#An Cèitean
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pieofdeath · 2 years ago
Halò! Is mise... Pìos no Pie, tha mi smaoineachadh. 'S e an-diugh an seachdamh Cèitean agus tha mi a' dèanamh "là bruidhinn do chànan"
Chan eil mi eòlach air leth nam faclan a sgrìobh mi, chan eil mi ach còigead latha a-staigh air Duolingo. Tha mi a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig na h-Alba!
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi fàilte orm!
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sgribhisg · 4 years ago
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
Glè mhath. Once you’ve completed the Duolingo course, I have some resources here for you:  https://sgribhisg.tumblr.com/gaidhlig
I decided that I’m gonna start learning Gàidhlig during quarantine, as Gàidhlig is on the brink of extinction here in Scotland due to English colonialism back in 1616 where it was outlawed and in the 1700s where it was even banned in schools.
Duolingo is really helping me with it and I can say some very basic phrases right now like, “Tha cat agus cù snog” and other stuff like that but I’m very excited to progress and get better at it! :)
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ceol-mor · 4 years ago
Days of the Week, Months & Seasons in Gaelic
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Diluan* — Monday
Dimairt*— Tuesday
Diciadain — Wednesday
Diardaoin — Thursday
Dihaoine* — Friday
Disathairne (also, rare: Disathurna)* — Saturday
Latha na Sabaid/Didomhnaich**— Sunday
seachdain (f) — week
an t-seachdain seo — this week
an t-seachdain seo chaidh — last week
an t-earrach — spring
an samhradh — summer
am foghar — autumn
an geamhradh — winter
mìos (m) — month
am mìos seo — this month
am mìos seo chaidh — last month
Am Faoilleach (m) — January
An Gearran (m) — February
Am Mart (m) — March
An Giplean (f) — April
An Cèitean (f) — May
An t-Ògmhios (m) — June
An t-Iuchar (m) — July
Lunasdal (m) — August
An t-Sultain (f) — September
Dàmhar (m) — October
An t-Samhain (f) — November
An Dùbhlachd (m) — December
bliadhna (f) — year
am-bliadhna — this year
*Many weekday names break Gaelic's golden spelling rule (broad with broad, slender with slender), as they used to be written as composite words joined by a hyphen: Di-luain, Di-màirt.
**Didòmhnaich (lit.: the Lord's Day) is traditionally used in many predominately Catholic and Episcopalian communities, such as Barra, Eriskay, and South Uist, whereas latha na Sàbaid (lit.: the Sabbath Day) is used in many Presbyterian areas, such as Lewis and Harris. Nowadays, however, this distinction does not affect much and both words are equally common.
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toinghaeilge · 6 years ago
Months in Irish and Scottish Gaelic
It’s hard to exclude Scottish Gaelic when learning Irish, as there is a whole lot of overlap. Comparing what each calls the months of the year is a fun one as it highlights certain historical and cultural differences.
Gaeilge Eanáir Feabhra Márta Aibreán Bealtaine Meitheamh Iuil Lúnasa Meán Fómhair Deireadh Fómhair Samhain Nollaig
Etymology Latin Iānuārius Latin Februārius Latin Martius Latin Aprīlis Old Irish Beltane Old Irish Mithem Latin Iūlius Old Irish Lugnasad Mid-harvest End-of-harvest Old Irish Samhain Latin nātālīcia
Gàidhlig Am Faoilleach An Gearran Am Màrt An Giblean An Cèitean An t-Ògmhios An t-Iuchar An Lùnastal An t-Sultain An Dàmhair An t-Samhain An Dùbhlachd
Etymology Wolf Month The Cutting Latin Martius Pudding Month from Cètshamain Month of the Young Warm month Old Irish Lugnasad Month of fatness The Rutting Old Irish Samhain The Darkness
Historically, these terms have never strictly adhered to the modern day Gregorian calendar. Terms like Déireadh Fómhair—marked by the end of the harvest—could be from as early as September to mid-November depending on the weather.
The Irish Bealtaine and Gaelic An Cèitean are synonyms. The Scottish Gaelic Céitean refers to céad shamhain, which I covered in a previous post. Additionally, it is stated in Ó Duinnín's Foclóir Gaedhilge agus Béarla (1927) that Mí Céadamhan is the month of May, which means that both forms were used in Irish.
Some Ulster writers also use Mí na bhFaoillí or Mí na bhFaoilleach for January.
Another one that they actually do have in common as well is Deireadh Fómhair, as Scottish Gaelic also uses mìos deireannach an fhoghair. However, Gaelic tends to use the term for September, sometimes October and up to mid-November. Mìos Deireannach an t-Samhraidh is the archaic Scottish Gaelic term for July.
Latin influence on the Language Christianity and the Calendar
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toingaeilge · 6 years ago
Months in Irish and Scottish Gaelic
It’s hard to exclude Scottish Gaelic when learning Irish, as there is a whole lot of overlap. Comparing what each calls the months of the year is a fun one as it highlights certain historical and cultural differences.
Gaeilge Eanáir Feabhra Márta Aibreán Bealtaine Meitheamh Iuil Lúnasa Meán Fómhair Deireadh Fómhair Samhain Nollaig
Etymology Latin Iānuārius Latin Februārius Latin Martius Latin Aprīlis Old Irish Beltane Old Irish Mithem Latin Iūlius Old Irish Lugnasad Mid-harvest End-of-harvest Old Irish Samhain Latin nātālīcia
Gàidhlig Am Faoilleach An Gearran Am Màrt An Giblean An Cèitean An t-Ògmhios An t-Iuchar An Lùnastal An t-Sultain An Dàmhair An t-Samhain An Dùbhlachd
Etymology Wolf Month The Cutting Latin Martius Pudding Month from Cètshamain Month of the Young Warm month Old Irish Lugnasad Month of fatness The Rutting Old Irish Samhain The Darkness
Historically, these terms have never strictly adhered to the modern day Gergorian calendar. Terms like Déireadh Fómhair—marked by the end of the harvest—could be from as early as September to mid-November depending on the weather.
The Irish Bealtaine and Gaelic An Cèitean are synonyms. The Scottish Gaelic Céitean refers to céad shamhain, which I covered in a previous post. Additionally, it is stated in Ó Duinnín's Irish dictionary (1904) that Mí Céadamhan is the month of May, which means that both forms were used in Irish.
Some Ulster writers also use Mí na bhFaoillí or Mí na bhFaoilleach for January.
Another one that they actually do have in common as well is Deireadh Fómhair, as Scottish Gaelic also uses mìos deireannach an fhoghair. However, Gaelic tends to use the term for September, sometimes October and up to mid-November. Mìos Deireannach an t-Samhraidh is the archaic Scottish Gaelic term for July.
Latin influence on the Language Christianity and the Calendar
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Feliz Ano Novo a todos os meus amigos , a minha família biológica e a minha família espiritual. A todos os Cavaleiros e Amazonas Templários da Nova Ordem de Cristo em todas as partes do Planeta. Que 2023 seja um ano de muita paz, saúde e sucesso a todos. E que o bem comum seja a meta de toda a humanidade nos próximos 12.000 anos muita paz a todos.
Happy New Year to all my friends, my biological family and my spiritual family. To all Knights and Templar Amazons of the New Order of Christ in all parts of the Planet. May 2023 be a year of peace, health and success for all. And may the common good be the goal of all humanity in the next 12,000 years, much peace to all.
Feliz año nuevo a todos mis amigos, mi familia biológica y mi familia espiritual. A todos los Caballeros y Amazonas Templarias de la Nueva Orden de Cristo en todas partes del Planeta. Que el 2023 sea un año de paz, salud y éxito para todos. Y que el bien común sea la meta de toda la humanidad en los próximos 12.000 años, mucha paz para todos.
Bonne année à tous mes amis, ma famille biologique et ma famille spirituelle. A tous les Chevaliers et Templiers Amazones du Nouvel Ordre du Christ dans toutes les parties de la Planète. Que 2023 soit une année de paix, de santé et de réussite pour tous. Et que le bien commun soit l'objectif de toute l'humanité dans les 12 000 prochaines années, beaucoup de paix à tous.
Buon anno a tutti i miei amici, alla mia famiglia biologica e alla mia famiglia spirituale. A tutti i Cavalieri e alle Amazzoni Templari del Nuovo Ordine di Cristo in tutte le parti del Pianeta. Possa il 2023 essere un anno di pace, salute e successo per tutti. E che il bene comune sia l'obiettivo di tutta l'umanità nei prossimi 12.000 anni, tanta pace a tutti.
عام جديد سعيد لجميع أصدقائي وعائلتي البيولوجية وعائلتي الروحية. إلى جميع فرسان وأمازون فرسان الهيكل الجديد للمسيح في جميع أنحاء الكوكب. مايو 2023 عام سلام وصحة ونجاح للجميع. وأتمنى أن يكون الصالح العام هو هدف البشرية جمعاء في الـ 12000 سنة القادمة ، الكثير من السلام للجميع.
eam jadid saeid lijamie 'asdiqayiy waeayilati albiulujiat waeayilati alruwhiati. 'iilaa jamie fursan wa'amazun fursan alhaykal aljadid lilmasih fi jamie 'anha' alkukab. mayu 2023 eam salam wasihat wanajah liljamiei. wa'atamanaa 'an yakun alsaalih aleamu hu hadaf albashariat jamea' fi al 12000 sanat alqadimat , alkathir min alsalam liljamiei
Sretna Nova godina svim mojim prijateljima, mojoj biološkoj porodici i mojoj duhovnoj porodici. Svim vitezovima i templarima Amazonkama Novog Kristovog Reda na svim dijelovima Planete. Neka 2023. bude godina mira, zdravlja i uspjeha za sve. I neka opće dobro bude cilj cijelog čovječanstva u narednih 12.000 godina, puno mira svima.
Maligayang Bagong Taon sa lahat ng aking mga kaibigan, aking biyolohikal na pamilya at aking espirituwal na pamilya. Sa lahat ng Knights at Templar Amazons ng New Order of Christ sa lahat ng bahagi ng Planet. Nawa'y ang 2023 ay maging isang taon ng kapayapaan, kalusugan at tagumpay para sa lahat. At nawa ang kabutihang panlahat ay maging layunin ng lahat ng sangkatauhan sa susunod na 12,000 taon, maraming kapayapaan sa lahat.
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr dha mo charaidean uile, mo theaghlach bith-eòlasach agus mo theaghlach spioradail. Do gach Ridire agus Amazona Templar de Òrdugh Ùr Chrìosd anns gach pàirt den Phlanaid. Bidh an Cèitean 2023 na bliadhna de shìth, slàinte agus soirbheachas dha na h-uile. Agus is dòcha gum bi am math coitcheann na amas don chinne-daonna gu lèir anns an ath 12,000 bliadhna, mòran sìth dha na h-uile.
Срећна Нова година свим мојим пријатељима, мојој биолошкој породици и мојој духовној породици. Свим витезовима и темпларима Амазонкама Новог Христовог Реда на свим деловима Планете. Нека 2023. буде година мира, здравља и успеха за све. И нека опште добро буде циљ целог човечанства у наредних 12.000 година, много мира свима.
Srećna Nova godina svim mojim prijateljima, mojoj biološkoj porodici i mojoj duhovnoj porodici. Svim vitezovima i templarima Amazonkama Novog Hristovog Reda na svim delovima Planete. Neka 2023. bude godina mira, zdravlja i uspeha za sve. I neka opšte dobro bude cilj celog čovečanstva u narednih 12.000 godina, mnogo mira svima.
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Don a h-uile duine a thàinig a-steach air a 'bhlog seo ann an iom-fhillte de bhlog - gu neo-dhìreach no nach eil - an urrainn dhut na deagh rùintean agam fhaighinn air a' phàrtaidh Làbarach / Cèitean / Latha Batman, agus deagh naidheachd airson do bheatha leis. ... Desu🤔
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sgribhisg · 4 years ago
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Latha Eadar-nàiseanta nan Nursaichean a th’ ann an-diugh. [It is International Nurses Day today.]
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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Gnìomhairean Neo-Riaghailteach [Irregular Verbs]
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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Bho èirigh gu laighe na grèine [From dawn ‘til dusk]
Beul an latha [Daybreak]
Èirigh na grèine [Sunrise]
Madainn [Morning]
Meadhan-latha [Noon / midday]
Latha [Day]
Feasgar [Afternoon]
Oidhche [Night]
Dol fodha na grèine [Sunset]
Beul na h-oidhche [Nightfall / Dusk]
Meadhan-oidhche [Midnight] m [ante-meridiem / a.m.] f [post-meridiem / p.m.]
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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Cùmaibh Socair agus Fuirichibh aig an Taigh. [Keep Calm and Stay at Home.]
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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Shuas agus Shìos [Up and Down]
A bheil sibh a’ dol suas, no a’ dol sìos? [Are you going up, or going down?] A bheil sibh a’ tighinn a-nuas, no a' tighinn a-nìos? [Are you coming up, or coming down?]
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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sgribhisg · 5 years ago
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'S e Là Bealltainn a th' ann an diugh agus 's e Là Buidhe Bealltainn a th' ann an-diugh.
[It is May Day / 1st of May today.]
IPA airson "Bealltainn": bjauLdɪNʲ 🎧 Faidhle-Fuaime le "Là Bealltainn" le Learn Gaelic: http://bit.ly/2ZLZtG1 🎧 Faidhle-Fuaime le "Là Buidhe Bealltainn" le Learn Gaelic: http://bit.ly/2PEmPZp
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