory
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Disclaimer: this is a theory that came to me while reading HOFAS, and as usual it makes absolutely no claim of being canon. It builds on past theories that my friends and I have written about Elain, Azriel, the revival of certain lands, the blades Truth-Teller and Gwydion, and brings in some new info from the latest CC book. It also won't be my best effort, as time is currently lacking. I meant to get this out for @elriel-month but yeah, that didn't happen lol. As usual, rambles and overly long sentences ahead. Sorry!
Thanks as always go out to @wingedblooms and @silverlinedeyes for listening to me rant, and believing me when I say I'll actually get around to writing out my thoughts, even though it takes me ages. I love that so many of our theories tie in well together - please check out their theories, too!
Spoilers: Maasverse spoilers ahead, please proceed with caution if you haven't finished reading.
Gwydion (aka the Starsword) and Truth-Teller; the Made blades
In CC 1 we got a brief description of the stylised version of the Embrace of Solas and Cthona as a necklace, worn by Bryce's mother, Ember:
Five minutes after Bryce got there, Jesiba’s client—a raging asshole of a leopard shifter who believed he was entitled to put his paws all over her ass—prowled in and purchased a small statue of Solas and Cthona, portrayed as a sun with male features burying his face in a pair of mountain-shaped breasts. The holy image was known simply as the Embrace. Her mother even wore its simplified symbol—a circle nestled atop two triangles—as a silver pendant. But Bryce had always found the Embrace cheesy and cliché in every incarnation. - CC HOEAB, chapter 22
Firstly, could this be the (hypothetical) wyrdmark on the left shoulder of the figure on the HOFAS cover? The two mountains are there, but the mark between them isn't exactly a circle, so it's not blatantly obvious, but it's possible (I'd love it if the marks on her arms represented the different gods, or Urd in all of her forms). Perhaps light and dark light cancel each other out in some way? And how relevant will the spiral mark be? Does it represent a vortex/portal opening? Or is it the Cauldron's swirling eddies?
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Secondly, I also think the two mountains/triangles and the circle/dot in between them look a little like a basic depiction of Gwydion/the Starsword and Truth-Teller (ie. the points of two blades) with a black dot/black hole/portal to nowhere. It's not exact, because the triangles aren't meeting at the tips, so I'm not super confident in it, but I don't think it's impossible, and it could tie back into the six pointed star, and three pairs of powers gathering in the space where they meet. I promise I'm not trying to claim every little thing for Elriel, and given Nesta has her own trio of Made blades, I suspect they could also be relevant here (if Narben is also found, then there would be six blades for the six siblings and six star points), but as Azriel and Elain were the first two to use Truth-Teller (in recent history), I think it's fair to consider their specific importance here.
Elain, Azriel and the Made blades
I've previously suggested that Elain may have powered Truth-Teller with her light, in order to pierce the fabric of the universe before shadow walking to save Nesta and Cassian in ACOWAR (here and here); this is a theory which is not unique to me, as quite a few of my friends think at least some version of it may be true. However, I believe that what we learnt in HOFAS about “thin places,” and the paired blades Gwydion (the Starsword) and Truth-Teller, could take this a step or three further.
To recap as briefly as possible, Elain previously used Truth-Teller to shadow walk in ACOWAR, and we have since had hints that she may use it again in the future. There are many questions left unanswered about Elain's successful use of what we now know is a Made blade, so we'll have to wait and see.
“You honestly think he’d ever give up Truth-Teller?” “He gave it to Elain,” Mor said, admiring a moonstone necklace in the counter’s glass case. “She gave it back,” I amended, failing to block out the image of the black blade piercing through the King of Hybern’s throat. But Elain had given it back—had pressed it into Azriel’s hands after the battle, just as he had pressed it into hers before. And then walked away without looking back. Mor hummed to herself. - ACOFAS, chapter 4
As a brief aside, there are also moments tying Elain to the shadows (whether or not it ends up being Azriel's shadows specifically, her own, or the Void in general remains to be seen), and I think we could find out that the middle Archeron sister, who is canonically observant and wise, may have learnt by watching.
Behind me, Mor took Nesta and Cassian by the hand, readying to winnow them to the camp, while shadows gathered around Azriel, Elain at his side, wide-eyed at the spymaster’s display. - ACOWAR, chapter 50
Does Elain hear Azriel's shadows singing, and can she and Azriel privately communicate this way?
Did she also hear his siphon singing beautifully in ACOWAR? Perhaps as kin?
The Truth-Teller scene in ACOWAR, below, was also important enough to be included in the ACOTAR Colouring Book.
She refused the knife Cassian handed her, though. Went white as death at the sight of it. Azriel, still limping, merely nudged aside Cassian and extended another option. “This is Truth-Teller,” he told her softly. “I won’t be using it today—so I want you to.” His wings had healed—though long, thin scars now raked down them. Still not strong enough, Madja had warned him, to fly today. The argument with Rhys this morning had been swift and brutal: Azriel insisted he could fly—fight with the legions, as they’d planned. Rhys refused. Cassian refused. Azriel threatened to slip into shadow and fight anyway. Rhys merely said that if he so much as tried, he’d chain Azriel to a tree. And Azriel … It was only when Mor had entered the tent and begged him—begged him with tears in her eyes—that he relented. Agreed to be eyes and ears and nothing else. And now, standing amongst the sighing meadow grasses in his Illyrian armor, all seven Siphons gleaming … Elain’s eyes widened at the obsidian-hilted blade in Azriel’s scarred hand. The runes on the dark scabbard. “It has never failed me once,” the shadowsinger said, the midday sun devoured by the dark blade. “Some people say it is magic and will always strike true.” He gently took her hand and pressed the hilt of the legendary blade into it. “It will serve you well.” “I—I don’t know how to use it—” “I’ll make sure you don’t have to,” I said, grass crunching as I stepped closer. Elain weighed my words … and slowly closed her fingers around the blade. Cassian gawked at Azriel, and I wondered how often Azriel had lent out that blade— Never, Rhys said from where he finished buckling on his own weapons against the side of the wagon. I have never once seen Azriel let another person touch that knife. Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife. Paint that when we get home. Busybody. - ACOWAR, chapter 69
Firstly, @silverlinedeyes has a post that details how similar this passage is to the six pointed star scene from HOSAB, and the potential significance of it with regards to magical balance and the gathering of power(s). It's outlandish, but I think it could be important for any travels to Hel or beyond that the IC may undertake.
Secondly, I find it really interesting that Elain said to Feyre she didn't know how to "use" Truth-Teller; what if she meant she didn't know how to use it magically? I suspect it's possible that Elain didn't open a portal to nowhere (which appears to require both of the paired blades - perhaps their singing wavelengths cancel each other out?), but rather she created a portal to somewhere, and that's how she shadow walked across the battlefield in ACOWAR (aka she "slipped into shadow" and fought anyway). However, as we all heard her say that she didn't know how to use Truth-Teller, but then did, she obviously figured at least some of it out.
Alternatively, as @wingedblooms, @mrspettyferr, @cassianfanclub and myself have all wondered, did she possibly have some help?!
Was it Azriel, who told us in his ACOSF bonus chapter that he didn't need his shadows to read Elain?
Perhaps is was Nuala or Cerridwen, or maybe even Rhys?
Was it Koschei, the Mother, or a prince of Hel who gave Elain a helping hand?
Even then, how did Elain (hypothetically, of course) activate Truth-Teller? Just like Ruhn found Gwydion and Bryce accessed its magic, so I suspect Azriel found Truth-Teller, but it was Elain who first truly used its power (whereas Nesta, who was at the time full of the Cauldron's death magic, appeared to use it as a simple blade, hastening the king's death after Elain struck a fatal blow). Was it because her light stood in for Gwydion’s own magic and charged it? Is that why Azriel - who I have long thought may have Starborn heritage hidden underneath his shadows - has dark light, or shadows, instead of light? Is Truth-Teller actually devouring his light? Or - less likely - could the obsidian (wyrdstone?) blade be possessed by a Valg, or similar being? Though I'm less certain about that last point, as I wouldn't be surprised if the king of Hybern was possessed by a Valg (or similar) type creature, maybe a Daglan, and if that was the case then why would Truth-Teller decide to behave for Elain, unless the Valg* and Asteri/Daglan are enemies… anyway!
*What we learnt in HOFAS, about the blackest salt/obsidian drawing in the princes of Hel (while simultaneously repelling the Asteri/Daglan) makes me wonder about their possible ties to the Valg from TOG, who used obsidian wyrdstone rings and collars as a way to possess host bodies.
I'm not sure. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, because I think Truth-Teller and Gwydion could be stand ins for Elain and Azriel (not necessarily in that order, though I do think a dagger suits Elain better than a sword does in terms of function); a bond needing to be reforged between them has always screamed “renewed shall be blade that was broken” to me (the Ballad of Strider), and the Truth-Teller scene could be suggesting that the grey - as in the blend of light and dark - could be a thin place between them. It would follow that this imagery, albeit very loosely, could be evoking The Embrace of Solas and Cthona, which Ember wears as a necklace, and that could possibly be a wyrdmark on the cover of HOFAS.
“Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two..." Just seems so relevant here.
Cthona and Solas represent dark and light.
Gwydion/the Starsword and Truth-Teller are (bright) light and dark light.
Azriel and Elain are dark and light... or perhaps light and dark?
Are Void and Chaos (the Mother?) involved?
Is the statue of the primal goddess that Nesta notices in ACOSF another hint here?
If being carranam ties into this, would it include Feysand and Nessian?
Light and dark have grey in between them, and the thin places are described as “gray.” Elain was even engaged to a man named "Graysen" for crying out loud; his family’s colour was even cobalt. I would be so surprised if all of this ends up meaning absolutely nothing in terms of her story.
How could Elain and Azriel stand in for Cthona and Solas when Elain is light and Azriel is darkness?
I could definitely be wrong, but instead of purely life, I (and @wingedblooms) prefer to think of Elain as rebirth, which inherently straddles the murky realm between life and death - the grey between light and dark (and grey) - and beautifully fits with her role as a gardener (relevant theories are here, here, here and here), the Book of Breathings rambling about "rot and bloom and bone," her position as the middle Archeron sister, her ability to blend quietly into the background, and definitely the grey of dawn and dusk. Azriel, though? The one Feyre described as the knife in the dark? Well, he has shadows that can brighten into sunlight, and I suspect that may have been what Elain was referring to in ACOWAR, when she said she needed sunshine.
Azriel's shadows lightening into sunshine: Solas.
Elain and her many ties to the earth: Cthona.
I'm unsure if this is trying to tell us that Azriel will be the stand-in for Truth-Teller, because he is "dark light"/has shadowsinging abilities, while Elain is represented by Gwydion due to her prominent (so far) association with hope or brighter light, or whether it's the other way around, and we're actually being told that, while Elain appears to be light and warmth personified, in the future she will carry Truth-Teller, the blade that is her apparent opposite, as Azriel will wield Gwydion* (if they both end up having surprise powers, being able to swap between light and dark). It's all very murky, one might say a grey area. But I do think it likely that Elain and Azriel will each end up carrying either a blade that represents themself or their partner in some way.
* Yes, I know that Bryce gave Gwydion to Nesta, but she already has her own trio of Made blades. If I'm putting money on who will wield it, I think it will be Azriel, Elain or Feyre.
Thin places and Made blades
Before HOFAS was published @cassianfanclub and I had discussed the - we thought - insane possibility of the differently coloured mountain rock in Prythian being significant in terms of their possible salt content, and that it could be no coincidence that the black and grey rock of the Hewn City was in proximity to a known appearance of one “Lord Thanatos.”
Black salts were used for summoning demons directly—bypassing the Northern Rift entirely—or for various dark spellwork. A salt that went beyond black, a salt like the obsidian … It could summon something big. - CC HOEAB, chapter 18
Bryce stiffened at the moldy, rotten earth scent that crept from the bundle as he unfolded the fabric to reveal a handful of rust-colored salt. “What the fuck is that?” Ithan asked. “Bloodsalt,” Bryce breathed. Tharion looked to her in question, but she didn’t bother to explain more. Blood for life, blood for death—it was summoning salt infused with the blood from a laboring mother’s sex and blood from a dying male’s throat. The two great transitions of a soul in and out of this world. But to use it here … “You can’t mean to add that to their water,” Bryce said to the Astronomer. The old male hobbled back down the ramp. “Their tanks already contain white salts. The bloodsalt will merely pinpoint their search.” - CC HOSAB, chapter 38
Mor went right up to the obsidian dais, and I halted at the foot of the steps as she took up a place beside the throne and said to the crowd in a voice that was clear and cruel and cunning, “Your High Lord approaches. He is in a foul mood, so I suggest being on your best behavior—unless you wish to be the evening entertainment.” - ACOMAF, chapter 42
The mountain underneath the House of Wind - the one that houses the library in which I think a certain cat-like darkness could be a prince of Hel - contains both red stone and obsidian doors, with veins of silver running throughout (which reads like hope in the void, like the Velaris Weaver's tapestry, and I suspect may be important for Elain's journey, given she is frequently associated with hope).
Rhys stepped into a hall at the foot of the stairs, revealing a wide passageway of carved red stone and a sealed set of obsidian doors, veins of silver running throughout. Beautiful—terrifying. Like some great beast was kept behind them. - ACOWAR, chapter 20
If @silverlinedeyes, @wingedblooms, @ladynightcourt, @cassianfanclub, @psychologynerd and I are right that Clotho and some of her priestesses are involved in something massive, and have been contacting at least one of the princes of Hel, this would make sense! Black salt to summon something big, and red salt to pinpoint their search. And obsidian doors?!
We then learnt the following in CC HOFAS:
“The black salt, in such high quantity, keeps them away. They never realized that its presence drew us as much as it repelled them,” Apollion said with satisfaction. “It has the same properties that made us immune to the thrall of their black crowns.” - CC HOFAS, chapter
“The black salt only repels the Asteri; the mists repel everyone else. But certain people, with certain gifts, can access the power of thin places—on any world. World-walkers.” Aidas gestured gracefully to Bryce. “You are one of them. So were Helena and Theia. Their natural abilities lent themselves to moving through the mists.” - CC HOFAS, chapter
Elain is almost certainly a world walker - doe eyes searching across the world! - and Azriel may be one as well, but what if it is everyone who can winnow? Or just those like them, with a deeper affinity to the Void? And are they walking thin places themselves/as a partnership (remember the charged glance they shared last winter solstice), or do they just have a natural ability to make use of those which exist in the wild? Or is it some combination of the above?
Additionally, the obsidian hilts of Truth-Teller and Gwydion appear to be incredibly important here. In addition to the possibility that the Illyrian runes Truth-Teller carries on its scabbard may in reality be wyrdmarks, what if the obsidian hilts both summon the bearer in a way that allows them to access the void/murky realm and provides protection from any prying Asteri/Daglan eyes? Are the hilts made from wyrdstone? What about Koschei? Is Truth-Teller the reason his magic captured Cassian instead of Azriel in ACOSF?
There are so many possibilities beyond shipping, though given this is romantasy we know the relationships are more important to the story than your average romantic side plot, so we really can't separate the two while theorising. But either way, I'm so excited to see where this leads, and if we'll finally get detailed information about the gods in each or SJM's worlds, and how they may function throughout her extensive literary universe.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading!
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tswaney17 · 4 months
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@elriel-month | Death's Fanged Beast
This is... well, it's porn. Nothing more. And before y'all come for me, let me note that I am NOT religious. I have no real foundation for any sort of religious/catholic background. This story is just a bunch of randomly used religious expressions strung together with no rhyme or reason. If this is not your cup of tea, don't read it. It was a wild idea I mentioned years ago that's finally come to pass.
Dedicated to the lovely @elainsweetcobalt for reasons. 😘
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Trigger warnings: NSFW - explicit, goes against religious beliefs, just overall not for the faint of heart.
Word Count: 2,265
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read the beginning below or click here to head to AO3.
Father Azriel knew exactly who entered the confessional booth even with the privacy screen between them. The delicate scent of jasmine and honey followed her into the tiny chamber, invading his mind. Any ability to be impartial was destroyed right then and there.
Elain Archeron was sin itself.
Lust on legs.
She made him want to break his vow of celibacy; had taken to fisting himself in sin late at night from the image of her kneeling on the steps of his altar.
It was his personal form of torment. Seeing her every blessed Sunday in the front row of his church, always in a sundress that made his mouth water. And always, always wearing that delicate, golden cross neckless just around the base of her elegant throat.
He was in Hell.
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oristian · 4 months
I see this argument used so frequently, but it is an argument that holds no water and is easily debunked by canon itself. For those who may not be aware of where this argument stemmed from, the whole basis was created from a conversation between Rhysand and Azriel in the bonus chapter from ACOSF. Funnily enough, the bonus chapter is used to “support” the forbidden love trope between Elriel, but in the same breath is said that “no one reads the bonus chapters,” and, “you cannot use a bonus chapter as a way to infer endgame.”
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Taken at face value, having Rhysand say, “You are to stay away from her,” would indicate some semblance of a forbidden romance. Adding on context, all of that semblance goes away. The scene reads as Rhysand is disappointed in Azriel for pursuing Elain despite the bond between she and Lucien not having been rejected yet. Rhysand surmises that Lucien could evoke the Blood Duel between the two if he were to find out and that would ruin any alliances that the Night Court has with different courts and the mortal lands. However, using context and background information, the reader is able to differentiate between fact and hypothesis.
Using context and retrospect from ACOWAR, the reader knows that the extent of the “forbidden love” between Elriel rests solely in Elain’s hands. All she has to do is reject the bond and remain within the Night Court, and she and Azriel are free to be together. Rhysand would support any choice that she makes.
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Now that is established, let us speak about what a forbidden romance trope actually is.
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A forbidden romance trope exists between two characters who are already in love and have something established between them, or exist in a society already plagued by the turmoil that would be heightened by their coupling. This could negatively affect politics, societal normalcy, family and friends, et cetera. Elain and Azriel do not exist on opposite sides of a war, nor do they have ties politically that their relationship would affect. Them getting together before the bond is rejected is just tacky and would only serve to disappoint those around them. Once again, all Elain has to do is reject the bond and she and Azriel are free to be together.
Elain and Azriel are not “in love” with one another, nor has that been made a canonical aspect of their relationship. The only canon that we have that eludes to a romantic undertone is the bonus chapter. Azriel and Elain almost share a kiss, though after Azriel spends the beginning of the chapter explaining how he has only thought of her in a sexual fantasy.
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I have always found this wording interesting. “This one moment, and maybe a taste, and that would be it,” followed by, “[…] like she read the decision.” That has always been blatantly obviously written to elude to the both of them wanting a one-night stand and that would be the extent of their relationship. Juxtapose that with Azriel speaking to Rhysand, having no plans with Elain outside of “the fantasies he pleasured himself to,” him calling her “the third,” and months passing between that night and the end of HOFAS and not a single indication that either of them are fighting, or wanting to fight, for their relationship.
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Elain and Azriel are a buffer relationship between the endgame couples. No one is denying that they had a couple of scenes between them, but that is not out of the realm of how SJM writes. Nearly every single endgame couple that she has written has had a partner, or two, before their endgame. Had Elain not been mated to Lucien, then Elriel may have had a chance to become endgame.
Calling Elriel a forbidden love has never made sense and that trope has no ties to the overarching plots left within the spin-off series. If Elain and Azriel were meant to be endgame and serve within the same plot arc, SJM would have written Azriel to have gone and found Vassa and Papa Archeron in ACOWAR and she would not have written Gwyn within the ACOSF bonus chapter.
That is common sense, I fear.
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