#Americans love Israel
ameicalovesisrael · 2 months
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True Americans love and support Israel 🇺🇸🇮🇱🫂
We love you Israel 🇮🇱💙🤍🫂
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pixeljade: #it IS very much a complex issue and I feel like saying that has been pissing off a lot of folks on both sides #one fact i would add to the table is that the current actions against palestine DO constitute a genocide by definition #its a word i hear pro-Israel people get very upset by because they think it is inherently comparing this to the holocaust #but its not. some people DO and thats its own discussion. but calling it a “genocide” is simply accurate and undeniable
Speaking as someone who was that pro-Israel person in her teens and very early 20s, the reactions you're describing are 800% cognitive dissonance freak outs. Most of these people, like me, received either directly or indirectly from their Elders in the Jewish community a very trauma-induced and deeply emotional information about the history of this situation, which boils down to: "They tried to kill us all once and they didn't now we finally have returned to the Promised Land, the only place we have to shield ourselves against It Happening Again. Israel's detractors hate that Jews can defend themselves now, and if any of them, including the Palestinians, were to have their way, they'd see us all dead. We must defend ourselves at all costs, and not let anyone ever put us in existential danger as a people ever again."
And then to have some rando 19 year old who knows jack shit about your or your community or your community's trauma to get up in your face and start screaming at you about genocide? It's only going to trigger that intergenerational trauma, and cause the party being screamed at to dig deeper into their defensive, cognitive-dissonance fueled response. Which, if we were to boil that response down to a thought process, looks like "This person hates me and all Jews. They think we're a hive mind who don't deserve to live. Thank G-d for Israel."
What's complex, is that not everything in that trauma response is wrong, and not everything the dumbass 19 yo who has no interest in unpacking their own learned anti-Semitism was wrong.
Israel's actions towards Palestinian Arabs since 1948 does fit several definitions of genocide and/or ethnic cleansing. And many of the Westerners who scream about it the loudest are fairly openly anti-Semitic.
Now, as someone with big Holocaust intergenerational trauma in her family, I am sympathetic to the Jewish kid in this scenario. But cognitive dissonance is just that: the domain of a child. Adults understand that cognitive dissonance is a little voice in our head telling us "Hey comrade our discomfort with this is a little much. Maybe this is a learning opportunity?"
I mean, that's what I did. But it's difficult. Its uncomfortable, and that scares people. It's much easier to believe that "They call it the Naqba because they hate us and think our survival and access to national self-determination is a disaster,"* than it is to understand that "They call it the Naqba because it was the near total dispossession and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arab populations from their generational homes and properties."
And again, everything I'm saying here is a result of my journey from a hardcore Zionist-in-the-contemporary-sense child (though always left in terms of domestic US Politics), to a grown Holocaust historian who understands that Israel is no better and no worse than all the other nation states (for new readers, I understand the nation-state as a political entity, the logical end point of which is genocide and/or ethnic cleansing), and openly criticizes it on those grounds.
*A rabbi in a youth group I belonged to told me this almost verbatim when I was 15. And when you're 15 and somebody tells you they love you you're gonna believe them.
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krazysworld · 3 months
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I am not Jewish but I love the Jewish people 🇺🇸🇮🇱
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lostinsidelostoutside · 2 months
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America get these people out of your country before it's too late .
This is an ideology of hate
True Americans don't feel this way .
Most Americans I know love and support Israel .
These horrible people do not represent true Americans!!
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hauntedleech · 2 months
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TrUe Americans support the beautiful nation of Israel 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇱💙🤍💪
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hilacopter · 5 months
everything the state of Israel has done and that leftists claim it has done has been done by the USA tenfold. but you don't hear people call to wipe America off the map, do you? you don't hear people cheering for the deaths of Americans, do you? I wonder why that is.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Then there are these perverts. Some hindutvadi was talking about applying the 'Israeli' model to Kashmir.
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brilletmonte · 2 months
Hello everyone, I am Salam from Gaza🇵🇸. I am 24 years old. I am a mother of two innocent children🥺.
My campaign verified by 90ghost and northgazaupdate🍉
We have been living in a war of genocide for ten months. We lost all the necessities of life after we were displaced from our home. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the occupation💔.
I feel sad for my children who were deprived of their rights to shelter, safe food, and clean drink, so I had to ask for help😔
I hope you will help me by donating and sharing the link so that I can provide for my children’s needs. And move them to safety as soon as the crossings are opened🙏🥺🇵🇸.
Please donate and share to save us🙏🍉🇵🇸
. Verified
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rendoas · 7 months
I think there's been a frightening amount of people on both sides of the Israel/Palestine conflict spectrum treating the whole thing like they're picking a football team. I think part of this issue stems from many people now electing to get their news from Instagram and Tiktok, and another part is how difficult it is to find reliable news articles that aren't funded by a party that stands to gain something from swaying international opinion.
I think most people's hearts are in the right place, being against human suffering and killing.
But I also think that far too many people have been swept up in "being on the right side of history" that they're not viewing this issue through the nuanced lens it really deserves.
From what I personally have read, this has been the fairest explanation (and the easiest for me to understand) of the conflict with viewpoints from both Palestinian and Israeli people.
My conclusion is that this is ultimately so very tragic because people are suffering on account of their governments' decisions. I don't think either Palestine or Israel (as governments, not people) are correct. I think the only correct thing is to stop the violence, and to love thy neighbor, and to care about one another. But I also have no idea how to get there, and am certainly not equipped in any sort of diplomatic or militaristic way to even begin to have anything to say about it.
I hope all the calling for ceasefire affects change. I hope all the donations and aid get through and save lives.
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dreamcatcherie · 6 months
How can Israel say that Palestinians are all the same when not even all Jews are the same? We are not a monolithic society. We are diverse, we deserve respect, love, belonging, joy and safety despite our differences. Anything less is unethical, inequitable and straight up evil.
I could easily say that we should’ve let Hilter kill all the Jews off. But that is ignorant to history and to out of my character. Hitler didn’t just kill Jews, he killed blacks and foreigners too. Also Not all Jews are white or agree with what Israel is doing.
So again, I ask, How can Israel say that Palestinians are all the same when not even all Jews are the same? We are not a monolithic society. We are diverse, we deserve respect, love, belonging, joy and safety despite our differences. Anything less is unethical, inequitable and straight up evil.
I figure since they like repeating history, let them read repeating words!
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lem0nademouth · 11 months
i don’t know where every Leftist™️ got the idea that Israel is the Capitol to Palestine’s District 12 (something I have heard an actual person say), but please remember that these are real people. Every single one. They are not action figures you get to play with until dinner. They are not characters in a story created for your entertainment. I really thought the era of THG comparisons was over, but I was wrong! I was so fucking naive! So please: stop comparing Israel & Palestine to literal works of fiction.
And if you are insistent on using this analogy, please consider that maybe, just maybe: you are the Capitol. The wealthy, industrialized west is the Capitol. Because right now you get to play Monday morning quarterback to a war in a country you’ll never set foot in while I pray every night my childhood friends make it home to see their baby brother graduate high school next year. You are not the victim of this dystopia, you are the spectator.
edit: I’ve now seen ATLA comparisons in which Israel is the Fire Nation, to which I say shut the fuck up shut all the fucking way up
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jesusislord3333 · 1 month
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martystlouis · 7 months
i love all my americans mutuals but damn i wish ur country would stop existing just for a minute 😭
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redvelvetwishtree · 11 months
Israel can rot in hell
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yeehawfml · 9 months
America looked at palestine being tormented by Isreal and didn't bat a fucking eye. America only exists because of resistance and they won't stand against genocide. America doesn't stand for anything that's right anymore and it's government is a nightmare. We get closer and closer to our home place becoming literal fucking hell and I can't stand for it. But I can't speak against it either, I'm just a girl. Heavens forbid a girl can speak of anything. Palestine has been fighting for it's life, Palestinians have been struggling to survive, and america laughs at them. They don't think about how they got to be the land of the free, they for there by fighting against the British, right? Palestine is being bombed and america is funding the bombing with innocent people's money, people who are struggling to make ends meet. People who hopefully have enough humanity to support Palestine, being used to work against them. "Can we have a moment of silence for isrea-" no we will not. Isreal has not had it given to them by the Palestinians as rough as they have given it to them, no matter how you put it. I hate Isreal I hate america I fucking hate Isreal did I mention I hate Isreal? What the fuck did Palestine even do to deserve such actions done to them? Why is america framing them as the criminals. Why can't Isreal's troops all die. They don't deserve to have families since it's clear they don't know how important it is to have one, since they take kids from their families like nothing. They don't deserve life, as no matter what religion they have, no God of their's would support what they are doing. I hope america dies with Isreal as well, since they want to ride it's small ass penis so much.
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nando161mando · 3 months
"Hindu nationalists have used the ongoing conflict in Gaza to vilify other Muslims globally. BJP troll farms have spread disinformation and anti-Palestinian hatred online, and Hindu nationalist groups in India have organised pro-Israel marches.
Where does this curious Hindutva-Zionist solidarity spring from? One origin is from the earliest Hindu nationalists who modelled their Hindu state on Zionism."
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