#Anarchist History
comicdissectionpod · 8 months
Will you deny that your jails are filled with the children of the poor, not the children of the rich? Will you deny that men steal because their bellies are empty?… this is your society, judge altgeld; you helped create it, and it is this society that makes the criminal… and if the workers unite to fight for food, you jail them too.. no. So long as you preserve this system and its ethics, your jails will be full of men and women who choose life to death, and who take life as your force them to take it. Through crime. -Lucy Parsons
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jewqueer · 9 months
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Voltairine de Cleyre - American Anarchist ❤️❤️
She came up during a book club chat about Fransisco Ferrer and I can't believe I am just hearing about her now.
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realanarchist · 7 months
Stop being the peaceful non-threatening “good” people. Arm yourselves.
This is not controversial. School shootings don’t happen because of legal gun permits. Get your gun permit. Lock up your gun. But make sure you have it and know it. You’re a leftist? Ok, then arm the left.
Think about it.
Every single oppressive entity in the government and the industrial market place is armed. The military, the police, every rich guy. You have the right to bear arms. How you treat your weapons is on you.
Arm yourselves. The enemy is armed.
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anarchistettin · 2 years
Here is a repost of our May Day episode from 2021. In it, Bob and Scott talk about the history of May Day from pagan rituals to the Haymarket Affair to International Workers' Day to Labor Day and Loyalty Day. And we discuss how the ruling class's "war on the left" fits into the politics of May Day vs. Labor Day.
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johnprine69 · 1 year
y'all i poured my heart and soul into making this list of contemporary anarchist sites in barcelona. all of the info on the list is publicly available on the internet, i just put it all into one place. i'm sharing here in the hopes that it might be of use to any of you :')
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tuulikki · 2 years
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sagradofemenin0 · 1 year
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“Some loser brought a ladder and ripped the pride flag off my local church”, 2023
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misterzapata · 4 months
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Youra Livchitza was one of the people who stopped the XXth transport out of Mechelen towards Auschwitz. They were just three people, a red lantern, a pistol, boltcutters and 50.000 belgian franks to distribute among the prisoners. Youra Livchitz, Robert Maistriau and Jean Franklemon stopped a train carrying mostly Jewish prisoners, and opened the carriages. 263 deportees managed to escape, 23 to 26 were shot on the spot, 92 were recaptured later, 118 people survived due to their action. It's important to keep remembering that we can always make a difference. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twintigste_treinkonvooi
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 2 months
Why the actual fuck are y'all so obsessed with comparing reality to the hunger games?
Why are you all acting like rich people and celebrities carrying on with their life while brutal massacres are ongoing is a new fucking concept?
Do you honestly think that every Oscars, every sports tournament, every met gala, every fucking pr celebration before October 2023 happened during 'World peace'?
Do you think there weren't people in the 90s or 80s or 70s or 60s or 40s that were unable to afford food or water or heating ?
Do you think there weren't genocidal acts and atrocities happening globally before 2023?
Do you think rich people in the 1910s were all doing everything in their power to stop the global conflicts and disgusting crimes?
Do you honestly think there weren't people in the 1800s who would go around flaunting their wealth while the lower classes died and starved?
Did you forget that the French revolution took place in the late 1700s? That while the peasants were starving to death the french elite were bathing in crushed strawberries and washed with perfumed milk?
Did you forget that during the 1600s King charles the 2nd revived the act of public dining? Allowing the lower classes to watch from behind a railing as he was served 26 dishes, with each one being presented to him by a different servant before being tasted by them and placed on his plate?
Did you forget that in the 1500s in England any poor person found capable of doing a day's work but refusing to do so could be sentenced to death?
Did you forget that in the 1400-1500s, while the richest of European society went on with their lavish lifestyles, there were multiple genocides as European countries colonised the American continents and expanded into the East?
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innocentscemetery · 7 months
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French anarchist Ravachol, May 1892, Paris.
Ph : Alphonse Bertillon
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comicdissectionpod · 7 months
“It was not vengeance…I did not see Varela as just any old officer. No, in Patagonia he was everything: government, judge, executioner and grave digger. In him I was taking aim at the naked idol of a criminal system. Vengeance is unbecoming of an anarchist. Tomorrow, our tomorrow, has nothing to do with bickering, crimes or lies: it is an affirmation of life, love, and science. We are working to hasten that day’s arrival.” -Kurt Wilckens
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whereserpentswalk · 24 days
Just like how a certain type of worker thinks of themselves as a temporarily embarrassed millionaire, and fundamentally aligns themselves against their own interests. A certain type of queer person thinks of themself as a temporarily embarrassed cisgender heterosexual and is fundamentally aligned agsint their own interests.
Assimilationist gays who think they if make their relationships chaste and gender conforming enough Christians will magically make them an exception to all the verses in the Bible telling them to burn in hell. Or trans people who blame enbies for transphobia and think if they pass and conform to their gender roll hard enough they'll magically become cisgender. It needs to be understood that these people are not fighting for our rights in a more moderate way, they are fighting agaisnt their own people's rights in hopes of better treatment. They are to queer rights what scabs are to workers rights.
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fungi-funguy · 1 month
The library closest to my house used to have 6 books about queer history. Now the library has one queer book- a children's book about Stonewall.
It almost feels like it was overlooked in a purge.
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troythecatfish · 18 days
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Anarchists be like "we're the true revolutionaries" then gets toppled almost immediately every time
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comrade-onion · 2 months
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Encampments for Gaza: A Brief Analysis Through My Eyes
Starting as a small sit-in in Columbia University to protest the university's ties with Israel and other Zionist organizations, the student protest movement has spread across the United States and encampments have been established at numerous universities across the country, including MIT, NYU as well as the Universities of Michigan and New Mexico.
These student movements, reminiscent of protest movements against US intervention in Viet Nam in the 60s and 70s and more recently, the BLM protests in 2020, hold massive potential to not only cause divestment from Israel's genocide in Gaza, but can act as a much greater force in the disassembly of United States imperialism and capitalism.
These encampments are pivotal in highlighting disconent among the American youth as well as the brutality and inherently oppressive nature of the American system. If these students seek to bring about real, lasting change, they should embrace a higher degree of organization, participation in community organization, self-defense, and increasing militarization within their encampment movement.
If history has taught us anything, the boot of the US government will step down on these protesters if they are not ready. They need to be ready to fight for Gaza and the people of Palestine, they need to be ready to fight for themselves and their rights, and they need to be ready to fight for a future without imperialist and capitalist greed.
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kazimirkharza · 2 years
Worse than Waco
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What transpired between members of the Branch Davidians and federal law enforcement in Waco is one of those moments where the government showed its true colours, but there’s an an even worse case.
After prior years of harassment and abuse (including murder) at the hands of law enforcement. MOVE, a christian anarcho-primitivist communal organisation, was besieged by nearly five hundred police officers on 5/13/1985.
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Arresting & detaining have been among the tactics pigs used to either destroy MOVE or chase them out of the city. The reasons were racism (most MOVE members were black), and the organisation's activism related to the injustices of the American "justice" system among other things.
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MOVE was started by John Africa (pictured bellow), who came up with their philosophical underpinnings, but was not a leader in any traditional sense. These beliefs included a love for all life, state abolition, self defence, soberness, eating fresh raw food, and staying active.
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On that day in 1985, neighbouring buildings were evacuated as an army of pigs showed up to arrest MOVE. Water and electricity was shut off. Police used more than ten thousand rounds of ammo before cops decided the compound be bombed (yes, literally). A helicopter dropped two bombs that caused a fire. The ensuing fire killed 11 of the 13 people in the house (John Africa, 5 other adults, and five children). Ramona Africa, the only adult survivor, said that police fired at those trying to escape. The fire destroyed over 60 other buildings.
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In '96 a federal jury ordered the city to pay a $1.5 million civil suit judgment to survivor Ramona Africa and relatives of 2 people killed in the bombing. The city used excessive force and violated the members' constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure.
If you wish to learn more about MOVE, I recommend their booklet "25 years on the Move", available for free at Anarchist Library.
“All living beings, things that move, are equally important, whether they are human beings, dogs, birds, fish, trees, ants, weeds, rivers, wind or rain. To stay healthy and strong, life must have lean air, clean water and pure food. If deprived of these things, life will cycle to the next level, or as the system says, ‘die’.” - John Africa
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